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The Effects of Weekly Variations in Resistance Training routine on Muscle Thickness and Strength Adaptations in Young Men



Given the significant relationship between muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) and muscle strength, the primary objective for athletes involved in resistance training is to enhance muscle mass and strength. Proper manipulation of training variables such as intensity, volume, frequency, exercise selection, rest interval, and tempo are essential for maximizing exercise-induced muscle hypertrophy. The present study examined the effects of weekly variations in resistance training on muscle thickness (MT) and strength adaptations in young men.
Journal of Military Medicine
2024, Volume 26, Issue 2
Pages: 2258-2268
doi 10.30491/JMM.2024.1006614.1139
*Corresponding author: Mohamad Fashi, Email:
The Effects of Weekly Variations in Resistance Training routine on Muscle
Thickness and Strength Adaptations in YoungMen
Mehdi Tayebi 1, Mohamad Fashi 1*, Afshar Jafari 1
1 Department of Biological Sciences in Sports, Faculty of Sports Sciences and Health, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Received: 20 January 2024 Accepted: 20 April 2024
Background and Aim: Given the significant relationship between muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) and
muscle strength, the primary objective for athletes involved in resistance training is to enhance muscle mass and
strength. Proper manipulation of training variables such as intensity, volume, frequency, exercise selection, rest
interval, and tempo are essential for maximizing exercise-induced muscle hypertrophy. The present study
examined the effects of weekly variations in resistance training on muscle thickness (MT) and strength adaptations
in young men.
Methods: This research included 30 participants (age: 21.37 ± 1.37 years, height: 174.48 ± 3.34 cm, weight:
72.13 ± 3.45 kg). They were randomly assigned into varying training groups whose training routine changed every
week (VAR) or traditional training groups that did not change (TRAD) for ten weeks. For the VAR group training
weeks were labeled as adaptation, metabolic stress, mechanical tension, muscle damage, and de-load week 2
cycles of this change occurred through the training intervention for them, but the TRAD group training routine
did not change through the study.
Results: Both the TRAD and VAR groups showed significant increases in the MT of the biceps brachii muscle
(BB) (VAR: P = 0.001; TRAD: P = 0.007), significant differences were observed between groups (P = 0.012).
Vastus lateralis (VL) MT increased significantly in both groups (P = 0.001), no significant difference was
observed between the two groups (P>0.05). Among the groups, lean body mass (LBM) increased significantly (P
= 0.001), TRAD group showed a significant decrease in body fat (P = 0.49), there was no significant change in
BMI of both groups (P>0.05). Both groups showed significant increase in bench press and back squat 1-RM
strength test (P = 0.001). Back squat showed a trivial non-significant difference between the groups (P = 0.072).
Conclusion: The results showed that changing resistance training methods weekly was more effective than
traditional resistance training for biceps hypertrophy. Nevertheless, the effects of VAR and TRAD exercises are
similar in the case of the latissimus dorsi muscle.
Keywords: Resistance Training, Muscle Hypertrophy, Mechanical Tension, Metabolic Stress, Muscle Damage.
doi 10.30491/JMM.2024.1006614.1139
 
 
TRAD P VAR P BB
 P (VL) 
 P <P
LBM P TRAD  P VAR P 
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 
   
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J Mil Med 2024, Volume 26, Issue 2
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InBody 570 BIA
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     
  P
; VAR: P = TRAD: P = 
P 
P = 
J Mil Med 2024, Volume 26, Issue 2
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J Mil Med 2024, Volume 26, Issue 2
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Background: Dual-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (DF-BIA) devices are more accessible and affordable than dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA); however, no studies have reported the accuracy of DF-BIA in body composition measurement, especially in the Thai elderly. The aims of this study were to (1) compare the accuracies of lean muscle masses measured by DF-BIA devices and DXA and (2) assess the reliability of the DF-BIA device. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on participants older than 60 years who visited the Orthopedic Clinic of Siriraj Hospital. Whole-body and appendicular skeletal muscle masses (ASMs) were measured using DF-BIA (Tanita RD-545), with DXA (GE Lunar iDXA) as the standard reference. The test-retest reliability of the DF-BIA and the agreement between the devices were assessed using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Bland-Altman plots. Regression analysis was used to develop an equation to estimate ASM values from BIA close to those from DXA. Results: The mean age of 88 participants was 73.8 (SD 8.0) years, with women predominating (84.1%). The agreement of BIA and DXA was very high for whole-body lean mass (ICC = 0.954) and ASM (ICC = 0.954), but the mean difference in muscle mass from DF-BIA was overestimated. The ICCs of test-retest reliability for whole-body muscle mass and ASM were 0.987 and 0.988, respectively. The equation for corrected ASM was formulated from a linear equation (R2 = 0.93). Conclusions: Although lean muscle mass from DF-BIA was minimally overestimated relative to DXA, this device had high accuracy and reliability for lean muscle mass evaluation in the elderly. DXA and DF-BIA are interchangeable for the assessment of muscle mass.
