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Does Cognitive Ability Mediate Black-White Income Disparities in the USA?

  • Ulster Institute for Social Research
Mankind Quarterly, 65(1), 111-128 2024 Fall Edition
ISSN: 0025-2344
Does Cognitive Ability Mediate Black-White Income
Disparities in the USA?
Simon WrightBryan J. PestaEmil O. W. Kirkegaard
Much research has focused on the putative causes of income differentials between American Blacks and Whites. Few
studies, however, have explored whether average cognitive ability differences between these groups can explain the gaps.
This is despite IQ (intelligence quotient) scores being a potent predictor of various measures of well-being, including
both personal and household income. Thus, we investigated whether average intelligence differences between American
Blacks and Whites can mediate income differentials, over and above the test-takers’ self- and/or other-perceived race
(i.e., a control for “Colorism” as an explanation for disparate treatment). We did so by examining data from five large,
nationally representative US datasets (e.g., the General Social Survey), and by using structural equation modeling
(SEM) to first construct a general factor of intelligence (
) corrected for measurement error. Except with the NLSY97
dataset, we found that
fully mediated the personal income difference between Blacks and Whites, but that race
gaps in household income still persisted. Our results suggest that race may also influence spousal income and marital
choice, and our data underscore the need to include group intelligence differences when attempting to understand
race-based income disparities in the USA.
Keywords: Black-White differences, Income, Intelligence, Discrimination, IQ, USA, Structural equation
1 Introduction
Despite the enactment of civil rights legislation in 1964, income disparities between Black and White Ameri-
cans remain large and ubiquitous. In 2022, for example, the US Census reported household median incomes of
$81,060 for non-Hispanic Whites but only $52,860 for Blacks (
). Personal incomes show a similar pattern, with median earn-
ings gaps at $22,600 and $8,000 for men and women, respectively (
). Likewise, 8.6 percent of Whites
had income levels below the poverty line in 2022 versus 17.1% of Blacks (
). These differences have remained stable since at
least 1968 (Manduca 2018, Figure 2).
At least two potential factors may contribute to these income differentials. The first hypothesis
postulates differences in average human capital among Blacks and Whites, while the second is based on the
presumption of widespread systemic bias and disparate treatment against Blacks in employment settings
(Gaddis 2013). Our aim here is to test whether human capital differences can explain race/income gaps
over and above measures of both self- and other-perceived “race,” including measures of skin color in some
of our datasets. Controlling for skin color allows us to test “Colorism” as a potential explanation for income
gaps (Hunter 2007). Colorism predicts that darker-skinned Americans will realize lower average incomes
relative to lighter-skinned Americans of the same race due to pervasive racism and disparate treatment
Independent researcher, corresponding author; Email:
Independent researcher, North Olmsted, Ohio, USA
Arthur Jensen Institute, Denmark; Email:
Mankind Quarterly, 65(1), 111-128 2024 Fall Edition
(Keith & Herring 1991). In other words, a darker-skinned “Black” individual should be expected to earn
less than a lighter-skinned “Black” individual, all other things being equal.
Conversely, one line of evidence supporting the discrimination hypothesis features survey-based data.
The approach involves sending fictitious job applications to businesses at large, varying the applications by
nothing except the race of the applicant. Such studies typically find that White applicants are more likely
to receive callbacks than are Black or Latino applicants (Quillian et al. 2017). Importantly, however, the
literature demonstrates substantial evidence of publication bias in favor of finding such an effect (Zigerell
2017). Additionally, even if a true difference in callback rates existed, it would not necessarily be caused by
irrational preference-based discrimination (Kirkegaard 2015).
Previous regression models have attempted to control for human capital and test for remaining
racial differences, but have come to mixed results (Herrnstein & Murray 1994, p. 323; Kanazawa 2005;
Tomaskovic-Devey et al. 2005). However, these papers suffer from potential weaknesses. Kanazawa (2005)
relies on measures of human capital which have the potential to be tainted by reverse causation, e.g., Black
people being less able to join unions because they are discriminated against in unionized occupations. The
conclusions of Tomaskovic-Devey et al. (2005) apply only if African Americans are not paid above what their
human capital would justify when they first enter the labor market. This may not be true due to Affirmative
Action (Arcidiacono et al. 2015). Finally, all three of these articles fail to correct for underestimation of
intelligence gaps resulting from attenuation bias (Kirkegaard 2022).
Further, we present novel data in that we use cognitive ability as one aspect of human capital. We
utilize this measure of human capital for three reasons. Firstly, the Black-White gap in measured intelligence
is substantial, approximately a one standard deviation gap in the general factor of intelligence, providing a
plausible candidate to explain income gaps (Frisby & Beaujean 2015; Fuerst et al. 2021; Hu et al. 2019;
Lasker et al. 2019; Roth et al. 2001). Secondly, intelligence appears to be mostly unchanging through
adulthood, correlating at 0.945 between the ages of (approximately) 20 and 37 (Lasker & Kirkegaard 2022)
and 0.78 between 17 and 70 (Deary 2014), with the one standard deviation Black-White IQ gap emerging
by the age of 3 years (Malloy 2013; Rushton & Jensen 2005). A recent meta-analysis has found that after
adjusting for test reliability, the rank order correlation between the general factor of intelligence at age
20 and any much older age is 0.9, and that most components of gdo not significantly differ from that
correlation (Breit et al. 2024). Further, one’s employment does not appear to affect intelligence measured
in later life (Feinkohl et al. 2021). This leaves limited scope for reverse causation: discrimination in the
labor market causing group differences in intelligence.
