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Circular economy and food safety: A focus on ONE health
Paola L´
opez Cervantes
, Rosa Isela Fernandez Xicotencatl
, Christine McCoy Cador
Ian Scott Kinney
Centro de Emprendimiento e Investigacion en Bienestar Ambiental y Alimenticio, Earth & life University, Quintana Roo, M´
Division de Administraci´
on Turistica y Mercadotecnia, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Quintana Roo, Quintana Roo, M´
Departamento de Economía y Negocios, Universidad del Caribe, Quintana Roo, M´
Circular economy
Food safety
Public health
Circular economy within food processing contributes to the implementation of strategies for the ONE HEALTH
food initiative (safe, nutritious, and sustainable) and improves the identication of emerging hazards related
with planetary boundaries. The concept of the Circular Economy within food production includes relevant
strategic elements for integral public health contributions, via risk prevention and eliminating sources of high-
risk waste for human and animal foodstuffs, as well as the health of the oceans and arable land. The present
literature review uses a novel, cross-reference quantication methodology with NVIVO software, identifying
topics with the strongest presence in the documented scientic-level state of the art. The problems and di-
mensions conceptualized are those in which the ONE HEALTH initiative contributes to developing mitigation
strategies together with industry, governments, and academia.
1. Introduction
The ONE HEALTH initiative brings together substantial elements to
consolidate human, animal and environmental health and wellbeing.
Major global agencies currently intervene in these areas, and a need has
been identied for developing integral strategies across science,
academia, government, and industry (Devos, Bray, et al., 2022). The
principle for global transformation to guarantee the ONE HEALTH Focus
seeks to sustainably improve world health security, prioritizing the ca-
pacities installed among countries for its national-level implementation
with local adaptations in pertinent disciplines
(WorldHealthOrganization, 2022). It is essential to achieve progress
aimed at anticipating, preventing, detecting, and controlling diseases
which arise amongst animals and human beings, facing antimicrobial
resistance, and ensuring food safety. It is also important to prevent
threats to human and animal health related with the environment, along
covering a broad range of other challenges emerging from climate
change (Zinsstag et al., 2023). The future of food safety has been related
with transforming the agrifood system and its focus on strengthening
food demand along three priority axes: Safe food, Nutritious food, and
Sustainable food (Devos, Arena, et al., 2022).
According to the scientic group of the UN food systems summit
2021 A healthy diet is health-promoting and disease-preventing. It provides
adequacy, without excess, of nutrients and health-promoting substances from
nutritious foods and avoids the consumption of health-harming substances
(Hendriks et al., 2023; Neufeld et al., 2023). In this context, food must
not represent a short-term risk or Hazard, along with not being the
source of long-term hazards or risks which affect planetary boundaries
by increasing their environmental footprint (Shabir et al., 2023) and
lengthening its life cycle as waste (Thoma et al., 2022).
It is expected that the global human population will grow to almost
10 billion people by 2050, which will increase agricultural demand by
around 50 % from its 2013 levels. Satisfying these requirements will lead
to more intense competition for natural resources, leading to greater
greenhouse gas emissions, water shortage, and more deforestation and
soil degradation, with signicant consequences for keeping food viable
and available. Population growth along with income growth in countries
with low and medium development levels, along with higher global
migration levels, are accelerating a dietary transition towards
consuming more meat, fruit, and vegetables by comparison with cereals.
This change demands proportional adjustments in production and adds
pressure on natural resources FAO (2017).
The philosophy of the One Health program can be applied to estab-
lish a transformative model with a focus on increasing sustainable
practices in agriculture, improving the health and general wellbeing of
human beings, animals, and the environment. As populations grow, food
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P. L´
opez Cervantes).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Applied Food Research
journal homepage:
Received 8 April 2024; Received in revised form 23 August 2024; Accepted 16 September 2024
Applied Food Research 4 (2024) 100509
Available online 2 October 2024
2772-5022/© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (
nc/4.0/ ).
safety faces various challenges centered on providing nutritious and safe
food while new threats emerge in the area with new challenges for
microbial contamination control in agricultural products, along with
natural disasters and transnational diseases (Garcia et al., 2020). ONE
HEALTH has the potential to be a holistic and systematic focus in the
contribution to caring for these problems, together with tactics and
strategies which can interact with the same transformative principles in
organizations at all levels, including circular economics.
The Circular Economy is an economic system which extends the
usable life of products and processes by optimizing resources in their
viable state for production, distribution, and consumption processes. It
uses the strategies of Reduce, Reuse, Regenerate, Recover, Redesign, and
Recycle to achieve sustainable development, environmental quality,
economic prosperity, and social equity for the good of current and future
generations (Kirchherr et al., 2017). Mitigating the risks associated with
food safety is also part of the priorities in the ONE HEALTH program and
the Circular Economy via creating permanent production responsible for
foodstuffs by eliminating sources of waste which generates environ-
mental pollution.
Designing circularity food process, organizations should rethink so-
lutions, especially at the design stage, and optimize production process
to enable product and resource circulation and prevent the creation of
waste and harmful losses and releases (ISO, 2024) .
Assessing the hazards in an emergent environment with planetary
boundaries impacting climate change, new risk must be considered as
part of the inows and outows in based of the life cycle assessment, to
ensure the permanency of the food production healthy without harm to
soil, animals and humans health (Das et al., 2024), as preventing mea-
sure of a public health concern.
