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Mapping wild nature areas to identify priority areas for urban rewilding in cities: A process-oriented approach


Abstract and Figures

Urban rewilding initiatives are gaining traction in cities, yet little remains known about the spatial opportunities for transitioning greenspaces into rewilding sites. This paper advances a process-oriented framing of urban wild nature areas (WNAs) and proposes a novel methodological approach for mapping existing WNAs at the city-scale, thereby shedding light on the potentials for urban rewilding across greenspace types and urban environments. Using Vienna as a case study, we identify WNAs as greenspaces predominantly shaped by natural succession processes and devoid of vegetation management. NDVI timeseries derived from Sentinel-2-satellite data for the period 2017 to 2022 are processed using a Random Forest algorithm to distinguish between unmanaged and managed vegetation annually and integrated into a multi-year composite map of ‘urban vegetation management intensity’. Based on this map and a set of objective cut-off values, 1298 WNAs are identified, representing 29.5% of the city’s total urban greenspace and 14.9% of the city’s total area. WNAs are distributed across diverse urban settings and greenspace types, with the majority being found in formal greenspaces such as forests, meadows and parks, and low-density built-up areas. The key strength of the process-oriented approach lies in its ability to detect WNAs dominated by natural succession, regardless of historic origin, greenspace type, and governance structure, thereby providing a baseline against which the full potential for urban rewilding can be evaluated. We demonstrate the methods’ utility in identifying potentials for urban rewilding, emphasising the importance of directing rewilding efforts towards residential greenspaces, urban parks, and street greenery, especially in densely built inner-city districts.
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Original article
Mapping wild nature areas to identify priority areas for urban rewilding in
cities: A process-oriented approach
Brenda Maria Zoderer
, Christa Hainz-Renetzeder
, Francesco Vuolo
Institute of Landscape Development, Recreation and Conservation Planning, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Peter-Jordan-Straße, 65, Vienna 1180,
Institute of Geomatics, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Peter-Jordan-Straße, 82, Vienna 1190, Austria
Wild space
Urban wilderness
Informal greenspace
Urban greenspace
Urban rewilding initiatives are gaining traction in cities, yet little remains known about the spatial opportunities
for transitioning greenspaces into rewilding sites. This paper advances a process-oriented framing of urban wild
nature areas (WNAs) and proposes a novel methodological approach for mapping existing WNAs at the city-scale,
thereby shedding light on the potentials for urban rewilding across greenspace types and urban environments.
Using Vienna as a case study, we identify WNAs as greenspaces predominantly shaped by natural succession
processes and devoid of vegetation management. NDVI timeseries derived from Sentinel-2-satellite data for the
period 20172022 are processed using a Random Forest algorithm to distinguish between unmanaged and
managed vegetation annually and integrated into a multi-year composite map of ‘urban vegetation management
intensity. Based on this map and a set of objective cut-off values, 1298 WNAs are identied, representing 29.5 %
of the citys total urban greenspace and 14.9 % of the citys total area. WNAs are distributed across diverse urban
settings and greenspace types, with the majority being found in formal greenspaces such as forests, meadows and
parks, and low-density built-up areas. The key strength of the process-oriented approach lies in its ability to
detect WNAs dominated by natural succession, regardless of historic origin, greenspace type, and governance
structure, thereby providing a baseline against which the full potential for urban rewilding can be evaluated. We
demonstrate the methods utility in identifying potentials for urban rewilding, emphasising the importance of
directing rewilding efforts towards residential greenspaces, urban parks, and street greenery, especially in
densely built inner-city districts.
1. Introduction
The conservation and restoration of urban wild nature is increasingly
recognised as an important cornerstone in the transition towards more
sustainable, resilient, and equitable cities (Pineda-Pinto et al., 2023;
Randrup et al., 2020). Characterised by the dominance of ecological
processes (Kowarik, 2018), urban ‘wild nature areas (WNAs) can offer
multiple benets for urban residents and non-human species. They can
play a crucial role in climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts by
cooling urban environments, supporting stormwater management, and
improving carbon sequestration rates (Luo and Patuano, 2023; Sikorski
et al., 2021); they can contribute to urban biodiversity conservation by
providing habitats for plant and animal species and fostering ecological
connectivity within urban landscapes (Bonthoux and Chollet, 2024;
Müller et al., 2018); and promote urban residentsmental and physical
well-being (Allard-Poesi et al., 2022; Maller et al., 2019) while also (re)
connecting people with nature near their homes (Cheesbrough et al.,
2019; Noe and Stolte, 2023).
Recognising these benets, a growing number of initiatives have
recently been launched worldwide to conserve and enhance wild nature
within urban environments. For instance, city partnerships such as
Biophilic Cities,
and the National Park City Foundation
been established to raise awareness about the value of different forms of
nature, including WNAs in an urban context. In addition, there has been
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (B.M. Zoderer).
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Received 8 May 2024; Received in revised form 19 July 2024; Accepted 15 October 2024
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 101 (2024) 128549
Available online 18 October 2024
1618-8667/© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier GmbH. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
( ).
a noticeable rise in ‘urban rewilding initiatives in practice, largely
spurred by the ‘Rewilding London taskforce established in 2021
(Greater London Authority, 2023). Those initiatives endeavour to
translate rewilding principles originally developed for rural landscapes
(Carver et al., 2021; Perino et al., 2019) to urban settings and identify
diverse opportunities for rewilding interventions throughout the urban
fabric (C40 & Arup, 2023; Greater London Authority, 2023). Similar to
passive rewilding approaches in rural areas (Massenberg et al., 2023),
urban rewilding aims to transition urban ecosystems to a state of greater
ecological complexity and resilience by restoring ecological processes
and reducing direct human control in the form of maintenance or
planting interventions (adapted from Bonthoux and Chollet, 2024 and
Pettorelli et al., 2022). Thus, urban rewilding initatives typically target
two distinct ecological processes: assembly and functioning spontaneity
(Bonthoux and Chollet, 2024). While assembly spontaneity can be
increased by reducing human intervention in species composition (e.g.,
by reducing planting or sowing), functioning spontaneity can be pro-
moted by reducing vegetation maintenance efforts (e.g., mowing or
Despite the rising interest in wild nature and rewilding in cities
among policy-makers and practitioners, limited information is available
concerning the current prevalence and distributional characteristics of
WNAs at the city-scale. Previous research on urban wild nature has
predominantly focused on either the ecological function and biodiver-
sity of WNAs (e.g., Bonthoux et al., 2014; Sikorski et al., 2021) or on
peoples attitudes towards these spaces (e.g., Mathey et al., 2018;
Rupprecht et al., 2015) and their user experiences (e.g., Cheesbrough
et al., 2019; Watson et al., 2023). Although these studies provide
detailed accounts of the social-ecological value of specic local mani-
festations of wild spaces, little remains known about the
social-ecological potential of these spaces across the entire city. How-
ever, mapping the extent and distribution of WNAs at the city-scale can
facilitate the identication of opportunities to utilise these spaces for
recreational purposes, the conservation of biodiversity, or the promo-
tion of ecological connectivity across the city. Furthermore, providing
information on the prevalence and distribution of WNAs to urban
planners and greenspace managers can support them in identifying
suitable locations for urban rewilding and understanding how such en-
deavours could complement the conservation of existing WNAs.
In this paper, we adopt a process-oriented framing of WNAs to
explore their spatial distribution and to identify potentials for urban
rewilding using Vienna, the capital of Austria, as a case study. Following
this framing, we dene WNAs as all greenspaces in a city already
characterised by high levels of self-regulating capacities in ecosystem
processes and a corresponding lack of human maintenance (cf. Kowarik,
2018; Threlfall and Kendal, 2018). In contrast to alternative framings of
urban wild nature that focus on specic types of ecosystems or land-use
categories (see Section 2), a process-oriented framing emphasises the
presence of autonomous ecological processes (i.e., high levels of wild-
ness), irrespective of the origins, levels of formality, or types of green-
spaces in which they occur (Kowarik, 2018). This framing is thus closely
aligned with the idea of ‘urban rewilding, which considers opportu-
nities for establishing WNAs by restoring and augmenting wildness
qualities in diverse settings such as parks, residential gardens, ceme-
teries, or railway tracks (Hwang, 2020; Pettorelli et al., 2022).
