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Abstract and Figures

The phylogeography and demographical history of Italian Formica pratensis populations were examined and compared with the Eurasian-wide dataset available for this species and the other red wood ant species Formica lugubris . Forty-eight workers belonging to eight populations from both Alps and Apennines were analysed sequencing a 1.5-kilobase mitochondrial DNA fragment, including the cytochrome b gene and part of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 gene. A total of 127 sequences were screened, scoring 53 different haplotypes amongst all specimens, with five new haplotypes discovered in the Italian populations. All the Italian haplotypes clustered in a monophyletic clade, underlining a clear phylogeographical separation of this group from the other Eurasian groups and suggesting a glacial separate forest refugia and different post-glacial colonisation patterns. The haplotypes from the Alps and the Apennines showed a high genetic proximity, pointing out an ancient (Pleistocene) wide distribution of this species across all these areas and common ancestral lineages. No shared haplotypes were scored between Northern and Central Apennine populations, but the low inter-population genetic distance indicated similar post-glacial selective processes acting on these groups. The diversity we recorded may be influenced by the actual fragmentation of F. pratensis populations across its entire Eurasian range, and by the limited geographical origin and sample dimension of the dataset analysed. Future studies with a more extensive sampling in the Alps and Eastern Europe are needed to confirm our result.
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Insectes Sociaux
Insectes Sociaux
Phylogeographic structure ofItalian Formica pratensis (Retzius 1783)
populations intheframework ofthespecies Eurasian range
A.Masoni1 · F.Castellucci2 · A.Piccinini3 · C.Greco4 · P.Balzani5 · F.Frizzi1 · F.Mattucci4 ·
P.Giangregorio4 · E.Guariento6 · M.Zaccaroni1 · G.Santini1 · A.Luchetti2
Received: 18 June 2024 / Revised: 12 September 2024 / Accepted: 16 September 2024
© The Author(s) 2024
The phylogeography and demographical history of Italian Formica pratensis populations were examined and compared
with the Eurasian-wide dataset available for this species and the other red wood ant species Formica lugubris. Forty-eight
workers belonging to eight populations from both Alps and Apennines were analysed sequencing a 1.5-kilobase mitochon-
drial DNA fragment, including the cytochrome b gene and part of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 gene. A total of 127
sequences were screened, scoring 53 different haplotypes amongst all specimens, with five new haplotypes discovered in
the Italian populations. All the Italian haplotypes clustered in a monophyletic clade, underlining a clear phylogeographical
separation of this group from the other Eurasian groups and suggesting a glacial separate forest refugia and different post-
glacial colonisation patterns. The haplotypes from the Alps and the Apennines showed a high genetic proximity, pointing
out an ancient (Pleistocene) wide distribution of this species across all these areas and common ancestral lineages. No shared
haplotypes were scored between Northern and Central Apennine populations, but the low inter-population genetic distance
indicated similar post-glacial selective processes acting on these groups. The diversity we recorded may be influenced by the
actual fragmentation of F. pratensis populations across its entire Eurasian range, and by the limited geographical origin and
sample dimension of the dataset analysed. Future studies with a more extensive sampling in the Alps and Eastern Europe
are needed to confirm our result.
Keywords Red wood ants· mtDNA· Phylogeography· Cytochrome b gene· Haplotypes network
Red wood ants (RWAs, Formica rufa group) are one of
the dominant ecosystem components in cool and temper-
ate coniferous woodlands of the Palearctic Region (Risch
etal. 2016). Fourteen morphologically similar species can
be found in this region with at least six species recorded in
Europe, where most of them can often be found in sympatry
and even generate hybrids (Seifert 2021). The distribution
of European RWA species is well-known, given the large
number of studies focussing on these taxa (Stockan etal.
2016). However, the frequent occurrence of hybrid colonies
makes it more difficult to understand the actual geographi-
cal range: for example, many RWA populations of Great
Alberto Masoni and Filippo Castellucci have been contributed
equally to this work.
* A. Masoni
1 Department ofBiology, University ofFlorence,
SestoFiorentino, Italy
2 Department ofBiological, Geological andEnvironmental
Sciences, University ofBologna, Via Selmi 3,
40126Bologna, Italy
3 Centre forEvolutionary Zoology, School ofBiological
Sciences, University ofWestern Australia, Crawley 6009,
Perth, Australia
4 Institute forEnvironmental Protection andResearch
(ISPRA), Laboratory ofGenetics, Via Cà Fornacetta 9,
40064OzzanoDell’Emilia(BO), Italy
5 Faculty ofFisheries andProtection ofWaters, South
Bohemian Research Center ofAquaculture andBiodiversity
ofHydrocenoses, University ofSouth Bohemia inČeské
Budějovice, Zátiší 728/II, 38925Vodňany, CzechRepublic
6 Institute forAlpine Environment, Eurac Research,
Drususallee 1, 39100Bolzano, Italy
A.Masoni et al.
Britain are supposed to consist of hybrids between F. rufa
and F. polyctena, since 95% of all samples collected pre-
sent intermediate phenotypic traits between the two species
(Seifert 2021).
The F. rufa group origin dates back to around 15 million
years ago when the group diverged from the other Formica
species. According to the mitochondrial DNA analysis, this
clade is monophyletic and is divided into a Nearctic and
a Palearctic sub-clade (Goropashnaya etal. 2012). In par-
ticular, the Palearctic species have been characterised by
a reticulate evolution largely driven by hybridisation and
introgression events (Seifert and Goropashnaya 2004; Trager
2016; Romiguier etal. 2018). Many of these hybridisation
events are currently ongoing between sympatric populations
of RWA species (Satokangas etal. 2023), but they are dif-
ficult to detect without a molecular screening approach due
to the extreme intraspecific polymorphism and occurrence
of local morphological variants (Seifert, 2021).