The food safety management systems must be harmonized by
including risks without a timeframe and with long-term effects
(Tutundjian et al., 2020) based on the ONE HEALTH concept for
humans, animals, and the environment (Zinsstag et al., 2023) .
Life cycle assessment represent fundamentals similarities with the
currently food safety management system, including all stages of tech-
nical and biological cycles, improving the performance of food process
considering its use of resources and related emissions in relation to
relevant environmental, social and economic impacts, facilitating links
within an organization entire value chain. Evidence is the water and
wastewater efforts to reinvent a new circular economy model without
risk (Smol et al., 2024), attending the emergent requirements for specic
In the current food system, dened as a linear supply chain, estimates
are that in 2019 around 931 million tons of food wastes were generated,
amounting to 17 % of total food production worldwide (11 % in homes,
5 % in food service, and 2 % in retail sales) making it the third leading
cause worldwide for GG (Greenhouse gasses). Gas generation arises from
throwing waste in dumps, controlled combustions, sewers, anaerobic
digestion, composting or aerobic digestion, and use in farming elds
(UNEP 2021). Improving waste management systems is one of the
challenges identied by Agenda 2030, considering the growing number
of malnourished people and the depletion of natural resources. National
legislation and international regulatory frameworks indicate that waste
minimization and prevention, along with a revaluation of byproducts,
are vital strategies for an effective management system to improve food
industry sustainability (Despoudi et al., 2021). Waste management does
not have public policies which are adequate for infrastructure by type,
region, social level, or disposition (Fesenfeld et al., 2022).
The challenges in the food and farm system include elements of
general improvements for modernization, where new technologies are
considered to be an incentive for proper management (Unnevehr, 2022),
better use of natural resources in production and preventing risks which
limit food value (Calicioglu et al., 2019); as well as its safety. Given the
limitations of the public sector, the future of global food policies still
supports risk-based thinking as a paradigm between hazards emerging
due to a lack of studies which validate the hypothesis for evaluating
severity and consequences (Unnevehr, 2022), including the use of
emerging technologies to accelerate decision-making processes.
Food waste mitigation strategies have not been effective, including
modifying habitually consumed diets towards sustainable diets, pro-
duction of processed foods with ingredients and packaging whose nal
destination is not the landll, sustainable agricultural processing,
transparent labelling information, proper identication and traceability,
safe products free from hazards to consumption with strong environ-
mental impacts and deciencies in quantication models for the impact
on waste and carbon footprint contributions (Lugo et al., 2022).
Food is valued for the energy, the macro-nutrients, micro-nutrients,
and for medication purposes, in an energy-starved population, mini-
mizing energy loss and waste will be important Ramaprasad and
Kashyap (2024) . Lack of nutrimental in food loss and waste, reduces
opportunities of a healthy diet increasing risk to reduce the immunity for
infectious disease (Yasobant et al., 2024) .
Emerging risks from climate change include shortages, nutritional
composition modications, bacterial resistance to temperature condi-
tions, humidity and antibacterial products, microplastics becoming
dispersed in nanoparticles, chemical components which modify arable
soil conditions for worldwide food productions, and ocean pollution in
zones where sh for human consumption are caught (Focker et al.,
It is estimated that 1 out of 10 people on Earth become ill due to
foodborne diseases each year, and that 420,000 people die because of
this cause, representing a loss of 33 million (DALYs) disability-adjusted
life years (Unnevehr, 2022; Price and WHO, 2020). Food safety based on
HACCP (Hazard analysis and critical control points) is an effective
production system which ensures consumption free from physical,
chemical, and microbial hazards in each stage of the supply chain. It
stands as a time-tested method and principal system for controlling food
quality and contributes risk analysis elements from the eld to the table
(Cioca et al., 2023; Motarjemi and K¨
aferstein, 1999).
Food safety management systems have not currently included health
consequences arising from exceeding planetary boundaries into their
hazard analysis (Martine and Alves, 2019), considering risks related
with emerging conditions due to climate change, specically within the
current Anthropocene stage (Whitmee et al., 2015) where human ac-
tivity has disrupted the equation between the environment, population,
and development.
The present study aims to validate the connection between ONE
HEALTH initiative and the Circular Economy in the management of food
risks, integrating circular practices as a future strategy for emergent food
hazard mitigation, through control for ethical and safe processing with
harmonization of lifecycle assessment.
Food, which is Safe, Nutritious, and Sustainable will not cause any
physical, chemical, or microbial damage during its production or con-
sumption, and must be a source for a healthy diet. To carry out a risk or
hazard analysis and establish the critical control measures for food
safety assurance, planetary hazards and risks must be integrated to
establish limits or measures to mitigate adverse effects.
2. Methods
The methodology applied for this literature review is focused on
establishing the relation of the ONE HEALTH initiative (Zinsstag et al.,
2023) regarding effects on Food with an emphasis on Food Safety and
Quality, Public Health and Circular Economy, together with their scope
and activities. The dimensions and the risks which they have established
have been derived from the most frequent and relevant topics, using
qualitative data analysis methodology (Chenail, 2012) with support
from the NVIVO system for its segmentation as a form of knowledge
management to transform data into scientic knowledge (Tang, 2023)
along with classifying information into particular codes (Dhakal, 2022) .
