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Has the pandemic affected academic personnel’s nutrition habits in Türkiye?

  • Bursa Uludag University

Abstract and Figures

Objective Analyze the impact of the pandemic period on the healthy living, nutrition and anxiety states of university academic personnel. Methods Cross-sectional study with a probabilistic sample of 507 academic personnel from Bursa Uludag University, Bursa, Türkiye. Changes in consumption amounts of food and beverages and lifestyle were determined through a prepared questionnaire, and anxiety states were determined through the Beck Anxiety Inventory. Statistical analyses of the study were performed with IBM®SPSS® 23.0 program. The Pearson Chi-square test, Yates correction, and Fisher’s exact test were used to compare variables. Results During the pandemic, the rate of eating and the use of additional vitamins and minerals were significantly higher in women (p=0.03, p<0.001, respectively). In the pandemic period, male participants consumed more fish than women (p=0.037), and women consumed more coffee than men during this period (p=0.004). Compared to the pre-pandemic period, those who regularly eat breakfast have increased, while those who regularly eat lunch and dinner have decreased. It was determined that as the BAI score increased, the sleep duration gradually decreased (p=0.001), and the consumption of canned food and the use of takeaway food increased (p=0.011, p=0.001, respectively). It was stated that the weight of the participants increased, except for those with minimal anxiety. Conclusion It was found that most of the participants tended to consume more food during the pandemic period. It was observed that the rate of those who gained weight during the pandemic was higher. Despite this, it has been determined that healthier choices are made as the consumption of some food increases. The level of anxiety was found to be more positive than in some similar studies. Education level may have a partial effect on choosing healthy food and coping with anxiety. Keywords Academic personnel; Anxiety; COVID-19; Nutrition; Risk groups
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1 Rev Nutr. 2024;37:e230184
Has the pandemic affected academic
personnel’s nutrition habits in
A pandemia afetou os hábitos nutricionais
do pessoal acadêmico
na Turquia?
Nilgun Istek1 , Elif Yildiz2 , Ozgecan Kadagan3 , Alparslan Turkkan4 , Metin
Guldas5 , Ozan Gurbuz1
Bursa Uludag University, Agricultural Faculty, Food Engineering Department. Bursa, Türkiye. Correspondence to: N
ISTEK. E-mail: <>.
Bursa Uludag University, Keles Vocational School, Food Technology Department. Bursa, Türkiye.
Bursa Uludag University, Agricultural Faculty, Agricultural Economics Department. Bursa, Türkiye.
Bursa Uludag University, Medicine Faculty, Public Health Department. Bursa, Türkiye.
Bursa Uludag University, Health Sciences Faculty, Nutrition and Dietetics Department. Bursa, Türkiye.
How to cite this article:
Istek N., Yildiz E, Kadagan O, Turkkan A, Guldas M, Gurbuz O. Has the pandemic aected
academic personnel’s nutrition habits in Türkiye? Rev Nutr. 2024;37:e230184.
Analyze the impact of the pandemic period on the healthy living, nutrition and anxiety states
of university academic personnel.
Cross-sectional study with a probabilistic sample of 507 academic personnel from Bursa Uludag
University, Bursa, Türkiye. Changes in consumption amounts of food and beverages and lifestyle
were determined through a prepared questionnaire, and anxiety states were determined
through the Beck Anxiety Inventory. Statistical analyses of the study were performed with
IBM®SPSS® 23.0 program. The Pearson Chi-square test, Yates correction, and Fisher’s exact
test were used to compare variables.
During the pandemic, the rate of eating and the use of additional vitamins and minerals were
significantly higher in women (p=0.03, p<0.001, respectively). In the pandemic period, male
participants consumed more fish than women (p=0.037), and women consumed more coee
than men during this period (p=0.004). Compared to the pre-pandemic period, those who
regularly eat breakfast have increased, while those who regularly eat lunch and dinner have
decreased. It was determined that as the BAI score increased, the sleep duration gradually
decreased (p=0.001), and the consumption of canned food and the use of takeaway food
increased (p=0.011, p=0.001, respectively). It was stated that the weight of the participants
increased, except for those with minimal anxiety.
It was found that most of the participants tended to consume more food during the pandemic
period. It was observed that the rate of those who gained weight during the pandemic was
Nutritional Assessment
Anderson Marliere Navarro
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that there is no
conflict of interests.
September 20, 2023
Final version
May 22, 2024
August 14, 2024
Rev Nutr. 2024;37:e230184
N ISTEK et al.
higher. Despite this, it has been determined that healthier choices are made as the consumption of some food
increases. The level of anxiety was found to be more positive than in some similar studies. Education level may
have a partial eect on choosing healthy food and coping with anxiety.
: Academic personnel. Anxiety. COVID-19. Nutrition. Risk groups.
Analisar o impacto do período pandêmico na vida saudável, na nutrição e nos estados de ansiedade do pessoal
acadêmico universitário.
Estudo transversal com amostra probabilística de 507 acadêmicos da Bursa Uludag University, Turquia. As
alterações nas quantidades de consumo de alimentos e bebidas, e no estilo de vida foram determinadas através
de um questionário elaborado, e os estados de ansiedade foram determinados através do Inventário de Ansiedade
de Beck. As análises estatísticas do estudo foram realizadas no programa IBM®SPSS® 23.0. O teste Qui-quadrado
de Pearson, correção de Yates e o teste exato de Fisher foram utilizados para comparação das variáveis.
