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Self-organization in computation and chemistry: Return to AlChemy

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How do complex adaptive systems, such as life, emerge from simple constituent parts? In the 1990s, Walter Fontana and Leo Buss proposed a novel modeling approach to this question, based on a formal model of computation known as the λ calculus. The model demonstrated how simple rules, embedded in a combinatorially large space of possibilities, could yield complex, dynamically stable organizations, reminiscent of biochemical reaction networks. Here, we revisit this classic model, called AlChemy, which has been understudied over the past 30 years. We reproduce the original results and study the robustness of those results using the greater computing resources available today. Our analysis reveals several unanticipated features of the system, demonstrating a surprising mix of dynamical robustness and fragility. Specifically, we find that complex, stable organizations emerge more frequently than previously expected, that these organizations are robust against collapse into trivial fixed points, but that these stable organizations cannot be easily combined into higher order entities. We also study the role played by the random generators used in the model, characterizing the initial distribution of objects produced by two random expression generators, and their consequences on the results. Finally, we provide a constructive proof that shows how an extension of the model, based on the typed λ calculus, could simulate transitions between arbitrary states in any possible chemical reaction network, thus indicating a concrete connection between AlChemy and chemical reaction networks. We conclude with a discussion of possible applications of AlChemy to self-organization in modern programming languages and quantitative approaches to the origin of life.
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Self-organization in computation and chemistry:
Return to AlChemy
Cite as: Chaos 34, 093142 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0207358
Submitted: 7 March 2024 ·Accepted: 19 August 2024 ·
Published Online: 30 September 2024
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Cole Mathis,1,2,a)Devansh Patel,1,3 Westley Weimer,4and Stephanie Forrest1,2,3,5
1Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85281, USA
2School of Complex Adaptive Systems, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85281, USA
3School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85281, USA
4Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA
5Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501, USA
Note: This paper is part of the Focus Issue on Topics in Nonlinear Science: Dedicated to David K. Campbell’s 80th Birthday.
a)Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:
How do complex adaptive systems, such as life, emerge from simple constituent parts? In the 1990s, Walter Fontana and Leo Buss proposed
a novel modeling approach to this question, based on a formal model of computation known as the λcalculus. The model demonstrated how
simple rules, embedded in a combinatorially large space of possibilities, could yield complex, dynamically stable organizations, reminiscent of
biochemical reaction networks. Here, we revisit this classic model, called AlChemy, which has been understudied over the past 30 years. We
reproduce the original results and study the robustness of those results using the greater computing resources available today. Our analysis
reveals several unanticipated features of the system, demonstrating a surprising mix of dynamical robustness and fragility. Specifically, we
find that complex, stable organizations emerge more frequently than previously expected, that these organizations are robust against collapse
into trivial fixed points, but that these stable organizations cannot be easily combined into higher order entities. We also study the role played
by the random generators used in the model, characterizing the initial distribution of objects produced by two random expression generators,
and their consequences on the results. Finally, we provide a constructive proof that shows how an extension of the model, based on the typed λ
calculus, could simulate transitions between arbitrary states in any possible chemical reaction network, thus indicating a concrete connection
between AlChemy and chemical reaction networks. We conclude with a discussion of possible applications of AlChemy to self-organization
in modern programming languages and quantitative approaches to the origin of life.
Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing.
How life emerged from simple molecular constituents is a long-
standing question that has not been fully resolved. This paper
resurrects a computational model called AlChemy that was first
proposed over 30 years ago to study how a set of simple compu-
tational rules could produce complex, dynamically stable organi-
zations reminiscent of biochemical reaction networks. Using the
vastly increased computing resources available today, this paper
reports on new computational experiments and analysis, which
show that in AlChemy, stable and complex organizations emerge
more frequently than previously expected and that these organi-
zations are often robust against collapse. The paper also probes
a key component of AlChemy, its method for generating random
initial conditions, and finds that it is crucial to the model’s suc-
cess. Finally, the paper gives a constructive proof showing that
a slightly modified version of AlChemy can simulate state tran-
sitions in any chemical reaction network (CRN), thereby estab-
lishing a closer connection between the model and the chemical
reactions believed to have produced life.
The origin(s) of life remains an unresolved mystery in science,
that is, how unconstrained reactive compounds were selected to
form the organized biochemical networks that form the basis of Dar-
winian lineages. In the early 1990s, Fontana and Buss proposed a
novel approach to this problem based on a formal model of compu-
tation known as the λcalculus.13In a departure from the prevailing
Chaos 34, 093142 (2024); doi: 10.1063/5.0207358 34, 093142-1
Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
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