The ndings are analyzed to discover their discrimination and perti-
nence to contextualize the Circular Economy which was previously
P. L´
opez Cervantes et al.
Applied Food Research 4 (2024) 100509
described with health problems related with food consumption and
production for climate change.
The Dimensions of the ONE HEALTH initiative integrates specic
elements for each sector. For the present review, we sought out articles
referring to food (Devos, Bray, et al., 2022), under the premise of
seeking a single goal which offers healthy, nutritious, and sustainable
food. Search for articles from 2014 to 2023 that will integrate at least
two or more key topics was conducted, related to food safety sus-
tainable food circular economyONE Health public health risk
assessment life cycle assessment emergent risk climate change
nutritious food safe food. 52 articles were selected from the most
common databases (ScienceDirect, Web of Science, ResearchGate, Sco-
pus, The Lancet, PubMed, and Google Scholar), drawing on review
studies and bibliographical analysis about topics related with circular
economics, Food Safety, and the ONE HEALTH initiative from a specic
context of their application to food.
The 500 most frequent words were identied (Fig. 1) to select the
research lines derived from the three priority dimensions (Devos, Bray,
et al., 2022). The three most common words were food, safety, and
health, representing 6.57 % of the total with a count of 25,491men-
tions. These topics are of the greatest interest in the state of the art of
research related to the most-studied food hazards (Figs. 2-4).
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Denition of classication in planetary risk and hazards for a
healthy diet
Emerging food hazards were established for a healthy diet (research
lines in each of the dimension), to encode direct references between the
selected articles and classify them based upon the type of risk or hazard
they represented for health (Table I).
The research lines are considered to be the emerging planetary
boundaries risks which directly and indirectly affect human health,
whether in the short, medium, or long term, where control from the
conception of the productive process in a circular economy would help
establish measures for its mitigation or elimination (WHO, 2013),
considering the priorities for transforming the agrifood system as a
contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals SDG 2030 (Price and
WHO, 2020), which requires a greater production volume with a lower
and more responsible environmental impact, decreased food losses and
waste, food with high nutritional value, and healthy foods to reduce
foodborne diseases (Amorim et al., 2023; Tufford et al., 2023) .
The encoding results, based on NVIVO software methodology for
classication, presented a total of 549 references, understanding a
reference as the signicant pattern identied in an article in a qualita-
tive systematically research (Wong, 2008), classied and coded by the
health risks they represented.
The most notable dimensions are safe food at 39 %, sustainable
foodat 36 %, and nutritious foodat 25 %. These percentages are the
depth level for carrying out research and proposing solutions along the
most relevant dimensions of the ONE HEALH initiative referring to food,
where interest needs to be reinforced regarding solutions to improve the
availability of food with high nutritious value and low environmental
Food safety amongst global markets represents a strategy to preserve
the natural capital of human consumption, which makes ensuring pro-
cesses without hazards or risks a major challenge (Motarjemi and
aferstein, 1999). For the present study, we dene hazard as a bio-
logical, chemical, or physical substance contained in human or animal
food or in any of their conditions, which can have an adverse health
impact; and riskas a function of the probability that an adverse health
effect may occur, and the severity of this effect resulting from a hazard
(Cioca et al., 2023) .
3.2. Evaluation of impact levels based upon planetary risks and hazards
3.2.1. Nutritious food dimension
Health effects arising from a diet which is incomplete for healthy
development and wellbeing, or a diet which does not include daily re-
quirements in the medium or long term, are considered a human health
hazard due to poor nutrition which can cause chronic disease and death.
During encoding, 137 references were found with documented co-
incidences referring to Food shortage (13.14 %), Waste and loss (23.36
%), Nutritional value changes (14.6 %), Ethics and responsible con-
sumption (20.44 %), Sustainable diet (14.60 %), and Water shortage
(13.87 %) ( Fig. 2).
The state of the art in research to determine the effects on nutritional
value has not been fully covered, given the problems with traceability
and the lack of public health data. Particularly when there are water
reuse initiatives (Das et al., 2023; Pant et al., 2020), there are no ad-
vances in related risk analysis where circular economics is considered as
a core strategy to extend service lives in the interest of human or animal
health and the environment. The most notable risks concern the quan-
tication of the impact of food losses and waste, along with its potential
use in manufacturing and initiatives to adjust the agrifood system into
an ethical and responsible system amongst global market practices.
3.2.2. Safe food dimension
The consequences of food which is adulterated by physical, chemi-
cal, or microbial pollutants, whether intentionally or unintentionally,
could lead to the loss of human and animal lives or a decrease in
biodiversity, with adverse effects on continuing the food chain in safe
conditions. 214 references were found in this dimension, with Anti-
bacterial Resistance and contamination by animal-origin diseases rep-
resenting 14.02 %, Chemical Pollution at 11.68 %, Emerging hazards at
21.96 %, Foodborne public health impact at 18.69 %, Improper hygiene
practices at 3.27 %, Pathogenic Microorganisms at 5.14 %, and Plastic
pollution with health consequences at 11.21 % (Fig. 3).
This dimension encoded hazards which were rst detected or
documented within the previous 5 years which were related to the
consequences of climate change. These may or may not include research
lines aimed at timely mitigation. The most frequently mentioned effects
are the evidence of microplastics being present in human placentas
(Ragusa et al., 2021) and non-quantied adverse effects such as the
presence of cancer during life stages.