Durante a pandemia, a taxa de alimentação e o uso de vitaminas e minerais adicionais foram significativamente
maiores nas mulheres (p=0.03, p<0.001, respectivamente). Durante o período pandêmico, os participantes do sexo
masculino consumiram mais peixe do que as mulheres (p=0.037), e as mulheres consumiram mais café do que
os homens durante esse período (p=0.004). Em comparação com o período pré-pandemia, o número de pessoas
que tomam regularmente o café da manhã aumentou, enquanto o número de pessoas que almoçam e jantam
regularmente diminuiu. Foi determinado que à medida que o escore BAI aumentava, a duração do sono diminuía
gradativamente (p=0.001), o consumo de alimentos enlatados e o uso de alimentos para viagem aumentavam
(p=0.011, p=0.001, respectivamente). Afirmou-se que o peso dos participantes aumentou, exceto aqueles com
ansiedade mínima.
Verificou-se que a maioria dos participantes tendeu a consumir mais alimentos durante o período pandêmico.
Observou-se que o índice de quem engordou durante a pandemia foi maior. Apesar disso, constatou-se que
escolhas mais saudáveis são feitas à medida que aumenta o consumo de alguns alimentos. O nível de ansiedade
foi considerado mais positivo do que alguns estudos semelhantes. O nível de escolaridade pode ter um efeito
parcial na escolha de alimentos saudáveis e no enfrentamento da ansiedade.
: Pessoal academico. Ansiedade. COVID-19. Nutrição. Grupos de risco.
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) a
global pandemic [1]. The main clinical symptom of COVID-19 is the presence of respiratory symptoms
[2]. The cardiovascular and neurological systems are the source of other symptoms [3]. Advanced
age (≥65 years) and additional diseases are associated with disease severity in China. Cardiovascular
disease and diabetes have the highest mortality rates in comorbidities with COVID-19, followed by
respiratory diseases, hypertension, and cancer [4].
As COVID-19 can cause a number of long-term health issues, it is crucial to develop appropriate
eating habits to lower susceptibility [5]. There were negative changes in eating habits during the
pandemic period, decreased activity [6-9], and increased smoking [9].
Good nutrition is an important part of the defense against COVID-19. The Western-style
diet includes high proportions of processed and refined foods, sugar, salt, fat, and red meat [10].
The WHO states that people who follow a balanced diet have stronger immune systems, and a
lower risk of chronic and infectious diseases. Therefore, the WHO recommends eating fresh and
Rev Nutr. 2024;37:e230184
N ISTEK et al.
unprocessed food every day to ensure your body receives the necessary vitamins, minerals, dietary
fibre, proteins, and antioxidants. Experts emphasize the importance of drinking enough water,
consuming moderate amounts of solids and oil, and consuming less salt and sugar [11].
According to the research reports conducted in Türkiye (Turkish Ministry of Health General
Directorate of Public Health, Türkiye Nutrition Guide 2015), it is advised to enhance the consumption
of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, legumes, milk and dairy products, fish and shellfish,
fibre, and vitamin D [12]. It is well acknowledged that the pandemic period has a negative eect
on our lifestyle, and research supports this perspective. This study aimed to assess the changes in
dietary patterns and anxiety levels among the academic personnel of Bursa Uludag University (BUU,
Türkiye) during the pandemic period.
Population and Sample of the Research
The survey, which lasted for four weeks (May, 2021), was directed to approximately 1460
academic personnel (Faculty members and administrative sta) in BUU.
The questionnaire form in the study was developed by adapting the forms prepared to learn
the individual characteristics of the clients in the hospital diet outpatient clinics, taking professional
experiences, literature review, and expert opinions. Additionally, previous academic studies on
similar subjects were evaluated. Before finalizing the prepared survey, a pilot study was conducted
with three clients. To maintain the research’s reliability, the data collected from the pilot study
were excluded from the primary dataset. Academics who are experts in the field also checked
the survey. The survey includes a total of 8 open-ended demographic questions, 31 questions to
broadly determine the dietary pattern changes during the pandemic, and 3-Likert scale questions.
Likert Scale questions prepared to determine eating habits [13] and lifestyle changes [14] reveal the
dierences experienced by the participants before and after the pandemic. These questions aim to
determine how the participants’ dietary patterns changed during the pandemic period compared
to the period before the pandemic, as well as how the consumption of food and beverage groups
changed during the pandemic period.
The purposeful sampling method was used to include the individuals best suited for the
research [15]. In this method, participants must have certain characteristics and meet certain
criteria. Research participants should better understand the research logic for the purpose
and have sufficient knowledge about the subject [16]. For this reason, 507 academic personnel
of BUU participated.
After obtaining the approval of the university’s ethics committee, an online address was
created for the survey, and an application was made to the University Public Relations unit with a
petition to send to the academic personnel via e-mail. The questionnaire consists of four sections.
