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Background Climate change is one of the greatest threats to health that societies face and can adversely affect mental health. Given the current lack of a European consensus paper on the interplay between climate change and mental health, we signal a need for a pan-European position paper about this topic, written by stakeholders working in mental health care. Methods On behalf of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA), we give recommendations to make mental health care, research, and education more sustainable based on a narrative review of the literature. Results Examples of sustainable mental healthcare comprise preventive strategies, interdisciplinary collaborations, evidence-based patient care, addressing social determinants of mental health, maintaining health services during extreme weather events, optimising use of resources, and sustainable facility management. In mental health research, sustainable strategies include investigating the impact of climate change on mental health, promoting research on climate change interventions, strengthening the evidence base for mental health-care recommendations, evaluating the allocation of research funding, and establishing evidence-based definitions and clinical approaches for emerging issues such as ‘eco-distress’. Regarding mental health education, planetary health, which refers to human health and how it is intertwined with ecosystems, may be integrated into educational courses. Conclusions The EPA is committed to combat climate change as the latter poses a threat to the future of mental health care. The current EPA position paper on climate change and mental health may be of interest to a diverse readership of stakeholders, including clinicians, researchers, educators, patients, and policymakers.
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Background While adverse impacts of climate change on physical health are well-known, research on its effects on mental health is still scarce. Thus, it is unclear whether potential impacts have already reached treatment practice. Our study aimed to quantify psychotherapists’ experiences with patients reporting climate change-related concerns and their views on dealing with this topic in psychotherapy. Methods In a nationwide online survey, responses were collected from 573 psychotherapists from Germany. Therapists reported on the presence of such patients, their socio-demographic characteristics, and climate change-related reactions. Psychotherapists’ views on dealing with this topic in psychotherapy were also assessed. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the responses. Results About 72% (410/573) of psychotherapists indicated having had patients expressing concerns about climate change during treatment. Out of these therapists, 41% (166/410) stated that at least one patient sought treatment deliberately because of such concerns. Patients were mainly young adults with higher education. Most frequent primary diagnoses were depression, adjustment disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. Psychotherapists having encountered such patients differed from those without such encounters in their views on potential functional impairment and the necessity to target the concerns in treatment. Although 79% (326/415) of all respondents felt adequately prepared by their current therapeutic skills, 50% (209/414) reported a lack of information on how to deal with such concerns in therapy. Conclusions Results indicate that psychotherapists are frequently confronted with climate change-related concerns and regard the mental health impact of climate change on their patients as meaningful to psychotherapeutic care. Regular care could be improved by a continuous refinement of the conceptualization and knowledge of the mental health influences of climate change. This would allow providing tailored methods of assessing and addressing climate change-related concerns in practice.
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Objective To evaluate the existing meta-analytic evidence of associations between exposure to ultra-processed foods, as defined by the Nova food classification system, and adverse health outcomes. Design Systematic umbrella review of existing meta-analyses. Data sources MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Embase, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, as well as manual searches of reference lists from 2009 to June 2023. Eligibility criteria for selecting studies Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of cohort, case-control, and/or cross sectional study designs. To evaluate the credibility of evidence, pre-specified evidence classification criteria were applied, graded as convincing (“class I”), highly suggestive (“class II”), suggestive (“class III”), weak (“class IV”), or no evidence (“class V”). The quality of evidence was assessed using the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluations) framework, categorised as “high,” “moderate,” “low,” or “very low” quality. Results The search identified 45 unique pooled analyses, including 13 dose-response associations and 32 non-dose-response associations (n=9 888 373). Overall, direct associations were found between exposure to ultra-processed foods and 32 (71%) health parameters spanning mortality, cancer, and mental, respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and metabolic health outcomes. Based on the pre-specified evidence classification criteria, convincing evidence (class I) supported direct associations between greater ultra-processed food exposure and higher risks of incident cardiovascular disease related mortality (risk ratio 1.50, 95% confidence interval 1.37 to 1.63; GRADE=very low) and type 2 diabetes (dose-response risk ratio 1.12, 1.11 to 1.13; moderate), as well as higher risks of prevalent anxiety outcomes (odds ratio 1.48, 1.37 to 1.59; low) and combined common mental disorder outcomes (odds ratio 1.53, 1.43 to 1.63; low). Highly suggestive (class II) evidence indicated that greater exposure to ultra-processed foods was directly associated with higher risks of incident all cause mortality (risk ratio 1.21, 1.15 to 1.27; low), heart disease related mortality (hazard ratio 1.66, 1.51 to 1.84; low), type 2 diabetes (odds ratio 1.40, 1.23 to 1.59; very low), and depressive outcomes (hazard ratio 1.22, 1.16 to 1.28; low), together with higher risks of prevalent adverse sleep related outcomes (odds ratio 1.41, 1.24 to 1.61; low), wheezing (risk ratio 1.40, 1.27 to 1.55; low), and obesity (odds ratio 1.55, 1.36 to 1.77; low). Of the remaining 34 pooled analyses, 21 were graded as suggestive or weak strength (class III-IV) and 13 were graded as no evidence (class V). Overall, using the GRADE framework, 22 pooled analyses were rated as low quality, with 19 rated as very low quality and four rated as moderate quality. Conclusions Greater exposure to ultra-processed food was associated with a higher risk of adverse health outcomes, especially cardiometabolic, common mental disorder, and mortality outcomes. These findings provide a rationale to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of using population based and public health measures to target and reduce dietary exposure to ultra-processed foods for improved human health. They also inform and provide support for urgent mechanistic research. Systematic review registration PROSPERO CRD42023412732.
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Background: Evidence on the health benefits of spending time in nature has highlighted the importance of provision of blue and green spaces in peoples living environments. The potential for health benefits offered by nature exposure, however, extends beyond health promotion to health treatment. Social prescribing links people with health or social care needs to community-based, non-clinical health and social care interventions. The aim is to improve health and wellbeing. Nature-based social prescribing (NBSP) is a variant which uses the health-promoting benefits of activities carried out in natural environments, such as gardening and conservation volunteering. Much of current NBSP practice has been developed in the UK and there is increasing global interest in its implementation. This requires interventions to be adapted for different contexts, considering the needs of populations and the structure of healthcare systems. Methods: This paper presents results from an expert group participatory workshop involving 29 practitioners, researchers, and policymakers from the UK and Germany health and environmental sectors. Using the UK and Germany, two countries with different healthcare systems and in different developmental stages of NBSP practice as case studies, we analysed opportunities, challenges, and facilitators for the development and implementation of NBSP. Results: We identified five overarching themes for developing, implementing, and evaluating NBSP: Capacity Building; Universal Accessibility; Embedded and Integrated Networks and Collaborations; Standardised Implementation and Evaluation; and Sustainability. We also discuss key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (i.e., a SWOT analysis) for each overarching theme to understand how they could be developed to support NBSP implementation. Conclusions: NBSP could offer significant public health benefits using available blue and green spaces. We offer guidance on how NBSP implementation, from wider policy support to the design and evaluation of individual programmes, could be adapted to different contexts. This research could help inform the development and evaluation of NBSP programmes to support planetary health from local and global scales.