RWAs occupy a keystone position in the habitats they
colonise, influencing their nests and foraging activity impor-
tant biotic and abiotic ecosystem components (Frizzi etal.
2018; Di Nuzzo etal. 2022; Guariento and Fiedler 2021).
Some of their ecological functions, such as nutrient recy-
cling, trophobiosis, seed dispersal, soil aeration, and preda-
tion on other arthropods are fundamental for forest ecosys-
tem functioning (Frouz etal. 2016; Guariento etal. 2021;
Balzani etal. 2022a), furthermore, their nests host a huge
variety of arthropod species representing a real biodiver-
sity hot spot (Frizzi etal. 2020; Castellucci etal. 2022).
In the last 50years, local decline or even extinction events
have been recorded in many areas of Europe, with agricul-
tural activities, industrialization, and habitat fragmentation
representing the main threats, together with climate change
(Sorvari 2016; Çamlıtepe and Aksoy 2019). Therefore, in
1996, the International Union for Conservation of Nature
(IUCN), listed five RWA species [F. rufa, F. lugubris, F.
polyctena, F. aquilonia, and F. pratensis (plus F. uralen-
sis)] as Near Threatened at a global level. However, after
more than 20years, no further official assessment with spe-
cies status updating was carried out, nor any other RWA
species has been included in the Red List (IUCN Red List
2023). Although the standing recognition of their impor-
tance prompted these species for legal protection in several
European countries (Cherix etal. 2012), there is not a unique
reference framework; therefore, the development of wide-
scale conservation actions is needed (Sorvari 2016; Balzani
etal. 2022b).
In Italy, RWA species are widespread along the Alps
and only the more thermophilic Formica pratensis (Ret-
zius, 1783) naturally occurs at lower latitudes in the Apen-
nine mountains. In those areas additional RWA species (F.
lugubris, F. rufa, F. paralugubris, and F. aquilonia) may be
found, originating from past intentional introductions, with
F. paralugubris being the most common species (Masoni
etal. 2019), as biocontrol agents against the outbreaks of
forest insect pests (Ronchetti and Groppali 1995). Some of
these populations are still extant, are expanding and show
signs of genetic diversification from their source populations
(Masoni etal. 2022). Other populations, instead, underwent
rapid decline and went extinct in a few years (Ronchetti etal
1986; Frizzi etal. 2018).
Formica pratensis mainly lives in open grassland habi-
tats, often at the edge of coniferous or mixed coniferous-
deciduous forests and compared to the other RWAs, it occurs
at lower elevations, forming smaller colonies in open sunny
habitats (Véle etal.2009). Monogynous colonies of this
species predominate, although polygyny (Seifert 1991; Pirk
etal. 2001; Aksoy and Camlitepe 2018) and, rarely, superco-
loniality (Kiss and Kóbori 2010) may also occur. Polydomy
is also described in this species, which allows colonies to
create new nests without going through the single-queen nest
foundation (Seifert 1991; Ellis and Robinson 2014).
The distribution of F. pratensis populations along the
Italian peninsula is unknown, as are their ecology and con-
servation status. The scant information about the presence
and distribution of the species is limited to outdated pub-
lications (Pavan 1981, Fig.S1), where it was reported as
separated into two species (F. nigricans and F. pratensis,
see below), and some recent records on scientific blogs or
social networks (iNaturalist, https:// www. inatu ralist. org/;
Antwiki, https:// antwi ki. org/). At the beginning of the last
century, Emery (1909) described the Apennine populations
as belonging to F. nigricans, which differed from the Alpine
and European populations (F. pratensis) by having darker
head and thorax. However, morphological studies carried out
by Seifert since 1991 rejected this separation, and recently
Seifert (2021) confirmed that the former F. nigricans is to
be considered as an ecomorph of the F. pratensis originally
described by Retzius in 1783. Considering the rapid decline
of this species in recent decades across its entire European
range (e.g. Dekoninck etal. 2010; Çamlıtepe and Aksoy
2019), many Apennine populations may have experienced
the same fate, disappearing, decreasing in number, or form-
ing scattered isolated populations.
In this study, we analysed the geographical pattern of
mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (Cyt-b) variation amongst
eight populations of F. pratensis, seven located along the
Apennine and one in the Italian Alps. This mitochondrial
region was chosen given the high variability that was
observed in the genus Formica L. in previous phylogeog-
raphy and population structure studies (Goropashnaya etal.
2004a; Antonov and Bukin 2016) and a Eurasian-wide data-
set based on this marker is available for both F. lugubris and
F. pratensis (Goropashnaya etal. 2004b). We first analysed
the relationships between haplotypes of the Italian popula-
tions and their geographical distribution, then we compared
Phylogeographic structure ofItalian Formica pratensis (Retzius 1783) populations inthe
the Italian populations with the Eurasian ones investigated
by Goropashnaya etal. (2004a) and stored in Gene Bank,
NCBI (http:// www. ncbl. nlm. nih. gov/). Our results will
improve the knowledge of the F. rufa group speciation and
spread. They can also help to turn the spotlight on the impor-
tance of the Italian populations of F. pratensis, prompting
urgent conservation plans.
Materials andmethods
Sample collection
Fieldwork was carried out between March 2021 and Sep-
tember 2023. We collected samples from eight F. pratensis
populations (See Table1) distributed across the Alps and
the Apennines. These populations strongly differ in eleva-
tion and habitat selection. For each population, 20 workers
were sampled from six different nests. To avoid sampling
ants from non-independent nests belonging to the same
polydomous colony as much as possible, we used only nests
located at least 30m away and not connected by trails of
workers. All ants from each nest were preserved in absolute
ethanol and divided into two groups, one stored at 80°C
until DNA extraction, and the other one used for species
identification (Seifert 2021).