The demographic characteristics of the respondents comprise the 1st section, which consists of 8
questions. In this section, the demographic characteristics of the academic personnel participating
in the survey, their personal characteristics such as weight, height, Body Mass Index (BMI), current
diseases, medications they use, whether they or any member of their family has contracted corona,
Rev Nutr. 2024;37:e230184
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the presence of health problems related to nutrition, activity status, cigarette consumption, sleep
duration, water consumption, use of nutritional supplements, preference for ready-made foods,
frequency of using takeaway food services, disinfection practices in the kitchen, etc. have been
In the 2nd section, a comparison of the dietary patterns of academic personnel was made
before and during the pandemic including breakfast, brunch, lunch, afternoon, dinner, and night
meals. For this section, participants were oered the options of “regular”, “irregular,” and “I do not
have this meal..
The 3
section questioned the changes in food group consumption during the pandemic
period with the aim of identifying the trends in the pandemic among the food groups. In addition to
milk, yogurt, red and white meat, eggs, legumes, grains, vegetables, and fruits from the food groups,
consumption of onion, garlic, and immunity-supporting spices such as lemon, ginger-sumac, nuts,
black tea, herbal teas, coee, and soft drinks, as well as consumption of bee products such as royal
jelly, pollen, propolis, and probiotics such as kefir, vinegar, pickles, and turnips, was questioned. For
each food group, were presented the options: “I ate/drank the same amount”; “I ate/drank less”; “I
ate/drank more”; and, “I don’t have this meal”.
In the 4th section, the “Beck Anxiety Scale” was used to determine anxiety levels during the
pandemic period, and it was used by all participants (with or without symptoms). Beck Anxiety
Inventory (BAI) was utilized to determine the participants’ anxiety levels, consisting of 21 questions.
The purpose of the scale is screening rather than diagnosis. It is used to evaluate the anxiety symptoms
experienced by the individual. The validity and reliability study of this scale, developed by Beck et
al. [17] was conducted by Ulusoy et al. [18] in Türkiye. It is a Likert-type evaluation scale ranging
from 0 to 3. The final test score determines the level of anxiety. As a result of this scale, the level
of anxiety is expressed as minimal level (0-7 points), mild level (8-15 points), moderate level (16-25
points), and severe level (26-63 points).
Ethical Aspect of Research
In order to carry out the research, approval was obtained from the Republic of Türkiye Ministry
of Health with registration number 2020-10-07T12-35-04. An application was made to the BUU
ethics committee to administer the survey at BUU. The suitability of the study was notified by
the University’s decision dated March 31, 2021, session numbered 2021-03. The survey data was
gathered in May of 2021.
Statistical Evaluation
Statistical analyses of the study were performed with IBM®SPSS® 23.0 program. Analysis
results are shown as mean ± standard deviation for quantitative data and as frequency (percentage)
for categorical data. The Pearson Chi-square test, Yates correction, and Fisher’s exact test were
used to compare variables (p<0.050).
The questionnaire conducted within the scope of this study was answered by 507 academic
personnel (34.7%) working at BUU.
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Table 1 describes the demographic characteristics of the participants. The mean age of the
participants in the study was 43.20±9.39. Most of the participants are women (59.8%), married
(70.4%), and living in an apartment (82.2%).
Table 1
Demographic characteristics of participants. Bursa Uludag University, Bursa, Türkiye (2021).
Variables n %
Female 303 59.8
Male 204 40.2
≤34 114 22.5
35-44 168 33.1
45-54 150 29.6
55≤ 75 14.8
Body mass index
<18.5 9 01.8
18.5-24.9 246 48.5
25.0-29.9 198 39.0
30.0< 54 10.7
The mean BMI of the participants was 25.29±4.63. All of the participants who had a BMI
below 18.5 were women. Conversely, among those with a BMI of 30 or higher, 72.2% were male and
27.8% were female. Furthermore, 45.5% of participants gained weight during the pandemic period,
compared to 9.5% losing weight.
Most of the participants didn’t have any disease (65.7%), while 8.3% of those with a disease
had hypertension and 5.9% had diabetes. Most of the participants did not have COVID-19 (85.8%).
It was observed that COVID-19 and chronic diseases were rarely seen in the individuals who lived
together with the participants. The majority of the participants were not vaccinated for influenza
(84%) or pneumonia (91.1%).
During the pandemic period, there was a decrease in smoking and alcohol use among the
participants (8.9% and 8.2%, respectively), and 62.1% of the participants stated that they use
additional vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, the participants’ water consumption increased by
27.8%, while their sleep and sports activity durations decreased by 27.8% and 55.6%, respectively.
Also, there was an increase in the participants’ eating speed (29%).
During this period, the rate of eating and the use of additional vitamins and minerals were
significantly higher in women (p=0.03, p<0.001, respectively). 72.8% of the participants applied
additional disinfection procedures (soaking vegetables and fruit in vinegar water, wiping packaged
products, etc.) during the pandemic.
Figure 1 includes the change in the consumption amounts of food during the pandemic
period. More than half of the participants stated that they consumed the same amounts of other
foods questioned, except nuts during the pandemic period. Those participants whose consumption
amounts changed, mostly consumed nuts, followed by fresh and dried fruits.
Those who stated that their consumption amounts had changed were consuming less kefir,
white bread, rice, pasta, bakery products, soft drinks and more of all other nutrients.
