
Post-election Blues: The Communication of the Opposition After the Defeat in April 2022

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This chapter presents how the losers of the 2022 elections helped the supporters process the failure emotionally. The public communication by the leading politicians, the friendly media, public intellectuals, and experts is analysed according to the image reparation strategies defined in public relations literature by William Benoit. The results show that the communicators preferred the following strategies: shifting blame, referring to defeasibility, promising corrective action, and expressing mortification. Some actors used the strategy of denial based on separating their own party from the camp as a whole. As during the campaign previously, the fierce criticism against the political right proved to be the most recurrent theme in processing of the defeat.

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Political psychology applies what is known about human psychology to the study of politics. It examines citizens’ vote choices and public opinion as well as how political leaders deal with threat, mediate political conflicts, and make foreign policy decisions. The second edition of the Oxford Handbook of Political Psychology gathers together a distinguished group of international scholars to shed light on such questions as: To what extent are people’s political choices influenced by information outside of conscious awareness? Does personality affect leadership style? Do strong emotions distort the political process and worsen or enhance political decisions? Focusing on political psychology at the individual level (genes, early childhood, personality, decision-making, emotions, values, ideology) and the collective (group identity, social justice, mass mobilization, political violence, prejudice reduction), this interdisciplinary volume covers models of the mass public and political elites and addresses both domestic issues and foreign policy. The volume provides an up-to-date, comprehensive, and expertly distilled account of cutting-edge research within both psychology and political science.
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The purpose of the article is to present party elites’ narratives about electoral defeat in or-der to identify characteristics of the narratives which may inhibit or facilitate party change. The opening sections explain theoretical ap-proach and methodology adopted for the re-search. The next paragraphs reconstruct and compare narratives of four Polish political par-ties, which experienced electoral defeat in 2011 and 2015 parliamentary elections, and give a psychological explanation for their emergence. As a result, four narrative strategies were identified of which only one seems to have po-tential to facilitate party change. Its distinctive feature is internalization of blame, whereas the others reveal tendency to denial or personalize and externalize blame.
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Concession speeches often mark the end of the tussle and jostle that characterise the political campaigns which precede elections. Existing studies on rhetoric in politics have looked at the pragmatic functions, stylistic features and politeness strategies in (American) presidential concession speeches. The examination of the generic structure potential of the speeches is a worthy addition towards characterising the rhetorics of (American) concession speeches. This paper, therefore, examines the rhetorical structure, communicative functions and generic structure potential of American presidential concession speeches. Guided by Halliday and Hassan's (1989) model of Generic Structure Potential, eight American presidential concession speeches which span over a period of thirty-three years were purposively selected for analysis. Ten communicative functions are identified in the speeches. Eight elements identified as obligatory
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Using the concepts of apologia, image repair and rhetoric, this paper examines the strategies employed by a former president of the Republic of Ghana to simultaneously maintain his reputation after losing the 2016 Ghanaian general elections and campaign for re-lection as the standard bearer of his party. The paper finds that the former president did not accept responsibility for the electoral loss, but used several indirect ways to deny responsibility for the defeat. He employed bolstering, accusation/attack, playing the victim, throwing a challenge and the God's will factor as defence strategies in order to repair his image. He exploited the Aristotelian appeals of logos, ethos and pathos to boost his persuasion. In doing so, he deployed several rhetorical tools such as metaphor, allusion, rhetorical questions and parallelism to enhance the expression of the defence strategies. The analysis reveals that, as noted in the literature, some of the image repair strategies espoused by Benoit (1995, 2015), for example, outright denial and mortification, hardly apply to political contexts-the former President's defence was indirectly expressed. Thus, the paper concludes that combining the concepts of apologia, image repair and rhetoric in the analysis of political discourse can illuminate political discourse analysis. The paper has implications for communicating defence, reputation repair and political rhetoric.
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This is a classic textbook in public relations, which emphasizes a theoretical, managerial approach to public relations.
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focus on a unique set of [self-conscious] emotions that emerge late and that require certain cognitive abilities for their elicitation / [focus] on shame, pride, guilt, and embarrassment / articulate the role of self in their elicitation / [elaborate] a working definition through a cognitive–attributional model (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Interest in the concept of identity has grown exponentially within both the humanities and social sciences, but the discussion of identity has had less impact than might be expected on the quantitative study of political behavior in general and on political psychology more specifically. One of the approaches that holds the most promise for political psychologists is social identity theory, as reflected in the thinking of Henri Tajfel, John Turner, and colleagues. Although the theory addresses the kinds of problems of interest to political psychologists, it has had limited impact on political psychology because of social identity theorists' disinclination to examine the sources of social identity in a real world complicated by history and culture. In this review, four key issues are examined that hinder the successful application of social identity theory to political phenomena. These key issues are the existence of identity choice, the subjective meaning of identities, gradations in identity strength, and the considerable stability of many social and political identities.
