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Auditing and Generating Synthetic Data with Controllable Trust Trade-offs


Abstract and Figures

Real-world data often exhibits bias, imbalance, and privacy risks. Synthetic datasets have emerged to address these issues by enabling a paradigm that relies on generative AI models to generate unbiased, privacy-preserving data while maintaining fidelity to the original data. However, assessing the trustworthiness of synthetic datasets and models is a critical challenge. We introduce a holistic auditing framework that comprehensively evaluates synthetic datasets and AI models. It focuses on preventing bias and discrimination, ensuring fidelity to the source data, and assessing utility, robustness, and privacy preservation. We demonstrate our framework’s effectiveness by auditing various generative models across diverse use cases like education, healthcare, banking, and human resources, spanning different data modalities such as tabular, time-series, vision, and natural language. This holistic assessment is essential for compliance with regulatory safeguards. We introduce a trustworthiness index to rank synthetic datasets based on their safeguards trade-offs. Furthermore, we present a trustworthiness-driven model selection and cross-validation process during training, exemplified with “TrustFormers” across various data types. This approach allows for controllable trustworthiness trade-offs in synthetic data creation. Our auditing framework fosters collaboration among stakeholders, including data scientists, governance experts, internal reviewers, external certifiers, and regulators. This transparent reporting should become a standard practice to prevent bias, discrimination, and privacy violations, ensuring compliance with policies and providing accountability, safety, and performance guarantees.
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Auditing and Generating Synthetic Data
with Controllable Trust Trade-offs
Brian Belgodere, Pierre Dognin, Adam Ivankay, Igor Melnyk, Youssef Mroueh, Aleksandra Mojsilovic, Jiri Navratil,
Apoorva Nitsure, Inkit Padhi, Mattia Rigotti, Jerret Ross, Yair Schiff, Radhika Vedpathak, and Richard A. Young.
Abstract—Real-world data often exhibits bias, imbalance, and
privacy risks. Synthetic datasets have emerged to address these
issues by enabling a paradigm that relies on generative AI models
to generate unbiased, privacy-preserving data while maintaining
fidelity to the original data. However, assessing the trustworthiness
of synthetic datasets and models is a critical challenge. We
introduce a holistic auditing framework that comprehensively
evaluates synthetic datasets and AI models. It focuses on
preventing bias and discrimination, ensuring fidelity to the source
data, and assessing utility, robustness, and privacy preservation.
We demonstrate our framework’s effectiveness by auditing
various generative models across diverse use cases like education,
healthcare, banking, and human resources, spanning different
data modalities such as tabular, time-series, vision, and natural
language. This holistic assessment is essential for compliance
with regulatory safeguards. We introduce a trustworthiness index
to rank synthetic datasets based on their safeguards trade-offs.
Furthermore, we present a trustworthiness-driven model selection
and cross-validation process during training, exemplified with
“TrustFormers” across various data types. This approach allows for
controllable trustworthiness trade-offs in synthetic data creation.
Our auditing framework fosters collaboration among stakeholders,
including data scientists, governance experts, internal reviewers,
external certifiers, and regulators. This transparent reporting
should become a standard practice to prevent bias, discrimination,
and privacy violations, ensuring compliance with policies and
providing accountability, safety, and performance guarantees.
Index Terms—Trustworthy AI, Synthetic Data, Auditing, Genera-
tive AI.
Generative models have demonstrated impressive results in
synthesizing high-quality data across multiple modalities from
tabular and time-series data [70], [71], [74] to text [19], [30],
images [18], [46], [76], [83] and chemistry [12]. We are
entering a new era in training AI models, where synthetic
data can be used to augment real data [25], or as a complete
replacement, in the most extreme case [38]. One of the main
motivations behind controllable synthetic data usage in training
AI models is its promise to synthesize privacy-preserving
data that enables safe sharing without putting the privacy of
real users and individuals at risk. This has the potential to
circumvent cumbersome processes that are at the heart of
many highly regulated fields such as financial services [10]
and healthcare, for example [16], [25], [28], [32]. Another
motivation comes from controlling the generation process in
order to balance the training data and reduce biases against
protected groups and sensitive communities [29]. Finally,
Authors are listed in alphabetical order. Correspondence to and
synthetic data also offers new opportunities in simulating
non-existing scenarios, providing grounding for causal
inference via the generation of counterfactuals that would
help explain some observations in the absence of real data [36].
Synthetic data can take different forms, ranging from seedless
approaches [7], [51], which rely on knowledge bases and
rule-based generation but incur risks of biased grounding and
linkage attacks, to data generated through AI models trained on
real data, which may lead to memorization, privacy breaches,
and bias amplification [23], [29], [42]. These AI-generated
datasets can also pose legal issues related to copyright and
intellectual property [87]. Both types of synthetic data need
thorough auditing for safety, privacy, fairness, and utility
Amidst these technological advancements, the AI regulation
landscape is rapidly evolving to institute safeguards and
objectives for AI systems, aimed at mitigating societal risks
and malicious use. For instance, the recent executive order on
Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence by the
Biden administration highlights the urgency of these concerns.
Other acts, like the U.S. Algorithmic Accountability Act and
the EU AI Act (for a detailed comparison, see [66]), are paving
the way towards fostering trustworthy AI. The EU AI Act, in
particular, enforces conformity assessments and post-market
monitoring of AI models. Furthermore, quantitative auditing of
predictive AI models has made significant progress in recent
years, with various auditing systems emerging in domains such
as algorithmic recruitment [53] and healthcare [59]. Multiple
AI risk assessment frameworks have been proposed to tackle
certain aspects of trust but have focused on individual trust
pillars, such as fairness [15], explainability [9], or robustness
[69]. With the advent of foundation models [17] and Large
Language Models (LLMs), several techniques [57], [80] are
being explored in an attempt to mitigate risks; moreover,
multiple frameworks have suggested probing these models
on specific trust aspects via red teaming [72], reconstruction of
training data attacks [23], or via holistic auditing, as proposed
in HELM (Holistic Evaluation of Language Models) [58] and
the auditing framework of [47]. Finally, several governance
mechanisms have been proposed to ensure transparency in
communicating the risks of data and models via fact sheets
[8], model cards [65], data sheets [39], and system and method
cards [2].
Existing frameworks, like Synthetic Data Vault (SDV) [71] and
Synthcity [74], tend to focus on specific aspects of synthetic
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JETCAS.2024.3477976
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
Evaluate Aggregate Reweight Index By
Trust Rank Report
Metrics with Uncertainty
Trus t Tra deo ffs
Tru stwo rth ines s I ndex
Synthetic Data
Auditing Report
Fairne ss
Fidelity Index
Privacy Index
Utility Index
Fairne ss Ind ex
Robustness Index
Fig. 1: Summary diagram of our proposed holistic synthetic data auditing framework. For each trust dimension (fidelity, privacy,
utility, fairness, and robustness), we evaluate multiple metrics on the synthetic data and quantify their uncertainty. Metrics are
aggregated within each trust dimension, which results in trust dimension indices. These indices are re-weighted with desired
trust trade-offs to produce the trustworthiness index. Different synthetic datasets are then ranked using this trustworthiness index,
and a summary of the audit is written to an audit report. The ranking produced by our audit enables comparison of different
synthetic data produced by various generative modeling techniques, and aids the model selection process for a given generation
technique, allowing its alignment with prescribed safeguards. The model selection is performed via trustworthiness index driven
cross-validation, which results in controllable trust trade-offs by producing new ranks for different desired weighing trade-offs
for a given application and use case.
data auditing, often overlooking a comprehensive evaluation
of all trust dimensions. The TAPAS framework [48], on the
other hand, is primarily dedicated to privacy [48], without
fully addressing trade-offs with other essential dimensions.
There are also efforts that concentrate on fidelity and utility
auditing, such as [6], and those examining privacy-preserving
capabilities [26], [50], [86]. Unfortunately, these initiatives in
addition to not being holistic, they frequently fail to account
for the uncertainty introduced by data splits between training
and testing sets. Addressing these gaps is crucial for achieving
a comprehensive audit of synthetic data in AI applications, as
emphasized in a recent European Parliament report [67].
