
Application Of Swot Analysis To The Sustainability Of As-Syams Boutique Business In Makassar City

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The development of fashion trends cannot be separated from increasingly trendy technology, so business actors are trying to utilize these technological developments as a means of ideas and innovation to create products that are appropriate to the times so that they can attract the attention of consumers and be able to compete in the market. Therefore, every business person is required to know the right strategy for introducing the products they produce. This research aims to find out the SWOT implementation strategy carried out by the As-Syams boutique business in Makassar City. This research is descriptive research using a qualitative approach. The informant was determined deliberately, namely the owner of the As-Syams boutique business. Data collection used in research includes observation, interviews, and documentation. The data obtained was analyzed using SWOT analysis. Based on the research results, show that the strategy implemented by the As-Syams boutique business is in quadrant one, namely Aggressive (growth-oriented strategy) or in a dynamic growth position or in a strength-opportunity strategy position (using strengths to take advantage of opportunities in decision-making). This shows that there is an opportunity to develop the As-Syams boutique business, apart from having strengths that are greater than its weaknesses, it also has opportunities that are greater than threats.

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Purpose of the study: This study aims to find out how Islam views free trade, and to find out how Rabbani's strategy formulation is prepared in dealing with MEA by using SWOT analysis. Methodology:The strategy used by Rabbani in doing business is to establish a Muslim fashion business with a reshare system, because using this system the risks are much smaller than using other systems. Apart from that, in trying, an entrepreneur must always be passionate, tenacious, never give up and be able to read the opportunities that exist, that is what makes Rabbani successful. Main Findings: The success of Rabbani Muslim clothing in doing business in terms of customer service and the quality of the products offered has caused Rabbani Muslim clothing to continue to increase. However, to gain a larger market share, Rabbani Muslim fashion can increase the variety of Muslim clothing/veil products and open several outlets to other potential areas intensively. Novelty/Originality of this study: This study analyzes a trade process using swot analysis in dealing with the Asean economy so that a study is carried out on Muslim clothing, namely rabbani.
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The fashion business today is one of the promised businesses. Thrity-One Collection Boutique is one of the business traders in the fashion sector that will be built in Karawang Regency. The purpose of this research is to develop a business strategy using the Business Model Canvas at Thirty-One Collection Boutique. The research method used is qualitative, data collection is done by interviewing fashion enthusiasts and fashion actors. This study analyzes the business model used by Thirty-One Collection Boutique using the Business Model Canvas, then analyzes each element using a SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats). The results of this study are a business strategy to increase productivity and see the risks that may be faced by the Thirty-One Collection Boutique Store and to help business actors to minimize the risks that may arise and find out the potential that can be developed in the Thirty-One Collection Boutique Store business.
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This study aims to analyze Ana Batik's business conditions as one of the MSMEs in Magelang based on the Business Model Canvas (BMC) analysis to develop a business strategy based on a SWOT analysis. The research was developed based on a descriptive qualitative approach. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data were collected through observation and interviews, while secondary data were collected through literature studies. The data that has been collected is analyzed based on the Business Model Canvas (BMC) analysis and the SWOT analysis. The Business Model Canvas (BMC) analysis is used to describe Ana Batik's business conditions, while the SWOT analysis is used to formulate a business development strategy that is applied to the new business model. The results of the data analysis indicate that the appropriate strategy for Ana Batik Magelang's business development is the SO strategy. SO strategies that can be applied are developing products according to fashion trends, using brand ambassadors to attract and increase consumer buying interest, and expand the market to the scope of the global market. By implementing this strategy, it is hoped that Ana Batik Magelang's business can develop and be sustainable.
