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Abstract and Figures

Orthoptera species are vulnerable to extinction on a global scale. Greece hosts 35% (380 species) of the European Orthoptera fauna with a high degree of endemic (37%) and threatened species (37%). We sampled 46 plots (100 m ² ) to investigate the distribution and ecological requirement of two Greek mountain endemic and red‐listed species: Parnassiana parnassica (Ramme, 1926; Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae; Critically Endangered [CR]) and Oropodisma parnassica (Scudder, 1897; Orthoptera: Caelifera; Endangered [EN]). Species had a restricted geographical range, with two isolated populations confined to high altitudes (1527–2320 m) of Mts. Parnassos and Elikonas. Species distribution models showed that slope affected their suitable habitat, together with the topographic position index and the annual temperature range ( P. parnassica ), and the amount of green vegetation and evapotranspiration ( O. parnassica ). Connectivity analysis showed that P. parnassica ‐suitable habitat consisted of few larger and well‐connected patches (26 patches: effective mesh size of 1.57 km ² ) and that O. parnassica ‐suitable habitat consisted of more but smaller and less connected patches (56 patches: effective mesh size of 0.3 km ² ). Generalised linear models showed that the population density of P. parnassica was negatively influenced by the height of herbaceous vegetation and that of O. parnassica was positively influenced by altitude. The species face three main imminent threats: land take, wildfires and global warming, whereas livestock grazing seems to have a positive impact and skiing a neutral impact on their populations. We assessed both species as EN after International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) criteria and a suite of conservation measures are suggested for their status improvement.
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Mitigating the extinction risk of globally threatened
and endemic mountainous Orthoptera species:
Parnassiana parnassica and Oropodisma parnassica
Apostolis Stefanidis
| Konstantinos Kougioumoutzis
| Konstantina Zografou
Georgios Fotiadis
| Olga Tzortzakaki
| Luc Willemse
| Vassiliki Kati
Department of Biological Applications and
Technology, University of Ioannina,
Ioannina, Greece
Department of Biology, University of Patras,
Patras, Greece
Department of Forestry and Natural
Environment Management, Agricultural
University of Athens, Karpenisi, Greece
Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden,
The Netherlands
Vassiliki Kati, Department of Biological
Applications and Technology, University of
Ioannina, Ioannina University Campus,
45110 Ioannina, Greece.
Funding information
Management Agency of Parnassos National
Park (NECCA), Grant/Award Number:
5032966; Hellenic Foundation for Research
and Innovation, Grant/Award Number: 11266
Editor: Raphael K. Didham and Associate
Editor: Og DeSouza
1. Orthoptera species are vulnerable to extinction on a global scale. Greece hosts 35%
(380 species) of the European Orthoptera fauna with a high degree of endemic
(37%) and threatened species (37%).
2. We sampled 46 plots (100 m
) to investigate the distribution and ecological
requirement of two Greek mountain endemic and red-listed species: Parnassiana
parnassica (Ramme, 1926; Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae; Critically Endangered [CR])
and Oropodisma parnassica (Scudder, 1897; Orthoptera: Caelifera; Endangered
[EN]). Species had a restricted geographical range, with two isolated populations
confined to high altitudes (15272320 m) of Mts. Parnassos and Elikonas.
3. Species distribution models showed that slope affected their suitable habitat, together
with the topographic position index and the annual temperature range (P. parnassica),
and the amount of green vegetation and evapotranspiration (O. parnassica).
4. Connectivity analysis showed that P. parnassica-suitable habitat consisted of few
larger and well-connected patches (26 patches: effective mesh size of 1.57 km
and that O. parnassica-suitable habitat consisted of more but smaller and less con-
nected patches (56 patches: effective mesh size of 0.3 km
5. Generalised linear models showed that the population density of P. parnassica was
negatively influenced by the height of herbaceous vegetation and that of
O. parnassica was positively influenced by altitude.
6. The species face three main imminent threats: land take, wildfires and global warm-
ing, whereas livestock grazing seems to have a positive impact and skiing a neutral
impact on their populations.
7. We assessed both species as EN after International Union for Conservation of
Nature (IUCN) criteria and a suite of conservation measures are suggested for their
status improvement.
bush crickets, connectivity, endemism, grasshoppers, habitat suitability, insects, IUCN, mountain
ecosystems, threats
Received: 28 June 2024 Accepted: 11 September 2024
DOI: 10.1111/icad.12784
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2024 The Author(s). Insect Conservation and Diversity published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal Entomological Society.
Insect Conserv Divers. 2024;115. 1
Insects represent the largest percentage of the worlds organisms with
consensus estimates calculating up to 5.5 million species globally
(Stork, 2018). They are key components in the provision, regulation
and dynamics of many ecosystem services, such as pollination, pest
control and nutrient recycling (Noriega et al., 2018). Over 40% of
insect species are in decline due to habitat loss stemming from inten-
sive agriculture and artificial land generation, pesticide use, invasive
species and climate change (Goulson, 2019) Data from the Interna-
tional Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) on the extinction risk
of 12,568 insect species pinpoints that a quarter of them are near-
threatened, threatened or extinct (IUCN, 2024), while one third of the
insects with documented population trends show declining population
trends (Dirzo et al., 2014).The documented decline in insect biomass
can trigger negative cascading effects on food webs and ecosystem
services (Hallmann et al., 2017; Yang & Gratton, 2014). Insect extinc-
tions will impact the ecosystem in its entirety, as insects are intercon-
nected with many vital roles, a risk that has been strongly highlighted
worldwide (Cardoso et al., 2020).
Orthoptera is an important insect group counting about 30,000
species globally (Cigliano et al., 2024) that plays a pivotal role in food
webs as a food source for vertebrates (Belovsky & Slade, 1993; Parr
et al., 1997) and arthropod predators (Curry, 1993). They have specific
microhabitat preferences (Guido & Gianelle, 2001) and are related to
vegetation structure (Poniatowski & Fartmann, 2008), rendering them
good indicators of ecosystem naturalness (Aleksanov et al., 2023;
Báldi & Kisbenedek, 1997), vegetation succession (Marini et al., 2009;
Schirmel et al., 2011) and microclimatic gradients at fine scale
(Gardiner & Hassall, 2009). They are the fourth most-threatened order
globally (after Trichoptera, Coleoptera-dung beetles and Lepidoptera)
(Sánchez-Bayo & Wyckhuys, 2019), and more than one third of them
are red-listed at a global scale (35%: 520 species) (IUCN, 2024). In
Europe, one fourth of its Orthoptera fauna is threatened (270 species)
due to human pressures such as livestock grazing, arable farming,
increasing wildfire frequencies and touristic development (Hochkirch
et al., 2016). In Greece, 37% of the Orthoptera fauna is threatened,
and this higher degree of threat is of particular conservation impor-
tance at regional and global scale, given the great species richness of
the country (380 Orthoptera species: over one third of European spe-
cies) and its high degree of endemism (37%: 141 endemic species)
(Willemse et al., 2018). Research and conservation actions for the
90 endemic and threatened Orthoptera species in Greece should be a
top priority, as the improvement of their population status would lead
to the improvement of their global assessment.
