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Into the Revolution of NanoFusion: Merging High
Performance and Aesthetics by Nanomaterials in Textile
Habibur Rahman Anik, Shariful Islam Tushar, Shakil Mahmud, Ashfaqul Hoque Khadem,
Prosenjit Sen, and Mahmuda Akter*
The field of technical textiles has grown significantly during the last two
decades, with a focus on functionality rather than aesthetics. However, the
advancement of NanoFusion technology provides a novel potential to
combine better functionality and aesthetic value in textile finishes.
NanoFusion incorporates nanoparticles into textile treatments to improve
waterproofing, stain resistance, durability, and breathability. This is performed
without affecting the textile’s visual appeal or aesthetics and may even
improve them. This textile finishing revolution is expected to impact
industries such as athletics, outdoor clothing, car upholstery, and luxury
fashion. It offers cutting-edge functionality while maintaining style and design
integrity. Furthermore, the use of nanoparticle textile coatings opens up new
opportunities for personalization and modification. Manufacturers and
designers can now experiment with different color combinations, patterns,
and textured finishes while maintaining performance characteristics.
NanoFusion technology has the potential to transform the textile industry by
providing hitherto unattainable levels of performance and aesthetics. This
study reviews the current state of the art in nanofinishes for garment textiles,
focusing on their many varieties, techniques, mechanisms, and applications.
In addition, it addresses significant concerns such as sustainability and the
environmental footprint, paving the way for a new era in textile
H. R. Anik, S. I. Tushar, M. Akter
Department of Apparel Engineering
Bangladesh University of Textiles
Tejgaon, Dhaka 1208, Bangladesh
H. R. Anik
Department of Chemistry and Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
University of New Haven
Boston Post Road, WestHaven, CT 06516, USA
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article
can be found under
© 2024 The Author(s). Advanced Materials Interfaces published by
Wiley-VCH GmbH. This is an open access article under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution
and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
DOI: 10.1002/admi.202400368
1. Introduction
Nanotechnology has emerged as a pio-
neering field, fundamentally transform-
ing various industries with its unique at-
tributes. However, the advancement of
NanoFusion technology provides novel
potential to combine better functional-
ity and aesthetic value in textile fin-
ishes. NanoFusion integrates nanotech-
nology with textiles to enhance properties
such as durability, comfort, breathabil-
ity, and aesthetic appeal. NanoFusion em-
ploys nanosized particles ranging from
to nm as the widely accepted
ones[]or coatings to infuse fabrics with
attributes such as hydrophobicity, re-
sistance to stains, antimicrobial prop-
erties, fire resistance, and other bene-
ficial traits. This textile innovation im-
proves the functionality and eciency
of materials, opening up possibilities
for diverse applications such as every-
day apparel, sports gear, medical tex-
tiles, and technical textiles in indus-
tries like aerospace and automotive.[]
H. R. Anik, S. I. Tushar
Department of Textiles, Merchandising and Interiors
University of Georgia
Dawson Hall 305 Sanford Dr, Athens, GA 30602, USA
S. I. Tushar
Department of Design and Merchandising
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078, USA
S. Mahmud
Department of Human Ecology
University of Alberta
116 St and 85 Ave, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2R3, Canada
A. H. Khadem
Department of Fabric Engineering
Bangladesh University of Textiles
Tejgaon, Dhaka 1208, Bangladesh
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2025,12, 2400368 2400368 (1 of 38) © 2024 The Author(s). Advanced Materials Interfaces published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
NanoFusion greatly influences textiles, fundamentally trans-
forming the advancement of materials that exceed expectations
in performance and use. Furthermore, it addresses important
issues such as sustainability and the environmental footprint,
paving the way for a new era in textile manufacturing. These
advanced textiles have the ability to revolutionize industries and
improve various aspects of our daily lives, including providing
durable and high-performing clothing options and enhancing
safety in dangerous situations. Furthermore, NanoFusion exerts
a more extensive impact on fabrics that extends beyond their
functional attributes.
Natural fibers and textiles have become a part of human life
since ancient times for environmental protection and covering
skin.[]Starting with vegetal fibers, fur, and animal hair, there
has been evidence of using dyed flax fiber almost years
ago.[]Over the centuries ahead, people learned the process of
producing fabrics manually using naturally derived fibers, which
were known as handwoven textiles.[]With the industrial revo-
lution in the eighteenth century, a pivotal industrial revolution
of advanced machinery and technologies welcomed cutting-edge
manufacturing of textiles in the twenty-first century.[]By that
time, it had been possible to fabricate artificial fibers with poly-
mers with attributes including cost-optimization, chemical and
mechanical stability, and other dierent properties.[]Over time,
researchers have developed various methods (such as coloring
techniques, digital printing, and coating deposition) and materi-
als (such as various finishes) to improve the functionality of tex-
tiles. Nanoparticles have emerged as a game changer in the field
of functional and high-performance textiles with some outstand-
ing properties distinctive to conventional textiles.[]
Modifying textile substrates at the nanoscale can enhance fab-
ric performance and introduce valuable new functionalities, all
while maintaining their aesthetic properties such as appearance,
feel, breathability, lightness, flexibility, and comfort.[]In addi-
tion, it is possible to enhance the washing fastness and me-
chanical properties, such as mechanical strength, wear, and abra-
sion resistance. Nanofinishing embedded textiles oer an en-
vironmentally friendly solution by reducing energy consump-
tion while maintaining durability. Additionally, this process pro-
vides significant benefits with minimal alteration to the funda-
mental properties of the substrates.[c]With long-lasting eects,
high-performance fabrics can exhibit many functional proper-
ties, including antimicrobial,[]antistatic,[ ]stain-resistant,[]
hydrophobic,[]UV-protective,[ ]and many more properties.[]
The nanotechnological approach begins with the production of
nanofibers or nanocomposite fibers, which are then used to cre-
ate nanostructures and garments embedded with nanoelectron-
ics. This process enables the creation of a diverse spectrum of
smart and intelligent textiles.[]A higher surface area-to-volume
A. H. Khadem
Department of Textile Engineering
The International University of Scholars
40, Kemal Ataturk Ave, Banani, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh
P. Sen
Department of Yarn Engineering
Bangladesh University of Textiles
Tejgaon, Dhaka 1208, Bangladesh
ratio and high surface energy are the major positive points,
and the reason why they are most eective in action. Nanopar-
ticles generally have a larger specific surface area. Nanoparti-
cles can provide high coverage of the available micro space of
textile substrates.[]Thus, interparticle spaces have been very
low, as such the dimension is even smaller than the wavelength
of the UV radiation.[]Conductivity, diusion, and size of the
nanoparticles have been some crucial factors in developing high-
performance textiles.[b]
Manufacturing textiles means a set of chain activities that in-
cludes everything from collecting proper fibers to making up the
garments.[]It all starts with sourcing the proper yarn for the
desired fibers, and then it is followed by knitting or weaving the
favorite fabrics. Therefore, cutting the fabrics for making the gar-
ments then sums up the fabrication of conventional textiles.[,]
This process has been demonstrated in Section to provide an
idea of producing conventional textiles, and the next level starts
with depositing nanoparticles on them. Using nanoparticles for
imparting over clothing or fabric is a process known as nanofin-
ishing or nanocoating. However, it is not an easy job to find an
appropriate nanoparticle for the appropriate substrates to impart
appropriate properties. Sometimes dierent properties can be in-
troduced in the fabrics with the nanofinish, or the existing prop-
erties can be enhanced by using it.[]Section discussed dif-
ferent nanoparticles for nanofinishes and dierent techniques to
impart the properties as well. Moreover, the nanofinish has been
utilized in dierent sectors along with the apparel industry, in-
cluding wearables, healthcare, sports, military and defense, and
automotive and aerospace textiles. Section demonstrated poten-
tial applications related to nanofinishes.
