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1 1 2
Evelyn Osemhen Eziagu , Eno-obong Nkanga Chidimma Ezinne Nwankwo , Ayoyinka
3 4 1
A. Ayorinde , Margaret Egan Erhunmwunsee , Seyi Ogundipe Sunday, Uma Agwu
5 5 6
Uma , Emedoh Thomas Chimezie & Uchechukwu Brian Eziagu
1Department of Mental Health, University of Uyo Teaching Hospital, Uyo,
Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
2Department of Psychological Medicine, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital,
Ituku/Ozalla, Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria
3Department of Mental Health, Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital
Complex, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria
4Department of Family Medicine, University of Uyo Teaching Hospital, Uyo,
Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
5Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital (FNPH), Calabar,
Cross Rivers State, Nigeria
6Department of Histopathology, University of Uyo Teaching Hospital (UUTH), o, Akwa
Corresponding author: Dr. Evelyn Osemhen Eziagu, Department of Mental Health, University of Uyo Teaching Hospital, P.M.B.
1136, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Postal code: 520001. Phone: +2347037151904. Email:
New Psychoacve Substances (NPS), also known as designer drugs, pose significant public
health risks due to their potent psychoacve properes and potenal neurobehavioural
effects. Medical doctors play a crucial role in idenfying and addressing the health risks
associated with NPS use. This study assessed medical doctors' knowledge of NPS and their
neurobehavioral effects. A cross-seconal online survey of licensed medical doctors was
conducted, revealing varying levels of awareness and knowledge regarding NPS. While
respondents showed familiarity with NPS terminology and street names, gaps existed,
parcularly concerning specific NPS categories. This underscores the importance of
enhancing medical professionals' understanding of NPS to ensure comprehensive paent
care and informed treatment decisions.
Keywords: Medical Doctors, Designer drugs, New Psychoacve Substances (NPS),
Neurobehavioral Effects, Familiarity
African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies
Journal homepage:
Volume 22, Numbers 2 2023
New psychoacve substances (NPS) are a
complex and varied group of drugs oen
k n o w n a s ' N o v e l P sy ch oa c ve
Substan c e s ' , ' D e s i gner d r ugs' , o r
'Synthec Drugs' (Feng et al., 2017;
Gilani, 2016; United Naons Office on
Drugs and Crime, 2020, p. 2). The UNODC
defined NPS as “substances of abuse,
either in a pure form or a preparaon,
that are not controlled by the 1961
Single Convenon on Narcoc Drugs or
the 1971 Convenon on Psychotropic
Substances, but which may pose a public
health threat” (United Naons Office On
Drugs and Crime, 2020, p. 2). The
UNODC further noted that the term
“new” does not necessarily refer to new
invenons — several NPS were first
synthesized decades ago — but to
substances that have recently become
available on the market”(United Naons
Office on Drugs and Crime, 2020, p. 2).
NPS has evolved and mulplied over
the years, with the UNODC declaring
over 900 NPS as of 2019, from about 600
in 2015 (Feng et al., 2017; United
Naons Office on Drugs and Crime,
2020). This high number, as well as the
rapid evoluon, make these substances
a crical challenge to the government,
the general public as well as clinical, and
scienfic communies (Gilani, 2016;
Shafi et al., 2020).
NPS includes a wide range of
chemical structures, all of which have
the po tena l to p ro duc e different
neurobehavioral effects (Shafi et al.,
2020). Studies by Shafi et al and Gilani
have shown that not only is there a wide
range of chemical compounds, but
products labeled with the same name
may also contain different compounds,
somemes with several compounds in
one product (Gilani, 2016; Shafi et al.,
2020). The neuropsychological effects
might range from euphoria to serious
c o gn i v e i mp a irm e n t a nd li fe -
threatening symptoms (Abdulrahim &
Bowden-Jones, 2015; Gilani, 2016;
Kronstrand et al., 2018). Consequently,
N P S u s e r s o e n e x p e r i e n c e
unpredictabl e outcomes, inc luding
acute intoxicaon, overdose, and other
mental health issues (Abdulrahim D. &
Bowden-Jones O., 2015; Kronstrand et
al., 2018).
