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Self-Reported Zoom Exhaustion and Fatigue Levels among Physical Education Teacher Education Students in a State University in the Philippines



The study determined the self-reported Zoom exhaustion and fatigue (ZEF) levels of physical education teacher education (PETE) students in the Philippines who are attending a flexible learning setup (i.e., synchronous and asynchronous learning) offered by their university as a solution to continue classes during the coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 pandemic. Utilizing a cross-sectional comparative research design, the study indicates that PETE students were very tired and exhausted both in general and visually after a series of video conferencing within a semester. Furthermore, they were socially-, motivationally-, and emotionally-moderately tired and exhausted. It was observed that students in the PETE program experienced moderate to very tired and exhausted levels of fatigue whenever they participated in synchronous online classes, such as attendance at a video teleconferencing platform. Exploration of how specific mental aspects relate to their general health with regard to their culture and habits is worth exploring, either for students, teachers, or professionals in general.
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volume 17 issue 3
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            
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Self-reported, Zoom exhauson and fague, synchronous and asynchronous learning, teacher
educaon students
             
 Journal on Eciency and Responsibility in Educaon and Science  
Julius Ceazar G. Tolenno
John Paul P. Miranda*
* 
Arcle history
Received in revised form
Available on-line
PETE students experienced moderate to very high levels of fague, especially during synchronous online classes, with
visual fague being the most reported issue.
Visual fague was linked to extended exposure to devices used for aending virtual classes and contributes to students’
Male PETE students exhibited higher level of exhauson compared to their female counterpart.
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19 pandemic) has posed
multiple challenges in a plethora of sectors all around the world.
The education sector is no exception, as this was massively
aected by the global health crisis. For this reason, a major
paradigm shift in the delivery of instruction to learners worldwide
prompted educational leaders to take armative actions and,
therefore, requires solutions that would enable the continuity
of learning. While closures of educational institutions were
frequent at the height of the pandemic, transitioning to a distance
learning approach was deemed necessary.
The transition from a traditional classroom setting to a virtual
learning modality has led to the utilization of existing and
emerging technologies that may essentially provide solutions
to connect to learners and continuously deliver instruction
(Henritius et al., 2019). With this, the use of video conferencing
platforms, for one, became a common means to teach learners
synchronously despite location or time zone dierences. This
allows students and teachers to communicate in real-time,
various ways of teaching can be administered, and learning
can ultimately occur (Rasouli et al., 2020). For instance,
the utilization and support of Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Cisco
Webex, and Google Meet, among others, often create lively
and interactive learning environments even in a virtual world
(Iannizzotto et al., 2020). Furthermore, these educational
application tools generate a more feasible and viable method to
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206 ERIES Journal
volume 17 issue 3
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continuously pursue education amidst the challenges brought by
the global health crisis.
However, despite the advantageous reasons for the use of
video conferencing tools for teaching and learning, scholars
started to investigate an emerging phenomenon of possible
fatigue or exhaustion caused by periodic attendance to virtual
meetings, which is referred to in contemporary studies as
video conferencing or Zoom fatigue (Fauville et al., 2021).
The need to investigate this phenomenon, particularly among
college students, is of vital interest to consider mechanisms that
would lead to the more eective delivery of learning processes
that will not compromise their welfare in terms of emotional,
mental, social, and general states. Looking into this dimension
of learning in a virtual ecology would lead to a well-structured
learning plan that is armative of students’ needs and will
maximize learning outcomes.
COVID-19, Remote Learning, and Videocon-
ferencing in Higher Education
At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many educational
institutions shifted from in-person to online learning (Alvarez,
Abel, 2020; K. A. Bird et al., 2022; Lim et al., 2022). As
mentioned by Rotas and Cahapay (2020), the impact of
COVID-19 on online and remote learning, in general, is
substantial. Bird et al. (2022) suggested that teachers with
a considerable amount of teaching experience with the same
course for a long time do not even mitigate the negative eects
of this sudden shift to virtual learning. the pandemic has brought
the need for more video calls for learning or work-related
matters. Studies conducted in 2021 found that the increase in
screen time during the pandemic was signicantly higher than
before (Ganne et al., 2021; Pandya & Lodha, 2021).
Meanwhile, Asurion (2019) reported that, on average,
Americans check their devices, particularly smartphones,
96 times a day - a 20% increase even before the pandemic
occurred. Onn the other hand, Filipinos spent at least 10 hours
and two minutes daily in 2019, mostly browsing the Internet or
visiting social media platforms (Gonzales, 2019; Balita, 2024).
In another study, Nagata et al. (2022) reported that screen time
among children has doubled during the pandemic as most of
them rely on their devices to conduct various activities (e.g.,
entertainment, socialization, and education). Similar ndings
have also shown a drastic increase in total screen time during
the pandemic (Pandya & Lodha, 2021). This is alarming,
partly because it was reported that an increase in screen time
often leads to higher eye strain among students, particularly
those attending online classes (Ganne et al., 2021; Sundarasen
et al., 2020). Moreover, increased screen time often negatively
impacts people’s physical and mental well-being (Pandya &
Lodha, 2021).