The diversity and spatio-temporal variability of WNAs (especially
when adopting a process-oriented framing) make them particularly
difcult to quantify and map. WNAs often remain blind spots on urban
greenspace maps because they do not t into standard land-use cate-
gories or are not captured in annual greenspace inventories
(Feltynowski et al., 2018; Preston et al., 2023). Furthermore, the pre-
dominant emphasis on mapping the quantity and distribution of urban
greenspaces using ready-to-use land-cover data often neglects internal
variations in management practices (Wellmann et al., 2018), likely
overlooking spatially heterogeneous patterns of greenspace qualities
such as wildness (Aznarez et al., 2022). Hence, for the mapping of
existing WNAs alternative methods are needed that not only capture the
quantity but also the quality of urban greenspaces (such as variations in
management intensity) at high spatiotemporal resolutions and across
xed land-use categories.
Here, we propose a novel methodological approach to map and
quantify WNAs adopting a process-oriented framing, and demonstrate
its applicability for identifying urban rewilding potentials in different
urban greenspace types and urban environments. We build on the gen-
eral idea proposed by Sikorska et al. (2021) of using a remotely-sensed
Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to identify
spatio-temporal patterns of unmanaged vegetation, and advance this
approach to identify WNAs as all those greenspaces with low levels of
vegetation management intensity and a corresponding high degree of
natural succession processes (i.e., high levels of functioning spontaneity,
Bonthoux and Chollet, 2024). We demonstrate the applicability and
robustness of the approach using the city of Vienna, and provide insights
into the distribution of WNAs across diverse urban greenspace types,
informal and formal greenspaces, and urban environments of varying
built-up density. We anticipate that the prevalence of WNAs varies
across the city, with wild spaces being less prevalent in greenspaces of
densely built urban environments as they tend to face higher use pres-
sures. We conclude by discussing possible priority areas for urban
rewilding initiatives and identifying related research needs that could
help advancing the emerging eld of urban rewilding research and
2. Urban wild nature: different framings and methodological
To date, only few studies have mapped WNAs and their central
qualities within urban environments. Proposed methodological ap-
proaches include various geospatial analytics (including GIS software)
and eld surveying techniques, reecting differences in how wild nature
and its key attributes are dened. The different assumptions and criteria
used in mapping studies lead to varying results with limited compara-
bility. To make sure that the results correspond to stakeholder needs in
greenspace management and urban planning, it is therefore paramount
to clarify the purpose for which maps are developed and underlying
assumptions. Here, we group the different denitions, emphasised at-
tributes of WNAs, and associated methodological approaches into three
framings of urban wild nature, namely the ‘novel ecosystem, ‘land-use,
and ‘process-orientedframing (Table 1), and briey describe their main
The novel ecosystem framing, which is rooted in urban ecology, as-
sociates WNAs with urban novel ecosystems dominated by spontaneous
vegetation (Pineda-Pinto et al., 2023; Riley et al., 2018). Novel eco-
systems often arise on urban land that was previously built-up or
otherwise heavily modied by human activity, resulting in signicant
changes in abiotic conditions (Kowarik, 2011). Within these settings and
in the absence of further human management, unique combinations of
native and non-native species can establish and evolve through natural
succession processes (Hobbs et al., 2013). Operationalising this con-
ceptual understanding, Planchuelo et al. (2019) created an ecosystem
novelty map of Berlin that distinguishes novel, hybrid, and remnant
ecosystems by spatially combining data on biotope types with current
land-use data.
The land-use framing complements the aforementioned framing by
highlighting key features in the governance and use of WNAs alongside
ecological elements. According to this view, WNAs are primarily iden-
tied as informal greenspaces, characterised by ecological novelty and
spontaneous vegetation, as well as informality in use and governance
processes (Luo and Patuano, 2023; Rupprecht and Byrne, 2014a; Stan-
ford et al., 2022). Scholars in this tradition typically associate WNAs
with distinct land-use units that vary in size, form, land-use history, and
other social-ecological characteristics (Rupprecht and Byrne, 2014a;
Stanford et al., 2022), such as brownelds, vacant lots, or railway
B.M. Zoderer et al.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 101 (2024) 128549
verges. Previous attempts to map WNAs using this framing have either
localised urban brownelds using register data on land-use (Preston
et al., 2023), mapped a broad spectrum of informal greenspaces varying
in shape and vegetation structure using systematic eld surveying (Kim
et al., 2020; Rupprecht and Byrne, 2014b), or mapped potential informal
greenspaces considering variation in social-ecological characteristics
using spatial overlay analysis (Stanford et al., 2024).
The process-oriented framing adopted in this study differs from the
previous framings in placing the dominance of ecological processes and
non-human agency at the centre of descriptions of wild nature, without
further considering ecological novelty or informality as additional pre-
conditions (Kowarik, 2018; Threlfall and Kendal, 2018). This framing is
the most comprehensive of the three, encompassing both novel ecosys-
tems and informal greenspaces highlighted in the previous two framings
as well as wild spaces located in formal greenspaces or remnants of
pristine ecosystems where ecological processes are dominant. To fully
capture this wide range of WNAs, it becomes crucial to closely examine
the prevalence of ecological processes as a shared landscape quality
across different contexts. To date, only few studies have attempted to
operationalise this conceptual understanding. Aznarez et al. (2022) and
Müller et al. (2018) used fuzzy GIS-based wildness mapping to deter-
mine the degree of wildness for each pixel cell of the cities
Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain) and Aarhus (Denmark), considering variations in
naturalness, remoteness, ruggedness, and in one case also human impact
(similar to wildness mapping studies in rural landscapes, e.g., Carver
et al., 2012; Zoderer et al., 2020). While this approach is useful for easily
identifying WNAs based on publicly available data, it tends to over-
simplify variations in the landscapeswildness values by assigning ho-
mogenous naturalness values to entire land cover units. Addressing this
limitation, Jin et al. (2024) proposed an alternative method for identi-
fying urban rewilding opportunity spaces in Chongqing, China. In
addition to human disturbances and ruggedness, they considered also
habitat quality as an indicator for biodiversity and the landscapes
suitability to accommodate ecological processes, such as trophic com-
plexities, that ultimately support the transition of an ecosystem to a
wilder state.
Focusing on urban spontaneous vegetation, Sikorska et al. (2021)
offers an even more dynamic perspective by identifying natural suc-
cession processes through an analysis of greenspace management over a
period of three years in Warsaw, Poland. While neglecting other po-
tential indicators, the approach provides a more robust analysis of
WNAsnaturalness, accounting for both irregularities in human main-
tenance over time such as mowing or pruning and for variations within
land cover units. In this study, we advance their approach of using NDVI
time series to capture the spatial extent and temporal persistence of
unmanaged vegetation shaped by natural succession processes. While
Sikorska et al. (2021) could show that unmanaged vegetation is char-
acterised by higher NDVI values during the vegetation season than
cultivated vegetation, we were unable to replicate these results for
Table 1
Overview of different framings of urban WNAs in literature and their associated
denitions, attributes, and mapping approaches.
Framings of
Terms used
to refer to
urban WNAs
Denition of
urban WNAs
attributes of
urban WNAs
to map
urban WNAs
WNAs as
Wild novel
ecosystems (
et al., 2023);
vegetation (
Del Tredici,
2010; Riley
et al., 2018)
a system of
abiotic, biotic,
and social
(and their
that, by virtue
of human
inuence, differ
from those that
having a
tendency to self-
organize and
manifest novel
(Hobbs et al.,
2013, p. 58)
- ecological
- presence of
- lack of
mapping (
et al., 2019)
WNAs as
greenspaces (
Luo and
and Byrne,
et al., 2022)
Any urban
space with a
history of strong
that is covered
at least partly
with non-
vegetation. It is
neither formally
recognized by
institutions or
property owners
as greenspace
[]. Nor is the
managed for
any of these by
the ofcial
owner. Any use
for recreational
purposes is
informal and
and Byrne,
- ecological
- presence of
- lack of
- informality
- informality
surveying of
greenspaces (
Kim et al.,
Rupprecht &
using spatial
analysis (
et al., 2024);
mapping (
et al., 2023;
Preston et al.,
WNAs as
areas (
2018), wild
spaces (
Threlfall &
2018), urban
spaces (Jin
et al., 2024)
areas can thus
be dened,
from an
perspective, as
by a high level
of self-
regulation in
- dominance
of ecological
processes (e.
g., natural
- lack of
- varying
degrees of
- varying
degrees of
mapping (
et al., 2022;
Müller et al.,
2018); urban
index (Jin
et al., 2024);
algorithm (
Table 1 (continued )
Framings of
Terms used
to refer to
urban WNAs
Denition of
urban WNAs
attributes of
urban WNAs
to map
urban WNAs
dynamics of
native and
species with
where direct
human impacts
are negligible." (
2018; p. 339)
formality of
et al., 2021)
B.M. Zoderer et al.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 101 (2024) 128549
grasslands in Vienna (SI, Fig. C.1). In response, we propose using a
machine learning algorithm (based on random forest) that considers
idiosyncratic changes in time series of NDVI values of both types of
vegetation over the course of one year. This can provide a more robust
and ne-scaled distinction of unmanaged from managed vegetation per
year that goes beyond the use of a simplied binary approach.