Fig. 1. Words identied to select research lines.
P. L´
opez Cervantes et al.
Applied Food Research 4 (2024) 100509
3.2.3. Sustainable food dimension
The actions which lead to a loss of biodiversity and ecosystems in the
natural environment are long-term hazards representing the non-
viability of consuming a healthy diet. For public health effects, this
could lead to avoidable and preventable deaths. These risks are not
considered as having a direct impact on food which can be observed
among consumers. Instead, they are hazards which, without local-level
control measures with a global impact, can generate degenerative long-
term health effects.
The Sustainable Food Dimension presented 198 references, including
Economic Impact (15.66 %), Education and Legislation (13.64 %),
Environmental Impact (21.72 %), Cradle to grave food (5.56 %),
Responsible supply chain (16.67 %), Social wellbeing determinants
(16.67 %) and Soil contamination and desertication (10.10 %) (Fig. 4).
The FAO has quantied the hidden environmental, health and social
costs and benets of agrifood systems, and has proposed a TCA (true cost
accounting) focus for quantication (FAO 2023), where an evaluation of
154 led to an estimation of 10 trillion 2020 PPP dollars. These actions
indicate that strategies for Hazard-free consumption must consider the
causes of hazards which can prevent sustainable long-term food
permanence, including primary production, processing, distribution,
sales, and consumption, with the support of proper public policies and
education programs for their understanding.
4. Conclusion and future perspectives
Emerging hazards and risks represent non-temporal conditions
where foodstuffs can lead to signicantly damaging health conse-
quences, whether directly or indirectly, and which could have been
prevented by modications in their production or processing stages to
Fig. 2. Description of the ndings: Reference percentage in the focus risk for ONE Health Dimension Nutritious Food, based on circular economy.
Fig. 3. Description of the ndings: Reference percentage in the focus risk for ONE Health Dimension Safe Food, based on circular economy.
P. L´
opez Cervantes et al.
Applied Food Research 4 (2024) 100509
eliminate the underlying causes. This processing should also be
considered as a source for new foods, as ingredients for animal feed, a
bioenergy source, material for new components, or by transforming
underlying base substrates.
The fundamental characteristics for a food according to ONE
HEALTH dimensions include nutritiousness, food safety, and sustain-
ability. Missing any of these points constitutes a public health risk,
whether in the short, medium, or long term.
The risks related with the ONE HEALTH dimensions are the areas of
greatest interest for developing solutions with a global focus to accel-
erate the transformation of the agrifood system into a sustainable model
which can fulll Sustainable Development Goals commitments, and
with a holistic vision as a standardized strategy. The importance of
establishing lines of action related with circular economy seeks to dene
an indicator model to monitor improvements in developing solutions for
each locally applied infrastructure, whether done by countries, organi-
zations, or segments.
Life cycle assessment in circular economy contributes elements in the
agrifood system which help establish control and loss elimination
measures that increase impacts on the hidden costs of production and
consumption, and which generate public health risks and hazards.
Control and mitigation risks, in turn, could be considered as a back-
ground for identifying re-valuation opportunities.
Reviewing risk assessment criteria and food safety controls to
consider emerging risks or hazards due to climate change requires us to
disrupt paradigms and consolidate a process without food waste or loss
which could exacerbate environmental impact or human capital short-
ages and aim to ensure a healthy diet via a circular economy.
Circular economy fundamentals (ISO 2024) applied in process and
resource optimization to reduce or eliminate waste as well as harmful
losses and releases, represents a huge contribution to create food
without harm in the context of ONE HEALTH.
Converting lineal to circular model of supply chain aims a total
reduction of resource and energy inow together as a sustainable use,
enhances the resilience of the actual food system in the world.
Statements and declarations
The authors declare no statements
Ethical Statement
I, Paola Lopez Cervantes consciously assure that for the manuscript
Circular economy and food safety: a focus on ONE Health, the following
is fullled:
1) This material is the authors own original work, which has not
been previously published elsewhere.
2) The paper is not currently being considered for publication
3) The paper reects the authors own research and analysis in a
truthful and complete manner.
4) The paper properly credits the meaningful contributions of co-
authors and co-researchers.
5) The results are appropriately placed in the context of prior and
existing research.
6) All sources used are properly disclosed (correct citation). Literally
copying of text must be indicated as such by using quotation marks and
giving proper reference.
7) All authors have been personally and actively involved in sub-
stantial work leading to the paper, and will take public responsibility for
its content.
The violation of the Ethical Statement rules may result in severe
To verify originality, your article may be checked by the originality
detection software iThenticate. See also
I agree with the above statements and declare that this submission
follows the policies of Solid State Ionics as outlined in the Guide for
Authors and in the Ethical Statement.
Date: April 8th, 2024
Corresponding authors signature:
The authors declare no nancial support from institutions.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Paola L´
opez Cervantes: Writing original draft. Rosa Isela Fer-
nandez Xicotencatl: Writing review & editing. Christine McCoy
Cador: Writing review & editing. Ian Scott Kinney: Writing review
& editing.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
Fig. 4. Description of the ndings: Reference percentage in the focus risk for ONE Health Dimension Sustainable Food, based on circular economy.
P. L´
opez Cervantes et al.
Applied Food Research 4 (2024) 100509
Table I
CE Dimensions in Food Safety within the ONE HEALTH context.
