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Abstract and Figures

The interface between a geosynthetic drainage composite (GDC) and textured geomembrane (GMX) is assumed to be free of soil particles and other debris to facilitate drainage, maintain interface shear resistance, and minimize clogging. However, soil particles usually can pass through the GDC and accumulate on the upper surface of the primary-GMX during landfill construction and operation. This paper presents a case study involving a geosynthetic bottom liner system with a leachate collection and removal system above the primary-GMX comprised of granular drainage media and an underlying GDC. After exhumation, the primary-GDC/GMX interface contained significant soil particles while the secondary-GDC/GMX interface did not. Torsional ring shear tests were conducted to study the impact of the soil particles on the primary- and secondary-GDC/GMX interfaces to understand why failure occurred along the top of the secondary-GMX and not the primary-GMX even though similar geosynthetics were used for both interfaces.
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International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering (2024) 10:94
signicant environmental damage and economic costs dur-
ing reconstruction. For instance, the Kettleman Hills failure
was primarily attributed to interface failure resulting from
insucient interface shear strength [14]. In the case of the
Cincinnati Landll, excavation at the toe of the slope was
identied as the primary cause of instability [5, 6]. Lique-
faction of the bottom waste led to reduced waste strength,
which subsequently contributed to slope instability at the
Bulbul Drive Landll during operation [79]. The failures
at Dona Juana and Shenzhen Landlls demonstrated how
increased leachate levels and surcharge can precipitate slope
instability [10, 11]. Furthermore, the Xerolakka Landll
failure exemplied how overloading and inadequate waste
compaction can result in diminished shear strength of the
waste material, ultimately leading to slope failure [12, 13].
Therefore, accurate estimation of the shear strength through
the geosynthetic interface testing is a key to prevent the fail-
ure of landll slopes. This paper focuses on the eect of soil
nes on geosynthetic interface strength, which governed the
stability of the landll slope in 2013.
Landlling is the most common method of regulated dis-
posal of municipal solid waste (MSW). However, a number
of landll failures have occurred since the 1988 Kettleman
Hills slope failure in a hazardous waste landll including
Cincinnati, Ohio; Bulbul Drive, South Africa; Dona Juana,
Columbia; Shenzhen, China; Xerolakka, Greece; and Shi-
raz, Iran [113]. Overestimation of the shear strength
caused slope instability in these cases and resulted in
Timothy D. Stark
Hyunil Jung
Jiale Lin
Abedalqader Idries
1 University of Macau, Macau, China
2 Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, 205 N. Mathews Ave, Urbana, IL 61801, USA
3 Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc, 9606
N. Mopac Expressway Suite 110, Austin, TX 78759, USA
The interface between a geosynthetic drainage composite (GDC) and textured geomembrane (GMX) is assumed to be free
of soil particles and other debris to facilitate drainage, maintain interface shear resistance, and minimize clogging. How-
ever, soil particles usually can pass through the GDC and accumulate on the upper surface of the primary-GMX during
landll construction and operation. This paper presents a case study involving a geosynthetic bottom liner system with a
leachate collection and removal system above the primary-GMX comprised of granular drainage media and an underlying
GDC. After exhumation, the primary-GDC/GMX interface contained signicant soil particles while the secondary-GDC/
GMX interface did not. Torsional ring shear tests were conducted to study the impact of the soil particles on the primary-
and secondary-GDC/GMX interfaces to understand why failure occurred along the top of the secondary-GMX and not
the primary-GMX even though similar geosynthetics were used for both interfaces.
Keywords Textured geomembrane · Drainage composite · Peak strength · Large displacement strength · Residual
strength · Ring shear testing · Soil
Received: 25 December 2023 / Accepted: 27 October 2024 / Published online: 7 November 2024
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024
Eect of Soil Fines on Geosynthetic Interface Shear Strength
JialeLin1· Timothy D.Stark2· HyunilJung2· AbedalqaderIdries3
1 3
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This paper describes torsional ring shear tests on interfaces comprised of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembranes/nonwoven geotextiles and a drainage geocomposite. Four textured geomembranes with three different manufacturing techniques are utilized to investigate the effect of geomembrane texturing on interface shear resistance. In addition, the effects of geotextile fiber type, fabric style, polymer composition, calendering, and mass per unit area on textured HDPE geomembrane interface strengths are investigated. The textured HDPE geomembrane/nonwoven geotextile and drainage geocomposite interfaces exhibited a large post-peak strength loss. This strength loss is attributed to pulling out or tearing of filaments from the nonwoven geotextile and orienting them parallel to shear and polishing of the texturing on the geomembrane. At high normal stresses, the strength loss can be caused by damage to or removal of the texturing on the geomembrane surface.
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Previous studies of the Kettleman landfill slope failure of 1988 had concluded that the failure, which slid along the underlying liner interfaces with low shearing resistance, occurred as a result of attaining the critical waste fill height. These studies showed, however, some discrepancies in regard to the adopted material strength data as well as the computed factors of safety. Based on the observed sliding-block mechanism, a 3D analysis model was established herein which allowed for variations in material strength mobilization within the sliding mass and at the slip surface. With a careful consideration on the interface strength data, results of forward analysis for the pre-slide slope generally showed better agreement with the field observations. Results of backward analysis for the post-slide slope indicated a consistency in the estimated material strength with the laboratory test data. The current study also showed slightly higher computed 3D factors of safety than the associated 2D values, in both pre-slide and post-slide cases.
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A torsional-ring-shear apparatus and test procedure are described for measuring soil/geosynthetic and geosynthetic/geosynthetic interface strengths. Typical interface strengths are presented for a double-composite liner system and the relevancy of ring-shear strengths is illustrated using the slope failure at the Kettleman Hills Waste Repository, Kettleman City, Calif. The results of undrained ring-shear tests show that for a clay/geomembrane interface: (1) interface strength depends on plasticity and compaction water content of the clay, and the applied normal stress; (2) interface strengths measured with the torsional-ring-shear apparatus are in excellent agreement with back-calculated field strengths; and (3) peak and residual interface failure envelopes are nonlinear, and the nonlinearity should be modeled in stability analyses instead of as a combination of cohesion and friction angle. Design recommendations for interface strengths and stability analyses are also presented.
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Analyses are presented to investigate the case of a large slope failure in a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill that developed through the underlying native soil. The engineering properties of the waste and native soil are described in a companion paper by Eid et al. (2000). Some of the conclusions from this case history include (1) native colluvial/residual soils in the Cincinnati area underlying MSW can mobilize a drained shear strength less than the fully softened value without recent evidence of previous sliding; (2) strain incompatibility and progressive failure can occur between MSW and underlying materials and cause a reduction in the mobilized shear strength; (3) a stability evaluation of interim slopes, especially when the slope toe will be excavated, blasting will be occurring, and waste placement continues at the top of slope, should be conducted, even though it may not be required by regulations; and (4) the reappearance of cracking at the top of an MSW landfill slope is probably an indication of slope instability and not settlement.
Drained residual strength is the controlling shear strength for slopes that have experienced prior movement, contain colluvium, or have a continuous zone of slickensided material. This study provides correlations between power function coefficients a and b and soil index properties, e.g.,liquid limit, plastic limit, and clay-size fraction, to represent the drained residual strength envelope. These correlations provide a prediction of the residual secant friction angle, ϕ’r, at any desired effective normal stress, which can be used to establish the residual strength envelope for stability analyses. The standard deviation of a and b coefficients and the corresponding trendlines were found using two statistical methods, with the Graphical Three-Sigma Rule Method providing a better representation of the data scatter than the Computational Method. Data from the literature were compiled and compared to the proposed a and b coefficients and there is favorable agreement.
Several noteworthy stability failures occurred at landfills in the United States in the 1980s and early 1990s, a timeframe coinciding with the promulgation of modern US environmental regulations. These failures were extensively studied, and lessons were learned. A state-of-practice developed to enable the design of waste fills to be stable throughout their construction, operation, and closure periods. However, a survey of landfill performance in the United States in the 2010–2019 timeframe shows that waste fill stability failures continue to occur. This paper, an expansion of the 2018 Terzaghi Lecture given by the first author, presents a brief review of several waste fill failures from the 1980s and 1990s and the lessons learned during that period. Several more recent waste fill failures are then reviewed, from which it is concluded that 20–30 years after the earlier failures, facility operators and design engineers are relearning the earlier lessons, as well as new lessons related to evolving waste streams and operating practices. The paper concludes with a discussion of the current standard-of-care for the design of US waste fills and suggests that this standard can be improved through application of the lessons described herein.
Sewage sludge pits exist in many landfills of municipal solid wastes (MSWs) in China, and their safety is particularly important. The failure of a sludge pit and the downstream waste slope during the waste filling over the pit is introduced. The presentation includes many failure evidences, contingency measures, field monitoring of leachate level, surface and deep horizontal displacements before and after the accident. Back analyses are also carried out to have the effect of the sludge pit on the stability of the downstream waste slope. The field monitoring and back analyses demonstrate that the surcharge loading of MSWs over the super-soft sludge pit significantly lowers the factor of safety of the downstream waste slope. The associated mechanism includes two aspects: firstly, the fluid-like sludge transfers the vertical loading of waste into a lateral pressure of the same magnitude acting on the downstream waste slope. Secondly, some fluid-like sludge is squeezed into the surrounding waste body as well as the interface between the waste and the underlying liner, leading to a decrease in the frictional strength. The high pressures of leachate and gas existing in the landfill are the internal and major factor for the failure. Drawdown of the high leachate level increases the factor of safety of the waste slope and prevents a further sliding of the slope. The risk of failure during the filling of MSWs will be significantly reduced if the soft sludge in the pit is firstly improved to a sufficient strength. Field monitoring of horizontal displacement on the waste body surrounding the sludge pit will provide an early warning of the accident.
The hitherto expensive and tim-consuming nature of ring shear tests to determine the residual strength of soils has prevented the test from becoming a routine procedure in commercial laboratories. However, ring shear testing cannot become a routine procedure outside the research laboratory until a simple, robust, inexpensive apparatus which has a fairly large potential through-put of tests in the working week is developed. This paper describes such a device, which has recently been built and evaluated at the School of Civil Engineering, Kingston Polytechnic and which in its fully developed form is now available commercially. The paper describes the apparatus, its development, application and test results.
A slope-stability failure occurred in a 15 acre hazardous-waste landfill (90 ft high) in which lateral displacements of up to 35 ft and vertical settlements of up to 14 ft were measured. Failure developed by sliding along interfaces within the composite, multilayered geosynthetic-compacted clay liner system beneath the waste fill. The testing, analyses, and related studies made to determine the cause of the failure are the subject of this and a companion paper (Seed et al. 1990). The present paper presents details of a direct shear and pullout testing program undertaken to determine liner-system-interface shear-strength characteristics. The interfaces between the various geosynthetics, and between these materials and the compacted clay in the liner system, are characterized by low frictional resistance, with values of interface-friction angle as low as 8° for some combinations. The most critical interfaces were determined to be those between high-density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembrane and geotextile, HDPE geomembrane and geotextile and HDPE geomembrane and saturated compacted clay. Representative values of interface shear-strength parameters were obtained for use in the stability analyses described in the companion paper. The variations in measured strength parameters for the different interfaces in the liner system indicate the desirability of conducting similar test programs for proposed new facilities to establish design parameters.