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Wetlands (2024) 44:100
Present classications of temporary wetlands are mostly
based on their hydroperiod gradient including ephemeral,
seasonal, temporary, semi-permanent ponds (Stewart and
Kantrud 1971), turloughs (Sheehy Skengton et al. 2006)
and multi-year oods (Kivinen et al. 2020; Nummi et al.
2021a; Romansic et al. 2021). They encompass dierent
habitat types such as rock pools (Minissale and Sciandrello
2016), bog pools (Mazerolle et al. 2006), wet meadows
(Stewart and Kantrud 1971) and beaver oods (Kivinen
et al. 2020). The inundation might be the result of melting
snow and rain in spring as in the case of vernal pools (Keeley
and Zedler 1998; Schrank et al. 2015), groundwater raising
in the case of turloughs (Sheehy Skengton et al. 2006)
or oods as the result of beaver oods, for example. While
some temporary wetlands (e.g. vernal pools and turloughs)
typically follow a seasonal cycle, others such as boreal
beaver ponds may have a ood cycle lasting 3–10 years
(Kivinen et al. 2020). Temporary wetlands might not be
Temporary wetlands are typically depressions in the ground
characterized by intermittent inundations (Stewart and
Kantrud 1971; Colburn 2004; Calhoun and DeMaynadier
2007). They can be of various kinds based on their hydro-
period, timing, water depth and size (Calhoun et al. 2017).
Markéta Nummi
1 Department of Biology, University of Turku,
Turku FI-20014, Finland
2 Department of Forest Sciences, University of Helsinki, P.O.
Box 27, Helsinki FI-00014, Finland
3 University of Angers, Angers FR-49035, France
4 Lammi Biological Station, University of Helsinki,
Pääjärventie 320, Lammi FI-16900, Finland
Temporary wetlands have mostly been disregarded in freshwater habitat regulation (with noticeable exceptions such as
turloughs) leading to their global degradation despite their high value in terms of diverse ecosystem services. Wetland
creation may be used to mitigate this habitat loss. In this review, we compiled information on the ecological features of
temporary wetlands based on 45 scientic publications. We identied seven types of natural temporary wetlands to be
emulated in wetland construction and their restoration in the Northern Hemisphere, with hydroperiod lengths ranging
from less than one month in ephemeral ponds to multi-year oods. We highlight the biodiversity associated with vari-
ous hydroperiods, and show that dierent organisms use dierent temporary wetland types. We give examples of how
temporary wetland creation has been used for biodiversity enhancement and list characteristics of created temporary wet-
lands. Colonization of the newly created temporary wetlands by aquatic macroinvertebrates and amphibians was rapid,
but species compositions diered from reference sites. Finally, we provide management recommendations for creating
temporary wetlands to support high biodiversity. We highlight the importance of hydroperiod management, creating banks
with gradual slopes, enhancing macrophyte vegetation and sh absence to promote biodiversity in created temporary
wetlands. Monitoring and ongoing management practices are discussed as tools for ensuring management targets in the
long term. For example, performing partial or full drawdowns at temporary wetlands with long multi-year hydroperiods
are discussed. On the landscape level, we recommend planning a network of well-connected heterogeneous wetlands with
dierent hydroperiods to enhance colonization and dispersal, and thereby biodiversity.
Keywords Vernal pool · Wetland Creation · Flooding · Invertebrates · Amphibians · Waterbirds
Received: 24 June 2024 / Accepted: 29 August 2024
© The Author(s) 2024
Which Natural Wetland Characteristics Could be Used in Creating
Temporary Wetlands?
MarkétaNummi1· PetriNummi2· SariHolopainen2· AurélieDavranche2,3,4· UmaSigdel1,2· CélineArzel1
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Wetlands (2024) 44:100
connected to other waterbodies, while beaver oods are usu-
ally connected to a stream or pond and will eventually host
shes (Snodgrass and Mee 1998; Johnston 2017). Flooded
areas are usually productive, as oods bring organic matter
and nutrients into the water (Kortelainen et al. 1997; De-
Campos et al. 2012; Nummi et al. 2018). Carbon cycling is
aected by water level movements; the decomposition rate
is usually slower with wetter and longer ooding, and net
ecosystem productivity (carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange) is
lower (Larmola et al. 2004). Small wetlands can create high
β-diversity (Scheer et al. 2006; Altermatt and Eber 2010;
Nummi et al. 2021a): they can be seen as patches that dier
in hydroperiod length, water depth, bottom substrates, and
surrounding landscape. Thus, each of the patches can have
its specic community of organisms (Williams et al. 2004;
Williams 2005).