Dimension Description Risks Related to
(Planetary risk)
Safe Food
(39 %)
storage, and
conditions should
keep the food free
of physical,
chemical, and
which affect
consumer health.
consequences of
the related
hazards must be
considered in the
short, medium, or
long term.
Plastic pollution
Vergis et al. (2021),
Matthews et al. (2021),
Kafel et al. (2021),Ada
et al. (2023),Focker
et al. (2022),Ali et al.
et al. (2018),Lee (2023),
Gonçalves and Maximo
(2023),Das et al. (2023),
Ono and Tsusaka
(2023),de Sousa et al.
(2021),Fesenfeld et al.
(2022),Landrigan et al.
(2023),Cooney et al.
et al. (2022),Tanveer
et al. (2022),Bizzaro
et al. (2022),Read et al.
(2020), and Pant et al.
Vergis et al. (2021),
Rizzo et al. (2021),
Matthews et al. (2021),
James et al. (2022),Kafel
et al. (2021),Ada et al.
(2023),Ali et al. (2019),
et al. (2018),Gonçalves
and Maximo (2023),Das
et al. (2023),Ono and
Tsusaka (2023),
Al-Hamad et al. (2023),
Adisasmito et al. (2023),
Landrigan et al. (2023),
Cooney et al. (2023),
Bizzaro et al. (2022),
Read et al. (2020),and
Pant et al. (2020)
Zoonotic animal
Pal et al. (2015),
Abukhattab et al.
(2022),Cork et al.
(2016),Samad (2016),
Forghani et al. (2023),
Lourenco and Broadway
(2022),Boqvist et al.
(2018),Vergis et al.
(2021),Sreedharan and
Nanni (2019),Dietrich
et al. (2023),Lavilla
et al. (2023),Wielinga
and Schlundt (2014),
Rizzo et al. (2021),
James et al. (2022),
et al. (2018),Fesenfeld
et al. (2022),Elnaiem
et al. (2023),Adisasmito
et al. (2023),Lancet
(2023),Varadan et al.
(2023),Cooney et al.
(2023),Bizzaro et al.
(2022),Read et al.
(2020),and Pant et al.
Pathogens Forghani et al. (2023),
Lourenco and Broadway
(2022),Boqvist et al.
(2018),Vergis et al.
(2021),Dietrich et al.
(2023),Lavilla et al.
(2023),Wielinga and
Table I (continued )
Dimension Description Risks Related to
(Planetary risk)
Schlundt (2014),Rizzo
et al. (2021),and
Adisasmito et al. (2023)
Pal et al. (2015),
Abukhattab et al.
(2022),Cork et al.
(2016),Forghani et al.
(2023),Boqvist et al.
(2018),Fqs et al. (2017),
Dietrich et al. (2023),
Lavilla et al. (2023),
Wielinga and Schlundt
(2014),Garcia et al.
and Yanamandra
(2023),Matthews et al.
(2021),James et al.
(2022),Cioca et al.
(2023),Kafel et al.
(2021),Ada et al. (2023),
Focker et al. (2022),Ali
et al. (2019),
et al. (2018),Gonçalves
and Maximo (2023),Das
et al. (2023),Traore
et al. (2023),Zinsstag
et al. (2023),Mwatondo
et al. (2023),Elnaiem
et al. (2023),Adisasmito
et al. (2023),Lancet
(2023),Varadan et al.
(2023),Romanello et al.
(2023),Landrigan et al.
(2023),Whitmee et al.
(2023),Cooney et al.
et al. (2022),Bizzaro
et al. (2022),Read et al.
(2020),Angelos et al.
(2017),and Pant et al.
Abukhattab et al.
(2022),Lourenco and
Broadway (2022),Fqs
et al. (2017),Wahab and
Yanamandra (2023),and
Pant et al. (2020)
Pal et al. (2015),
Abukhattab et al.
(2022),Forghani et al.
(2023),Boqvist et al.
(2018),Vergis et al.
(2021),Fqs et al. (2017),
Dietrich et al. (2023),
Lavilla et al. (2023),
Wielinga and Schlundt
(2014),Garcia et al.
(2020),Rizzo et al.
(2021),Focker et al.
(2022),Ali et al. (2019),
et al. (2018),Gonçalves
and Maximo (2023),
Elnaiem et al. (2023),
Adisasmito et al. (2023),
Lancet (2023),Varadan
et al. (2023),Romanello
et al. (2023),Cooney
et al. (2023),Bizzaro
et al. (2022), and Pant
et al. (2020)
public health
Pal et al. (2015),
Abukhattab et al.
(continued on next page)
P. L´
opez Cervantes et al.
Applied Food Research 4 (2024) 100509
Table I (continued )
Dimension Description Risks Related to
(Planetary risk)
(2022),Cork et al.
(2016),Samad (2016),
Lourenco and Broadway
(2022),Fqs et al. (2017),
Dietrich et al. (2023),
Lavilla et al. (2023),
Wielinga and Schlundt
(2014),Garcia et al.
(2020),Rizzo et al.
(2021),Wahab and
Yanamandra (2023),
Matthews et al. (2021),
James et al. (2022),
Focker et al. (2022),Ali
et al. (2019),
et al. (2018),Fesenfeld
et al. (2022),Traore
et al. (2023),Mwatondo
et al. (2023),Elnaiem
et al. (2023),Adisasmito
et al. (2023),Lancet
(2023),Varadan et al.