Thirdly, intelligence appears to be an important component of human capital. A correlation between
intelligence and income is well attested to in the literature, with a meta-analysis finding a correlation of
0.21 (Strenze 2007). When long-run average income (permanent income) is used as a measure, removing
year-to-year fluctuations, this correlation is even higher at
= 0
36 (Dalliard 2016). Intelligence also beats
education and parental education combined as a correlate of income (r= 0.41 vs r= 0.24) (Marks 2022).
For the aforementioned reasons, reverse causation (occupation causing intelligence) is not a major
concern. Additionally, Jensen (1998) provides an overview of evidence concerning IQ and job performance,
revealing that IQ is positively associated with learning speed, the rate at which employees acquire new skills,
and supervisor-rated job performance. The general factor of intelligence (g) is also positively associated with
math, reading, and writing abilities (Caemmerer et al. 2018; Rohde & Thompson 2007). These findings
strongly imply that intelligence is likely to be positively associated with productivity and consequently higher
Lastly, Danish cohort data show that IQ differences have the same effect on income differences
between siblings as between two random individuals from the general population, accounting for other
factors such as region of birth (Hegelund et al. 2019). Because siblings generally share the same common
environment in childhood, this reduces the chances of omitted variable bias. IQ differences between siblings
predicting income differences have also been found in the United States (Murray 2002).
Hence, by leveraging cognitive ability and income data from five large datasets, we aim to test four
hypotheses stemming from the discrimination model and the colorism model:
Mankind Quarterly, 65(1), 111-128 2024 Fall Edition
H1: Interviewer perception of race (IP) should predict income controlling for self-perception (SP). For
instance, an individual who is perceived by an interviewer as White but self-identifies as Black should have
higher earnings than those who are both perceived and identify as Black.
H2: Self-perception of race should not predict income controlling for interviewer perception. This is a
strong-form test of a discrimination model, as it assumes that self-perception of race is not associated with
any human capital differences that are not absorbed by interviewer perception. However, it serves as a test
for the statistical precision of H1. The high correlation between SP and IP is likely to cause multicollinearity
(across all datasets, there are 306 cases where SP and IP differ), leading to large standard errors in both
H1 and H2 tests. A statistically significant result in H2 would demonstrate that our sample size is large
enough to overcome multicollinearity.
H3: Those who are perceived by an interviewer (IP) to be Black should have lower earnings than those
who are IP White after controlling for cognitive ability. Cognitive ability represents only one aspect of human
capital. Therefore, results supporting H3 would not fully rule out the human capital model. However, if
controlling for a single aspect of human capital fully mediates racial earnings differences, then this would
provide strong evidence against the discrimination model.
H4: After controlling for race and cognitive ability, those with darker skin tones should earn less than
those with lighter skin tones.
More specifically, we first employed structural equation modeling (SEM) on five nationally representa-
tive US datasets (e.g., The General Social Survey, GSS) to estimate the influence of racial differences in
intelligence on both personal and household income. By using SEM, we were able to leverage the statistical
advantage of correcting our g estimates for attenuation bias, which can bias
estimates towards finding
smaller group differences (see, e.g., Kirkegaard, 2022).
2 Method
2.1 Estimating IQ
We coded cognitive ability data from five large, nationally representative samples within the USA:
1. National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) 1979 (BLS, 2016)
2. NLSY 1997 (BLS, 2017)
3. General Social Survey (GSS: 2019) (Smith et al., 2019)
4. Add Health (2015-2018) (Harris & Udry, 2015a,b,c, 2018, 2020)
5. American National Election Studies (ANES, 2014)
The sections below detail how we derived IQ scores from each of these five datasets. For brevity
here, tables containing the original names of variables used and how we coded them, along with summary
statistics, are available in the supplementary materials (SM) file.
One alternative aspect of human capital not used in this paper is years of education. We elected
to use cognitive ability measures over this for two reasons. Firstly, because cognitive ability is a stronger
predictor of income than years of education (Marks, 2022). And secondly, because of the presence of
affirmative action in universities (Arcidiacono et al., 2015). Because Black candidates are more likely to
be accepted to universities than White candidates at the same level of measured ability, including years of
education as an aspect of human capital may create bias.
Mankind Quarterly, 65(1), 111-128 2024 Fall Edition
2.1.1 National Longitudinal Study of Youth (1979)
NLSY79 (National Longitudinal Study of Youth, 1979) comprises a large dataset of approximately 12,000
individuals whose survey responses were collected in 1979. We estimated IQs via reported scores on the
subtests of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB; BLS, 2015). The ASVAB is a
well-researched and highly valid measure of general cognitive ability (Koenig et al., 2008). NLSY79 also
reports race from self-report and coded by the NLSY79 survey administrator.
2.1.2 National Longitudinal Study of Youth (1997)
NLSY97 (National Longitudinal Study of Youth, 1997) is a relatively recent replication of NLSY79. The
1997 data feature a substantially younger cohort, as well as additional cognitive ability scores from the
Peabody Individual Achievement Test (
). The NLSY97 also reports self- and other-perceived race. A skin color card used for
color coding is available at:
2.1.3 General Social Survey (Smith et al., 2019)
Our GSS intelligence estimates were derived from scores on the 10-item Wordsum vocabulary test. This is a
multiple-choice test where individuals are given a word and then asked to choose which other word is most
similar in meaning. Because the GSS intelligence metric was binary (individuals answered the vocabulary
items either correctly or incorrectly), we used a DWLS estimator, as opposed to the ML estimator we
employed for our other gestimates. The reliance on Wordsum is a limitation of the GSS dataset. Although
it has been estimated that Wordsum is highly g-loaded (0.93 when corrected for reliability; Woodley of
Menie et al., 2015), this result originates from a sample dating to the 1940s (Kirkegaard, 2019). It is also
solely a measure of verbal intelligence which, whilst highly correlated with general intelligence (Woodley of
Menie et al., 2015), is conceptually only one aspect of g(Kan et al., 2013). Further research is needed to
establish the validity of the Wordsum test as a proxy for intelligence in a modern context.