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14,8 16,6 16,6 17,8 18,9 19,5 21,9 21,9 24,3 25,4 25,4 25,4 26,6 27,8 27,8 27,8 30,2 30,8 32,5 32,5 33,135,5
43,2 45,6
60,9 59,2
76,3 73,4
68,0 65,1 64,5
59,2 59,2 60,9 59,2
24,3 24,3
8,38,3 5,95,33,65,3
Soft driksChicken White
Fish SweetsVinegar Herb teas EggSalad Coffee Honey
Oliveoil Pickle
Spices LemonOnion,
Food Product
Increase Same Decrease
Figure 1 Change of Consuming Habits.
During the pandemic, male participants consumed cheese, fish, bakery products, soft drinks
more than women. In these foods, only fish had a significant dierence between the sexes (p=0.037).
Other foods had a higher proportion of female participants than men. Among these, a significant
dierence between the sexes was found in coee alone (p=0.004).
The evaluation of the eating habits (meal regularity) of before and during the pandemic
periods is given in Table 2. Compared to the pre-pandemic period, those who regularly eat breakfast
have increased, while those who regularly eat lunch and dinner have decreased. When the meals
were evaluated among themselves, it was found that there was a significant dierence between
the meal patterns before the pandemic and during the pandemic period.
Table 2
Pre-pandemic and pandemic eating regularity. Bursa Uludag University, Bursa, Türkiye (2021).
Consumption before pandemic Consumption in pandemic
Regular Irregular Regular Irregular
n % n % n % n %
Breakfast (n=480) 372 77.5 108 22.5 402 83.8 78 16.2 0.001
Brunch (n=138) 30 21.7 108 78.3 39 28.3 99 71.7 0.001
Lunch (n=420) 315 75.0 105 25.0 243 57.9 177 42.1 0.001
Afternoon (n=171) 51 29.8 120 70. 2 57 33.3 114 66.7 0.001
Dinner (n=501) 489 97.6 12 2.4 459 91.6 42 8.4 0.001
Night meal (n=171) 51 29.8 120 70.2 51 29.8 120 70.2 0.001
Table 3 includes the change in food consumption according to the BAI. The BAI score means
of the participants was 1.79±0.97. It was found that as the BAI score increased, the sleep duration
of the participants gradually decreased, and this dierence was significant (p=0.001). During the
pandemic period, canned food consumption and takeaway food service usage increased as the
BAI score increased (p=0.011, p=0.001, respectively). Although participants generally stated that
they used fewer cigarettes and alcohol during the pandemic, there was an increase in cigarette use
in those with moderate and severe BAI scores showed an increase in cigarette use. There was an
increase in the weight of the participants except those with minimal anxiety.
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BECK anxiety inventory
Minimal level
Mild level
Intermediate level
Severe level
n % n % n % n %
Red meat consumption
Same 216 82.8 99 73.3 45 65.2 12 28.6 0.002
More 30 11.5 27 20.0 21 30.4 21 50.0
Less 15 05.7 9 06.7 3 04.4 9 21.4
Legumes consumption
Same 240 92.0 90 66.7 54 78.3 21 50.0 0.002
More 15 05.7 39 28.9 12 17. 4 18 42.9
Less 6 02.3 6 04.4 3 04.3 3 07.1
White bread, rice consumption
Same 171 65.5 78 57.8 39 56.5 21 50.0 0.006
More 24 09.2 21 15.5 9 13.0 21 50.0
Less 66 25.3 36 26.7 21 30.5 0 00.0
Fresh and dried fruit consumption
Same 177 67. 8 63 46.7 24 34.8 6 14.3 0.002
More 78 29.9 69 51.1 39 56.5 33 78.6
Less 6 02.3 3 02.2 6 08.7 3 07.1
Olive oil consumption
Same 219 83.9 69 51.1 33 47. 8 18 42.9 0.001
More 42 16.1 66 48.9 27 39.1 21 50.0
Less 0 00.0 0 00.0 9 13.0 3 07.1
Vinegar consumption
Same 195 74.7 78 57.8 33 47.8 27 64.3 0.021
More 54 20.7 48 35.5 21 30.4 6 14.3
Less 12 04.6 9 06.7 15 21.8 9 21.4
Lemon consumption
Same 183 70.1 72 53.3 33 47. 8 21 50.0 0.042
More 66 25.3 57 42.2 33 47. 8 12 28.6
Less 12 04.6 6 04.5 3 04.4 9 21.4
Table 3
Change of food consumption during the pandemic period according to Beck anxiety inventory score. Bursa Uludag University, Bursa, Türkiye (2021).
The rate of the participants who stated that they consumed more red meat, legumes, white
bread, rice, pasta, fresh and dried fruits, as well as olive oil during the pandemic increased as the
BAI score increased, and the dierence was found to be significant.
The results of the Türkiye Nutrition and Health Survey-2019 on meal order show that most
of the individuals aged 15 and over do not skip meals regarding main meals [19].
In this study, conducted with BUU academic personnel; it was determined that there was a
significant change in all meals in terms of diet, and eating snacks mostly became a regular habit.
