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The Impact of Parental
Involvement, Parental Support
and Family Education on Pupil
Achievements and Adjustment:
A Literature Review
Professor Charles Desforges
Alberto Abouchaar
Research Report RR433
Research Report
No 433
Professor Charles Desforges
Alberto Abouchaar
The views expressed in this report are the authors' and do not necessarily reflect those of the Department for Education and Skills.
© Queen’s Printer 2003
ISBN 1 84185 999 0
June 2003
This report was compiled in a very short time thanks to the invaluable help
given generously by a number of workers in the field. Outstanding amongst
these were Mike Gasper, John Bastiani, Jane Barlow, Sheila Wolfendale and
Mary Crowley. I am most grateful for their collegial participation.
Most important of all to a review are those who work in the engine room. The
search, identification, collection and collation of material and the production
aspects of the report are critical. Special thanks are due here to Anne Dinan in
the University of Exeter Library, Finally, this work would not have been
possible without the limitless support of Zoë Longridge-Berry whom I cannot
thank enough.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Researching parental involvement:
some conceptual and methodological
Chapter 3 The impact of parental involvement
on achievement and adjustment
Chapter 4 How does parental involvement work? 24
Chapter 5 Ethnicity, parental involvement and
pupil achievement
Chapter 6 Differences between parents in levels
of involvement
Chapter 7 Enhancing parental involvement in
practice: focus on parent/school links
Chapter 8 Adult and community education and
parent training programmes
Chapter 9 Conclusions 78
References 86
Appendix A The review process 98
Appendix B Effect sizes of parental involvement
on school outcomes
Executive Summary
i A review of English language literature was conducted to establish
research findings on the relationship between parental involvement,
parental support and family education on pupil achievement and
adjustment in schools
ii Two distinct bodies of literature were discerned. One focussed on
describing and understanding the nature, extent, determinants and impact
of spontaneously occurring parental involvement on children’s educational
outcomes. The second body of work is concerned with describing and
evaluating attempts to intervene to enhance spontaneous levels of
iii Recent research on spontaneous levels of parental involvement is
generally of a very high quality using advanced statistical techniques to
describe the scope and scale of involvement and to discern its unique
impact on pupil achievement.
iv This research consistently shows that
Parental involvement takes many forms including good parenting in
the home, including the provision of a secure and stable environment,
intellectual stimulation, parent-child discussion, good models of
constructive social and educational values and high aspirations relating
to personal fulfilment and good citizenship; contact with schools to
share information; participation in school events; participation in the
work of the school; and participation in school governance.
The extent and form of parental involvement is strongly influenced by
family social class, maternal level of education, material deprivation,
maternal psycho-social health and single parent status and, to a lesser
degree, by family ethnicity.
The extent of parental involvement diminishes as the child gets older
and is strongly influenced at all ages by the child characteristically
taking a very active mediating role.
Parental involvement is strongly positively influenced by the child’s
level of attainment: the higher the level of attainment, the more
parents get involved.
The most important finding from the point of view of this review is
that parental involvement in the form of ‘at-home good parenting’ has
a significant positive effect on children’s achievement and adjustment
even after all other factors shaping attainment have been taken out of
the equation. In the primary age range the impact caused by different
levels of parental involvement is much bigger than differences
associated with variations in the quality of schools. The scale of the
impact is evident across all social classes and all ethnic groups.
Other forms of parental involvement do not appear to contribute to the
scale of the impact of ‘at-home’ parenting.
Differences between parents in their level of involvement are
associated with social class, poverty, health, and also with parental
perception of their role and their levels of confidence in fulfilling it.
Some parents are put off by feeling put down by schools and teachers.
Research affords a clear model of how parental involvement works.
This model is described in the report. In essence parenting has its
influence indirectly through shaping the child’s self concept as a
learner and through setting high aspirations.
v Research on interventions to promote parental involvement reveals a large
number of approaches ranging from parent training programmes, through
initiatives to enhance home school links and on to programmes of family
and community education.
vi Evaluations of this very extensive activity reveal
There is a perceived increased need and an evident increase in demand
for such support
High levels of creativity and commitment are evident amongst
providers and high levels of appreciation are recorded by clients.
vii Unfortunately the evaluations of interventions are so technically weak that
it is impossible on the basis of publicly available evidence to describe the
scale of the impact on pupils’ achievement. This is not to say the activity
does not work.
viii The research base from intervention studies is too weak to answer some of
the review questions. It is not possible to rate the relative effectiveness of
work in different key stages or to import lessons from abroad where the
evidence base suffers from the same faults.
ix The review concludes by arguing that
We have a good enough knowledge base to understand how
spontaneous parental involvement works in promoting achievement.
Current interventions, whilst promising, have yet to deliver
convincingly the achievement bonus that might be expected.
The achievement of working class pupils could be significantly
enhanced if we systematically apply all that is known about parental
involvement. A programme of parental involvement development
initiatives taking the form of multi dimensional intervention
programmes, targeted on selected post code areas and steered by a
design research process is implicated.
Chapter 1
1 Background
1.1 It is widely recognised that if pupils are to maximise their potential from
schooling they will need the full support of their parents. Attempts to
enhance parental involvement in education occupy governments,
administrators, educators and parents’ organisations across North
America, Australasia, continental Europe, Scandinavia and the UK. It is
anticipated that parents should play a role not only in the promotion of
their own children’s achievements but more broadly in school
improvement and the democratisation of school governance. The
European Commission, for example, holds that the degree of parental
participation is a significant indicator of the quality of schooling.
1.2 In England, the Government’s strategy for securing parental involvement
was first set out in the 1997 White Paper, ‘Excellence in Schools’. The
strategy described there included three elements (a) providing parents with
information, (b) giving parents a voice and (c) encouraging parental
partnerships with schools. This strategy has since been played out through
a wide range of activities including
the enhancement of parent governor roles
involvement in inspection processes
provision of annual reports and prospectuses
the requirement for home-school agreements
the provision of increasing amounts of information about the
curriculum and school performance for example
1.3 Regardless of government policies, some parents have always been
actively involved in enhancing their children’s development and
educational progress. This spontaneous activity has taken a number of
forms including ‘good parenting’ in the home pre-school (which provides
a good foundation of skills, values, attitudes and self concept); visits to
school to gather relevant information and establish good relationships;
discussions with teachers to keep abreast of the child’s progress or to
discuss emergent problems; and assisting more broadly in the practical
activities and governance of the school.
1.4 This spontaneous activity of many parents has been seen as a valuable
contribution to children’s educational progress and attempts to enhance
the involvement of all parents are now widespread. Provision is extensive
and involves large numbers of voluntary bodies, research organisations,
national initiatives, LEA initiatives and vast numbers of one-school
1.5 This work is proceeding in parallel with a significant number of
educational strategies installed since 1997 and brought to bear on the
reform of school organisation, administration, management and finance,
the curriculum, examinations and qualifications and on teaching and
learning. The overwhelming strategy is guided by the standards and
inclusion agenda. The aim is to increase levels of attainment broadly
conceived to include the acquisition of skills, concepts and bodies of
knowledge in the curriculum subjects together with the acquisition of
skills, attitudes and values conducive to self –fulfilment and good
1.6 Whilst standards of attainment in academic subjects have increased
notably there remains a significant gap in the relative levels of attainment
between children in different social classes. The gap is associated with
different levels of parental involvement broadly conceived. This literature
review was commissioned and funded by the Department for Education
and Skills in the light of the above considerations and with particular
regard to informing the development of policy intended to close the social
class gap in achievement.
1.7 The aims of the review are to investigate the impact of:
parental support (e.g. the provision of parenting skills training, advice
and guidance for parents) on pupil achievement/engagement;
family learning (i.e. as a Parent Governor, reading to children,
encouragement and help with homework) on pupil
achievement/engagement; and
parents’ level of education, e.g. the impact of parents with university-
level education on children’s achievement.
The main aim of the proposed project is to produce a comprehensive
literature review of reliable research evidence on the relationship between
parents/parenting and pupil achievement/engagement. The review
attempts to answer the following research questions:
What are the main findings/conclusions of research that has
investigated the relationship between parenting (in terms of parental
support, family learning, parental involvement and parents’ level of
education) and pupil achievement/engagement.
On what issues are the research findings in agreement? On what
issues are the research findings inconsistent? Where are the gaps in the
current research evidence?
What elements of parental support, family learning, parental
involvement and parents’ level of education impact positively on pupil
achievement/engagement? Does the effectiveness of these elements
change according to: (a) pupil age; (b) the gender of pupils; (c)
whether parents participate on a voluntary – rather than required –
basis; (d) socio-economic group; and (e) the way in which schools
interact with parents?
What strategies/interventions have been successfully used (nationally
and internationally – especially in the European Union, Australia, New
Zealand, Canada, and the USA) to enable parental support, family
learning, parental involvement and parents’ level of education to have
a positive impact on pupil achievement/engagement? To what extent
can these strategies/interventions be successfully implemented in
present-day England?
To what extent can those strategies/interventions, which effectively
enable parental support, family learning and parental involvement to
have a positive impact on pupil achievement, be deliberately targeted
to address the achievement gap – particularly towards hard-to-reach
To what extent does the timing of interventions impact positively or
negatively? For example, what is the evidence for/against intervention
from birth? What evidence is there that later interventions (e.g. at
KS1, 2 or 3) have equal/lesser/greater impact?
1.8 The structure of the report
1.8.1 Parental involvement refers to a broad range of activities as indicated
earlier. Understanding the impact of various forms of spontaneous
involvement and of the large range of intervention studies on achievement
and adjustment must proceed in recognition of all the many factors which
impinge on school outcomes. Research in the field necessitates some
definition of what kind of involvement is at issue; some specification of
which school outcomes are expected to be generated; some means of
measuring or evaluating these desired outcomes and some means of
analysis which affords warrantable conclusions about the impact of
involvement on outcomes. These conceptual and methodological issues
are explored in Chapter 2 where some exemplary projects researching
spontaneous involvement are described.
1.8.2 Chapter 3 contains a report of research on spontaneous levels of parental
involvement. This research shows that a form of parental involvement,
specifically ‘at-home’ good parenting, has a major impact on school
outcomes even after all other forces (e.g. the effect of prior attainment or
of social class) have been factored out. Some of the major dimensions of
this impact are described.
1.8.3 Chapter 3 examines research on how spontaneous parental involvement
has its effect on achievement. The effect is shown to be indirect and to
operate, in the main, through the promotion of attitudes, values and
aspirations which are pro-learning.
1.8.4 Chapter 5 reports findings from research on the effect of ethnic differences
on parental involvement. Here it is shown that scale of the effect of
parental involvement on school outcomes is apparent across all ethnic
groups studied. The precise details of values and the way they are
modelled in the home are somewhat different in different cultures but the
general link between parental involvement and achievement is common
across cultures.
1.8.5 In Chapter 6 research is reported which explores the question as to why
different parents evince different levels of parental involvement. The
effects of poverty, psycho-social illness, social class, parental attitudes and
values, and of the dynamic influence of children are described as are the
effects of schools’ approaches to parents. This chapter concludes with a
description of a research based model of spontaneous parental
involvement which fits the findings of all the research reported this far.
1.8.6 Chapters 7 and 8 contain reviews of research and evaluations of a wide
range of interventions intended to enhance parental involvement. These
cover interventions taking the form of home/school links, of adult,
community and family education and of parent training programmes.
Research on interventions is drastically less well designed than research
on parents’ spontaneous behaviour. Considerable caution is exercised in
identifying lessons to be learned here.
1.8.7 Chapter 9 draws together the conclusions to be drawn from the review and
considers their implications for policies intended to close the social class
gap in educational achievement.
1.8.8 The processes by which the review was conducted are described in
appendix A.
1.8.9 To meet the needs of an anticipated lay readership of the report, statistical
content has been kept to a minimum in the main body of the text.
Appendix B reports, in table form, the scale of the impact of parental
involvement as revealed by the studies described non-technically in
chapters 2 and 3.
1.9 It should be emphasised that whilst this report was commissioned and
funded by the Department for Education and Skills, the conclusions and
implications drawn from the research are the sole responsibility of the
Chapter 2
Researching parental involvement:
some conceptual and methodological issues
2.1 In this chapter, some of the complexities of researching the impact of
parental involvement are introduced and examined. Parental involvement
is a catch-all term for many different activities including ‘at home’ good
parenting, helping with homework, talking to teachers, attending school
functions, through to taking part in school governance. It is relatively
easy to describe what parents do in the name of involvement. It is much
more difficult to establish whether this activity makes a difference to
school outcomes particularly since school outcomes are influenced by so
many factors. Some of the problems of measurement and analysis are
examined and illustrated by reference to state-of-the-art studies in the
field. Conclusions from these studies indicate that parental involvement in
children’s education has a powerful impact on their attainment and
2.2 Pupils’ achievement and adjustment are influenced by many people,
processes and institutions. Parents, the broader family, peer groups,
neighbourhood influences, schools and other bodies (e.g. churches, clubs)
are all implicated in shaping children’s progress towards their self
fulfilment and citizenship. The children themselves, of course, with their
unique abilities, temperaments and propensities play a central role in
forming and reforming their behaviour, aspirations and achievements.
2.3 In the face of this complexity, attempts to ascertain the impact of any
singular force in shaping achievement must proceed with some conception
of how the many forces and actors might interact with each other. Fig 1 is
an attempt to show some of the processes implicated. It should be
emphasised that ‘child outcomes’ is broadly conceived. It includes
attainment as accredited in public examinations and National tests. It also
refers to a wide range of attitudes, values and knowledge which, taken
together, help sustain a commitment to lifelong learning and good
Child outcomes
child’s characteristics
peer choices (abilities/temperament)
peer groups school heredity, parental
effects involvement (domestic),
neighbourhood effects
school family and
quality parental characteristics
family support
Fig 1. Some forces shaping educational outcomes (achievement and
adjustment) Adapted from Nechyba et al (1999)
2.4 The diagram is necessarily simplified. For the sake of clarity, some
agencies have been omitted (e.g. clubs and associations) and there are no
doubt multiple interactions between the elements which are not shown in
the diagram. It might be anticipated, for example, that the quality of a
school will influence the type of peer group experience a pupil might
meet. At the same time, the individual pupil will influence the peer group
as well as the peer group influencing the individual.
2.5 Whilst Figure 1 shows key players and potential processes in shaping
pupil achievement, it leaves unpacked many of the details. What is
at school
referred to, for example, by the term ‘family and parental characteristics’?
Family, size, structure, income and employment pattern have all been
implicated as bearing on educational achievement and personal
adjustment. The attempt to identify the impact of parental involvement
and family education on educational outcomes must proceed with the clear
recognition that these processes will be influenced by a wide range of
other factors and at the same time will work through a range of
intervening processes.
2.6 Early research in the field showed a variety of inconsistent and conflicting
findings. Some studies found that parental involvement had no effect
whatsoever on pupil achievement or adjustment, others found striking,
positive effects whilst yet other studies found a negative relationship.
Parental involvement, it seemed, diminished pupil achievement under
some circumstances. These inconsistencies are relatively easy to explain.
First, different researchers used different definitions of parent
involvement. Some took it to be ‘good parenting’ which went on in the
home. Others took it to be ‘talking to teachers’ whilst yet others defined
parental involvement as a thoroughgoing participation in school functions
and school governance. At the same time, different researchers used
different measures of parental involvement even for a given definition.
For example, parental involvement in the home has been measured using
teachers’ judgements, parents’ judgements, pupil judgements or
researchers’ observations. A similar range of metrics has been used for
pupils’ achievements and adjustment running from subjective self ratings
through to the use of public examinations and on to the completion of
psychometric tests. Measuring different ‘things’ under the same name and
measuring the same ‘thing’ with different metrics was bound to lead to
apparent inconsistencies.
2.7 In further explaining the inconsistencies of early studies, there has been an
evident naivety in interpreting correlation coefficients. It is frequently
found, for example, that the rate at which parents talk to teachers about
their child’s behaviour and progress is negatively correlated with both
these ‘outputs’. Research showed that the more parents talked to teachers,
the less well their children seemed to be progressing. It was concluded on
this basis that parental involvement was a detriment to pupil progress. But
which is cause and which effect? Common sense says that parents talk
more to teachers when a problem emerges. The talk is a response to
rather than a cause of the problem. Yet this is not the whole story. Most
parents talk to teachers to some degree about their child’s progress and
this, quite properly is an index of parental involvement. It reminds us that
the relationship between parental involvement and achievement is
probably not linear (doubling parental involvement will not double
achievement), and that it is proactive as well as reactive. Parents take the
level of interest and involvement appropriate to the scene as they see it.
Some aspects of involvement are played out in the home long before the
child starts school whilst others are in response to problems or
opportunities generated in the school.
2.8 Early studies often showed strong positive links between parental
involvement in school and pupil progress. It was concluded that in-school
involvement helped cause this progress. Yet such parental involvement is
itself strongly related to socio-economic status which in turn is even more
strongly linked with pupil progress. The design of most early studies did
not allow these complex relations amongst variables to be unpicked to
identify their unique effects. Without this control, conclusions about the
effect of parental involvement on pupil achievement and adjustment were
2.9 Understanding how any one part of a complex interacting system impacts
on the desired outcomes is clearly very challenging. The ideal scientific
approach to such questions would be to conduct a programme of carefully
designed experiments in which all factors except the variable in question
are controlled in order to observe the impact on the system. In complex
human systems this is impossible, and indeed, may be unethical. The
modern alternative to the experiment is to use statistical techniques on
large data sets which allow the researcher to exercise a degree of statistical
control over many variables in order to test theories about how the system
works. The scientifically most sound studies of parental involvement
adopt just such an approach. Recent studies in this vein have provided a
consistent picture of how parental involvement influences pupil
achievement and adjustment and the degree to which this influence
2.10 The following sections set out an analysis of two major studies in the field
to illustrate the data sets and forms of scientific procedure commonly used
in quantitative research in the field aiming to identify the unique impact of
parental involvement on pupil achievement and adjustment
2.11 Sacker et al (2002) set out to examine how inequalities in educational
achievement and adjustment come about. It has been well known for
decades that pupils’ educational achievement is related to parents’ social
class yet the mechanisms that form this relationship are not well
understood. How does social class influence school achievement? Sacker
and her colleagues set out to test the model shown in Fig 2.
educational psychological
achievement adjustment
parental material parental school
involvement deprivation aspirations composition
family social
Fig 2. Sacker et al (2002) model of the relationship between family
social class, and pupil achievement and adjustment
2.11.1 The present interest in this model is the presumed role for parental
involvement. Involvement is assumed to be a working link between social
class and pupil achievement and adjustment. In this process, involvement
is assumed to be influenced by material deprivation and parental
aspiration. The poorer are people’s circumstances the more difficult it is
assumed to be to support a child’s educational development. The latter,
parental aspiration, is in turn influenced by the child’s evident
achievement. The more the child achieves, the greater is the parental
expectation. The arrows in the diagram indicate presumed directions of
influence, showing the anticipated direction of causes to effects. It is
assumed here that social class has its influence through the four
intervening variables (parental involvement, material deprivation, parental
aspiration and school composition). Additionally, it is assumed that social
class influences achievement and adjustment in ways not specified in the
model, hence the direct arrows from class to achievement and adjustment.
