Conference PaperPDF Available
Exploring the Influence of Avatar Skin Tone in VR Educational
Olaoluwa Oyedokun
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Syed Tanzim Mubarrat
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Amogh Joshi
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Christos Mousas
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Dominic Kao
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
The relevance and inuence of self-avatars in virtual environments
have become increasingly evident and widely acknowledged in the
research literature. Studies explore how these avatars inuence user
experiences, engagement, and embodiment across psychological,
social, cognitive, and behavioral domains. As virtual reality (VR)
technologies continue to evolve and become more integrated into
various domains, understanding the role of self-avatars becomes
crucial for designing immersive and eective virtual environments
that cater to the needs and preferences of users. To address this
issue, this study describes a work-in-progress VR educational game.
A fundamental aim of this VR educational game is to understand un-
derrepresented minorities’ players’ learning outcomes when subject
to dierent skin tone avatars in an immersive virtual environment.
This project aims to develop a VR game that allows players to
choose an avatar character from a validated list of characters or
to customize a character with their preferred skin tone that will
self-represent them in a virtual environment. This VR educational
game will serve as an informal learning platform accessible through
VR headsets.
Human-centered computing;
Programming Education, Stereotype Threat, Educational Game
Design, Avatar Customization, STEM Education
ACM Reference Format:
Olaoluwa Oyedokun, Syed Tanzim Mubarrat, Amogh Joshi, Christos Mousas,
and Dominic Kao. 2024. Exploring the Inuence of Avatar Skin Tone in VR
Educational Games. In Companion Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on
Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY Companion ’24), October
14–17, 2024, Tampere, Finland. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 8 pages. https:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International
4.0 License.
CHI PLAY Companion ’24, October 14–17, 2024, Tampere, Finland
©2024 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 979-8-4007-0692-9/24/10
Avatars are a self-representation that enables interactions in virtual
environments, fostering signicant connections and resonating
with many individuals [
]. Within virtual environments,
avatars are increasingly recognized for their inuential role in shap-
ing player behaviors and attitudes [
]. For example, individuals
desire to create avatars that mirror their own appearance [
] or
aspire to have avatars, (e.g., role models [
]) that resonate
with them. Virtual avatars nd extensive applications in research
simulations, spanning elds such as training, education, and social
psychology [
]. Avatars are crucial in creating immersive environ-
ments [
]. Past studies have shown that avatars impact
embodiment in VR [
], and enhance emotional ex-
pression [
]. However, there is bias towards representations of
skin tones in VR [
], which connotes the negative eects of racial
bias [
]. For example, a study carried out by Sarah et
al., [
] on light and dark skin tones in a virtual world shows that
participants made more errors and took more time triaging dark-
skinned agents than light-skinned agents. Therefore, this makes
the design of virtual avatars important for marginalized groups.
Hence, researching a variety of avatar skin tones that players can
comfortably engage with is essential for gaining deeper insights
into players’ experiences and learning outcomes.
In response to this need, we propose a project focused on cre-
ating and evaluating an educational game. This game aims to in-
troduce players to various skin stereotypes in VR while they learn
programming-related skills (e.g., Java). The focal point of this study
is to explore the inuence of avatar skin tones in an educational
game on players’ relevant knowledge and skills [
]. Educational
games are widely studied for their potential to boost learning per-
formance [
], problem-solving [
], enthusiasm [
], ver-
satility and adjustability [
], and positive emotional encounters
]. Yet, while a signicant number of scholars have men-
tioned that exposing players to educational computing games is
crucial and fosters learning [
], educational
games in VR have yet to explore dierent avatar skin tones on
programming skills and learning outcomes. Historically, career-
relevant experiences such as internships, practicums, and hobbies,
are heavily biased from self-selection [
] and availability of op-
portunities [
], catering only to a restricted number of students.
CHI PLAY Companion ’24, October 14–17, 2024, Tampere, Finland Olaoluwa Oyedokun, Syed Tanzim Mubarrat, Amogh Joshi, Christos Mousas, & Dominic Kao
Consequently, there is a growing trend among researchers to ex-
plore technologies aimed at bringing learning experiences, such as
the one described in this paper, directly to students.