2.1.4 Add Health (2015 - 2018)
Add Health data are collected under the umbrella of the NLSY, although income data for this survey exist
only for its last two data-collection waves. Regarding gestimates, Add Health reports scores from the PIAT
(taken in Waves 1 and 3), as well as a knowledge quiz (Waves 1 and 2), and digit span/word recall tests
(Waves 4 and 5). Add Health also codes participants by self- and other-perceived race.
2.1.5 American National Election Studies (2014)
Data from the American National Election Studies (ANES, 2014) are somewhat limited in that they report
household but not personal income data. For intelligence estimates, we relied on a Wordsum-type test
administered to survey participants. This survey has a measure for skin color (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Skin color coding in the ANES dataset. Interviewers were asked to give a number based on this key
(ANES, 2012).
Mankind Quarterly, 65(1), 111-128 2024 Fall Edition
2.2 Statistical Approach
In datasets where it is recorded (NLSY 1979, 1997, and Add Health), we measured race by the interviewer’s
perception (IP), as opposed to the respondents’ self-perception (SP). We did so because only IP, not SP,
can logically cause labor market discrimination: an employer can only discriminate based on their own
beliefs about an individual’s race. Also, some datasets reported the respondents’ skin color, which we coded
here to control for predictions based on Colorism Theory (H4). In all of our analyses, we treated “White”
as the omitted variable, and therefore the regression coefficients reported below for Blacks estimate the
income gap between this group relative to non-Hispanic Whites. Similarly, darker skin tones are always
coded as higher numbers. To concentrate our analysis on the Black-White income gap, members of other
minorities were removed from our datasets. For all datasets, the logarithm of the income measure is taken
and then normalized to have a mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1.
Additionally, in three datasets (NLSY79, NLSY97, Add Health) income measures were available
for the same individuals across multiple years. We thus used SEM to construct a “permanent income”
latent variable, with income for each of the individual years serving as indicator variables. We then used
“permanent income” as a dependent variable in the models reported below.
In order to test H1, we aim to test for an effect of IP race on income when controlling for SP. Data
for both SP and IP are available in three datasets (NLSY79, NLSY97, Add Health). The discrimination
model would predict that an individual perceived by others as white (black), but self-identifying as black
(white), should have an income closer to the average for whites (blacks). However, introducing both of
these variables into a model threatens to introduce multicollinearity, which will increase the standard error
of the estimated effect of IP race. This is the motivation for conducting a meta-analysis of our results,
giving more statistical precision than any individual dataset can. Effectively, we combined the statistical
precision from the 165 total cases where IP and SP differ.
Figure 2 summarizes the base model used to test H3, together with the indicator variables we used
to estimate latent g. Figures for all variants of this model are available in the SM file. Recall that our
latent variable approach to measuring gallowed us to correct for attenuation bias resulting from random
measurement error. Failure to correct for this bias leads to underestimating standardized differences in
mean intelligence across Black and White Americans (see, e.g., Kirkegaard, 2022; Kline, 2016, p. 127).
Finally, our analyses involved regressing income on both racial identity and gwhile also controlling
for each participant’s sex and age (or birth year for datasets with income for one individual across multiple
years). Thereafter, we conducted a meta-analysis based on our overall findings to statistically estimate a
meta-analytic value summarizing all the effects. The primary focus of this study takes personal income as
our outcome measure. Although we also report household income, we leave a more thorough investigation
of those results to future research.
3 Results
3.1 Main Analysis
The grand mean for our Black gestimate was
09, which corresponds to an IQ estimate of 83.7
(relative to the White mean, set to equal 100). The IQ difference here is remarkably consistent with Roth et
al.’s (2001) large-scale meta-analysis of these effects (with particular focus on high-stakes testing scenarios).
To wit, these authors reported a meta-analytic effect size of -1.10 (IQ = 83.5) for Black Americans, relative
to White Americans, with analyses featuring well over one million participants.
We next turn to reporting the specifics of our regression analyses within each of our five datasets.
For each analysis, we attempted to predict personal and/or household income based on our IQ estimates,
SP and IP (when available), age, and sex.
3.1.1 National Longitudinal Study of Youth (1979)
Table 1 and Table 2 display regression results featuring race and gas predictors of income in this dataset,
controlling for age and sex. For brevity, the full models for all our results are available in the supplementary
materials. As expected, prior to controlling for g, being perceived as Black is associated with lower personal
Mankind Quarterly, 65(1), 111-128 2024 Fall Edition
Figure 2: Base model for our analysis. Rectangles represent manifest variables. Rounded rectangles represent
(manifest) indicator variables. Circles represent latent variables. Solid lines represent regression paths. Dashed lines
represent factor loadings.
income. However, this association becomes insignificant when self-perceived race is introduced as a control,
providing evidence against H1. Interestingly, despite concerns of multicollinearity, self-perceived race is
statistically significant and negatively associated with income in this model, providing evidence against H2.
Examining the outcome measure of personal income, controlling for g, our findings reveal no statistically
significant impact of being perceived as Black (therefore, not supporting H3). This lack of association holds
both before and after controlling for an individual’s self-perception. There does appear to be a negative
association between interviewer perception as Black and household income; this effect disappears when
self-perception is controlled for.
3.1.2 The National Longitudinal Study of Youth (1997)
Table 3 and Table 4 display regression results featuring race and gas predictors of income in this dataset,
controlling for sex and birth year (full results available in supplementary materials). Here, without controlling
for g, neither being perceived as Black nor self-identifying as Black is statistically significant in model 2,
although both coefficients are negative.