Medical doctors play a key role in
diagnosing and treang people with
su bstan ce use pro ble ms (Miller &
Sheppard, 1999). Managing a paent
who has used NPS may be quite
challenging and not straighorward for
clinicians (Aguirre-Molina & Gorman,
2003; Awuchi et al., 2023; Shafi et al.,
2020). This is due in part to the wide
array of chemical structures and the
constantly changing formulaons of the
substances (Shafi et al., 2020; Sherri L.
Kacinko & Donna M. Papsun, n.d.).
Furthermore, regular toxicology screens
may not be well suited to detect these
NPS, thus, treang clinicians may not
know which guideline to reference
(Grafinger et al., 2020; Sherri L. Kacinko
& Donna M. Papsun, n.d.). Owing to the
a b o v e , u n r a v e l i n g t h e e x a c t
neu ro b e h avio ra l e ff e c t(s ) of t he
substance(s) becomes a bit problemac
(Feng et al., 2017; Gilani, 2016; Grafinger
et al., 2020; Kronstrand et al., 2018).
Unfortunately, less is known about the
level of medical doctors' knowledge of
NPS and its neurobehavioral effects,
parcularly within the context of Uyo,
Nigeria. To the best of our knowledge, no
prior published studies have undertaken
this assessment among medical doctors
in this region. However, this absence of
data does not imply a low prevalence of
NPS ulizaon in Uyo or the broader
Af rican con nent. Notably, recent
studies by Dumbili et al. in Nigeria and
Oka for et al. in Calab a r r eveal e d
escalang rates of NPS ulizaon, with a
diverse array of substances, including
indigenous variees, idenfied among
paent populaons (Dumbili et al., 2021;
Okafor C. J. et al., 2022). Similarly,
rese a r c h co n d uc t e d in Ke n y a b y
Kahuthi a - G a t h u do c u m ented t h e
emergence o f over forty new N PS
( K ah u th i a- G at h u e t al . , 2 0 13 ) .
Comparable trends have also been
observed in South Africa and other
regions of Africa (Kahuthia-Gathu et al.,
2 0 1 3 ; O na o l a p o e t a l. , 2 0 2 2 ).
Importantly, a high level of knowledge of
NPS and their neurobehavioral effects
among medical doctors will have great
clinica l impli caon s parcula rly as
regards good clinical outcomes in the
medical management of the paents
who use NPS in our environm ent .
Therefore, this study aimed to assess
medical doctors' knowledge of NPS and
its neurobehavioral effects. Also, our
findings will be compared with exisng
relevant literature. This understanding is
c r uc i al to d ev e lo p in g eff ec ve
educaonal intervenons, improving
clinical pracce, and promong paent
safety in the medical management of
NPS and their neurobehavioral effects.
Study design: This study was a cross-
seconal survey conducted a mong
medical doctors from diverse speciales
and geographic regions, both within
Nigeria and among Nigerian medical
profe s s i ona l s re s i d in g in va r i ous
countries abroad, encompassing the
Nigerian diaspora. The selecon of
parcipants from varied geographical
locaons aimed to enrich the depth of
research findings, enable comparave
analyses and foster a comprehensive
understanding of the invesgated topic.
The study used a survey instrument that
contained both closed and open-ended
quesons to collect data. Data analysis
involved descripve stascal analysis
and themac (qualitave) analysis.
Study instrument: We designed a survey
instrument that was pre-tested by two
independent reviewers who found that
the quesonnaire was good enough and
made few correcons to it which include
rephrasing of a queson and adding a
queson to th e ques onn aire. T he
quesonnaire comprised 24 quesons
subdivided into six secons. Secon one
contained an introducon to the survey,
including an explanaon of the study
ob j e c ve . Th e ot her s ec o ns , in
chronological order, contained quesons
th a t as se ss e d so c io de m og rap h ic
informaon; fa m i l i a r i t y wi t h N P S
terminology, common street names and
categori es o f NPS; neurobehavioral
effects of NPS; management-related
issues (e.g., clinical encounters involving
paents who disclosed their NPS use and
their confidence in addressing NPS-
related health concerns); and conclusion.