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Introduction Psychedelic-assisted therapy with psilocybin has shown promise in Phase 2 trials for alcohol use disorder (AUD). Set and setting, particularly factors facilitating a connection with nature, may positively influence the psychedelic experience and therapeutic outcomes. But to date, randomized controlled trials of interventions to enhance set and setting for psychedelic-assisted therapy are lacking. Methods This was a pilot randomized, controlled trial of Visual Healing, a nature-themed video intervention to optimize set and setting, versus Standard set and setting procedures with two open-label psilocybin 25 mg dosing sessions among 20 participants with AUD. For the first session, participants randomized to Visual Healing viewed nature-themed videos during the preparation session and the “ascent” and “descent” phases of the psilocybin dosing session while participants randomized to the Standard condition completed a meditation during the preparatory session and wore eyeshades and listened to a music playlist throughout the dosing session. For the second session 4 weeks later, participants chose either Visual Healing or Standard procedures. Primary outcomes were feasibility, safety, and tolerability of Visual Healing. Secondary and exploratory outcomes were changes in alcohol use, psychedelic effects, anxiety and stress. Results Nineteen of 20 (95%) randomized participants (mean age 49 ± 11 years, 60% female) completed the 14-week study. During the first psilocybin session, participants viewed an average of 37.9 min of the 42-min video and there were no video-related adverse events. Peak increase in post-psilocybin blood pressure was significantly less for participants randomly assigned to Visual Healing compared to Standard procedures. Alcohol use decreased significantly in both Visual Healing and Standard groups and psychedelic effects, stress, and anxiety were similar between groups. Discussion In this open-label pilot study, viewing Visual Healing videos during preparation and psilocybin dosing sessions was feasible, safe, and well-tolerated among participants with AUD. Preliminary findings suggest that Visual Healing has potential to reduce the cardiovascular risks of psychedelic therapy, without interfering with the psychedelic experience or alcohol-related treatment outcomes. Studies to replicate our findings as well as studies of different set and setting interventions with other psychedelic medications and indications are warranted.
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This planetary boundaries framework update finds that six of the nine boundaries are transgressed, suggesting that Earth is now well outside of the safe operating space for humanity. Ocean acidification is close to being breached, while aerosol loading regionally exceeds the boundary. Stratospheric ozone levels have slightly recovered. The transgression level has increased for all boundaries earlier identified as overstepped. As primary production drives Earth system biosphere functions, human appropriation of net primary production is proposed as a control variable for functional biosphere integrity. This boundary is also transgressed. Earth system modeling of different levels of the transgression of the climate and land system change boundaries illustrates that these anthropogenic impacts on Earth system must be considered in a systemic context.
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This multi-site, randomized, double-blind, confirmatory phase 3 study evaluated the efficacy and safety of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-assisted therapy (MDMA-AT) versus placebo with identical therapy in participants with moderate to severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Changes in Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-5 (CAPS-5) total severity score (primary endpoint) and Sheehan Disability Scale (SDS) functional impairment score (key secondary endpoint) were assessed by blinded independent assessors. Participants were randomized to MDMA-AT (n = 53) or placebo with therapy (n = 51). Overall, 26.9% (28/104) of participants had moderate PTSD, and 73.1% (76/104) of participants had severe PTSD. Participants were ethnoracially diverse: 28 of 104 (26.9%) identified as Hispanic/Latino, and 35 of 104 (33.7%) identified as other than White. Least squares (LS) mean change in CAPS-5 score (95% confidence interval (CI)) was −23.7 (−26.94, −20.44) for MDMA-AT versus −14.8 (−18.28, −11.28) for placebo with therapy (P < 0.001, d = 0.7). LS mean change in SDS score (95% CI) was −3.3 (−4.03, −2.60) for MDMA-AT versus −2.1 (−2.89, −1.33) for placebo with therapy (P = 0.03, d = 0.4). Seven participants had a severe treatment emergent adverse event (TEAE) (MDMA-AT, n = 5 (9.4%); placebo with therapy, n = 2 (3.9%)). There were no deaths or serious TEAEs. These data suggest that MDMA-AT reduced PTSD symptoms and functional impairment in a diverse population with moderate to severe PTSD and was generally well tolerated. identifier: NCT04077437.
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Common mental health disorders (CMDs) disproportionately affect people experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage. Non-pharmaceutical interventions, such as ‘social prescribing’ and new models of care and clinical practice, are becoming increasingly prevalent in primary care. However, little is known about how these interventions work and their impact on socioeconomic inequalities in health. Focusing on people experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage, this systematic review aims to: (1) explore the mechanisms by which non-pharmaceutical primary care interventions impact CMD-related health outcomes and inequalities; (2) identify the barriers to, and facilitators of, their implementation in primary care. This study is a systematic review of qualitative studies. Six bibliographic databases were searched (Medline, ASSIA, CINAHL, Embase, PsycInfo and Scopus) and additional grey literature sources were screened. The included studies were thematically analysed. Twenty-two studies were included, and three themes were identified: (1) agency; (2) social connections; (3) socioeconomic environment. The interventions were experienced as being positive for mental health when people felt a sense of agency and social connection. The barriers to effectiveness and engagement included socioeconomic deprivation and underfunding of community sector organisations. If non-pharmaceutical primary care interventions for CMDs are to avoid widening health inequalities, key socioeconomic barriers to their accessibility and implementation must be addressed.
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Zusammenfassung Der Klimawandel und die damit häufiger auftretenden Extremwetterereignisse wirken sich direkt negativ auf die psychische Gesundheit aus. Naturkatastrophen gehen insbesondere mit einem Anstieg von Depressionen, Angst- und Traumafolgestörungen einher. Indirekte Folgen des Klimawandels wie Nahrungsmittelknappheit, ökonomische Krisen, gewaltvolle Konflikte und unfreiwillige Migration stellen zusätzlich massive psychische Risiko- und Belastungsfaktoren dar. Klimaangst und Solastalgie, die Trauer um verlorenen Lebensraum, sind neue psychische Syndrome angesichts der existenziellen Bedrohung durch die Klimakrise. Eine nachhaltige Psychiatrie muss sich dementsprechend auf steigenden und veränderten Bedarf einstellen. Psychiatrische Behandlungsprinzipien müssen die Prävention stärker in den Blick nehmen, um das Versorgungssystem insgesamt zu entlasten. Ressourcenverschwendung und CO 2 -Ausstoß im psychiatrischen Behandlungsablauf sowie Infrastruktur müssen wahrgenommen und verhindert werden. Psychiatrische Aus‑, Fort- und Weiterbildungskonzepte sollen um die Thematik des Klimawandels erweitert werden, um Fachkräfte, Betroffene und Öffentlichkeit umfassend zu informieren, zu sensibilisieren und zu klimafreundlichem und gesundheitsförderlichem Verhalten anzuregen. Die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die psychische Gesundheit müssen tiefergehend erforscht werden. Die DGPPN wird Förderer und strebt die Klimaneutralität bis 2030 an. Sie hat sich zu klimaschonenden und energiesparenden Maßnahmen im Bereich der Finanzwirtschaft, in Bezug auf den DGPPN-Kongress sowie die DGPPN-Geschäftsstelle verpflichtet.
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This study was performed to evaluate the effects of exercise on positive and negative symptoms and depression in patients with schizophrenia through a systematic review and meta-analysis focusing on randomized controlled trials (RCTs). PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, and Web of Science were searched from their inception to 31 October 2022. We also conducted a manual search using Google Scholar. This meta-analysis was conducted according to the PRISMA guidelines. The methodological quality of the studies was assessed using the Cochrane risk-of-bias tool for randomized trials. To identify the cause of heterogeneity, subgroup analysis, meta-ANOVA, and meta-regression analyses were performed as moderator analyses. Fifteen studies were included. The meta-analysis (random-effects model) for overall exercise showed a medium significant effect (standardized mean difference [SMD] = −0.51, 95% confidence interval [CI]: −0.72 to −0.31) on negative symptoms, a small significant effect (SMD = −0.24, 95% CI: −0.43 to −0.04) on positive symptoms, and a nonsignificant effect (SMD = −0.87, 95% CI: −1.84 to 0.10) on depression. Our findings demonstrate that exercise can relieve the negative and positive symptoms of schizophrenia. However, the quality of some included studies was low, limiting our results for clear recommendations.