Remote learning adversely aects students and teachers in
general (Bautista et al., 2021). Rotas and Cahapay (2020)
mentioned that the sudden shift to online learning has also
impacted teachers. The uncertainty of when the pandemic will
end also increases anxiety in higher education (Jung et al.,
2021). These things are attributed to making online teaching
and learning even more challenging for both teachers and
students. Despite this, Bolatov et al. (2021) believed that
the shift to online learning not only helped to lessen the spread
of COVID-19 but also provided some positive benets to
the students’ mental health. This is supported by a recent study
indicating that medical students in Saudi Arabia received
the sudden shift to online learning (Khalil et al., 2020).
On the contrary, the abrupt shift from online to in-person
learning has been found to negatively aect student academic
performance (K. A. Bird et al., 2022).
Furthermore, Gonzales-Ramirez et al. (2021) claimed that
remote learning makes students more exhausted. They also
believed that it has far-reaching implications for the students,
both mentally and physically (Sundarasen et al., 2020). On
the other hand, Li et al. (2021) suggested that people’s life
satisfaction and mental health are also at risk when they
overuse social media and the internet to compensate for many
things they cannot do, especially during lockdowns (e.g., lack
of physical interaction).
Students’ Weariness Towards Online Learning
During the pandemic, there has been an increase in gadget usage
for both online learning and entertainment. This has caused
the prevalence of digital eye strain among students. This is
true particularly when they are compared to the general public
(Ganne et al., 2021). Moreover, students are sometimes tended
or forced to learn and are tempted to multitask despite attending
online classes (Alibudbud, 2021; Baticulon et al., 2021), mainly
when this is done at home (Baticulon et al., 2021).
Several studies have also indicated that barriers to online
learning also contribute to the physical and psychological state
of the students (Baticulon et al., 2021; Ortega et al., 2022;
Peper et al., 2021; Sundarasen et al., 2020). For example,
poor communication related to their schooling contributes to
the students’ weariness during the conduct of online classes
(Baticulon et al., 2021; Peper et al., 2021; Sundarasen et al.,
2020). Frustration due to the lack of necessities such as food,
conducive space, limited access to devices, and a reliable internet
connection is part of why students feel more exhausted than ever
(Alvarez, 2020; Baticulon et al., 2021; Rotas & Cahapay, 2020;
Sundarasen et al., 2020). Increased workload, and other activities
unrelated to learning were also seen to contribute or to students’
overall fatigue and exhaustion (Peper et al., 2021). Another issue
related to student weariness is that in an online learning setup,
students are most of the time forgotten or unable to do physical
activities they used to do in an in-person classroom setting.
Common physical activities that require movement, such as
walking, running, and standing, are considered important and
a usual part of a person’s daily life much more so with student
life. Peper and Lin reported in 2021 that students who do
physical activities signicantly increase their subjective energy
and increase their attention levels.
An increase in social isolation is also seen among students
during the period of online learning. It is perceived as one of
the contributing factors to student weariness (Li et al., 2021;
Peper et al., 2021). The lack of social interaction among
students, teachers, and with their peers often contributes to
their physical and mental exhaustion (Peper et al., 2021).
ERIES Journal
volume 17 issue 3
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In connection, De Oliveira Kubrusly Sobral et al. (2022)
found that students attending hybrid methodology tend
to have a higher frequency of wanting to be alone after
attending a video conference. Furthermore, it was found
in the study by Martínez-Líbano et al. (2021) that Chilean
social science students’ exhaustion during the COVID-19
pandemic showed that their study stipulates that the students
had higher levels of exhaustion and believed that their mental
health deteriorated during the pandemic. The abrupt shift to
online learning makes burnout and other negative mental
symptoms prevalent among students (Bolatov et al., 2021).
Other challenges that contribute to this phenomenon include
pressure to concentrate during attendance to online learning
while the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing (Peper
et al., 2021), overloaded activities (Rotas & Cahapay, 2020),
and lack of control over various issues (i.e., technical issues)
related to online learning (Peper et al., 2021).
Despite this, several studies have recommended countering
student weariness in online learning. For example, Alibudbud
(2021) suggested that regular breaks and avoiding multitasking
are necessary to prevent burnout when attending online learning
and to improve concentration among students attending such
classes. Furthermore, limiting screen time is also a good option to
potentially address this issue (Ganne et al., 2021). Alternatively,
Räisänen et al. (2018) believed that identifying students’ proles
is imperative to help students who need support in their learning.