2.11.2 Data from the National Child Development Study were used to test the
model. This study followed 98% of all births in England, Scotland and
Wales in week 3 – 9 March 1958. Some 17,400 individuals have been
followed up at ages 7, 11, 16, 23 and 33 years. The cohort has been
supplemented by immigrants to the UK born in the same week. Sacker et
al used the data from this cohort study when members were 7, 11 and 16
years old (data being collected in 1965, 1969 and 1974 respectively).
2.11.3 Testing the model necessitates that each variable is quantified or measured
in some way. The social class of each parent was assessed using the
Registrar General’s index of occupations. School composition was
assessed as a mixture of (a) the percentage of the school judged above
average educational standard, (b) the percentage of children from non-
manual homes. Material deprivation was indexed by (a) the degree of
overcrowding, (b) the use of facilities (bathroom, indoor toilet, hot water
supply), (c) housing tenure (owner occupier or tenant), (d) type of
accommodation (e.g. house, flat, rooms), (e) claiming benefits. Parental
involvement was indexed by head teachers’ assessments of (a) apparent
parental interest in the child scored on a four-point scale, (b) parental
initiative in talking with teacher, (c) time spent with child in reading and
on outings, picnics and visits. Parental aspiration was rated on the basis of
the parental desire for the child to stay on at school (when the child was 7
or 11) and hopes for further education/first job when the child was 16.
Achievement was assessed using standardised tests of reading and
mathematics and personal adjustment was measured using the British
Social Adjustment Guide.
2.11.4 The data were analysed using techniques which allow the researcher to
identify the relationships between the variables in the model and to
ascertain how much each contributes in explaining the link between the
‘inputs’ (in this case, social class) and ‘outputs’ (in this case pupil
achievement and adjustment). Characteristically, family social class was
significantly related to pupil achievement and adjustment at all ages.
Children from higher social classes had higher levels of attainment and
better scores on scales of personal adjustment than children from lower
social classes. Throughout there was a strong relationship between
achievement and adjustment. Higher attainers were better adjusted than
lower attainers. The processes through which social class worked
however, changed according to the age of the child. At age 7 pupil
achievement and adjustment was mainly influenced positively by parental
involvement and negatively by material deprivation. By far the strongest
positive influence was parental involvement. This factor was far stronger
than the effect of social class or school composition.
2.11.5 At 16 years of age parental involvement continued to have a significant
effect but school composition had become a more powerful determinant of
achievement and adjustment.
2.11.6 Material deprivation had a strong, negative effect on parental involvement.
As material deprivation worsened, parental involvement decreased
markedly. Material deprivation was notably worse for families in the
lower social classes. The deprivation factor accounted for a great deal of
the differences in parental involvement between the social classes. At age
16 the effect of material deprivation on pupil achievement and adjustment
was twice that of parental involvement, ‘significantly undermining the
positive effects of parental involvement on children’ (Sacker et al, 2002, p
2.11.7 It is necessary to be cautions about these strong findings. The data were
collected in the 1960s and 70s. The ‘measure’ of parental involvement
was head teacher’s ratings which certainly contain a subjective if not a
biased element. It will be shown however, that the pattern of results in the
National Child Development Study is extensively replicated.
2.12 Most of the large-scale and technically sound studies on the impact of
parental involvement on pupil achievement and adjustment have been
conducted in the USA. The following is an example of a typical U.S. study
in the field. The purpose in presenting it here is to illustrate the main
elements of the research process.
2.12.1 Much contemporary research on parental involvement in the US has
drawn on the work of Joyce Epstein. Epstein has drawn up a typology of
forms of parental involvement. This is shown in Figure 3 below. This
framework is not based on the empirical evidence of what parents actually
do in the name of supporting their children. Rather, it is based on
reflection about the general sort of things parents could or might do.
Type of involvement Definition
parenting providing housing, health, nutrition, safety;
parenting skills in parent-child interactions;
home conditions to support study;
information to help schools know child
communicating school-home/home-school communication
volunteering in school help in classrooms/events
teaching at home help with homework, help with educational
decision making membership of PTA/governors
collaborating with contributions to school
the community
Fig 3. Epstein’s conceptual framework for family-school-community
involvement (adapted from Kreider, 2000)
2.12.2 In the study reported below (Sui-Chu and Willms, 1996) the researchers
set out to describe what parents said they did to support their child’s
school progress. The researchers then analysed to what extent such
activities influenced educational achievement and the degree to which
parental involvement was associated with different family backgrounds in
terms of ethnicity and social class.
2.12.3 Sui-Chu and Willms drew their data from the US National Educational
Longitudinal Study (NELS) which was based on a sample of
approximately 24,600 8th grade students (i.e. aged approximately 14 years)
in a stratified sample drawn from 1500 schools. A great deal of evidence
was collected from student and parent questionnaires completed in 1988.
Achievement was measured using standardised attainment tests in
mathematics and reading.
Table 1 below, gives examples of the sorts of items related to parental
involvement that were presented in the questionnaire together with an
indication of how these were scored.
Talk with mother How often have you talked [to your mother or
female guardian] about planning your high
school program? (0 = not at all, 1 = once or
twice, 2 = three or more times)
Talk with father How often have you talked to [your father or
male guardian] about planning your high
school program? (0 = not at all, 1 = once or
twice, 2 = three or more times)
Discuss school
Programme Since the beginning of the school year, how
often have you discussed the …. selecting
courses or programs at school. (0 = not at all,
1 = once or twice, 2 = three or more times)
Discuss Activities … school activities or events of particular
interest to you (0 = not at all, 1 = once or
twice, 2 = three or more times)
Monitor Homework How often do your parents or guardians …
check on whether you have done your
homework? (0 = never, 1 = rarely, 2 =
sometimes, 3 = often)
Limit TV Time … limit the amount of time you can spend
watching TV? (0 = never, 1 = rarely, 2 =
sometimes, 3 = often)
Limit Going Out … limit the amount of time for going out with
friends on school nights? (0 = never, 1 =
rarely, 2 = sometimes, 3 = often)
Home after School (is your mother or father) … at home when
you return home from school? (0 = never, 1 =
rarely, 2 = sometimes, 3 = usually)
School Contacts
Parents Since your eighth grader’s school opened last
fall, how many times have you been contacted
by the school about …. your eighth grader’s
(a) academic performance, (b) academic
program for this year, (c) course selection for
high school, (d) placement decisions …., and
(e) behaviour in school? (0 = none, 1 = once
or twice, 2 = three or four times, 3 = more
than four times)
Volunteer at School Do you or your spouse or partner … act as a
volunteer at the school (0 = no, 1 = yes)
PTO … (a) belong to PTO, (b) attend meetings of a
PTO, and (c) take part in the activities of a
PTO? (0 = no, 1 = yes)
Table 1 Selected Items indexing Parent-Involvement Variables (Sui-
Chu and Willms, 1996)
2.12.4 Responses to these items were scored and the scores analysed to look for
major patterns. Four main factors were found to describe most parental
involvement activity. There were two types of home involvement, one
associated with discussing school activities (home discussion) and the
other with monitoring the child’s out-of-school activities (home
supervision). Then there were two types of school involvement, one
describing contacts between parents and school personnel (school
communication) and the other involving volunteering for school activities
and attending school functions (school participation).
2.12.5 The researchers examined the variation of the four types of involvement
activity across the 1000 + schools in the sample. It was found that
approximately 90% of the variation in involvement was within schools
rather than between schools. The distribution was relatively uniform
across schools. When the four parental involvement factors are taken
together it was difficult to identify schools with particularly high or low
levels of parental involvement. This suggests that relatively few schools
had a strong influence on the learning climate in the home or on levels of
parental involvement generally.
2.12.6 The data were then analysed to investigate the relationship between the
forms of parental involvement and the social class of the families. In
confirmation of previous research there was a strong relationship between
social class and parental involvement. The higher the social class, the
more parental involvement was evident.
2.12.7 Achievement in both maths and reading was also significantly related to
family social class. The researchers used statistical techniques to factor
out this effect and then examined the residual impact of parental
involvement factors. They concluded that, ‘parental involvement made a
significant unique contribution to explaining the variation in children’s
academic achievement over and above the effects associated with family
background’ (p.138). To be precise, the most significant factor was ‘home
discussion’. Regardless of social class, the more parents and children
conversed with each other in the home, the more the pupils achieved in
2.12.8 It is worth pausing to underline the trend of these results. First, a great
deal of the variation in students’ achievement is outside of the schools’
influence. Family social class, for example, accounts for about one third
of such variance. Second, parental involvement in the form of home
discussion has, nonetheless, a major impact on achievement. Other forms
of involvement have insignificant effects. Unlike social class, this form of
parental involvement might be open to the educative impact of schools.
That being said, it seems that the schools in this sample had very little
impact on home discussion as a form of parental involvement.
2.12.9 Since this study reveals home discussion to be a significant force on student
achievement it is worth noting some of the factors associated with this form of
parental involvement. First there is a strong gender effect. Females report
considerably more home discussion than males. Second, children with
behavioural problems get less home discussion but significantly more school
communication. Third, there are ethnic differences in the degree of home
discussion. Asian and Pacific Island families engage significantly less than
white families in home discussion.
2.13 A comparison of the NCDS of Britain in the 70s with the NELS study of
the US in the 90s shows some remarkable correspondences. First,
achievement is shaped to a major degree by forces outside the control of
schools. Social class factors play a large role. That being said, parental
involvement has a significant effect. This is evident whether the ratings of
involvement are made by head teachers (as in the UK study) or by parents
and students (as in the US study). It should be cautioned that although
both research reports are recent, the studies’ data collection is dated.
2.14 In summary, the above discussion records the number of radically
different forms of activity encompassed by the term ‘parental
involvement’. It was shown that parental involvement is played out in
complex settings. It is only one of many factors which have impact on
pupil achievement and adjustment. Furthermore, it is influenced by many
other factors including family social class, parents’ level of education and
the family’s level of material deprivation. Some of the difficulties in
isolating the unique effect of parental involvement on school outcomes
were illustrated.
2.14.1 Research confronting these difficulties was used to illustrate how
researchers have measured involvement and school outcomes and how
they have linked these in analysis. In interpreting research in this, as in
any other field, it is necessary to pay close attention to these modes of
2.14.2 The technically high quality studies cited here showed that parental
involvement in the form of ‘at-home’ interest and support is a major force
in shaping pupils’ educational outcomes.
Chapter 3
The impact of parental involvement on achievement and adjustment
3.1 The previous chapter revealed some of the complexities of isolating the
impact of parental involvement on pupil achievement and adjustment. It
was shown that involvement can take many forms, that it is difficult to
measure, and that it interacts with many other factors. Two studies were
described in some detail to show how these difficulties can be tackled by
researchers attempting to understand the processes involved. Each study
showed (amongst other things) that parental involvement conceived as
parental interest in the child in the UK study and conceived as home
discussion in the US study was associated to a major degree with pupil
attainment after all other factors have been taken into account.
3.2 The studies reported in this chapter will show how extensively these
findings have been confirmed. Several of the studies have tested various
views as to how parental involvement exerts its influence on achievement.
These studies are described later.
3.3 The effect of parental involvement (in terms of providing a home learning
environment) on achievement and cognitive development has been
explored in recent studies of English pre schoolers (Sylva, et al, 1999;
Melhuish et al, 2001). Sylva et al (1999) ran a longitudinal study (The
Effective Provision of Pre School Education Project, EPPE) to assess the
attainment and development of children between the ages 3 to 7 years.
More than three thousand children were recruited to the sample which
investigated provision in more than 100 centres. A wide range of methods
were used to explore the effects of provision on children’s attainment and
adjustment. Of particular interest here is the impact of parental
involvement in interaction with professional provision. The idea of a
‘home learning environment’ (HLE) was devised to describe a range of
learning related provision in the home as reported by parents. HLE
included reading, library visits, playing with letters and numbers, painting
and drawing, teaching (through play) the letters of the alphabet, playing
with numbers and shapes, teaching nursery rhymes and singing. Melhuish
et al (2001) concluded that, ‘higher home learning environment was
associated with increased levels of cooperation and conformity, peer
sociability and confidence, … lower anti-social and worried or upset
behaviour and higher cognitive development scores … after age it was the
variable with the strongest effect on cognitive development’ (p.ii) And,
‘Its (HLE) effect is stronger than that of either socio-economic status or
mothers’ qualifications’ (p26). Whilst HLE scores were generally higher
in homes in the upper social classes, ‘ … there are parents high on SES
and qualifications who provide a home environment low on the HLE
index … there are parents low on SES and qualifications who provide a
home environment high on the HLE index’. (p.9).
3.4 In a study which flowed from the ongoing EPPE project, Siraj-Blatchford
et al (2002) set out to identify the most effective teaching strategies in the
Foundation Stage. Intensive case studies were made of 14 sites rated in
the EPPE project as offering ‘good practice’. In essence, the aim of the
case studies was to explain the statistical relationships established
3.4.1 Again, the key point of interest here was to ascertain the impact of
parental involvement. The case studies suggested that when a special
relationship between parents and professional educators obtained, in terms
of shared aims, good learning progress could take place even in the
absence of good practice in the pre-school. ‘Our findings show that it is
the (parental) involvement of learning activities in the home that is most
closely associated with better cognitive attainment in the early years’.
This was shown to be especially beneficial when parents and professionals
negotiated a continuity of experience for the children.
3.5 Some children seem to succeed in school despite living in materially
unpromising circumstances whilst others do less well despite a
comfortable material environment. Schoon and Parsons (2002) have
explored the factors which seem to promote resilience or vulnerability.
Once again, parental involvement in education in the home is implicated.
Schoon and Parsons drew samples of children from the National Child
Development Study (NCDS) and the British Cohort Study (BCS). For
each child they calculated a Social Index (SI) taking into consideration
parental social class and material deprivation, and a Competence Index
(CI) taking into account academic attainment and behavioural adjustment.
Each child was then located in a matrix as above or below the mean on SI
and on CI as show in Figure 4.
Social Index
low high
low vulnerable under
high resilient multiple
Fig. 4 Classification of social/competence advantage/disadvantage
(Schoon and Parsons, 2002)
3.5.1 Youngsters who were below the mean on SI but above the mean on CI
were classed as ‘resilient’ whilst those low on both indices were described
as ‘vulnerable’. It was possible to identify the factors which seemed to
promote resilience or protect from vulnerability. Protective factors for the
NCDS sample were having an educated mother, a helpful father and
parental involvement in support of schooling. In the sample from the
BCS, parental involvement was not implicated as a protective factor. A
sensible comparison between the two samples is difficult to make because
attainment was assessed at 7 years for the NCDS and at 5 years for the
BCS. In both cases however, the impact of early resilience was long term.
‘For the NCDS sample … resilient young people are (subsequently) doing
as well as the socially advantaged under-achievers and are as likely to
obtain a degree’ (p. 267). For this sample at least, the effects of parental
involvement in the primary school are far reaching. The picture is less
impressive, albeit still positive for the BCS sample. Resilient individuals
still perform, long term, better than the vulnerables but they do not achieve
to the same levels as the socially advantaged.
3.6 Several studies have used the same US National Educational Longitudinal
Study (NELS) data base as Sui-Chu and Willms (1996) (cited above)
because it is particularly rich in information relevant to parental
involvement. The data affords many different conceptions of PI to be
explored. Singh et al (1995) explored the effect of different components
of parental involvement on the achievement of 8th graders. Singh et al
identified four components of parental involvement namely; parental
aspirations for children’s education, parent-child communication about
school; home-structure and parental participation in school related
activities. It should be emphasised that ‘parental aspiration’ refers to the
parents’ hopes and expectations for the child’s continuing education,
‘parent-child communication’ refers specifically to school related matters,
‘home structure’ refers to the degree of discipline exerted by the parents to
insist on homework completion and to limit potentially distracting
activities (e.g. watching T.V.) whilst ‘parental participation in school’
more self evidently refers to parent support for and participation in school
and class functions. Singh et al showed that parental involvement in
school activities had no effect on achievement whilst home structure had a
slight negative association. Parental involvement in the form of parent-
child discussions had a moderate impact. Parental aspiration had a
powerful influence on achievement both directly and indirectly through
discussion. To give some idea of the scale of this influence it can be
compared to the influence of prior achievement. Prior achievement is
usually the best predictor of pupils’ present achievement. It is a good
measure of all the previous effects of family background and the child’s
abilities. Singh et al showed that parental aspiration was the factor that
had the biggest impact on pupil achievement once social class factors had
been taken into account.
3.6.1 The surprise finding is the slight negative effect of ‘home structure’ on
achievement. It has generally been considered that a degree of
organisation and discipline related to the use of out-of-school time would
support school achievement. The negative result here runs counter to that
sentiment. It merits cautious interpretation. It could be that the best
discipline is self discipline. Attempts to impose discipline on adolescents
might be indicative of problem behaviour, i.e. the parents are reacting to a
problem rather than causing it. Another result to emphasise from this
study, replicating that of Sui-Chu and Willms (above) is that parental
involvement which takes the form of in-school parental activity has little
effect on individual’s attainment.
3.7 Catsambis (2001) analysed data from the NELS: 88 study and its second,
follow-up (NELS: 92). This gave access to extensive data collected by
questionnaire from parents, students, teachers, principals and
administrators on achievement and parental involvement. Catsambis used
Epstein’s conception of involvement (see Figure 3) and searched the data
base to find evidence with which to asses the 6 types of involvement,
relating them to measures of student achievement. Once again,
background variables such as family socio-economic status and previous
attainment, were factored out before examining the impact of parental
involvement on student achievement, in this case in the age rage 14 – 18
years. The first main result of this study was that none of the 6 modes of
involvement was associated with academic progression in this age range.