(2023),Romanello et al.
(2023),Whitmee et al.
(2023),Cooney et al.
(2023),Read et al.
(2020),Angelos et al.
(2017), and Pant et al.
(25 %)
Food must provide
the largest
possible amount
of viable and
nutrients, to
ensure a complete
diet which
contributes to
wellbeing and
development. A
diet which lacks
requirements over
the medium or
long term
constitutes a
hazard to human
health due to
Changes in
Pal et al. (2015),Vergis
et al. (2021),Lavilla
et al. (2023),Wahab and
Yanamandra (2023),
James et al. (2022),Kafel
et al. (2021),Focker
et al. (2022),Łozowicka
et al. (2016),
et al. (2018),de Sousa
et al. (2021),Adisasmito
et al. (2023),Lancet
(2023),Cooney et al.
(2023),Bizzaro et al.
(2022),Read et al.
(2020),Spiker et al.
(2017),Pant et al. (2020)
Food waste and
Abukhattab et al.
(2022),Fqs et al. (2017),
Lavilla et al. (2023),
Garcia et al. (2020),
Rizzo et al. (2021),
Wahab and Yanamandra
(2023),Matthews et al.
(2021),James et al.
(2022),Kafel et al.
(2021),Ada et al. (2023),
Focker et al. (2022),
Łozowicka et al. (2016),
et al. (2018),Lee (2023),
Gonçalves and Maximo
(2023),de Sousa et al.
(2021),Fesenfeld et al.
(2022),Adisasmito et al.
(2023),Cooney et al.
et al. (2022),Tanveer
et al. (2022),Bizzaro
et al. (2022),Read et al.
(2020), and Spiker et al.
Sustainable diet Pal et al. (2015),Vergis
et al. (2021),Wielinga
Table I (continued )
Dimension Description Risks Related to
(Planetary risk)
and Schlundt (2014),
Wahab and Yanamandra
(2023),Kafel et al.
(2021),Łozowicka et al.
(2016),Ali et al. (2019),
et al. (2018),de Sousa
et al. (2021),Elnaiem
et al. (2023),Adisasmito
et al. (2023),Lancet
(2023),Varadan et al.
(2023),Cooney et al.
(2023),Bizzaro et al.
(2022),Read et al.
(2020), and Angelos
et al. (2017)
Water shortage Dietrich et al. (2023),
Lavilla et al. (2023),
Kafel et al. (2021),
et al. (2018),Gonçalves
and Maximo (2023),Das
et al. (2023),Al-Hamad
et al. (2023),de Sousa
et al. (2021),Elnaiem
et al. (2023),Adisasmito
et al. (2023),Varadan
et al. (2023),Cooney
et al. (2023),Bizzaro
et al. (2022),Read et al.
(2020), and Pant et al.
Food shortage Pal et al. (2015), Cork
et al. (2016),Lavilla
et al. (2023),Wielinga
and Schlundt (2014),
Garcia et al. (2020),
Rizzo et al. (2021),
Wahab and Yanamandra
(2023),Matthews et al.
(2021), Łozowicka et al.
et al. (2018),de Sousa
et al. (2021),Fesenfeld
et al. (2022),Adisasmito
et al. (2023),Cooney
et al. (2023),Bizzaro
et al. (2022),Read et al.
(2020),Spiker et al.
Ethics and
Cork et al. (2016),Fqs
et al. (2017), Dietrich
et al. (2023),Wielinga
and Schlundt (2014),
Wahab and Yanamandra
(2023),Kafel et al.
(2021),Ada et al. (2023),
Focker et al. (2022),
Łozowicka et al. (2016),
Ali et al. (2019),
et al. (2018),Lee (2023),
Gonçalves and Maximo
(2023),Das et al. (2023),
de Sousa et al. (2021),
Traore et al. (2023),
Zinsstag et al. (2023),
Lancet (2023),
Romanello et al. (2023),
Cooney et al. (2023),
Lehtokunnas et al.
(2022),Read et al.
(2020),Spiker et al.
(continued on next page)
P. L´
opez Cervantes et al.
Applied Food Research 4 (2024) 100509
Table I (continued )
Dimension Description Risks Related to
(Planetary risk)
(2017),Angelos et al.
(2017), and Pant et al.
(36 %)
The food supply
should have
ethical and
production from
eld to table,
without damaging
its points of origin
and using
practices which do
not worsen
Limiting the
conditions of
future food
production in a
environment is
considered a
hazard to future
supplies of food
which can provide
improper public
policies and a lack
of education
programs to
culture and food
supply chain
Abukhattab et al.
(2022),Cork et al.
(2016),Forghani et al.
(2023),Vergis et al.
(2021),Fqs et al. (2017),
Lavilla et al. (2023),
Wielinga and Schlundt
(2014),Garcia et al.
(2020),Rizzo et al.
(2021),Wahab and
Yanamandra (2023),
Matthews et al. (2021),
James et al. (2022),Kafel
et al. (2021),Focker
et al. (2022),Ali et al.
et al. (2018),Lee (2023),
Gonçalves and Maximo
(2023),de Sousa et al.
(2021),Fesenfeld et al.
(2022),Zinsstag et al.
(2023),Adisasmito et al.