The key ndings in their study, for example, suggested that
students who already have self-regulated problems paired with
high levels of peer learning and peer support tend to have higher
study-related exhaustion. Another option is the intervention that
lawmakers and policymakers can provide to address this issue,
which is crucial (Ganne et al., 2021). Their intervention is needed
as the challenges and problems related to student weariness may
persist even after the pandemic subsides (De Oliveira Kubrusly
Sobral et al., 2022).
In light of existing literature and studies, there is a need to
further expand the knowledge on how students, particularly
those who specialize in a movement-dominated discipline
like physical education in the Philippines, perceive and assess
their levels of exhaustion in multiple spectra of fatigue when
attending classes via a video teleconferencing platform.
This research documented the fatigue levels of pre-service
physical educators in a Philippine-based public university and
determined whether constructs underlying this emerging type
of fatigue in contemporary times had statistically signicant
dierences when their demographic proles were considered.
The study was an attempt to uncover this phenomenon, which
may eventually serve as a data-driven and empirical basis
for developing appropriate modalities for students, either in
distance or blended learning. Through this, more proactive and
tangible programs for curriculum delivery and instruction may
be institutionalized toward a well-rounded learning experience
for pre-service teachers in physical education.
The theoretical framework of this study explores the potential
interconnections between sex, class level, and Zoom exhaustion
and fatigue (ZEF), aiming to shed light on their collective
inuence. Incorporating sex and class-level variables into
the study objectives serves to address a pivotal research context.
Existing literature has indicated that various demographic
factors, including sex and class level (Dacillo et al., 2022;
Purba et al., 2022; Fauville et al., 2023; Oducado et al., 2022;
Salim et al., 2022; Usta Kara & Esroy, 2022), could contribute
to shaping individuals’ experiences of ZEF. Notably, gender
has been implicated in Zoom-related fatigue studies (George
et al., 2022; Ratan et al., 2021; Shockley et al., 2021). Emerging
research also suggests potential disparities in how individuals
perceive and navigate challenges within online interactions
based on these factors (Dacillo et al., 2022; Purba et al., 2022;
Ratan et al., 2021; Usta Kara & Esroy, 2022). In the context
of the rapid expansion of virtual communication platforms
like Zoom, comprehending the intersections between these
variables and ZEF holds substantial academic and practical
signicance. This study, by delving into the potential impacts
of sex and class level on ZEF, particularly among students
engaged in active tasks, seeks to contribute to a nuanced
comprehension of the intricate dynamics underpinning
individuals’ fatigue during virtual engagements.
This investigation into the potential eects of ZEF, particularly
in educational settings, based on sex and class level could oer
a more comprehensive understanding of its impact on individual
students. Both sex and class level may exert inuence by shaping
students’ experiences, stressors, coping mechanisms, and
overall mental well-being. Research has suggested sex-based
variations in coping mechanisms among students (Christiansen
et al., 2022; Grace, 2019; Graves et al., 2021; Mahmoud et al.,
2015; Scott-Young et al., 2020), potentially leading to dierent
manifestations of fatigue and stress. As men and women are
distinct in their psychological makeup and socialization patterns,
societal expectations may engender divergent responses (L.
J. Bird et al., 2023; Cislaghi & Heise, 2020; Ellemers, 2018;
Grace, 2019; Newsome et al., 2016). Class-level, likewise, has
been linked to varying workloads and expectations that could
contribute to Zoom-related fatigue (Bare et al., 2023; Bird
et al., 2023; Grace, 2019; Labrague, 2013; Rotas & Cahapay,
2020). For instance, earlier studies underscore that rst-year
students grappling with a transition phase and novel learning
environments may necessitate greater support (Blair, 2016;
Honkimäki & Kálmán, 2012; Mahmoud et al., 2015; Maymon et
al., 2019; Meehan & Howells, 2018; Nyar, 2021). Concurrently,
class-level disparities may correlate with Zoom-related fatigue,
as students at dierent academic stages may possess distinct
focuses, possibly impacting susceptibility to burnout, fatigue,
stress, and related outcomes (Bird et al., 2023; Little et al., 2021;
Mahmoud et al., 2015; Nyar, 2021).
The researchers aimed to report the levels of ZEF as perceived
by students in a pre-service teacher education (PETE) institution
situated in a state university in Pampanga, Philippines.
Specically, the following research questions were answered:
1. How may the self-reported levels of ZEF among PETE
students be described in terms of (a) emotional fatigue,
(b) motivational fatigue, (c) social fatigue, (d) visual
fatigue, and (e) general fatigue?
Printed ISSN
208 ERIES Journal
volume 17 issue 3
Electronic ISSN
2. Are there statistically signicant dierences in
the individual ZEF levels of the respondents when
grouped according to their sexes and class level?