To address these challenges, we propose a framework for
auditing the trustworthiness of synthetic data that is holistic,
transversal across different modalities (tabular, time-series,
computer vision and natural language) and assess the un-
certainty in auditing a generative model (see Figure 1 for
a summary of our approach).
Our main contributions are as follows: we introduce a holistic
framework for auditing the trustworthiness of synthetic data,
covering key trust dimensions like fidelity, utility, privacy,
fairness, and robustness. We define a trustworthiness index
that evaluates synthetic data and their downstream tasks. We
provide methods for controlling trust trade-offs in synthetic
data during training, notably through model selection via
the trustworthiness index. We instrument transformer models
across multiple modalities with these control mechanisms and
refer to them as “TrustFormers”. By applying our framework,
we demonstrate that downstream tasks using trustworthiness-
index-driven cross-validation often outperform those trained
on real data while meeting privacy and fairness requirements.
Finally, our framework offers transparency templates for clear
communication of the risks of synthetic data via an audit report.
Controllable trade-offs in the auditing and generation of
synthetic data ensure that AI models trained on such data,
when deployed in circuit systems and applications, meet end-
user needs by providing the required confidence that fosters the
adoption of AI solutions, as well as compliance with policy and
legal requirements. Enabling AI solutions that are resilient to
adversarial attacks and that mitigate privacy, bias, and fairness
concerns while maintaining performance ensures a longer term
stability of deployed solutions and their maintenance in an
ever-changing technological environment. This adaptability is
crucial for ensuring that AI-driven systems can be deployed
across various domains, from consumer electronics to critical
infrastructure, while adhering to both technical requirements
and societal expectations.
In this section, we present our auditing framework. For a
given real dataset and several synthetic datasets, our framework
evaluates a multitude of trust dimensions, namely: fidelity,
privacy, utility, fairness, and robustness.
a) Setup: Formally, given a real dataset
and multiple
synthetic datasets Dj
s, j = 1, . . . , N . The real dataset is split
to training, development/validation, and testing sets as follows:
Dr={Dr,train, Dr,val, Dr,test}.(1)
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JETCAS.2024.3477976
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
Fig. 2: Auditing Platform and workflows connecting different stakeholders (e.g., data scientists, data governance experts, internal
reviewers, external certifiers, and regulators) from model development to audit and certification via a synthetic data auditing
Synthetic datasets come from various sampling schemes from
different types of generative models. These models are trained
on the real training set
and validated on the real
development set
. The utility of these synthetic data
is measured via a predictive downstream task defined on the
data space along protected and sensitive groups for whom
we want to ensure a fair prediction. The downstream task is
trained on the synthetic data
, validated on the real
development set
, and evaluated on the real test set
(note that
could have a distribution shift w.r.t to
Without loss of generality, we assume for simplicity that all
downstream tasks are classification tasks.
b) Auditing Framework : Our synthetic data auditing frame-
work, as depicted in Figure 1, comprises several key stages:
Evaluate, Aggregate, Reweight, Index by trustworthiness, Rank,
and Report. It serves as a means to enhance communication
among governance experts, data scientists, internal reviewers,
and external regulators. The primary personas involved in
our framework are outlined in Figure 2. The key stages of
our audit framework and the personas involved are explained
below (more detailed explanations of trust dimension and our
framework are given in the Methods Section and Supplementary
EVALUATE :The governance expert and data science
board collaborate to establish quantitative metrics for
each trust dimension, as detailed in Table I, ensuring
adherence to socio-technical safeguards. These metrics
are then assessed by data scientists.
AGGREGATE:Metrics within each dimension are aggre-
gated into a trust dimension index (denoted as
, where
"T" corresponds to Fidelity, Privacy, Utility, Fairness, or
Robustness), which ranges from 0 to 1, representing
compliance probability with the requirements of the
dimension. This aggregation method is explained in our
Methods Section.
RE-WEIGHT:Stakeholders, including internal reviewers,
governance experts, and the application owner, establish
a trustworthiness profile through trade-off weights
(examples are shown in Table II), indicating the rela-
tive importance of trust indices for fulfilling specific
IND EX B Y TRUS TW ORTHINESS:Trust dimension in-
dices are re-weighted by the trustworthiness profile
and combined via a geometric mean to
produce the trustworthiness index,
, a context-
specific measure based on the application’s needs and
trustworthiness profiles.
RAN K:The trustworthiness index allows internal review-
ers to rank synthetic datasets. Data scientists can use it
for model selection within a given generation method and
trustworthiness profile. When determining our trustwor-
thiness index ranking, we can additionally consider the
uncertainty in real data splits. For a trustworthiness profile
, our preference is for a generative AI technique that
exhibits the highest average trustworthiness index across
splits (
) while minimizing volatility (
, this corresponds to choosing the model with
trust = log(τTrust(ω)) αlog(∆τ(ω)).(2)
REP ORT:To enhance transparency, our framework
provides audit report templates (as seen in Supplementary
Information Section Ufor communicating the audit
results. These audit reports can be submitted to regulators
or external third-party certifiers for validation.
c) Controllable Trust Tradeoffs with TrustFormers: Trust
constraints can be integrated in the training of Generative AI
models. For example to ensure privacy of the synthetic data we
use differential private training [35] of the generative models
with a privacy budget
. Furthermore, our trustworthiness index
can be employed in an early stopping approach to select
the model that best aligns with the desired trustworthiness
profiles. Leveraging their adaptability in modeling various
modalities, we integrate these trustworthy training and selection
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JETCAS.2024.3477976
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
Dimension Metric Polarity Debiasing Tabular Time Series NLP
Evaluated between Dr,train and Ds:
Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) SNR [54] 1N/A (D/E)(E)(E)
MMD testp-value [41] +1 N/A (D/E)(E)(E)
Fréchet Inception Distance (FID) [45], [82] 1N/A (D/E)(E)(E)
Precision/ Recall [55] +1 N/A (D/E)(E)(E)
Chi Squared 1N/A (D)
2mutual Information difference 1N/A (D)
Evaluated between Dr,train and Ds:
Exact Replicas Count 1N/A (D)
k-nearest neighbor median distance [26] +1 N/A (D/E)(E)(E)
k-nearest neighbor mean distance [26] +1 N/A (D/E)(E)(E)
Classifier trained on Ds
Evaluated on Dr,val @ validation and Dr,test@ test:
Accuracy/ precision/ recall/ F1 score of:
Linear Logistic Regression +1 (D/E)(E)(E)
Nearest Neighbor classification +1 (D/E)(E)(E)
MLP +1 (D/E)(E)(E)
MLP / Adversarial debiasing [92] +1 (D/E)(E)(E)
MLP/ Fair Mixup [31] +1 (D/E)(E)(E)
Applicable to all classifiers in utility:
Evaluated on Dr,val @ validation and Dr,test@ test:
Equal Opportunity Difference (absolute value) [14] 1* * * *
Average Odds Difference (absolute value) [14] 1* * * *
Equalized Odds Difference (absolute value) [14] 1* * * *
Applicable to all classifiers in utility:
Evaluated on Dr,val @ validation and Dr,test@ test:
Adversarial Accuracy/ precision/ recall/ F1 score +1 * * * *
Absolute Difference of Adversarial 1* * * *
and non adversarial utility metrics
TABLE I: Metrics and their associated polarities that are supported by our auditing framework under each trust dimension.
Debiasing indicates if a utility classifier uses a debiasing technique. Dindicates that the metric is computed on the data space
after quantization. Eindicates that the metric is computed in an embedding space. * refers to the same field values of the
evaluated utility classifier. Note that our metrics are representative of each dimension and modality but are not exhaustive; other
specialized metrics can be added and integrated seamlessly within our framework.
