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Fermented beverages such as beer are known for their relatively long shelf life. However, the main factor limiting their shelf life is the qualitative changes that occur during storage. From the moment the beer is produced, its characteristics, such as taste, aroma, and colloidal stability undergo continuous change. The intensity of these changes depends on the type of beer, storage conditions, and length of storage. While some degree of ageing can have a positive influence on sensory characteristics of a beer, beer stalling is seen as a significant problem. As it is currently understood, beer ageing is mainly caused by the formation of stalling aldehydes. At the same time, compounds which bestow the beer its flavour, such as esters, terpenes, and iso-α-acids undergo qualitative and quantitative changes. As a result, aroma discriminants such as freshness, fruitiness or florality are often lost over time. In their place, aromas described as ribes, cardboard, bread-like, honey-like or sherry-like appear. The article aims to present the changes in beer sensorial, physicochemical, and microbiological characteristics during storage and the factors that affect beer quality during ageing The article also describes the variables which according to the current literature, may alter the flavour stability of a beer.
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Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis Series E: FOOD TECHNOLOGY 1
Vol. XXVIII (2024), no. 1
- Review -
Krystian Klimczak*, Monika Cioch-Skoneczny, Aleksander Poreda
Department of Fermentation Technology and Microbiology, University of Agriculture in
Kraków, ul. Balicka 122, 30-149 Kraków, Poland
Abstract: Fermented beverages such as beer are known for their relatively long shelf life. However, the main factor
limiting their shelf life is the qualitative changes that occur during storage. From the moment the beer is produced,
its characteristics, such as taste, aroma, and colloidal stability undergo continuous change. The intensity of these
changes depends on the type of beer, storage conditions, and length of storage. While some degree of ageing can have
a positive influence on sensory characteristics of a beer, beer stalling is seen as a significant problem. As it is currently
understood, beer ageing is mainly caused by the formation of stalling aldehydes. At the same time, compounds which
bestow the beer its flavour, such as esters, terpenes, and iso-α-acids undergo qualitative and quantitative changes. As
a result, aroma discriminants such as freshness, fruitiness or florality are often lost over time. In their place, aromas
described as ribes, cardboard, bread-like, honey-like or sherry-like appear. The article aims to present the changes in
beer sensorial, physicochemical, and microbiological characteristics during storage and the factors that affect beer
quality during ageing The article also describes the variables which according to the current literature, may alter the
flavour stability of a beer.
Keywords: beer, staling, stability
Beer is one of the oldest, and most widespread
alcoholic beverage in the world. In many regions,
its production and consumption are of great
economic, cultural, and social importance. Beer’s
position on the market has led producers to
continually seek out new products to gain
consumer interest. In recent years, many not
widely known beer styles and types have gained
popularity. Brewers can use special malts,
different varieties of hops, the addition of fruit and
other botanicals (including functional additives),
and different strains and species of yeast to interest
the consumer. Traditionally, beer contains 3-6%
ABV (alcohol by volume), but beers with much
higher as well as lower alcohol content can be
found on the market (Marcos et al., 2021). It is the
latter that has been gaining popularity in recent
years. This is related, among other things, to
growing health awareness of consumers. Thanks
to this trend, alcohol-free, reduced, and low-
alcoholic beers have emerged in recent years.
Unfortunately, the changes in the brewing market
Received: 03.02.2024
Accepted in revised form: 18.05.2024
have outpaced legislative issues.
So far, the naming of beers based on their alcohol
content have not been consistently distinguished
in individual countries. The scale of this problem
can be illustrated, for example, by the differences
between the legal frameworks of the United
Kingdom and Finland. While in the UK, alcohol-
free beer must contain less than 0.05% ABV, in
the case of Finland such beers can have up to 2.8%
ABV (Okaru & Lachenmeier, 2022).
Nowadays, food safety is not simply an expected
issue it is a requirement from consumers and
legislators (Lipp, 2021). In that respect, beer is
widely regarded as a microbiologically stable
product. Factors such as very low oxygen content,
low pH, the presence of hop-derived compounds
(such as iso-α-acids), carbon dioxide and alcohol,
along with the absence of nutrients significantly
limit the growth of unfavourable microflora in the
product (Oldham & Held, 2023). The processes to
which beer is often subjected, such as sterilization
and pasteurization are also important. This does
not mean that unfavourable microflora cant
develop in all types of a beer but the survival of
food-borne pathogens under these conditions is
made much more difficult (Menz et al., 2011).
Series E: Food technology
Series E: Food technology
Series E: Food technology
Series E: Food technology
Series E: Food technology
DOI : 10.2478/aucft-2024-0001
* Corresponding author.
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Klimczak et al., Factors affecting beer quality during storage A review 2
For most standard beers on the market, microbial
contamination is a relatively unlikely event.
However, it should be borne in mind that the
situation may be different for reduced, or non-
alcoholic beers. The absence of one of the
microbial growth hurdles may make them more
susceptible to microbial contamination. At the
same time, among other factors, when fruit
additives are used, nutrients are supplied to the
finished product that can be utilized by
microorganisms (Moreno et al., 2022).
However, the transformations that affect all beers
are the qualitative changes that occur during
storage. From the moment beer is produced, it
undergoes a continuous process of changes in,
among other things, aroma, flavour and colloidal
stability. These changes can vary in intensity
depending on the type of beer, storage conditions
and length of storage. Understanding the factors
that drive these changes can enable brewers to
prolong the flavour stability of beer. While some
styles can benefit from prolonged maturation and
storage (such as porters and stouts), many of the
more common styles on the market (such as lagers
or IPAs) tend to deteriorate with prolonged
storage. Finding factors that can extend the
stability of a beer will therefore be of great benefit
to both brewers and consumers. It cannot be
overlooked that food waste is currently a crucial
issue. In 2021, more than 58 million tonnes of food
waste were generated in the European Union alone
(Food Waste and Food Waste Prevention -
Estimates, 2023). Beer ageing is a significant
problem because it adversely affects consumer
perception of the product, hurts the brand image,
and can contribute to resource wastage. The aim
of this paper is to review the physicochemical
changes occurring during beer storage. In
addition, an attempt will be made to describe the
factors influencing stability of the product. This
information can be used by brewers to understand
factors driving beer flavour deterioration.
Beer is an extremely complex mixture of chemical
compounds derived from the raw materials used,
those formed during wort production and by-
products of yeast metabolism. Although it consists
almost solely of water, alcohol, and residual
extract, there are hundreds of other of substances
in its composition. These substances are present in
much lower concentrations than those listed, but
they have a key influence on the sensory
characteristics of the beverage produced (Steiner
et al., 2010). These compounds are often not in
chemical equilibrium or are relatively unstable.
For this reason, spontaneous reactions will occur
during storage which mainly change the
organoleptic characteristics of the beer. The
transformations occurring during beer storage will
be discussed below.
Changes in taste and aroma
Some of the most noticeable changes that occur
during the storage of beer are changes in its
sensory characteristics. During storage, aroma
discriminants such as freshness, fruitiness or
florality are often lost over time. In their place,
aromas described as ribes, cardboard, bread-like,
honey-like or sherry-like appear (Boccorh &
Paterson, 2002). It is important to note that the
sensory changes depend on the type of beer,
whether it is a lager or an ale. This is related to
their initial sensory characteristics, thus among
others - volatile compounds composition. In a
study by Schubert et al. (2022) fresh ales
contained higher concentrations of aldehydes
(Schubert et al., 2022).