While breakfast was the most regularly taken meal in the pandemic, the most disrupted meal was
lunch. Academic personnel continued to go to work during the pandemic. Due to the closure of
the available catering places, they had to satisfy their eating needs at the university dining hall.
However, because of the closed environment and the crowds in the dining hall, they may have
chosen not to eat their lunch during this period. The increased speed of eating can be attributed
to the eort put into trying not to stay in the dining hall for an extended period of time because it
is a crowded environment.
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When individuals respond to stress caused by quarantine by eating more, it is seen that
the selected foods are mostly high in sugar and fat [20]. Similarly, this study revealed a higher
consumption of certain carbohydrate and fat foods. It was determined that for the participants
whose food consumption patterns had changed, they consumed more milk, cheese, chicken meat,
fish meat, red meat, eggs, legumes, whole grain products, sweets, honey, and other bee products,
salad, pickles and turnips, onions and garlic, fresh and dried fruits, nuts, olive oil, vinegar, lemon,
spice, black tea, herbal tea, and coee. In this period, there was an increase in the use of whole
wheat bread, while the use of white bread decreased; and this was probably because the aim was
to increase immunity and control weight gain by increasing the intake of fibre. The consumption
of nuts increased the most, followed by consumption of the fruits. The increase in the irregularity
of snacks and the consumption of nuts and fruits as snacks in general may explain the increased
consumption of these foods.
There are studies showing that the total number of meals, snacks between meals, or night
snacks increased significantly during the restriction period, and thus, more food was eaten [9,21,22].
A previous study in our country found that participants consumed more regular breakfast and snacks
during the pandemic period, but skipped lunch [23]. The findings regarding breakfast and lunch
were similar to those of this study.
During the pandemic, changes in dietary patterns were observed, with an increase in consuming
more sweets, snacks, and frozen/canned foods and a decrease in consuming fruits and vegetables
[7]. Similarly, Morais et al. [24] reported that the daily rate of eating sweets in adolescents increased
during the pandemic period. Blaszczyk-Bebenek et al. [21] reported a considerable increase in the
consumption frequency of eggs, potatoes, sweets, and canned meat. However, the consumption of
health-promoting products such as vegetables, fruits, and brine has remained unchanged. In this
study, participants who ate more legumes had a higher rate than those who ate less. Furthermore,
in contrast to some comparable studies, there was an increase in fruit and vegetable consumption.
Due to the concern about access to food during the pandemic, people may have turned to
buying packaged and long-lasting foods instead of fresh food. Packaged foods contain salt, sugar,
or trans-fat, while a diet limited to fresh vegetables and fruits means a low intake of antioxidants
and vitamins [20]. Antioxidants have protective properties in lung infection and inflammation [23].
Researchers recommend using polyphenols from fruits and vegetables, cereals, green tea, and red
wine to combat influenza [25]. In some cases, taking vitamin and mineral supplements may also
help [20]. Research indicates that individuals in quarantine often consume vitamin and mineral
supplements [22,23].
In this study, the rate of consuming canned food and using takeaway food service increased
during the pandemic, but remained low compared to those who did not use it. Limited use of packaged
products can be considered positive for the immune system. The majority of the participants stated
that they disinfected both fresh and packaged products with additional applications (soaking in
vinegar water, using food disinfectants, wiping packaged products, etc.). The participants primarily
focused on hygiene practices related to food and virus control. Furthermore, the proportion of those
who used additional vitamins and minerals during the pandemic period was higher than that of
those who did not. Additional vitamin-mineral use was significantly higher in women than in men.
The fact that the use of vitamin and mineral supplements is higher than in other studies may be
related to the education level of the study group.
Vegetables and fruits are natural sources of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants [26]. Vitamin
C is important in preventing and treating the common cold, and foods rich in vitamin C can be included
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in meals [27]. Vitamin D is known to stimulate innate immunity and regulate acquired immunity
[28]. Adequate intake of zinc, selenium, and vitamin D is necessary for the control of viral infection
and inflammation, and for strengthening immunity [29,30]. A deficiency may lead to a decrease in
immune defense against the coronavirus, thereby accelerating the progression of the disease [31].
In this study, those who stated that their consumption of vegetables and fruits increased were more
than those who stated that they decreased. Considering the antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals,
as well as the high fibre content of vegetables and fruits, increased consumption may contribute
to disease control.
Omega-3, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and probiotics also increase the resistance to upper
respiratory tract infection [32]. In this study, the participants who stated that they consumed more
fish, which is a source of omega-3, consumed more than those who stated that they consumed less.
The proportion of male participants who stated that their fish consumption increased was significantly
higher than that of females. While women tend to use more vitamin and mineral supplements to
support their immunity, men are willing to get omega-3 from natural sources of fish.
Probiotics also have stimulating eects on the immune system and antibody production
[25]. The gut can act as a reservoir for the coronavirus [33,34]. Diet is very crucial for shaping the
gut microbiota [35]. In this study, the consumption of probiotic foods such as yogurt, kefir, cheese,
pickles, turnips, and vinegar was questioned. The participants stated that they consumed these
foods more, except for kefir, during the pandemic period. In addition, the rate of those who stated
that their consumption of legumes, whole grain products, vegetables, onions, garlic, and fruits,
which are the food sources of probiotic bacteria, increased during the pandemic period was higher
than the rate of those who decreased their consumption of these types of foods.