ω= (ωf, ωP, ωU, ωF, ωR)Interpretation
ωall (100,100,100,100,100)/500 Equal Importance
ωe(P U)(50,100,100,50,50)/350 Privacy/Utility Emphasis
ωe(P UF )(50,100,100,100,50)/400 Privacy/Utility/Fairness Emphasis
ωU(0,0,100,0,0)/100 Utility only
ωP U (0,100,100,0,0)/200 Privacy/Utility only
ωUF (0,0,100,100,0)/200 Utility/Fairness only
ωe(UF )r(R)(50,50,100,100,0)/300 Utility/Fairness Emphasis No Robustness
ωUF R (0,0,100,100,100)/300 Utility/Fairness/Robustness only
ωUR (0,0,100,0,100)/200 Utility/Robustness only
ωP UR (0,100,100,0,100)/300 Privacy/Utility/Robustness only
TABLE II: Examples of weights trade offs of trust dimensions reflecting priorities in auditing synthetic data.
paradigms into generative transformer models, naming the
resulting models TrustFormers. We denote the selected models
TF(ω, n-p)for non-private training and
TF(ω, p-ε)for private training.
If two trade-off weights
lead to the same checkpoints
selection we use the following notation:
TF(ω1, ω2,n-p)for non-private training and
TF(ω1, ω2,p-ε)for private training.
a) Trust Dimensions: We start by giving precise definitions
for the trust dimensions and their risks assessment that play a
central role in our auditing framework:
Fidelity. Fidelity measures the quality of the synthetic
data in terms of its closeness in distribution to the real
data and its diversity in covering the multiple modes of
the real data distribution [6], [41], [45], [54], [55].
Privacy. Privacy assesses memorization and real data
leakage to synthetic data. Membership inference attacks,
such as nearest neighbor attacks, are instrumented to
identify if an actual data point can be identified in the
vicinity of a synthetic data point, thereby unveiling that
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JETCAS.2024.3477976
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
Use Case Dataset Modality Downstream Task Safeguards Policy Alignment Example
Banking Bank Marketing [68] Tabular Campaign prediction sensitive community (age); Fair Lending Act
user privacy; robustness
Recruitment UK Recruitment [37] Tabular Employment prediction sensitive community (ethnicity) NYC Law 144
user privacy; robustness
Education Law School Admission Tabular Admission prediction sensitive community (ethnicity); Equal Educational Opportunity Act
Council Dataset [88] user privacy; robustness
Financial Services Credit Card [7] Tabular time-series Fraud Detection user privacy Finance Regulation
Healthcare MIMIC-III [52] Tabular time-series Mortality prediction sensitive community (ethnicity); Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
user privacy; robustness
Healthcare MIMIC-III Notes [5] NLP Mortality prediction sensitive community (ethnicity) Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
user privacy; robustness
Visual Recognition Imagenet [5] Vision classification distribution shift Robust Generalization
TABLE III: Synthetic data use cases, safeguards and policy alignment.
the corresponding individual was a member of the real
data training set [48], [50], [86].
Utility. Utility measures the accuracy and performance of
a predictive downstream task, where predictive models
are trained on the synthetic data and evaluated in terms
of their predictive performance on real test data.
Fairness.Fairness has two aspects: the first is related
to bias in the synthetic data [22], and the second is the
fairness of the predictions with respect to sensitive and
protected communities evaluated on real test data points
Robustness. Robustness refers to the accuracy of a
predictive model trained on synthetic data and evaluated
on real test points in the presence of imperceptible, worst-
case adversarial perturbations. We use black box, greedy
attacks on utility classifiers for tabular and time-series, as
in [3], [13], [24], [56], [62], [90], [90] (see Supplementary
Information Q).
b) Auditing Framework: The key steps of our auditing frame-
work (Figure 1) are explained below:
EVALUATE :Given the specific synthetic data application
and relevant policies and regulations, the governance
expert and data science board collaboratively establish
multiple quantitative metrics for each trust dimension.
These metrics serve to evaluate the synthetic data’s
adherence to the requirements necessary for meeting
socio-technical safeguards within each dimension. In
Table I, a comprehensive set of metrics is presented
for each dimension, chosen to strike a balance between
interpretability and risk assessment. it is important to
note that while these metrics represent each dimension
and modality, they are not exhaustive. Our framework
can seamlessly accommodate additional specialized
metrics as needed. These metrics are then assessed by
the data scientist.
AGGREGATE:The interpretation and communication of
these metrics within each dimension pose a significant
challenge. Dealing with numerous metrics with different
polarities and dynamic ranges can be overwhelming for
internal reviewers and regulators. In social sciences,
it is common to aggregate metrics into a single score
or index [40]. Indices serve as powerful tools for
simplifying complex information into an accessible
format that can be interpreted and understood by a wide
range of stakeholders. They facilitate straightforward
communication, enabling easy comparisons and
benchmarking. We address the issues related to varying
ranges and polarities and aggregate the metrics within
each dimension into a trust dimension index that
falls within the range of 0 to 1, where 0 signifies
poor conformity with the dimension requirements,
and 1 indicates high conformity. This trust dimension
index can be interpreted as a measure of compliance
probability. Our aggregation method relies on the
copula technique [85] which provides us with this
intuitive probabilistic interpretation. In Supplementary
Information Bwe explain the copula method that
consists in normalizing metrics under trust dimension
using global CDFs estimated across synthetic data, and
followed by a geometric mean.
RE-WE IG HT:Each synthetic dataset is now represented
by trust dimension indices, denoted as
, where
"T" corresponds to Fidelity, Privacy, Utility, Fairness,
or Robustness. Considering the specific application,
associated policies, and desired trade-offs between
trust dimensions, internal reviewers collaborate with
governance experts and the application owner to
establish the trustworthiness profile. This profile is
expressed through tradeoff weights, symbolized as
, which indicate the relative importance of the
trust indices necessary to fulfill performance and
policy requirements. For instance, when training
downstream tasks on-site, privacy may not be a necessity
for the synthetic data, but it becomes essential for
the predictive model. However, when conducting
training in a public cloud environment, ensuring the
privacy of synthetic data is mandatory. These varying
requirements lead to different trustworthiness profiles
with distinct trade-offs between privacy and utility
for the synthetic data. Detailed examples of other
possible trustworthiness profiles can be found in Table II.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JETCAS.2024.3477976
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
IND EX B Y TRUSTWORTHINESS:The trust dimension
indices are subsequently re-weighted by the trade-off
weights and combined to produce the final trustwor-
thiness index (
) of the synthetic data. it is
important to emphasize that this index is context-specific,
contingent upon the application’s requirements and the
specified safeguards and trustworthiness profiles. Recall-
ing that the trust dimension indices can be interpreted
as probabilities, we define the trustworthiness index as a
weighted geometric mean of the dimension indices:
τTrust(ω) = exp X
The choice of a geometric mean is preferred because
it embodies an "and" operation interpretation, unlike
the arithmetic mean, which implies an "or" interpretation.
RAN K:With the defined trustworthiness profile, the
trustworthiness index can serve multiple purposes. The
internal reviewer can utilize it to establish a ranking for
various synthetic datasets generated by different models,
enabling certification and validation of their adherence to
specific requirements. Simultaneously, data scientists can
leverage the trustworthiness index for model selection
within a given generation method and trustworthiness
profile. When determining our trustworthiness index
ranking, we can additionally consider the uncertainty
in real data splits. For a trustworthiness profile
our preference is for a generative AI technique that
exhibits the highest average trustworthiness index across
splits (
) while minimizing volatility (
, this corresponds to choosing the model with
trust = log(τTrust(ω)) αlog(∆τ(ω)).(2)
REP ORT:To promote transparency and accountability,
our framework defines templates for communicating
auditing results in the form of an audit report. An
example of the audit report is given in Supplementary
Information U. The audit report can be submitted to a
regulator or an external third-party certifier that probe
the validity of the conclusions of the internal audit report.
c) Auditing Workflows for Transparency and Accountability:
Insights and Limitations: Our work aligns closely with the
core principles of AI auditing, as underscored in both the
FAccT (Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency) and
STS (Science and Technology Studies) literature, which
delve into issues related to race, gender, bias, and fairness
[1]. For instance, the study by Buolamwini and Gebru [20]
highlighted the need for auditing racial and gender biases
in facial recognition. In our holistic auditing approach, we
address multiple dimensions, mirroring the discussions on
intersectional biases frequently explored in these literatures
[43]. While our audits are centered on specific technical and
societal aspects, it is important to note that both the FAccT
and STS literature encompass a broader spectrum of topics,
including governance, closing the accountability gap [75] ,
ethics, and the far-reaching societal implications of emerging
technologies [73], [84]. We discuss here a real-time platform
that operationalizes our synthetic data auditing framework
and further embraces the audit culture advocated in the
the FAccT and STS literature in terms of accountability,
transparency and governance workflows. Our auditing platform
connects different stakeholders from governance experts, to
data scientists, to internal reviewers, to external certifiers or
We envision workflows for interactions between these different
personas via the auditing platform. Figure 2 summarizes
our vision: governance experts define the intended use of
synthetic data, the safeguards for compliance with regulations
and policies, and the acceptable trade-offs between these
safeguards. Next, the data scientist develops models and
configures auditing tasks to rank developed models, perform
model selection, and ensure compliance with the safeguards.