S am p l i n g a n d da ta c o l le c o n
Proc edures: The res pon dents were
recruited through convenience sampling
via an online Google survey form and the
link was shared across medical doctors'
online groups (i.e., professional medical
associaons) on the WhatsApp social
media plaorm. The inclusion criteria
were being a licensed medical doctor
and consent to parcipate in the study.
Data collecon went on for two (2)
weeks. The survey was launched on the
25th of July 2023 and the dataset used
in this study was extracted on the 8th of
August 2023.
Data analysis
Descripve Analysis: The data analysis
was d on e us i n g G oo g l e S hee t s .
Frequencies and percentages were
computed for most of the quesons
including those assessing demographic
i n fo rm a on , qu e s o ns te s n g
fa m iliari t y w ith the ter m i nology,
common street names and categories of
NPS, knowledge of neurobehavioral
effects, etc.
Themac Analysis: For open-ended
quesons, qualitave themac analysis
was carried out to idenfy common
themes in respondents' responses.
Inially, responses were familiarized
with to gain an understanding of their
content. Subsequently, an open coding
app ro a c h wa s u l i z e d to a s si g n
descripve codes to relevant segments
of the data. These codes were then
collated to idenfy overarching themes
that emerged from the data. Through
iterave review and refinement of these
t h e m e s , a c o m p r e h e n s i v e
unde rstanding of the dataset was
achieved. Ulmately, conclusions were
dra wn b ased on the synt h e sized
themes, providing valuable insights into
th e perspec ve s and exp erience s
conveyed by the respondents.
A total number of 101 respondents filled
out the survey form within the study
period. More males (65.9%) responded
than females (33%), with a male-to-
female rao of 2:1. The age range of
respondents was 29 to 63 years, with a
mean age of 38 ± 6.59 years. The
respondents comprised almost enrely
(99%) of praccing medical doctors from
Nigeria, praccing in Nigeria (95%) and in
the diaspora (5%). Of those praccing in
Nigeria, approximately 84% work in
teaching hospitals or other federal
government-owned health facilies
while the rest are in private facilies,
pr i m ar y he al t h c e n t ers , ge n er a l
hospitals, and educaonal instuons.
The majority of the respondents have
between 5 to 20 years of experience in
medical pracce (Table 1).
Ethical consideraons: Formal ethics
approval was not needed because the
research entailed no harm to parcipants.
Ho w ev e r, et h i c al gu id el in es and
principles outlined in the Declaraon of
Helsinki were adhered to. Before the
respondents saw the quesonnaire page,
a thorough explanaon of the research's
goals and objecves were given to them.
Informed consent was obtained from the
respondents and the confidenality of
th e infor ma on th ey provid ed was
assured. None of the respondents was
compelled in any form nor given survey
inducement to complete the online
survey quesonnaire. The authors also
declared that all the respondents were
fully anonymous. The enre cost of this
research was borne by the authors.
Table 1: Frequency distribuon table displaying the respondents' sociodemographic data
Characteriscs Frequency Percentage (%)
Male 66 65.35
Female 34 33.66
Prefer not to say 1 0.99
Age categories
< 30
30 to 39
40 to 49
50 to 59
= 60
Years of experience as a doctor
Duraon (in years)
< 5
5 to 10
10 to 20
> 20
Are you currently praccing?
Prefer not to say
Place of current pracce
Teaching hospital/other
federal govt. Instuon
Private health facility
Educaonal instuons
Primary health center/general
Country of residence/pracce
Nigeria 96 95.05
Diaspora 5 4.95
Total 101 100
The level of familiarity with the term
NPS and the common street names used
to describe them, as reported by the
respondents, are shown in Table 2. More
than half of the respondents idenfied
the statements that correctly described
NPS as psychoacve substances that
recently became available in the market
(approximately 54%) as well as those that
are de signed to mimic estab lis hed
psychoacve substances (55%) (Table 2).