Furthermore, we extend the aforementioned approach by employing
these annual maps of urban vegetation managment to map the level of
management intensity of vegetation over a period of six years. The latter
is used as a proxy for the degree of functioning spontaneity (cf. Bonthoux
and Chollet, 2024), upon which we spatially delineate WNAs at the
3. Materials and methods
3.1. Study site
Encompassing an area of 415 km
, the city of Vienna (Fig. 1) ac-
commodates close to 2 million residents (Statistik Austria, 2024).
Approximately half of Viennas territory is comprised of urban green-
spaces, with forests (38.4 %) and private gardens (20.3 %) constituting
the predominant greenspace types, followed by meadows (9.2 %), urban
parks (4.8 %), and greenery on agricultural elds (4.5 %). Of these
greenspaces, 61 % are formally designated as greenspaces with recrea-
tional functions. The largest share of urban greenspaces lies at the out-
skirts of the city, including the Vienna Woods in the north-west and the
Donau-Auen National Park in the south-east of the city. More centrally
located public greenspaces include large urban parks such as the Prater,
onbrunn Palace Park, Augarten or the recreational area Danube
3.2. Overview of methodological approach
The methodological approach consists of four main steps (Fig. 2).
First, we mapped and quantied the management intensity of urban
vegetation in Vienna using the remotely-sensed NDVI index as proxy.
We used Copernicus Sentinel-2 (S2) Level-2A (L2A) data (based on
sen2cor) and the Random Forest (RF) algorithm (Breiman, 2001) to
obtain a binary classication that distinguishes between unmanaged
and managed vegetation on a yearly basis. To this end, training data
from eld observations and additional random observations extracted
from publicly available geographic layers were used. A composite map
of urban vegetation management intensity was calculated from the
yearly maps to assess the management intensity of vegetation between
2017 and 2022. Using this map, we identied wild nature areas
(WNAs) as greenspaces with low levels of vegetation management in-
tensity (i.e., high degree of functioning spontaneity, Bonthoux and
Chollet, 2024). We then investigated their spatial distribution across
urban areas with varying levels of built-up density, formal and informal
greenspaces, and different types of urban greenspaces. Finally, we
assessed the ‘theoretical potential for rewilding in existing urban
greenspaces, considering current distributions of WNAs across green-
spaces and their respective extent. The following sections describe each
step and the data sources used.
3.3. Mapping the management intensity of urban vegetation
To assess the management intensity of vegetation across Vienna, four
methodological steps were undertaken: 1) Collection of reference data to
train a Random Forest (RF) algorithm, 2) calculation of NDVI values
using remotely-sensed Sentinel-2 time series data, 3) application of RF
modelling to differentiate between unmanaged and managed vegetation
on a yearly basis based on the NDVI values and reference data, and 4)
creating a composite multi-year urban vegetation management in-
3.3.1. Collecting reference data
The reference data consists of both eld observations and reference
Fig. 1. Map of the study site and its coverage by different urban greenspace types (UGS types, own calculation). Data sources: Federal Ofce of Metrology and
Surveying, City of Vienna - Note: Arable land in the southern and eastward part of Vienna was excluded from our analysis and is therefore
not shown.
B.M. Zoderer et al.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 101 (2024) 128549
points obtained from publicly available spatial data. The eld observa-
tions were conducted during the vegetation season of 2022 (May-
September) in different urban greenspaces either dominated by
managed or unmanaged vegetation across Vienna. The selected sites
were chosen based on expert interviews, a stakeholder workshop held in
2021 with members of the city councils responsible for nature conser-
vation, forestry and agriculture, and greenspace management, and the
consultation of local guidebooks on urban wilderness (Desbalmes et al.,
2020). Care was taken to select sites where a high persistence of
unmanaged vegetation could be assumed for the entire six-year period.
To this end, we compared different editions of local guidebooks and
examined historical maps from Google Maps.
In all eld sites, we randomly selected 10x10 m plots and recorded
whether the vegetation was managed or unmanaged. Plots with un-
managed vegetation were identied based on the botanical and struc-
tural composition of plants, the presence of tree seedlings, dead wood,
and the absence of signs of mowing, pruning, or mechanical damage
(Sikorska et al., 2021). In contrast, plots with managed vegetation were
Fig. 2. Overview of methodological approach.
B.M. Zoderer et al.
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 101 (2024) 128549
identied only if the same signs of maintenance were clearly visible (see
SI, Fig. A.1 for examples of both managed and unmanaged vegetation
plots). To account for differences in vegetation productivity due to
variations in vegetation structure and environmental conditions, we
collected a sufcient number of reference points in greenspaces domi-
nated by either grassland or tree cover (SI, Table A.1). Additionally,
reference points were selected to represent the three main spatial units
of the city: Cisdanubien(i.e., hilly areas and former terraces of the
Danube), Danube area (i.e., alluvial plain/valley oors), and Trans-
danubien, (i.e., older valley oors). These spatial units differ in terms of
their environmental, geomorphological, and urban-historical conditions
(Adler & Mrkvicka, 2003;
blic/). A total of 760 eld observations were collected, with 367 refer-
ence points collected for unmanaged and 393 for managed vegetation
(SI, Table A.1).
Additional reference points were sampled for peri-urban forests
using publicly available spatial datasets. Unmanaged vegetation in peri-
urban forests was identied by randomly placing reference points in the
core zones of the citys national park and biosphere reserve, where a
non-intervention management approach is applied. In contrast, refer-
ence points representing plots dominated by managed vegetation were
placed in the development zone of the two protected areas. In total,
2825 reference points were considered for peri-urban forests, of which
1031 were unmanaged and 1794 were managed (SI, Table A.1).
3.3.2. Processing of Sentinel-2 data
Sentinel-2 (S2) Level 2 A (L2A) data (atmospherically corrected)
with a spatial resolution of 10x10 m and cloud cover below 50 % were
obtained from the BOKU processing portal (Vuolo et al. 2016) for the
period 20172022. Based on this data, a time series of NDVI values was
calculated at the smallest possible pixel size of 10 m. Missing data and
potential clouds were identied with the S2 Scene Classication Layer
(considering class values of 0, 3, 8, 9 and 10) and masked. To obtain
monthly composites of NDVI with no data gaps, the masked time series
of NDVI was smoothed and gap-lled using the Whittaker smoother as
implemented in the R package ‘MODIS version 1.2.9, and using a
lambda value of 5000 and 1 single iteration. The 12-monthly NDVI
gap-lled image data were further reduced to six components using a
principal components analysis (PCA) for each year (Fig. 3). The PCA was
applied using the R package ‘stats version 4.0.3. Both the gap-lled
12-monthly NDVI data and the six PCA components were tested for RF
modelling, with the PCA components providing better results (results
not shown) and therefore they were retained for further modelling.
3.3.3. Random Forest modelling
The six PCA components were used as input to the RF modelling to
classify vegetation pixels as either managed or unmanaged for each year
(i.e., yearly maps of ‘urban vegetation management). Data on urban
vegetation was derived from the urban greenspace monitoring (City of
Vienna, MA 22, 2018), which represents high resolution land cover data
from aerial imagery (resampled to 10 m pixel size using majority to
make it compatible with the Sentinel-2 satellite data). For our analysis,
only land cover classes ‘trees, ‘shrubs, and ‘grassland and herbaceous
vegetationwere retained and used in the RF. For each year, RF models
were run using the reference data collected as training data, overall
producing six classication maps (one for each year). The RF algorithm
Fig. 3. a) and c) RGB composites of the three rst PCA components, and b) and d) RGB composites of the 4th, 5th and 6th PCA components. Panel a) and c) highlight
the most clear differences in land cover types (i.e., forests, built-up area), while Panel b) and d) show more subtle differences in land cover types, with a good spatial
consistency with actual patterns.