Obesity may also be linked to various lung diseases that accompany COVID-19 [36]. A healthy
diet and physical activity are important for weight control [37]. Physical activity aects both mental
and physical health and is part of the treatment for most chronic diseases [38]. During the pandemic
period, the level of movement among people decreased, which led to unhealthy living habits and
increased risk of disease [39]. The eect of obesity during the pandemic was evaluated with various
studies, and it was observed that those patients with obesity ended up needing more mechanical
ventilation, and a higher rate of death occurred [4]. There are studies showing that those who are
overweight, obese, and older tend to gain weight, while those who are underweight tend to lose
weight [9]. Studies conducted during the pandemic period show that those who gain weight are
more in numbers than those who lose weight [9,22].
Nearly half of the participants in this study had healthy BMI values. The rate of obese people
is lower than the average in Türkiye and the world [40]. However, the rate of those who stated that
their weight increased was higher than that of those who stated that their weight decreased or did
not change. Most of the participants stated that their physical activity decreased. It can be said that
the closure of gyms during the pandemic period, and the restrictions imposed on social life, had a
significant impact on the reduction of physical activity. Less exercise, boredom, anxiety, depression,
unhealthy eating, and high consumption of grains and sweets were associated with higher weight
gain. During the pandemic, most individuals did not exercise, reduced their physical activity levels,
and exhibited many unhealthy eating behaviors [6,7,22,41-43]. Changing dietary habits, irregular
meals, decreased physical activity, sleep disorders, anxiety, and stress during the pandemic period
could be associated with weight gain.
It has been shown that mental health problems can occur in those who suer from the
pandemic disease during epidemics [44]. Responses to acute or chronic stress have been found to
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be related to behaviors such as alcohol consumption, smoking, and eating [20]. When the literature
is examined, results showing both an increase and a decrease in alcohol and cigarette use during
the pandemic period are encountered [8,9,22]. Most of the participants in this study who used
cigarettes and alcohol stated that they used them less during the pandemic period. However, it
was found that cigarette use increased with the increase in anxiety levels. Isolation from the social
environment could be associated with this outcome.
There are also studies where about half of the participants reported moderate to severe anxiety
associated with COVID-19 [45], with about a third showing depressive or anxious symptoms [46].
In this study, about one-fifth of all participants had moderate-to-severe anxiety. The lethal eect
of the disease, its severity, contagiousness, and uncertainty about the disease may have aected
participants’ anxiety levels. However, the fact that it is lower than other studies may be due to the
participants’ education, which can provide common sense and awareness.
The increasing anxiety and stress of COVID-19 can significantly aect individuals’ sleep
status [47]. An increase in anxiety levels leads to an increase in desert and meat consumption, while
vegetable and fruit consumption decreases [23]. In this study, as the level of anxiety increased, the
duration of sleep decreased, the use of canned food increased, and the level of benefit from takeaway
food service increased. As the anxiety level increased, the proportion of those who ate red meat,
legumes, white bread, rice, pasta, fresh and dried fruit, and olive oil increased; the dierence was
also significant.
Disruption of sleep and eating patterns with anxiety, as well as a tendency to eat ready-
to-eat foods, are consistent with similar studies. 42.9% of participants with the highest BAI score
(severe anxiety level) stated that they ate more cheese; the dierence was not significant. Most
people prefer to eat cheese for breakfast. The decrease in sleep time the increase in anxiety level,
and the regular breakfast, may have aected this outcome.
The pandemic period has led to changes in the healthy living habits of BUU academic
personnel. Our results show that most of the participants in this study tended to consume more
food during the pandemic period. The rate of those who gained weight during the pandemic was
found to be higher. This may be due to changes in dietary patterns, an increased tendency to eat
more, consumption of more eaten foods mainly at night meals and other snacks, a decrease in
sleep and physical activity levels, and increased eating speed. All these factors may also be
related to anxiety.
Although similar results have been obtained in other studies, it has been determined that
healthier choices are made in food preferences, such as reducing white bread consumption and
increasing whole wheat bread consumption. The fact that the anxiety level is more positive than
some similar studies may reveal the eect of the education level in coping with the pandemic process.
As the education level of individuals increases, although not significantly, it is possible to remain
less aected by extraordinary situations like pandemics and maintain healthier daily life practices.
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Conceptualization: N ISTEK, O GURBUZ. Methodology: N ISTEK and E YİLDİZ. Writing-original draft:
N ISTEK and E YİLDİZ. Writing-review and editing: N ISTEK, E YİLDİZ, O KADAGAN, A TURKKAN, M GULDAS,
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
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Regular practice of physical activity plays a fundamental role in preventing and treating cardiovascular diseases such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. During the pandemic caused by COVID-19 and the lockdown established, people have reduced considerably their mobility and motor activity, which has led to an increase in unhealthy lifestyle habits, raising the risk of suffering from diseases. This paper consists of reviewing the existing scientific literature on recommendations of physical activity during the pandemic and to establish specific guidelines according to the type of population to which the activity would be directed. A search strategy has been carried out in the different databases: Embase, PubMed, SCOPUS, SPORTDiscus, and Web of Science (WoS), including all the articles published until 14 May 2020, to find essays with recommendations on aerobic activity, muscle strengthening, flexibility-stretching, meditation-relaxation, and balance exercises. The articles found have been evaluated considering the following criteria: type of publication, proposals for physical exercise, language, and, if it appears, volume of activity, frequency, intensity, and rest. The results obtained 29 articles that discuss patterns of physical activity, although there is no common consensus on such recommendations during confinement, nor are they suitable for all people. From these results, we can conclude that physical activity is widely recommended during the confinement caused by COVID-19, mainly through the performance of aerobic, strength, flexibility, and balance exercises.
