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Biotic interactions shape the ecology of species and communities, yet their integration into ecological niche modeling methods remains challenging. Despite being a central topic of research for the past decade, the impact of biotic interactions on species distributions and community composition is often overlooked. Mutualistic systems offer ideal case studies for examining the effects of biotic interactions on species niches and community dynamics. This study presents a novel approach to incorporating mutualistic interactions into niche modeling, using the clownfish-sea anemone system. By adapting existing niche quantification frameworks, we developed a method to estimate the partial effects of known interactions and refine ecological niche estimates. This approach allows for a more comprehensive understanding of how mutualistic relationships influence species distributions and community assembly patterns. We also used mutualistic information to investigate the resource-use overlap , identitying patterns of competition within clownfish communities. Our results reveal significant deviations in niche estimates when biotic interactions are considered, particularly for specialist species. Host partitioning among clownfish species reduces resource-use overlap, facilitating coexistence in species-rich habitats and highlighting mutualism's role in promoting and maintaining diversity. We uncover complex dynamics in resource-use overlap among clownfish species, influenced by factors such as species richness, ecological niche overlap, and host specialization. Specialist-generalist interactions strike an optimal balance, supporting high species richness while minimizing competition. These insights enhance our understanding of clownfish biodiversity patterns, demonstrating how diverse mutualistic strategies contribute to diversity build-up and mitigate competitive exclusion in saturated communities. The analytical framework presented has broad applications beyond the clownfish-sea anemone system , potentially extending to a broader range of interactions. It enables a more comprehensive understanding of biodiversity maintenance in complex ecosystems and constitutes a valuable tool for conservation planning and ecosystem management.
Integrating Biotic Interactions In Niche Analyses Unravels Patterns Of
Community Composition in Clownfishes
Alberto García Jiménez1, Antoine Guisan2,3, Olivier Broennimann2,3, Théo Gaboriau1* and Nicolas
1*Department of Computational Biology, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
2Department of Ecology and Evolution,University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
3Institute of Earth Science Dynamics, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
*indicates co-last authorship.
Contributing authors:;
Biotic interactions shape the ecology of species and communities, yet their integration into ecological niche modeling meth-
ods remains challenging. Despite being a central topic of research for the past decade, the impact of biotic interactions on
species distributions and community composition is often overlooked. Mutualistic systems offer ideal case studies for exam-
ining the effects of biotic interactions on species niches and community dynamics. This study presents a novel approach to
incorporating mutualistic interactions into niche modeling, using the clownfish-sea anemone system. By adapting existing niche
quantification frameworks, we developed a method to estimate the partial effects of known interactions and refine ecologi-
cal niche estimates. This approach allows for a more comprehensive understanding of how mutualistic relationships influence
species distributions and community assembly patterns. We also used mutualistic information to investigate the resource-use over-
lap, identitying patterns of competition within clownfish communities. Our results reveal significant deviations in niche estimates
when biotic interactions are considered, particularly for specialist species. Host partitioning among clownfish species reduces
resource-use overlap, facilitating coexistence in species-rich habitats and highlighting mutualism’s role in promoting and main-
taining diversity. We uncover complex dynamics in resource-use overlap among clownfish species, influenced by factors such
as species richness, ecological niche overlap, and host specialization. Specialist-generalist interactions strike an optimal balance,
supporting high species richness while minimizing competition. These insights enhance our understanding of clownfish biodiver-
sity patterns, demonstrating how diverse mutualistic strategies contribute to diversity build-up and mitigate competitive exclusion
in saturated communities. The analytical framework presented has broad applications beyond the clownfish-sea anemone sys-
tem, potentially extending to a broader range of interactions. It enables a more comprehensive understanding of biodiversity
maintenance in complex ecosystems and constitutes a valuable tool for conservation planning and ecosystem management.
Keywords: biotic interactions, clownfish, community composition, competition, mutualism, niche, species distribution, spatial ecology
Diverse types of biotic interactions govern the inter-
connection between species in nature. Among
them, mutualism, a relationship in which different
species benefit from each other, has attracted the atten-
tion of biologists and the public at large. Mutualism plays a
substantial role in evolutionary processes. It has impacted
major evolutionary transitions like the origin of the eukary-
otic cell or the colonization of land by symbiotic plants,
and contributes to the increase of biodiversity (Bastolla
et al. 2009) by enhancing the survival and success of
interacting species (Benton 2009). It also has an impor-
tant ecological impact by favouring ecosystem stability,
and facilitating species dispersal and resilience (Hale et al.
2020; Le Roux et al. 2020), impacting species distributions
(Pellissier et al. 2013; Schleuning et al. 2015; Marjakangas
et al. 2020).
Mutualistic interactions present a gradient of inten-
sity from full generalists to exclusive specialists, leading
to diverse ecological and evolutionary dynamics (Bas-
compte & Jordano 2007; Sverdrup-Thygeson et al. 2017;
Gracia-Lázaro et al. 2018). Generalist mutualism pro-
motes ecosystem resilience through flexible responses to
environmental changes (Maia et al. 2021). In contrast,
specialist mutualism can drive co-evolution and lead to
highly adapted species pairs (Cook & Rasplus 2003).
Generalist-specialist transitions can foster diversification
through ecological speciation (Lunau 2004), where repro-
ductive isolation evolves as a by-product of adaptation
to different ecological niches (Chomicki et al. 2019; Fra-
chon et al. 2023). As species adapt to specific mutualistic
partners, they may undergo niche partitioning, reducing
niche overlap to avoid competitive exclusion (Salas-Lopez
et al. 2022), allowing closely related species to coexist
in the same ecosystem (Schoener 1974). Plant-pollinator
systems exemplify this process, with related plant species
evolving to attract different pollinators or flower at dif-
ferent times, reducing pollination competition (Van der
2Effects Of Mutualism On Clownfish Community Composition
Niet et al. 2014). In the marine environment, the clown-
fish (Amphiprioninae) mutualism with host sea anemones
might have triggered their rapid diversification through
ecological speciation, a process known as adaptive radia-
tion (Litsios et al. 2012).
The evolutionary success of this group of 30 reef fish
species, is attributed to their unique mutualistic associa-
tions with sea anemones in the Indo-Pacific Ocean. The
mutualism significantly enhances clownfish survival and
reproductive success (Lubbock 1980; Fautin 1991), with
each species developing specific associations with up to
ten sea anemone species, resulting in both generalist and
specialist behaviors. Despite their similar ecological char-
acteristics (habitat, diet and social structure), clownfishes
exhibit higher levels of coexistence in species-rich loca-
tions (Camp 2016; Elliott & Mariscal 2001), contrary to
expectations of increased competition. We hypothesize
that mutualistic interactions with sea anemones facili-
tate niche partitioning among clownfish species, reduc-
ing interspecific competition and enabling coexistence.
