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Citation: Chen, W.; Wei, G.; Xu, X.;
Xu, Y.; Peng, H.; She, Y. Clean-Label
Backdoor Watermarking for Dataset
Copyright Protection via Trigger
Optimization. Symmetry 2024,16,
1494. https://doi.org/10.3390/
Academic Editor: Jie Yang
Received: 13 October 2024
Revised: 28 October 2024
Accepted: 6 November 2024
Published: 8 November 2024
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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Clean-Label Backdoor Watermarking for Dataset Copyright
Protection via Trigger Optimization
Weitong Chen 1,2 , Gaoyang Wei 1, Xin Xu 1,2,* , Yanyan Xu 3, Haibo Peng 4and Yingchen She 4
1School of Information Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225127, China;
wtchen@yzu.edu.cn (W.C.); 211302222@yzu.edu.cn (G.W.)
2Jiangsu Province Engineering Research Center of Knowledge Management and Intelligent Service,
Yangzhou 225127, China
3State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing,
Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China; xuyy@whu.edu.cn
4The Third Surveying and Mapping Institute of Hunan Province, Changsha 410018, China;
penghaibo_hunan@outlook.com (H.P.); sheyingchen_hunan@outlook.com (Y.S.)
*Correspondence: mx120230591@stu.yzu.edu.cn
Abstract: High-quality datasets are essential for training high-performance models, while the process
of collection, cleaning, and labeling is costly. As a result, datasets are considered valuable intellec-
tual property. However, when security mechanisms are symmetry-breaking, creating exploitable
vulnerabilities, unauthorized use or data leakage can infringe on the copyright of dataset owners.
In this study, we design a method to mount clean-label dataset watermarking based on trigger
optimization, aiming to protect the copyright of the dataset from infringement. We first perform
iterative optimization of the trigger based on a surrogate model, with targets class samples guiding
the updates. The process ensures that the optimized triggers contain robust feature representations of
the watermark target class. A watermarked dataset is obtained by embedding optimized triggers
into randomly selected samples from the watermark target class. If an adversary trains a model
with the watermarked dataset, our watermark will manipulate the model’s output. By observing
the output of the suspect model on samples with triggers, it can be determined whether the model
was trained on the watermarked dataset. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed
method exhibits high imperceptibility and strong robustness against pruning and fine-tuning attacks.
Compared to existing methods, the proposed method significantly improves effectiveness at very
low watermarking rates.
Keywords: dataset watermarking; trigger optimization; clean label; copyright protection; backdoor
1. Introduction
Nowadays, companies use deep models to provide intelligent services or enhance
product performance [
]. High-quality datasets are essential for training high-performance
models [
]. Creating datasets requires extensive data collection, processing, and labeling,
which is both costly and time-consuming [
]. A well-curated proprietary dataset may have
an extremely high application value in certain fields and may even be irreplaceable [
]. For
dataset owners, these datasets have unique commercial values, which are their intellectual
property. Symmetry in dataset security ensures that the protection mechanisms, such as
watermarking, create a balanced defense against unauthorized use or theft. However,
symmetry-breaking occurs when vulnerabilities are exploited asymmetrically, such as in
targeted attacks, where specific datasets in data infrastructure will be the target of hackers.
These datasets are facing the risk of being stolen by competitors or misused by attackers.
As a result, the copyright protection of datasets has become an increasingly important
research topic in recent years.
Symmetry 2024,16, 1494. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym16111494 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/symmetry
Symmetry 2024,16, 1494 2 of 17
In the dataset copyright protection scenario, the purpose of attackers stealing the
dataset is to train their commercial model for profit [
]. Typically, the models are deployed
in the cloud, and only the inference APIs are released to users [
]. The dataset owner
needs to determine whether the suspect model has been trained using their dataset and
can only gather evidence through the model’s API. This makes the method of evidence
collection in dataset copyright protection scenarios fundamentally different from that of tra-
ditional image data copyright protection. Currently, there are several techniques for protect-
ing data property rights, such as differential privacy [
], digital image
watermarking [12]
and data encryption [
]. However, these methods are not well suited for dataset copyright
protection because unauthorized users typically release only their trained models and not
the original training data. Additionally, dataset-watermarking-based copyright protection
requires verifying the watermark through the model’s output [
], which differs from
traditional methods that rely on direct access to the data. Therefore, traditional image
watermarking methods are not capable of dataset copyright protection scenarios.