Unlike the NLSY79 dataset, the estimated effect of being perceived as Black on personal income,
whilst controlling for g, is statistically significant and negative when self-perception is not controlled for,
providing some evidence against H3. However, being perceived as Black explains little of the overall
variation in income between people (only 0.4 % of the variance not explained by other variables). This
effect disappears once an individual’s self-perception is controlled for. Similar results are obtained when skin
color is used as a proxy for others’ perception of race. The results for household income are more closely
aligned with the NLSY79.
Mankind Quarterly, 65(1), 111-128 2024 Fall Edition
Table 1: The impact of race on personal and household income in the NLSY79 dataset, no controls for intelligence.
p < .
05; **
p < .
01; ***
p < .
= standardized beta (path coefficient). All latent variables have a mean of 0
and variance of 1.
Independent variable βbeta SE beta R2/partial r2
Personal income 1 0.092
IP_Black -0.177*** -0.406 0.026 0.033
Personal income 2 0.123
IP_Black -0.039 -0.087 0.165 0.000
SP_Black -0.210** -0.463 0.166 0.002
Household income 1 0.115
IP_Black -0.327*** -0.763 0.028 0.108
Household income 2 0.173
IP_Black -0.197* -0.447 0.201 0.002
SP_Black -0.217* -0.494 0.204 0.002
Table 2: The impact of race on personal and household income in the NLSY79 dataset, controlling for g. *
01; ***
= standardized beta (path coefficient). All latent variables have a mean of 0 and variance
of 1.
Independent variable βbeta SE beta R2/partial r2
Personal income 1 0.187
g 0.377*** 0.344 0.014 0.106
IP_Black 0.017 0.041 0.032 0.000
Personal income 2 0.234
g 0.422*** 0.380 0.020 0.126
IP_Black 0.070 0.164 0.150 0.000
sex_Male 0.208*** 0.475 0.029 0.053
SP_Black -0.069 -0.164 0.152 0.000
Household income 1 0.329
g 0.562*** 0.565 0.016 0.242
IP_Black -0.040** -0.108 0.033 0.002
Household income 2 0.379
g 0.575*** 0.576 0.019 0.249
IP_Black -0.044 -0.116 0.182 0.000
SP_Black -0.032 -0.083 0.187 0.000
3.1.3 General Social Survey (2019)
Table 5 displays regression results featuring race and gas predictors of income in this dataset, controlling
for age and sex (full results available in supplementary materials). For personal income, perceiving oneself
as Black is not a significant predictor of income, and neither is skin color. For household income, however,
there is a negative effect of either when used in the model individually, although neither is statistically
significant when both are used.
Mankind Quarterly, 65(1), 111-128 2024 Fall Edition
Table 3: The impact of race on personal and household income in the NLSY97 dataset, no controls for intelligence.
p < .
05; **
p < .
01; ***
p < .
= standardized beta (path coefficient). All latent variables have a mean of 0
and variance of 1.
Independent variable βbeta SE beta R2/partial r2
Personal income 1 0.136
IP_Black -0.265*** -0.598 0.038 0.075
Personal income 2 0.137
IP_Black -0.104 -0.236 0.200 0.000
SP_Black -0.163 -0.368 0.200 0.001
Personal income 3 0.137
Color -0.087** -0.085 0.030 0.003
SP_Black -0.191*** -0.427 0.068 0.012
Personal income 4 0.126
Color -0.248*** -0.241 0.018 0.066
Household income 1 0.172
IP_Black -0.407*** -0.941 0.037 0.167
Household income 2 0.175
IP_Black -0.087 -0.200 0.200 0.000
SP_Black -0.326*** -0.752 0.222 0.004
Household income 3 0.184
Color -0.049 -0.050 0.032 0.001
SP_Black -0.382*** -0.877 0.070 0.049
Household income 4 0.142
Color -0.371*** -0.364 0.017 0.138
3.1.4 Add Health (2015 - 2018)
Table 6 and Table 7 display regression results featuring race and gas predictors of income in this dataset,
controlling for birth year and sex (full results in supplementary materials). The results from Add Health are
similar to the results of the previous surveys. Without controls for g, IP Black is not statistically significantly
associated with personal income, whilst SP has a significant negative association, providing evidence against
both H1 and H2.
When controls for gare introduced, being perceived as Black surprisingly is associated with higher
personal income, absent controls for SP. Skin color is never negatively associated with personal income.
3.1.5 American National Election Studies (2014)
Lastly, the ANES results (Table 8) corroborate our findings that being perceived as Black is negatively
correlated with household income (col. 1). Skin color presents a negative relationship with income, both
before and after controlling for self-perceived race (cols. 2 & 3).
3.2 Meta-analysis
We conduct meta-analyses of our measures of race on personal income. The effect sizes shown are the
standardized beta effect estimates estimated in the above sections. These analyses were conducted using
the Meta and Metafor packages in R (Schwarzer, 2023; Viechtbauer, 2023). We further conducted
meta-analyses for the impact of skin color on personal income, with and without controls for self-perception.
Mankind Quarterly, 65(1), 111-128 2024 Fall Edition
Table 4: The impact of race on personal and household income in the NLSY97 dataset. *
p < .
05; **
p < .
01; ***
p<.001.β= standardized beta (path coefficient). All latent variables have a mean of 0 and variance of 1.
