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Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Immune Response and Meat Quality of Broiler Chickens Fed Muntingia Calabura Leaf Extract

  • Sumitra Research Institute Gujarat India

Abstract and Figures

This experiment was carried out to determine the effect of feeding Muntingia calabura leaf extract on the growth performance, carcass characteristics, immune response and meat quality of broiler chickens. 500 1-day old broiler chicks (Cobb 500) were randomly distributed into five treatments of five replicates consisting of ten birds each in a completely randomized design model. Birds in treatment one (control) was fed basal diet alone which is adequate in all nutrients according to the recommendation of broilers while treatment two, three, four and five were fed same diet with Muntingia calabura leaf extract at 0.3 mL, 0.6 mL, 0.9 mL and 1.2 mL per liter of water correspondingly. The duration of the experiment was 56 days and birds had unrestricted access to feed and fresh water. Body weight gain was higher in birds fed treatment four (2555.3 g) and five (2646.1 g), intermediate in treatment two (2346.6 g) and three (2365.1 g) and lower in treatment one (1948.8 g) (P<0.05). Total feed intake and dressing percentage was higher among birds fed Muntingia calabura leaf extract relative to the control (P<0.05). Conversely, mortality of 2.5 % was recorded in control followed by treatment two with 1.00 % none was recorded in the other treatment (P<0.05). Results on the breast muscle revealed that saturated and unsaturated fatty acid was 29.80 %, 41.83 % in control, treatment two (28.11 %, 55.94 %), three (27.19 %, 56.97 %), four (23.15 %, 73.69 %) and five (22.90 %, 73.74 %) in each case (P<0.05). Immunoglobulin A, G and M values were influenced (P<0.05) by the treatments. In conclusion, feeding Muntingia calabura leaf extract up to 1.2 mL/liter of water had no negative effect on the performance and health status of birds.
J Drug Addi er, 2024 Volume 5(4): 1-8
Research Article Open Access
Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Immune Response
and Meat Quality of Broiler Chickens Fed Muntingia Calabura
Leaf Extract
Department of Animal Nutrition and Biochemistry, Sumitra Research Institute, Gujarat, India
Alagbe Olujimi John
*Corresponding author
Alagbe Olujimi John, Department of Animal Nutrition and Biochemistry, Sumitra Research Institute, Gujarat, India.
Received: July 08, 2024; Accepted: July 12, 2024; Published: July 22, 2024
Journal of Drugs Addiction &
Keywords: Muntingia Calabura Leaf Extract, Growth, Immune
Response, Phytochemicals, Medicinal Plants, Food Safety
The topic of antibiotic growth promoters and their replacement
continues to be of great interest to poultry producers with a wide
range of options now available to those who are either prevented
from using antibiotic growth promoters by local regulations, or
prefer to use an alternative due to their non-toxic eect. The use
of medicinal plants is among the key alternative solutions to
antibiotics because they possess phytochemicals that has high
therapeutic properties and no withdrawal period [1,2].
Muntingia calabura popularly known as ‘Jamaican cherry’ is
a rapidly growing small, evergreen plant belonging to family
muntingiacae and order – Malvales. The plant is native to southern
Mexico central America and western south America. It is also
widely cultivated in Asia including India [3]. The leaves are soft
evergreen and alternate, ablong phyllotaxy about 4-15 cm long and
1-6 cm wide, oblong with toothed margin oblique at the base and
characterized with dark green color and upper surface indicates
presence of minute hair [4].
Reports on the pharmacological evaluation of Muntingia calabura
leaf has shown that it possesses numerous phyto-constituents
such as: avonoids, terpenoids, tannins, alkaloids, saponins,
amongst others which performs multiple biological activities:
antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-helminthic, antifungal, antiviral,
hepato-protective, antibacterial, anti-tumor, cytotoxic, anti-diuretic
and hypolipidemic [5,6]. Muntingia calabura is popular in folklore
medicine and has been used for the treatment of severe diarrhea,
dysentery, urethral discharge, gastro-intestinal infection, headache,
dermatitis and other bacterial infections [7,8].
The aqueous extract of leaf has been reported to contain volatile
compounds such as myrcene, thymol, α terpinol, linalool, geraniol,
nerol, citronellol, eugenol, α lonone, β sitosterol, α Amyrin,
Lupelol, α tocopherol and β carotene [9,10]. In a study performed
by the ethanolic extract of the dierent parts of Muntingia calabura
demonstrated antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli,
Pseudomonas aeruinosa, Candida albicans, Streptoccoccus spp,
Salmonella spp and Aspergillus spp [11]. It also showed that the
extracts from their owers demonstrated more antiseptic and
antiplasmodic properties than the other parts of the plant.
Previous ndings by notable researchers have shown that dietary
supplementation of medicinal plants in broilers can positively
inuence their growth, gastro intestinal tract morphology and
physiology immune response and meat quality [12-16]. However,
there is little or no report on the dietary supplementation of
Muntingia calabura leaf extract in broilers. This information is
timely, because livestock producers have turned against the use of
antibiotics due to the increasing cases of antimicrobial resistance
and their health eect. These studies will further promote organic
ISSN: 2754-4907
is experiment was carried out to determine the eect of feeding Muntingia calabura leaf extract on the growth performance, carcass characteristics,
immune response and meat quality of broiler chickens. 500 1-day old broiler chicks (Cobb 500) were randomly distributed into ve treatments of ve
replicates consisting of ten birds each in a completely randomized design model. Birds in treatment one (control) was fed basal diet alone which is adequate
in all nutrients according to the recommendation of broilers while treatment two, three, four and ve were fed same diet with Muntingia calabura leaf
extract at 0.3 mL, 0.6 mL, 0.9 mL and 1.2 mL per liter of water correspondingly. e duration of the experiment was 56 days and birds had unrestricted
access to feed and fresh water. Body weight gain was higher in birds fed treatment four (2555.3 g) and ve (2646.1 g), intermediate in treatment two (2346.6
g) and three (2365.1 g) and lower in treatment one (1948.8 g) (P<0.05). Total feed intake and dressing percentage was higher among birds fed Muntingia
calabura leaf extract relative to the control (P<0.05). Conversely, mortality of 2.5 % was recorded in control followed by treatment two with 1.00 % none was
recorded in the other treatment (P<0.05). Results on the breast muscle revealed that saturated and unsaturated fatty acid was 29.80 %, 41.83 % in control,
treatment two (28.11 %, 55.94 %), three (27.19 %, 56.97 %), four (23.15 %, 73.69 %) and ve (22.90 %, 73.74 %) in each case (P<0.05). Immunoglobulin
A, G and M values were inuenced (P<0.05) by the treatments. In conclusion, feeding Muntingia calabura leaf extract up to 1.2 mL/liter of water had no
negative eect on the performance and health status of birds.