This mechanism would provide ecological support for
the adaptive radiation hypothesis, demonstrating mutu-
alism’ role in promoting clownfish diversity. However,
conclusive evidence of niche partitioning among clown-
fish species is lacking, hampering the testing of adaptive
radiation hypotheses and challenging our understanding of
clownfish diversification.
Furthermore, the interplay between generalist and spe-
cialist strategies likely influences clownfish distributions
and community assembly (Chesson 2020; Bartholomew
et al. 2022; Wandrag et al. 2022). Communities dom-
inated by specialist-specialist interactions are expected
to show limitations in species richness due to increased
competition for specific anemone hosts. Conversely, com-
munities with more generalist interactions could support
higher diversity by reducing direct competition and allow-
ing for more efficient resource utilization. Investigating this
interplay could reveal spatial patterns linked to species
richness, elucidating clownfish ecological roles, and deep-
ening our understanding of how mutualistic interactions
shape community structure, species coexistence, and bio-
diversity patterns.
To test these hypotheses, we need to estimate the real-
ized environmental niches of clownfish species, while
accounting for the effect of explicit mutualistic associa-
tions. However, current approaches quantifying ecological
niches and modeling species distributions involve tech-
niques like principal component analysis (PCA; Broenni-
mann et al. 2012) and niche-based spatial modelling of
species distributions (SDMs; see Guisan et al. 2014, Valavi
et al. 2021; Norberg et al. 2019), do not directly incor-
porate biotic interactions. This is despite the demonstrated
improvement in SDM predictions that the integration of
biotic interactions can bring (Wisz et al. 2013; Early &
Keith 2019; Kass et al. 2020; Jenkins et al. 2020) and the
recurrent calls to develop SDMs that can integrate these
interactions (see Soberón 2010; Boulangeat et al. 2012;
de Araujo et al. 2013; Leach et al. 2016; D’Amen et al.
2018; but see Konig et al. 2021). Consequently, the role
of biotic interactions is frequently overlooked (Anderson
2017; Palacio & Girini 2018), which can lead to misin-
terpretations of ecological niches and species distributions
(Zurell et al. 2020; Moullec et al. 2022). In our case,
such misinterpretations would hinder our capacity to fully
understand the significant role that mutualism plays in
shaping the ecological niche of clownfishes.
Here we built on an existing environmental niche
quantification approach and implemented a novel method
to reduce the biotic uncertainty, estimate the partial effects
of known interactions, and accordingly refine the esti-
mate of the ecological niche. To capture the mutualistic
dependence of clownfishes on sea anemones and under-
stand their effects on clownfishes niche, we adapted the
‘COUE’ framework (Guisan et al. 2014) by defining new
metrics describing the effect of biotic interactions on
niche quantification (Fig. 1). We compared the impact of
biotic interactions on niche quantification between gen-
eralist and specialist clownfishes, hypothesizing that sea
anemone associations significantly affect clownfish niches
and distributions, with a greater effect on specialists than
on generalists. Furthermore, we anticipate that incorpo-
rating mutualistic interactions as a limited resource into
the quantification of resource overlap will reflect current
competition dynamics among clownfishes, as well as their
relationship to species richness and community assembly
Material & Methods
Data Collection
Clownfishes inhabit the Indo-Pacific Ocean, from the
East coast of Africa to Polynesia in the Pacific, and from
the coast of Japan to the South of Australia, while sea
anemones have a broader, worldwide distribution (Fautin
& Allen 1992). We collected 1,636 occurrences of ten host
sea anemone species (mean: 163.6; min: 68; max: 335)
and 4,258 occurrences of 30 clownfish species (mean:
146.8; min: 2; max: 860) from RLS, GBIF, OBIS and Hex-
acoral databases (Atlas of Living Australia 2017;
2018; OBIS 2017; Fautin 2008 respectively). Datasets were
filtered to remove duplicates and misplaced or misiden-
tified occurrences. After filtering, two clownfish species
(Amphiprion pacificus and thiellei) with fewer than five
occurrences were excluded.
Environmental data from GMED (Basher et al. 2018)
and Bio-Oracle (Tyberghein et al. 2012; Assis et al.
2018) were obtained at 0.083° resolution, representing
approximately 9,2 km near the equator, covering physical,
chemical, and biological factors. The 53 environmental
variables collected were restricted to shallow reefs and
the epipelagic zone above 50m depth, using the UNEP-
WCMC warm water coral reef map (UNEP-WCMC 2018).
After removing variables with excessive missing data and
discarding highly correlated variables (Pearson’s correla-
tion > 0.8), we retained eight environmental variables:
mean current velocity, mean salinity, mean temperature,
mean nitrate concentration, nitrate concentration range,
mean chlorophyll concentration, dissolved oxygen con-
centration range, and mean phytoplankton concentration.
Effects Of Mutualism On Clownfish Community Composition 3
Quantifying ecological niches
We constructed a global environmental space using
the first two principal components of a scaled PCA based
on the eight selected environmental variables, which
explained 39% and 22% of the total variance, respectively.
We used the ecospat R package (Broennimann et al. 2012)
to estimate the occurrence density o for both clownfishes
and sea anemones in a two-dimensional grid of 100 by 100
where δ(n)is the 2D kernel density estimation of
the number of occurrences on the defined environmental
space, and max(n)is the maximum number of occurrences
in any grid cell of the environmental space. The occurrence
density oranges from 0 for environments where the species
is not observed to 1 where it is most observed. It represents
the species ecological niche (i.e. realized environmen-
tal niche) and can be used as a proxy of the probability
of occurrence in a given environment (Drake & Richards
2018). .
Refining the ecological niche using mutualistic
We compiled the species-specific mutualistic inter-
actions between sea anemones and clownfishes from
scientific literature (Fautin 1985, 1991; Godwin &
Fautin 1992; Ollerton et al. 2007; Ricciardi et al.
2010; Litsios et al. 2012) and reputable online sources
org, to construct an association
matrix Awhere each clownfish species swas represented
by a vector of interactions (Fig. 1):
As=[α1· · · αn], α {0,1}
with nbeing the number of sea anemone species (here
10 in total). Given the obligate nature of the clownfish-
anemone mutualism, we assumed that environments
unsuitable for host anemones would be unavailable to
clownfish, resulting in αvalues of either 0 or 1 in our
case (see Supplementary Material & Methods for poten-
tial extensions). Environmental availability for clownfish
would thus depend on two factors: i) the association
between a present host species and the clownfish, as
defined by matrix A, and ii) the occurrence density of sea
anemone species in the environment. The host availability
ωwas estimated as
ω= 1
(1 okαk)(2)
where αkis the association between a clownfish and its
host anemone k(derived from the matrix A), while kis
the occurrence density of the host k.ωvalues range from
0 to 1 and represent the availability score across the two-
dimensional environmental space where a suitable host is
present. Then, the refined occurrence density o of the focal
clownfish species given the mutualistic associations was
o=ωo (3)
where ois the occurrence density of the focal clownfish
species, and ωis the host availability across the environ-
mental space.
