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Decoding the multiple functions of ZBP1 in the mechanism of sepsis-induced acute lung injury


Abstract and Figures

Sepsis-induced acute lung injury (ALI), characterized by severe hypoxemia and pulmonary leakage, remains a leading cause of mortality in intensive care units. The exacerbation of ALI during sepsis is largely attributed to uncontrolled inflammatory responses and endothelial dysfunction. Emerging evidence suggests an important role of Z-DNA binding protein 1 (ZBP1) as a sensor in innate immune to drive inflammatory signaling and cell death during infections. However, the role of ZBP1 in sepsis-induced ALI has yet to be defined. We utilized ZBP1 knockout mice and combined single-cell RNA sequencing with experimental validation to investigate ZBP1’s roles in the regulation of macrophages and lung endothelial cells during sepsis. We demonstrate that in sepsis, ZBP1 deficiency in macrophages reduces mitochondrial damage and inhibits glycolysis, thereby altering the metabolic status of macrophages. Consequently, this metabolic shift leads to a reduction in the differentiation of macrophages into pro-inflammatory states and decreases macrophage pyroptosis triggered by activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome. These changes significantly weaken the inflammatory signaling pathways between macrophages and endothelial cells and alleviate endothelial dysfunction and cellular damage. These findings reveal important roles for ZBP1 in mediating multiple pathological processes involved in sepsis-induced ALI by modulating the functional states of macrophages and endothelial cells, thereby highlighting its potential as a promising therapeutic target.
ZBP1 expression increases in lung cells in response to sepsis A Representative H&E-stained images of mouse lung tissues 24 h after CLP and sham procedures. Scale bars, 50 μm. B Lung injury was quantitatively assessed through the scoring of histopathological features. C ELISA detection of IL-6 levels in BALF from CLP mice. D Neutrophil exudation counts in BALF. E Differential gene expression between WT CLP and WT Sham groups is presented in a volcano plot. Genes upregulated in the WT CLP group are shown as red dots, while downregulated genes are shown as blue dots. F Enrichment analysis of upregulated genes in the WT CLP group identified significant KEGG pathways, with the y-axis representing pathway items and the x-axis displaying the enrichment score. G Violin plots from single-cell analysis display the expression levels of ZBP1 mRNA in different cell types between the two groups. H UMAP plots represent the distribution of ZBP1 mRNA expression across all analyzed cells, with color intensity corresponding to expression level. I Immunofluorescence detection of ZBP1 expression in lung tissue 24 h post-CLP. J Western blot and qPCR (K) analysis were used to examine ZBP1 protein and mRNA expression levels in lung tissue at 6, 12, 24, and 48 h post-CLP surgery. L Localization and expression of ZBP1(green) in macrophages from BALF of septic mice detected by IF. Scale bar, 20 μm. All results are based on three replicates, and data are presented as the mean ± SD, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.
ZBP1 regulates alveolar macrophage differentiation in sepsis A t-SNE-based dimensionality reduction and clustering of macrophages from WT Sham, WT CLP, Zbp1−/− Sham, and Zbp1−/− CLP groups reveal three macrophage subpopulations: Macrophage C1, Macrophage C2, and Macrophage C3. B The heatmap illustrates differential gene expression with the top 15 genes highlighted within the distinct macrophage subgroups. C Violin plots depict the M1 and M2 gene set activity scores across the three macrophage subpopulations. D Trajectory analysis of macrophage differentiation among subgroups, constructed using Slingshot, is visualized in a scatter plot, with arrows denoting the direction of differentiation and developmental progression. E CytoTRACE analysis yields a scatter plot showing the differentiation probability scores of macrophage subpopulations, ranging, and scaled from 0 to 1, predicting relative cellular differentiation states. Scores closer to 0 indicate higher differentiation, whereas scores approaching 1 denote a less differentiated state. F A t-SNE scatter plot visualizes the two-dimensional dispersion of macrophage subpopulations. G Box plots reveal the variation in differentiation as quantified by CytoTRACE scores among the macrophage subtypes. H Line plots illustrate the expression changes of the top 9 genes with the highest correlation to the starting and ending points of the differentiation pathway. I The heatmap showcases the expression levels of the top 30 genes with the highest correlation to the differentiation trajectory endpoints. J The cell percentage chart depicts the distribution of different cell clusters among the groups. Data are presented as the mean ± SD, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.
ZBP1 regulates macrophage metabolic and inflammatory status in sepsis A t-SNE visualization displays the macrophage subpopulations across four experimental groups. B The expression distribution of the genes Spp1 and Nos2 within the macrophage subpopulations is illustrated. C Single-cell analysis reveals the mRNA expression levels of inflammatory markers, including iNOS, TNF, IL6, and SPP1, across different macrophage groups. D Alveolar macrophages isolated from each mouse group were analyzed by flow cytometry to determine the percentage of SPP1⁺ cells (n = 3). E Box plots show M1 scoring within macrophages of each group. F iNOS⁺ cells percentage in primary macrophages from each mouse group were detected by flow cytometry (n = 5). G IF staining was used to visualize F4/80 (red) and iNOS (green) in lung tissues 24 h post-CLP (n = 5). White arrowheads point to F4/80⁺ iNOS⁺ macrophages. H Violin plots present the activity scores for oxidative phosphorylation, glycolysis, and ROS pathways in macrophages of each group. I Levels of ROS were measured in macrophages via flow cytometry (n = 5). J Relative amounts of intracellular ATP in WT and Zbp1−/− macrophages. K The structure of mitochondria was evaluated in macrophages using transmission electron microscopy, with black arrows indicating mitochondria (n = 5). L The mRNA expression levels of HIF1-alpha, LDHA, and Slc2a1 in single-cell transcriptomes. M Lactate levels in primary macrophages from each group were measured with a lactate assay kit. N Protein expression levels of HIF1-a and LDHA in macrophages were assessed by Western blot. All results are based on three independent experiments. Data are represented as mean ± SD, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.
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communications biology Article
Decoding the multiple functions of ZBP1 in
the mechanism of sepsis-induced acute
lung injury
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Ting Gong 1,2,7 ,YuFu 1,3,7,QingdeWang 1, Patricia A. Loughran1,YuehuaLi
1, Timothy R. Billiar 1,4,
Zongmei Wen3, Youtan Liu2& Jie Fan 1,4,5,6
Sepsis-induced acute lung injury (ALI), characterized by severe hypoxemia and pulmonary leakage,
remains a leading cause of mortality in intensive care units. The exacerbation of ALI during sepsis is
largely attributed to uncontrolled inammatory responses and endothelial dysfunction. Emerging
evidence suggests an important role of Z-DNA binding protein 1 (ZBP1) as a sensor in innate immune
to drive inammatory signaling and cell death during infections. However, the role of ZBP1 in sepsis-
induced ALI has yet to be dened. We utilized ZBP1 knockout mice and combined single-cell RNA
sequencing with experimental validation to investigate ZBP1s roles in the regulation of macrophages
and lung endothelial cells during sepsis. We demonstrate that in sepsis, ZBP1 deciency in
macrophages reduces mitochondrial damage and inhibits glycolysis, thereby altering the metabolic
status of macrophages. Consequently, this metabolic shift leads to a reduction in the differentiation of
macrophages into pro-inammatory states and decreases macrophage pyroptosis triggered by
activation of the NLRP3 inammasome. These changes signicantly weaken the inammatory
signaling pathways between macrophages and endothelial cells and alleviate endothelial dysfunction
and cellular damage. These ndings reveal important roles for ZBP1 in mediating multiple pathological
processes involved in sepsis-induced ALI by modulating the functional states of macrophages and
endothelial cells, thereby highlighting its potential as a promising therapeutic target.
Acute Lung Injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
are clinical syndromes characterized by severe hypoxemia and pulmonary
leakage, posing not only a threat to patient life but also imposing signicant
psychological and economic burdens on patients and their families1.Despite
medical advancements over the past few decades, such as implementing low
tidal volume ventilation strategies to minimize ventilator-associated lung
injury and the use of anti-inammatory medications like dexamethasone,
these interventions have not signicantly improved patient survival rates2,3.
Currently, the mortality rates for ALI/ARDS remain alarmingly high, ran-
ging from 30% to 40%, and account for approximately 10% of all deaths in
intensive care units (ICUs) globally4.
Sepsis is a leading cause of ALI/ARDS, characterized by an uncon-
trolled inammatory response and endothelial barrier dysfunction5.During
sepsis, the extensive release of inammatory mediators precipitates a
systemic inammatory response syndrome (SIRS), which subsequently
triggers ALI/ARDS6. In septic ALI, the dysfunction of pulmonary vascular
endothelial cells (PVECs) is characterized by increased vascular perme-
ability and the disruption of the alveolar-capillary barrier. This disruption
leads to pulmonary edema and compromised gas exchange, resulting in life-
threatening hypoxemia and respiratory failure7. Therefore, the development
of innovative therapeutic strategies targeting septic ALI is critical. Such
strategies should focus on controlling the inammatory response and pre-
serving endothelial barrier function to reduce mortality rates.
Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is a cutting-edge technology
that allows us to decode cellular heterogeneity, differentiation, and inter-
cellular communication during the pathogenesis of sepsis. Evidence indi-
cates that many genes expressed in macrophages and endothelial cells (ECs)
are clustered, enabling the identication of gene transcription and
1Department of Surgery, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, 15213, USA. 2Department of Anesthesiology, Shenzhen Hospital, Southern
Medical University, Shenzhen, 518000, China. 3Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, School of Medicine, Tongji University, Shanghai,
200433, China. 4Department of Immunology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, 15213, USA. 5Research and Development, Veterans Affairs
Pittsburgh Healthcare System, Pittsburgh, PA, 15240, USA. 6McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 15219, USA.
These authors contributed equally: Ting Gong, Yu Fu. e-mail:;
Communications Biology | (2024) 7:1361 1
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pathological changes in local tissues during the progression of sepsis8,9.In
this study, we applied scRNA-seq to decode the roles of Z-DNA binding
protein 1 (ZBP1) in the mechanism of sepsis-induced ALI.
