
Approximation Properties of Mellin-Steklov Type Exponential Sampling Series

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In this paper, we introduce Mellin-Steklov exponential samplingoperators of order r,rNr,r\in\mathbb{N}, by considering appropriate Mellin-Steklov integrals. We investigate the approximation properties of these operators in continuousbounded spaces and Lp,1p<L^p, 1 \leq p < \infty spaces on R+.\mathbb{R}_+. By using the suitablemodulus of smoothness, it is given high order of approximation. Further, we present a quantitative Voronovskaja type theorem and we study the convergence results of newly constructed operators in logarithmic weighted spaces offunctions. Finally, the paper provides some examples of kernels that support the our results.

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In this paper we introduce a new class of sampling-type operators, named Steklov sampling operators. The idea is to consider a sampling series based on a kernel function that is a discrete approximate identity, and which constitutes a reconstruction process of a given signal f , based on a family of sample values which are Steklov integrals of order r evaluated at the nodes k / w , kZk \in {\mathbb {Z}} k ∈ Z , w>0w>0 w > 0 . The convergence properties of the introduced sampling operators in continuous functions spaces and in the LpL^p L p -setting have been studied. Moreover, the main properties of the Steklov-type functions have been exploited in order to establish results concerning the high order of approximation. Such results have been obtained in a quantitative version thanks to the use of the well-known modulus of smoothness of the approximated functions, and assuming suitable Strang-Fix type conditions, which are very typical assumptions in applications involving Fourier and Harmonic analysis. Concerning the quantitative estimates, we proposed two different approaches; the first one holds in the case of Steklov sampling operators defined with kernels with compact support, its proof is substantially based on the application of the generalized Minkowski inequality, and it is valid with respect to the p -norm, with 1p+1 \le p \le +\infty 1 ≤ p ≤ + ∞ . In the second case, the restriction on the support of the kernel is removed and the corresponding estimates are valid only for 1<p+1 < p\le +\infty 1 < p ≤ + ∞ . Here, the key point of the proof is the application of the well-known Hardy–Littlewood maximal inequality. Finally, a deep comparison between the proposed Steklov sampling series and the already existing sampling-type operators has been given, in order to show the effectiveness of the proposed constructive method of approximation. Examples of kernel functions satisfying the required assumptions have been provided.
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In this paper, we collect some recent results on the approximation properties of generalized sampling operators and Kantorovich operators, focusing on pointwise and uniform convergence, rate of convergence, and Voronovskaya-type theorems in weighted spaces of functions. In the second part of the paper, we introduce a new generalization of sampling Durrmeyer operators including a special function ρ\rho which satisfies certain assumptions. For the family of newly constructed operators, we obtain pointwise convergence, uniform convergence and rate of convergence for functions belonging to weighted spaces of functions.
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In the present paper, we analyze the behavior of the exponential‐type generalized sampling Kantorovich operators Kωφ,GKωφ,G {K}_{\omega}^{\varphi, \mathcal{G}} when discontinuous signals are considered. We present a proposition for the series Kωφ,GKωφ,G {K}_{\omega}^{\varphi, \mathcal{G}} , and we prove using this proposition certain approximation theorems for discontinuous functions. Furthermore, we give several examples of kernels satisfying the assumptions of the present theory. Finally, some numerical computations are performed to verify the approximation of discontinuous functions f f by Kωφ,GfKωφ,Gf {K}_{\omega}^{\varphi, \mathcal{G}}f .
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In the present paper, we introduce a new family of sampling operators, so-called “modified sampling operators”, by taking a function ρρ\rho that satisfies the suitable conditions, and we study pointwise and uniform convergence of the family of newly introduced operators. We give the rate of convergence of the family of operators via classical modulus of continuity. We also obtain an asymptotic formula in the sense of Voronovskaja. Moreover, we investigate the approximation properties of modified sampling operators in weighted spaces of continuous functions characterized by ρρ\rho function. Finally, we present examples of some kernels that satisfy the appropriate assumptions. At the end, we present some graphical and numerical representations by comparing the modified sampling operators and the classical sampling operators.