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This umbrella review aimed to analyze the different variables of resistance training and their effect on hypertrophy, and to provide practical recommendations for the prescription of resistance training programs to maximize hypertrophy responses. A systematic research was conducted through of PubMed/MEDLINE, SPORTDiscus and Web of Science following the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses statement guidelines. A total of 52 meta-analyses were found, of which 14 met the inclusion criteria. These studies were published between 2009 and 2020 and comprised 178 primary studies corresponding to 4784 participants. Following a methodological quality analysis, nine meta-analyses were categorized as high quality, presenting values of 81-88%. The remaining meta-analyses were rated as moderate quality, with values between 63-75%. Based on this umbrella review, we can state that at least 10 sets per week per muscle group is optimal, that eccentric contractions seem important, very slow repetitions (≥10s) should be avoided, and that blood flow restriction might be beneficial for some individuals. In addition, other variables as, exercise order, time of the day and type of periodization appear not to directly influence the magnitude of muscle mass gains. These findings provide valuable information for the design and configuration of the resistance training program with the aim of optimizing muscle hypertrophy.
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International Journal of Exercise Science 15(3): X-Y, 2022. The purpose of the present study was to assess performance and morphological acute responses to the tri-set (TRI) resistance-training system. In a random order, 18 subjects (years: 30.0 ± 5.6; weight: 81.8 ± 13.4 kg; height: 173 ± 6.2 cm; RT experience: 4.6 ± 1.7 years) performed 3 exercises targeting the pectoralis major muscle in two different experimental conditions: traditional system (TRAD) and TRI. The TRAD protocol referred to the completion of a single exercise set followed by a rest period. For the TRI protocol, one set of each exercise was performed sequentially with a minimal rest interval afforded (< 10 seconds). Both protocols were performed in 3 sets of 10RM. Pectoralis major muscle swelling (PMMS), volume load (VL), internal training load (ITL) and training efficiency (TE) were calculated and compared between both protocols. Despite the low VL (-19.3%; p < 0.001), larger values of PMMS (104.7%; p < 0.001), ITL (24.3%; p < 0.001) and TE (56.0%; p < 0.001) were observed during TRI compared to TRAD condition. In conclusion, the adoption of a TRI training protocol may induce distinct performance and morphological acute responses compared to TRAD, suggesting that resistance-trained subjects may experience a higher muscle swelling and intensity of effort with short time commitment when performing TRI system.
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Fitness professionals routinely employ a variety of resistance training exercises in program design as a strategy to enhance muscular adaptations. However, it remains uncertain whether such an approach offers advantages over a fixed-exercise selection. The objective of this paper was to review the effects of exercise variation on muscle hypertrophy and strength. A search of literature was conducted using PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, and Web of Science databases. Eight studies were identified as meeting inclusion criteria. The combined total sample of the studies was n = 241, comprising all young men. The methodological quality of included studies was considered "good" and "excellent" based on the PEDro Scale. The available studies indicate that varying exercise selection can influence muscle hypertrophy and strength gains. Some degree of systematic variation appears to enhance regional hypertrophic adaptations, and maximize dynamic strength, whereas excessive, random variation may compromise muscular gains. We conclude that exercise variation should be approached systematically with a focus on applied anatomical and biomechanical constructs; on the contrary, employing different exercises that provide a redundant stimulus, as well as excessive rotation of different exercises (i.e., high frequency of change), may actually hinder muscular adaptations.