ZBP1 has been reported as a sensor of double-stranded DNA and RNA
helices, adopting the unusual left-handed Z-conformations known as
Z-DNA and Z-RNA10. Recent studies have identied ZBP1 as a crucial
upstream regulator in the pathways of cell death and pro-inammatory
signaling11,12. However, the precise role and underlying mechanisms of
ZBP1 in the context of sepsis-induced ALI remain poorly understood. In
this study, we used ZBP1 knockout (Zbp1/
) mice to investigate the role of Article
Communications Biology | (2024) 7:1361 2
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ZBP1 in sepsis-induced ALI. Utilizing a combination of scRNA-seq,
immunouorescence, and protein blot analysis, we observed an upregula-
tion of ZBP1 expression across various cellular components of the lung
during the pathological process of sepsis-induced ALI. Our comprehensive
analysis of scRNA-seq data delineates the role of ZBP1 in the progression of
sepsis-induced ALI, demonstrating its regulatory inuence on various
pulmonary cellular components, including macrophages and endothelial
cells. The absence of ZBP1 provides a protective effect against lung tissue
damage in sepsis-induced ALI, primarily manifesting as reduced inam-
matory responses and preserved vascular integrity. These ndings highlight
ZBP1 as a potential therapeutic target for sepsis-induced ALI and under-
score the need for further investigation into its regulatory mechanisms and
therapeutic implications.
scRNA-seq reveals alterations in different lung cells
following sepsis
A comprehensive illustration outlines the experimental workow beginning
with the induction of the cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) sepsis model in
mice. The measurement process includes lung tissue extraction, isolation of
single cells, and their analysis through next-generation sequencing using the
10x Genomics platform, followed by detailed bioinformatic analysis and
subsequent validation of the ndings (Supplementary Fig. 1A).
We utilized UMAP to identify cell clusters based on the expression of a
panel of known cell type-specic marker genes. Through this bioinformatic
approach, we were able to delineate ten major somatic cell types present in
the lung tissue of wild-type mice subjected to either sham (WT Sham) or
CLP (WT CLP). These identied cell populations included epithelial cells,
mononuclear phagocytes (MPC), endothelial cells, alveolar type 2 cells
(AT2), epithelial progenitor cells, broblasts, mesothelial cells, macrophages,
pericytes, and lymphatic endothelial cells. The UMAP plots display distinct
cellular groupings in both WT Sham and WT CLP groups, demonstrating
the diversity of cell types and the impact of septic injury on the lung cellular
microenvironment. Dot plot analysis further conrmed the presence and
relative expression levels of key markers within these cell types, providing a
comprehensive cellular atlas of the septic lungs (Supplementary Fig. 1B, C).
In the intercellular interaction network diagrams, we observed con-
nections and changes in the interactions among single-cell subpopulations
in the lungs of septic mice (Supplementary Fig. 1D, E). Furthermore, the
analysis of enriched signaling pathways reveals signicant upregulation of
pro-inammatory pathways, including TNF, IL6, and IL1, in CLP mice.
Conversely, in sham mice, pathways such as WNT and VEGF are notably
enhanced (Supplementary Fig. 1F).
To further analyze the changes in intercellular interaction pathways
during sepsis, we examined the probabilities of macrophage receptor-ligand
pairs. We observed a signicant enhancement in both paracrine (macro-
phages affecting other cells) and autocrine (macrophages affecting them-
selves) pathways in sepsis. This was notably marked by the secretion of TNF
and its binding to receptors such as Tnf - Tnfrsf1b, Tnf - Tnfrsf1a, and Spp1
-(Itga4+Itgb1) (Supplementary Fig. 2AD). Subsequently, we conducted a
detailed analysis of macrophage subgroups through dimensionality reduc-
tion, clustering, and subgrouping of macrophages (Supplementary Fig. 2E).
scMetabolism software13 was utilized to assess the activity of the gly-
colysis pathway in macrophages, with AUCell14 employed for scoring. We
observed a signicant enhancement of glycolysis/gluconeogenesis meta-
bolism in macrophages of CLP mice (Supplementary Fig. 3A, B). Further-
more, we found that glycolysis-related genes HIF1-alpha, LDHA, and
Slc2a1 were signicantly upregulated in the CLP group (Supplementary
Fig. 3CE). Additionally, the inammatory response andhypoxiapathway
activity scores were markedly higher in CLP mice compared to sham mice
(Supplementary Fig. 3FI). Moreover, by referring to the functional gene
sets for macrophages summarized by Bischoff 15, the analysis of M1 and M2
pathway activation scores revealed that the M1 macrophage scores were
signicantly elevated in the CLP mice (Supplementary Fig. 3J).
These results suggest that in sepsis, macrophages predominantly
engage in hypoxia and glycolysis pathways, undergo metabolic repro-
gramming towards a pro-inammatory M1 polarization, and release
inammatory mediators that affect the function of other cell types.
ZBP1 expression increases in lung cells in response to sepsis
Lung histology demonstrated cellular inltration,edema,andalveolarwall
thickening in the CLP group (Fig. 1A). The severity of lung injury in the CLP
group was further quantied with scoring of these histopathological features
(Fig. 1B). The bronchoalveolar lavage uid (BALF) from the CLP group
exhibited a marked increase in IL-6 levels (Fig. 1C) and neutrophil exuda-
tion (Fig. 1D).
Differences in gene expression between WT CLP and WT Sham groups
were delineated in a volcano plot, using a cutoff of |log
FC| = 1 and P=0.05.
Genes surpassing this threshold of log
FC > 1 and P<0.05wereclassied as
upregulated in the WT CLP group. Among these, the expressions of key
inammatory and chemotactic factors, such as Cxcl2, Ccl5, Ccl4, Il1b, and
Cxcl10, were notably elevated in the WT CLP group, suggesting active
inammatory signaling (Fig. 1E). To further probe into the biological sig-
nicance of these differentially regulated genes, pathway enrichment ana-
lysis was conducted. This analysis brought to light a signicant enrichment
within the cytokine-receptor interaction and the TNF signaling pathway
(Fig. 1F), elucidating the molecular mechanisms at play during ALI.
Moreover, the distribution and expression levels of ZBP1 mRNA
across different cell populations were elucidated, revealing a marked
increase in the CLP group (Fig. 1G).Thiselevationwasvisuallycaptured
and quantied through UMAP analysis, depicting widespread upregulation
of ZBP1 mRNA expression (Fig. 1H). Immunouorescence staining cor-
roborated these ndings, showing pronounced expression of ZBP1 in the
lung tissue cells of CLP mice, thus aligning with the transcriptional data
(Fig. 1I). Further analyses using Western blot and qPCR to examine ZBP1
protein levels and mRNA revealed signicant increase in ZBP1 post-CLP,
peaking at the 24 h postoperative interval (Fig. 1J, K).
The increased expression of ZBP1 in macrophages was further vali-
dated in the macrophages isolated from the BALF of septic mice. While
ZBP1 was primarily in nuclear and minimally expressed in the macrophages
from sham group, it exhibited a substantial cytoplasmic presence with
signicantly elevated expression levels in the macrophages from CLP group
(Fig. 1L). The data reveal signicant changes in ZBP1 expression and
intracellular translocation in the lung following sepsis-induced ALI.
ZBP1 is involved in sepsis-induced lung injury and mortality
The pivotal role of ZBP1 in sepsis-induced ALI was shown through a
comparative analysis of Zbp1/and WT mice following CLP. Lung
Fig. 1 | ZBP1 expression increases in lung cells in response to sepsis.
ARepresentative H&E-stained images of mouse lung tissues 24 h after CLP and
sham procedures. Scale bars, 50 μm. BLung injury was quantitatively assessed
through the scoring of histopathological features. CELISA detection of IL-6 levels in
BALF from CLP mice. DNeutrophil exudation counts in BALF. EDifferential gene
expression between WT CLP and WT Sham groups is presented in a volcano plot.
Genes upregulated in the WT CLP group are shown as red dots, while downregulated
genes are shown as blue dots. FEnrichment analysis of upregulated genes in the WT
CLP group identied signicant KEGG pathways, with the y-axis representing
pathway items and the x-axis displaying the enrichment score. GViolin plots from
single-cell analysis display the expression levels of ZBP1 mRNA in different cell
types between the two groups. HUMAP plots represent the distribution of ZBP1
mRNA expression across all analyzed cells, with color intensity corresponding to
expression level. IImmunouorescence detection of ZBP1 expression in lung tissue
24 h post-CLP. JWestern blot and qPCR (K) analysis were used to examine ZBP1
protein and mRNA expression levels in lung tissue at 6, 12, 24, and 48 h post-CLP
surgery. LLocalization and expression of ZBP1(green) in macrophages from BALF
of septic mice detected by IF. Scale bar, 20 μm. All results are based on three
replicates, and data are presented as the mean ± SD, *P< 0.05,
**P< 0.01, ***P< 0.001. Article
Communications Biology | (2024) 7:1361 3
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histology demonstrated that in Zbp1/mice the lungs exhibited less cellular
inltration, reduced edema, and thinner alveolar walls in comparison to WT
mice, indicating attenuated lung damage in the absence of ZBP1 (Fig. 2A).
The lung injury scores, derived from the pathological examination of these
tissues, were considerably lower in the Zbp1/mice than that in the WT
group in sepsis, which underscores the role of ZBP1 in sepsis-induced lung
injury (Fig. 2B).
Neutrophil counts in BALF showed a decreased cellular inltration in
the Zbp1/mice following CLP, suggesting a role of ZBP1 in promoting
sepsis-induced cell inltration into the lungs (Fig. 2C). The BALF protein Article
Communications Biology | (2024) 7:1361 4
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content, a marker of vascular permeability, was also signicantly lower in
the Zbp1/mice (Fig. 2D). Additionally, the Zbp1/mice showed reduced
Evans blue dye extravasation in the lungs compared to the control group
following CLP (Fig. 2E).
