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The article is based on the implementation of a collective project of studying the identities of modern youth and the practices of their consolidation in the Samara region (S.Yu. Mitrofanova, N = 541 (quantitative stage), N = 12 (qualitative stage), 2023), strategy of mixing methods was used. One of the objectives of the project was to identify mechanisms for involving young people in public associations. The case of the Samara region served as the basis for achieving this goal. The author's understanding of the mechanism of involving young people in the activities of public associations is proposed. Special attention is paid to the activities of the young themselves, as well as the channels and circumstances of youth involvement in public associations. The primary role of the actor in the operation of the mechanism is proved. The young people's own activities are related to their desire for ‟internal” and/or ‟external” self-realization. Formal and informal channels of youth involvement in public associations have been identified. The circumstances that promote and hinder young people in their social activities are indicated. Two types of mechanisms are identified: ‟open doors” and selection. Various mechanisms operates at different stages of transit through public organizations, and in associations of different orientation.

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There is an increase in the number of volunteer corps and beneficiaries. The subjects of the volunteer movement are educational organizations of various training profiles. In a pandemic, the importance of medical volunteering is growing. Medical volunteering, being a retro innovation, loses its maximum professional (medical) focus during the pandemic, as the functionality and composition of volunteers expands. The concept of socio-medical volunteering is introduced as a type of volunteering in the healthcare sector, aimed at improving the quality of medical services and involving the participation of volunteers with a wide range of professional training. The study was conducted in three stages: theoretical method of scientific literature analysis, empirical methods (questionnaires, interviews) were used. The sample consisted of 87 volunteers from a non-core university. According to the results of the study, it was revealed that junior students predominate among the volunteers; the functionality of volunteers in the call center was specified; the motivation for the participation of students in volunteering was revealed; the problems they faced; level of readiness to continue participation in volunteering. In general, the results of the study indicate the insufficient readiness of volunteers of a non-core university for social and medical volunteering, which became the basis for the development of recommendations for the organizers of this movement in a non-core university. It has been proved that socio-medical volunteering in a non-core university is a promising area of educational work and a resource for adapting junior students to educational conditions. Scientific understanding of the issue of gender motivation of students in non-core areas of preparation for social and medical volunteering is required, as well as the specifics of the content of this volunteering, taking into account the development of information and communication technologies and digital volunteering.
В статье анализируется факторы, определяющие процесс включения молодежи в деятельность общественных организаций в современном российском обществе. Влияние отношения общества к таким объединениям достаточно противоречиво ‑ наряду с признанием их положительной роли и значимости для социума отмечается и недоверие в связи с несоответствием их деятельности заявленным целям и ожиданиям людей, а также невысокая ориентированность на участие в инициативных группах. В целом, общий социальный фон нельзя назвать благоприятным для включения населения в деятельность общественных объединений. Особенности группы молодежи, обусловленные спецификой социального статуса и опыта, способствуют более высокой активности ее представителей: объективная потребность в самореализации, расширении социального опыта ориентируют на включение в различные формы общественной деятельности. При этом прослеживается переориентация интересов молодых людей с политической на другие виды социокультурной активности. На современном этапе одной из проблем развития добровольчества среди молодежи является поиск баланса альтруистических и инструментальных, карьерных мотивов, формирование гражданского сознания и социальной ответственности. Кроме того, молодежное движение нуждается в организационной и финансовой поддержке. В заключении выделены противоречия, которые затрудняют включение российской молодежи в общественные организации.
Uchastie v obshhestvennyh ob'edinenijah kak faktor sub’ektivnogo blagopoluchija podrostkov [Participation in public associations as a factor of subjective well-being of adolescents
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Social'naja aktivnost' detej i obshhestvennye organizacii: resursy, ogranichenija i vozmozhnosti uchastija [Social Механизмы вовлечения молодежи в общественные объединения: региональный кейс activity of children and public organizations: resources, limitations and opportunities for participation
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Uchastie v obshhestvennyh ob'edinenijah kak faktor sub'ektivnogo blagopoluchija podrostkov
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