DNA Extraction, amplification andsequencing
Total genomic DNA was extracted from the leg tissue of
a single ant per nest, using a Nucleospin® DNA insect kit
(Macherey–Nagel) following the manufacturer’s instruc-
tions. To compare the newly sampled Italian populations
with the Eurasian dataset by Goropashnaya etal. (2004b),
a highly variable 1571bp mitochondrial DNA fragment
including the complete cytochrome b gene (Cyt-b, 1125bp
long) and the first part of the NADH dehydrogenase subunit
6 (ND-6, 446bp long) has been amplified via PCR and
sequenced. A microsatellite characterised by the repetition
of a TTA motif is found in the intragenic region between the
Cyt-b gene and the ND-6. Two primer couples were chosen
to amplify two overlapping fragments (Goro1 and Goro2, see
Suppl. Tab. S1), subsequently assembled to reconstruct the
whole 1571bp sequence. Amplification via PCR was carried
out with an initial denaturation step of 2min at 94°C, 45–50
PCR cycles (50s at 94°C, 45s at Ta, 50s at 72°C) and a
final extension step of 5min at 72°C. PCR products were
checked via electrophoresis on a 1% agarose gel and purified
using ExoSAP-IT Product Cleanup Reagent (Thermo Fisher
Scientific). Sanger sequencing of the forward and reverse
strands was performed by Macrogen Europe (Amsterdam,
The Netherlands). Chromatograms were inspected and
edited with the software SeqTrace v.0.9.0 (Stucky 2014).
The search for potential contaminants was carried out using
BLASTn (Zhang and Madden 1997) on the NCBI database.
The obtained sequences were submitted to NCBI GenBank
(accession numbers PP179335-PP179375).
Phylogenetic andhaplotype network analyses
We obtained sequences from a total of 48 workers. These
were, then, added to the 79 F. pratensis + F. lugubris
sequences from Goropashnaya etal. (2004b) Palearctic data-
set, stored in GenBank, NCBI (PopSet accession number:
46403874 and 45,934,296), to build the final dataset. Align-
ment was performed using the automatic detection of the
best-fit algorithm on MAFFT v7.503 (Katoh and Standley
2013). The microsatellite close to the 5’-end of the Cyt-b
gene was excluded from the analyses to facilitate compari-
son of the results. Sites with missing data or alignment gaps
were removed and haplotypes were retrieved running the
R software v 4.1.2 (R Core Team 2021), using the package
“haplotypes” (Aktas 2020). A single sequence for each of
the observed haplotypes was maintained in the final dataset.
Table 1 Populations of F. pratensis analysed in this work
Localities Pop ID Altitude Habitat N° nest Latitude Longitude
Bozen province (Trentino-Alto Adige) BOL 1200–1400 Open areas/Fir Forest > 10 46°4912.01ʺN 11°927.00ʺE
Northern Apennine
La Consuma (Florence, Tuscany) CO 1000–1100 Open areas/Fir Forest < 10 43°4557.65ʺN 11°3518.35ʺE
Vallombrosa (Florence, Tuscany) VAL 1000–1100 Fir Forest < 10 43°7338.34ʺN 11°5570.38ʺE
La Verna (Arezzo, Tuscany) LV 1000–1200 Open areas/Fir Forest > 10 43°4251.71ʺN 11°5638.32ʺE
Orecchiella (Lucca, Tuscany) ORE 1100–1250 Fir Forest < 10 44°1221.03ʺN 10°2045.38ʺE
Ticchiano (Parma, Emilia-Romagna) TIC 950–1100 Fir Forest < 10 44°266.46ʺN 10° 67.42ʺE
Central Apennine
Barrea (Aquila, Abruzzo) BAR 1200–1300 Open areas < 10 41°462.43ʺN 13°5940.56ʺE
Scanno (Aquila, Abruzzo) SCA 1100–1300 Open areas < 10 41°5329.81ʺN 13°557.10ʺE
A.Masoni et al.
Model selection and maximum likelihood phylogenetic
reconstruction were carried out using IQ-TREE (Minh etal.
2013) and nodal support was estimated with 1000 replicates
of UltraFast bootstrap.
The same dataset used for phylogenetic reconstruc-
tion was used to build a haplotype network with PopART
(Leigh and Bryant 2015), implementing the Median Joining
Genetic distances within and between F. pratensis clades
were computed with MEGA v.11.0.13 (Tamura etal. 2021)
using the Tamura and Nei (1993) substitution model.
The final dataset consisted of 127 sequences of 1431bp,
excluding sites with missing data, alignment gaps and the
microsatellite found in the intergenic region of Cytb accord-
ing to Goropashnaya etal. (2004b). The TTA motif of this
microsatellite was repeated four to thirteen times in the Ital-
ian haplotypes and four to seven times in Eurasian ones,
underlining the first clear separation of the Italian popula-
tions. Overall, 53 different haplotypes were scored amongst
all specimens, with five new haplotypes discovered in the
Italian populations of F. pratensis (Table2).
