Nowadays, providing safe water is one of the most important issues in big cities. Due to its location in the arid and semi-arid region, Tehran suffers from a lot of water stress despite the fact that it benefits from water resources such as canals and canals. Bagh Faiz neighborhood of Tehran is also one of the neighborhoods that has faced unfavorable ecological damages due to encroachment on water resources. Using the descriptive-analytical method, this research develops an effective conceptual framework to analyze and investigate water resources, specifically the status of water resources in the Bagh Faiz neighborhood, based on the DPSIR technique. The findings show that population growth, the increase in industrial complexes, and the lack of institutional support have been the driving forces for increasing water consumption, reducing underground water resources, adverse land use changes, environmental pollution, and the loss of vegetation in Bagh Faiz neighborhood; These have caused a shortage of water reservoirs, an increase in impervious surfaces, a decrease in the quantity and quality of underground water reserves, which has adverse effects such as land subsidence, increased risk of destruction due to floods and earthquakes, the destruction of plant and animal species, and endangering public health and safety. Therefore, the DPSIR technique by analyzing the cause-effect relationship based on driving force, pressure, situation, effect, and response, tries to provide appropriate answers in the field of existing environmental problems to the policymakers and provides the ability to communicate between scientific findings and real-world issues.