The globally threatened and endemic Orthoptera species of
Greece have a very restricted geographic range and they are encoun-
tered in ecological islands(Kenyeres et al., 2009), namely in caves,
islands and high mountains. Remote mountainous ecosystems are
understudied despite their great ecological value (EEA, 2010), their
value as centres of endemism and as refugia for species in the light of
climate change (Schickhoff et al., 2021; Spehn et al., 2010). A synergy
of elevational gradients and dynamics in climate, hydrology and water
chemistry contributes to the formation of a high diversity of micro-
habitats, hosting numerous species in comparably small areas
(McCain & Colwell, 2011), also explaining their high degree of ende-
mism (Rahbek et al., 2019). Mountains offer valuable opportunities to
study species distributions and the mechanisms influencing them
(Barve & Dhondt, 2017; Graham et al., 2014), but these ecosystems
are fragile, holding the greatest proportion of species facing imminent
extinction (46% of trigger species) (IPBES, 2018) and particularly so in
the Mediterranean, which faces a more pronounced warming (Cramer
et al., 2018).
Montane endemic Orthoptera species are often known only from
a few localities where they were recorded several decades ago
(Willemse et al., 2018), and the ecological gap in knowledge is sub-
stantial. Their risk assessment after the IUCN criteria has so far relied
mainly on the restricted geographic range (criterion B), in combination
with other criteria (IUCN SPC, 2024) that are usually rated through
expert opinion and rarely so on a quantitative basis (Kati et al., 2006).
Such assessments involve de facto some degree of subjectivity, given
that information is largely missing and can only be inferred. There is a
pronounced need to collect extensive field data for poorly known spe-
cies, to employ quantitative tools to assess their current and potential
distribution, their habitat quality and fragmentation and to gain a dee-
per understanding of the ecological requirements of the species at a
fine scale, under the scope to guide well-informed conservation
actions mitigating species extinction risk (Jackson & Robertson, 2011;
Thomaes et al., 2008). Several modern tools are available in this direc-
tion. Species distribution models (SDMs) are one of them (Araújo &
New, 2007; Marmion et al., 2009), combining species occurrence
records with a set of environmental predictor variables to predict
potential distributions, allowing extrapolation in space and time
(Elith & Leathwick, 2009; Peterson, 2001). Furthermore, understand-
ing and quantifying habitat fragmentation and its effect on species
populations is essential for directing management and conservation
actions (Miller-Rushing et al., 2019), particularly for species with
restricted geographic ranges (May et al., 2019). Small, spatially iso-
lated patches may not be able to sustain viable subpopulations
(Haddad et al., 2015), although this remains a subject of debate
(Fahrig et al., 2019). For instance, deciding whether a population is
severely fragmentedor not after the IUCN criteria should rely on a
quantitative analysis of the connectivity of suitable habitat patches.
Our study focuses on two high-altitude Orthoptera species of
Greece that are endemic and globally threatened, namely Parnassiana
parnassica (Ramme, 1926; Critically Endangered [CR]) and Oropodisma
parnassica (Scudder, 1897; Endangered [EN]) (Willemse, Hochkirch,
Heller, et al., 2016; Willemse, Hochkirch, Kati, et al., 2016). The genus
Parnassiana is entirely endemic to Greece, comprising 13 mountain-
dwelling species that are all red-listed and hence globally threatened
(Hochkirch et al., 2016). They are small to medium-sized (1418 mm),
cryptic, short-winged bush crickets, with adults usually appearing
August. They produce a song consisting of scratching sounds lasting
0.52.5 s, typically produced in the evening and the night (Willemse
et al., 2018) The genus Oropodisma comprises 10 mountain-dwelling
species, that are all, except one, Greek endemics and are all red-listed
17524598, 0, Downloaded from by Apostolis Stefanidis - University Of Ioannina , Wiley Online Library on [24/09/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
(Hochkirch et al., 2016). They are also small to medium-sized (13
23 mm), compact, apterous grasshoppers, appearing in adult form in
August, with no sound production documented (Willemse
et al., 2018). Parnassiana parnassica and O. parnassica are known to be
genetically distinct from the other species of the same genera
(Grzywacz et al., 2017; La Greca & Messina, 1976). Each species has
been reported so far only from two to three localities and has been
considered to exhibit a declining population trend due to various pres-
sures such as livestock grazing and tourism (Willemse, Hochkirch,
Heller, et al., 2016; Willemse, Hochkirch, Kati, et al., 2016). This is the
first ecological study for the target species and any species of the gen-
era Parnassiana and Oropodisma. We aim to provide an integrated
picture of the ecological profile of the two species and apply quantita-
tive tools in the assessment process of the conservation status of the
species, as a guideline for other poorly known species with restricted
geographic ranges. We set five distinct objectives for both target
species: (1) delineate their current distribution pattern; (2) model their
potential global distribution based on habitat suitability mapping;
(3) quantify the connectivity of suitable habitat patches, reflecting the
degree of habitat fragmentation; (4) investigate the environmental
factors that shape suitable habitat and affect species population
density; (5) update the IUCN Red List status of the species after IUCN
criteria and (6) synthesise our findings in concrete measures for the
conservation of the species from a conservation management
Study area
The study area comprises the global distribution range of the two tar-
get species, according to IUCN assessments (Willemse, Hochkirch,
Heller, et al., 2016; Willemse, Hochkirch, Kati, et al., 2016). It encom-
passes two mountains of central Greece: Mt. Parnassos (268 km
ranging from 800 to 2457 m, and Mt. Elikonas (150 km
), being a
complex of minor mountains (5001748 m) (Figure 1).
The climate is continental: the mean annual temperature for the
years 20212023 was 13.8C (±3.5C) (temperature range from 7C
to 32C), and the mean annual rainfall was 1000 mm (±73 mm)
(NOA, 2024). Endemic fir forests (Abies cephalonica) dominate at mid-
altitudes in the two mountains, interspersed with pine stands (Pinus
nigra) on Mt. Parnassos, whereas the zone above the tree line includes
mountainous grasslands, heaths and rocky slopes. Mt. Parnassos has
been declared a national park since 1938, currently being a site of the
Natura 2000 network of protected areas in Europe (GR2450005),
hosting 35 habitat types and rich fauna and flora (SDF, 2020), but
Mt. Elikonas is under no protection status. Livestock grazing and tour-
ism are the two main human activities above the tree line on
Mt. Parnassos, where the oldest and largest ski resort in Greece is
located. No such activities occur on Mt. Elikonas, but there are plans
for constructing wind power stations (RAE, 2024).
Orthoptera sampling
We carried out field surveys for three consecutive years (2021, 2022,
and 2023) during August, that is, at the peak adult activity period of
the species (Willemse et al., 2018). We surveyed a total of 103 sites
within the study area (Figure 1). We attempted to cover different
localities deemed adequate microhabitats for the species across the
distribution range of the species, that is, mountainous grasslands
above the tree line and forest clearings. We employed the time-
constrained visit method, actively searching for the target species in
each site for 45 min (46 sites with species occurrence). In almost all
cases, upon encountering the species, we delineated a quadrat of a
standard area of 100 m
and counted the number of individuals
(40 quadrats). Quadrats were spaced at least 100 m apart, given the
low dispersal ability of both flightless target species (Reinhardt
et al., 2005).