Table 2: Frequency distribuon table displaying respondents' familiarity with NPS
Degrees of agreement
I am familiar with the term NPS
I am familiar with common
street names of NPS
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Statements that describe NPS
The statements
Percentage (%)
Newly invented psychoacve
substances (PS)
Newly discovered
psychoacve substances
Recently available
psychoacve substances in
the market
PS designed to mimic
established PS
Not sure
Classes of NPS
The classes
Percentage (%)
Synthec cannabinoids
Synthec cathinones
Synthec hallucinogens
Synthec opioids
Designer benzodiazepines
Not sure
Regarding the different categories of
NPS , t h e respon d e nts wer e m ost
familiar with synthec cannabinoids
(62%) and least familiar (33%) with
designer benzodiazepines. Some (29%)
of the respondents were unsure of the
classes of NPS (Table 2). It should be
n o te d th a t t he fi rs t 20 su r ve y
respondents did not respond to the
queson requiring specific names of NPS,
because this queson was added to the
s u rv ey fo rm a e r i t h ad b e e n
disseminated. Interesngly, 91.4% (81) of
th e res pond ent s res pond ed to t he
queson that required them to list some
street names of substances known to
them. A total of 82.7% of the responses
given were correct, while 2.5% were
Figure 1: A bar chart showing the frequency distribuon of respondents' knowledge
of how drug users obtain NPS
wrong, and the remaining 14.8% were
either not sure or had no idea. The
r e s p o n d e n t s g a v e s o m e
unconvenonal street names e.g. eye
shiner, pawpaw leaves, dried human
an d liz a r d du ng , gb aj a, , an d a
combinaon of cough syrup and tom-
tom sweets. The most popular means by
wh ich users obtain s ubstances for
c o n s u m p o n a c c o r d i n g t o th e
respondents was through street dealers
(8 0.2%) whi le online m arketplac es
(25.7%) and smoke shops (25.7%) were
the least popular sources (Figure 1).
Figure 2: A bar chart showing the frequency distribuon of respondents' knowledge
of short-term neurobehavioral effects of NPS
The respondents were generally
knowledgeable about the short-term
neurobehavioral effects of NPS. The
mo s t pop u l ar sh or t-t e r m e ffe c t
idenfied by respondents was euphoria
(83.2%) followed by hallucinaons
(78.2%), poor judgment (75.2%), and
memory impairment (49.5%) (Figure 2).
Psychoc illness was the long-term
effect o f substance use that most
(90.1%) respondents were familiar with.
On the other ha nd, only 1% of the
respondents opined that insomnia could
be a long-term effect, while another 1%
bel i e ved that enga g i ng i n c r iminal
a c v i e s c o u l d b e a l o n g- te r m
co n seque nce of usi n g psychoac ve
substan ces . (Figure 3). M ost of the
respondents opined that oral ingeson
(71.3%), inhalaon (81.2%), injecon
(56.4%), and smoking (76.2%) are usual
routes of administraon of NPS (Figure 4).
Figure 3: A bar chart showing the frequency distribuon of respondents'
knowledge of the long-term effects of NPS
Figure 4: A bar chart showing the frequency distribuon of respondents'
knowledge of routes of administraon of NPS
Some of the respondents (38.6%) stated
that they rarely (once or twice a year)
encountering paents in their pracce
who used NPS. This was closely followed
by 35.6% of the respondents who
reported occasionally (a few mes a
year) seeing paents who had used NPS,
20.8% who regularly (several mes a
month) see such paents. Only 5% said
that they frequently (several mes a
week) encounter such paents.