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Aims: Armed conflicts produce a wide series of distressing consequences, including death, all of which impact negatively on the lives of survivors. This paper focuses specifically on the mental health consequences of war on adults and child/adolescent refugees or those living in war zones through a review of all systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses published from 2005 up until the current time. Results: Fifteen systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses conducted in adult populations, and seven relating to children and adolescents, were selected for the purpose of this review. Prevalence rates of anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were two- to three-fold higher amongst people exposed to armed conflict compared to those who had not been exposed, with women and children being the most vulnerable to the outcome of armed conflicts. A series of war-related, migratory and post-migratory stressors contribute to short- and long-term mental health issues in the internally displaced, asylum seekers and refugees. Conclusion: It should be a required social responsibility for all psychiatrists and psychiatric associations to commit to raising awareness amongst political decision-makers as to the mental health consequences caused by armed conflicts, as part of their duty of care for people experiencing the consequences of war.
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Objective To estimate the efficacy of exercise on depressive symptoms compared with non-active control groups and to determine the moderating effects of exercise on depression and the presence of publication bias. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis with meta-regression. Data sources The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, PubMed, MEDLINE, Embase, SPORTDiscus, PsycINFO, Scopus and Web of Science were searched without language restrictions from inception to 13 September2022 (PROSPERO registration no CRD42020210651). Eligibility criteria for selecting studies Randomised controlled trials including participants aged 18 years or older with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder or those with depressive symptoms determined by validated screening measures scoring above the threshold value, investigating the effects of an exercise intervention (aerobic and/or resistance exercise) compared with a non-exercising control group. Results Forty-one studies, comprising 2264 participants post intervention were included in the meta-analysis demonstrating large effects (standardised mean difference (SMD)=−0.946, 95% CI −1.18 to −0.71) favouring exercise interventions which corresponds to the number needed to treat (NNT)=2 (95% CI 1.68 to 2.59). Large effects were found in studies with individuals with major depressive disorder (SMD=−0.998, 95% CI −1.39 to −0.61, k=20), supervised exercise interventions (SMD=−1.026, 95% CI −1.28 to −0.77, k=40) and moderate effects when analyses were restricted to low risk of bias studies (SMD=−0.666, 95% CI −0.99 to −0.34, k=12, NNT=2.8 (95% CI 1.94 to 5.22)). Conclusion Exercise is efficacious in treating depression and depressive symptoms and should be offered as an evidence-based treatment option focusing on supervised and group exercise with moderate intensity and aerobic exercise regimes. The small sample sizes of many trials and high heterogeneity in methods should be considered when interpreting the results.
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Introduction: There is currently no agreed definition of social prescribing. This is problematic for research, policy, and practice, as the use of common language is the crux of establishing a common understanding. Both conceptual and operational definitions of social prescribing are needed to address this gap. Therefore, the aim of the study that is outlined in this protocol is to establish internationally accepted conceptual and operational definitions of social prescribing. Methodology: A Delphi study will be conducted to develop internationally accepted conceptual and operational definitions of social prescribing with an international, multidisciplinary panel of experts. It is anticipated that this study will involve approximately 40 participants (range = 20-60 participants) and consist of 3-5 rounds. Consensus will be defined a priori as ≥80% agreement. Discussion: Not only will these definitions serve to unite the social prescribing community, but they will also inform research, policy, and practice. By laying the groundwork for the formation of a robust evidence base, this foundational work will support the advancement of social prescribing and help to unlock the full potential of the social prescribing movement. Conclusion: This important work will be foundational and timely, given the rapid spread of the social prescribing movement around the world.
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Education for planetary health could be one of the key levers of the much-needed civilizational turn toward a sustainable and healthy future. Education goes beyond information provision and passing on of knowledge and includes competencies to transfer knowledge from one decision situation to another. There are a range of different literacy concepts from various research perspectives that aim to improve such competencies. While many contain aspects highly relevant for planetary health, there is still no comprehensive and integrative planetary health approach. To fill this research gap, we present a conceptual model of planetary health literacy. By zooming into the model, further details on the necessary core competencies of accessing, understanding, appraising, and applying information in order to make judgements and take decisions regarding planetary health can be found. Zooming out of the model allows a holistic planetary health perspective and shows the potential and opportunities of planetary health literacy for the health of humans and ecosystems. Planetary health literacy encompasses both a life-course and a transgenerational approach, at the individual, societal, and global level. Future educational programs focusing on planetary health could integrate the conceptual model to increase planetary health literacy of individuals, including relevant health literacy agents, and of societies.
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Climate change may affect mental health. We conducted an umbrella review of meta-analyses examining the association between mental health and climate events related to climate change, pollution and green spaces. We searched major bibliographic databases and included meta-analyses with at least five primary studies. Results were summarized narratively. We included 24 meta-analyses on mental health and climate events (n = 13), pollution (n = 11), and green spaces (n = 2) (two meta-analyses provided data on two categories). The quality was suboptimal. According to AMSTAR-2, the overall confidence in the results was high for none of the studies, for three it was moderate, and for the other studies the confidence was low to critically low. The meta-analyses on climate events suggested an increased prevalence of symptoms of post-traumatic stress, depression, and anxiety associated with the exposure to various types of climate events, although the effect sizes differed considerably across study and not all were significant. The meta-analyses on pollution suggested that there may be a small but significant association between PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2, CO and mental health, especially depression and suicide, as well as autism spectrum disorders after exposure during pregnancy, but the resulting effect sizes varied considerably. Serious methodological flaws make it difficult to draw credible conclusions. We found reasonable evidence for an association between climate events and mental health and some evidence for an association between pollution and mental disorders. More high-quality research is needed to verify these associations.
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Background: Past research reports a positive relationship between experience with classic serotonergic psychedelics and nature relatedness (NR). However, these studies typically do not distinguish between different psychedelic compounds, which have a unique psychopharmacology and may be used in specific contexts and with different intentions. Likewise, it is not clear whether these findings can be attributed to substance use per se or unrelated variables that differentiate psychedelic users from nonusers. Aims: The present study was designed to determine the relative degree to which lifetime experience with different psychedelic substances is predictive of self-reported NR among psychedelic-experienced users. Methods: We conducted a combined reanalysis of five independent datasets (N = 3817). Using standard and regularized regression analyses, we tested the relationship between degree of experience with various psychedelic substances (binary and continuous) and NR, both within a subsample of psychedelic-experienced participants as well as the complete sample including psychedelic-naïve participants. Results/outcomes: Among people experienced with psychedelics, only past use of psilocybin (versus LSD, mescaline, Salvia divinorum, ketamine, and ibogaine) was a reliable predictor of NR and its subdimensions. Weaker, less reliable results were obtained for the pharmacologically similar N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Results replicate when including psychedelic-naïve participants. In addition, among people exclusively experience with psilocybin, use frequency positively predicted NR. Conclusions/interpretation: Results suggest that experience with psilocybin is the only reliable (and strongest) predictor of NR. Future research should focus on psilocybin when investigating effects of psychedelic on NR and determine whether pharmacological attributes or differences in user expectations/use settings are responsible for this observation.