The maximum likelihood tree obtained on the haplotypes
of both species (Fig.1) was comparable to the neighbour-
joining tree by Goropashnaya etal. (2004b) for the F. prat-
ensis clade. Two major, well-supported clades were identi-
fied (bootstrap > 90), separating haplotypes belonging to F.
pratensis and F. lugubris with few exceptions. As in Goro-
pashnaya etal. (2004b), few haplotypes (H2, H3, H4, and
H6) found in populations from the Urals and the Pyrenees,
morphologically identified as F. pratensis, clustered within
the F. lugubris clade, and one haplotype (H5) was found to
be shared between populations of both species. Concerning
the Italian populations, all haplotypes clustered in a strongly
supported clade (bootstrap = 100), which was found in sis-
ter relation to all other Eurasian F. pratensis haplotypes
(Fig.1). Within this clade, no clear distinctions could be
found between populations from the Alps (haplotypes H49
and H50) and the Apennines (haplotypes H49, H51, H52 and
H53), with haplotype H49 being shared between populations
sampled on the two mountain ranges.
The median-joining network showed a clear distinc-
tion between the F. pratensis and the F. lugubris haplotype
groups (Fig.2), differentiated by at least seven nucleotide
substitutions. The F. lugubris haplotypes were organised in
a star-like sub-network, with haplotype H5 in a central posi-
tion. This haplotype was scored in populations from Russia,
Sweden, and the Pyrenees, but also in F. pratensis popula-
tions from the Urals. Moreover, haplotypes H2, H3 and H4,
belonging to F. pratensis specimens from the Pyrenees, and
haplotype H6, belonging to F. pratensis specimens from
Urals, were nested into the F. lugubris group, as already
evidenced in the phylogenetic tree (Fig.1). The remaining
F. pratensis haplotypes, on the other hand, were included in
a sub-network showing a more branched pattern. Here, the
Italian haplotypes (coloured circles in Fig.2) appeared to
form a distinct group from the other Eurasian ones, being
differentiated by a high number of substitutions and several
missing haplotypes inferred by the median-joining method.
Surprisingly, Central Apennine populations seemed
closer to the Alpine populations than to the ones in the
Northern Apennines (Fig.3). Haplotype H49 was indeed
shared by the Central Apennine populations from Barrea and
Scanno and the population from the Alps (Fig.3). Regard-
ing the Northern Apennine populations, haplotype H51 was
shared by all the localities, whilst haplotypes H52 and H53
were private for the populations of Ticchiano and Vallom-
brosa, respectively. Haplotype H50 was found only in the
Alpine population.
We evaluated the level of divergence, considering the
genetic distances amongst the Eurasian F. pratensis haplo-
types and the Italian haplotypes group. The genetic distance
was higher in the European cluster (d = 0.00637) compared
to the Italian ones (d = 0.00126), as expected considering
the different number of haplotypes in the two groups and
the widespread geographical distribution. Interestingly,
the genetic distance between the two groups (d = 0.0104)
resulted higher than the within-group, underlining a diver-
gence of the Italian populations from all the others.
The phylogeography and demographical history of Italian
Formica pratensis populations were examined and com-
pared with the Eurasian haplotypes dataset (Goropashnaya
etal. 2004b). We included in our analysis also the pub-
lished F. lugubris haplotypes, given the close relation-
ship between these two species, and the already reported
genetic evidence for past hybridization events (Goropash-
naya etal. 2004b). The analyses based on a 1.5-kilobase
mitochondrial DNA fragment, including the Cyt-b gene
and part of the ND-6 gene, suggested no evidence of past
or recent mitochondrial DNA exchange between Italian F.
pratensis and F. lugubris. The exchanges with other spe-
cies are difficult in the Apennines, where F. pratensis is
the only RWA species naturally occurring in these areas
since the last glaciation. Interactions with other introduced
RWAs (mainly F. paralugubris), although possible, have
never been documented and, in our opinion, are unlikely.
In the Foreste Casentinesi National Park (Northern Tus-
cany), where one of the largest introduction campaigns
was carried out in the past and there are several extant
Phylogeographic structure ofItalian Formica pratensis (Retzius 1783) populations inthe
Table 2 List of the scored
haplotypes. Concerning
the Italian populations, the
number of individuals of each
population that own the given
haplotype is reported in brackets
Haplotype Species Localities Ref.seq database
H1 F. pratensis Finland AY584199.1
H2 F. pratensis Pyrenees AY584232.1
H3 F. pratensis Pyrenees AY584231.1
H4 F. pratensis Pyrenees AY584230.1
H5 F. pratensis-F.lugubris Urals + Sweden + Russia + Pyrenees AY573860.1
H6 F. pratensis Urals AY584227.1
H7 F. pratensis Sweden AY584226.1
H8 F. pratensis Sweden AY584225.1
H9 F. pratensis Sweden AY584224.1
H10 F. pratensis Romania AY584223.1
H11 F. pratensis Romania AY584222.1
H12 F. pratensis Russia AY584221.1
H13 F. pratensis Russia AY584220.1
H14 F. pratensis Sweden AY584219.1
H15 F. pratensis Urals AY584218.1
H16 F. pratensis Urals AY584217.1
H17 F. pratensis Finland AY584216.1
H18 F. pratensis Sweden AY584215.1
H19 F. pratensis Finland AY584214.1
H20 F. pratensis Finland + Russia AY584212.1
H21 F. pratensis Urals AY584211.1
H22 F. pratensis Russia AY584209.1
H23 F. pratensis Urals AY584208.1
H24 F. pratensis Urals AY584207.1
H25 F. pratensis Urals AY584206.1
H26 F. pratensis Russia AY584203.1
H27 F. pratensis Sweden AY584202.1
H28 F. pratensis Denmark AY584201.1
H29 F. pratensis Russia AY584198.1
H30 F. pratensis Finland AY584197.1
H31 F. pratensis Finland AY584196.1
H32 F. lugubris Russia + Urals AY573873.1
H33 F. lugubris Sweden + Switzerland AY573870.1
H34 F. lugubris Russia AY573866.1
H35 F. lugubris Pyrenees AY573874.1
H36 F. lugubris Russia AY573872.1
H37 F. lugubris Urals AY573871.1
H38 F. lugubris UK AY573869.1
H39 F. lugubris UK AY573868.1
H40 F. lugubris UK AY573867.1
H41 F. lugubris Urals AY573865.1
H42 F. lugubris Urals AY573864.1
H43 F. lugubris Russia AY573863.1
H44 F. lugubris Russia AY573862.1
H45 F. lugubris Sweden AY573861.1
H46 F. lugubris Sweden AY573859.1
H47 F. lugubris Sweden AY573858.1
H48 F. lugubris Pyrenees AY573856.1
H49 F. pratensis Italy: BAR (6), BOL (1), SCA (6) this study
H50 F. pratensis Italy: BOL(5) this study
A.Masoni et al.