For instance, due to drying, temporary wetlands usu-
ally create an environment with reduced sh predation risk,
thus providing a safe place for the reproduction of many
organisms such as amphibians and invertebrates (Scheer
et al. 2006; Colburn et al. 2008; Evans et al. 2017). How-
ever, sometimes small shes such as sticklebacks (Gaster-
osteus aculeatus, Pungitius pungitius) can be present in
e.g. turloughs (Williams et al. 2006). The natterjack toad
(Bufo calamita), for example, specically needs temporary
ponds for breeding (Sanuy et al. 2008). Temporary wetlands
such as vernal pools are highly used as foraging habitats
by breeding ducks (e.g. Anas sp.) (Kantrud and Stewart
1977), and certain waders, e.g. the green sandpiper (Tringa
ochropus), use ooded areas for brood rearing (Nummi et
al. 2021a). Turloughs are important sites for overwintering
bird populations (Sheehy Skengton et al. 2006). Hence,
many species use temporary wetlands during some phase of
their life cycle and then move elsewhere or enter a dormant
state when these wetlands dry out (Colburn et al. 2004).
Of temporary wetlands with longer ooding duration,
beaver owages can be particularly benecial to species
that require waters with longer hydroperiod to complete
their development, e.g. Odonata or some amphibians (Hart-
hun 1999; Karraker and Gibbs 2009; Romansic et al. 2021).
In addition to common water quality problems faced by
permanent wetlands, such as eutrophication and brownica-
tion (Broyer 2009; Dudgeon 2010; Blanchet et al. 2022),
temporary wetlands are also in danger of disappearing com-
pletely due to climate change and drainage (Curado et al.
2011; Ruhí et al. 2012b; Remm et al. 2015; Death et al.
2016; Evans et al. 2017; Montgomery et al. 2018; James
et al. 2019; Mitchell et al. 2022). Their small size and/or
temporality render them easily overlooked (Semlitsch and
Bodie 1998; Martin et al. 2012; Calhoun 2014, 2017). Until
recently, they have hence been globally disregarded in
nature conservation regulations (with some exceptions e.g.
turloughs, mediterranean temporary ponds and active raised
bogs) (Water Framework Directive (WFD) 2000; The Inter-
pretation manual of European union habitats EUR 28 (EC)
2013; Ramsar Convention on Wetlands 2018). They are also
often part of managed (forest and agriculture) lands, where
they have been left unnoticed when making management
decisions (Evans et al. 2017).
Creating and restoring wetlands is an eective tool for
mitigating wetland loss and wetland degradation (Kings-
ford et al. 2016). Created and restored wetlands can provide
habitats for various biota. However, achieving this requires
knowing the habitat requirements of the targeted species
group(s) and implementing them in wetland construction
(Wiegleb et al. 2017; Magnus and Rannap 2019; Rajpar et
al. 2022).
Our aims are (i) to review the main characteristics of nat-
ural temporary wetlands classied by their hydroperiod that
may be emulated for temporary wetland construction and
management, (ii) to describe their related biodiversity, (iii)
to present case studies of constructed temporary wetlands
created to promote biodiversity, and, nally, (iv) to discuss
concrete actions to improve the quality of constructed tem-
porary wetlands for the organisms targeted by management
actions. This review focuses on the Northern Hemisphere,
with special focus on Europe and North America.
In this review, we will focus on freshwater temporary wet-
lands experiencing ooding, which may last from a few
weeks in small-sized temporary wetlands to a few years
in beaver owages. Temporary wetlands covered by this
review are listed in the Table 1. We use the North American
classication by Stewart and Kantrud (1971). We extended
the classication to include Irish turloughs which are spe-
cic by having a hydroperiod from autumn to spring. We
also added multi-year oods (e.g. beaver oods) because
they are often emulated in temporary wetland construc-
tion (Nummi and Holopainen 2020). We did not deal with
oodplains because rivers have their own dynamics and
management measures. Their creation requires wider scale
construction actions. Neither did we focus on man-made
temporary wetlands created for other purposes than bio-
diversity. We focus on the ecological aspect of temporary
wetlands. Detailed construction guidelines can be found in
technical guides which have been adapted to the local envi-
ronment (e.g. Alhainen et al. 2015; Kozáková and Rozínek
2021; Sayer et al. 2023). The term “temporary wetlands” is
in this study used as a general term encompassing all types
of non-permanent wetlands listed in Table 1. When specic
typology exists to characterize a temporary wetland, e.g.