Citation: Alagbe Olujimi John (2024) Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Immune Response and Meat Quality of Broiler Chickens Fed Muntingia Calabura
Leaf Extract. Journal of Drugs Addiction & erapeutics. SRC/JDAT-172. DOI:
J Drug Addi er, 2024 Volume 5(4): 2-8
agriculture and food safety.
Therefore, this study was carried out to ascertain the eect of
feeding Muntingia calabura leaf extract on the growth performance,
carcass characteristics, immune response and meat quality of
Materials and Methods
Experimental Station, Ethical Approval and Extraction of
Muntingia Calabura
The trial was conducted at Sumitra Institute’s poultry unit situated
between 26o 17’ N and 70o 47’ E. Experiment was executed
in accordance to the specications laid down by ethics council
of Sumitra Research Institute, Gujarat India in the month of
September to November, 2023 (CN/117H/2023).
Fresh leaves of Muntingia calabura were collected within Sumitra
Institute, Gujarat in the month of September, 2023 and sent to
the Crop Science section for proper identication by a certied
taxonomist (Dr. Singh Liu) for proper authentication. It was later
assigned a reference number (JP/008/223), shade dried for six
days with an electronic blender. Three hundred grams of grounded
Muntingia calabura was soaked in 1 liter and boiled at seventy
℃ for ten minutes, kept for three days before it was sieved using
a Whatman lter paper to obtain Muntingia calabura leaf extract
and kept in the refrigerator at four ℃. 200 milliliters of Muntingia
calabura leaf extract was sent to the department of biochemistry,
Sumitra Research Institute, Gujarat for further evaluation.
Animal Management, Experimental Diet and Design
500 1-day old broiler chicks (Cobb 500) were purchased from a
commercial farm in Gujarat in the month of September, 2023 and
moved to the poultry unit of Sumitra Research Institute, India. On
arrival, birds were unboxed and the average initial weight was
recorded using a digital scale before it was randomly distributed
into ve treatments of ve replicates consisting of ten birds each.
Birds were raised in an environmentally controlled battery cage
equipped with automatic nipple drinker’s, feeders measuring 200
cm by 150 cm by 60 cm (length × width × height) in three tiers per
row and given anti-stress (Glucomol wsp® at 10 grams/10 liter).
Continuous lighting system was provided to enable birds to have
unrestricted access to feed and water. Basal diet was sucient in all
nutrients according to the recommendation of National Research
Council in 1994. Birds in treatment one was fed basal diet without
Muntingia calabura leaf extract while treatment two, three, four
and ve were fed same diet with Muntingia calabura leaf extract
at 10 milliliters, 20 milliliters, 30 milliliters and 40 milliliters per
liter of water correspondingly. A completely randomized design
was adopted throughout the trial which lasted for sixty days.
Collected Data
Body weight gain was calculated as the dierence between the
nal body weight and initial body weight. Feed consumption was
determined as the dierence between the feed oered and refused.
Feed conversion ratio (feed consumed to produce a unit of gain)
was computed as the ratio of average daily feed intake to average
daily weight gain. Average daily feed intake was estimated by
dividing the total feed intake by the duration of experiment in
days while average daily weight gain was computed by dividing
the weight gain by the duration of experiment in days, all the
variables were expressed in grams.
Estimation of Phyto-Constituents in Muntingia Calabura
Leaf Extract
The laboratory procedures for the determination of tannins,
flavonoids, terpenoids, alkaloids, saponins and phenolic
compounds were carried out according to methods outlined by
Proximate Analysis of Starter and Finisher Diet
Experimental diets were analyzed using Foss NIRSTM instrument
which uses optical near infra-red technology to ensure precision in
result. One hundred and fty grams of feed sample was placed in
the collection pan and the machine was adjusted at a wavelength
precision of 400 – 2500 nm, optical band width (9.00 ± 0.2 nm),
spectral resolution (0.5 nm) to give a faster result at an analysis
time less than one minutes.
Carcass Evaluation and Measurement
At the end of the trial, ten birds were randomly selected from each
treatment for carcass evaluation. Birds were feed starved for 12
hours, placed on clean water and slaughtered manually with a sharp
knife and de-feathered by immersing each bird in hot water boiled
at eighty ℃ for fteen minutes. Carcass were eviscerated removing
the internal organs and measured with using a digital scale. Back,
wing, thigh, breast and drumsticks were measured with a digital
scale as part of the carcass measurement. The dressing percentage
was calculated as the proportion of carcass weight to slaughter
weight multiplied by hundred.
Fatty Acid Analysis
Meat from the breast muscle of slaughtered chicken were collected
into a sample bottle and placed in an ice pack before it was
transferred to the laboratory for analysis. Fatty acid compositions
were determined using a commercial kit (Fin analyzer, model –
YLB 500 GC, China) following the specied procedures outlined
by the manufacturer. 0.5 sodium hydroxide plus 1.5 milliliter
methanol was added to each sample and mixed together followed by
heating at 100℃ for 5 minutes before it was allowed to cool down
at 30 – 40 ℃. Addition of triuoroborane methanol solution allows
the sample to form separate layers before standardization using
YLB 500 GC which has the following technical specications:
Injection volume (1µL), oven and capillary temperature (140℃,
250℃) and detector FID (100℃).
Immunoglobulin Examination
2 mL of blood samples were collected from ten birds were
randomly selected from each treatment at the end of the experiment
for immunoglobulin assessment. Test was carried out using a
commercial diagnostic kit Immulite ® 1000 system. To ensure
precision machine was adjusted according to the manufacturer’s
recommendation, operating temperature was set at 18-32 ℃ while
wavelength band (1000 nm).
Data Analysis
Data collected on growth performance, carcass evaluation
and fatty acid analysis were analyzed using the general linear
model procedures of Statistical Analysis Systems software
(SAS). Dierences between treatment means were separated
using software of the same package. Signicant dierences were
declared at P<0.05
Experimental Outcome
The presence of tannins (502.58 milligram/gram), avonoids
(820.69 milligram/gram), terpenoids (401.17 milligram/gram),
phenolic compounds (1006.5 milligram/gram), alkaloids (115.16
Citation: Alagbe Olujimi John (2024) Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Immune Response and Meat Quality of Broiler Chickens Fed Muntingia Calabura
Leaf Extract. Journal of Drugs Addiction & erapeutics. SRC/JDAT-172. DOI:
J Drug Addi er, 2024 Volume 5(4): 3-8
milligram/gram) and saponins (100.8 milligram/gram) were
identied in Muntingia calabura leaf extract (Table 1). Phenolic
compounds had the greater concentration while alkaloids had the
least concentration in order of abundance.
