Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is an important task to reduce the adverse effects of climate change. A large portion of greenhouse gas emissions apparently originates from the transportation sector. Therefore, adopting cleaner technologies with lower emission footprints has become vital. For this reason, in this study, a life cycle impact analysis of hydrogen production technologies as an alternative to fossil fuels and the utilization of hydrogen in fuel cell electric buses is carried out. According to the results of this study, the operational contributions of internal combustion engines have a significant impact on life cycle impact analysis indicators. The global warming potentials of clean hydrogen production technologies result in much lower results compared to conventional hydrogen production technologies. Also, almost all indicators for biohydrogen production technologiess yield lower results because of the wastewater removal. The global warming potential results of hydrogen production methods are found to be 6.8, 1.9, 2.1, 0.5, 0.2, and 7.9 kg CO2 eq./kg H2 for PV electrolysis, wind electrolysis, high temperature electrolysis, dark fermentation, photo fermentation and conventional hydrogen production, respectively. However, the chemicals used in PV and wind turbine production increased the ecotoxicological indicators. On the other hand, hydrogen utilization in buses is a better option environmentally. The global warming potentials for PV electrolysis, wind electrolysis, high temperature electrolysis, dark fermentation, photo fermentation, conventional hydrogen, compressed natural gas bus, and diesel bus are found to be 0.060, 0.016, 0.018, 0.007, 0.006, 0.053, 0.082, and 0.125 kg CO2 eq./, respectively. The results are especially important in terms of reducing the effects at the source and optimizing the systems.