Pro-inammatory cytokines in the BALF were quantied using ELISA,
revealing that the levels of IL-6, IL-1β,andTNF-αweremarkedly reduced in
the Zbp1/mice, further suggesting a mitigated inammatory response in
the absence of ZBP1 (Fig. 2F). In addition, immunouorescence staining for
the neutrophil marker Ly6G showed a reduced neutrophil inltration in the
lungs of Zbp1/mice 24 h post-CLP (Fig. 2G). Post-CLP survival outcomes
were signicantly improved in Zbp1/mice, as depicted by Kaplan-Meier
survival curves. Over the course of 96 h following the procedure, Zbp1/
mice demonstrated a pronounced survival advantage over the WT mice
(Fig. 2H). Furthermore, monitoring of core body temperature changes post-
CLP indicated a more stable physiological response in Zbp1/mice com-
Serum lactate levels, measured at 24 h post-CLP, were substantially
lower in Zbp1/mice, which is indicative of enhanced lactate clearance and/
or lactate creation. This metabolic parameter correlates with the improved
survival seen in these animals, suggesting a better overall outcome in the
Zbp1/group (Fig. 2J). To further evaluate the impact of ZBP1 on organ
function, we conducted additional experiments measuring amino-
transferases and creatinine levels in the blood samples of these mice. Our
ndings show that ZBP1 deciency mitigates CLP-induced liver and kidney
damage (Supplementary Fig. 4).
Collectively, these results support the hypothesis that ZBP1 plays a
detrimental role in the progression of sepsis-induced ALI, and its absence
can lead to a signicant reduction in lung injury, better preservation of
vascular integrity, decreased inammation, enhanced metabolic function,
and overall improved survival.
scRNA-seq reveals the role of ZBP1 in altering transcriptional
proles of various lung cells following sepsis
To elucidate the role of ZBP1 in sepsis-induced ALI, we collected lung cells
from WT and Zbp1/mice that had undergone either sham or CLP
operations. A cohort of 14 samples was subjected to this scrutiny, and
following stringent quality control measures (Supplementary Fig. 5). We
conducted a thorough scRNA-seq data analysis to dissect the cellular and
molecular intricacies resulting from the deciency of ZBP1 (Fig. 3A).
Western blot analysis of lung tissues conrmed the knockout of ZBP1 in
Zbp1/mice and showed an absence of ZBP1 expression post-CLP as
opposed to the elevated levels observed in the WT mice, which substantiates
the genetic manipulation undertaken in this study (Fig. 3B).
By UMAP analysis, we mapped the intricate cellular landscape of the
lung tissue, identifying and counting various cell populations (Fig. 3C).
Annotations for cell subpopulations are consistent with those presented in
Supplementary Fig. S1C. Our quantitative assessment across the different
experimental setups revealed no signicant disparities in the relative
Next, we observed shifts in the distribution frequencies of different
lung cells (Fig. 3E). Further analysis exposed a substantial number of dif-
ferentially expressed genes (DEGs) across cell types, highlighting several
populations that exhibited marked transcriptional alterations when the WT
and Zbp1/mice were contrasted following CLP (Fig. 3F). The integrity of
the cell typing was afrmed by a box plot illustrating cell purity (Fig. 3G).
These scRNA-seq data reveal a distinct transcriptional landscape eli-
cited by ZBP1 knockout in lung cells following sepsis and suggest an
important role for ZBP1 in transcriptional reprogramming across various
lung cells, which may critically affect the cellular response to sepsis and
inuence the outcomes of ALI.
ZBP1 regulates alveolar macrophage differentiation in sepsis
WT and Zbp1/mice were subjected to CLP model. t-SNE-based dimen-
sionality reduction and clustering analysis identied three distinct macro-
phage subpopulations (Macrophage C1, Macrophage C2, and Macrophage
C3) across the WT sham, WT CLP , Zbp1/Sham, and Zbp1/CLP groups
(Fig. 4A). These ndings are augmented by a heatmap that delineates the
differential expression of the top 15 marker genes within these subgroups,
providing a molecular signature of each cluster (Fig. 4B). M1 and M2
polarization states were quantitatively assessed, with violin plots depicting
the gene set activity scores that distinguish between the pro-inammatory
and anti-inammatory macrophage phenotypes within the subpopula-
tions (Fig. 4C).
Through the trajectory analysis, constructed using the Slingshot
algorithm16, we visualized the differentiation pathways of macrophage
subsets, indicating a potential reprogramming of macrophage lineage
commitment upon ZBP1 knockout (Fig. 4D). CytoTRACE17 analysis
showed the differentiation probability scores, which range from 0 to 1,
offering a nuanced view into the relative differentiation states of macro-
phage subpopulations, where scores nearer to 0 are associated with a higher
state of differentiation (Fig. 4E). The two-dimensional t-SNE scatter plot
demonstrated the dispersion of macrophage subpopulations, visually sup-
porting the data obtained from the trajectory and CytoTRACE analyses
(Fig. 4F). Box plots showcasing CytoTRACE scores elucidate the disparity in
differentiation states across macrophage subsets, with Macrophage C3
emerging as the most differentiated macrophage subpopulation (Fig. 4G).
Expression dynamics of the top nine genes with the highest correlation
to the differentiation trajectory endpoints were illustrated in line plots,
shedding light on the gene expression changes that may underpin macro-
phage identity and function in this model of ALI (Fig. 4H). The heatmap of
the top 30 genes with the highest correlation to differentiation endpoints
complemented these ndings by offering a broader perspective of the
molecular factors involved in macrophage differentiation (Fig. 4I).
Finally, the cell percentage chart provided a visual summary of the
different cell cluster distributions among the groups, highlighting the overall
impact of ZBP1 knockout on macrophage heterogeneity in the inamma-
tory milieu of sepsis-induced ALI (Fig. 4J). In conclusion, these data suggest
that ZBP1 is a key regulator of macrophage phenotype and function, with its
knockout leading to signicant changes in macrophage differentiation
ZBP1 regulates macrophage metabolic and inammatory status
in sepsis
We have delineated distinct macrophage populations, uncovering the
impact of ZBP1 disruption on macrophage diversity (Fig. 5A). We observed
a marked upregulation of pro-inammatory genes such as iNOS, TNF, IL6,
and SPP1 in the WT CLP group, which was notably mitigated in the Zbp1/
mice (Fig. 5B, C and Supplementary Fig. 6A).
The ow cytometry data further conrmed these ndings, indicating a
notable decrease in pro-inammatory SPP1+cells within the ZBP1
Fig. 2 | ZBP1 is involved in sepsis-induced lung injury and mortality. A H&E
staining of lung sections from WT and Zbp1/mice 24 h post-sham or CLP surgery
(n= 5). Scale bar, 50 μm. BLung injury scores were obtained from the pathological
assessment of lung tissues. CBALF neutrophil counts were quantitated in each
group of mice. DProtein levels in BALF, indicative of vascular permeability, were
assessed using BCA assay. EEvaluation of lung tissue damage and vascular leakage
was performed using Evans blue dye extravasation, with quantication illustrating
statistically signicant differences (n= 5). FLevels of pro-inammatory cytokines
IL-6, IL-1β, and TNF-αin BALF were quantied using ELISA.
GImmunouorescence staining for neutrophil marker Ly6G in lung tissues 24 h
post-CLP, with nuclei stained blue and Ly6G in red. The number of neutrophils per
high power eld (HPF) was quantied (n= 5). HKaplan-Meier survival curves
illustrate the survival probability of WT and Zbp1/mice subjected to sham or CLP
over 96 h (n= 10). IPost-CLP core body temperature variations were monitored
(n= 5). JSerum lactate levels were determined 24 h post-CLP using a lactate mea-
surement kit (n= 5). Data are represented as mean ± SD, *P< 0.05,
**P< 0.01, ***P< 0.001. Article
Communications Biology | (2024) 7:1361 5
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Fig. 3 | scRNA-seq reveals the role of ZBP1 in altering transcriptional proles of
various lung cells following sepsis. A Schematic diagram of sample collection to
single-cell sequencing analysis. BWestern blot analysis for ZBP1 in lung tissues of WT
and Zbp1/mice at 24 h post-CLPand sham procedures.CTheUMAPplotrevealsthe
heterogeneity of cell populations within lung tissue, with distinct clusters representing
ten different cell types as identied by single-cell analysis. DThe stacked bar chart
depicts the proportional distribution of cell types within each experimental group.
EViolin plots compare the prevalence of cell populations, capturing the variability in cell
type frequencies across samples. FThe bar graph enumerates the differentia llyexpres sed
genes (DEGs) across cell types, contrasting the transcr iptional proles between WT and
Zbp1/mice post-CLP. GBox plots demonstrate the cell-type specicity, conrming
the cell purity within the identied populations. Data are presented as the mean ± SD,
*P< 0.05, **P< 0.01, ***P< 0.001. Article
Communications Biology | (2024) 7:1361 6
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knockout landscape (Fig. 5D). Subsequent analysis of the M1 and M2
polarization scores revealed a tempered pro-inammatory activation in the
macrophages of the Zbp1/groups (Fig. 5E, Supplementary Fig. 6B, C).
This trend continued with the percentage of iNOS+cells in primary mac-
rophages showing a signicant increase in the WT CLP group, while ZBP1
knockout reversed this trend, signaling a departure from the classical pro-
inammatory M1 phenotype in sepsis-induced ALI (Fig. 5F, G).
A characteristic feature of M1 activation is its distinct metabolic state,
divergent from that of resting macrophages. Cellular metabolic repro-
gramming is vital for macrophage activation and function. M1 Article
Communications Biology | (2024) 7:1361 7
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macrophages increase glucose consumption and lactate release while
reducing the oxygen consumption rate18.Ourndings propose that ZBP1
promotes a shift towards an inammatory M1 phenotype through meta-
bolic reprogramming. To investigate metabolic pathways, we quantied
activities across oxidative phosphorylation, glycolysis, and ROS pathways
and uncovered a metabolic reconguration in Zbp1/macrophages
(Fig. 5H, Supplementary Fig. 6DG). This was further exemplied by ele-
vated ROS levels, highlighting the metabolic shifts propelled by ZBP1
knockout (Fig. 5I).