The project consists of two phases with the initial phase ded-
icated to developing the VR computing game itself. Within this
computing game, players will solve short computing programs af-
ter being introduced to the dierent avatar skin tone designs. The
later phase of this project will focus on understanding the eects
of dierent avatar skin tones on learning outcomes and game ex-
periences. This project is guided by the theoretical frameworks of
self-perception theory [
], self-association [
], avatar and self
], and player identication scale (PIS) [
]. The game
design will be based on the Gee’s principles of learning [
]. We
will employ triangulation in our methodology that will integrate
multiple sources of data, including game performance, engagement,
and semi-structured interviews. Overall, this project will aim to
explore how VR and games can promote diversity in STEM elds.
2.1 Signicance and Background
Steele and Aronson coined the term “stereotype threat” which de-
scribes how individuals from negatively stereotyped groups tend
to underperform in certain situations [
]. It has been commonly
observed that individuals, particularly racial minorities in academic
settings [
], underperform when a negative stereotype about
their group is emphasized. In the context of STEM-related subjects,
such as computer programming, schools often see underrepresenta-
tion from certain racial minority groups [
]. Research has found
a correlation between students’ educational outcomes and their
interactions with faculty members who share their race or gender
]. Although a signicant body of research on stereotype
threat has concentrated on aspects such as gender [
voice [
], and performance [
], the impact of dierent
avatar skin tones in virtual reality (VR) educational environments
remains largely unexplored.
Avatars can play a crucial role in facilitating our ability to im-
merse ourselves in alternate identities [
]. When using avatars,
individuals often adopt the identity traits of those avatars and con-
form to the stereotypes associated with them [
]. This is
evident in real-world scenarios where individuals readily accepted
a rubber hand as their own [
]. Nevertheless, in terms of VR appli-
cations, many avatar customization platforms tend to oer a wider
range of options for avatars with lighter skin tones, reinforcing
socially exclusive norms [24, 79].
Researchers in the eld of VR contend that the wide range of
VR applications holds the potential to eect substantial changes
in society [
]. These applications span across various elds, such
as driving simulations [
], ight simulations [
surgical training [
], educational games [
], and physical exercises [
]. The prospective user
base for these VR applications encompasses people of diverse ages,
genders, racial or ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, and
physical capabilities [
]. This diversity, however, also opens
up the possibility of users experiencing stereotype threats due to
the skin tones of their avatars in VR environments. While there
has been research on the stereotype threats associated with avatars
in both VR and non-VR educational games [
], the
impact of dierent avatar skin tones has not been investigated.
Although a study by Do et al. [
] highlighted the importance of
avatar matching in a VR environment, this aspect was not explored
within the framework of a VR computing educational game.
2.2 VR Games and Education
The gaming industry is projected to reach a revenue of approx-
imately 196 billion US dollars by 2022 [
]. Concurrently, the
inuence of VR technology on this sector is anticipated to es-
calate, with a projected worth of 36 billion US dollars by 2025
]. Advocates for gaming argue that video games provide an
interactive learning environment that surpasses mere entertain-
ment, underscoring their capacity to improve cognitive abilities,
critical thinking, self-discipline, problem-solving, and creativity
]. They highlight the educational content em-
bedded in many games, asserting that gaming can be an engaging
method for gaining prociency in various subjects [
]. Educa-
tional games, also known as “serious games” [
], “edutainment”
], and “game-based learning” [
], have proven to be eec-
tive in facilitating learning [
]. This approach
has been utilized across a range of disciplines, including com-
puter science [
], civil engineering (construction)
[10, 28, 29, 136], music [101, 127] and medicine [2, 92].
From an educational and pedagogical perspective, interactive 3D
spaces oer numerous advantages over traditional 2D environments
]. Research indicates that interactive 3D spaces, such as VR
environments, enhance problem complexity [
], promote experi-
ential learning [
], facilitate collaborative learning [
and provide an immersive experience that increases concentration
and motivation for problem-solving [6].
2.3 VR Educational Games and Computer
Computer programming, a sequence of coded instructions [
is recognized as a cognitively challenging task [
]. The exploration
of computer programming is theoretically grounded in various the-
ories, which are intrinsically linked with variables that inuence an
individual’s interests, choices, and potential for success [
]. These
theories also encompass the identities and roles that individuals
adopt and navigate throughout their lifespan [
]. They
also involve instruments designed to measure outcomes related to
the embodiment of these identities and roles [
]. We
are motivated to explore how avatars’ appearances can inuence
outcomes for users based on their social group.
