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Happy new ears: Rapid adaptation to novel spectral
cues in vertical sound localization
Graphical abstract
dDisruption of HRTFs and vertical auditory localization after
wearing new-ears
dSensorimotor-training induced adaptation to the new-ears
for vertical localization
dAftereffects after new-ears removal resulting in precision
drop for few trials
Cesare Parise, Monica Gori,
Sara Finocchietti, Marc Ernst,
Davide Esposito, Alessia Tonelli
In brief
Neuroscience; Bioengineering
Parise et al., 2024, iScience 27, 111308
December 20, 2024 ª2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2024.111308 ll
Happy new ears: Rapid adaptation to novel
spectral cues in vertical sound localization
Cesare Parise,
Monica Gori,
*Sara Finocchietti,
Marc Ernst,
Davide Esposito,
and Alessia Tonelli
Department of Psychology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
Unit for Visually Impaired People, Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa, Italy
Department of Psychology, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany
School of Psychology, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
These authors contributed equally
Lead contact
*Correspondence: monica.gori@iit.it
Humans can adapt to changes in the acoustic properties of the head and exploit the resulting novel spectral
cues for sound source localization. However, the adaptation rate varies across studies and is not associated
with the aftereffects commonly found after adaptation in other sensory domains. To investigate the adapta-
tion’ rate and measure potential aftereffects, our participants wore new-ears to alter the spectral cues
for sound localization and underwent sensorimotor training to induce rapid adaptation. Within 20 min, our
sensorimotor-training induced full adaptation to the new-ears, as demonstrated by changes in various per-
formance indexes, including the localization gain, bias, and precision. Once the new ears were removed, par-
ticipants displayed systematic aftereffects, evident as drop in the precision of localization lasting only a few
trials. These results highlight the short-term plasticity of human spatial hearing, which is capable to quickly
adapt to spectral perturbations and inducing large, yet short lived, aftereffects.
The plasticity of perceptual systems is not limited to the early
stages of life
; it is a lifelong process
that affects all perceptual
domains. This includes spatial hearing, i.e., the ability to localize
sounds and create a mental map of the sound sources in space.
Such abilities rely upon spectrotemporal cues emerging from the
acoustic properties of our pinnae and body, known as the head-
related-transfer functions (HRTFs). Several studies have investi-
gated how manipulations of the HRTFs affect spatial hearing and
how participants adapt to such changes by learning new
The experimental manipulations of the HRTFs range
from using hearing aids or plugs
to long-term or intermittent
monaural blocks
or modification of the pinnae with semi-per-
manent molds.
Results demonstrate that participants can
adapt to all such manipulations, though the rate of adaptation
varied dramatically across studies. For instance, Florentine
applied a monaural earplug for a period of 27–101 days and
saw that after 4–10 days, participants presented a partial adap-
tation to the auditory image. Hofman et al.
used molds de-
signed to manipulate the HRTFs and found that sound localiza-
tion along the sagittal plane was compromised right after
fitting the mold, while localization along the horizontal plane
was relatively unaffected. Without training, over time (range
23–39 days), participants learned to use the novel HRTFs.
Recent studies exploited closed-loop training protocols,
where participants were actively engaged in sound localization
tasks while receiving constant feedback on their performance
to speed-up adaptation.
Irving and Moore
had participants
wear a plug on one ear and measured sound localization on
the horizontal plane. During training, participants received feed-
back on their performance (i.e., correct/incorrect) and quickly
adapted to monaural deprivation, reaching a plateau after four
days. That is 5–8 times faster than Hofman et al.
Further studies explored the effects of feedback and multisen-
sory training on adaptation to altered auditory spatial cues. While
feedback on the accuracy of behavioral responses induced
adaptation to monaural deprivation after 4 days, multisensory
and sensorimotor training protocols seem to be the fastest
For instance, recent VR studies demonstrate that signif-
icant adaptation to generic (i.e., non-personalized) HRTFs
monaural listening
can occur within minutes of sensorimotor
training with multisensory feedback. The use of generic HRTFs,
however, does not represent a dramatic manipulation of an indi-
vidual’s spectral cues: generic HRTFs are successfully used in
most VR applications. Hence, it is unclear whether the auditory
system can quickly adapt to more drastic manipulations of the
A unique aspect of adaptation to altered auditory spatial
cues is the absence of measurable aftereffects. Indeed, all
studies that assessed what happens to spatial hearing once
the manipulations are removed failed to find any difference in
performance with the baseline condition, i.e., the performance
before the manipulation.
