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Quasi-interpolation for high-dimensional function approximation

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Abstract and Figures

The paper proposes a general quasi-interpolation scheme for high-dimensional function approximation. To facilitate error analysis, we view our quasi-interpolation as a two-step procedure. In the first step, we approximate a target function by a purpose-built convolution operator (with an error term referred to as convolution error). In the second step, we discretize the underlying convolution operator using certain quadrature rule at the given sampling data sites (with an error term called discretization error). The final approximation error is obtained as an optimally balanced sum of these two errors, which in turn views our quasi-interpolation as a regularization technique that balances convolution error and discretization error. As a concrete example, we construct a sparse grid quasi-interpolation scheme for high-dimensional function approximation. Both theoretical analysis and numerical implementations provide evidence that our quasi-interpolation scheme is robust and is capable of mitigating the curse of dimensionality for approximating high-dimensional functions.
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Numerische Mathematik (2024) 156:1855–1885
Mathemat ik
Quasi-interpolation for high-dimensional function
Wenwu Gao1·Jiecheng Wang2·Zhengjie Sun3·Gregory E. Fasshauer4
Received: 20 February 2022 / Revised: 9 May 2024 / Accepted: 19 September 2024 /
Published online: 5 October 2024
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2024
The paper proposes a general quasi-interpolation scheme for high-dimensional func-
tion approximation. To facilitate error analysis, we view our quasi-interpolation as a
two-step procedure. In the first step, we approximate a target function by a purpose-
built convolution operator (with an error term referred to as convolution error). In the
second step, we discretize the underlying convolution operator using certain quadra-
ture rule at the given sampling data sites (with an error term called discretization
error). The final approximation error is obtained as an optimally balanced sum of
these two errors, which in turn views our quasi-interpolation as a regularization tech-
nique that balances convolution error and discretization error. As a concrete example,
we construct a sparse grid quasi-interpolation scheme for high-dimensional function
approximation. Both theoretical analysis and numerical implementations provide evi-
dence that our quasi-interpolation scheme is robust and is capable of mitigating the
curse of dimensionality for approximating high-dimensional functions.
This work was supported by NSFC (No.12271002, 12101310), Yong Outstanding Talents of Universities
of Anhui Province (No.2024AH020019), NSF of Jiangsu Province ( No.BK20210315), the Fundamental
Research Funds for the Central Universities (No.30923010912), and the Doctoral Research Startup
Project of University of South China (No.5524QD015).
BZhengjie Sun
Wen w u Ga o
Jiecheng Wang
Gregory E. Fasshauer
1School of Big Data and Statistics, Anhui University, Hefei, China
2School of Economic, Management and Law, University of South China, Hengyang, China
3School of Mathematics and Statistics, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing,
4Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401,
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
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We study approximation properties of multivariate periodic functions from weighted Wiener spaces by sparse grid methods constructed with the help of quasi-interpolation operators. The class of such operators includes classical interpolation and sampling operators, Kantorovich-type operators, scaling expansions associated with wavelet constructions, and others. We obtain the rate of convergence of the corresponding sparse grid methods in weighted Wiener norms as well as analogues of the Littlewood–Paley-type characterizations in terms of families of quasi-interpolation operators.
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The paper first provides an iterated quasi-interpolation scheme for function approximation over periodic domain and then attempts its applications to solve time-dependent surface partial differential equations (PDEs). The key feature of our scheme is that it gives an approximation directly just by taking a weighted average of the available discrete function values evaluated at sampling centers in the periodic domain. As such, it is simple, easy to compute, and the implementation process is stable. Moreover, if the sampling centers distribute uniformly over the periodic domain, it even preserves the same convergence order to all the derivatives. To employ the iterated quasi-interpolation scheme for solving time-dependent surface PDEs, we follow the framework of the method-of-lines. More precisely, we first reformulate the PDEs in terms of the parametric form of the surface. Then we use our quasi-interpolation scheme to approximate both the analytic solution and its spatial derivatives in the reformulated form (of PDEs) to get a semi-discrete ordinary differential equation (ODE) system. Finally, we adopt an appropriate time-integration technique to obtain the full-discrete scheme. As concrete examples, we take the torus for illustration and solve some benchmark reaction-diffusion equations imposed on the torus at the end of the paper. However, the proposed method is general and works on time-dependent PDEs defined on any smooth closed parameterized surfaces without coordinate singularity.
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This paper deals with the kernel-based approximation of a multivariate periodic function by interpolation at the points of an integration lattice—a setting that, as pointed out by Zeng et al. (Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2004, Springer, New York, 2006) and Zeng et al. (Constr. Approx. 30: 529–555, 2009), allows fast evaluation by fast Fourier transform, so avoiding the need for a linear solver. The main contribution of the paper is the application to the approximation problem for uncertainty quantification of elliptic partial differential equations, with the diffusion coefficient given by a random field that is periodic in the stochastic variables, in the model proposed recently by Kaarnioja et al. (SIAM J Numer Anal 58(2): 1068–1091, 2020). The paper gives a full error analysis, and full details of the construction of lattices needed to ensure a good (but inevitably not optimal) rate of convergence and an error bound independent of dimension. Numerical experiments support the theory.