Research on dataset watermarking is lacking. Inspired by deep learning backdoor
attacks [
], Li et al. [
] first propose a dataset-watermarking method. This method
employs a poison-label backdoor attack to embed watermarks by adding watermark
triggers, such as pixel patterns [
], to a portion of original samples in the dataset to
generate poisoned samples. Meanwhile, these samples are labeled as a predefined target
class, causing a mismatch between the semantic information of the samples and their
labels. When a model is trained using such a dataset, it learns the mapping between
the watermark trigger and the predefined target class [
]. When verifying whether a
suspect model has used the watermarked dataset during training, samples containing the
watermark trigger are fed into the model, and the rate of these samples predicted as the
predefined class is observed for watermark verification. However, the poison-label-based
dataset-watermarking methods are easily detected through manual review, as the samples
are obviously wrong-labeled. Attackers can remove these obvious trigger samples before
training the model, rendering the watermarking algorithm ineffective.
To improve the imperceptibility of dataset watermarking, Tang et al. [
] propose a
dataset-watermarking method based on the mechanism of clean-label backdoor
attacks [23,24]
. Unlike poison-label attacks [
] or label-flipping attacks [
], this clean-label
method embeds watermark triggers into samples of a predefined class without altering
their labels, while still achieving a mapping between the watermark triggers and the prede-
fined target class. This is critical for dataset watermarking, as non-clean-label backdoor
methods are highly susceptible to detection during human review. Additionally, Li et
al. [
] implement a clean-label dataset watermarking through untargeted backdoor, where
the watermark trigger does not point to a predefined class. As a result, watermark veri-
fication requires knowledge of the predicted probability of each class and is conducted
through a hypothesis test. This verification method requires full access to the suspect model
and cannot be performed solely based on the model’s API, which limits the practicality
of the algorithm. Although clean-label-based algorithms can effectively achieve dataset
copyright protection while maintaining imperceptibility, there still are limitations. Since
the trigger samples all come from the watermark target class, the model may confuse the
trigger features with the features of the target class during training. On the one hand, this
leads to a decrease in prediction accuracy for clean samples of the target class. On the
other hand, it means that clean-label algorithms require a higher watermarking rate than
poison-label algorithms to ensure watermark effectiveness.
To address these issues, we propose a clean-label dataset-watermarking method based
on trigger optimization. Specifically, the trigger optimization aims to generate watermark
triggers that contain robust feature representations of the target class. We first generate
a surrogate model by training on the public out-of-distribution (OOD) dataset and fine
tuning it with target class samples. Then, we freeze the parameters of the surrogate model
and iteratively update the input trigger pattern to make it closer to the specific feature
representations of the target class. Simultaneously, a trigger optimization constraint is
Symmetry 2024,16, 1494 3 of 17
employed to ensure the trigger is imperceptible. Replace the original samples with the
samples embedded with optimized triggers to achieve watermark embedding and obtain
the watermarked dataset. If an unauthorized user utilizes this dataset as part of the training
set to train their third-party model, the model will be backdoored. During watermark
verification, only access to the suspect model’s API is required. The watermark is verified
by inputting trigger samples and using the Wilcoxon test.
The main contributions are summarized as follows:
We propose a dataset copyright protection method based on clean-label backdoor
watermarking and trigger optimization, which can be used to verify whether a suspect
model has used our dataset during training.
We construct a surrogate model and optimize the trigger through iterative guided
updates using target class samples. This allows the optimized triggers to have robust
feature representations of the target class, making them harmless and more effective.
We utilize a clean-label watermark embedding setting to ensure that the semantic
information of the trigger samples aligns with their labels, making the watermark
information imperceptible.
Extensive experiments have demonstrated the effectiveness, high imperceptibility,
and strong robustness of the proposed method. It can maintain effectiveness at a
considerably lower watermarking rate compared with existing methods.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce the pre-
liminaries and objectives of the proposed method. In Section 3, we present the proposed
method in detail. In Section 4, we conduct experiments to evaluate the performance of
the proposed method and discuss the results of the experiments. Finally, we conclude this
paper in Section 5.
2. Preliminaries and Objectives
In this section, we will discuss the mechanism of backdoor-based dataset watermark-
ing and the goals that need to be achieved to ensure effective dataset watermarking.