F. paralugubris populations, repeated surveys of the area
found no evidence of contact between the two species.
The closest known F. pratensis population is the one in
La Verna (Province of Arezzo), more than 20km apart.
Moreover, the two species have different environmental
requirements, grasslands for F. pratensis, closed canopy
stands for F. paralugubris, which further limits the pos-
sibility of contact. None of the other F. pratensis popu-
lations used in this study have other RWAs populations
in their proximity. Considering the Alpine range, where
several RWA species live in sympatry and such events are
more likely to occur (Bernasconi etal. 2011), we sampled
only one population; therefore, future studies with a more
extensive sampling are needed to confirm this result.
An interesting outcome concerns the monophyletic
clade that characterised the Italian samples, supported by
both phylogenetic analyses, with maximum bootstrap sup-
port, and the haplotype network. Alpine and Apennine F.
pratensis haplotypes clustered in the same clade, and the
haplotype H49 was shared by the two groups. The phylo-
geographic separation of the Italian population from the
other Eurasian ones implied a different vicariant history,
with the divergence dating before the diversification of the
other Eurasian populations into the suggested western and
eastern clades, and in any case in the last glacial period
(Desalle etal. 1987). The current western distribution of F.
pratensis has been hypothesised to belong to populations
that survived the glaciations in the Carpathian Mountains
refugia (Sumegi & Krolopp 2002), but this theory is only
supported by the analysis of a few haplotypes from Roma-
nia and Sweden (Goropashnaya etal. 2004a). Conversely,
we did not find any genetic evidence (i.e. shared haplo-
type) that supports a potential proximity of the Italian
cluster with the Western one. Instead, the genetic distance
of the first group from the other Eurasian populations sug-
gested a possible different scenario: both the Alps, espe-
cially the south-western part, and Apennine areas may
represent other possible glacial refugia for this species as
it was reported for many animals (Schebeck etal. 2019;
Korábek etal. 2023) and plants (Záveská etal. 2021; Pari-
sod 2022). The continuous S-shaped mountain-hill system
comprising both mountain chains (37° to 48° of latitude)
encompasses the glacial refugia of the Italian Peninsula
(Dapporto etal., 2019) and mountain areas covered by ice
caps during glacial maxima (Menchetti etal. 2021). This
area is considered a single biogeographic unit for many
endemisms (Petit etal. 2003; Drovetski etal.2018; but
see Menchetti etal. 2021) and our results agreed with this
notion. Furthermore, the haplotypes from the Alps and the
Apennines showed high genetic proximity, with one shared
haplotype, suggesting an ancient (Pleistocene) wide dis-
tribution of this species across all these areas. Moreover,
after the last glaciation, the physical barrier of the Alps
may have limited the northward dispersal exchanges with
Central European populations (Hewitt 1999; Drovetski
Table 2 (continued) Haplotype Species Localities Ref.seq database
H51 F. pratensis Italy: CO (6), LV (6), ORE (6), TIC (5),
VAL (5)
this study
H52 F. pratensis Italy: TIC (1) this study
H53 F. pratensis Italy: VAL (1) this study
Fig. 1 Maximum likelihood tree of Formica pratensis and F. lugubris
built using IQ-TREE with 1000 ultrafast bootstrap replicates. BS boot-
strap values. Haplotypes in bold were detected in populations mor-
phologically identified as F. pratensis but clustered with haplotypes
of F. lugubris. The haplotype H5 marked with a * was shared by pop-
ulations belonging to both species
Phylogeographic structure ofItalian Formica pratensis (Retzius 1783) populations inthe
etal. 2018), thus isolating the Italian F. pratensis popula-
tions from the other European ones, as suggested by the
lack of haplotypes shared between these groups.
Considering the genetic structure of Apennine samples
(Fig.3), no haplotypes were shared between Northern and
Central populations, but the haplotype H52 from Ticchiano
was genetically closer to the Central group than to its native
group, underlining the sharing of common ancestral line-
ages and the wide distribution along the inter-refugium areas
of these species. The low interpopulation genetic distance
amongst these groups (one missing haplotype) can suggest
possible similar post-glacial evolutionary history and selec-
tive process acting on these two groups, which can explain
the geographical patterns recorded. This partly contrasts
with the evolutionary dynamics recorded in these areas
for other cold-adapted insect species (Martín-Bravo etal
2010; Lecocq etal. 2013), which experienced more intense
intraspecific differentiation processes leading sometimes
to speciation events, as happened for Bombus monticola
mathildisand B. konradini (Martinet etal 2018).
