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A Step Forward in Identifying Socially Desirable Respondents: An Integrated Machine Learning Model Considering T-Scores, Response Time, Kinematic Indicators, and Eye Movements

Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies

Abstract and Figures

Context: In high-stakes assessments, such as court cases or managerial evaluations, decision-makers heavily rely on psychological testing. These assessments often play a crucial role in determining important decisions that affect a person’s life and have a significant impact on society. Problem Statement: Research indicates that many psychological assessments are compromised by respondents’ deliberate distortions and inaccurate self-presentations. Among these sources of bias, socially desirable responding (SDR) describes the tendency to provide overly positive self-descriptions. This positive response bias can invalidate test results and lead to inaccurate assessments. Objectives: The present study is aimed at investigating the utility of mouse- and eye-tracking technologies for detecting SDR in psychological assessments. By integrating these technologies, the study sought to develop more effective methods for identifying when respondents are presenting themselves in a favorable light. Methods: Eighty-five participants completed the Lie (L) and Correction (K) scales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) twice: once answering honestly and once presenting themselves in a favorable light, with the order of conditions balanced. Repeated measures univariate analyses were conducted on L and K scale T-scores, as well as on mouse- and eye-tracking features, to compare the honest and instructed SDR conditions. Additionally, machine learning models were developed to integrate T-scores, kinematic indicators, and eye movements for predicting SDR. Results: The results showed that participants in the SDR condition recorded significantly higher T-scores, longer response times, wider mouse trajectories, and avoided looking at the answers they intended to fake, compared to participants in the honest condition. Machine learning algorithms predicted SDR with 70%–78% accuracy. Conclusion: New assessment strategies using mouse- and eye-tracking can help practitioners identify whether data is genuine or fabricated, potentially enhancing decision-making accuracy. Implications: Combining self-report measures with implicit data can improve SDR detection, particularly in managerial, organizational, and forensic contexts where precise assessments are crucial.
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Research Article
A Step Forward in Identifying Socially Desirable Respondents: An
Integrated Machine Learning Model Considering T-Scores,
Response Time, Kinematic Indicators, and Eye Movements
Cristina Mazza ,
Irene Ceccato ,
Loreta Cannito ,
Merylin Monaro ,
Eleonora Ricci ,
Emanuela Bartolini ,
Alessandra Cardinale,
Adolfo Di Crosta ,
Matteo Cardaioli,
Pasquale La Malva ,
Marco Colasanti ,
Renata Tambelli,
Luciano Giromini ,
Rocco Palumbo ,
Riccardo Palumbo ,
Alberto Di Domenico ,
and Paolo Roma
Department of Dynamic and Clinical Psychology, and Health Studies, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Department of Psychology, University G. dAnnunzioof Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, Italy
Department of Social Sciences, University of Foggia, Foggia, Italy
Department of General Psychology, University of Padua, Padua, Italy
Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical Sciences, University G. dAnnunzioof Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, Italy
National Nuclear Physics Institute, Rome, Italy
Department of Mathematics, University of Padua, Padua, Italy
GFT Italy, Milan, Italy
Department of Psychological, Health and Territorial Sciences, University G. dAnnunzioof Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, Italy
Department of Psychology, University of Turin, Turin, Italy
Center for Advanced Studies and Technology (CAST), Chieti, Italy
Department of Human Neuroscience, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Correspondence should be addressed to Paolo Roma;
Received 3 May 2024; Accepted 3 September 2024
Academic Editor: Alhamzah Alnoor
Copyright © 2024 Cristina Mazza et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Context: In high-stakes assessments, such as court cases or managerial evaluations, decision-makers heavily rely on psychological
testing. These assessments often play a crucial role in determining important decisions that aect a persons life and have a
signicant impact on society.
Problem Statement: Research indicates that many psychological assessments are compromised by respondentsdeliberate
distortions and inaccurate self-presentations. Among these sources of bias, socially desirable responding (SDR) describes the
tendency to provide overly positive self-descriptions. This positive response bias can invalidate test results and lead to
inaccurate assessments.
Objectives: The present study is aimed at investigating the utility of mouse- and eye-tracking technologies for detecting SDR in
psychological assessments. By integrating these technologies, the study sought to develop more eective methods for identifying
when respondents are presenting themselves in a favorable light.
Methods: Eighty-ve participants completed the Lie (L) and Correction (K) scales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) twice: once answering honestly and once presenting themselves in a favorable light, with the order of
conditions balanced. Repeated measures univariate analyses were conducted on L and K scale T-scores, as well as on mouse-
and eye-tracking features, to compare the honest and instructed SDR conditions. Additionally, machine learning models were
developed to integrate T-scores, kinematic indicators, and eye movements for predicting SDR.
Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies
Volume 2024, Article ID 7267030, 15 pages
Results: The results showed that participants in the SDR condition recorded signicantly higher T-scores, longer response times,
wider mouse trajectories, and avoided looking at the answers they intended to fake, compared to participants in the honest
condition. Machine learning algorithms predicted SDR with 70%78% accuracy.
Conclusion: New assessment strategies using mouse- and eye-tracking can help practitioners identify whether data is genuine or
fabricated, potentially enhancing decision-making accuracy.
Implications: Combining self-report measures with implicit data can improve SDR detection, particularly in managerial,
organizational, and forensic contexts where precise assessments are crucial.
1. Introduction
In high-stakes situations, such as legal or managerial evalua-
tions where outcomes can signicantly aect individuals and
those around them, decision-makers often rely heavily on psy-
chological testing. Unfortunately, research has shown that
many psychological assessments are compromised by respon-
dentsdeception, distortions, and acquiescent response styles.
The tendency to present oneself in an overly favorable light
is known as socially desirable responding (SDR) [1]. Due to
the social and economic consequences of SDR, detecting it is
a critical area of research. Identifying valid predictors and
implicit behavioral measures of SDR is particularly useful
because they can provide practitioners with information about
target behaviors independently of the subjectstestresponses,
be used to validate self-report data, and are often dicult to
manipulate intentionally. Furthermore, as the number of
behavioral parameters increases, subjectsability to monitor
their response behavior decreases.
The present study is aimed at investigating the combined
utility of mouse- and eye-tracking for SDR identication. A
simulation design was employed in which each participant
completed the experimental task under two sets of instruc-
tions, with the order balanced according to the group to
which participants were randomly assigned. Participants
either rst responded honestly and then presented them-
selves as having perfect psychological health, omitting any
criticality and impairment in psychological and behavioral
functioning, or rst responded in a favorable light and then
responded honestly.
The research examined eye movements by comparing
the areas of interest (AOIs) of selected versus unselected
responses, providing insights into dierences in visual explo-
ration between SDR and honest conditions based on partic-
ipantsactual responses rather than item content. The
analysis also considered the Lie (L) and Correction (K) scales
from the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2
(MMPI-2) as outcome measures. Building on the literature
(see Section 2), the hypotheses were the following:
H1: Participants in the SDR condition would score
signicantly higher on the L and K scales than those
in the honest condition.
H2: Participants in the SDR condition would have
signicantly slower mouse movements than those in
the honest condition.
H3: Participants in the SDR condition would have
signicantly wider and less stable mouse trajectories
than those in the honest condition.
H4: Eye movements would dier between the honest
and SDR conditions. Due to conicting ndings from
previous studies, no specic direction was dened for
the eects.