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Wetlands (2024) 44:100
vernal pool or seasonal pond (see Table 1), then this specic
term is used accordingly.
We collected international literature using Web of Sci-
ence. Our search (see supplementary material S.1) resulted
in 361 hits, 45 of which were relevant to our study. In the
collected literature, we perused the reference lists, which
navigated us to other relevant resources. We also paid
attention to “gray literature.” We used Google Scholar to
search for methodological handbooks for nature manage-
ment. Many conservation and management practices are
only published in handbooks, such as descriptions of appro-
priate frog pool structure (e.g. Kozáková and Rozínek 2021)
and how to perform drawdowns (e.g. Fredrickson and Reid
1988; Fredrickson 1991).
Table 1 Types of natural temporary wetlands to be emulated in wetland construction and their restoration with examples of associated ora and
fauna. The reference column includes information regarding the study biomes: BF: boreal forest, TF: temperate forest, TG: temperate grassland,
MVC: Mediterranean vegetation, chaparral, MZ: multi-zonal
Hydroperiod Range
of max
Flora Fauna References
Invertebrates Vertebrates
pond (I)
< 1 month 20–80 < 0.01–
Low grassland vegetation
(e.g. Poa pratensis, Solidago
Culicidae, Anos-
traca, Dytiscidae
Ducks BF: Nilsson and Svensson
1994; TG: Stewart and Kantrud
1971; Kantrud and Stewart
1977; Gleason and Rooney
2018; Montgomery et al. 2018;
MVC: Serrano and Fahd 2005
pond (II)
1–2 months 20–100 < 0.01–
Wet-meadow vegetation
(e.g. Poa palustris, Boltonia
latisquana, Hordeum
jubatum, Calamagrostis
Anostraca, Culic-
idae, Notostraca,
BF: Nilsson and Svens-
son 1995; TG: Stewart and
Kantrud 1971; Mauser et al.
1994; Gleason and Rooney
2018; Montgomery et al. 2018;
MVC: Serrano and Fahd 2005;
MZ: Dodd 2010
pond (III)
3–4 months 48–144 0.02–4 Shallow-marsh vegeta-
tion (e.g. Carex ath-
erodes, Glyceria grandis,
Scolochloa festucacea,
Eleocharis palustris, Alisma
gramineum, Beckmannia
Rotifera, Nema-
toda, Chironomi-
dae, Dytiscidae
BF: Nilsson and Svens-
son 1995; TG: Stewart and
Kantrud 1971; Kantrud and
Stewart 1977; Talent et al.
1982; Gleason and Rooney
2018; Montgomery et al. 2018;
MVC: Serrano and Fahd 2005;
MZ: Dodd 2010
pond (IV)
> 5 months 70–285 3–30 Deep-marsh vegetation
(Scirpus heterochateum,
Typha spp., Scirpus acutus,
Scirpus paludosus)
Crustacea (e.g.
Daphnia magna),
Rotifera, Tipuli-
dae, Nematoda
TG: Stewart and Kantrud
1971; Gleason and Rooney
2018; Montgomery et al. 2018;
MVC: Serrano and Fahd 2005;
MZ: Dodd 2010
Usually 3–6
months (but
can be < 3
months and
> 6 months)
50–600 2–267 Small sedge vegetation (e.g.
Carex panicea, C. nigra, C.
acca), grass/forb vegetation
(Plantago major, Ranuncu-
lus repens, Trifolium repens,
Lolium perenne)
Ostracoda, Crus-
tacea (Asellus,
TF: Regan et al. 2007; Sheehy
Skengton et al. 2006
ood, early
(e.g. new
1–2 years 100–250 1–15 Alnus sp., Salix sp., Sphag-
num sp., duckweeed (Lemna
spp., Spirodela spp.)
Cladocera, Crus-
tacea (Asellus),
BF: Nummi 1989; Nummi
and Hahtola 2008; Hood and
Larson 2014; Nummi et al.