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Social prescribing of nature therapy “green social prescribing” facilitates access to local nature-based activities that improve biopsychosocial wellbeing outcomes, are affordable, accessible, and can be adapted to context. These are becoming increasingly popular and gray literature is emerging, however, peer-reviewed scientific evidence is exiguous. This scoping review aimed to identify and critique peer-reviewed evidence for green social prescribing interventions and develop recommendations for research and clinical practice. Included studies were published in peer-reviewed journals in English on/after 1 January 2000. Participants were community-living adults with mental illness; Intervention was any green social prescribing program; Comparator was not restricted/required; Outcomes were any biopsychosocial measures; and any/all Study Designs were included. Twelve databases were searched on 15 October 2022; these were Academic Search Premier, APA PsycArticles, APA PsycINFO, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar, JSTOR, ProQuest, PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus, and Web of Science. The Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool was used to assess quality. Seven publications describing 6 unique studies (5 UK, 1 Australia) were identified including 3 mixed-methods, 2 qualitative, and 1 RCT. Participants included 334 adults (45% female, aged 35–70 years); sample sizes ranged from 9 to 164. All studies showed improvements in biopsychosocial wellbeing, and participants from most studies ( n = 5) reported increased connection to the earth and intention to further access nature. Participant demographics and diagnoses were poorly reported, and intervention activities and assessments varied considerably. However, MMAT scores were good overall suggesting these studies may reliably demonstrate intervention outcomes. We conclude that socially prescribed nature therapy can improve biopsychosocial wellbeing and is a potentially important intervention for mental illness. Recommendations for research and clinical practice are provided.
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So far, the planning and design of public urban spaces have not been specifically researched from the perspective of mental health. Only a few studies in the field of urban mental health have investigated the effect of different dimensions of public space design on mental health. Focusing on the street as a major type of public space in all cities around the world, the present study seeks to examine the effect of the dimensions and qualities of street design on mental health. This experimental study evaluates the psychological results related to two types of urban streets with and without motor traffic. Using a mixed design and a cross-sectional study of the users of public spaces (n = 547), we have measured their level of mental health as well as environmental perception after facing one of the two types of environment. The data were experimentally analyzed via partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and SmartPLS 3.0 software package. The results show that mental health in pedestrian streets is greatly affected by micro-level physical features of the environment and more specifically by natural elements. Whereas, in car-dominated streets, the macro-level physical features of the environment have a stronger effect on mental health. From these features, pollution had the strongest effect on mental health in car-dominated streets. Three further factors are important to mental health in pedestrian streets which include social relationships, safety, and social surveillance. In both streets, factors such as mixed land use, public transportation, attractiveness, active edge, quality of the pedestrian path, soundscape, and air pollution have the closest association with mental health. Additionally, the dominance of cars not only affects mental health through air and noise pollution but also threatens it by limiting the social experience of space. Although experimental and longitudinal evidence is needed to verify findings, The study illustrates those spaces with better public qualities (i.e., pedestrian streets) tend to have stronger effects on citizens’ mental health.
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Background Common mental health disorders are especially prevalent among people from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds. Non-pharmaceutical primary care interventions, such as social prescribing and collaborative care, provide alternatives to pharmaceutical treatments for common mental health disorders, but little is known about the impact of these interventions for patients who are socioeconomically disadvantaged. Aim To synthesise evidence for the effects of non-pharmaceutical primary care interventions on common mental health disorders and associated socioeconomic inequalities. Design and setting Systematic review of quantitative primary studies published in English and undertaken in high-income countries. Method Six bibliographic databases were searched and additional grey literature sources screened. Data were extracted onto a standardised proforma and quality assessed using the Effective Public Health Practice Project tool. Data were synthesised narratively and effect direction plots were produced for each outcome. Results Thirteen studies were included. Social-prescribing interventions were evaluated in 10 studies, collaborative care in two studies, and a new model of care in one study. Positive results (based on effect direction) were reported for the impact of the interventions on wellbeing in groups that were socioeconomically deprived. Inconsistent (mainly positive) results were reported for anxiety and depression. One study reported that people from the group with least deprivation, compared with the group with greatest deprivation, benefitted most from these interventions. Overall, study quality was weak. Conclusion Targeting non-pharmaceutical primary care interventions at areas of socioeconomic deprivation may help to reduce inequalities in mental health outcomes. However, only tentative conclusions can be drawn from the evidence in this review and more-robust research is required.
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Introduction During the last decade, physical activity (PA) (or “exercise”) has been identified as one of the main modifiable factors that influence the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathophysiology. We performed an umbrella review to summarize the evidence on the association between PA/exercise and the risk of developing AD risk, and the effect of exercise interventions on the progression of AD. Methods A systematic search was performed in PubMed, SportDiscus, Cochrane Library and Web of Science (March 2022) to identify meta-analyses assessing the association between PA and the incidence of AD, and assessing the effect of exercise interventions on patients with AD. Results Twenty-one studies were included. The results with strongest evidence revealed the positive effects of PA on AD risk. Specifically, meeting the WHO recommendations for PA was associated with a lower risk of AD. They also revealed positive effects of exercise on cognitive function, physical performance, and functional independence. Conclusions There is strong evidence of a protective effect of regular PA against AD risk; however, the dose–response association remains unclear. Physical exercise seems to improve several dimensions in patients with AD, although research is warranted to elucidate the exercise characteristics that promote the greatest benefits.
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This study examines whether climate change-associated environmental stressors, including air and noise pollution, local heat levels, as well as a lack of surrounding greenspace, mediate the effects of local poverty on mental health, using the 28-item General Health Questionnaire. We recruited 478 adults who were representative of eleven of Berlin’s inner-city neighborhoods. The relationship of individual-level variables, neighborhood-level sociodemographic and environmental data from the Berlin Senate (Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing) to mental health was assessed in a multilevel model using SPSS. We found that neither local exposure to environmental stressors, nor available greenspace as a protective factor, mediated the effects of local poverty on variance in mental health (all p values > 0.2). However, surrounding greenspace ( r = -0.24, p < 0.001), nitrogen dioxide levels ( r = 0.10, p < 0.05), noise pollution (rho = 0.15, p < 0.01), and particle pollution ( r = 0.12, p < 0.001) were associated with local poverty, which, more strongly than individual factors, accounted for variance in mental health ( β = 0.47, p < 0.001). Our analysis indicates that the effects of local poverty on mental health are not mediated by environmental factors. Instead, local poverty was associated with both an increased mental health burden and the exposure to climate-related environmental stressors.
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Social isolation and discrimination are growing public health concerns associated with poor physical and mental health. They are risk factors for increased morbidity and mortality and reduced quality of life. Despite their detrimental effects on health, there is a lack of knowledge regarding translation across the domains of experimental research, clinical studies, and real-life applications. Here, we review and synthesize evidence from basic research in animals and humans to clinical translation and interventions. Animal models indicate that social separation stress, particularly in early life, activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and interacts with monoaminergic, glutamatergic, and GABAergic neurotransmitter systems, inducing long-lasting reductions in serotonin turnover and alterations in dopamine receptor sensitivity. These findings are of particular importance for human social isolation stress, as effects of social isolation stress on the same neurotransmitter systems have been implicated in addictive, psychotic, and affective disorders. Children may be particularly vulnerable due to lasting effects of social isolation and discrimination stress on the developing brain. The effects of social isolation and loneliness are pronounced in the context of social exclusion due to discrimination and racism, during widespread infectious disease related containment strategies such as quarantine, and in older persons due to sociodemographic changes. This highlights the importance of new strategies for social inclusion and outreach, including gender, culture, and socially sensitive telemedicine and digital interventions for mental health care.
