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Forecasting to support EMS tactical planning: what is important and what is not

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Abstract and Figures

Forecasting emergency medical service (EMS) call volumes is critical for resource allocation and planning. The development of many commercial and free software packages has made a variety of forecasting methods accessible. Practitioners, however, are left with little guidance on selecting the most appropriate method for their needs. Using 5 years of data from 3 cities in Alberta, we compute exponential smoothing and benchmark forecasts for 8-hour periods for each ambulance station catchment area and with a forecast horizon of two weeks—a spatio-temporal resolution appropriate for tactical planning. The methods that we consider differ on three spectra: the number and type of time-series components, whether forecasts are computed individually or jointly, and the way in which forecasts at a specific resolution are converted to forecasts at the resolution of interest. We find that it is important to include a weekly seasonal component when forecasting EMS demand. Multiplicative seasonality, however, shows no benefit over additive seasonality. Adding other time-series components (e.g., trend, ARMA errors, Box-Cox transformation) does not improve performance. Spatial resolutions of station catchment area and lower, and temporal resolution of 4–24 hours perform similarly. We adapt an existing hierarchical forecasting framework to a two-dimensional spatio-temporal hierarchy, but find that hierarchical reconciliation of forecasts does not improve performance at the forecast resolution of interest for tactical planning. Neither does jointly forecasting time series. We show that added complexity does not materially improve forecasting performance. The simple methods that we find perform well are easy to implement and interpret, making implementation in practice more likely. In a simulation study we alter the empirical weekly patterns and demonstrate how extreme differences between the weekly seasonality patterns of different regions cause hierarchically-reconciled bottom-up approaches to outperform top-down approaches.
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Health Care Management Science (2024) 27:604–630
Forecasting to support EMS tactical planning: what is important
and what is not
Mostafa Rezaei1·Armann Ingolfsson2
Received: 11 July 2022 / Accepted: 17 September 2024 / Published online: 19 October 2024
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
Forecasting emergency medical service (EMS) call volumes is critical for resource allocation and planning. The development
of many commercial and free software packages has made a variety of forecasting methods accessible. Practitioners, however,
are left with little guidance on selecting the most appropriate method for their needs. Using 5 years of data from 3 cities in
Alberta, we compute exponential smoothing and benchmark forecasts for 8-hour periods for each ambulance station catchment
area and with a forecast horizon of two weeks—a spatio-temporal resolution appropriate for tactical planning. The methods
that we consider differ on three spectra: the number and type of time-series components, whether forecasts are computed
individually or jointly, and the way in which forecasts at a specific resolution are converted to forecasts at the resolution of
interest. We find that it is important to include a weekly seasonal component when forecasting EMS demand. Multiplicative
seasonality, however, shows no benefit over additive seasonality. Adding other time-series components (e.g., trend, ARMA
errors, Box-Cox transformation) does not improve performance. Spatial resolutions of station catchment area and lower,
and temporal resolution of 4–24 hours perform similarly. We adapt an existing hierarchical forecasting framework to a two-
dimensional spatio-temporal hierarchy, but find that hierarchical reconciliation of forecasts does not improve performance
at the forecast resolution of interest for tactical planning. Neither does jointly forecasting time series. We show that added
complexity does not materially improve forecasting performance. The simple methods that we find perform well are easy
to implement and interpret, making implementation in practice more likely. In a simulation study we alter the empirical
weekly patterns and demonstrate how extreme differences between the weekly seasonality patterns of different regions cause
hierarchically-reconciled bottom-up approaches to outperform top-down approaches.
Keywords Empirical research ·Health care management ·Service operations ·Emergency medical services ·Hierarchical
forecasting ·Operations research ·Operations management
We use exponential smoothing methods to forecast EMS
call volumes for 8-hour periods and station catchment
areas; a spatio-temporal resolution appropriate for tacti-
cal planning
BMostafa Rezaei
Armann Ingolfsson
1Information and Operations Management, ESCP Business
School, Paris, France
2Alberta School of Business, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
We find that it is important to include a weekly seasonal
component, but adding other time-series components
(e.g., trend, ARMA errors, Box-Cox transformation)
does not improve performance. Neither does jointly fore-
casting time series.