2021a; Romansic et al. 2021;
TF: Dalbeck et al. 2007
ood, late
(e.g. old
> 2 years 25–200 1–20 Pondweeds (Potamogeton
spp.), hornworth (Cerato-
phyllum demersum), water
lily (Nymphaea spp., yellow
water lily (Numphar lutea),
old wood, wood-rotting
Bats, shes BF: Schlosser and Kallemeyn
2000; Nummi et al. 2011; MZ:
Rosell et al. 2005; Larsen et
al. 2021
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Wetlands (2024) 44:100
reasons. (Galatowitsch and van der Valk 1996). Predicting
how the created vernal pools succeed locally may also be
challenging because the environmental conditions aecting
their hydrology vary between areas (Calhoun et al. 2014).
An additional aspect to consider in temporary wetland cre-
ation/restoration is environmental pollution, e.g. pesticides,
which aect water quality in agricultural lands (Hildebrandt
et al. 2008).
For wetlands to eectively improve biodiversity, it is
advantageous if they are designed for this purpose (Mul-
keen et al. 2017, 2024). Even many wetlands constructed
for biodiversity fail if they lack important features such as
gradual slopes and the absence of sh predators (e.g. Drayer
and Richter 2016). Studies show that wetlands constructed
for other purposes than biodiversity can contribute to miti-
gation of the current wetland loss. But without following
the wetland design recommendations for the targeted spe-
cies, they will host only a part of local populations, and will
not match natural wetlands in the long term (Mulkeen et al.
2017, 2024; Rooney et al. 2015; Semeraro et al. 2015; Li
et al. 2021). Interestingly, there is a lack of studies evalu-
ating how eectively wetlands constructed for biodiversity
can perform other functions such as water retention and/or
purication. In Table 2, we present examples of temporary
wetlands that were constructed and restored to promote
biodiversity and to mitigate habitat loss. The table shows
that creating and restoring temporary wetlands can enhance
biodiversity, although some species may colonize new
sites more rapidly than others and the species composition
between natural and created temporary wetlands may dif-
fer (see Table 2). Despite the hydroperiod being a crucial
factor aecting species communities, several studies on
constructed temporary wetlands in Table 2 did not report it;
whereas water depth, also an important factor is more com-
monly reported.
Management Implications
Based on the existing literature, we summarize attributes
that make constructed temporary wetlands favorable for
biodiversity enhancement.
Flooding and the Detritivore-Based Food Chain
Flooding is an eective tool to promote biodiversity, whether
done by man or beaver (Čehovská et al. 2022; Nummi and
Holopainen 2020). During ooding, a high invertebrate
biomass is rapidly created in both man-made (Danell and
Sjöberg 1982; Ruhí et al. 2009; Coccia et al. 2016) and bea-
ver-created wetlands (Nummi and Hahtola 2008); this con-
sequently attracts invertivores that feed on the invertebrates
Natural Temporary Wetland Types
The terminology of temporary wetlands varies between
areas. In Table 1, we present the classication of temporary
wetlands used in this article. We use the classication by
Stewart and Kantrud (1971) for prairie temporary wetlands
and potholes (wetland type I–IV in Table 1). In Europe, the
temporary wetland biota has not been classied along the
hydroperiod gradient as opposed to North America, thus we
mainly present examples from the latter. The term “vernal
pool” is not used in Stewart and Kantrud’s (1971) classi-
cation. Vernal pools would most likely encompass the rst
three categories in Table 1 according to their hydroperiod
length. In addition to the four categories dened by Stewart
and Kantrud (1971), we also include turloughs that are spe-
cic by having wet phase mostly during winter and multi-
year oods for their important role in terms of biodiversity.
Creation and Restoration of Temporary
On the landscape scale, restoration and wetland creation
may work together. Under the label of “restoration”, man-
agement practices can involve both creating new wetlands
in novel places and restoring existing ones (see Coccia et al.
2016). Here, restoration is dened as returning the habitat
that formerly existed to its original state (Callaway 2004),
while creation is establishing the habitat where it did not
exist previously. Constructed and restored wetlands may
have dierent targets and functions depending e.g. on how
natural the end results should be. Timetables may also dif-
fer; a constructed wetland for waterbirds may hit its target
of high bird diversity within a few years (Kačergytė et al.
2021; Čehovská et al. 2022). For some restored wetlands
(e.g. peatlands), a much longer time may be required for
reaching the target and attaining natural biodiversity (Alsila
et al. 2021). We must also be mindful that certain biotopes
are very dicult to emulate, such as bog pools with long-
term peat accumulation (see Neustupa et al. 2023).