2.1. The Mechanism of Backdoor-Based Dataset Watermarking
We consider a dataset-watermarking scenario in which the defender and the adversary
act as follows. Suppose that
, where
xi∈ {
0, 1, 2,
· · ·
, 255
yi∈ {
1, 2, 3,
· · ·
represent the original dataset with
classes and
samples; here,
is the original sample and
is the corresponding label. Let
be the trigger
embedding function, which embeds watermark triggers
into a clean sample
, where
is the watermarked sample.
refers to a set of image patterns, such as squares, lines, or
slight perturbations generated by a specific algorithm [
]. A certain proportion of samples
are selected from
, defined as
. In poison-label dataset watermarking,
is composed
of samples selected from each class. In clean-label dataset watermarking,
consists only
of samples from the target class. Embed δinto Dsto generate D∗
s={(Gw(xi),t)}, where (xi,yi)∈ Ds(1)
where tis the watermark target label.
The watermarking rate
is defined as the proportion of watermarked
samples in the entire dataset. The smaller
is, the more challenging it is to detect the
watermark. The final watermarked dataset
s∪(D \ Ds)
is a combination of wa-
termarked samples and the remaining original samples. The defender releases only the
watermarked dataset while keeping the original dataset confidential. The adversary uses
the watermarked dataset without authorization to train their third-party model, which will
be backdoored. As shown in Figure 1, a white square pattern is embedded into the samples
as the trigger. During the training stage, the presence of triggered samples manipulates the
adversary’s model, embedding the watermark into the model’s behavior. In the inference
Symmetry 2024,16, 1494 4 of 17
stage, when the backdoored model receives inputs containing the watermark trigger, it ma-
nipulates the output to predict the predefined watermark target class
set by the defender.
Ground Truth
Dataset Backdoored
Clean Sample
Triggered Sample
Add trigger
to Ds
Figure 1. The system model of dataset watermarking.
2.2. Design Goals
In this section, we clarify our design goals to evaluate our method in subsequent
chapters. Our design goals are as follows:
• Effectiveness: The verification algorithm should accurately detect whether the target
model has used the protected dataset.
Imperceptibility: Watermarking should not be noticeable to those who might steal
the dataset.
Harmlessness: The watermarking algorithm should not affect the performance of the
model regarding primary tasks.
Robustness: Watermarks should be resistant to potential attacks, such as fine tuning
and model pruning.
2.2.1. Effectiveness
In this context, effectiveness refers to the watermark verification algorithm’s ability to
accurately detect whether the target model has utilized the protected dataset. This process
can be concisely described as follows.
verify(fb,x∗) = True (2)
represents the model trained with the watermarked dataset.
is the watermark
verification algorithm, which returns either True or False for a successful verification or not.
2.2.2. Imperceptibility
Inperceptibility refers to the characteristic when the watermarked dataset does not
exhibit noticeable differences compared to the original datasets. The goal is to prevent
our adversaries from easily distinguishing between samples containing watermark trig-
gers and original samples. If adversaries can easily differentiate between the two, they
could circumvent backdoor watermarking by excluding the watermarked samples during
training [23]
. The imperceptibility of the watermarking algorithm is primarily influenced
by three factors:
Visual Quality: This factor indicates the difference in visual quality between water-
marked and original samples, which is denoted by the following formula.
is the difference evaluation function and
is the threshold
for imperceptibility.
Symmetry 2024,16, 1494 5 of 17
Label Alignment: This factor indicates whether the labels of watermarked samples
are consistent with their ground truth. Otherwise, it would be easy to manually detect
that the samples have been mislabeled.
y=t,∀(x∗,t)∈ Dw,(x,y)∈ D (4)
Watermarking Rate: This factor
indicates the proportion of watermarked samples
relative to the total number of samples in the dataset. The lower the
, the harder it is
for a watermark to be detected by adversaries.
2.2.3. Harmlessness
Harmlessness measures the impact of the watermark on the performance of the main
task. Our goal is to ensure that watermarking does not significantly affect the accuracy of
the target model, which is defined by
represents the clean model. The higher the harmlessness, the more similar the
results between the two models.
2.2.4. Robustness
Robustness refers to the resistance and stability of our watermark against various
attacks or processing operations. It indicates that the watermark can be reliably detected
even if the target model is subjected to attacks. We can define it as follows:
∀verify(fb′,x∗) = True (6)
where fb′represents the target model after attacks such as fine tuning or pruning.
3. Proposed Methods
As shown in Figure 2, the procedure consists of four steps: (a) trigger opti-
(b) dataset
watermark embedding, (c) adversary model manipulation, and
(d) watermark verification.