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was applied using the R package ‘randomForest, version 4.614 and
with 1000 tree. The number of variables considered at each split was left
to the default value of 2. A nal composite map of ‘urban vegetation
management intensitywas produced with a spatial resolution of 10x10
m by combining the six annual maps to quantify the temporal persis-
tence of management patterns over the period 20172022. The resulting
map displays the management intensity of vegetation along a seven-item
scale, with values ranging from 1 (always unmanaged) to 7 (always
managed). An additional focal lter was applied considering the modal
value within a moving window of 3×3 pixels.
Performance metrics for classication were summarised from the
confusion matrix that was calculated based on the RF out of bag (OOB)
samples. These are predictions of the RF trees not included in their
respective bootstrap samples (Liaw and Wiener, 2002). Several studies
have shown that the OOB error is comparable to an accuracy assessment
performed by splitting the reference data into training and validation
sets (Vuolo et al., 2018). In this study, using all reference data for
training was a preferred choice due to the relatively small eld reference
dataset and the need to obtain the best possible classication maps.
Performance metrics included Overall Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and
F1-score. Precision (or positive predictive value) measures how many of
the pixels classied as ‘unmanaged are ‘unmanaged, indicating the
accuracy of the retrieved results. Recall (sensitivity) measures how
many of the ‘unmanagedpixels were classied as ‘unmanagedand thus
indicates the completeness of the classication process. The F1-score is
the harmonic mean of precision and recall, and provides a balanced
single measure of performance (Powers, 2008).
3.4. Identifying wild nature areas
Based on a process-oriented framing of wild nature (see Section 2),
we identied WNAs as all those greenspaces exhibiting low levels of
vegetation management intensity. For this purpose, we selected all
pixels of the composite ‘urban vegetation management intensity map
where unmanaged vegetation was recorded for 4 or more years during
the six-year period (i.e., management intensity value of 3 or lower).
After converting them into polygons, we considered all polygons with
more than half of their area within one urban greenspace type to belong
to the same WNA and assigned them a unique ID. This ensured that
discontiguous patches of unmanaged vegetation, although in close
proximity, were considered to be part of the same WNA. Furthermore,
only those areas with at least 100 m
of persistent unmanaged vegeta-
tion (equivalent to one raster pixel and a management intensity value of
1) over the entire six-year period were retained. The cut-off values were
derived through an iterative process of comparing the management in-
tensity map with the reference data obtained from the eld and ortho-
photos representing the surveyed areas.
3.5. Assessing the distribution of wild nature areas across built-up density
The spatial distribution of WNAs was assessed across urban areas of
varying built-up densities. Built-up density was estimated based on the
‘soil sealing footprint of each sub-district in Vienna, considering the
percentage of built-up land and other impervious surfaces covering each
sub-district (Tombolini et al., 2016). Data on impervious surfaces were
derived from the high-resolution land cover data generated from aerial
imagery with a resolution of 0.5 m as part of the citys greenspace
monitoring (City of Vienna, MA 22, 2018). Based on the built-up density
values per sub-district, the total area of Vienna was divided into three
built-up density classes using the ‘Natural Breaks (Jenks)algorithm in
ArcGIS Map 10.8.2: low (soil sealing: 031.7 %), medium (soil sealing:
31.860.4 %), and high built-up density (soil sealing: 60.5 %-100 %).
3.6. Assessing the distribution of wild nature areas across urban
greenspaces types
The distribution of WNAs was assessed for urban greenspace types
and greenspaces differing with regard to their formal recognition in the
citys zoning plan. With regard to the distribution of WNAs across urban
greenspace types, we rst overlaid spatial data on WNAs with data about
the occurrence of urban greenspace types. The latter was derived by
intersecting data on the distribution of urban vegetation with the land-
use categories distinguished in the land-use map provided by the (City of
Vienna, MA 18, 2022) (SI, Table A.2). This resulted in a total number of
16 distinct urban greenspace types (Fig. 1). In addition, the distribution
of WNAs across formal and informal greenspaces was analysed. To this
end, we overlaid the created urban greenspace types map with the citys
zoning plan (City of Vienna, MA 21 A, 2023), and identied all urban
greenspaces formally recognised as greenspace with recreational func-
tion in the zoning plan as ‘formal greenspaceand all other as ‘informal
greenspace (SI, Table A.3).
3.7. Assessing the potential for urban rewilding
To estimate the ‘theoreticalpotential for converting existing urban
greenspaces into WNAs, we compared the total area of WNAs found in
urban greenspace types with the total area covered by these green-
spaces. In addition, the theoretical potential was also assessed at an
aggregated level by comparing the area of WNAs contained within all
greenspaces, formal greenspaces, and informal greenspace with their
respective areas covered. The analysis was carried out on a city-wide
scale and for the three built-up density classes separately. This allows
a rst assessment of the relative contribution of existing urban green-
space (types) in providing space for implementing urban rewilding ini-
tiatives across diverse urban environments.
4. Results
4.1. Distribution of wild nature areas across the city and built-up density
The annual ‘urban vegetation managementmaps showed an average
accuracy of 84.5 % over the period 20172022, with class-specic
average accuracies of 81.8 % for unmanaged and 86.3 % for managed
vegetation (see SI, D for more information on the performance of RF
modelling). The multi-year composite (20172022) ‘urban vegetation
management intensitymap reveals distinct spatio-temporal patterns of
management intensity (Fig. 4). Over the six-year period studied, 46.9 %
of urban vegetation was continuously managed (Table 2). In contrast,
11.3 % of the citys greenery is classied as unmanaged for six consec-
utive years, followed by a further 10.6 % that was managed once and
7.9 % that was managed twice within the six-year period studied. Based
on the composite ‘urban vegetation management intensity map, we
identied 1298 WNAs covering a total area of 6165 ha with an average
area per site of 4.7 ha. Overall, these areas constitute 29.5 % of the citys
total urban green and 14.9 % of the citys total area.
WNAs are unevenly distributed across the city (Fig. 5a), with
considerable differences between areas of different built-up densities
(Fig. 5b and c). The majority of WNAs (65.3 %) are located in low-
density areas, while comparatively fewer are found in areas of me-
dium (28.4 %) and high built-up density (6.3 %). This uneven distri-
bution is even more pronounced when considering the total area of
WNAs. While 95.9 % of their total area is found in districts of low built-
up density, only 3.8 % is located in areas of medium and 0.3 % in areas
of high built-up density. Relatedly, WNAs are on average smaller in
high- (0.2 ha) and medium-density built-up areas (0.6 ha) than in urban
areas of low built-up density (6.6 ha).
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4.2. Distribution of wild nature areas across urban greenspace types
WNAs are unevenly distributed across urban greenspaces types.
Forests contain most WNAs (34.8 %), followed by meadows (16.5 %),
private gardens (14.1 %), and parks (10.9 %) (Fig. 6a). In contrast,
WNAs that exist as street verges (3.5 %), railway verges (1.2 %), areas
around technical infrastructure (1.4 %), on industrial and commercial
sites (0.6 %), or in cemeteries (0.7 %) have a lower prevalence. Looking
at the total area of WNAs, this imbalance is again even more pronounced
(Fig. 6b). WNAs in forests cover 93.4 % of the total area of WNAs
Fig. 4. Management intensity of urban vegetation in Vienna for the period 20172022.
Table 2
The management intensity of urban vegetation by urban greenspace (UGS) type (in %) and differentiated between formal and informal greenspaces (in %). Note:
Formal greenspaces refer to all urban greenspaces formally recognised as greenspace with recreational function in the citys zoning plan (City of Vienna, MA 21 A,
2023). Informal greenspaces refer to all other greenspaces.