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Since living in cities is associated with an increased risk for mental disorders such as anxiety disorders, depression, and schizophrenia, it is essential to understand how exposure to urban and natural environments affects mental health and the brain. It has been shown that the amygdala is more activated during a stress task in urban compared to rural dwellers. However, no study so far has examined the causal effects of natural and urban environments on stress-related brain mechanisms. To address this question, we conducted an intervention study to investigate changes in stress-related brain regions as an effect of a one-hour walk in an urban (busy street) vs. natural environment (forest). Brain activation was measured in 63 healthy participants, before and after the walk, using a fearful faces task and a social stress task. Our findings reveal that amygdala activation decreases after the walk in nature, whereas it remains stable after the walk in an urban environment. These results suggest that going for a walk in nature can have salutogenic effects on stress-related brain regions, and consequently, it may act as a preventive measure against mental strain and potentially disease. Given rapidly increasing urbanization, the present results may influence urban planning to create more accessible green areas and to adapt urban environments in a way that will be beneficial for citizens’ mental health.
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The important contributions of urban trees and green spaces to for example, climate moderation and public health are widely recognized. This paper discusses guidelines and norms that promote the benefits of viewing green, living amongst green, and having easy access to green spaces for recreational use. Having trees and other vegetation in sight from one’s home, place of work, or school has important mental health and performance benefits. Local tree canopy cover is positively associated with cooling and other aspects of climate moderation. The availability of public green spaces in proximity to one’s home stimulates regular use of these areas and results in positive impacts on mental, physical, and social health. After analyzing existing guidelines and rules for urban green space planning and provision, a new, comprehensive guideline is presented, known as the ‘3–30–300 rule’ for urban forestry. This guideline aims to provide equitable access to trees and green spaces and their benefits by setting the thresholds of having at least 3 well-established trees in view from every home, school, and place of work; no less than a 30% tree canopy in every neighbourhood; and no more than 300 m to the nearest public green space from every residence. Current implementation of this new evidence-based guideline is discussed, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using it.
In the German healthcare system, patients are expected to undertake the task of coordinating their own social and medical care. Patients with non-medical health related problems often present to GP surgeries. However, many GPs do not feel confident managing these problems. Hence, there is a high need for new care models such as social prescribing. However, a significant obstacle to the implementation of social prescribing is strictly separated welfare sectors. In the first part of the chapter, we will explore these obstacles from a policy perspective. In the second part, we will analyse what evidence is needed to implement social prescribing. In the last part, we present alternative approaches to social prescribing in the German health care system such as “Gesundheitskiosk,” social workers in general practice, and politically motivated primary care centres in socially deprived neighbourhoods. While integrated care approaches could reduce health disparities in areas with high social deprivation, social prescribing and social care provision in GP practices could serve as a comprehensive nationwide approach.
There is an interest in monitoring increases in sedentary time globally, although recent European data does not show such a trend. New norms due to the COVID-19 pandemic may influence both total sitting time and domain-specific sitting time. Also, recent evidence on the interplay between sedentary behaviour and physical activity has identified the joint association of ‘high sitting-low active’ as a risk indicator and not just high sitting time. This chapter summarises recent evidence on the prevalence of sedentary behaviour among different age groups, comprising 50 large and population-representative studies for adults, 7 studies for older adults and 26 studies for children and adolescents, published between 2012 and 2021. Furthermore, this chapter describes the correlates of sedentary behaviour for adults, older adults and children and adolescents derived from large population-based cross-sectional studies. Among adults the median total sitting time was 6.4 h/day. Self-reported sedentary time was 5.6 h/day which was more than 2½ h/day less than that observed from device-based measured sitting time (median 8.3 h/day). Reported television (TV) watching time showed a median of 2.2 h/day. The median prevalence of sedentary behaviours among older adults (6.7 h/day) was higher than among adults (6.4 h/day), especially measured TV time (3.2 h/day vs. 2.3 h/day). For children and adolescents, the total median sedentary time was 7.5 h/day and increased from early childhood through adolescence. The median screen time was 2.9 h/day. Overall, no differences in the prevalence estimates were observed in studies from 2016 and onwards compared to previous studies.
Purpose of review Displaced persons around the world have intensified in the previous decade and are predicted to rise further with greater global instability. The mental health issues involved with fleeing one's home, and attempting to make a new life in a host country need to be understood and addressed- Recent findings Prevalence of anxiety and mood disorders, including posttraumatic stress disorder appear to be higher for displaced peoples than for the population in the host country. This is consistent across different methods. Traumatic life events in the country of origin as well as during flight contribute to symptom severity. Factors in the host country increasing severity including isolation, discrimination, low social support. There are successfully implemented intercultural interventions at the individual level of the practitioner, as well as at the institutional level. Summary There are many possibilities for successful interventions in displaced people, realizing this at a scale appropriate to the size of the problem remains a challenge.
Background: Increasing evidence indicates that ambient outdoor temperature could affect mental health, which is especially concerning in the context of climate change. We aimed to comprehensively analyse the current evidence regarding the associations between ambient temperature and mental health outcomes. Methods: We did a systematic review and meta-analysis of the evidence regarding associations between ambient outdoor temperature and changes in mental health outcomes. We searched WebOfScience, Embase, PsychINFO, and PubMed for articles published from database origin up to April 7, 2022. Eligible articles were epidemiological, observational studies in humans of all ages, which evaluated real-world responses to ambient outdoor temperature, and had mental health as a documented outcome; studies of manipulated or controlled temperature or those with only physical health outcomes were excluded. All eligible studies were synthesised qualitatively. If three or more studies reported the same or equivalent effect statistics and if they had equivalent exposure, outcome, and metrics, the studies were pooled in a random-effects meta-analysis. The risk of bias for individual studies was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. The quality of evidence across studies was assessed using the Office of Health Assessment and Translation (OHAT) approach. Findings: 114 studies were included in the systematic review, of which 19 were suitable for meta-analysis. Three meta-analyses were conducted for suicide outcomes: a 1°C increase in mean monthly temperature was associated with an increase in incidence of 1·5% (95% CI 0·8-2·2, p<0·001; n=1 563 109, seven effects pooled from three studies); a 1°C increase in mean daily temperature was associated with an increase in incidence of 1·7% (0·3-3·0, p=0·014; n=113 523, five effects pooled from five studies); and a 1°C increase in mean monthly temperature was associated with a risk ratio of 1·01 (95% CI 1·00-1·01, p<0·001; n=111 794, six effects pooled from three studies). Three meta-analyses were conducted for hospital attendance or admission for mental illness: heatwaves versus non-heatwave periods were associated with an increase in incidence of 9·7% (95% CI 7·6-11·9, p<0·001; n=362 086, three studies); the risk ratio at the 99th percentile of daily mean temperature compared with the 50th percentile was 1·02 (95% CI 1·01-1·03, p=0·006; n=532 296, three studies); and no significant association was found between a 10°C increase in daily mean temperature and hospital attendance. In a qualitative narrative synthesis, we found that ambient outdoor temperature (including absolute temperatures, temperature variability, and heatwaves) was positively associated with attempted and completed suicides (86 studies), hospital attendance or admission for mental illness (43 studies), and worse outcomes for community mental health and wellbeing (19 studies), but much of the evidence was of low certainty with high heterogeneity. Interpretation: Increased temperature and temperature variability could be associated with increased cases of suicide and suicidal behaviour, hospital attendance or admission for mental illness, and poor community health and wellbeing. Climate change is likely to increase temperature anomalies, variability, and heatwaves as well as average temperatures; as such, health system leaders and policy makers must be adequately prepared and should develop adaptation strategies. More high-quality, standardised research is required to improve our understanding of these effects. Funding: None.