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Rimbang is one of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) of Clothing Industry that provides kids professional uniforms in Bandung, Indonesia. At present, as the growth of SMEs continues to increase and with the presence of marketplace platforms become one of the causes of the decline in product sales over the last three years, namely in the years 2017, 2018 and 2019. This research was conducted to develop the most suitable strategy based on existing internal and external factors. The results of internal factors analysis demonstrate the strength of reputation and good relationship and weakness in the form of a product type that is seasonal and easily emulated. The results of external factors analysis show the opportunity of online sales and future integration and threats in the form of potential newcomers and higher competencies. Analysis results are used to formulate strategies using SWOT Analysis, TOWS Matrix and Porter's Generic Strategy. The proposed strategy is the Cost Leadership Strategy and Forward Integration as a strategy used to improve and develop existing business strategies and marketing strategies. These strategies are done by developing limited resources, implementing effective value chain activities and conducting product marketing directly to end consumers through online and offline sales.
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This research was conducted to study how to design a Canvas Business Model strategy that is suitable for Blackjack Distro in the face of business competition. The purpose of this study was to study the Canvas Business Model of Blackjack Distro, to connect the Blackjack Distro by analyzing Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats and to study business strategies that would develop the Blackjack Distro business in Indonesia. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. In collecting data, researchers use the interview method. Interviews were conducted with informants who were selected by purposive sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that the Blackjack Distro already has all the elements of Business Model Canvas that are the reference for business operations, but there are still things that need to be improved or expanded from. on the business of the canvas model. Blackjack Distro needs to add some business aspects in developing its business going forward such as adding product sales quantity, more innovation in product design, determining business partners, developing HR quality, increasing offline sales by participating in events, bazzar, expenditure arrangements, and additional market segmentation. Keywords. business model canvas; distro blackjack; swot analysis. Abstrak. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana rancangan strategi Business Model Canvas yang tepat untuk Distro Blackjack dalam menghadapi persaingan usaha. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Business Model Canvas dari Distro Blackjack, untuk mengevaluasi Distro Blackjack dengan menganalisis Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, dan Threats serta untuk mengetahui strategi usaha yang tepat dalam mengembangkan usaha Distro Blackjack di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Dalam mengumpulkan data, peneliti menggunakan metode wawancara. Wawancara dilakukan kepada narasumber yang sudah dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Distro Blackjack sudah memiliki semua elemen Business Model Canvas yang menjadi acuan berjalannya usaha, tetapi masih ada yang perlu diperbaiki atau dikembangkan lagi dari Sembilan elemen yang dimiliki Distro Blackjack terdapat Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, dan Threats dari setiap elemen yang ada pada business model canvas tersebut. Distro Blackjack perlu menambah beberapa aspek bisnis dalam mengembangkan usahanya kedepan seperti, menambah kuantiti penjualan produk, lebih inovasi lagi dalam design produk, menentukan mitra usaha, pengembangan kualitas SDM, memperbanyak jualan offline dengan mengikuti event, bazzar, pengaturan pengeluaran, dan penambahan segmentasi pasar. Kata Kunci. business model canvas; distro blackjack; analisis swot.
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the levels social media (SM) platforms are influencing consumer decision-making process for Generation X and Y consumers in the retail fashion environment. Design/methodology/approach This study adopts an interpretive, exploratory approach, applying a qualitative design. The research involved eight in-depth interviews and two focus groups in order to gain in-depth insights of two generational cohorts opinions, arguments, motivations and ideas. Findings The findings revealed that consumers use a variety of internal and external motivations that influence their behaviours and perceptions of high-street fashion retailers, and these factors are aided and facilitated by the use of SM. However, the research also revealed that SM is not the only source that motivates their consumer decision-making process, and with the proliferation of active users on SM, these platforms are (and will continue to have) an ever more increasing impact on consumer decision-makings. Participants were found to actively use SM to gain inspiration and information regarding high-street fashion retailers, however their final intentions to purchase were not as highly influenced by the content produced as previously expected. Research limitations/implications Prior to consumers’ making any decisions they are impacted by various stimuli, however, with the proliferation of active users on SM, the influence these platforms unconsciously have on consumer behaviour is vast. Therefore, suggesting that consumers are not as predictable as traditional consumer decision-making process (CDMP) theory postulates. Although thought processes do appear to exist, consumers now demonstrate a much more complex process, which create multiple layers of motivations where internal and external factors overlap. Practical implications The findings of this study present valuable implications for high-street fashion marketers and are anticipated to enhance and deepen fashion marketers understanding of CDMP when using SM. Thus, they must strive to understand and provide relevant content to consumers’, not only for Generation Y but also Generation X, responding to quickly changing consumer demands and expectations with both of these cohorts. Overall, these findings propose that high-street fashion retailers on SM must understand the complexity of internal and external factors motivating consumers to interact with retailers online and off, and therefore, generating added value for their consumers. This is useful within marketing practises. Social implications This paper gives some clarity and insight into the motivations of consumers in the fashion retail environment, from a digital influential perspective. Originality/value The findings concluded that SM has created a consumer that can be impacted at any stage of the decision process and has added to the research regarding unplanned consumer behaviour. Participants behaviours were stimuli-driven and user-controlled. Therefore, this had a larger impact on inspiration as opposed to modifying their behaviours to align exactly with trends or products.