Given clownfishes’ limited dispersal capacity (Jones et
al. 2005; Almany et al. 2017) and local adaptation of both
clownfishes (Huyghe & Kochzius 2015; Clark et al. 2021;
Ducret et al. 2022) and sea anemones (Sachkova et al.
2020; Will et al. 2021; Prakash et al. 2021), we anticipated
regional ecological variations. We divided the study area
into 27 regions across 5 marine realms based on MEOW
(Spalding et al. 2007; Fig. S1). We estimated the ecolog-
ical niche ofor both clownfish and sea anemones, and
the mutualism-refined niche o for clownfishes, at regional
scale by assessing species niches within each marine
region’s environmental space subset. Main analyses were
conducted at a global scale and without environmental
variable selection to test the robustness of our findings
across spatial scales and variable inclusion (Fig. S2 and
S3). Additionally, we projected the occurrence densities of
each estimated niche into the geographical space for spa-
tial representation of the results (Supplementary Material &
Methods). We also conducted sensitivity analyses to eval-
uate the effect of the association matrix in our framework
(Fig. S4 and Supplementary Material & Methods).
Effect of mutualistic interactions on species niches
We compared the clownfishes niche estimates with
and without accounting for the sea anemones hosts occur-
rences (ecological niche ovs. mutualism-refined niche o’)
to understand the effect of implementing explicit mutual-
istic interactions in niche estimations. We measured differ-
ent characteristics of niche space by adapting the ‘COUE’
framework (Guisan et al. 2014). In particular, we quanti-
fied changes in species’ realized niches by defining three
categories of occupied environmental space, accounting
for the influence of sea anemone hosts. With Nrepre-
senting the number of cells in the environmental grid, we
defined ‘Unavailable’ as the proportion of environmental
space not occupied by the hosts of the given clownfish
species and thus not available for the clownfish, calculated
as N(o>0&o=0)/N(o>0) , ‘Used’ as the proportion of envi-
ronmental space occupied by the given clownfish species,
calculated as N(o>0&o>0)/N(o>0) , and ‘Unoccupied’ as
the proportion of environmental space inhabited by any
host of the given clownfish species but not by the clown-
fish, calculated as N(o>0)/N(ω>0). To evaluate how the
generalist-specialist spectrum affects ecological niche esti-
mates incorporating mutualistic data, we classified species
based on host associations. Following Ollerton et al. (2007)
and Litsios et al. (2014), we defined generalists as species
interacting with three or more hosts, and specialists as
those with fewer than three hosts.
4Effects Of Mutualism On Clownfish Community Composition
Fig. 1: Scheme of the proposed frame-
work to assess the effect of biotic interac-
tions and whether differential mutualistic
behaviors may produce biases in the eco-
logical niche estimation. For each clown-
fish species, georeferenced occurrences
were collected, and ecological niche was
estimated from the environmental space
created using the selected environmen-
tal variables. Additionally, georeferenced
occurrences of all sea anemones species
were collected to infer their ecological
niches following the same procedure as
for the clownfish. Hosts ecological niches
were combined into a single multi-hosts
‘niche’ using the interaction vector fol-
lowing the provided formula to create an
envelope of host availability (ω). Finally,
we constrained the clownfish ecologi-
cal niche (o) by the host availability (ω)
to obtain a mutualism-refined ecological
niche (o). Comparisons between the host
availability envelope and the estimated
clownfish ecological niche (dashed lines)
provided the UUU parameters, determin-
ing Unavailable environments (environ-
mentally suitable but unavailable due to
lack of host availability), Used environ-
ments as they were both suitable and
available, and Unoccupied environments
as those that were available but not suit-
able for the clownfish.
Effect of mutualistic interactions on species niche
We examined how clownfish mutualistic interactions
influence niche overlap among clownfish species. Using
Schoener’s D, we calculated pairwise ecological niche
overlap between species, both with and without consider-
ing host anemone associations. Ecological and mutualism-
refined niche overlap inadequately represents actual com-
petition in clownfish, which is primarily driven by host use.
To estimate resource-use competition more accurately, we
developed a multi-layered approach. We replicated the
environmental space into layers corresponding to each
host, projected species ecological niches onto these layers,
and constrained them by host suitability (skipping equation
2 and taking each host’s occurrence density as ω). We
then averaged layer-specific overlap values to obtain a sin-
gle overlap measure for each species pair (Fig. S5). This
method accounts for the host-specific nature of clown-
fish competition and provides a more realistic estimate
of resource-use overlap. By integrating host specificity
and environmental preferences, it captures the interplay
between habitat requirements and resource competition
in the clownfish-sea anemone mutualism system. We
compared overlap estimates (ecological niche, mutualism-
refined niche, and resource-use) and examined differences
based on species pair specialization levels (generalist-
generalist, generalist-specialist, and specialist-specialist).
Spatial patterns of clownfish interspecific niche
We examined the relationship between species rich-
ness and both ecological niche and resource-use overlap,
as well as their geographical patterns. Species richness
was defined as the number of species predicted at a loca-
tion, while overlap intensity was calculated as the average
pairwise overlaps of all species at a site. Using spatial gen-
eralized linear mixed models (GLMMs) with the spaMM
R package (Rousset & Ferdy 2014), we assessed the effect
of species richness on both overlap estimates (ecological
niche and resource-use), accounting for spatial autocor-
relation (Fig. S6,S7 and Table S1). We then analyzed
subsets of ecological niche and resource-use overlap for
generalist-generalist, specialist-generalist, and specialist-
specialist interactions, estimating species numbers for each
interaction type. Finally, we conducted spatial GLMMs for
Effects Of Mutualism On Clownfish Community Composition 5
each subset to determine if niche overlap patterns varied
by interaction type.
Effect of mutualistic interactions on species
Incorporating mutualistic information significantly
altered ecological niche estimates in 60% of the 108
regional niche subsets (Table S2). Across all clownfish
species and regions, an average of 66% of a species eco-
logical niche remained used after integrating mutualistic
information (XUsed = 0.664 ±0.242). Approximately one-
sixth was unavailable due to unsuitable host environments
(XUnav ailable = 0.179 ±0.249), while a similar proportion
was suitable for hosts but outside the clownfish ecologi-
cal niche (XUnoccupied = 0.178 ±0.193). UUU proportions
however, exhibited considerable variability among species
(Fig. 2) and across regions (Fig. S8).