For many years, researchers have tried to
determine what phenomena are behind the
appearance of these undesirable sensory changes.
Current literature indicates that the ageing process
of beer appears to be significantly related to
aldehydes produced in Maillard reactions, Stecker
degradation, and lipid oxidation (Baert et al.,
2012). Some of the more important compounds
responsible for beer flavour deterioration are
given in Table 1. Although these compounds are
often found below their sensory threshold, the
concentration above or below sensory threshold
does not mean the compound will affect beers’
sensory characteristics. Synergistic, antagonistic
or additive effects can alter sensory thresholds of
compounds (Gernat et al., 2020; Stevens, 1996).
Dark beers and beers with a high alcohol content
may be especially prone to the formation of
elevated 2-furfuryl ethyl ether concentrations.
This compound, in amounts exceeding the sensory
threshold, can impart a solvent-like, stale flavour
(de Almeida et al., 2012). Low pH may promote
the appearance of this compound (Vanderhaegen
et al., 2004).
Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis Series E: FOOD TECHNOLOGY 3
Vol. XXVIII (2024), no. 1
Table 1. Selected compounds associated with beer staling(Aguiar et al., 2022; Gijs et al., 2000; Saison, De
Schutter, Uyttenhove, et al., 2009; Soares da Costa et al., 2004; Wietstock, 2017)
threshold [ppb]
Concentration in
fresh beer [ppb]
Strecker aldehydes
Grainy, varnish, fruity
Almond, apple-like,
Malty, cherry,
almond, chocolade
Hyacinth, flowery,
Almond, cherry stone
Cooked potatoes,
Fatty acid oxidation
Bitter, winey
0.8 a,b
Cardboard, papery,
0.033 a,b
Maillard reaction
Caramel, bready,
cooked meat
Bready, caramel
Nutty, almond, burnt
furfuryl ethyl ether
Coconut, vanilla,
glue, rancid
Carotenoid degradation
Coconut, tobacco, red
dimethyl trisulfide
Onion, rotting fruit,
red cabbage, sulfury
The same superscripts in table cells refer to data obtained from the same study
a study by (Schubert et al., 2022) fresh blonde ale; beer after 24 weeks at room temperature,
b study by (Schubert et al., 2022) fresh blonde ale; beer after 24 weeks at 4°C,
c study by (Chevance et al., 2002), fresh; artificially aged beer (40°C for 5 days),
d study by (Herrmann et al., 2010), fresh; artificially aged beer (1 day shaking, 4 days at 40°C),
e study by (Gijs et al., 2000), fresh; force aged beer (40°C for 5 days),
f study by (Bravo et al., 2001), beer kept at 0°C; beer kept at 28°C,
g study by (Vanderhaegen et al., 2003), fresh; beer stored for 6 months at 20°C
Klimczak et al., Factors affecting beer quality during storage A review 4
During storage, levels of dimethyl sulfide (DMS)
can also elevate (Baldus & Methner, 2019). In
addition to the appearance of compounds with
unfavourable sensory properties, those found in
beer undergo transformation and/or degradation.
Terpenes found in beer are susceptible to
oxidation processes (Almeida et al., 2015).
Myrcene is known to be absorbed on cap crown
liners of a bottles (Kemp et al., 2021). It can also
be adsorbed on the yeast walls if yeast cells are
present in beer (Haslbeck et al., 2017). Esters
found above their chemical equilibrium will
hydrolyse. In turn, the esterification of ethanol
with organic acids present in the beer will occur
simultaneously. In particular, for some highly
hopped beers this can have a detrimental effect on
their aroma. In contrast, the concentration of
terpene alcohols appears to be relatively stable
during storage (Preedy, 2009; Schubert et al.,
2022). The instability of esters and terpenes, with
concurrent relatively high stability of terpene
alcohols is confirmed by (Guan et al., 2019). In the
case of polyfunctional thiols (which are currently
suspected to be an important determinants of the
tropical aroma of some beers), their concentration
appears to depend on storage time. In a study by
Tran et al. (2015), the content of these compounds
increased up to 3 months of storage, while after 1
year of storage, the beers lost most of the
evaluated polyfunctional thiols (Tran et al., 2015).
Beer bitterness also undergoes quantitative and
qualitative changes during storage. This is
primarily related to the transformation of hop
acids -, β- and iso-α-acids), which undergo
oxidative degradation during beer storage. During
the boiling of wort, α-acids from hops are
isomerized to iso and trans-forms. Typically, the
ratio of cis:trans-izo-α-acids is 70:30%. Whereas
iso-forms are mostly stable, trans-forms are far
more susceptible to degradation (Preedy, 2009;
Stewart et al., 2017; Titus et al., 2021). The
transformations of trans-iso-α-acids are largely
responsible for the quantitative and qualitative
declines in bitterness during beer storage (Cooman
et al., 2000). Intelmann et al. (2011) report that the
proton-catalysed cyclization of these compounds
produces conglomerates with harsh and lingering
bitterness (Intelmann et al., 2011). In beers
subjected to dry hopping, a significant part of their
bitterness may be derived from humulinones
extracted from hops (Parkin & Shellhammer,
2017). Ferreira and Colin (2021) report of a
relatively high instability of humulinones in dry-
hopped Belgian beer. In the author’s study, after a
2-year storage period at 20°C, a 25% decrease in
iso-α-acids content was observed, but the losses of
humulinones amounted to 91% (Ferreira & Collin,
2021). Alpha acids are also susceptible to
photodegradation (range of light λ= 350-500 nm),
resulting in a development of so-called sunstruck
flavour caused by the formation of 3-methyl-2-
butene-1-thiol (MBT). Due to the very low
sensory threshold of this compound, this aroma is
formed with a minimal loss of iso-α-acids
(Caballero et al., 2012; De Keukeleire et al.,
Physicochemical changes
Other parameters of beer can also undergo
changes during the storage. The most visible
change is the colour of beer, which gets darker.
The degree of colour change depends, among
other things, on factors such as pH, redox capacity,
temperature, and oxygen availability in the beer
matrix (Savel et al., 2010). The latter two are
likely the main causes of polyphenol oxidation,
which leads to the formation of compounds that
give the beer a deeper colour. Polyphenols
contribute to beer’s bitterness, colour, body, and
astringency (Oladokun et al., 2016; Preedy, 2009).
Structural rearrangements of flavan-3-ol
monomers can result in brown-yellowish
compounds. (+)-Catechin is suspected to be an
important precursor of these reactions. Another
potential cause are the coloured molecules derived
mainly from the Maillard reactions (Callemien &
Collin, 2007, 2009). The initial products of the
Maillard reactions have no colour, but as the
reactions proceed further, they result in larger
molecules, which begin to bestow the colour
(Bamforth & Lewis, 2007; Nooshkam et al.,
2019). Dark beers and beers with a higher alcohol
content show a higher levels of Maillard reactions
products (Vanderhaegen et al., 2007). This may be
related to the higher Free Amino Nitrogen (FAN),
and polyphenol content of such beers (Brey et al.,
2002; Cooper et al., 1998; Rivero et al., 2005;
Younis & Stewart, 1999). In addition, according
to the current knowledge, polyphenols are
responsible for the formation of chill and
permanent haze. Probably as a result of oxidative
and acid-catalysed polymerization, polyphenol
particles bind into larger clusters. Due to the
interactions with proteins, a haze may be formed
(Habschied et al., 2021). A summary of changes is
given in a Table 2.
Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis Series E: FOOD TECHNOLOGY 5
Vol. XXVIII (2024), no. 1
Table 2. Summary of changes occurring during storage period
Type of changes
affecting taste
and aroma
Maillard reactions, strecker
degradation, lipid oxidation,
carbohydrate degradation
(Baert et al., 2012; Bravo et al., 2008; Dale et al.,
1977; Gibson et al., 2018)
Increase in DMS levels
(Baldus & Methner, 2019; Grigsby & Palamand,
Terpene oxidation and/or adsorption
onto cap crown liners or yeasts
(Almeida et al., 2015; Guan et al., 2019; Haslbeck et
al., 2017; Kemp et al., 2021)
Changes in polyfunctional thiol
content and composition
(Cordente et al., 2015; Nizet et al., 2014; Tran et al.,
Hydrolysis of esters occurring above
chemical equilibrium, and subsequent
formation of ethyl esters
(Kemp et al., 2021; Preedy, 2009; Rettberg et al.,
Degradation of iso-α-acids (mainly
(Ferreira & Collin, 2021; Intelmann et al., 2011)
Losses of humulinones (in dry hopped
(Ferreira & Collin, 2021; Gahr et al., 2020)
Iso-α-acid photooxidation
(Caballero et al., 2012; De Keukeleire et al., 2008)
The concentration of terpene alcohols
can fluctuate depending on the
(Guan et al., 2019; Schubert et al., 2022)
Haze formation
(Habschied et al., 2021; Wang & Ye, 2021)
Darkening of a beer
(Bamforth & Lewis, 2007; Callemien & Collin, 2007,
Growth of microflora
As mentioned previously, beer is regarded as
intrinsically microbiologically safe beverage. Its
microbiological safety can be enhanced further by
treatments such as pasteurization and sterilization
(Hammond et al., 1999). The fact of
microbiological safety of beer is attributed in part
to the significant antimicrobial activity of hop
constituents and is mainly observed against gram
(+) bacteria. The individual components of hops
have different antimicrobial activity, where β-
acids show greater activity than α-acids
(Srinivasan et al., 2004). However, β-acids pass
into beer only in trace amounts (Cortese et al.,
2020). Important food pathogens such as Listeria
monocytogenes or Staphylococcus aureus do not
show growth even in non-alcoholic beer. This is
related to the hop resins which significantly inhibit
the growth of gram (+) bacteria. Gram (-)
foodborne pathogens such as Escherichia coli or
Salmonella typhi also do not show growth in beer,
although, in the authors’ study, S. typhi could
survive for more than 30 days in a beer with
medium ABV levels (2.5-3.6 %) when stored at
4°C (Menz et al., 2011). Most authors confirm that
foodborne pathogens are unable to grow in beers
of typical alcohol content (Kim et al., 2014; Menz,
Vriesekoop, et al., 2010; Munford et al., 2017).
However, these bacteria can survive in such an
environment or remain in spore form by which
they are relatively often detected in beers found on
the market (Jeon et al., 2015; López et al., 2021;
Munford et al., 2017). However, attention should
be paid to emerging bacterial strains that show the
ability to grow in beer. An example of a
pathogenic strain showing the ability to grow in
beer is the recently discovered Bacillus cereus
strain 3012 (Wang et al., 2017).
Although there seems to be no direct threat from
pathogenic bacteria, microorganisms which are
able to grow in beer can significantly alter the
sensory qualities and physicochemical parameters
of the beer. Bacterial infections can cause various
types of turbidity, development of films on the
surface of the beverage, foreign aromas and
aftertastes. Examples of such microorganisms
include but are not limited to, lactic acid bacteria,
Pediococcus damnosus, Pectinatus
cerevisiiphilus, Megasphaera cerevisiae and
Staphylococcus xylosus (Menz, Andrighetto, et
al., 2010; Rodríguez-Saavedra et al., 2020;
Sakamoto & Konings, 2003; Yu et al., 2019).
A significant threat to beer quality is the
development of wild yeasts (non-Saccharomyces
species). In the craft beers studied by Lopez et al.
(2021), wild yeasts were detected in 100% of
samples of beer below 5% ABV (López et al.,
2021). Candida pelliculosa yeast species can be
found on production surfaces in breweries. This
yeast can grow in beer and form a biofilm (Timke
et al., 2008). An important threat is S. cerevisiae
var. diastaticus, which shows the ability to
degrade sugars not fermented by brewer's yeast. In
the beers studied by Štulíková et al. (2021), storing
beer infected with this yeast for 14 weeks at 23°C
resulted in a decrease in extract content, with an
Klimczak et al., Factors affecting beer quality during storage A review 6
increase in alcohol content and in carbonation
(almost twofold increase of CO2 content). When
beverages were stored at a lower temperature
(8°C), a much lower severity of these defects was
observed. In extreme cases, infection with these
yeasts can cause gushing to occur (Krogerus &
Gibson, 2020; Štulíková et al., 2021). Yeasts of
the genus Dekkera - D. anomala, D. bruxellensis
and B. custersianus are also known to grow in beer
(Shimotsu et al., 2015).
As alcohol is one of the microbial hurdles present
in beer, beers containing low levels of ethanol, or
no-alcohol beers are more vulnerable to various
types of microbial contamination. Menz et al.
(2011) found that E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella
typhimurium can grow in non-alcoholic beer.
However, the growth was arrested when the pH of
the beer was lowered from 4.3 to 4.0 (Menz et al.,
2011). Similar results regarding the importance of
pH levels were obtained by Munford et al. (2017).
The authors did not observe the growth of
sporeforming bacteria in non-alcoholic beer,
which was attributed to the low pH of these beers
(below 4.5) (Munford et al., 2017). The relatively
low susceptibility of alcohol-reduced beers to
LAB infections can be inferred from a study by
Sohrabvandi et al. (2010), where the authors used
the addition of probiotic cultures to low and non-
alcoholic beers. A very large decrease in the
viability of the cultures was observed. The authors
suggest that beer is not a suitable medium for such
cultures (Sohrabvandi et al., 2010). Nevertheless,
the important role of alcohol in ensuring the
microbiological safety of beer must be kept in
mind. Quain (2021), based on the measurement of
absorbance at λ=660 nm, determined that, in
draught beers, the growth of microorganisms in
non-alcoholic (≤ 0.05% ABV) and low-alcohol (≤
1.2% ABV) beers was 2-5 times higher than in
control beers (4.5% ABV). The degree of
absorbance rise correlated with the content of
fermentable sugars in these beers (Quain, 2021).
LAnthoën and Ingledew (1996) reports of
increased temperature resistance of
microorganisms in reduced alcohol beer (0.5%),
compared to regular beer (5%). In the authors
study, the bacteria Pediococcus acidilactici,
Lactobacillus delbrueckii, E. coli O157:H7 and S.
typhimurium showed 3-17x higher temperature
resistance in non-alcoholic beer (L’Anthoën &
Ingledew, 1996). If arrested fermentation methods
are used to produce alcohol-reduced beer, a
significant number of fermentable sugars can
remain in the product which may increase the
susceptibility of such beverage to infection
(Sohrabvandi et al., 2010).