Merely fabricating nanotextiles and creating more for the mar-
ket cannot be the end of the story, as maintaining quality and
standard production has also been a key challenge.[b]Hence,
there are some major processes to evaluate the performance and
quality of the nanofinished products. Section discussed that
elaborately. Nanoparticles may exhibit detrimental impacts on
the environment and human health when they are used on a
larger scale. However, in retrospect, the researchers worked hard
to come up with sustainable production methods and materi-
als. Some of the eective and sustainable utilization of nanofin-
ishes has been demonstrated in Section . Finally, the review has
been concluded with essential remarks and directions for future
minds so that they can contribute more to the development of
functional textiles.
2. Apparel Manufacturing Process Flow
From the fiber selection, the very first step in apparel manufac-
turing, as the type of material—cotton, polyester, blends, etc.,—
is the key factor that determines the properties of the finished
garments.[]The chosen fibers are then spun to manufacture
yarns, which are then used to weave or knit fabrics.[]After
that, the fabric is cut into patterns, sewn into clothes, and quality
checked.[]Pressing, finishing, and packaging are the last steps
before distribution. The choice of fiber is crucial in determining
the final garment’s comfort, toughness, and general quality.[]
This section of the review demonstrated the entire conventional
process of manufacturing apparel goods.
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2025,12, 2400368 2400368 (2 of 38) © 2024 The Author(s). Advanced Materials Interfaces published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
2.1. Fiber Selection and Yarn Manufacturing
Fiber manufacturing is the first step of the apparel manufactur-
ing cycle.[]Textile fiber is basically of two types: natural and
manmade.[]The most commonly used natural fibers are cot-
ton, wool, silk, and flax. On the other hand, common man-made
fibers are polyester, nylon, acrylic, aramid, and elastane. Natural
fibers are normally cultivated if they are plant-based (e.g., cotton,
jute, hemp, and lyocell) or collected from bred or raised animals if
they are animal-based (e.g., wool and silk).[]These are collected
from the sources and spun into yarn following a few intermedi-
ate steps, including cleaning, sorting, carding, and spinning.[]
Manmade fibers are normally produced by the chemical reac-
tion of polymers in three spinning processes:[]wet (acrylic,
spandex, and rayon),[]dry (polyvinyl chloride, spandex, and
polybenzimidazole),[]and melt spinning (polyester, nylon, and
polypropylene).[]Here, this category of fiber can be customized
according to the required count in a continuous filament or sta-
ple fiber after chopping into the desired length. Dierent types
of nanofibers can be produced through these spinning processes
employing nanotechnology. For example, Wang et al.[]fabri-
cated an aramid nanofiber/graphene nanoplatelets hybrid fila-
ment by wet spinning technology for electroconductive and joule
heating purposes. Liu et al.[]fabricated Kevlar aerogel nanofiber
having excellent mechanical and thermal insulation properties
employing the wet spinning technique. Nain et al.[]produced
nanoscale polymeric fibers, i.e., polystyrene, with dry spinning
technology, having a diameter of to nm.
Some sorts of manmade fiber are synthesized by modifying the
natural polymers, known as regenerated manmade fibers.[]For
example, cellulose is regenerated into viscose fiber. Some sorts
of blended fibers are produced by mixing synthetic and natural
fibers, for example, / PC (% cotton and % polyester).
Nowadays, dierent advanced technologies are used for man-
ufacturing specialized fiber. For example, electrospinning is a
very popular technique for fabricating nanofibers by applying
suitable voltage.[]These nanofibers are normally designed to
have special functionality, including antimicrobial, absorption,
antistatic, energy storage, joule heating, electromagnetic interfer-
ence shielding, and conductive properties.[]For example, poly-
diacetylene nanofibers, fabricated by the electrospinning pro-
cess, could function as a biosensor by detecting the SARS-CoV-
2.2. Fabric Manufacturing
There are dierent categories of fabric manufactured in the
textile industry. These are woven, knitted, nonwoven, and
braided.[]Woven fabrics are produced by interlacing the yarn,
and dierent patterns of interlacing form dierent woven struc-
tures, including plain woven, matt, satin, and twill.[]This cate-
gory of fabric is produced through a series of processes, includ-
ing winding, warping, sizing, and weaving.[]Sizing is the only
chemical treatment process here, normally used for strengthen-
ing the moderate/low strength fiber before weaving,[]for exam-
ple, cotton. Nanotechnology can be employed in the sizing stage;
for example, a starch/montmorillonite nanocomposite was used
for sizing the warp yarn, and better performance was recorded,
including greater tensile strength and better adhesiveness of the
sizing chemical to the yarn/fiber surface.[]Knitted fabrics are
manufactured by interloping the yarn.[]It can be in two struc-
tures: single jersey and double jersey.[]No chemical process-
ing is normally required to manufacture this category of fabric.
Thermal, chemical, and mechanical bonding entangle the fibers
together to fabricate nonwoven fabric.[]This fabric category is
specially used for functional purposes, such as protective masks,
sanitary napkins, geomembranes, and gowns.[]
2.3. Chemical Processing
Textiles are colored and processed in this step by dierent liq-
uid/wet treatments.[]This is the step that consumes the most
amount of water.[]Dierent categories of dyes and pigments,
including acid, basic, reactive, disperse dyes, and natural pig-
ments, are used for coloring the fabric.[]The selection of dyes
depends on the fabric composition. Here, dyes chemically re-
act with the fiber to color it[]or, in some cases, get trapped
inside the fiber, for example, polyester.[ ]The full coloration
process is completed through a series of steps, including pre-
treatment, coloration, and after-treatment/finishing.[]The fab-
ric can be treated with nanomaterial either during the dyeing
or postdyeing (finishing) stages to improve or add some func-
tional properties. For example, Qi et al.[]dyed cotton fabric with
self-dispersible nanocarbon black particles at °Ctomakeit
UV-resistant and antistatic. Ki et al.[]treated wool fabric with
a sulfur nanosilver solution and found a high antibacterial e-
cacy (tested against Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumo-
niae bacteria). For some functional apparel, the textiles are treated
with nanoparticles, even without any coloration. For instance,
high-density polyethylene was treated with ZnO nanoparticles to
impart cooling functionality, and this could protect against over-
heating up to – °C by reflecting the solar radiation (%) and
selectively transferring out the human heat radiation.[]
Printing is another sort of wet treatment process for localized
textile coloring.[]This is normally done on cut panels or gar-
ments, depending on the final product specification. Dierent
nanodyes are printed on textiles for design. Dierent function-
alities can be added to the textiles through technical nanoprint-
ing technology, for example, dot printing, ink-jet printing, and
D printing.[]For example, Weremczuk et al.[]printed silver
nanoparticles on fabric for fabricating wearable humidity sensors
employing ink-jet printing technology. Yarn and fiber are treated
with nanomaterials for some functional requirements before fab-
rication. For example, Ghasemi et al.[]treated natural fiber yarn
(hemp and flax) with cellulose nanofibrils and nanocrystals to
improve mechanical stability. Sewing thread, which is basically
a textile yarn, is also treated with nanomaterials to impart func-
tionality and it is used for sewing specialized apparel. Venkatara-
man et al.[]treated dierent cotton and polyester industrial
sewing threads with silver nanoparticles and observed eective-
ness against bacterial activity.