Fig. 2: Stacked bar plot showing the averaged UUU pro-
portions per clownfish species among regions. Colours
represent the different UUU parameters specified on the
legend on top. White vertical lines represent the standard
deviation across regions.
Specialists and generalists showed significant varia-
tions in UUU proportions (Fig. 3and Table S3). Specialists
had higher Unavailable (H= 23.061, df = 1, p < 0.001)
and lower Used (H= 17.129, df = 1, p < 0.001) propor-
tions in their ecological niches compared to generalists,
while no significant difference was detected for Unoccu-
pied proportions (H= 2.1735, df = 1, p = 0.14). The
stronger effects on specialist clownfish species Unavailable
and Used proportions were evident through higher niche
dissimilarity (H= 39.987, df = 1, p < 0.001), greater cen-
troid shift (H= 20.681, df = 1, p < 0.001), and larger
environmental shift (H= 17.704, df = 1, p < 0.001) when
compared to generalists (Fig. S9). These UUU patterns
were consistent at the spatial level (Fig. S10)
Fig. 3: Comparisons between generalists and specialists on
the proportions of Unavailable (a), Used (b), and Unoccu-
pied (c) proportions of the niche, adapted from the ‘COUE’
framework (Guisan et al. 2014). Violin plots show the dis-
tribution of the data. Statistical significance is represented
following the legend: no significant (n.s.); p< 0.05 (*); p<
0.01 (**); p< 0.001 (***); p< 0.0001 (****).
6Effects Of Mutualism On Clownfish Community Composition
Fig. 4: Pairwise species compar-
ison of between ecological and
mutualism-refined niche over-
laps (a), and ecological niche and
resource-use overlaps (b). Col-
ored lines in the main plots (left)
represent individual pairwise com-
parisons across categories, with
blue lines indicating a decrease
in overlap intensity and red lines
showing an increase. Boxplots illus-
trate the overall intensity of niche
overlap at each niche level, while
violin plots show the distribution of
pairwise overlaps for each category.
Histograms on the right display the
distribution of differences between
pairwise overlaps, where blue bars
indicate decreased overlap and
red bars indicate increased over-
lap compared to ecological niche
overlap. Statistical significance is
represented following the legend:
no significant (n.s.); p< 0.05 (*);
p< 0.01 (**); p< 0.001 (***); p<
0.0001 (****).
Effect of mutualistic interactions on species
niche overlaps
Clownfish ecological niche overlap, measured by
Schoener’s Dstatistic, was high (median Decological =
0.741; IQR = 0.199), indicating highly similar environ-
mental suitability. Accounting for host associations slightly
but significant (V= 14,723; df = 1; p= 0.015)
increased niche overlap (median Dmutualismrefined =
0.762; IQR = 0.220) compared to ecological niche
overlap. However, resource-use overlap was substantially
lower (median Dresourceuse = 0.232; IQR = 0.304)
and significantly different from ecological and mutualism-
refined niche overlap (V= 35,327; df = 1; p < 0.001 and
V= 33,650; df = 1; p < 0.001, respectively; Fig. 4).
Decological showed no significant differences among
specialist-specialist, specialist-generalist, generalist-
generalist interactions (H= 4.193; df = 2; p= 0.122).
However, significant differences emerged after refin-
ing the ecological niche with mutualistic information
(H= 6.7509; df = 1; p= 0.034), with stronger differences
in resource-use overlap (H= 71.623; df = 1; p < 0.001).
In specialist-specialist pairs, 15 comparisons showed
zero resource-use overlap due to not shared hosts,
while the remaining 13 pairs exhibited high over-
lap (median Dresourceuse = 0.456; I QR = 0.374).
Overlap decreased significantly in generalist-generalist
(median Dresourceuse = 0.351; I QR = 0.212) and
generalist-specialist interactions (median Dresourceuse =
0.201; IQR = 0.172), with the latter, being the most com-
mon among co-occurring clownfishes and exhibiting the
lowest resource-use overlap (Fig. S11).
Geographical patterns of niche overlap
The Eastern and Western Coral Triangle regions showed
the highest species richness and number of potential inter-
actions (Fig 5a). High environmental suitability overlap
was found in Pacific, Western and Central Indian Oceans
regions for both ecological and mutualism-refined niches
projections (Fig 5b; ecological niche projections shown).
Resource-use overlap was more pronounced in the Tropi-
cal North-western Pacific and Somali/Arabian sea (Fig 5c).
Generally, resource-use overlap was lower than environ-
mental suitability overlap for within regions (Fig 5d), with
the largest disparities in Temperate and Tropical Pacific
regions, Northeast Australian Shelf, Coral Triangle, and
Western Indian Ocean.
Resource-use overlap correlated positively with eco-
logical overlaps across regions (r= 0.800, p <
0.001) and negatively with species richness (r=
0.287, p < 0.001). GLMMs revealed species rich-
ness negatively associated with resource-use overlap
(β=0.013; 95%CI [0.015,0.017]), while environmen-
tal suitability overlap (β= 0.668; 95%CI [0.646,0.689])
showed a positive association. Their interaction had
a negative impact on resource-use overlap (β=
Effects Of Mutualism On Clownfish Community Composition 7
0.015; 95%CI [0.011,0.019]; Fig. S12 and Table S4). Ana-
lyzing interaction subsets (generalist-generalist, specialist-
generalist, and specialist-specialist), resource-use over-
lap among generalist-generalist interactions showed pos-
itively associated with generalist species richness (β=
0.013; 95%CI [0.009,0.017]) and environmental suitabil-
ity overlap (β= 0.415; 95%CI [0.400,0.430]). Specialist-
generalist and specialist-specialist interactions exhibited
similar effects as the overall model, with varying magni-
tudes of association between environmental suitability and
resource-use overlap (Table S4).
Our study introduces a novel approach to incorpo-
rate mutualistic interactions in the estimation of ecological
niches. Using clownfishes as a case study, we explored
how species-specific mutualistic interactions with sea
anemones influence the ecological niche. This allowed
us to assess niche overlaps among clownfishes based
on resource use, shedding light on competition patterns
within clownfish communities. We then evaluated the role
of mutualistic behaviour and host-partitioning in resource
competing communities.
Effect of mutualistic interactions in clownfish
species niches
Our study revealed significant misalignment between
clownfish and host anemone ecological niches (Fig 2).
Despite their obligate mutualism, we found only about
60% overlap between clownfish and host niches, con-
trary to our expectation of nearly-identical environmen-
tal suitability. This discrepancy exceeds that observed in
non-dependent interactions of other organisms (e.g. Aru-
moogum et al. 2023). While some mismatch could be
attributed to data limitations and methodological con-
straints, the extent of disagreement was unexpected given
the nature of their relationship.