As revealed in Table 2, nal body of birds at 0-28 days (starter
phase) took the form of 912.5 grams to 1084.9 grams, body weight
gain (866.4 – 1084.9 grams per bird), average daily weight gain
(30.94 to 38.75 grams per bird), total feed intake (1300.4 – 1300.9
grams), average daily feed intake (46.44 – 46.46 grams per bird),
feed conversion ratio (1.20 – 1.50) and mortality (1.00 – 1.50 %).
Body weight gain of birds fed diet 2 (0.3 mL Muntingia calabura
leaf extract) and diet 3 (0.6 mL Muntingia calabura leaf extract)
were similar (P>0.05) to those given diet 4 (0.9 mL Muntingia
calabura leaf extract) and diet 5 (1.2 mL Muntingia calabura leaf
extract) but signicantly greater than those fed diet 1 (without
Muntingia calabura leaf extract). Muntingia calabura leaf extract
had no signicant (P>0.05) on average daily feed intake while
highest (P<0.05) mortality was recorded in birds given diet 1
(1.50 %) followed by diet 2 (1.0 %) while none was recorded
among birds in diet 3, 4 and 5 correspondingly which also had an
excellent feed conversion ratio. At the nisher phase (29 -56 days),
average daily weight gain of birds fed diet 4 (0.9 mL Muntingia
calabura leaf extract) were similar (P>0.05) to those in diet 5 (1.2
mL Muntingia calabura leaf extract) while those given diet 2 (0.3
mL Muntingia calabura leaf extract) and diet 3 (0.6 mL Muntingia
calabura leaf extract) also followed similar trend (P>0.05) but
signicantly higher than those fed diet 1 (without Muntingia
calabura leaf extract). Conversely, average daily feed intake was
greater among birds fed diet 3, 4 and 5, intermediate in diet 2 and
lowest in diet 1 (P<0.05). In the overall production cycle (0 – 56
days), average daily weight gain values which varied from 34.80
– 47.25 grams per bird were higher among birds fed diet 4 and 5,
intermediate in diet 2 and 3, lowest in diet 1 (P<0.05). Average
daily feed intake was greater among birds fed Muntingia calabura
leaf extract relative to those fed diet 1 (P<0.05) which also has
the highest mortality of 2.5 % at the end of the production cycle.
Feed conversion ratio was signicantly (P<0.05) impacted by
feeding Muntingia calabura leaf extract to birds.
Effect of Muntingia calabura leaf extract on the carcass
characteristics of broiler chicken (Table 4) revealed that slaughter
weight, carcass weight and dressing percentage which took the
form of 1971.2 2806.3 grams, 1421.5 to 2306.5 grams and
72.11 – 82.19 percent were higher among birds fed diet 4 (0.9 mL
Muntingia calabura leaf extract) and diet 5 (1.2 mL Muntingia
calabura leaf extract), intermediate among birds given diet 3 (0.3
mL Muntingia calabura leaf extract) and diet 2 (0.3 mL Muntingia
calabura leaf extract), lowest in diet 1 (without Muntingia calabura
leaf extract) (P<0.05). Average weights of heads, wing, liver and
heart were exactly comparable (P>0.05) in all the groups except
for those of legs, breast, thigh, back and gizzard (P<0.05).
Eect of Muntingia calabura leaf extract on the fatty acid
characterization of meat in the breast muscle of broilers (Table
5) revealed at it contained saturated fatty acid which comprises of
myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, arachidic acid, behenic
acid and lignoceric acid values which vary from 2.50 – 3.81 %,
2.31 – 3.00 %, 10.02 – 13.81 %, 5.06 – 5.55 %, 1.82 – 2.71 % and
0.40 – 0.92 % in that order. Palmitoleic acid, oleic acid, erucic
acid, gadoleic acid and nervonic acid (monounsaturated fatty
acid) took the form of (2.16 – 5.17 %), (2.25 – 3.80 %), (10.64
12.71 %), (4.26 7.18 %) and (1.55 2.87 %) accordingly
and polyunsaturated fatty acid; alpha (α)-linolenic acid (10.22 –
20.11 %), gamma (γ) linolenic acid (0.87 – 2.88 %), arachidonic
acid (6.11 10.56 %), eicosadienoic acid (0.55 1.95 %),
docosapentaenoic acid (1.97 – 3.84 %) and decosatetraenoic acid
(1.25 – 2.67 %). Muntingia calabura leaf extract had a signicant
(P<0.05) on all the variables examined in the experiment.
Eect of Muntingia calabura leaf extract on the Immunoglobulins
of broilers presented in Table 6 showed that immunoglobulin A
(Ig A), IgG and IgM took the form of 7.66 – 10.26 (µg/mL), 2.29
– 4.15 (µg/mL) and 1.29 – 2.98 (µg/mL) in that order. Ig A values
were greater among birds fed diet 4 (0.9 mL Muntingia calabura
leaf extract) and diet 5 (1.5 mL Muntingia calabura leaf extract/litre
of water), intermediate in diet 2 (0.3 mL Muntingia calabura leaf
extract per litre of water) and diet 3 (0.6 mL Muntingia calabura
leaf extract) and lowest in diet 1 (without Muntingia calabura leaf
extract) (P<0.05). Conversely, IgG and IgM values were higher
among birds fed Muntingia calabura leaf extract relative to those
without Muntingia calabura leaf extract in diet 1 (P<0.05).