This finding was compared by
iScience 27, 111308, December 20, 2024 ª2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. 1
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
(legend on next page)
2iScience 27, 111308, December 20, 2024
Hofman et al.
by drawing with learning a new language,
where improved proficiency in the new language does not
affect proficiency in the native one. While intriguing, more evi-
dence is necessary to support such an interpretation, which
contrasts with most instances of adaptation described in sen-
sory neuroscience.
Auditory aftereffects are present for
low-level stimulus properties
and high-level information.
Therefore, one might wonder whether the lack of after-effects
induced by adaptation to novel spatial cues is a genuine phe-
nomenon or whether they are present but undetected because
the experimental or analytical tools were not sufficiently sensi-
tive to measure them reliably.
To address these points, we conducted two experiments in
the present work. In the first experiment, we tested a group of
participants in a vertical auditory localization task before and
after wearing a pair of new ears used to modify the shape of
the pinna and, hence, the HRTFs (Figures 1B–1E). The aim
was to quantify to what extent such manipulation could alter
the localization performance. Next, in the second experiment,
we took a subsample of participants to evaluate the effect of
a quick audio-motor training protocol (lasting around 10 min)
on the adaptation to the new HRTFs. The aim was to test
whether such quick training sessions could prompt the spectral
cues remapping and, at the same time, to test for the presence of
aftereffects related to the exposure to the altered spectral cues
with and without training. For the training, we used audio-motor
inputs delivered by a wrist-worn audio device that played sounds
only while moving.
This type of training has been proven effec-
tive for improving auditory localization skills in both typical indi-
viduals and blind people.
We focus on vertical auditory localization for two reasons:
firstly, elevation estimates rely on HRTFs; secondly, training
and experimental sessions targeting one spatial dimension
become quicker, thereby enabling the assessment of rapid
adaptation and its potential aftereffects. We anticipate that our
sensorimotor training led to a fast improvement in vertical audi-
tory localization, and systematic aftereffects were present once
the new ears were removed.
Experiment 1
To assess the impact of the new ears on the spectral cues for
vertical sound localization, we measured the HRTF from a
listener with and without modified ears. HRTFs were recorded
in the same room where we conducted the experiment, a quiet
testing space with no acoustic treatment, thus with the presence
of background noise and reverberation of the room. Frequency
sweeps were played from each loudspeaker while we recorded
the sound from a reference microphone and binaural micro-
phones placed inside the ear canal of a static listener (with and
without modified ears). HRTFs were calculated for each source
elevation as the ratio of the power spectra of the in-ear record-
ings to those of the reference recordings. This procedure was
repeated separately for new and regular ears, and the resulting
HRTFs (dB range: 20,20) and spectral distortion are repre-
sented in Figure 1E. To quantify the difference between regular
and new HRTFs, we calculated the Pearson correlation between
the two HRTFs for each frequency (Figure 1E, bottom). Results
demonstrate that the new ears have a disruptive effect on the
HRTFs above 4500Hz, where the average correlation was 0.4
and the minimum was 0.65. Notably, the new ears strongly
affected the spectral structure of the HRTF: this can be appreci-
ated from the variability in the correlation of the HRTFs across
neighboring frequencies.
Concerning the behavioral assessment of the new ears-
induced HRTF alteration on vertical localization, the response
pattern (Figure 1C) shows that participants mis-localize sounds
more with the new ears on than without them. Looking at the
overall performance given by the RMSE (Figure 1D – see data
analysis section for RMSE), we found that most participants
have a low RMSE, i.e., good performance overall, in vertical
sound localization. Nonetheless, with the new ears on, the
RMSE increases significantly (t
= 13.15, p< 0.001, d = 0.46,
CI [2.89 1.61]), indicating a performance drop.