(2023),Landrigan et al.
(2023),Cooney et al.
et al. (2022), and Spiker
et al. (2017)
Pal et al. (2015),
Abukhattab et al.
(2022),Fqs et al. (2017),
Wielinga and Schlundt
(2014),Garcia et al.
(2020),Rizzo et al.
(2021),Wahab and
Yanamandra (2023),
Matthews et al. (2021),
James et al. (2022),
Cioca et al. (2023),Kafel
et al. (2021),Ada et al.
(2023),Focker et al.
c (2022),
c et al. (2022),
et al. (2018),Lee (2023),
Gonçalves and Maximo
(2023),Das et al. (2023),
Ono and Tsusaka
(2023),Al-Hamad et al.
(2023),de Sousa et al.
(2021),Traore et al.
(2023),Zinsstag et al.
(2023),Elnaiem et al.
(2023),Adisasmito et al.
(2023),Lancet (2023),
Varadan et al. (2023),
Romanello et al. (2023),
Landrigan et al. (2023),
Whitmee et al. (2023),
Cooney et al. (2023),
Tanveer et al. (2022),
Read et al. (2020),
Angelos et al. (2017),
Pant et al. (2020)
Wahab and Yanamandra
(2023),Matthews et al.
(2021),Kafel et al.
(2021),Ada et al. (2023),
Lee (2023),Gonçalves
and Maximo (2023),de
Sousa et al. (2021),
Table I (continued )
Dimension Description Risks Related to
(Planetary risk)
Fesenfeld et al. (2022),
Tanveer et al. (2022)
Social wellbeing
Pal et al. (2015),
Abukhattab et al.
(2022),Forghani et al.
(2023),Vergis et al.
(2021),Wielinga and
Schlundt (2014),Garcia
et al. (2020),Rizzo et al.
(2021),Matthews et al.
(2021),James et al.
(2022),Ada et al. (2023),
Focker et al. (2022),
c (2022),
et al. (2018),Lee (2023),
Lee (2023),Das et al.
(2023),Al-Hamad et al.
(2023),Fesenfeld et al.
(2022),Traore et al.
(2023),Zinsstag et al.
(2023),Mwatondo et al.
(2023),Elnaiem et al.
(2023),Adisasmito et al.
(2023),Lancet (2023),
Varadan et al. (2023),
Romanello et al. (2023),
Cooney et al. (2023),
Lehtokunnas et al.
(2022),Spiker et al.
(2017),and Angelos
et al. (2017)
Education and
Abukhattab et al.
(2022),Cork et al.
(2016),Samad (2016),
Fqs et al. (2017),Kafel
et al. (2021),Ada et al.
(2023),Focker et al.
c (2022),
et al. (2018),Lee (2023),
Das et al. (2023),de
Sousa et al. (2021),
Fesenfeld et al. (2022),
Traore et al. (2023),
Zinsstag et al. (2023),
Mwatondo et al. (2023),
Elnaiem et al. (2023),
Adisasmito et al. (2023),
Lancet (2023),
Romanello et al. (2023),
Lehtokunnas et al.
(2022),Read et al.
(2020),Spiker et al.
(2017),Angelos et al.
(2017), and Pant et al.
Pal et al. (2015),
Abukhattab et al.
(2022),Cork et al.
(2016),Forghani et al.
(2023),Boqvist et al.
(2018),Vergis et al.
(2021),Fqs et al. (2017),
Garcia et al. (2020),
Rizzo et al. (2021),
Wahab and Yanamandra
(2023),Matthews et al.
(2021),Ada et al. (2023),
Focker et al. (2022),
c et al. (2022),
et al. (2018),Lee (2023),
Al-Hamad et al. (2023),
(continued on next page)
P. L´
opez Cervantes et al.
Applied Food Research 4 (2024) 100509
Data availability
No data was used for the research described in the article.
The authors would like to extend gratitude and thanks to Earth and
Life University in Mexico for the support and motivation to make this
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et al. (2018),Lee (2023),
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(2023),Das et al. (2023),
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(2023),Elnaiem et al.
(2023),Adisasmito et al.
(2023),Lancet (2023),
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The global food system has three recognized challenges: (a) increasing the availability of food for consumption; (b) reducing food loss; and (c) reducing food waste. The increasing demand for food for consumption, the increasing quantity of food loss, and the corresponding increase in food waste are resulting in serious health, aesthetic, social, economic, and environmental problems due to a lack of appropriate planning and management. Despite its importance, there is no clear, concise, and comprehensive definition of food consumption, loss, and waste. Generally, food consumption, food loss, and food waste are dealt with separately. This article presents a logically constructed ontological framework of food consumption, loss, and waste. It gives equal importance to all three aspects of global food management. The systemic ontological framework is general, and the analysis can be applied to any country. The framework deconstructs the combinatorial complexity of the problem and explicates the pathways to manage the consumption, loss, and waste. The ontological framework encapsulates 19 × 11 × 7 × 4 × 6 = 35,112 possible components of the challenge. A critical analysis based on available data using the framework will help to develop strategies to deal with the problem. It can help us to discover the gaps and to find ways to bridge the gaps. It is a novel way to conceptualize food consumption, loss, and waste together.