Furthermore, we determined the energy state of macrophages by
measuring ATP content and demonstrated that ZBP1 knockout alleviated
the reduction in cellular energy caused by CLP (Fig. 5J). The electron
microscopy analysis of mitochondria illustrated how the structural integrity
of these organelles corresponds with metabolic changes. Intact mitochon-
drial architecture was observed in sham conditions, while CLP resulted in
mitochondrial disruption, which was ameliorated by ZBP1 knockout
(Fig. 5K). The mitochondrial structural and functional alterations form a
crucial component of cellular metabolic reprogramming, with compro-
mised mitochondria driving cells to rely more heavily on anaerobic glyco-
lysis for energy production19.
The regulatory mechanisms of metabolic reprogramming involve a
plethora of signaling pathways and regulators, among which HIF1αhas
been identied as a key mediator of monocyte metabolic reprogramming
during sepsis20. At the transcriptomic level, we evaluated the expression of
genes, including HIF1-alpha, LDHA, and Slc2a1, revealing alterations in
mRNA levels indicative of metabolic adaptation following ZBP1 knockout
(Fig. 5L). The modulation of lactate production, a crucial gauge of glycolytic
ow, was apparent in the Zbp1/groups (Fig. 5M). Our ndings reveal that
ZBP1 knockout diminishes the CLP-induced upregulation of HIF-1αand
LDHA protein expression (Fig. 5N).
These ndings present an important regulatory inuence of ZBP1 in
macrophage metabolism and inammation.
ZBP1 regulates macrophage NLRP3 inammasome activation
and pyroptosis
The analysis of differential gene expression in macrophages indicates that
ZBP1 inuences the transcriptional landscape under septic stress (Fig. 6A).
The enriched KEGG pathways among upregulated genes suggested that
ZBP1 knockout signicantly impacted biological processes related to
inammation and cell death (Fig. 6B).
The distribution of NLRP3 expression across macrophage sub-
populations points to a direct correlation between ZBP1 knockout and
inammasome regulation (Fig. 6C). The expression proles of pyroptosis-
associated markers revealed increased levels of IL-8, NLRP3, AIM2, IL-1β,
and caspase-1 in the WT CLP group compared to those in the Zbp1/CLP
group, suggesting that the absence of ZBP1 dampens the inammatory and
pyroptotic response (Fig. 6D). Activity scores for apoptosis pathways across
macrophage populations showed the apoptotic potentialwithin each group
(Fig. 6E). We observed the co-localization of ZBP1 with NLRP3 within lung
macrophages post-CLP, which may trigger the pyroptotic cascade (Fig. 6F).
This interaction is further conrmed by a proximity ligation assay (PLA),
revealing physical proximity between ZBP1 and NLRP3 in situ, suggesting a
potential mechanistic link in inammasome activation (Fig. 6G).
The expression levels of pro-caspase-1 and its activated form, as well as
pro-gasdermin D and its activated form, reveal the proteolytic processing
events that culminate in pyroptosis in primary lung macrophages from the
WT CLP group (Fig. 6H). Furthermore, the presence of ASC specks points
to the assembly of the inammasome complex, further validating the acti-
vation of pyroptotic pathways in these cells (Fig. 6I). Moreover, the iden-
tication of pyroptotic cells through TUNEL positivity in macrophages
underscores the active execution of cell death pathways, highlighting cells
undergoing pyroptosis, particularly in WT CLP macrophages as compared
to those in Zbp1/CLP macrophages (Fig. 6J).
These results demonstrate a critical role of ZBP1 in modulating the
activation of the NLRP3 inammasome and subsequent macrophage
scRNA-seq reveals macrophages are a dominating regulator in
the lung cellular networks in sepsis
CellChat analysis was conducted to investigate the complexities of intercellular
interactions. We observed the role of ZBP1 in regulating cell-cell interactions.
In Zbp1/mice, we found signicant decreases in the strength of the cell-cell
interactions (Fig. 7A, B). Particularly, the interaction strength between mac-
rophages and endothelial cells was diminished in the Zbp1/group as
compared to the WT group (Fig. 7C). Analysis of TNF and IL-1 signaling
pathways, which elucidated how the macrophage interactions with other cell
types were redistributed, demonstrated that macrophages are a dominating
regulator in controlling lung inammation during injury (Fig. 7D, E).
Further pathway analysis revealed that the IL6 pathways were sub-
stantially enriched in the WT CLP group, whereas the ZBP1 knockout led to
an upregulation of VEGF pathways and a downregulation of IL6 signaling
(Fig. 7F). In addition, the SPP1 signaling pathway was substantially
downregulated in the Zbp1/group (Fig. 7G, H). Studies suggested that
SPP1, a cytokine inuential in modulating immune responses, acts through
various receptors including integrins and CD44, initiating signaling cas-
cades that affect gene expression, cytoskeletal reorganization, and cell
The t-SNE plots showed differential SPP1 mRNA distribution between
the WT and Zbp1/groups, indicating transcriptional changes in macro-
phage function due to ZBP1 knockout. Notably, there was a pronounced
reductioninSPP1expressioninthelungcellsinZbp1/animals (Fig. 7I, J).
This reduction likely contributes to mitigating macrophage-driven
Overall, inammatory signaling pathways in macrophages from
Zbp1/mice were signicantly attenuated in sepsis. They underscore the
pivotal role of macrophages, particularly in relation to endothelial cells, as
essential mediators of the cellular response to sepsis and point towards
macrophage signaling pathways as potential therapeutic targets to alleviate
the impact of acute lung injury.
ZBP1 is involved in sepsis-induced endothelial cell damage and
In sepsis-induced ALI, PVEC dysfunction results in increased vascular
permeability and disruption of the alveolar-capillary barrier, leading to
pulmonary edema and impaired gas exchange23,24. Our study highlights the
crucial role of ZBP1 in maintaining endothelial cell integrity. Based on
Fig. 4 | ZBP1 regulates alveolar macrophage differentiation in sepsis. A t-SNE-
based dimensionality reduction and clustering of macrophages from WT Sham, WT
CLP, Zbp1/Sham, and Zbp1/CLP groups reveal three macrophage sub-
populations: Macrophage C1, Macrophage C2, and Macrophage C3. BThe heatmap
illustrates differential gene expression with the top 15 genes highlighted within the
distinct macrophage subgroups. CViolin plots depict the M1 and M2 gene set
activity scores across the three macrophage subpopulations. DTrajectory analysis of
macrophage differentiation among subgroups, constructed using Slingshot, is
visualized in a scatter plot, with arrows denoting the direction of different iation and
developmental progression. ECytoTRACE analysis yields a scatter plot showing the
differentiation probability scores of macrophage subpopulations, ranging, and
scaled from 0 to 1, predicting relative cellular differentiation states. Scores closer to 0
indicate higher differentiation, whereas scores approaching 1 denote a less differ-
entiated state. FA t-SNE scatter plot visualizes the two-dimensional dispersion of
macrophage subpopulations. GBox plots reveal the variation in differentiation as
quantied by CytoTRACE scores among the macrophage subtypes. HLine plots
illustrate the expression changes of the top 9 genes with the highest correlation to the
starting and ending points of the differentiation pathway. IThe heatmap showcases
the expression levels of the top 30 genes with the highest correlation to the differ-
entiation trajectory endpoints. JThe cell percentage chart depicts the distribution of
different cell clusters among the groups. Data are presented as the mean ± SD,
*P< 0.05, **P< 0.01, ***P< 0.001 . Article
Communications Biology | (2024) 7:1361 8
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
signicant differences in gene expression, we have categorized the endo-
thelial cell landscape into three distinct subpopulations (Fig. 8A, B).
We observed a notable increase in the inammatory endothelial cell E3
subpopulation with high expression of Lcn2 and Saa3 in the CLP group.
However, this increase was signicantly reduced in the Zbp1/CLP group
(Fig. 8C). Moreover, compared to WT mice, the Zbp1/mice exhibited a
signicant downregulation in the expression levels of inammatory cyto-
kines and cell adhesion molecules, including Icam1, Vcam1, Nfkbia, Ccl2,
and Il6, underscoring the modulatory effects of ZBP1 on inammatory gene
expression in response to sepsis (Fig. 8D, E). Article
Communications Biology | (2024) 7:1361 9
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
Consistently, in the WT group, sepsis decreased the protein expression of
endothelial junction proteins VE-cadherin and claudin 5 and increased the
expression of Icam1 and Vcam1. In contrast, ZBP1 knockout mitigated the
CLP-induced decrease in VE-cadherin and claudin 5 expression and the
increase in Icam1 and Vcam1 (Fig. 8F).ThesresultssuggestthatZBP1con-
tributes to endothelial barrier dysfunction by reducing endothelial adhesion
and tight junction proteins while increasing adhesion molecule expression.
Furthermore, we observed reduced endothelial cell apoptosis in the
Zbp1/CLP group by quantitating Annexin V/PI staining endothelial cells
(Fig. 8G). Lung tissue analysis provided further support for these ndings, as
evidenced by fewer TUNEL-positive endothelial cells in Zbp1/CLP mice
compared to WT CLP mice (Fig. 8H).
These ndings demonstrate that ZBP1 involves in sepsis-induced
endothelial cell damage and dysfunction, positioning ZBP1 as a therapeutic
target to alleviate endothelial injury in inammatory and septic conditions.