2.4. Apparel Manufacturing
The prepared fabric, either woven, knitted, or nonwoven, is cut
into specified shapes according to the designed marker and sewn
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2025,12, 2400368 2400368 (3 of 38) © 2024 The Author(s). Advanced Materials Interfaces published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
Figure 1. Application of nanotechnology in different stages of the apparel manufacturing cycle.
into a garment.[]This stage of the manufacturing cycle nor-
mally does not require any chemical or liquid treatment, so nan-
otechnology is not applicable here. A few successive steps, includ-
ing marker making, pattern making, cutting, bundling, sewing,
packing, and final quality inspection, complete this cycle.[]Dif-
ferent stages of the apparel manufacturing cycle where textiles
are treated with nanomaterials are illustrated in Figure 1.
3. Nanofinishes on Textiles
Nanofinishing can exhibit a myriad of functionalities for textiles,
oering enhanced durability, antibacterial properties, UV pro-
tection, and water repellency.[]The incorporation of nanopar-
ticles, such as silver (Ag), titanium dioxide (TiO), and zinc ox-
ide (ZnO), has proven eective in achieving these outcomes.
The applications of nanofinished textiles extend across diverse
sectors, including healthcare, sportswear, wearables, automo-
biles, aerospace, and environmental protection.[,]It has been a
transformative force in the textile industry, and it can endow un-
paralleled control over the surface properties of textiles.[]This
section of the review discussed dierent methods of preparing
textiles by imparting nanoparticles.
3.1. Nanomaterials Used for Nanofinishes
Nanotechnology has immense potential to improve textile prop-
erties and performance compared to conventional finishing. Con-
ventional finishing suers from dierent drawbacks, including
decreasing functional eects after laundry that can also impact
the breathability and moisture-retention properties of the fab-
ric. On the contrary, nanofinishing enables textiles to be more
durable, functional, and aesthetic.[]Nanofinishing on textiles is
widely studied to impart dierent feasible properties like stain re-
pellent, wrinkle resistance, flame retardancy, microbe resistance,
enhanced conduciveness, and many more. Nanofinishing of tex-
tiles can be divided into three categories, including nanostruc-
tures, nanolayers, and nanoroughness, which can be further cat-
egorized into dierent groups as shown in Figure 2.
In the nanostructure group, the nanofinish can be in dier-
ent shapes with a nanosized structure, including nanospheres,
nanoneedles, nanocubes, nanoprisms, nanobars, nanostars,
nanorods, nanopyramids, nanowires, and nanoplates.[]These
nanomaterials can be mostly synthesized using two approaches:
top-down and bottom-up methods. In the case of the top-
down approach, the bulk materials are turned into nanos-
tructures, whereas the bottom-up approach utilizes the atoms
and molecules and assembles into the nanostructure shape
(Figure 3).[]
Nanostructures can be classified into nanoparticles and
nanocomposites. Nanoparticles contain at least one dimension
of nanosized particles, which can be further grouped as or-
ganic and inorganic nanoparticles. Nanostructured chitosan,
cellulose, alginate, and carbon-based compounds are good ex-
amples of organic nanoparticles. However, metal nanoparti-
cles like Ag, Cu, and Ni, along with metal oxide nanoparti-
cles like ZnO, TiO, etc., are widely used inorganic nanopar-
ticles. The diameter of these inorganic and organic nanopar-
ticles can vary from nm to μm. Nanolayer, also called
nanocoating, is another way to implement nanofinishing on
textiles by deposition of one or a multilayer of nanoparticles.
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2025,12, 2400368 2400368 (4 of 38) © 2024 The Author(s). Advanced Materials Interfaces published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
Figure 2. Classification of the nanofinishing on textiles. Reproduced with permission.[65]Copyright 2018, Elsevier Ltd.
Conventional coating shows poor adhesion and abrasion with
weak durability, whereas nanolayer is durable, corrosion-
resistant, and has more strength. The final category of nanofin-
ishing is nanoroughness, which means the creation of a rough-
treated surface with the nanomaterials. The size and concen-
tration of the nanoparticles impact the surface’s nanoroughness
3.2. Methods of Nanofinishes
Nanocoating or nanolayer is a popular technique of nanofinish-
ing to impart nanoparticles to the surface of textiles. Dierent
types of methods are followed to perform the nanocoating on the
textile surface. For instance, dip coating, chemical vapor deposi-
tion, layer-by-layer (L-b-L) technique, sol–gel, electroless deposi-
tion, electrospraying, and more. The most popular nanoparticle
application techniques have been discussed below briefly.
3.2.1. Dip Coating
Dip coating for nanofinishing is one of the most utilized and
suitable methods, as this process has rarely had any detrimen-
tal eect on the textile properties. In this method, the fabric
is dipped and passed through the nanomaterial solution. After-
ward, the fabric is squeezed with dierent rollers to remove the
excess solution, which is followed by curing or drying (Figure 4).
Dardari et al.[]introduced catalyst based dip coating on syn-
thetic on PES fabric, where graphene oxide (GO) was deposited,
and the fabric was decorated with Cuand Agnanoparticles
(NPs). They followed the process of dip coating and ran the in
Figure 3. Schematic illustration of nanostructure synthesis process. Reproduced under the terms of the CC-BY license.[66]Copyright 2015, IOP Publishing
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2025,12, 2400368 2400368 (5 of 38) © 2024 The Author(s). Advanced Materials Interfaces published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
Figure 4. Schematic illustration of dip coating technique (1) squeeze
rollers, (2) fabric, and (3) liquor tank. Reproduced with permission.[70]
Copyright 2017, Elsevier Ltd.
situ reduction of Cu+and Ag+to Cuand Agover the surface.
They investigated all the individual condition of the fabric with
GO and other nanoparticles. The functional fabric was used for
the reduction of Rhodamine B ( ppm), -nitrophenol (..
– ), and Methyl Orange ( ppm). Moreover, the catalyst
also demonstrated a good catalytic activity. On kinetics, the re-
action constants for RhB, -NP, and MO were ., ., and
. min−, respectively. In this method, the absorption capac-
ity of the textiles as well as the solid content of the liquor con-
tribute to the successful deposition of the nanomaterials.[]For
instance, a nanowool-contained cotton fabric was developed by
dipping the cotton fabric in the nanopowder wool solution to im-
part wrinkle recovery properties. The cotton fabric was dipped
five times in the solution to get a pick-up of wt%. Afterward,
the fabric was dried and cured to check the improved proper-
ties of the fabric. The pores of the cotton fabric were found
to be blocked by the nanowool after the successful dip coating
technique that enhanced the wrinkle resistance property of this
3.2.2. Electroless Deposition
Electroless plating, also referred to as chemical plating, is the au-
tocatalytic process of depositing metal ions onto a substrate. This
process involves the presence of a reducing agent and other ad-
ditives to ensure stability. Plating is a method employed to ap-
ply nanostructures onto substrates, as opposed to simply coat-
ing them. Metals like Ag, Fe, Cu, Ni, Al, etc. are widely used
to form their layer on the surface through the chemical reduc-
tion of these metal ions and their subsequent deposition. Elec-
troless plating involves the deposition of metals through chem-
ical reactions rather than the use of electrical energy. Metal
plated fabrics find applications in various fields, including EMI
shielding, self-cleaning, antimicrobial properties, and electrical
conductivity.[]Frunza et al.[]used the electroless deposition
to impart crystalline ZnO particles on polyester textiles, with a
comparison among the materials, i.e., poly(lactic acid) (PLA),
polyamide (PA), and hemp. XRD and SEM revealed wurtzite-
type ZnO particles, – nm in diameter and up to μm
in length, deposited into the textile fibers. The polyester fab-
rics demonstrated superhydrophobic properties, with water con-
tact angles over °, measured via the sessile drop method.