This replicates Sacker et al’s (2002) findings from the UK NCDS for
adolescents. However, parental involvement was positively associated
with what in England would be termed ‘staying on rates’ and with
increased likelihood of making challenging course options. High levels of
parental expectation, consistent encouragement and actions to enhance
learning opportunities in the home were all positively associated with
students’ high aspirations and college enrolments – this regardless of
students SES or ethnic background.
3.8 George and Kaplan (1998) used the NELS: 88 data to focus more
narrowly on parental involvement and its relationship to students’ attitudes
to science. Again, key background variables were factored out. The
researchers concluded, ‘One of the important effects seen in the present
study is the influence of parental involvement on science attitudes.’ The
more the parents showed a positive attitude to science the better the pupils
achieve in science. The parental effect works through discussion of school
experiences and through arranging or supporting activities in libraries and
3.9 McNeal (1999; 2001) used the NELS: 88 data base to examine the effects
of parental involvement on science achievement and truancy and drop out
rates. This involved taking samples from NELS: 88, NELS: 90 and
NELS: 92 data collections phases. One sample (assessed in NELS: 88 and
NELS 90) of 12,000+ cases was recruited to assess the impact of parental
involvement on achievement. The second sample (NELS: 90 and NELS:
92) was used to assess the impact of earlier involvement on subsequent
drop out rates. As usual in these studies, the effect of background
variables such as SES, and previous achievement were factored out to
reveal the residual impact of parental involvement on achievement. But
NcNeal went on to study the interaction of involvement with a number of
background factors including SES and ethnicity. Some of these results
will be discussed later. For this present section the main conclusion was
that, ‘the only dimension of parental involvement that is remotely
consistent in terms of improving achievement and reducing problematic
behaviour is parent-child discussion …’ (p 131).
3.9.1 Other aspects of parental involvement were not without impact but such
effects were inconsistent. Involvement in the school and parental
monitoring of students’ behaviour both had effects on moderating
discrepant behaviour but less on achievement in science. McNeal went on
to demonstrate that the patterns of relationship showed strong interactions
between involvement and different categories of student. The positive
effects of parental involvement operate only for white, middle class
students in two-parent families. This result is entirely consistent with
Sacker et al’s (2002) study using the BCDS data. Together they show that
parental involvement is much less influential on the achievement of
adolescent pupils. The circumstances associated with lower SES work
against the effects of parental involvement in ways not evident with
younger pupils.
3.10 There are at least two published studies however which contradict these
findings and which find that the positive effects of parental involvement
continue strongly into adolescence. Gonzalez-Pienda et al (2002)
explored the effects of parental involvement on achievement for a sample
of 261 Spanish adolescents. Standardised attainment tests were used to
measure achievement, psychometric tests to appraise self concept and
related personal attributes and parental involvement was rated by the
students. Characteristically, student aptitude accounted for a significant
portion of the variance in academic achievement. Following that, parental
involvement as rated by the students themselves and taking the form of
interest and encouragement, was a major causal factor of achievement.
The effect of parental involvement on achievement however was not
direct. Rather it made its contribution through the shaping of the
adolescents’ self concept. The researchers concluded, ‘the results …
clearly support the thesis that parental involvement behaviours
significantly affect children’s academic achievement … however, this
influence is not direct …. ‘ (p276).
3.11 Feinstein and Symons (1999) also conclude that PI continues to have
significant effects on achievement into adolescence. This conclusion is
drawn from an analysis of the same data set as that used by Sacker et al
(2002) who reached the opposite conclusion. Feinstein and Symons
analysed the data from the NCDS (58) to explore the effect of parent, peer
and schooling inputs on achievement at age 16. Feinstein and Symons
examined the impact of certain factors (parental involvement, peer group
influence, schooling inputs) on the production of ‘educational goods’ – in
this case, achievement. Achievement at age 16 was measured by (a) the
highest grade attained in any national examination for English, (b) the
NCDS mathematics achievement score and (c) the average grade in all
public examinations taken. Parental involvement was indexed using the
NCDS head teachers’ impressions of parental interest at ages 7,11, and 16.
Four measures of peer group effects were used: the proportion of children
in the class with fathers in non-manual occupations; the proportion of
children taking only GCE examinations; the proportion of children in the
class taking only CSE exams and the proportion of children in the class
from the previous year’s class who stayed on in education after the
minimum leaving age. School effects were indexed by pupil teacher
ratios. This index was justified on the grounds that it is a choice variable
for parents. The analysis relating peer, family and school ‘inputs’ to
educational ‘outputs’ provided clear results, ‘Of the family inputs, only
parental interest has a consistently strong impact. In contrast to what is
usually found, social class, family size, and parental education … have
relatively small effects … the combined advantage of coming from a high
social class with parents who stayed on at school after 16 is only 5.98
percentage points in the All Exams index, compared to an effect of 24.4
from moving from no parental interest to the highest level of interest’.
(1997, p.15). The peer group effect is about 10 percentage points on the
All Exams index. It seems that socio-economic variables work their effect
through parental interest.
3.12 The contrast of these findings with those of Sacker et al (2002) using the
same data base is quite striking but, in the event, reconcilable. The
differences between the two studies lie in the researchers’ choice of
intervening variables to account for the links between SES and
achievement. Sacker et al used parental involvement, parental aspiration,
material deprivation and school composition. Feinstein and Symons used
family variables (size for example), parental interest, peer groups and
school inputs. Perplexingly perhaps, Sacker et al used the same metric for
school composition as Feinstein and Symons used for peer group effects.
The upshot is that both studies reached the same conclusion but called it
different names. Each found a significant role for parental involvement
and each found a significant role for school (albeit Feinstein and Symons
attributes it to peer group effects) in the formation of achievement.
3.13 In summary, taken collectively the above studies using contemporary
techniques of data analysis from large data sets have safely established
that parental involvement in the form of interest in the child and manifest
in the home as parent-child discussions can have a significant positive
effect on children’s behaviour and achievement even when the influence
of background factors such as social class or family size have been
factored out. This is not to say that parental involvement always does
have such effects but the research shows what is routinely possible in the
normal actions of parents in interaction with their school age youngsters.
There is some indication that parental involvement activities and effects
diminish as the child gets older but even for school leavers the effects are
strong albeit perhaps less so on achievement and more so on staying on
rates specifically and pupils’ educational aspirations more generally.
Chapter 4
How does parental involvement work?
4.1 The previous chapter showed that parental involvement is a major force in
shaping pupils’ school outcomes. This raises the question of how parental
involvement works. What are the links between parental involvement and
pupils’ achievement? The research reported in this chapter attempts to
answer that question.
4.2 Most of the studies already quoted show that parental involvement acted
out in the school confers little or no benefit on the individual child. This
is a strong finding. It is replicated extensively in the research. Okpala et
al (2001) investigated the relationship between involvement (in terms of
hours of volunteered in-school help), school spend (in terms of dollars per
child spent on instructional supplies), parental SES and school
achievement in one school district in North Carolina. 8 high schools, 12
middle schools and 50 elementary schools in an economically
impoverished area of the State were involved. Mathematics test scores
were used to measure attainment. Analysis showed that family social
class was the only factor associated with attainment. Neither dollars spent
nor, less yet, parental hours spent helping in the school, were related to
pupil achievement. Similar results were found by Zellman and Waterman
(1998) in a study of 193 2nd and 5th grade children. An important attribute
of this study was that it contained, amongst other data collection
techniques, a direct observation component so that parental involvement
was indexed not only by various reports and ratings but by observations
made by independent researchers. Amongst many findings (which will be
reported later) it was evident that in-school manifestations of parental
involvement were not related to pupil achievement. There are many
possible reasons for having parents working in schools. It might be very
good for the parents. It has the potential to help schools link better with
the community. It could contribute to the openness and accountability of
the school These potential benefits have yet to show themselves as
making a salient contribution to children’s attainment.
4.3 In another take on the study of parental involvement, Izzo et al (1999)
studied 1205 US children from kindergarten through to grade 3 in a 3 year
longitudinal research programme. Teachers rated four forms of
involvement; frequency of parent-teacher contact; quality of parent-
teacher interaction; participation in educational activities in the home; and
participation in school activities. These factors, as well as family
background variables were examined to find any relationship they might
have with school achievement as indexed by school grades. Consistent
with other studies, Izzo et al showed that all forms of parental involvement
declined with child’s age and that involvement in the home ‘predicted the
widest range of performance variance’. In another longitudinal study,
Dubois et al (1994) showed that family support and the quality of parent-
child relationships significantly predicted school adjustment in a sample of
159 young US adolescents (aged 10 –12) followed in a two year
longitudinal study. At-home parental involvement clearly and consistently
has significant effects on pupil achievement and adjustment which far
outweigh other forms of involvement. Why is ‘at-home’ involvement so
significant? How does it work in promoting achievement and adjustment?
4.4 The broad answer to this question seems to be that it depends on the age of
the child. For younger pupils parenting provides the child with a context
in which to acquire school related skills and to develop psychological
qualities of motivation and self worth. For older children the specific
skills component seems to be less salient and the motivational component
assumes increasing importance.
4.5 De Garmo et al (1999) found support for the model of parental influence
on to educational achievement for young children shown in Fig 5.
Fig 5. Parenting practices as mediators of educational achievement
(De Garmo et al, 1999, p.1233)
at home
4.5.1 The model starts with the observation that educational achievement is
strongly related to socio economic status. So too is parental involvement
in education. The study asked the question, how do these influences
work? The researchers recruited a sample of 238 divorced or recently
separated mothers of boys aged 6 – 9 years. The sample covered the range
of SES categories. Data on school performance of the children was
obtained from teachers. It comprised school records in reading and
mathematics and teachers’ ratings of the child’s adjustment to school.
Family background data were collected from the mothers. In particular,
maternal occupation, income and maternal education were ascertained.
Aspects of parent-child interaction were obtained partly from self report
and partly from observation on a set of interaction tasks designed to
explore parental support for cognitive skill building and discipline.
Predictably, higher quality parenting (in the terms of this study) were
strongly associated with maternal level of education (but not income).
The impact of mothers’ education was largely worked through the way
they provided opportunities for intellectual skill building in the home, i.e.
by the cognitive quality of the parent/child interactions in problem
solving. This replicates the conclusions drawn by Melhuish et al (2001)
regarding the significant impact of the home learning environment.
4.6 Zellman and Waterman (1998) observed the interactions between 193
mothers and their children who were in 2nd to 5th grade at school.
Children’s achievements were measured using school grades for maths
and reading and using an IQ test. Their adjustment to schooling was
assessed using a behaviour rating schedule completed by their teachers.
Parenting style was rated following the analysis of a video recording of a
parent-child discussion of an issue they both agreed was ‘problematic’.
Four dimensions were rated; clarity of communication, warmth, negative
communication and emotionality. Parental enthusiasm was rated from
responses to questions asked in an interview in which the mother was
asked to discuss, amongst other things, the rewards of being a parent and
self rating of effectiveness as a parent. Parental involvement was self-
assessed by parents in two components; what did they do on the school
site and what did they do at home to support educational progress?
Several findings were consistent with most studies in the field. For
example, all aspects of parental involvement were strongly associated with
SES. This effect however was strongly influenced by ‘parent enthusiasm’
(for the general role of parent) and ‘positive parental style’. ‘Although
family background characteristics seem at first glance to be important
predictors of parent school involvement … (they) become far less
important when we include more pervasive parenting processes in the
equation’ (p.376). Parent enthusiasm and parenting style generates,
amongst other things, parent involvement to the degree that ‘parenting
style’ was a better predictor of children’s reading achievement than was
parental involvement. The results suggest that ‘how parents interact with
their children is more important in predicting child academic outcomes
than the extent to which they are involved in school’ (p.379).
Furthermore, ‘the essential independence of the parenting processes …
from family background characteristics such as SES and ethnicity suggest
that parenting style is not enmeshed in a social context defined by poverty
… or ethnic background … and suggests that it might be both teachable
and changeable’. (p.379). In other words, good, enthusiastic parenting can
be found amongst mothers of all social classes and ethnic backgrounds
and where it is not found it can probably be taught.
4.7 In examining the mechanism of the impact of parental involvement on
school achievement, Marchant et al (2001) studied a sample of Canadian
adolescents to test the model shown in Fig 6.
Fig 6. Proposed relations between family and school context variables
and students’ achievement. From Marchant et al (2001)
4.7.1 The closest determinants of student achievement are assumed here to be
(a) their competence and (b) their perceptions of various school and family
motivational forces. These forces in turn are assumed to be shaped by the
processes shown in the boxes in Fig 6. To test the model data were
collected for a sample of 230, 5th and 6th grade students. Students rated
their families and schools on questionnaires designed to assess the
variables in the model. Students also rated their academic competencies
and performances (i.e. achievement), these ratings being validated through
their class teachers. Various analyses were used to examine the relations
between the factors shown in the diagram.
Family context
Parental demandingness,
responsiveness, values,
involvement in schools
School context
Teacher responsiveness,
control; school
responsiveness, support
Students’ school
4.7.2 Family and school factors alone did not predict any variance in
achievement not accounted for by the factors of perceived motivation and
competence. These in turn were shaped to a significant degree by parental
values as perceived by the students. Parental values were thus shown to
be a major factor influencing their child’s achievement in school.
4.8 The significance of parental values as perceived by students as a
mechanism for both manifesting and explaining the impact of parental
involvement has been validated in a number of studies. Examples include
Fan (2001) who established the significant impact of parental aspirations
on the general academic achievement of US adolescents; Ma (2001) who
showed a strong impact of parental expectation on achievement in
advanced mathematics; Carr and Hussey (1999) who showed that ‘parents
were the most influential social agents on children’s task orientations …,
intrinsic motivation and physical competence’ in a study of English
adolescents’ competence at and commitment to physical education;
Lynch (2002) who showed that mothers’ beliefs in their ability to help
their children (age range 8 – 9 years) learn to read had a positive effect on
their children’s self beliefs as a learner-reader; and Garg et al (2002) who
showed that the impact of family factors had their influence on shaping
students’ educational aspirations through their impact on extracurricular
reading, attitudes towards school and homework and students’ perceptions
of their parents’ educational aspirations. Garg et al considered this to be
an important part of the students’ ‘educational self-schema’ and showed
that ‘the parental involvement factor was found to be of greater
importance (than SES) as a predictor of adolescent educational self
schema’. The schema as such was a powerful predictor of achievement.
4.9 How does parental involvement in the home compare with parental
involvement in the school? It is broadly held that parental involvement in
schooling might have both a ‘private’ and a ‘public’ benefit. The direct
beneficiary of parental involvement might be the parent’s own child. This
benefit might flow from the parent’s involvement focussing their child on
school work or through focussing the teacher on their child. In addition to
whatever the parent gets out of school involvement (pleasure, self-
fulfilment and so on) this would be a ‘private’ benefit directly accruing to
the participating parents and their children. But it might also be the case
that there are broader more distributed, i.e. ‘public’, effects. Given
parental investment in the classroom activities, school activities and
functions, and in governance and advice, it could be the case that all the
children in the school benefit. Parental involvement at this level could
properly be thought of as a ‘school input’.
4.10 The evidence in support of the public effect of parental involvement is, at
best, unpromising. It has already been shown that whilst the effects of
involvement manifest in the home can be significant, parental involvement
manifest in school is much less strongly associated with private let alone
public benefit. Rigorous studies attempting to isolate the public benefit
effect are few in number and open to the charge that they do not take into
account family social class effects. Nechyba et al (1999) have recently
reviewed the available research in the field and the argument here draws
heavily on their work. First, Nechyba et al re-iterate how strongly
parental involvement is correlated with SES. SES also strongly influences
pupils’ school achievement. This emphasises the necessity of factoring
out SES as a background variable if the effects of parental involvement as
such are to be understood. Nechyba et al identified 10 studies which can
be brought to bear on the question of the public benefits of parental
involvement between schools in contrast to the private benefits within
schools. It is concluded that, ‘the results indicate a large private
component to parental involvement in schools … that is, the effects of
each parent’s involvement mainly accrue to their own children, rather than
those of others. Individual benefits for children might even come out a
cost to others in the same classroom; for instance, one parent’s pressure
may encourage a teacher to devote additional time to one child and less to
others. From a policy perspective, this provides good reason for caution.
Policies that encourage involvement of some parents (but inevitably fall
short of reaching every parent) might have unintended distributional
consequence within the classroom or school.’ Nechyba et al, 1999. p.42.
4.11 To summarise this section on research on the processes of parental
involvement it can be said that the impact of parental involvement arises
from parental values and educational aspirations and that these are
exhibited continuously through parental enthusiasm and positive parenting
style. These in turn are perceived by the student and, at best, internalised
by them. This has its impact on the student’s self perception as a learner
and on their motivation, self esteem and educational aspirations. By this
route parental involvement frames how students perceive education and
school work and bolsters their motivation to succeed. For younger
children, this motivational and values mechanism is supplemented by
parental promotion of skills acquisition (e.g. in respect of early literacy).
4.11.1 Parental behaviours which manifest parental involvement change across
the age range. With younger children, direct help with school relevant
skills is appropriate and foundational. With older students, activities
which promote independence and autonomy more generally become more
relevant. This tentative outline model explains why parental involvement
in the home is significantly more effective than parental involvement in
the school. The former is more enduring, pervasive and direct. The latter
is less so. It should perhaps be said that whilst research shows that
parental involvement in the school has little if any impact on pupil
achievement it is not without significance. The relationship between
parental involvement (of any kind) and pupil achievement is probably not
linear. A little parental involvement in school might go a very long way
as a conduit of information (about curriculum, courses, school rules,
assessments for example) through which teachers and parents alike can
work to support the child. The effect of this basic level of in-school
parental involvement might be as an essential lubricant for at-home
involvement. There may, of course, be other reasons for parents working
in schools which have more to do with the needs of schools or parents and
which are not expected to have an impact on pupils individually. As such
they are beyond the remit of this review.
Chapter 5
Ethnicity, parental involvement and pupil achievement
5.1 In this chapter the research on ethnic differences in the nature and impact
of parental involvement is reviewed. It shows that whilst there are
important differences between ethnic minority parents in how they express
their support and involvement, the basic mechanism and the scale of
impact is constant across all ethnic groups studied.
5.2 There are pronounced differences in levels of average attainment between
different ethnic groups. This observation has attracted a great deal of
research and analysis. What are the origins of this difference? The
particular point of interest here is the question of whether parental
involvement (in all or any of its forms) is implicated. Systematic research
on this focal issue is almost entirely American in origin. As with the
general research on parental involvement, much, if not most, of the
research on this question is technically flawed. There has been a
characteristic failure to take account of the many influences on
achievement. Parental involvement is strongly related to socio-economic
status (especially as measured by maternal education). Ethnicity is also
strongly correlated with SES. For example, Phillips et al (1998) studied
the impact of a range of factors (including parenting practices) on the
differences in test scores between Black Americans and White Americans.