Research Design
The study adopted a comparative cross-sectional survey design
to collect data on the self-reported levels of ZEF among PETE
students. A cross-sectional approach allows for collecting data
from multiple respondents at a single point in time, providing
a snapshot of their experiences in a particular phenomenon,
the Zoom exhaustion fatigue in this context. Apart from
the descriptive nature of the design, it particularly centred on
establishing a thorough analysis of the dierences in the ZEF
levels of PETE students when grouped according to their sex
and class levels.
The study was conducted in a teacher education institution in
a public university in Pampanga, Philippines. For the whole
academic year 2021 - 2022, the university oered full online
learning, particularly employing a combination of synchronous
and asynchronous sessions as a modality to deliver lecture
and laboratory courses. The courses are oered either as
a three-hour lecture or as a ve-hour laboratory. There were
37,398 students in the whole university enrolled at the time
of the study. The study utilized a purposive random sampling
technique among 555 students enrolled in the physical
education teacher education program. The said student groups
are of interest as their program demands actual and physical
demonstration of skills, which may seem to be challenging
in a virtual context. Using the list provided by the university,
with a 99% condence level and a ve percent margin of error,
a minimum of 303 respondents are needed for the study. To
reduce the attrition, 350 prospective respondents were invited
to answer the short electronic and self-administered survey
sent to their respective institutional email accounts the day
before the end of the academic year to immediately assess
their perceived fatigue level concerning the online modality
employed for their learning.
Respondents’ Demographics
As seen in Table 1, 303 respondents were included in the study.
Their age ranged from 19 to 21 years old. Based on the total
respondents, 196 are females (64.7%), and 107 are males
(35.3%). Furthermore, almost a third of them are either rst-
year (n = 94) or fourth-year students (n = 92).
Variables Frequency Percentage
Age (mean ± SD) 20 ± 1.626
Male 107 35.3%
Female 196 64.7%
Year Level
First Year 94 31.0%
Second Year 61 20.1%
Third Year 56 18.5%
Fourth Year 92 30.4%
TOTAL 303 100.0%
Table 1: Respondent’s prole
As illustrated in Figure 1, 40% of the respondents participated
in a video conference about once a day before the conduct
of this study (n = 124). Furthermore, roughly a third of
the respondents said their average daily participation in
video conferences was at least once a day. More than
half said these video conferences lasted over an hour
(Figure 2). Meanwhile, when respondents were asked about
the average interval between each video conference within
the day, a third of them mentioned that the gap was more
than an hour (Figure 2).
Figure 1: Average length (le) of each video conference, including their interval (right)
ERIES Journal
volume 17 issue 3
Printed ISSN
Electronic ISSN
The primary instrument utilized in this study was the Zoom
Exhaustion and Fatigue (ZEF) scale, developed by Fauville
et al. (2021). No modications were made to the instrument,
and it was utilized without any translation, validity checks,
or additional reliability testing for this particular study.
The instrument’s prior validation and reliability testing by
Fauville provided a foundation for its applicability. Within
the context of this study, ZEF denoted the fatigue arising from
frequent participation in videoconferencing, regardless of
the platform. This 15-item instrument was structured around
ve distinct dimensions: general, visual, social, motivational,
and emotional aspects. Each dimension encompassed three
questions, yielding a total of 15 items. The ZEF utilized
English as a medium of instruction in its administration
(hence, translation was no longer needed). This is applicable
in the context of the Philippines because English is one of
the country’s two ocial languages by virtue of the 1987
Constitution (along with Filipino), which is deemed used
for “purposes of communication and instruction,” and this
cascades from basic to higher education.
The dimensions of the ZEF instrument were crafted to
evaluate various dimensions of exhaustion and fatigue
specically attributed to Zoom interactions. The instrument’s
reliability was substantiated by Fauville et al. (2021), who
reported robust indices such as Cronbach’s alpha (ranging
from .82 to .90) and composite reliability (ranging from .83
to .90). These indices surpassed the conventional threshold
of .70, underscoring the instrument’s dependable reliability.
The collected data underwent analysis to extract meaningful
insights. Descriptive statistics, including mean, standard
deviation, and percentage, were computed to provide
an overview of the data distribution. A normality test was
conducted to ascertain the data’s adherence to normal
distribution utilizing IBM Statistical Package for Social
Sciences (SPSS) version 25.0. Subsequently, non-parametric
tests were applied, specically the Mann-Whitney and
Kruskal-Wallis tests. These tests were selected to explore
potential variations in the self-reported ZEF levels based
on two variables: respondents’ sex and class level. These
non-parametric tests were chosen due to the distribution
characteristics of the ZEF data. The interpretation of
the analysis outcomes drew upon the insights provided by
Table 2. This table detailed the Likert scale employed, its
corresponding range, and the verbal interpretation associated
with each mean score.
