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p-ISSN 2355-5343
e-ISSN 2502-4795
Article Received: 25/02/2024; Accepted: 30/06/2024
Mimbar Sekolah Dasar, Vol.11(2), 328-338
DOI: 10.53400/mimbar-sd.v11i2.72099
Validity of the Elementary School Mathematics E-Module on
Fractional Material Based on The Realistic Mathematics Education
(RME) Approach
Nadra Hafizah1, Syafri Ahmad2, Melva Zainil3 & Alwen Bentri4
1,2,3,4 Elementary Education Program, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia
🖂 nadrahafizah22@gmail.com
Abstract. This research is motivated by observations that show the lack of additional
teaching materials in schools that facilitate students in communicating mathematical
ideas (symbols, pictures, and graphs) as well as concepts related to fractions by
presenting the surrounding environment as a source of learning. The purpose of this
study is to reveal the level of validity of mathematics e-modules on fractional material
based on the RME approach developed. The type of research used is research and
development, and the research model used is the ADDIE model, namely the analyze,
design, develop stage, implementation stage, and evaluate stage. The validity sheet
is the instrument used in this study. Researchers analyzed validation sheets with a scale
of 5 (five) to determine the quality of the e-modules developed. The results of material
expert validation got a score of 0.9 with a very valid category; media expert
validation got a score of 0.89 with a very valid category; and linguist validation got a
score of 0.9 with a very valid category. So that the mathematics e-module on
fractional material based on the RME approach is valid and very feasible to be used
as a mathematics module, especially fractional material because it has met the
assessment criteria.
Keywords: E-Module; Mathematics; Fraction; RME; Validity.
1. Introduction
Mathematics has been a very important subject to be taught to learners since elementary
education (Hered, F., Bentri, A., Fauzan, A., & Fitria, Y. 2021). Mathematics is the science that
deals with abstract concepts. The abstract nature of these concepts can make students find
it difficult to understand math, although learning math can be an enjoyable experience.
Children in Elementary School, between the ages of 7 and 11, often still think concretely, so
they may find it difficult to understand abstract mathematical concepts. Students can
understand mathematical ideas if they are connected to real life or the world that is close to
them (Acharya, 2020). Based on the observation conducted by the writer, it was found that
the instructional materials provided at school do not present illustrations, pictures, or problems
closely related to everyday life. They are still very abstract, filled with formulas, symbols, or
numbers. In addition, there are practical teaching materials applied in schools as
supplementary instructional materials. The teaching material is made from uncolored recycled
paper, which makes students unenthusiastic and uninterested in the material. One of the
reasons for students' dislike and lack of ability to learn mathematics is that educators utilize
teaching materials that do not engage students (Syaspasbandah et al., 2018). The main
standards in mathematics learning contained in the National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics Standards (NCTM, 2000) are problem-solving skills, communication skills,
connection skills, reasoning skills, and representation skills. These five standards have an
important role in the mathematics curriculum. One of the objectives of learning mathematics
is to learn to communicate (Hidayat, R. A., & Wijayanto, Z., 2021). The ability to communicate
mathematics is one way for us to explain mathematical ideas or symbols to others.
Mathematical communication skills involve not only verbal communication but also the use of
Nadra Hafizah et al., Validity of the Elementary School Mathematics E-Module…
symbols, images, and graphs (Triana et al., 2019). To improve students' mathematical
communication skills by training students to symbolize and use mathematical modeling to solve
problems. The problems presented should be contextual problems, namely problems that are
close to the real lives of students. Communication in the subject of mathematics is very
important because students can express how to find concepts and represent them in the form
of symbols or mathematical language. There are two reasons why communication in
mathematics needs to be developed in students. First, mathematics is not only a tool for
thinking, solving problems, and drawing conclusions, but it also has infinite value in clarifying
various ideas precisely and accurately. Second, mathematics and learning mathematics serve
as a place for interaction between students and communication between educators and
students (Kamid et al., 2020). In RME, learning activities are carried out using the real world and
forming ideas to solve mathematical problems (Hered, F., Bentri, A., Fauzan, A., & Fitria, Y. 2021).