The researchers drew their data from the Children of the National
Longitudinal Survey of Youth (CNLSY). This sample has its origins in an
earlier sample (the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, NLSY) which
over sampled low income and minority youth. Even within this biased
sampling there were very large differences in average family income
between Blacks and Whites, ‘Using average family income we find the
typical Black child …. is at the 16th percentile of the White income
distribution’ (Phillips et al, p. 115). If, as Sacker et al (2002) showed in
the UK, income is associated with material deprivation which in turn
influences the effect of parental involvement on pupil achievement and
adjustment, any attempt to understand ethnic differences in the
involvement/achievement link must first take into account the influence of
socio-economic status. Few studies meet this criterion.
5.3 This failure does not render such studies entirely useless but it limits their
relevance to providing hints only at the nature and scale of effects. Fan
and Chen (2001), for example have recently published a commentary on
more than 2,000 reports of research exploring the link between parental
involvement and pupil achievement and adjustment. Only 25 of the
research reports gathered met the authors’ criterion for their analysis, that
of reporting statistical links between an index of parental involvement and
an index of pupil achievement. Fan and Chen identified 92 such
correlations ranging from 0 to 0.9. They then calculated the percentage of
variation in achievement which could be attributed to differences in
parental involvement. They found that different types of involvement and
different areas of achievement (e.g. mathematics/reading etc) each had
eight times the impact of ethnicity. Ethnicity as such had a very small
effect on achievement.
5.4 Amongst the forms of parental involvement, that with the strongest
relationship with achievement was ‘parents aspiration and expectation’.
This is in line with studies reported earlier. The practical implications,
according to Fan and Chen are that the findings about the effects of
parental involvement on achievement apply equally to all ethnic groups.
The limit is that the studies reviewed did not consistently control for SES.
As noted above, ethnicity, SES and pupil achievement are complexly
interrelated. In consequence, it is likely that meta analysis reflects, to
some degree, the relationship between SES and students’ academic
5.5 Studies which have factored out SES report findings which are, at first
sight, contradictory. Fan (2001) researched the impact of parental
involvement on scores on a battery of achievement tests taken by the
students in the NELS cohorts, 1988, 1990 and 1992. He found
comparable levels of parental involvement with comparable effects on
attainment across different ethnic groups. In contrast, using the same data
source McNeal (1999, 2001) found parental involvement had significant
impact on attainment only for white, middle-class youngsters in two
parent families. A key difference between these studies is that McNeal
focussed on science attainment whilst Fan studied ‘general attainment’,
and, as the Fan and Chen (2001) meta analysis showed, the academic
subject makes a difference to the degree of impact of parental
involvement. Parental involvement has markedly different impacts on
different areas of the curriculum.
5.6 With younger children (aged 8 – 13 years), Zellman and Waterman (1998)
observed differences in the forms of parental involvement across ethnic
groups but the impact of these on student achievement was mediated by
parenting style. Once this was factored out, no ethnically based,
achievement-related differences were evident. In similar vein, Smith and
Hausafus (1998) studied the impact of parental involvement and ethnicity
on science and maths achievement using an intervention study. A sample
of 8th grade (14 year olds) ‘at risk, minority’ students and their families
were invited to participate in courses intended to enhance achievement
through working with families. Across all groups, students did better if
their parents helped them to see the importance of taking advanced science
and maths courses and took them to exhibitions, science fairs and the like.
No ethnic differences were reported.
5.7 Other approaches to exploring the relationship between ethnicity, parental
involvement and student achievement have involved both ‘within-group’
and ‘between-group’ studies. Keith and Lichtman (1994) focussed on
within-group differences in a sample of 1200 Mexican-American students
drawn from the NELS (88) cohort. A range of types of parental
involvement were assessed (involvement in home-based activities, home
structure (rules about, for example, watching TV), and involvement at
school (talking with teachers for example). It was hypothesised that the
parents’ language competence and whether they were born in Mexico or
the US would influence the content and form of parental involvement.
These hypotheses were not supported. In common with the now familiar
trend of results, parental involvement had a moderate, positive effect on
student achievement. Unpredicted, the degree of involvement and the
scale of its impact were not related to parental proficiency with English.
5.8 Yan (1999) reported a between-group study of parental involvement
comparing three samples drawn from the NELS (88) cohort, the groups
comprised (a) successful Afro-American students, (b) successful Euro-
American students and (c) unsuccessful Afro-American students. Once
the background variable of social class was factored out, parental
involvement became a significant discriminating factor between groups.
Successful Afro-Americans were found to have levels of parental
involvement which were equal to or higher than those of successful Euro-
Americans and significantly higher than those of unsuccessful Afro-
American students. Bogenschneider (1999) reported results consistent
with the ‘pan-ethnic’ effects of parental involvement. Drawing
relationships between involvement and achievement in a sample of 10,000
high school students, she concluded that parental involvement was a force
on achievement as a, ‘ … process with considerable validity across the
contexts of the child’s and parents’ gender, parents’ education, family
structure and ethnicity …. Parents who are more involved in their
adolescents’ schooling, regardless of parents’ gender or educational level,
have offspring who do better in school, irrespective of the child’s gender,
ethnicity or family structure’ (p.729). Parental involvement works for
5.9 This ubiquitous pattern is, at first sight, challenged by Mau (1997). In this
study the processes of involvement and their impact on student
achievement were compared across samples of Asian Americans (Asian
origin students whose first language was English); Asian Immigrants (with
English not as their first language) and White Americans. The samples
were drawn from the NELS (88) cohort. Achievement was indexed using
a battery of attainment tests in maths and reading. Parental involvement
was indexed using student reports. In addition, the amount of time spent
on homework was appraised as was the amount of time spent on various
out-of-school activities such as extra-curricular reading and watching T.V.
Several important findings were reported. First, the American Asians
(AA) achieved test scores significantly better than the Asian Immigrants
(AI) who in turn outperformed White Americans (W). Second, White
Americans reported significantly more academic help and more in-school
participation than did Asian students.
5.9.1 Family social class was then factored out prior to an examination of the
effect of parental involvement alone on achievement. For supportive
involvement the relationship with achievement was positive for White
Americans but negative for Asian Americans. For the AI group the
relationship was not significantly different from zero. For parental
involvement manifest in school, again, the relationship was negative for
the Asian American sample.
5.9.2 The study revealed a complex relationship between achievement and
parental involvement across the groups. Achievement amongst Asian
students was negatively associated with both forms of parental
involvement (support at home and participation in school). For these
students the more involved were the parents the less the students achieved.
White students were more influenced than Asians by perceived parental
expectation. Asian groups evinced a stronger relationship than the White
group between homework and achievement. Mau contends that it is a
significant element of Asian culture to attribute success to personal effort.
He interprets these results as consistent with this ethic and notes that
parental involvement of various kinds stands to weaken the impact of self
effort – hence the negative effects.
5.9.3 The salutary lesson, perhaps, from this study, is that parents must not be
seen as having a cultural blank slate. All studies report that parents are
keen for their youngsters to ‘do well’. If parental support is offered it is
offered in good faith according to parental beliefs. The practical point
here is that, if Mau’s finding proved substantive, it would be disastrous to
engage the parents of highly successful pupils in involvement activities
counterproductive in their culture.
5.10 In summary, the general impact of parental involvement seems to work in
support of pupil attainment across all ethnic groups so far studied.
Parental involvement, especially in the form of parental values and
aspirations modelled in the home, is a major force shaping pupils’
achievement and adjustment. The precise details of how values are
conceived and expressed are located in the ethnic culture of the family.
Chapter 6
Differences between parents in levels of involvement.
6.1 In this chapter research is reported which attempts to describe and
explain the large differences between parents in their level of involvement
in their children’s education. Levels of involvement are positively related
to social class and to maternal levels of education. Parental involvement
decreases as the child gets older. Single parent status and problems with
maternal psycho-social health (especially depression) have a negative
impact on involvement. Material poverty also has a powerful negative
6.1.2 It is shown that there are large differences between parents in the degree
to which they see a role for themselves in their child’s education and in
the degree to which they feel confident in being able to help. It is
demonstrated that many parents feel put off from involvement by the way
some teachers treat them. Finally, the children themselves are shown to
have a significant influence on the degree to which their parents get
6.1.3 The chapter concludes with a research based model of parental
involvement showing the key factors involved in facilitating or inhibiting
parental involvement, and indicating how these factors might be
influenced by educational processes.
6.2 Williams et at (2002) surveyed parents of children aged 5 – 16 attending
schools in England to establish their degree of involvement in their
children’s education. A telephone survey was used to contact 2019
households in order to conduct interviews to establish parental levels of
practical help in schools, their relationship with their child’s teacher(s) and
parents’ involvement with homework. 29% of parents felt very involved –
the more so in primary than in secondary schools. Mothers felt more
involved than fathers. 35% strongly agreed that they wanted to be more
involved whilst around three quarters of parents wanted to be at least
somewhat more involved. 94% found school ‘welcoming’ and 84%
reported that the school was willing to involve them. Despite this level of
satisfaction, 16% felt they might be seen as trouble makers if they talked
too much.
6.2.1 Parents describing themselves as ‘very involved’ reported providing more
practical help in school than other parents and they were the keenest to be
yet more involved. 21% of parents claimed to have helped in class at
some point and 9% claimed to do so at every opportunity.
6.2.2 In regard to homework, parents were much more involved in the early
years. 71% with year 1 children claimed to help with every piece of
homework. This dropped to 5% by year 11. As their children got older,
parents lost confidence in their ability to help.
6.2.3 58% of parents claimed to speak regularly with their child’s teacher, in the
main about progress but not infrequently about behaviour (27%).
6.2.4 Whilst many parents wanted to increase their involvement, to include, for
example, supporting extra-curricular initiatives, they felt that the main
barriers to further involvement were the limitations on their own time.
6.2.5 In the present context the interesting findings in the survey are (a) there is
a high absolute level of parental involvement and a desire for more (b)
there are considerable differences between parents in levels of
involvement. An important issue not reported on is the level of parental
support for education and learning outside of schooling matters. This was,
interestingly, not part of the brief of the survey and yet, as has been shown
extensively above, it is this form of parental involvement which is most
strongly related to achievement.
6.3 Why do some parents get involved more than others? As has been noted
above, a major factor mediating parental involvement is parental socio-
economic status whether indexed by occupational class or parental
(especially maternal) level of education. SES mediates both parental
involvement and pupil achievement. Sacker et al (2002) showed that SES
had its impact in part negatively through material deprivation and in part
positively through parental involvement and aspiration.
6.4 Nechyba et al (1999) summarised three possible mechanisms through
which social class might operate. One suggestion is that there is a ‘culture
of poverty’ in which working class families place less value on education
than middle class parents and hence are less disposed to participate. A
second proposed mechanism is that working class families have less
‘social capital’ in terms of social networks and skills. They do not know
the ‘right sort of people’. In consequence, regardless of disposition,
working class parents either are, or feel they are, less well equipped to
negotiate and deliver on the demands of schooling. The third proposal
implicates institutional barriers. Schools are, in this view, taken to be
middle class institutions with their own values. Schools accept
involvement only on their own terms which are non-negotiable. Those
parents not conforming to these values are quickly ‘put in their place’.
These theories are virtually impossible to test. Each is entirely consistent
with all the available data and each has a common limitation. The
common limitation is that none of these explanations can account for why
many working class parents are fully involved and why many middle class
parents are not involved. Since the within class differences in parental
involvement are bigger than the between class differences this is a fatal
flaw in the utility of these theories.
6.5 This being said, there is an extensive empirical literature on parental
experience of school involvement illustrating starkly the sorts of barriers
met by working class parents in their exchanges with teachers, schools and
school administrations (Reay, 1996) , Crozier, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001;
Tett, 2001; Vincent, 2001; Vincent and Martin, 2000).
6.6 Williams et al (2002) reported that 16% of parents were wary of
overstepping some unwritten mark in their relations with teachers.
Parents’ evenings are a particularly well documented site for creating
parental frustration and confusion (Power and Clark, 2000; Cullingford
and Morrison, 1999). In the latter study, ‘there was not so much marked
antipathy (between parents and teachers) as mutual fear’ (p.259). Crozier
(1999) interviewed in depth a sample of parents (71% working class) on
the experience of home-school relations and found (a) many working class
parents have perceptions of teachers as superior and distant (b) these
perceptions are reinforced by the teachers’ stance (c) teachers engage with
parents only on their own terms (d) this does not encourage parents to be
proactive in partnership, rather it encourages parental fatalism in regard to
their children’s schooling.
6.7 The barriers evident in interpersonal exchanges are relatively subtle
compared to those created by the material circumstances experienced by
some parents. Britt (1998) studied the differential parental involvement in
a US home based pre-school education programme. He distinguished
between ‘low’ and ‘high’ risk families. The latter had a low socio-
economic status compounded by problems associated with drugs, alcohol,
overcrowding and debt. He found that ‘low risk families would be highly
involved no matter what level of additional family support was provided
… high risk families, on the other hand, would be highly involved only if
the programmers were able to provide additional support for the problems
of living with which they were coping’ (p.179).
6.8 The above reports are entirely case study based and offer largely anecdotal
evidence. Nevertheless they provide rich, coherent and cogent
illustrations of the details of some parent-teacher exchanges which stand
to inform explanations of different levels of parent involvement.
6.9 Whilst there is a broadly held desire amongst parents for more
involvement in schooling there are clearly material (time and money) and
psychological barriers which operate differentially (and discriminatingly)
across the social classes and individual differences amongst parents that
operate within social classes.
6.10 In exploring these differences, Kohl et al (2000) reported a study of family
factors which potentially put parental involvement at risk. They studied
the effect of parental education level, maternal depression and single
parent status on general involvement. It was argued that parent’s views of
their role as a teacher and their degree of comfort in communicating with
teachers might in part be a reflection on their own education experience.
A poor or limited personal education might leave the parent lacking in
vision or confidence or competence in supporting their own child. Single
parent status might place limits, especially in respect of time available, to
support the child educationally. Maternal depression was explored as a
risk factor because depression is associated with a general lack of
motivation, energy and confidence and depressed people elicit negative
responses from others (Kohl et al, p. 503). In their exploration of the
impact on these factors on involvement, Kohl et al developed a conception
which attempted to go beyond the common ‘quantity’ models reported
heretofore and to index the quality of the involvement. In consequence
they assessed the degree of parent-teacher contact, the extent of parental
involvement in school, the quality of the parent-teacher relationship,
teacher’s perception of the parent, the extent of parental involvement at
home and the parent’s endorsement of the school.
6.10.1 The participants in the study were parents, teachers and children taking
part in a longitudinal investigation of the development and prevention of
conduct disorders in young people. Approximately 350 children were in
the sample. Family and social data were collected through parent
interviews. Parental involvement was rated by teachers and parents
separately using a purpose designed instrument. Relationships between
the 3 risk factors and the 6 forms of parental involvement were then
explored. The different risk factors interacted differently with the various
forms of involvement. Maternal depression was negatively related to
every form of parental involvement except direct parent-teacher contact.
It seems, ‘A depressed mother may be able to master the energy to contact
her child’s teacher if there is a problem (but) may lack the energy to be
further involved’ (p.518).
6.10.2 Parental education was positively related to parent-teacher contact. The
more educated the parent, the greater was their involvement in their
child’s education. A lack of extended personal educational experience
has, argues Kohl et al, rendered some parents lacking in relevant skills or
appropriate conception of ‘parents as co-educator’.
6.10.3 Single parent status was negatively related to parental involvement at
school, the teacher’s perception of the parent and the quality of the parent-
teacher relationship. Notably, single parents seem to focus their energies
in the home. Given the run of research results this is where these parents
can expect their biggest return on effort but, not present in school, they run
the risk of teachers’ negative perceptions.
6.11 Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler (1997) and Hoover-Dempsey et al (2001)
took a different approach to explaining why some parents get involved in
their child’s education more than others. They reviewed psychological
theory and related educational research on role construction. Theory in
this field attempts to explain how and why we conduct ourselves in
various facets (roles) in our lives (e.g. as ‘parent’, as ‘employee’).
Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler suggest that parents are likely to get
involved in their child’s education to the extent that they see it as part of
their role or ‘job’ as it were. In regard to parents in England, Williams et
al (2002) found that 2% of parents felt the responsibility for education
belonged wholly to the school whilst 58% believed that they had at least
equal responsibility. Presumably the remaining 40% were distributed
somewhere between these values. The attribution of responsibility for
education is a key factor in shaping parents’ views about what they feel is
important or necessary or even permissible for them to do. Role
definitions are complexly shaped by family and cultural experiences and
are subject to potential internal conflict (is the parent a
housekeeper/breadwinner/nurse/teacher for example)? Ethnic differences
in role definitions in regard to school progress were reported earlier. Sub-
cultural differences (in terms of socio-economic class) are also evident
(Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler, 1997, p. 13).
6.11.1 Parental role construction in regard to their child’s education is not the
only determinant of their involvement. Their ‘sense of personal efficacy’
is also implicated. This refers to the degree to which one feels able to
make a difference. This in turn depends on a number of related beliefs,
attitudes and skills. If it is believed that achievement is a matter of luck or
innate ability there would seem little sense in expending effort in
promoting it. Again, if it were felt that achievement were determined by
‘who you know’ rather than ‘what you do’, efforts to promote it would be
worthwhile only to the degree that one’s child could be put in the way of
useful relationships. Lacking such connections but holding such beliefs,
parents would hardly bother to be involved. Beliefs about achievement,
ability, luck, intelligence and social interaction are all implicated in one’s
sense of efficacy. This foundation of beliefs interacts with a sense of
personal competence. It could be that parents believe that coaching is a
crucial teaching process but feel wholly incompetent to engage in this
practice. If they have the resources they might buy coaching. If not, their
involvement is materially truncated at least in this respect. Parental
involvement, argue Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler, varies to the degree
that such beliefs and competences are distributed as individual differences
amongst parents. Those who have ‘can do’ attitudes and beliefs that
personal efforts create abilities will, at least potentially, be at the forefront
in parental involvement. Those parents who hold contrary beliefs might
be expected to be fatalistic about their child’s educational progress.
6.11.2 An appropriate role construct and a strong sense of personal efficacy will,
of course, come to nothing if the opportunity to be involved is absent. The
realisation of a willingness to be involved depends on the invitations,
demands and opportunities generated by the school and by the child.