Creating wetlands without prior consideration regard-
ing the ecological requirements of the targeted organisms
may lead to unsuccessful management actions (Wheeler et
al. 2002; Piczak et al. 2023). A detailed beforehand study
of the entire area, including the historical and current state
of vernal pools, is necessary when planning mitigation
projects (Calhoun et al. 2017). One challenging task is the
ability to create/recreate the hydrology of temporary wet-
lands. For example, 20% of the restored wetlands in the
Prairie Pothole Region failed hydrologically; sometimes
there were structural problems, sometimes the ephemeral
and temporary ponds did not ll with water for unknown
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Wetlands (2024) 44:100
more diverse macrophyte vegetation which may increase
the invertebrate diversity by providing structural heteroge-
neity (Downing 1991; Bazzanti et al. 2008).
In temporary wetlands, conditions with abundant
resources for the detritivore-based food chain are restored
with the new wet phase when vegetation that grew during
the dry phase is ooded (Merendino et al. 1991). In addition,
the drought phase generates shless conditions that result
in an increase of invertebrate abundance during reooding
(Dorn 2008). Having temporary wetlands in a landscape
increases the landscape-level heterogeneity of wetlands.
Hence, aquatic invertebrate communities dier in wetlands
with dierent hydroperiods (Leeper and Taylor 1998; Tarr
(e.g. breeding ducks; Väänänen et al. 2012; Nummi et al.
2013; Holopainen et al. 2014, 2024), waders (Nummi et
al. 2022), and bats (Park and Cristinacce 2006; Nummi et
al. 2011; Stahlschmidt et al. 2012). Organic matter from
decomposing ooded plants leads to high productivity with
high aquatic invertebrate biomass, such as Branchiopods,
Daphnia, Chironomids, and Dytiscidae (Fredrickson and
Reid 1988; Nummi 1989; Coccia et al. 2016; Nummi et al.
2021b). Invertebrate biomass and diversity can decrease
with time as detritus levels decline (Murkin 1989) and pred-
ators colonize the area (Schneider and Frost 1996; Williams
1997; Wellborn et al. 1996; Lahr et al. 1999). However, this
decrease can be counterbalanced with the development of
Table 2 Examples of created, restored, and managed ooded temporary wetland characteristics promoting dierent species group. Column “Local-
ity” includes information of the study biomes: BF: boreal forest, TG: temperate grassland, MVC: Mediterranean vegetation, chaparral
Species group Findings Wetland characteristics Locality Reference
Macroinvertebrates ● Newly created temporary ponds had the same level of
diversity and species richness as reference sites had.
● Invertebrate biomass higher in newly created ponds.
● Community composition between newly created ponds
and reference sites diverged.
● 32 temporary ponds
were constructed during a
restoration project.
● Three sizes (length 60,
125, and 250 m).
● Two excavation depths
(30 and 60 cm).
● 6-month hydroperiod.
● Doñana,
● Biom: MVC
et al.
Macroinvertebrates ● Colonization of newly created ponds by macroinverte-
brates was rapid.
● No change in macroinvertebrate assemblage during the
rst year, indicating that succession requires more time.
● Macroinvertebrate biomass increased with time.
● 9 created ponds in 3
areas to mitigate habitat
● Depth < 2 m.
● Dierent hydroperiod
lengths (< 12 months and
6–9 months).
● Northeastern
Iberian Penin-
sula, Spain
● Biom: MVC
et al.
Amphibians ● In the rst year, man-made ponds became habitats for
regional amphibians.
● Species such as the natterjack toad (Bufo calamita) can
prot from creating temporary ponds.
● 2 temporary man-made
● Size < 0.5 ha.
● Depth < 1 m.
● Northeastern
Iberian Penin-
sula: Baix Ter
and Plana de la
Selva, Spain
● Biom: MVC
et al.
● Amphibians of various development stages occurred
more in man-made pools than in natural bog pools, prob-
ably because of higher water pH.
● Species composition of amphibians diered between
man-made and natural wetlands.
● Arthropods (water beetles) were less abundant (2–26
times less) in man-made pools than in natural bog pools.
● The colonization of many arthropods was rapid.
● Man-made bog pools
created during a restoration
● Max. depth 1.2 m.