Numerous scholars have investigated the potential of both VR
and non-VR games (with and without avatars), including simulation
games, role-playing games, and arcade games, to stimulate inter-
est in computational programming [
For instance, Mazzy, a non-VR game, allowed players to learn pro-
gramming by using role models as their avatars within the game
environment. This approach demonstrated positive outcomes in
terms of player experience and engagement with their avatars [
Similarly, in a VR game VR-OCKS, the avatar was designed to be
accessible to all ages, resulting in signicant behavioral changes
among the participants [
]. Furthermore, a study carried out
Exploring the Influence of Avatar Skin Tone in VR Educational Games CHI PLAY Companion ’24, October 14–17, 2024, Tampere, Finland
by Peck et al. [
] found a signicant correlation between gender
swapping and cognitive workload during a VR math experiment.
The study revealed that participants’ cognitive demands altered
when they switched genders within the virtual environment, high-
lighting the impact of embodied experiences on cognitive processes
in VR-based learning.
Nevertheless, while a considerable amount of research has been
dedicated to the impact of gender-based stereotype threats on
avatars in gaming contexts [
], there has been lim-
ited research on exploring the stereotype threats associated with
avatar skin tones in computer programming games. In one study
], a non-VR game centered around computer programming was
developed to evaluate learning outcomes inuenced by role mod-
els. The results of the gameplay demonstrated that players tend to
select role models from their racial group. In a separate study [
researchers explored the impact of gender body swap embodiment
on working memory in VR and found positive eects.
Researchers have studied the eects of gender-specic and dif-
ferent skin tone avatars on stereotype threat in educational games,
aiming to understand how avatar representation inuences user
experiences and learning outcomes. To the best of our knowledge
not much research has been done in exploring dierent avatar skin
tones. In our research, we are primarily focusing on examining the
inuence of skin tones between users’ persona and their self-avatar
on the sense of embodiment and learning outcomes.
3.1 Overview
This study’s objective is two-fold: rstly, to develop a VR educa-
tional computing game, and secondly, to examine the eects of
avatar skin tones on gaming experience and learning outcomes. To
understand how skin tones inuence game design, we will conduct
two comprehensive multivariate studies, oering a variety of avatar
skin tones. Through these studies, we will attempt to address the
following research inquiries:
RQ1. How does the representation of avatars with various skin
tones aect the gaming experience and learning outcomes in a
computing game?
RQ2. How does the programming game inuence the players’ ex-
ploration of computing concepts and aect their overall gaming
We believe this research will provide invaluable insights for ed-
ucational game designers, equipping them with the knowledge to
navigate the intricate landscape of integrating avatar skin tones
within their gaming platforms. By leveraging this information, de-
signers will be able to make informed decisions, creating games that
not only engage players but also facilitate a deeper understanding
of computing through immersive experiences.
3.2 Theoretical Framework
The theoretical framework to support this project is based on
self-perception theory [
], which primarily examines individu-
als’ identities concerning stereotypes, outcome expectations, and
learning objectives. Complementing this, we will also draw upon
self-association theory [
], which theorizes that avatars symbol-
izing individuals from outside one’s immediate group or commu-
nity can still bear signicant resemblances to those individuals in
terms of physical appearance, cultural background, or behavioral
patterns. This could foster a sense of connection or identication
between the avatars and the individuals. Furthermore, we will incor-
porate principles from computer programming theory [
], which
outlines the signicant impact of programming education and its
potential applicability across various domains. Collectively, these
theories provide invaluable insights into the embodiment of player
experiences within virtual environments. To specically analyze
player-avatar embodiment, we will employ the player identication
scale (PIS) framework [
], which oers a structured approach to
understanding these experiences in virtual contexts.
3.3 Game Design
The game will be set in a VR environment where players can en-
hance their programming skills by solving levels through the cre-
ation of short computer programs. It will challenge players to de-
velop their coding skills by navigating through 12 levels of program-
ming puzzles, with a focus on object-oriented programming (OOP)
concepts, such as objects, methods, setters, getters, method argu-
ments, and garbage collection, using Java as the primary language.
The initial levels, numbered 1 to 5, will introduce basic commands
to establish a strong foundational understanding of the players.