UGS type Always
One year
Two years
Three years
Four years
Five years
Share of citys
urban greenery
Forests 27.2 24.6 16.8 10.8 7.7 5.9 7.0 38.4
Greenery on agricultural elds
(orchards. vineyards)
0.5 0.7 1.0 1.7 4.9 19.6 71.7 4.4
Greenery on cemeteries 0.9 1.2 1.6 2.6 4.9 12.3 76.6 2.0
Greenspace along railway
0.9 1.3 1.9 3.4 7.8 17.4 67.2 1.3
Greenspace on industrial and
commercial sites
0.1 0.3 0.6 1.2 3.5 12.8 81.6 1.1
Greenspace near service areas 0.2 0.2 0.6 1.1 2.5 10.5 84.8 0.3
Greenspace near social
0.4 0.8 1.1 2.0 4.1 12.8 78.9 1.7
Greenspace near technical
1.0 1.8 2.7 3.7 7.3 18.1 65.4 1.1
Greenspace on construction
and mineral extraction sites
0.4 0.9 1.8 2.3 4.9 14.9 74.9 0.4
Greenspace on sports and
leisure sites
1.2 1.6 2.0 2.9 5.1 12.0 75.2 2.5
Meadows 3.3 4.6 5.8 9.1 15.5 24.4 37.4 9.2
Parks 5.0 5.7 6.0 6.8 9.4 16.5 50.7 4.8
Private gardens 0.4 0.6 0.7 1.1 2.0 6.9 88.4 20.3
Shared neighbourhood
0.2 0.4 0.7 1.5 3.3 11.7 82.3 5.2
Street greenery 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.8 3.8 11.7 80.2 5.9
Waterside greenspace 7.4 10.5 11.2 11.0 12.1 16.2 31.6 1.5
Formal greenspaces 18.2 17.0 12.2 9.0 8.4 10.0 25.2 61.0
Informal greenspaces 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.8 3.7 11.3 80.7 39.0
Overall 11.3 10.6 7.9 6.2 6.6 10.5 46.9 100.0
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identied, whereas only a small share of the total area is found in parks
(2.7 %), meadows (1.7 %), private gardens (0.6 %), and other urban
greenspace types (1.6 %). However, the proportion of urban greenspace
types with WNAs varies between the three built-up density classes
(Fig. 6a-b). While in low-density built-up areas WNAs are mainly located
in forests (41.0 % of WNAs, 94.7 % of their total area) and meadows
(17.2 % of WNAs, 1.4 % of their total area), in high-density areas they
are mainly found in parks (33.7 % of WNAs, 34.6 % of their total area)
and shared neighbourhood greenspace (18.6 %, 5 % of their total area).
Although small in number, WNAs such as railway verges or wild vege-
tation near technical infrastructure area are more important in medium-
and high-density built-up areas, where a higher proportion of these
areas can be found.
Fig. 5. Distribution of WNAs across the city of Vienna (a) and areas of varying built-up density (BD) (a, b and c). The city is divided into three built-up density classes
based on the percentage of soil sealing of each subdistrict: low-density (031.7 %), medium-density (31.860.4 %), and high-density built-up areas (60.5100 %).
The share of WNAs found across the three built-up density areas is shown in terms of the number of WNAs (b) and the total area covered by WNAs (c).
Fig. 6. Distribution of WNAs across urban greenspaces types shown for the total city and the three built-up density classes. The relative share of WNAs across urban
greenspaces types is displayed considering a) the total number of WNAs and b) the total area covered by WNAs.
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4.3. Distribution of wild nature areas across formal and informal
The majority of identied WNAs (62.3 %) are located in urban
greenspaces formally recognised as greenspaces with recreational
function in the citys zoning plan (Fig. 7a). Considering that these WNAs
are on average larger (formal: 7.45 ha, informal: 0.29 ha), 96.7 % of the
total area of WNAs is located in formal urban greenspaces (Fig. 7b).
Although both formal and informal WNAs are predominantly located in
low-density built-up areas, the proportion of WNAs located in informal
greenspaces increases with increasing built-up density (Fig. 7a-b). While
informal WNAs account for 27.1 % of all WNAs in areas of low built-up
density, this proportion increases to 45.5 % in medium- and 45.3 % in
high-density built-up areas. This corresponds to a total area of 2.0 % of
informal WNAs in low-density built-up areas, compared to 18.1 % and
32.4 % in medium- and high-density areas respectively.
4.4. Potential for urban rewilding
We nd a high theoretical potential for urban rewilding across urban
greenspace types and urban environments of varying built-up densities
(Fig. 8). Except for forests, where WNAs currently cover 71.8 % of the
total forest area across the city, WNAs cover 0.3 % (street greenery) to
16.7 % (parks) of the total area per urban greenspace type. For most
urban greenspace types, the share of WNAs decreases the more densely
built the urban environment is (e.g., parks: 21.6 % in low-density,
10.5 % in medium-density, and 5.3 % in high-density areas). Simi-
larly, and on an aggregated level, WNAs cover 37.9 % of all urban
greenery in low-density built-up areas, whilst this share decreases to
5.4 % in medium- and to 2.0 % in high-density built-up areas. In all
three built-up density classes, WNAs cover a considerably higher share
of the existing formal (50.9 % in low-density to 7.2 % in high-density
areas) than informal greenspace area. With regard to the latter, WNAs
make up a smaller but relatively more stable share across the three built-
up density classes, ranging from 2.8 % in low- to 0.8 % in high-density
built-up areas.
5. Discussion
5.1. Diversity of urban wild nature areas
Taking natural succession processes rather than specic land-uses or
novel ecosystems as a starting point, we show that wild nature can occur
in a variety of urban environments and urban greenspace types. In line
with previous typologies of ‘urban wilderness(Kowarik, 2018) or ‘wild
spaces (Threlfall and Kendal, 2018), WNAs can be found in both
traditional greenspaces such as forests, meadows, urban parks, which
are largely included in the formal greenspace network and managed by
the city administration for recreational purposes, and in informal
greenspaces such as residential greenspaces, industrial sites, and road or
railway verges. Although the former have received less attention in
current debates on urban wild spaces, our results indicate a signicant
concentration of WNAs, particularly in forests, but also in meadows and
parks. This reinforces previous empirical mapping studies that have
adopt a process-oriented framing of urban wild nature (Aznarez et al.,
2022; Müller et al., 2018; Sikorska et al., 2021), which show that these
greenspaces can contain substantial areas with high wildness qualities.
Especially in forest areas, the presence of unmanaged vegetation was
persistent over the studied period, conrming previous studies that
assumed a high temporal continuity of natural succession processes in
these greenspaces (Sikorska et al., 2021). While the predominance of
WNAs in urban forests was expected, the relatively high proportion
found in urban parks was rather surprising, suggesting that urban
greenspace types commonly assumed to adhere to intensive manage-
ment patterns can include WNAs of different scales. These mainly
comprise larger wooded areas in historic parks (e.g., Sch¨
smaller groups of unmanaged trees in otherwise traditionally main-
tained urban parks (e.g., Rathauspark), or spontaneous woodlands that
have developed on abandoned sites and have now been integrated into
formally recognised urban parks (e.g., Freie Mitte).
Our ndings provide rst evidence on the relative importance of
formal and informal WNAs across urban environments of differing built-
up densities. WNAs located in greenspaces formally recognised by the
city administration dominate in all three built-up density areas, both in
terms of area and number. This nding is notable as informal green-
spaces account for more than 70 % of all greenspaces in both medium
and high-density areas in Vienna (SI, Table B.1 and B.2). However, as
Fig. 7. Share of WNAs located in formal and informal urban greenspaces shown
for the total city and the three built-up density areas. Note: Some WNAs are
considered in multiple built-up areas if they cross the border of one or more
built-up density areas. *4 ha of the total area of WNAs identied across the city
(i.e., 6165 ha) could not be attributed to either formal or informal greenspaces
due to No Data values in the land-use map used for UGS mapping.
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indicated by our assessment of vegetation management intensity,
informal greenspaces in particular tend to be continuously managed or
only occasionally not managed, leaving little space for natural succes-
sional processes to drive and shape species community composition over
longer time periods.
The limited prevalence of informal WNAs, although increasing in
relative importance in more densely built inner-city districts, contradicts
prior studies that identied signicant proportions of wild informal
greenspaces such as street verges, railways verges, lots, waterside spaces
and wild vegetation around technical structures in densely populated
areas in cities like Brisbane, Sapporo, or Ichikawa City (Kim et al., 2020;
Rupprecht and Byrne, 2014b). In Vienna, the same particular types of
wild informal greenspaces account for less than 1 % of the overall urban
greenery compared to 14 % found by Rupprecht and Byrne (2014b) for
Brisbane and Sapporo. While this may point to particularly strongly
expressed densication processes in Vienna, differences may also stem
from methodological differences outlined in Section 5.4.
5.2. Spatial distribution and characteristics of urban wild nature areas
The analysis reveals a signicant concentration of WNAs in low-
density built-up areas. While it has been commonly observed that
Viennas inner-city of Vienna harbours less urban greenspace compared
to its outskirts (Brenner et al., 2021), our results underline that this
unequal distribution is even more pronounced in the case of wild nature.
