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The article analyzes the concept of «internationalization of higher education» based on consideration of various theoretical and methodological approaches to defining its essence. An overview of a wide range of concepts that determine the features of the internationalization of higher education in international and national dimensions is offered. Institutional models of internationalization of higher education have been identified. Special attention is paid to the consideration of the conceptual foundations of the internationalization of higher education in Ukraine.The impact of the internationalization of higher education on the development of international relations in modern conditions is analyzed.

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While the importance of a supportive context for entrepreneurship is widely acknowledged, its antecedents are rarely investigated. We apply the concept of organizational climate to higher education institutions and examine the drivers of students' perceptions of the entrepreneurial climate in their university. Combining data from two unique datasets and using multilevel techniques, we analyze the relationship between university characteristics and such climate perceptions of 8009 students at public universities in Germany. We find university entrepreneurship measures to have a positive effect on students' climate perceptions, which also depend on students' background and gender. In addition, we find evidence for different peer effects, depending on students' affinity for entrepreneurship. For the general student population, including entrepreneurship content in their normal studies seems to be required to initiate a social process of sensemaking. However, students' perception of the entrepreneurial climate only depend to a certain degree on intentional entrepreneurship measures. In our study, general university characteristics have the strongest influence on climate perceptions. Overall, our study adds to our understanding of which parameters are important for establishing a more favorable and inspiring climate for becoming an entrepreneur at higher education institutions.
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In the context marked by increasing competition between nation-states and universities, expanding individualization, growing influence of nonstate actors, and the new reality of Brexit, this study uses narrative and numeric data to explore the rationales of U.K. higher education (HE) internationalization, specifically motives of attracting students from Eastern Europe, Russia, Caucasus, and Central Asia to the United Kingdom. Among four main rationales of international student recruitment, economic rationale emerged as the most decisive. Interviewed international/ admissions officers viewed student mobility from this region as an expression of socioeconomic transformation in sending countries as well as political and strategic priorities in the United Kingdom. They referred to the economic situation in the region, the development of the HE sector within the source countries, the U.K. government discourse on migration, and universities' own strategic planning as four main issues that can influence future trends of student mobility from this region to the United Kingdom.
Technical Report
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Motivated by a variety of academic, economic, political, and social goals, governments around the world are implementing policies and programs designed to spur higher education internationalization. While reports of such initiatives often appear in the media, typically they are presented on a case-by-case basis—that is, without much reference to how each newly emerging national policy compares with other national policies around the world, and what the landscape of policy initiatives worldwide looks like. The purpose of this study is to better understand public policies and programs for internationalization of higher education in a comparative context, examine issues of effectiveness, and consider the future and impact of such initiatives going forward.
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p>Internationalization in higher education has always been linked to historical and political events. This article discusses how the dramatic events of the 20th century, such as the two world wars, and the Cold War, affected internationalization.</p
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A study has been made for the European Parliament on the understanding of internationalization of higher education (IoHE) in the European context, based on two surveys, an analysis of the role of digital learning, ten national reports from Europe and seven from outside Europe. The study results in conclusions and recommendations on the future of internationalization of higher education in Europe, based on the national reports and a Delphi process among experts in international higher education. This is a summary of the key findings of the study, including a redefinition of the meaning of internationalization.
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Over the last two decades, the concept of the internationalization of higher education has moved from the fringe of institutional interest to the very core. While gaining moral weight, its content seems to have deteriorated. There is an increasing commercialization under the flag of internationalization. This attitude has exacerbated the devaluation of internationalization and the inflation of defensive measures. While in need of more philosophy, we also require a greater sense of reality. We need to rethink and redefine the way we look at the internationalization of higher education in the present time.
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Increasing political and military tension in several parts of the world will inevitably affect international higher education. Nationalist, religious, and ideological conflicts challenge the original ideas of international cooperation and exchange in higher education as promoters of peace and mutual understanding and of global engagement. Since the end of the Cold War, we have not seen this type of tension and turmoil on such a scale. What lessons can we learn from the past in how to act and react in this new environment? In the 20th century, politics and international ideological struggles dominated the world. Academic cooperation and exchange have been critical in maintaining connections between nations and have paved the way for further contacts. Even though we should be realistic that international cooperation and exchange are not a guarantee of peace and mutual understanding, they certainly keep communication open and dialogue active. Will the increasingly widespread conflicts in the world today, based on religious fundamentalism, resurgent nationalism, and other challenges, harm the impressive strides that have been made in international higher education cooperation?
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This article suggests that difficulties in the implementation of internationalization policies in higher education can be explained by the fact that universities are guided by divergent understandings of the term ‘internationalization’ as well as by diverging or even contradictory ideologies. This text, therefore, critically singles out and investigates three internationalization ideologies, referred to as idealism, instrumentalism and educationalism with a special emphasis on their explicit as well as implicit visions, foci, goals and strategies.
p>As internationalization becomes more strategic and comprehensive, institutional support has to migrate from individualistic and idiosyncratic motivations that engage the few to more institutionalized and integrated forms of encouragement to engage the many. Based on experience and recent case studies, this article identifies four key integrated institutional strategies needed to support wider and deeper internationalization.</p
This article identifies the limitations of contemporary organizational theory on the internationalization of higher education in guiding and supporting internationalization activities at the level of the academic Self. A way forward is provided through Cranton's notion of authenticity in teaching in higher education, which presents a platform for understanding the academic Self through critically reflective and self-reflective processes. Cranton's work is then expanded using the concept of cosmopolitanism to enhance the potential for individual teachers to internationalize their personal and professional outlooks. In sum, this article highlights the importance of the exhortation from Socrates to know thyself as a precondition to better understand Others. Furthermore, the article provides the fundamental underpinnings of a conceptual framework for the internationalization of the academic Self.
This book develops a comprehensive understanding of the motivations and experiences of students who choose to study abroad for the whole or part of a degree. It includes case studies of students from East Asia, Europe and the UK, and considers the implications of their movement for contemporary higher education.
The article argues that the challenges facing higher education in the new millennium cannot be understood unless proper account is taken of the phenomenon of globalisation. Two points are emphasised. The first is that globalisation cannot simply be seen as a higher form of internationalisation; it is a much more turbulent phenomenon that not only transcends but ignores national boundaries. The second is that globalisation is one element within a larger shift from modernity to post-modernity, which involves not only the radical reconfguration of society but also an even more radical reconstitution of the concepts and mentalities of the modern world. The university is caught in the middle - as both an institution that embodies modernity but also one of the instrument that is most actively transcending its limits. The article ends by considering whether the university can survive in this brave new world of globalization and post modernity or whether its place will be taken by new forms of `knowledge' organisation. It concludes that, although the new environment will test the resilience of the university to its limits, it can - and will - survive.
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