As players advance to levels 6 to 9, the game will introduce more
intricate challenges that incorporate loops, encouraging players to
apply logical and iterative problem-solving techniques. The nal
stages, levels 10 to 12, will require players to synthesize all previ-
ously learned commands and techniques, with the introduction of
conditionals. This structured progression will ensure that players
have a comprehensive understanding of essential programming
principles by the end of the game. The OOP concepts and their cor-
responding exercises within the game are detailed in Table 1 of the
online Appendix
. Players will encounter these concepts through
interactions with both familiar and stereotype-threat avatars.
At the start of the game, players will be presented with the oppor-
tunity to choose a character from a wide variety of options, allowing
them to choose one that they feel comfortable with, identify with,
or even one that resembles them [
]. The avatar of these
characters will be selected from a study by Tiany et al. [
] (Figure
1). These characters will serve as guides, providing players with
basic information, instructions, and explanations of the command
prompts. In addition, the initial setup phase will also allow players
to customize the landscape by determining the placement and quan-
tity of elements like houses and trees, aligning the virtual world
with their personal goals and the activity’s requirements.
3.4 Research Design
Our proposed research plan is structured into two sequential phases.
The initial phase is dedicated to the development of a computing ex-
ploration game for VR, employing an iterative design methodology.
This approach allows for the creation of preliminary prototypes,
which can be evaluated and rened or discarded promptly, thereby
A full list of gures and mock-ups pertaining to the game design can be found in the
online Appendix:
CHI PLAY Companion ’24, October 14–17, 2024, Tampere, Finland Olaoluwa Oyedokun, Syed Tanzim Mubarrat, Amogh Joshi, Christos Mousas, & Dominic Kao
Figure 1: Example of avatars that we will use in our study
(taken from [31]).
facilitating rapid progress and renement of the game’s mechanics
and features [51].
In the second phase, we will carry out two distinct studies. The
rst study (Study A) will investigate the impact of avatar customiza-
tion options, specically skin tone, on players’ gaming experience
and decision-making processes. The second study (Study B) will ex-
amine the eects of the computing game on participants’ learning
outcomes. The entire project is anticipated to span two years, with
a detailed timeline presented in Figure 3 of the online Appendix1.
3.4.1 Phase 1: Game Development. This phase will involve a com-
prehensive examination of the game’s design, mechanics, and over-
all structure. We aim to create a compelling and immersive gaming
experience through meticulous attention to detail and iterative
renement. In addition, the game’s design has been thoughtfully
informed by relevant theoretical frameworks (see Figure 1 of the
online Appendix
). Furthermore, Phase 1 will encompass rigorous
testing and evaluation, with a focus on usability and learnability, to
ensure that the computing game adheres to the desired standards
of quality and functionality [
]. We believe this dedicated focus on
designing the game will lay a solid foundation for the subsequent
phases of the project.
3.4.2 Phase 2A: Avatar Skin Tone Choices in the Computing Game.
RQ1. How does the representation of avatars with various skin tones
aect the gaming experience and learning outcomes in a computing
Intervention: In this study, we aim to investigate how the pres-
ence or absence of relatable avatar skin tones aects the gaming
experience and learning outcomes. We will conduct an experiment
where participants will interact with avatars that reect their self-
identied skin tone, as well as variations of this tone. Please refer
to Table 1 in the online Appendix1for further details.
Participants: For this study, we aim to recruit young adults aged
18 to 25 from our university who self-identify as Black, Hispanic, or
female. We chose this demographic based on prior research, which
suggests that individuals within this age group, regardless of gender
and race, are more receptive to interventions that may inuence
their decision-making process regarding a career in computing
Procedures: Each participant will be instructed to select an
avatar that best represents their self-identied skin tone from a
range of available avatars. Subsequently, four additional avatars,
each representing a variant of the chosen skin tone, will be automat-
ically selected (Table 1 in the online Appendix
). Each participant
will then play the game for 30 minutes under each of the ve skin
tone conditions:
MD - Much Darker Skin Tone
SD - Slightly Darker Skin Tone
NO - No Change condition (Self Identied)
SL - Slightly Lighter Skin Tone
ML - Much Lighter Skin Tone
Qualitative and Quantitative Measures: Data will be gath-
ered through a combination of surveys administered to participants
and the analysis of in-game metrics and behaviors, known as game
analytics. Moreover, we will investigate the predictive capacity of
various factors, including but not limited to the virtual environment,
in forecasting the outcomes of computational exploration. We will
conduct a thorough analysis of how design features, interactivity,
and environmental cues within the virtual setting inuence the ex-
ploration process and ultimately shape the results obtained through
computational methods. By incorporating these additional variables
into our analysis, we aim to gain a comprehensive understanding
of the complex dynamics involved in computational exploration.