The author develops e-modules using the RME approach to assist students in independent
learning. The current technological advancements greatly support the development of e-
modules, allowing for the inclusion of interesting materials, animations, and other media
necessary for improving e-modules. Additionally, e-modules can be accessed from anywhere,
as long as there is an internet connection. The e-module can also be downloaded and opened
later, even without using an internet connection. The videos in the e-module can also be
replayed if students have not yet understood the material. The developed e-module presents
various topics on fractions, includes images, and also contains some interesting fraction
material videos. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to reveal the validity level of the
mathematics e-module on the topic of fractions based on the RME approach that has been
1.1. Problem Statement
Mathematics learning is an educator's way to enhance students' understanding when solving
real-life problems. The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) in 2012, 2015, and
2018 showed that mathematics learning outcomes in Indonesia remain low. In 2018, Indonesia
ranked 73rd out of 79 countries, with a mathematics score lower than the previous year at 379
(Hewi & Shaleh, 2020). One of the objectives of mathematics learning is to learn to
communicate (Hidayat, R. A., & Wijayanto, Z., 2021). In reality, students' mathematical
communication skills are still lacking in various situations (Mullis, 2012:42). Insufficient
mathematical communication skills result in low learning outcomes for students. Low
communication skills lead to misunderstandings of information conveyed by students. Students'
difficulties in using mathematical symbols cause them to make errors when applying concepts
to solve problems (Kurani & Syarifuddin, 2020). Students will easily solve a problem if they are
familiar with mathematical concepts and have the skills to apply them through diligent
mathematics learning (Lindquits et al., 2019). However, research findings indicate that many
students at every educational level still have a dislike for mathematics learning (Mentari &
Syarifuddin, 2020; Y. Fitria et al., 2019) and also lack mathematical understanding (Fernandes
& Syarifudin, 2019). Students' difficulties in using mathematical symbols cause them to make
errors when applying concepts to solve problems (Kurani & Syarifuddin, 2020; Syarifuddin, 2018).
The aforementioned issue cannot be overlooked, and solutions must be sought to enhance
students' mathematical abilities. One of the reasons for students' disinterest and lack of
proficiency in mathematics learning is that educators utilize teaching materials that fail to
capture students' interest (Syaspasbandah et al., 2018) and are not aligned with real-life
contexts (Fajri et al., 2020). In reality, it has been found that there has been a lack of
development in mathematics teaching materials by teachers. Moreover, the textbooks
currently used do not leverage students' real-life environments as stimuli to motivate them to
understand mathematical concepts. Students who are constantly required to take notes on
the material or formulas provided in textbooks find the learning process tedious. Teachers'
dominance in the classroom prevents learning from being student-centered, and students are
not encouraged to communicate their mathematical ideas, resulting in non-interactive
learning. Therefore, a mathematics e-module based on the Realistic Mathematics Education
(RME) approach is crucial to be developed, especially for the fractions topic.
Mimbar Sekolah Dasar, Volume 11, Issue 2, 2024
1.2. Related Research
So far, many researchers have developed mathematics modules. One of them is an e-module
based on the RME approach using traditional Bengkulu cakes to enhance problem-solving
abilities on the topic of two-dimensional shapes for fourth-grade elementary school students
(Putriani et al., 2023). The study conducted by Putriani et al. (2023) aims to assess problem-
solving abilities on the topic of fractions in fourth-grade classes. Other researchers have
developed an e-module based on RME in mathematics learning for fourth-grade elementary
school (Anisah et al., 2023). The study conducted by Anisah et al. (2023) aims to examine
learning outcomes on the topics of GCD and LCM. Furthermore, another researcher has
developed an e-module based on the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) model using the
traditional five-roofed house to enhance conceptual understanding of the topic of two-
dimensional shapes in fourth-grade elementary school (Nirmala et al., 2023). The study
conducted by Nirmala et al. (2023) aims to assess conceptual understanding of the topic of
two-dimensional shapes for fourth-grade students.