Schools can be more or less proactive in this respect. The most recent
English survey (Williams et al) shows schools evincing a high degree of
perceived openness and warmth. Most parents see the major limits to
further involvement to arise from their own limitations, especially in
respect of time available. Lone parents feel particularly restricted in this
way (Anning, 2000; Standing, 1999).
6.12 But parental time limits are not the whole story. Crozier (op cit), Reay (op
cit) and Vincent (op cit) have shown that, notwithstanding the espoused
commitment to parental involvement and parent-teacher partnership, there
are communication barriers starkly experienced by some parents – and
especially those from the working class. This is more evident in
secondary schools than primary schools, a finding replicated in other
countries. Harry (1992) for example reported that many low SES parents
in the US found home-school contacts empty, contrived, insubstantial and
6.13 Schools and their teachers are not the only sources with a potential to
nurture or inhibit fruitful connections between parents and teachers.
Children could well play a dynamic role in this process as they are known
to do in all other aspects of their experience and development.
Interestingly, the dynamic role of pupils in mediating home-school
relations has not been the subject of much research. Recent studies,
however, tell a significant story. Deslandes and Cloutier (2002) reported
the views of a sample (n = 872) of Canadian students (aged 14/15 years),
of parental involvement in schooling. The students attended high schools
in French-speaking Quebec and were involved in a longitudinal study of
parent-adolescent interactions in relation to school achievement and
psychosocial maturity. Background measures of family structure, parental
educational levels, gender and students’ reports of their own level of
autonomy were taken. The students then completed a 14 item
questionnaire assessing whether or not they would agree to their parents’
involvement in school in various ways. Example items include, ‘would
you take home notices or newsletters?’; ‘Would you ask your parent to
help you with school work/listen to you read something you wrote?’;
‘Would you discuss next year’s courses?’; ‘Would you invite your parents
to a school outing?’. The students were generally positive about most
activities (girls more so than boys). 60% would have their parent listen to
them read; 86% would invite parental assistance with ideas for a project;
71% would discuss T.V.; and 66% would work with parents to improve
grades. There were, however, two exceptions to this pattern. 67% would
not invite parents to visit their class and 65% would not have parents come
on a class trip. The responses were not correlated with either levels of
parental education or family structure. The results ‘suggest that
adolescents view parental involvement in school as a private matter that
should not be mixed with peers or teachers’, (Deslandes and Cloutier,
2002, p.226).
6.14 Edwards and Alldred (2000) talked to 70 children in years 6 and 9 (i.e. 10
and 14 year olds) across a broad range of backgrounds in three contrasting
locations including an inner-city area and a suburb. The discussions
covered a wide range of pupils’ perceptions and experiences in regard to
curriculum subjects and school and home-based activities. The pupils
were asked, for example, about the school day, doing homework, parents
helping in the classroom, school outings, talking to teachers, parents
evenings, school and option choices, family outings and family based
educational possessions and activities.
6.14.1 On the basis of the children’s comments, Edwards and Alldred constructed
a typology of parental involvement in interaction with the child as active
agent. Children could be seen as active or passive in mediating either
parent involvement or parent uninvolvement. The categories were by no
means hard and fast. In regard to the child as active in parental
involvement, they might, for example, spontaneously tell the parent about
the school day or invite parental assistance with school work. The
motives amongst the children seemed less to do with advancing their
achievement than to do with the pleasure of the parents’ company and
intimacy. This form of activity mainly took place in the home. There
were few examples of children actively ensuring parents’ involvement in
the school setting. In regard to children being passive with respect to
parental involvement, this took the form of ‘going along with’ parental
activity. They ‘did not mind’ parents offering to help or buying them
books or talking informally to teachers. They responded when asked
about the school day. The child’s active/passive dimension seemed to
contain many shades. For example, children would offer parents news
about the school day because they knew their parents expected to be kept
in the picture – a ‘passive’ form of ‘active’ engagement done more for the
parents’ sake than their own direct interest.
6.14.2 Children were just as active in discouraging, evading and obstructing their
parents’ involvement, as they were in its promotion. Pupils saw
themselves as autonomous and with a right to some privacy. They saw it
as their own responsibility to do their homework for example. They did
not want or need parental involvement. Further, on occasions pupils
actively evaded or blocked home-school connections by dumping notes or
newsletters or censuring discussions of ‘bad days at school’. This activity
did not imply alienation between pupil and parent. It was often done to
save parental stress. Notices about expensive school trips, for example,
might be ‘lost’ to save the parent stress or guilt about something they
could not afford. Equally, pupils say they find the school day boring and
do not want to inflict accounts of it on their parents.
6.14.3 A passive stance on parental uninvolvement was often evident as a
recognition of parental restriction of time or of legitimate parental taste.
Rarely did children see their parents as wilfully uninvolved: they were
seen rather, as ‘too busy’ or ‘not the type’.
6.14.4 Children adopting a passive stance to parental uninvolvement felt that
responsibility lay largely with the parents themselves to get involved
according to their tastes or resources.
6.14.5 There were apparently, strong gender differences amongst the children
with girls much more actively in support of parental involvement and that
in their home especially. There was also an age effect with secondary
school children less comfortable with parental involvement – especially in
6.14.6 There were evident social class differences too. Middle class children
were more inclined to ‘go along with the idea of parental involvement’
than those from the working class who were either more likely to initiate
involvement (mainly girls) or block it (mainly boys). In the latter cases
there seemed to be a desire to resist institutional incursions into family
life. ‘ …. working-class children … seemed to be more active in taking
and/or being given more control over their parents’ involvement in their
education. (Edwards and Alldred, 2000, p.450).
6.15 The studies of Deslandes and Cloutier (2002) and Edwards and Alldred
(2000) analysed what children say they do (or prefer). They are not
studies of actual action. They do however open a window on how the
child might play a salient role between parents and schools. When the
question, ‘why do parent differ in their degree of involvement in their
children’s schooling?’ is raised, at least part of the answers must refer to
the child’s role. This in turn, it seems, is influenced by the child’s age,
gender, and personal tastes.
6.16 Parents engage differentially in their child’s schooling then for a variety of
reasons. Some factors are strongly associated with SES and its far
reaching ramifications. Others are a result of the parent’s construction of
their role and their perceptions of self efficacy whilst yet others are
influenced by the opportunities and barriers afforded by school teachers.
Last, but by no means least, children play a dynamic role in mediating
between parents and schools. All these factors interact with each other.
6.17 On the basis of the research cited so far in this report, the following model
of effective parental involvement has been drawn (Figure 7). The model
acts as a summary of the research on naturally occurring parental
6.17.1 The model attempts to show the factors in parental involvement in
schooling that meet two criteria. First, these factors are known to make a
positive difference to school outcomes. Second, they are, in principle at
least, modifiable by educational process, i.e. by the process of learning
and teaching.
6.17.2 Different parents evince difference capacities for parental involvement in
the education of their children. Capacity here refers to an amalgam of
skills, values, motivations and opportunities. Some aspects of capacity are
shaped by personal attributes whilst others are shaped by social structures
(SES for example). Of course, there are interactions between these.
Structural factors are not show, not because they are not important but
because they are not modifiable by educational processes in the school
tenure of individual pupils (say 10/12 years).
6.17.3 Parents will be involved to the degree that they see that supporting and
enhancing their child’s school achievement is part of their ‘job’ as a
parent. Likewise, parents will get involved to the degree that they feel
they have the capacity to make a difference. People can learn new roles
and skills. The desire and capacity to be involved will be enhanced or
limited to some degree by the barriers or opportunities afforded by schools
and by individual teachers. The parent/teacher interface is a critical
meeting ground for mutual support and understanding or for mutual
6.17.4 A basic level of teacher-parent interaction is necessary to afford the
transfer of information and to effect mutual support and shared values.
Information about programmes, courses, expectations, assessment
processes and the like is crucial to the parents’ role. Information about the
child is crucial to the teacher’s role. Home/school communication is an
important conduit but it soon reaches a sufficiency level. Supportive
interaction skills can be learned.
6.17.5 Parental involvement in classrooms, trips, school governance and the like
seem to confer little advantage (public or private) in terms of pupil
achievement and/or adjustment. In-school parental involvement is
therefore not depicted in this model. This is not to dismiss this sort of
activity. Parental involvement in governance is crucial to the democratic
process whilst parental involvement in trips, functions and the like surely
help enhance pupils’ safety. There is simply no evidence that it influences
pupils in the terms of this review.
6.17.6 Teacher/parent interactions are shaped and influenced by pupils who see
themselves as playing a significant mediating role here. This role is rarely
recognised. It could be enhanced.
skills building
skills training)
onds to
arental initiatives
parental role definition parental self efficacy
(parents see education as part (parents are confident they
of their role) can make a difference)
involvement initiates
general (meeting contacts affords
parenting teachers) opportunities
Fig 7 A research based model of effective parental involvement in
Parental capacity
for involvement
Schools as
active and
reactive a
informed parent
(re aims, values,
child shapes parent/teacher
6.17.7 The key context for parental impact on school outputs is in the home.
Depending on the age or developmental level of the child parents can and
do provide for the acquisition of skills (e.g. the foundations of literacy and
numeracy through playing word and number games). This skills
component might endure for children with special needs. Throughout the
age range however, parental involvement seems to have its major impact
on children through the modelling of values and expectations, through
encouragement and through interest in and respect for the child-as-learner.
It seems that pupils internalise aspects of parental values and expectations
as they form an image of themselves as a learner – their so-called
‘educational self schema’. These influences are played out through
discussions about and beyond schooling. All aspects of these exchanges
can be enhanced through learning.
6.17.8 In the last analysis, it is the pupil who must do the learning and achieving.
Across the age range, support for schooling must be support for
independent learning. Idealised parental/child exchanges change under
mutually interacting influence as the child gets older.
6.18 Parental involvement associated with pupil progress has its major effect in
the home. Other forces, such as information from schools, might be an
essential lubricant. But the key processes of positive and respectful
parenting can at least in principle be learned. The question is, can they be
learned in practice? The research drawn on so far has examined
spontaneous levels of parental involvement as these vary under common
circumstances. Can common circumstances be altered to enhance levels
of parental involvement in ways which have an impact on pupils’
achievement and adjustment?
Chapter 7
Enhancing parental involvement in practice:
focus on parent/school links
7.1 Attempts to promote parental participation in education may usefully be
organised into three categories. First, there are those activities which
focus on the immediate connectivity between schools and parents.
Secondly, there are activities which cast the issue of involvement more
broadly into family and community education programmes. Thirdly, there
are parent training programmes aimed at promoting parental psycho-
social health and/or relationship skills which are known to be
foundational to parental involvement. There are important distinctions
between these approaches. At the same time there are significant
connections and overlaps. Some programmes fall across all these
categories. They are distinguished here for the sake of ease of exposition.
In this section of the present report the focus is on activities of the first
type – programmes which focus on the immediate connectivity of schools
and parents. A subsequent section will examine family and community
education and parent training programmes.
7.1.1 In this chapter it is shown that there is a huge level of activity in
promoting school-home links. Work from Canada, the USA and the UK is
described. There is extensive professional commitment to and investment
in this work. Yet much of it is evaluated in ways which are technically so
weak that it is impossible to draw objective judgements as to the quality of
the provision and its impact. These subjective evaluations nonetheless
indicate a coherent and consistent picture. Provision is rated very highly
by all concerned and teachers and parents generally agree that the
attempts to enhance parental involvement described here have been rich
fruit in terms of pupils’ behaviour and adjustment.
7.1.2 The chapter concludes with a set of principles to be followed if these
subjective judgements are to be put on a better foundation of evidence and
if the activity in the field is to be in a position to capitalise on the potential
for parental involvement more fully.
7.2 Attempts to enhance parental involvement in education occupy
governments, administrators, educators and parents’ organisations across
North America, Australasia, continental Europe, Scandinavia and the UK.
It is anticipated that parents should play a role not only in the promotion
of their own children’s achievements but more broadly in school
improvement and the democratisation of school governance. The
European commission, for example, holds that the degree of parental
participation is a significant indicator of the quality of schooling which
might take place through:
Statutory advisory and decision making bodies
Evaluation of their schools
Voluntary associations
Voluntary involvement in after school activities
Voluntary involvement in classroom activities
Communications with the school
7.3 The English Government has promoted parent involvement through a
wide range of activities including:
the enhancement of parent governor roles
involvement in inspection processes
provision of annual reports and prospectuses
the requirement for home/school agreements
provision of increasing amounts of information about the
curriculum, school performance and other matters
7.3.1 The business of enhancing parental participation is widespread, lively and
intensely active. In England, every LEA has policies and programmes in
the field. It is impossible to document all this material. In any event, such
an attempt would be futile since the activity is constantly changing. Up-
to-date provisions can be examined through LEA web-sites. At the same
time there are large numbers of voluntary bodies, charitable bodies,
academic research organisations, major national initiatives and vast
numbers of one-school projects operating in pursuit of the objectives of
parental involvement. In addition there is an enormous literature,
especially of the rhetorical kind consisting of ‘how to do it’ guides.
Entering the phrase ‘parents in education’ or its synonyms into any search
engine produces an indigestible response. The BBC search facility, for
example, locates in excess of 3 million sites for the term ‘parents in
7.3.2 Perhaps the best attempt to organise this field and to keep abreast of
developments is the, ‘Parents in Education’ website run by the University
of Dundee (www.dundee.ac.uk/psychology/ParentsinEducation/). For
those wishing to get a sense of what is going on, at least in the UK and
mainland Europe, this site offers the most useful resource in regard to
policies, activities and research.
7.3.3 From the point of view of this report, the question is not so much ‘what is
going on?’ but ‘what works?’ and ‘what lessons are being learned?’ The
evidence base on which answers to the questions can be mounted is at best
7.4 McKenna and Willms (1998) published an extensive review of ‘What
works in Canada’ in regard to home-school cooperation. The review is
data-free in terms of impact on pupils’ achievement and adjustment. The
authors were able to report extensive developments in policies in parental
participation at the level of parental involvement in school governance.
They also present evidence on the rapid growth of parental engagement at
this level. Developments in information technology have increased the
capacity of parents and schools to exchange messages with each other.
There is an extensive and well documented level of parental voluntary
work in schools. The importance of schools helping parents to enhance
home learning environments is widely recognised. Unfortunately,
‘evidence of action in this area is sparse’ (McKenna and Willms, 1998,
p.30). If evidence of action in the area is sparse, evidence of impact in the
terms of the present review is non-existent. The authors recognise that,
‘movement towards greater parental participation has proceeded without
strong legislation, and could be described as haphazard …’ (p.20).
7.5 In the United States of America, attempts to enhance parental
involvement programmatically have been much more systematic than is
evident in Canada. Parental involvement programmes have been featured
in federal, state and local education policies (Epstein, 1991). Parent
involvement is one of the six targeted areas in the ‘No Child left Behind
Act’ of 2001. Schools receiving Federal, Title 1, funding are required to
spend part of the money on parent participation programmes.
7.6 Reviews of these programmes show that most are not independently
evaluated (Henderson, 1987; Lennon et al, 1997). Where conducted,
evaluations are extremely flawed in regard to questions of impact on
educational outcomes. Where sound evaluations have been conducted
there seems to be little evidence that the programmes are effective in
improving student achievement or in changing the behaviour of parents,
pupils or teachers. White, Taylor and Moss (1992) analysed 172 studies
of the impact of parental involvement programmes in U.S. pre-
kindergarten and concluded that there was, ‘no convincing evidence that
the ways in which parents have been involved in previous early
intervention research studies result in more effective outcomes’ (p.91).
7.7 More recently, Mattingly et al (2002) reviewed 41 studies that evaluated
parental involvement programmes to assess the claim that they made a
positive impact on pupil learning. They found, ‘little empirical support for
the widespread claim that parental involvement programmes are an
effective means of improving student achievement or changing parent,
teacher and student behaviour ‘ (p.549).
7.7.1 Mattingly et al hasten to add that this does not mean that the programmes
are ineffective. It means that there is little evidence that they are effective.
The main problem presenting reviewers in the field is the poor quality of
the evaluations. There is a huge level of industry in the field. Mattingly et
al found hundreds of reports of parent involvement programmes but only
41 of these reported the outcomes of the interventions. Amongst even
these studies there were ‘glaring flaws’ including a failure to report crucial
information on processes and participants, lack of comparison groups to
account for maturation effects, a reliance on highly subjective indicators
of effectiveness, and a lack of control of the effects of socio-economic
status. In the light of their review the authors concluded that, ‘there is no
substantial evidence to indicate a causal relationship between
interventions designed to increase parent involvement and improvements
in student learning. This, of course, does not imply that the evaluated
programmes were ineffective. Rather, it cautions that the evidence of their
success does not justify the claims made about parental involvement.’
7.8 Perhaps in the light of such finding in the United States, the need for
strategic planning has been seen as essential to the initiation and
maintenance of parental involvement especially in regard to disadvantaged
or otherwise ‘hard to reach’ families. Decades of US experience in home-
school collaboration have recently been reviewed by Raffaele and Knoff
(1999). These authors conclude that successful engagement programmes
require both strategic planning and organisational change, ‘ … we must
recognise the organisational climate that exists within our schools and the
(often covert) messages about involvement that we send … this is
particularly important for parents who have had negative school
experiences themselves.’ (p.449). Drawing lessons from ‘best practice’
projects in the US, Raffaele and Knoff claim that work on home-school
collaboration should build on a foundation of core beliefs which they see
as follows:
1. Collaboration should be pro-active rather than reactive; the
engagement of all parents should be worked for
2. Collaboration involves sensitivity to the wide ranging
circumstances of all students and families
3. Collaboration recognises and values the contributions parents
have to make to the educational process
4. Collaboration must engender parental empowerment; all parents
must be given a voice and that voice must be heard.
(Raffaele and Knoff, 1999, p.452)
7.8.1 Once a school has decided on a home-school collaboration programme,
experience from successful programmes suggests that strategic planning,
running for at least three years, is essential. The plan should conform to
the general principles of management paying heed to role clarification,
resource allocation, target setting, training, monitoring, evaluation and
review. Specifically with respect to seeking to build collaboration with
disadvantaged families, 4 preliminary phases of sequenced action were
suggested as follows:
1. an external scan and analysis must be conducted to analyse the
community’s human and material resources and existing links,
together with the identification of current and possible local
demographic trends;
2. an analysis of all stakeholders’ perceptions and expectations
must be completed; in this way, mutual priorities can be
3. an internal organisational (i.e. school) scan must then be
conducted to identify resources and necessary organisational
4. a public awareness process must be enacted to help parents and
teachers understand the need for the strategic plan.