Table 1:Ingredients and Chemical Composition of
Experimental Diet
Starter phase
(0 – 28 d)
Finisher phase
(29 – 56 d)
Ingredients Quantity (%) Quantity (%)
Yellow corn 53.00 55.95
Wheat bran 5.00 6.00
Soybean meal 26.50 25.00
Groundnut meal 5.00 4.00
Fish meal (Imported: 72%) 5.00 2.00
Limestone 1.50 2.00
Bone meal 3.00 4.00
Methionine 0.25 0.25
Lysine 0.20 0.25
Mineral/Vitamin Premix 0.25 0.25
Salt 0.25 0.25
Toxin binder 0.05 0.05
Total 100.0 100.0
Analyzed analysis (% dry matter)
Crude protein (%) 23.47 21.16
Crude bre (%) 3.56 4.82
Ether extract (%) 3.20 3.83
Calcium (%) 1.49 1.47
Phosphorus (%) 0.58 0.57
Metabolizable energy (MJ/kg) 11.89 12.30
Citation: Alagbe Olujimi John (2024) Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Immune Response and Meat Quality of Broiler Chickens Fed Muntingia Calabura
Leaf Extract. Journal of Drugs Addiction & erapeutics. SRC/JDAT-172. DOI:
J Drug Addi er, 2024 Volume 5(4): 4-8
Table 2: Phyto-Constituents in Muntingia Calabura Leaf Extract
Chemical components Units Concentration
Tannins Milligram/gram 502.58
Flavonoids Milligram/gram 820.69
Terpenoids Milligram/gram 401.17
Phenols Milligram/gram 1006.5
Alkaloids Milligram/gram 115.16
Saponins Milligram/gram 200.8
Table 3: Eect of Muntingia Calabura Leaf Extract on the Growth Performance of Broiler Chicken
0-28 day Diet 1 Diet 2 Diet 3 Diet 4 Diet 5 SEM P-value
Number of birds 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 -
Initial body weight (grams/bird) 46.10 45.80 45.60 45.50 46.00 0.51 0.26
nal body weight (grams/bird) 912.5b1120.7a1120.9a1130.1a1130.9a29.81 0.38
Body weight gain (grams/bird) 866.4b1074.9a1075.3a1084.6a1084.9a27.26 0.61
Average daily weight gain (grams/bird) 30.94b38.39a38.40a38.74a38.75a0.41 0.19
Total feed intake (grams/bird) 1300.3 1300.5 1300.6 1300.8 1300.9 31.83 0.37
Average daily feed intake (grams/bird) 46.44 46.45 46.45 46.45 46.46 0.50 0.25
Feed conversion ratio 1.50a1.21b1.20b1.20b1.20b0.07 0.03
Mortality (percentage) 1.50a1.00b0 0 0 0.02 0.01
29-56 days
Body weight gain (grams/bird) 1902.7c2300.8b2319.5b2509.8a2600.1a51.42 0.02
Average daily weight gain (grams/bird) 67.95c82.17b82.83b90.64a92.86a0.72 0.06
Total feed intake (grams/bird) 3410.8c3610.2b3650.8a3655.1a3658.1a61.21 0.08
Average daily feed intake (grams/bird) 121.8c128.9b130.4a130.5a130.6a0.62 0.01
feed conversion ratio 1.80a1.57b1.57b1.46c1.41d0.06 0.01
Mortality (percentage) 1.00 0 0 0 0 0.02 0.01
Overall production cycle (0-56 days)
Body weight gain (grams/bird) 1948.8c2346.6b2365.1b2555.3a2646.1a49.82 0.06
Average daily weight gain (grams/bird) 34.80c42.00b42.23b46.00a47.25a0.42 0.30
Total feed intake (grams/bird) 4711.1b4910.7a4951.4a4955.9a4959a105.2 0.03
Average daily feed intake (grams/bird) 84.13b87.69a88.42a88.50a88.55a0.70 0.06
Feed conversion ratio 2.42a2.09b2.09b1.94c1.87d0.03 0.04
Total mortality (percentage) 2.50a1.00b000
Table 4: Eect of Muntingia Calabura Leaf Extract on the Carcass Characteristics of Broilers
Variables Diet 1 Diet 2 Diet 3 Diet 4 Diet 5 SEM P-value
Slaughter weight (grams) 1971.2c2435.7b2441.5b2804.1a2806.3a28.22 0.42
Carcass weight (grams 1421.5c1835.6b1821.9b2304.3a2306.5a23.97 0.30
Dressing percentage 72.11c75.36b74.62b82.18a82.19a0.90 0.02
Head (grams) 8.02 8.06 8.40 8.38 8.51 0.05 0.01
Legs (grams) 9.76c10.51b10.60b12.22a12.96a0.07 0.02
Breast (grams) 411.7c563.1b591.0b709.8a715.1a9.11 0.18
Thigh (grams) 310.0b314.1b306.3b490.1a495.7a4.38 0.21
Back (grams) 183.2c203.6b200.0b259.2a261.4a4.01 0.08
Wing (grams) 79.0 78.8 79.5 80.8 82.1 0.72 0.01
Drumstick (grams) 51.3c63.5b65.2b71.6a72.9a0.65 0.02
Liver (grams) 31.2 33.5 32.8 33.1 33.0 0.45 0.04
Gizzard (grams) 30.6c38.7b39.5b43.9a45.1a0.08 0.03
Heart (grams) 12.6 12.9 13.2 13.8 13.1 0.02 0.04
Citation: Alagbe Olujimi John (2024) Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Immune Response and Meat Quality of Broiler Chickens Fed Muntingia Calabura
Leaf Extract. Journal of Drugs Addiction & erapeutics. SRC/JDAT-172. DOI:
J Drug Addi er, 2024 Volume 5(4): 5-8
Means on the same row having dierent superscripts are signicantly dierent (P<0.05); SEM: Standard Error of Mean; Diet 1: basal
diet without Muntinda calubara; diet 2: basal diet with 0.3 mL Muntinda calubara leaf extract/litre of water; diet 3: basal diet with
0.6 mL Muntinda calubara leaf extract/litre of water; diet 4: basal diet with 0.9 mL Muntinda calubara leaf extract/litre of water; diet
5: basal diet with 1.2 mL Muntinda calubara leaf extract/litre of water
Table 5: Eect of Muntingia Calabura Leaf Extract on the Fatty Acid of Breast Muscle of Broilers
Variables Diet 1 Diet 2 Diet 3 Diet 4 Diet 5 SEM P-value
Saturated fatty acids
Myristic acid 3.81a2.90b2.61b2.56b2.50b0.82 0.04
Palmitic acid 3.00a2.71b2.62b2.31b2.26b0.19 0.33
Strearic acid 13.81a13.74b13.83b10.91c10.02c0.21 0.10
Arachidic acid 5.55 5.45 5.22 5.06 5.9 0.23 0.11
Behenic acid 2.71a2.60b2.22b1.87c1.82c0.30 0.40
Lignoceric acid 0.92a0.71b0.69b0.44c0.40c0.18 0.50
Monounsaturated fatty acid
Palmitoleic acid 2.16c3.88b3.73b5.11a5.17a0.66 0.04
Oleic acid 2.25c3.00b 3.03b3.72a3.80a0.15 0.06
Erucic acid 10.64b10.22b10.70b12.02a12.71a0.35 0.01
Gadoleic acid 4.26c5.00b5.06b7.04b7.18a0.27 0.12
Nervonic acid 1.55c2.20b2.33b2.80a2.87a0.01 0.05
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
Alpha-linolenic acid 10.22c15.00b15.27b20.09a20.11a0.09 0.40
Gamma linolenic acid 0.87c1.90b1.92b2.80a2.88a0.52 0.00
Arachidonic acid 6.11c9.30b9.38b12.41a10.56a0.06 0.01
Eicosadienoic acid 0.55c0.90b0.93b1.91a1.95a0.28 0.00
Docosapentaenoic acid 1.97c2.46b2.57b3.21a3.84a0.23 0.10
Decosatetraenoic acid 1.25c2.00b2.05b2.58a2.67a0.13 0.00
Total saturated fatty acid
29.8a28.11a27.19b23.15c22.9c0.96 0.04
Total unsaturated fatty acid
41.83c55.94b56.97b73.69a73.74a1.83 0.02
Means on the same row having dierent superscripts are signicantly dierent (P<0.05); SEM: Standard Error of Mean; Diet 1: basal
diet without Muntinda calubara; diet 2: basal diet with 0.3 mL Muntinda calubara leaf extract/litre of water; diet 3: basal diet with
0.6 mL Muntinda calubara leaf extract/litre of water; diet 4: basal diet with 0.9 mL Muntinda calubara leaf extract/litre of water; diet
5: basal diet with 1.2 mL Muntinda calubara leaf extract/litre of water
Table 6: Eect of Muntingia Calabura Leaf Extract on the Immunoglobulins of Broilers