Health professional societies and researchers call for the integration of climate change into health counselling. However, the scientific evidence and conceptual grounding of such climate-sensitive health counselling (CSHC) remains unclear. We conducted a scoping review identifying scientific articles on the integration of climate change into communication between health professionals and patients in health-care settings. Scientific databases (Web of Science, PubMed, and Google Scholar) were searched from inception until Nov 30, 2022. 97 articles were included, of which 33 represented empirical research, and only two evaluated the effects of CSHC. More than half of the articles originated from the USA and addressed physicians. We introduce a conceptual framework for CSHC, which elaborates on aims, content areas, and communication strategies, and establishes the guiding principle of integrating CSHC into routine activities of health care. This framework supports health professionals in implementing CSHC and enables researchers to conceptualise intervention studies investigating how CSHC can contribute to the health of patients and the planet.
The climate crisis, loss of biodiversity and increasing global pollution are a threat to mental health. Comprehensive transformations are needed to overcome these crises, which will also affect the mental healthcare system. If done correctly these change processes can seize the chance to improve mental health while at the same time addressing the crises. This includes avoiding the need for psychiatric treatment by strengthening the focus on mental health promotion and prevention, and also considering environmental aspects when targetting therapy procedures. In addition, by focusing on nutrition, mobility and the effects of nature, patients can be empowered to increase their mental resilience whilst reducing the negative effects on the environment. At the same time, the mental healthcare system must adapt to changing environmental conditions: increasing heat waves make protective measures necessary, especially for people with mental illnesses and increasing extreme weather events can lead to shifts in the spectrum of illnesses. Appropriate funding mechanisms will have to be established to support mental healthcare throughout this transformation.
Background: Anxiety and depressive disorders affect 20% of the population, cause functional impairment, and represent a leading cause of disability. Although evidence-based treatments exist, the shortage of trained clinicians and high demand for mental health services have resulted in limited access to evidence-based care. Digital mental health applications (DMHA) present innovative, scalable, and sustainable solutions to address disparities in mental health care. Methods: The present study used meta-analytic techniques to evaluate the therapeutic effect of DMHAs in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) for individuals experiencing anxiety and/or depressive symptoms. Search terms were selected based on concepts related to digital mental health applications, mental health/wellness, intervention type, trial design, and anxiety and/or depression symptoms/diagnosis outcomes to capture all potentially eligible results. Potential demographic, DMHA, and trial design characteristics were examined as moderators of therapeutic effects. Results: Random effects meta-analyses found that stand-alone DMHAs produced a modest reduction in anxiety (g = 0.31) and depressive (g = 0.35) symptom severity. Several moderators influenced the therapeutic effects of DMHAs for anxiety and/or depressive symptoms including treatment duration, participant inclusion criteria, and outcome measures. Limitations: Minimal information was available on DMHA usability and participant engagement with DMHAs within RCTs. Conclusions: While DMHAs have the potential to be scalable and sustainable solutions to improve access and availability of evidence-based mental healthcare, moderator analyses highlight the considerations for implementation of DMHAs in practice. Further research is needed to understand factors that influence therapeutic effects of DMHAs and investigate strategies to optimize its implementation and overcome the extant research-to-practice gap.
Background: Limited evidence from case reports suggests that coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination may interact with the treatment outcomes of psychiatric medications. Apart from clozapine, reports on the effect of COVID-19 vaccination on other psychotropic agents are scarce. This study aimed to investigate the impact of COVID-19 vaccination on the plasma levels of different psychotropic drugs using therapeutic drug monitoring. Methods: Plasma levels of psychotropic agents, including agomelatine, amisulpride, amitriptyline, escitalopram, fluoxetine, lamotrigine, mirtazapine, olanzapine, quetiapine, sertraline, trazodone, and venlafaxine, from inpatients with a broad spectrum of psychiatric diseases receiving COVID-19 vaccinations were collected at 2 medical centers between 08/2021 and 02/2022 under steady-state conditions before and after vaccination. Postvaccination changes were estimated as a percentage of baseline. Results: Data from 16 patients who received COVID-19 vaccination were included. The largest changes in plasma levels were reported for quetiapine (+101.2%) and trazodone (-38.5%) in 1 and 3 patients, respectively, 1 day postvaccination compared with baseline levels. One week postvaccination, the plasma levels of fluoxetine (active moiety) and escitalopram increased by 31% and 24.9%, respectively. Conclusions: This study provides the first evidence of major changes in the plasma levels of escitalopram, fluoxetine, trazodone, and quetiapine after COVID-19 vaccination. When planning COVID-19 vaccination for patients treated with these medications, clinicians should monitor rapid changes in bioavailability and consider short-term dose adjustments to ensure safety.
Up-to-date information on the prevalence and trends of common mental disorders is relevant to health care policy and planning, owing to the high burden associated with these disorders. In the first wave of the third Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study (NEMESIS-3), a nationally representative sample was interviewed face-to-face from November 2019 to March 2022 (6,194 subjects; 1,576 interviewed before and 4,618 during the COVID-19 pandemic; age range: 18-75 years). A slightly modified version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview 3.0 was used to assess DSM-IV and DSM-5 diagnoses. Trends in 12-month prevalence rates of DSM-IV mental disorders were examined by comparing these rates between NEMESIS-3 and NEMESIS-2 (6,646 subjects; age range: 18-64 years; interviewed from November 2007 to July 2009). Lifetime DSM-5 prevalence estimates in NEMESIS-3 were 28.6% for anxiety disorders, 27.6% for mood disorders, 16.7% for substance use disorders, and 3.6% for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Over the last 12 months, prevalence rates were 15.2%, 9.8%, 7.1%, and 3.2%, respectively. No differences in 12-month prevalence rates before vs. during the COVID-19 pandemic were found (26.7% pre-pandemic vs. 25.7% during the pandemic), even after controlling for differences in socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents interviewed in these two periods. This was the case for all four disorder categories. From 2007-2009 to 2019-2022, the 12-month prevalence rate of any DSM-IV disorder significantly increased from 17.4% to 26.1%. A stronger increase in prevalence was found for students, younger adults (18-34 years) and city dwellers. These data suggest that the prevalence of mental disorders has increased in the past decade, but this is not explained by the COVID-19 pandemic. The already high mental disorder risk of young adults has particularly further increased in recent years.
As climate change exerts wide ranging health impacts, there is a surge of interest in the associations between climatic factors and mental and behavioral disorders (MBDs). Existing quantitative syntheses focus mainly on heat and high temperature exposure, neglecting the effects of other climatic factors and their synergies. The objective of this study is to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of the evidence of associations between climatic exposure and combined mental and behavioral health conditions and specific mental disorders (e.g., schizophrenia, dementia). A systematic search was conducted April 11-16, 2022 using Web of Science, Medline, ProQuest, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, and Environment Complete. Screening and eligibility screening followed inclusion criteria based on population, exposure, comparator, and outcome guidelines. Risk of bias assessment was performed, a narrative synthesis was first presented for all studies, and random-effect meta-analyses were performed when at least three studies were available for a specific exposure-outcome pair. Certainty of evidence was evaluated following the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) tool. The search process yielded 7696 initial results, from which we identified 88 studies to include in the review set. Climatic factors reported included air temperature, solar radiation/sunshine, barometric pressure, precipitation, relative humidity, wind direction/speed, and thermal comfort index. Outcomes included MBD incidences (e.g., schizophrenia, mood disorders, neurotic disorders), mental health-related mortality, and self-reported psychological states. Meta-analysis showed that heatwaves (pooled RR = 1.05, 95 % CI = 1.02-1.08) and extreme high temperatures (99th percentile: pooled RR = 1.18, 95 % CI = 1.08-1.29) were associated with higher risk of MBD. Cold extremes, however, were not associated with MBD risk. The findings further identified an association between increases in a thermal index (i.e., apparent temperature) and elevated risk of MBD (pooled RR = 1.06, 95 % CI = 1.03-1.12); specifically, a 99th percentile high temperature was associated with increased schizophrenia risk (pooled RR = 1.07, 95 % CI = 1.01-1.12). Risk of bias assessment showed most studies to have low or moderately low risks, while a few studies were rated probably high in confounding, selection bias, outcome measurement, and reporting bias. GRADE evaluation revealed moderate certainty of evidence on thermal comfort index and MBD, but low certainty related to air temperature or sunshine duration. These findings call attention to the heterogeneity of exposure measures and the utility of thermal indices that consider the synergistic effects of meteorological factors. Methodological concerns such as the linearity assumption and cumulative effects are discussed.