Comparing ecological niches (based on environmental
factors) with mutualism-refined niches revealed deviations
due to the presence or absence of suitable host anemones.
These disparities can introduce potential biases into spa-
tial models, especially for specialists species heavily con-
strained by biotic interactions (Meineri et al. 2012). Our
approach incorporates explicit information about mutual-
istic interactions, refining ecological niche estimations and
enabling detailed examination of environmental suitability
discrepancies between clownfish and their host anemones.
Spatial projections of the UUU parameters showed
‘Used’ areas (suitable for both clownfish and host
anemones) as predominant in species distributions (Fig.
S13 and S14), indicating a strong agreement in environ-
mental suitability. ‘Unavailable’ (suitable for clownfish
only) and ‘Unoccupied’ (suitable for hosts only) areas rep-
resent less common environments, highlighting suitability
mismatches between mutualistic partners (Fig. S15). The
strong agreement between clownfish and host anemones
ecological niches in predominant environments suggests
an ecologically stable clownfish-sea anemone interaction,
Fig. 5: a) Estimated number of clownfish species occurring
per location. b) Averaged ecological niche overlap among
all co-occurring species per location. c) Average resource-
use overlap among of all co-occurring species per loca-
tion. d) Difference between ecological niche overlap and
resource-use overlap computed as Dresource-use - Decological.
Negative values represent higher ecological niche over-
lap than resource-use overlap and positive values represent
higher resource-use niche overlap than ecological niche
likely maximizing habitat occupancy in a convergent man-
ner. This pattern may indicate co-evolution, with both part-
ners adapting to similar environmental conditions, driven
by their symbiotic benefits.
Regions with high ‘Unavailable’ proportions due to
host absence may indicate ecologically unstable or fluc-
tuating populations, potentially representing sink popu-
lations. These areas show inconsistent observations of
8Effects Of Mutualism On Clownfish Community Composition
both host anemones and clownfish. Such pattern could
indicate non-self-sustaining populations relying on immi-
gration from stable source populations. However, these
sink populations might foster new ecological adaptations
(Peniston et al. 2019). In source-sink dynamics, sink habi-
tats can play crucial roles in adaptation by harboring
increased genetic variation and experience reduced com-
petition, allowing for survival of novel phenotypes (Holt,
1996; Kawecki, 2008). Temporal variation in harsh sink
environments can facilitate niche evolution, with favorable
periods allowing population growth and fixation of ben-
eficial mutations (Lenormand, 2002; Holt et al. 2003). In
clownfish-anemone systems, populations in low host avail-
ability areas might evolve wider environmental tolerances,
utilize alternative hosts, or enhance dispersal capabilities.
Long-term population genetic studies are needed to fully
understand adaptive processes of clownfishes in marginal
‘Unoccupied’ environments could facilitate niche
expansion for clownfish species (Bruno et al. 2003; Bulleri
et al. 2016). Sea anemones may create favorable microen-
vironments (Arossa et al. 2021) enabling clownfish larvae
to settle in otherwise harsh conditions. These areas could
foster new environmental adaptations and driving range
expansions (Chen et al. 2018; Álvarez et al. 2020). This
host-mediated niche expansion might have facilitated the
clownfish clade’s expansion into the West Indian Ocean
around 5 million years ago (Litsios et al. 2014), with
long-established sea anemones (Titus et al., 2019) provid-
ing an ecological opportunity for adapted clownfish. This
hypothesis highlights the interplay between biotic interac-
tions and abiotic factors in shaping species distributions
and evolution. It also suggests sea anemones act as niche
constructors, modifying environments for their symbionts,
similar to mycorrhizal fungi altering soil for plants or corals
building reef habitats.
Consistent with previous research on mutualistic net-
works (Bascompte & Jordano, 2007), generalist clownfish
species showed higher niche overlap with host anemones
compared to specialists. This suggests generalist niches
are less constrained by biotic interactions, while special-
ist niches are strongly shaped by the specificity of their
mutualistic relationship (Fig. 3). Specialist exhibited larger
proportions of unavailable niches, likely due to their tight
association with fewer hosts. This makes niche estima-
tions incorporating biotic interactions more likely to differ
from environmental-only models (Bateman et al. 2012),
particularly for specialists linked to rare or patchily dis-
tributed hosts. Specialist niche models without accounting
for biotic constrains may be prone to overfitting, potentially
leading to inaccurate predictions, oversimplified under-
standing of complex ecological dynamics and misguided
conservation efforts (Dormann et al. 2018). This is particu-
larly crucial given as specialist species are often more vul-
nerable to climate change and extinction risks. Conversely,
areas of overlapping predicted niches for clownfish and
host anemones enhance model robustness, increasing con-
fidence in distribution estimates and validating our under-
standing of their mutualism and ecological requirements.
While our niche estimations are considered reliable,
potential biases stemming from imbalance occurrence
data or incorrect biotic associations may exist. UUU
parameters can identify areas needing better sampling or
reveal misidentified associations, as seen in recent obser-
vations of A. latezonatus,A. chagosensis and A. sebae
(Gaboriau et al. 2024). These species showed associations
with more sea anemone species than previously known,
potentially explaining high levels of unavailable niche pro-
portions. A. sebaes distribution, spanning from the Central
Indian Ocean to the Eastern Coral Triangle, shows decreas-
ing Unavailability proportions from west to east (100%
in Central Indian Ocean Islands, 52% in Andaman, and
14% in Western Coral Triangle). This gradient suggests
its western range could be facilitated by novel ecologi-
cal interactions, indicating a shift in ecological structuring
based on different host associations across its distribu-
tion. Similar patterns at smaller scales are observed for A.
chagosesis (40% Unavailability in Central Indian Ocean
Islands) and A. latezonatus (14% in East Central Australian
Shelf and 100% in Lord Howe Island). These analyses
provide a valuable tool for conservation strategies by iden-
tifying areas or populations requiring increased monitoring
Effect of mutualistic interactions on species
niche overlaps
Our models provide insights into clownfish interspe-
cific competition dynamics. Competition relies on physical
interactions between species, making niche and distribu-
tion inferences crucial (Godsoe et al. 2015). Our approach
enhances clownfish distribution estimations by consider-
ing their nested presence within hosts and allows studying
interactions while accounting for resource partitioning due
to varying host use.
Ecological niche overlaps were high, regardless of
mutualistic associations and host use. As such, two clown-
fish in the same region would have similar environmen-
tal suitability despite inhabiting different sea anemones.
Tropical reef fishes have narrow environmental niches,
with limited tolerance to variations in temperature, salin-
ity, pH, and oxygen levels (Brandl et al. 2020; Munday
et al. 2008). Many species show reduced fitness when
conditions deviate from their optimal range (Johansen
et al. 2014; Rummer et al. 2013). Damselfishes exhibit
decreased maximum oxygen uptake and aerobic scope
at temperatures above 31°C (Habary et al. 2017). This
specialization makes reef fish sensitive to environmental
changes and vulnerable to climate impacts (Munday et al.