Independent variable βbeta SE beta R2/partial r2
Personal income 1 0.241
g0.396*** 0.373 0.021 0.122
IP_Black -0.068*** -0.163 0.044 0.004
Personal income 2 0.241
g0.395*** 0.371 0.021 0.121
IP_Black -0.007 -0.017 0.200 0.000
SP_Black -0.063 -0.150 0.200 0.000
Personal income 3 0.256
Color -0.010 -0.010 0.031 0.000
g0.422*** 0.398 0.023 0.137
SP_Black -0.046 -0.112 0.070 0.001
Personal income 4 0.255
Color -0.046* -0.049 0.020 0.002
g0.428*** 0.414 0.023 0.146
Household income 1 0.294
g0.425*** 0.417 0.020 0.148
IP_Black -0.193*** -0.483 0.041 0.037
Household income 2 0.296
g0.422*** 0.414 0.020 0.147
sex_Male -0.072*** -0.172 0.031 0.007
Household income 3 0.311
Color 0.028 0.031 0.032 0.000
g0.437*** 0.429 0.022 0.156
SP_Black -0.226*** -0.566 0.071 0.020
Household income 4 0.299
Color -0.145*** -0.157 0.019 0.022
g0.472*** 0.472 0.022 0.182
Our estimates test H1 and H2 in Figure 3 and Figure 4, respectively, showing the impact of interviewer-
and self-perceived race on income. The results fail to support either H1 or H2. Interviewer-perceived race
does not significantly affect income when it differs from self-perception, whereas self-perception is strongly
negative and statistically significant. The finding of a strong and significant negative effect, combined with
relatively narrow confidence intervals, reduces the concern that multicollinearity makes results uninterpretable.
Across all our datasets where this test was available, there are 54 individuals where SP is Black but IP
is White and 252 where the opposite is true. Figure 5 further reinforces the lack of support for H1 as
controlling for both gand self-perception fails to find any significant results.
Next, H3 is tested in Figure 6. In this model, there is no control for self-perception. It is purely the
estimated impact of race (interviewer perception in datasets where available) on personal income, controlling
for g. The results show no estimated effect of being Black on personal income, failing to support H3.
We also fail to find any evidence to support the colorism hypothesis (H4): With and without controls
for SP, there is no significant impact of having a darker skin color, net of intelligence (Figure 7 and Figure 8).
Mankind Quarterly, 65(1), 111-128 2024 Fall Edition
Table 5: The impact of race on personal and household income in the GSS dataset. *
05; **
01; ***
p < .
= standardized beta (path coefficient). All latent variables have a mean of 0 and variance of 1. Year
fixed effects. HAC (heteroskedasticity and auto-correlation-robust) standard errors.
Independent variable βbeta SE beta R2/partial r2
Personal income 1 0.154
g0.209*** 0.217 0.014 0.049
SP_Black -0.004 -0.013 0.031 0.000
Personal income 2 0.116
Color -0.022 -0.013 0.020 0.000
g0.225*** 0.249 0.041 0.059
SP_Black 0.008 0.025 0.103 0.001
Personal income 3 0.124
Color 0.004 0.003 0.017 0.000
g0.248*** 0.273 0.042 0.074
Household income 1 0.161
g0.353*** 0.322 0.011 0.126
SP_Black -0.080*** -0.222 0.024 0.003
Household income 2 0.160
Color -0.034 -0.019 0.014 0.000
g0.364*** 0.367 0.031 0.147
SP_Black -0.046 -0.128 0.072 0.000
Household income 3 0.169
Color -0.055* -0.030 0.012 0.000
g0.385*** 0.389 0.030 0.161
Figure 3: Meta-analysis of the impact of interviewer-perceived race on personal income, controlling for self-perception
of race.
Mankind Quarterly, 65(1), 111-128 2024 Fall Edition
Table 6: The impact of race on personal and household income in the Add Health dataset, no controls for intelligence.
p < .
05; **
p < .
01; ***
p < .
= standardized beta (path coefficient). All latent variables have a mean of 0
and variance of 1.
Independent variable βbeta SE beta R2/partial r2
Personal income 1 0.119
IP_Black -0.112*** -0.263 0.037 0.014
Personal income 2 0.120
IP_Black 0.057 0.135 0.127 0.000
SP_Black -0.174** -0.413 0.128 0.002
Personal income 3 0.122
Color -0.115*** -0.092 0.027 0.003
SP_Black -0.015 -0.036 0.078 0.000
Personal income 4 0.122
Color -0.128*** -0.103 0.014 0.018
Household income 1 0.138
IP_Black -0.366*** -0.870 0.040 0.134
Household income 2 0.141
IP_Black -0.138* -0.328 0.141 0.001
SP_Black -0.234*** -0.564 0.143 0.003
Household income 3 0.148
Color -0.193*** -0.157 0.028 0.009
SP_Black -0.196*** -0.478 0.083 0.009
Household Income 4 0.140
Color -0.368*** -0.299 0.015 0.136
Personal income 1 0.119
IP_Black -0.112*** -0.263 0.037 0.014
Personal income 2 0.120
IP_Black 0.057 0.135 0.127 0.000
SP_Black -0.174** -0.413 0.128 0.002
Personal income 3 0.122
Color -0.115*** -0.092 0.027 0.003
SP_Black -0.015 -0.036 0.078 0.000
Mankind Quarterly, 65(1), 111-128 2024 Fall Edition
Table 7: The impact of race on personal and household income in the Add Health dataset. *
p < .
05; **
p < .