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Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating in all senses, particularly psychologically. Physical activity (PA) is known to aid psychological well-being, therefore, it should be identified and analyzed whether PA has been a coping strategy during this pandemic. The objective of this literature review is to analyze the extent to which engaging in PA during the COVID-19 pandemic impacts psychological health in the adult population. Methods: The literature was searched in all databases from the EBSCOhost Research Database published between January 1st, 2019 and July 15th, 2020. Results: From 180 articles found, 15 were eligible. The reviewed articles demonstrate stress, anxiety, social isolation, and psychological distress in adults and higher than usual depression and anxiety levels in front-line medical staff. Various variables regarding mental health distress decreased with PA. Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown measures caused psychological distress. Those studies that analyzed PA showed that during quarantine adults increased their sedentary time and reduced their PA levels, showing controversial psychological outcomes. This review discusses whether PA is an effective strategy to face the psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic contributing to further putative increase in the prevalence of psychiatric disorders.
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Unexpected isolation, which has not yet been seen on a global scale, has created the conditions for evaluating nutrition in a situation of reduced spatial activity. The study aimed to assess the influence of lockdown on selected eating habits of Polish adults. An anonymous questionnaire was conducted, including questions about eating habits and self-reported anthropometric measurements, referring to “before” and “during” lockdown. We reported the findings of 312 adults (aged 41.12 ± 13.05 years). Overall, 64.1% of the participants were women, 77.7% urban inhabitants and 78.6% employed. The average length of social isolation was 50.79 ± 10.53 days. The majority (51.6%) of the respondents did not eat outside the house during lockdown (p < 0.0001). The number of meals eaten during the day during lockdown increased significantly, 11.2% of the respondents ate 5 and more meals (p < 0.0001). The percentage of people snacking between meals increased by 5.1% during lockdown (p = 0.0001). Eggs, potatoes, sweets, canned meat and alcohol were consumed considerably more commonly during lockdown, while fast-food products, instant soups and energy drinks were eaten or drunk significantly less frequently. A marked decrease in the number of daily servings of the following products was observed: bakery products, red meat, fast food, instant soups, sweet beverages and energy drinks. Conversely, the number of daily servings of sweets and canned meat significantly increased. Two thirds of the respondents reported body weight changes, with 45.86% of the participants being overweight during lockdown. Significant changes in the diet of Polish adults were found during lockdown due to COVID-19.
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The coronavirus disease is still spreading in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with subsequent lockdowns and social distancing measures being enforced by the government. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of the lockdown on eating habits and lifestyle behaviors among residents of the UAE. A cross-sectional study among adults in the UAE was conducted using an online questionnaire between April and May 2020. A total of 1012 subjects participated in the study. During the pandemic, 31% reported weight gain and 72.2% had less than eight cups of water per day. Furthermore, the dietary habits of the participants were distanced from the Mediterranean diet principles and closer to "unhealthy" dietary patterns. Moreover, 38.5% did not engage in physical activity and 36.2% spent over five hours per day on screens for entertainment. A significantly higher percentage of participants reported physical exhaustion, emotional exhaustion, irritability, and tension "all the time" during the pandemic compared to before the pandemic (p < 0.001). Sleep disturbances were prevalent among 60.8% of the participants during the pandemic. Although lockdowns are an important safety measure to protect public health, results indicate that they might cause a variety of lifestyle changes, physical inactivity, and psychological problems among adults in the UAE.
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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate effects of fear and anxiety on nutrition during the COVID-19 pandemic. Design: Participants were recruited by an online survey in this cross-sectional study. The questionnaire included general demographic characteristics, level of fear and anxiety, nutritional habits. The FCV-19S and GAD-7 was used to determine fear and anxiety. Setting: Turkey. Participants: A total sample consisted of 1012 adults. Results: In pandemic, fear and anxiety caused individuals to skip breakfast and snacks less, but more at lunch. A positive significantly correlation was observed between the increase consumption of yoghurt, cheese and water and FCV-19S scores. There was a positive significantly correlation between cheese, legume, nuts-seeds, cake-cookies, dessert and tea consumption and GAD-7 scores. A 1 unit increase in FCV-19S scores affected 1.04 times of increased consumption of yoghurt, kefir, cheese, nuts-seeds, fruit (dry) and rice-pasta. A 1 unit increase in GAD-7 scores affected 1.03 times of increased consumption of egg and fruit (fresh), 1.04 times of increased consumption of cheese and other vegetables, 1.05 times of increased consumption of milk, meat, poultry, fish, legume, nuts-seeds, fruit (dry), cake-cookies and tea, 1.07 times of increased consumption of rice-pasta and coffee, 1.08 times of increased consumption of bread and dessert. Conclusions: In pandemic, anxiety and fear led to changes in individuals' nutritional habits and food preferences. Continuous surveillance of psychological consequences for outbreaks should become routine as part of preparedness efforts worldwide. In addition, the effects of these psychological problems on nutrition should be evaluated.