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The present paper deals with construction of a new family of exponential sampling Kantorovich operators based on a suitable fractional-type integral operators. We study convergence properties of newly constructed operators and give a quantitative form of the rate of convergence thanks to logarithmic modulus of continuity. To obtain an asymptotic formula in the sense of Voronovskaja, we consider locally regular functions. The rest of the paper devoted to approximations of newly constructed operators in logarithmic weighted space of functions. By utilizing a suitable weighted logarithmic modulus of continuity, we obtain a rate of convergence and give a quantitative form of Voronovskaja-type theorem via remainder of Mellin–Taylor’s formula. Furthermore, some examples of kernels which satisfy certain assumptions are presented and the results are examined by illustrative numerical tables and graphical representations.
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We construct a sampling operator with the property that the smoother a function is, the faster its approximation is. We establish a direct estimate and a weak converse estimate of its rate of approximation in the uniform norm by means of a modulus of smoothness and a K-functional. The case of weighted approximation is also considered. The weights are positive and power-type with non-positive exponents at infinity. This sampling operator preserves every algebraic polynomial.
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In this paper, we establish a quantitative estimate for Durrmeyer-sampling type operators in the general framework of Orlicz spaces, using a suitable modulus of smoothness defined by the involved modular functional. As a consequence of the above result, we can deduce quantitative estimates in several instances of Orlicz spaces, such as LpL^p L p -spaces, Zygmund spaces and the exponential spaces. By using a direct approach, we also provide a further estimate in the particular case of LpL^p L p -spaces, with 1p<+1\le p <+\infty 1 ≤ p < + ∞ , that turns out to be sharper than the previous general one. Moreover, we deduce the qualitative order of convergence, when functions belonging to suitable Lipschitz classes are considered.
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The present article deals with local and global approximation behaviors of sampling Durrmeyer operators for functions belonging to weighted spaces of continuous functions. After giving some fundamental notations of sampling type approximation methods and presenting well definiteness of the operators on weighted spaces of functions, we examine pointwise and uniform convergence of the family of operators and determine the rate of convergence via weighted modulus of continuity. A quantitative Voronovskaja theorem is also proved in order to obtain rate of pointwise convergence and upper estimate for this convergence. The last section is devoted to some numerical evaluations of sampling Durrmeyer operators with suitable kernels.
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The present paper deals with an extension of approximation properties of generalized sampling series to weighted spaces of functions. A pointwise and uniform convergence theorem for the series is proved for functions belonging to weighted spaces. A rate of convergence by means of weighted moduli of continuity is presented and a quantitative Voronovskaja type theorem is obtained.
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In this paper, we introduce a new family of operators by generalizing Kantorovich type of exponential sampling series by replacing integral means over exponentially spaced intervals with its more general analogue, Mellin Gauss Weierstrass singular integrals. Pointwise convergence of the family of operators is presented and a quantitative form of the convergence using a logarithmic modulus of continuity is given. Moreover, considering locally regular functions, an asymptotic formula in the sense of Voronovskaja is obtained. By introducing a new modulus of continuity for functions belonging to logarithmic weighted space of functions, a rate of convergence is obtained. Some examples of kernels satisfying the obtained results are presented.
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In this paper we introduce the exponential sampling Durrmeyer series. We discuss pointwise and uniform convergence properties and an asymptotic formula of Voronovskaja type. Quantitative results are given, using the usual modulus of continuity for uniformly continuous functions. Some examples are also described.
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Here we provide a unifying treatment of the convergence of a general form of sampling type operators, given by the so-called Durrmeyer sampling type series. In particular we provide a pointwise and uniform convergence theorem on R\mathbb{R}, and in this context we also furnish a quantitative estimate for the order of approximation, using the modulus of continuity of the function to be approximated. Then we obtain a modular convergence theorem in the general setting of Orlicz spaces Lφ(R)L^\varphi(\mathbb{R}). From the latter result, the convergence in Lp(R)L^p(\mathbb{R})-space, LαlogβLL^\alpha\log^\beta L, and the exponential spaces follow as particular cases. Finally, applications and examples with graphical representations are given for several sampling series with special kernels.