*** p<.001.β= standardized beta (path coefficient). All latent variables have a mean of 0 and variance of 1.
Independent variable βbeta SE beta R2/partial r2
Personal income 1 0.266
g0.441*** 0.459 0.034 0.174
IP_Black 0.077*** 0.199 0.059 0.006
Personal income 2 0.266
g0.441*** 0.457 0.034 0.173
IP_Black 0.090 0.231 0.151 0.001
SP_Black -0.012 -0.032 0.155 0.000
Personal income 3 0.271
Color -0.040 -0.035 0.029 0.000
g0.451*** 0.462 0.038 0.176
SP_Black 0.125*** 0.328 0.091 0.004
Personal income 4 0.276
Color 0.077** 0.068 0.023 0.006
g0.455*** 0.472 0.038 0.182
Household income 1 0.312
g0.475*** 0.513 0.035 0.208
IP_Black -0.145*** -0.386 0.056 0.024
Household income 2 0.312
g0.474*** 0.509 0.035 0.206
IP_Black -0.074 -0.195 0.148 0.000
SP_Black -0.074 -0.200 0.200 0.000
Household income 3 0.320
Color -0.107** -0.098 0.030 0.003
g0.478*** 0.512 0.038 0.208
SP_Black -0.043 -0.117 0.094 0.001
Household income 4 0.328
Color -0.134*** -0.124 0.022 0.021
g0.495*** 0.538 0.039 0.224
Mankind Quarterly, 65(1), 111-128 2024 Fall Edition
Table 8: The impact of race on personal and household income in the ANES dataset. *
p < .
05; **
p < .
01; ***
p<.001.β= standardized beta (path coefficient). All latent variables have a mean of 0 and variance of 1.
Independent variable βbeta SE beta R2/partial r2
Household income 1 0.159
g0.376*** 0.426 0.019 0.131
Sex: male 0.065*** 0.158 0.031 0.005
Household income 2 0.145
Color -0.134*** -0.068 0.017 0.010
g0.323*** 0.353 0.032 0.092
SP_Black 0.036 0.095 0.089 0.001
Household income 3 0.143
Color -0.104*** -0.053 0.013 0.011
g0.321*** 0.351 0.032 0.091
Figure 4: Meta-analysis of the impact of self-perceived race on personal income, controlling for interviewer perception
of race.
Figure 5: Impact of being perceived as black (IP) on personal income (standardized beta), with controls for gand
for self-perception of being black (SP).
Mankind Quarterly, 65(1), 111-128 2024 Fall Edition
Figure 6: Impact of Black (IP where available) on personal income (standardized beta), gis controlled, but there
are no controls for self-perception (SP).
Figure 7: The impact of skin color on personal income (standardized beta), controlled for g, but no controls for SP.
Figure 8: The impact of skin color on personal income (standardized beta), with controls for gand SP.
Mankind Quarterly, 65(1), 111-128 2024 Fall Edition
4 Discussion
The findings of this study provide robust support for the human capital hypothesis, positing that disparities
in cognitive ability may entirely account for the Black-White earnings gap in the US labor market. We
employed structural equation modeling in our analysis, controlling exclusively for sex, age, and measured
intelligence, thereby addressing concerns related to introducing measures of human capital that could be
influenced by discrimination in the labor market (Gaddis, 2013).
The share of the variance in permanent personal income not explained by other variables but explained
by g(partial
) is consistently above 10 %. This is approximately in line with the total
of 13–17 %
between intelligence and income found in previous research (Dalliard, 2016; Marks, 2022). It is greater than
of 6–7 % between permanent personal income and years of education + parental education (Marks,
Across all datasets except for NLSY97, our results did not reveal a significant negative impact of
being Black on personal income, net of g. The meta-analysis strengthens this conclusion, as both the fixed
and random effects models demonstrate a mean impact of zero for being Black on personal income. All of
our datasets support the finding of a robust positive association between gand income.
In all datasets, we observed a negative association between being perceived as Black and household
income. This finding implies that racial differences in household dynamics unexplained by cognitive ability
of one member of the household may exist. Such disparities could encompass decisions on whom to marry
and the number of working household members. Future research could explore household income differences
when broken down into household types, in particular whether these earnings gaps could be accounted for
by racial differences in the proportion of single and dual-earning households.
Our research also attempts to disentangle the relative importance of self-perception and others’
perception of one’s race. As employers base employment decisions on their perception of an individual’s race,
individuals who identify with one race but are perceived as another offer a critical test of discrimination. We
found no evidence in any of our models suggesting that others’ perceptions of an individual’s race influenced
income once self-perceived race was controlled for.
Overall, these datasets present strong evidence supporting the human capital hypothesis, indicating
that differences in cognitive ability primarily account for the Black-White earnings gap in the US labor
Declarations of interest
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Cognitive abilities, including general intelligence and domain-specific abilities such as fluid reasoning, comprehension knowledge, working memory capacity, and processing speed, are regarded as some of the most stable psychological traits, yet there exist no large-scale systematic efforts to document the specific patterns by which their rank-order stability changes over age and time interval, or how their stability differs across abilities, tests, and populations. Determining the conditions under which cognitive abilities exhibit high or low degrees of stability is critical not just to theory development but to applied contexts in which cognitive assessments guide decisions regarding treatment and intervention decisions with lasting consequences for individuals. In order to supplement this important area of research, we present a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies investigating the stability of cognitive abilities. The meta-analysis relied on data from 205 longitudinal studies that involved a total of 87,408 participants, resulting in 1,288 test–retest correlation coefficients among manifest variables. For an age of 20 years and a test–retest interval of 5 years, we found a mean rank-order stability of ρ = .76. The effect of mean sample age on stability was best described by a negative exponential function, with low stability in preschool children, rapid increases in stability in childhood, and consistently high stability from late adolescence to late adulthood. This same functional form continued to best describe age trends in stability after adjusting for test reliability. Stability declined with increasing test–retest interval. This decrease flattened out from an interval of approximately 5 years onward. According to the age and interval moderation models, minimum stability sufficient for individual-level diagnostic decisions (rtt = .80) can only be expected over the age of 7 and for short time intervals in children. In adults, stability levels meeting this criterion are obtained for over 5 years.