In recent decades, brewing science has made
considerable progress in understanding the factors
that affect stability of a product. However, due to
the vastness of the physicochemical reactions
occurring during ageing and the number of
interactions between beer components, many
questions remain unanswered. Based on the
current state of knowledge, it can be concluded
that almost every factor occurring during
production process has an impact on the final
stability of the product. In the following
paragraphs, literature reports on factors that can
affect the storage stability of the final product will
be presented. A summary of the changes which
will be presented below is given in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Overview of factors promoting beer flavour stability.
Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis Series E: FOOD TECHNOLOGY 7
Vol. XXVIII (2024), no. 1
Raw materials
The selection of raw materials for the production
of wort is a base for all brewing recipes. As it has
a very significant impact on the final
characteristics of the product, it naturally will
affect the stability of the beer during storage.
Guido et al. (2007) point to the important role of
malt-derived polyphenols in improving beer
flavour stability. Highly polymerized phenolic
compounds and/or insoluble bound polyphenols
have an important function in reducing oxidation
reactions during malting and mashing stages. In
contrast, the fraction remaining in the wort after
wort production seems to have no such effect, and
even function as pro-oxidant (Guido et al., 2007).
However, Mikyška et al. (2002) report that malt
polyphenols can have a positive effect on a beer's
stability (Mikyška et al., 2002).
An important issue affecting the final sensory and
physicochemical characteristics of the beer, along
with the fermentation yield, is the Free Amino
Nitrogen (FAN) content. For a standard wort with
an extract of 10-12°P, it is assumed that the FAN
content should be around 130 mg/L. Below this
value, yeast growth is nitrogen-dependent (Hill &
Stewart, 2019). In some cases, it is possible to not
reach the required FAN levels (for example, when
large proportions of unmalted adjuncts are used).
Some breweries may use the so-called protein
rests, which involve holding the mash at 45 - 50°C
to increase the FAN level due to the activity of
endogenous malt proteinases (Bamforth, 2009;
Farber & Barth, 2019). However, excessive
increases in FAN concentration can have adverse
effects on the storage stability of the beer. High
levels of FAN are associated with significant
levels of stalling aldehydes (Maia et al., 2023).
Lehnhardt et al. (2020) reports of elevated
Strecker aldehydes content caused by high soluble
nitrogen levels (Lehnhardt et al., 2020). For this
reason, the use of unmalted adjuncts may be
beneficial to reduce FAN content and increase
flavour stability, by reducing the amount of
Maillard reaction precursors (Kunz et al., 2011).
However, too high proportion of unmalted
adjuncts can provide too little FAN and low
amounts of soluble proteins which results in
emptier-bodied drink. It can also have an adverse
effect on foam characteristics (Bogdan &
Kordialik-Bogacka, 2017).
The currently available literature points out that
various types of malts and unmalted raw materials
can affect the storage stability of beer differently.
According to Hellwig & Hentle (2020) the type of
malt (light, dark, caramel, colour) is not a
determinant of the content of Maillard reaction
precursors (Hellwig & Henle, 2020). However,
Shopska et al. (2021) report that malts subjected
to higher heat treatment (which are characterized
by darker colour) have a higher content of
Maillard compounds with antioxidant activities,
and thus higher antioxidant activity (Shopska et
al., 2021). The higher antioxidant activity of beers
with coloured malts is also reported by the
(Liguori et al., 2021). In a study by Maia et al.
(2023) addition of unmalted rice or maize at 50%
of grist allowed to reduce total metal ion content,
colour, thiobarbituric cid index, and stalling
aldehyde content (Maia et al., 2023). Tsuji and
Mizuno (2010) report fewer stalling compounds in
beer made from raw materials other than malt
(Tsuji & Mizuno, 2010). The use of LOX-less
(lipoxygenase-less) malt may allow to obtain a
wort with a lower nonenal potential. LOX-less
malt lacks genes encoding lipoxygenase enzyme
responsible for catalysing oxygenation of some
unsaturated fatty acids. In the finished forced-aged
beers obtained during the study, significantly
lower concentrations of trans-2-nonenal and γ-
nonlactone were determined than in the control
sample brewed with traditional malt. In addition,
the beers were characterized by significantly
better results of sensory evaluation in the
‘freshness’ category (Yu et al., 2014).
Additionally, adequate malting conditions can
significantly reduce the nonenal potential of a malt
(Guido et al., 2005)
As well as providing aroma and flavour
compounds, hops are also an important source of
polyphenols in beer production. It can provide up
to 20-30% of these compounds to the wort, while
the rest comes from malt (Mikyška et al., 2011).
Current literature indicates that hop-derived
polyphenols can have a positive effect on the
storage stability of beer. This is confirmed by
Mikyška et al. (2011), where the authors used
different doses of hops (25-50-100%) in the
production process. Higher doses of this raw
material significantly reduced the formation of
undesirable carbonyl compounds. The authors
attribute this partly to the significant content of
antioxidants in hops (Mikyška et al., 2011). The
important role of hops in its raw form in terms of
beer storage stability is also confirmed by the
authors’ previous research. Using the pelleted
hops instead of hop CO2 extract significantly
increased the beverage storage stability (Mikyška
et al., 2002). Drexler et al. (2010) reports that hops
harvested at a later date of technological
suitability (21 day difference between the harvest
date) may provide better aroma stability during
storage in dry-hopped beers. However, this
improvement was only observed for the first 45
days of storage, after which the differences
Klimczak et al., Factors affecting beer quality during storage A review 8
between the beers subsided (Drexler, 2010). The
positive effect of hops on oxidative stability was
also reported by Hrabia et al. (2022). Beers
subjected to dry hopping showed a greater lag time
(the time after which free radical reactions initiate)
(Hrabia et al., 2022). Mikyška et al. (2022) report
that aromatic hops, with a high polyphenol to α-
acid ratio, can reduce sensory ageing to a greater
extent than bittering hops (Mikyška et al., 2022).
A similar effect was not observed by Jaskula et al.
(2007), where no significant differences in
bitterness stability were observed between hop
types when early kettle hopping was used.
Similarly, no effect of dry hopping on bitterness
stability was observed. However, late hopping
during the whirlpool phase resulted in the
stabilization of iso-α-acids. Almost full
stabilization of cis isomers was observed, with a
partial stabilization of trans isomers. In terms of
bitterness stability, the use of a pre-isomerized
extract of tetrahydroiso-α-acids gave the best
results, where the authors observed no change in
their concentration even when prolonged forced
ageing was used (Jaskula et al., 2007). Hops,
particularly those sprayed with copper-based
fungicides, can be a significant source of Cu ions.
In addition, they can introduce significant
amounts of manganese ions. In the authors study,
a 296-511% increase in Mn content was observed
compared to the non-dry-hopped sample. In the
case of Cu ions, it was 105% (Chrisfield et al.,
2020). The significant content of metal ions in
hops is also reported by Wietstock et al. (2015).