Simple top-down approaches that use constant propor-
tions to divide a daily forecast for an entire city into
8-hour periods and station catchments areas perform very
1 Introduction
An effective healthcare system is crucial for ensuring the
wellbeing of citizens. Emergency medical services (EMS)
play a critical role as the first point of entry into the system
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
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This paper introduces the concept of Temporal Hierarchies for time series forecasting. A temporal hierarchy can be constructed for any time series by means of non-overlapping temporal aggregation. Predictions constructed at all aggregation levels are combined with the proposed framework to result in temporally reconciled, accurate and robust forecasts. The implied combination mitigates modelling uncertainty, while the reconciled nature of the forecasts results in a unified prediction that supports aligned decisions at different planning horizons: from short-term operational up to long-term strategic planning. The proposed methodology is independent of forecasting models. It can embed high level managerial forecasts that incorporate complex and unstructured information with lower level statistical forecasts. Our results show that forecasting with temporal hierarchies increases accuracy over conventional forecasting, particularly under increased modelling uncertainty. We discuss organisational implications of the temporally reconciled forecasts using a case study of Accident & Emergency departments.
Forecast reconciliation is a post-forecasting process aimed to improve the quality of the base forecasts for a system of hierarchical/grouped time series. Cross-sectional and temporal hierarchies have been considered in the literature, but generally, these two features have not been fully considered together. The paper presents two new results by adopting a notation that simultaneously deals with both forecast reconciliation dimensions. (i) The closed-form expression of the optimal (in the least squares sense) point forecasts fulfilling both contemporaneous and temporal constraints. (ii) An iterative procedure that produces cross-temporally reconciled forecasts by alternating forecast reconciliation along one single dimension (either cross-sectional or temporal) at each iteration step. The feasibility of the proposed procedures, along with first evaluations of their performance as compared to the most performing ‘single dimension’ (either cross-sectional or temporal) forecast reconciliation procedures, is studied through a forecasting experiment on the 95 quarterly time series of the Australian Gross Domestic Product from Income and Expenditure sides. For this dataset, the new procedures, in addition to providing fully coherent forecasts in both cross-sectional and temporal dimensions, improve the forecast accuracy of the state-of-the-art point forecast reconciliation techniques.
The primary goal of emergency medical service (EMS) agencies is to effectively allocate the ambulances and personnel required to provide sufficient geographic coverage of a service area while minimizing response times to high-priority call requests. Given that the demand for ambulances is known to fluctuate spatially and temporally based on the time of day and day of the week, EMS practitioners depend on call volume forecasts to develop staffing and dynamic redeployment plans. In this study, a series of daily, hourly, and spatially distributed hourly call volume predictions are generated using a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) artificial neural network model following feature selection using an ensemble-based decision tree model. For spatially distributed predictions, K-Means clustering is applied to produce heterogeneous spatial clusters based on call location and associated call volume densities. The predictive performance of the MLP model is benchmarked against both a selection of traditional time-series forecasting techniques and a common industry method. Results show that MLP models outperform time-series and industry forecasting methods, specifically at finer levels of spatial granularity where the need for more accurate call volumes forecasts is more essential.
Black box machine learning models are currently being used for high-stakes decision making throughout society, causing problems in healthcare, criminal justice and other domains. Some people hope that creating methods for explaining these black box models will alleviate some of the problems, but trying to explain black box models, rather than creating models that are interpretable in the first place, is likely to perpetuate bad practice and can potentially cause great harm to society. The way forward is to design models that are inherently interpretable. This Perspective clarifies the chasm between explaining black boxes and using inherently interpretable models, outlines several key reasons why explainable black boxes should be avoided in high-stakes decisions, identifies challenges to interpretable machine learning, and provides several example applications where interpretable models could potentially replace black box models in criminal justice, healthcare and computer vision. There has been a recent rise of interest in developing methods for ‘explainable AI’, where models are created to explain how a first ‘black box’ machine learning model arrives at a specific decision. It can be argued that instead efforts should be directed at building inherently interpretable models in the first place, in particular where they are applied in applications that directly affect human lives, such as in healthcare and criminal justice.
We consider call centers that have multiple (potentially inter‐dependent) demand arrival streams. Workforce management of such labor intensive service systems starts with forecasting future arrival demand. We investigate the question of whether and when to jointly forecast future arrivals of the multiple streams. We first develop a general statistical model to simultaneously forecast multi‐stream arrival rates. The model takes into account three types of inter‐stream dependence. We then show with analytical and simulation studies how the forecasting benefits of the multi‐stream forecasting model vary by the type, direction, and strength of inter‐stream dependence. In particular, we find that it is beneficial to simultaneously forecast multi‐stream arrivals (instead of separately forecasting each stream), when there exists inter‐stream lag dependence among daily arrival rates. Empirical studies using two real call center data sets further demonstrate our findings, and provide operational insights into how one chooses forecasting models for multi‐stream arrivals. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.