Few research studies attempt to merge the theory of planned behaviour and value-belief-norm theory in explaining consumers green hotels visits although they may deem to be complementary. This study attempts to merge both theories by investigating the relationships between the different aspects of values, attitudes, norms, perceived behavioural control, awareness of consequence, ascription of
... [Show full abstract] responsibility and intention. A total of 596 young responses were collected, and the results showed that altruistic value positively influenced subjective norm, extrinsic attitude and perceived behavioural control. Biospheric value positively influenced extrinsic attitude, intrinsic attitude and perceived behavioural control while collectivistic value positively influenced subjective norm, extrinsic attitude, and intrinsic attitude. A causal effect from extrinsic attitude and intrinsic attitude on awareness of consequence, then on ascription of responsibility, subsequently on personal norm, finally on intention had been found. Subjective norm positively influenced extrinsic attitude, intrinsic attitude, perceived behavioural control and personal norm. Furthermore, perceived behavioural control positively influenced intention. Lastly, theoretical and practical implications and limitations of the study were discussed accordingly.