The ultimate goal of the study was to use machine learn-
ing (ML) models to create an integrated model capable of
accurately detecting SDR. This model would be based on
explicit scale scores, temporal and spatial kinematic indica-
tors, and eye movement data.
2. Literature Review
2.1. SDR. SDR is one of the most common and pervasive
sources of bias in high-stakes evaluative settings, such as
parenting skills evaluations, driving exams, and personnel
selection. In fact, it is estimated that SDR occurs in approx-
imately 30%50% of personnel selection processes [2, 3] and
20%74% of forensic settings, including child custody evalu-
ations [4]. Despite its signicant practical impact, the litera-
ture on SDR is not as extensive as it should be, and the
instruments available to identify SDR are limited.
The MarloweCrowne Social Desirability Scale (MCSDS)
[5] and the Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding
(BIDR), also known as the Paulhus Deception Scales (PDS)
[6], are the most commonly used stand-alone scales for detect-
ing SDR. In the context of personality inventories, the primary
tools for identifying SDR are embeddedvalidity scales or
indicators. These are designed to assess the validity and inter-
pretability of self-report questionnaires and help interpret test
scores by accounting for SDR [711].
Traditionally, the key measures used to detect SDR, specif-
ically faking goodor underreporting on personality ques-
tionnaires, include the L and K scales of the MMPI-2 [12],
the Virtuous Responding (VR) scale of the Psychopathic
Personality Inventory-Revised (PPI-R) [13], and the Positive
Impression (PIM) scale of the Personality Assessment Inven-
tory (PAI) [14]. However, personality questionnaires often
have high transparency, allowing subjects to easily discern
what constructs a test or item is measuring and adjust their
responses accordingly [15]. To address this issue, researchers
have sought alternative, indirect methods for detecting SDR
[16, 17], including reaction time (RT) [1822], time pressure
[15, 20, 23, 24], and mouse tracking [19, 2528]. Many studies
suggest that SDR takes longer to endorse because it is either
more cognitively demanding [18, 20, 29] or because it
increases arousal due to the fear of detection [22].
2.2. Detecting Socially Desirable Responses Using Kinematic
Indicators. Recently, mouse tracking has emerged as a
2 Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies
valuable technique for detecting socially SDR [25, 28, 30]. This
method involves capturing both the temporal and spatial
aspects of mouse movement by recording cursor location at
a high frequency (i.e., 6075 times per second) [31]. Mouse
trajectories provide insights into real-time mental processes
during decision-making tasks, such as completing a personal-
ity questionnaire, because motor movements are continuously
inuenced by underlying cognitive processes [26, 3236].
Mazza et al. [25] demonstrated that participants engaged
in SDR exhibit longer RTs and greater maximum deviation
(MD) times than honest respondents. The MD time refers
to the time taken to reach the point of MD between the
actual and ideal response trajectory using the mouse cursor.
Additionally, SDR participants show wider mouse trajecto-
ries when responding to L scale items.
2.3. Eye Movements in SDR. Researchers have recently begun
exploring the potential of eye-tracking to identify feigned
responses, given that eye movements are physiological and
not entirely under conscious control [3743]. Eye-tracking
technology records gaze location and eye movements over
time and across tasks. For instance, during activities like
reading or viewing images, eyes may xate on specic AOIs
or move rapidly in a motion known as saccades [44]. Visual
xations involve maintaining gaze on a target for approxi-
mately 130330 ms, allowing the brain to begin processing
visual information [44]. Saccades are the quick eye move-
ments between xation points, lasting about 30 ms during
reading and 4050 ms when viewing a scene [45, 46]. Blink-
ing, dened as the rapid closing and opening of the eyelids,
is another automatic ocular behavior that typically lasts
3040 ms and occurs approximately every 230 s [47].
Research has shown that eye movements can reveal cogni-
tive processing [4850] and emotional activation [5153].
Specically, when individuals experience high cognitive
load, their xation duration and saccade speed increase,
while their blink rate decreases [50, 5456]. Additionally,
saccades, blinks, and xations can provide insights into
physiological arousal, vigilance, and fatigue [57]. Several
studies have applied eye-tracking technology in deception
detection, revealing that when individuals lie, their xation
duration and saccadic movements increase, while their blink
rate and duration decrease [50, 5860].
To the best of our knowledge, few studies have specically
employed eye-tracking technology to detect SDR. In a within-
subject study, Van Hooft and Born [43] asked 129 participants
to complete the Five Factor Personality Inventory either hon-
estly or with SDR in a personnel selection context. They found
that all personality traits could be manipulated to create a
more favorable impression. Additionally, SDR participants
responded more quickly and exhibited nearly one fewer eye
xation per item on average compared to honest participants.
Furthermore, SDR participants paid more attention to
extreme response options (e.g., much more/less (often) than
others) than honest participants.
Logistic regression analyses revealed that test scores,
RT, and the number of xations eectively distinguished
between honest and SDR participants, achieving an accu-
racy of 82.9%. Notably, the inclusion of eye-tracking data
signicantly improved the models accuracy. These nd-
ings suggest that SDR is associated with a lower cognitive
load and an altered focus of attention compared to honest
More recently, Fang et al. [41] investigated the role of
eye-tracking in detecting SDR and examined whether the
eye movement patterns of individuals instructed to lie dier
from those who lie spontaneously. The results indicated that
eye movements can eectively distinguish between honest
responses and SDR. Specically, participants engaging in
SDR exhibited dilated pupils and had more frequent and
longer xations. Additionally, these participants focused
more on positive items (i.e., socially desirable answers),
suggesting increased cognitive processing of such items.
However, the study found inconsistent results with saccade
and blink data, prompting the authors to recommend fur-
ther research. Unlike Hooft and Bornsndings, these results
support the hypothesis that SDR is cognitively demanding
and requires more eort than honest responses.
The present research falls within the research eld of
SDR detection.
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Participants. One hundred Italian young adults volun-
tarily participated in the study. All were undergraduate
students who were given extra credit for participating.
Fifteen participants (15%) were excluded from the analysis
due to technical problems that invalidated the procedure.
The nal sample was composed of 85 participants (n=60
female, 70.6%; n=25 male, 29.4%), aged 1831 years
(M=2189,SD = 2 97). Most participants were right-
handed (n=80, 94.1%), 31 wore glasses (36.5%), and 6 wore
contact lenses (7.1%) (see Table 1). As detailed below, the
order of the test conditions (SDR vs. honest responding)
was balanced across participants. Half of the participants
(n=43;MAge =2193,SD = 3 16) completed the question-
naire rst honestly and then with SDR; the other half
(n=42;MAge =2186,SD = 2 79) followed the opposite pat-
tern. There were no signicant dierences between groups in
the descriptive statistics (Table 1).
All participants provided informed consent prior to data
collection. The experimental procedure was approved by the
local ethics committee (Board of the Department of Human
Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Sapienza
University of Rome), in accordance with the Declaration of
3.2. Materials
3.2.1. MMPI-2. The MMPI-2 [12] is a 51-scale self-report
questionnaire that assesses personality and psychopathol-
ogy. It comprises 567 items with dichotomous response
options (i.e., true/false), and it is widely used in forensic
and evaluative settings [6164]. The present study analyzed
the L and K underreporting scales of the Italian version of
the inventory [65, 66]. The L scale, composed of 15 items,
detects the acknowledgment of uncommon virtues and the
tendency to oer a more socially acceptable self-image
3Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies
(e.g., by asserting that the item I do not always tell the truth
is false). The K scale, composed of 30 items, detects defen-
siveness through measures of adjustment and emotional
control (e.g., criticism or scolding hurts me terribly). Higher
scores on the L and K scales are associated with higher SDR.