Table 1 provides a comprehensive overview of the various tools,
techniques, and methodologies that we will utilize to gather data
and assess the variables under investigation. The validation proce-
dures for these survey instruments have been meticulously designed
by previous researchers, ensuring their reliability and accuracy in
capturing relevant data. To illustrate, we will employ statistical
tests, such as Cronbach’s alpha, to evaluate the internal consistency
and reliability of the survey items before incorporating them into
the research framework.
Analysis: We will primarily be studying dierences across the
ve skin tone conditions using ANOVA. We will compare the col-
lected survey data and the insights derived from game analytics
across dierent experimental conditions. Additionally, these data
will serve as predictor variables in regression analyses, enabling a
deeper investigation of the relationship between game design deci-
sions and participant responses. These predictor variables (collected
as post-test variables) will include: self-representation in the avatar
skin tone conditions, self-association and player identication with
the avatar, and relatedness with in-game avatar skin tone design.
3.4.3 Phase 2B: Eects of the Computing Game Exploration on Play-
ers’ Experience. RQ2. How does the programming game inuence
the players’ exploration of computing concepts and aect their overall
gaming experience outcome?
Intervention: In this study, we will undertake a comprehensive
examination of the impact of our computing game over six months.
Throughout this time-frame, each participant will be assigned a
personalized avatar to accompany them through their gaming expe-
rience. Following the conclusion of the extended gameplay period,
we will conduct an extensive survey to assess the enduring eects
and impressions of the computing game. This longitudinal approach
Exploring the Influence of Avatar Skin Tone in VR Educational Games CHI PLAY Companion ’24, October 14–17, 2024, Tampere, Finland
Table 1: Measurement instruments in Study A.
Conceptual Group Instruments Time
Avatar Embodiment Avatar Embodiment. A
Standardized Questionnaire [40]
Game Experience
Player Experience of Need
Satisfaction [115]
Player Experience Inventory [1]
Intrinsic Motivation Inventory
Avatar Identication Player Identication Scale [139] Post
Measure of Immersion
A questionnaire to measure the
user experience in immersive
virtual environments [134]
Presence questionnaires in virtual
reality [118]
Engagement, and
Persistence (game
Player Data (progress, in-game
scores, time played, successes and
will provide insights into how the game inuences various aspects
of the participants’ experiences and perceptions over time.
Participants: The same group of participants from Study A.
Procedure: Each participant will select their preferred familiar
avatar. Subsequently, they will be instructed to play the game for
30 minutes daily for four months. After this period, participants
will complete various questionnaires and undergo a brief semi-
structured interview to gather their insights and experiences (Table
Qualitative and Quantitative Measures: Data will be col-
lected through a series of surveys and questionnaires (Table 2)
administered to the participants conducted both before and after
the gameplay sessions. Participants assigned an avatar will take
part in a 15-minute follow-up interview during the post-test phase.
The interviews will investigate participants’ perspectives on the
eectiveness of dierent avatar skin tones in a VR educational
Analysis: To characterize participants’ perceptions of comput-
ing activities within various game-problem conditions from inter-
view data, we will employ the established grounded theory method-
ology by Saldana [
], which involves segmenting the transcripts
into thematic codes and identifying patterns [116].
The objective of this study is to gain meaningful insights into how
avatar skin tones aect participant experiences and behaviors. This
methodological approach aims to provide researchers with a de-
tailed understanding of the inuence of dierent game components
on all participants. Single-session user studies will assess the ef-
fectiveness of avatar skin tone choices in creating stereotypes and
inuencing player outcomes. Comprehensive data from exploratory
studies will help understand the impact of various avatar skin tone
options on learning outcomes. Using multiple data sources in a
Table 2: Measurement instruments in Study B.