Figure 2: Overall (le) and daily average (right) parcipaon in video conferences
Scale Range Value Verbal Interpretaon
5 4.50 - 5.00 Extremely red and exhausted
4 3.50 - 4.49 Very red and exhausted
3 2.50 - 3.49 Moderately red and exhausted
2 1.50 - 2.49 Slightly red and exhausted
1 1.00 - 1.49 Not at all red and exhausted
Table 2: Five-point Likert rang scale and its interpretaon
Ethical Considerations
All respondents were assured that they could discontinue
answering the survey at any given time and that all the data
collected from them were strictly condential and solely
intended for this study. Furthermore, all the data will be
destroyed one year after the study is conducted in compliance
with the existing data privacy laws in the Philippines.
Self-reported Levels of ZEF among PETE Students
This study examined the self-reported ZEF levels of PETE
students attending synchronous and asynchronous classes in
a public university in the Philippines. The results indicated
that students are mostly exhausted across ZEF constructs
(i.e., general, visual, motivational, social, and emotional).
Figure 5 indicates the respondents’ ZEF-reported levels.
It shows that PETE students are very tired and exhausted
both in the general sense (x
= 3.50, SD = 0.97) and visually
= 3.64, SD = 0.99) after a series of video conferencing
within a semester. Furthermore, PETE students are
moderately tired and exhausted in terms of social (x
= 3.45,
SD = 0.93), motivational (x
= 3.47, SD = 0.92), and emotional
= 3.31, SD = 0.99) domains. This is consistent with De
Oliveira Kubrusly Sobral et al. (2022) ndings, where half
of the students surveyed experienced Zoom fatigue. Another
reason for this fatigue is because of higher screen time among
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210 ERIES Journal
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students, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, when
most students rely on their devices to do almost everything
(Nagata et al., 2022). This is supported by previous studies
where they posited that this kind of fatigue will persist even
after the pandemic (De Oliveira Kubrusly Sobral et al.,
2022; Nagata et al., 2022). Several studies have oered some
kind of treatment to solve this. For one, Alibudbud (2021)
recommended that regularly providing a short break every
thirty minutes and avoiding multitasking while attending
online classes can improve student concentration. This is
supported by previous studies indicating that performing some
physical activities, even for a minute, can increase positive
mental well-being (Peper et al., 2021). Moreover, revisiting
and revising the course activities and outcomes to adjust these
recommendations are necessary to avoid student burnout
(Alibudbud, 2021). In addition, lifestyle modication and
self-imposed limitations to the use of digital media are seen to
have positive eects on better health and well-being (Ganne et
al., 2021; Li et al., 2021; Pandya & Lodha, 2021). Providing
adequate support to teachers and promoting mental health
training are also seen as important factors in fostering a healthy
school environment. This intervention is seen to have a direct
and indirect impact on reducing fatigue and exhaustion among
students (Alibudbud, 2021; Bautista et al., 2021).
Figure 3: Self-reported levels of ZEF among PETE students
Table 3 shows that there are no statistically signicant
dierences in the self-reported individual ZEF levels of
PETE students when grouped according to their sex and
year level. All PETE students’ self-reported ZEF levels
when grouped according to sex are the same in terms of
their general (U = 10,263.5; p = 0.757), visual (U = 9,287.5;
p = 0.097), social (U = 9,442; p = 0.149), motivational
(U = 9,288; p = 0.097), and emotional exhaustion and
fatigue (U = 9,160; p = 0.067). This is contrary to previous
results by other studies that suggest women, in particular,
have higher levels of Zoom-related fatigue and exhaustion
compared to their counterparts (Purba et al., 2022; Fauville
et al., 2023; Oducado et al., 2022; Usta Kara & Esroy,
2022). When grouped according to their year level, PETE
students also reported higher levels of general (x2 = 5.975;
p = 0.113), visual (x2 = 3.652; p = 0.302), social (x2 = 0.231;
p = 0.972), motivational (x2 = 3.753; p = 0.289), and
emotional exhaustion and fatigue (x2 = 2.088; p = 0.554).
ZEF by sex (df = 1)
General Visual Social Movaonal Emoonal
Mann-Whitney U10,263.5 9,287.5 9,442.0 9,288.0 9,160.0
p Value 0.757 0.097 0.149 0.097 0.067
Z Score -0.309 -1.660 -1.444 -1.659 -1.834
ZEF by Year Level (df = 3)
Kruskal-Wallis H (x2) 5.975 3.652 0.231 3.753 2.088
p Value 0.113 0.302 0.972 0.289 0.554
Table 3: Test of dierence on PETE student’s zoom fague
The study was conceived to assess the physical education
teacher education students’ self-reported ZEF levels and
determine whether dierences exist between males and
females and the class level they were in at the time of
the study. It was concluded that by and large, students in
the PETE program experienced moderate to very tired and
exhausting levels of fatigue whenever they participated in
synchronous online classes, such as attendance to a video
teleconferencing platform. Evidence derived from the study
also indicated visual fatigue with the highest mean score,
indicating that students feel very tired or exhausted when
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their eyes are exposed to a certain extent in the device they
use to attend virtual synchronous classes. This is coherent
with the ndings of other studies that other than attending
virtual classes, students are also exposed to extended periods
as they usually use their devices for many things other than
learning (e.g., socialization and entertainment).
