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Integrated Architecture for Smart Grid Energy Management: Deep Attention-Enhanced Sequence-to-Sequence Model with Energy-Aware Optimized Reinforcement Learning for Demand Response

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Abstract and Figures

Demand Response (DR) has become a key strategy for enhancing energy system sustainability and reducing costs. Deep Learning (DL) has emerged as crucial for managing DR's complexity and large data volumes, enabling near real-time decision-making. DL techniques can effectively tackle challenges such as selecting responsive users, understanding consumption behaviours, optimizing pricing, monitoring and controlling devices, engaging more consumers in DR schemes, and determining fair remuneration for participants. This research work presents an integrated architecture for smart grid energy management, combining a Deep Attention-Enhanced Sequence-to-Sequence Model (AES2S) with Energy-Aware Optimized Reinforcement Learning (EAORL). The objective is to design a system that performs non-intrusive load monitoring and optimizes demand response to enhance energy efficiency while maintaining user comfort. The AES2S module accurately performs appliance state identification and load disaggregation using convolutional layers, Enhanced Sequence-to-Sequence Model networks, and an attention mechanism. The EAORL module employs a multi-agent system, where each agent uses a Deep Q-Learning Network to learn optimal policies for adjusting energy consumption in response to grid conditions and user demand. The system uses an Iterative Policy Update mechanism, where agents update their policies sequentially, ensuring stable and effective learning. The integration ensures seamless data flow, with AES2S outputs enhancing EAORL state representations. Validated in a simulated smart grid environment, the architecture dynamically adjusts energy consumption, demonstrating significant improvements in energy efficiency, cost reduction, and user comfort. Evaluation metrics confirm the system's effectiveness, making AES2S-EAORL a robust solution for smart grid energy management and demand response optimization.
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SN Computer Science (2024) 5:1017
SN Computer Science
Integrated Architecture forSmart Grid Energy Management: Deep
Attention‑Enhanced Sequence‑to‑Sequence Model withEnergy‑Aware
Optimized Reinforcement Learning forDemand Response
K.R.Deepa1· N.Thillaiarasu1
Received: 2 August 2024 / Accepted: 10 September 2024
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024
Demand Response (DR) has become a key strategy for enhancing energy system sustainability and reducing costs. Deep
Learning (DL) has emerged as crucial for managing DR's complexity and large data volumes, enabling near real-time
decision-making. DL techniques can effectively tackle challenges such as selecting responsive users, understanding con-
sumption behaviours, optimizing pricing, monitoring and controlling devices, engaging more consumers in DR schemes, and
determining fair remuneration for participants. This research work presents an integrated architecture for smart grid energy
management, combining a Deep Attention-Enhanced Sequence-to-Sequence Model (AES2S) with Energy-Aware Optimized
Reinforcement Learning (EAORL). The objective is to design a system that performs non-intrusive load monitoring and
optimizes demand response to enhance energy efficiency while maintaining user comfort. The AES2S module accurately
performs appliance state identification and load disaggregation using convolutional layers, Enhanced Sequence-to-Sequence
Model networks, and an attention mechanism. The EAORL module employs a multi-agent system, where each agent uses
a Deep Q-Learning Network to learn optimal policies for adjusting energy consumption in response to grid conditions and
user demand. The system uses an Iterative Policy Update mechanism, where agents update their policies sequentially, ensur-
ing stable and effective learning. The integration ensures seamless data flow, with AES2S outputs enhancing EAORL state
representations. Validated in a simulated smart grid environment, the architecture dynamically adjusts energy consumption,
demonstrating significant improvements in energy efficiency, cost reduction, and user comfort. Evaluation metrics confirm
the system's effectiveness, making AES2S-EAORL a robust solution for smart grid energy management and demand response
Keywords Smart grid· Energy management· Deep learning· Reinforcement learning· Non-intrusive load monitoring·
Demand response· Attention mechanism
The global population is experiencing growth, concur-
rent with advancements in technology that are driving an
increase in energy consumption [1]. The awareness of the
finite nature of fossil fuels is of utmost importance. Moreo-
ver, numerous studies have consistently demonstrated that
environmental factors account for 27% of pollutant emis-
sions, posing a potential threat to the ecosystem and exacer-
bating the issue of global warming. In order to address the
increasing need for energy and decrease reliance on fossil
fuels, it is crucial to incorporate load prediction and energy
management optimization. The smart grid (SG) is comprised
of various components, including smart meters, control sys-
tems, advanced sensing technologies, and communication
technologies. The combination of these components enables
the operation of an advanced electrical network. The system
operates as an advanced and innovative energy solution for
the future. The development of the smart grid concept aims
to ensure effective load control, as well as efficient power
generation and distribution [2, 3]. The bidirectional flow
of data and energy between the customer and the energy
* K. R. Deepa
N. Thillaiarasu
1 School ofC&IT, REVA University, Bangalore, Karnataka,
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
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Demand Side Response (DSR) is a strategy that enables consumers to actively participate in managing electricity demand. It aims to alleviate strain on the grid during high demand and promote a more balanced and efficient use of (renewable) electricity resources. We implement DSR through discount scheduling, which involves offering discrete price incentives to consumers to adjust their electricity consumption patterns to times when their local energy mix consists of more renewable energy. Since we tailor the discounts to individual customers' consumption, the Discount Scheduling Problem (DSP) becomes a large combinatorial optimization task. Consequently, we adopt a hybrid quantum computing approach, using D-Wave's Leap Hybrid Cloud. We benchmark Leap against Gurobi, a classical Mixed Integer optimizer in terms of solution quality at fixed runtime and fairness in terms of discount allocation. Furthermore, we propose a large-scale decomposition algorithm/heuristic for the DSP, applied with either quantum or classical computers running the subroutines, which significantly reduces the problem size while maintaining solution quality. Using synthetic data generated from real-world data, we observe that the classical decomposition method obtains the best overall solution quality for problem sizes up to 3200 consumers, however, the hybrid quantum approach provides more evenly distributed discounts across consumers.
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The integration of Software-Defined Networking (SDN) technology in Smart Grids has emerged as a transformative approach to modernizing energy infrastructures and enhancing operational efficiency. This comprehensive review paper explores the advancements, challenges, and future perspectives of SDN implementation in Smart Grid environments. It delves into the applications of SDN in areas such as real-time monitoring, energy distribution optimization, grid resilience, integration of renewable energy sources, and demand response management. Additionally, the paper addresses key challenges including security concerns, interoperability issues, scalability constraints, and regulatory compliance requirements that accompany the adoption of SDN in Smart Grids. Looking ahead, the paper discusses future perspectives such as leveraging artificial intelligence, edge computing, and blockchain technology to further enhance the capabilities of SDN in Smart Grids. Through an in-depth analysis of current developments and future trends, this review provides valuable insights for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers seeking to harness the full potential of SDN for advancing Smart Grid infrastructures.
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Non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) is the process of obtaining appliance-level data from a single metering point, measuring total electricity consumption of a household or a business. Appliance-level data can be directly used for demand response applications and energy management systems as well as for awareness raising and motivation for improvements in energy efficiency. Recently, classical machine learning and deep learning (DL) techniques became very popular and proved as highly effective for NILM classification, but with the growing complexity these methods are faced with significant computational and energy demands during both their training and operation. In this paper, we introduce a novel DL model aimed at enhanced multi-label classification of NILM with improved computation and energy efficiency. We also propose an evaluation methodology for comparison of different models using data synthesized from the measurement datasets so as to better represent real-world scenarios. Compared to the state-of-the-art, the proposed model has its energy consumption reduced by more than 23% while providing on average approximately 8 percentage points in performance improvement when evaluating on data derived from REFIT and UK-DALE datasets. We also show a 12 percentage point performance advantage of the proposed DL based model over a random forest model and observe performance degradation with the increase of the number of devices in the household, namely with each additional 5 devices, the average performance degrades by approximately 7 percentage points.
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Most of world’s electrical energy demand is fulfilled by natural resources (Oil, Coal, Gas, etc.) and there is a huge gap between demand and supply. Therefore, utilities are facing the problem of peak load burden. Broadly speaking, to sustain future electricity demand renewable/alternate sources (solar, wind etc.) of energy must be integrated with smart grid (SG) to cope with energy demand. These sources are freely available, inexhaustible and can be used as an alternate source of energy. For smart utilization of electrical energy, a balance between supply and demand is required at all instants of time. In the SG environment, the most promising solution to reduce the peak load burden on utility is demand side management (DSM) which is possible because of the property of smart grid inertia. DSM permits all types of consumers to alter their energy consumption pattern to reduce the cost of energy and it helps the utility to reduce peak load burden and reshape load profile. In this study, DSM has been formulated as a single objective minimization problem to reduce peak load burden on utility. Although several optimization techniques has been listed in the literature which reduces the peak load and cost of energy, but integration of renewable energy is limited to residential consumers only. In this paper, a robust optimization algorithm inspired by the lifestyle of grey wolves, popularly known as grey wolf optimization (GWO) algorithm is utilized to solve the proposed DSM minimization problem. The DSM minimization problem optimization using GWO is demonstrated on three different cases-residential, commercial, and industrial loads in time of use (TOU) pricing scheme with and without solar PV energy (SPVE). Validation of GWO displays remarkable reductions in peak load on utility and cost of energy of consumers with and without SPVE. Also, GWO optimization results are compared with existing research papers having identical data sets.
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Demand Response (DR) has gained popularity in recent years as a practical strategy to increase the sustainability of energy systems while reducing associated costs. Despite this, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), have recently developed as critical technologies for demand-side management and response due to the high complexity of tasks associated with DR, as well as huge amount of data management to take decisions very near to real time implications. Selecting the best group of users to respond, learning their attitude toward consumptions and their priorities, price optimization, monitoring and control of devices, learning to engage more and more consumers in the DR schemes, and learning how to remunerate them fairly and economically are all problems that can be tackled with the help of AI techniques. This study presents an overview of AI approaches used for DR applications. Both the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithm(s) are employed while discussing commercial efforts (from both new and existing businesses) and large-scale innovation projects that have applied AI technologies for energy DR. Different kind of DR programs implemented in different countries are also discussed. Moreover, it also discusses the application of blockchain for DR schemes in smart grid paradigm. Discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the evaluated AI methods for various DR tasks, as well as suggestions for further study, round out the work.
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Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring consists in estimating the power consumption or the states of the appliances using electrical parameters acquired from a single metering point. State-of-the-art approaches are based on deep neural networks, and for training, they require a significant amount of data annotated at the sample level, defined as strong labels. This paper presents an appliance classification method based on a Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network trained with weak supervision. Learning is formulated as a Multiple-Instance Learning problem, and the network is trained on labels provided for an entire segment of the aggregate power, defined as weak labels. Weak labels are coarser annotations that are intrinsically less costly to obtain compared to strong labels. An extensive experimental evaluation has been conducted on the UK-DALE and REFIT datasets comparing the proposed approach to three benchmark methods. The results obtained for different amounts of strongly and weakly labeled data and mixing UK-DALE and REFIT confirm the effectiveness of weak labels compared to fully supervised and semi-supervised benchmarks methods.
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This paper presents Home Energy Management System(HEMS) for smart homes. This system includes Photovoltaic Sources and Battery Storage Units(BSU)and scheduling Smart Home(SH) appliances with various kinds and types of residential users. In addition, a classification algorithm of energy response programs , which relies on the electricity prices, is introduced for scheduling appliances of single and multiple homes using combined the Time of Use(TOU) and Inclining Block Rate(IBR) to control the demand under the grid station capacity and energy efficacious integration of hybrid power sources in Smart Grid(SG). Four different optimization algorithms used and compared for scheduling appliances. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm achieves the desired objectives, in which the electricity cost and the Peak Average Ratio(PAR) were lowered, waiting time to the user is minimized, reducing the electricity bill per month/year. In addition, the proposed system increases the stability and reliability of the grid and consumers satisfaction.
The increasing renewable penetration leads to a great need for flexible resources to balance supply and demand. Building energy systems can provide considerable flexibility by optimally coordinating various appliances. However, the complex thermodynamics and insufficient data associated challenge the modeling and operation of building energy systems. To address this, this paper proposes a neural ordinary differential equations (neural ODEs) based model predictive control (MPC) framework for building energy management. Flexibilities are explored from two aspects: building thermal capacity and energy equipment coordination. The former is modeled using neural ODEs due to its complexity, while the latter is modeled as an energy hub. Both models are integrated into MPC in a linear form. The neural ODEs model is designed to strike a balance between reliability and representational capability, as well as a balance between the accuracy of long- and short-term predictions. The proposed method is verified on a simulated multizone retail building. The results indicate that the proposed model has a higher accuracy than the traditional resistance-capacitance (RC) model and the neural network model in operation with efficient computational performance. The controlled building can respond to price signals while providing demand response resources, which may result in significant cost savings.
Energy communities are of the utmost importance for the promotion of active participation in local energy markets under the current agenda of the European Union. Thus, it is crucial that all operations requiring energy transactions keep the stability of electrical grids. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a methodology capable of preventing and solving congestion line-by-line in an electrical network. The methodology consists of a power flow analysis model and two demand response programs. By using the two demand response methods independently or in combination, the methodology gains robustness and can handle complex scenarios that need a significant amount of flexibility. The robustness of the method is demonstrated in the IEEE Low Voltage European test feeder, where multiple periods needed to apply both demand response programs to solve the congestion, maintaining the operational state of the network.