The current study using Zbp1/mice revealed that ZBP1 plays an
important role in promoting the development and progression of ALI fol-
lowing systemic inammatory response in sepsis. ZBP1 induces mito-
chondrial damage and glycolysis, which modulates macrophage metabolic
status. This, in turn, increases the differentiation of macrophages into pro-
inammatory states. Furthermore, it induces the activation of the NLRP3
inammasome in macrophage and subsequent pyroptosis. These actions
collectively enhance the inammatory signaling pathways between mac-
rophages and other cells. Additionally, ZBP1 also plays a role in inducing
endothelial cell dysfunction, which causes endothelium damage and
increased permeability. Taken together, these multiple functions of
ZBP1 signicantly contribute to the severity of sepsis-induced ALI and
higher mortality (Fig. 9).
The results underscore the complex interplay between cellular com-
ponents within the lungs during sepsis. Subsequently, we observed elevated
expression of ZBP1 across multiple cell types, suggesting ZBP1 is an
important regulator in the inammatory response25. Spontaneous activation
of ZBP1 leads to the necroptotic cell death of keratinocytes or intestinal
epithelial cells, which results in sterile autoinammation26,27.Importantly,in
sham condition, there was no difference in the lung status between WT and
Zbp1/mice. However, in the context of sepsis, ZBP1 knockout signicantly
improved outcomes by reducing the inammatory factors, alleviating
endothelial dysfunction, and enhancing the survival rates of the mice.
The modulation of immune cell metabolism in sepsis impacts their
immune functions19. M1 macrophages, noted for their pro-inammatory
functions, enhance glucose uptake and lactate secretion while reducing
oxygen consumption18,28. Our study utilized single-cell transcriptomics to
reveal a notable downregulation of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS)
and an enhancement of glycolysis in macrophages during sepsis, which was
accompanied by an increase in ROS production. Notably, this increase in
ROS was substantially reduced in Zbp1/mice.
Mitochondrial dysfunction shifts energy production from OXPHOS to
anaerobic glycolysis to satisfy ATP demands29. The inhibition of the mito-
chondrial respiratory chain is linked to an increase in ROS production,
underlining the relationship between OXPHOS suppression and ROS
generation30. Metabolic reprogramming is part of the mitochondrial stress
response, allowing a damaged mitochondrial network to recover by
switching from oxidative metabolism to aerobic glycolysis, thereby
increasing the production of ATP and NADPH for energy and antioxidant
defense31,32.Themetabolicprole of immune cells is crucial for determining
their inammatory phenotype. In this study, we observed signicant
metabolic reprogramming in lung macrophages during the septic response,
contributing to the progression of ALI. Similarly, research suggests that
liver-resident Kupffer cells also undergo metabolic reprogramming under
stress conditions, characterized by alterations in mitochondrial function or
lactate production, which may shift their phenotype toward inammation
regulation and inuence the progression of liver injury33,34.
OurstudyfoundthatZBP1knockoutsignicantly alleviated mito-
chondrial dysfunction and ROS accumulation in macrophages during
sepsis. Research shows that ZBP1 acts as an innate immune sensor for
mitochondrial genome instability, collaborating with cGAS to maintain
IFN-I signaling, which in turn promotes mitochondrial dysfunction and
cardiac injury11. Overall, our results provide new evidence for the role of
ZBP1 in regulating macrophage metabolic reprogramming through mito-
chondrial modulation in sepsis.
HIF-1αcritically regulates glycolysis by upregulating the transcription
of glycolytic enzymes and membrane transport proteins, thereby enhancing
glucose ux and glycolysis35. The products of glycolysis further regulate
HIF-1αactivity and metabolic reprogramming, which in turn promotes a
pro-inammatory phenotype in macrophages36.Inthisstudy,wefoundthat
ZBP1 deciency reduces lactate production and glyc olysis induced by sepsis,
as well as the elevated expression and transcriptional activity of HIF-1α.The
increase in glycolysis and the accumulation of succinate enhance the pro-
duction of IL-1β37. Consequently, the reduced release of inammatory
cytokinessuchasTNF-αand IL-1βfollowing inammasome activation in
ZBP1-decient macrophages may be inuenced by a combination of gly-
colytic and mitochondrial signaling pathways.
It has been reported that ZBP1 on mitochondria, potentially a key
downstream event of telomere stress signaling, leads to MAVS activation38.
MAVS facilitates the recruitment of NLRP3 to mitochondria, thereby
promoting the production of IL-1βand the activation of the NLRP3
inammasome39. Studies have shown that upon pathogenic stimulation,
ZBP1, as a specic sensor, activates the NLRP3 inammasome40,41.Our
ndings suggest that the absence of ZBP1 dampens inammatory and
pyroptotic responses, as indicated by lower expression levels of pyroptosis-
associated markers, including IL-8, NLRP3, AIM2, IL-1β, and caspase-1 in
the Zbp1/mice. Additionally, the interaction between ZBP1 and NLRP3
in lung macrophages following CLP points to a potential mechanism trig-
gering the pyroptotic cascade. Our study underscores the critical role of
ZBP1 in modulating inammasome activity and pyroptosis.
The signicant amelioration of endothelial cell damage and dysfunc-
tion in Zbp1/mice indicates the importance of ZBP1 in damaging
endothelial stability and alveolar-capillary barrier integrity during sepsis.
The ZBP1 knockout mitigated changes in endothelial junction integrity
caused by sepsis, particularly preserving the expression of VE-cadherin and
Claudin-5, while reducing the expression of adhesion molecules. Recent
studies have identied ZBP1 as an innate sensor during infection, regulating
cell death, inammasome activation, and pro-inammatory responses12,42.
Our ndings indicate that the improvement in endothelial cell damage
Fig. 5 | ZBP1 regulates macrophage metabolic and inammatory status in sepsis.
At-SNE visualization displays the macrophage subpopulations across four experi-
mental groups. BThe expression distribution of the genes Spp1 and Nos2 within the
macrophage subpopulations is illustrated. CSingle-cell analysis reveals the mRNA
expression levels of inammatory markers, including iNOS, TNF, IL6, and SPP1,
across different macrophage groups. DAlveolar macrophages isolated from each
mouse group were analyzed by ow cytometry to determine the percentage of SPP1+
cells (n= 3). EBox plots show M1 scoring within macrophages of each group.
FiNOS+cells percentage in primary macrophages from each mouse group were
detected by ow cytometry (n= 5). GIF staining was used to visualize F4/80 (red)
and iNOS (green) in lung tissues 24 h post-CLP (n= 5). White arrowheads point to
F4/80+iNOS+macrophages. HViolin plots present the activity scores for oxidative
phosphorylation, glycolysis, and ROS pathways in macrophages of each group.
ILevels of ROS were measured in macrophages via ow cytometry (n= 5). JRelative
amounts of intracellular ATP in WT and Zbp1/macrophages. KThe structure of
mitochondria was evaluated in macrophages using transmission electron micro-
scopy, with black arrows indicating mitochondria (n= 5). LThe mRNA expression
levels of HIF1-alpha, LDHA, and Slc2a1 in single-cell transcriptomes. MLactate
levels in primary macrophages from each group were measured with a lactate assay
kit. NProtein expression levels of HIF1-a and LDHA in macrophages were assessed
by Western blot. All results are based on three independent experiments. Data are
represented as mean ± SD, *P< 0.05, **P< 0.01, ***P< 0.001. Article
Communications Biology | (2024) 7:1361 10
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
mechanisms in sepsis by ZBP1 knockout is due to reduced programmed cell
death, leading to less cellular damage.
On the other hand, we found that ZBP1 knockout reduces the upre-
gulation of inammatory genes such as Icam1,Nfkbia,Ccl2,andIl6in
endothelial cells during sepsis. This regulation suggests that ZBP1 is
involved in the inammatory cascade during inammation12,andour
results indicate that ZBP1 knockout may weaken the inammatory sig-
naling pathways between macrophages and endothelial cells, potentially by
reducing the release of inammatory factors, thereby mitigating the
inammatory cascade. Article
Communications Biology | (2024) 7:1361 11
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
However, the current study has limitations. Our research mainly
focused on macrophages and endothelial cells,and future studies areneeded
to determine the specic role of ZBP1 in other cell types involved in
inammation and disease pathogenesis. Additionally, although we identi-
ed that ZBP1 knockout reduces mitochondrial damage and observed
potential changes in glycolysis, glycolysis was not the main pathway
explored in this study. Future studies should include experiments using
glycolysis inhibitors, such as metformin, to further clarify the role of gly-
colysis in ZBP1-mediated effects.
In conclusion, our single-cell transcriptomic analysis of acute lung
injury in sepsis provides a foundational dataset for studying lung
damage in sepsis. Our study shows that ZBP1 knockout reduces mito-
chondrial damage and inhibits glycolysis, leading to altered macrophage
metabolism and reduced differentiation into pro-inammatory states.
ZBP1 knockout also diminishes macrophage pyroptosis by inhibiting
NLRP3 inammasome activation, weakening inammatory signaling
across cells. Additionally, ZBP1 knockout helps alleviate endothelial
dysfunction and cellular damage, offering potential therapeutic impli-
cations for managing sepsis-related inammation. Further under-
standing of the interactions between ZBP1, metabolic reprogramming,
mitochondrial homeostasis, and immune response through single-cell
transcriptomics and validation may bring new insights into the patho-
genesis of sepsis.
Materials and methods
Animal strains
The experimental protocols involving animals were rigorously reviewed and
received approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees at
the University of Pittsburgh and the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System. The
University of Pittsburghs animal protocol number is IS0002501524045015,
and the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare Systems protocol number is 1617201.
C57BL/6 wild-type (WT) mice were sourced from Jackson Laboratories. ZBP1
knockout (Zbp1/
) mice were obtained from the University of Pittsburgh.
Cecal ligation and puncture model
For the procedure, mice received an intraperitoneal injection of 50 mg/kg
ketamine and 5 mg/kg xylazine for anesthesia. Following a 1.5 cm abdom-
inal incision, the cecum was externalized, securely ligated with 4-0 silk
sutures, and punctured once using a 22-gauge needle to create a through-
and-through puncture. The abdominal incision was then sutured closed
with 4-0 silk, and the cecum was repositioned internally. Post-surgery, the
mice were monitored for mortality at 6-h intervals during survival studies.