For a more detailed performance assessment, we calculated
the linear fit between the perceived position and the real position
of the sound for each participant, obtaining three main variables:
gain,bias, and dispersion (see data analysis section for more de-
tails). In the session with new ears, the slope of the linear fit is
flatter than in the session with regular ears, which represents a
decrease in localization gain (Figure 1D-t
= 6.07, p< 0.001,
d = 1.04, CI [0.62 1.455]), while we found no difference in the
bias at 0(Figure 1D-t
= 0.6, p=0.55, d= 0.1, CI [0.235
0.44]). The effect of ear manipulation is also present in the
precision with which the participants performed the task,
with larger dispersion for new as compared to regular ears (Fig-
ure 1D-t
= 3.9 p<0 .001, d=0.67, CI [1.04 0.29]).
The change in HRTFs resulting from wearing a new set of ears,
as shown in Figure 1E and is reflected in a general reduction
in vertical sound localization performance. Specifically, the
perception of most participants appears to be more ‘‘noisy,’’
with a decrease in precision (inverse of dispersion) and a gain
reduction rather than a shift of the bias.
Figure 1. Setup and results of Experiment 1
(A) Representation of the setup.
(B) New ears used in Experiments 1 and 2.
(C) Localization results, with perceived position plotted against the physical position. The scatter plot on the left panel displays the performance with the regular
ears, and the one on the right displays the performance with the new ears. Black circles represent the average among all participants, while gray circles are the
points for each participant. The dotted line represents the equality line.
(D) Localization performance with regular and new ears, as assessed using the indexes rmse,gain,bias, and dispersion, displayed as bagplots.
(E) HRTFs of regular and modified ears, the spectral distortion, and the correlation between regular and new ears for each frequency. The marginal on the right
represents the histogram (and mean) of the correlation in the frequencies above 4500Hz. The white lines in the HRTFs represent the range of elevations tested in
our experiments. See also Figure S1 in the supplementary materials.
iScience 27, 111308, December 20, 2024 3
Experiment 2
In experiment 2, we tested the effect of the audio-motor training
sessions with new ears (spectral cues), as well as the effect of
rapid adaptation and potential aftereffects. We selected a sub-
sample of participants from experiment 1 and split it into training
and control groups. Both groups underwent five vertical localiza-
tion sessions with (central sessions, new ears 1–3) and without
(first and last session, regular ears 1,2) new ears. The training
group in-between central sessions underwent an audio-motor
training wearing an auditory bracelet, while the control group
performed the same activity without the bracelet. Figure 2 shows
the experiment structure and an overall representation of the raw
responses provided by the two groups in the vertical location
We use the same approach as experiment 1 to assess the
performance within-session. For each session and participant,
we calculate the RMSE and the best linear fit between the
perceived position and the real position of the sound, obtain-
ing the gain, bias, and dispersion (Figure 3 on the left). Further-
more, we calculated two new indices: Learning index and
Aftereffect index (Figure 3 on the right). The Learning index
is obtained by the difference of the given variable value
between the second (new ears 1) and fourth session
(new ears 3) and characterizes the effects of the training per-
formed with the audio bracelet. The Aftereffect index is the
difference for the given variable value between the first (regu-
lar ears 1)andlast(regular ears 2) session and characterizes
the effects of the prolonged exposure to the altered HRTF
(for detailed analysis of all sessions, see Supplementary Mate-
rials). The significance of the between-group differences in the
variables’ Learning indices and Aftereffect indices were tested
using unpaired t tests.
Figure 2. Results of Experiment 2
Top. Schematic representation of the training protocol using sonification of hand movements. Bottom. Localization performance in the five sessions of
Experiment 2. Green points represent the responses of participants that performed the training protocol between each session, while the red dots represent the
responses of the control group. Green and red dots represent the average response of each participant, while black dots are the global mean. See also Figures S2
and S3 in the supplementary materials for each participant.