3.3. Research Design and Experimental Procedure. A within-
subjects design was implemented to control for the inuence
of individual and dispositional factors on eye and hand
movements. The experimental task was completed individu-
ally in a neutral, quiet room in the Department of Psycholog-
ical, Health and Territorial Sciences (DiSPuTer), University
G. dAnnunzioof Chieti-Pescara, between May and
December 2021. Participants, placed approximat ely 60 cm
from the screen, completed the test on a 15.6display laptop
running Microsoft Windows, with an eye-tracker mounted
(see below for details). After the initial reception, participants
read and signed the informed consent form. Following this,
they completed a sociodemographic questionnaire to provide
data on their age, biological sex, manual dominance, and
visual impairment/correction. Subsequently, the computer
session started with an eye-tracker calibration procedure to
ensure measurement precision. Participants were then intro-
duced to the experimental task by a set of instructions that
correlated with their rst testing condition. All participants
completed the experimental task twice (i.e., once for each
testing condition). The Honest condition required partici-
pants to answer honestly, while the SDR condition required
participants to promote an overly positive self-image. The
order of conditions was randomly assigned, in alignment
with previous studies [41]. The Honest condition instruc-
tions were as follows:
We are interested in some characteristics of your person-
ality. We want you to take this test in a totally sincere fash-
ion. Be careful, because the questionnaire contains some
gimmicks to detect dishonesty. After reading each item, you
should take all the time you need to respond most accurately.
The SDR condition instructions were as follows:
We are interested in learning about some of your person-
ality traits. Imagine that you have to participate in a selection
process for a job you want. In this situation, it would be
advantageous for you to appear normal and in perfect psy-
chological health. In other words, we ask you to ll out the test
in such a way as to present a positive image of yourself. Be care-
ful, because the questionnaire contains some gimmicks to detect
dishonesty, and you must answer in such a way that you do not
get caught. After reading the statement, use as much time as
you want to respond, following these instructions.
After nishing the rst experimental task, participants
were shown an unrelated short video (i.e., ller task). Subse-
quently, participants were presented with the experimental
task again, with the other set of instructions. Finally, partici-
pants were debriefed and given extra credit for their course.
The full procedure lasted approximately 20 min. Figure 1 pro-
vides a general overview of the entire experimental workow.
3.4. Experimental Task. Items were presented in the central
portion of the computer screen. Participants had to click
(with the mouse) a START button in the center of the screen
to initiate the presentation of each item (see Figure 2(a)).
They responded by clicking one of two response buttons
(i.e., true vs. false) presented in the upper part of the screen:
one in the upper-left corner and one in the upper-right cor-
ner (see Figure 2(b)). Items that belonged to more than one
scale (e.g., L scale Item 2 and K scale Item 1) were shown to
participants only once. Variables associated with these items
(i.e., score, RT, MD, area under the curve (AUC), and gaze
behavior features) were duplicated and integrated into all
relative scalesmetrics. The displayed order was consistent
with the original protocols.
3.5. Collected Behavioral Measures
3.5.1. Mouse Dynamics. During the experimental task, several
variables associated with mouse movement in spatial and tem-
poral terms were automatically registered. The recorded mouse-
related features were of two kinds: spatial, which included MD
(i.e., maximum perpendicular distance between the actual and
the ideal trajectory) and the AUC (i.e., geometric area between
the actual and the ideal trajectory); and temporal, which
included RT (i.e., the time between the presentation of the ques-
tion and the click of the response button).
3.5.2. Eye Movements. The Tobii Pro Nano (Tobii, Karlsro-
vagen, Sweden) was employed for gaze sampling during
Table 1: Descriptive statistics for the research sample.
Variable Total (n= 85) Order of instruction
Honest-SDR (n= 43) SDR-honest (n= 42)
Biological sex n(%)
Female 60 (70.6) 31 (36.5) 29 34.1
Male 25 (29.4) 12 (14.1) 13 15.3
Manual dominance n(%)
Right handed 80 (94.1) 39 (45.9) 41 48.2
Left handed 5 (5.9) 4 (4.7) 1 1.2
Visual correction n(%)
None 48 (56.5) 23 (27.1) 25 29.4
Glasses 31 (36.5) 16 (18.8) 15 17.6
Contact lenses 6 (7.1) 4 (4.7) 2 2.4
4 Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies
the task. Each participant was seated in front of a 15.6dis-
play with an eye-tracking device positioned at the bottom.
Within the experimental room, the lighting was stable, and
the screen was adjusted to maintain constant brightness
and contrast. The eye-tracking software Tobii Pro Lab, ver-
sion 1.145 [67], was used to calibrate participantsgaze as
they followed a white dot across the screen. If a participant
was unable to calibrate, their seating posture was adjusted,
and the calibration process was repeated until calibration
was achieved.
The Tobii Pro Lab software was used also to preprocess
eye-tracking data. Specically, the Tobii I-VT xationlter
was used to analyze xations. Velocity-threshold identica-
tion (I-VT), a velocity-based algorithm, denes xations
when eye movement velocity is below a specic threshold.
In the current study, default lter values were maintained
(i.e., max angle between fixations = 0 5 degrees; velocity
threshold = 30 degrees/second; max time between fixations
=75ms; minimum xation duration = 60 ms). Parameters
that have proven reliable in detecting deception [41, 43] were
then computed and employed for the statistical analyses.
Table 2 describes each of the considered parameters.
Gaze behavior was analyzed to assess dierences in ocu-
lar activity between the two testing instructions (i.e., honest
vs. SDR) on the response buttons. Initially, it was tested
whether the instructions aected participantsvisual explora-
tion of the response options, independently of their actual
response (i.e., response AOI). Analyses of these AOIs are
reported in the Supporting Information (available here). The
focus of interest was eye movements as a function of response
selection. To this end, two AOIs were dened for both the L
and the K scale, and gaze behavior was compared across the
selected and unselected responses (i.e., selected response AOIs).
Statistical testing was conducted separately for each scale.
Of note, a percentage (rather than raw count) was calcu-
lated for the xations and saccades, to control for individual
dierences in the visual exploration of the screen. Also, blink
frequency (i.e., count/s) was analyzed instead of blink count,
to account for dierences in trial duration.
3.6. Statistical Analysis
3.6.1. Univariate Analyses. To ensure that participants cor-
rectly understood and followed the instructions for each
Informed consent
questionnaire eye-tracker
Filler task
(short video)
Experimental task
(L and K scales of MMPI-2)
1st condition
Experimental task
(L and K scales of MMPI-2)
2nd condition
Mouse dynamics
Eye movements
Mouse dynamics
Eye movements
T-scores Univariate analysis
Predictive models (logistic
regression, SVM, random
forest, naïve Bayes, J48)
Figure 1: Experimental workow.
True False
Item Statement
Figure 2: Example of an experimental trial as seen by participants. After the participant clicked on the (a) start button, (b) the stimulus
appeared. Note: This is a prototypical image of how the items were presented on the screen. To ensure text security, we did not report
an actual text item.
5Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies
condition, scores on the outcome measures were compared via
separate paired t-tests on the L and K scales T-score. Paired
t-tests were also run to compare temporal and spatial fea-
tures of mouse movement in the honest vs. SDR conditions.
Separate analyses were conducted for the L and K scales.
Repeated measure ANOVAs with instruction (SDR vs. honest)
and response AOI (selected vs. unselected) were also conducted.
Eect sizes were interpreted as follows: for paired t-tests,
Cohensd=02was considered indicative of a small eect,
d=05a medium eect, and d=0 8a large eect [68]. For
repeated measure ANOVAs, η2p=001 was considered
indicative of a small eect, η2p=006 a medium eect, and
η2p=014 a large eect [69]. The pvalue was considered sig-
nicant at the 0.05 level. Analyses were performed using
IBM SPSS v.25 [70].
3.6.2. Predictive Models. To investigate the eectiveness of
T-scores and mouse and eye movements in SDR detection,
a predictive statistical approach was adopted, imple-
menting ML models. ML techniques have been recently
applied to a broad range of domains [71, 72], including
predicting human behavior and, specically, over- and
underreporting [29, 73, 74]. In the present study, ML anal-
yses were run in WEKA 3.9 [75], following a best practice
workow comprised of (a) feature selection, (b) model train-
ing and validation, and (c) model testing using an out-of-
sample group [76]. As ML models are built to t data, their
t with new (i.e., unseen) data must be tested. A data training
set is generally used to train and validate the model, while a
data test set is used to test the models accuracy on new data.
This procedure guarantees generalization and increases the
replicability of the results [7779]. For this purpose, partici-
pants were randomly split into training (n=60) and test (n
=25) sets. The training set consisted of 120 responses (60
honest and 60 SDR), while the test set included 50 responses
(25 honest and 25 SDR).
First, feature selection was run with the aim of removing
redundant and irrelevant features, and thereby increasing
model generalization by reducing overtting and noise in
the data [80]. This was performed using a correlation-
based feature selector (CFS) [81]. The CFS algorithm uses
the greedy stepwisesearch method to evaluate a subset of
features, in terms of the individual predictive ability of each
feature and the redundancy with other predictors. It selects
the subset with the highest correlation with the dependent
variable (i.e., honest vs. SDR), but low intercorrelation. The
predictors that resulted from this process were fed as inputs
to several ML models.
These models were then trained and validated using 10-
fold cross-validation [82]a procedure that consists of
repeatedly partitioning the sample into training and valida-
tion sets. Thus, the sample of 120 responses was randomly
partitioned into 10 equal-size subsamples, or folds (i.e., 10
folds of 12 responses). One of the 10 folds was retained as
validation data to test the model, and the remaining 9 folds
were used as training data. This process was repeated 10
times, with each of the 10 folds used once as validation data.
The results of the 10 folds were then averaged to produce a
single estimation of prediction accuracy. Finally, to evaluate
the accuracy of the validated models in classifying unseen
participants as honest or SDR, they were tested on the out-
of-sample test set of 50 responses. The predictive perfor-
mance of the models was evaluated using accuracy,
precision, recall, and F-measure (i.e., F1score). Together,
these metrics provide a comprehensive assessment of model
performance. In certain contexts, such as forensics and man-
agerial settings, it is crucial not to rely solely on overall accu-
racy but also to consider false positives and false negatives.
As described above, classication accuracy was assessed by
applying dierent ML algorithms to determine whether the
results remained consistent across dierent classiers and
were not inuenced by specic model assumptions. The algo-
rithms we selected represent a range of classication strategies,
including regression, classication trees, and Bayesian statis-
tics. Specically, the following algorithms were used, based
on relevant previous literature [25, 30]:
Logistic regression [83]: This method evaluates the
relationship between a categorical dependent variable
and one or more independent variables, using a logis-
tic function to estimate probabilities.
Support vector machine (SVM) [84]: A binary linear
classier that organizes data in space and separates
Table 2: Gaze behavior features and indicators.
Feature Indicator
Fixation percentage Number of xations during a specied time interval (i.e., onset to the end of each trial)
within target AOIs, as a proportion of the total number of xations during the same interval
Fixation average duration (ms) Mean elapsed time between the rst and the last gaze point in the sequence of gaze points
in the xation
Saccade percentage Number of saccades during a specied time interval (i.e., onset to the end of each trial)
within target AOIs, as a proportion of the total number of saccades during the same interval
Saccade average duration (ms) Mean time required to move the fovea from the initial to the nal position
Dwell time (ms) Total elapsed time between the rst and the last xation inside the AOI
Blink frequency (count/s) Number of blinks in the period of interest, adjusted for trial duration. Only data gaps >
100 ms considered
Note: Each indicator was measured within a trial (i.e., item) and then averaged across all trials composing a questionnaire.
Abbreviation: AOI = area of interest.
6 Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies
categories by a margin that is maximized for greater
classication accuracy.
Random forest [85]: An ensemble learning technique
that builds multiple decision trees and aggregates their
Naïve Bayes [86]: A probabilistic classier that applies
Bayestheorem, assuming independence between
In addition, the J48 tree model [87] was implemented to
facilitate interpretability. J48, often referred to as an imple-
mentation of the C4.5 algorithm in Weka software, builds
decision trees by selecting attributes that provide the highest
normalized information gain. It is one of the simplest classi-
ers in terms of transparency, as it emphasizes the logic
behind the classication [88]. It should be noted that all
algorithms were run using the default parameters of WEKA
3.9 [75], without any ne-tuning to increase accuracy.
4. Results
4.1. L and K Scale T-Scores. A signicant eect was found
for instruction (i.e., honest vs. SDR) on L scale T-scores,
t84 =11 15,p<0 001, with a large eect size, d=1 21.
As expected, participants in the SDR condition recorded
signicantly higher T-scores. A signicant (t84 =943,
p<0001)andlargeeect (d=102) was also found for
instruction on K scale T-scores, with participants in the SDR
condition scoring signicantly higher (see Table 3 and
Figure 3).
4.2. Mouse-Tracking Variables
4.2.1. Mouse-Tracking Variables on the L Scale. A signicant
and small eect of instruction (i.e., honest vs. SDR) was
found for all mouse-tracking variables on the L scale: RT
(t84 =232,p=0023,d=0 25), AUC (t84 =2 99,p=
0 004,d=033), and MD (t84 =2 94,p=0 004,d=0 32).
For each variable, the average was higher for participants
in the SDR condition (see Figure 4(a) and Table 4).
4.2.2. Mouse-Tracking Variables on the K Scale. As shown in
Table 4, a signicant and small eect of instruction (i.e., honest
vs. SDR) was found for both the AUC and MD on the K scale:
AUC (t84 =211,p=0 038,d=0 23)andMD(t84 =2 70,
p=0009,d=0.29). The average of these variables was higher
for participants in the SDR condition (see Figure 4(b)).
4.3. Eye-Tracking Variables on Selected Response AOI. A
repeated measures ANOVA with instruction (i.e., SDR vs.
honest) and response AOI (i.e., selected vs. unselected) was
conducted for all eye-tracking parameters (see Table 5 for
descriptive statistics).
4.3.1. Eye Movements on the L Scale. For xation percentage
and average duration, the main eects of instruction and
response AOI were not signicant, Fs1,84 1 22,ps271.