Samples from Target Class
(e.g. Airplane)
Public Dataset
Selected Class
OOD Dataset
Trigger Optimization (a) (b) Dataset Watermark Embedding
(d) Label-only Watermark Verification
Adversary Model Manipulating (c)
Benign Cat
Watermarked Cat
Suspicious Model
Predicted label is ground truth
Predicted label is target label
Wilcoxon Test
Predicted LabelPredicted Label
Target Class LabelTarget Class Label
Freeze Parameters
TriggerTrigger Surrogate Model
Figure 2. The workflow of the proposed method. (a) Trigger Optimization: Iterative optimization of
triggers through a surrogate model. (b) Dataset Watermark Embedding: Embedding triggers into
Symmetry 2024,16, 1494 6 of 17
randomly selected samples from the target class. (c) Adversary Model Manipulation: The adversary
trains the model using the watermarked dataset, and the watermark will manipulate the attacker’s
model for backdoor implantation. (d) Label-only Watermark Verification: Verify whether a suspicious
model was trained on the watermarked dataset.
3.1. Trigger Optimization
In existing clean-label dataset watermarking, a higher
is required compared to the
poison-label methods to ensure effectiveness due to the key limitation of clean-label dataset
watermarking, which is the mismatch of the watermark trigger and the target class. We
frame the generation of more effective triggers as an optimization problem.
Specifically, this optimization problem is defined as finding an optimized trigger pat-
such that for each sample
in the target class, the prediction loss
is minimized. Here,
represents a model trained on the original dataset. Therefore,
should capture the most stable and representative features of the target class
, so that
adding it to any input maximizes the likelihood of it being predicted as
. Additionally,
the number of target samples in the original dataset may not be enough to create a robust
feature extraction model in practice. Hence, we adopt a surrogate model
, which is trained
using a two-stage approach. It is first trained on a public OOD dataset to capture general
class features and then fine-tuned on a small set of target class samples to learn specific
features unique to the target class. This helps the model build robust and generalizable
patterns, which are then used to guide the trigger optimization process. The public OOD
dataset could be collected from the Internet or open source datasets. Then, the surrogate
model is used to guide the optimization of the trigger pattern. Therefore, the optimization
problem is now formulated as follows:
where ∆represents the allowable set of trigger patterns.
A step-by-step explanation of the trigger optimization process is provided below,
along with the pseudo-code illustrated in Algorithm 1.
Algorithm 1: Trigger optimization algorithm.
Input: fs: Surrogate model
Dt: Target class samples
∆: Trigger optimization constraint
T: Total iterations
Output: δT: Optimized trigger
/* 1.Trigger initialization */
2for i∈(1, T − 1)do
/* 2. Trigger updating */
/* 3. Trigger constraint */
6return δT
Trigger Initialization: Initialize a trigger
, typically set to a zero vector or small
random noise.
Iterative Update: Freeze the parameters of the surrogate model
and input
rounds of iterations, updating
in each iteration based on the target class
Symmetry 2024,16, 1494 7 of 17
. In each iteration, the gradient of the loss function
respect to the current trigger δiis calculated.
Gradient Descent: After averaging these gradients, update the trigger using gradient
descent based on the update formula δi+1=δi−α∇δL, where αis the learning rate.
Trigger Optimization Constraint: To ensure the imperceptibility of the trigger,
projected onto the allowed set
after each update.
is defined as
-norm, i.e.,
. This step can be performed by simply clipping each dimension of
δto [−ε,+ε].
Optimization Complete: After the iteration is complete, output the optimized trigger
δTof xi.
3.2. Dataset Watermark Embedding
In our study, we use the clean-label dataset-watermarking setup, where only a portion
of the target class samples are embedded with the trigger. Given a specified watermarking
, randomly select the corresponding number of samples from the watermark target
class in the original dataset
. The set of selected samples is denoted as
. Initialize a
trigger for each selected sample individually and perform trigger optimization. Therefore,
in our method, use the trigger embedding function
Gw(xi) = xi+δT
. The watermark
embedding process is described as follows:
Dw=((Gw(xi),yi)if (xi,yi)∈ Ds
(xi,yi)otherwise ,(xi,yi)∈ D (8)
Since the optimized trigger is imperceptible and the labels have not been modified, it
becomes difficult to distinguish the samples with triggers from normal samples in terms of
labels and surface features.
3.3. Adversary Model Manipulating
Assume that after illegally obtaining our watermarked dataset
, the adversary uses
it along with an additional dataset obtained through other means to train their own model.
The model will be manipulated by Dw. It can be considered a backdoored model fb.
3.4. Watermark Verification
We propose a verification method based on the hypothesis test and the Wilcoxon
signed-rank test [
] to evaluate dataset ownership. This method provides a non-parametric
approach to detect significant differences in model behavior, which may indicate unautho-
rized use of a protected dataset.