For specic experiments, mice were euthanized 24 h post-CLP to collect
blood, BALF, and lung tissues.
Apoptosis analysis
To evaluate cell apoptosis, we followed the procedures outlined in the
Annexin V-FITC/PI Cell Apoptosis Detection Kit (BD Biosciences, East
Rutherford, NJ, USA). Cells were treated with Annexin V-FITC binding
solution and propidium iodide (PI). Data from these assays were ana-
lyzed using FlowJo software (version 10.0.7, Tree Star, Inc., Ash-
land, OR, USA).
Western blot analysis
Protein extraction was performed using RIPA lysis buffer supplemented
with protease inhibitors (Sigma), and protein concentration was determined
using a BCA protein assay kit (Thermo). We loaded 30 μgoftotalprotein
into each lane and separated them on 10% SDS-PAGE, then transferred
onto PVDF membranes (Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA). The membranes
were blocked using 5% non-fat milk for 1 h at room temperature, followed
by overnight incubation with specic primary antibodiesat4°C.Thepri-
mary antibodies included CASP1, GSDMD, ZBP1, VE-cadherin, Claudin 5,
VCAM1, ICAM1, HIF1a, LDHA, β-actin, and GAPDH. Details on these
antibodies are provided in Supplementary Table 1. After incubation with
HRP-conjugated secondary antibodies, protein bands were visualized using
enhanced chemiluminescence (ECL) reagents (Merck Millipore). Images of
the bands were captured using a ChemiDoc imaging system (Bio-Rad).
Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining and lung injury scoring
Lung samples were xed in 4% paraformaldehyde, embedded in parafn,
and then sectioned into 5-μm slices. These sections underwent H&E
staining using standard histopathological techniques. Observations of his-
topathological changes were made using a light microscope. The extent of
lung injury, which included criteria such as atelectasis, alveolar and inter-
stitial inammation, hemorrhage, edema, necrosis, and overdistension, was
assessed in six sections from the lower lobes. The scoring was as follows: 0
indicated no injury; 1 indicated injury to 25% of the eld; 2 to 50%; 3 to 75%;
and 4 indicated diffuse injury throughout the eld. Independent patholo-
gists, who were blinded to the experimental groups, conducted the lung
injury evaluations.
Immunouorescence staining
Cells or tissues are xed at room temperature in 4% paraformaldehyde for
30 min, permeabilized with 0.1% Triton X-100 for 5 min, and then blocked
with 5% BSA at room temperature for another 30 min. Overnight incuba-
tion at 4 °C with primary antibodies against Ly6G, CD31, F4/80, iNOS,
NLRP3, and ZBP1 follows. The next day, the slides are incubated with
uorescently labeled secondary antibodies (1:100) in the dark for 1 h. Cell
nuclei are stained with DAPI for 5 min. Samples are then observed and
imaged under a Nikon A1R confocal microscope.
Proximity ligation assay (PLA)
For the PLA, cells are seeded in confocal dishes, washed with PBS, and xed
with 4% formaldehyde for 15 min. Blocking is done with 5% BSA for
30 min, followed by overnight incubation at 4 °C with antibodies against
ZBP1 and NLRP3. Probe incubation, ligation, and amplication steps are
performed according to the manufacturers instructions (Duolink Detection
Kit, DUO92102-1KT, Sigma-Aldrich). Nuclei are stained with DAPI and
slides are mounted. PLA samples are imaged and analyzed using a 60x
objective on a Nikon A1R confocal microscope.
Lung microvascular permeability assessment
Lung microvascular permeability is evaluated using Evans blue dye extra-
vasation. Thirty minutes before euthanasia, mice receive an intravenous
injection of Evans blue dye (20 mg/kg, Sigma). Lungs are perf used with PBS to
Fig. 6 | ZBP1 regulates macrophage NLRP3 inammasome activation and pyr-
optosis. A Volcano plot highlighting differential gene expression in macrophages
between WT CLP and Zbp1/CLP mice. Upregulated genes are denoted in red,
while downregulated genes are shown in blue. BBubble chart illustrates enriched
KEGG pathways among upregulated differentially expressed genes. Ct-SNE
visualization displays the expression distribution of NLRP3 across macrophage
subpopulations in the four groups. The expression level is represented by the
intensity of red color, with 0 values not displayed. Dsingle-cell analysis showing the
mRNA expression levels of pyroptosis-related genes, including IL-8, NLRP3, AIM2,
IL-1β, and caspase-1. EViolin plots present the activity scores for apoptosis path-
ways in macrophages from each group. FConfocal microscopy was used to observe
the co-localization of ZBP1 (green) and NLRP3 (red) in lung macrophages from
both CLP and sham groups (n= 5). Co-localization analysis was performed using
ImageJ software. Scale bar, 20 μm. GProximity ligation assay (PLA) employed
specic antibodies against ZBP1 and NLRP3, with DAPI staining indicating nuclei.
Scale bars, 20 μm. HWestern blot analysis assessed the protein expression levels of
pro-caspase-1 (P45) and its activated form (P20), as well as pro-gasdermin D
(GSDMD, P53) and its activated form (P30), in primary lung macrophages from
each group. IPyroptosis was evaluated by detecting ASC specks using IF. JIF
staining detected F4/80 (red) and TUNEL (green) in lung tissues 24 h post-CLP
(n= 5). White arrowheads highlight macrophages positive for both TUNEL and
F4/80. Data are represented as mean ± SD, *P< 0.05, **P< 0.01, *** P< 0.001. Article
Communications Biology | (2024) 7:1361 12
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
remove intravascular dye and then harvested. The lung tissue is homogenized
and incubated overnight at 37 °C with PBS containing 16.7% formamide. The
homogenate is ltered through a 70-μm mesh and plated in a 96-well plate.
Absorbance at 620 nm and 740 nm is measured, and the amount of extra-
Single-cell suspension preparation, library construction, and
Twenty-four hours post-surgery, all mice were euthanized, and lung tissues
were swiftly excised. Under sterile conditions, tissues were washed twice
with ice-cold PBS supplemented with 0.04% BSA. Using sterile surgical Article
Communications Biology | (2024) 7:1361 13
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
scissors, the clean tissues were carefully minced into approximately 0.5 mm3
fragments and then placed in freshly prepared digestion solution. The
digestion was conducted at 37 °C for 30 min, with intermittent stirring every
10 min. The resulting cell suspension was ltered twice through a BD 70-μm
cell strainer, followed by centrifugation at 4 °C at 400×gfor 5 min. The pellet
was resuspended in an appropriate volume of medium, mixed with an equal
volume of red blood cell lysis buffer, and incubated at 4 °C for 5 min.
Afterward, the sample was centrifuged at 400×gfor 5 min, and the super-
natant was discarded. The pellet was washed once with medium and cen-
trifuged again at 400×gfor 5 min. After discarding the supernatant, the
sample was resuspended in 100 μl of medium. The freshly prepared single-
cell suspension was adjusted to a concentration of 30,000 cells per sample.
Library construction followed the manufacturers instructions for the 10x
Genomics Chromium Next GEM Single Cell 3Reagent Kit v3.1 (Catalog
No. 000388). The libraries were sequenced using high-throughput
sequencing on the NovaSeq 6000 platform.
Single-cell data processing and cell identication
We utilized Cell Ranger software (version 5.0.0) from 10x Genomics to
demarcate cell barcodes and assign sequence reads to the corresponding
genomic and transcriptomic proles. The output was a matrix representing
gene counts across cells. Quality control was enforced using critical
metrics: each cell was required to express between 500 and 7000 unique
genes (nFeature_RNA), have fewer than 50,000 total RNA counts
(nCount_RNA), and contain less than 5% mitochondrial genes.
For data analysis, we adopted the Seurat pipeline (version 5.0.3),
employing dimensionality reduction and unsupervised clustering for
quality checks. Data normalization was performed using NormalizeData
and ScaleData functions from Seurat44, selecting 2,000 highly variable genes
for detailed examination via FindVariableFeatures, and employing 19
principal components for further dimensionality reduction.
To mitigate batch effects, we applied the Harmony algorithm (version
0.1)45. Cluster dimensionality was adjusted using dims = 1:19, resolution =
0.5parameters in RunUMAP and FindClusters. Initial cell type prediction for
each cluster was conducted using scMayoMap software (version 0.1.0)46.For
renement, the top 50 differentially expressed genes from each cluster were
analyzed using CellMarker 2.0, PanglaoDB, and the ACT database, enhancing
the accuracy of cell type assignments. In terms of marker gene presentation, we
focused on genes that showed cluster-specicexpressionfromthetop50
DEGs of each cluster, ensuring a balance between the breadth of candidate
genes and the focus on those most differentially expressed, thus likely to be
biologically signicant and reliable markers of specic cell types or states.
ROGUE index
To assess the heterogeneity within different clusters, we employed the
ROGUE (version 1.0)47,whichquanties the diversity of cell states or types
in each cluster. The ROGUE index was calculated using this package for
each cluster identied in our single-cell RNA sequencing data. Subse-
quently, we performed a statistical signicance assessment of the observed
ROGUE values between the groups of interest.
M1 and M2 functional scores in macrophages
Using the AddModuleScore function on our single-cell RNA sequencing
dataset, we quantied the M1 and M2 functional scores for each macro-
phage cell, indicative of pro-inammatory and anti-inammatory activities,
respectively. These scores represent the relative expression levels of genes
linked to these specic functional modules. A higher score denotes greater
enrichment of the corresponding functional state. We based our selection of
gene sets for M1 and M2 modules on the macrophage functional gene set15,
which encompasses established markers and signature genes characterizing
these distinct functional states.
Metabolic pathway analysis
To evaluate differences in metabolic pathways among various cell groups,
we downloaded 98 metabolism-related pathways from the GSEA database
and calculated the pathway scores for distinct cell clusters using the
AddModuleScore function in Seurat. For identifying signicantly altered
metabolic pathways, we applied the Wilcoxon test (P <0.05)tocompare
pathways between Zbp1/and WT mice post-CLP. Bonferroni correction
was used to adjust the p-values for multiple comparisons.