Microhabitat parameters
We recorded 12 microhabitat parameters at each quadrat with
species occurrence (Table 1): altitude (Al), slope (Sl) and the
ground cover of soil (So), rocks (R), stones (St) and vegetation (Vg).
Vegetation included herbaceous plants (Hcover), characterised by
non-woody stems or roots, and robust herbaceous plants and
shrubs (Rpcover), distinguished by either a woody stem or a woody
base or both following the definitions provided by (Strid, 1986).
Plant species identification was mainly conducted in situ, and
some specimens were collected andidentifiedinthelabusinga
stereoscope. We also considered the vegetation structure in the
plot by measuring the mean and maximum height of both herba-
ceous (Ghmean, Ghmax) and robust/shrubby vegetation (Rpmean,
Environmental data
We considered a dataset of 27 variables, including 22 bioclimatic,
4 topographic and 1 vegetation-related variable, at a spatial
resolution of 100 100 m cells (Table S1). We calculated the
bioclimatic variables used in the SDMs with the ClimateEU v4.63
(Marchi et al., 2020), the dismo1.1.4 (Hijmans et al., 2017)and
envirem2.2 (Title & Bemmels, 2018) R packages, adhering to
methodologies described in Hamann et al. (2013), Marchi et al.
(2020) and Wang et al. (2012). We calculated topographical metrics
using functions from raster2.6.7, terra1.7.46 (Hijmans, 2023),
and spatialEco1.2-0 R packages (Evans, 2019). We tested
variables for collinearity, using Spearman rank correlation (<j0.7j)
and variance inflation factors (VIF <5) (Dormann et al., 2013)with
the collinear1.1.1 R package (Benito, 2023). We used a set of
12 independent variables to feed the SDMs (nine variables per
species) (Table S1).
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Data analysis
Current distribution area and related metrics
To delineate the current distribution area of each species, we considered a
buffer zone of 1 km around the species occurrences and calculated the
merged area of the zones. We utilised all presence data to calculate the area
of occupancy (AOO) and the extent of occurrence (EOO), using the Geos-
patial Conservation Assessment Tool (GeoCAT) (Bachman et al., 2011). The
AOO is a scaled metric that represents the area of suitable habitat currently
occupied by the taxon and is calculated as the sum of occupied cells of
22 km, often reflecting the population size of the taxon. The EOO is a
measure of the spatial spread of the areas currently occupied by the taxon,
including areas of non-suitable habitats.Itiscalculatedastheareacontained
within the shortest continuous imaginary boundary encompassing sites of
present occurrence and reflects the spread of risks from threatening factors
across the taxons geographical distribution area (IUCN SPC, 2024).
Species distribution models
We used species distribution modelling to predict the suitable habitat
of both target species within their distribution ranges. First, we
cleaned the data utilising the clean_coordinatesfrom the Coordina-
teCleaner2.0.18 R package (Zizka et al., 2019). We then removed
duplicate occurrences using the elimCellDupsfunction from the
enmSdm0.5.3.3 R package (Smith, 2020), followed by spatial thin-
ning of the data with the thinfunction from the spThin0.1.0 R
package (Aiello-Lammens et al., 2015), as per Aiello-Lammens et al.
(2015) and Robertson et al. (2016). The final dataset comprised
33 records for each species at a scale of 100 100 m cells.
Second, as the occurrence-to-predictor ratio for both species was
below 10:1, we employed an ensemble of small models (ESMs) to pre-
cisely model their realised climatic niches, as ESMs were developed to
build reliable and robust SDMs for rare species (Breiner et al., 2015).
We specifically utilised the Random Forest algorithm via the ecospat
3.1 R package (Broennimann et al., 2021). Pseudo-absences were gen-
erated with the sample_pseudoabsfunction from the flexsdm1.3.3
R package (Velazco et al., 2022), within a geographical buffer and
were environmentally constrained (Barbet-Massin et al., 2012). We
then partitioned data into four blocks of presences and pseudo-
absences, using the BIOMOD_CrossValidationfunction from the
biomod4.2.4 R package (Thuiller et al., 2023). Third, we evaluated
model performance with several metrics following the recommenda-
tions of Collart et al. (2021) and Konowalik and Nosol (2021). Fourth,
we selected only the models with a value of True Skill Statistic (TSS)
FIGURE 1 Study area across the distribution ranges of the target species at Parnassos and Elikonas Mts., and localities visited in the period
20212023: Presence of P. parnassica (orange dot), O. parnassica (blue dot), species co-occurrence (grey dot) and species recorded absence
17524598, 0, Downloaded from by Apostolis Stefanidis - University Of Ioannina , Wiley Online Library on [24/09/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
0.4 (Liu et al., 2016) out of 36 ESMs produced for each species, to
generate binary maps (presenceabsence).
Fifth, we produced the final species maps (habitat suitability and
binary maps) by excluding the cells that had high extrapolation values.
There are two types of extrapolation: univariate (which extends
beyond the observed training conditions) and combinatorial (which
occurs within the observed range of training conditions). We created
the extrapolation uncertainty maps by employing the Shapemetric
using the function extra_evalfrom the flexsdm1.3.3 R package
(Velazco et al., 2022). In line with guidelines from Velazco et al.
(2024), we investigated several distance thresholds for both species
regarding their extrapolation values (the following values represent in
order the p25, median, p75, p100: O. parnassica: 28.8, 37.5, 48, 353;
P. parnassica: 35.1, 44.9, 56.8, 359) for model prediction truncation.
This strategy provides a safeguard against potential prediction errors
(Elith et al., 2010). Considering the extreme rarity and limited geo-
graphic distribution of the target species, we generated habitat suit-
ability maps setting thresholds at 28.8 for O. parnassica and 35.1 for
P. parnassica (Velazco et al., 2024). As a result, we assigned these high
extrapolation areas a suitability value of 0, indicating their exclusion
from the modelspredictive capabilities.
The model was tested with the preliminary dataset of species
occurrence collected during the first 2 years (56 occurrences in total).
It indicated 10 sites (100 100 m cells) of high habitat suitability for
both species (top 20%) that were not covered by our sampling. We
visited them in the year 2023 and found P. parnassica in 9 sites and
O. parnassica in all 10 sites.
Suitable habitat patch connectivity
We calculated the connectivity of suitable habitat patches by computing
the number of patches, the patch cohesion index (Schumaker, 1996), the
patch area and the effective mesh size (McGarigal, 2002), using the
landscapemetrics2.0.0 R package (Hesselbarth et al., 2019). Greater
values of the patch cohesion index and the effective mesh size indicate
less fragmented suitable habitat.
Generalised linear models
We used generalised linear models to identify the microhabitat
parameters (explanatory variables) that potentially influence the target
species population density (response variable). Thirteen explanatory
variables were considered, including 12 continuous variables derived
from quadrat sampling and 1 nominal variable representing sampling
sites (Table 1).