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Background Food safety is a critical factor in promoting public health and nutrition, especially in developing countries like India, which experience several foodborne disease outbreaks, often with multidrug-resistant pathogens. Therefore, implementing regular surveillance of enteric pathogens in the human-animal-environment interface is necessary to reduce the disease burden in the country. Objective To establish a network of laboratories for the identification of major food and waterborne pathogens prevailing in the northeast region of India through integrated surveillance of animal, food, human, and environment and investigate the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of the pathogens of public health significance. Methods The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has identified FoodNet laboratories; based on their geographical location, inclination to undertake the study, preparedness, proficiency, and adherence to quality assurance procedures, through an 8-step process to systematically expand to cover the Northeastern Region (NER) with comprehensive diagnostic capacities for foodborne pathogens and diarrhea outbreak investigations. Network initiated in the NER given the unique food habits of the ethnic population. Findings This surveillance network for foodborne enteric pathogens was established in Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, and Sikkim, and expanded to other four states, i.e., Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya, and Nagaland, thereby covering the entire NER by including nine medical and three veterinary centers. All these centers are strengthened with periodic training, technical support, funding, capacity building, quality assurance, monitoring, centralized digital data management, and website development. Results The ICMR-FoodNet will generate NER-specific data with close to real-time reporting of foodborne disease and outbreaks, and facilitate the updating of food safety management protocols, policy reforms, and public health outbreak response. During 2020-2023, 13,981 food samples were tested and the detection of enteric pathogens ranged from 3 to 4%. In clinical samples, the detection rate of the pathogens was high in the diarrheal stools (8.9%) when 3,107 samples were tested. Thirteen outbreaks were investigated during the study period. Conclusion Foodborne diseases and outbreaks are a neglected subject. Given the frequent outbreaks leading to the deaths of children, it is crucial to generate robust data through well-established surveillance networks so that a strong food safety policy can be developed for better public health.
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Water scarcity and the presence of emerging contaminants (ECs) pose significant challenges to sustainable water management. Because of the potential harm to human beings and the environment, the presence of new contaminants in water sources, such as medications, personal care products, and microplastics, has received a lot of attention in recent years. This article examines the present level of knowledge about developing pollutants and the different water treatment procedures used to reduce their prevalence. Because of their complicated nature and low concentrations, standard treatment procedures usually utilized to remove ECs frequently fall short of efficiently eliminating ECs. To address these challenges, the article focuses on advanced treatment processes that have shown promise in removing ECs from water sources. In addition, the study delves into the notion of circular economy in water treatment, which seeks to maximize resource efficiency while minimizing waste output. It emphasizes creative ways that match with circular economy ideas, such as recovering useful resources from wastewater (e.g., energy, nutrients) and integrating water treatment systems with other industrial processes. This article seeks to provide insights and guidance for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners involved in sustainable water management by comprehensively examining current research and advancements in water treatment processes for ECs and their integration into circular economy principles.
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Jordan has recently observed a gradual shift in vegetable production from open-fields to greenhouses with mounting consumer concerns about food quality and safety. We investigated heavy metals in soil collected from greenhouse vegetable production area in northern Jordan. Sixty-one surface soil samples were collected, of which forty-seven from plastic-covered greenhouses and fourteen were sampled from the adjacent open-field land, with both designated for vegetable production. The average concentrations of Cr, Cu, Cd, Pb, Ni, Zn were 26.1, 26.8, 0.81, 53.0, 49.3, 139.1 mg/kg, and 19.1, 19.3, 0.66, 49.7, 46.7, 104.9 mg/kg for greenhouse and open-field soils, respectively. While the accumulation of heavy metals was consistently higher in greenhouse than in open-fields, both soils revealed a similar metal ranking with a few exceptions. Greenhouse soils revealed relatively lower pH values with higher variabilities. In greenhouse cultivated soils, CaCO3 content averaged 21.4% compared to 23% measured in open-field soils. Soil salinity showed greater values for greenhouse samples (averaging 1118.6 μs/cm) than those observed in open-field agricultural soils (a mean of 503.6 μs/cm). The soil organic matter (TOM) exhibited values in the range of 1.06-3.35% relative to 0.59-2.41% found in open-field area. The spatial distribution of heavy metal concentrations for greenhouse soils revealed higher levels in the northern soils, whereas the least was found in the southern sampling points. The Enrichment results showed 23.4% of sampling sites were moderately contaminated with Pb, and 38.3% were moderately contaminated with Cd, of which 8.5% indicating moderately severe contamination. The Igeo results indicate 25.5% of greenhouse soils were moderately contaminated with Pb and 38.3% were heavily polluted with Cd. The contamination factors showed 25.5% and 38.3% of greenhouse sampling soils were considerably contaminated with Pb and Cd, respectively. 2% indicate very high contamination for Cd and 2% showed considerable contamination for Zn. PLI indicates that only two sampling sites are polluted. The ecological risk assessment showed low Ei values for all heavy metals suggesting slight risks, except for Cd which indicate strong risk. Total potential ecological risks values showed low risk to the local environment. Cd accounts for most of the total risks (72.27-82.67%) followed by Pb (11.49-14.87%). Some greenhouse soils were non-compliant with soil quality standards especially for Ni, Cd, and Pb. The observed levels of heavy metals are attributable to agricultural activities including long-term application of pesticides, phosphatic and nitrogen fertilizers, sewage sludge, wastewater irrigation and chicken manure in addition to industrial dust and traffic related emissions.