Objective: This study assessed the efficacy and safety of a 14-day treatment course of once-daily zuranolone 50 mg, an investigational oral positive allosteric modulator of the γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor, for the treatment of major depressive disorder. Methods: Patients 18-64 years of age with severe major depressive disorder were enrolled in this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Patients self-administered zuranolone 50 mg or placebo once daily for 14 days. The primary endpoint was change from baseline in total score on the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D) at day 15. Safety and tolerability were assessed by incidence of adverse events. Results: Of 543 randomized patients, 534 (266 in the zuranolone group, 268 in the placebo group) constituted the full analysis set. Compared with patients in the placebo group, patients in the zuranolone group demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in depressive symptoms at day 15 (least squares mean change from baseline HAM-D score, -14.1 vs. -12.3). Numerically greater improvements in depressive symptoms for zuranolone versus placebo were observed by day 3 (least squares mean change from baseline HAM-D score, -9.8 vs. -6.8), which were sustained at all visits throughout the treatment and follow-up periods of the study (through day 42, with the difference remaining nominally significant through day 12). Two patients in each group experienced a serious adverse event; nine patients in the zuranolone group and four in the placebo group discontinued treatment due to adverse events. Conclusions: Zuranolone at 50 mg/day elicited a significantly greater improvement in depressive symptoms at day 15, with a rapid time to effect (day 3). Zuranolone was generally well tolerated, with no new safety findings compared with previously studied lower dosages. These findings support the potential of zuranolone in treating adults with major depressive disorder.
Nature prescriptions are gaining popularity as a form of social prescribing in support of sustainable health care. This systematic review and meta-analysis aims to synthesise evidence on the effectiveness of nature prescriptions and determine the factors important for their success. We searched five databases from inception up to July 25, 2021. Randomised and non-randomised controlled studies featuring a nature prescription (ie, a referral or an organised programme, by a health or social professional, to encourage spending time in nature) were included. Two reviewers independently conducted all steps of study selection; one reviewer collected summary data from published reports and conducted the risk of bias assessment. Random-effect DerSimonian-Laird meta-analyses were conducted for five key outcomes. We identified 92 unique studies (122 reports), of which 28 studies contributed data to meta-analyses. Compared with control conditions, nature prescription programmes resulted in a greater reduction in systolic blood pressure (mean difference –4·82 mm Hg [–8·92 to –0·72]) and diastolic blood pressure (mean difference –3·82 mm Hg [–6·47 to –1·16). Nature prescriptions also had a moderate to large effect on depression scores (post-intervention standardised mean difference –0·50 [–0·84 to –0·16]; change from baseline standardised mean difference –0·42 [–0·82 to –0·03]) and anxiety scores (post-intervention standardised mean difference –0·57 [–1·12 to –0·03]; change from baseline standardised mean difference –1·27 [–2·20 to –0·33]). Nature prescriptions resulted in a greater increase in daily step counts than control conditions (mean difference 900 steps [790 to 1010]) but did not improve weekly time of moderate physical activity (mean difference 25·90 min [–10·26 to 62·06]). A subgroup analysis restricted to studies featuring a referring institution showed stronger effects on depression scores, daily step counts, and weekly time of moderate physical activity than the general analysis. Beneficial effects on anxiety and depression scores were mainly provided by interventions involving social professionals whereas beneficial effects on blood pressures and daily step counts were provided mainly by interventions involving health professionals. Most studies have a moderate to high risk of bias. Nature prescription programmes showed evidence of cardiometabolic and mental health benefits and increases in walking. Effective nature prescription programmes can involve a range of natural settings and activities and can be implemented via social and community channels, in addition to health professionals.
Background: All over the world, climate change is exerting negative and complex effects on human living conditions and health. In this narrative review, we summarize the current global evidence regarding the effects of climate change on mental health. Methods: A systematic literature search concerning the direct effects of acute extreme weather events (floods, storms, fires) and chronic stresses (heat, drought) due to climate change, as well as the indirect effects of climate change (food insecurity, migration), on the diagnoses of mental disorders, psychological distress, and psychiatric emergency admissions was carried out in PubMed and PsychInfo, and supplemented by expert selection. 1017 studies were identified, and 128 were included. Results: The heterogeneity of study methods does not permit any overall estimate of effect strength. The available evidence shows that traumatic experiences due to extreme weather events increase the risk of affective and anxiety disorders, especially the risk of post-traumatic stress disorder. Heat significantly increases the morbidity and mortality attributable to mental illness, as well as the frequency of psychiatric emergencies. Persistent stressors such as drought, food insecurity, and migration owing to climate change can also be major risk factors for mental illness. Conclusion: The consequences of climate change are stress factors for mental health. Therefore, as global warming progresses, an increasing incidence and prevalence of mental illness is to be expected. Vulnerable groups, such as the (already) mentally ill, children, and adolescents, need to be protected. At the same time, there is a need for further systematic research on the mechanisms of action and effects of climate change on mental function.
Background: Predicting relapse for individuals with psychotic disorders is not well established, especially after discontinuation of antipsychotic treatment. We aimed to identify general prognostic factors of relapse for all participants (irrespective of treatment continuation or discontinuation) and specific predictors of relapse for treatment discontinuation, using machine learning. Methods: For this individual participant data analysis, we searched the Yale University Open Data Access Project's database for placebo-controlled, randomised antipsychotic discontinuation trials with participants with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder (aged ≥18 years). We included studies in which participants were treated with any antipsychotic study drug and randomly assigned to continue the same antipsychotic drug or to discontinue it and receive placebo. We assessed 36 prespecified baseline variables at randomisation to predict time to relapse, using univariate and multivariate proportional hazard regression models (including multivariate treatment group by variable interactions) with machine learning to categorise the variables as general prognostic factors of relapse, specific predictors of relapse, or both. Findings: We identified 414 trials, of which five trials with 700 participants (304 [43%] women and 396 [57%] men) were eligible for the continuation group and 692 participants (292 [42%] women and 400 [58%] men) were eligible for the discontinuation group (median age 37 [IQR 28-47] years for continuation group and 38 [28-47] years for discontinuation group). Out of the 36 baseline variables, general prognostic factors of increased risk of relapse for all participants were drug-positive urine; paranoid, disorganised, and undifferentiated types of schizophrenia (lower risk for schizoaffective disorder); psychiatric and neurological adverse events; higher severity of akathisia (ie, difficulty or inability to sit still); antipsychotic discontinuation; lower social performance; younger age; lower glomerular filtration rate; benzodiazepine comedication (lower risk for anti-epileptic comedication). Out of the 36 baseline variables, predictors of increased risk specifically after antipsychotic discontinuation were increased prolactin concentration, higher number of hospitalisations, and smoking. Both prognostic factors and predictors with increased risk after discontinuation were oral antipsychotic treatment (lower risk for long-acting injectables), higher last dosage of the antipsychotic study drug, shorter duration of antipsychotic treatment, and higher score on the Clinical Global Impression (CGI) severity scale The predictive performance (concordance index) for participants who were not used to train the model was 0·707 (chance level is 0·5). Interpretation: Routinely available general prognostic factors of psychotic relapse and predictors specific for treatment discontinuation could be used to support personalised treatment. Abrupt discontinuation of higher dosages of oral antipsychotics, especially for individuals with recurring hospitalisations, higher scores on the CGI severity scale, and increased prolactin concentrations, should be avoided to reduce the risk of relapse. Funding: German Research Foundation and Berlin Institute of Health.