We created two datasets, each one corresponding to a target
species, and we ran the models for each one. To select the environ-
mental variables, first, we tested for multi-collinearity using Spearman
rank correlation (r<j0.55j) and VIF (<5) (Dormann et al., 2013). Sec-
ond, we checked for influential values (outliers) and one record was
omitted from the dataset of P. parnassica. In the O. parnassica dataset,
no participant coefficient had a Cooks distance value over 1, so all
observations were retained in the model (Cook, 2011). Third, we stan-
dardised all continuous numerical values, by subtracting their mean
TABLE 1 Environmental parameters, habitat types, and dominant plant species recorded in the quadrats of Parnassiana parnassica and
Oropodisma parnassica occurrences.
P. parnassica O. parnassica
Mean Minmax Mean Minmax
Topography Elevation (m) 2002 15272320 2052 15272320
Slope (
)15245 18 245
Ground Cover Soil cover (%) 8.53 075 4.21 015
Rock cover (%) 11.73 050 12.34 055
Stone cover (%) 27.23 585 41.34 510
Total vegetation cover (%) 52.51 595 42.11 0100
Vegetation cover Herb/grass cover (%) 60.67 595 63.28 1100
Shrub/robust plant cover (%) 39.33 595 36.72 099
Vegetation structure Grass/herb height (cm) 25.58 1086 22.71 7.2586
Shrub/robust plant height (cm) 17.43 5145 36.72 10145
Percentage of plots (%)
Habitat type Endemic oro-Mediterranean heaths with gorse(4090) 69 60
Alpine and Boreal heaths(4060) 11 24
Dominant plant species Astragalus creticus 56.7 44.8
Festuca jeanpetrii 36.7 27.6
Festuca varia 16.7 13.8
Dactylis glomerata 16.7 13.8
Note: The total vegetation cover is divided into herbaceous plants cover and robust herbaceous plants and shrubs cover.
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and dividing by their standard deviations. Finally, we selected the
most influential variables to get closer to a ratio of 10 events per vari-
able (Peduzzi et al., 1996), using the Least Absolute Shrinkage Opera-
tor (LASSO) regularisation path (Tibshirani, 1996). However, when
applying LASSO regression to the O. parnassica dataset, all coeffi-
cients were driven to zero, suggesting potential over-regularisation.
To address this issue, we turned to elastic net regression for that data-
set, which combines both L1 (LASSO) and L2 (ridge) penalties (Zou &
Hastie, 2005). For this process, we used the function cv.glmnetfrom
the glmnet4.1-8 R package (Friedman et al., 2010) and reduced the
randomness of the function by doing 1000 irritations and choosing
the lambda with the minimum average error.
We carried out generalised linear models (GLM) to model the
population density of both species. We used Poisson distribution for
the five variables selected for P. parnassica, and negative binomial dis-
tribution, for the four variables selected for O. parnassica, accounting
for overdispersion. Subsequently, we fitted generalised linear mixed
effects models (GLMM) for each dataset, incorporating the site as a
random effect using the lme4 1.1-34 R package (Bates et al., 2015).
We assessed the necessity of including sites nested within years as a
random effect via likelihood ratio tests (LRT) comparing GLMs and
GLMMs for each dataset (Bolker et al., 2009). The difference in
log-likelihoods between the two models was calculated, and the
test statistic was derived from the chi-squared distribution. For both
datasets, a large p-value (>0.05) indicated no significant improvement
in model fit when including the random effect.
We continued with GLMs for both datasets, using a multi-model
inference approach, to identify confidence sets of best models
(Burnham & Anderson, 2002). We compared 32 models for
P. parnassica and 16 for O. parnassica, with all possible combinations
of variables using the dredgefunction from MuMIn1.47.5 R pack-
age (Barton, 2022). We ranked models according to their Akaike Infor-
mation Criterion value for small-sample size (AICc) to identify those
with the best fit. We considered models with ΔAICc <2 as good as
the bestmodel (the one with the lowest AICc value) (Richards, 2005)
and then we employed model averaging to reduce model selection
uncertainty (Burnham & Anderson, 2002). To evaluate the relative
importance of each variable for each dataset, we summed the Akaike
weights across all models that included the covariate under consider-
ation (Burnham & Anderson, 2002). We measured the goodness-of-fit
of the models with Maximum-Likelihood pseudo-R
using the pR2
function from pscl1.5.9 R package (Jackman, 2020). We performed
all statistical analyses in the R software environment, version 4.3.3
(R Core Team, 2024).
Current distribution pattern
Both species presented a limited distribution range: P. parnassica occurred
in 33 sites out of the 103 sites visited with an estimated distribution area
of 31 km
and an average density of 2.5 individuals/m
parnassica wasrecordedin36siteswithanestimateddistributionareaof
36 km
with an average density of 8.7 individuals/m
(Figure 1). An impor-
tant part of the distribution areas of the two species overlapped (27 km
AOO and the EOO for P. parnassica were 28 and 78 km
, respectively,
and for O. parnassica were 44 km
and 108 km
, respectively (Figure S1).
The species distribution area overlapped with the ski resort infrastructure
of Parnassos and with Parnassosroadless area (Figure S2).
Potential distribution pattern
The area of suitable habitat for P. parnassica was 5 km
, encompassing
26 patches of an average patch area of 0.99 km
4.98 km
). The
respective area of suitable habitat for O. parnassica was smaller, totalling
3.28 km
, and consisted of consisting of a greater number of smaller
patches: 56 patches with an average size of 0.16 km
(±0.81 km
Mt. Parnassos hosted the greatest part of suitable areas for both
P. parnassica and O.parnassica (99% for each), while in Mt. Elikonas the
suitable areas were restricted to its summit (0.02 km
Figure S3). Both models exhibited high performance (TSS - True Skill sta-
tistic and AUC- Area Under the Curve ranging from 0.98 to 1).
Connectivity of suitable habitats
The connectivity among patches for P. parnassica was high, showing a
patch cohesion index of 98.66% and an effective mesh size of
1.57 km
. It was lower for O. parnassica, showing a patch cohesion
index of 95.1% and an effective mesh size of 0.3 km
Microhabitat description
We recorded both species in altitudes ranging from 1527 to 2320 m
(Table 1). The typical habitat for both species consisted of mountain-
ous grasslands classified as Endemic oro-Mediterranean heaths with
gorse(4090) or as Alpine and Boreal heaths(4060) according to the
European Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC). Although rarely, we also
found P. parnassica in fir forest clearings. The phytosociety related to
the specieshabitats was the Daphno-Festucetea, which includes the
xerothermic grasslands with dwarf shrubs of the Greek mainland
(Mucina et al., 2016). The dominant plant species recorded were
Astragalus creticus,Festuca jeanpetrii,F. varia and Dactylis glomerata,
out of the 28 plant species (10 families) recorded in the quadrats with
species occurrences (Table S1). Parnassiana parnassica preferred
medium slopes above the tree line, covered by extensive herbaceous
vegetation of medium height, patches of stony substrates and less
bare soil, and substantial cover of low bushes, mainly of the A. creticus
(Table 1). Oropodisma parnassica favoured steeper slopes with impor-
tant herbaceous vegetation cover of medium height. This species pre-
ferred habitats with a substantial cover of stony and rocky substrate
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(>50%) and typically hid under loose stones and less under short
thorny bushes such as A. creticus.