4iScience 27, 111308, December 20, 2024
(legend on next page)
iScience 27, 111308, December 20, 2024 5
Regarding the Learning index,theRMSE (Figure 3) is signif-
icantly lower in the training group than in the control group
=5.67,p<0.001,d=0.87). The training group’s negative
Learning index indicates an improvement in the RMSE after
the training compared to the control group, which is around
zero, indicating no improvement. For the gain,theLearning in-
dex is significantly higher in the training group compared to
the control group (t
=4.17,p<0.001,d=2.09), reflecting
a training-induced reduction of the elevation compression. It
should be noted that the gain in new ears 1 was lower for
the training group than the control group: while this implies
reduced margins for improvement, it is nonetheless clear
that the gain simply did not improve in the controls, while
learning was nearly complete in the training group. The
Learning index of the dispersion is significantly lower in
the training group compared to the control group (t
p<0.001,d=2.5), indicating a training-induced precision
restoration. The variable that does not seem to be affected
by training is bias, which remains constant for both groups
=0.21,p=0.84, d=0.104).
Next, we tested the effects of removing the new ears following
the various training sessions (or lack thereof) by calculating the
Aftereffect index (Figure 3). For the dispersion (Figure 3), we
found that it was higher in the training group than in the control
group (t
= 2.72, p<0 .05, d=1.36), indicating an aftereffect
of training even after removing the new ears. Conversely, the
RMSE,gain, and bias did not differ between the two groups
= 1.37, p=0.19, d=0.69; gain:t
= 0.17,
p=0.865, d=0.09; Bias: t
= 0.85, p=0.41, d=0.425), meaning
that the participants’ performance has returned to the initial per-
formance since this indexes are around zero.
As a final analysis, to assess the aftereffect duration, we
compared our four dependent variables between the first and
second halves of the last session (Regular Ear 2) across the
two training conditions (Figure 4) using mixed ANOVAs. In line
with previous results, we did not find a difference for factor group
= 1.64, p=0.22, h
= 0.1), block (i.e., First vs. Second Half;
= 1.47, p=0.24, h
= 0.1) nor significant interaction (F
0.14, p=0.72, h
= 0.01) for the gain, and also the bias (group:
= 0.1, p=0.75, h
= 0.007; block:F
= 4.34, p=0.06,
= 0.24; interaction: F
= 2.19 p=0.16, h
= 0.13). Instead,
for the RMSE, both main effects (group:F
= 8.54, p<0 .05,
= 0.38; block:F
= 42.1, p<0 .001, h
= 0.75) and the inter-
action were significant (F
= 73.06, p<0 .001, h
= 0.84). Post-
hoc analyses showed that the RMSE of the first block of the
training group was significantly higher both compared to the
second block (t
= 10.63, p<0 .001, d=3.9) and compared
to the first block in the control group (t
= 6.93, p<0 .001,
d=3.46), while there was no difference between the first
and second block within the control group (t
= 0.53, p=1,
d=0.53, Figure 4, top). A similar result was also found for the
Dispersion (Figure 4, bottom), with significant main effects
= 19.29, p<0 .001, h
= 0.58; block:F
= 28.93,
p<0 .001, h
= 0.67) and the interaction (F
= 46.63,
p<0 .001, h
= 0.77). The results were also confirmed in the
post-hoc analysis, with the dispersion being significantly higher
in the first block of the training group compared to both the sec-
ond block of the same group (t
= 8.63, p<0 .001, d=4.06) and
the first block of the control group (t
= 7.82, p<0 .001, d=3.91),
while there was no difference between the first and second block
of the control group (t
= 0.29, p=1, d=0.15).
From these results on the Learning index, we can conclude
that the audio-motor training appears effective in prompting
the adaptation to the new HRTFs. However, as shown in Fig-
ure 3 (left column), it should be emphasized that this improve-
ment is only evident following the second training (new ears [3]).
In contrast, after the first training (new ears [2]), a performance
improvement begins to be observed but is not significant
(see supplementary materials for detailed analysis). This
could stem from the initial adjustment period required for
adapting to new HRTFs, during which information is sampled
to construct a spatial map. Alternatively, the delayed improve-
ment in behavior may result from participants requiring a
certain level of error signals before the initiation of the adapta-
tion to the new ears. Nevertheless, this interpretation of the re-
sults would need a follow-up study to investigate the nature of
the effect.
From the results on the Aftereffect index, we can conclude that
restoring normal ears reduces precision, but only for participants
who underwent sensorimotor training. However, upon checking
this effect based on the trials, we see that this effect vanishes
within a few trials.
