The development of fashion trends cannot be separated from increasingly trendy technology, so business actors are trying to utilize these technological developments as a means of ideas and innovation to create products that are appropriate to the times so that they can attract the attention of consumers and be able to compete in the market. Therefore, every business person is required to know the right strategy for introducing the products they produce. This research aims to find out the SWOT implementation strategy carried out by the As-Syams boutique business in Makassar City. This research is descriptive research using a qualitative approach. The informant was determined deliberately, namely the owner of the As-Syams boutique business. Data collection used in research includes observation, interviews, and documentation. The data obtained was analyzed using SWOT analysis. Based on the research results, show that the strategy implemented by the As-Syams boutique business is in quadrant one, namely Aggressive (growth-oriented strategy) or in a dynamic growth position or in a strength-opportunity strategy position (using strengths to take advantage of opportunities in decision-making). This shows that there is an opportunity to develop the As-Syams boutique business, apart from having strengths that are greater than its weaknesses, it also has opportunities that are greater than threats.