Predictors of habitat suitability
Considering the predictors with an importance value (>1), Topographi-
cal Position Index (TPI) (elevation difference between the species cell
and vicinal cells) was the main environmental variable well predicted
the suitable habitat for P. parnassica, followed by slope and TAR (tem-
perature annual range). The respective variables for O. parnassica in
descending order were the NDVI (Normalised Difference Vegetation
Index), followed by slope and the PETWQ (Potential Evapotranspira-
tion of the Wettest quarter) (Figure 3).
Predictors of species population densities
Our confidence sets included four models for P. parnassica and three
models for O. parnassica (ΔAICc <2). Models accounted for
approximately a quarter of the variation in the population densities of
the species, with pseudo-R
ranging from 0.22 to 0.25 for
P. parnassica and from 0.20 to 0.23 for O. parnassica (Table S3). The
population density of P. parnassica was negatively influenced by the
mean height of herbaceous vegetation (Ghmean), whereas the popula-
tion density of O. parnassica was positively influenced by the altitude
(Alt) (Table 2). The shrubby vegetation cover, rock, and soil cover did
not significantly affect the species population densities.
Distribution patterns and connectivity
The global distribution area of each species is very restricted, confined
to only two mountains: Parnassos and Elikonas (Figure 1, Figure S1).
The distribution pattern consists of two isolated nuclei: one large
nucleus on Mt. Parnassos and a small one on Mt. Elikonas. Given the
limited dispersal ability of both flightless grasshoppers (Weyer
et al., 2012), and the great distance between the two mountains
FIGURE 2 Habitat suitability maps for the target species within their potential distribution areas, as defined by the International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Panels (a) and (b) illustrate the habitat suitability for P. parnassica, with an extrapolation threshold of 35.1. Panels
(c) and (d) show the habitat suitability for O. parnassica, with an extrapolation threshold of 28.8. The maps depict continuous habitat suitability
17524598, 0, Downloaded from by Apostolis Stefanidis - University Of Ioannina , Wiley Online Library on [24/09/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
(about 30 km), we believe that the populations in the two
mountains are isolated.
On Mt. Parnassos, we found P. parnassica and O. parnassica in a
few patches, but their patch cohesion index was high, indicating satis-
factory connectivity of suitable habitats within each mountain
(Schumaker, 1996). Therefore, the populations of both species cannot
be considered as severely fragmented, after the IUCN guideline (IUCN
SPC, 2024). Connectivity measures were better in P. parnassica, indi-
cating larger and better-connected habitat patches that allow the free
movement of the species among patches and the subsequent genetic
flow, although the process might be slow due to the limited dispersal
ability of the species. Patches should be large enough to function as
stepping stones among subpopulations (Saura et al., 2014), a condition
that seems to be satisfied for P. parnassica, but not for O. parnassica.
Its patch area was too low and might discourage O. parnassica from
crossing the habitat patch boundaries and colonising vicinal suitable
habitat patches (Schtickzelle et al., 2006). Its habitat presented a more
fragmented pattern, with numerous small-sized patches with medium
connectivity. On one hand, the effective mesh size was small, but on
the other hand the patch cohesion index was high, suggesting some
dispersal among habitat patches, but at a slower rate than
P. parnassica.
The populations of Mt. Elikonas seem to be particularly vulnerable
to extinction, due to the very small extent of suitable habitat confined to
the summit of the mountain. Habitat destruction stemming from natural
disasters or human-induced land use change and habitat degradation can
cause fast decline in small populations, affecting particularly rare species
with limited dispersal ability (Walker & Gilbert, 2023).
Habitat suitability
Our results showed that both species preferred habitats with medium
slopes between 10 and 20 degrees, in line with quadrat data (average
FIGURE 3 Response curves for key predictors of the target speciesdistribution: TPI: Topographical Position Index (m), TAR: Temperature
Annual Range (degrees C, 28.931.9), Slope (degrees), NDVI: Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (0.070.75), PETWQ: Potential
evapotranspiration of the wettest quarter (mm/ month, 58.46239.74). The suitability scores for the target species are quantified on a scale from
0 to 845 or 889 (depending on the species), indicating the range of habitat suitability. Numbers in parentheses indicate a range of values in the
study area.
TABLE 2 Model-averaged coefficients for all variables that were included in the set of best-ranked models (i.e., those with ΔAICc <2), the p-
value, and cumulative model weights (i.e., summed Akaike weights), indicating the relative importance of each variable (Ghmean: mean height of
herbaceous vegetation, Rpcover: shrubby vegetation cover, Alt: altitude, Sl: slope, So: soil cover, R: rock cover).
Species Variable Coefficient Pr(>jzj) Cumulative weight
Parnassiana parnassica Ghmean 0.0450 0.0075*0.775
Rpcover 0.0054 0.3189 0.159
Alt 0.0006 0.3736 0.145
Sl 0.0101 0.4190 0.133
Oropodisma parnassica Alt 0.0026 0.0029*0.750
So 0.0442 0.2688 0.190
R0.0149 0.2273 0.175
*p< 0.01.
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slopes of 15for P. parnassica and 18for O. parnassica) (Figure 3,
Table 1). Slope affects local temperature and water balance at a fine
scale, offering different microclimatic conditions on mountainous ter-
rains (Scherrer et al., 2011). It also influences local vegetation, and the
availability of basking spots for Orthoptera (Gardiner, 2022), which
are important for montane species thermoregulation (Samietz
et al., 2005). Orthoptera utilise the different slopes to modulate their
body temperature by positioning in sunlight at steeper slopes with
less vegetation or more shaded spots (Anderson et al., 1979;
Chappell, 1983;ONeill & Rolston, 2007). The medium slopes selected
by the two target species seem to satisfy their thermoregulation
The most influential factor for the habitat of P. parnassica was the
TPI. This species preferred localities that were slightly more elevated
(by 8 m) than adjacent areas. These elevated regions likely enhance
sunlight exposure, as Orthoptera at higher elevations exhibit
increased mobility and basking behaviour compared with those at
lower elevations (Samietz et al., 2005). The species was also very sen-
sitive to the range between the highest and lowest temperature
recorded each year (temperature annual range-TAR). TAR ranged from
28.9 to 31.9 in the study area, but the species preferred a TAR of
29C with an upper threshold of tolerance of 30C. An upward shift
of the target species is expected in Mt. Parnassos to cope with TAR
stability, but further research is recommended on the effect of global
warming on local climate and the individual responses of the species.
The most influential factor for the habitat of O. parnassica was
the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), reflecting the
amount of green healthy vegetation in the habitats of the species.
NDVI is often used to monitor Orthoptera habitats (Deveson, 2013).
In the case of O. parnassica, the NDVI had a flat response curve,
showing that the species can tolerate very low up to great amounts of
green vegetation and suggesting that NDVI may contribute to the
models predictive accuracy, likely through stabilisation or interaction
with other variables, rather than exerting a direct effect (Figure 3).
The Potential Evapotranspiration of the Wettest Quarter (PETWQ)
was another factor shaping the habitat of O. parnassica, indicating the
potential amount of water loss that is evaporated and transpired by
plants during the 3 months receiving the most precipitation. PETWQ
presents a peak at 200 mm in the suitable habitats for the species and
a weaker peak at 70 mm, related to the xero-thermophilic character
of the species. This potential is quite high compared with the study
area (59240 mm). Further research is needed to investigate the
response of the species to the changing NDVI trends, and
the expected increased rates of potential evapotranspiration related
to water stress in Mediterranean mountains due to global warming
(Arrogante-Funes et al., 2018; Unnisa et al., 2023).