2008; Brandl et al. 2020). Resource-use overlap among
clownfish species varied based on shared host anemones
and mutualistic behaviours. Species sharing multiple host
anemones exhibited greater overlap compared to those
sharing fewer hosts. Generalist clownfish, associating with
a wider range of anemone hosts, demonstrated higher
resource-use overlap than specialists, restricted to fewer
host species.
Our analyses revealed an inverse relationship between
resource-use overlap and ecological niche overlap among
Effects Of Mutualism On Clownfish Community Composition 9
clownfishes. While sea anemone associations are critical
for clownfish survival and reproduction (Lubbock 1980;
Fautin 1991), factors driving species-specific host prefer-
ences remain unclear. We suggest that current mosaic of
host preferences arose from long-term competitive dynam-
ics aimed at minimizing resource-use overlaps, .facili-
tating species coexistence in optimal environments with
high ecological niche overlap. This competition avoid-
ance through resource partitioning is observed in various
mutualistic systems, such as yucca-yucca moths, acacia-
ant, plant-pollinator, and ant-myrmecophyte mutualisms
(e.g., Addicott 1998; Palmer et al. 2003; Lee et al. 2010;
Jeavons et al. 2020). In clownfishes, host resource-use
overlap likely drives interspecific competition, as these
species share fundamental ecological characteristics such
as trophic position, reproductive behavior, phenology, and
social structure. Host use and mutualistic behavior are pri-
mary differentiating factors, influencing coloration patterns
and species recognition (Gaboriau et al. 2024). This sug-
gests host use is a strong predictor of potential competitive
dynamics among clownfish species.
While other ecological factors may influence local
competition dynamics and the scale and resolution of the
niche estimations could limit detection of biotic interac-
tions (e.g. Pearson & Dawson 2003, Araujo & Rozenfeld
2014 and Fontoura et al. 2020), our analysis reveals poten-
tial effects of mutualistic interactions on clownfish co-
existence and competitive dynamics at the regional scale.
Our study reveals that generalist-specialist interactions
are the most prevalent, with 67 unique interactions, par-
ticularly in species-rich environments. These interactions
exhibit the lowest resource-use overlap, suggesting they
are favoured in saturated communities, reducing compe-
tition and enabling species coexistence. Such interactions
align with observations in plant-animal mutualistic sys-
tems, where generalist-specialist interactions contribute to
biodiversity maintenance (Bascompte & Jordano 2007).
Geographical patterns of resource-use overlap
We observed distinct coexistence patterns among
clownfish species across regions (Fig. S16 and Table S5,
each linked to contrasting levels of ecological niche and
resource-use overlap. These patterns reflect the complex
interplay between host specialization and environmen-
tal adaptation in shaping distributions, aligning with the
observed clownfish evolutionary dynamics (Litsios et al.
2014), suggesting a trade-off between host and environ-
mental specialization.
Our findings align with Camp et al. (2016), where
approximately 25% of clownfishes inhabiting the Coral
Triangle were found in interspecific cohabiting groups,
where clownfish species richness often exceeded host
availability. This region characterized by high species co-
occurrence and significant differences between ecological
and resource-use overlap, exhibits a common coexistence
pattern involving a generalist and a specialist with low
resource-use overlap, indicating opportunities for coex-
istence through niche partitioning (Polechová & Storch
2019). However, we identified two alternative coexis-
tence scenarios in which resource-use overlap was high,
suggesting on-going competition.
First, regions at distribution edges such as the Western
Pacific, Somali/Arabian Peninsula, and Central and West-
ern Indian Ocean, exhibited high resource-use overlap
driven mainly by closely related species. These regions,
characterized by more recent colonization events (Litsios
et al. 2014), likely represent areas of ongoing adaptation to
new environmental conditions. These species pairs share
host anemones while adapting to different environmental
conditions, indicating recent divergence and specializa-
tion in distinct ecological niches. Some of those interac-
tions have been reported as never coexisting within the
same location, suggesting fine-scale competitive exclusion
not captured by our regional-scale analyses.
Second, we found distantly related species, like A.
frenatus and A. biaculeatus or A. chrysopterus and A. per-
cula, converging at distribution edges and sharing hosts
despite evolving in different ecological niches, indicat-
ing secondary contact and convergence on common hosts
(Gaboriau et al. 2024). In these cases, we observed diver-
gence between species in other traits such as coloration,
morphology, or positioning relative to the host anemone.
This observation aligns with findings by Camp et al. (2016).
Such trait divergence likely serves to reduce competition
when species share host anemones, enabling cohabitation
on the same host while maintaining species recognition to
prevent hybridization.
Our study reveals complex resource-use overlap
dynamics influenced by species richness, ecological over-
lap, and specialization levels. Generalist-generalist inter-
actions show increased resource-use overlap as ecological
overlap and generalist species number rise. Coexistence
is most likely in communities with few generalists and
moderate ecological overlap. However, generalists’ flexi-
bility in host switching may mitigate competition locally.
Specialist-specialist interactions exhibit a different pattern,
where a larger number of specialists allows reduced com-
petition if ecological overlap is low. Specialist-generalist
interactions strike an optimal balance, supporting high
species richness and ecological overlap while maintain-
ing low resource-use overlap. This balance likely pro-
motes species coexistence and may explain the remarkable
clownfish diversity in the Coral Triangle, the most environ-
mentally competitive area. These findings underscore the
importance of considering specialization levels and eco-
logical factors in understanding biodiversity maintenance
mechanisms in complex ecosystems like coral reefs.
Our study introduces a novel framework for assessing
species interactions’ impact on niche estimation, with sig-
nificant implications for conservation strategies and under-
standing mutualistic networks. Applied to clownfishes, we
revealed the crucial role of resource partitioning in reg-
ulating competition, illuminating the evolution of diverse
clownfish-sea anemone associations. Our findings support
10 Effects Of Mutualism On Clownfish Community Composition
established hypotheses in mutualistic systems, demonstrat-
ing how diverse strategies promote ecosystem sustainabil-
ity and mitigate negative effects in saturated communi-
ties. Competition avoidance through resource partitioning
emerges as a central mechanism shaping clownfish com-
munities across the Indo-Pacific, aligning with broader
ecological principles. While our study highlights impor-
tance of resource partitioning, it also raises questions
about its evolutionary origins versus dynamic responses
to current host composition. This framework advances
clownfish ecology understanding and provides a valuable
tool for investigating mutualistic interactions broadly. It
can be extended to account for various interaction types,
contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of
biodiversity maintenance in complex ecosystems.