1.3. Research Objectives
The objective of this research is to develop a valid mathematics e-module on the topic of
fractions based on the Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach. Although many
similar studies have been conducted to date, the author considers several factors that
differentiate this research from previous ones, including the focus on fraction material for fifth-
grade elementary school students.
2. Theoretical Framework
Modules are instructional materials that require learners to seek sources of information,
understand the material, and solve problems independently (Najuah, 2020). Modules are also
defined as learning units in the form of printed materials that effectively achieve clear and
specific learning objectives and present evaluation questions along with answer keys (Syafri,
2018:7). Electronic modules are commonly known as e-modules and are educational media
that deliver content, methods, exercises, and evaluations systematically to achieve
predetermined learning objectives. E-modules are information presented in book format
electronically using hard drives, CDs, flash drives, or other e-book readers. The Realistic
Mathematics Education (RME) approach utilizes the real world as a starting point for
discovering mathematical concepts. RME places reality and experience at the forefront of the
learning process, making learning meaningful for learners (Sembiring, 2010).
Fractions are parts of a whole unit. In diagrams, they are usually represented by shading, known
as the numerator, while the whole part is the unit called the denominator (Dhani, V., & Ahmad,
S., 2022). Consistent with the view of Karso et al. (2018), fractions represent the comparison of
equal parts of an object to the whole object. Mathematical communication skills are a way
for us to explain mathematical ideas or symbols to others. Mathematical communication skills
are not only verbal but also involve using symbols, pictures, and graphs (Triana et al., 2019). In
line with Abidin's opinion (2019), mathematical communication skills involve learners solving
problems using ideas, symbols, pictures, tables, and graphs.
2.1. Characteristics of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME)
The learning process will be more effective if educators pay attention to the characteristics of
the learning. There are six characteristics of the RME approach: 1) motivating learners; 2)
communicating learning objectives; 3) posing problems; 4) problems are aligned with the
intended goals; 5) creating or developing symbolic models; 6) interactive learning takes place
(Wibowo, 2019:31). As clarified by Fuzan et al. (2018), RME has five characteristics, including:
(1) Use of contextual problems: the learning process begins with learners' involvement in solving
contextual problems (learning using contextual problems based on previous experiences and
knowledge); (2) Vertical instruments: Learning utilizes vertical instrument directions, such as
models, schemes, diagrams, and individualized. This means learners create their own models
within their reasoning; contextual problems are the relationship between relevant real-world
Nadra Hafizah et al., Validity of the Elementary School Mathematics E-Module…
situation models and the learners' environment into mathematical models; (3) Learner
contribution: meaning that a significant contribution to the learning process is made by
learners, not teachers; (4) Interactive activities: Learning takes place interactively. This means
there is interaction in the learning process, such as negotiation, explanation, justification,
agreement, questioning, or reflection, used to achieve informal forms of mathematical
knowledge. (5) Topic interconnectedness: learning is related to other topics. This means the
topic being learned is integrated with other mathematical topics. The characteristics used by
the researchers are those described by Fauzan et al. (2018).
2.2. Mathematical Communication Ability Indicators
The indicators of mathematical communication ability are: 1) organizing and integrating their
mathematical thoughts through communication; 2) communicating their mathematical
thinking logically and clearly to their peers, teachers, and others; 3) analyzing and evaluating
the mathematical thinking and strategies used by others; 4) Using mathematical language to
express mathematical ideas correctly (NCTM, 2000). Consistent with the communication
indicators proposed by Chasanah et al. (2020), namely: 1) stating mathematical situations or
everyday events in the form of mathematical models and solving them; 2) stating
mathematical models (pictures) in plain language; 3) providing explanations for mathematical
models and/or patterns; 4) formulating questions about given situations accompanied by
reasons. From these various communication ability indicators, the researcher selected the
indicators proposed by Chasanah et al. (2020).
3. Method
3.1. Research Design
The researcher utilized research and development with the ADDIE model. ADDIE stands for
analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (Suni, F. H., & Ahmad, S. 2023).
