Research ProposalPDF Available


The rush to implement Artificial Intelligence (AI) in industries has disrupted long-established sustainability plans. To meet the current demand of AI systems, businesses are investing billions of dollars to grow GPU capacity which is definitely not sustainable and not green. In my view, understanding why human brain uses just 20 watt of power and performs better than AI systems should give new definition on how memory is processed, defined and stored. Quantum way to store the data and processing needs to be explored. It posits that quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as entanglement and superposition of Phosphorus atoms may play an important role in storing and processing the data in much sustainable way.
Sustainable AI
Contributed by Arvind Bhagwath – Founder of microML.IN (hps://
The rush to implement Arcial Intelligence (AI) in industries
has disrupted long-established sustainability plans. Few
research rms esmated that AI accelerators will
consume 2318 TWh of global power in next four years,
reaching a 1.5% share of global electricity consumpon and
raises big concern on Arcial Intelligence (AI) data centers
contribung to global warming.
For the fact, our Human brain uses just 20 was of energy,
however as per current data available in internet by research
rms, Human created AI systems currently consume a lot of
power and altogether, data centers use more electricity than
most of countries.
To reduce this high energy use and carbon emissions, using
more ecient smaller Machine learning processes and
change in current AI System architecture is key for developing
sustainable AI Systems. We can reduce the size of many AI
models by an order of magnitude if we design the AI
architecture just the way like how our Human brain works.
For the fact, memories in Human Brain aren’t stored in just
one part of the brain. Dierent types of sensory
data(memory) are stored across dierent, interconnected
brain regions. These data stored in networks may be used for
predicve modelling, decision control that normally come out
as emoonal output from Brain. As a part of evoluon, self-
learning resulng from experience occurs and each me data
would be stored within networks, which later is used to
derive conclusions from these complex set of informaon
stored in neural networks.
Quantum Memory for Sustainable AI
Memory is the faculty of the brain by which data or
informaon is encoded, stored, and retrieved when needed.
Brain is made of neurons and a single neuron is connected to
many other neurons and the total number of neurons and
connecons is extensive. Human brain contains almost 100
billion neurons. Each neuron has on average 7,000 synapc
connecons to other neurons. It has been esmated that the
brain of a three-year-old child has about 1015 synapses.
Back in 1998, a physicist Bruce Kane from Australia had
suggested that phosphorus atoms embedded in silicon would
be the ideal way to store and manipulate quantum
informaon that later put forward a design for
a Kane quantum computer. The Kane computer is based on
an array of individual phosphorus donor atoms embedded in
a pure silicon lace. Both the nuclear spins of the donors and
the spins of the donor electrons parcipate in the
With current deeper understanding on behaviour
of Phosphorus atoms and Quantum mechanism, possibility
of quantum processing with nuclear spins could be one of
main reason on how brain stores and reads memory needs
to be explored. As we are aware, when a memory is created,
informaon ows from the cortex, the part of the brain rich
in nerve cells, to the hippocampus, the central switching
point for memories in the brain. The informaon ows in the
opposite direcon when we retrieve a memory. Brain
memories underlie our ability to learn, to tell stories, even to
recognize each others. Researchers have been able to trace
memory down to the structural and even the molecular level
in recent years and this should be possible only if they show
Quantum behaviour and hence role of Phosphorus atoms
play an important role. Phosphorus has only one naturally
occurring stable isotope, ³¹P, which like ¹H has spin = ½ and
thus two discrete energy states which becomes ideal
candidate to store memory at molecular level something
represented in image below:
In the nervous system, a synapse is a structure that permits
a neuron to pass an electrical or chemical signal to another
neuron or to the target eector cell. Synapses are essenal to
the transmission of nervous impulses from one neuron to
another. As shown in image above, communicaon at
chemical synapses requires release of neurotransmiers.
When the presynapc membrane is depolarized, voltage-
gated Ca2+ channels open and allow Ca2+ to enter the cell.
The calcium entry causes synapc vesicles to fuse
(contract) and thus helps in releasing neurotransmier
molecules into the synapc cle. The neurotransmier
diuses across the synapc cle and binds to ligand-gated ion
channels in the postsynapc membrane, resulng in a
localized depolarizaon or hyperpolarizaon of the
postsynapc neuron.
Neurons are specialized to pass signals to individual target
cells, and synapses are the means by which they do so. Both
the presynapc and postsynapc sites contain extensive
arrays of molecular machinery that link the two membranes
together and carry out the signalling process/transfer of data
with release of neurotransmiers. With availability
of Phosphorus atoms in Neurotransmier molecules,
Phosphate bonds might exhibit Quantum behaviour which
Brain might be using to store memory and this mechanism
could be almost like how qubit operaons are possible by
manipulang the electric elds in Quantum computers
using Phosphorus atoms.
Using lesser variants in current Machine
Learning models?
Current centralized Machine learning LLM models generates
lot of variants which might actually not be required at all for
normal use and training one such single machine learning
(ML) model can equal the combined carbon emissions of
mulple cars. We need to focus on sustainable AI systems on
reducing the negave environmental impacts associated with
current design of arcial intelligence technologies such as
creang independent Machine Learning models on
standalone microchips instead of depending on centralized
models for every request. microML.IN focuses in developing
several such standalone modules on low cost and low
powered microcontrollers for actual AI requirement of any
such industries.