The respondents expressed different
levels of confidence in their ability to
idenfy NPS-related health issues in
th e i r pa en t s ra n gi n g fr o m n o t
co n fident a t a ll (17.8 5 %) to ver y
confident (25.7%). Also, 60.8% of the
respondents opined that they do not
feel that they are adequately trained to
address NPS-related health issues, but
27.7% felt they were adequately trained
while 11.9% were unsure. The majority
of the doctors said that they typically
manage paents who disclose NPS use
by g iv i ng th em n on - ju d gm e nt a l
counseling (86.1%), referring them to a
substance abuse specialist (84.2%),
while 2% stated that they would report
such a paent to the police.
The responders kept abreast with
knowledge of NPS through connuing
me d i c a l e du c a o n, p r o fes s i ona l
conferences, webinars, etc.
Thi s st u d y ai m ed t o pr o v ide a n
e v a lu a on o f m e dic a l d o cto r s'
understanding of new psychoacve
s u b s t a n c e s ( N P S ) a n d t h e i r
neurobehavioral consequences. Many
respondents were familiar with the term
NPS, were able to give common street
names of NPS, even the unconvenonal
ones, and were largely conversant with
t h e s h o r t a n d l o n g - t e r m
neurobehavioral effects of NPS. The
majority of respondents praccing in
t e a c hi ng ho sp i ta ls a nd fe de ra l
government-owned health facilies
indicate the potenal influence of their
working environment on their exposure
to diverse paent populaons.
The respondents' demographics show
a diverse representaon of medical
p r o f e s s i o n a l s , w i t h a m a l e
predominance, which is consistent with
ea rli er st udies ind icang a high er
frequency of men in the medical system,
although this trend has begun to change
in some countries (Frédéric Michas,
2022). The vast majority of respondents
work in Nigeria, mostl y at federal
government-owned teaching hospitals
or o t h e r h e a lthca r e i nstu o n s ,
ind ica n g a s izea ble samp l e with
potenal influence over healthcare
policies and clinical pracce within their
respecve domains. The mean age of 38
± 6.59 years of respondents matches the
demographic profile of experienced
medical doctors in Nigeria as shown in a
previous study (Fawibe et al., 2017). This
lends credibility to the study findings.
The findings on medical doctors'
knowledge of the word "NPS" and
common street names show that there is
a high-level of awareness among the
r e s p o n d en t s . A f u n d a m e n t a l
un d e rs t a nd i n g of NP S n at u re is
highlighted by the idenficaon of NPS
as recently available psychoacve drugs
and their funcon in mimicking well-
established p sycho a c v e a gents.
Synthec cannabinoids were found to
be the most well-known NPS category,
which is consistent with earlier studies
(Gilani, 2016; Shafi et al., 2020). A recent
r e v i ew sh ow e d t h a t sy n t h e c
cannabinoids are the first formally
reported, largest, and most structurally
diverse group of NPS (Shafi et al., 2020).
The study also shows gap in knowledge
study also finds gaps in knowledge of
so me NPS catego ries, p arc ular ly
designe r be nzodiaze p i n e s , a n d a
significant proporon of respondents
who were unsure of the NPS classes. This
reve a l s an a r e a w h e r e te a ch i n g
p r o g ra m s a i m e d at i m pr o v i n g
knowledge NPS and their classificaons
are needed. The complexity and quick
evoluon of these drugs can explain the
fa c t th at o v e r on e- t hi r d of t h e
respondents weren't sure about the NPS
classificaons. The idenficaon of
unconvenonal street names buresses
the findings from previous local studies
t h a t r e v e a l e d s o m e
unconvenonal/non-classical NPS used
in Nigeria (Dumbili et al., 2021; Okafor C.