Internal reviewers also have access to the platform, verify the
compliance of models and created data with prescribed policies
and safeguards and approve / reject models’ deployment
and synthetic data usage. Finally, a portable audit report
is generated on the fly within the platform, which can be
submitted to external third-party certifiers that probe the
validity of the conclusions of the internal audit report. 1
We believe that transparent reporting should become a de facto
part of any AI application, model, or data (real or synthetic).
We demonstrated how transparencies could be created within
our framework both for internal testing and validation and for
external auditing or certification. While our framework helps
connect various key players, there is a need for additional
organization measures, playbooks, and governance practices to
harmonize and orchestrate such workflows. Another challenge
in algorithmic auditing is the interpretable communication of
how the technical metrics we compute relate to policy and
legislation. To address this challenge, we adopt messages
and warnings for detecting biases and harms to communicate
auditing findings to policy experts. We envision a future
auditing workflow that uses policy packs, which for a given
application and set of policies, define templates for parameters,
thresholds, technical metrics, and explanations.
1) Real Data Edge Cases: It is important to note that the
original real data may contain inherent privacy breaches
and imbalances, particularly in terms of its representation of
underprivileged communities. While some of these issues can
be mitigated during the training or inference phases of the
Generative AI responsible for producing synthetic data, through
techniques such as fair generative modeling or differential
privacy. Synthetic data generated under privacy constraints can
significantly improve the trustworthiness trade-offs compared
to the original real data. As illustrated in Figure 3, the fairness,
utility and robustness indices of synthetic data, when generated
with privacy safeguards, show improvements over those of
1Snippets of such auditing workflows can be found in [49]
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JETCAS.2024.3477976
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
Auditing Framework Holistic Auditing Framework (ours) Synthcity [74] SDV [71] Tapas [48]
Data modalities
Tabular Data
Time Series
Natural Language
Auditing Dimensions, Interpretability and Transparency
Trustworthiness Index
Auditing Report
TABLE IV: Comparison of our Holistic Auditing Framework with Synthcity, SDV, and Tapas.
Generative AI Method Trust Constraint
Non-Private & Private TrustFormers
(Conditional) TrustFormer GPT (non-private): TF(ω,n-p) Fidelity/Utility
(Conditional) TrustFormer GPT Trained with Differential Private SGD : TF(ω,p-ε)Fidelity/Privacy Preserving synthetic Data/Utility
Differential Private Sampling From non-private (Conditional)TrustFormer [61], [77] Fidelity/Privacy Preserving synthetic Data/utility
Non-private Baselines
Gaussian Copula [71] Gaussian Copula (n-p) Fidelity
Conditional Tabular GAN [71]CTGAN(np) Fidelity/utility
Private Baselines
Differential Private Probabilistic Graphical Model [63] DP-PGM(p-ε)Fidelity/Privacy Preserving synthetic Data
DP-PGM (targeted) [63] DP-PGM(target,p-ε)Fidelity/Privacy Preserving synthetic Data/Utility
(Conditional) Differential Private-GAN [74], [89] DP-GAN(p-ε)Fidelity/ Privacy Preserving synthetic Data/Utility
(Conditional) PATE-GAN [74], [91]PATE-GAN(p-ε)Fidelity/Privacy Preserving synthetic Data/Utility
TABLE V: Generative Models and TrustFormer Models audited within our framework. For private models we consider privacy
budgets ε= 1 or 3.
the original real data. This enhancement in trustworthiness is
crucial for ensuring that the synthetic data better serves all
communities and protects sensitive information.
However, it is crucial to approach these improvements with
caution. While differential privacy offers a robust framework for
protecting individual data points, it does not inherently address
the need for anonymization. Therefore, preprocessing steps such
as data anonymization and augmentation should be considered.
These preprocessing techniques can help mitigate the inherent
trade-offs present in the real data, ultimately leading to higher
quality and more trustworthy synthetic data outputs.
In Table IV, we present a comparison of our holistic auditing
framework against three other prominent auditing frameworks:
Synthcity [74], the Synthetic Data Vault (SDV) [71], and
the Tapas Framework [48].Our framework stands out as
it encompasses the widest range of data modalities and
trustworthiness dimensions. Specifically, it supports tabular
data, time series, natural language, and image data, whereas the
other frameworks either cover fewer modalities or have limited
support for some types. Additionally, our framework evaluates
a broader set of trustworthiness dimensions and metrics
including fidelity, privacy, utility, fairness and robustness.
When it comes to transparent reporting and interpretability, our
holistic auditing framework provides detailed auditing reports
and a trustworthiness index that summarizes the audit result
in an interpretable manner. Our holistic approach offers a
clearer and more detailed account of trustworthiness trade-offs
and the strategies employed to mitigate them. This enhanced
transparency helps users better understand and manage the
quality and reliability of their synthetic data across different
trustworthiness dimensions.
In the following sections we present the training and auditing of
various data generation techniques, including our TrustFormer
Models, across a range of use cases encompassing tabular,
time series, and natural language data (refer Table III). We also
conduct audits on synthetic data generated by state-of-the-art
diffusion models, particularly in the computer vision domain,
focusing on the ImageNet classification task and assessing their
generalization under distribution shifts. The models under audit
are summarized in Table V, and we employ our trust dimension
indices to assess each model’s compliance with specific trust
dimensions. For a given trustworthiness profile weights
to Table II for examples and their interpretation), we rely on our
trustworthiness index to conduct TrustFormer model selection
and rank the models based on their alignment with predefined
safeguards (given in the trustworthiness profile ω).
In this Section, we showcase our auditing framework and
trustworthiness index driven model selection for TrustFormer
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JETCAS.2024.3477976
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
on three tabular datasets: Bank Marketing Dataset [68],
Recruitment Dataset [37], and the Law School Admission
Council Dataset [88]. Please refer to Table III for details of
the datasets, downstream tasks , safeguards and TF models
training details.
a) Setup: In our auditing setup, real data serves as the baseline,
and we emphasize the contrast with synthetic generated
data. The real data is split into training (
), validation
), and test (
) sets through random sampling
without replacement, repeated five times with different seeds,
creating five real data folds (
). Each generative AI method
listed in Table V is trained five times independently on each
real data fold. For TrustFormers, both non-private (TF(n-p))
and private (TF(p-
ε= 1
) or TF(p-
ε= 3
)) versions are
trained. Trustworthiness Index Driven Model selection is
performed independently within each fold, leading to the
selection of a checkpoint
. Synthetic datasets are generated
by sampling from each generator trained on a specific
fold. This results in
. Audits on downstream
tasks, assess utility, fairness, and robustness evaluated on
the corresponding real test data folds. A non-private tabular
RoBERTa Embedding (
) [70], trained on the real data
(excluding task labels), is used for certain metrics in Table I.
b) Real Data, Downstream Tasks, and Protected communities:
The Bank Marketing Dataset [68] has 45211 samples. Each
sample is a row with 17 fields representing a client. The
downstream task is to predict if the client will subscribe to a
term deposit or not. Protected groups include individuals with
value of field
less than 30. The Recruitment Dataset [37]
contains 6000 samples consisting of rows with 14 demographic
fields. The classification task associated to this dataset is
the prediction of a candidate’s employment. The sensitive
variable is defined as the binary indicator
. Finally,
the Law School School Admission Council Dataset [88] has
20461 samples of with 11 fields of demographic features. The
downstream task is the prediction of whether a candidate was
admitted to law school or not. The sensitive variable is the
binary indicator black.
c) Audit Results: For the Bank Marketing Dataset, we
present average trust dimension indices and their "variances"
for non-private and private synthetic data generated by
TrustFormers models (TF) in Figure 3 (a) and (b). In this
case, TF models were selected across various trustworthiness
profiles (as outlined in Table II) using the trustworthiness
index from Equation
α= 0
. We also include results
for non-private and private baselines (refer to Table V), shown
in panels (a) and (b). Additionally, we provide information
about the utility, fairness, and robustness of downstream tasks
trained on real data as a reference for both panels (a) and (b).