They used the Cassie–Baxter model to explain hydrophobic be-
havior. Additionally to impart the EMI shielding property in the
poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) fabric, Lu et al.[]developed
an Ag/PET fabric using the electroless deposition method with
the assistance of ultrasonic. In this study, the PET fabric was
pretreated first with multiple chemicals to prepare it for electro-
less deposition. Afterward, the pretreated fabric was immersed
in the silver-plating solution without using any other catalyst.
After maintaining the ultrasonic frequency and the pH in the
plating bath, the samples were picked up and rinsed sequentially
with toluene, ethanol, and water, followed by drying in an oven at
°C for h. Through the Raman spectra and thermogravimet-
ric analysis test, it was confirmed that the PET fabric had a strong
Ag coating of .%, which finally enhanced the EMI shielding
3.2.3. Layer-by-Layer (L-b-L)
L-b-L is another popular technique for imparting a thin coating
on the textile surface.[]This method is based on electrostatic in-
teraction, which was first tried with polyelectrolytes. Nowadays,
it is widely used to deposit nanoparticles on dierent substrates.
In this method, thin nanomaterial films are produced by deposit-
ing alternate layers of nanoparticles of opposite charges. First, the
substrate on which the nanoparticles will be deposited is charged
and immersed in an oppositely charged polyelectrolyte, which re-
sults in a strong electrostatic bond between the polyelectrolyte
and the substrate. In the next step, the substrate is rinsed and
afterward, the monolayer-coated substrate is immersed in an-
other opposite-charged solution, which forms the second coat-
ing layer on the surface of the substrate. With consecutive repe-
titions of this process, multilayers of dierent nanoparticles can
be deposited on the textile surface, which can greatly enhance
the functional properties.[]Figure 5briefly illustrates the L-b-
L process.[]For instance, ZnO nanoparticles were deposited on
cotton fabric to impart antimicrobial properties. The cotton fabric
was cationized with ,-epoxypropyl trimethylammonium chlo-
ride. Afterward, the cationized fabric was immersed in ZnO’s so-
lutions multiple times by maintaining the sequence of opposite
charges each time. In this way, multilayers of ZnO were suc-
cessfully deposited on the cotton fabric surface. Ultimately, the
successful deposition of ZnO nanoparticles on the cotton fabric
enhanced its UV protection and antibacterial properties.[]Gad-
kari et al.[]worked on fabricating a self-assembled antimicrobial
coating on cotton fabric using a layer-by-layer (L-B-L) technique.
Ag-loaded chitosan (CS-Ag) nanoparticles and poly(styrene sul-
fonate) facilitated as cationic and anionic agents, respectively.
They successfully created up to bilayers, while the applica-
tion was confirmed by color depth measurements after each layer.
However, the deposition of the nanoparticles was ensured by the
SEM and XRD tests. Antibacterial activity, particularly against
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, showed enhanced
performance with minimal silver loading.
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2025,12, 2400368 2400368 (6 of 38) © 2024 The Author(s). Advanced Materials Interfaces published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
Figure 5. Schematic illustration of the L-b-L technique. Reproduced under the terms of the CC-BY license.[75]Copyright 2017, Frontiers Media S.A.
3.2.4. Vapor Deposition
In the vapor deposition technique, the vapor of the nanomaterials
is condensed through condensation, chemical reaction, or con-
versation and then deposited on the substrate. Physical vapor de-
position (PVD) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) are the two
categories of this method.[]In the PVD or sputtering method,
the solid form of a material turns into a vapor phase through
any physical means like high temperature. Afterward, the vapor
is transferred from the source material to the substrate through
molecule-by-molecule or atom-by-atom resulting in the deposi-
tion of that material on the substrate as shown in Figure 6a.[]On
the other hand, with the chemical reaction, CVD generally forms
the coating on the substrate. In this case, the gaseous form of the
coating material is transferred into a reacting chamber at a cer-
tain temperature that reacts with the substrate and, consequently,
deposits on the surface of the substrate, as shown in Figure b.[]
Researchers extensively study both PVD and CVD techniques
for depositing nanomaterials on textile surfaces. For instance,
Xu et al. deposited nano-TiOon cotton and polyester fabrics by
Figure 6. Schematic illustration of a) PVD and b) CVD. Reproduced with permission.[78]Copyright 2018, Elsevier Ltd.
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2025,12, 2400368 2400368 (7 of 38) © 2024 The Author(s). Advanced Materials Interfaces published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
Figure 7. Primary mechanism of the sol–gel process. Reproduced with
permission.[84]Copyright 2014, Elsevier B.V.
following the PVD method to impart self-cleaning properties.[]
Again, Egami et al. developed a conductive cotton fabric with a
thin layer of polypyrrole nanoparticles (< nm) following the
CVD technique.[]¸Sim¸sek and Karaman[]reported the pro-
cess of synthesizing of poly(hexafluoro butyl acrylate) (PHFBA)
thin films on textiles using initiated chemical vapor deposition
(iCVD). PHFBA, with its short perfluoroalkyl group, can essen-
tially serve as a low-surface-energy finish for hydrophobic textile
functionalization. The iCVD method achieved deposition rates
of up to nm min−, nearly double that of PECVD. Polyester
and cotton fabrics became superhydrophobic after PHFBA coat-
ing, with the decoration of the SiOnanoparticle as it can produce
dual-scale roughness. The final treated fabrics exhibited high wa-
ter contact angles (>°), which proves hydrophobicity in princi-
ple. This work definitely sheds light on motivation and promises
to work more on this process essentially for better performance
of the nanoparticles.
3.2.5. Sol–Gel Process
Nanocoatings can be formed on the substrate by the sol–gel pro-
cess, which is based on hydrolysis and condensation. The sol–
gel process synthesizes metal oxide nanoparticles such as SiO
and TiOfrom precursor molecules. Primarily, hydrolysis and
water- and alcohol-producing condensation are the main mecha-
nisms during the synthesizing and formation of homogeneous
colloids of the nanoparticles of the metal oxides, as shown in
Figure 7.[]A simple pad-dry-cure or dip coating method can be
utilized to apply the sol–gel solution on the substrate.[]After
deposition, the nanoparticle solution is turned into gel, aggre-
gated, and forms a D network during the drying process. After
drying and curing, the gel provided a thin film on the surface of
the substrate.[,]Plenty of studies have been carried out on the
TiOdeposition on textile fabric by following the sol–gel method.
Allaka and Yepuri[]presented an economical method for pro-
ducing superhydrophobic cotton and silk fabrics with the combi-
nation of sol–gel and dip coating technique. They mostly put em-
phasis on addressing the necessity for hydrophobic and highly
luminous clothing in applications like COVID- frontline gar-
ments and military apparel. According to their XRD report, the
anatase phase of titania in the coated fabrics has been explored
clearly. On the studies of wetting properties, it showed the con-
tact angles of °for cotton and °for silk, which is pretty fine
for the hydrophobic surface. In terms of the diuse reflectance
spectroscopy, it indicated % reflectivity in the UV and % in
IR wavelengths. The coated fabrics exhibited excellent hydropho-
bicity and reflectivity, which made them an ideal candidate for the
application like various low-maintenance apparel applications.