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In this article, we analyse the behaviour of the new family of Kantorovich type exponential sampling series. We derive the point-wise approximation theorem and Voronovskaya type theorem for the series (Iwχ)w>0.(Iwχ)w>0.(I_{w}^{\chi })_{w>0}. Further, we establish a representation formula and an inverse result of approximation for these operators. Finally, we give some examples of kernel functions to which the theory can be applied along with the graphical representation.
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Here we give asymptotic formulae of Voronovskaja type for linear combinations of exponential sampling series. Moreover we give a quantitative version in terms of some moduli of smoothness. Some examples are given.
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In this paper we study norm-convergence to a function f of its generalized exponential sampling series in weighted Lebesgue spaces. Key roles are taken by a result on the norm-density of the test functions and the notion of bounded coarse variation. Some examples are described.
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In this paper, we study the problem of the rate of approximation for the family of sampling Kantorovich operators in the uniform norm, for uniformly continuous and bounded functions belonging to Lipschitz classes (Zygmund- type classes), and for functions in Orlicz spaces. The general setting of Orlicz spaces allows us to directly deduce the results concerning the order of approximation in Lp-spaces, 1 ≤ p < ∞, very useful in applications to Signal Processing, in Zygmund spaces and in exponential spaces. Particular cases of the sampling Kantorovich series based on Fejér's kernel and B-spline kernels are studied in detai.
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This paper deals with the Kantorovich version of generalized sampling series, the first one to be primarily concerned with this version. It is devoted to the study of these series on Orlicz spaces, L φ (ℝ), in the instance of irregularly spaced samples. A modular convergence theorem for functions f∈L φ (ℝ) is deduced. The convergence in L p (ℝ)-space, LlogL-space, and exponential spaces follow as particular results. Applications are given to several sampling series with special kernels, especially in the instance of discontinuous signals. Graphical representations for the various examples are included.
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For pt.I see ibid., vol.7, p.1-20 (1991). The general theory of exponential sampling for the inversion of Mellin-type kernels presented in part I of this paper is applied to some practical inversion problems encountered in laser scattering experiments to determine particle size.
The aim of this paper is to compare the fuzzy-type algorithm for image rescaling introduced by Jurio et al., 2011, quoted in the list of references, with some other existing algorithms such as the classical bicubic algorithm and the sampling Kantorovich (SK) one. Note that the SK algorithm is a recent tool for image rescaling and enhancement that has been revealed to be useful in several applications to real world problems, while the bicubic algorithm is widely known in the literature. A comparison among the abovementioned algorithms (all implemented in the MatLab programming language) was performed in terms of suitable similarity indices such as the Peak-Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (PSNR) and the likelihood index S.
In this paper, we investigate the approximation properties of exponential sampling series within logarithmically weighted spaces of continuous functions. Initially, we demonstrate the pointwise and uniform convergence of exponential sampling series in weighted spaces and present the rates of convergence via a suitable modulus of continuity in logarithmic weighted spaces. Subsequently, we establish a quantitative representation of the pointwise asymptotic behavior of these series using Mellin–Taylor’s expansion. Finally, it is given some examples of kernels and numerical evaluations.
In this paper, we introduce a family generalized Kantorovich-type exponential sampling operators of bivariate functions by using the bivariate Mellin-Gauss-Weierstrass operator. Approximation behaviour of the series is established at continuity points of log-uniformly continuous functions. A rate of convergence of the family of operators is presented by means of logarithmic modulus of continuity and a Voronovskaja-type theorem is proved in order to determine rate of pointwise convergence. Convergence of the family of operators is also investigated for functions belonging to weighted space. Furthermore, some examples of the kernels which support our results are given.
This paper deals with approximation properties of bivariate sampling Durrmeyer operators for functions belonging to weighted spaces of functions. After a short preliminaries and auxilary results we present well-definiteness of (S_w^{ζ,ζ}). Main results of the paper includes pointwise and uniform convergence of the family of operators, rate of convergence via bivariate weighted modulus of continuity and quantitative Voronovskaja type theorem.