Panel (c) displays the ranking according to trustworthiness
index of synthetic data across different trustworthiness profiles
based on the same
value. Similar plots for the Recruitment
and Law School datasets can be found in Figure 5 and in
Supplementary Information WFigure 10, respectively, for
(a) Non-private synthetic data auditing. (BankMarketing Dataset; =0)
(b) Private synthetic data auditing. (BankMarketing Dataset; =0)
(c) Ranking of synthetic data.(BankMarketing Dataset; =0)
Fig. 3: Summary of auditing and ranking results on the Bank
Marketing dataset using the trustworthiness index given in
α= 0
. (a) and (b) show trust dimension indices
where "T" corresponds to Fidelity, Privacy, Utility, Fairness, or
Robustness), and their "variance" (
) on TrustFormer (TF)
and baseline models. The format is
Name of the
synthetic data model. (c) shows the ranking of the models
across different trustworthiness profiles ωgiven in Table II.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JETCAS.2024.3477976
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
(a) Non-private synthetic data auditing. (LawSchool Dataset; =0.1)
(b) Private synthetic data auditing. (LawSchool Dataset; =0.1)
(c) Ranking of synthetic data (LawSchool Dataset; =0.1)
Fig. 4: Summary of auditing and ranking results on the Bank
Marketing dataset using the trustworthiness index given in
α= 0.1
. This means that the uncertainty is taking into
account in both model selection and in ranking the synthetic
data using the trustworthiness index. (a) and (b) show trust
dimension indices
(where ‘T’ corresponds to Fidelity,
Privacy, Utility, Fairness, or Robustness), and their “variance”
) on TrustFormer (TF) and baseline models. The format
Name of the synthetic data model. (c) shows the
ranking of the models across different trustworthiness profiles
ωgiven in Table II.
(a) Non-private synthetic data auditing. (Recruitement Dataset; =0)
(b) Private synthetic data auditing.(Recruitement Dataset;=0)
(c) Ranking of synthetic data for =0.(Recruitement Dataset;=0)
Fig. 5: Summary of auditing and ranking results on the
recruitment dataset using the trustworthiness index given in
α= 0
. (a) and (b) show trust dimension indices
(where "T" corresponds to Fidelity, Privacy, Utility, Fairness,
or Robustness), and their "variance" (
) on TrustFormer (TF)
and baseline models. The format is
Name of the
synthetic data model. (c) shows the ranking of the models
across different trustworthiness profiles
given in Extended
Table II.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JETCAS.2024.3477976
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
α= 0
. To account for data split uncertainties, we’ve included
audit results for
α= 0.1
, depicted in Figure 4 for the Law
School dataset, and in the Supplementary Information for
the other datasets (see Figures 11 and 12 in Supplementary
Information W).
d) Discussion of the Audit Results: Trust Dimension Tradeoffs
and Mitigations (Panels (a) and (b)): Analyzing these results
we make the following observations. First, when compared
with real data, TF synthetic data demonstrates on par or
superior performance in utility, fairness, and robustness indices
across various datasets, while effectively balancing privacy,
fidelity, and other trust dimensions. A careful trustworthiness
index model selection of synthetic data, in conjunction with
classical classifier model selection, facilitates alignment with
prescribed safeguards without compromising performance.
Second, the selection of synthetic data for TrustFormer models
guided by the trustworthiness index consistently leads to
competitive performance with all other baseline methods
across trust dimension indices as can be seen in panels (a) and
(b) in all aforementioned figures. TrustFormers either achieve
the highest index on each trust dimension or rank among
the top-performing synthetic data, irrespective of the specific
generative methods considered. Third, a distinction is observed
between non-private and differentially private synthetic data,
with fidelity and utility exhibiting higher indices in non-private
data and privacy, fairness, and robustness showing higher
indices in differentially private data. This aligns with the
well-documented trade-offs in fairness, utility, privacy, and
robustness in the literature [4], [81].
e) Discussion of the Ranking Results and Controllable Trade-
offs (Panels (c)): For both Bank Marketing dataset and
Recruitment datasets we see that in both cases
α= 0
, TF synthetic data outperforms other baselines across all
trustworthiness profiles
in terms of its trustworthiness index
. We see in Panel (c) Figure 3 and Figure 5, a clear phase
transition between private and non private TF models depending
on whether the trustworthiness profile highlights privacy as
a requirement or not. This effect is achieved through our
trustworthiness index model selection that offers control over
trust trade-offs. On the other hand, for the law school dataset,
TF models fall short with respect to baselines when uncertainty
is not considered (
α= 0
, Supplementary Figure 10, but lead to
top performing synthetic data when uncertainty is considered
α= 0.1
, Figure 4). This highlights the importance of assessing
the uncertainty in auditing synthetic data.
We audit in this Section the use of time series synthetic data
in healthcare focusing on the utility/fairness tradeoffs. We also
audit its use in a financial application, fraud detection, with a
focus on utility/privacy tradeoffs.
a) Use Case I: MIMIC-III Controllable Trust trade-offs on
Healthcare Data: We explore in this use case the promise of
synthetic data in the highly regulated healthcare domain, where
patient privacy and anti-discrimination regulations are enforced
by law. This prohibits hospitals from sharing data in order to
not expose the patients personal information. Moreover recent
studies [79] showed on the MIMIC-III (Medical Information
Mart for Intensive Care) time-series benchmark [52] that it
has an inherent bias and discrimination [27], [64], [79]. We
explore controllable trust trade-offs on synthetic times-series
data obtained from learned TrustFormer models on this dataset.
b) MIMIC-III dataset.: MIMIC-III (Medical Information
Mart for Intensive Care) dataset [52] is a large database of
about 40K patients with de-identified records collected during
their stay in intensive care unit (ICU). The records contain
high temporal resolution data including lab results, electronic
documentation, and bedside monitor trends collected every
hour. For each admission, we have an entry every hour of
vitals measurement for a total of 48 entries capturing the
dynamics in a patient state. Each hour, we have about 18
columns of vitals measurements augmented with a time-stamp,
subject ID, and information of gender, ethnicity, and age. For
complete in-depth description of the data, please refer to the
MIMIC-III extensive documentation [52].
c) Downstream Task: The In-Hospital Mortality (IHM)
prediction task aims at predicting the mortality of patients in
the ICU after a 48-hour stay. Given patients vitals evolution
over the course of 48 hours the goal is to predict potential
mortality of each patient. The data is therefore a time-series
of measurements leading to a classification decision: did the
patient expire or not. The training/val/test sets are composed
of 14681/3222/3236 admissions respectively. Several studies
on the MIMIC-III dataset, pointed the unfairness inherent to
this dataset, disfavoring patients based on their ethnicity.
d) Synthetic Data with Controllable Trust Trade-offs on
MIMIC-III: In order to provide controllable trust trade-offs,
we trained Tabular time-series GPT models [70] with
regular and private differential training for a privacy budget
ε= 3
(See Supplementary Information for details on data
preparation, model architecture and training hyper-parameters).