The ndings of this study may have direct implications for
the physical education teacher education program and, therefore,
cannot be generalized to other teacher education students.
The context may vary, considering that PETE students have
relatively more movement-based courses than the other education
programs, given the nature of physical education as a performance-
based program. Methodologically, the context was also limited
to the fact that the cross-sectional survey was facilitated as
a design of the study. While the design may establish comparisons
between variables, it cannot determine causality associated with
the phenomenon. Moreover, it cannot track temporal changes
since the data collection was limited to a specic point in time
only, particularly at the height of the pandemic. At the same time,
classes were transitioned to full online modality. Also, cohort
eects were likewise viewed as potential confounding variables
that were not included in the study as age-associated dierences,
because of historical and social contexts, may inuence changes
in the results, hence making the results particular to the context of
the PETE program only.
Many aspects of the ZEF still need further exploration. For
example, due to the late implementation and resumption
of online learning in the Philippines, many previous studies
conducted might not apply to the country, not to mention
that the country has very dierent economic, infrastructural,
and cultural aspects that can also aect the ZEF levels of
the students. Moreover, the country also implemented a very
dierent and more exible type of learning that tried to
accommodate all types of learners. The same might be true
when similar studies are conducted on teachers in dierent
regions of the country. Further studies are also warranted to
understand how ZEF aects teachers, particularly in those in
public and private schools. An exploration of how specic
mental aspects relate to their general health with regard to
their culture and habits is worth exploring, either for students,
teachers, or professionals in general.
This study was supported by the author’s individual aliations.
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Full-text available
The widespread adoption of video-conferencing has not only transformed communication at scale, but also increased feelings of Zoom fatigue among workers around the world. Although Zoom fatigue is well-documented, it is still unclear what aspects of video-conferencing contribute to this sense of exhaustion. This paper leveraged theory on computer-mediated communication (CMC) to investigate the causes of Zoom fatigue in an online convenience sample of 9787 participants. We provide empirical evidence that Zoom fatigue is influenced by the dynamics of individuals' video-conferencing usage and their psychological experience of the meeting. Specifically, our results support Bailenson's theory of nonverbal overload (2021) that video-conferences are exhausting because maintaining the nonverbal communication cues required in video-based calls (e.g., making eye contact with many people at once) can be draining. We found that people who used video-conferencing more frequently, for longer, and with fewer breaks reported more Zoom fatigue. However, people also experienced more Zoom fatigue when they experienced (1) mirror anxiety from seeing their self-image, (2) hyper-gaze from feeling watched by many faces, (3) feeling physically trapped, and challenges in (4) effort in producing nonverbal cues, and (5) effort in monitoring others' nonverbal cues, even when controlling for differences in usage dynamics. Relative to men, women also reported greater Zoom fatigue after video-conferencing because they experienced the above nonverbal mechanisms to a greater extent. This work advances theory on CMC by reflecting on how video-conferencing can recreate and reconfigure nonverbal cues present in face-to-face communication. We discuss practical strategies to combat Zoom fatigue to improve digital well-being.
Full-text available
Introduction Coronavirus (COVID-19) instigated unprecedented global effects on healthcare systems, economies, employment, education, travel, and social lives. In addition to increased mental health challenges, pandemic restrictions have triggered emerging cognitive concerns. University students are at particularly high risk of adverse lockdown-related effects, yet despite the substantial adaptions to learning necessitated by COVID-19, limited research has so far focused on the cognitive consequences of the pandemic among university students. This study aimed to comprehensively examine the nature, prevalence, and correlates of subjective cognitive concerns among 972 students (Median age = 22 years, 70% female) enrolled at Monash University, Australia, in December 2020. Methods Students completed the online THRIVE@Monash survey, 5 weeks following prolonged lockdown in Melbourne. Using group comparisons and hierarchical binary logistic regression analyses, we examined associations between demographic and enrolment characteristics, COVID-19-related experiences and impacts (author-developed questions), self-reported anxiety and depression symptoms (PROMIS Anxiety and Depression scales), and students’ perceived changes in everyday cognitive functions (author-developed questions). Results Over 60% of students reported subjective cognitive concerns (SCCs). After controlling for anxiety and depression symptoms, students reporting more SCCs were more likely to be younger, from White/European ethnic backgrounds, and in their first year of undergraduate study. No differences in SCCs were found between male and female students. Greater worry, anxiety, or stress related to COVID-19 (e.g., infection, leaving the house, hygiene and exposure prevention, impact on physical and mental health), and time spent reading or talking about COVID-19, were generally not associated with SCCs after controlling for anxiety and depression symptoms. Discussion These findings highlight vulnerable subgroups of students who might benefit from regular monitoring, education, and interventions to support their cognitive health during the pandemic and beyond. In addition, cognitive concerns may provide additional insight into mental health problems among students, and emphasize the importance of understanding factors that impact students’ long-term academic and career success.