At this time the halal industry in Indonesia is becoming a public concern, especially in the field of fashion. The development of fashion trends cannot be separated from the existence of increasingly trendy technology, so business actors are trying to take advantage of these technological developments as a means of ideas and innovations to create products that are appropriate for their time in order to attract the attention of consumers and be able to compete in the market. With the development of syar'i fashion trends, resulting in the increase in sharia business, many designers continue to be innovative by bringing up many designs that are in demand by the public. This study aims to determine the trend of sharia fashion in the modern era in the city of Bandung, as well as find out how far the development of sharia fashion in the modern era. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive analysis approach by collecting data sourced from previous research, obtained through Google scholar and dimensions. The results of this study show that the halal industry in the fashion sector has become a trend and has a very big opportunity to develop the halal fashion sector. However, behind the great opportunities there are challenges that must be faced including: Lack of halal awareness in Indonesian society, Lack of Public Understanding of the Concept of Halal in Fashion, not many fashion MSMEs that take care of halal certification, low awareness of the Indonesian people to compete.
Pop Up Boutique is a star up business in fashion industry that was established in 2020. At first, the business is going well as expected, but then Pop Up Boutique's revenue decreased drastically in 2022. The purpose of this research is to design a strategy of price, product, promotion, and people to increase sales, and hopefully the designed strategy can be applied in Pop Up Boutique. The method used is descriptive qualitative research method with direct observation, in-depth interviews and document review. 3 people were interviewed, 1 each from the management, customer, and expert. The interview results are translated into EFAS and IFAS analysis, then a SWOT analysis is made by determining the weight and rating, after that the SWOT matrix so that it can be seen which quadrant Pop Up Boutique is in, then a strategy can be determined according to the Pop-Up Boutique situation. The results of this study indicate that Pop Up Boutique is in Quadrant I (SO Strategy) which means it is in the Aggressive Strategy. This position indicates that Pop Up Boutique is in a good condition and has the opportunity to expand its business, by using all strengths to seize and taking advantage of opportunities in improving the company's progress. The strategy that will be implemented by Pop Up Boutique related to price is to determine the price based on cost-based pricing but also pay attention to competition-based pricing. Product strategy is to do positioning, product design, and differentiation. The promotion strategy carried out pays attention to promotional messages, promotional media, and time of promotion. People strategy is to set standardization in recruiting staff including competence, politeness, selective, communicative, appearance.
span>This research is a qualitative descriptive study that aims to formulate a business strategy at Surya Boutique Hotel Semarang by collecting data through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Data analysis was carried out using IFE, EFE, CPM, SWOT, and QSPM which showed the results of an IFE weighted score is 2,644, an EFE weighted score is 3,258, and a CPM score is 3,023 which means the company is in a strong enough position in controlling the strengths and weaknesses to face opportunities and threats. Based on the SWOT analysis, integration, intensive, and diversification strategies were developed into 8 alternative strategies for the company. The most suitable strategy based on QSPM is to rearrange the number of room availability based on customer interest with a TAS value of 6,968. This strategy is in line with the current condition of the hotel, which is experiencing a limited number of rooms in the type that consumers are most interested in. </span
Peran Financial Technology Pada UMKM Kacang Telur Susu Di Desa Rembang Ngadiluwih Kediri: Peningkatan Literasi Keuangan Berbasis Payment Gateway
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