J. et al., 2022). It also emphasizes how
crucial it is to stay current with street
slang because doing so could help
medical doctors idenfy probable NPS
usage among paents as well as advance
clinical and epidemiological research on
The respondents' understanding of
the methods of administering NPS,
including oral ingeson, inhalaon,
injecon, and smoking, reveals a good
kn owle dge of the pra ccal iss ues
regarding NPS use. The finding that
street dealers are the main source of
NPS for users is consistent with the
findings from other studies (Gilani, 2016;
Hill, 2020; van Amsterdam et al., 2023). In
the United Kingdom, the fact that the
main source of NPS for drug users is
street dealers was said to have been due
to the Psychoacve Substance Act 2016,
but in Nigeria, this is likely due to the
comparavely limited use of online
shopping plaorms (Haden et al., 2017;
Hill, 2020; Psychoacve Substances Act
2016 - GOV.UK, n.d.). Recognizing street
dealers as the main source of NPS for
users highligh ts the importance of
ad d r e s si n g t h e d r ug m ar ket a nd
emphasizing public health measures to
curb distribuon. It is impressive that the
respondents were aware of the short-
term neurobehavioral effects of NPS,
such as euphoria, hallucinaons, and
poor judgment, although some studies
have shown that these effects need to be
studied more because of the complex
nature of NPS (Dumbili et al., 2021; Feng
et al., 2017; Shafi et al., 2020).
The re spo nde nts ' aware ness of
psychoc illness as a potenal long-term
effe c t o f N P S aligns with exis n g
knowledge about the mental health risks
associated with substance use (David
Semple & Roger Smyth, 2013; First &
American Psychiatric Associaon, n.d.). It
is also possible that this awareness is due
in part to, or reinforced by, the prevailing
myth in Nigeria that drug use is the cause
o f m en ta l i l l n e s s ( A d e w u y a &
Makanjuola, 2008). The low level of
awareness of cri minal acvit y and
insomnia as potenal long-term effects
point to a need for further awareness and
T h e r ep or te d f r e q u e n cy o f
encountering paents using NPS varies,
with a significant poron of respondents
indicang these differences occasional
encounters. Paent groups, geographic
locaons, and specific clinical pracce
environments may vary, which could
account for these differences. Inability
to idenfy clinical manifestaons of NPS
may also possibly account for the low
fre q u e n c y o f encount e rs. T his i s
bu r e s s ed b y t h e f a c t t h a t fe w
respondents expressed confidence in
their ability to idenfy health-related
NPS effects in paents. This could be a
result of the fact that close to two-thirds
of the respondents felt that they had not
been adequately trained to manage
NPS-related health problems.
The main limitaon of this study is
that the researc h q u e sons that
assessed knowledge of neurobehavioral
effects were not phrased to show a
connecon between specific substances
and their potenal neurobehavioral
effects. This points to the need for more
in-depth studies to more accurately
gauge know ledg e of psycho a cve
substances and their consequences on
mental health. In addion, the survey
inially didn't include a queson about
specific names of NPS. Consequently,
the first 20 respondents didn't get to
answer this queson. As a result, the
responses on specific NPS names may
not fully represent the enre sample
since they were only obtained from a
subset of respondents. Moreover, the
number of parcipants in the diaspora
were too few to allow a reasonable
co m p ariso n o f t h e experi e nce of
medical doctors in Nigeria and the
diaspora. Further, laboratory research
using animal subjects are needed to
beer understand the neurobehavioral
effects of locally available NPS.
This study sheds light on medical
doctors' knowledge of New Psychoacve
S u b s t a n c e s ( N P S ) a n d t h e i r
neurobehavioral effects. Although the
r e s p o n d e n t s s h o w a b a s i c
com p r e hension of NPS, there are
kn o w l ed g e an d c on fi d e nc e ga p s ,
especially with regard to some NPS
categories and long-term consequences.
The findings highlight the crical need for
focused educaon and training to give
m e d i ca l doc t ors t he k now l ed g e
necessary to efficiently detect, manage,
and educate paents about health-
relate d dange rs connec ted to NPS.
Medical doctors could make a significant
co ntri buon t o earl y i nte r venon,
paent care, and public health iniaves
aiming to address NPS use and related
We extend our profound gratude to all
the medical doctors who parcipated in
this study, contribung their valuable
insights and experiences.
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