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Introduction The ubiquity of online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic induced the widespread use of videoconferencing applications. However, the prolonged use of these applications can lead to videoconferencing fatigue. Drawing from an online survey sample of 215 senior high school students from a selected private university in Manila, Philippines, this mixed methods study examines videoconferencing fatigue and its relationship with online student engagement (OSE) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods This study utilized a convergent triangulation research design. The quantitative strand was cross-sectional in nature. The constructs were measured using the Zoom Exhaustion and Fatigue Scale and Online Student Engagement Scale. Bivariate and multivariate statistical tests were used to determine the significance of the relationships between variables. The qualitative strand utilized a descriptive design. Narrative data were collected through an open-ended survey question and analyzed using content analysis. Results Quantitative results indicate moderate to high levels of videoconferencing fatigue among student respondents. Moreover, higher levels of OSE were observed among those who endured higher visual fatigue and attended videoconferences more days a week. Qualitative findings demonstrate various manifestations of videoconferencing fatigue among students and relate it with decreased energy to perform academic tasks and learning absorption. However, the qualitative analysis also reveals students’ perceived need for videoconferencing to learn online. Discussion The nuanced insights from both strands highlight that despite their perceived negative impacts of videoconferencing, students had to tolerate visual videoconferencing fatigue in order to engage meaningfully in online classes.
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Sex differences are prevalent in multiple mental disorders. Internalizing disorders are more commonly diagnosed in women, whereas externalizing and neurodevelopmental disorders are more often diagnosed in men. Significant sex/gender differences are reported in prevalence, symptom profile, age of onset, comorbidities, functional impairment, prognosis, as well as in responses to various treatments. In this conceptual article, we discuss theories and empirical studies of sex- and gender-related influences in mental health, by focusing on three examples: autism spectrum disorder (ASD), acknowledged as a disorder whose roots are mainly biological; eating disorders, whose origins are considered to be mainly psychosocial, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), an environmentally caused disorder with both psychosocial and biological underpinnings. We examine the ways in which sex differences emerge, from conception through adulthood. We also examine how gender dichotomies in exposures, expectations, role assumptions, and cultural traditions impact the expression of our three selected mental illnesses. We are especially interested in how sex-based influences and gender-based influences interact with one another to affect mental illness. We suggest that sex and gender are multi-faceted and complex phenomena that result in variations, not only between men and women, but also within each sex and gender through alterations in genes, hormone levels, self-perceptions, trauma experiences, and interpersonal relationships. Finally, we propose a conceptual diatheses-stress model, depicting how sex and gender come together to result in multiple sex/gender differences across mental disorders. In our model, we categorize diatheses into several categories: biological, intrapersonal, interpersonal, and environmental. These diatheses interact with exposure to stressors, ranging from relatively minor to traumatic, which allows for the sometimes bidirectional influences of acute and long-term stress responses. Sex and gender are discussed at every level of the model, thereby providing a framework for understanding and predicting sex/gender differences in expression, prevalence and treatment response of mental disorders. We encourage more research into this important field of study.
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Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic declared by the WHO has affected many countries rendering everyday lives halted. In the Philippines, the lockdown quarantine protocols have shifted the traditional college classes to online. The abrupt transition to online classes may bring psychological effects to college students due to continuous isolation and lack of interaction with fellow students and teachers. Our study aims to assess Filipino college students’ mental health status and to estimate the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, the shift to online learning, and social media use on mental health. In addition, facilitators or stressors that modified the mental health status of the college students during the COVID-19 pandemic, quarantine, and subsequent shift to online learning will be investigated. Methods and analysis Mixed-method study design will be used, which will involve: (1) an online survey to 2,100 college students across the Philippines; and (2) randomly selected 20–40 key informant interviews (KIIs). Online self-administered questionnaire (SAQ) including Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21) and Brief-COPE will be used. Moreover, socio-demographic factors, social media usage, shift to online learning factors, family history of mental health and COVID-19, and other factors that could affect mental health will also be included in the SAQ. KIIs will explore factors affecting the student’s mental health, behaviors, coping mechanism, current stressors, and other emotional reactions to these stressors. Associations between mental health outcomes and possible risk factors will be estimated using generalized linear models, while a thematic approach will be made for the findings from the KIIs. Results of the study will then be triangulated and summarized. Ethics and dissemination Our study has been approved by the University of the Philippines Manila Research Ethics Board (UPMREB 2021-099-01). The results will be actively disseminated through conference presentations, peer-reviewed journals, social media, print and broadcast media, and various stakeholder activities.