Conditions of the fermentation process
The state of the yeast and the conditions under
which fermentation takes place are important
factors in determining the storage stability of the
beer. Kaneda et al. (1992) report that lower
dissolved oxygen concentrations, higher yeast
pitching rate, and clearer wort lead to higher
sulfide production, which in the authors study
translated into higher beer storage stability. The
strain of the yeast itself appears to also be of
significant importance, which is confirmed by the
results of the aforementioned study (Kaneda et al.,
1992). These reports are supported by a study by
Jenkins et al. (2021), where the authors studied 11
S. cerevisiae strains. The authors indicate that the
application of yeast strain with high resistance to
multiple oxidative stresses correlates with the
production of beer with higher oxidative stability
(Jenkins et al., 2021). Yeast strains which produce
higher concentrations of sulfide may allow to
obtain beers with higher stability. Sulfide
production is probably strain-dependent (Saison et
al., 2009). On the other hand, Murmann et al.
(2023) report that higher FAN utilization may be
a more important factor than sulfide production. In
the authors’ study, beer obtained using a strain that
produced higher levels of sulfide scored lower in
the general evaluation of sensory characteristics
after storage (16 weeks at 35°C) than the beer
obtained with a strain which utilized higher
amounts of FAN. Beer produced with a high-
sulfide-producing strain of S. cerevisiae had more
fruity/vinous characteristics, which authors
attribute to Maillard reactions (Murmann et al.,
2023). Yeast can also complex Fe2+, Mn2+, and
Cu2+ ions. However, in the authors study, the
content of these ions in the wort increased towards
the end of fermentation, suggesting yeast autolysis
or secretion of these ions by yeast cells (Mochaba
et al., 1996). Guido (2004) reports that pitching
yeast with higher viability can result in higher
sensory stability.
Metal Ions
Beer can also be seen as an aqueous solution of
organic and inorganic substances. Ions of the latter
are the important components of such solution.
They are transferred with the water used in the
production of beer, derived from raw materials, or
equipment, or are intentionally added during the
production process. Some of the ions (Ca2+, Mg2+,
Na+, K+, Mn2+, Zn2+) in the adequate levels are
required for the correct course of mashing and
fermentation, and/or directly affect the sensory
characteristics of the beer. On the other hand, the
presence of other ions, especially in excessive
levels can cause sensory defects (Fe2+, Fe3+ ions -
metallic taste above 1 mg/L). However, it has long
been known that transition metal ions are largely
responsible for the formation of stalling aromas in
beer. In the presence of Fe and Cu ions, stable
oxygen molecules present in beer capture
electrons and form superoxide anions. In a series
of reactions reactive oxygen species are formed
(O2-, OOH, H2O2, OH) which react with the
organic compounds present in the beer. As a
result, sensory characteristics of a beer can be
altered (Preedy, 2009). In the case of Fe,
concentrations of 50 ppb are sufficient to affect the
sensory characteristics of the finished product.
Zufall and Tyrell (2008) report that Mn ions can
also act in a pro-oxidative manner. Manganese
ions are required for the proper yeast growth. To
determine the effect of Cu2+, Fe2+ and Mn2+ ions,
the authors added specific amounts of these ions
during the beer production process. A significant
decrease in Fe ions was observed during
fermentation. In contrast, Cu content decreased
during boiling and trub removal. The addition of
Mn to the wort correlated with a higher Mn
Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis Series E: FOOD TECHNOLOGY 9
Vol. XXVIII (2024), no. 1
content in the beer. Accelerated spoilage was
observed in beers to which Mn was added, which
was manifested by the appearance of a sherry
aroma after 4 weeks of storage. The effect of Mn
ions was concluded to be detrimental to the
storage stability of the beer, but lower than that of
Cu and Fe ions (Zufall & Tyrell, 2008). According
to Jenkins et al. (2018), the addition of even 10
ppb of transition metals can affect the oxidative
stability of beer. In the authors' study, the addition
of Cu caused the greatest reduction in lag time
among assessed metals (Fe, Cu, Mn). The addition
of Fe caused a reduction in lag time and an
increase in T450 value (an indication of how much
staling may occur in a particular beer). In line with
the results obtained by Zufall and Tyrell (2008),
the addition of Mn generally resulted in the
greatest increase in T450 value. The effect of Mn
ions seems to be detrimental (Jenkins et al., 2018).
Application of selected metal chelators to the
mashing process can reduce the content of
transition metal ions. Mertens et al. (2021) report
that additives such as green tea extract, tannic acid
or pomegranate extract can reduce Fe content.
Interestingly, in the study, addition of
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), which is
known as a potent chelator, counterintuitively
increased the Fe content of the resulting wort.
Authors also observed that acidification of wort
(from pH 6 to 5 using HCl) caused significantly
higher levels of Fe, Mn, and Zn in resulting wort
(230, 320 and 150%, respectively) (Mertens et al.,
2021). Transition metal ions can also be partially
removed by bitter resins derived from hops.
Wietstock et al. (2016) report that in a buffered
model system, hop acids showed the ability to
complex Cu2+, Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions. There was no
observed complexation of Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, Mn2+
and Zn2+. The ability to complex ions depended on
the pH of the medium and the acid tested (α-, iso-
α, β-acids) (Wietstock et al., 2016). Maillard
compounds and polyphenols can also exhibit
chelating properties for Fe ions (Mondaca‐
Navarro et al., 2017; Mussche & Pauw, 1999).
In brewing, sulfide, especially when it is present
in excessive levels, is usually associated with
defects, as it bestows a beer with a fetid smell of
rotten eggs. Sulfide is a product of natural yeast
metabolism. Typically, the concentration of this
compound in beer is below 10 ppm, and higher
levels of sulfide are produced under low yeast
growth conditions (Lea & Piggott, 2003; Stewart
et al., 2017). On the other hand, sulfide is also an
important compound with the ability to prolong
the storage stability of a beer. For some time, it
was believed that sulfide action was related to the
binding of carbonyls via adduct formation.
However, it’s activity is probably linked to
antioxidant properties (Bushnell et al., 2003;
Kaneda et al., 1996). Lund et al. (2015) report that
protein-thiols could play secondary roles as
antioxidants, mainly by quenching 1-
hydroxyethyl radicals. However, theirs reactivity
is lower than that of sulfide. Authors report thiols
probably compete with hop-delivered bitter acids,
as those also react with 1-hydroxyethyl radicals
(Lund et al., 2015). The content of thiol groups is
strongly correlated with sulfide content and beer
oxidative stability. The content of thiol groups is
not correlated with protein content, suggesting
that these groups may be present in peptides and
smaller molecules (Lund & Andersen, 2011). The
lesser degree of thiol antioxidant reactivity
compared to bitter acids is confirmed by the study
of Andersen et al. (2017). In the study, authors
performed a forced ageing of pilsner beer (IBU 35,
4.6% ABV). Thiols were found to react with
around 9% of 1-hydroxyethyl radicals, while bitter
acids accounted for 88%. The authors noted that
the effect of polyphenols was not significant,
probably due to the low reaction rates and low
concentrations of these compounds in the beer
tested (Andersen et al., 2017).