Variables Diet 1 Diet 2 Diet 3 Diet 4 Diet 5 SEM P-value
Immunoglobulin A (µg/mL) 7.66c9.06b9.33b10.10a10.26a0.96 0.51
Immunoglobulin G (µg/mL) 2.29b3.31a3.38a4.05a4.15a0.05 0.04
Immunoglobulin M (µg/mL) 1.93b2.72a2.79a2.95a2.98a0.07 0.01
Means on the same row having dierent superscripts are signicantly dierent (P<0.05); SEM: Standard Error of Mean; Diet 1: basal
diet without Muntinda calubara; diet 2: basal diet with 0.3 mL Muntinda calubara leaf extract/litre of water; diet 3: basal diet with
0.6 mL Muntinda calubara leaf extract/litre of water; diet 4: basal diet with 0.9 mL Muntinda calubara leaf extract/litre of water; diet
5: basal diet with 1.2 mL Muntinda calubara leaf extract/litre of water
In the overall production cycle, the higher average daily weight gain was highest among birds fed diet 4 (0.9 mL Muntingia calabura
leaf extract per liter of water) and diet 5 (1.2 mL Muntingia calabura leaf extract per liter of water) can be attributed to the presence
of phyto-constituents in Muntingia calabura leaf extract as presented in Table 2. According to this study, Muntingia calabura leaf
extract contains phenolic compounds, terpenoids, avonoids, alkaloids, saponins and tannins at dierent concentrations, these
Citation: Alagbe Olujimi John (2024) Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Immune Response and Meat Quality of Broiler Chickens Fed Muntingia Calabura
Leaf Extract. Journal of Drugs Addiction & erapeutics. SRC/JDAT-172. DOI:
J Drug Addi er, 2024 Volume 5(4): 6-8
compounds have been reported to possess numerous medicinal
or herbal properties [17]. This result conrms the earlier study of
who reveals that Muntingia calabura leaves contains avonoids,
alkaloids, tannins and phenols which have antimicrobial, anti-
inammatory, antioxidant, antifungal, antiviral, cytotoxic, anti-
helminthic, analgesics, anti-diuretic, amongst others [18-21]. A
synergistic combination of these phyto-constituents especially
when administered at 0.9 mL (diet 4) and 1.2 mL (diet 5) per liter
of water was capable of stimulating the secretion of digestive
enzymes and saliva to improve the overall nutrient digestibility in
birds [14,22]. The antimicrobial properties in Muntingia calabura
leaves also explains the reason why mortality was not recorded
among birds fed the diet 3, 4 and 5. The presence of phenols,
which is the most abundant phyto-constituents in this study could
strengthen the gut epithelial barrier, thereby making it less prone
to pathogenic organisms [23]. Best feed conversion ratio was
recorded among birds fed diet 3 and 4 relative to the other groups.
The result recorded in this experiment is in consonance with the
reports of when plant extracts derived from thyme was fed to
broilers at 2 mL/litre of water [12]. recorded similar results when
phytogenics were fed to broiler chicken. Conversely, recorded
a non-signicant dierence in the feed intake of broilers fed
Ocimum gratissimum leaf powder, this discrepancy could be
attributed to the levels supplemented in the diet as well as the
nature of bioactive compound in the test ingredient [24-26].
The highest dressing percentage were found in birds fed 0.9 mL
and 1.2 mL Muntingia calabura leaf extract per liter of water
in diet 4 and 5, intermediate in 0.3 mL and 0.6 mL Muntingia
calabura leaf extract per liter of water and lowest in diet 1 (without
Muntingia calabura leaf extract) [25]. The current results are
in agreement with the previous nding of who reported that
dressing percentage increased when broilers were fed 2.5 g/kg
Ocimum gratissmum leaf powder as compared to the control [25].
Similarly, reported that dressing percentages were signicantly
increased when 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5% turmeric powder was included
in the diets of broiler chickens. In disagreement with this current
experiment, supplemented Nigella sativa seeds and fresh garlic at
1.5g/kg and it revealed no signicant changes in carcass weight
and dressing percentage. Weights of head, wing, liver and heart
were not signicantly (P>0.05) inuenced by the treatment except
for those of legs, breast, thigh, back and drumstick (P>0.05),
this result removes the possibility of toxicity from Muntingia
calabura leaf extract since organs were not enlarged [27,28]. The
increase in thigh, breast, gizzard and breast could be due to the
presence of the phyto-constituents in the test ingredient [29].
Gizzard mechanically grinds food and acts as a microbial barrier
due to its low pH and an increase suggests an improvement in
digestive or metabolic capacity of birds [30].
Meat quality can be inuenced by many factors such as
management, genetics, environment and nutrition [31,32]. Total
saturated fatty acid and total unsaturated fatty acid took the form
of 29.80 – 22.90 % and 41.83 – 73.74 % accordingly was within
the range reported by when natural antioxidant was supplemented
in the diet of broiler chicken. Similar outcome was observed
by when quercertin was supplemented in the diet of broilers
[33-35]. Unsaturated fatty acid (monosaturated fatty acid and
polyunsaturated fatty acid) decreases the risk of heart disease by
reducing the amount of low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol)
[LDL] and increasing high density lipoprotein [HDL]. Conversely,
saturated fatty acid increases both LDL and HDL [15]. Result
obtained revealed that birds fed Muntingia calabura leaf extract had
higher concentrations of unsaturated fatty acid and low saturated
fatty acid relative to the control suggesting that the test ingredient
has a tendency to lower cholesterol (hypolipidemic) in meat thus
promoting food safety and increasing consumer’s acceptability
[20]. This is made possible by the presence of phytochemicals
such as avonoids and phenols in Muntingia calabura leaf extract.
According to avonoids and phenols are capable of reducing the
risk of hyperlipidemia in the serum and meat of animals.
Results on the eect of Muntingia calabura leaf extract on
the Immunoglobulins of broilers showed that it inuenced
the activities of immunoglobin A (IgA), IgG and IgM in birds
compared to those given control diet. The results suggest that
Muntingia calabura leaf extract possess immune-modulatory
properties thus reducing the exposure of birds to pathogenic attack.