This is the first book devoted to lattice methods, a recently developed way of calculating multiple integrals in many variables. Multiple integrals of this kind arise in fields such as quantum physics and chemistry, statistical mechanics, Bayesian statistics and many others. Lattice methods are an effective tool when the number of integrals are large. The book begins with a review of existing methods before presenting lattice theory in a thorough, self-contained manner, with numerous illustrations and examples. Group and number theory are included, but the treatment is such that no prior knowledge is needed. Not only the theory but the practical implementation of lattice methods is covered. An algorithm is presented alongside tables not available elsewhere, which together allow the practical evaluation of multiple integrals in many variables. Most importantly, the algorithm produces an error estimate in avery efficent manner. the book also provides a fast track for readers wanting to move rapidly to using methods in practical calculations. It concludes with extensive numerical test which compare lattice methods with other methods, such as the Monte Carlo.
We consider the problem of approximating [0,1]d-periodic functions by convolution with a scaled Gaussian kernel. We start by establishing convergence rates to functions from periodic Sobolev spaces and we show that the saturation rate is O(h2), where h is the scale of the Gaussian kernel. Taken from a discrete point of view, this result can be interpreted as the accuracy that can be achieved on the uniform grid with spacing h. In the discrete setting, the curse of dimensionality would place severe restrictions on the computation of the approximation. For instance, a spacing of 2−n would provide an approximation converging at a rate of O(2−2n) but would require (2n+1)d grid points. To overcome this we introduce a sparse grid version of Gaussian convolution approximation, where substantially fewer grid points are required (from O(2nd) on the full grid to just O(2nnd−1) on the sparse grid) and show that the sparse grid version delivers a saturation rate of O(nd−12−2n). This rate is in line with what one would expect in the sparse grid setting (where the full grid error only deteriorates by a factor of order nd−1) however the analysis that leads to the result is novel in that it draws on results from the theory of special functions and key observations regarding the form of certain weighted geometric sums.
Quasi-interpolation methods are well-established tools in multivariate approximation. They are efficient as they do not require, in contrast to interpolation, the solution of a linear system. Quasi-interpolations are often first studied on infinite grids. Here, it is usually required that the quasi-interpolation operator reproduces polynomials of a certain degree exactly. This degree corresponds to the approximation order of the quasi-interpolation process. Unfortunately, if a radial, compactly supported kernel is employed for building the quasi-interpolation operator, it is well known that polynomial reproduction is impossible in two or more dimensions. As such operators are numerically appealing and are frequently used in particle methods, we will, in this paper, look at such quasi-interpolation operators that do not reproduce polynomials and show that they lead, when employed in a multilevel scheme, to an efficient and converging approximation method.
Divergence-free interpolation has been extensively studied and widely used in approximating vector-valued functions that are divergence-free. However, so far the literature contains no treatment of divergence-free quasi-interpolation. The aims of this paper are two-fold: to construct an analytically divergence-free quasi-interpolation scheme and to derive its simultaneous approximation orders to both the approximated function and its derivatives. To this end, we first explicitly construct a divergence-free matrix kernel based on polyharmonic splines and study its properties both in the spatial domain and Fourier domain. Then, with this divergence-free matrix kernel, we construct a divergence-free quasi-interpolation scheme defined in the whole space Rd for some positive integer d. We also derive corresponding approximation orders of quasi-interpolation to both the approximated divergence-free function and its derivatives. Finally, by coupling divergence-free interpolation together with our divergence-free quasi-interpolation, we extend our construction to a divergence-free quasi-interpolation scheme defined over a bounded domain. Numerical simulations are presented at the end of the paper to demonstrate the validity of divergence-free quasi-interpolation.
Quasi-interpolation is one of the most useful and often applied methods for the approximation of functions and data in mathematics and applications. Its advantages are manifold: quasi-interpolants are able to approximate in any number of dimensions, they are efficient and relatively easy to formulate for scattered and meshed nodes and for any number of data. This book provides an introduction into the field for graduate students and researchers, outlining all the mathematical background and methods of implementation. The mathematical analysis of quasi-interpolation is given in three directions, namely on the basis (spline spaces, radial basis functions) from which the approximation is taken, on the form and computation of the quasi-interpolants (point evaluations, averages, least squares), and on the mathematical properties (existence, locality, convergence questions, precision). Learn which type of quasi-interpolation to use in different contexts and how to optimise its features to suit applications in physics and engineering.
We study approximation properties of general multivariate periodic quasi-interpolation operators, which are generated by distributions/functions φ˜j and trigonometric polynomials φj. The class of such operators includes classical interpolation polynomials (φ˜j is the Dirac delta function), Kantorovich-type operators (φ˜j is a characteristic function), scaling expansions associated with wavelet constructions, and others. Under different compatibility conditions on φ˜j and φj, we obtain upper and lower bound estimates for the Lp-error of approximation by quasi-interpolation operators in terms of the best and best one-sided approximation, classical and fractional moduli of smoothness, K-functionals, and other terms.