The first stage is the analysis stage, where the researcher conducts needs analysis (for
educators and students) and curriculum analysis. The second stage is the design stage, where
the researcher designs instruments and designs a mathematics e-module on the topic of
fractions based on the RME approach. The third stage is the development stage, where the
researcher conducts validation tests on the developed e-module. The validation includes
experts in the field, media, and language. The media is validated by three subject matter
expert validators, one media expert validator, and one language expert validator. The fourth
stage is the implementation stage, where the researcher conducts practicality tests on the
developed e-module with one-to-one evaluations for three students, small group evaluations
for eight students, and field tests for 24 students and one fifth-grade teacher. The final stage is
the evaluation stage, where the researcher assesses the effectiveness of students'
mathematical communication abilities. The researcher will further discuss the validation of the
developed e-module.
3.2. Respondent
This research involves one fifth-grade elementary school teacher and four individuals from UNP
higher education institutions for validation, consisting of three subject matter expert validators,
one media expert validator, and one language expert validator. The researcher also involves
35 students and one fifth-grade teacher teaching at an elementary school in Kota Pariaman.
Three students from SDN 01 Balai Naras for one-to-one evaluation trials, eight students from SDN
01 Balai Naras for small group evaluation trials, and 24 students from SDN 23 Balai Naras for field
tests are included.
3.3. Data Collection
The instruments used in this study are validation questionnaire sheets consisting of validation
aspects of content validity (material), media aspects, and language aspects. Validation of the
material aspect is assessed based on several aspects of feasibility, including aspects of
independent learning feasibility, completeness of learning, stand-alone feasibility, adaptability,
user-friendliness, e-module components, characteristics of the RME approach, and indicators
Mimbar Sekolah Dasar, Volume 11, Issue 2, 2024
of mathematical communication ability. Validation for media experts is related to graphical
aspects. Validation of the language aspect is assessed on the feasibility of text readability,
fluency, conformity with language rules, and effective and efficient language use. The
measurement scale uses a 5-point scale. Each statement has a score as follows: 1 = very poor,
2 = poor, 3 = fair, 4 = good, and 5 = very good. The validity assessment is determined based on
the criteria for interpreting the scores obtained. After the percentage score of the validity test
by experts is obtained using the formula, the presentation results are then interpreted using the
guidelines for interpreting validity test score criteria by Arikunto (2018).
Table 1. Validation Test Criteria
0,81 - 1,00
Highly Valid
0,60 - 0,80
0,41 - 0,60
Quite valid
0,21 - 0,40
0,00 - 0,20
Very invalid
3.4. Data Analysis
The data obtained from the questionnaire in this study are then used to calculate the validation
results on a scale of (0–1) using the formula:
𝑃 = !
" x 100 %
Where P is the product validity score, X is the score obtained from the validation results, and Y
is the maximum score of the validation results. After the percentage score of the validity test
by experts is obtained using the formula, the presentation results are then interpreted using the
guidelines for interpreting validity test score criteria, which are the same as Table 1 above.
4. Findings
The presentation of the e-module validation results from the aspects of subject matter experts,
media experts, and language experts generates three summaries, where the material aspect
includes the feasibility of independent learning, completeness of learning, stand-alone
feasibility, adaptability, user-friendliness, e-module components, characteristics of the RME
approach, and indicators of mathematical communication ability. Validation by media
experts focuses on graphical aspects. The summary of the language aspect is assessed based
on the readability of the text, fluency, conformity with language rules, and effective and
efficient language use. For each of these sections, the percentage of respondent answers for
each statement item is presented in a table.
4.1. Material Expert Validation Results
Validation by subject-matter experts is conducted by three experts. The validation by these
experts includes the feasibility of independent learning, completeness of learning, stand-alone
feasibility, adaptability, user-friendliness, e-module components, characteristics of the RME
approach, and indicators of mathematical communication ability. Table 2 presents a summary
of the validation results by subject matter experts.