Daoud et al.[]studied the application of the TiOnanopar-
ticles on the cotton fabric to enhance its UV protection and an-
timicrobial properties. TiOnanosols were synthesized from the
titanium tetraisopropoxide by following the sol–gel process with
the help of acetic acid, nitric acid (HNO), and ethanol. Finally,
the coating process was completed with the help of the dip-pad-
dry-cure technique.[]
3.2.6. Plasma Coating
The plasma coating technique is preferable to the conventional
method due to its environment-friendly behavior, which requires
less energy and low material input.[]Plasma, which is the fourth
state of a material, can be created with the gas by applying an elec-
tric field. This ionized gas can react with the surface of the fab-
rics and enhance its functionalities. Gas flow, frequency, the right
combination, and selection of gases are the key factors for the ef-
fective plasma coating over the fabric.[]In brief, plasma poly-
merization results in the nanocoating on the substrate following
gas phase activation and plasma substrate interactions.[]Multi-
ple articles can be found on the plasma polymerization-assisted
coating on the textiles. For instance, clay and hexamethylene dis-
iloxane silicon were coated to develop the atmospheric plasma-
treated cotton fabric to impart the flame retardancy property by
Horrocks et al.[]Again, Alongi and Malucelli followed cold oxy-
gen plasma treatment to coat the cotton fabric with silica and
talcite nanoparticles to enhance the fire resistance property.[]
Shariat[]explored plasma printing and direct one-step print-
ing of Ag nanoparticles on flexible substrates. Using a silver ni-
trate solution aerosolized into a nonthermal plasma jet, the re-
searcher produced the Ag nanoparticles and deposited them on
polyester fabrics. According to the characterization by FESEM,
XRD, and EDX, spherical nanoparticles were confirmed with a
face-centered cubic crystalline structure. The best SERS perfor-
mance was found at a kV plasma voltage, with potential for
swab-based analyte detection.
3.2.7. Electrospraying Process
The nanoparticles of certain materials can also be deposited by
the electrospraying process, which consists of a syringe fed and a
collector plate. The syringe fed contains a polymer solution that
is applied to the high electric voltage, which results in charged
droplets in the capillary tip of the syringe. The droplets at the tip
can overcome the surface tension of the liquid and start to spread
by forming a conical shape. When the low-viscosity polymer so-
lution is used in this process, the jet of solution breaks down and
the liquids start to drop down as a spray, and this process can
be referred to as the electrospraying process. The electrospray-
ing process is shown in Figure 8.[]
[]electrospray the fluorocarbon resins and
dimethyloldihydroxylethyleneurea (DMDHEU) reagents on the
cotton fabrics to impart the oil and water repellency on the
fabric. It was found that the polymer solution of fluorocar-
bon resins and DMDHEU avoided any unnecessary agglomer-
ation on the surface of the fabrics through this technique which
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2025,12, 2400368 2400368 (8 of 38) © 2024 The Author(s). Advanced Materials Interfaces published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
Figure 8. Schematic illustration of the electrospray process. Reproduced with permission.[89]Copyright 2000, Elsevier Science Ltd.
was verified by scanning electronic microscopic test. Through
this electrospraying, the fluorocarbon resins and DMDHEU im-
proved the oil and water repellency of the cotton fabric. ˙
Ibili and
Da¸sdemir[]demonstrated superhydrophobic and antibacterial
properties for medical applications using a one-step electrospray-
ing method. They also ran a comparison with the pad-dry-cure
method. Coatings made from silver chloride–titanium dioxide
(AgCl–TiO) and dendritic polymer with methyl end groups were
applied. Electrospraying has dramatically improved water repel-
lency, putting a shift of the contact angle from .°to .°.
The textiles also showed over % antibacterial activity against
Escherichia coli and S. aureus.Table 1represents the summary
of dierent methods of incorporating nanoparticles over textiles
4. Functional Properties on Textile Materials
With the help of dierent nanoparticles and their deposition, tex-
tile materials can essentially exhibit dierent kinds of functional
properties, including flame retardancy, UV protection, antiodor,
wrinkle resistance, antistatic, hydrophobicity, antibacterial, and
many other properties.[]Fabrication, characterization, and dif-
ferent properties of functional textiles were discussed in the pa-
per of Mishra et al.[]They demonstrated basic mechanisms
with dierent aspects of nanotechnology with the necessary fu-
ture research direction. This part of the review discussed the dif-
ferent properties of high-performance textiles with nanoparticles.
4.1. Antimicrobial Property
Nanoparticles in antimicrobial applications actually set a strong
defense against harmful microorganisms so that they keep germs
and bacteria away from the patients or wearers.[]As a result,
it has a wide range of applications in the healthcare industry.
Nanoparticles, including Ag, Cu, TiO, and ZnO, hold some in-
herent antimicrobial properties. Nanoparticles on textiles can re-
lease ions that can damage cell structures, stop enzymes from
working, and cause oxidative stress when they come into contact
with pathogens.[b]This ultimately results in microbial death,
or it can also slow down the growth of the bacteria. Additionally,
nanoparticles with high surface area-to-volume ratios enhance di-
rect contact with microorganisms, influencing their ecacy.[]
This mechanism prevents microbial proliferation on textile sur-
faces, welcoming various applications, including healthcare, or
even in food processing, and personal protective equipment.[]
Therefore, the antibacterial properties in textiles keep the bacte-
ria away through inhibiting, killing, or preventing their growth.
With the help of the nanoparticles via coating, the nanoparticles
generally disrupt the bacterial cell wall, create the oxidative stress,
interrupt with the function of the enzymes, and eventually they
kill the bacterial cells.[]Other organic elements like quaternary
ammonium compounds create a leakage in the cell wall, and then
it inhibits the growth of the bacteria.[]Moreover, photocatalytic
activity with TiONPs can produce reactive oxygen species un-
der the light that can damage the bacterial cells.[]This is how
nanoparticles helps in controlling bacterial growth, resulting in
reducing the risk of infection, hygiene concerns, and generating
bad odors.[]
Due to the chemical composition of the textile materials (ly-
ocell, linen, cotton, viscose, as in most of the natural materials,
cellulose, and bast fibers), the textile fabrics are more prone to be-
ing attacked by dierent microorganisms, i.e., fungi, algae, pro-
tozoa, bacteria, and dierent microbial elements.[]With the
trend of being aware of health and hygiene, antimicrobial eect
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2025,12, 2400368 2400368 (9 of 38) © 2024 The Author(s). Advanced Materials Interfaces published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
Tabl e 1 . Summary of different methods of incorporating nanoparticles over textiles substrates.
Method Application process Description Functional
Advantages Disadvantages Refs.
Dip-coating The textile substrates are
dipped into the solution
having a nanoparticle
suspension, and then the
process is followed by
Using this technique, textiles are
submerged in a suspension of
nanoparticles and allowed to
absorb the particles onto their
surface. It is an easy-to-use,
reasonably priced method that
works well for mass production.
Antimicrobial, water
repellency, stain
•Simple and cost-effective
•Less NP needed
•Suitable for large-scale pro-
•Limited control over nanoparticle
•Uniformity may be challenging to
•Time consuming
•It requires multiple dips for de-
sired coverage.
Making textiles immersed in a
chemical bath for
electroless deposition.
Metal ions on textile surfaces are
chemically reduced during
electroless deposition,
resulting in the formation of a
layer of nanoparticles. It offers
a consistent layer that adheres
well to intricate shapes.
resistance, wear
•This method ensures uni-
form coating.
•It shows good fixation and
adhesion of nanoparticles.
•They can be used for com-
plex shapes.
•This method is expensive.
•It requires specific chemical
•It is limited to certain types of
•It may involve multiple steps.
Layer-by-layer In this process, layers of
oppositely charged
nanoparticles are applied
sequentially, and it allows
each layer to adhere before
the next application.
The layer-by-layer technique
deposits alternating layers of
nanoparticles with opposite
charges to produce a
multilayered structure. It is
adaptable to many types of
nanoparticles and provides
accurate control over layer
Controlled drug
release, enhanced
UV protection,
gas barrier
•It can ensure adjustable layer
•It can use various nanoparti-
cle types.