However, a signicant interaction eect emerged for both
xation percentage, F1,84 =6245,p<0001,η2p=043,
and xation average duration, F1,84 =6592,p<0001,
η2p=044. Pairwise comparisons showed that the selected
response received more and longer xations in the honest
condition. In contrast, the unselected response AOI was x-
ated on more frequently and for a longer duration in the
SDR condition.
Similar results emerged for saccade percentage and aver-
age duration, which showed nonsignicant main eects for
instruction and response AOI, Fs1,84 2 29,ps0 134,
yet signicant interaction eects. For saccade percentage,
the interaction eect was signicant, F1,84 =2714,p<
0 001,η2p=024, and pairwise analyses indicated that the
selected response received more saccades in the honest con-
dition, while the unselected response received more saccades
in the SDR condition. For saccade average duration, the
interaction eect was signicant, F1,84 =777,p=0007,
η2p=009, and pairwise analyses indicated that in the unse-
lected response AOI, saccades tended to be longer in the
honest condition, while no dierence between conditions
emerged in saccade duration within the selected response
For dwell time, a main eect of instruction emerged,
F1,84 =685,p=0 010,η
p= 0.08, with higher dwell time
recorded by participants in the SDR condition. A signicant
interaction between instruction and response AOI was
also found, F1,84 =6148,p<0001,η2p=042. Pairwise
Table 3: Results of the paired t-test on T-scores of the L and K scales.
Variable Instruction MSD Dierence
L scale SDR 64.42 13.17 16.07
Honest 48.35 9.14
K scale SDR 53.84 9.14 9.48
Honest 44.35 8.71
Note: Statistically signicant eects (p<005) are in bold. The nal column
reports the dierence between the two means (MSDR-MHonest ).
Mean (scores)
80 ⁎⁎⁎ ⁎⁎⁎
L scale K scale
Figure 3: Eects of instruction (Honest vs. SDR) on T-scores of the
L and K scales. Note: ∗∗∗p<0 001. Error bars indicate the standard
error (SE).
7Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies
comparisons indicated that dwell time on the selected
response AOI was higher in the honest condition. In con-
trast, dwell time on the unselected response AOI was higher
in the SDR condition.
Finally, for blink frequency, there was a signicant main
eect of instruction, F1,84 =2205,p<0001,η2p=021,
with higher blink frequency in the SDR condition. Also,
the main eect of response AOI was signicant, F1,84 =
6 66,p=0012,η2p=007, indicating that blink frequency
was higher for the unselected response AOI. Notably, the
interaction eect was also signicant, F1,84 = 102 10,p<
0 001,η2p=055. Pairwise comparisons indicated that blinks
were more frequent in the selected response AOI in the hon-
est condition and in the unselected response AOI in the SDR
condition (see Table 6).
4.3.2. Eye Movements on the K Scale. The main eect of
instruction was not signicant for all tested parameters (all F
s1,84 3 41,ps0 07). A main eect of response AOI was
detected for xation percentage (F1,84 =467,p=0033,
η2p=005) and blink frequency (F1,84 =816,p=0005,
η2p=009), with both higher in the SDR condition. No
other tested parameter presented a signicant main eect
for the selected response (all Fs 1,84 3 57,ps 0 062).
Signicant interaction eects were observed for all parame-
ters. For xation percentage (F1,84 =2645,p<0 001,η2p=
Mean (ms)
Honest 0
Honest 0
(a) Scale L
Mean (ms)
Honest 0
Honest 0
(b) Scale K
Figure 4: Eects of instruction (Honest vs. SDR) on mouse-tracking features. Note:p<005;∗∗p<0 01. Error bars indicate the standard
error (SE).
Table 4: Results of the paired t-test on the mouse-tracking variables for the L and K scales.
Variable Instruction L scale K scale
MSDDierence MSDDierence
RT SDR 4895.32 1864.38 489.95 5110.29 1503.61 76.29
Honest 4405.37 1323.17 5033.99 1372.27
AUC SDR 32018.97 18629.06 5928.41 32792.72 17719.49 3127.66
Honest 26090.57 16853.93 29665.05 16582.82
MD SDR 128.77 71.23 23.61 134.58 71.92 15.86
Honest 105.16 66.22 118.73 62.19
Note: The dierence between the two means (MSDR -MHonest) is reported. Statistically signicant eects (p<0 05) are in bold.
8 Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies
Table 5: Descriptive statistics for the eye-tracking variables of the L and K scales.
Variable Instruction AOI L scale K scale
Fixation percentage
SDR Selected 5.78 4.58 2.70 1.77
Unselected 9.78 4.98 3.88 2.37
Honest Selected 9.99 7.29 3.53 2.15
Unselected 6.55 4.04 3.28 2.04
Fixation average duration
SDR Selected 185.81 145.83 195.50 123.90
Unselected 296.27 141.83 258.99 130.15
Honest Selected 287.57 173.26 251.37 123.14
Unselected 176.54 117.22 203.27 108.20
Saccade percentage
SDR Selected 2.51 2.82 1.09 1.02
Unselected 3.95 2.94 1.59 1.40
Honest Selected 4.64 5.08 1.60 1.44
Unselected 2.73 2.65 1.34 1.20
Saccade average duration
SDR Selected 36.62 17.73 36.95 19.07
Unselected 33.18 13.26 39.74 13.04
Honest Selected 33.70 12.20 42.45 12.69
Unselected 36.91 14.60 39.32 15.51
Dwell time
SDR Selected 376.16 328.21 355.93 249.17
Unselected 624.51 330.08 512.54 293.09
Honest Selected 536.07 397.78 466.29 281.51
Unselected 328.92 228.40 415.92 246.63
Blink frequency
SDR Selected 0.280 0.194 0.273 0.152
Unselected 0.483 0.210 0.390 0.181
Honest Selected 0.366 0.180 0.333 0.154
Unselected 0.267 0.161 0.319 0.157
Table 6: Pairwise comparisons of the interaction eects between instruction and selected response AOI on eye-tracking variables in the L
and K scales.
Variable Selected response AOI Unselected response AOI
SDR Honest pSDR Honest p
L scale
Fixation percentage +<0.001 + <0.001
Fixation average duration +<0.001 + <0.001
Saccade percentage +<0.001 + 0.001
Saccade average duration = = 0.187 + 0.051
Dwell time +<0.001 + <0.001
Blink frequency +<0.001 + <0.001
K scale
Fixation percentage +<0.001 + 0.011
Fixation average duration +<0.001 + <0.001
Saccade percentage + 0.002 = = 0.085
Saccade average duration + 0.015 = = 0.783
Dwell time +<0.001 + <0.001
Blink frequency +<0.001 + <0.001
Note: The symbol +() indicates higher (lower) mean scores for a given variable (row) in a given instruction condition (column), compared to the
opposite condition.
9Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies
024), xation average duration (F1,84 =3784,p<0001,
η2p=31), dwell time ( F1,84 =3304,p<0001,η2p=028),
and blink frequency (F1,84 =3421,p<0001,η2p=029),
pairwise comparisons showed lower values for the selected
response AOI and higher values for the unselected response
AOI in the SDR condition. For saccade percentage
(F1,84 =2032,p<0001,η2p=020), pairwise comparisons
showed that the SDR condition was associated with a lower
saccade percentage in the selected response AOI, while no
dierence between conditions emerged for unselected
response AOI. A similar pattern was detected for saccade
average duration (F
(1, 84)
=5.00, p=0028,η2p=006), with
pairwise comparisons highlighting lower average duration
in the selected response AOI in the SDR condition, while
no dierence between conditions emerged for the unse-
lected response AOI.