Using novel spectral cues, we investigated how humans learn to
localize sounds on the vertical plane. To help participants adapt
to the novel cues, we used sensorimotor training in which blind-
folded participants wore a wristband emitting broadband noise
when moving their arms. Within 20 min of training, participants
fully adapted to the novel spectral cues and learned to localize
sounds wearing the new ears as well as they did with their un-
modified ears. Notably, upon removal of the new ears, we found
systematic aftereffects in the form of reduced precision
(increased dispersion) in sound localization with unmodified
ears. Critically, adaptation and aftereffects only occurred in par-
ticipants who underwent the auditory-proprioceptive training,
demonstrating the systematic effects of perceptual learning in
vertical sound localization.
Previous studies demonstrated that humans could learn to
localize sounds with altered spectral cues using a variety of ma-
Some of them were relatively subtle, such as using
generic instead of personalized HRTFs in virtual reality
others were more severe and involved the insertion of molds in
the pinnae to alter the geometry of the outer ears.
While in
all cases, participants learned to use the novel spectral cues,
Figure 3. Localization performance across sessions as measured using rmse,gain,bias, and dispersion
Green lines represent the training group, while red lines represent the control group. The Learning Index is calculated as the difference in performance between
the session ‘‘new ears 1’’ and ‘‘new ears 3’’. At the same time, the Aftereffect Index represents the performance difference between the sessions ‘‘baseline (pre)’’
and ‘‘baseline (post)’’. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean.
6iScience 27, 111308, December 20, 2024
the speed of learning differed across studies, ranging from a few
minutes to adapt to generic HRTFs in VR to several weeks in the
case of more severe manipulations. Moreover, the learning was
supported by visual cues, whose role in sound localization is well
The present study extends previous results by
demonstrating that humans can quickly adapt to dramatic ma-
nipulations of the HRTFs within minutes while solely relying on
auditory-proprioceptive training without any visual cues.
Vertical sound localization relies on the spectral cues pro-
vided by the HRTFs. When the new ears alter such cues, partic-
ipants immediately lose the ability to localize the sound in the
vertical plane. This is because the new ears modify the natural
Figure 4. Build-up of learning effect over trials
The running average of the four summary statistics was obtained by pulling together data from all participants on a running window of 10 consecutive trials.
iScience 27, 111308, December 20, 2024 7
mapping between spectral information and the relative location
of the sound concerning the listener. The new mapping, how-
ever, can be re-learned with auditory-proprioceptive training:
when participants move their hand with an auditory noise
attached to the wrist, the sounds’ spectra reaching the lis-
teners’ ears vary depending on the position of the wrist in the
peri-personal space. Given that, participants can map near-
field spectral cues to positions in space through proprioception,
thereby quickly adapting to novel spectral cues. The present
study only investigated the auditory near-field (both in the
training and the experimental tasks), and it is a question for
future research to test whether the same learning also transfers
to the far-field.
Numerous studies have shown how vision influences hear-
ing in various perceptual phenomena, such as sound localiza-
or auditory scene analysis.
However, multisensory
research has only recently started addressing the relationship
between the auditory and somatosensory systems.
It has
been shown that the somatosensory system can influence
audition not only from a behavioral point of view, such as in
but also at the cortical level, as bidirectional
connections have been found between acoustic and motor re-
gions in the brain.
Moreover, computational studies on the
development of acoustic spatial representations have hypoth-
esized that a stable representation of acoustic space in the
brain can develop even without visual feedback but through
non-supervised sensorimotor-learning based on dynamic
acoustic inputs from the animal’s own movements.
second experiment represents experimental evidence sup-
porting this hypothesis: participants could reshape their
spatial representation thanks to the combination of audio
and spatially and temporally coherent sensory-motor informa-
tion. Nevertheless, even mere exposure to sound can change
acoustic localization
because other proprioceptive infor-
mation is typically used to localize sounds, such as head po-
sition and movements.
Here, we analyzed the plasticity of human spatial hearing by
considering different sources of errors in sound localization,
namely the RMSE,gain,bias,anddispersion (i.e., the inverse
of the precision). Our manipulation of the spectral cues
dramatically affected sound localization for all such indexes
except bias, and so did our training protocol: while wearing
the new ears, performance dropped across the board,
and similarly, all sources of errors dropped to near-baseline
levels in participants that underwent training, but not in the
control group. This demonstrates that audio-proprioceptive
training jointly reduces systematic and random localization
Although in most domains of perception, adaptation is fol-
lowed by aftereffects,
previous studies failed to provide evi-
dence for aftereffects in spatial hearing following adaptation to
novel spectral cues.
By adapting participants to large
HRTF distortions and using analyses capable of isolating
different sources of localization errors, this study provides
concluding evidence for the existence of systematic aftereffects
in spatial hearing induced by the adaptation to novel HRTFs.
Indeed, aftereffects only occurred for participants who under-
went the training and successfully learned to localize sounds
with the new ears. The analysis performed on the HRTFs
measured with the original and new ears highlighted that the
manipulation performed did not cause a simple alteration of
the spectral cues (as done in previous studies) but rather a global
disruption of the spectral cues. This may explain why previous
studies failed to find analogous aftereffects. Notably, such after-
effects disappeared within a few trials upon removal of the new
ears (Figure 4) and were only evident in the random error compo-
nent (an aspect that could have passed unnoticed in previous
studies, which relied on less sensitive analyses of localization
errors). This demonstrates that while listeners can quickly
switch between different HRTFs, such a switch nevertheless
comes at a cost.
Nevertheless, to our knowledge, only one work by Trapeau
et al.
addressed the question of the absence of aftereffect
following adaptation to changing spectral cues (application of
molds), even in localizing sounds vertically. Despite the training
lasting six days (as opposed to ours lasting 20 min), the authors
found that participants returned to localizing sounds accurately
after removal of the molds in all groups tested (independently
from the kind of training) with no aftereffect observed even look-
ing at the effect in a trial-by-trial analysis. Despite the different
types and durations of the training, these results are in line
with our results except for the aftereffects of the dispersion.
Indeed, while we found an increase in the aftereffect index in
the training group (and not in the controls), Trapeau et al.
found this effect only in the control group. However, the pres-
ence of this effect by the authors was not discussed, which
proves that this aspect may have gone unnoticed in previous
The present study highlights the plastic nature of human
spatial hearing and demonstrates that our auditory system can
rapidly adapt to changes in spectral cues, given appropriate
training. Learning to use spectral cues for spatial hearing
efficiently is especially relevant for virtual auditory spaces
(which often rely on generic HRTFs), hearing aids, and early blind
individuals, whose vertical sound localization is usually
; this study provides a handle to quickly train and
assess human spatial hearing along the vertical plane.
Limitations of the study
The present study quantified how the auditory system can
rapidly adapt to spectral cue change following sensory motor
training. A limitation of this study is that we did not further
investigate the correlation between the behavioral effects
of training and HRTF of individual participants. This point
also relates to the small sample undergoing sensorimotor
training and the control groups. The small sample size
would have reduced the statistical power and reliability of
the results. Therefore, future studies are needed to investigate
this point.
Furthermore, as a suggestion for future studies, all the
speakers could be equidistant from the participants, arranging
them in a semicircle and not vertically as in our study. Keeping
the speakers equidistant would make the paradigm ‘‘neat’’, so
the variation in volume and pitch between the outer and middle
speakers could not be considered confounding in absolute local-
ization performance. However, we would like to point out that the
8iScience 27, 111308, December 20, 2024
effect of the new ears should act on spectral cues and not inten-
sity cues.
Lead contact
Further information and requests for resources should be directed to and will
be fulfilled by the lead contact, Monica Gori (monica.gori@iit.it).
Materials availability
This study did not generate new unique reagents.
Data and code availability
dThe data have been deposited on Zenodo (link: https://zenodo.org/
records/8374758) and are publicly available as of the date of
dThis study did not generate unique codes.
dAny additional information required to reanalyze the data reported in this
paper is available from the lead contact upon request.
This work was supported by the project MySpace (g.a. 948349), founded by
the European Research Council and by the European Union Horizon Europe
Research and Innovation program under the Marie Sk1odowska-Curie-2021-
PF-01 FLEX-U (g.a. 101064748).
Conceptualization: C.P., M.G., S.F., and M.E.; methodology: C.P., M.G., S.F.,
and M.E.; data curation: S.F., D.E., and A.T.; formal analysis: A.T.; software:
A.T.; validation: A.T.; visualization: A.T. and C.P.; writing—original draft prep-
aration: A.T. and C.P.; writing—review and editing: M.E., M.G., D.E., and S.F.;
funding acquisition: M.G.
The authors declare no conflicting interests.
Detailed methods are provided in the online version of this paper and include
the following:
BExperiment 1 participants
BExperiment 2 participants
BExperiment 1 stimuli and setup
BExperiment 1 procedure
BExperiment 2 stimuli and setup
BExperiment 2 procedure
BExperiment 1 data analysis
BExperiment 2 data analysis
Supplemental information can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.
Received: November 27, 2023
Revised: April 15, 2024
Accepted: October 30, 2024
Published: November 4, 2024
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10 iScience 27, 111308, December 20, 2024
Experiment 1 participants
We recruited thirty-four participants (twenty females, with an average age of 28.76, SD = 4.57). All participants had normal or
corrected to normal vision and normal hearing. They gave written informed consent before starting the experiment. The local health
service ethics committee approved the study (Comitato Etico Regione Liguria, Genoa, Italy; Prot. IIT_UVIP_COMP_2019 N. 02/2020,
4 July 2020) and followed the Declaration of Helsinki.
We conducted an a priori power analysis using G*Power version to decide the sample size. Considering a medium effect of
0.5 with 0.8 of power, at a significance criterion of a= 0.05, we obtain a sample size of 34 (difference between two dependent means,
matched pairs). Thus, the obtained sample size of N= 34 is adequate to test the study hypothesis.
Experiment 2 participants
For Experiment 2, we randomly selected 16 of the participants who also participated in Experiment 1. (nine females, with an average
age of 31.06, SD = 4.42).
Experiment 1 stimuli and setup
The sound stimuli were generated with a custom-built array of speakers (Figure 1A), controlled using MATLAB. The array of speakers
was composed of 10 loudspeakers (total height: 75 cm) placed vertically on a small table so that the center was positioned at the
participant’s head height. The loudspeakers were placed at a distance of 40 cm from the listener; such a short distance was chosen
to match the range of distances used during the training and facilitate pointing responses. Acoustic stimuli consisted of bursts of
white noise with a rectangular envelope lasting 1 s. Note that due to the arrangement of the loudspeakers on a straight line, different
loudspeakers might have colored the white noise differently due to their directivity pattern.
Experiment 1 procedure
Before entering the experiment room, participants were blindfolded to prevent seeing the loudspeakers from affecting their perfor-
and remained blindfolded throughout. Apart from this practical reason, blindfolding participants enables (1) testing audi-
tory plasticity in a more challenging condition, as vision provides rich spatial cues for sound localization and (2) easily extending the
procedure to visually-impaired populations. At the beginning of the experiment, participants laid their heads on a chinrest to ensure
that the head position remained fixed and aligned with the speaker’s array’s center for the duration of the experiment. Participants sat
in front of the speakers, and their ’ task was to touch the speakers from which the sound came while the experimenter read the
position ’from a measuring tape attached to the side of the speaker array.
After a short break of 10 min, each participant repeated the task, wearing the new ears to modify the head-related transfer
function (Figure 1B). Each position was repeated five times for a total of 50 trials for each session.
Experiment 2 stimuli and setup
We used the same stimuli as Experiment 1 (Figure 1A) for the localization task. Additionally, a wrist-worn wearable, custom-designed
device with an integrated audio system and inertial sensors,
was used for audio-proprioceptive training. This device couples the
movements of the users’ arms with spatiotemporally co-localized acoustic feedback. For the experiment, the device was set to pro-
duce white noise (70 dB SPL) acoustic feedback, and the sound was activated as soon as the arm was moved, thanks to inertial
sensors in the device (for technical information, see
Deposited data
Dataset generated for the experiment Zenodo https://zenodo.org/records/8374758
Software and algorithms
G*Power version hhu https://www.psychologie.hhu.de/arbeitsgruppen/allgemeine-
MATLAB R2022b MathWorks https://www.mathworks.com/
JASP version JASP https://jasp-stats.org/
iScience 27, 111308, December 20, 2024 e1
Experiment 2 procedure
Participants were divided into two groups: the training and the control group. As illustrated in Figure 2A, both groups repeated five
times the same vertical auditory localization task used in experiment 1 (see Experiment 1’s methods subsection for more details). In
the first and last sessions (regular ears 1 and regular ears 2), all participants performed the task without the new ears, while in the
central sessions (new ears 1, new ears 2, new ears 3) they wore them.
Unlike the control group, the training group used the bracelet device for a short training before the new ears 2 and new ears 3 ses-
sions. During the training, participants wore the bracelet on their wrist and moved it along the array of speakers without touching it.
At the same time, the device produced a white noise synchronized with the participant’s movement for 10 min. There was no
constraint on the arm movement, including the movement of the elbow.
Conversely, the control group made the same movements along the speaker array but without any feedback sound.
As in experiment 1, each position was repeated five times for a total of 50 trials for each session. The experiment lasted 90 min.
Experiment 1 data analysis
To analyze the data for each participant, we calculated four dependent variables: the root-mean-squared-error (RMSE), the gain, the
bias, and the dispersion. The first variable, the RMSE, provides an overall measure of localization performance, including random and
constant error terms. We computed the RMSE using the MATLAB function called rmse.
Next, using the MATLAB "Curve fitting toolbox",
we calculated the linear fit between the perceived position and the real position
of the sound using the function fit (x, y,’ poly1’) for each participant. From the fit, we obtained gain,bias, and dispersion. The gain was
calculated as the slope of the regression line; a gain below one indicates compression of perceived elevation, whereas a gain above
one indicates an expansion of perceived elevation. The bias was calculated as the intercept of the fit, which gives an estimate of con-
stant errors at the central speaker. The dispersion describes the random error and corresponds to sensorimotor precision (the lower
the dispersion, the higher the precision).
All t-tests were done using JASP software
and Cohen’s dgives the effect size.
Experiment 2 data analysis
As for experiment 1, we calculated the RMSE and the best linear fit between the perceived position and the real position of the sound,
obtaining the gain, the bias, and the dispersion. This procedure was carried out for each session and participant.
Using the RMSE,gain,bias, and dispersion as dependent variables, we ran three separate 5x2 repeated measure ANOVAs with
between factor Group (training, control) and within factor session (regular ears 1, new ears 1, new ears 2, new ears 3, regular ears 2).
As a follow-up post hoc analysis, we used paired or unpaired two-tail Student’s t-tests, depending on whether the comparison was
among variables between or within groups. For the complete report of results, see the Supplementary materials.
Furthermore, we calculated two new indices for each dependent variable to better quantify the effect of both the manipulation of
the HRTFs and the acoustic-proprioceptive training: the "Learning Index" and the "Aftereffect Index"(Figure 3).
The "Learning Index" is calculated for each dependent variable by subtracting its value in the session new ears 1 from that of
the session new ears 3. We repeated this operation for each participant. This index quantifies the improvement in localization
performance following training.
To assess whether adaptation to novel spatial cues induced an aftereffect, we calculated the "Aftereffect Index" for each depen-
dent variable by subtracting its value in the session regular ears 1 from that of the session regular ears 2. We repeated this operation
for each participant.
To check whether the two indexes differed between the groups, we used an unpaired two-tailed t-test.
As a final analysis, to check the duration of the aftereffect, we divided the trials of the last session (Regular Ears 2) by taking the first
25 trials (First Half) and the last 25 trials (Second Half), and for each participant, we calculated the linear fit between the perceived
position and the real position for each of the two blocks. We ran 2x2 repeated measure ANOVAs with between factor Group (training,
control) and within factor Block (First Half and Second Half), and as post hoc analysis, we used paired or unpaired two-tail Student’s
All p-values for the post hoc t-test were corrected for multiple comparisons (Bonferroni), and Cohen’s dgives the effect size. All
ANOVAs and t-tests were done using JASP software.
e2 iScience 27, 111308, December 20, 2024