7.8.2 In important respects this preliminary work is a comprehensive and
mutual needs assessment. It is presumed to maximise commitment and
enhance momentum for a plan of action and to help maximise everyone’s
use of resources. The needs analysis is then fed into an action planning
process devised and managed by a team representing all stakeholders.
The guiding principle is that successful programmes are, ‘ planned and not
merely a collection of random or disorganised activities’ (Raffaele and
Knoff, 1999, p.461). Research, suggests these authors, shows that
successful projects for home-school collaboration require clear
foundational principles, mutual respect between all stakeholders and
extensive strategic and operational planning. Extensive time scales for
installation are implicated.
7.9 These attributes are well illustrated in the most extensive US home-school
networks built over decades and culminating in The National Network of
Partnership Schools (Kreider, 2000; Sanders and Epstein, 2000). This
comprises more than 1,000 schools across 14 states operating with
research based tools and strategies for implementing home-school
partnership activities. The Network provides training and technical
support as well as a website, newsletters, a handbook and other
information services.
7.9.1 The network was built on almost two decades of research and
development recently described by Sanders and Epstein (2000) the latter
author being the founder and lead researcher throughout. Figure 8 shows
the time line for development.
field studies in 8 primary
pilots in middle schools
field and
field studies in 6 high schools
field work with
districts and states
initiation of the Network;
ongoing R + D
1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999
Fig 8. Timeline of research and development leading to the National
Network of Partnership schools (from Sanders and Epstein,
7.9.2 Initial studies in the 1980s showed that, ‘if schools reached out, more
parents became involved’ and that ‘subject specific involvement
influenced subject specific results … if families were frequently involved
in reading activities students gained in reading scores more than
uninvolved families, … but this did not influence achievement in maths’
(Sanders and Epstein, 2000, p.63). Another important lesson was to
change the typical ‘research’ project with a project director into an ‘action
team’ with key stakeholders represented. This required the community to
share responsibility for planning, implementing and evaluating partnership
practices. The ‘Action Term for Partnership’ ensures distributed
responsibility and continuity across the time scales necessary (years) to
initiate, sustain and integrate all aspects of the plan.
7.9.3 A feature of successful ventures was that action plans were drawn up in a
form integrated with the school’s general development plan and activities
were designed in pursuit of each of Epstein’s six categories of
involvement. These categories were referred to earlier and shown again
here in Fig 9.
Type of
providing housing, health, nutrition, safety;
parenting skills for all ages;
home conditions to support learning;
information to help schools know child and
in school help in classrooms; or as audiences
Learning at home
help with homework, subject skills, other
skills and talents
Decision making
membership of PTA or other committees
and advisory groups
with the
Community contributions to schools and
families; family and school contributions to
the community
Fig 9. Epstein’s framework for involvement (from Kreider, 2000)
7.9.4 The three innovations (the broad conceptual framework, the Action Team,
the involvement strategic plan as part of the school development plan)
were thoroughly tested in the second phase of development and research
work in the early 1990s. Extensive support and training was offered to all
participants and the developments were thoroughly evaluated. The R and
D programme was extended to high schools where it was found that when
schools were pro-active in involvement families were very positive. They
became intensively engaged and their opinion of the schools was
enhanced. Impact however was, perhaps predictably, patchy. Success
was seen to hinge not only on strategic planning but on the quality of the
activities under the six headings of involvement. Further development
work at this level was pursued over three years.
7.9.5 The next challenging issue was the question of how to scale up the activity
from an R and D project into a major, going concern. The earlier work
had lead to a better understanding of the dynamics of parental and
community involvement. The next phase of work explored the issues of
leadership, organisational development and wider scale planning and
administration. A theory of organisational development was constructed
to inform the scaling up process. This theory is shown in Figure 10.
Fig. 10 Organisational development theory of the National Network of
Partnership Schools (Kreider, 2000)
Build on a
Begin with a
Apply a
Develop a
Network of
Design a
districts and
Build the
capacity to
develop and
Provide a
and co-
structure for
Support the
with new
Use feedback for
learning and
National change
Build a learning
system with network
Share findings with
educators, policy
makers, researchers
7.9.6 The theory shown is intensely practical. Each element has been worked
through at the level of practical detail. Each is essential to establish and
sustain the productive work of involvement. It is a model for sustained
practical action. The theory and its implication are described in detail in
Epstein (2001). It will suffice here to emphasise three points. First, it is
clear that the network is based on an extensive R and D platform. All
aspects of early pilot phases were thoroughly researched with a view to
deepening understanding of involvement. And, clearly, the pilots did not
work unless the individual involvement activities were of high quality
practicality. Second, the programme is committed to learning and
development systematically. No one joins unless they sign up to
participating in continuous R and D feed-back work. Third, and most
important here, there are two kinds of evidence that the Network has had
impact. In the first instance, despite demanding joining-criteria,
membership has grown rapidly from about 200 schools in 1996 to more
than 1,000 in 2000. 60% of these are amongst the most economically
disadvantaged in the US.
7.9.7 The work of the National Network of Partnership Schools has had impact
on policy and practice beyond its immediate orbit. Most state
administrations it seems, are looking to extend school-parent and/or
school/community involvement and are in active connection with the
Network to seek to use their experience. The Network in turn is
committed to a process of knowledge transfer to export, as it were, their
material artefacts, conceptual tools, leadership training and management
7.9.8 Perhaps most importantly to the present remit, the Network lays claim to
having an impact on student achievement and adjustment. Each year
schools in the partnership are invited to report in detail on a specified
aspect of achievement. In 2003 for example, the Network will report on
the language arts and reading. Previous reports have covered
mathematics, attendance and discipline. In regard to mathematics, data
were collected from 18 schools (elementary and high schools) on school
characteristics, involvement practices, grades and achievement test scores.
After controlling for prior levels of achievement some activities for family
involvement in maths at home and at school predicted higher student
performance (Sheldon and Epstein, 2001a). Assigning homework that
involved families and offering lending libraries with maths related
activities were particularly strongly associated with better grades. Other
effective activities included, information to parents on how to contact the
maths teacher; workshops on maths skills and school expectations and
inviting parents to assemblies celebrating maths achievement.
7.9.9 Forty-seven schools participated in an evaluation of the effect of
partnership on discipline. Regardless of prior levels of indiscipline,
schools that improved the quality of partnership activity from one year to
the next reported lower levels of students involved in disciplinary action.
After accounting for prior levels of indiscipline, schools that used more
practices to involve families in school reported lower levels of students
receiving detention (Sheldon and Epstein, 2001b). Similar effects were
found for attendance in a study involving 12 elementary schools (Epstein
and Sheldon, 2000). Three partnership activities seemed to be particularly
effective in increasing daily attendance rates and reducing chronic
absenteeism: rewarding attendance; providing parents with a contact
person at school to call as needed; and communicating with all families
about school expectations.
7.9.10 Several issues are noteworthy about these results. First, the preponderance
of schools in the network are in areas of serious economic deprivation.
Good results here are both striking and potentially far reaching. Second,
the analyses allow the identification of the specific practices most clearly
linked to success in the judgement of professionals on the ground. Third,
the results can immediately be circulated throughout the network together
with a rich description of the characteristics of the schools. This allows
other schools to identify the practices most likely to succeed in their
circumstances. At the same time, caution is warranted. Only a small
fraction of schools took part in the surveys and those on a voluntary basis.
The data are all from self reports. The format of the data does not seem to
make it easy to attribute cause and effects. This is not to dismiss the
available evidence out-of-hand. Nor should the difficulties of evaluating
complex interventions be underestimated. The terms ‘pupil achievement’
and ‘pupil adjustment’ refer to very broad aspirations which have far
reaching ramifications. To evaluate the impact of interventions, of
whatever kind, on school outcomes necessitates clear definitions of those
outcomes and agreed measurement instruments which are accepted as
relevant and authentic to the range of stakeholders. Earlier research has
used standardised tests and teachers’ grades as proxy measures for
achievement and adjustment but such research was after-the-event. Were
such measures used up-front, as it were, the danger arises of everyone
working to the tests. This is well known to distort teaching and learning
7.9.11 Further problems of evaluation become evident when it is recognised that
schools which become engaged in parental involvement schemes are
characteristically participating in a range of school improvement activities.
As and when schools improve it will always be difficult to identify the
unique contribution of each initiative to the overall benefits. It might even
be considered foolish – somewhat akin to attempting to ascertain the
unique contributions of the gin and the tonic to a gin and tonic. This
observation is particularly relevant to the educational scene in England
where, in the last few years schools have been engaged with a large and
multi-facetted programme of reform. Attempts to identify the unique
contribution of single elements of the reform programme are bound to face
challenging problems of research design. All these issues are as evident in
UK home/school projects as they are in the US.
7.10 In many respects the scene in England reflects that in the U S A . A great
deal of work is evident in encouraging all aspects of parental involvement
in education. There is a strong commitment to the rhetoric of parental
involvement particularly so in primary schools and increasingly in
secondary schools. Schools are investing time, energy, creativity and
material resources (money, space, equipment) in encouraging and
supporting parental participation in schools and in the home. That being
said, evaluations in the field, particularly in terms of the impact of parental
involvement on pupil achievement and adjustment are, for the most part,
short term, technically weak and based on subjective judgements of
participants. Following Mattingley et als’ (2002) comments on US
evaluations, it cannot be and must not be concluded that this industry does
not work. The conclusion to be drawn is that without systematic, good
quality evaluations, few lessons can be learned from the effort invested
and it seems unlikely that the potential of parental involvement will be
fully realised.
7.11 The best evaluations in the field in England can be found in several Ofsted
reports referring either to individual schools or to special, country-wide
issues (e.g. the Ofsted evaluations of special initiatives or Ofsted
commentaries on good practice in nominated areas of special challenge).
In these reports it is characteristic that Ofsted inspectors use their national
data bases to distinguish between good practice provision and the ordinary
or less good provision in terms of pupil achievement and behaviour. They
then identify the characteristics of good provision which seem to
distinguish it from the ordinary. This invariably involves reference to a
whole school focus on achievement, clear and firm leadership, high
quality teaching, a curriculum finessed to capitalise on learners’ interests
and community and parental involvement. Parental involvement is thus
cast as a key ingredient of an indivisible cocktail of factors promoting
achievement. Causal links in this analysis are assumed.
7.11.1 For example, in reporting on good practice in secondary schools
promoting the achievement of Black Caribbean Pupils (Ofsted, 2002,
report No. 448), Ofsted inspectors concluded that relatively successful
schools evinced (amongst other things), ‘close links with parents … based
on shared values and expectations of behaviour, attitudes and habits of
work. These schools listen to parents’ concerns, are open with them and
work with them at resolving differences. Parents’ understanding of their
children’s progress is founded on rigorous discussion, honest reporting
and swift contact when important information needs to be shared.’ (p.4).
7.11.2 Identical conclusions are drawn in reports on the Achievement of Black
Caribbean Pupils in the primary school (Ofsted, 2002); Improving
Attendance and Behaviour in Secondary Schools (Ofsted, 2001); Lessons
Learned from Special Measures (Ofsted, 1999); Improving City Schools
(Ofsted, 2000); New Start Partnerships (Ofsted, 2001); Managing Support
for the Attainment of Pupils from Ethnic Minority Groups (Ofsted, 2001)
and on Raising the Attainment of Minority Ethnic pupils’ Schools and
LEAs Responses (Ofsted, 1999).
7.11.3 Ofsted inspectors go on to identify the component parts of good practice in
the pursuit of parental involvement. Good practice institutions, in the
Ofsted view, commit a great deal of sustained energy and resource to this
work. In some schools posts of special responsibility are dedicated to
parental involvement. Extensive programmes of meetings with parents are
arranged, some to explain the curriculum and schools’ practice, some to
report progress, some to consider individual pupils and some to celebrate
success. Some schools provide courses for parents on curriculum relevant
topics, others take special measures such as arranging transport to school
to meet particular parents’ needs. Above all, good schools in this respect
are on the one hand dedicated to constructive listening and on the other to
the forthright pursuit of increased educational standards.
7.11.4 At the core of good practice is a commitment to communication. Key
features of working with parents as set out in ‘Improving city Schools’
(Ofsted, 2000) are:
Accessible literature covering all parents want to know
Frequent communication
Consultations which are timely, flexible and planned to maximise
7.12 This pattern of good practice is extensively illustrated on the DfES
Standards website. A section is devoted to Parental Involvement which
contains examples from across the age range of compulsory schooling
7.12.1 For example, the AMBER project, described on the site, aims to help
ethnic minority families in the City and County of Nottingham. The
objectives are to:
Empower and encourage parents to become involved in their
children’s education
Provide the opportunity for school based adult learning
Train support workers to facilitate these goals
Success is claimed in the following terms:
Community rooms and facilities have been established in schools
There has been increased parental take up of parent governor
Parents feel more valued
Communications with ethnic minority parents has become more
Individual support has been provided for parents wishing to re-
enter education or employment.
These noteworthy achievements all help to lay the foundations of good
relationships between schools and parents but the key bonus – the impact
on pupil achievement and adjustment in terms of this review – has yet to
be evaluated.
7.12.2 On the same website, Cadbury Heath Primary School is nominated as a
beacon of good practice in parental involvement. The school devotes a
great deal of creativity energy and resource to this facet of its educational
provision. They run a state of the art induction programme, local
evaluations of which show it to be greatly appreciated by parents. This is
followed through in the SPECS campaign (Supportive Parents Enabling
Children’s Success). The core aims of SPECS is to increase parental
involvement in their children’s education to impact on achievement and to
support parents in this direction. The SPECS programme provides
parents’ evenings focussing on literacy, ICT and numeracy. There is an
‘even better parenting’ course. Quality speakers are invited to address
parents and discuss issues with them. The programme has been regularly
evaluated using a questionnaire over a number of years (Mitchell, 2000,
personal communication, 2003). Questions invite parents to rate whether
the programme has achieved its aim and whether it has made a difference
to what parents do to promote their child’s achievement. The programme
attracts the overwhelming endorsement of the parents who respond.
Effectiveness is rated positively by in excess of 90% of respondents whilst
the impact of SPECS on school ethos attracts a 100% appreciation rating.
7.13 Few evaluations of home-school links work are published for general
circulation. Exceptions include Hardie and Alcorn (2000), who report the
experience of promoting parental involvement in one high school in
Edinburgh. In the early 90s the school had an imploding school roll, a bad
reputation in the borough and was facing closure. It was also facing the
consequences of extreme economic deprivation in local families. Through
titanic efforts the school was turned around. Morale amongst staff, pupils
and parents became very positive. Examination results rose by significant
degrees. From near closure, the school moved to prize winning status in a
few years. Amongst the many initiatives implicated in this impressive
success story, Hardie and Alcorn describe the ‘INSTEP’ project which
was a programme dedicated to enhancing home-school links. At a
strategic level the school was committed to working with and through the
parents. Parents were consulted at all turns on policies and practices.
There was a recognition that local parents, for whatever reason, had poor
educational aspirations for their children. There was, on the part of the
school, a determination to make a step-wise change here and more broadly
in home/school links.
7.13.1 A special team was installed. Cast as a resource to the whole school, it
was dedicated to working with parents. The team mediated at many levels
between parents and the school’s teaching and learning activities. Hardie
and Alcorn acknowledge that the impact of this intervention is not easily
measured. In fact it is probably impossible to measure. It was, with four
full time staff and additional support workers, an expensive undertaking
and, by Hardie and Alcorn’s account, its operation was not without
problems and tensions – especially between the INSTEP team and other
support agencies in the school. Yet in attempting to evaluate INSTEP the
cocktail metaphor seems to apply. It is difficult to imagine that the
INSTEP programme played little or no part in the success story. At the
same time it is difficult to pin down the cost/benefit analysis. Lessons
were learned it seems. Hardie and Alcorn note that, ‘ … approaches have
evolved considerably … the emphasis has shifted away from trying to
encourage more involvement of parents in the school itself to one which
encourages more active interest in their children’s education from the
perspective of the home environment’ (p.110). But with a post hoc
evaluation it is impossible to establish lessons on the basis of evidence.
7.14 Scaling up slightly, Bawa (2000) reported a parental involvement project
as part of a LEA wide ‘Action for Achievement Project’ in Newham. The
parent project ran across 2 nursery schools, 7 primary schools and a
Special School. Each school had a nominated link teacher and developed
its school improvement policies with parents. Evaluations over the years
showed considerable enthusiasm for working together on the part of
parents and staff. Teachers felt that parents’ expectations had been raised.
There was no evidence reported which related the initiatives to impact on
pupils’ achievement.
7.14.1 In a quantum leap increase in scale, Birmingham LEA ran an authority
wide programme of parental involvement dedicated to enhancing
achievement in literacy and mathematics. The programme (called
INSPIRE) was, ‘offered purely as an opportunity for parents and carers to
work with their child alongside the teachers and be involved in activities’.
(Bateson, 2000, p.56). Whilst schools were not given prescribed lessons
or materials to deliver they were given induction training in the principles
and practice of working alongside parents, initial exemplar materials and
funding for supporting staff in the extra work.
7.14.2 The practical focus in INSPIRE (as reported by Bateson, 2000; personal
communication 2003) was to target one class per school. In this class the
children would each bring a ‘special’ adult from home to work alongside
the teacher and themselves on activities carefully designed to attend to the
maths curriculum and to collaborative work. In the ‘best cases’, the child
was prepared for this work before the event. 140 schools and in excess of
8,000 families, many in the most straightened economic circumstances,
have become involved. Impact has, as is the case of most schemes in the
field, been assessed by self report. Teachers feel that the activity has had a
notable positive effect on parents’ attitudes to schooling. Staff and parents
report a 70%+ increase in educational activity in the home. 60% of
teachers reported increased achievement amongst involved pupils.
Everyone involved (children, teachers, parents) report feeling more
confidence in working together and in maths. Those teachers not
reporting advanced levels of achievement as such, caution that it is simply
too early in the life of the project or too complex to tell. Given the welter
of initiatives that these schools must have been engaged in at the same
time as the INSPIRE project, this is a wise note of caution.
7.15 Moving beyond the LEA scale of project, Capper (2000, 2003) reports on
a national venture into parental involvement, the SHARE project. As of
February 2003 this was running in 1000+ schools across 200 LEAs/EAZs.