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The study aimed to compare the effects of drop set resistance training (RT) versus traditional RT on markers of maximal muscle strength and regional hypertrophy of the quadriceps femoris. Sixteen recreationally active young men had one leg randomly assigned to the drop-set method (DS) and the other to training in a traditional manner (TRAD). Participants performed unilateral seated leg extensions using a periodized approach for eight weeks. Rectus femoris (RF) and vastus lateralis (VL) muscle thickness (MT), estimated one repetition maximum (RM) in the unilateral knee extension, and peak and average isokinetic knee extension torque at 60◦/s angular velocity were measured pre- and post-study. Both conditions increased muscle thickness of the RF and VL from preto post-intervention. DS showed statistically greater increases in the RF at 30% and 50% of muscle length, whereas no MT differences were detected at 70% muscle length nor at any aspect of the VL. Both DS and TRAD increased estimated one RM from pre- to post-study (+34.6% versus +32.0%, respectively) with no between-condition differences noted. Both conditions showed similar increases in peak torque (DS: +21.7%; TRAD: +22.5%) and average torque (DS: +23.6%; TRAD: +22.5%) from pre- to post-study. Our findings indicate a potential benefit of the drop-set method for inducing non-uniform hypertrophic gains in the RF muscle pursuant to leg extension training. The strategy did not promote an advantage in improving hypertrophy of the VL, nor in strength-related measures, compared to traditional training
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Hypertrophy and strength are two common long-term goals of resistance training that are mediated by the manipulation of numerous variables. One training variable that is often neglected but is essential to consider for achieving strength and hypertrophy gains is the movement tempo of particular repetitions. Although research has extensively investigated the effects of different intensities, volumes, and rest intervals on muscle growth, many of the present hypertrophy guidelines do not account for different movement tempos, likely only applying to volitional movement tempos. Changing the movement tempo during the eccentric and concentric phases can influence acute exercise variables, which form the basis for chronic adaptive changes to resistance training. To further elaborate on the already unclear anecdotal evidence of different movement tempos on muscle hypertrophy and strength development, one must acknowledge that the related scientific research does not provide equivocal evidence. Furthermore, there has been no assessment of the impact of duration of particular movement phases (eccentric vs. concentric) on chronic adaptations, making it difficult to draw definitive conclusions in terms of resistance-training recommendations. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to explain how variations in movement tempo can affect chronic adaptive changes. This article provides an overview of the available scientific data describing the impact of movement tempo on hypertrophy and strength development with a thorough analysis of changes in duration of particular phases of movement. Additionally, the review provides movement tempo-specific recommendations as well real training solutions for strength and conditioning coaches and athletes, depending on their goals.
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Purpose: To analyse the effect of resistance training (RT) performed until volitional failure with low-, moderate- and high-loads on muscle hypertrophy and muscle strength in healthy adults; and assess the possible participant-, design-, and training-related covariates which may affect the adaptations. Methods: Using PRISMA guidelines, MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE, SPORTDiscus, and Web of Science databases were searched. Including only studies that performed sets to volitional failure, the effects of low- (>15 RM), moderate- (9-15 RM), and high-load (≤8 RM) RT were examined in healthy adults. Network meta-analysis was undertaken to calculate the standardised mean difference (SMD) between RT loads in overall and subgroup analysis involving studies deemed high-quality. Associations between participant-, design-, and training-related covariates with SMD's were assessed by univariate and multivariate network meta-regression analysis. Results: Twenty-eight studies involving 747 healthy adults were included. Although no differences in muscle hypertrophy between RT loads were found in overall (P= .113 - .469) or subgroup analysis (P= .871 - .995), greater effects were observed in untrained participants (P= .033), and participants with some training background who undertook more RT sessions (P= .031 - .045). Muscle strength improvement was superior for both high-load and moderate-load compared to low-load RT in overall and subgroup analysis (SMD= 0.60 - 0.63 and 0.34 - 0.35, respectively; P< .001 - .003), with a non-significant but superior effect for high- compared to moderate-load (SMD= 0.26 - 0.28, P= .068). Conclusion: While muscle hypertrophy improvements appear to be load independent, increases in muscle strength are superior in high-load RT programs. Untrained participants exhibit greater muscle hypertrophy while undertaking more RT sessions provides superior gains in those with previous training experience.