Microhabitat selection
On a finer scale, we showed that the population densities of
P. parnassica decreased with the increase in the mean height of herba-
ceous vegetation (Table 2). Vegetation height is known to affect the
abundance and richness of Orthoptera species (Gardiner et al., 2002;
Theron et al., 2022). Tall grass vegetation impedes the survival of
Orthoptera species by obstructing oviposition and basking activities
(Gardiner, 2018; Wingerden et al., 1992). The mild grazing of mixed
sheep and goat herds on Mt. Parnassos, and the absence of cattle
seem to favour P. parnassica populations, by maintaining a medium
vegetation high of around 26 cm. Although extreme grazing regimes
of non-grazing and overgrazing are known to negatively affect insect
communities (Gardiner, 2018), mild grazing favours Orthoptera
communities (Kati et al., 2012) and particularly communities in moun-
tainous pastures (Joubert et al., 2016; Rada et al., 2014). The other
non-significant factors that positively influenced the microhabitat
selection of the species were the cover of robust plants/ shrubs, given
that the species preferred patches with a substantial cover of
A. creticus to hide, altitude (peak at 2.100 m) and slope (15) (Table 1,
Table 2).
We showed a positive correlation between the elevation and
population densities of O. parnassica, with the maximum density
recorded at 2268 m (Table 2). Although the elevation gradient is
related to a decrease in species richness and abundance (Crous
et al., 2014; König et al., 2024), O. parnassica is a montane species that
has been adapted to high altitudes. The species coexisted with
P. parnassica to a great extent (50% of quadrats), but it prevailed at
higher altitudes. In mountainous ecosystems, montane species of the
same taxonomic group often replace each other along elevational gra-
dients (Barve & Dhondt, 2017; Shepard et al., 2021). The prevalence
of O. parnassica in higher altitudes might stem from a long-term inter-
specific competition process to optimise resource utilisation strategies
(Chen et al., 2022; Freeman et al., 2022; Senior et al., 2021). This spe-
cies preferred habitats with a substantial cover of stony substrate and
typically hid under loose stones and less under short thorny bushes
such as A. creticus.AsP. parnassica, it preferred microhabitats with
medium herbaceous vegetation height (23 cm) and might be favoured
by the mild grazing of sheep/goat herds on Mt. Parnassos.
Threats and conservation implications
The species face three main imminent threats: land take, wildfires, and
global warming, whereas livestock grazing seems to have a positive
impact and skiing a neutral impact on their populations. Land take is
the conversion of natural land to artificial land leading to direct habitat
loss and is considered to be often irreversible and probably the most
severe threat to biodiversity (Kati, Kassara, et al., 2023). The primary
concern is the expansion of ski infrastructures (buildings, parking,
roads) on Mt. Parnassos (Figure S2), and the planting of new wind tur-
bines on Mt. Elikonas (RAE, 2024), which could induce habitat loss for
the species. A new road has already been constructed on Mt. Elikonas
to this aim, and although the plan has not been yet authorised, such
investments pose a direct threat to both species, given the fast devel-
opment of the wind farm industry in Greece and the substantial land
take generated (Kati, Kassara, et al., 2023). Globally threatened spe-
cies such as P. parnassica and O. parnassica should be considered by
17524598, 0, Downloaded from by Apostolis Stefanidis - University Of Ioannina , Wiley Online Library on [24/09/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
the competent authorities in the environmental authorization process
of new investments, and their protection should be integrated into
the national legal frameworks. In the case of Greece, endemic and
threatened species are legally protected (Biodiversity law:
3937/31-3-2011), but they are rarely considered in the environmental
impact assessment studies for new projects. We also propose to
include the roadless area of Parnassos, an area of 66.88 km
Petridou, et al., 2023), as a strictly protected zone of the Natura 2000
network of Parnassos through the Special Environmental Studies that
define land uses in different zones of the Natura 2000 network, which
are currently ongoing. Road construction and artificial land generation
should be banned in this zone, in line with the recent Greek legislation
on roadless areas (Kati et al., 2022). Given the extent of the suitable
habitats within the roadless part of the mountain (Figure S3), this
measure would safeguard the habitat conservation of the species.
Wildfires could also threaten speciespopulations in the future.
Each mountain could lose its entire population due to a single
catastrophic event, given the frequency and extent of megafires in
Greece in recent years (Papavasileiou & Giannaros, 2022; Troumbis
et al., 2023).
Furthermore, our results showed that climate change should be
considered a threat to the species because our models pinpointed
two climatic variables to significantly influence the habitat suitability
of the target species. Parnassiana parnassica does not seem to tolerate
changes in the temperature annual range in its distribution range, and
the future response of O. parnassica to increased evapotranspiration
in unknown. Projections indicate that global warming will profoundly
impact the Mediterranean region, with summer temperatures rising
and precipitation decreasing across all seasons, especially in southern
areas (Lionello & Scarascia, 2018). Mountain regions particularly those
above the tree line are subject to rapid changes (Hotaling et al., 2017;
Pörtner et al., 2019). The response of montane species to these
changes is not fully predictable, but shifts in the elevational ranges of
montane insect species are expected (Menéndez et al., 2014). In our
case, the populations of Mt. Elikonas seem to face a high risk of
extinction, as the targe species already occupy the highest parts
of the mountain. Further research is recommended on the impact of
global warming on the population of the two species, and our work
offered a first indication of the climatic variables that should be tested
under different climatic scenarios.
Although livestock grazing has been reported as a threat for both
species (Willemse, Hochkirch, Heller, et al., 2016; Willemse, Hoch-
kirch, Kati, et al., 2016), we recorded only mild traditional sheep/goat
grazing during the summer season on Mt. Parnassos and no cattle
herds. Our results showed that the current mild sheep/goat grazing
scheme maintains the herbaceous vegetation height at medium levels
(2326 cm) favoured by the species and hence has a beneficial role
for the species populations. We note that a shift from sheep/goat to
cattle herds is currently taking place in Greece (Vrahnakis &
Kazoglou, 2022), which might negatively impact Orthoptera popula-
tions, as cattle overgrazing and trampling alter soil properties and veg-
etation composition in Orthoptera habitats (Gardiner, 2018; Kruess &
Tscharntke, 2002). We stress the need to integrate the parameter of
medium herbaceous vegetation height maintenance and the ecological
requirements of threatened Orthoptera species in the grazing man-
agement plans currently under development in Greece and we sug-
gest the maintenance of the current grazing scheme of mild sheep/
goat grazing on Mt. Parnassos.
Both species seem to inhabit the skiing slopes and not to be
affected by their use for skiing during the winter on Mt. Parnassos
(Figure S3). We attribute this pattern to the absence of ski run
management practices, such as the application of fertilisers, systematic
bulldozing and artificial snow generation, which can alter vegetation
composition and negatively impact Orthoptera communities in European
mountains (Keßler et al., 2012;Wipfetal.,2005). We suggest maintain-
ing the current non-intervention practices of ski run management for the
maintenance of the species habitats on Mt. Parnassos.