Taken together, these results suggest that SDR partici-
pants devoted less attention to the selected response and
more attention to the unselected response (see Table 6).
4.4. Predictive Models. To identify in which condition partic-
ipants had responded to the task (SDR vs. Honest), 32 vari-
ables considered in the statistical analysis were treated as
possible predictors and included in feature selection. CFS
identied the following six as the best set of predictors:
L scale T-score;
K scale T-score;
Blink frequency on the unselected response AOI of the
L scale;
Dwell time on the unselected response AOI of the
L scale;
Fixation average duration on the unselected response
AOI of the L scale;
Fixation average duration on the unselected response
AOI of the L scale.
ML algorithms were trained, validated, and tested on
these six variables, according to the procedure described
above. Table 7 reports the results of the 10-fold validation
procedure and the model performance in the test set.
Classication accuracy was stable between the dierent
classiers, ranging from 70%78% in the test set. The deci-
sion tree (i.e., J48) obtained the best performance (83.33%)
in the 10-fold cross-validation, but it also generalized the
least, as its accuracy dropped to 72% in the test set. The best
classier was naïve Bayes, which achieved good accuracy in
the training set (80%) and maintained a similar performance
in the test set (78%).
The rule used by the decision tree algorithm to classify a
response as honest or SDR was as follows:
L scale Tscore 58.
|L scale unselected AOI blink frequency 0 33: Honest.
|L scale unselected AOI blink frequency > 0 33: SDR.
L scale Tscore > 58: SDR.
Notably, the rule was very simple, and its classication
accuracy was 72%, considering only two variables (i.e., L
scale T-score and L scale unselected AOI blink frequency).
Finally, looking at the confusion matrix of the test set
classication, all algorithms made a number of errors, result-
ing in a slightly higher number of false negatives (i.e., SDR
responses classied as Honest) than false positives (i.e., Hon-
est responses classied as SDR): logistic FP = 6/25,FN = 9/
25; SVM FP = 4/25,FN = 9/25; Random forest FP = 6/25,
FN = 8/25; naïve Bayes FP = 4/25,FN = 7/25; J48 FP = 8/25,
FN = 6/25.
5. Discussion
The rst aim of the present research was to replicate and
conrm the ndings of previous studies regarding the role
of T-scores and temporal and kinematic indicators in
detecting SDR on a personality questionnaire. The results
supported the rst hypothesis (H1), according to which T-
scores on the MMPI-2 underreporting L and K scales were
expected to be higher in the SDR condition. These ndings
are aligned with the results of previous studies [20, 23, 25,
43] indicating that SDR respondents tend to obtain higher
scores on the MMPI underreporting scales. In this sense,
the result reects that the study instructions were correctly
understood by participants, as participants who were
Table 7: Results of dierent machine learning algorithms in 10-fold cross-validation and the test set.
Algorithm Accuracy Precision Recall F-measure
Logistic 10-fold cross-validation 78.33% 0.78 0.78 0.78
Test set 70% 0.70 0.70 0.70
SVM 10-fold cross-validation 76.67% 0.77 0.77 0.77
Test set 74% 0.75 0.74 0.74
Random forest 10-fold cross-validation 80.83% 0.81 0.81 0.81
Test set 72% 0.72 0.72 0.72
Naïve Bayes 10-fold cross-validation 80% 0.80 0.80 0.80
Test set 78% 0.78 0.78 0.78
J48 10-fold cross-validation 83.33% 0.84 0.83 0.83
Test set 72% 0.72 0.72 0.72
10 Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies
instructed to engage in SDR presented themselves in a more
positive way by selecting socially desirable alternatives.
Additionally, on average, participants in the SDR condition
scored 1.5 SD above the mean on the L scale and approxi-
mately 16 T-points dierently from participants in the hon-
est condition. In contrast, participants in the SDR condition
scored much closer to the average on the K scale, and fewer
than 10 T-points dierently from participants in the honest
condition. These ndings could be considered a proxy con-
rmation of the scalesconstruct validity. Indeed, the 15
items on the L scale refer to relatively common behaviors,
minor infractions, and faults/weaknesses that most people
would admit to. By responding negatively to these items,
SDR participants evidenced a tendency to provide a socially
virtuous and well-adjusted self-image. L scale items measure
social desirability more accurately than K scale items, which
instead measure emotional control and denial, across several
thematic areas (e.g., hostility, mistrust, family conict, exces-
sive worry). Furthermore, L scale items are more transparent
and easier to feign than the less obvious items of the K scale.
The latter consideration is also useful in explaining why
SDR participants registered signicantly longer RTs on the L
scale, but not the K scale. Thus, the results supported the
second hypothesis (H2) only in relation to the L scale. K
scale items, being less obvious in the construct they are
designed to measure, likely determined that honest partici-
pants needed more time to respond. This nding is consis-
tent with previous studies showing that, compared to
honest respondents, SDR respondents take more time to
respond to stimuli (see, for a meta-analysis [89]). In this
vein, the self-schema model [90] suggests that fakers take
longer to answer a self-report questionnaire than honest
respondents. Indeed, research suggests that faking requires
more time, either because it is more cognitively demanding
[18, 20, 29] or because it heightens arousal due to a fear of
detection [22].
Recently, mouse dynamics have been found to be useful
for the identication of deception. Studies by Monaro et al.
[19, 27] have shown that, when half of a sample answer an
autobiographical questionnaire honestly and the other half
answer according to fake proles learned just prior to test-
ing, honest respondents follow the more direct trajectory
to the desired answer, whereas those answering according
to a fake prole show trajectories that initially converge
towards the actual autobiographical information and then
switch towards a relevant alternative. In line with this, in
the present study, the mouse trajectories of participants in
the SDR condition were wider (in terms of AUC and MD)
than those in the honest condition. Thus, the third hypoth-
esis (H3) was supported, consistent with a previous applica-
tion of mouse-tracking to identify SDR [25], which found
wider mouse trajectories only for the L scale.
The second goal of the present study was to explore
whether eye movements could improve the detection of
SDR on personality inventories. In line with the fourth
hypothesis (H4), SDR and honest responding were associ-
ated with dierent visual patterns. On the L scale, partici-
pants in the SDR condition xated more often and
frequently on the unselected response AOI, with more (but
shorter) saccades, higher dwell time, and more frequent
blinks. Similar results were found for the K scale, except
for saccade percentage and average number, for which no
signicant dierences were found between testing condi-
tions in the unselected response AOI. In other words, when
answering honestly, participants focused more on the option
they eventually chose, in line with cognitive models of
decision-making. In contrast, SDR participants attended
more to the unselected response. A possible explanation
for this is that, when faking, respondents attempt to avoid
the correctanswer, yet it nevertheless catches their atten-
tion. Supporting this explanation, participants in the SDR
condition registered lower blink frequency in the selected
response AOI. Albeit in the context of a feigning experimen-
tal paradigm, a similar result on eye movements has been
found by Ales et al. [37]. Specically, the authors studied
the ocular movements of healthy participants asked to feign
schizophrenia while responding to an SVT (i.e., IOP-29)
compared with control participants instructed to respond
honestly. Findings showed that feigners paid more attention
than controls to those response options identied as more
indicative of feigning, even if they eventually decided not
to endorse them.