In addition, the diversity we recorded is greatly influ-
enced by the actual fragmentation of F. pratensis popula-
tions because of the rapid decline that this species has been
experiencing for many decades in Italy (e.g. at the time we
are submitting this article, the population sampled in Val-
lombrosa has gone extinct, personal observation) and across
the entire Eurasian range (Kiss and Kóbori 2010; Stockan
etal. 2016; Çamlıtepe and Asksoy 2019). The same situation
was recorded in the last 50 years also for other RWA spe-
cies, with agricultural activities, industrialization and habitat
fragmentation representing the main threats (Mäki-Petäys
and Breen 2007; Dekoninck etal. 2010), together with cli-
mate change (Sorvari 2016). In 1996 the International Union
for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), listed five RWA spe-
cies (F. rufa, F. lugubris, F. polyctena, F. aquilonia, and F.
pratensis (plus F. uralensis)) as Near Threatened at a global
Fig. 2 Median-joining network of Formica pratensis and F. lugubris
built with popART. Italian haplotypes are coloured in different shades
of blue according to mountain range of origin. Black circles represent
inferred missing haplotypes, whilst the number of small transversal
dashes on the lines connecting two haplotypes represents the number
of nucleotide substitutions differentiating them
A.Masoni et al.
level. However, after more than 20 years, no further official
assessment with species status updating was carried out,
or any other RWA species listed (IUCN Red List 2023). It
is therefore necessary to take rigorous measures to protect
and facilitate the survival and dispersal of this and the other
RWA species (Balzani etal. 2022b).
In conclusion, the results of this study provided a descrip-
tion of the phylogeographic relationship amongst Italian F.
pratensis populations and those from Central and North
Europe. The results also generated several open-ended
questions, answering which will require the extension of
the sample size, with more populations from the Alps and
intermediate areas between Italy and Europe like Slovacchia,
Germany, Poland, but also a different approach. In particular
it might be useful to employ different genetic markers to
screen both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA to better detect
the genetic diversity amongst and between these popula-
tions, which is crucial for understanding species genetic
structure and defining evolutionary and management units
for future conservation planning.
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen-
tary material available at https:// doi. org/ 10. 1007/ s00040- 024- 00999-8.
Acknowledgements We sincerely thank Dr Davide Alberti and Mar.
Ord. RFPGiovanni Galipò for assisting us during the project. We
extend our gratitude to the Reparto Carabinieri Biodiversità di Pistoia
and the Reparto Carabinieri Biodiversità di Vallombrosa for their help
in the field activities. We gratefully acknowledge the Parco Nazionale
d’Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise, the Parco Nazionale Foreste Casentinesi,
Monte Falterona e Campigna, the Riserva Naturale Biogenetica di
Vallombrosa, the Riserva Naturale dello Stato dell’Orecchiella and
the Ente di Gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità Emilia Occidentale.
Funding Open access funding provided by Università degli Studi di
Firenze within the CRUI-CARE Agreement. This study was partly
funded by the Parco Nazionale Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona
e Campigna. The study was also funded by the Italian Ministry of Uni-
versities and Research under the Biodiversa + framework (call 22–23,
project MonitAnt)and bythe National Recovery and Resilience Plan
(PNRR), which is part of the Next Generation EU (NGEU) program
established by the European Union.
Data availability The sequences generated and analysed in the present
study are available from NCBI database.
Conflict of interest The authors have no relevant financial or non-fi-
nancial interest to disclose.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a
copy of this licence, visit
Fig. 3 Haplotypes distribution
maps and network of Italian
Formica pratensis populations.
The different colours represent
the haplotypes ID whilst the pie
chart portions their frequencies
(n = 6 individuals x populations)
Phylogeographic structure ofItalian Formica pratensis (Retzius 1783) populations inthe
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Full-text available
Aim Were postglacial recolonizations facilitated by persistence close to the colonized areas rather than by dispersal ability allowing for colonization from distant sources? This question is particularly relevant for organisms with low active dispersal abilities and lacking specialized propagules. Here we identified glacial refugia of four Central European land snail species, including one for which a northern glacial refugium in the region was indicated by indirectly dated fossils. Location Central Europe and the Balkans. Taxon Pulmonate land snails: Monachoides incarnatus (Hygromiidae) and Helix pomatia , Helix thessalica and Caucasotachea vindobonensis (Helicidae). Methods We used continuous phylogeographic analysis of mitochondrial sequence data to trace the origin of postglacially expanding lineages. We assessed the credibility of results from our focal species, M. incarnatus , by comparison to three other broadly sympatric land snail species. In addition, we performed direct radiocarbon dating of fossil shells to verify the presumed glacial presence of M. incarnatus on the territories of Czechia and Slovakia and to test the reliability of the available fossil data. Results In three of the four species, the molecular data supported refugia located south of the Pannonian Basin, from the south‐eastern Alps to the south‐western Carpathians, but not more northerly. The direct radiocarbon dating resulted in younger dates than previously assumed. However, the molecular data also revealed unexpected, yet substantial postglacial southward expansions of M. incarnatus and C. vindobonensis into the Balkans. Main Conclusions Neither the phylogeographic analyses nor the direct radiocarbon dating provided evidence for the glacial survival of studied land snail species in Central Europe. The refugia located adjacent to the Pannonian Basin were the most important source of postglacial expansions to Central Europe, but were also the source of the expansion southwards. Both climatic factors and biological interactions might explain why such southward expansions seem rather rare in Europe.