The positive effects of polyphenols on the storage
stability of beer have been reported by many
authors. In a study by De Francesco et al. (2020)
the addition of phenolic-rich extracts significantly
improved colloidal stability, colour formation and
foam quality. It also increased flavour stability and
had a protective effect on beer quality (De
Francesco et al., 2020). The positive effect of
individual polyphenols or beer additives
containing high amounts of them, such as soybean
extract, dried red raspberries or green tea, among
others, on the storage stability of beer is reported
by many authors (Bamforth & Parsons, 1985;
Chen et al., 2023; Walters et al., 1997a; Yang et
al., 2023; Yin et al., 2021). These additives are
likely to increase the antioxidant activity of the
beer. Another raw material that may increase the
antioxidant activity of beer is spent hops (Jaskula-
Goiris et al., 2014). Hop antioxidants suppress the
formation of carbonyl compounds during the
storage (Mikyška et al., 2011). However, some
additives, such as olive leaves can harm the
colloidal stability of a beverage (Guglielmotti et
al., 2020). Although in the studies of the above-
mentioned authors, the addition of polyphenols, or
polyphenol-rich materials had a positive effect on
storage stability, not all sources confirm such
results. In the study by Walters et al. (1997) the
addition of catechins (+) and ferulic acid had no
Klimczak et al., Factors affecting beer quality during storage A review 10
effect on the rate of formation of stalling
aldehydes (Walters et al., 1997b). The addition of
tannins may also reduce the development of a
sunstruck flavour (Munoz-Insa et al., 2015).
Technological operations
Pasteurization is a commonly used process in
industrial beer production. Current knowledge
indicates that this procedure can have a positive
effect on the storage stability of beer. In a study by
Lund et al. (2012), pasteurization increased the
storage stability of beer as determined by electron
spin resonance spectroscopy. In unpasteurized
beer, a faster rate of radical formation and greater
protein degradation were observed, probably due
to the enzymatic activity of yeast residues. The
authors suggest that higher protein content may
have a positive effect on the storage stability of
beer by binding prooxidative metals or by acting
as a catalyst for the removal of H2O2 formed
during oxidative reactions in beer (Lund et al.,
2012). The positive effect of pasteurization is also
reported by Hoff et al. (2013), where the authors
subjected unfiltered beer to accelerated ageing
(40°C, 41 days). The pasteurization process
negatively affected the volatile compound
composition of the beer, but after the storage
period studied, the differences between the
samples disappeared. During storage, pasteurized
beers gave a lower rate of radical formation
(determined using ESR spectroscopy). No
differences were observed in the content of pro-
oxidative metals (iron and copper) between the
beers (Hoff et al., 2013). The positive effect of
pasteurization on long-term storage stability is
also reported by Liu et al. (2018). The staling
grade of a fresh pasteurized beer was similar to
that of draft beer after 1 month of storage. The
ageing rate of pasteurized beer was slower than
that of fresh beer (Liu et al., 2014). However,
attention should be paid to the parameters of the
pasteurisation. Cao et al. (2011) studied the
deterioration of the beer sensory characteristics
during 6-month storage of samples subjected to
increasing PU (Pasteurization Units) 2,8,14.
With increasing PU, an intensification of colour,
and a decrease in both polyphenol and ester
content were observed, with a concomitant
increase in undesirable compounds such as
acetaldehyde or DMS. The unfavourable effect of
higher PU values was also confirmed by sensory
analysis, where beers with higher PU were rated
worse than those with lower (Cao et al., 2011).
Another interesting way to extend the shelf life of
beer is the use of additives. The addition of
chitooligosaccharide can limit the growth of LAB.
In addition, these compounds can limit flavour
deterioration by inhibiting the formation of
stalling compounds, and increasing beer
antioxidant activity (Yang et al., 2017; Zhao et al.,
A refermentation in bottles a procedure which is
often used to carbonate the beer in homebrewing,
and sometimes in the craft industry, can prolong
beverage stability (Štulíková et al., 2020). Ferreira
et al. (2019) report that the use of bottle
conditioning reduced the release of the trans-2-
nonenal from Schiff bases and resulted in the
release of terpenols and phenols which positively
affected the beers aroma. During the sensory
evaluation, the intensity of attributes usually
associated with beer ageing was judged to be
absent or low (Ferreira et al., 2019). This is
confirmed by the study by Saison et al. (2010),
where the effect of refermentation on aged beer
was studied; the yeast's have significant ability to
reduce the compounds responsible for stale aroma.
Cardboard, Ribes, Maillard and Madeira aromas
were greatly reduced as a result of this process. A
significant decrease in the content of (E)-2-
nonenal, Strecker aldehydes, 5-
hydroxymethylfurfural and diacetyl was observed
(Saison et al., 2010). The ability of yeast to reduce
stalling aromas/indicators has also been confirmed
by other authors (Carneiro et al., 2006; Wang et
al., 2006).
Storage temperature
Studies by many authors indicate that one of the
key factors in extending the shelf life of beer is to
store it at as low temperature as possible,
preferably refrigerated. Valentoni et al. (2022)
studied the effect of temperature on the storage of
refermented craft beer for 13 weeks. When stored
at 45°C, a reduction in IBU, a deepening of colour
and an increase in the concentration of the beers
ageing products: furan compounds and aldehydes
were observed. No differences were found
between the 22°C and 6°C samples, and these
beers showed less ageing signs. During sensory
analysis, beers stored at 45°C were characterized
by higher ripe fruit, cardboard, sweet and paint
flavour, while freshness was lower than in beers
stored at 22°C. This trend was evident up to 6°C,
at which temperature the beer had the highest
freshness (Valentoni et al., 2022). Walters et al.
(1997) report that when beer was stored at 40°C
for 156 days, a 71% loss of iso-α-acids was
observed, while temperatures of 0 and 20°C were
sufficient to arrest these losses (Walters et al.,
1997b). Heuberger et al. (2012) report that when
beer was stored at room temperature for 14 weeks,
greater changes in flavonoids, purine bases and
peptide concentrations were observed compared
Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis Series E: FOOD TECHNOLOGY 11
Vol. XXVIII (2024), no. 1
to a sample stored at 4°C (Heuberger et al., 2012).
The lower temperature (4°C compared to 22.5°C)
also reduces the losses of esters (Heuberger et al.,
2016). For highly hopped ales, the lower storage
temperature (~3°C) helps to retain a higher
intensity of citrous, and ‘tropical’ qualities
compared to storage at a higher temperature
(20°C). When stored at a higher temperature, the
malty, sweet, and alcoholic qualities are brought
out (Kemp et al., 2021; Schubert et al., 2022).
Barnette & Shellhammer (2019) reports that the
loss of hoppy, fruity and citrousy characteristics is
not reflected in a loss of terpene alcohols
concentrations. The authors suggests the changes
in concentrations of other compounds, such as
polyfunctional thiols, aldehydes or lipid oxidation
products might be responsible for such changes
(Barnette & Shellhammer, 2019). In general,
research by many authors indicates that keeping
beer as cold as possible (~4°C) is the most
beneficial way to prolong its shelf life in terms of
aroma (He et al., 2012; Rodriguez-Bencomo et al.,
2012). A similarly beneficial effect of low
temperature on the stability of bitter substances is
reported by (Gahr et al., 2020).