For a trade-off weight
, we use our trustworthiness index
cross-validation to align the models with desired trust
trade-offs. This results with the selected TrustFormers models:
, n-p) and TF(
, p-
ε= 3
). For inference from these
models we used multinomal decoding (mn) or top-k decoding
(sampling from top-k softmaxes for k=50), and refer to
resulting trustformer models as: TF(
, n-p, mn/top-k) and
, p-
ε= 3
, mn/top-k). In order to audit this time-series
dataset, we train an embedding
that is a TabRoBERTa
model [70]. A masked language model is trained to predict
masked fields from the patient vital records (masking 10% of
fields). The vital records contains all the measurements over
the 48-hour stay, we exclude patient IDs and labels from the
TabRoBERTa training.
e) Trust Dimension Indices: Table VI summarizes the trust
dimension indices of selected TrustFormers models, where the
downstream tasks are evaluated on the real test set. Interestingly
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JETCAS.2024.3477976
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
Model Fidelity Privacy Utility Fairness Robustness
Non-private TrustFormer
TF (ωUR, n-p, mn) 0.70 0.11 0.57 0.40 0.55
TF (ωe(P U F ),ωU,ωUF ,ωe(U F )r(R),ωall,ωU F R , n-p, mn) 0.37 0.36 0.67 0.42 0.50
TF (ωe(P U ),ωP UR , n-p, mn) 0.53 0.21 0.51 0.29 0.49
TF (ωP U , n-p, mn) 0.81 0.42 0.56 0.25 0.39
TF (ωUR, n-p, topk) 0.70 0.21 0.52 0.43 0.60
TF (ωUF ,ωUF R , n-p, topk) 0.86 0.49 0.61 0.44 0.52
TF (ωU, n-p, topk) 0.62 0.24 0.62 0.32 0.69
TF (ωe(P U ),ωe(P UF ),ωP U ,ωe(U F )r(R),ωall,ωP UR , n-p, topk) 0.77 0.54 0.60 0.29 0.64
Private TrustFormer
TF (ωe(P U ),ωe(P UF ),ωP U ,ωe(U F )r(R),ωall,p-ϵ=3, mn) 0.34 0.93 0.30 0.58 0.41
TF (ωU,ωUF ,ωUF R ,ωUR,ωP U R,p-ϵ=3, mn) 0.19 0.69 0.44 0.55 0.47
TF (ωP U ,p-ϵ=3, topk) 0.15 1.00 0.22 0.83 0.46
TF (ωP U R,p-ϵ=3, topk) 0.35 0.89 0.40 0.46 0.50
TF (ωe(P U ),ωe(P UF ),ωU F ,ωall,p-ϵ=3, topk) 0.40 0.81 0.33 0.57 0.29
TF (ωe(U F )r(R),p-ϵ=3, topk) 0.34 0.75 0.26 0.31 0.40
TF (ωU F R,ωU R,p-ϵ=3, topk) 0.42 0.62 0.41 0.60 0.40
TF (ωU,p-ϵ=3, topk) 0.64 0.12 0.41 0.59 0.34
Real Data N/A N/A 0.44 0.07 0.67
Table VI: MIMIC-III/ In-Hospital Mortality downstream task evaluation: trust dimension indices of TrustFormer models. In
bold highest index within each group of synthetic data. In blue highest value across all methods including real data.
Model ωall ωe(P U)ωe(P U F )ωe(U F )r(R)ωP U ωPU R ωUωUF ωU F R ωU R
Non-Private TrustFormer
TF (ωUR , n-p, mn) 13 15 15 14 15 15 5 6 5 6
TF (ωe(P UF ),ωU,ωU F ,ωe(UF )r(R),ωall ,ωUF R , n-p, mn) 8 7 9 5 8 5 1 1 1 3
TF (ωe(P U),ωP U R , n-p, mn) 15 14 14 15 14 14 8 14 12 7
TF (ωP U , n-p, mn) 9 9 10 10 9 10 6 15 14 8
TF (ωUR , n-p, topk) 7 12 12 9 13 13 7 7 4 4
TF (ωUF ,ωU F R , n-p, topk) 1 1 1 1 43 3 2 2 5
TF (ωU, n-p, topk) 6 10 11 11 12 7 283 1
TF (ωe(P U),ωe(P U F ),ωP U ,ωe(U F )r(R),ωall,ωP U R , n-p, topk) 2 2 3 3 2 1 4 12 7 2
Private TrustFormer
TF (ωe(P U),ωe(P U F ),ωP U ,ωe(U F )r(R),ωall,p-ϵ=3, mn) 5 5 5 7 5 6 14 13 13 13
TF (ωU,ωUF ,ωU F R ,ωUR ,ωP UR ,p-ϵ=3, mn) 11 8 7 8 34 9 4 6 9
TF (ωP U ,p-ϵ=3, topk) 12 11 8 12 10 9 16 10 10 15
TF (ωP UR ,p-ϵ=3, topk) 3 3 2 61 2 12 11 9 10
TF (ωe(P U),ωe(P U F ),ωU F ,ωall,p-ϵ=3, topk) 10 6 6 4 6 11 13 9 15 16
TF (ωe(UF )r(R),p-ϵ=3, topk) 14 13 13 16 11 12 15 16 16 14
TF (ωUF R ,ωU R,p-ϵ=3, topk) 4 4 4 27 8 10 38 11
TF (ωU,p-ϵ=3, topk) 16 16 16 13 16 16 11 5 11 12
Table VII: MIMIC-III synthetic dataset ranking using the trustworthiness index corresponding to the trade-off weight
. We see
that two models stand out across different trade-offs and they correspond to different decoding strategies.
similar to tabular data, we see that TrustFormer synthetic data
outperforms real data on all trust dimensions. Interestingly
the fairness index of real data is the lowest, and synthetic
data therefore improves the fairness/utility tradeoff . Similar
observations on the relationship between trust constraints and
trust trade-offs we made on tabular data hold for the time series
f) Analysis of Results: We compare the performance of the
two decoding strategies considered (multinomial and top-k
decoding) for synthetic data generation from TF models and
study how it impact trust trade-offs. Note that we used herein
fixed data splits from the literature and we don’t report therefore
the uncertainty of the audit. Table VII gives the ranking of
these synthetic datasets using the trustworthiness index for all
trustworthiness profiles. We see that for some trustworthiness
profiles, non-private TrustFormer with multinomial decoding
stands out, while top-k decoding outperforms it for other
profiles. On private models we see that TF models with top-k
decoding are the best at balancing the privacy/utility trade-offs.
This shows that our auditing framework highlights the effect
of hyper-parameters choices such as decoding strategies and
their impacts on all trust dimensions
Use Case II: Fraud Detection, Deep Dive on Utility and Privacy
trade-offs in Synthetic Data
In this use case, we investigate the use of synthetic data in
a financial application for training fraud detectors. We focus
here on the impact of the synthetic data on the utility and
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JETCAS.2024.3477976
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
Training Data for
Fraud Detector
Training Regime for TabRoBERTa Feature Extractor
Private Non-Private
ε=1 ε=3 ε=10 ε=30 ε=1000
Real 0.72 0.77 0.73 0.83 0.80 0.88
Synthetic (TabGPT)
Private (ε=0.1) 0.48 0.49 0.47 0.45 0.48 0.50
Private (ε=1) 0.48 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.48 0.48
Private (ε=5) 0.49 0.48 0.48 0.47 0.48 0.48
Private (ε=20) 0.49 0.49 0.50 0.50 0.51 0.50
Private (ε=50) 0.51 0.54 0.60 0.56 0.59 0.70
Private (ε=100) 0.64 0.63 0.73 0.72 0.74 0.75
Private (ε=200) 0.66 0.66 0.72 0.71 0.78 0.77
Nonprivate 0.61 0.57 0.66 0.70 0.72 0.79
TABLE VIII: Performance (F1-macro) of the fraud classifier on the test set of credit card transactions for different training
choices of classifier (rows) and TabRoBERTa features extractor (columns).