Specifically, the defender first selects
number of samples from the protected dataset
to build
, where these samples have labels different from
. Then,
they conduct trigger embedding
to form the watermark verification set
. Next, the samples in
are sequentially input into the suspicious model
prediction, and the predicted labels fθ(x∗)are stored in set Yin order.
The Wilcoxon signed-rank test is performed to calculate the
-value in the
following steps.
1. Calculate the Differences: For each pair of data points, calculate the difference
as follows:
Discard any data points where di=0.
2. Rank the Absolute Differences: Rank the absolute values of the non-zero differences,
assigning ranks Rito the absolute values |di|, starting from 1.
3. Assign Signs to the Ranks: The rank
is given a positive sign if
0 and a
negative sign if di<0.
Symmetry 2024,16, 1494 8 of 17
4. Sum the Ranks: Let
be the sum of the positive ranks and
be the sum of the
negative ranks.
5. Test Statistic: The Wilcoxon test statistic is defined as the smaller value of
and W−:
-value: The
-value is calculated by comparing
to its expected distribution
under the null hypothesis H0. For large samples (n>20), a normal approximation can be
used, with a mean and standard deviation given by
24 (12)
where the Z-score is computed as
The p-value is then calculated from the Z-score using the standard normal distribution φ:
p-value =2×(1−φ(|Z|)) (14)
If the
-value is less than the significance level 0.05, we determine that the model was
trained on the protected dataset. The watermark verification process is summarized in
Algorithm 2.
Algorithm 2: Watermark verification algorithm.
Input: fθ: Suspicious model
Gw: Trigger embedding function
Dv: Random selected samples
t: The target label
Output: p-value
/* 1. Generate watermark verification set */
v← {x∗
i=Gw(xi)|xi∈ Dv};
/* 2. Record the prediction results of watermark verification set */
2Y ← { fθ(x∗
i∈ D∗
/* 3. Perform Wilcoxon signed-rank test */
3p-value ←WILCONXON(Y,t);
4return p-value
4. Experiments and Analysis
4.1. General Set-Ups
4.1.1. Datasets
Our evaluation covered three datasets commonly used for image classification tasks:
CIFAR-10 [
], Tiny-ImageNet [
], and PubFig [
]. The public OOD datasets used for
training the corresponding surrogate models are Tiny-ImageNet [
], CIFAR-100 [
], and
CelebA [30], respectively.
4.1.2. Models and Parameters
We employ ResNet-18 [
] as the surrogate model and target model across our exper-
iments. The watermarking rate
is set to 0.05% for all datasets, which means that only
25/50,000, 50/100,000, and 6/12,454 samples of CIFAR-10, Tiny-ImageNet, and PubFig, re-
Symmetry 2024,16, 1494 9 of 17
spectively, are embedded with triggers. Additionally, following the guidelines
from [23,32]
we set εof ℓ∞-norm to 16/255.
4.1.3. Hardware Platform and Execution Time
The proposed method was implemented in PyTorch. The experiments were carried
out on a single workstation. The hardware setup included an Intel Core i9 processor, 64 GB
of memory, and an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 GPU. The execution time of the proposed
method on the above-mentioned datasets is summarized in Table 1. The execution time
of surrogate model training primarily depends on the size of the public OOD dataset.
The training times on Tiny-ImageNet, CIFAR-100, and CelebA are 5, 12, and 35 min,
respectively. The execution efficiency of trigger optimization is high, with the average
execution time per sample being 16.7, 23.8, and 21.6 ms on CIFAR-10, Tiny-ImageNet, and
PubFig, respectively. When the watermarking rates are 0.05% and 0.1%, the execution times
for dataset watermarking are all within 3000 ms.
Table 1. Execution time of watermarking process.
CIFAR-10 (Tiny-ImageNet OOD)
Tiny-ImageNet (CIFAR-100 OOD)
PubFig (CelebA OOD)
Surrogate model training time 5 min 12 min 35 min
Average trigger optimization time
16.7 ms 23.8 ms 21.6 ms
Watermarking time (γ=0.05%) 486.5 ms 1437.6 ms 149.6 ms
Watermarking time (γ=0.1%) 967.8 ms 2988.7 ms 306.1 ms
4.2. Evaluation Metrics
For dataset watermarking, the main performance metrics are as follows:
WSR (Watermark Success Rate): WSR refers to the proportion of samples in the
watermark verification set that are successfully predicted as the target class by
. It is
widely used to evaluate the effectiveness of watermarking in protecting intellectual
property. A higher WSR indicates better robustness of the watermark, enabling more
accurate recognition and verification of the watermark information.