Restricting oxygen exposure
As mentioned earlier, because oxygen takes a part
in radical reactions, its availability in the finished
beer has a detrimental effect on the stability of the
sensory characteristics. Wietstock et al. (2016)
report that oxygen significantly promotes the
formation of Stecker aldehydes during wort
production. In the authors’ study, the content of
Stecker aldehydes in beer during storage was
closely related to the available oxygen. The
application of oxygen barrier liner crown corks
significantly reduced the content of these
compounds. The additional use of 10 mg/L EDTA
effectively diminished the content of Stecker
aldehydes (Wietstock et al., 2016). The increase in
the content of 2-furaldehyde is oxygen dependent
(Carneiro et al., 2006). However, the content of
the some of the most prominent staling
compounds, such as trans-nonenal might be not
affected by oxygen levels. Lermusieau et al.
(1999) reports the major source of this compound
is the non-oxidative degradation of its precursors,
synthesized before fermentation (Lermusieau et
al., 1999). The negative effect of oxygen at most
stages of beer production and storage is confirmed
in the literature (Bamforth et al., 1993). The
oxygen content in the beer headspace before
pasteurization is correlated to the degree of
stalling that would take place. Hempel et al.
(2013), suggests the maximal oxygen content in
bottle headspace of 1% (Hempel et al., 2013).
However, the commonly used brewing procedure
of oxygenating the wort before yeast inoculation,
at a dose of 8 mg O2/L of wort, does not seem to
harm the storage stability of the beer, probably due
to the rapid utilization of oxygen by the yeast
(Depraetere et al., 2008). Kucharczyk and
Tuszyński (2017) reports of no changes in the
content of higher alcohols, esters and vicinal
diketones when the aeration in the range of 7-12
mg O2/L of wort was used.
Other factors
A characteristic feature of beer which significantly
limits the growth of unfavourable microflora is its
relatively low pH. The pH of most beers is in the
range of 3.4-4.8, with most beers having a pH in
the upper range (Preedy, 2009). The low pH of
3.3-3.9 is mostly found in sour beers (Ciosek et
al., 2020). Beers with a low pH may be more prone
to develop an oxidized taste during storage
(Kaneda et al., 1997). Guyot-Declerck et al.
(2005) report that ‘cardboard’ aroma (trans-2-
nonenal) and cooked vegetables (methional) are
less perceptible in beers with higher pH (4.6 vs
4.2). In contrast, coconut aroma -nonalactone)
may be enhanced. François et al. (2006) report that
higher pH also reduces perceptible astringency in
beer (François et al., 2006). Higher pH slows
down the degradation rate of trans-iso-α-acids and
leads to lower furfural concentrations. However, it
can result in higher levels of Strecker aldehydes
when FAN content is significant. In addition, it
can increase the concentration of lipid oxidation
aldehydes (Jaskula-Goiris et al., 2011). Gijs et al.
(2002) report lower concentrations of β-
damascenone in higher pH beers, indicating that
the appearance of this compound is related to the
acid-hydrolysis of its precursors. The
concentration of methional, in contrast to the
Guyot-Declerck (2005) study, was higher at
higher pH (Gijs et al., 2002). Therefore, the effect
of pH level on the stability of sensory attributes is
ambiguous. However, based on the information
presented above, it is known that lower pH can
significantly reduce the risk of microflora
development, particularly in non-alcoholic beers,
or those with reduced alcohol content. Siebert
(2009) reports that the maximum intensity of
protein-polyphenol haze formation occurs at pH
~4 (Siebert, 2009).
Another important factor of beer stability is the
type of container used. Gagula et al. (2020) report
that when PET bottles are used, the composition
of volatile compounds in beer changes
significantly after only 1 month of storage. In the
case of glass bottles and cans, after 6 months of
storage, the authors estimated changes in volatile
Klimczak et al., Factors affecting beer quality during storage A review 12
compounds to be minimal (Gagula et al., 2020).
Similarly, inadequate barrier properties of PET
bottles have been reported by (Lorencová et al.,
2019). Containers that do not transmit light <500
nm (brown containers, cans) prevent the formation
of sunstruck flavour caused by the formation of
MBT. Beers with higher colour are greatly more
resistant to development of this flavour.
Removing riboflavin from beer can also prevent
the formation of MBT (De Keukeleire et al., 2008;
Duyvis et al., 2000; Sakuma et al., 1991).
Currently available literature clearly shows that to
slow down detrimental sensory changes which
take place during beer ageing, a few actions can be
taken. To ensure the highest stability of a beer, it
should be kept at low, preferably refrigeration
temperatures. Additionally, several brewing
practices can significantly reduce the potential for
stalling during aging. Reducing oxygen exposure
during wort production, limiting prooxidative
metal ions content in brewing water, controlling
free amino content levels, and appropriate raw
materials can prolong beer stability.
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The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of two lager brewing yeasts (KVL001 and KVL018), known to produce different levels of sulfite and thioredoxin, on the flavor stability of beer during storage for 24 weeks at 25 °C and 35 °C. Fermentations with the two yeast strains were carried out in two identical pilot scale brews and provided fresh beers with very similar sensory profiles, only differing significantly in content of sulfite, iron, thioredoxin, and free amino acids. No difference in protein thiols was observed indicating that thioredoxin was not active in the final beer. The yeast strain KVL018 consumed less free amino acids than KVL001 resulting in fresh beers with a higher content of free amino acids. During storage, the beers developed very similarly, but the beers fermented with KVL018 developed more 'fruity aged/vinous' flavor, especially at 35 °C. This suggested that a higher degree of the Maillard reaction took place in these beers due to the higher content of free amino acids. Beers fermented with KVL018 also contained more sulfite and less iron, but scored lower in the general evaluation of the sensory analysis. In conclusion, our results indicate that the yeast strain (KVL001) taking up more free amino acids resulted in more flavor-stable beer due to a lower degree of the Maillard reaction, while no clear effects were observed on oxidation.
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It is critical that breweries of all sizes routinely monitor the microbiome of their process to limit financial losses due to microbial contamination. Contamination by beer-spoiling microbes (BSMs) at any point during the brewing process may lead to significant losses for breweries if gone undetected and allowed to spread. Testing and detection of BSMs must be routine and rapid, and because even small breweries need the capability of BSM detection and identification, the method also needs to be affordable. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are responsible for most spoilage incidents, many of which have been shown to enter the viable but nonculturable (VBNC) state under conditions present in beer such as cold or oxidative stress. These bacteria are invisible to traditional methods of detection using selective media. This article describes several methods of BSM detection and identification that may be useful in the majority of craft breweries. While there are several genomic methods that meet some or many qualifications of being useful in craft breweries, real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) currently best meets the desired method characteristics and holds the most utility in this industry, specifically SYBR Green qPCR. qPCR is a targeted method of detection and identification of microbes that is affordable, rapid, specific, sensitive, quantitative, and reliable, and when paired with valid DNA extraction techniques can be used to detect BSMs, including those in the VBNC state.
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Hops provide the characteristic bitter taste and attractive aroma to beer; in this study, hops were replaced by jasmine tea extract (JTE) during late-hopping. The addition of JTE improved the beer foam stability 1.52-fold, and increased the polyphenol and organic acid contents. Linalool was the most important aroma compound in hopped (HOPB) and jasmine tea beer (JTB), but other flavor components were markedly different, including dimeric catechins, flavone/flavonol glycosides, and bitter acids and derivatives. Sensory evaluation indicated that addition of JTE increased the floral and fresh-scent aromas, reduced bitterness and improved the organoleptic quality of the beer. The antioxidant capacity of JTB was much higher than that of HOPB. The inhibition of amylase activity by JTB was 30.5% higher than that of HOPB. Functional properties to beer were added by substituting jasmine tea extract for hops during late hopping.