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The online remote learning revolution in the era of the pandemic has resulted in the massive explosion of videoconferencing technologies. The emergence of a new phenomenon of exhaustion and fatigue experienced during virtual meetings is evident. This study examined the predictors of videoconferencing fatigue among higher education faculty in the Philippines. A total of 322 faculty participated in this cross-sectional study. The online survey was administered using the Zoom Exhaustion and Fatigue scale as the primary data collection tool. Significant predictors of videoconferencing fatigue were identified using the multiple linear regression analysis. The results indicated that the videoconference fatigue composite score of the faculty was 3.35 out of 5 suggesting a moderate level of fatigue. Significant predic-tors of videoconferencing fatigue among higher education faculty include attitude, sense of being physically trapped, mirror anxiety, emotional stability domain of personality, interval between videoconferences, and duration of videoconferences. For better videoconferencing experience among faculty, mechanisms to ease fatigue during virtual meetings may be proposed based on the study result.
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The study aimed to reveal the physical, mental, and emotional effects of Zoom fatigue and the behaviors of the participants during the use of the video conference programs. Zoom fatigue refers to the feeling of exhaustion associated with the use of videoconferencing. Bailenson (2021) states that the concept of 'Zoom Fatigue', is used for general evaluations of video conferencing. With the COVID-19, education activities started to be carried out through video conference programs. Therefore, it is important to examine Zoom fatigue in the education sector. The sample of the study consists of 51 participants. 30% of the participants are teachers and 70% of the participants are academic staff. The data were obtained through the semi-structured interview form. Qualitative research methods were preferred to evaluate and interpret subjective experiences, perceptions, and feelings of the participants. The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis technique. According to the results of the study, Zoom fatigue affects the physical and mental well-being of the users negatively. Zoom fatigue causes exhaustion, stress and increases the mental and cognitive load. Especially among women, mirror anxiety is experienced. The study will guide employees and organizations about struggling with Zoom fatigue. Also, the study will contribute to organizational behavior literature.
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The study was geared toward determining the factors embedded in "hidden curricula" in an online learning environment of a physical education teacher education program. This qualitative-descriptive study considered a complete enumeration of the Bachelor of Physical Education students from a state university in Pampanga, Philippines who voluntarily participated in this qualitative investigation (n= 135) by responding to structured and open-ended questions. Aided by Thematic Analysis, findings revealed six emerging themes that described the embedded hidden curricula in the online learning environment, namely: contributory factors in an online learning experience (OLEx); educational opportunities in the new normal learning setup ; unfavorable factors in using online learning environment; and proposed inputs in enhancing the teaching-learning process in an OLEx. The implications derived as an outgrowth of the identified positive and negative factors as expressed by the participants provided a conceptual understanding of the contemporary picture of the hidden curricula and how it would define the future of an effective online learning experience.
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BACKGROUND: Global nations have enforced strict health protocols because of the COVID-19’s high transmission, infectivity, and mortality. As shown by increased online learning and video conferencing, the employment and education sectors are shifting to home-based activities. Video conferencing as a communication medium has subtly led to zoom fatigue. This study aimed to analyze the risk factors of zoom fatigue for early prevention and treatment. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 335 Indonesian university students selected by purposive sampling in July 2021. Data were collected using a demographic questionnaire including online courses duration during the COVID-19 pandemic; Pittsburgh sleep quality index; depression, anxiety and stress scale-21; and zoom & exhaustion fatigue (ZEF) scale through Google Form (Google LLC, USA) distributed via social media and student forums. Association and correlation tests were used, and the model was developed using linear regression. RESULTS: The respondents were aged 21.3 (1.8) years with 12.8 (5.1) months of online courses during the COVID-19 pandemic and a ZEF scale of 2.8 (0.9). Students with higher ZEF had irregular physical exercise, poorer sleep quality, longer video conferencing sessions, longer months of courses during the COVID-19 pandemic, and higher mental illness (i.e., stress, anxiety, and depression). Smoking negatively correlated with fatigue (r = −0.12). The model for ZEF showed good predictability for zoom fatigue (p<0.001, R2 = 0.57). CONCLUSIONS: Daily exposure to video conferencing in educational settings throughout the pandemic has drastically increased zoom fatigue. The stakeholders must act immediately to minimize the risks while providing maximum benefits.
The COVID-19 pandemic led to an abrupt shift from in-person to virtual instruction in the spring of 2020. We use two complementary difference-in-differences frameworks: one that leverages within-instructor-by-course variation on whether students started their spring 2020 courses in person or online and another that incorporates student fixed effects. We estimate the impact of this shift on the academic performance of Virginia’s community college students. With both approaches, we find modest negative impacts (3%–6%) on course completion. Our results suggest that faculty experience teaching a given course online does not mitigate the negative effects. In an exploratory analysis, we find minimal long-term impacts of the switch to online instruction.