•This is a time-consuming process.
•It requires a certain set and spe-
cific equipment.
•The application process it limited
to certain types of nanoparticles.
Vapor deposition It is necessary to use physical
vapor deposition methods
to deposit nanoparticles
onto textile surfaces.
Vapor deposition is the process of
applying nanoparticles to textile
surfaces by sputtering or
evaporating them. It offers
consistent and managed
coating that is highly precise
and appropriate for intricate
Reflective coatings,
barrier layers,
•This method ensures uni-
form and controlled coating.
•It is suitable for complex
•It can maintain a high preci-
•The equipment cost may be high.
•The process is limited to certain
types of nanoparticles.
•It may also require vacuum condi-
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2025,12, 2400368 2400368 (10 of 38) © 2024 The Author(s). Advanced Materials Interfaces published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
Tabl e 1 . (Continued)
Method Application process Description Functional
Advantages Disadvantages Refs.
Sol–gel In this process applying a
sol–gel solution containing
nanoparticles onto textiles
is necessary, followed by
By adding nanoparticles to a
solution, the sol–gel technique
applies the solution on textiles
and allows it to gel. It works
well with different kinds of
nanoparticles and may be
applied to diverse textile
adhesion, scratch
•It is flexible for various
nanoparticle types.
•It can be applied to different
textile materials.
•It is a relatively simple pro-
•It may require very high-
temperature processing.
•Having control over nanoparticle
distribution may be challenging.
Plasma coating It requires plasma activation
to treat textile surfaces,
followed by the deposition
of nanoparticles.
Plasma coating involves using
plasma to activate textile
surfaces, allowing
nanoparticles to be deposited
onto the activated surface. It
provides a uniform coating with
good adhesion and can be
applied to various textile
Flame retardancy,
•A good fixation of the
•Good adhesion of nanoparti-
•It requires a specialized setup.
•It may involve complex process
This method used an
electrostatic spray of a
liquid solution containing
nanoparticles onto textile
After being dispersed in a liquid
solution, nanoparticles are
electrostatically sprayed onto
textile surfaces in the electro
spraying process. It works well
with a variety of textile
materials and provides fine
control over particle size.
•It can ensure tunable particle
•It can exhibit uniform coat-
•It is suitable for a wide range
of textile materials.
•High equipment cost
•Settling different spraying param-
eters is crucial.
[91, 97c, 98]
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2025,12, 2400368 2400368 (11 of 38) © 2024 The Author(s). Advanced Materials Interfaces published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
Figure 9. a) Different mechanisms of antibacterial activity. Reproduced with permission.[115]Copyright 2014, Elsevier B.V. b) ZnO NP-incorporated
antimicrobial textiles. Reproduced under the terms of the CC-BY license.[116]Copyright 2020, MDPI. c) RGO–Cu and RGO–Ag nanoparticles-incorporated
antimicrobial textiles. Reproduced with permission.[117]Copyright 2021, American Chemical Society. d) Gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) over synthetic fibers.
Reproduced under the terms of the CC-BY license.[118]Copyright 2021, MDPI.
has been a serious concern in the field of textiles, especially in
the field of medical textiles, and surgery products.[]Dierent
metals, such as silver, gold, copper, zinc, and titanium nanoparti-
cles, along with dierent metal oxides (i.e., CuO, ZnO, and TiO
nanoparticles), are possibly popular nanoparticles used over tex-
tile materials for exhibiting antibacterial eects. Nanoparticles,
with their higher surface area-to-volume ratio, can essentially
impart a strong antimicrobial impact on textile materials. Sil-
ver (Ag) served as one of the earliest antimicrobial nanoparticles
that was utilized on textile surfaces.[]It serves as an antimi-
crobial agent, demonstrating exceptional antimicrobial activity
while maintaining its mechanical properties. Due to their small
size, Ag nanoparticles possess a significantly large surface area,
enabling them to eectively interact with bacterial proteins and
hinder the proliferation of bacterial cells. Ag nanoparticles dis-
rupt the electron and substrate transport pathway.[]Upon re-
acting with moisture, the Ag+ions rapidly diuse through the
cell wall and cell membrane, ultimately reaching the cytoplasm.
Ag+ions on the cell membrane undergo a reaction with proteins
containing sulfur, resulting in a change in the structure of the cell
wall.[]Consequently, the cell membrane undergoes degrada-
tion and releases the cytoplasm as a result of osmotic action. The
Ag+ions also engage in interactions with proteins that contain
phosphate, leading to the condensation of DNA and ultimately
resulting in cell death.[]The antibacterial eectiveness of Ag
nanoparticles is determined by their size, surface area, concen-
tration, and the release of Ag+ions. The antibacterial eective-
ness of Ag nanoparticles depends on their size, surface area, con-
centration, and the release of Ag+ions.[]Figure 9aexplains
how the antimicrobial activities take place with the help of dier-
ent nanoparticles.[]Martinaga Pintari´
[]imparted an-
timicrobial impact on the textile materials through the sol–gel
technology for coating with ZnO. They investigated dierent an-
timicrobial eects with dierent concentrations of the solution
(having acids, precursor, and the nanoparticle) and dierent ul-
trasonic irradiation power. They found the homogeneity of layers
with ZnO NPs over the samples increasing with the ultrasonic ir-
radiation power and time. Moreover, ultrasonic irradiation could
prevent the agglomeration of the nanoparticles, which has been
a serious concern over time.
The antibacterial impact started to show severely impactful
results after h of exposure to cellulose materials that were
previously modified with NPs under ultrasonic irradiation com-
pared to control samples (Figure b). This experiment set the
parameters in the trails of ultrasonic irradiation power (rang-
ing from to kHz), dierent concentrations of reagents
and a time limit (duration from to min). Bhattacharjee
et al.[]developed graphene oxide and Ag NP-based pathogens
protective materials for personal protective equipment in health-
care systems. They demonstrated the antimicrobial impact and
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2025,12, 2400368 2400368 (12 of 38) © 2024 The Author(s). Advanced Materials Interfaces published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
cytotoxicity of the cotton/silk fabrics treated with reduced
graphene oxide (RGO) and Ag/Cu NPs. The functional materi-
als were prepared using a -glycidyloxypropyl trimethoxy silane
coupling agent, and they utilized vacuum heat treatment with
chemical reduction in the process. Incorporating NPs over the
RGO layer substantially showed an increased antimicrobial ef-
fect (Figure c). Mehravani et al.[]reviewed the use of gold
nanoparticles to assess the antimicrobial performance of treated
synthetic fibers. They reported dierent information on the func-
tionalization of textile materials with Au NPs by dierent tech-
niques, and they tried to initiate methods of enhancing the an-
timicrobial properties (Figure d). Despite applying and discov-
ering dierent kinds of antimicrobial finishes, the field of facile
and sustainable finishing materials leaves a large gap in this field.
Moreover, at the industrial level, these finishes are yet to go a long
way toward commercialization and making them ready to go into
people’s lives.
4.2. Flame Retardant Property
Flame-retardant textiles incorporating nanoparticles can es-
sentially exhibit enhanced fire resistance and safety for the
wearer.[]Nanoparticles like alumina, silica, and titanium diox-
ide generally act well as flame retardants by adding some substan-
tial protective layers over the fabric surfaces.[]Flame retardant
materials can actually disrupt the combustion process in three
ways primarily. ) Gas phase inhibition, this process facilitates
with producing noncombustible gases (like water vapor or CO)
to dilute flammable gases. ) Thermal shielding via creating a
char layer on the textile surface for insulation and slowing down
heat transfer. ) Endothermic reactions with the materials that
absorb heat, lowering the temperature below the ignition point.