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The addition of green tea as antioxidants to beer can improve the beer's flavor stability by protecting against staling during storage. To analyze the effect of different green teas on the flavor stability of beer, we developed an approach to rapidly evaluate their antioxidant activity. Ten types of craft beer were produced by adding different kinds of green tea during brewing, and their antioxidant activity and phenolic profiles were evaluated. The results showed remarkable variations in antioxidant activity and antioxidative compound contents, which were considerably higher in green tea beers than in non‐tea beer (p < 0.05). A comprehensive evaluation function was developed to evaluate the total antioxidant activity of beers using principal component analysis. The highest total antioxidant activity was observed in Taiping Houkui beer, with a comprehensive evaluation score of 2.53. Pearson correlation analysis suggested that (−)‐epigallocatechin gallate, (−)‐epicatechin gallate, and (−)‐epigallocatechin were strongly correlated with the total antioxidant activity of green tea beers (p < 0.01). The summation of their contents represented more than 60% of the total phenolic content of the teas, which can be used to predict the total antioxidant activity of green tea beers. Practical Application Flavor stability is of prime concern for brewers, and flavor aging is increasingly becoming the limiting factor in beer shelf life. The application of green tea as antioxidants in beer can improve the flavor stability by protecting against beer staling during storage. The analytical method developed in this study will contribute to the rapid comparison of the effect of different green teas on the flavor stability of beer. Furthermore, the research findings demonstrate the potential benefits of green teas to beer flavor stability, which is of considerable importance in promoting the development and consumption of green teas.
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Beer oxidation is strictly linked to its shelf life. Chemical variation in aldehydes, higher alcohols, hops bitter substances and esters, also could have a role key in stale flavor. Bottle refermentation, is the method by which beer in the bottle is made sparkling and is often used in craft brewing. Before the process an amount of oxygen in the headspace can be a potential source of oxidation. We investigated the effect of oxygen and temperature during storage of refermented craft beer in bottles with standard and oxygen scavenger caps. Beer was stored for 13 weeks at 6, 22 and 45°C for forced aging, and monitored by technological analysis, SPME (-) and - MS (-), Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). At 45°C, the samples showed a decrease of International Bitterness Units and an increase in color and concentrations of oxidized molecules, and other related with the high temperature (aldehydes and furanic compounds respectively). No differences were observed between samples stored at 6 and 22°C. Sensory analysis showed differences in the perception of paint, sweet, cardboard and freshness attributes in the samples stored at 45°C. No differences were observed in the use of standard and oxygen scavenger caps.
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Beer is traditionally brewed using barley, hops, water, and yeast. Historically, fruit has been utilized in brewing operations as a source of carbohydrates, color, and/or flavor. This practice has been increasing in recent years due to economic and market factors. While many scientific studies have shown that it is both possible and desirable to include fruits in brewing operations, there is little research published on how to properly evaluate their potential for use in brewing. This review aims to introduce and discuss the ways in which fermented products are impacted by the addition of fruit with respect to the following characteristics of the fruit and final product: sugars, volatiles, color, product identity, and microbial factors. To support this review, a case study is included in which peaches were evaluated for potential use as a fruit additive in a commercial brewing application. The peach juice, pre-addition beer, and final product were assessed based upon processing characteristics, sugar content and composition, color, volatile profile, and economic suitability for various applications in fermented beverages. This paper details the methods used to evaluate fruit as a guide for considering fruit as an addition to brewing formulations.
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Reducing the alcoholic strength in beverages as a strategy to reduce harmful alcohol use has been proposed by multilateral institutions such as the World Health Organization and governments worldwide. Different industrial and artisanal techniques are used to achieve low-alcohol content beverages. Therefore, regulations regarding the content of alcohol in beverages and strategies to monitor compliance are important, because they are the main reason for classification of the beverages and are central to their categorization and market labelling. Furthermore, analytical techniques with adequate sensitivity as low as 0.04% vol are necessary to determine the alcohol ranges necessary for classification. In this narrative review, the definitions of no and low (NoLo) alcohol products are described and the differences in the legal definitions of these products in several regions of the world are highlighted. Currently, there is clearly confusion regarding the terminology of “no”, “free”, “zero”, “low”, “light”, or “reduced” alcohol products. There is an urgent need for global harmonization (e.g., at the Codex Alimentarius level) of the definitions from a commercial perspective and also to have common nomenclature for science and for consumer information.
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Beer flavor stability is greatly influenced by external temperature, vibrations, and longer delivery times. The present study assessed the impact of transport and storage conditions on staling aldehyde evolution in lager beers across five sample groups (fresh, transport, and storage simulation, and their controls), which differed in their bottle opening system (either crown cap or ring pull cap). Maritime transport conditions (45 days of travel, vibrations of 1.7 Hz, and warm temperatures (21–30 °C)) were simulated, together with storage time in a distributor’s warehouse (up to 75 days). The results revealed that the concentration of Strecker aldehydes increased more quickly after transport and storage simulation in beer bottles with the ring pull cap opening system, and the contents of 2-methylpropanal and 3-methylbutanal, in particular, were up to three times higher. Benzaldehyde content also increased significantly, by 33% on average, in these samples. Hexanal was only found in beers with a ring pull cap that underwent transport simulation. Further storage after transport simulation significantly reduced the content of 2-methylpropanal, 3-methylbutanal, and hexanal, by 73%, 57%, and 43%, respectively, suggesting the formation of a bound state. 5-hydroxymethylfurfural was continuously increased by 78.5% and 40.5% after the Transport and Transport & Storage simulations, respectively. Transport conditions lead to a slight increase, of 0.6 EBC units, in beer color.
Understanding the factors which lead to the (in)stability of the chemistry and sensory of hoppy beer styles such as India Pale Ales (IPAs) has become a major concern for many brewers. Therefore, the evolution of several volatiles under different storage conditions (room temperature, cold storage, forced aging) was investigated in eleven hoppy ales and one lager which were commercially produced in Germany. Compared to the lager, the fresh ales contained higher initial aldehyde levels. Furthermore, the distribution of lipid oxidation and Maillard reaction products differed from those typically found in lager beer. Upon storage, significant increases of some staling aldehydes were observed. Interestingly, the concentrations of some hop aroma volatiles like terpenoids (i.e. linalool and geraniol) were relatively stable throughout storage and counteracted “oxidized” impressions in ales high in these compounds. In comparison, some ales had hop aroma driven by less stable volatiles such as esters.
Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy was used to determine the effect of dry hopping on the oxidative stability and antioxidative potential of beer. Commercial beer was dry-hopped at 5 °C and 20 °C with six hop varieties (Polish and American). The rate of radical formation and lag time were found to depend on the variety of hop used. An increase in the lag time and a decrease in the rate of radical formation occurred when dry-hopping was performed at 20 °C for all hop varieties (at 5 °C in some varieties). The lag time had a strong correlation with the TPC (total polyphenols content) in beer. The rate of radical formation was correlated with the iron content of the beer. A decrease in iron concentration was observed after dry-hopping at 20 °C. Overall, the evaluation of free radical formation using ESR is useful for predicting oxidative changes in beer during storage.