We establish a direct and a matching two-term strong converse inequality by moduli of smoothness for the rate of the simultaneous approximation by generalized sampling operators and their Kantorovich modification in the Lp-norm, in particular, the uniform norm on R. They yield the saturation property and class for the simultaneous approximation by the generalized sampling operators, and in the case of the sampling Kantorovich operators---the saturation class of the operator itself as well.
In this paper we study the convergence properties of certain semi-discrete exponential-type sampling series in Mellin–Lebesgue spaces. Also we examine some examples which illustrate the theory developed.
We establish a two-term strong converse inequality for the rate of approximation of generalized sampling operators by means of the classical moduli of smoothness. It matches an already known direct estimate. We combine the direct and the converse estimates to derive the saturation property and class of this approximation operator. We demonstrate the general results for the sampling operators generated by the central B-splines, linear combinations of translates of B-splines, and the Bochner–Riesz kernel.
In the present article, we derive some approximation results concerning the order of convergence for a family of Durrmeyer type exponential sampling operators. Further, we improve the rate of approximation by constructing linear combinations of these operators. At the end, we provide a few examples of the kernel functions to which the presented theory can be applied along with the graphical representation.
In the present article, we extend our study of Kantorovich type exponential sampling operators introduced in [4]. We derive the Voronovskaya type theorem and its quantitative estimates for these operators in terms of an appropriate K-functional. Further, we improve the order of approximation by using the convex type linear combinations of these operators. Finally, we provide few examples of kernels along with the graphical representations.
In the present paper, we study the saturation order for the sampling Kantorovich series in the space of uniformly continuous and bounded functions. In order to achieve the above result, we first need to establish a relation between the sampling Kantorovich operators and the classical generalized sampling series of P.L. Butzer. Further, for the latter operators, we also need to prove a Voronovskaja-type formula. Moreover, inverse theorems of approximation are also obtained, in order to give a characterization for the rate of convergence of the above operators. Finally, several examples of kernel functions for which the above theory can be applied have been presented and discussed in details.
Here we introduce a generalization of the exponential sampling series of optical physics and establish pointwise and uniform convergence theorem, also in a quantitative form. Moreover we compare the error of approximation for Mellin band-limited functions using both classical and generalized exponential sampling series.
In this paper we consider a new definition of generalized sampling type series using an approach introduced by Durrmeyer for the Bernstein polynomials. We establish an asymptotic formula for functions f with a polynomial growth and as a consequence we obtain a Voronovskaja type formula. Then we consider suitable linear combinations that provide a better order of approximation. Finally, some examples are given, in particular certain central B-splines are discussed.
We give for generalized Durrmeyer type series and their linear combinations quantitative Voronosvskaja formulae in terms of the classical Peetre K-functional. Finally we apply the general theory to various kernels
In this paper, the behavior of the sampling Kantorovich operators has been studied, when discontinuous functions (signals) are considered in the above sampling series. Moreover, the rate of approximation for the family of the above operators is estimated, when uniformly continuous and bounded signals are considered. Finally, several examples of (duration-limited) kernels which satisfy the assumptions of the present theory have been provided, and also the problem of the linear prediction by sampling values from the past is analyzed.
We give some Voronovskaja formula for linear combinations of generalized sampling operators and we furnish also a quantitative version in terms of the classical Peetre K-functional. This provides a better order of approximation in the asymptotic formula. We apply the general theory to various kernels: the Bochner-Riesz kernel, translates of B-splines and the Jackson type kernel.
The book presents the basic concepts of optical data processing, including coherence, optical Fourier transform, holography, and optical pattern recognition. Attention is given to optical transforms and coherent processing systems, noting crystallography transforms. Procedures for optical image enhancement and image restoration are outlined along with the basic principles of synthetic radar aperture. The application of optical processing to photogrammetry is reviewed and the primary aspects of nondestructive testing and metrology are identified. Various biomedical applications of coherent optics are noted, including nonoptical image formation, image display, and pattern recognition. Optical signal processing is evaluated with reference to electronic-to-optical transducers, folded spectrum techniques, and radar signal processing.
Communications in the presence of noise
  • C E Shannon
C. E. Shannon, Communications in the presence of noise, Proceedings of the IRE, 37 1949, 10-21.