Full-text available
The Formica rufa group comprises several ant species which are collectively referred to as “red wood ants” and play key roles in boreal forest ecosystems, where they are ecologically dominant and greatly influence habitat dynamics. Owing to their intense predatory activity, some of these species are used as biocontrol agents against several forest insect pests and for this aim in Italy, nearly 6000 ant nests were introduced from their native areas in the Alps to several Appeninic sites during the last century. In this work, we assessed and compared the genetic variability and structure of native and introduced populations of F. paralugubris, thus evaluating the extent of genetic drift that may have occurred since the time of introduction, using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. PCR amplification with a fam_EcoRI-TAC/MseI-ATG primers combination produced a total of 147 scorable bands, with 17 identified as outlier loci. The genetic variation was higher in the introduced population compared to the native ones that, on the other hand, showed a higher diversity between nests. AMOVA results clearly pointed out that the overall genetic structure was dominated by among-worker variation, considering all populations, the Alpine vs. Apennine groups and the comparison among native and related introduced populations (all ranging between 77.84% and 79.84%). Genetic analyses unveiled the existence of six main different groups that do not entirely mirror their geographic subdivision, pointing towards a wide admixture between populations, but, at the same time, rapid diversification of some Apennine populations. Future studies based on high-throughput genomic methods are needed to obtain a thorough understanding of the effects of environmental pressure on the genetic structure and mating system of these populations.
Full-text available
Ants belonging to the Formica rufa species group, counting 10 representatives in Europe, are often referred to as red wood ants (RWAs). These dominant, mound building species are known to host in their nests an extremely diverse fauna of associated myr- mecophilic arthropods, among which are the two W-Palaearctic spider species Mastigusa arietina (Thorell 1871) and Thyreosthe- nius biovatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge 1875). The actual host range of these spiders within the Formica rufa group is little known, due to the taxonomic uncertainties that have characterized RWAs in the past. We conducted a large-scale survey for assessing the occurrence of both spider species in association with different RWAs, with a focus on an accurate identification of the ant species. We recorded co-occurrence data for 5 European representatives of the Formica rufa group, and we reported for the first time on the co-occurrence of M. arietina with Formica aquilonia Yarrow 1955, Formica lugubris Zetterstedt 1838 and Formica paralugubris Seifert 1996, and of T. biovatus with F. aquilonia. We found no association between the rate of presence/absence of the two spiders and host ant species or sampling localities, which suggests a non-selective exploitation of RWA hosts by the two myrmecophilic spiders.
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Red wood ants (RWAs) are a group of keystone species widespread in temperate and boreal forests of the Northern Hemisphere. Despite this, there is increasing evidence of local declines and extinctions. We reviewed the current protection status of RWAs throughout Europe and their International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) threat classification. Only some RWA species have been assessed at a global scale, and not all national red lists of the countries where RWAs are present include these species. Different assessment criteria, inventory approaches, and risk categories are used in different countries, and data deficiency is frequent. Legislative protection is even more complex, with some countries protecting RWAs implicitly together with the wildlife fauna and others explicitly protecting the whole group or particular species. This complexity often occurs within countries, for example, in Italy, where, outside of the Alps, only the introduced species are protected, whereas the native species, which are in decline, are not. Therefore, an international, coordinated framework is needed for the protection of RWAs. This first requires that the conservation target should be defined. Due to the similar morphology, complex taxonomy, and frequent hybridization, protecting the entire RWA group seems a more efficient strategy than protecting single species, although with a distinction between autochthonous and introduced species. Second, an update of the current distribution of RWA species is needed throughout Europe. Third, a protection law cannot be effective without the collaboration of forest managers, whose activity influences RWA habitat. Finally, RWA mounds offer a peculiar microhabitat, hosting a multitude of taxa, some of which are obligate myrmecophilous species on the IUCN Red List. Therefore, RWAs’ role as umbrella species could facilitate their protection if they are considered not only as target species but also as providers of species‐rich microhabitats.
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The Formica rufa group comprises several ant species which are collectively referred to as "red wood ants" (hereafter RWA). These species have key roles in forest ecosystems, where they are ecologically dominant and greatly influence the dynamics of the habitat they colonise. Various studies have shown how their trophic activity may affect other organisms, which include both other invertebrates and plants. We can therefore hypothesize that their presence could affect the taxonomic and functional composition of epiphytes, despite clear information on such an effect is lacking. This study aimed to fill this research gap by evaluating whether the presence of red wood ants could affect the structure and composition of lichen communities. We selected two sites on the Apennine Mountains in Italy, where the red wood ant F. para-lugubris was introduced from the Alps more than 50 years ago. In each site, lichen assemblages on Abies alba trees located within the colonised areas were compared to those from nearby, non-occupied areas. The results allowed for the identification of significant effects of F. paralugubris on the structure of lichen communities. Although there was no detectable impact on lichen species richness, a significant difference in their community composition between colonised and control sites was detected. Furthermore, ant presence seemed to be associated with specific lichen functional traits such as asexual reproduction. We argue that RWA could affect the lichen community either directly , e.g., by actively dispersing the species capable of asexual reproduction through their movements on trees (ant-mediated dispersion), or indirectly through herbivore exclusion. Finally, we also observed differences in β-diversity among the colonised and non-colonised sites.
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The main, continuous mountain range of the European Alpine System (i.e. the Alps) hosts a diversified pool of species whose evolution has long been investigated. The legacy of past climate changes on the distribution of high-elevation plants as well as taxa differentially adapted to the mosaic of edaphic conditions (i.e. surmised ecotypes on calcareous, siliceous, serpentine bedrocks) and the origin of new species are here discussed based on available evidence from endemic taxa across the Alps. The integration of main spatial and ecological patterns within and among species supports speciation driven by spatial isolation in main glacial refugia where plant populations survived during cold phases and hindered by intense gene flow along main expansion pathways during warm phases. Despite patterns of genetic differentiation matching environmental heterogeneity, processes underlying the dynamics of distribution ranges likely promoted recurrent homogenization of incipient divergence and generally hindered the completion of speciation (except for cases of hybrid speciation). Even intense selective pressures on toxic bedrocks such as serpentine seemingly fail to support the completion of speciation. Accordingly, typical scenarios of ecological speciation whereby local adaptation to environmental heterogeneity initiates and supports long-term reduction of gene flow may rarely be at the origin of stable species in the Alps. Although consistent with neutral processes whereby spatial isolation driven by past climate changes promoted reproductive isolation and yielded limited diversification, mechanisms at the origin of new species across heterogeneous landscapes of the Alps remain insufficiently known. Necessary advances to reliably understand the evolution of biodiversity in the Alps and identify possible museums or cradles of variation in face of climate changes are discussed.