Finally, we suggest the implementation of a systematic monitor-
ing scheme (Schori et al., 2020) for the two globally threatened spe-
cies by the competent authorities. Consistent monitoring will provide
essential data on population trends, aiding management decisions and
assessing the effectiveness of conservation actions (Block et al., 2001;
Lyons et al., 2008).
IUCN Red List status
Both speciesestimations satisfied the criteria of a very restricted geo-
graphic range for critically endangered status (criterion B1: EOO <
100 km
) and endangered status (criterion B2: AOO < 500 km
SPC, 2024). Considering the current extent of the threats for the species
(land take, wildfires, and global warming), as well as the species distribution
patter in two nuclei, two locations can be assigned to each species (Mts.
Parnassos and Elikonas) (criterion a), in the sense of two geographically dis-
tinct areas in which a single threatening event can rapidly affect all individ-
uals of the taxon present. The populations cannot be considered severely
fragmented, given the high connectivity of suitable habitats found. Con-
tinuing decline can be inferred for the area and quality of the species habi-
tat and consequently the number of mature individuals, due to former and
future land take, in combination with the negative impact of global warm-
ing (criterion b). According to the new data from the current study, the
IUCN Red List status of P. parnassica should be downgraded from critically
endangered (CR) to Endangered (EN B1ab (iii, v) +2ab (iii, v)) and for
O. parnassica should remain Endangered (EN B1ab (iii, v) +2ab (iii, v)).
Comparing our findings to the former IUCN species assessments
(Willemse, Hochkirch, Heller, et al., 2016; Willemse, Hochkirch, Kati,
et al., 2016), the EOO of P. parnassica increased by 38 km
and that
of O. parnassica decreased by 100 km
, indicating the need for field
research to update the species distribution information to support
evidence-based conservation strategies (Cook et al., 2010).
Our work employed an integrated approach to studying the ecology
of the two poorly known and globally threatened Orthoptera species,
17524598, 0, Downloaded from by Apostolis Stefanidis - University Of Ioannina , Wiley Online Library on [24/09/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
by mapping their current distribution pattern, producing a map of suit-
able habitats, assessing habitat connectivity, and pinpointing the envi-
ronmental factors shaping the specieshabitats at larger and finer
scales. It has a strong applied character, serving as a paradigm for
assessing the extinction risk of poorly known species with limited geo-
graphical range under IUCN criteria. We call for enhancing basic
research on the distribution patterns and ecology of such understu-
died globally threatened species. We particularly underline the need
for extensive field data collection combined with the use of quantita-
tive analytical tools such as species distribution modelling and habitat
connectivity metrics, to this aim.
We concluded a change of the extinction risk assessment for
P. parnassica, downgraded from the critically endangered category to
the endangered one and we confirmed the endangered status of
O. parnassica. Both species might experience habitat loss and degrada-
tion in the future stemming from land take, wildfires, and global
warming. Our research provided a guideline for the appropriate con-
servation measures to be implemented by the competent authorities
(Natural Environment and Climate Change Agency-NECCA) for the
National Park of Parnassos and the non-protected area of
Mt. Elikonas. We support the preservation of the current non-
intervention practices of ski-slope management, the maintenance of
the current mild sheep/goat grazing in the mountainous grasslands,
the legal protection of the species habitats from new land-consuming
projects and the implementation of a monitoring scheme for the pop-
ulation trends of the species. We finally showed that two climatic var-
iables influenced habitat suitability models, concluding the need for
further research on the climatic risk assessment for the target species,
projecting their distributions under different climate change scenarios.
Apostolis Stefanidis: Conceptualization; methodology; software; data
curation; investigation; funding acquisition; writing original draft;
writing review and editing; validation; formal analysis; visualization.
Konstantinos Kougioumoutzis: Methodology; software; formal analy-
sis; visualization; writing review and editing; writing original draft.
Konstantina Zografou: Software; formal analysis; writing review
and editing; writing original draft. Georgios Fotiadis: Methodology;
data curation; investigation; writing review and editing; writing
original draft. Olga Tzortzakaki: Investigation; formal analysis;
writing review and editing. Luc Willemse: Investigation; validation;
writing review and editing. Vassiliki Kati: Conceptualization; funding
acquisition; investigation; methodology; project administration;
resources; supervision; writing original draft; writing review and
We are grateful to the Natural Environment & Climate Change
Agency (NECCA) for providing us with a four-wheel-drive vehicle for
carrying out part of the sampling and to Vassia Margaritopoulou from
the local Management Unit of Parnassos (NECCA) for her support in
the fieldwork. We thank Elvira Sakkoudi and Ilias Blanis for their valu-
able support and help in our fieldwork and plant specimen
identification. Finally, we warmly thank Elli Tzirkalli for her scientific
support and advice during the preliminary modelling.
The research was funded by the Management Agency of Parnassos
National Park (NECCA) under the EMEPERA scheme for the project
Improving the knowledge of endemic and threatened insect fauna in
Parnassos(20212022: code 5032966). The research work of the
first author was supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research
and Innovation (HFRI) under the 4th Call for HFRI PhD Fellowships
(Fellowship Number: 11266: 20232026). The publication of the arti-
cle in OA mode was financially supported by HEAL-Link.
The authors have no relevant financial or non-financial interests to
The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in
DRYAD at (Stefanidis
et al., 2024), and the R codes used in the current work are openly
available in zenodo at
All research was conducted under the appropriate annual research per-
mits issued by the Department of Forest Management of the Directorate
General of Forests and Forest Environment of the Ministry of Environ-
ment and Energy of Greece (Protocol code: 17898/705).
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Additional supporting information can be found online in the Support-
ing Information section at the end of this article.
Figure S1. The extent of occurrence (EOO) for Parnassiana parnassica
and Oropodisma parnassica.
Figure S2. Target species occurrences in relation to the ski centre area
(1.57 km
: 200 m buffer around infrastructures and ski slopes) and
the roadless area of Mt. Parnassos (66.88 km
: Kati et al., 2023).
Figure S3. Habitat suitability binary maps (presenceabsence) for the
target species within their potential distribution areas, as defined by
the IUCN. Panels (a) and (b) illustrate the habitat suitability for
P. parnassica, with an extrapolation threshold of 35.1. Panels (c) and
(d) show the habitat suitability for O. parnassica, with an extrapolation
threshold of 28.8. The maps depict only the ensemble small models
with a value of True Skill Statistic (TSS) 0.4.
Table S1. The full dataset of 27 variables considered for the Species
Distribution Modelling, indicating the 12 variables selected. The table
presents the time period of reference and the resolution data were
available from respected sources. All the variables were created at
100 100 m resolution, using ClimateEU Software for bioclimatic
Table S2. The dominant plant species (>70% cover) and their fre-
quency (%) in the quadrats sampled for Parnassiana parnassica
(33 quadrats) and Oropodisma parnassica (36 quadrat).