Next step, we can further reduce the size of unnecessary
dataset used to train a model to minimize energy use and
carbon emissions involved leveraging the idea on how Human
brain works.
Memory in Human Brain is oen understood as an
informaonal processing system with explicit and implicit
funconing that is made up of a sensory memory, short-term
memory and long-term memory.
Sensory memory holds informaon, derived from the senses,
less than one second aer an item is perceived. Short-term
memory is also known as working memory. Short-term
memory allows recall for a period of several seconds to a
minute without rehearsal. For example, recalling a ten-digit -
telephone number is a kind of Short-term memory. In Long-
term memory, declarave, or explicit memory is
the conscious storage and non-declarave or implicit memory
is the unconscious storage and recollecon of informaon.
Implicit memory uses past experiences to remember things
without thinking about them and it is used to perform
certain procedural tasks, such as driving, riding a bike, playing
a musical instrument etc.
Long-term memory can store much larger quanes of
informaon for potenally unlimited duraon (somemes a
whole life span). Its capacity is immeasurable. It is maintained
by more stable and permanent changes in neural connecons
widely spread throughout the brain.
We can leverage this kind of storage mechanism instead of
pushing all the data to one centralized data center that
currently consumes huge energy. The rise of generave AI
and surging GPU shipments is causing data centers to scale to
thousands of accelerators, shiing the emphasis to power as
a mission-crical problem to solve.
Role of Phosphorus in Genec or DNA Memory?
Several genes, proteins and enzymes have been extensively
researched for their associaon with Long-term memory.
Long-term memory, unlike short-term memory, is dependent
upon the synthesis of new proteins.
For instance, Rats when exposed to an intense learning event
may retain a life-long memory of the event. When such an
exposure was experimentally applied, more than 5,000
dierently methylated DNA regions appeared in
the hippocampus neuronal genome of the rats at one and at
24 hours aer training. These alteraons in methylaon
paern occurred at many genes that were down-regulated,
oen due to the formaon of new 5-methylcytosine sites in
CpG rich regions of the genome.
Genome size is the total number of the DNA base pairs in one
copy of a haploid genome. Genome size varies widely across
species. Invertebrates have small genomes; this is also
correlated to a small number of transposable elements. In
humans, the nuclear genome comprises approximately 3.2
billion nucleodes of DNA, divided into 24 linear molecules,
the shortest 50 000 000 nucleodes in length and the longest
260 000 000 nucleodes, each contained in a dierent
Unlike Neural memory, DNA or Genec memory is straight
forward. Genec memory is a memory present at birth that
exists in the absence of sensory experience and is
incorporated into the genome over long spans of me.
Phosphorus here too plays a very important role in building
up this memory. As we are aware, DNA and RNA structures
here are connected by phosphorous bonds and this DNA
memory is like the ash drive that is used to store biological
data almost like computers, which use 0 and 1. DNA uses A,
C, G and U/T (the ‘nucleodes’, ‘nucleosides’ or ‘bases’).
This memory got developed with several million years of
evoluon based on events recorded in DNA which is just
stored in code of four chemical bases adenine (A), guanine
(G), cytosine ©, and thymine (T).
A, C, G and U/T (the ‘nucleodes’, ‘nucleosides’ or ‘bases’)
helps to build dierent Amino Acids. Proteins are molecules
made of amino acids and a gene is a segment of a DNA
molecule that contains the instrucons needed to make
a unique protein.
Example: If you cut the leg o a salamander, it will grow back.
Similarly in roses, they have thorns to protect them from
being eaten by animals. Extra protecon funcons like Thorns
for Roses or Regeneraon is triggered by DNA from earlier
events of damage. This is how memory from these phosphate
bonds helps for survival and growth.
The idea of DNA data storage is not merely theorecal.
Sciensts have mastered to decode DNA memory that is
helping for several reverse engineering projects like
development of life saving vaccines. In vaccine producon
process, DNA code has to be uploaded to a DNA printer
which then converts the bytes to actual DNA molecules.
CRISPR DNA-eding technology is available now to record
images of a human hand into the genome. It was showcased
by Church’s group at Harvard for E. coli, which were read out
with higher than 90 percent accuracy. Researchers at the
University of Washington and Microso Research have
developed a fully automated system for wring, storing and
reading data encoded in DNA. The genec material DNA has
garnered considerable interest as a medium for digital
informaon storage because its density and durability.
To meet the current demand of AI systems, businesses are
invesng billions of dollars to grow GPU capacity which is
denitely not sustainable and not green. The rush to
implement AI in business has disrupted long-established
sustainability plans with growing cost of electricity and
challenges facing energy grids. In my view, understanding
why human brain uses just 20 wa of power and performs
beer than AI systems should give new denion on how
memory is processed, dened and stored. Quantum way to
store the data and processing needs to be explored. It posits
that quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as entanglement
and superposion of Phosphorus atoms may play an
important role in storing and processing the data in much
sustainable way.
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