According to leaves of Muntingia calabura contains bioactive
compounds like; 20,40- dihydroxy chalcone (isoliquiritigenin
(cabreuvin), (2S)-50-hydroxy-7,8,30,40-tetramethoxyavan
20,40-dihydroxydihydrochal-cone and 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic
acid which are strong antioxidants capable of producing antibodies
in the system of birds [19]. Immunoglobulin G has been reported
to facilitate the process of phargocytosis and provides immunity to
the system of animals while IgA and IgM are capable of protecting
the mucosal membrane and blood stream to limit inammation in
the body [36]. Result obtained in this study is in agreement with
the reports of who observed an increase in the immunoglobulins
of broilers fed herb mixture consisting of Zingiber ocinale,
Platycordi radix and Phlomis umbrosa [37].
In conclusion, Muntingia calabura leaf extract have benecial
eects on birds because they possess phyto-constituents that has
antimicrobial, anti-inammatory, sensorial stimulation, avoring,
immuno-stimulatory properties amongst others. Supplementing
Muntingia calabura leaf extract at 0.9 mL and 1.2 mL per litre of
water reveals that it can optimize the performance of birds without
compromising the meat quality as well as the health status of
animals. This research will further help to reduce the increasing
rate of multidrug resistance and promote food safety [38-48].
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Copyright: ©2024 Alagbe Olujimi John. This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original author and source are credited.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
At Sumitra Research Institute in Gujarat, India, research was carried out to ascertain the impact of Cordyline fruticosa on the growth performance, egg quality, production, and some heamatological indices of laying hens. 500 – 35 weeks Lohmann brown birds with an initial weight of 1717 grams were randomly distributed into five treatments with five replicates (20 hens per replicate). The basal diet was formulated according to the requirements of the birds. Hens in treatment 1 (control group) were fed basal diet only. The other experimental groups were fed the same diet with the addition of C. fruticosa meal at 10, 20, 30, and 40 g respectively in treatments 2, 3, 4, and 5. Birds were given free access to feed and clean water and a completely randomized design was adopted throughout the 90-day experimental period. Results showed that average weight gains and average daily feed intake followed a similar trend, birds fed C. fruticosa meal had higher body weight compared to the control in this order treatment 5 (T5) (1270.0 g), 4 (1263.0 g), 3 (1233.6 g), 2 (1230.0 g) and 1 (983.1 g) (p < 0.05) respectively. The treatment influenced the average daily feed intake, feed conversion, and mortality rate (p < 0.05). Hen day egg production and hen house egg production were higher in T5 (72.98%, 65.90%), T4 (72.72%, 69.85%), T3 (72.88%, 69.83%), intermediate in T2 (60.09%, 51.00%) and lower in T1 (51.19%, 41.85%). Eggshell strength, eggshell thickness, egg weight, albumen weight, yolk weight, yolk index, and haugh unit were significantly (p < 0.05) different among the treatments. Pack cell volume, haemoglobin, red blood cell, white blood cell, heterophil, and lymphocyte count were influenced by the treatment. However, values fall within the established range for healthy laying hen. It was concluded that Cordyline fruticosa meal can be fed to laying hens up to 40 g kg-1 diet without having any negative effect on their performance and health status.
Full-text available
The purpose of this study was to investigate the antioxidant and phytochemical properties of Kigelia africana fruit powder. Fresh K. africana fruit was air-dried and processed into powder. K. africana fruit powder contained saponins (35.86 mg/100 g-1), tannins (106.1 mg/100 g-1), phenols (1340.6 mg/100 g-1), flavonoids (985.11 mg/100 g-1), steroids (81.20 mg/100 g-1), glycosides (18.32 mg/100 g-1), triterpenes (90.65 mg/100 g-1), and alkaloids (51.22 mg/100 g-1). The study found that phenolic chemicals were the most concentrated, followed by flavonoids, tannins, triterpenes, steroids, alkaloids, saponins, and glycosides. The antioxidant activities of Kigella africana fruit meal revealed that it contains lipid peroxidation (71.80%), 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) (56.02%), vitamin C (6.22%), 2,2’-Azino-bis(3-Ethylbenzothiazoline-6-Sulfonic acid) (ABTS) (26.11%), and hydroxyl radical inhibition (45.92%). Therapeutically, the phytochemicals revealed that K. africana fruit has antihelminthic, antidiarrheal, antimicrobial, antifungal, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, hypoglycemic, antioxidant, hypocholesterolemic, hepatoprotective, hepatostimulatory, analgesic, and anticarcinogenic properties. The presence of lipid peroxidation, vitamin C, DPPH, and ABTS in Kigelia africana fruit indicates that it can be employed as an antioxidant supplement in animal diets.
Full-text available
This experiment was carried out at Sumitra Research Institute, Gujarat, India to evaluate the effect of coconut shell extract on the growth performance and some haemato-biochemical parameters of broiler chicken. 240-1 day old Hubbard broiler chicks of mixed sex were randomly distributed to six treatments with six replicates containing ten birds each in a completely randomized design. Birds in treatment 1(T1) was fed standard diet with no coconut shell extract; T2: standard diet with 1.0 mL coconut shell extract per liter of water; T3: standard diet with 2.0 mL coconut shell extract per liter of water and T4: standard diet with 3.0 mL coconut shell extract per liter of water. Standard diet was formulated according to the nutritional needs of broilers. The study lasted for fifty-six day and birds were offered fresh clean water and feed ad libitum. Phenols (410.3 mg/g-1), tannins (98.21 mg/g-1), alkaloids (100.6 mg/g-1), flavonoids (309.5 mg/g-1), saponins (71.4 mg/g-1) and steroids (28.7 mg/g-1) were identified coconut shell extract. Overall weight gains of birds fed T3 (2506.3 g) and T4 (2527.6 g) had a numerical and a remarkable significant improvement if feed conversion ratio from 1.92 to 1.59 compared to T2 (2210.0 g) and T1 (1996.1 g). Mortality was only recorded among birds in T1 (2.00 %) (p < 0.05). Pack cell volume, red blood cell, white blood cell, haemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentrations were influenced (p < 0.05) by the treatments. However, values were within the normal range for healthy birds. Total protein, albumin and globulin values were higher in T2, T3 and T4 except for alanine phosphatase, aspartate transaminase and alanine transaminase values which were not significantly (p > 0.05) different among the treatment. Total cholesterol was higher (p < 0.05) in T1 relative to the other treatments. It was concluded that coconut shell extract can be fed to broilers up to 3.0 mL without causing any negative effect on the health status of animals.