Conceptual Group Instruments Time
Avatar Embodiment Avatar Embodiment. A
Standardized Questionnaire [40]
Game Experience
Player Experience of Need
Satisfaction [115]
Player Experience Inventory [1]
Intrinsic Motivation Inventory
Interest in Computing
Computing Interests Survey
(adapted from [67]
Computer Science Attitude Survey
Interview Semi-Structured Interview Post
Engagement, and
Persistence (game
Player Data (progress, in-game
scores, time played, successes and
triangulated approach will enhance the study’s validity. Key met-
rics for evaluating the eectiveness of avatar representation will
include motivated behavior, in-game progress, learning outcomes,
and overall gaming experience.
Our research oers scholars and educators a valuable resource
for systematically investigating this eld. By thoroughly analyzing
the ndings of our project, we anticipate it will inspire heightened
interest and exploration in future research endeavors. We aim to
delve deeply into the potential of educational games and the intrica-
cies of avatar representation, providing abundant data and insights
for further study and advancement in this area.
This research was supported in part by the National Science Founda-
tion under the award number IIS #2338122. Any opinions, ndings,
conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are
those of the authors and do not necessarily reect the views of the
National Science Foundation.
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Conference Paper
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This article introduces GeoBotsVR, an easily accessible virtual reality game that combines elements of puzzle-solving with robotics learning and aims to cultivate interest and motivation in robotics, programming, and electronics among individuals with limited experience in these domains. The game allows players to build and customize a two-wheeled mobile robot using various robotic components and use their robot to solve various procedurally-generated puzzles in a diverse range of environments. An innovative aspect is the inclusion of a repair feature, requiring players to address randomly generated electronics and programming issues with their robot through hands-on manipulation. GeoBotsVR is designed to be immersive, replayable, and practical application-based, offering an enjoyable and accessible tool for beginners to acquaint themselves with robotics. The game simulates a hands-on learning experience and does not require prior technical knowledge, making it a potentially valuable resource for beginners to get an engaging introduction to the field of robotics.
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The research community has long been interested in human interaction with embodied virtual characters in virtual reality (VR). At the same time, interaction with self-similar virtual characters, or virtual doppelgängers, has become a prominent topic in both VR and psychology due to the intriguing psychological effects these characters can have on people. However, studies on human interaction with self-similar virtual characters are still limited. To address this research gap, we designed and conducted a 2 (appearance: self-similar vs. non-self-similar appearance) × 2 (voice: self-similar vs. non-self-similar voice) within-group study (N = 25) to explore how combinations of appearance and voice factors influence participants' perception of virtual characters. During the study, we asked participants to collaborate with a virtual character in solving a VR jigsaw puzzle. After each experimental condition, we had participants complete a survey about their experiences with the virtual character. Our findings showed that 1) the virtual characters' self-similarity in appearance enhanced the sense of co-presence and perceived intelligence, but it also elicited higher eeriness; 2) the self-similar voices led to higher ratings on the characters' likability and believability; however, they also induced a more eerie sensation; and 3) we observed an interaction effect between appearance and voice factors for ratings on believability, where the virtual characters were considered more believable when their self-similarity in appearance matched that of their voices. This study provided valuable insights and comprehensive guidance for creating novel collaborative experiences with self-similar virtual characters in immersive environments.
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We investigate how gender-anonymous voice avatars influence women’s performance in online computing group work. Female participants worked with two male confederates. Voices were filtered according to four voice gender anonymity conditions: (1) All unmasked, (2) Male confederates masked, (3) Female participant masked, and (4) All masked. When only male confederates used masked voices (compared to all unmasked), female participants spoke for a longer period of time and scored higher on computing problems. When everyone used masked voices (compared to all unmasked), female participants spoke for a longer period of time, spoke more words, and scored higher on computing problems. Effects were not significant on subjective measures and one behavioral measure. We discuss the implications for virtual interactions between people.
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A user's personal experiences and characteristics may impact the strength of an embodiment illusion and affect resulting behavioral changes in unknown ways. This paper presents a novel re-analysis of two fully-immersive embodiment user-studies (n=189 and n=99) using structural equation modeling, to test the effects of personal characteristics on subjective embodiment. Results demonstrate that individual characteristics (gender, participation in science, technology, engineering or math - Experiment 1, age, video gaming experience - Experiment 2) predicted differing self-reported experiences of embodiment Results also indicate that increased self-reported embodiment predicts environmental response, in this case faster and more accurate responses within the virtual environment. Importantly, head-tracking data is shown to be an effective objective measure for predicting embodiment, without requiring researchers to utilize additional equipment.