As a result, the flame retardant fabrics can delay the ignition, may
have reduced flame spread, and self-extinguishing behavior, and
it makes early protection during exposure to fire.[,]In their
mechanism of action, these nanoparticles release inert gases dur-
ing combustion, and by diluting the flammable gases and sup-
pressing flame propagation, they provide safety from any kind
of ignition.[]Additionally, nanoparticles may also catalyze char
formation, and they can also create a barrier to insulate the fabric
from heat and prevent further ignition. The required high surface
area can ensure better dispersion within the fabric matrix, as well
as uniform flame retardancy.[]By leveraging nanotechnology,
flame retardant textiles with nanoparticles provide excellent pro-
tection against fire hazards in various industries, including au-
tomotive, aerospace, and construction.[]Nanoparticles can be
incorporated into the coating materials to make them more stable
flame retardants than the textile materials. Most defensive cloth-
ing uses flame-retardant fabrics to protect against emergency fire
Talebi et al.[]tried to incorporate silica NPs into the denim
fabrics. They fabricated silica NPs-coated denim fabric through
the Stöber method using sodium silicate solution and Keliab as a
natural alkali source. Apart from enhanced flame-retardant prop-
erties, it showed some excellent properties, including heat re-
sistance, strength, water absorption, air permeability, and self-
cleaning, and many more (Figure 10a). Goda et al.[]demon-
strated a novel technique to fabricate O-carboxymethyl chitosan
nanoparticles–incorporated graphene sheets (O-GRP) through
ultrasonication, and it was utilized as a green binder for Ppy–
Ag nanocomposite-coated textile substrates. The resulting CT/O-
GRP-Ppy-Ag textiles exhibited improved thermal, mechanical,
electrical, antimicrobial, and flame-retardant properties. More-
over, the burning rate has decreased to . mm min−,and
the limiting oxygen index (LOI) has increased to .%, demon-
strating enhanced fire retardation compared to uncoated tex-
tiles (Figure b). Ur Rehman et al.[]fabricated starch–clay–
TiO-based nanocomposites over cotton fabric via a layer-by-layer
(LBL) process. They successfully enhanced flame retardancy and
inhibited pyrolysis. The sample with seven bilayers exhibited
the greatest pyrolysis reduction (≈% and % via MCC and
TGA). Moreover, it showed improved PHRR (≈ W g−), THR
(≈. kJ g−), HRC (≈ J g−K−), and LOI (≈.%) values
via UL- testing (Figure c). Researchers sometimes become
skeptical about the toxicity of using nanoparticles and additives.
Therefore, they tried to come up with some less toxic and sustain-
able solutions. For example, Liao et al.[]used the ammonium
salt of meglumine phosphoric ester acid (ASMPEA) for coating
cotton fabric. ASMPEA, a halogen-free, formaldehyde-free flame
retardant, was synthesized, and it was easily grafted onto cotton
fibers. They treated the cotton fabric, and it exhibited an LOI of
.%, decreasing to .% after laundering cycles, indicating
durable flame retardancy. Thermal analysis showed ASMPEA de-
composition hindered flame spread. Despite minor mechanical
property reduction, ASMPEA eectively enhanced cotton’s flame
4.3. Self-Cleaning
Self-cleaning textiles using dierent nanoparticles can oer a
lot of benefits for maintaining fabric cleanliness and hygiene.
Nanoparticles like titanium dioxide (TiO),whichhavesomepho-
tocatalytic properties, can enable the decomposition of organic
substances upon exposure to light.[]Moreover, it can break dirt
and stains on fabric surfaces. Additionally, nanoparticles on tex-
tile substrates may sometimes have the superhydrophobic prop-
erties to create a self-cleaning eect just by repelling water and
preventing liquid absorption.[]As a result, it can make the
dirt, and liquids slide o the fabric. Some nanoparticles also ex-
hibit antibacterial properties, further enhancing fabric cleanli-
ness. With the blessing of these mechanisms, self-cleaning tex-
tiles with nanoparticles can essentially reduce the load of fre-
quent washing and maintenance of clothing, especially in the
colder parts of the world.[]
The concept of self-cleaning property rose from the hydropho-
bic nature of the lotus leaves, known as the “Lotus Eect.” The
coatings with nanoparticles like silica or TiOcan create a rough
surface with micro- and nanoscale structures. This surface gen-
erally repels water due to low surface energy, and it makes the
droplets roll o, then it removes the dirt and contaminants with
that. TiOalso provides photocatalytic activity, which can help
in decomposing organic stains when the fabrics are exposed to
sunlight. This dual-action of water-repellency and photocataly-
sis gives textiles self-cleaning properties leading to cleanliness
and reducing the need for frequent washing or chemical clean-
ing agents.[]Wan et al.[ ]worked with cotton fabrics having
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2025,12, 2400368 2400368 (13 of 38) © 2024 The Author(s). Advanced Materials Interfaces published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
Figure 10. a) Silica NP coated denim fabric synthesis. Reproduced with permission.[126]Copyright 2020, Springer Nature B.V. Chitosan-incorporated
nanoparticles on smart flame-retardant textiles. Reproduced with permission.[119]Copyright 2021, Springer Nature B.V. c) Fire-retardant nanocomposites
on cotton fabric with a matrix composed of cationized starch and clay nanoparticles: thermal parameters derived from microcone calorimetry data include
(i) heat release capacity (HRC) values for individual coated samples, ii) heat of combustion (Hc), iii) limiting oxygen index (LOI) analysis, and iv) fire
growth rates (FIRGR). Reproduced with permission.[127]Copyright 2021, Elsevier Ltd.
N-halamine structure that were coated with TiOnanoparticles
(.% weight) via PDA/PEI. As it was observed, photocatalytic
activity degraded with the use of .% methylene blue in h.
Chlorinated fabrics sterilized % of S. aureus and E. coli within
min. TiOexhibited lotus leaf-like hydrophobicity at °C,
enabling self-cleaning (Figure 11a). Rananavare and Lee[]also
worked with the hydrophobic wetting properties of the cotton fab-
rics. A hydrophobic cotton fabric was fabricated, and they used
poly(glycidyl methacrylate) (PGMA) nanoparticles that were syn-
thesized via radical-induced dispersion polymerization. Octade-
cyl mercaptan provided low surface energy, while PGMANPs an-
chored to cotton via covalent bonds, increasing the surface rough-
ness to enhance the hydrophobic properties of the textile sub-
strates. Modified fabric displayed nano- and microscale rough-
ness, achieving a contact angle of °, exhibiting self-cleaning
and droplet resistance properties (Figure b). Tudu et al.[]
worked on the superhydrophobic coating for cotton fabric, and
they successfully achieved it through immersion in a solution
containing TiOnanoparticles and perfluorodecyltriethoxysilane.
The resulting coating exhibited some remarkable results, includ-
ing a high-water contact angle of .°±.°and a low tilt angle
of .°±.°, indicating super hydrophobicity. Additionally, the
coated fabric showcased an excellent self-cleaning eect, demon-
strating an excellent hydrophobic property (Figure c).