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The bi-articular hamstrings are lengthened more in a seated (hip-flexed) than prone (hip-extended) position. Purpose: We investigated the effects of seated vs prone leg curl training on hamstrings muscle hypertrophy and susceptibility to eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage. Methods: Part 1: 20 healthy adults conducted seated leg curl training with one leg (Seated-Leg) and prone with the other (Prone-Leg), at 70% one-repetition maximum (1RM), 10 reps/set, 5 sets/session, 2 sessions/week for 12 weeks. MRI-measured muscle volume of the individual and whole hamstrings (WH) was assessed pre- and post-training. Part 2: 19 participants from Part 1 and another 12 untrained controls (Control-Leg) performed eccentric phase-only leg curl exercise at 90% 1RM, 10 reps/set, 3 sets for each of the seated/prone conditions with each leg. MRI-measured transverse relaxation time (T2) and 1RM of seated/prone leg curl were assessed before, 24, 48, and 72 h after exercise. Results: Part 1: Training-induced increases in muscle volume were greater in Seated-Leg vs Prone-Leg for the WH (+14% vs +9%) and each bi-articular (+8-24% vs +4-19%), but not mono-articular (+10% vs +9%), hamstring muscle. Part 2: After eccentric exercise, Control-Leg had greater increases in T2 in each hamstring muscle (e.g. semitendinosus at 72 h: +52%) than Seated-Leg (+4%) and Prone-Leg (+6%). Decreases in 1RM were also greater in Control-Leg (e.g. seated/prone 1RM at 24 h: -12%/-24%) than Seated-Leg (0%/-3%) and Prone-Leg (+2%/-5%). None of the changes significantly differed between Seated-Leg and Prone-Leg at any time points. Conclusion: Hamstrings muscle size can be more effectively increased by seated than prone leg curl training, suggesting that training at long muscle lengths promotes muscle hypertrophy, while both are similarly effective in reducing susceptibility to muscle damage.
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Hormones are largely responsible for the integrated communication of several physiological systems responsible for modulating cellular growth and development. Although the specific hormonal influence must be considered within the context of the entire endocrine system and its relationship with other physiological systems, three key hormones are considered the “anabolic giants” in cellular growth and repair: testosterone, the growth hormone superfamily, and the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) superfamily. In addition to these anabolic hormones, glucocorticoids, mainly cortisol must also be considered because of their profound opposing influence on human skeletal muscle anabolism in many instances. This review presents emerging research on: (1) Testosterone signaling pathways, responses, and adaptations to resistance training; (2) Growth hormone: presents new complexity with exercise stress; (3) Current perspectives on IGF-I and physiological adaptations and complexity these hormones as related to training; and (4) Glucocorticoid roles in integrated communication for anabolic/catabolic signaling. Specifically, the review describes (1) Testosterone as the primary anabolic hormone, with an anabolic influence largely dictated primarily by genomic and possible non-genomic signaling, satellite cell activation, interaction with other anabolic signaling pathways, upregulation or downregulation of the androgen receptor, and potential roles in co-activators and transcriptional activity; (2) Differential influences of growth hormones depending on the “type” of the hormone being assayed and the magnitude of the physiological stress; (3) The exquisite regulation of IGF-1 by a family of binding proteins (IGFBPs 1–6), which can either stimulate or inhibit biological action depending on binding; and (4) Circadian patterning and newly discovered variants of glucocorticoid isoforms largely dictating glucocorticoid sensitivity and catabolic, muscle sparing, or pathological influence. The downstream integrated anabolic and catabolic mechanisms of these hormones not only affect the ability of skeletal muscle to generate force; they also have implications for pharmaceutical treatments, aging, and prevalent chronic conditions such as metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and hypertension. Thus, advances in our understanding of hormones that impact anabolic: catabolic processes have relevance for athletes and the general population, alike.
Kubo, K, Ikebukuro, T, and Yata, H. Effects of 4, 8, and 12 repetition maximum resistance training protocols on muscle volume and strength. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2020-The purpose of this study was to determine skeletal muscle adaptations (strength and hypertrophy) in response to volume-equated resistance training with divergent repetition strategies. Forty-two men were randomly assigned to 4 groups: higher load-lower repetition group performing 4 repetition maximum (RM) for 7 sets (4RM, n = 10), intermediate load-intermediate repetition group performing 8RM for 4 sets (8RM, n = 12), lower load-higher repetition group performing 12RM for 3 sets (12RM, n = 10), and nonexercising control group (CON, n = 10). The volume of the pectoralis major muscle (by magnetic resonance imaging) and 1RM of the bench press were measured before and after 10 weeks of training (2 times per week). No significant difference was observed in the relative increase in the muscle volume among the 4RM, 8RM, and 12RM groups. The relative increase in 1RM was significantly lower in the 12RM group than in the 4RM group (p = 0.029) and the 8RM group (p = 0.021). The relative increase in 1RM was significantly correlated with that in the muscle volume in the 12RM group (r = 0.684, p = 0.042), but not in the 4RM (r = -0.265, p = 0.777) or 8RM (r = -0.045, p = 0.889) groups. These results suggest that the increase in muscle size is similar among the 3 training protocols when the training volume was equated, whereas the increase in muscle strength is lower with the 12RM protocol than the other protocols.