● Eastern New
eastern Québec,
● Biom: BF
et al.
● Chironomids and Asellus abundant in the littoral.
● Pisidium and Chironomids abundant in the creek bed.
● Eurycercus the most abundant in the nekton during the
rst year of ooding.
● Creek use by ducks (teal, mallard, goldeneye) increased
in the ooded part.
● Wetland created by dam-
ming creek, e.g. simulating
beaver eect.
● Mean depth 55 cm.
● Evo, southern
● Biom: BF
Aquatic vegetation ● Only a few restored temporary wetlands developed a
sedge meadow zone typical for the area.
● Most of the wetlands had emergent vegetation and sub-
merged aquatic vegetation.
● 62 restored ephemeral/
temporary ponds.
● Morphological param-
eters of the restored
wetlands copied those of
natural ones.
● Southern
Prairie Pothole
Region, Iowa,
Minnesota and
South Dakota
● Biom: TG
and van
der Valk
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Wetlands (2024) 44:100
suitable areas and the timing of ooding based on waterbird
yway data (Reynolds et al. 2017).
Absence of Fish: A Key Feature for Temporary
Wetland Biodiversity
Temporary wetlands can be good habitats for many spe-
cies, as they are usually shless because sh die naturally
during the dry period (Calhoun and DeMaynadier 2007).
Fishes can reduce amphibian populations by competition
for food resources and/or predation (Semlitsch 1988; Knapp
2005; Orizaola and Brana 2006; Boone et al. 2007; Hartel
et al. 2007). Fish introductions are one of the main factors
responsible for the worldwide decrease of amphibians (Kats
and Ferrer 2003). Furthermore, sh compete with breeding
ducks for aquatic invertebrates (Hill et al. 1987; Musil et al.
1997; Nummi et al. 2016). Specically, ducklings mainly
feed on aquatic invertebrates during their rst weeks (Chura
1961; Reinecke 1979; Nummi 1985; Wineld and Wineld
1994). Competition between ducks and sh for inverte-
brates as a source of food can inuence the breeding habitat
choice of ducks and consequently their breeding densities
(Anderson 1981; Nummi et al. 2012).
Vegetation Associated with Temporary Wetlands
Macrophyte vegetation enhances wetland heterogeneity and
complexity and is important for invertebrates, amphibians,
et al. 2005). Wetlands with various hydroperiods in a land-
scape (see Fig. 1) are also important for the life cycle of
many organisms that have aquatic and terrestrial phases
such as amphibians, e.g. most salamanders and the wood
frog (Rana sylvatica) breed in seasonal ponds and winter on
land (Semlitsch and Skelly 2008).
Managing an area by ooding is an eective way to
provide suitable habitats for waterbirds. These temporary
oods, usually on agricultural lands, can be used along
yways as stopover sites (Golet et al. 2018) and for over-
wintering (Davis et al. 2014) and breeding (Czech and Par-
sons 2002). Agricultural oods, made to enhance crops,
such as rice, are known to be used for nesting by many
waterbirds, e.g. ducks and shorebirds (Czech and Parsons
2002; Pierluissi 2010). This has led to the idea of extend-
ing ooding duration in places where ooding is a part of
the crop management or to intentionally create these oods
as compensation habitat for waterbirds (Golet et al. 2018).
Incentives, such as subsidies, are well-established methods
for achieving management actions, e.g. in England, where
landowners are granted subsidies to raise or maintain water
levels for breeding wading birds (Ausden and Hirons 2002).
Also, landowners and stakeholders in Sweden, Finland, and
North America who create and maintain a wetland on their
land are granted subsidies to cover their expenses (George
2002; Hansson et al. 2012; Nummi and Holopainen 2020).
As migratory species are highly threatened by habitat loss
(Runge et al. 2014), conservation practices should identify
Fig. 1 Example of a cluster of wetlands with various water depths fullling the habitat requirements of many organisms
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Wetlands (2024) 44:100
that invertebrate species compositions diered among wet-
lands with various substrates, thus raising the need for fur-
ther studies (Sanders 2000). In general, the increasing size
of substratum particles also increased the number of macro-
invertebrate species in natural wetlands in the boreal zone
(Heino 2000).