Pathway enrichment analysis
To unravel the functional mechanisms and biological pathways linked to
different cell clusters, we conducted Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto
Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway enrichment ana-
lyses using Metascape. For each cell cluster, we identied the top 150 dif-
ferentially expressed genes (DEGs) based on their natural logarithmic fold
change (logFC), with a threshold of logFC > 0.25. These DEGs are the most
notably upregulated genes within each cluster relative to the general
population. Our focus on these top DEGs was aimed at pinpointing the
crucial functional pathways and biological processes distinct to each cell
Inference of cellular differentiation trajectories
To elucidate potential lineage differentiation and developmental trajectories
within our single-cell RNA sequencing dataset, we utilized two com-
plementary computational approaches: CytoTRACE (version 0.3.3)17 and
Slingshot (version 2.0.0)16. By computing a CytoTRACE score for each cell,
we can determine its relative position along a differentiation trajectory. Cells
with higher CytoTRACE scores are typically less differentiated, suggesting a
proximity to the start of the differentiation process, whereas cells with lower
scores are more differentiated, indicative of nearing the trajectorysend.
Fig. 7 | scRNA-seq reveals macrophages are a dominating regulator in the lung
cellular networks in sepsis. A Network diagrams demonstrate the differences in the
number of ligand-receptor pairs (left) and communication probabilities (right)
between cellsubpopulations within WT CLP and Zbp1/CLP groups. Theperipheral
solid circlesrepresent various cell subpopulations, withthe circle size correspondingto
the number of ligand-receptor pairs. Blue lines indicate stronger communication in
the WT CLP group, while red lines denote stronger communication in the Zbp1/
CLP group. The line thickness reects the magnitude of communication change.
BHeatmaps depict the differential number of interactions (left) and interaction
strengths (right) among all cell subpopulations between the two groups. The y-axis
represents the ligand-expressingcells, the x-axis the receptor-expressing cells, and the
color scale the difference in communication probability. Bars at the top and right
represent the cumulative differences in communication probability along each axis.
CGraphical representations of macrophage interactions as ligand cellsaffecting other
cell subpopulations. Thesize of each circle denotesthe number of ligand-receptorpairs
within that subpopulation, and the width of the lines represents the probability of
communication, with thicker lines indicating higher probabilities. DHierarchical
plots of the TNF signaling pathway network and (E) IL1 signaling pathway network
show autocrine and paracrine signaling interactions within specied cell subpopula-
tions and the remaining cell subpopulations, respectively. Each colored circle repre-
sents a cell subpopulation, solid circles for ligand cells, and hollow circles for receptor
cells. The line thickness reects the cell communication probability. FBar charts
illustratethe differences in enriched signaling pathways betweenthe Zbp1/CLP and
WT CLP groups. Pathways on the y-axis are colored red for signicantly stronger
communication in the WT CLP group. Blue pathways indicate stronger commu-
nication in the Zbp1/CLP group. GA bubble plot represents the probability of
macrophage interactions as ligand cells with othercell types between the Zbp1/CLP
and WT CLP groups. The x-axis labels the cell pairs, differentiated by color (blue for
Zbp1/CLP, red for WT CLP), and the y-axis represents ligand-receptor pairs. HA
bubble plot visualizes the probability differences in macrophage-to-macrophage
ligand-receptor pairs between the Zbp1/CLP and WT CLP groups. It-SNE plots
show the distribution of SPP1 mRNA expression between the groups,with zero values
in gray and a gradient indicating the expression level. JWestern blot analysis was
performedto assess the protein expressionof SPP1 in macrophages from WT CLP and
Zbp1/CLP mice. All results are based on three measurements. Data are represented
as mean ± SD, *P<0.05,**P< 0.01, ***P<0.001. Article
Communications Biology | (2024) 7:1361 14
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This method provides insights into the spectrum of cellular states and
potential lineage connections within our dataset.
To further explore the dynamic changes in gene expression and the
potential branching patterns of cellular differentiation, we applied Slingshot,
ahighlyexible and robust method for inferring pseudotime trajectories.
Slingshot utilizes a novel approach based on principal curves and graph
theory to construct continuous developmental trajectories that capture the
progression of cells through different states or lineages. Article
Communications Biology | (2024) 7:1361 15
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Cell-cell communication and interactions
To explore the complex network of cell-cell communication among the
distinct cell populations identied in our single-cell RNA sequencing data,
we utilized the CellChat package (version 1.5.0)48. Initially, we created a
CellChat object using the normalized gene expression matrix along with cell
meta-data, which included cell type labels for each cell. This object forms the
basis for all subsequent analyses and stores essential information for
deducing cell-cell interactions. We then implemented the CellChat pipeline
to identify potential ligand-receptor interactions among the cell popula-
tions. CellChat uses a curated database of known ligand-receptor pairs,
analyzing their expression patterns across cell types to predict intercellular
communication networks. It quanties communication probabilities and
signaling strengths for each pair, offering a detailed measure of the inter-
actionslikelihood and intensity.
Statistical analysis
All data were processed using R Studio (version 4.3.3) or GraphPad Prism
(version 9.5). The results are presented as the mean ± SD, based on data
from at least three independent experiments. Survival curves were generated
using the Kaplan-Meier method and differences were evaluated with the
log-rank test. Statistical signicance was established at a threshold of
P< 0.05. For comparative analysis, Studentst-test was employed for two-
group comparisons, while one-way ANOVA was used for analyses invol-
ving multiple groups.
Reporting summary
Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio
Reporting Summary linked to this article.
Data availability
The source data for the graphs and charts in the main gures are provided in
Supplementary Data 14. Uncropped original blot/gel images from the
main gures are available in Supplementary Fig. 7. The single-cell RNA
sequencing data have been deposited in the GSE278767. All other data can
be obtained from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Received: 27 July 2024; Accepted: 14 October 2024;
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NLRP3 inflammasome activation
Inflammatory response
Macrophage differentiation
Damage and dysfunction
Mitochondrial dysfunction, Glycolysis
M1 macrophage
ALI and
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We thank Chaowei Shang, Ph.D., Director of Microscopy Facility at the
University of Pittsburgh for assistance with confocal microscopy and
immunouorescence. This work was supported by the US National
Institutes of Health Grant R01-HL-139547(J.F.) and R21AI185275 (J.F.), US
Department of Veterans Affairs Award 1I01BX004838 (J.F.) and
IK6BX006297 (J.F.).
Author contributions
All authors contributed to the study conception and design. Material and
animal preparation, data collection, and analysis were performed by T.G.,
Y.F., Q.W., Y.L., and P.A.L.; T.G., Z.W., T.R.B., Y.L., and J.F. planned the
project and conceived the experiments. T.G., Y.L., and J.F. wrote the
manuscript. All authors approved the nal manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Supplementary information The online version contains
supplementary material available at
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to
Ting Gong or Jie Fan.
Peer review information Communications Biology thanks the anonymous
reviewers for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Primary
handling editors: Connie Wong and Joao Valente.
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Full-text available
Background Single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) has become a widely used tool for both basic and translational biomedical research. In scRNA-seq data analysis, cell type annotation is an essential but challenging step. In the past few years, several annotation tools have been developed. These methods require either labeled training/reference datasets, which are not always available, or a list of predefined cell subset markers, which are subject to biases. Thus, a user-friendly and precise annotation tool is still critically needed. Results We curated a comprehensive cell marker database named scMayoMapDatabase and developed a companion R package scMayoMap, an easy-to-use single-cell annotation tool, to provide fast and accurate cell type annotation. The effectiveness of scMayoMap was demonstrated in 48 independent scRNA-seq datasets across different platforms and tissues. Additionally, the scMayoMapDatabase can be integrated with other tools and further improve their performance. Conclusions scMayoMap and scMayoMapDatabase will help investigators to define the cell types in their scRNA-seq data in a streamlined and user-friendly way.
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Atrial fibrillation disrupts contraction of the atria, leading to stroke and heart failure. We deciphered how immune and stromal cells contribute to atrial fibrillation. Single-cell transcriptomes from human atria documented inflammatory monocyte and SPP1+ macrophage expansion in atrial fibrillation. Combining hypertension, obesity, and mitral valve regurgitation (HOMER) in mice elicited enlarged, fibrosed, and fibrillation-prone atria. Single-cell transcriptomes from HOMER mouse atria recapitulated cell composition and transcriptome changes observed in patients. Inhibiting monocyte migration reduced arrhythmia in Ccr2-∕- HOMER mice. Cell-cell interaction analysis identified SPP1 as a pleiotropic signal that promotes atrial fibrillation through cross-talk with local immune and stromal cells. Deleting Spp1 reduced atrial fibrillation in HOMER mice. These results identify SPP1+ macrophages as targets for immunotherapy in atrial fibrillation.
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Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a potent agonist of the innate immune system; however, the exact immunostimulatory features of mtDNA and the kinetics of detection by cytosolic nucleic acid sensors remain poorly defined. Here, we show that mitochondrial genome instability promotes Z-form DNA accumulation. Z-DNA binding protein 1 (ZBP1) stabilizes Z-form mtDNA and nucleates a cytosolic complex containing cGAS, RIPK1, and RIPK3 to sustain STAT1 phosphorylation and type I interferon (IFN-I) signaling. Elevated Z-form mtDNA, ZBP1 expression, and IFN-I signaling are observed in cardiomyocytes after exposure to Doxorubicin, a first-line chemotherapeutic agent that induces frequent cardiotoxicity in cancer patients. Strikingly, mice lacking ZBP1 or IFN-I signaling are protected from Doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity. Our findings reveal ZBP1 as a cooperative partner for cGAS that sustains IFN-I responses to mitochondrial genome instability and highlight ZBP1 as a potential target in heart failure and other disorders where mtDNA stress contributes to interferon-related pathology.