Specically, while the coverage of urban greenspaces located in
low-density areas accounts for 61 % of total greenspace areas, the
equivalent share is 96 % in the case of WNAs. The reasons for such stark
differences may be twofold. Firstly, informal greenspaces that were
found to adhere to generally more intensive forms of vegetation man-
agement, such as shared neighbourhood greenspace or street greenery,
are more widespread in medium- and high-density areas than in
low-density areas. Secondly, formal greenspaces, such as forests,
meadows, and parks, where WNAs predominantly exist in low-density
areas, are found to be more intensively managed when located in
densely built-up areas. This may reect a greater necessity for green-
space managers to intensify management efforts to cope with increasing
use pressures arising from an increasing urban population living and
working nearby.
In addition, our ndings indicate that the spatial properties of WNAs
also vary across built-up areas. In low-density areas, WNAs manifest
themselves as large, clustered areas (e.g., Vienna Woods) or linear areas
(e.g., Danube Island). In contrast, WNAs in medium-density areas tend
to be smaller and more scattered, while in high-density areas WNAs are
limited to small patches scattered across a few disconnected locations.
However, both the spatial distribution and characteristics of WNAs hold
implications for the benets these greenspaces offer to humans and non-
human species. As demonstrated by Gao et al., 2021, both patch size and
spatial conguration inuence the number of spontaneous plant species
in an area, with larger, connected areas, and those with higher
perimeter-area ratios expected to harbour more species. Similarly, the
cooling effects of WNAs, crucial for climate adaptation, may be
Fig. 8. Theoretical potential for urban rewilding in existing urban greenspaces considering the proportion of greenspace area (in %) that is not covered by WNAs.
Potentials are shown for the total city and the three built-up density areas.
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Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 101 (2024) 128549
inuenced by spatial properties. Previous research has shown a positive
correlation between the size of greenspaces such as forests and parks and
their cooling effects (Jaganmohan et al., 2016). However, these effects
are typically non-linear and limited to certain distances, such as
300400 m in densely built environments (Andersson et al., 2020), thus
emphasising the importance of an equal distribution of greenspaces to
maximise their potential benets in urban settings.
Hence, complementing the conservation of existing WNAs with
urban rewilding efforts aimed at expanding and connecting existing
WNAs, such as the smaller and more scattered WNAs in medium and
high-density areas with larger ones on the urban fringe, will be imper-
ative. This entails restoring existing greenspaces and transitioning grey
to high-quality greenspaces, particularly in the more densely populated
inner-city districts. This can enhance ecological connectivity for the
benet of biodiversity and contribute to a more equitable distribution of
climate adaptation and other well-being benets among urban residents.
5.3. Opportunities for urban rewilding in existing urban greenspaces
Our research points to a large theoretical potential for urban
rewilding in grey and green areas of the city, both in terms of the total
area that could in principle be turned into rewilding sites, and in
terms of the discrepancy that can be found in some greenspace types
between their total size and the size of WNAs contained in them.
Notably, the share of land covered by WNAs is currently low for most
greenspace types, indicating a signicant potential for transforming
parts of these greenspaces into WNAs while retaining their primary
function across the city. Such efforts could also contribute to the real-
isation of the city-specic targets as proposed by the EU Nature Resto-
ration Law adopted in 2024 (European Commission, 2024).
In particular, private gardens and shared residential greenspaces
demonstrate a high rewilding potential due to the large discrepancy
between the area covered (SI, Table B.2) and the amount of WNAs
contained (Fig. 8). Currently, WNAs make up less than 1 % of the total
area of residential greenspaces, whilst the latter account for one third or
more of all greenspaces in medium and high-density built-up areas.
These results support earlier proposals to prioritise rewilding in resi-
dential gardens by reducing management interventions (Moxon et al.,
2023; Pettorelli et al., 2022). Such efforts could enhance the multi-
functionality of these greenspaces, support wildlife conservation
(Goddard et al., 2010), and strengthen peoples connection to nature
(Mumaw et al., 2017).
In addition, promoting rewilding in urban parks could provide a
valuable complementary option for expanding WNAs in the city
(Pettorelli et al., 2022). Currently, urban parks accommodate a higher
proportion of WNAs than residential greenspaces in Vienna. However, it
is evident that the amount of WNAs included in urban parks varies
considerably throughout the city. Urban parks in the suburbs tend to
contain more WNAs than those in the city centre, as the latter are
frequently subject to more intensive management patterns to cope with
increased use pressures. There is also considerable variation in the
amount of WNAs present in inner-city parks, indicating that a thorough
case-by-case basis evaluation is required to identify opportunities for
rewilding in urban parks while also considering current uses and the
diverse needs of park users (Lampinen et al., 2021).
A third, and so far, largely overlooked option for urban rewilding
concerns the increase of wild vegetation alongside street verges. In
particular, in high-density areas, where opportunities for more space-
consuming projects are limited, rewilding streets could be a viable op-
tion (Bonthoux et al., 2019). Currently, street greenery accounts for
18 % of all urban green in high-density areas of Vienna, of which only
0.3 % is considered to be wild. Where safety permits, this percentage
could be increased by applying more extensive management principles
(reduced weeding and mowing) and deliberately promoting sponta-
neous vegetation. Previous research has shown that such efforts can
increase ecological connectivity, wildower richness, and facilitate wild
nature contact also in areas where access to larger (wild) greenspaces is
limited (Bonthoux et al., 2019; Vega and Küffer, 2021).
5.4. Methodological considerations
The methodology developed in this study proved useful for under-
standing the spatial distribution of WNAs at the city-scale. Unlike
common land-use mapping approaches, the proposed methodology
identies WNAs by adopting a continuum approach and dening cut-off
values to separate wild from non-wild areas. The major advantage of the
continuum approach lies in the ability to capture variations in man-
agement intensity of vegetation within and across established land-use
categories. In translating the continuum into binary wild and non-wild
areas, we followed the conventions in the eld of wilderness mapping
(see e.g., Cao et al., 2019 for an overview). The identication of corre-
sponding WNAs facilitates the presentation of the spatial distribution of
WNAs and estimation of the urban rewilding potential across different
greenspace types, allowing urban planners and greenspace managers to
effectively pinpoint locations that require further conservation and
restoration efforts. Further advantages lie in its rapid application, the
use of publicly available satellite and spatial data, and the related
transferability to other cities with different biophysical conditions and
greenspace policies (provided that new reference data can be collected).
While the methodology is transferable to other cities, future research
needs to test the generalisability of the results obtained. For example, a
comparison of the distribution of WNAs in different cities could provide
further insights into the robustness of the relationship between the
occurrence of WNAs and built-up density, and into the factors shaping
the development and persistence of WNAs across varying spatial con-
ditions and greenspace policies.
The methodological approach developed in this study presents
several advancements in comparison to the approach proposed by
Sikorska et al. (2021). First, in contrast to their assumption that un-
managed vegetation consistently exhibits higher yearly averaged NDVI
values compared to cultivated vegetation during the vegetation season,
our ndings did not support this for eld observations collected for
grassland (SI, Fig. C.1). To address this limitation, we analysed data for
the entire year, deriving monthly time series of NDVI (SI, Fig. C.2) as
well as the most informative features obtained through a data reduction
method (using PCA). Second, the nal multi-year ‘urban vegetation
management intensity map was based on a longer time period, span-
ning six instead of three years. Third, we considered the management
intensity of forests, using reference data from different zones of pro-
tected areas.
Finally, in comparison to the approach taken by Sikorska et al.
(2021), which used binary thresholds to distinguish unmanaged from
managed vegetation, this study employed a classication approach
based on RF modelling to identify the two vegetation types on an annual
basis. This approach is more robust than a single threshold approach for
several reasons: 1) RF generally provides higher accuracy due to its
ensemble nature, combining the results of multiple decision trees (1000
in this study) to improve predictive performance; 2) the latter makes the
RF approach also more robust to noisy data and outliers by minimising
the inuence of a single poor-performing tree; as well as 3) to overtting
than threshold-based approaches, and 4) RF can also better capture
complex, non-linear relationships between features than threshold ap-
proaches relying on simpler rules.