A direct comparison of the current results with those of
previous studies is not possible, as AOIs were examined on
the basis of the response, rather than item content. Further-
more, to the best of our knowledge, this was the rst study to
analyze items with two response alternatives, in line with the
MMPI-2. Contrary to both Hooft and Born [43] and Fang
et al. [41], little evidence was found for overall smaller or
greater xations and saccades in the SDR condition. Dier-
ences between conditions emerged only when the selected/
unselected responses were separated, thus accounting for
The third and main aim of the present research was to
develop an ML model integrating T-scores and mouse and
eye movements to accurately predict SDR on the MMPI-2
underreporting scales. The main advantage of ML models
is their ability to draw inferences at the individual level, with
utility for (e.g.) clinical, recruiting, and forensic settings. The
present study validated models to predict SDR on the MMPI-
2 with 70%78% accuracy. In particular, the model trained
with the naïve Bayes algorithm obtained satisfactory accu-
racy in both the validation and the test set, and good general-
ization on previously unseen subjects. SDR seems slightly
more dicult to identify than honest behavior, as all the clas-
siers produced a greater number of false negatives than false
positives. Interestingly, classication was based on only L and
K scale T-scores, and L scale eye-tracking variables (espe-
cially for the unselected response AOI). Moreover, a simple
decision tree model demonstrated that two variables (i.e., L
scale T-score, blink frequency in the unselected response
AOI of the L scale) could obtain 72% accuracy. Interestingly,
Hooft and Born [43] attributed predictive importance to x-
ation number, using hierarchical logistic regression. In con-
trast, in the ML algorithms employed in the present study
(which were not explicitly programmed), the average dura-
tion of xations and number of blinks played a central role.
Compared with the model proposed by Fang et al. [41], in
11Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies
which xation count and pupil size were decisive (though the
model was built on only a small number of participants), the
present models replicated the 74% accuracy with the SVM
algorithm and improved on this (78% accuracy) with the
naïve Bayes classier.
As previously mentioned, SDR is a prevalent source of
bias that undermines accurate assessments in high-stakes
evaluative settings. The importance of research in SDR
detection is underscored by its substantial social and eco-
nomic costs. For instance, hiring personnel with undesirable
traits, particularly in managerial roles, can lead to signicant
economic, managerial, and organizational losses. Even more
severe consequences can arise from appointing unsuitable
individuals to public positions of high responsibility, such
as pilots, military personnel, law enforcement agents, and
teachers. In forensic contexts, granting a drivers license to
an ineligible driver poses a considerable risk to road safety.
Similarly, SDR during a parenting skills assessment in child
custody cases can result in incorrect judgments, endangering
the childs physical and psychological well-being. Mental
health professionals in forensic psychology, including those
involved in family law and child custody hearings, face chal-
lenges in providing reliable support to decision-makers
when family outcomes are at stake.
This research not only advances scientic understanding
of SDR but also has a tangible social impact. In institutional
settings, new SDR assessment strategies could be particularly
benecial for experts in personnel selection, enhancing their
ability to accurately dierentiate between candidates. The
proposed SDR detection strategies can be utilized by profes-
sionals in private practice, as well as organizations involved
in evaluation and personnel selection across both civilian
and military sectors. In forensic contexts, these ndings
could assist mental health professionals by indicating
whether assessment data is genuine or fabricated to inu-
ence the court, potentially leading to more informed sen-
tencing decisions.
6. Conclusions
Overall, the current ndings highlight that individuals who
respond to personality questionnaires in a socially desir-
able manner tend to have longer RTs and wider mouse
trajectories and often avoid looking at the answers they
intend to fake, compared to honest respondents. Building
on the pioneering work of Hooft and Born [43], these
results contribute signicantly to the development of inno-
vative methods for detecting SDR by integrating new tech-
nologies, such as mouse tracking and eye tracking, with
ML algorithms.
When interpreting the present results, it is important to
consider some limitations. First, as noted by Hooft and Born
[43], the SDR experimental procedure instructed partici-
pants to present themselves as the best candidate for a job
while avoiding detection. This instruction may have aected
participantsreporting accuracy, as personnel selection
involves a signicantly dierent psychological experience
than the actual study task. Second, the study employed a
within-participants design, which is advantageous for con-
trolling individual and dispositional factors but limits the
generalizability of the results to more ecological and opera-
tional settings. Additionally, this design introduces another
limitation: Participants performed the same experimental
task twice, meaning they had already read the items once
when completing the task after the second set of instruc-
tions. Although the order of instructions was balanced, this
could have inuenced the results. The repeated exposure to
the items might have led to a familiarity or learning eect
that future research could explore using a between-subjects
design and a congruent participant group. Another limita-
tion is that participants were aware that their eye move-
ments were being recorded due to the calibration process
with eye-tracking technology prior to data collection. As a
result, participants may have consciously directed their gaze.
However, it is unlikely that they could self-regulate their
gaze for the entire duration of the experiment.
Data Availability Statement
The data that support the ndings of this study are available
on request from the corresponding author. The data are not
publicly available due to privacy or ethical restrictions.
Preliminary results of this work were published in the form of
abstract: Mazza C., Ceccato I., Cannito L., Monaro M., Ricci
E., Bartolini E., Colasanti M., Di Crosta A., Cardaioli M., Car-
dinale A., La Malva P., Palumbo R., Giromini L., Palumbo R.,
Di Domenico A., Roma P. (2023), An Integrated Machine
Learning Model Considering T-Scores, Response Time, Kine-
matic Indicators, and Eye Movements in Identifying Socially
Desirable Responding. Suvremena psihologija. Contemporary
Psychology. Journal for psychodiagnostics theory, practice and
other elds of psychology, Vol. 26, Supp. 1, p.25.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conicts of interest.
Author Contributions
Cristina Mazza and Irene Ceccato contributed equally.
Dr. Irene Ceccato was supported by the Programma Opera-
tivo Nazionale PON-AIM (code: AIM1811283) to the Uni-
versity G. dAnnunzioof Chieti-Pescara.
Dr. Irene Ceccato was supported by the Programma Opera-
tivo Nazionale PON-AIM (code: AIM1811283) to the Uni-
versity G. dAnnunzioof Chieti-Pescara.
12 Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies
Supporting Information
Additional supporting information can be found online in
the Supporting Information section. (Supporting Information)
SM1: mathematical representation of the machine learning
models trained and validated using a 10-fold cross-validation
procedure. SM2: impact of instruction on visual exploration
of response options. SM3: list of abbreviations.
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15Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies
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Assessing the credibility of reported mental health problems is critical in a variety of assessment situations, particularly in forensic contexts. Previous research has examined how the assessment of performance validity can be improved through the use of bio-behavioral measures (e.g., eye movements). To date, however, there is a paucity of literature on the use of eye tracking technology in assessing the validity of presented symptoms of schizophrenia, a disorder that is known to be associated with oculomotor abnormalities. Thus, we collected eye tracking data from 83 healthy individuals during the completion of the Inventory of Problems – 29 and investigated whether the oculomotor behavior of participants instructed to feign schizophrenia would differ from those of control participants asked to respond honestly. Results showed that feigners had a longer dwell time and a greater number of fixations in the feigning-keyed response options, regardless of whether they eventually endorsed those options ( d > 0.80). Implications on how eye tracking technology can deepen comprehension on simulation strategies are discussed, as well as the potential of investigating eye movements to advance the field of symptom validity assessment .