Originally designed for and piloted in KS1 it has been developed to
include KS2 and further work is in progress to involve KS3. In many
respects SHARE resembles Epstein’s, National Network of Partnership
Schools. It has a thoroughgoing, principled rationale; it was piloted and
carefully worked up; involved schools have access to training, project
materials and network support. In important respects, SHARE is more
ambitious than the US National Network. Its aims are more far reaching.
Not only is it committed to improving pupil attainment, it also aims to
motivate parents in regard to their own education. Furthermore, SHARE
aims to develop effective management of parental involvement in schools.
7.15.1 Independent evaluations have been reported both for the pilot (Bastiani,
1997) and for 2 years of the substantive programme (Bastiani, 1999).
Specific SHARE activities at the school and LEA level have been
evaluated by Universities and local inspectors, and schools conduct their
own annual evaluations. The enthusiasm of all concerned is well
documented. Evidence of the impact on pupil achievement comes in the
form of anecdote, case study, teachers’ records and vignettes from parents.
It is impossible to evaluate this evidence, to give any sense of the scale or
significance of the impact or to begin to relate this impact to specific
activities or sets of activities in the SHARE initiative. This is not to claim
that SHARE dos not work. The professionals who complete local
evaluations are clearly convinced that they are getting a significant return
in terms of parent involvement and pupil achievement on their extensive
commitment of time, energy and money. The claim here is simply that
publicly available evidence does not afford these conclusions on an
objective basis.
7.16 It is in the nature of these programmes to offer participants freedom to be
creative in the details of their interactions whilst operating within a
principled management framework. Creativity inevitably means that there
is no set kit of activities. This adds to the difficulties of evaluation. But it
does not make evaluation impossible.
7.17 That evidence can be collected in complex settings in ways that have
meaning beyond the unique circumstances of individual participants is
demonstrated in an early evaluation of the RSA based, Parents in a
Learning Society, Project (Bastiani, 1995). This project was dedicated to
enhancing home-school links with a view of benefiting all stakeholders
and to do so with the objective of sustaining links through the age range of
compulsory schooling. 10 schools were involved from nursery to 6th form
in a ‘recce in depth’ project. The aims were to promote parents as co-
educators, parents as learners and to explore the potential to share ideas
with a national audience. The focus of this present report is on the
project’s impact on pupil achievement and adjustment. In common with
other projects it seems that everyone enjoyed the experience and, it seems,
attitudes were positively shaped. As ever, evidence of impact on
attainment takes the form of illustration and anecdote. Selective self
report is the only source of evidence. There is, however, an important
exception which is in regard to bullying. As the evaluator puts it, ‘…
there is now a growing body of evidence that a shared approach to
bullying in schools actually works … it is one of the areas of school life
… where professionals seem disposed to collect evidence of outcomes and
effects … there are a growing number of striking examples of ‘before and
after’ (Bastiani, 1995, p.49). We might conclude that where there is a will
to evidence based practice, there is a way.
7.18 This will is perhaps best exemplified in a project reported by Hannon and
Nutbrown (2001). This venture built on more than a decade of working on
the question, ‘How can early educators collaborate with parents to
promote pre-school literacy development?’ (p.1). Their project (Raising
Early Achievement in Literacy, REAL) was mounted in areas of social
need in Sheffield and focussed on children with literacy attainments
significantly below national norms. 10 schools engaged in the work
taking the form of a 12 – 18 month pre-school entry programme. It is
especially noteworthy that parents volunteered on the understanding that
they had a 50/50 chance of being allocated to a control group.
7.18.1 Programme activities took the form of home visits by teachers, provision
of literacy resources, centre based group activities, special events and
postal communications. Adult education opportunities were offered in the
form of an accredited Open College Network course for parents and of
bridging opportunities into local provision.
7.18.2 There was 100% take up and no drop out through the programme which
worked to four key questions
How can parents be helped to provide more opportunities for literacy
How can parents’ recognition of early achievement be enhanced?
How can parents interaction with their children be enhanced?
How can parents be supported as models of written language use?
These questions were pursued with parents.
7.18.3 The parents were extremely positive about the programme and teachers
rated parental engagement highly. But perhaps most particularly striking
is that the programme children made more literacy progress than
comparable group children not in the study as measured on a purpose
designed test of early literacy development. This is a remarkable
achievement given that the programme did not set out to teach children
directly. ‘The gains did not result from a teaching or training programme
as normally understood … we (provided) parents with ways of thinking
about their roles … the differences (between programme and control
children) reflect socio cultural change in family literacy produced through
teacher-parent interaction and parent child interaction.’ (Hannnon and
Nutbrown, 2001 p.12).
7.18.4 This programme was modest in scale and, in the UK, unique in its use of
an experimental design. It worked its impact through and with parents.
Its connectivity to the schools the children attend bodes well for the
prospects of early gains to be built on.
7.19 Not all parental partnership schemes are aimed directly at pupil
achievement and adjustment. Some are designed to provide for or
improve what might be called, the infrastructure to achievement.
7.20 In regard to children with special educational needs, resources were made
available in the mid 90s for projects which would encourage partnership
between LEAs, parents, schools and other bodies in the work of assessing
and providing for these pupils. In these schemes, particular attention was
expected to be given to reducing conflict and to minimising the number of
statutory SEN appeals. These schemes have been the subject of two
evaluations funded by the DfES (Wolfendale and Cook, 1999, Vernon,
1999). The two evaluations had almost identical briefs. Neither was
expected to trace the impact of the schemes through to their effects on the
7.20.1 Appraisals of infrastructure however, are not irrelevant to the present ask.
Both reviews show that, in providing for SEN children, designated ‘Parent
Partnership Officers’ (PPOs) have played a key role in linking the various
parties to the task. Good work has been done and both evaluators are
confident that the Parent Partnership schemes have generally made a
7.20.2 At the same time they note the stress and, in some cases, fault lines in the
system. Some challenging issues were identified as follows: not all
parental needs were being met; the term ‘partnership’ was subject to many
different interpretations not all of which were readily compatible; working
with schools was not straightforward for the PPOs; there was a perceived
need for further thinking at a strategic level if partnerships were to become
genuinely collective concerns. Although these comments refer to services
for SEN children they raise the same questions in regard to all children. If
there are tensions between the several constituencies in providing for these
vulnerable children they are unlikely to disappear in regard to the broader
pupil profile.
7.21 A different approach to the examination of infrastructure on linking home
and school has explored the impact of ICT (Becta, 2000). The objectives
of this study were to identify the types of technologies being used and the
various models of use and to identify particular benefits and how these
related to teaching and learning and to the way schools are managed. The
interest to hand here is, of course, the degree to which parents were
involved and the degree to which the technologies, used through home-
school links, had an impact on pupil achievement.
7.21.1 Evidence was gathered using, amongst other techniques, interviews with
‘key informants’ including representatives of the DfES, BECTA, QCA,
Ofsted and the TTA; a questionnaire survey of 200+ schools and case
studies of 8 schools. A predictable conclusion of the research for the
present purpose is that , ‘At this early stage … it is not possible to make
claims about major gains in the transformation of pupils’ learning and
improved communications with parents’ (BECTA, 2000, p.13/14). At the
time of the report schools were only just beginning to appraise the
possibilities. It is noteworthy however, that the parental role is barely
7.22 In summarising this section, the following points are worth noting:
the business of linking parents and schools is exceedingly busy;
there is a significant range and scale of activity
the rate of voluntary uptake of schemes attests to the levels of
spontaneous interest amongst the stakeholders
evaluations invariably report high levels of enthusiasm amongst
parents and teachers; self reports underscore the sense of
achievement and confidence in working together
at the same time, the evidence of impact on pupils’ achievement and
attainment is patchy, ad hoc, mainly subjective and impossible to
relate to the parent/teacher/child activities
detailed examination of the infrastructure of partnership schemes for
SEN children, whilst recognising much good work, reveals
nonetheless limitations in strategic planning towards sustainable
collectivity, problems in meeting some ‘difficult to reach parents’
and tensions between the different constituencies.
7.22.1 This chapter started with an observation and two questions. It was
observed that spontaneous or ‘natural’ differences in levels of parental
involvement in children’s education (especially in those forms worked
through out of school) were associated with significant differences in
children’s attainment even when all other factors (such as SES) were taken
into account. The questions raised were (a) ‘can levels of parental
involvement be raised beyond spontaneous activities and, if so, (b) does
this make a difference to pupils’ attainment?’
7.22.2 The available evidence on the questions would seem to suggest that levels
of involvement can be raised. The jury is out on whether this makes a
difference to pupil achievement. Evidence from the US and from
provision for SEN children in England would suggest that if a difference
is to be made for all children (and especially those in families difficult to
reach) and if that difference is to be sustained, the following conditions
beyond goodwill and endeavour would have to obtain.
strategic planning which embeds parental involvement schemes in
whole-school development plans
sustained support, resourcing and training
community involvement at all levels of management from initial
needs analysis through to monitoring, evaluation and review
a commitment to a continuous system of evidence based
development and review
a supportive networked system that promotes objectivity and shared
Evaluation of current activity in direct linkages between parents and schools
suggests that all initiatives lack some of these element and most lack most
of them.
Chapter 8
Adult and community education and parent training programmes
8.1 In this chapter research is reported that focuses on the evaluation of adult
and community family education and parent training programmes. Whilst
these are somewhat more loosely connected to pupils’ achievement and
adjustment than initiatives reported in Chapter 7, they are nonetheless
expected to have an impact on pupils’ development and educational
8.1.2 Once again it is reported that evaluations are, in the main technically very
weak. Too often they afford few safe objective conclusions in regard to
learning outcomes.
8.1.3 There is however increasing evidence to show that the programmes
reviewed here have positive impacts on parents and parenting and, where
programmes are specifically designed and managed to influence
children’s behaviour and learning they do so. The scale of the effects is
however, difficult to estimate from available evidence.
8.2 Adult and community education has recently been specified as taking
place in ‘certain types of community based settings, often outside the
framework of educational institutions’, focussed on, ‘priority client groups
for widening participation’, and ‘not usually focused on a job-specific
vocational purpose’ (Callaghan et at, 2001, p.1/2). It is intended to have
an impact on neighbourhood renewal and regeneration at the individual
and community level. The community aspect is pivotal, ‘where learning
really engages people’s interests it can have a pivotal role in helping
communities cohere …’ (Callaghan et al, 2001, p.vii). Provision in this
domain has been extensively reviewed recently in general (Callaghan et al,
2001) and in its relationship to schools in particular (Ball, 1998; Dyson
and Robson, 1999). Aspects of changing wants and needs of potential
participants have been described (Brassett-Grundy, 2002; Blackwell and
Bynner, 2002).
8.3 Reviews indicate that there is mass take up of Adult and Community
Education with estimates of annual participation between 1.6 and 2.5
million in LEA provision alone. Participants claim social and personal
benefits including enhanced, ‘health, active ageing, self esteem,
communication skills and improvement in family relationships’.
(Callaghan et al, 2001, p.vii). From the point of view of the present
review such impacts might be expected to work their way through
enhanced confidence and higher educational expectations into better
parenting and a strengthened capacity for parental involvement in
schooling. It might be anticipated that successful engagement in Adult
and Community Education would promote parental capacity for
involvement as depicted in the model in Figure 8. Such a prediction
would have to be an act of faith. There is no data to hand which allows
the link between Adult Education (as specified above), parental
participation and pupil achievement.
8.4 Engagement in adult education is skewed. Economic deprivation, the
severity of unemployment history, and masculinity are all negative
indications of low engagement. Engagement is low precisely where
parental involvement is low and possibly for much the same reasons.
Conceived in its most general terms, Adult Education has yet to achieve
an impact on these relationships.
8.5 Conceived more narrowly however, a more promising picture emerges.
Community education is frequently managed by and located in schools.
Ball (1998) described the forms of relationship schools establish with their
communities. The vision of this activity is the ‘holistic school’ offering
resources to the whole community. The actual picture (at least as of 1998)
was significantly less than that. At best, some schools were operating as a
community provider. Many were providing services and support to the
families of children on roll. Most were more narrowly engaged in
community activity to promote the school’s ends. Ball’s survey revealed a
busy and creative field as schools engaged with their communities but it
did not attempt to identify the impact of programmes, projects and actions
on pupil achievement.
8.6 Dyson and Robinson (1999) attempted to fill this gap. In a systematic
review of the empirical literature of the impact of school/community links
on school objectives (in particular that of inclusion) they found the field
dominated by small scale local studies. As illustrated already, these are
generally technically weak, lacking in control groups or before/after
measures or objective evidence. In summarising the trends in the
literature, Dyson and Robinson concluded, ‘ … the evidence base
regarding school-family-community links is … less substantial and
trustworthy than we might wish. Nonetheless, it does allow us to describe
some features of the field with a fair degree of confidence … there are
significant benefits to schools … their approaches are likely to be
welcomed by many parents and community members and are likely to
generate positive attitudes amongst both adults and the school’s pupils.
Where links are targeted on raising attainment there is a reasonable
probability that they will be successful.’ (p.30).
8.7 Given the evidence deployed earlier, the level of caution in this conclusion
is sensible. But the question to hand here is not, ‘do school/community
links enhance pupil achievement?’ We have already seen that if these
links are focussed on attainment there is a strong likelihood of positive
effects. The question is, ‘can schools reach out to alter and develop
spontaneous levels of parental involvement and thereby enhance pupil
achievement?’ The emerging response to this question is that ‘it depends
on the degree of focus in the linking activities.’ The more the focus is on
specific attainment, the more likely it is to procure attainment. This is
evident in programmes cast under the heading of ‘Family Learning’.
8.8 Family learning has recently been defined as that which, ‘concentrates on
learning which brings together different family members to work on a
common theme for some, if not for the whole, of a planned programme …
the focus is on planned activity in which adults and children come
together, to work and learn collaboratively’. (Ofsted, 2000, p.5).
8.9 The best known and most widely practiced variants of family learning are
the literacy and numeracy schemes set up by the Adult Literacy and Basic
Skills Unit (ALBSU) in the mid 90s. (ALBSU was subsequently re-
configured and re-named as the Basic Skills Agency (BSA.) ALBSU
determined to provide programmes comprising 1. accredited basic skills
instruction for parents; 2. early literacy development for young children;
and 3. joint parent/child sessions on supporting pre-reading, early reading
and reading skills. The programmes were designed to encourage
maximum integration amongst the component parts and hence add value
over ‘single service’ programmes. Programmes were also expected to
recruit those families most difficult to reach. One informing assumption
in the approach was that illiterate or semi literate parents were
compounding the educational difficulties of their children (part of the
’cycle of disadvantage’). Reaching both generations with composite
educational programmes was expected to help break this cycle.
8.10 In its pilot variant the ALBSU/BSA Family Literacy Scheme was a 96
hour course spread over 12 weeks. It was designed for the joint
engagement of parents and their children in the age range 3 – 6 years. The
programme was targeted on at-risk children and parents with ‘very low
entry characteristics’. The children were given intensive teaching. The
parents worked on their own literacy and learned to help their children. A
numeracy programme followed the same design principles. The
demonstration programmes in the literacy and numeracy field were subject
to internal evaluation (Brooks et al, 1996; Basic Skills Agency, 1998).
Follow-up evaluations were also independently conducted (Brooks et al,
1997; Brooks et at, 2002). In all cases the evaluations collected evidence
on achievement before and after the courses. In the case of the literacy
evaluations, this involved collecting data on the achievement of both
parents and children at the end of the course, and at 3 and 9 months later.
8.11 Completion of the programme was associated with statistically significant
advances in achievement in reading and writing for both parents and
children. These gains were sustained 9 months later. There was no
evidence of ‘wash out’. 67% of the children’s groups in the early literacy
programmes entered with levels of achievement that would have them
‘struggling’ at school. This fell to 35% by the end of the programme.
There were significant boosts to parental achievement, to their confidence
and to their competence in helping their child (Brooks et al, 1998). In a
follow-up study two years later, all these gains were sustained.
Furthermore, teachers rated ‘Family Literacy children’ superior to their
peers in classroom behaviour and support received from their families.
They were rated equal to their peers in other academic and motivational
respects (Brooks et al, 1997). These outcomes are striking for cohorts
whose attainment on entering the programmes was significantly less than
average. Similar results obtained for the impact of numeracy schemes
(Brooks et al, 2002). Initial evaluations of literacy schemes for ethnic
minority families give positive indications (Brooks et al, 1999).
8.12 It seems that these highly focussed, intergenerational programmes had
both specific and wider effects. Specifically, significant gains in literacy
and numeracy were achieved, sustained and transferred to school. More
broadly, it was reported that communications between parents and
children improved markedly, and parents reported being more able and
confident in helping their child at home and communicating with the
teacher in school.
8.13 The valuations do not afford the identification of elements of the
programmes implicated in the achievements. No control groups were run.
The evaluators make play of the intergenerational element deemed
essential in the design brief but since all participants received this
component it is difficult to establish what its unique or ‘value-added’
impact was. The BSA is confident that success rested, amongst other
things, on a clear purpose, a focus on achievement, excellent teaching and,
subsequently, the confidence which achievement engendered amongst
parents. In rhetorical terms it is difficult to gainsay these claims. They do
not, however, rest on any evidence available in the published evaluations.
8.14 The BSA programmes have had widespread impact on Family Learning
provision. For the Ofsted (2000) report on this topic, 28 LEAs were
surveyed. Family Learning programmes were targeted at areas of
economic deprivation. The majority of provision aimed to improve
literacy skills using models derived from the BSA (above). ‘The
development of family numeracy strategies is still at an early stage’
(Ofsted, 2000, p.16).
8.14.1 Two thirds of the provision for family literacy was judged to be good and
resulted, on the part of the parents, in a greater understanding of child
development and children’s learning, improved skills in literacy,
numeracy and parenting, increased confidence in school contacts and
progression, in over 50% of cases, to FE or further training, or a better job.
For children, success was evident in accelerated development in early
oracy and literary skills, positive attitudinal and behaviour changes, and
enhanced confidence. All this was achieved despite the Ofsted view that
resourcing was poor and fragile, that strategic thinking on the part of
providers was weak and that, ‘… in the majority of cases the work has
either survived, or sprung up in a policy vacuum; (p.23).
8.15 According to this report at least, the limits of success in the field seem to
be at the National level (in securing sustained and adequate funding) and
at the LEA level (in strategic thinking to expand the Family Learning
curriculum beyond literacy and in linking Family Learning systematically
to schooling).
8.15.1 These conclusions are remarkable given the recognition in the report that
there was a ‘failure to track immediate or short term gains systematically
over time; an evaluation of the long-term impact of family learning is long
overdue’ (Ofsted, 2000, p.7). This raises questions about the evidence
base on which the optimistic conclusions reported in earlier paragraphs
was based.