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Aim/Purpose: The key objective of this research is to examine whether fix-and-play educational games improve students' performance in learning programming languages. We also quantified the flow experiences of the students and analyzed how the flow contributes to their academic performances. Background: Traditionally, learning the first computer programming language is considered challenging, In this study, we propose the fix-and-play gaming approach that utilizes the following three facts to alleviate certain difficulties associated with learning programming: 1. digital games are computer programs, 2. young students are fond of playing digital games, and 3. students are interested in creating their own games. Methodology: A simple casual game Shoot2Learn was created for learning the fundamentals of branching. A number of errors were intentionally implanted in the game at different levels, and the students were challenged to fix the bugs before continuing the game. During the play, the program keeps records of the student’s academic progress and the time logs at different stages to measure the flow experience of the students. The proposed approach was systematically evaluated using a quasi-experimental design in real classroom settings in two countries, Sri Lanka, and USA. Contribution: The results derived from this research provide empirical evidence that the fix-and-play educational games ease some challenges in learning programming and motivate the students to play and learn. Findings: The results show that the first-year programming students who play the fix-and-play game gain statistically significant improvement in their academic performance. However, the result fails to suggest a significant positive correlation between the flow experience and academic performance. Recommendations for Practitioners: Empowering the students to fix the bugs in the educational games they play will motivate them to stay in the game and learn continuously. However, we have to make sure that the types and timing of bugs do not hinder the flow experience of the players, Recommendation for Researchers: Students normally play industry-level high-quality games. Experience and interest in game-playing differ significantly between students. Gender difference also plays an important role in selecting game genres. We need to identify how to address these issues when resources are not sufficient to provide an individualized gaming experience. Impact on Society: Programming is an essential skill for computer science students. The outcome of this research shows that the proposed approach helps to reduce the disenchantment associated with learning the first programming language. Future Research: Further investigation is necessary to verify whether the AI techniques such as user modeling can be used in educational games to reduce the effects of uncertainty associated with the variations in students' gaming skills and other factors.
In many consumer virtual reality (VR) applications, users embody predefined characters that offer minimal customization options, frequently emphasizing storytelling over user choice. We explore whether matching a user's physical characteristics, specifically ethnicity and gender, with their virtual self-avatar affects their sense of embodiment in VR. We conducted a 2 × 2 within-subjects experiment (n=32) with a diverse user population to explore the impact of matching or not matching a user's self-avatar to their ethnicity and gender on their sense of embodiment. Our results indicate that matching the ethnicity of the user and their self-avatar significantly enhances sense of embodiment regardless of gender, extending across various aspects, including appearance, response, and ownership. We also found that matching gender significantly enhanced ownership, suggesting that this aspect is influenced by matching both ethnicity and gender. Interestingly, we found that matching ethnicity specifically affects self-location while matching gender specifically affects one's body ownership
The effectiveness of a virtual reality experience is strongly affected by the sense of presence of the users involved. This article reviews the different definitions of presence and the main proposed methods to measure it through the analysis of 1,214 papers published in the past 30 years. From the analysis of 239 user studies, we found that 85.8% used subjective measures, 11.7% used a combination of subjective and objective measures, while 2.5% used only objective measures. We also identified, from the studies reviewed, 29 main factors to evoke presence in virtual environments, grouped into four categories: Engagement, Personal Characteristics, Interaction Fidelity, and Display Fidelity.
Virtual reality has long been utilized in the games industry and is emergent for pilot training in the military and commercial airline sectors. Its usefulness as a mechanism of skills transfer to the real world has not been well researched or considered. This paper follows the PRISMA methodology to present a systematic quantitative literature review (SQLR) on the use of extended reality in flight simulators. It also encompasses recent studies of teaching and learning in immersive, virtual environments in non-aviation disciplines. The review identified 39 papers spanning all areas of the virtuality continuum across academic, commercial, and military aviation sectors, as well as engineering and medicine. The SQLR found that extended reality in flight simulators is being introduced in the commercial and military aviation sectors. However, within academia, hardware constraints have hindered the ability to provide positive empirical evidence of simulator effectiveness. While virtual reality may not replace traditional flight simulators in the near future, the technology is available to supplement classroom training activities and some aspects of simulator procedure training with promising cognitive learning outcomes.