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This brief report analyzes data from a series of studies carried out by Bates and Gignac (2022), collected from paid survey takers on the Prolific platform (total n = 3357). In this UK sample, Black-White gap sizes on cognitive tests were substantial with an overall effect size d of 0.99 standard deviations adjusted for unreliability (unadjusted means = 0.84 d). Testing for measurement invariance via differential item functioning found either no bias or bias of trivial magnitude. We conclude that the Black-White intelligence gap seen in Prolific workers is of similar magnitude to the gap seen elsewhere in America.
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Recent research has provided strong demonstrations to the effects that education improves scores on intelligence tests. We tested whether the improvements elicited by education were consistent with raised intelligence or enhancements to specific skills involved in intelligence testing. We used the structural equation models from Ritchie, Bates & Deary (2015) on a longitudinal sample of over 4,000 American men who took an intelligence test near the end of high school and then took another around 37 years of age. Our results were consistent with theirs in that we found that the effect of education on intelligence test scores was not an improvement to intelligence itself, but instead was relegated to improvements to specific skills. Our results support the notion that education is not a source of enhanced intelligence, but it can help specific skills.
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Black and Hispanic children in the United States have lower mean cognitive test scores than White children. The reasons for this are contested. The test score gap may be caused by socio-cultural factors, but the high heritability of g suggests that genetic variance might play a role. Differences between self-identified race or ethnicity (SIRE) groups could be the product of ancestral genetic differences. This genetic hypothesis predicts that genetic ancestry will predict g within these admixed groups. To investigate this hypothesis, we performed admixture-regression analyses with data from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Cohort. Consistent with predictions from the genetic hypothesis, African and Amerindian ancestry were both found to be negatively associated with g. The association was robust to controls for multiple cultural, socioeconomic, and phenotypic factors. In the models with all controls the effects were as follows: (a) Blacks, African ancestry: b =-0.89, N = 1690; (b) Hispanics, African ancestry: b =-0.58, Amerindian ancestry: b =-0.86, N = 2021), and (c) a largely African-European mixed Other group, African ancestry: b =-1.08, N = 748). These coefficients indicate how many standard deviations g is predicted to change when an individual's African or Amerindian ancestry proportion changes from 0% to 100%. Genetic ancestry statistically explained the self-identified race and ethnicity (SIRE) differences found in the full sample. Lastly, within all samples, the relation between genetic ancestry and g was partially accounted for by cognitive ability and educational polygenic scores (eduPGS). These eduPGS were found to be significantly predictive of g within all SIRE groups, even when controlling for ancestry. The results are supportive of the genetic model.
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Background: Studies suggest that a higher education and occupation are each associated with a higher late-life cognitive ability, but their inter-relationships in their association with cognitive ability and the contribution of peak IQ in young adulthood ('pre-morbid IQ') often remain unclear. Methods: Cross-sectional analysis of 623 participants aged ≥65 years of the BioCog study. Education was coded according to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED; range 1 to 6). Occupation was coded as 'semi/unskilled', 'skilled manual', 'skilled non-manual', 'managerial', 'professional'. A summary score of global ability ('g') was constructed from six cognitive tests. Pre-morbid IQ was estimated from vocabulary. The Geriatric Depression Scale assessed symptoms of depression. Age- and sex-adjusted analyses of covariance were performed. Results: Education (partial eta2 0.076; p < 0.001) and occupation (partial eta2 = 0.037; p < 0.001) were each significantly associated with g. For education, the association was attenuated but remained statistically significant when pre-morbid IQ was controlled for (partial eta2 0.036; p < 0.001) and was unchanged with additional adjustment for depression (partial eta2 0.037; p < 0.001). For occupation, the association with g was no longer significant when pre-morbid IQ (partial eta2 = 0.015; p = 0.06) and depression (partial eta2 = 0.011; p = 0.18) were entered as covariates in separate steps. When education and occupation were entered concurrently into the fully adjusted model, only education was independently associated with g (partial eta2 0.030; p < 0.001; occupation, p = 0.93). Conclusion: While a higher education and a higher occupation were each associated with a higher late-life cognitive ability, only for education some unique contribution to cognitive ability remained over and above its relationship with pre-morbid IQ, depression, and occupation. Further research is needed to address whether a longer time spent in education may promote late-life cognitive ability.
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Using data from the Philadelphia Neurodevelopmental Cohort, we examined whether European ancestry predicted cognitive ability over and above both parental socioeconomic status (SES) and measures of eye, hair, and skin color. First, using multi-group confirmatory factor analysis, we verified that strict factorial invariance held between self-identified African and European-Americans. The differences between these groups, which were equivalent to 14.72 IQ points, were primarily (75.59%) due to difference in general cognitive ability (g), consistent with Spearman’s hypothesis. We found a relationship between European admixture and g. This relationship existed in samples of (a) self-identified monoracial African-Americans (B = 0.78, n = 2,179), (b) monoracial African and biracial African-European-Americans, with controls added for self-identified biracial status (B = 0.85, n = 2407), and (c) combined European, African-European, and African-American participants, with controls for self-identified race/ethnicity (B = 0.75, N = 7,273). Controlling for parental SES modestly attenuated these relationships whereas controlling for measures of skin, hair, and eye color did not. Next, we validated four sets of polygenic scores for educational attainment (eduPGS). MTAG, the multi-trait analysis of genome-wide association study (GWAS) eduPGS (based on 8442 overlapping variants) predicted g in both the monoracial African-American (r = 0.111, n = 2179, p < 0.001), and the European-American (r = 0.227, n = 4914, p < 0.001) subsamples. We also found large race differences for the means of eduPGS (d = 1.89). Using the ancestry-adjusted association between MTAG eduPGS and g from the monoracial African-American sample as an estimate of the transracially unbiased validity of eduPGS (B = 0.124), the results suggest that as much as 20%–25% of the race difference in g can be natively explained by known cognitive ability-related variants. Moreover, path analysis showed that the eduPGS substantially mediated associations between cognitive ability and European ancestry in the African-American sample. Subtest differences, together with the effects of both ancestry and eduPGS, had near-identity with subtest g-loadings. This finding confirmed a Jensen effect acting on ancestry-related differences. Finally, we confirmed measurement invariance along the full range of European ancestry in the combined sample using local structural equation modeling. Results converge on genetics as a partial explanation for group mean differences in intelligence.