8.15.2 This in turn raises related questions. The key feature of family learning is
the joint, intergenerational component in which different family members
are brought together. This, it will be recalled, was part of the original
design specification of ALBSU/BSA. This design specification arose
from two basic assumptions (a) that illiterate parents compounded the
cycle of educational deprivation of their children and that (b) teaching the
two generations together would help beak the cycle. The key question is,
what part does the intergenerational teaching component play in the
effectiveness of the programmes of family education given that they are
8.16 Valuations of the demonstration programmes or their follow-up studies
were not designed to address this central question. Ofsted found ‘In
general … the teaching was more effective and relevant in the parent only
or children only sessions. Since the central focus of this work is joint
activity, this is a matter which requires urgent attention. In joint sessions,
teachers found it increasingly difficult to respond adequately or
consistently to the disparate needs of the two very different groups
involved … joint planning for team teaching frequently lacked a clear
focus on attainable and measurable objectives for both groups of learners
… evaluations of effectiveness … were largely absent at the classroom
level’. (Ofsted, 2000, p.8). If family learning works it does not appear to
do so on the basis of family learning. It could be that the benefits
perceived could be had more easily and less expensively.
8.17 Evidence from the US gives credence to this speculation. St Pierre et al
(1995) reported the evaluation of the Even Start family literacy
programme (from which, it seems, UK family literacy programmes took
their inspiration). This was a comprehensive evaluation of 270 projects,
nationwide involving 16,000 families in projects run in 1992-3. One
component of the evaluation had 200 families allocated at random to
control or programme conditions. There were no significant gains for the
parents in terms of scores on an adult reading test. Whilst the children
involved did well in the early stages, they were no better in the longer run
than the control group on measures of emergent literacy, vocabulary or
school readiness.
8.18 Of course it could be that lessons have been learned from these earlier US
studies and that the design and delivery of provision has moved on since
then. A more sensible position however, given the available evidence, is
that we do not know if family education programmes have any added
value over other programmes or approaches. There is enough evidence to
raise doubts, especially in regard to the effectiveness of the core design
feature of family education – that of inter-generational teaching. There is,
however, insufficient evidence to learn lessons. Echoing Ofsted and
repeating the conclusion of other sections, high quality evaluations are
urgently called for.
8.19 Parenting education programmes. Parenting education has been
conceived as falling in three broad areas: preparation about parenthood
and family for school-age children; preparation for parenthood for young
people and education on relationships and parenting skills for parents and
carers. (Lloyd, 1999). It is the third category which is of most relevance
to this review.
8.20 Parenting education takes many forms. It can take the form of parent
training programmes offered in the form of a medical approach, as a
‘treatment’, to help parents cope better with psychosocial illnesses and/or
with their children (Scott, 2002). It also takes the form of more broadly
based home/school/family support. This is less a medical model of
treatment and more a broad educational approach intended to help people
understand and shape their relationships and self adjustment.
8.21 Parenting education is a growth industry. Barlow (1999) reports estimates
that 4% of the parent population in the UK have at some time attended a
parent education programme. 28,000 parents a year are involved.
8.22 There is more recent evidence of extensive need and demand. The
Department of Health estimate that 4 million out of the 11 million children
in England are at risk of failing to meet normal developmental goals
because of stresses in the family caused by parental mental illness,
domestic violence, parental abuse of alcohol, drugs and other substances
or by material and social conditions creating stresses and chaos. In regard
to demand, Patterson et al (2002) reported a survey of parents of children
aged 3 – 8 years in three general medical practices. 20% were
experiencing difficulties with their children’s behaviour. A similar
fraction had attended a parenting programme. 58% expressed an interest
in attending such a programme in the future.
8.23 The scale of the primary literature describing present provision is very
extensive. The commentary that follows has drawn heavily on systematic
reviews of those studies in the field which have attempted to evaluate the
effectiveness of provision in terms of impacts on parent and children
(Barlow, J, 1998, 1999; Barlow and Coren, 2002; Barlow and Parsons,
2002; Dimond and Hyde, 2000; Serketich and Duman, 1996; Todres and
Bunston, 1993).
8.24 The first observation of reviewers is that systematic evaluations are rare
and particularly so in respect of UK programmes. Few programmes
publish evaluation reports. Most evidence presented takes the form of
anecdotes. Where more objective evidence is presented it is difficult if not
impossible to relate the results of a course to any aspect of the provision.
8.25 The difficulties of evaluating provision in the field should not be
underestimated. The definition of appropriate outcomes for parents from a
parenting programme are value laden and contested. There are extreme
measurement difficulties not only in determining appropriate
‘measurement instruments’ but in collecting data in valid yet unobtrusive
ways. ‘Good parenting’ – whatever it is taken to mean – does not take
place on the course. It takes place in domestic settings which are difficult
to access by independent observers under normal conditions. Self report
techniques are open to bias. Reports from those who provide the course
are open to the same charge.
8.25.1 It is methodologically and ethically difficult to run control groups. In
addition, parenting programmes are expected to have long-term effects
and getting data in follow-up studies is even more difficult than getting
data on immediate impact. Selective drop out rates of course members
add further difficulties to the challenge of analysis.
8.25.2 Programmes have many components and provide support in a range of
settings through a variety of media and relationships. Attempts to identify
the ‘active ingredients’ in the provision present further problems.
8.25.3 All that being said, evaluations are becoming more rigorous and reviewers
are finding sufficient numbers of technically sound evaluations to see
patterns in the evidence of impact. There is a sufficient degree of
replication across well conducted studies to afford increasing confidence
in their results.
8.26 Barlow (1999) identified 255 studies of parent education programmes run
between 1970 and 1990 and which met the following criteria. They had to
include randomised allocation of participants to an experimental group or
a control group (a placebo or no treatment or waiting list group); they
were targeted to influence children in the age-range 3 – 10 years; the
children had conduct disorders with at least one externalising problem
(e.g. tantrums); there had to be at least one standarised child behaviour
outcome measure.
8.26.1 In the event, 18 studies met these criteria. From these, conclusions could
be drawn about the impact of various group-based parent training
programmes on child behaviour outcomes.
8.26.2 Barlow concluded that, ‘parent education programmes are markedly
effective in improving the behaviour of pre-adolescent children.’ (1999,
p.72/73). Parent reports to this effect were, save in two studies, confirmed
by independent observers. Several of the studies showed improvements to
be sustained from 6 months to, in the best cases, 3 years.
8.26.3 Barlow distinguished between ‘behavioural’ and ‘relationship’
programmes. The former draw on social learning theory and focus on
observable behaviour with the intent of diminishing the incidence of
undesirable behaviour and enhancing the production of desired behaviour.
The parenting programme provides parents with the skills for behaviour
shaping. ‘Relationship’ programmes are based on a range of humanistic
or transactional or psychodynamic theories which stress the importance of
intersubjectivity in the definition and resolution of interpersonal problems.
Many programmes contain elements of both types of approach.
8.26.4 Barlow’s review indicated that, ‘Overall, behavioural parent education
programmes produced the biggest changes in children’s behaviour.’
(p.73). An example course involved six 90 minute sessions at weekly
intervals. Social workers trained parents in the use of behavioural
techniques. The teaching and learning techniques involved role play and
practice. The clients came through social service referrals. Parents were
single mothers on low incomes or state benefits. Following the course
there was a reduction in the number and intensity of children’s behaviour
problems and in parental depression. Improved child behaviour was still
evident six months after the course.
8.27 Broadly similar results have been established in evaluations of
programmes aimed specifically at teenage mothers and their children. In a
systematic review of such programmes, Coren et al (2001) concluded that,
‘ … parenting programmes … which are directed specifically at teenage
parents, can be effective in improving important infant outcomes such as
the infant’s response to the parent, …, and the infant’s ability to
understand and respond to language’ (p.31). This is a particularly
important finding given that, as shown earlier, having a teenage mother is
a risk factor in children’s vulnerability in educational terms.
8.28 It was shown earlier that maternal depression impedes mothers’
engagement in parental involvement. Parenting programmes as defined in
8.20 above, have been shown to improve maternal psychosocial health.
Barlow et al (2002) report a systematic review of studies of programmes
in this field. They concluded that, ‘ .. parenting programmes can make a
significant contribution to the short-term psychosocial health of mothers
…’ (p.223)
8.29 There are far fewer studies of the effectiveness of ‘relationship’
approaches to enhancing parenting skills and those available lack the
technical rigor characteristic of the behavioural studies.
8.30 Barlow cautions against generalising from the positive results of many of
the review studies in the field. Little evidence is provided about the
personal or demographic characteristics of the clients. Many of the studies
were run for volunteers. Many of the clients were from very high risk
groups including single parents on benefits suffering from depression or
alcoholism for example. Drop out rates are large. The evaluations
reviewed were not designed to analyse the relationships between the
different kinds of programme and different patterns of client need.
Finally, few studies reviewed referred to the UK. Barlow concludes that,
‘In the absence of rigorous evidence concerning the benefits of many
programmes being run in this country … the provision of parent education
programmes in the UK may well continue to be based on factors such as
the personal preferences of programme organisers, the availability of
funding and the differential power and ideology of interest groups wishing
to provide such programmes.’ (1999, p.84).
8.30.1 In addition to these important cautions, a number of unintended
consequences of parent training programmes have been reported
(Mockford and Barlow, 2003). Follow-up interviews of female
participants in some programmes revealed some experienced difficulties
when trying to apply at home the techniques they had learned in the
programmes. These difficulties included problems in gaining the support
of partners, changing established habits and incorporating the techniques
into an already busy life. These problems resulted in some instances in
increased parental conflict.
8.31 It is perhaps encouraging to note that a UK version of the most successful
and carefully evaluated US parenting programme (Webster-Stratton,
1999) is being run in this country on a large scale and with a
thoroughgoing evaluation plan complete with before and after objective
measures and appropriate comparison groups. (Scott and Sylva, 2001).
Participants received an intensive parenting programme whilst the
comparison group obtained a helpline consultation service. Early analysis
shows significant positive effects for the programme group over the
comparison group in terms of the reduction of children’s anti-social
behaviour, child’s hyperactivity, and in terms of the child’s acquisition of
early literacy skills. Researchers concluded that parenting programmes
can improve antisocial behaviour in the family by a substantial amount
and parents can be taught to enhance reading skills (Scott, 2003).
8.32 Dimond and Hyde (2000) set out to extend Barlow’s (1999) review of
parent programmes in at least two dimensions. First, they examined
impact studies over the intermediate and longer term – to 3 years. Second,
they extended the age range of children involved to 16 years.
8.32.1 Dimond and Hyde searched data bases where a formal parent training
programme was contrasted with a comparison group with samples of not
less than 10 parents. Any study which did not have objective before and
after measures of child and parent outcomes which had been externally
validated (i.e. went beyond self report) was excluded. Worldwide, from
1960-2000, 19 studies which met the criteria were included in the review.
Almost all were US based.
8.32.2 The run of results across these studies was entirely positive for both
parents and children, for all child age groups and with effects lasting at
least three years. Children’s dysfunctional behaviour declined and
parents’ well being was enhanced.
8.32.3 The authors could not say more than this from the studies. The data
collected and the design of the studies did not allow the scale of the effects
to be calculated in more than a handful of cases; few of the outcome
measures were validated on a ‘blind’ basis by independent observers; the
varied nature of the interventions made it impossible to generalise across
studies; the variety of the methods made it impossible to identify which
parts of the experience were associated with which aspects of the
outcomes. All that said, there were strong replications across all studies
and the technically best practice studies confirmed the positive effects.
8.33 Some interventions aimed at supporting parents and developing their
parenting capacities go beyond the focus of the above training
programmes to encompass all the parties involved in the child’s schooling.
These include head teachers, school staff (including the support workers),
children and parents. The thinking behind this approach is that all these
people are part of the indivisible context shaping the child’s self concept
and this is taken to be the engine room of the child’s educational progress.
8.34 This wholistic approach sometimes takes the form of enduring support
structures with lead responsibility in the hands of a home/school links
worker (HSLW). In other cases, purpose designed intervention studies are
8.35 It appears that HSLWs are being increasingly employed by schools across
the UK (Hallgarten, 2003). According to Hallgarten, key tasks for
HSLWs include, establishing contact and building relationships with
families; working to improve attendance; and promoting and supporting
parental involvement in their children’s learning. Characteristic of work
in the field, evaluations of HSLW operations are difficult to come by.
Where they exist they consist of anecdotal evidence in the form of
participants extolling the virtues of the provision. Measured impacts on
attainment or adjustment are not evident. No ‘before’ and ‘after’ measures
or comparison group data are available. That being said, there is
comprehensive endorsement from participants and providers of the
positive impact of provision on participants. (Walthamstow, 2003;
Howard, 2003).
8.36 Another approach to parent education involves embedding a training
programme in the broader context of home/school links. An example of
this approach is provided in the ‘Nurturing Programme’ offered by Family
Links (Hunt, 2003). In this Programme, all groups involved in the child’s
education (teachers and school support staff, other professionals working
with the families), parents and the children themselves receive full training
and follow-up support. The training nurtures appropriate expectations of
children, empathy, positive discipline techniques and self-awareness and
self-esteem. The programme has been adopted from an American model
(Bavelock, 1990) and has been revised to fit the National Curriculum
requirements on language, literacy and learning. The emphasis is on
‘improved emotional literacy, and health, moral and social responsibility,
increased self esteem and empathy, improved behaviour, relationship and
citizenship skills’.
8.36.1 The programme receives strong endorsement from head teachers who
have used it (Hudson, 2003; Carnan, 2003). These heads feel that the
programme has, as part of a general strategy of school improvement,
played a significant part in improving the schools’ ethos and it has
enhanced the emotional stability of all concerned. Further endorsement is
manifest in the heads’ willingness to invest time, money and energy in
buying and sustaining the programme and to further invest in capitalising
on its perceived benefits through the recruitment of home-school link
workers. Heads proselytise for the Programme. Furthermore, they are
increasingly confident that they are involving previously hard to reach
parents. Strikingly, heads report observing participant parents recruiting
other parents to the ways of thinking and action promoted in the
8.36.2 Uncharacteristically, the Programme has been evaluated by independent
observers whose report is published in a refereed journal (Barlow and
Stewart-Brown, 2001). The researchers found that 11% of those parents
eligible had actually taken part and that there had been a drop out rate of
13%, which compares well with the average drop out rate from such
programmes of 28%. There was a ‘clear concensus’ amongst the 11
parents interviewed that the programme had been ‘brilliant’. Parents had
valued support from other parents and the opportunity to mirror their
concerns amongst a peer group. They appreciated ‘not being taught how
to be a parent’. Rather they felt they had been supported in the parenting
role. The Programme had helped them ‘regain feelings of control’ and to
‘think about matters calmly’.
8.36.3 Neither the head teachers nor the researchers felt in a position to identify
the impact of the Programme on manifest enhancement in children’s
achievement. Whilst establishing the necessary conditions for learning
and achievement, it was not claimed that these were the sufficient
8.37 Some parent education programmes are targeted only tangentially at
educational achievement and adjustment. A case in point is the Youth
Justice Board’s Parenting Programme recently evaluated by Ghate and
Ramella (2002). Although this programme deals with some of the after
effects associated with educational failure, there are lessons to be learned
for educators from the review.
8.37.1 The programme was set up for parents of young people who were at risk
of or known to be engaged in offending and who were failing to attend
school. Youth Offending Teams were required to provide support for
parents either under a court ‘Parenting Order’ or otherwise referred by
social or justice services.
8.37.2 Following relevant Parenting Order legislation, 42 parents’ programmes
were set up. Ghate and Ramella evaluated 34 of these. 800 parents, 500
young people and approximately 800 project workers gave evidence and
provided information on parents’ progress. The evaluation suffers from
the now familiar technical limitations. All data were collected by self-
report from involved or interested parties. There were no control or
comparison groups. The Programmes varied enormously in scope, scale,
methods, rationales and the scale and severity of caseloads. All
conclusions have to be seen in this light.
8.37.3 In regard to impact on the parents, they attended three quarters of the
sessions required of them; they reported, amongst other things, improved
communications with their children, a reduction in parent/child conflict;
and feeling more competent in the role of parent. Although some had had
negative expectations at the outset (this being especially the case with
parents subject to a Parenting Order) nine out of ten said they would
recommend the experience to people in a similar situation. There was no
difference in the level of benefit reported between those referred
voluntarily and those referred by a Parenting Order.
8.37.4 Positive effects were reported for young people. 10% of the relevant
group were under 10 years of age whilst 50% were aged between 12 and
14. Most were engaged in other interventions (‘change programmes’)
provided by YOTs. The young people were a ‘very high need group …
72% had … difficulties that would probably be rated as ‘abnormal’ by a
clinician. They were also prolific offenders.’ (Ghate and Ramella, 2002,
8.37.5 There was some evidence, albeit statistically non-significant, of improved
relationships with parents, a reduction of conflict and improved temper
control. There was also a marked reduction (of 30%) of reconviction.
8.37.6 Whilst, as Ghate and Ramella acknowledge, these changes cannot be
attributed solely to the parenting programmes they do afford optimism that
‘programmes of short duration, coming comparatively late in young
people’s lives … might have helped ‘apply the brakes’ on a sharp
downward course’ (p.iii).
8.38 In summarising the evidence of impact of parenting education on pupil
achievement and adjustment it can be said that
Most programmes are offered to people in dire straights
Most provision is either not evaluated at all or evaluated in such a way
that no conclusions can be drawn about impact and no lessons can be
Even best current evaluation practice in the field falls far short of
affording lessons about how programmes work or what the best
‘treatments’ for particular groups or problems might be
Some evaluations of parent education programmes are good enough
however to show that some programmes, mostly of short duration and
mostly using behavioural techniques, have positive long term impacts
on the well being of parents and on the behaviour of children across
the school age range.
It is an open question as to whether these benefits transfer to the
school setting.
8.39 In summarising this chapter it can be said that there is an increasing
perceived need and demand for community, family and parent education
programmes. Evaluations of programmes already available show
considerable commitment on the part of providers and extensive
satisfaction on the part of clients. The impact of the programmes on pupil
achievement and behaviour varies. Where this is part of the aims of the
programme (as in family education) and is assessed, there are indications
of positive outcomes. In other cases (e.g. parent training) there is
evidence to show positive benefits for parents which should lay the
foundations for enhanced parental involvement in their child’s education.
Evaluations rarely follow through on this link. Once again, conclusions in
this field are limited by weak evaluations.
Chapter 9