2. MA (Model Accuracy): MA refers to the model’s prediction accuracy on the original
task. By evaluating MA, we can assess the impact of watermarking on the model’s
performance. Considering the scenario where authorized users train models using wa-
termarked datasets, dataset watermarking should be harmless to the model. A higher
MA indicates that the watermark has a lower impact on the overall performance of
the model.
TA (Target Accuracy): TA refers to the model’s prediction accuracy on clean samples
from the target class. Since clean-label dataset-watermarking methods embed water-
mark triggers only in samples of the target class, the accuracy of the target class may
be more significantly affected by the watermark compared to other classes.
In summary, an excellent dataset-watermarking algorithm should achieve a high WSR,
MA, and TA.
4.3. Performance Analysis
4.3.1. Comparison on Effectiveness
We compared the proposed method with baseline methods based on backdoor attacks,
such as BadNets [
], Blend [
], HTBA [
], LCBA [
], and existing dataset-watermarking
methods, such as UBW [
], including both UBW-P and UBW-C. Among these, BadNets,
Blend, and UBW-P are based on poison-label methods, while the others are based on clean-
label methods. For backdoor attack methods, we utilize the value of the attack success rate
as the WSR. Additionally, LCBA offers two approaches, one based on GANs and the other
on adversarial perturbations. In this paper, we only make a comparison with the latter, as
it is reported to be much more effective than the former in the literature.
Symmetry 2024,16, 1494 10 of 17
For each dataset, we randomly selected samples according to the watermarking rate
of 0.05% and embedded triggers to form the watermark verification set. We repeated the
random sampling three times for separate experiments and calculated the average of the
three results. The experimental results are shown in Table 2, where the bold font indicates
the best performance.
Table 2. Experimental results on effectiveness with different methods.
BadNets [
Blend [
] LCBA [
UBW-P [26] UBW-C [26] Ours
CIFAR-10 p-value 8.9 ×10−38 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.33 ×10−146 4.82 ×10−97 3.34 ×10−228
WSR% 88.76 77.79 5.28 4.09 89.98 84.32 99.03
MA% 95.62 95.26 94.66 95.13 95.57 90.59 87.21 95.20
TA% 93.62 93.64 94.08 93.32 93.38 89.21 85.53 94.10
Tiny-ImageNet p-value 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.38 ×10−236
WSR% 0.80 0.50 2.16 1.11 1.95 0.11 85.81
MA% 63.22 65.10 64.59 64.08 65.08 63.94 63.31 64.65
TA% 69.11 70.36 68.13 67.84 68.20 67.69 67.80 70.00
PubFig p-value 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.17 ×10−9
WSR% 0.00 30.96 0.00 0.85 1.21 2.11 99.89
MA% 93.64 93.47 93.15 93.85 93.54 93.04 93.07 93.28
TA% 95.96 92.21 96.53 97.36 97.46 97.91 96.66 95.62
It is worth noting that our experimental setup uses a much lower watermark rate
than what is commonly explored in the existing literature, where most studies employ
watermark or poisoning rates between 5% and 20%. Because of this, neither the MA nor
the TA of all methods showed a significant decline. Based on this result, our method is
harmless to model performance. However, most of the comparison methods are ineffective
at such a low watermark rate. Only BadNets, UBW-P, UBW-C, and our method remained
effective on CIFAR-10, while on Tiny-ImageNet and PubFig, only our method maintained
its effectiveness. In all experiments, the proposed method achieved the lowest
-value and
the highest WSR. Our method achieved the best performance regarding effectiveness.
4.3.2. Comparison on Imperceptibility
In this section, we assess the stealthiness of our dataset-watermarking framework in
comparison to other baselines. We used the Learned Perceptual Image Patch Similarity
], which can better account for many nuances of human perception compared to
commonly used metrics, like PSNR and SSIM, along with Pixel-level Similarity (
as evaluation metrics to assess imperceptibility. Lower values of LPIPS and
indicate better imperceptibility and visual quality.
Examples are illustrated in Figure 3. The difference between the sample with the em-
bedded trigger and the original sample is minimal. Additionally, our trigger demonstrates
better visual imperceptibility. The statistical experimental results for different methods
are shown in Table 3. There, it is shown that, compared to existing methods, the average
LPIPS value of our method is the smallest across all three datasets. Therefore, the proposed
method exhibits better imperceptibility.