We also encountered some methodological limitations that deserve
further attention. First, the annual vegetation management maps pro-
duced distinguished between unmanaged and managed vegetation on a
binary basis. Although we employed these maps to delineate the man-
agement intensity on a seven-point scale over a six-year period, future
research could rene the proposed approach by generating a manage-
ment intensity gradient for each individual year. Consequently, rather
than gathering eld data on the basis of whether vegetation is managed
or unmanaged, a wider range of management intensity categories could
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be evaluated in the eld and incorporated into the RF modelling to map
even more subtle variations in wildness. Second, the Sentinel-2 satellite
data were only available at a spatial resolution of 10x10 m, which
limited the mapping of WNAs to an area threshold of 100 m
. Conse-
quently, smaller WNAs, such as the informal gaps or road verges
frequently identied in Rupprecht and Byrne (2014b) using eld
surveying, could not be detected. This may have led to an underesti-
mation of the number and total area of WNAs especially in highly
densely built environments, where WNAs tend to be smaller. Third, the
long temporal persistence assumed in this study, namely that WNAs only
qualify as such if they contain at least 100 m
of vegetation not managed
for six years, may have resulted in the predominant detection of WNAs
in their later stages of succession and the exclusion of temporally more
liminal spaces. Despite the application of a rigorous process to identify
cut-off values that best align with the wild spaces surveyed in the eld, it
remains a sensitive step. Further research could experiment with the use
of different cut-off values (e.g., persistence of unmanaged vegetation for
three years) and apply higher resolution satellite data or alternative data
such as LiDAR to more accurately represent also short-lived and smaller
wild nature patches.
6. Conclusions
This study set out to map wild nature areas (WNAs) in Vienna using
Sentinel-2 satellite data and to identify potentials for urban rewilding.
Taking a process-oriented approach, we delineated WNAs as green-
spaces primarily shaped by natural succession processes and assessed
their distribution across urban fabric and greenspace categories. Unlike
the ‘novel ecosystem framingand ‘land-use framing, which aim to map
novel ecosystems or distinct informal greenspaces, our approach iden-
tied already existing WNAs irrespective of historical origin, gover-
nance structure or greenspace type. This information can aid policy-
makers and practitioner to monitor efforts to conserve existing WNAs
and to identify the full potential to expand and connect existing WNAs
through urban rewilding across different urban settings.
In contributing to the growing debate on urban wild nature protec-
tion and restoration, our study offers the following recommendations for
future research and practice. First, our nding that WNAs are primarily
located in formal greenspaces suggests that a more balanced account of
both formal and informal WNAs is needed. While our research un-
derscores the importance of informal WNAs, especially within more
urbanised areas, the prevailing emphasis on informality in delineating
WNAs may inadvertently neglect those located in formal greenspaces.
Recognising the complementary role of these areas in biodiversity
conservation and ecosystem services provision, we encourage future
research to encompass the full spectrum of WNAs, particularly when
assessing the value of wild nature.
Second, our results underscore the importance of directing efforts to
protect and restore wild nature towards more centrally located, medium
to high built-up density areas, where WNAs constitute a small propor-
tion of urban green. Prioritising the protection of WNAs in these areas
can enhance habitat connectivity, climate change adaptation benets,
and nature experiences closer to residents home. Given the overall
limited availability of WNAs in densely built-up areas, however, these
efforts will need to be complemented by the rewilding of existing grey
and green areas.
Third, our ndings suggest that residential greenspaces, street
greenery, and urban parks hold signicant potential for conversion into
rewilding sites. While we demonstrate this potential from a quantitative
perspective, future research needs to explore the practical feasibility and
challenges of transforming (part of) these greenspaces into WNAs. This
involves exploring competing land-uses and planning restrictions
potentially hindering rewilding, assessing the acceptability of urban
rewilding initiatives by local communities, understanding the factors
inuencing the behavioural intentions of private and public actors to
implement rewilding, and examining the political, nancial and
administrative conditions required to realise rewilding efforts in cities.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Brenda Maria Zoderer: Writing original draft, Visualization,
Methodology, Funding acquisition, Formal analysis, Supervision,
Conceptualization. Christa Hainz-Renetzeder: Writing review &
editing, Visualization, Formal analysis, Data curation. Francesco
Vuolo: Writing review & editing, Validation, Methodology, Formal
analysis, Writing original draft.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
This work was supported by the City of Vienna Anniversary Fund for
the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (research
project SUCCESS: Natural Succession as a Solution for Sustainable, Resilient
and Inclusive Cities). We would like to thank the City of Vienna (MA22)
for providing us the greenspace monitoring data, and Franka Mathilde
Fuchs for her help in preparing some of the gures in this manuscript.
We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable and
constructive feedback on an earlier version of this manuscript. Open
access funding was provided by the University of Natural Resources and
Life Sciences, Vienna.
Appendix A. Supporting information
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the
online version at doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2024.128549.
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... The variables assessed for each public UGS selected for foraging were i) management intensity, ii) share of grassland, iii) share of shrubs, iv) share of trees, v) dog access, vi) size, vii) foraging regulations, and viii) centrality (Table 2). Management intensity was assessed through employing the 'urban vegetation management intensity' map (Zoderer et al., 2024), which quantified and mapped the management intensity of urban vegetation, including trees, shrubs and grassland, based on remotely-sensed data for each year within the period between 2017 and 2022. For each public UGS, the mean management intensity was calculated on a seven-step scale (ranging from 0=never managed to 6=always managed) (see Appendix Text A1 for a detailed description). ...
... Previous research has shown that wild nature can take various forms and configurations within urban environments. Following a processoriented framing (Zoderer, Hainz-Renetzeder, & Vuolo, 2024), wild nature areas (WNAs) can be defined as greenspaces with high levels of self-organisation in ecosystem processes and a corresponding absence of ongoing human intervention through management practices (Kowarik, 2018;Threlfall & Kendal, 2018). They can exist either as 'intact remnants' of native ecosystems (ibid.) ...
Full-text available
Wild nature in cities can allow urban residents to experience and connect with nature close to their homes. Previous research has shown that wild nature areas (WNAs) can be found in various urban greenspaces, such as remnant vegetation in forests, wild corners in parks, or spontaneous vegetation on informal sites. However, little is known about their usability for urban residents and their potential to provide wild nature experiences across different urban environments. This paper examines the usability of WNAs in Vienna (Austria) through a spatial analysis of the institutional and physical barriers to use, considering barriers related to the availability, accessibility, and attractiveness of these greenspaces. A city-wide map of WNAs (n=1298) was overlaid with spatial data on the presence of institutional and physical barriers, and complemented with a hierarchical cluster analysis to identify WNAs that share similar usability patterns. The cluster analysis confirms that WNAs vary significantly with regard to usability and that their usability is frequently constrained by the presence of multiple barriers. Furthermore, the usability of WNAs tends to be lower in high-density built-up areas, indicating that the possibilities to experience wild nature in the inner city are limited both in terms of lack of availability and relatively poor usability. We conclude that improving the usability of WNAs demands tailored and integrated approaches to urban planning and greenspace management and provide suggestions of how the usability of each identified WNA cluster can be increased.
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The worldwide urbanization has resulted in a massive loss of natural habitats, which is threatening biodiversity and socio-ecological sustainability. Urban rewilding is a strategy aiming to restore the complexity, autonomy and self-sustainability of urban ecosystems by interlinking ecological processes while minimizing or gradually reducing human disturbances. The benefits of urban rewilding are widely acknowledged; however, there remains a knowledge gap concerning the identification of suitable locations for urban rewilding and the methodologies for assessing the rewilding potential of urban areas. In this study, we proposed an approach that can be used to accurately identify urban rewilding opportunity spaces (UROS, the existing wildness areas and spaces offering ecological conditions conducive to the establishment of new urban wildness), by integrating data on spatial heterogeneity, biodiversity and human disturbance. UROS in Chongqing, China was evaluated and mapped at the city-wide scale, with a subsequent validation of the UROS results through an assessment of species richness of spontaneous herbaceous communities, which serve as the pioneer species in rewilding processes. The results revealed a positive correlation between high-scoring UROS and increased species richness of spontaneous herbs, thus confirming the feasibility of the UROS assessment method. Eleven primary types of UROS were identified, with the majority displaying scattered or linear distributions. Most very high-scoring UROS are characterized by expansive woodland expanses situated on the outskirts of high-density built-up areas and substantial water bodies within the built-up urban areas. Notably, nearly half of the UROS encompass areas of 900 m 2 or less, underscoring the importance of urban rewilding initiatives targeting not only the preservation of extensive UROS with robust connectivity but also the revitalization of fragmented UROS with limited areas situated within central urban regions. The methodology is applicable to offer insights and spatial guidance in the execution of urban rewilding initiatives and biodiversity conservation efforts, contributing to sustainable regional development in the context of rapid urbanization.