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Little research has dealt with intragroup ancestry-related differences in intelligence in Black and White Americans. To help fill this gap, we examined the association between intelligence and both color and parent-reported ancestry using the NLSY97. We used a nationally-representative sample, a multidimensional measure of cognitive ability, and a sibling design. We found that African ancestry was negatively correlated with general mental ability scores among Whites (r = −0.038, N = 3603; corrected for attenuation, rc = −0.245). In contrast, the correlation between ability and parent-reported European ancestry was positive among Blacks (r = 0.137, N = 1788; rc = 0.344). Among Blacks, the correlation with darker skin color, an index of African ancestry, was negative (r = −0.112, N = 1455). These results remained with conspicuous controls. Among Blacks, both color and parent-reported European ancestry had independent effects on general cognitive ability (color: β = −0.104; ancestry: β = 0.118; N = 1445). These associations were more pronounced on g-loaded subtests, indicating a Jensen Effect for both color and ancestry (rs = 0.679 to 0.850). When we decomposed the color results for the African ancestry sample between and within families, we found an association between families, between singletons (β = −0.153; N = 814), and between full sibling pairs (β = −0.176; N = 225). However, we found no association between full siblings (β = 0.027; N = 225). Differential regression to the mean results indicated that the factors causing the mean group difference acted across the cognitive spectrum, with high-scoring African Americans no less affected than low-scoring ones. We tested for measurement invariance and found that strict factorial invariance was tenable. We then found that the weak version of Spearman’s hypothesis was tenable while the strong and contra versions were not. The results imply that the observed cognitive differences are primarily due to differences in g and that the Black-White mean difference is attributable to the same factors that cause differences within both groups. Further examination revealed comparable intraclass correlations and absolute differences for Black and White full siblings. This implied that the non-shared environmental variance components were similar in magnitude for both Blacks and Whites.
Few issues in the social sciences are as controversial as the role of cognitive ability for educational and subsequent socioeconomic attainments. There are a variety of arguments raised to dismiss, discount or discredit the role of cognitive ability: socioeconomic background is the dominant influence; if cognitive ability appears important, that is only because important predictors have been omitted; the relative importance of socioeconomic background and cognitive ability cannot be ascertained; and cognitive ability is simply a function of socioeconomic background and, for post-education socioeconomic attainments, education. This study analyses the effects of cognitive ability and socioeconomic background on a chronological sequence of social stratification outcomes - school grades, SAT and ACT scores, educational and occupational attainment, income and wealth - in data from the 1979 and 1997 National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth. The coefficients for cognitive ability decline marginally with the addition of socioeconomic background measures, including family-of-origin income averaged over several years, and wealth. In contrast, socioeconomic background coefficients decline substantially with the addition of cognitive ability. Net of educational attainment, cognitive ability has sizable effects on occupational attainment and income. Net of socioeconomic background, education and occupation, a one-standard-deviation difference in ability corresponds to a sizable 43% difference in positive wealth at around age 35 in the older cohort and a 25% increase in the younger cohort. Therefore, contrary to dominant narratives, cognitive ability is important to a range of social stratification outcomes, and its effects cannot be attributed to socioeconomic background or educational attainment.
The present register-based study investigated the influence of familial factors on the association of IQ with educational and occupational achievement among young men in Denmark. The study population comprised all men with at least one full brother where both the individual and his brothers were born from 1950 and appeared before a draft board in 1968–1984 and 1987–2015 (N = 364,193 individuals). Intelligence was measured by Børge Priens Prøve at age 18. Educational and occupational achievement were measured by grade point average (GPA) in lower secondary school, time to receiving social benefits at ages 18–30, and gross income at age 30. The statistical analyses comprised two distinct statistical analyses of the investigated associations: A conventional cohort analysis and a within-sibship analysis in which the association under investigation was analysed within siblings while keeping familial factors shared by siblings fixed. The results showed that an appreciable part of the associations of IQ with educational and occupational achievement could be attributed to familial factors shared by siblings. However, only the within sibling association between IQ and GPA in lower secondary school clearly differed from the association observed in the cohort analysis after covariates had been taken into account.
The relations between children and adolescents' cognitive abilities and their reading, writing, and math achievement were examined using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition and Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition co-norming sample. We tested and compared models that included effects from the Cattell-Horn- Carroll broad cognitive abilities and models that focused on the effects of g only. Developmental differences in the patterns of cognitive-achievement effects were tested for statistical significance using interaction terms. Comprehension-knowledge exerted direct effects on all reading and most writing skills, fluid reasoning exerted direct effects on essay writing and math skills, and processing speed exerted direct effects on reading fluency, math fluency, and math calculation skills. Working memory significantly influenced most of the achievement skills and was particularly important for younger children. The effect of g on all achievement skills was strong, but indirect through the broad abilities and often overlapped with the effect of fluid reasoning. Results from this study suggest that children and adolescent's reading, math, and writing are differentially influenced by their cognitive abilities, and some of these effects vary by age. Free access to article until April 24: