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Does GenAI Make Usability Testing Obsolete?

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Abstract and Figures

Ensuring usability is crucial for the success of mobile apps. Usability issues can compromise user experience and negatively impact the perceived app quality. This paper presents UX-LLM, a novel tool powered by a Large Vision-Language Model that predicts usability issues in iOS apps. To evaluate the performance of UX-LLM we predicted usability issues in two open-source apps of a medium complexity and asked usability experts to assess the predictions. We also performed traditional usability testing and expert review for both apps and compared the results to those of UX-LLM. UX-LLM demonstrated precision ranging from 0.61 and 0.66 and recall between 0.35 and 0.38, indicating its ability to identify valid usability issues, yet failing to capture the majority of issues. Finally, we conducted a focus group with an app development team of a capstone project developing a transit app for visually impaired persons. The focus group expressed positive perceptions of UX-LLM as it identified unknown usability issues in their app. However, they also raised concerns about its integration into the development workflow, suggesting potential improvements. Our results show that UX-LLM cannot fully replace traditional usability evaluation methods but serves as a valuable supplement particularly for small teams with limited resources, to identify issues in less common user paths, due to its ability to inspect the source code.
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Does GenAI Make Usability Testing Obsolete?
Ali Ebrahimi Pourasad and Walid Maalej
Department of Inforamtics, University of Hamburg, Germany,
Abstract—Ensuring usability is crucial for the success of
mobile apps. Usability issues can compromise user experience and
negatively impact the perceived app quality. This paper presents
UX-LLM, a novel tool powered by a Large Vision-Language
Model that predicts usability issues in iOS apps. To evaluate the
performance of UX-LLM we predicted usability issues in two
open-source apps of a medium complexity and asked usability
experts to assess the predictions. We also performed traditional
usability testing and expert review for both apps and compared
the results to those of UX-LLM. UX-LLM demonstrated precision
ranging from 0.61 and 0.66 and recall between 0.35 and 0.38,
indicating its ability to identify valid usability issues, yet failing
to capture the majority of issues. Finally, we conducted a focus
group with an app development team of a capstone project
developing a transit app for visually impaired persons. The focus
group expressed positive perceptions of UX-LLM as it identified
unknown usability issues in their app. However, they also raised
concerns about its integration into the development workflow,
suggesting potential improvements. Our results show that UX-
LLM cannot fully replace traditional usability evaluation methods
but serves as a valuable supplement particularly for small teams
with limited resources, to identify issues in less common user
paths, due to its ability to inspect the source code.
Index Terms—App Development, Large Language Model,
Usability Engineering, AI4SE, Recommender Systems
With the rapid growth of the app market over the last decade,
developing “good” apps has become crucial to vendor success
[1], [2]. Studies have shown that users tend to favour apps
that perform as expected and are easily understandable [3], [4].
Software usability is a key factor that crucially influences how
users perceive the quality of an app [2], [5]. Usability can be
broadly defined as “a concept that essentially refers to how
easy it is for users to learn a system, how efficient they can
be once they have learned it, and how enjoyable it is to use
it” [2], [6]. Usability issues are problems that compromise the
usability of an app, hindering a positive user experience [7]. It
is thus crucial for developers to thoroughly detect and address
usability issues for improving their apps [2], [5].
There are different ways to systematically identify usability
issues. Conventional usability evaluation methods include
usability testing in labs with users as well as theoretical analyses
with experts [8], [9]. Once usability issues are identified,
developers can address them and offer a refined app to their
users [10]. However, it can be challenging, especially for small
app development teams, to channel the resources and expertise
needed for implementing an effective usability evaluation [11].
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is a maturing
technology that is increasingly getting attention for the purpose
of automating various tasks in different domains, as it is
capable of generating meaningful texts, images, and videos
[12], [13]. Particularly, Foundational Models such as Large
Language Models (LLMs) process a user textual prompt and
construct responses by predicting next tokens in a partially
formed context [14], [15]. Recently Foundation Models gained
considerable interest in the software engineering domain, as
they can be employed for a variety of purposes, including
generating code and documentation, or fixing bugs [16]–[18].
This work investigates the extent to which GenAI can
support or even automate usability evaluation for mobile apps.
We introduce UX-LLM, a novel open-source tool that uses
Foundation Models to detect usability issues in the individual
views of native iOS apps. As input, UX-LLM requires a brief
description of the app context, the source code, and an image
of the analysed view. Section II introduces the implementation
details of UX-LLM and the underlying prompt engineering.
This constitutes our first contribution.
To evaluate UX-LLM performance and how it compares
with conventional usability evaluation methods, we conducted
a multi-method study consisting of expert assessments, expert
reviews, and usability testing for two open-source iOS apps: a
Quiz and a To-Do app. To understand how development teams
perceive the support of such tools and explore possible concerns,
we conduced a focus group within an app development project.
Section III presents the design of our evaluation study.
The encouraging results confirm that LLM-based approaches
are able to identify valid app usability issues. The results
also indicate that GenAI approaches do not fully replace
traditional methods but rather complement them—highlighting
the potential as a supportive tool that can enhance usability
evaluations during the development process. Section IV reports
on the results of our evaluation study, which constitutes together
with the data [19] our second contribution. The remainder of the
paper discusses the work limitations and the threats to validity
in Section VI, related work in Section V, and summarises the
findings with their implication in Section VII.
UX-LLM is an application that predicts usability issues for
a view of an iOS mobile app. For instance, in the case of
a registration view, UX-LLM might predict the absence of
placeholders for input fields, leaving users uncertain about
what information to input. As input, UX-LLM requires the app
context, source code, and an image of the analysed view. The
app context consists of two texts: a brief overview of the app
(e.g. as found on app pages in app stores) and the user task,
which describes the main goal of interacting with the view.
arXiv:2411.00634v1 [cs.SE] 1 Nov 2024
Fig. 1: User Interface of UX-LLM.
For example, when looking at a meditation app, the overview
could be: A meditation app focused on improving stress relief
and wellness”. When analysing the progress tracking view, the
user’s task could be: “Review meditation history and achieved
milestones”. In addition, the source code provided needs to be
code from the view components and logic. The input
image can be a screenshot from the running app or from the
design file. The input data is packaged into a prompt using
prompt engineering techniques and sent to a multimodal LLM,
namely OpenAI’s GPT-4 Turbo with Vision
. Finally, the output
is a list of predicted usability issues with brief explanations.
Figure 1 displays the GUI of UX-LLM, showing an example
where usability issues were predicted for a view of a Quiz
app. A screenshot of the view is provided on the left side. On
the right side, three text fields contain the app context and the
source code, as mentioned earlier. Below, a start button initiates
the testing to generate usability issues. Under this button, the
identified issues are displayed, offering insights into potential
areas of improvement in the user interface.
A. Prompt Engineering
Prompt engineering optimises the input to an LLM to
enhance the output performance. White et al. describe it as:
“the means by which LLMs are programmed via prompts” [20].
OpenAI’s API
accepts a list of messages as input for
their LLMs. UX-LLM utilises two types of messages: one
for the system and another for user input, which can be seen
in Listings 1 and 2, respectively. The system prompt provides
high-level instructions on the behaviour expected from the
model. Conversely, the user message is assembled using the
information provided by the user about their app view.
2 and-gpt- 4-turbo
Listing 2: User Prompt
I have an iOS app about: [Inserted App Overview]
The user’s task in this app view is about: [Inserted
User Task].
An image of the app view is provided.
Below is the incomplete SwiftUI code for the app
This code includes the view’s user interface and a
view model for logic handling.
It may also include additional components like
subviews, models, or preview code.
Source Code:
[Insert Source Code]
Listing 1: System Prompt
You are a UX expert for mobile apps.
Your task is to identify usability issues with the
information you get for an app’s view.
An example of a usability issue could be: ’Lack of
visual feedback on user interactions’.
Respond using app domain language; you must not use
technical terminology or mention code details.
Enumerate the problems identified; add an empty
paragraph after each enumeration; no preceding
or following text.
Using two own apps previously developed and released on
AppStore by the first author, we experimented with various
Prompt Engineering strategies and tactics from the OpenAI
to enhance the LLM performance. One tactic
is to Ask the model to adopt a persona”, which we used in
the system prompt where the LLM is instructed to act as a UX
expert. Furthermore, the model was instructed to respond using
domain-specific language, avoiding any mention of code. This
helps focus the responses, facilitates more user-like feedback,
and ensures accessibility to non-technical stakeholders.
Using the strategy: “Write clear instructions”, we tested
different user and system prompts. We particularly tested
more detailed system prompts, where the LLM was guided to
pinpoint issues using a pre-defined set of usability attributes
such as effectiveness. However, in the end, we opted for a
more open-ended question, allowing the LLM to freely identify
any usability issues it could find, thereby enabling a more
exploratory discovery of potential issues.
Another tactic employed is: “Provide examples”, commonly
referred to as few-shot prompting [21]. It enhances the LLM
results by directing the output towards a desired direction [22].
Similarly, we implemented one-shot prompting by presenting
an example usability issue in the system prompt: “Lack of
visual feedback on user interactions”.
Another tactic we used is: “Use delimiters to clearly indicate
distinct parts of the input”. This is particularly useful in
organising the user prompt, thus dividing the different sections:
app overview, user task, image, and source code. Based on the
- StartLLMButtonView
- BackgroundView
+ appOverview: String
+ userTask: String
+ sourceCode: String
+ nsImage: NSImage?
<< interface >>
+ call(configuration: LLMCallerConfiguration): LLMResponse
+ llmOutput: String?
+ isLoading: Bool
+ startGeneratingUsabilityIssues()
+ usabilityIssuesText: String
+ isLoading: Bool
- tinfyShrinkURL: URL
- openAIURL: URL
+ modelId: String
+ base64EncodedImage: String?
+ systemContent: String
+ userContent: String
+ appOverview: String
+ userTask: String
+ sourceCode: String?
+ hasImage: Bool
<< interface >>
+ resizeAndShrink(imageData: Data, size: CGSize): Data
<< interface >>
+ generateUserContent(configuration: PromptConfiguration): String
+ generateSystemContent(): String
<< interface >>
+ call(config: LLMCallerConfiguration): LLMResponse
+ llmOutput: String?
+ isLoading: Bool
+ startGeneratingUsabilityIssues()
- tinfyShrinkURL: URL
- openAIURL: URL
+ modelId: String
+ encodedImage: String?
+ systemContent: String
+ userContent: String
+ appOverview: String
+ userTask: String
+ sourceCode: String?
+ hasImage: Bool
<< interface >>
+ resizeAndShrink(imageData: Data, size: CGSize): Data
<< interface >>
+ getUserContent(config: PromptConfiguration): String
+ getSystemContent(): String
- textFields: InputTextFieldsView
- imageDropView: ImageDropView
- startButtonView: StartLLMButtonView
- issueView: UsabilityIssuePresentationView
- background: BackgroundView
Fig. 2: Simplified class diagram of UX-LLM architecture.
documentation, this structure should help the LLM understand
and process each part of the prompt effectively.
Furthermore, “Specify the desired length of the output” is a
tactic to ensure that the responses are concise and focused. In
the system prompt, we initially asked the LLM to list exactly
10 identified usability issues. However, in the testing, we ran
into cases, where less than 10 usability issues were found and
the LLM fabricated non-existent issues. Also, we found that
when more than 10 issues could be found, the model would
discard valuable information. In the end, we left out the exact
number of issues to identify, allowing an unrestricted discovery.
B. Implementation
UX-LLM is a macOS application developed using
When entering an image, it uses TinyPNG to compress it. While
waiting for the LLM response, a shader animation is shown,
which is sourced from the “Inferno” project by twostraws
Figure 2 shows a simplified Class diagram of UX-LLM archi-
tecture. The diagram particularly abstracts the complexity of the
SwiftUI MVVM architecture by condensing the GUI layer and
modelling combinations of views and their
s as
one. The primary focus is on the service layer, which operates
using the “bridge pattern” [23] to separate the abstraction
(the high-level logic) from the implementation (the low-level
details), allowing them to change independently. This separation
enhances modularity and makes the system more flexible
and maintainable. The three services
, and
are abstracted from
Select Open Source
Tes t in g
Case Selection
Focus Group
Usability Evaluation
(RQ2) (RQ3)
Fig. 3: Overview of our evaluation study.
their actual implementation, allowing UX-LLM to easily
adapt to different models or APIs without significant changes.
Additionally, the bridge pattern has simplified GUI testing by
enabling the substitution of mock objects for actual services.
We conducted a thorough multi-method evaluation to as-
sess the potential and limitation of GenAI-powered usability
evaluation, focusing on the following research questions:
RQ1 How accurate can UX-LLM predict usability issues?
RQ2 How do UX-LLM predicted issues compare with those
identified by traditional usability evaluation methods, and
to what extent can UX-LLM replace these methods?
How would an app development team perceive UX-LLM
support during app development?
To answer RQ1 and RQ2, we applied UX-LLM to two apps
and asked 2 usability experts to assess the predicted issues. We
also performed usability testing and expert review on the same
apps and compared the results to UX-LLM. To answer RQ3
we applied UX-LLM to an ongoing app development project
and conducted a focus group with its development team where
we discussed the results and limitations. Figure 3 overviews
the entire evaluation study, which we discuss in the following.
A. Performance Analysis and Methods Comparison (RQ1+2)
For the evaluation of the UX-LLM prediction performance,
we first had to select unseen evaluation apps, which we did
not use during the development and prompt-engineering. The
evaluation apps must have accessible source code that is
allowed to be processed by OpenAI’s GPT-4. We weren’t able to
use apps from partner companies, as none wanted to share their
code with OpenAI due to security and privacy concerns [24].
Consequently, we focused on open-source apps, particularly
structurally straightforward apps of medium complexity to
ensure a comprehensive, yet manageable evaluation. Further-
more, it was essential to have UX experts assess the predicted
usability issues generated by UX-LLM to calculate precision
and recall scores, which are established benchmarks for a tool
like UX-LLM [25]. In this context, precision calculates of
all the issues identified by UX-LLM, how many were actual
Fig. 4: Reference apps for the evaluation. Left: Quiz App, Right: To-Do App.
usability issues. Recall calculates of all the actual usability
issues available, how many did UX-LLM successfully identify.
For a comprehensive evaluation of UX-LLM, it is also crucial
to compare its results with them of other methods used to
identify usability issues (RQ2). To the best of our knowledge
no dedicated dataset of open-source apps with pre-identified
usability issues (to compare UX-LLM to) was available when
this research was conducted. We also explored GitHub Issues
and App Store reviews, as these could have been used to extract
usability issues. Many open-source apps lacked a substantial
user base, resulting in limited feedback documented on GitHub
or the App Store. While large open-source apps like Firefox
offered extensive user feedback, they were unsuitable due to
not being written in SwiftUI and their rather high complexity.
Therefore, we chose a Quiz app
and a To-Do app
shown in
Figure 4 and conducted usability evaluations to extract usability
issues. The Quiz app consists of four screens. Initially, the
user selects a category in which to take a quiz, e.g. Geography.
Next, they set up the quiz by adjusting settings, such as the
length. Then, they proceed to take the quiz. In the end, there
is a score screen that displays the results with options to either
retry the quiz or return. The To-Do app consists of two screens.
The first screen provides a list of all the tasks that have been
added. The second screen is a task detail view that is used to
create or edit a task.
After app selection, we conducted three usability evaluations
in parallel on each app: applying UX-LLM, expert reviews,
and usability testings. First, we gathered the source code of
the two mentioned apps from GitHub and generated usability
issues for each view with UX-LLM. Two UX experts assessed
these generated issues, to check their correctness and enable
calculating precision and recall [25].
1) Usability Testing: According to Nielsen Principles of
Usability Testing, participants should represent actual users [8].
The selected apps are widely recognised: Quiz apps are popular
and To-Do apps often come pre-installed on devices [26], [27].
Our screening process also ensured that all participants had
prior experience with using similar apps.
7 SwiftUI
Participant Age Gender Occupation
P1 24 M Quality assurance specialist
P2 26 F Civil engineer
P3 26 M Marketing consultant
P4 27 M Civil engineering student
P5 27 M Law student
P6 28 F Teacher
P7 30 M Software developer
P8 31 M Informatics student
P9 34 M Software developer
P10 60 F Dentist
TABLE I: Participants in usability testings of reference apps.
According to Nielsen tests with five participants uncovers
about 80% of usability issues [28]. However, this approach is
debated, with some studies suggesting significant variability in
the number of usability issues identified with five participants
[29]. As we aim at identifying as many usability issues as
feasible, we conducted tests for each app with 10 participants,
whose details are depicted in Table I. We recruited participants
within our personal network and met at convenient locations
to conduct the testing, such as at home or in the office.
The participants were seated at a table and used an iPhone
13 to interact with the apps. The iPhone was configured to
record the screen, ensuring a comprehensive capture of the
interactions. One author sat next to the participants with a
laptop, documenting their behaviour.
The test sessions followed four steps. First, we welcomed
and thanked participants and explained the obligatory details,
such as the option to opt out whenever they want. Second,
we explained the purpose of the study and demonstrated the
think-aloud protocol they should use. We stressed that the focus
of the study was on the apps and their usability, ensuring that
participants did not feel they were being tested. Third, we gave
participants the following list of usual tasks to perform [8]:
For the Quiz App:
T1: Put the app in light mode. (Goal:Find&use light mode)
T2: Take a short quiz on a topic that interests you. (Goal:
Take a quiz)
T3: You want to test your knowledge again on the same
topic. (User goal: Replay quiz)
T4: Next week, you will have an exam in Geography.
Take a quiz to boost your knowledge. (Goal: Search and
setup a specific quiz)
For the To-Do App:
T5: Prepare for your upcoming days. Some To-Do’s on
your mind are: buying groceries, watering plants, and
taking out the trash. (Goal: Write down simple tasks)
T6: You must plan your vacation next Friday. (Goal: Write
down a high-priority task with a reminder)
T7: Groceries have been bought, except for one item
“Bread”. (Goal: Edit task)
T8: You have emptied the trash and watered your plants.
(Goal: Mark tasks complete)
T9: Remove the “watering plants” task from your list,
since it is no longer needed. (Goal: Remove one task)
10: Clear the entire list to make room for new tasks. (Goal:
Remove all tasks)
Fourth, participants performed the tasks using think-aloud while
we observed and took notes. This setup aimed to foster a
comfortable environment that resembled typical usage scenarios
for the participants. The full list of resulting usability issues
can be found in the replication package [19].
2) Expert Review and Expert Assessment: As the second
usability evaluation method, we conducted expert reviews
with two UI/UX professionals with multiple years of work
experience (1 male, 1 female). The first session was conducted
in person, and the second via zoom. Each session was divided
into two distinct phases, with an introduction at the beginning
to explain the obligatory details and the purpose of the study.
In the first phase, the experts independently reviewed the two
reference apps without knowing about UX-LLM, starting with
the Quiz app. They navigated through the interfaces, vocalising
their observations and identifying usability issues, similar to
the think-aloud protocol. The identified usability issues are
listed in the replication package [19].
The second phase was dedicated to assessing the usability
issues identified by UX-LLM listed in details in the replication
package [19]. The experts completed a questionnaire, where,
for each usability issue identified by UX-LLM, they had to to
classify it into one of the following categories: “Usability Issue”,
“No Usability Issue”, “Uncertain”, or “Irrelevant/ Incorrect
Statement”. Their assessments are listed in Table II.
B. Perception of Development Teams (RQ3)
To address RQ3, we conducted an in-depth focus group
as part of a post-graduate university capstone project to
develop an app for real clients from industry. The team was
developing a native iOS transit app focusing on visually
impaired users for a large public transport company. At the time
of the focus group, the students had one month remaining to
complete their project (out of five). They already had performed
extensive requirements, design, and development work with
several prototypes. The six-person team was organised into
three pairs: each responsible for a project part. The focus
TABLE II: Usability issues of UX-LLM (see replication
package [19]) annotated with assessments from UX experts.
ID E1 E2 ID E1 E2 ID E1 E2 ID E1 E2
C1 A A C14 A A C27 B A C40 B B
C2 C B C15 A A C28 D D C41 B A
C3 D D C16 A A C29 B B C42 A A
C4 A A C17 C B C30 B B C43 A A
C5 B B C18 A B C31 D D C44 A A
C6 A B C19 B A C32 B A C45 A A
C7 A A C20 A A C33 A A C46 A A
C8 A A C21 A C C34 D D C47 A A
C9 B A C22 A A C35 A A C48 B C
C10 C A C23 A A C36 A A C49 C A
C11 A B C24 A A C37 A A
C12 A A C25 C A C38 B B
C13 A B C26 B A C39 B B
Legend: ID= Issue ID, E1= UX Expert 1, E2= UX Expert 2,
A = Usability Issue, B = No Usability Issue, C = Uncertain, D =
Irrelevant/Incorrect Statement.
group included three participants, one from each pair. The
participating graduate students had at least two years of
development experience working part time.
Before meeting with the group, we gathered their app code
and evaluated it with UX-LLM, preparing usability issues for
its seven main views (included in [19]). Then, we ran the
focus group for approx. 2 hours in a university collaboration
space along four steps: First, we interviewed the group about
the project details, their roles, and their usability evaluation
work so far. Second, we demonstrated UX-LLM and asked
about initial impression and preliminary thoughts. Third, we
presented the identified usability issues, asked the group to
rate their usefulness and discussed them briefly one by one.
Last, we reflected with the group about integrating UX-LLM
into their workflows as well as any remaining concerns they
had. We took notes of the session for later analysis. The entire
list of questions is included in the replication package [19].
When answering semantic Scale questions, we used an
approach similar to the planning poker from agile practices [30].
Participants simultaneously displayed their chosen numerical
rating between 1 and 4 using hand gestures after a countdown
from three, ensuring unbiased and independent responses.
A. Performance Analysis
Figure 5 presents a bar chart of the UX experts assessments
of the usability issues generated by UX-LLM. The two
UX experts provided their evaluations in the four categories
mentioned above. Expert 1 labelled 27 samples as actual
usability issues, 13 as non-usability issues, 5 as uncertain,
and 4 as incorrect/irrelevant statements. Expert 2 labelled 31
samples as usability issues, 12 as non-usability issues, 2 as
uncertain, and 4 as incorrect/irrelevant statements. The top of
each bar shows the number of issues identified by each expert
in each category, with percentages indicating the relative ratio
to the total of 49 issues assessed. This indicates that around
60% of usability issues identified by UX-LLM are valid.
Usability Issue
No Usability Issue
Incorrect/Irrelevant !
UX Expert 1
UX Expert 2
Table 1
UX Expert 1
UX Expert 2
Usability Issue
No Usability Issue
Usability Issues Count
Assessment Categories
* Proportion relative to the
total of 49 issues
Fig. 5: Experts assessment of the issues identified by UX-LLM.
However, we noted some discrepancies in the experts
evaluations. For instance, the experts collectively identified 37
issues as usability issues, while individually they reported 27
and 31 issues. This is highlighted by Cohen’s Kappa measure,
a widely accepted metric for assessing evaluator agreement
[31], which was
κ= 0.53
. Taking into account established
benchmarks for interpreting Cohen’s Kappa, such as the one
proposed by Landis and Koch [32] or Altman [33], a
value of
suggests “Moderate” agreement between the UX experts.
Looking at the differences, the main reason for disagreement
seems to be the subjective nature of usability evaluation and
a wide room for interpretation [9]. For example, the experts
disagreed on issue C19 about the absence of a description
label on the progress bar during the quiz. One labelled it as an
issue, while the other argued that it should be intuitive to users
what a progress bar in a quiz app represents. Similarly, C27
mentions that after the quiz, a “more detailed feedback [despite
the score] could enhance the learning experience”, which one
expert viewed as a suggestion for a new feature rather than
an existing usability issue. Likewise, issue C32 denotes the
lack of clear separation between tasks, since tasks were listed
without distinct dividers or spacing in the overview of the To-
Do app. This was seen differently by experts: one classified it
as a usability issue that could overwhelm users, while another
considered it a minor aesthetic choice, assuming that users can
navigate through lists regardless of visual grouping.
Next, we calculated the precision and recall [25] for UX-
LLM. Due to variations in the expert assessments, different
metrics for each expert are calculated. To calculate these
metrics, we need a definition for true positives (
), false
positives (
) and false negatives (
) in the context of
UX-LLM. True positives are all usability issues generated by
UX-LLM that an expert has identified as a “Usability Issue”
during their evaluation. Samples identified as “No Usability
Issue” and “Incorrect/Irrelevant Statement” are defined as false
positives. The issues labeled as “Uncertain” are excluded from
the calculations because the experts said that they might provide
valuable insights, even if they only offer a change in perspective.
For example, issue C2 critiques the dark mode colour scheme,
which was difficult for the experts to assess, but both agreed
on the positive impact of highlighting it to developers. False
negatives are defined as all usability issues not identified by
UX-LLM but found during the usability testings or expert
reviews. To avoid counting the same usability issue multiple
times, we manually matched the same issues from each method,
as presented in Table III. From this, the precision and recall
values for Expert 1 (E1) and Expert 1 (E2) are as follows:
P recisionE1=T PE1
27 + 17
RecallE1=T PE1
T PE1+F N =27
27 + 51
P recisionE2=T PE2
31 + 16
RecallE2=T PE2
T PE2+F N =31
31 + 51
To directly address research question one (RQ1) the precision
scores, which range from
, are encouraging. This
suggests that the usability issues generated by UX-LLM
are generally valid while maintaining false positives at a
manageable level. The recall scores, being on the lower side,
ranging from
, were expected given the complexity
of detecting usability issues. This was highlighted by Molich
et al. [9], who demonstrated that even simple websites can
contain more than a hundred usability issues.
B. Comparison of Usability Evaluation Methods
To compare UX-LLM with usability testing and expert
review, we matched the issues capturing the same problem
possibly with a varying level of details as shown on Table
III. Looking at the issues, there is a clear difference in
the detail captured. Issues identified from usability testings
generally provide a broad impression, while those from expert
reviews are sharper with more precise focus. For instance,
issue A5 identified in a usability test, describes that users were
overwhelmed by a chaotic-looking screen. This is matched with
four issues from the expert reviews: B9, B10, B11, and B12 that
provide more details: revealing reasons why the screen appears
overwhelming such as “overload of content”, “inconsistent grid
layout”, and “texts [...] inconsistent [...] use of capitalisation”.
The Venn diagram shown in Figure 6 is obtained by matching
duplicate/similar issues. In the issue set of UX-LLM, all
samples were included where at least one expert identified them
as actual usability issues. The diagram shows the overlap and
unique contributions of the usability testing, the expert review,
and UX-LLM. Of the total 110 issues, the usability testings
uncovered 25 issues, with 8 unique to it. The expert review
pointed out 54, including 31 unique issues. UX-LLM identified
30 issues, contributing 8 unique insights. The diagram shows
that only 9 issues were identified by all three methods. There
TABLE III: Matching of issues in reference apps identified by
usability testing (A), expert review (B), and UX-LLM (C).
View U. Testing Expert Review UX-LLM
Category A1 B4 /
View A2 B5 /
(Quiz App) A3 / C6
/ B2
C1, C12, C20, C23
/ B6 C4
Setup View A5
B9, B10, B11, B14
C8, C14
(Quiz App) A6 B13 /
A7 / C11
Quiz View A9, A10 B21 C15, C21
(Quiz App) A14 B20 C22
/ B18 C19
Score View A15, A16 B29 C25
(Quiz App) / B23, B26 C24
List View A17 B35 /
(To-Do App) A18 B37 C37
A19 B36 /
A21 / C33
A22 B43 C35
/ B38 C32
/ B39 C36
Task Detail A25 B57 C44, C47
View A26 B54 C46
(To-Do App) A27 B58 /
/ B44 C42
/ B51 C41
/ B53 C43
are 6 issues that both the testings and the experts identified but
UX-LLM did not. The usability testing and UX-LLM together
identified 3 issues that the expert review missed. Similarly, the
expert review and UX-LLM together found 9 issues that were
not detected through the usability testing.
It is noteworthy that the expert review identified a greater
number of distinct issues. They break down overarching
usability issues into several smaller usability issues, as in
the example above (B9-B12). This allows for more targeted
improvements, as more focused issues make resolution more
actionable [34], [35]. Further, they point out minor design
issues, such as a label being slightly misaligned vertically
(B24), or minor copy-writing inconsistencies, where the same
feature is referred to with different words (B30). These issues
likely went unnoticed in the usability testing as they were
too minor to significantly impact the user experience for an
evaluator to notice (but are certainly still relevant).
The intersection between UX-LLM and the expert review,
seems to contain issues that are difficult to extract from usability
testings due to the absence of specific user groups or testing
conditions. For instance, issue C1 refers to a text that is hard
to read for “users with visual impairments or when viewing in
bright light”. Another type of issues identified are those that
could not be stimulated with the the usability testing tasks.
For example, issue B38 notes that “Completed tasks do not
visually stand out from pending tasks”. This might have gone
unnoticed in the testings, as the maximum number of tasks
displayed on the overview was four and the problem might
become significant only as the list expands.
Fig. 6: Venn Diagram showing the overlap of usability issues
identified by usability testings, expert reviews, and UX-LLM.
Finally, looking at the issues only UX-LLM has identified,
it seems to spot issues other methods might miss by analysing
code. It identifies, e.g., problems on less common user paths,
such as the app performance under slow internet conditions. For
example, issue C7 states: “When the app is fetching categories,
there is no visual indication to the user that data is being loaded,
which could lead to confusion”. This scenario was neither
encountered in the usability testing nor the expert reviews, as
they had fast internet connections. However, it is valid for
users with a limited internet connection. Another example is
issue C18, which notes: “The question text does not have a
maximum line limit, which may cause issues if the question is
too long, leading to the text being cut off or the layout looking
cluttered”. This issue was also not encountered because the test
questions were not overly long. With different longer questions,
this could become a usability issue. However, UX-LLM did
not identify broad context or navigation-related issues, likely
since it analyses only one view at a time. Issue B30, e.g.,
that involves inconsistent wording of the same feature across
different screens, was beyond UX-LLM capability.
C. Perception of Development Teams (RQ3)
1) Current Practices of the Team: The focus group started
with a waterfall-like approach, initially creating a high-fidelity
prototype, which then served as the foundation for development.
Later, the prototype was discarded and design changes were
directly implemented in the app, bypassing adjustments to the
design files. In addition, they conducted several usability eval-
uations through testings and walk-through, engaging directly
with representatives of the visually impaired community.
2) Predicting Usability Issues with UX-LLM: During the
interview, we briefly demonstrated UX-LLM to the team by
using it on one of their app views. Their initial impression
of its potential to enhance the user experience of an app was
moderately positive, with an average rating of
. One
participant stated: “Some issues feel a bit generic and some
don’t make sense, since they are addressed in previous screens”.
More specifically, UX-LLM criticised the text size for being
too small, which was just personalised in the onboarding before.
The other participant said: “I appreciate the fresh perspectives
it offers. Even incorrect usability issues can be valuable as they
make me reevaluate design decisions” (referring to an issue
where UX-LLM criticise the colour scheme as not accessible).
We examined all issues identified by UX-LLM within the
seven main app views (removing results that were clearly false
positives). The students evaluated the usefulness of these issues,
resulting in a positive average rating of
. They found some
of the issues particularly insightful, even uncovering bugs they
had not recognised before. One participant said: “The feedback
on the button bug was spot on; it’s not something we would
have thought about by ourselves”. The other acknowledged
that the issues are properly phrased so that they can “directly
be imported as to-dos on our task board”. Also, “On some
screens we assumed something is not ideal, but we did not
know what the problem was, these issues are very helpful”.
Overall, they felt that pre-filtered results significantly improved
the usefulness and appeal of UX-LLM.
3) Integrating UX-LLM into Development Workflows:
Regarding the ease of integrating UX-LLM, the team gave it a
mildly positive average rating of
. A developer mentioned
that it would be a further burden for him to fill out UX-LLM
required fields. He stated: “I’m a laid-back person, so it would
annoy me to have to use another application beside my IDE”.
In addition, he said: “I’m not sure if I’d regularly go through
10 points”, indicating that it could be tedious to go over
the issues for every app view over the course of development.
The group considered having a team member consistently
review the app views with UX-LLM and share the feedback
with the rest. One of them said, “Personally, I wouldn’t mind
using the tool, as I, being the project manager, could regularly
use UX-LLM and incorporate its findings into our task board”.
Although doable with their team size, they recognised the
challenge of adopting another task given their current time
pressure. The UX designer stated, “It’s great to see an overview
of what’s available; you can quickly eliminate unnecessary
issues and reflect on them. In the end, it saves a lot of time
as it is easier than conducting usability evaluations ourselves”,
indicating her excitement about the tool and that she feels like
she can easily filter out the false positives.
4) Additional concerns and improvement suggestions:
For applying UX-LLM in daily work, the group proposed
embedding it as a plugin in the IDE or in a continuous
integration (CI) pipeline to allow for automatic operation in
the background. They emphasised that an IDE plugin “just
makes sense, as the Xcode IDE already has the code and view’s
preview side by side”. In addition, the team expressed the desire
to not only identify issues but also provide solutions, including
alternative designs of their input image. The designer said:
“When it criticised the accessibility of the colours, it would
be nice if it could also show what colours to use instead”.
Interestingly, they also stated a limitation that could result
from the policy of the LLM used. A discussed example is
when creating an app about wine, as some LLMs might not
be allowed to answer queries about alcohol. Furthermore, the
presentation of usability issues was relevant to the team, as
they found it demotivating to receive a lengthy list pointing out
their product deficiencies. Also, the developer was sceptical
about UX-LLM capability to identify usability issues in features
reliant on hardware interactions involving user input or external
factors, such as camera functions and voice input. Lastly, they
emphasised the importance of a holistic analysis to detect
broader inconsistencies and navigation issues. This approach
would also reduce predicted usability issues, which are already
addressed in other sections of the app.
Overall, the team perspective on UX-LLM was positive,
ending the session saying: “It has identified issues that we
overlooked, and not just a few”. The tool was credited with
uncovering valuable issues that had previously gone unnoticed,
besides conducting usability evaluation methods.
There is a huge body of knowledge around usability [36]–
[38] and usability engineering [8], [39], [40], including a recent
comprehensive review of usability for mobile apps [10]. The
closest areas to our work are software analysis for usability, user
data and feedback analytics, and GenAI for GUI development.
1) Code Analysis for Usability: Research has proposed static
and dynamic code analysis to identify usability issues. For
example, Mathur et al. [41] proposed an analysis framework to
check the source code of Android apps against (pre-configured)
usability guidelines and validation cases (e.g. all password fields
should provide an option to reveal the clear text). Similarly, UX-
LLM only uses development artefacts, notably source code, but
focuses on iOS apps and does not require pre-configuration. In
a study with 16 mobile app companies, Mathur et al. found that
developers often skip usability evaluation due to needed effort,
lack of resources, and know-how [41]. This is a main motivation
for our AI-assisted usability evaluation. The authors also found
their framework to be effective and helpful but developers
were sceptical about the extra work to build own validation
cases. Similar methods [42], [43] are capable of detecting pre-
defined issue (categories), which can be beneficial, e.g., when
evaluating accessibility requirements [44]–[46]. However, they
require initial setup and maintenance as development libraries,
guidelines, and usage scenarios evolve over time [47]. As
UX-LLM the main advantage of code analysis approaches is
their applicability during the development phase to predict and
prevent usability issues, before such issues impact real users.
2) Usage Data Analytics: App usage logs deliver great value
for developers as they enable analysing the user behaviour [48]–
[50]. For example, they can identify which app features are used
most and focus usability evaluation on those areas [51], [52].
Mobile tracking [52], [53] aka analytics tools like Firebase
or TelemetryDeck enable exploring runtime, engagement, and
navigation data, or tracking actions such as button presses.
However, such tracking remains exploratory and raises privacy
concerns depending on its implementation [24], [54].
To detect issues, Park et al. [55] generated a represen-
tative “real user activity model” from execution traces and
an “expected activity model” from developers’ execution of
intended usage scenarios. The authors matched both models
to reveal discrepancies between intended and actual usage,
uncovering four types of usability issues: “unexpected action
sequence”, “unexpected gesture”, “repeated gesture”, and
“exceeded elapsed time”. Similarly, Jeong et al. [56] presented
a graph-based approach to identify dissimilarities in user
behaviour, assuming that when users face usability issues, they
show different behavioural patterns. Evaluating the approach
on issues identified from usability testings of two Android
apps, the authors found a correlation between areas of high
behavioural dissimilarity and identified usability issues. Unlike
UX-LLM, usage data analytics often does not require access
to the source code, but actual users executing the app. This
provides a strong evidence about the user issues but prevents the
applicability to earlier development stages, e.g. before releases.
Moreover, tracking user activity could raise privacy concerns
and only some user segment might participate [24].
3) User Feedback Analysis: Research has shown that, for
many developers, App Store reviews are a primary source
of user feedback [57], [58]. These reviews enable gathering
issues including on usability and help developers improve their
apps, enabling user-driven quality assessment [48]. Users also
report issues in other feedback channels too as social media
and product forums. Nayebi and Cho [59], e.g., revealed that
more than 12% of bug reports were discovered on Twitternow
called “X”. Thus, monitoring and processing feedback looking
for usability related reports is an active field of research
that received a boost with the availability of recent LLMs
[60]. While certainly an important complementary source for
monitoring usability issues, actual user priorities, and novel
ideas, user feedback analytics also requires releasing the app
and having a significant user base—whereas UX-LLM can be
used during the development as it simulates common (user)
knowledge coded in foundation models. UX-LLM is also
beneficial for less popular apps, which do not have enough users
for a meaningful analysis [58]. Feedback analytics also requires
manual tuning and interpretation to extract more valuable
insights [61], [62]. Feedback can vary greatly in quality with
up to 75% of app store reviews consist of praise rather than
constructive feedback [35], [58].
4) Generative AI for GUI Engineering: Recent advance
in AI has also benefited usability research and UI design in
general. Beltramelli [63] presented “pix2code”, which generates
code from a GUI image input. This method uses Convolutional
Neural Networks to identify distinct elements, positions, and
poses in GUI images. It then employs Recurrent Neural
Networks and a decoder to generate executable code. With
the rapid raise of Generative AI significant improvements in
how models solve the “Design2Code” task. Si et al. [64].
conduct benchmarking with current state-of-the-art models and
showed that GPT-4 Turbo with Vision performs best on this
task, compared to other models like Gemini Pro. Their study
annotators claimed that GPT-4 generated websites which can
replace the original reference in terms of visual appearance
and content in 49% of cases. In 64% of cases, the annotators
stated that GPT-4 even generated better websites than the
original reference. Lee et al. [65] proposed a hybrid neural
design network to generate design layouts that meet user-
specified constraints (e.g. a design with one headline and
two images). In their experiments, they demonstrate that the
generated layouts are visually similar to real design layouts.
Wei et al. [66] take a step further to generate whole GUI designs
using UI-Diffuser and LayoutDM [67], a Transformer-based
model to generate layouts. Users provide a simple prompt
of what the GUI should represent, e.g., a music player app.
The preliminary results indicate that this could be an efficient
and cost-effective method for creating mobile GUI designs,
but far from directly reusable and need improvement and
usability evaluation. is a similar recent commercial product,
which generates mobile GUI designs with a simple prompt.
Mattisson et al. [68] demonstrated that Uizard can significantly
enhance designers efficiency, boost creativity in idea generation,
and improve communication with stakeholders. Particularly the
editable designs with nested components allow for continuous
customisation and adjustments, e.g. after usability evaluation.
To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to use GenAI
and empirically study its potential for usability evaluation.
1) Internal and External Validity: For the usability testing,
we aimed to recruit diverse participants, with ages ranging
from 24 to 60 years and various occupations. Although this
represents a broad spectrum, some participants have a technical
affinity, which could potentially limit the range of usability
issues identified. Furthermore, only three participants were
female and three had only limited iOS experience, which could
potentially obscure the results, as unfamiliarity with platform
features might be mistakenly perceived as usability issues
[69]. In addition, no participant had impairments, potentially
missing some issues. Replicating exact real-world conditions is
a perpetual challenge. Although usability tests (also ours) are
designed to match real-world conditions (than laboratory tests),
they are never entirely the same [70]. Some usability issues
might have been overlooked due to artificial usage environment
or participants motivation to use the apps with pre-defined tasks.
Another potential threat to internal validity is that only two
UX professionals were recruited for the expert review, Although
the evaluations were thoroughly conducted as the result details
show, involving additional experts might lead to more diverse
perspectives on UX-LLM and its results.
The selection of reference apps restricts the broader unreli-
ability of our findings. The chosen Quiz and To-Do app are
simpler compared to the wide range of available more complex
apps. To increase the generalisability, it is important to replicate
our study with apps from various categories, embodying varying
levels of complexity and incorporating different types of user
interactions [50], [71]. The amount and quality of code entered
into UX-LLM can also have a major impact on performance.
We chose expert reviews and usability testings as comparative
usability evaluation methods. While these methods are well-
established [72], for a comprehensive analysis, UX-LLM should
also be compared with additional usability evaluation methods
such as questionnaires or feedback, usage data [50], and code
analysis techniques discussed in Section V.
In addition, the focus group involved a small student
development team working on a capstone university project
app. The insights gained do not fully represent the experiences
of more diverse professional development teams working on a
commercial app, affecting the perceived utility and integration
potential of UX-LLM in various development contexts. For
more in-depth results, it would be beneficial to have developers
use the tool over time to gather more evaluation experiences.
2) Construct Validity: During the expert reviews, the survey
had four options to categorise UX-LLM’s usability issues:
“Usability Issue”, “No Usability Issue”, “Uncertain”, and
“Incorrect/Irrelevant Statement”. The appropriateness of these
categories could also be questioned, considering that they might
not capture all possible reactions. To mitigate this potential
threat, we took detailed notes of all expert comments.
Furthermore, during performance evaluation, the recall was
calculated by defining false negatives as all usability issues
not identified by UX-LLM but found during usability testings
and expert reviews. There remains ambiguity about whether all
usability issues have been uncovered, with a strong likelihood
that some issues have gone unnoticed. This was highlighted by
Molich et al. [9], who demonstrated that even simple websites
can contain more than a hundred usability issues. Similar to
Park et al. multiple studies skipped the recall calculations
entirely, stating that, “it is nearly impossible to define a
totally complete set of [usability issues].” [55] Accordingly, we
combined issues from both expert evaluation and the testings
suggest using precision as main metric to demonstrate the
method accuracy and recall rather as indicative.
To compare and match the overlap of usability issues found
by the three methods, we constructed Table III. Although
we took special care and applied a strict guideline that only
the same or sub/super issues are matched, other UX experts
might come to slightly different matching [9], [73], which we
encourage assessing by share our evaluation data. Only usability
issues between the methods were matched. Matching issues
within each method could also lead to additional insights.
Finally, for the studies on UX-LLM only OpenAI’s GPT-
4 Turbo with Vision was used. Using different LLMs and
different prompts could significantly change the performance.
Moreover, during all studies, we ignored the severity of issues,
Comparing the issue severity would likely lead to additional
insights but requires additional studies, due to its subjective
variability [73]. We also did not examine the determinism of
UX-LLM results. Generating different outputs from the same
input could impact performance and usefulness [16].
Our results show that—with fairly low effort and widely-
available models—GenAI can predict in source code valid
usability issues, that can easily be reviewed and fixed before
releasing the app, avoiding to dissatisfy users and compromise
their experience. This saves time and resources particularly for
smaller app teams and freelancers, who tend to ignore usability
evaluation [41]. However, our study also shows that relevant
issues particularly identified by usability experts were missed by
UX-LLM. This suggests that traditional usability evaluation can
certainly be boosted with GenAI but not completely replaced,
still requiring a UX expert in the loop.
Usability evaluation is a rather continuous, iterative, sub-
jective process [8], [74]. It is thus unlikely that one method
or one person can identify “all” usability issues [9]. This
should be kept in mind when interpreting the rather limited
recall values of UX-LLM, calculated conservatively. Relaxing
the interpretation, e.g., including issues rated “undecided” or
confirmed by one expert would lead to higher performance
values. Our qualitative analysis, e.g., from the focus group,
also shows that “debatable” issues or “rather feature ideas” can
also be insightful for developers to re-evaluate their designs.
We think that method triangulation or hybrid approaches
are particularly appealing to gather various perspectives and
increase evaluation effectiveness and efficiency. UX-LLM
seems to outperform when access to certain users is difficult
(e.g. impaired users) or rare scenarios and tasks are not specified
). Experts are particularly able to reason about
the broader pictures, e.g., issues across multiple views or
inconsistent terminology, which is a limitation of UX-LLM.
Automated analysis of user feedback, usage data, and code
discussed in Section V represent additional complementary
techniques. However, a central question remains unanswered:
how and when to effectively combine the various usability
evaluation techniques. Our comparative study and the focus
group contributed only preliminary insights. This need to be
re-evaluated at a broader scale and including multiple apps,
domains, programming frameworks, and numerous issues.
At the time of our research, there was no public datasets
available with source code and actual validated usability
issues from various evaluation methods. This was a major
rationale to focus our work on an in-depth study creating
such data for 3 apps, rather than a benchmarking different
Foundation Models and prompt engineering techniques. We
hope that by replicating our study and augmenting our dataset
with additional apps and issues, studies on model-tuning and
advance prompt engineering (including, e.g. more / custom
issue examples or techniques as Chain of Thoughts) will be
become possible. This will likely lead to more precise GenAI-
assisted usability evaluation tools and will enable meta-studies
of hybrid approaches. We think that the research community
should focus on this in near future. Finally, integrating usability
issue prediction in the IDE (as a “usability debugger”) as well
as suggesting potential fixes are promising directions for a
higher acceptance of the tool in daily development work.
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Category View
Users did not immediately recognize what the view
is about, requiring them to read the categories to
understand it.
Users were confused by the sorting of the categories,
as they could not identify a clear sorting rule, such as
alphabetical order.
The light/dark mode toggle was misleading; users
expected the icon to change from a sun to a moon
when toggled.
Difficulty was encountered in finding the “Geography”
category due to the lengthy list without a search
Setup View
A5 The design was perceived as chaotic.
Uncertainty regarding Any” as a difficulty level and
its emoji.
Delay after pressing the “Start” button led to multiple
The back button was misleadingly labeled as “Back”
instead of something more descriptive like “Change
Topic”, causing navigation confusion for some users.
Quiz View
Some users were unsure which answer they had logged
in and whether it was correct. This is due to the
sudden change of the screen, accompanied by green,
red, and yellow indicators, along with multiple symbols
The cross and checkmark symbol caused confusion
among users.
Text changed from one line to two lines after displaying
the cross / checkmark symbol.
When Any” difficulty was chosen, users wanted to
know the difficulty level of questions shown to them.
A13 Current Points were not visible to the user, leading to
uncertainty about their score.
Users were unable to correct their answers when they
accidentally pressed the wrong button.
Score View
Users who pressed “Try again” to answer different
questions on the same topic were surprised to receive
the same questions again.
Pressing “Back” led users to the setup screen instead
of the categories screen, which was not as expected.
List View
When trying to tap the Add To-Do Task” button was
often missed due to its small size and placement at the
top of the screen.
Task color coding was unclear, particularly the use of
blue instead of orange, to follow the expected traffic
light colors of red, orange, green for high, medium, and
low priorities.
Task sorting by priority was not clear until tasks of all
priority levels were displayed.
Accidentally marking tasks as completed instead of
opening the edit view.
Some users cleared tasks individually by swiping,
overlooking the option to use the trash bin for clearing
all tasks at once.
Some users were unable to find the swipe-to-delete
feature for individual tasks, instead trying a long press
or searching for an edit mode button.
Uncertainty about the disappearance of completed tasks
(e.g., if they disappear automatically after a certain
Task Detail View
Tendency to create a single task for all activities (e.g.,
“Daily Tasks”) due to lack of subtasks or examples,
leading to overloaded task descriptions.
It was not clear to all users about the optional nature
of the task description field.
Lack of clarity on why reminders were marked as
invalid when accidentally set to past dates.
Desire for a delete option within the task editing
Category View
The app defaults to light mode, irrespective of the
device’s preferences.
The yellow and white color scheme of the app make
text hard to read.
The spacing between the list and heading is too narrow
to effectively create a hierarchy.
The title “Trivia Game” does not clearly indicate the
screens purpose, forcing users to explore the content
for clarity.
B5 The order of the categories appears arbitrary.
Additional explanations for some categories might be
beneficial, such as clarifying that “General Knowledge”
includes a mix of questions from all categories.
Setup View
The previously selected category and its corresponding
title on the setup screen sometimes do not match (e.g.,
“Video Games” vs. “Entertainment: Video Games”).
The back button’s blue accent clashes with the app’s
yellow accent color.
B9 There is an overload of content on a single view.
B10 Inconsistent grid layouts cause visual confusion.
The lack of visual guides makes the screen appear
disorganized, with buttons missing defined tap areas.
B12 Texts are inconsistent in their use of capitalization.
It is unclear whether the Any” option randomizes
difficulty per question or for the entire quiz.
The “Multiple Choice” text wrapping is visually unap-
The start button is slimmer and has a shadow, leading
to a lack of consistency in button design.
Saving the last setup configuration could simplify
repeated use.
Quiz View
B17 There is no option to exit a game in progress.
The progress label (“1/10”) could be confusing as there
is no textual description of what the numbers represent.
The design of the answer buttons is not consistent with
the rest of the button designs.
Once an answer is selected, it is instantly submitted,
with no option to revise it.
The presentation logic of the symbols for correct
and incorrect answer (checkmark and cross) can be
When submitting an incorrect answer, the black text
on the red background of the answer button creates a
contrast that is difficult to read.
Score View
The visual hierarchy is unclear, making it hard to
distinguish the importance of different elements.
The alignment of the “10/10” label to the progress
indicator is not centered.
The “10/10” label and progress indicator are not relevant
on the result screen.
Text elements are overly large and clustered at the top,
lacking a balanced distribution.
The positioning of buttons towards the top of the screen
makes them less accessible.
The design does not effectively utilize secondary buttons
to indicate less important actions.
The “Try Again” feature restarts with the game with the
same questions, which could be clearer in its description.
List View
The app’s interchangeable use of “Tasks”, “Things”,
and “Items” creates terminology inconsistency.
The wording of the headline “Things to Do” can
confuse, especially in the empty state.
During the empty state, showing a disabled trashcan is
There is a lack of clear visual hierarchy due to the font
sizes in the empty state.
Inconsistent icon sizes detract from the app’s visual
Despite being a key function, the add task button is
small and positioned in the toolbar, away from easy
thumb access.
B36 The task’s sorting is unclear and unexplained.
The color coding for task priority does not follow the
expected traffic light scheme.
Completed tasks do not visually stand out enough from
pending tasks.
Once tasks are completed, their details become inac-
The search feature is hidden behind a swipe-down
The search feature’s empty state has no informative
The absence of a confirmation step for swipe-to-delete
actions could result in accidental task removal.
An expected “select to delete” functionality is missing.
Task Detail View
The view’s title “Edit Task” when adding a task is
The back button’s label “Things to Do” is unnecessarily
long and not straightforward.
The word “Title” is redundantly used both as the label
and the placeholder for the title field.
Unlike the other fields, the description text field contains
no placeholder.
The description field’s dynamic resizing is unconven-
tional and might not guide user input as effectively as
a fixed size would.
The ability to dismiss the keyboard by tapping on the
background is missing.
The arrow icons in the priority field do not clearly
indicate a dropdown menu.
The use of gray color for the text in the priority field
misleadingly suggests that it is disabled or a placeholder.
The word “Priority” is redundantly used both as the
label and the placeholder for the priority field.
The “Remove Reminder” button is too prominent and
could be mistakenly perceived as a save button.
The alert message for reminders set in the past does
not clearly explain the problem.
Alerts for invalid reminder dates should be given
immediately when an invalid date is selected, not upon
The action for saving should be labeled as “Save”
instead of “Done”.
It is unclear that the title field is required for task
creation and that the “Done” toolbar button is grayed
out until it is filled in.
A delete option within the task detail view is missing.
Category View
Insufficient contrast between text and background color:
The yellow background with white text on the category
buttons may not provide enough contrast for users with
visual impairments or when viewing in bright light
Inconsistent use of dark mode: The toggle for light and
dark mode changes the overall UI theme but retains a
yellow background for category buttons, which could
lead to a disjointed user experience in dark mode.
No visual feedback on button press: The category
buttons do not appear to have any visual feedback when
tapped, which could leave users uncertain whether their
input has been registered.
Lack of category description: The buttons only display
the category name without any description, which might
not be enough information for users to decide which
category to choose, especially if the category names
are not self-explanatory.
Fixed button height: The category buttons have a fixed
height, which might not accommodate category names
of varying lengths or localization into other languages
where the text might be longer.
Potential for hidden navigation bar elements: The sun
icon for toggling light/dark mode might be hard to find
for users, as it blends with the navigation bar elements
and does not communicate its function clearly without
text or a more descriptive icon.
No indication of loading state: When the app is fetching
categories, there is no visual indication to the user that
data is being loaded, which could lead to confusion if
the process takes longer than expected.
Setup View
Inconsistent option button layout: The “True/False”
option button for the “Question Type” is not aligned
with the other buttons, which may confuse users about
whether it is selectable or part of another group.
Lack of visual feedback on user interactions: There is
no indication that a user’s selection has been registered
aside from the color change, which might not be enough
for users with visual impairments or those not perceptive
to subtle changes.
Unclear error messaging position: The error message
appears at the bottom of the view, which might not be
noticed by users if they do not scroll down or if there
is no indication that an error has occurred.
Ambiguous loading state: The loading indicator is
placed on top of the “Start!” button when fetching
questions, which might make users think that the button
is disabled or that the app has frozen, rather than
understanding that a process is ongoing.
The “Start!” button’s text color is similar to the
background color, which may reduce contrast and
readability, potentially making it difficult for users to
identify the call-to-action button.
The app view lacks a clear indication of the current
step or progress within the quiz configuration process,
which might leave users uncertain about how far along
they are in the setup.
No clear visual hierarchy between different sections
(Difficulty, Question Type, Number of Questions),
which can make the view appear as one large block of
content, potentially overwhelming users.
Quiz View
Inconsistent feedback on selection: The visual feedback
for correct and incorrect answers is inconsistent. The
correct answer is only indicated by the color green with
a checkmark, while the incorrect answer is indicated
by the color red with an “X” and also shifts to the left,
which may be confusing for the user.
Lack of clear navigation cues: There is no clear
indication of how to proceed to the next question after
a selection is made, which could lead to user confusion.
The “Next” button appears only after a selection, and
it may not be immediately obvious to the user.
Inadequate touch targets: The “Next” button may have
an inadequate touch target size, which could make it
difficult for users to tap accurately, especially on devices
with smaller screens.
Limited question visibility: The question text does not
have a maximum line limit, which may cause issues if
the question is too long, leading to the text being cut
off or the layout looking cluttered.
Ambiguous progress bar: The progress bar does not
have a label or any indication of what it represents,
which could lead to confusion about the user’s progress
within the quiz.
Color contrast issues: The colors used for the “Next”
button (yellow text on a yellow background) have low
contrast, making it difficult to read, especially for users
with visual impairments.
No indication of the selected answer: There is no
persistent indication of which answer was selected by
the user after the answer is revealed, which can be
problematic if the user wants to review their choice
before moving on.
Lack of confirmation before moving to the next question:
There is no mechanism to confirm the user’s choice
before automatically advancing to the next question,
which may lead to accidental selections.
Score View
The color contrast between the yellow buttons and
the white text may not be sufficient for all users,
particularly those with visual impairments, which can
lead to readability issues.
Lack of clear visual hierarchy could make it difficult for
users to quickly understand the results; the results text
and the buttons seem to have similar visual prominence.
The buttons’ labels “Try again!” and “Back” may not
be descriptive enough to indicate their function clearly,
which can lead to confusion about what action will be
There appears to be no indication of a correct answer
review option, which might be beneficial for users who
want to learn from their mistakes.
The feedback provided to the user does not appear to
be personalized beyond the number of correct answers;
more detailed feedback could enhance the learning
There is no visual feedback on user interactions; for
example, the buttons do not change appearance when
tapped, which could leave users uncertain if their input
has been registered.
The spacing between the “Try again!” and “Back”
buttons may not be enough to prevent accidental presses,
which could lead to frustration.
The fixed width and height of the buttons may not
accommodate longer text for localization, potentially
resulting in text clipping or layout issues in different
List View
Inconsistent visual feedback on task completion: The
checkboxes provide a visual cue when a task is
completed, but the accompanying text does not change
its appearance, which could be improved by altering
the text style to indicate completion more clearly.
Lack of clear separation between tasks: The tasks are
listed without clear dividers or spacing, which can make
it difficult to distinguish individual tasks in longer lists.
Ambiguous delete functionality: The delete icon’s
function in the navigation bar is not clear, and could be
improved with a text label or a more descriptive icon.
Missing visual hierarchy in list items: The task title and
due date are styled similarly, making it hard to identify
the most important information quickly.
No indication of swipe actions: If swipe actions are
available, they should be indicated visually to educate
Redundant navigation links for completed tasks: Nav-
igation elements for completed tasks could mislead
users, and should be removed or visually distinguished.
Unclear priority indication: The meaning of colored
checkboxes as priority indicators is not obvious without
a legend or explanation.
Overloaded navigation bar: Having add and delete ac-
tions in the same place can be overwhelming; separating
these actions can reduce cognitive load.
Inconsistent interaction patterns: The use of toggles for
marking tasks as completed may not align with other
interaction patterns in the app.
Lack of feedback when adding or removing tasks: No
visual or auditory feedback is provided, which could
leave users unsure of the action’s success.
Item Detail View
Incomplete visual feedback for priority selection: No
clear indicator like a checkmark or highlight to show
the selected priority level when the picker is collapsed.
Inconsistent navigation title: The title says “Edit task”
which might be misleading for new tasks; it should
change based on the action context.
No visual separation between date picker and remove
button: These elements are placed next to each other
without clear visual separation, possibly causing confu-
No indication of mandatory fields: Fields like the title,
which are required, are not marked, potentially leading
to incomplete task saving attempts.
Lack of confirmation or undo functionality for removing
reminders: This can lead to accidental data loss.
No clear error messaging for invalid due dates: The
alert shown does not specify why the date is invalid or
guide the user to correct it.
Inconsistent button states: The “Done” button is dis-
abled if the title is empty, but no similar constraints
exist for other critical fields.
No feedback on successful task creation or update:
There is no visual confirmation that the task has been
successfully saved.
Limited accessibility support: UI elements lack descrip-
tive labels for accessibility tools, hindering usability
for visually impaired users.
D1 Can you describe your team?
What is your approach to combining UX with your
development workflow?
Did you face any challenges in combining UX into your
development workflow?
Did you conduct any usability evaluations for your app?
Demonstration of UX-LLM on one of their app’s view.
On a scale of 1 to 4, how would you rate your initial
impression of UX-LLM when it comes to improving the
quality of an app’s user experience?
Based on what you have seen, what are your initial
thoughts about UX-LLM?
Presentation of usability issues generated by UX-LLM
on the seven main views of their app.
On a scale of 1 to 4, how useful do you find these usability
What are your initial thoughts about the usability issues
identified by UX-LLM?
How would you compare the filtered vs. unfiltered usability
On a scale of 1 to 4, how easy do you think it would
be to integrate UX-LLM into your existing development
How would you go about integrating UX-LLM into your
workflow, and what factors do you think would make this
easy or challenging?
D12 In general, what did you like about UX-LLM?
Do you see any limitations or concerns with using UX-
LLM for usability evaluations?
What improvements or additional features would you
suggest for UX-LLM?
Do you have any other comments or thoughts you would
like to share about UX in app development or about
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
ChatGPT is a cutting-edge language model that has been making waves in the field of natural language processing. However, its capabilities extend far beyond language-based applications. ChatGPT can also be used as a powerful tool for debugging software code. As software applications become increasingly complex, the need for efficient and accurate debugging tools has become more pressing. ChatGPT's ability to analyze and understand code makes it a promising solution to this challenge. Debugging is a critical part of the software development process. Bugs, or errors in code, can have serious consequences for the functionality and security of software applications. Identifying and fixing bugs can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive process, requiring the expertise of experienced developers. ChatGPT has the potential to streamline this process and make it more accessible to a wider range of developers, regardless of their experience level. In this article, we will explore the capabilities of ChatGPT as a debugging tool, the advantages and limitations of using it, and best practices for integrating it into the software development workflow.
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In the last 10 years, the smartphone industry has risen and gradually become a crucial industry in human beings’ society due to the growth of communicational technology. However, the cost of producing a phone has been cut these years because of the industry’s maturity. More and more brands are to be born in the future. The situation can be an influential factor in developing the smartphone industry. The convergence of the smartphone industry might cause a recession in the industry. The research will focus on the two symbiotic smartphone brands, Xiaomi and Apple, to study their marketing strategy. By comparing various strategies, the study will also predict the smartphone industry and offer persuasive suggestions for the transition of the smartphone industry. The methodology such as questionnaire and case study will be included in the article to gain the analysis data. The research has analyzed and predicted the smartphone industry trend with the data.
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User Experience (UX) evaluation has a significant importance for any interactive application. Mobile device applications have additional limitations to convey good user experiences (UX) due to the usage and features of mobile devices in ubiquitous computing contexts. There are a lot of automated tools available for evaluating, such applications particularly developed for Android and iOS. Automated UX evaluation provides a number of strengths which are able to overcome the limitations of non-automated (moderated) counterparts. Automated UX evaluation is regarded as unexplored field, especially when it is adopted for the UX evaluation of complex mobile application. Despite these, automated UX evaluation tools are unexplored and should only be used in coupling with traditional UX evaluation techniques. Hence, this study aims to discuss the literature in automated UX evaluation and to highlight the UX measurements that merit further investigation. This paper presents the most frequently used automated UX evaluation tools for mobile applications. Therefore, the study analyzes existing automated UX tools and frameworks and identifies which UX attributes and measurements of automated UX evaluation are likely to be of use in future research. Moreover, we discuss the strengths and limitations of automated UX evaluation methods for mobile applications. Finally, the paper provides an overview of automated UX evaluation techniques and tools. It also presents the strengths and limitations for comparing various evaluation methods.
This paper surveys and organizes research works in a new paradigm in natural language processing, which we dub “prompt-based learning”. Unlike traditional supervised learning, which trains a model to take in an input x and predict an output y as P (y|x), prompt-based learning is based on language models that model the probability of text directly. To use these models to perform prediction tasks, the original input x is modified using a template into a textual string prompt x′ that has some unfilled slots, and then the language model is used to probabilistically fill the unfilled information to obtain a final string x^\hat{\bm {x}} , from which the final output y can be derived. This framework is powerful and attractive for a number of reasons: it allows the language model to be pre-trained on massive amounts of raw text, and by defining a new prompting function the model is able to perform few-shot or even zero-shot learning, adapting to new scenarios with few or no labeled data. In this paper we introduce the basics of this promising paradigm, describe a unified set of mathematical notations that can cover a wide variety of existing work, and organize existing work along several dimensions, e.g. the choice of pre-trained language models, prompts, and tuning strategies. To make the field more accessible to interested beginners, we not only make a systematic review of existing works and a highly structured typology of prompt-based concepts, but also release other resources, e.g., a website NLPedia–Pretrain including constantly-updated survey, and paperlist.