Die Klimakrise und das Artensterben sind für viele Menschen psychisch belastend. Durch sie ausgelöste Gefühle wie Wut, Angst, Trauer, Hoffnung oder Schuld können zu umweltfreundlichem Verhalten und politischem Handeln motivieren, ihnen aber ebenso im Weg stehen. Die psychischen Prozesse im Zusammenhang mit Klimagefühlen können im therapeutischen oder beratenden Setting unterstützt werden. Mit Blick auf die Dauerkrisen, in denen wir leben, ist neben der individuellen jedoch auch eine Anpassung der gesellschaftlichen psychischen Versorgung vonnöten. Die Autor:innen bieten konkrete Umsetzungsideen und Handlungsmöglichkeiten für den beruflichen Alltag im psychosozialen Bereich. Sie beleuchten aktuelle Debatten, stellen Interventionsmöglichkeiten zum Aufbau von Resilienz vor und diskutieren berufsethische und gesellschaftspolitische Aspekte. Mit Beiträgen von Georg Adelmann, Myriam Bechtoldt, Lea Dohm, Maja Dshemuchadse, Anna Georgi, Christoph M. Hausmann, Stephan Heinzel, Rebecca Jacob, Laura Jung, Vera Kattermann, Carina Keller, Malte Klar, Nathali Klingen, Monika Krimmer, Pia Lamberty, Timo Luthmann, Kathrin Macha, Sabine Maur, Claudia Menzel, Susanne Nicolai, Pia Niessen, Christoph Nikendei, Till Peplau, Felix Peter, Dagmar Petermann, Panu Pihkala, Jonas Rees, Kaossara Sani, Philipp Schiebler, Benjamin Siemann, Ole Thomsen, Johanna Thünker und Katharina van Bronswijk.
Background Catatonia is an underdiagnosed psychomotor syndrome that can occur in the context of various mental and somatic diseases. Malignant catatonia is particularly relevant in the context of intensive medical care. Clear recommendations in guidelines are missing.Objective To present the current state of the diagnosis and treatment of catatonia, especially malignant catatonia.Material and methodsThe literature was evaluated with respect to acute catatonic conditions, with a special focus on the differential diagnosis, relevance to intensive medical care and treatment of catatonia.ResultsIn psychiatric inpatients, catatonic syndromes are relatively frequent with a prevalence between 9% and 17%, and in neurological patients somewhat less frequent with a prevalence of 3.3%. There is a clear recommendation for pharmacological treatment with lorazepam. Additional electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) should be considered as early as possible, especially in cases not responding to benzodiazepines. Response rates to ECT have been shown to be 80–100%. In malignant catatonia, ECT should be performed immediately as an emergency indication.Conclusion Several factors lead to the underdiagnosis of catatonia. It is problematic that even life-threatening malignant catatonia is often not recognized as such, although there is a mortality of about 50% if untreated. The best treatment outcome is achieved with a combination of benzodiazepines and ECT. The treatment of severe malignant catatonia represents an emergency indication for ECT.
The 2022 report of the Lancet Countdown is published as the world confronts profound and concurrent systemic shocks. Countries and health systems continue to contend with the health, social, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, while Russia's invasion of Ukraine and a persistent fossil fuel overdependence has pushed the world into global energy and cost-of-living crises. As these crises unfold, climate change escalates unabated. Its worsening impacts are increasingly affecting the foundations of human health and wellbeing, exacerbating the vulnerability of the world's populations to concurrent health threats.
Background/objectives: There have been concerns that clozapine treatment may undermine the capacity of the body to fight infection and increase the vulnerability to contracting COVID-19. This review of recent cohort studies investigated (1) whether people with a severe psychiatric disorder are at increased risk of COVID-19 and complications, (2) the immunological response of clozapine-users who contract COVID-19, and (3) patients' perspectives on COVID-19 and the pandemic response. Methods: A systematic search of EMBASE, Medline, Pubmed, and PsycINFO databases using PRISMA guidelines using "COVID-19", "clozapine", and "vaccination" terms. Results: 18 studies (out of 330 identified) met all criteria (N = 119 054 including 8045 on clozapine). There was no strong evidence that clozapine users may be at increased risk of contracting COVID-19 or developing complications after adjusting for medical comorbidities. Hematological studies showed temporary reductions in neutrophils in COVID-19-positive patients and vaccination suggesting a clozapine effect in defence against infection. Vaccination studies did not report major adverse effects. Increased plasma levels of clozapine and neutropenia however point to COVID-19-related interference of clozapine metabolism. Patient surveys reported limited impact on mental health and positive attitudes regarding pandemic response. Conclusion: This review did not find compelling evidence that the immune system of clozapine users put them at risk of COVID-19 and further complications. Evidence of drug-infection interactions however points to the importance of adhering to consensus guidelines about clozapine therapy during the pandemic. More evidence using longitudinal designs is required to examine the longer-term effects of COVID-19 and vaccination in this vulnerable population.
This study explored the correlates of climate anxiety in a diverse range of national contexts. We analysed cross-sectional data gathered in 32 countries (N = 12,246). Our results show that climate anxiety is positively related to rate of exposure to information about climate change impacts, the amount of attention people pay to climate change information, and perceived descriptive norms about emotional responding to climate change. Climate anxiety was also positively linked to pro-environmental behaviours and inversely related to mental wellbeing. Notably, climate anxiety had a significant inverse association with mental wellbeing in 31 out of 32 countries, and with pro-environmental behaviour in 24 countries, it only predicted environmental activism in 12 countries. Our findings highlight contextual boundaries to engagement in environmental action as an antidote to climate anxiety, and the broad international significance of negative climate-related emotions as a plausible threat to wellbeing.
Background The association between vegetarianism and depression is still unclear. We aimed to investigate the association between a meatless diet and the presence of depressive episodes among adults. Methods A cross-sectional analysis was performed with baseline data from the ELSA-Brasil cohort, which included 14,216 Brazilians aged 35 to 74 years. A meatless diet was defined from in a validated food frequency questionnaire. The Clinical Interview Schedule-Revised (CIS-R) instrument was used to assess depressive episodes. The association between meatless diet and presence of depressive episodes was expressed as a prevalence ratio (PR), determined by Poisson regression adjusted for potentially confounding and/or mediating variables: sociodemographic parameters, smoking, alcohol intake, physical activity, several clinical variables, self-assessed health status, body mass index, micronutrient intake, protein, food processing level, daily energy intake, and changes in diet in the preceding 6 months. Results We found a positive association between the prevalence of depressive episodes and a meatless diet. Meat non-consumers experienced approximately twice the frequency of depressive episodes of meat consumers, PRs ranging from 2.05 (95%CI 1.00–4.18) in the crude model to 2.37 (95%CI 1.24–4.51) in the fully adjusted model. Limitations. The cross-sectional design precluded the investigation of causal relationships. Conclusions Depressive episodes are more prevalent in individuals who do not eat meat, independently of socioeconomic and lifestyle factors. Nutrient deficiencies do not explain this association. The nature of the association remains unclear, and longitudinal data are needed to clarify causal relationship.