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In 2001, CHI featured an unusual panel session: Marketing people were actually invited to come to CHI to explain what they did and why it was important to the objectives of SIGCHI. Boyd de Groot, Peter Eikelboom, and Florian Egger organized the session in which I was privileged to participate. As they remarked about how extraordinary it was to have dedicated marketing professionals at CHI, especially in presenter roles, the comments being exchanged among CHI professionals gave me the feeling that I was in a "Dilbert" comic strip, listening to the amusing, outrageous jibes of those characters.
Benoit's (1995a, 2000, 2004; Brinson & Benoit, 19999. Benoit , W. L. , & Brinson , S. L. ( 1999 ). Queen Elizabeth's image repair discourse: Insensitive royal or compassionate queen ? Public Relations Review , 25 , 145 – 156 . [CrossRef], [Web of Science ®]View all references) image repair theory and Coombs' (1995, 1998, 2004a; Coombs & Holladay, 199624. Coombs , W. T. , & Holladay , S. J. ( 1996 ). Communication and attributions in a crisis: An experimental study in crisis communication . Journal of Public Relations Research , 8 , 279 – 295 . [Taylor & Francis Online]View all references, 2001, 2002; Coombs & Schmidt, 200027. Coombs , W. T. , & Schmidt , L. ( 2000 ). An empirical analysis of image restoration: Texaco's racism crisis . Journal of Public Relations Research , 12 , 163 – 178 . [Taylor & Francis Online]View all references) crisis response standards theory and research methods provided the theoretical and methodological framework for a 3 × 2 factorial experiment testing effects of crisis communication strategy (mortification, bolstering, and corrective action) and performance history (positive and negative) in conjunction with a politician's faux pas. In evaluations of a politician following racial remarks, strategy and performance history had main effects independent of one another for 6 dependent variables. Contrary to previous research, performance history was not always a factor in achieving favorable evaluations, and sometimes bolstering was as effective as mortification. Generally, corrective action was least effective.
This study argues for a revised perspective on political apologia, using the dramatic 1990 Minnesota gubernatorial campaign as a case study. Jon Grunseth, Independent Republican candidate, was accused of sexual impropriety by several women, a situation that, predictably, eventuated in his use of apologetic strategies. However, this study argues that the failure of those strategies must be understood outside of conventional apologetic frameworks, which stress immediate material circumstances, and should instead be analyzed within a revised, narrativized, approach to apologia. This new approach emphasizes the intertextuality of scandal narratives and argues that critical understanding of Grunseth's apologia must be situated within a wider web of late 1980s/early 1990s cultural discourse concerning mediated scandal, sexual infidelity, and male behavior.
A social identity theory of leadership is described that views leadership as a group process generated by social categorization and prototype-based depersonalization processes associated with social identity. Group identification, as self-categorization, constructs an intragroup prototypicality gradient that invests the most prototypical member with the appearance of having influence; the appearance arises because members cognitively and behaviorally conform to the prototype. The appearance of influence becomes a reality through depersonalized social attraction processes that make followers agree and comply with the leader's ideas and suggestions. Consensual social attraction also imbues the leader with apparent status and creates a status-based structural differentiation within the group into leader(s) and followers, which has characteristics of unequal status intergroup relations. In addition, a fundamental attribution process constructs a charismatic leadership personality for the leader, which further empowers the leader and sharpens the leader-follower status differential. Empirical support for the theory is reviewed and a range of implications discussed, including intergroup dimensions, uncertainty reduction and extremism, power, and pitfalls of prototype-based leadership.
Letaglózó eredmény született. Fájó eredmény. De egyetlen fojtogató rezsim sem tart örökké. Azonban kell, hogy néhány szó a köszöneté is legyen [A disappointing result was obtained. A painful result
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Április 3. és a politikai nárcizmus identitásnélkülisége
  • B Böcskei
Eltűnt legalább 800 ezer ellenzéki szavazó, és erre nem csak a rendszer működése [There is nothing to embellish: We lost this election. At least 800,000 opposition voters have disappeared, and it’s not just the functioning of the system
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Irtózatosan nehéz lesz, de nincs más út
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  • Hvg
54 helyett 18: saját Excel-táblája mutatja meg, mennyire túlbecsülte magát az ellenzék [18 instead of 54: Its own Excel table shows how much the opposition overestimated itself
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  • I Nagy
  • Zs
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  • Mszp
ENNYI VOLT. | megsemmisültem [THAT WAS IT. | I was devastated
  • Zs Osváth
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  • R Puzsér
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  • F M Spirit
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  • J Hooper