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Background: The lockdown and social distancing caused by COVID-19 may influence common health behavior. The unprecedent worldwide confinement, in which Spain has been one of the most affected-with severe rules governing confinement-may have changed physical activity (PA) and sedentary habits due to prolonged stays at home. Purpose: The aim of this study is to evaluate how self-reported PA and sedentary time (ST) have changed during confinement in the Spanish population. Methods: 3800 healthy adults (age 18-64 years) residing in Spain answered the international physical activity questionnaire short (IPAQ-S) twice between 23 March and 1 April (confinement). Data analysis was carried out taking into consideration meeting general PA recommendations before confinement, age and gender. Results: Self-reported PA decreased significantly during confinement in our sample. Vigorous physical activities (VPA) and walking time decreased by 16.8% (p < 0.001) and 58.2% (p < 0.001), respectively, whereas ST increased by 23.8% (p < 0.001). The percent of people fulfilling the 75 min/week of VPA recommendation decreased by 10.7% (p < 0.001) while the percent of people who reached 150 min/week of moderate activity barely changed (1.4%). The group that performed the most VPA before confinement showed the greatest decrease (30.5%, p < 0.001). Men reduced time in VPA more than women (21% vs 9%, respectively) who even increased time in moderate PA by 11% (p < 0.05) and reported less increase in ST than men (35% vs 25.3%, respectively). Conclusion: The Spanish adult population, especially young people, students and very active men, decreased daily self-reported PA and increased ST during COVID-19 confinement.
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Due to the pandemic situation caused by the COVID-19 infection, some governments have implemented house confinement measures. The objective of our study is to learn the dietary patterns, consumption, and physical activity of the Spanish population before and during the period of confinement by COVID-19. A cross-sectional descriptive study based on a questionnaire during May 2020, coinciding with the period of confinement and the step forward into Phase 1, is carried out. During confinement, the adherence to the Mediterranean Diet increases (8.0% versus 4.7%; p < 0.001). No socio-demographic variables show statistical significance (p < 0.05) regarding good adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (MD) before and during confinement. During confinement, consumption of homemade baking shows a higher increase (0.28% versus 4.60%; p = 0.004). During confinement, the number of subjects that practice exercise decreases (29.4% versus 28.8%; p = 0.004), as well as the time spent exercising (more than an hour, 26.6% versus 14.7%, p = 0.001). Mediterranean Diet adherence slightly increases during confinement, although consumption of 'unhealthy' food also increases. Moreover, the number of subjects that practice physical activity, as well as the time spent on it weekly, decreases.
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Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is causing global mortality and lockdown burdens. A compromised immune system is a known risk factor for all viral influenza infections. Functional foods optimize the immune system capacity to prevent and control pathogenic viral infections, while physical activity augments such protective benefits. Exercise enhances innate and adaptive immune systems through acute, transient, and long-term adaptations to physical activity in a dose-response relationship. Functional foods prevention of non-communicable disease can be translated into protecting against respiratory viral infections and COVID-19. Functional foods and nutraceuticals within popular diets contain immune-boosting nutraceuticals, polyphenols, terpenoids, flavonoids, alkaloids, sterols, pigments, unsaturated fatty-acids, micronutrient vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, B6, B12, C, D, E, and folate, and trace elements, including zinc, iron, selenium, magnesium, and copper. Foods with antiviral properties include fruits, vegetables, fermented foods and probiotics, olive oil, fish, nuts and seeds, herbs, roots, fungi, amino acids, peptides, and cyclotides. Regular moderate exercise may contribute to reduce viral risk and enhance sleep quality during quarantine, in combination with appropriate dietary habits and functional foods. Lifestyle and appropriate nutrition with functional compounds may offer further antiviral approaches for public health.
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Background: The confinement recommended during COVID-19 pandemic could affect behavior and health. Methods: We conducted a self-reported survey in northern Italy to observe the lockdown effects on lifestyle changes and to assess their determinants. Prevalence Odds Ratio and Prevalence Risk Ratio were determined. Results: 490 adults (84% female) completed the survey: 13% and 43% reported improved and unchanged sleep quality, respectively, while 43% had insomnia symptoms. Among the 272 active subjects in pre-lockdown, 14% continued habitual exercising, 18% increased it and 68% reduced it; 27% of sedentary subjects started physical exercise; 34% reported an improvement in diet quality; 42% increased food intake and 13% decreased it; and 38% of the smokers increased cigarette consumption. Age and the pre-lockdown habit of regular physical exercising were the mainly determinants of lifestyle changes whereas BMI, gender, and the presence of chronic diseases did not. Living with other people increased the likelihood of increasing the food intake (p = 0.002). Conclusions: More than a third of people were able to positively reorganize their lives during the forced home confinement. It is worth to disseminate information to preserve a healthy lifestyle even when confined at home.