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This experiment was carried out to examine the effect on performance, serum biochemistry and haematological components of feeding quails phytogenic feed additions comprising Megaphrynium macrostachyum leaves. A total of 400-1 day old "japanese quails" were randomly distributed into five treatments and each treatment had four replicates (20 birds per replicate) in a completely randomized design. Basal diets were adequate in all nutrients and quails in treatment 1 was fed basal diet with no antibiotics, treatment 2 was fed basal diet supplemented with neomycin at 0.2 g/kg-1 while treatment 3, 4 and 5 were fed basal diet supplemented with M. macrostachyum leaf meal (MML) at 2 g, 4 g and 6 g/kg-1 respectively. The experiment lasted for 42 days, feed and fresh clean water were offered ad libitum. Experimental result showed that MML contained several phyto-constituents viz: tannins (318.62 mg/g-1), terpenoids (620.11 mg/g-1), flavonoids (1205.3 mg/g-1), steroids (51.79 mg/g-1), glycosides (42.55 mg/g 1-), alkaloids (200.8 mg/g-1) and phenols (1402.4 mg/g-1). Average daily weight gain was higher (P < 0.05) in treatment 4 (3.00 g/bird-1) and 5 (3.02 g/bird-1) relative to the other treatments. Similarly, average daily feed intake and feed conversion ratio were higher (P < 0.05) in treatment 4 and 5, intermediate in treatment 2 and lowest in treatment 1 and 2. Mortality was recorded only among birds in treatment 1 (2.56%) and 2 (1.16%) (P < 0.05). Red blood cell, white blood cell, haemoglobin, pack cell volume, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration, lymphocytes and heterophil values were influenced (P < 0.05) by the treatments except for monocyte count (P > 0.05). Total protein, Creatinine, alanine phosphatase, aspartate transaminase and alanine transaminase were not significantly (P > 0.05) influenced by the diet. However, all values were within the established ranges for healthy quails. In conclusion, MML can be supplemented up to 6 g/kg-1 in the diet of quails without causing any deleterious effect on the health status and performance of birds.
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This research was carried out to investigate the impact of dietary supplementation of Rhamnus prinoides leaf extract (RPL) on the growth performance, nutrient retention and intestinal microbial count of “japanese quails”. 300-2 weeks old “japanese quails” were allocated sixty birds per group and group treatment had four replicates (15 quails per replicate). Corn-soya meal (basal diet) was formulated according to the nutritional needs of birds (NRC, 1994). Quails in group 1(G1) was fed basal diet with no R. prinoides leaf extract, G2, G3, G4 and G5 were fed basal diet with 0.2 mL, 0.4 mL, 0.6 mL and 0.8 mL respectively. Result on the bioactive components in RPL revealed the presence of 15 bioactive compounds with pharmacological properties. Outcome on average daily weight gain showed that G3 (3.20 g), G4 (3.23 g) and G5 (3.24 g) were higher (P < 0.05) relative to G2 (3.06 g) and G1 (2.21 g). These groups also had a better feed conversion ratio (G3, G4 and G5). Average daily feed intake which varied from 703.81-708.33 g were not significantly (P > 0.05) different among the group. Mortality was recorded only among quails in group 1 (2.0%) (P < 0.05). Dry matter, crude protein, ether extract and nitrogen free extracts which varied from 70.12-86.57%, 58.70-68.91% and 50.62-66.05% were higher (P < 0.05) in G3, G4 and G5, intermediate in G2 and lowest in G1. Conversely, crude fibre values were higher in G1 relative to the other groups. Population of Escherichia coli, Salmonella sp. and Staphylococcus sp. count in the gut were lower in G2, G3, G4 and G5 relative to G1 while Lactobacillus sp. count were lowest in G1 (P < 0.05). It was concluded that RPL can be feed to quails up to 0.8 mL/L without causing any negative effect on the growth performance and health status of birds.
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This experiment was carried out to examine the growth performance and some heamato-biochemical indices of broiler chicken fed Aristolochia indica (ALM) as a phytogenic feed additive. A total of 500-1-day old (Vencobb 450) with initial body weight of 48.0 ± 0.02 g were randomly divided to 5 groups with 5 replicates for each group. Basal diet (a corn-soya meal based diet) was sufficient in all nutrients (NRC, 1994). Birds in group 1 was fed basal diet without A. indica leaf meal, those in group 2, 3, 4 and 5 were fed basal diet with supplemented with A. indica leaf meal at 100 g, 200 g, 300 g and 400 g per 100 kg-1 respectively. Fresh clean water and feed were offered ad libitum. Results on phyto-constituents of Aristolochia indica leaf meal showed that it contained flavonoids (996.05 mg/100 g-1), tannins (609.7 mg/100 g-1), phenols (1341.8 mg/100 g-1), steroids (206.17 mg/100 g-1), alkaloids (151.8 mg/100g) and saponins (91.21 mg/100g). Average daily weight gain, average daily feed intake and feed conversion ratio were higher in group 4 and 5, intermediate in group 3 and lower in group 1 and 2 (P < 0.05). Mortality of 2.20 % was recorded in group 1 while none was recorded in the other treatment (P < 0.05). Pack cell volume, red blood cell, haemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration, white blood cell, lymphocytes and monocyte values were significantly (P < 0.05) different among the groups except for basophil values (P > 0.05). Total protein, albumin/globulin ratio, urea, creatinine, glucose and cholesterol were influenced (P < 0.05) by the treatment except for alkaline phosphatase, alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase values (P > 0.05). In conclusion, ALM can be fed up to 400 g in the diet of broilers without compromising their performance and health status.
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Proximate analysis of dried Pterocarpus erinaceus leaves (DPE), stem bark (DSB) and root (DSR) contained moisture (9.11%, 7.61%, 7.02%), crude protein (7.60%, 5.11%, 4.33%), crude fibre (12.2%, 25.6%, 18.5%), ether extracts (0.58%, 0.42%, 0.30%), ash (12.6%, 10.5%, 10.2%) and carbohydrates (45.4%, 38.0%, 37.2%) respectively. Mineral composition of DPE revealed the presence of calcium (108.6 mg/100 g), phosphorus (60.38 mg/100 g), potassium (39.7 mg/100 g), magnesium (12.51 mg/100 g), zinc (10.44 mg/100 g), manganese (8.55 mg/100 g), cobalt (1.16 mg/100 g), copper (4.58 mg/100 g), sodium (25.2 mg/100 g) and iron (16.13 mg/100 g) while those of DSB and DSR contained calcium (90.60, 91.55 mg/100 g), phosphorus (40.11, 43.80 mg/100 g), potassium (30.2, 30.0 mg/100 g), magnesium (9.93, 8.90 mg/100 g), zinc (7.55, 7.00 mg/100 g), manganese (5.20, 4.88 mg/100 g), cobalt (1.11, 1.00 mg/100 g), copper (2.40, 2.21 mg/100 g), iron (19.6, 18.4 mg/100 g) and iron (11.0, 10.67 mg/100 g). The phytochemical analysis of DPE, DSB, and DSR revealed that it contains high levels of flavonoids (11.20, 7.51, 7.20 mg/g), tannins (8.81, 4.91, 4.10 mg/g), steroids (1.61, 1.14, 1.02 mg/g), glycosides (4.42, 1.20, 6.19 mg/g), phenols (41.5, 30.4, 31.2 mg/g), saponins (28.6, 15.1, 14.0 mg/g), alkaloids (19.6, 15.8, 25.3 mg/g), flavonoids (11.20, 7.51, 7.20 mg/g), tannins (8.81, 4.91, 4.10 mg/g), and terpenoids (1.40, 0.65, 0.55 mg/g), respectively. According to the findings, DPE, DSB, and DSR are rich in minerals and phytochemicals, and they can be utilized as a natural substitute for antibiotics in animal production.