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Deceit often occurs in questionnaire surveys, which leads to the misreporting of data and poor reliability. The purpose of this study is to explore whether eye-tracking could contribute to the detection of deception in questionnaire surveys, and whether the eye behaviors that appeared in instructed lying still exist in spontaneous lying. Two studies were conducted to explore eye movement behaviors in instructed and spontaneous lying conditions. The results showed that pupil size and fixation behaviors are both reliable indicators to detect lies in questionnaire surveys. Blink and saccade behaviors do not seem to predict deception. Deception resulted in increased pupil size, fixation count and duration. Meanwhile, respondents focused on different areas of the questionnaire when lying versus telling the truth. Furthermore, in the actual deception situation, the linear support vector machine (SVM) deception classifier achieved an accuracy of 74.09%. In sum, this study indicates the eye-tracking signatures of lying are not restricted to instructed deception, demonstrates the potential of using eye-tracking to detect deception in questionnaire surveys, and contributes to the questionnaire surveys of sensitive issues.
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Research on malingering detection has not yet taken full advantage of eye tracking technology. In particular, while several studies indicate that patients with schizophrenia behave notably differently from controls on specific oculomotor tasks, no study has yet investigated whether experimental participants instructed to feign could reproduce those behaviors, if coached to do so. Due to the automatic nature of eye movements, we anticipated that eye tracking analyses would help detect feigned schizophrenic problems. To test this hypothesis, we recorded the eye movements of 83 adult UK volunteers, and tested whether eye movements of healthy volunteers instructed to feign schizophrenia ( n = 43) would differ from those of honest controls ( n = 40), while engaging in smooth pursuit and pro- and anti-saccade tasks. Additionally, results from our investigation were also compared against previously published data observed in patients with schizophrenia performing similar oculomotor tasks. Data analysis showed that eye movements of experimental participants instructed to feign (a) only partially differed from those of controls and (b) did not closely resemble those from patients with schizophrenia reported in previously published papers. Taken together, these results suggest that examination of eye movements does have the potential to help detecting feigned schizophrenia.
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Abstract The presence of a large number of cell phone towers on the roofs of buildings inside cities raises several questions about whether the radiated electromagnetic frequency (EMF) and power spectrum density (PSD) affect the population even if the towers were installed based on the exiting conditions and standards in the cities. This paper aims to answer all these ambiguous questions by measuring the emitted EMF from the local towers built in a small city of Al-Kut in Iraq. This study was set to investigate the health impact of EMF radiation from the cell phone towers and determine how this EMF effects on the human immunity to diseases. The practical measurements were obtained using the EMF meter and the global positioning system (GPS) and employing the geographical information system (GIS). In this paper, two study groups were selected. The first one lived in the area with three installed towers at distance of 50–100 m between them. The second group resided in the area where towers were installed outside its borders at distances of more than 500 m. The results show that the first group suffers from a health problem much more than the second one. In addition, a high percentage of residences were the most educated, but the less knowledgeable people about EMF radiation impacts at long-term exposure, a fact that can be attributed to the academic curriculum deficiency. Therefore, the study has recommended integrating environmental concepts in the governmental institutions and organizations for all mature persons, irrespective of their academic qualification, to increase people’s awareness about this topic.
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Deliberate attempts to portray oneself in an unrealistic manner are commonly encountered in the administration of personality questionnaires. The main aim of the present study was to explore whether mouse tracking temporal indicators and machine learning models could improve the detection of subjects implementing a faking-good response style when answering personality inventories with four choice alternatives, with and without time pressure. A total of 120 volunteers were randomly assigned to one of four experimental groups and asked to respond to the Virtuous Responding (VR) validity scale of the PPI-R and the Positive Impression Management (PIM) validity scale of the PAI via a computer mouse. A mixed design was implemented, and predictive models were calculated. The results showed that, on the PIM scale, faking-good participants were significantly slower in responding than honest respondents. Relative to VR items, PIM items are shorter in length and feature no negations. Accordingly, the PIM scale was found to be more sensitive in distinguishing between honest and faking-good respondents, demonstrating high classification accuracy (80–83%).
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The main objective of this research is to explore the cognitive processes of expert and novice map users during the retrieval of map-related information, within varying difficulty levels (i.e., easy, moderate, hard), by using eye tracking and electroencephalogram (EEG). In this context, we present a spatial memory experiment consisting of a large number of stimuli to study the effect of task difficulty on map users' behavior through cognitive load measurements. Next to the reaction time and success rate, we used fixation and saccade related eye tracking metrics (i.e., average fixation duration, the number of fixations per second, saccade amplitude and saccade velocity), and EEG power spectrum (i.e., event-related changes in alpha and theta frequency bands) to identify the cognitive load. While fixation metrics indicated no statistically significant difference between experts and novices, saccade metrics proved the otherwise. EEG power spectral density analysis, on the other side, suggested an increase in theta (i.e., event-related synchronization) and a decrease in alpha (except moderate tasks) (i.e., event-related desynchronization) at all difficulty levels of the task for both experts and novices, which is an indicator of cognitive load. Although no significant difference emerged between two groups, we found a significant difference in their overall performances when the participants were classified as good and relatively bad learners. Triangulating EEG results with the recorded eye tracking data and the qualitative analysis of focus maps indeed provided a detailed insight on the differences of the individuals' cognitive processes during this spatial memory task.
The environmental, social, and economic challenges associated with the massive activities of the oil and gas industry require analysis and evaluation of companies’ sustainability priorities. Evaluating the environmental performance of oil companies requires the application of strict mathematical tools and models that provide rigorous results. Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) is a rigorous tool that evaluates the performance and practices of oil and sustainable energy companies. However, classical multi-criteria decision analysis has problems related to inconsistency because of the subjective nature of pairwise comparisons. This study responded to the literature call by utilizing the weight fuzzy judgment method (WFJM) to determine the weight coefficients of criteria with zero consistency. Such a method employed criteria values and expert judgment for decision-making to create a bridge between the mathematical approach and the human approach. This study aims to develop a solid decision support system by evaluating and benchmarking 11 companies utilizing the fuzzy judgment method based on fuzzy theory and the VIekriterijumsko KOmpromisno Rangiranje (VIKOR) method to determine sustainability priorities for oil and gas companies. The oil companies’ criteria were efficiently weighted by the fuzzy judgment method, and the organizational capabilities represented the greatest weight value of 0.128, whilst the low-weight criteria were the high costs of technologies at 0.080. Besides, the benchmarking results for oil companies revealed that COM 8 was the best, whilst COM 11 was the worst. The fuzzy judgment technique is a unique approach to solving complicated decision-making problems, and its influence can be significant. Furthermore, this method can be applied in sectors other than energy, including banking, medical services, and engineering, where decision-making is not straightforward and requires a systematic approach.
The Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) is a multiscale, standardized self-administered questionnaire designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of client personality and psychopathology. The measure demonstrates widespread use in clinical, research, and training settings, with practical applications across several assessment specialties, including forensics, neuropsychology, health, and personnel selection. This chapter provides an overview of the theory and development of the PAI, summarizes the psychometric literature, and highlights notable research findings and practical applications of the PAI. The PAI is additionally discussed with respect to its conceptual fit with contemporary dimensional models of personality and psychopathology, including the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology and the Alternative Model of Personality Disorders presented in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.