UD. FLORA records the re-inventory of building equipment that has been sold by reading the transactions one by one in the ledger. A proper way is needed to overcome the problems that occur. This research aims to create an information system software. In making information system software, a method is needed that can carry out the stages from initial design to implementation of the software. This research uses the Rational Unified Process (RUP) method, namely a software development approach that is carried out repeatedly (iterative), focuses on architecture (architecture-centered), is more directed based on use cases (use case driven). This research produces a tool data collection application at UD. FLORA using the RUP method. The existence of an information system for data collection on building equipment using the Rational Unified Process method means that UD. FLORA can be helped in managing building equipment data collection. The system enables real-time transaction recording, providing better insight into inventory status, and supporting more accurate decision-making.