Supplementary information
Acknowledgements. We thank Daniele Silvestro, Pablo Duchen
and Thibault Latrille for their contribution to the discussions of this study.
Funding. Financial support for this research was provided by the Uni-
versity of Lausanne funds and the Swiss National Science Foundation
(Grant Number: 310030_185223).
Conflict of interest statement. The authors declare no compet-
ing interests in the publication of this work.
Data availability. All data sets used and produced, figures and R
scripts can be retrieved from the DRYAD repository (
Code availability. The scripts used for the analyses will be deposited
on Dryad upon acceptance of the manuscript, ensuring the reproducibility
and accessibility of our research findings.
Author contribution. AGJ, TG and NS designed the study, AGJ col-
lected the data, developed the implementation, performed the modelling,
carried out the analyses, and wrote the initial manuscript. TG and NS con-
tributed to the development of the implementation, the interpretation of
the analyses and the writing of the manuscript, with help of all authors.
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Clownfishes (Amphiprioninae) are a fascinating example of marine radiation. From a central Pacific ancestor, they quickly colonized the coral reefs of the Indo-Pacific and diversified independently on each side of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. Their association with venomous sea anemones is often thought to be the key innovation that enabled the clownfish radiation. However, this intuition has little empirical or theoretical support given our current knowledge of the clade. To date, no ecological variable has been identified that can explain clownfish niche partitioning, phenotypic evolution, species co-occurrence, and thus, the adaptive radiation of the group. Our synthetic work solves this long-standing mystery by testing the influence of sea anemone host use on phenotypic divergence. We provide the first major revision to the known clownfish-sea anemone host associations in over 30 years, accounting for host associations in a biologically relevant way. We gathered whole-genome data for all 28 clownfish species and reconstructed a fully supported species tree for the Amphiprioninae. Integrating this new data into comparative phylogenomic approaches, we demonstrate for the first time, that the host sea anemones are the drivers of convergent evolution in clownfish color pattern and morphology. During the adaptive radiation of this group, clownfishes in different regions that associate with the same hosts have evolved the same phenotypes. Comparative genomics also reveals several genes under convergent positive selection linked to host specialisation events. Our results identify the sea anemone host as the key ecological variable that disentangles the entire adaptive radiation. As one of the most recognizable animals on the planet and an emerging model organism in the biological sciences, our findings bear on the interpretation of dozens of prior studies on clownfishes and will radically reshape research agendas for these iconic organisms.
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The reproductive success of flowering plants with generalized pollination systems is influenced by the interactions with a diverse pollinator community and abiotic factors. However, knowledge about the adaptative potential of plants to complex ecological networks and the underlying genetic mechanisms is still limited. Based on a pool-sequencing approach of 21 natural populations of Brassica incana in Southern Italy, we combined a genome-environmental association analysis with a genome scan for signals of population genomic differentiation to discover genetic variants associated with ecological variation. We identified genomic regions putatively involved in the adaptation of B. incana to the identity of local pollinator functional categories and pollinator community composition. Interestingly, we observed several shared candidate genes associated with long-tongue bees, soil texture, and temperature variation. We established a genomic map of potential generalist flowering plant local adaptation to complex biotic interactions, and the importance of considering multiple environmental factors to describe the adaptive landscape of plant populations.
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Changes in some combination of niche availability, niche overlap and the strength of interspecific interactions are thought to drive changes in plant composition along resource gradients. However, because these processes are difficult to measure in the field, their relative importance in driving compositional change in plant communities remains unclear. In an Australian temperate grassland, we added seeds of three native and three exotic grasses to 1875 experimental plots in a way that allowed us to simultaneously estimate niche availability, niche overlap and the strength of pairwise interspecific interactions along a gradient of nutrient availability, obtained by adding 0, 5 or 20 g m−2 each of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium jointly to plots. Niche availability (the proportion of microsites suitable for establishment and growth) was generally low and did not vary in response to nutrient addition. Most species co‐occurred along the nutrient gradient by partitioning the available niche space. Where species interacted due to niche overlap, the abundance of one species, the native Chloris truncata, was usually facilitated by other species, with each of the five other species increasing the niche availability to C. truncata under at least one nutrient treatment. Chloris truncata also competitively excluded two species from some but not all sites they could otherwise have occupied. These outcomes did not clearly differ across nutrient treatments. Our results show that fine‐scale spatial heterogeneity in establishment microsites can enable species to co‐occur via niche partitioning, and competitive exclusion is rare. This finding contributes to an emerging picture that niche partitioning is common and frequently a stronger influence on recruitment outcomes than interspecific competition. The importance of competition in structuring plant communities may be overestimated if recruitment processes are overlooked.
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Competition for limited resources can yield two contrasting outcomes in community structure, namely, either (i) dominance of most competitive species (with functional convergence of the traits conferring this ability), or (ii) niche partitioning of species using distinct resources. In addition, varying resource availability in different environmental contexts is expected to yield varying community dynamics and composition between the contexts (habitat filtering). We addressed resource-based ant community structure in a tropical ecosystem. We expected ant species to display varying trophic preferences and foraging behaviors, allowing habitat selection and niche differentiation in ant assemblages. Furthermore, we expected habitat filtering to occur between open and forested areas in the landscape mosaic, and competition to further influence local species co-occurrence. We assessed resource use in nine ant assemblages distributed in two habitats (i.e., forests and croplands), devising two separate experiments using bait-traps to characterize ant species’ trophic preference (e.g., eating prey, seeds, sugars) and their ability to obtain a same resource in heterogeneous forms (e.g., on vegetation, litter, with variable amounts…). The majority of baits offered were rapidly exploited in the two habitats suggesting important resource limitations. Forest and cropland ant communities differed, however, in the proportions of resources exploited, suggesting different competitive pressures toward specific resources between habitats. Within each habitat, ants preferentially exploited the same resources, suggesting habitat filtering, but locally, interspecific resource partitioning resulted in a reduction of resource overlap compared to habitat scale. Our study provides evidence of the effects of habitat filtering and competition for resource in tropical ant community structure. Our findings also suggest that niche filtering and niche partitioning are co-variant forces determining the identity of the species present in local assemblages.