4.4. UV-Resistance
UV-resistant textiles or UV-blocking textiles with nanoparti-
cles have the ability to oer advanced protection against harm-
ful UV radiation.[]Nanoparticles like TiOhave the UV-
blocking ability to eectively absorb and scatter UV rays upon
open exposure to sunlight.[]Additionally, these nanoparti-
cles can be modified to form a protective layer on the fab-
ric surface with coating or using additives, which can further
improve the UV protection ability.[]ZnO nanoparticles also
contribute to UV resistance with their ability to absorb and
reflect UV radiation.[]By incorporating these nanoparticles
into textiles, UV-resistant fabrics can essentially play a vital role
in creating protection against sunburn, premature aging, and
skin cancer.[]The functional fabrics protect the skin from
harmful UV radiation by incorporating materials that can ab-
sorb or reflect UV rays. TiOor ZnO nanoparticles can either
scatter or absorb UV radiation. Additionally, certain fibers like
polyester and nylon naturally have the ability of better UV pro-
tection due to their tight molecular structure. Dyeing fabrics
with UV-blocking agents or using special UV-stabilizing coat-
ings can further improve the UV protection properties. The
mechanism of preventing UV rays is mainly restricting the
UV rays penetrating the fabric and reaching the skin, and it
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2025,12, 2400368 2400368 (14 of 38) © 2024 The Author(s). Advanced Materials Interfaces published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
Figure 11. a) PDA/PEI and TiO2nanoparticle film, and N-halamine-incorporated cotton fabric mimicking lotus leaf for self-cleaning, antibacterial, and
photocatalytic effects. Reproduced with permission.[133]Copyright 2023, Springer Nature B.V. b) Hydrophobic cotton fabric fabricated through the
dispersion polymerization using poly(glycidyl methacrylate) nanoparticles for self-cleaning property. Reproduced with permission.[134]Copyright 2021,
Elsevier Ltd. c,d) SEM images of TiO2-incorporated cotton fabrics demonstrating (a,b) coated and (c,d) uncoated cotton fabric, with corresponding
static water contact angles (inset). The EDS spectra of the coated sample demonstrate the presence of C, Ti, O, F, and Si elements. Reproduced with
permission.[130]Copyright 2020, American Chemical Society.
also oers protection against sunburn and long-term skin dam-
Štular et al.[]introduced a novel eco-friendly method to a fab-
ricate multifunctional antibacterial and UV-protective cotton sur-
face. Cellulose fibers in their experiment were premodified with a
polysiloxane matrix beforehand, followed by green in situ biosyn-
thesis of Ag NPs using sumac leaf extract. With the structure,
the generated Ag NPs were face-centered cubic, averaging –
nm. Ag NP concentration ranged from to mg kg−
with increasing AgNOprecursor concentration. Ag NPs and
sumac leaf extract provided a UV protection factor of more than
, regardless of Ag NP concentration, with an increased dura-
bility at higher concentrations (Figure 12a).
El-hady et al.[b]also treated the cotton fabric with a ZnO/SiO
nanocomposite via electrostatic self-assembly layer-by-layer tech-
nique. They tried varying ratios (Zn/Si) and layer numbers af-
fected UV protection. However, the best UV protection factor
(UPF) values were achieved at a Zn/Si ratio of . Moreover, they
reported that the dyeing process in general enhances UV protec-
tion. El-Naggar et al.[]synthesized titanium oxide doped silver
nanoparticles (Ag/TiONPs) for making functionalized cotton
fabrics, and they compared their ecacy with individually pre-
pared Ag NPs and TiONPs. Ag NPs were synthesized from
the arabic gum, and then the cotton fabrics were treated with
two nanoparticle concentrations using the pad-dry-cure (PDC)
method with a fixing agent for durability against washing cycles.
Ag/TiONPs-treated fabrics showed superior antimicrobial and
UPF properties, along with enhanced tensile strength and elon-
gation. These fabrics are promising for medical clothing to pre-
vent bacterial spread and infection transmission (Figure b).
Xu et al.[b]worked with carboxymethyl chitosan to prepare
Ag/TiOcolloid solution for coating cotton fabrics via the PDC
method. The functionalized fabric showed excellent antibacte-
rial and UV protective properties. The UPF value reached ≈..
These properties remained durable even after washing cy-
cles, which indicated their potential applications in medical and
outdoor apparel. Rabiel et al.[]evaluated the UPF of cotton–
polyester twill fabric coated in situ with TiOnanoparticles. UPF
values for uncoated and coated fabrics were . and ., re-
spectively, demonstrating eective UV protection. The coating
of TiOnanoparticles enhanced UV protection without aecting
any further fabric properties.
4.5. Antistatic
In the fabrication of antistatic textiles, using nanoparticles can
oer some essential properties with the ability to mitigate the
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2025,12, 2400368 2400368 (15 of 38) © 2024 The Author(s). Advanced Materials Interfaces published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
Figure 12. a) (i) Sumac leaf extract for in situ biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles in a polysiloxane matrix led to the development of UV-resistant cotton
fiber materials, (ii) UV transmission and (iii) reflection spectra of raw and functionalized cotton samples. Reproduced under the terms of the CC-BY
license.[140]Copyright 2021, Elsevier B.V. b) UPF values of blank cotton fabric and treated cotton fabrics with two concentrations of Ag NPs, TiO2NPs,
and Ag/TiO2NPs. Reproduced with permission.[141]Copyright 2022, John Wiley and Sons.
accumulation and discharge of static electricity, as sometimes
it can cause discomfort, harm, or even damage to electronic
devices.[]Nanoparticles, such as conductive carbon black or
metal oxides, are dispersed within the fabric matrix, and it can
produce functional textiles. These nanoparticles facilitate the
dissipation of static charges by providing conductive pathways
for the electrons to flow, preventing their buildup on the fab-
ric surface.[]Additionally, nanoparticles can modify the sur-
face properties of the textile, reducing its propensity to gener-
ate static electricity through friction with other materials.[]
By incorporating nanoparticles into textiles, antistatic properties
are imparted, ensuring wearer comfort and the protection of
sensitive electronic equipment from electrostatic discharge.[]
TiOnanoparticles, Sb-doped SnOnanoparticles, among oth-
ers. These nanoparticles disperse the static charge on the cloth
because they are conductive. Nanosols containing silanes have
been utilized as antistatic agents due to their ability to absorb
moisture from the air through interactions with surface hydroxyl
groups. A commercially available antistatic membrane made of
poly(tetrafluoroethylene) has been created. This membrane is
equipped with conductive nanoparticles that are connected to its
Kim[]investigated the UV protection and antistatic prop-
erties of PET fabrics incorporated with AlO/ATO/TiO
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2025,12, 2400368 2400368 (16 of 38) © 2024 The Author(s). Advanced Materials Interfaces published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
Figure 13. a) Fabrics with Al2O3/ATO/TiO2exhibiting antistatic features. Reproduced under the terms of the CC-BY license.[143 ]Copyright 2022, MDPI.
b) Antistatic properties of the nanoparticle incorporated textile fabric after multiple washings for the two-bath process, including evaluation of frictional-
charge electrostatics, surface resistance, and static dissipation. Reproduced with permission.[149]Copyright 2011, SAGE Publications. c) Illustration
of the antistatic behavior, (i–vi) conductivity measurements at five distinct locations on the F-ZnO seed layer. Optical images showing presence and
absence of static charges generated by (vii) Van de Graaff generator, (viii) optical image capturing the charging process of untreated fabric, (ix) optical
image depicting the charging process of antistatic F-ZnO/TiO2modified fabric, (x) initial stage of a gold leaf electroscope, (xi) optical image illustrating
the measurement of static charges on untreated fabric using a gold leaf electroscope, and (xii) optical image showing the measurement of static charges
on F-ZnO/TiO2superhydrophobic treated fabric using a gold leaf electroscope. Reproduced with permission.[145]Copyright 2023, Springer Nature.
nanoparticles. Fabrics with a lower AlO/ATO percentage
showed better heat release and higher UPF. On the other hand,
the higher