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1. Studying the feeding ecology of ants can reveal their trophic position and allow inferences on interactions with other organisms. We investigated the nutritional ecology of ants at the Alpine tree line (from subalpine forests to alpine grasslands), testing the hypothesis that changing food availability reflects upon ant feeding preference and trophic position. Five slopes with five sites each were sampled using a combined experimental (baiting) and chemical (stable isotope) approach. 2. Sugar resources were most preferred by the whole ant community in the alpine environment and on the tree line and were therefore likely limiting in these habitats. This shift was not detected in the two dominant ant taxa occurring over the investigated gradient, viz. the slave ant Formica lemani and mound-building wood ants (Formica s. str.). 3. Yet, stable carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) isotope signatures of both these ant species likewise revealed a shift in resource use over the ecotone, from a lower trophic position in subalpine forests to a more carnivore-dominated lifestyle in alpine grassland. Moreover, wood ants were found to occupy a higher trophic position compared to F. lemani. 4. In conclusion, energy resources turned out to be more limiting for ants in the alpine environment, but less so in subalpine forests. The low trophic position of these ant species in the forest is considered to be a result of abundant trophobiotic associations with honeydew-producing homopterans that occur in far larger numbers on conifer trees in the forest.
Hybridisation and gene flow can have both deleterious and adaptive consequences for natural populations and species. To better understand the extent of hybridisation in nature and the balance between its beneficial and deleterious outcomes in a changing environment, information on naturally hybridising nonmodel organisms is needed. This requires the characterisation of the structure and extent of natural hybrid zones. Here, we study natural populations of five keystone mound-building wood ant species in the Formica rufa group across Finland. No genomic studies across the species group exist, and the extent of hybridisation and genomic differentiation in sympatry is unknown. Combining genome-wide and morphological data, we demonstrate more extensive hybridisation than was previously detected between all five species in Finland. Specifically, we reveal a mosaic hybrid zone between Formica aquilonia, F. rufa and F. polyctena, comprising further generation hybrid populations. Despite this, we find that F. rufa, F. aquilonia, F. lugubris and F. pratensis form distinct gene pools in Finland. We also find that hybrids occupy warmer microhabitats than the nonadmixed populations of cold-adapted F. aquilonia, and suggest that warm winters and springs, in particular, may benefit hybrids over F. aquilonia, the most abundant F. rufa group species in Finland. In summary, our results indicate that extensive hybridisation may create adaptive potential that could promote wood ant persistence in a changing climate. Additionally, they highlight the potentially significant ecological and evolutionary consequences of extensive mosaic hybrid zones, within which independent hybrid populations face an array of ecological and intrinsic selection pressures.
Wood ants play an ecologically dominant and conspicuous role in temperate boreal forests, making a keystone contribution to woodland ecosystem functions and processes. Wood ant taxonomy and global distributions set the scene for this text's exploration of wood ants as social insects, examining their flexible social structures, genetics, population ecology, and behaviour, from nest-mate recognition to task allocation. Wood ants' interactions with their environment and with other organisms are essential to their success: competition, predation and mutualism are described and analysed. Bringing together the expertise of ecological researchers and conservation practitioners, this book provides practical and theoretical advice about sampling and monitoring these insects, and outlines the requirements for effective conservation. This is an indispensable resource for wood ant researchers, entomologists, conservationists and ecological consultants, as well as anyone interested in social insects, keystone species and the management and conservation of forest ecosystems.
Red wood ants are ecologically important species in Europe that form large colonies. Their nest mounds are characterized by stable microclimatic conditions, that are favourable to the development of rich invertebrate and microbial communities. Through their respiration processes, all these inhabitants contribute to the total gas emissions of the mounds. Quantifications of red wood ant mounds CO2 production are only available from Northern and Central Europe, and the Alps, where these ants are common. During the second half of the last century some species were transplanted from the Alps to southernmost sites, where they were not present, to be employed as biocontrol agents. No information on the contribution of these low-latitudes populations to the local forest CO2 production is available. The microbial communities living within red wood ant mounds are also poorly known. In this study, we investigated the CO2 gas emissions and the microbiome of the mounds of an introduced population of the red wood ant Formica paralugubris in a Southern Europe montane forest. We found that ant mounds produced more CO2 than the forest soil, and that their CO2 efflux as well as internal concentration were higher during summer than winter, with a lighter CO2 carbon isotopic signature in summer than winter, likely due to an increased ant activity. Moreover, the top part of the mound was characterised by higher CO2 efflux and lower CO2 internal concentration compared to the bottom, probably due to its internal structure and conditions. The isotopic signature of the mound material was similar between summer and winter, suggesting a metabolic similarity of the microbial communities. Also, we estimated the ants’ relative contribution to the total mound CO2 production to be 83%, whereas the microbiota CO2 contribution was estimated at 17%. Finally, the mound microbiome composition varied between summer and winter, though no seasonal difference in the diversity indexes or β-diversity was found. Our results demonstrate the impacts of the introduced red wood ants on the carbon dynamics of the recipient ecosystem.