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Revealing the mechanisms of environmental niche partitioning within lowland tropical forests is important for understanding the drivers of current species distributions and potential vulnerability to environmental change. Tropical forest structure and species composition change across edaphic gradients in Borneo over short distances. However, our understanding of how edaphic conditions affect tree physiology and whether these relationships drive niche partitioning within Bornean forests remains incomplete. This study evaluated how leaf physiological function changes with nutrient availability across a fine‐scale edaphic gradient and whether these relationships vary according to tree height. Furthermore, we tested whether intraspecific leaf trait variation allows generalist species to populate a wider range of environments. We measured leaf traits of 218 trees ranging in height from 4 to 66 m from 13 dipterocarp species within four tropical forest types (alluvial, mudstone, sandstone and kerangas) occurring along an <5 km edaphic gradient in North Borneo. The traits measured included saturating photosynthesis (Asat), maximum photosynthetic capacity (Vcmax), leaf dark respiration (Rleaf), leaf mass per area (LMA), leaf thickness, minimum stomatal conductance (gdark) and leaf nutrient concentrations (N, P, Ca, K and Mg). Across all species, leaf traits varied consistently in response to soil nutrient availability across forest types except Rleaf_mass, [Mg]leaf and [Ca]leaf. Changes in photosynthesis and respiration rates were related to different leaf nutrients across forest types, with greater nutrient‐use efficiency in more nutrient‐poor environments. Generalist species partially or fully compensated reductions in mass‐based photosynthesis through increasing LMA in more nutrient‐poor environments. Leaf traits also varied with tree height, except Vcmax_mass, but only in response to height‐related modifications of leaf morphology (LMA and leaf thickness). These height–trait relationships did not vary across the edaphic gradient, except for Asat, [N]leaf, [P]leaf and [K]leaf. Our results highlight that modification of leaf physiological function and morphology act as important adaptations for Bornean dipterocarps in response to edaphic and vertical environmental gradients. Meanwhile, multiple nutrients appear to contribute to niche partitioning and could drive species distributions and high biodiversity within Bornean forest landscapes. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
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Populations of anemonefish species often show signs of local isolation due to limited dispersal potential and oceanographic conditions. Additionally, anthropogenic pressure, such as overharvesting and coral reef exploitation causes reduced population size, eventually leading to local extinction. The understanding of the genetic population structure, as well as the influence of both historical and current connectivity, is required to design effective marine protected area (MPA) networks. In this study, the genetic structure of Clark’s Anemonefish (Amphiprion clarkii) based on 209 individuals from 16 samples sites in the Indo-Malay Archipelago (IMA) is assessed through mitochondrial control region (mtCR) sequences and eight nuclear microsatellite loci. Results provided evidence of a significant genetic structure (mtCR: Φst = 0.42, Φct = 0.64; microsatellites: Fst = 0.01, Fct = 0.05). Genetic breaks were identified among Western (Padang Karimunjawa), Central (Sulawesi, Borneo, Bali, Komodo, Timor) and Eastern (Biak) IMA populations, with almost no gene flow. This matches with patterns obtained for congeneric and other coral reef taxa. Due to the restricted connectivity among these three regions, it is suggested to consider them as separate management areas in the design of MPA networks.
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Species distribution modeling (SDM) is widely used in ecology and conservation. Currently, the most available data for SDM are species presence‐only records (available through digital databases). There have been many studies comparing the performance of alternative algorithms for modeling presence‐only data. Among these, a 2006 paper from Elith and colleagues has been particularly influential in the field, partly because they used several novel methods (at the time) on a global data set that included independent presence–absence records for model evaluation. Since its publication, some of the algorithms have been further developed and new ones have emerged. In this paper, we explore patterns in predictive performance across methods, by reanalyzing the same data set (225 species from six different regions) using updated modeling knowledge and practices. We apply well‐established methods such as generalized additive models and MaxEnt, alongside others that have received attention more recently, including regularized regressions, point‐process weighted regressions, random forests, XGBoost, support vector machines, and the ensemble modeling framework biomod. All the methods we use include background samples (a sample of environments in the landscape) for model fitting. We explore impacts of using weights on the presence and background points in model fitting. We introduce new ways of evaluating models fitted to these data, using the area under the precision‐recall gain curve, and focusing on the rank of results. We find that the way models are fitted matters. The top method was an ensemble of tuned individual models. In contrast, ensembles built using the biomod framework with default parameters performed no better than single moderate performing models. Similarly, the second top performing method was a random forest parameterized to deal with many background samples (contrasted to relatively few presence records), which substantially outperformed other random forest implementations. We find that, in general, nonparametric techniques with the capability of controlling for model complexity outperformed traditional regression methods, with MaxEnt and boosted regression trees still among the top performing models. All the data and code with working examples are provided to make this study fully reproducible.
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Aim Separating the biotic and abiotic factors controlling species distributions has been a long‐standing challenge in ecology and biogeography. Joint species distribution models (JSDMs) have emerged as a promising statistical framework towards this objective by simultaneously modelling the environmental responses of multiple species and approximating species associations based on patterns in their (co‐)occurrences. However, the signature of biotic interactions should be most evident at fine spatial resolutions. Here, we test how the resolution of input data affects the inferences from JSDMs. Location Switzerland. Taxon Birds. Methods Using standardized survey data of 43 woodland bird species and 8 climatic, topographic and vegetation structural predictors, we fit JSDMs at different spatial resolutions (125–1000 m) and sampling periods (1 and 5 years). In addition, we calculate functional similarity among all species as an independent proxy of biotic interactions, specifically competition. We then assess how JSDM performance and estimates vary with the spatial resolution of the input data and test whether species associations are consistent across grain sizes and with the alternative approach based on functional similarity. Results Our results show better model performance at coarser spatial resolutions and for longer sampling periods. Although pairwise species associations estimated in JSDMs were generally shifted towards positive values, we found a higher proportion of negative associations at fine spatial resolutions. Strikingly, estimates were not consistent across spatial scales and frequently switched between positive and negative values. Moreover, estimated species associations tended to be more positive for functionally similar species. Main conclusions Our results show that species associations are more differentiated, that is, cover a broader range of values, at finer spatial resolutions. Yet, their positive correlation with functional similarity and the general over‐representation of positive associations suggest that shared responses to unobserved environmental predictors rather than biotic interactions underlie these scaling effects, cautioning against a naive interpretation of species associations estimated by JSDMs at any spatial scale.
The peacock-tail shrimp Ancylocaris brevicarpalis Schenkel, 1902, is an obligate symbiont of sea anemones and well known for its remarkable colouration. Yet, very little information is available about its population structure and life-history traits, including reproductive parameters (fecundity, embryo volume and reproductive output). A total of 574 individuals were collected from the Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu, India between February 2017 and July 2018, out of which 214 were males (37.28%), 355 were females (61.84%), and 5 (0.87%) juveniles. The highest percentage of individuals were observed in the post-monsoon season (38.10%) followed by monsoon (34.85%), pre-monsoon (15.02%), and summer seasons (12.01%). The overall sex ratio was skewed towards female individuals (0.55 male: 1 female). Fecundity was higher in females carrying early-stage embryos and embryo volume did increase, but not statistically significantly from early to late stages. The reproductive output was negatively allometric to the mean female body weight. The present study provides first-of-its-kind information on the population as well as individual-level reproductive characteristics of A. brevicarpalis.