Table S3. Best-ranked GLMs for P. parnassica and O. parnassica,
showing the number of parameters (k), the AIC corrected for small-
sample size (AICc), the differences in AICc (ΔAICc =AICci AICcb-
est), models Akaike weight (wi) and Maximum-Likelihood Pseudo-R
Only models with ΔAICc <2 were considered in model averaging
(Ghmean: mean height of herbaceous vegetation, Rpcover: shrubby
vegetation cover, Alt: altitude, Sl: slope, So: soil cover, R: rock cover).
How to cite this article: Stefanidis, A., Kougioumoutzis, K.,
Zografou, K., Fotiadis, G., Tzortzakaki, O., Willemse, L. et al.
(2024) Mitigating the extinction risk of globally threatened and
endemic mountainous Orthoptera species: Parnassiana
parnassica and Oropodisma parnassica.Insect Conservation and
Diversity,115. Available from:
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... We recorded 12 microhabitat parameters in each quadrat (see Table 5), following the methodological approach of a previous study on the same genera [18]. We recorded two topographic parameters, namely altitude (Al) and slope (Sl), and four ground cover parameters, namely soil (So), rock (R), stone (St), and vegetation (Vg) cover. ...
... The NDVI is also found to influence the suitable habitat of Oropodisma parnassica, an endangered grasshopper that inhabits Mts. Parnassos and Elikonas, to the southeast of our study area [18]. ...
... Specifically, PTDQ significantly influenced the habitat suitability of all taxa, with optimal values ranging from 100 to 200 mm. PETWQ, on the other hand, had a stronger effect on the genus Oropodisma, exhibiting peaks at 190-240 mm and a secondary peak at 100 mm, related probably to the xerothermophilic character of the species [18]. PDQ presented a peak at 136 mm and one at 139 mm, a high potential compared with the study area (128-138 mm). ...
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Greece is a European hotspot for Orthoptera (378 species), yet it has been scarcely explored. We investigated the distribution and habitat preferences of the species of two endemic Orthoptera genera, Parnassiana and Oropodisma, in the montane ecosystems of central Greece. We conducted field surveys from 2021 to 2024 in 174 sites across seven mountains. The species of both genera preferred habitats above 1500 m, with species-specific preferences for microhabitat parameters: Parnassiana species favored moderate slopes with dense shrub cover, while Oropodisma species favored substrates with intermediate stone cover and relatively high vegetation cover. Species distribution models estimated the area of suitable habitat for Parnassiana to be at 5 km2 and Oropodisma at 3.28 km2. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and potential evapotranspiration were the key environmental drivers of the habitat suitability for both genera. Generalized regression models showed that altitude positively influenced Parnassiana population density, peaking at 2200 m, whereas rock and soil cover negatively impacted Oropodisma population densities. The results emphasize the critical role of montane habitats in sustaining these species and provide essential data for future research and conservation strategies.
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Aim Temperature is one of the main drivers shaping species diversity and assembly processes. Yet, site‐specific effects of the local microclimate on species and trait compositions of insect communities have rarely been assessed along macroclimatic temperature clines. Location Bavarian Alps, Germany. Methods Bayesian joint species distribution models were applied to investigate how ecological and morphological traits drive variation in the climatic niches of 32 Orthoptera species on 93 grassland sites with contrasting microclimatic conditions along a steep elevational macroclimatic gradient in an Alpine region in Central Europe. Results Species richness and abundance decreased along the elevational macroclimatic gradient, and both benefitted from warm microclimate. Interactive effects of elevation and microclimate on the abundance were, however, species‐specific, and partly mediated by traits: Warm microclimatic conditions facilitated the occurrence of demanding xerophilic and late‐hatching species, resulting in marked community dissimilarities at mid‐elevations where colder sites harboured only a subset of the species. The latter mainly occurred at low elevations together with long‐winged species. Abundance peaks of non‐xerophilic species were further upslope when microclimate was warm. Intraspecifically, the body sizes and wing lengths of the larger females, but not the males, decreased with elevation akin the community mean, and brown colour morphs were more frequent at sites with warm microclimate. Main Conclusions Our nuanced results reveal that trait‐dependent responses of species to microclimate play a key role in the assembly and structuring of insect communities along macroclimatic gradients. Since microclimate preferences changed with elevation, we conclude that species temperature niches are narrower than the elevational range suggests and both macro‐ and microclimatic conditions must be considered when predicting species responses to climate change. Microclimatic contrasts among sites at similar elevations enhanced species turnover mediated by moisture preferences and phenology, highlighting the importance of mountains for conservation as climatic refugia where species with diverging niches can persist in proximity.
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Species distribution and ecological niche models (hereafter SDMs) are popular tools with broad applications in ecology, biodiversity conservation, and environmental science. Many SDM applications require projecting models in environmental conditions non-analog to those used for model training (extrapolation), giving predictions that may be statistically unsupported and biologically meaningless. We introduce a novel method, Shape, a model-agnostic approach that calculates the extrapolation degree for a given projection data point by its multivariate distance to the nearest training data point. Such distances are relativized by a factor that reflects the dispersion of the training data in environmental space. Distinct from other approaches, Shape incorporates an adjustable threshold to control the binary discrimination between acceptable and unacceptable extrapolation degrees. We compared Shape's performance to five extrapolation metrics based on their ability to detect analog environmental conditions in environmental space and improve SDMs suitability predictions. To do so, we used 760 virtual species to define different modeling conditions determined by species niche tolerance, distribution equilibrium condition, sample size, and algorithm. All algorithms had trouble predicting species niches. However, we found a substantial improvement in model predictions when model projections were truncated independently of extrapolation metrics. Shape's performance was dependent on extrapolation threshold used to truncate models. Because of this versatility, our approach showed similar or better performance than the previous approaches and could better deal with all modeling conditions and algorithms. Our extrapolation metric is simple to interpret, captures the complex shapes of the data in environmental space, and can use any extrapolation threshold to define whether model predictions are retained based on the extrapolation degrees. These properties make this approach more broadly applicable than existing methods for creating and applying SDMs. We hope this method and accompanying tools support modelers to explore, detect, and reduce extrapolation errors to achieve more reliable models.
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Orthopteroidea is an ecologically diverse group of incompletely transformed insects that includes several insect orders similar in development and structure. Many species from Dermaptera, Orthoptera, Mantodea, and Blattodea are sensitive to anthropogenic influences and are indicators of the external environment. Some species cause damage to agriculture and forestry; others are inhabitants of human dwellings and pests of food supplies. The aim of this study is to describe fauna of some orders of Orthopteroidea in the Republic of Mordovia, in the central part of European Russia. This study was conducted in April–October 1971, 1984, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2001, and 2004–2023. All possible habitats were studied using a variety of methods (entomological traps, pitfall traps, pan traps, etc.). An acoustic method of species identification was also used. For each observation, the coordinates of location, abundance, and dates were recorded. The dataset contains 4865 occurrences. In total, 16,644 specimens of Orthopteroidea were studied. The dataset contains 71 species including Dermaptera (4), Orthoptera (62), Mantodea (1), and Blattodea (4). Of these, 13 species are identified for the first time in the region; these mainly inhabit steppe areas. The presence of two Orthoptera species has not been confirmed yet during our studies; these species are noted in this paper according an old published paper. The biodiversity of Mordovia includes 73 species from four orders. The biology of numerous species, their seasonal dynamics, and some descriptions of biotopes and number of new species are described.