Table 3. Average LPIPS values for different methods.
CIFAR-10 0.3833 0.0060 0.3834 0.0008 0.0067
Tiny-ImageNet 0.0239 0.0349 0.0255 0.0443 0.0215
PubFig 0.2401 0.2702 0.2396 0.3155 0.2285
Symmetry 2024,16, 1494 11 of 17
Figure 3. Example of samples with embedded triggers.
4.3.3. Comparison on Watermarking Rate
Considering that an adversary may train the model using both a watermarked dataset
and other datasets, this implies that adding other datasets will reduce the overall water-
marking rate. Therefore, analyzing the performance under different watermarking rates is
of practical significance. In this section, we investigate the impact of different watermarking
rates on the WSR, MA, and TA, and compare the proposed method with the baselines.
We conducted experiments with a watermarking rate from 0.05% to 1% and recorded
the changes in the WSR, MA, and TA. The results are shown in Figure 4. In particular, the
watermarking rate of 0% indicates the original sample. As the watermarking rate increases,
there is no significant decline in the MA and TA compared with the original samples. Our
method can maintain a high WSR across different watermarking rates while preserving
harmlessness in terms of the MA and TA, demonstrating that is has a minimal impact on
the dataset’s utility and the performance of models trained on it.
(a) CIFAR-10
(b) Tiny ImageNet
(c) PubFig
Figure 4. Impact of watermarking rate on MA, TA, and WSR.
We further compared our method with the baseline methods of watermarking rates
ranging from 0.004% to 5%. The results are shown in Figure 5. It can be found that as the
watermarking rate increases, the WSR also increases. In the experiments on CIFAR-10, with
a watermarking rate of 0.004%, where only two samples are embedded with triggers, our
WSR still exceeded 70%, while the WSR of other compared algorithms stayed below 25%.
In the experiments on Tiny-ImageNet and PubFig, our WSR is significantly higher than
that of the compared algorithms at low watermarking rates. Our method demonstrated the
best performance across all datasets and different watermarking rates.
Symmetry 2024,16, 1494 12 of 17
(a) CIFAR-10
(b) Tiny ImageNet
(c) PubFig
Figure 5. Comparison of WSR with different watermarking rates.
4.3.4. Comparison on Robustness
We consider that the adversary’s model may undergo pruning or fine tuning be-
fore being released. In this section, we examine the robustness of the proposed dataset-
watermarking method against model fine tuning and pruning attacks. We fine-tuned and
pruned the model trained on the watermark dataset. Then, we performed watermark
verification on the processed model and calculated the WSR.
The comparison of robustness against fine tuning attacks is shown in Figures 6and 7.
In the experiments on CIFAR-10, after 40 epochs of fine tuning, our method maintained
the lowest P-value. Additionally, both our method and UBW achieved a WSR of over 90%.
In the experiments on Tiny-ImageNet and PubFig, only the proposed method remained
effective. After 100 epochs of fine tuning, our WSR stayed above 85%, and the
consistently stayed below the threshold of 0.05, allowing the watermark to be effectively
verified. Therefore, the proposed method has good robustness against fine tuning attacks.
The comparison of robustness against pruning attacks is shown in Figures 8and 9.
In the experiments on CIFAR-10, when the pruning rate is below 80%, our method has
the lowest
-value and the highest WSR. The proposed watermarking process is effective
until a pruning rate of 90%. In the experiments on Tiny-ImageNet, within a pruning rate of
28%, our
-value remains below 1.47
and the WSR remains above 76%, where the
watermark still can be verified. In the experiments on PubFig, our
-value remained below
until pruning reached 84%, and the WSR stayed close to 100% until pruning
reached 91%. Same as above, the comparison methods are ineffective on Tiny-ImageNet
and PubFig. Therefore, the proposed method has better robustness against pruning attacks.
(a) CIFAR-10
(b) Tiny ImageNet
(c) PubFig
Figure 6. Comparison of p-value in robustness against fine tuning attacks.
Symmetry 2024,16, 1494 13 of 17
(a) CIFAR-10
(b) Tiny ImageNet
(c) PubFig
Figure 7. Comparison of WSR in robustness against fine tuning attacks.
(a) CIFAR-10
(b) Tiny ImageNet
(c) PubFig
Figure 8. Comparison of p−value in robustness against pruning attacks.
(a) CIFAR-10
(b) Tiny ImageNet
(c) PubFig
Figure 9. Comparison of WSR in robustness against against pruning attacks.