Epoch Fidelity Utility Privacy Fairness ωall ωUωUF
3 0.29 0.55 1.00 0.53 2 2 2
5 0.44 0.38 0.75 0.60 34 4
7 0.84 0.51 0.50 0.90 1 3 1
9 0.89 0.88 0.25 0.33 4 1 3
TABLE IX: Trust Indices of
on MIMIC-III notes. Robustness dimension is not evaluated herein. trustworthiness
index Ranking of synthetic data sampled from different epoch during the finetuning of BioGPT model (Note that the robustness
dimension was not considered) . The ranking corresponds to different trust tradeoffs
: for
that is accuracy driven, we see
that the last epoch is outperforming the other ones; When in addition we consider the fairness of the prediction (
) the last
epoch (epoch 9) ranks third and the epoch 7 presents better utility/ Fairness trade-offs.
privacy tradeoffs, The goal herein is therefore to highlight a
use case of synthetic data in an end to end fashion without
reporting aggregation level of metrics to have a more in depth
analysis of the privacy/ utility trade offs. To conduct our study,
we use the credit card transactions of [7], [70] to train our
TrustFormer models. These transactions were created using a
rule-based generator, where values were generated through
stochastic sampling techniques. The dataset contains 24
million transactions from 20,000 users, with each transaction
(row) consisting of 12 fields (columns) that include both
continuous and discrete nominal attributes.
g) Training RoBERTa-like Embedding: To train TabRoBERTa
on our transaction dataset, we constructed samples as sliding
windows of 10 transactions, using a stride of 5. We excluded
the label column, "isFraud?", during training to prevent biasing
the learned representation for the downstream fraud detection
task. We masked
of a sample’s fields, replacing them with
the [MASK] token, and predicted the original field token using
cross-entropy loss. We used DP-SGD for transformer models
[57] to train various RoBERTa-like models with differing
degrees of privacy, ranging from highly private (
ε= 1
) to non-
private (
ε= 1000
). Additionally, we trained a RoBERTa model
without private training (see the columns labeled "Private" and
"Non-Private" in Table VIII).
h) Synthetic data generation: We generated several privacy-
preserving synthetic datasets using our non-private pretrained
TabGPT model. For model selection in this experiment we
relied on a fidelity validation of the TabGPT model. To
generate private synthetic data, we used a private sampling
technique [77] , which involves adding Laplacian noise with
controlled variance (dependent on the user-provided
value) to
the probability distribution over the generated tokens from the
non-private GPT model. This is a form of output-perturbation
methods that guarantees differential privacy.We generated
seven datasets with varying privacy levels, from highly private
ε= 0.1
) to non-private (
ε= 200
), as shown in the rows
labeled "Synthetic" in Table VIII. Additionally, we considered
real card transaction data and synthetically generated data
without private sampling.
i) Training the downstream Fraud Detection Model: Given
the various transaction datasets, we constructed a simple
multi-layer perceptron (MLP) classifier that was trained
directly on the embeddings of the various RoBERTa feature
extractors that we trained . Note that thanks to the additivity
property of differential privacy the overall privacy of the fraud
detector is the addition of the privacy budget of synthetic
data and the privacy budget of the feature extractor. The
RoBERTa feature extractor remained fixed during the fraud
detector training. For each training scenario, we selected 800K
transactions for training, 100K transactions for validation, and
100K transactions for testing. Note that the test transactions
were always the same across different datasets and were
chosen from real data. In contrast, the training and validation
splits were determined according to the training regimes.
j) Results and Discussion: The highest utility performance
is achieved when using a RoBERTa feature extractor trained
without differential privacy, and when training the fraud
detector on real transaction data (first row in the table).
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JETCAS.2024.3477976
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
ImageNet v1 ImageNet v2
sig 0.0 sig 0.1 sig 0.3 sig 0.5 sig 0.0 sig 0.1 sig 0.3 sig 0.5
real 74.9 /92.3 72.6 /91.2 62.7 / 84.7 48.8 / 73.3 63.1 /84.5 60.4 /82.7 48.6 / 72.5 34.8 / 58.6
synthetic 54.8 / 76.2 50.3 / 71.7 39.7 / 60.6 27.9 / 46.7 45.6 / 68.9 40.7 / 62.7 29.9 / 50.1 19.0 / 35.8
real + 0.5syn 74.5 / 92.0 72.5 / 90.9 63.1 /85.0 49.8 /74.1 62.3 / 83.9 59.5 / 82.2 48.8 /73.0 35.4 /59.5
real + 1.0syn 74.9 / 91.9 72.3 / 90.9 62.4 / 84.5 48.8 / 73.0 62.5 / 83.6 59.8 / 82.2 49.1 / 72.2 34.1 / 57.5
TABLE X: Performance of ResNet50 on ImageNet v1 and v2 Datasets under varied noisy conditions (additive random Gaussian
noise to tested images) and different training regimes (synthetic data augmentation). The resulting models are evaluated in
Acc@1 (first number) and Acc@5 (second number). We see that while classifiers trained purely on synthetic data lag behind
those trained on real, augmenting real data with synthetic images makes models more resilient to noise.
Conversely, utilizing a highly private RoBERTa model in
conjunction with highly private synthetically generated
data yields (unsurprisingly) significantly poorer F1-macro
performance (upper left corner of the table). Furthermore, it
can be observed that for a fixed row (dataset for training the
fraud detector), moving from left to right across columns
(corresponding to decreasing privacy levels of the RoBERTa
feature extractor) results in improved utility performance for
the fraud detector. Similarly, for a fixed column (pretrained
RoBERTa feature extractor), moving down the rows (excluding
the first row, which depicts performance on real data, and
excluding the last row which depicts performance on non-
private synthetic data) leads to better classifier performance.
It is interesting to see when comparing to the last row, that
private synthetic data with private embeddings introduces a
regularization effect leading to better performance than the
same setup with non-private synthetic data.
In this section, we delve into controlling trust trade-offs within
the context of language modeling, using the BioGPT model
[60] as our testbed. We fine-tune a BioGPT-Large model on
the MIMIC-III notes dataset [5], comprising 423,015 patient
notes, with an accompanying label denoting patient survival
(expiration flag). MIMIC-III is known for its bias issues [27],
[64], [79].
We augment the MIMIC III notes dataset with patient age,
gender, and ethnicity, and fine-tune the model on the resulting
data. We then fine-tune the BioGPTLarge model (non-private
training) on this augmented notes data which is first prompted
by the target label and then by the controls (ethnicity, age,
gender). At inference time, from a fine-tuned BioGPTLarge
model at a given epoch, we generate a balanced synthetic
dataset of the same size as the real training data via prompting
the model with the same amount of positive and negative
labels (expiration flag). In this setting, we use a multinomial
decoding strategy for generation. At the end we obtain a
labeled synthetic dataset of synthetic doctor notes along with
the controls on ethnicity, age and gender for each sample.
We audit the synthetic dataset sampled from different epochs
(namely after 3, 5, 7 and 9) during the fine-tuning process. The
downstream task we consider in this audit is the in hospital
mortality prediction task, where the protected community is
the ethnicity "ASIAN" [27]. As an embedding E, we use the
original pre-trained BioGPT model [60] to extract embeddings
for the synthetic notes as it has the capability of representing the
biomedical domain. In Table IX we see that our trustworthiness
index driven model selection allows a controllable trade-off
between utility and fairness : epoch 7 has a better utility fairness
trade-off than the model at the last epoch that has higher utility.
Therefore it is favorable to select the model at epoch 7 at the
price of a reduced utility but with an enhanced fairness, which
is of paramount importance for this use-case.