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This experiment was carried out at Sumitra Research Institute, Gujarat, India to investigate the effect of supplementing Clerodendron splendens leaf extract on the growth performance, intestinal microbial population and some heamatological parameters. A total of fifty cross breed male rabbits (New Zealand white × Chinchilla) with initial body weight of 502 ± 0.80 g and weaned at five weeks of age was used for the experiment. On arrival, animals were quarantined for 14 days, stratified based on their body weight and randomly distributed into five groups consisting of 10 rabbits each in a completely randomized design. Experimental diet (basal) which was adequate in all nutrients; rabbits in group 1(G1) was fed basal diet only while G2, G3, G4 and G5 were fed basal diet with Clerodendron splendens leaf extract at 0.2 mL, 0.4 mL, 0.6 mL and 0.8 mL/day respectively. Average daily weight gain and average daily feed intake of rabbits fed 0 mL (control; group 1), 0.2 mL (group 2) were similar to those given 0.4 mL (group 3) and 0.6 mL (group 4) (P > 0.05) but significantly lower than those in group 5 (0.8 mL). Average daily feed intake also increased in rabbits fed 0.8 mL (91.11 g) in group 5 followed by 0.6 mL (89.26 g), 0.4 mL (89.26 g), 0.2 mL (89.17 g) and 0 mL (89.12 g) in group 4, 3, 2 and 1 respectively. Higher mortality of 2 % was recorded in group 1 while none was recorded in the other treatment (P < 0.05). Escherichia coli and Lactobacillus sp., count were significantly (P < 0.05) different among the group. Pack cell volume, haemoglobin, red blood cell, white blood cell, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, lymphocytes and neutrophil count were not significantly (P > 0.05) influenced by the treatment. However, values were within the established range for healthy rabbits. It was concluded that supplementation of Clerodendron splendens leaf extract up to 0.8 mL/day had no negative effect on the performance and health status of rabbits.
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Phytochemicals come from plants and are generally recognized as safe which make them good candidates to be used as feed additives in livestock production. These compounds are non-toxic, effective, environmentally friendly and it performs several biological activities viz: antimicrobial, antifungal, antioxidant, immune-stimulatory, hepato-protective, antiviral amongst others. This study was carried out to examine the proximate, vitamin and bioactive profiling of Kigelia africana fruit powder. Results on proximate of the sample revealed the presence of moisture 10.33%, dry matter 89.67%, crude protein 7.98%, crude fibre 2.71%, ether extract 2.10%, ash 5.49% and carbohydrate 72.06%. Vitamin composition of Kigelia africana fruit powder showed that it contained vitamin A 4.24 iu/100 g, vitamin B1 82.9 mg100 g, vitamin B2 25.1 µg/100 g, vitamin B3 49.6 µg/100 g, vitamin B6 143.1 µg/100 g, vitamin B9 6.70 µg/100 g, vitamin B12 3.90 µg/100 g, vitamin C 5.86 µg/100 g, vitamin D 124.4 iu/100 g, vitamin E 44.2 mg/100 g and vitamin K 39.2 iu/100 g. Bioactive profiling by GC/MS revealed the presence of 19 compounds. These compounds have different therapeutic properties with 2-Dimethylsilyloxytetradecane 27.42% as a major compound followed by 3,7-dimethyl- Pentaerythritol 22.08%, 9-Octadecenoic acid 14.84%, Cyclopropaneoctanal 12.60%, Allyl fluoride 4.50%, 2-hydroxy- Propanenitrile 3.80%, 9-Octadecenoic acid 3.60%, 2-octyl- 6-Octadecenoic acid 2.48%, 2- Chloropropionic acid 2.42%, 1-Tricosene 2.19%, 13-Octadecenal 1.28%, Dimethyl Urethane 1.19%, 2,2-dimethyl-Cyclohexanol 0.57%, 1-Butanol, 3-methyl-, acetate 0.40%, Hexanoic acid 0.30%, 2-Chloroethyl 1-propynyl sulfoxide 0.12%, 10-Azido-1-decanethiol Cyclopentaneundecanoic acid 0.10%, Isopropylcyclobutane 0.10% and Cyclopentaneundecanoic acid 0.01%. It was concluded that Kigelia africana fruit powder is loaded with several nutrient and could be used as a natural alternative to antibiotics in animal production.
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This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of Trichilia monadelpha stem bark extract on the fatty acid composition of rabbit’s thigh meat. A total of 40, 6-7 weeks New Zealand white × Chinchilla crossbred rabbits with an average weight of 490 ± 4.40 were randomly divided to 4 groups with 5 replications consisting of 2 animals each in a completely randomized design. Rabbits in treatment 1 (T1) was fed basal diet with no Trichilia monadelpha stem bark extract (TMSB), T2, T3 and T4 were fed basal diet with 3mL, 6mL and 9mL TMSB per rabbit/day. Phytochemical analysis of TMSB revealed the presence of tannins (10.95 mg/g), alkaloids (9.22 mg/g), saponins (4.75 mg/g), oxalates (3.10 mg/g), flavonoids (15.88 mg/g), phenols (18.46 mg/g), terpenoids (8.62 mg/g), glycosides (7.11 mg/g) and 2-diphenyl 1-piccrlhydrazyhydrate (430.8 mg/g). Concentrations of vitamins identified in the extract are; vitamin A (2.190 mg/100g), vitamin B1 (0.567 mg/100g), vitamin B2 (0.301 mg/100g), vitamin B3 (0.227 mg/100g), vitamin B9 (0.080 mg/100g), vitamin B12 (0.209 mg/100g) and vitamin C (5.680 mg/100g). Composition of saturated fatty acid (TSFA) decrease with a significant increase in monosaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) (P˂0.05) across the treatments. It was found that TMSB significantly (P˂0.05) influenced the concentration of total unsaturated fatty acid (TSFA). Therefore, it can be concluded that TMSB is capable of modulating the fatty acid and improving the quality of meat from rabbit without causing any deleterious effect on the performance of the animal.