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Cancers arise through the accumulation of genetic and epigenetic alterations that enable cells to evade telomere-based proliferative barriers and achieve immortality. One such barrier is replicative crisis—an autophagy-dependent program that eliminates checkpoint-deficient cells with unstable telomeres and other cancer-relevant chromosomal aberrations1,2. However, little is known about the molecular events that regulate the onset of this important tumour-suppressive barrier. Here we identified the innate immune sensor Z-DNA binding protein 1 (ZBP1) as a regulator of the crisis program. A crisis-associated isoform of ZBP1 is induced by the cGAS–STING DNA-sensing pathway, but reaches full activation only when associated with telomeric-repeat-containing RNA (TERRA) transcripts that are synthesized from dysfunctional telomeres. TERRA-bound ZBP1 oligomerizes into filaments on the outer mitochondrial membrane of a subset of mitochondria, where it activates the innate immune adapter protein mitochondrial antiviral-signalling protein (MAVS). We propose that these oligomerization properties of ZBP1 serve as a signal amplification mechanism, where few TERRA–ZBP1 interactions are sufficient to launch a detrimental MAVS-dependent interferon response. Our study reveals a mechanism for telomere-mediated tumour suppression, whereby dysfunctional telomeres activate innate immune responses through mitochondrial TERRA–ZBP1 complexes to eliminate cells destined for neoplastic transformation.
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Background COVID-19 manifests with a wide spectrum of clinical phenotypes, ranging from asymptomatic and mild to severe and critical. Severe and critical COVID-19 patients are characterized by marked changes in the myeloid compartment, especially monocytes. However, little is known about the epigenetic alterations that occur in these cells during hyperinflammatory responses in severe COVID-19 patients. Methods In this study, we obtained the DNA methylome and transcriptome of peripheral blood monocytes from severe COVID-19 patients. DNA samples extracted from CD14 + CD15- monocytes of 48 severe COVID-19 patients and 11 healthy controls were hybridized on MethylationEPIC BeadChip arrays. In parallel, single-cell transcriptomics of 10 severe COVID-19 patients were generated. CellPhoneDB was used to infer changes in the crosstalk between monocytes and other immune cell types. Results We observed DNA methylation changes in CpG sites associated with interferon-related genes and genes associated with antigen presentation, concordant with gene expression changes. These changes significantly overlapped with those occurring in bacterial sepsis, although specific DNA methylation alterations in genes specific to viral infection were also identified. We also found these alterations to comprise some of the DNA methylation changes occurring during myeloid differentiation and under the influence of inflammatory cytokines. A progression of DNA methylation alterations in relation to the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score was found to be related to interferon-related genes and T-helper 1 cell cytokine production. CellPhoneDB analysis of the single-cell transcriptomes of other immune cell types suggested the existence of altered crosstalk between monocytes and other cell types like NK cells and regulatory T cells. Conclusion Our findings show the occurrence of an epigenetic and transcriptional reprogramming of peripheral blood monocytes, which could be associated with the release of aberrant immature monocytes, increased systemic levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and changes in immune cell crosstalk in these patients.
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The RNA-editing enzyme adenosine deaminase acting on RNA 1 (ADAR1) limits the accumulation of endogenous immunostimulatory double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)1. In humans, reduced ADAR1 activity causes the severe inflammatory disease Aicardi–Goutières syndrome (AGS)2. In mice, complete loss of ADAR1 activity is embryonically lethal3–6, and mutations similar to those found in patients with AGS cause autoinflammation7–12. Mechanistically, adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) base modification of endogenous dsRNA by ADAR1 prevents chronic overactivation of the dsRNA sensors MDA5 and PKR3,7–10,13,14. Here we show that ADAR1 also inhibits the spontaneous activation of the left-handed Z-nucleic acid sensor ZBP1. Activation of ZBP1 elicits caspase-8-dependent apoptosis and MLKL-mediated necroptosis of ADAR1-deficient cells. ZBP1 contributes to the embryonic lethality of Adar-knockout mice, and it drives early mortality and intestinal cell death in mice deficient in the expression of both ADAR and MAVS. The Z-nucleic-acid-binding Zα domain of ADAR1 is necessary to prevent ZBP1-mediated intestinal cell death and skin inflammation. The Zα domain of ADAR1 promotes A-to-I editing of endogenous Alu elements to prevent dsRNA formation through the pairing of inverted Alu repeats, which can otherwise induce ZBP1 activation. This shows that recognition of Alu duplex RNA by ZBP1 may contribute to the pathological features of AGS that result from the loss of ADAR1 function. In addition to its role in suppressing MDA5 and PKR activation, ADAR1 is a negative regulator of ZPB1-mediated apoptosis and necroptosis, providing insights into the pathology of Aicardi–Goutières syndrome.
Tumor microenvironments (TMEs) influence cancer progression but are complex and often differ between patients. Considering that microenvironment variations may reveal rules governing intratumoral cellular programs and disease outcome, we focused on tumor-to-tumor variation to examine 52 head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. We found that macrophage polarity-defined by CXCL9 and SPP1 (CS) expression but not by conventional M1 and M2 markers-had a noticeably strong prognostic association. CS macrophage polarity also identified a highly coordinated network of either pro- or antitumor variables, which involved each tumor-associated cell type and was spatially organized. We extended these findings to other cancer indications. Overall, these results suggest that, despite their complexity, TMEs coordinate coherent responses that control human cancers and for which CS macrophage polarity is a relevant yet simple variable.
Heatstroke is a heat stress–induced, life-threatening condition associated with circulatory failure and multiple organ dysfunctions. If global warming continues, heatstroke might become a more prominent cause of mortality worldwide, but its pathogenic mechanism is not well understood. We found that Z-DNA binding protein 1 (ZBP1), a Z–nucleic acid receptor, mediated heatstroke by triggering receptor-interacting protein kinase 3 (RIPK3)–dependent cell death. Heat stress increased the expression of ZBP1 through heat shock transcription factor 1 (HSF1) and activated ZBP1 through a mechanism independent of the nucleic acid sensing action. Deletion of ZBP1, RIPK3, or both mixed lineage kinase domain-like (MLKL) and caspase-8 decreased heat stress–induced circulatory failure, organ injury, and lethality. Thus, ZBP1 appears to have a second function that orchestrates host responses to heat stress.
Background & Aims The liver plays crucial roles in the regulation of immune defense during acute systemic infections. However, the roles of liver cellular clusters and intercellular communication in the progression of endotoxemia have not been well-characterized. Methods Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis was performed, and the transcriptomes of 19,795 single liver cells from healthy and endotoxic mice were profiled. The spatial and temporal changes in hepatocytes and nonparenchymal cell types were validated by multiplex immunofluorescence staining, bulk transcriptomic sequencing, or flow cytometry. Furthermore, we used an adeno-associated virus delivery system to confirm the major mechanisms mediating myeloid cell infiltration and T cell suppression in septic murine liver. Results We identified a proinflammatory hepatocyte (PIH) subpopulation that developed primarily from periportal hepatocytes and to a lesser extent from pericentral hepatocytes and played key immunoregulatory roles in endotoxemia. Multicellular cluster modeling of ligand-receptor interactions revealed that PIHs play a crucial role in the recruitment of macrophages via the CCL2-CCR2 interaction. Recruited macrophages (RMs) released cytokines (e.g., IL6, TNFα, and IL17) to induce the expression of inhibitory ligands, such as PD-L1, on hepatocytes. Subsequently, RM-stimulated hepatocytes led to the suppression of CD4⁺ and memory T cell subsets partly via the PD-1/PD-L1 interaction in endotoxemia. Furthermore, sinusoidal endothelial cells expressed the highest levels of proapoptotic and inflammatory genes around the periportal zone. This pattern of gene expression facilitated increases in the number of fenestrations and infiltration of immune cells in the periportal zone. Conclusions Our study elucidates unanticipated aspects of the cellular and molecular effects on liver cells in endotoxemia at the single-cell level and provides a conceptual framework for the development of novel therapeutic approaches for acute infection. Lay summary The liver plays a crucial role in the regulation of immune defense during acute systemic infections. We identified a proinflammatory hepatocyte subpopulation, and the interactions of this subpopulation with RMs via CCL2-CCR2 signaling and CD4⁺ T cells via the PD1-PD-L1 pathway have pivotal roles in the immune response during endotoxemia. These novel findings provide a conceptual framework for the discovery of rational therapeutic targets in acute infection.
Background Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) facilitate bacterial clearance but also promote thrombosis and organ injury in sepsis. We quantified ex vivo NET induction in septic humans and murine models of sepsis to identify signalling pathways that may be modulated to improve outcome in human sepsis. Methods NET formation in human donor neutrophils was quantified after incubation with plasma obtained from patients with sepsis or systemic inflammation (double-blinded assessment of extracellular DNA using immunofluorescence microscopy). NET formation (% neutrophils forming NETs) was correlated with plasma cytokine levels (MultiPlex assay). Experimental sepsis (caecal ligation and puncture or intraperitoneal injection of Escherichia coli) was assessed in C57/BL6 male mice. The effect of pharmacological inhibition of CXCR1/2 signalling (reparixin) on NET formation, organ injury (hepatic, renal, and cardiac biomarkers), and survival in septic mice was examined. Results NET formation was higher after incubation with plasma from septic patients (median NETs=25% [10.5–46.5%]), compared with plasma obtained from patients with systemic inflammation (14% [4.0–23.3%]; P=0.02). Similar results were observed after incubation of plasma from mice with neutrophils from septic non-septic mice. Circulating CXCR1/2 ligands correlated with NETosis in patients (interleukin-8; r=0.643) and mice (macrophage inflammatory protein-2; r=0.902). In experimental sepsis, NETs were primarily observed in the lungs, correlating with fibrin deposition (r=0.702) and lung injury (r=0.692). Inhibition of CXCR1/2 using reparixin in septic mice reduced NET formation, multi-organ injury, and mortality, without impairing bacterial clearance. Conclusion CXCR1/2 signalling-induced NET formation is a therapeutic target in sepsis, which may be guided by ex vivo NET assays.