We consider here the use of synthetic image data for training
classifiers on one of the key computer vision datasets,
Imagenet [33], with a focus on the utility and generalization
propreties of these classifiers on the Imagenet test set and
under distribution shifts. Imagenet consists of
images of size 256x256x3 and 1000 categories. Authors
in [78] constructed Imagenetv2 test set, that consists of a
distribution shift from the original imagenet distribution and
reported a performance drop between
11% 14%
. Recent
works [11] and [21] showed promising results of synthetic
data from diffusion models (a family of generative models
that uses diffusion techniques [83]) in improving Imagenet
classification. Following these promising works, we synthesize
M labeled images from the Imagenet 256x256 pretrained
guided diffusion models from OpenAI [34].Table X presents
ResNet50 [44] performance on ImageNet-v1 and v2 under
Gaussian noise, considering four training data scenarios:
(1) real Imagenet; (2) synthetic data; (3) a hybrid with real
and synthetic images (real to synthetic ratio
); and
(4) an equal mix totaling 2.4 million images. Results show
synthetic-only models lag, but integrating with real images
enhances robustness, especially in noisier settings (sigma 0.3
and 0.5). Combining synthetic data with real images improves
a model’s resilience to noise and image corruption.
We introduced a holistic framework for auditing synthetic
data along trust pillars. Towards this end, we defined a
trustworthiness index that assesses the trade-offs between
trust dimensions such as fidelity, privacy, utility, fairness,
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JETCAS.2024.3477976
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
and robustness and quantifies their uncertainty. Moreover,
we devised a trustworthiness index driven model selection
and cross-validation via auditing in the training loop, that
allows controllable trust trade-offs in the resulting synthetic
data. Finally, we instrumented our auditing framework with
workflows connecting various stakeholders from model
development to certification, and we defined templates to
communicate transparency about model audits via a Synthetic
Data auditing report.
Our framework highlights the potential of synthetic data
in various modalities, including tabular, time series, natural
language, and vision. However, for critical applications where
the trustworthiness of synthetic data is paramount for its
integration into the AI lifecycle of sensitive downstream tasks,
it is important to recognize that not all generative AI techniques
and training approaches are equally reliable. Thus, conducting
rigorous audits of synthetic data is imperative to guide the
training process and obtain certifications for internal use, third-
party entities, and regulatory compliance.
Data used in the paper is available online and open source.
See Table III for references.
A code reproducing tables in the paper for the recruitment
dataset is available on Examples
of full auditing reports on all use cases are provided in the
Supplementary information.
We thank IBM Research for supporting this work. Y.M would
like to thank Payel Das, Kush R. Varshney and Abdel Hamou-
Lhadj for insightful discussions.
Y.M conceived the project and wrote the initial draft of the
paper. All authors contributed to developing the synthetic data
auditing framework and designed experiments and contributed
to their analysis. All authors contributed to the writing of the
The authors declare no competing interests.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JETCAS.2024.3477976
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
Brian Belgodere is a senior research software engineer in the Emerging Tech.
Engineering Department at IBM Research. He currently works on hybrid cloud
platforms and tooling for Machine Learning and AI. He holds B.S. degrees in
economics and business administration from Carnegie Mellon University and
a Juris Doctor from the University of Pittsburgh.
Pierre Dognin received his M.S. degree and Ph.D degree in Electrical
Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh in 1999 and 2003. He then
joined IBM Research in the Human Language Technologies Department where
he worked as a Research Staff Member on Automatic Speech Recognition,
focusing on acoustic modeling, robust speech recognition, and core algorithm
technology. Since 2015, he has been working on multimodal Machine Learning
and is now in the Trusted AI Department where his research interests
include Deep Learning, Generative Modeling for Computer Vision and Natural
Igor Melnyk is currently a Research Staff Member in the Trusted AI
Department at IBM Research. Before that he completed his PhD degree in
Computer Science and Engineering in 2016 from the University of Minnesota.
In 2010, he obtained his MS degree in Computer Science from the University of
Colorado, Boulder. His research interests are in the areas of Machine Learning
and AI with the focus on the problems of Natural Language Processing and
Computer Vision.
Youssef Mroueh is a principal research scientist in the Trusted AI department
at IBM Research and a principal investigator in the MIT-IBM Watson AI lab.
He received his PhD in computer science in February 2015 from MIT, CSAIL,
where he was advised by Professor Tomaso Poggio. In 2011, he obtained his
engineering diploma from Ecole Polytechnique Paris France, and a master of
science in Applied Maths from Ecole des Mines de Paris. He is interested
in Multimodal Deep Learning, Generative modeling, Computer Vision and
Learning Theory.
Aleksandra (Saška) Mojsilovi´
cis a Serbian-American scientist. Her research
interests are artificial intelligence, data science, and signal processing. She
is known for innovative applications of machine learning to diverse societal
and business problems. Her current research focuses on issues of fairness,
accountability, transparency, and ethics in AI. She is an IBM Fellow and IEEE
Jiri Navratil received M.Sc. (’95) in EE & PhD (’99) in CS from Technische
Universitaet Ilmenau, Germany. He joined IBM Research in 1999, where he
is currently a Principal Research Staff Member. His research interests include
Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing and Industrial AI Applications.
Apoorva Nitsure is a Research Software Engineer at IBM Research. Her inter-
ests include Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing and Interpretability
in Machine Learning to help users make informed choices while using AI.
Prior to joining IBM Research, she completed her Masters degree from Heinz
College, Carnegie Mellon University and B.Tech in IT from CoEP India.
Inkit Padhi received Masters’s degree in Computer Science from Viterbi
School of Engineering, USC/ISI in May 2016. Since December of 2018, he is
working as a research engineer in the Trusted AI department at IBM Research.
He is interested in Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. His
pronouns are he, him, and his.
Mattia Rigotti is a Research Staff Member in the AI Automation Department
at IBM Research, which he joined in 2014. He holds an M.Sc. degree
in Theoretical Physics from ETH Zurich and a Ph.D. in Computational
Neuroscience from Columbia University. His research interests include Deep
Learning, Neuromorphic Engineering and Computational Neuroscience.
Jarret Ross received an M.S. in Computer Science from Wichita State
University. He has been with IBM research since 2016 and he is currently
a research engineer in the Trusted AI department. His interests are in deep
learning, distributed computing and generative modeling.
Yair Schiff is a PhD student in the Computer Science department at Cornell
University. Yair was a software developer working on IBM Watson Studio.
Prior to joining IBM, he completed an M.S. degree in Computer Science at
the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University. Yair
collaborated with the Trusted AI department at IBM Research. .
Radhika Vedpathak is a designer with an experience in developing design
for web applications.
Richard A. Young received his B.S. Hons degree in computer science from
The University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa) in 2010. He worked as a
software developer in the banking and health insurance industries from 2011
to 2018. He joined IBM Research in South Africa as a Research Engineer in
2018 where he specialises in building web and cloud based applications.
This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and
content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JETCAS.2024.3477976
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
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content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JETCAS.2024.3477976
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... Computer science research in algorithmic fairness often assumes access to sensitive attributes (or 'protected characteristics' in EU discrimination law terms), which may be reasonable when dealing with publicly available benchmark datasets, but less so in real world auditing contexts [69,130]. Accessing and sharing such data is inherently constrained by the need to protect privacy [127], and poses a significant challenge in widening access to data while safeguarding individuals' privacy [18,120]. In the EU, the Digital Services Act states that audited platforms should anonymize or pseudonymize personal data, unless doing so would render impossible the research purposes [52]. ...
... This approach provides the auditor with a flexible alternative to access individuallevel data, and is presented as a promising approach for private data sharing. As it attracts significant interest from practitioners [18,119,120], it is crucial to evaluate its trustworthiness and suitability for algorithm audits. Synthetic data generation could limit audit reliability by introducing artifacts and random noise that reduce the overall quality of the data as well as remove statistical outliers [12,120], more likely to represent minorities. ...
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Independent algorithm audits hold the promise of bringing accountability to automated decision-making. However, third-party audits are often hindered by access restrictions, forcing auditors to rely on limited, low-quality data. To study how these limitations impact research integrity, we conduct audit simulations on two realistic case studies for recidivism and healthcare coverage prediction. We examine the accuracy of estimating group parity metrics across three levels of access: (a) aggregated statistics, (b) individual-level data with model outputs, and (c) individual-level data without model outputs. Despite selecting one of the simplest tasks for algorithmic auditing, we find that data minimization and anonymization practices can strongly increase error rates on individual-level data, leading to unreliable assessments. We discuss implications for independent auditors, as well as potential avenues for HCI researchers and r