4.4. Ablation Studies
4.4.1. Trigger Budgets
The amplitude of watermark triggers can affect the model’s ability to learn trigger
features. Theoretically, the higher the amplitude of the trigger, the higher the WSR; however,
this leads to lower imperceptibility. To find an appropriate
-norm, we conducted
experiments with different trigger amplitudes using CIFAR-10. The results are shown in
Figure 10.
It indicates that the WSR increases as the trigger budget increases, while the MA and
TA remain largely unchanged. When the
-norm reached 16
255, the WSR reached 100%.
As the
-norm increased further, the WSR remained stable at 100%. Therefore, in our
study, we set εof ℓ∞-norm to 16/255.
Symmetry 2024,16, 1494 14 of 17
Figure 10. Ablation study on trigger budgets in terms of ℓ∞-norm.
4.4.2. Misalignment of Surrogate and Target Models
In this section, we analyze the performance of our method when the structure of the
surrogate model differs from that of the target model. We do this to find out if the surrogate
model using a different model structure compared to the target model would reduce the
performance of the proposed dataset-watermarking method. We conducted experiments
using commonly used classification models: ResNet-18 [
], VGG-16 [
], and MobileNet
V3 Small [
]. We conducted experiments separately for each of the three models as either
the surrogate model or the target model. A total of nine experiments were carried out using
CIFAR-10. The results are shown in Figure 11.
(a) WSR(%)
(b) log10(p-value)
Figure 11. WSR and p−value results between different surrogate models and target models.
We observed that even when the structure of the surrogate model differs from the
target model, our method still maintains a WSR greater than 85% and all
-values are less
than 0.05. Although it achieves the best performance when the structure of the surrogate
model is the same as the target model, the watermark can be successfully verified in all
experiments. This suggests that the defender does not need to be concerned with the
specific model used by the adversary.
4.5. Analysis of Limitations
Although the proposed method demonstrates superior effectiveness, imperceptibility,
and robustness compared with existing methods, it still has limitations.
When there is a significant difference between the public OOD dataset used for training
the surrogate model and the target dataset, the effectiveness of the watermark may decrease.
Symmetry 2024,16, 1494 15 of 17
This reliance on the quality and relevance of the public OOD dataset may, to some extent,
limit the applicability of the watermark in real-world scenarios.
Addressing this limitation is essential for enhancing the robustness and applicability
of dataset watermarking in broader adversarial scenarios, which are noted down to be
explored in future research.
5. Conclusions
This study proposes a clean-label dataset-watermarking method based on trigger opti-
mization. We perform iterative optimization of the trigger using a surrogate model, guided
by target class samples. The optimized triggers carry the robust feature representations
of the target class. This optimization of triggers significantly enhances the algorithm’s
imperceptibility and robustness, ensuring its effectiveness even at very low watermarking
rates. At a watermarking rate of 0.05%, with only 25, 50, and 6 samples embedded with
triggers in CIFAR-10, Tiny-ImageNet, and PubFig, respectively, the proposed method en-
sures effectiveness and high robustness. This significantly enhances the practicality of the
dataset-watermarking method. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-10, Tiny-ImageNet, and
PubFig datasets proved that, compared to existing methods, the proposed method exhibits
the best performance in terms of imperceptibility and robustness, and has a low water-
marking rate. Our study provides a reliable tool for protecting the intellectual property of
datasets in machine learning.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, W.C. and Y.X.; methodology, W.C. and G.W.; software,
G.W.; validation, G.W. and X.X.; formal analysis, H.P.; investigation, Y.S.; writing—original draft
preparation, W.C. and G.W.; writing—review and editing, X.X. and Y.X.; supervision, W.C.; funding
acquisition, W.C., Y.X. and H.P. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant
Nos. 42201444 and 42271431), the Hunan Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant
No. 2024JJ8334), and the open fund of State Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying,
Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University (Grant No. 22S01).
Data Availability Statement: The data associated with this research are available online. The CIFAR-
10 dataset is available at https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar.html (accessed on 8 May 2024). The
Tiny-ImageNet dataset is available at https://cs231n.stanford.edu/ (accessed on 8 May 2024). The
PubFig dataset is available at https://www.cs.columbia.edu/CAVE/databases/pubfig/ (accessed
on 8 May 2024). At the same time, we have made appropriate citations in this paper.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their comments
and helpful suggestions.
Conflicts of Interest: Author Haibo Peng and author Yingchen She are employed by the Third
Surveying and Mapping Institute of Hunan Province. The remaining authors declare that the research
was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as
a potential conflict of interest.
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