Table 2. Recapitulation of Material Expert Validation Results
Aspek Kelayakan
Self instruction
Highly Valid
Self contained
Highly Valid
Stand alone
Highly Valid
Highly Valid
Nadra Hafizah et al., Validity of the Elementary School Mathematics E-Module…
Highly Valid
Components of the e-module
Highly Valid
Characteristics of Realistic Mathematics
Education (RME)
Highly Valid
Mathematical Communication Ability
Highly Valid
Total average
Highly Valid
Based on the assessment of material aspects, which consist of the feasibility of independent
learning, completeness of learning, stand-alone feasibility, adaptability, user-friendliness, e-
module components, characteristics of the RME approach, and indicators of mathematical
communication ability, the results obtained are as follows: The feasibility of independent
learning is 0.91, categorized as highly valid; the completeness of learning is 0.93, categorized
as highly valid; stand-alone feasibility is 0.87, categorized as highly valid; adaptability is 0.87,
categorized as highly valid; user-friendliness is 0.88, categorized as highly valid; e-module
components are 0.9, categorized as highly valid; the characteristics of the RME approach are
0.89, categorized as highly valid; and indicators of mathematical communication ability are
0.92, categorized as highly valid. From these values, it can be calculated that the total average
for the material aspect is 0.9, with the category being highly valid.
4.2. Media Expert Validation Results
Media expert validation was carried out by one UNP lecturer on graphic aspects. There are
fifteen item statements on the graphic aspect. Table 3 displays a recapitulation of the results
of media expert validation.
Table 3. Recapitulation of Media Expert Validation Results
Statement Item
Simple or easy-to-understand e-module display design
Clear consistency of e-module structure on every page.
Blend of background colors with text, and images
There are study instructions
The image used supports the display quality to be attractive
Ease of reading and watching materials, as well as doing
Absence of splash pages on the homepage, such as "Welcome"
or "Click here to enter"
The learning video file is not directly run when the visitor opens
the e-module page so that it focuses the user on understanding
the writing on the material
The text writing used in the e-module is easy to understand
The image quality on the e-module is good
The quality of learning videos in the e-module is good
The image used supports the display quality to be attractive
There is a teacher contact or e-module author on my teacher
profile that provides information so that students can easily
contact the teacher
Mimbar Sekolah Dasar, Volume 11, Issue 2, 2024
E-modules can help students in the learning process
E-modules can improve students' communication skills
Scores obtained from validation results
Product validity value
Based on the data in Table 3, it can be seen that the validation of the media aspect based on
the assessment by validators shows an average validation value of 0.89, thus the e-module
meets very valid criteria.
4.3. Linguist Validation Results
Linguist validation is carried out by a UNP lecturer, and the language aspect is assessed on the
feasibility of text readability, straightforwardness, conformity with language rules, and effective
and efficient use of language. Table 4 shows a recapitulation of validation results by linguists.
Table 4. Recapitulation of Linguist Validation Results
Aspek Kelayakan
Text readability
Highly Valid
Highly Valid
Compliance with language rules
Highly Valid
Effective and efficient use of language
Highly Valid
Total average
Highly Valid
Based on the assessment of language aspects, which consist of the readability of text, fluency,
conformity with language rules, and effective and efficient language use, it can be observed
that the readability of text is 1.00, categorized as highly valid; fluency is 1.00, categorized as
highly valid; conformity with language rules is 0.96, categorized as highly valid; and effective
and efficient language use is 1.00, categorized as highly valid. From these values, it can be
calculated that the total average for the language aspect is 0.99, with the category being
highly valid.
5. Discussion
The validity of the RME-based e-module on fractions, which has been obtained from the
validation results conducted by expert validators (subject matter experts, media experts, and
language experts), is as follows: Firstly, the validation of content validity (material) consisting of
the feasibility of independent learning, completeness of learning, stand-alone feasibility,
adaptability, user-friendliness, e-module components, characteristics of the RME approach,
and indicators of mathematical communication ability yielded the following results: The
feasibility of independent learning is 0.91, categorized as highly valid; the completeness of
learning is 0.93, categorized as highly valid; stand-alone feasibility is 0.87, categorized as highly
valid; adaptability is 0.87, categorized as highly valid; user-friendliness is 0.88, categorized as
highly valid; e-module components are 0.9, categorized as highly valid; the characteristics of
the RME approach are 0.89, categorized as highly valid; and indicators of mathematical
communication ability are 0.92, categorized as highly valid. From these values, it can be
calculated that the total average for the material aspect is 0.9, with the category being highly
Secondly, the validation of presentation aspects (media) indicates that the presentation of the
e-module is simple or easy to understand, the images used support quality, making the
presentation attractive, and the quality of images and videos is good with an average
validation score of 0.89, meeting the validity criteria (highly valid).