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Urbanisation is increasing, while global biodiversity is decreasing. Through ‘urban rewilding’ cities could help tackle this biodiversity crisis, while exploiting the benefits of urban nature for residents. Private residential gardens, which have potential to support significant biodiversity, should be a primary focus. Yet their proportion of vegetated space is decreasing through changes made by residents, negatively impacting biodiversity. Small adaptations to private gardens can turn them into wildlife habitat, but understanding residents’ behaviour is critical to developing intervention strategies for this. This paper presents a scoping review of existing literature on understanding intent-orientated, pro-environmental behaviours with a focus on rewilding in urban gardens. The literature is mapped to assess the state of knowledge; it is then coded, using the ‘COM-B’ model of behaviour, to identify the capability, opportunity and motivation factors forming barriers and facilitators to residents engaging in rewilding activity in their gardens. The results show that all COM-B factors need to be considered to understand urban rewilding behaviour, but that opportunity and motivation factors have more influence, particularly reflective motivation. They indicate that facilitators are more significant than barriers and highlight an important body of work that has implications for practice and policy aimed at influencing urban rewilding.
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Urban green space (UGS) is a broad and potentially very inclusive term. Although most discussions on UGS focus on urban parks, there are many other vegetated areas in cities. Many are not formally recognised and protected, hence they are called informal green spaces (IGS), and yet they provide ecosystem services similar to parks. Based on a detailed overview of the different categories of UGS, we shed new light on how the different categories of UGS are included in urban planning and provide a snapshot of the disturbing urban land use transition-from UGS to other uses-which is partly related to the lack of formal recognition of IGS. The novelty in our study is that we mapped and analysed all UGS in our case study area, following two rivers that cut through Lodz (Łódź), Poland-from one peri-urban area (partly rural), through the city centre, to the peri-urban area on the other side of the city. The urban structures and the gradient of buildings in the studied area coincide with the urban structures for the whole of Lodz; therefore, our research area is a representative part of the city and its heterogeneity. Out of the seventeen UGS categories we distinguished, only six are formally recognised and account for 24% of all areas covered by UGS. Only 7% of the area we identified as UGS is designated as different types of vegetated areas according to local zoning plans. The analysis highlights broader challenges related to the planning and management of urban green and blue infrastructures.
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Informal green spaces (IGS) such as overgrown vacant lots and urban brownfields constitute a considerable amount of green resources in the city. Given that the increasingly competitive land use of the urban area, enhancing the potential ecosystem services (ES) of IGS through design and management practices is of critical importance. This literature review paper provides an overview of ES delivered by urban IGS: What types of IGS have been discussed? Which ES have been identified in IGS, what interrelationships among different types of ES have been identified, and how can the potential of IGS be enhanced by urban design practices? 112 scientific papers were analyzed for their 1) IGS terms applied, 2) ES studied, 3) current or potential ES discussed, 4) ES trade-offs, and 5) ES assessment methods. Through the review, we found that although different types of ES have been identified in IGS, most studies did not consider ES synergies and trade-offs. The few studies assessing trade-offs of ES in IGS mostly focused on large-scale IGS such as urban brownfields rather than on small-scale IGS such as vacant lands/lots. The literature review highlights two knowledge gaps for future research: the first one is to explore the design and management knowledge that integrate multiple ES in small-scale IGS based on the assessment of potential ES trade-offs and synergies; the second one is to develop the spatial assessment of ES trade-offs and synergies, which is the key to envision design and management interventions that optimize the benefits of IGS. The literature review promotes the acknowledgement of the term IGS through highlighting their value in ES provisioning and further outlines future research directions on small-scale IGS such as vacant lands/lots and patches of spontaneous vegetation.
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1. In recent years, rewilding has been attracting growing attention as novel, process-oriented concept supporting ecosystem restoration and biodiversity conservation. 2. Rewilding aims to strengthen the adaptive capacity of ecosystems by restoring natural processes and withdrawing anthropogenic interventions. Yet, diverging understandings, conceptions and definitions of rewilding result in a somewhat fuzzy concept. 3. So far, the scientific discussion focused primarily on biological and ecological effects and success factors of rewilding. However, particularly in Europe, which is characterised by densely populated areas and a long history of landscape cultivation , rewilding affects also socioeconomic and socio-cultural dimensions 4. Based on a synthesis of current scientific publications, we argue that rewilding should be understood as an increase in wildness, that is restoring the autonomy of natural processes and self-sustaining ecosystems in order to overcome the improper dualistic understanding of human-nature relationships in which humanity is outside of nature. 5. We identify knowledge gaps and emphasise the need for inter-and transdisci-plinary research on rewilding to develop a holistic approach to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration. In this context, we particularly emphasise the temporal dynamics of changes in landscapes, which are often long-term and therefore difficult to monitor, the openness of rewilding processes and the associated uncertainty about end states, as well as the complexity of human-nature relations and the associated value pluralism.
Accelerating urbanisation and associated lifestyle changes result in loss of biodiversity and diminished wellbeing of people through fewer direct interactions and experiences with nature. In this review, we propose the notion of urban wilding (the promotion of autonomous ecological processes that are independent of historical land‐use conditions, with minimal direct human maintenance and planting interventions) and investigate its propensity to improve biodiversity and people–nature connections in cities. Through a large interdisciplinary synthesis, we explore the ecological mechanisms through which urban wilding can promote biodiversity in cities, investigate the attitudes and relations of city dwellers towards urban wild spaces, and discuss the integration of urban wilding into the fabric of cities and its governance. We show that favouring assembly spontaneity by reducing planting interventions, and functional spontaneity by limiting maintenance practices, can promote plant diversity and provide ecological resources for numerous organisms at habitat and city scales. These processes could reverse biotic homogenisation, but further studies are needed to understand the effects of wilding on invasive species and their consequences. From a socio‐ecological perspective, the attitudes of city dwellers towards spontaneous vegetation are modulated by successional stages, with grassland and woodland stages preferred, but dense shrubby vegetation stages disliked. Wild spaces can diversify physical interactions with nature, and enrich multi‐sensory, affective and cognitive experiences of nature in cities. However, some aspects of wild spaces can cause anxiety, feeling unsafe, and the perception of abandonment. These negative attitudes could be mitigated by subtle design and maintenance interventions. While nature has long been thought of as ornamental and instrumental in cities, urban wilding could help to develop relational and intrinsic values of nature in the fabric of cities. Wildness and its singular aesthetics should be combined with cultural norms, resident uses and urban functions to plan and design urban spatial configurations promoting human–non‐human cohabitation. For urban wilding to be socially just and adapted to the needs of residents, its implementation should be backed by inclusive governance opening up discussion forums to residents and urban workers. Scientists can support these changes by collaborating with urban actors to design and experiment with new wild spaces promoting biodiversity and wellbeing of people in cities.
Though most cities, particularly in the Global North, have been intensely modified by human activities certain locations still exist in varied forms of abandonment or disinvestment, often allowing for new species assemblages to flourish. These urban novel ecosystems or informal wild spaces are often perceived as in-between or overlooked, calling into question their value and social-ecological role, while also creating tensions amongst different groups and stakeholders who share different visions for their use and management. Within these tensions, issues of justice and equity can be more pronounced and surface historic legacies of environmental contamination, inequitable development, and extraction. Despite this, very little is known about the social-ecological role informal wild spaces play in urban areas, and how best to interrogate and understand the equity and justice dimensions they elicit. To fill this gap in knowledge, this paper critically examines the literature on urban novel ecosystems in relation to justice, with a particular interest in multispecies justice. Through this analysis, gaps in the literature are exposed, while also arguing the informality, neglect and contestation of wild urban spaces provides opportunities to explore issues of access, benefits and harms, particularly in light of global climate and ecological crises. A systematic approach is utilized to search the literature, identifying 45 papers which are thematically analyzed under a justice lens. The study identifies three themes that thread throughout the literature: distributional injustices relate to perceptions and attitudes, which give rise or arise from injustices; the regeneration discourse focuses on a ‘new nature’, which is based on social-ecological displacement and devaluation; and the potential of urban wild spaces to generate new multispecies sensibilities. The paper concludes by discussing trends, gaps, and emerging discourses, and proposing a multispecies justice approach for urban planning through the learnings and engagement with urban wild, novel ecosystems.