Thirdly, the validation of presentation aspects (language) consisting of text readability, fluency,
conformity with language rules, and effective and efficient language use resulted in the
following: text readability is 1.00, categorized as highly valid; fluency is 1.00, categorized as
highly valid; conformity with language rules is 0.96, categorized as highly valid; and effective
Nadra Hafizah et al., Validity of the Elementary School Mathematics E-Module…
and efficient language use is 1.00, categorized as highly valid. From these values, it can be
calculated that the total average for the language aspect is 0.99, with the category being
highly valid.
Overall, the validation results by subject matter experts, media experts, and language experts
confirm that the design of the RME-based e-module on fractions has met the validity criteria
(highly valid). This indicates that the material, media, and language used in this study meet
high-quality standards as established guidelines, providing a positive indication that this
research has successfully developed high-quality and relevant learning materials in the field
under investigation.
These findings are consistent with research by Atikah (2021), where the validation results by
subject matter experts received a score of 93.8%, categorized as highly valid, and the
validation results by design and language experts received a score of 93%, categorized as
highly valid. Therefore, the RME-based elementary school mathematics e-module is valid and
highly suitable for use as mathematics teaching material, especially for fractions. Furthermore,
the research findings by Annisa (2023) show that the RME-based e-module is categorized as
suitable for use. The average score of the validation results by subject matter experts is 0.785,
indicating moderate validity. Meanwhile, for material suitability using a Likert scale showing 84%
results, the validation results from the language expert validator obtained an average score of
0.833, indicating high or very high validity. This is also consistent with the research findings by
Nirmala (2023), who stated that the RME-based e-module is suitable for use in mathematics
learning in Grade IV of elementary school.
6. Conclusion
The validity test of the RME-based e-module on fractions, based on the assessment results of
subject matter experts, obtained a score of 0.9 with the category highly valid, while the
media/design expert obtained a score of 0.89 with the category highly valid, and the
language expert obtained a score of 0.99 with the category highly valid. This indicates that the
RME-based e-module on fractions can be used and is suitable for use as teaching material in
teaching fractions at the elementary school level.
The e-module was developed only for the fraction material. Then, the trials conducted were
still limited to two schools, including SDN 01 Balai Naras and SDN 23 Balai Naras, both located
in the same city. In each school, the number of classes was limited, with only one class, and on
average, there were about 25 students in one class. This may result in limitations in conducting
practicality tests and effectiveness tests, which require larger variations and control groups to
obtain more meaningful results. Additionally, the e-module that was developed needs to be
accessed and downloaded by students using laptops, computers, or gadgets that have
internet access. Therefore, elementary school students may need guidance from educators
and parents.
It is recommended that subsequent researchers conduct development research on broader
subjects. Further researchers are expected to be able to improve the quality of e-module
development based on the RME approach on fractional materials even better.
I would like to express my gratitude to Drs. Syafri Ahmad, M.Pd., Ph.D., as my dedicated and
patient supervisor, for providing invaluable guidance, motivation, and direction in completing
this research and contributing to the writing of the article. Special thanks to Dr. Melva Zainil, ST,
M.Pd.., and Prof. Dr. Alwen Bentri, M.Pd.., as contributors who provided input and suggestions
for the perfection of this research. I also extend my thanks to Prof. Dr. Yerizon, M.Si., Dr. Yullys
Helsa, M.Pd., Fitratul Ilahi, M.Pd., Dr. Rayendra, M.Pd., and Dr. Nur Azmi Alwi, S.S., M.Pd., as
validators who provided feedback and suggestions for the improvement of this research.
Mimbar Sekolah Dasar, Volume 11, Issue 2, 2024
Additionally, my gratitude extends to the students and teachers who participated in assisting
with this research.
Conflict of Interest
The author states that there is no conflict of interest.
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