When creating wetlands for amphibians, pool sizes of
less than 300 m2 are usually recommended in management
handbooks (Kozáková and Rozínek 2021). Designed pools
should have gradual shore slopes and enough shallow ats
for amphibian breeding and larval development (Porej and
Hetherington 2005; Drayer and Richter 2016; Kozáková
and Rozínek 2021). Bank slopes should be less than 15:1
(Porej and Hetherington 2005). For amphibians, the water
depth should be less than 20 cm Drayer and Richter 2016),
but there should be deeper part because usually the water
column decreases over summer (Colburn 2004). At least
one pond for wintering, with a water depth of more than
1 m, should be present in the area (Kozáková and Rozínek
Temporary wetlands can be good foraging habitats for
breeding waterbirds, as shown for beaver ponds (Nummi
and Hahtola 2008), when they meet species foraging habitat
requirements. For dabbling ducks, such as mallards (Anas
platyrhynchos), the optimal water depth for feeding is less
than 50 cm (Behney 2014). Also, Pöysä (1983) states that
dabbling ducks and coots mainly use shallow habitat edges,
with depths from 20 cm to 40 cm, for foraging, while div-
ing ducks (e.g. Aythya sp.) and grebes (e.g. Podiceps sp.)
prefer central parts of the habitat with open and deep water,
with depths around 70 cm. Thus, varying the depth is impor-
tant because it attracts dierent species groups (Sebastián-
González and Green 2014). Moreover, deeper wetlands can
create suitable conditions for Amphipods and if they have
multi-year hydroperiod, also for water lilies (Nymphaea sp.,
Nuphar sp.). Water lilies provide habitats for many aquatic
invertebrates, so ducklings nd good foraging patches with
shelter (Fast et al. 2004). However, these features have
not been specically studied for constructed temporary
Constructed wetlands for improving waterbird breeding
success should ideally include islands, as these can attract
ground-nesting birds such as ducks and geese (Lokemoen
1993). The nest survival of ground-breeding ducks is often
higher on islands than inlands because there are less or no
mammalian predators (Hill 1984; Holopainen et al. 2015).
Landscape Connectivity
Many studies have shown that connectivity between wet-
lands is important. Connectivity reduces mortality dur-
ing movements and enhances the colonization of many
and waterbirds (Scheer et al. 2006; Hansson et al. 2010;
Thomaz and Cunha 2010). The eect of macrophyte struc-
tures has not been studied specically in man-made wet-
lands, but the discovered positive eect of macrophyte
vegetation on fauna most likely also applies to temporary
wetlands. Macrophyte vegetation provides both shelter
against predators and foraging habitats for aquatic inverte-
brates (Jeppesen et al. 1988; Streever et al. 1995; Bazzanti
and Della Bella 2004). Vegetated areas can contain higher
invertebrate levels, thus positively aecting waterfowl
for which invertebrates are an important source of protein
(Krull 1970). Moreover, many waterbirds use macrophyte
vegetation for nesting, e.g. ducks, swans (Cygnus sp.), coots
(Fulica sp.), and moorhens (Gallinula sp.), and it is also part
of the diets of Eurasian wigeons (Mareca penelope), gad-
walls (Mareca strepera), geese (Anser sp.), and swans (Batt
1992; Keller et al. 2020). For example, duckling plant food
consists of pondweed (Potamogeton sp.), duckweed (Lemna
sp.), and seeds (e.g. Carex spp., Scirpus spp.) (Chura 1961;
Collias and Collias 1963; Sugden 1973).
There are two approaches to introduce macrophyte veg-
etation to a created wetland site: leaving the introduction
to natural succession processes, such as dispersion and the
seed bank (Meeks 1969; Danell and Sjöberg 1982), or by
facilitating the process by initially planting macrophytes
that occur in the area (Chovanec 1994; Solimi et al. 2003;
Ruhí et al. 2012a). In restoration projects of temporary
wetlands aiming to recover wetland vegetation, sediment
transfer with a seed bank can be more eective than natu-
ral colonization (Nishihiro et al. 2006; Muller et al. 2013;
Rodrigo 2021). In the Prairie Pothole Region, most restored
temporary ponds were colonized by submerged and emer-
gent aquatic plants, but a sedge meadow zone typical for
the area was not established (Galatowitsch and van der Valk
Breeding ducks can benet from minimizing the pres-
ence of trees and shrubs in wetland surroundings (Kačergytė
et al. 2021). Regarding amphibians, some species, such as
the spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) and dusky gopher
frog (Rana sevosa), specically require open tree canopy
wetlands. A few species can occur in both closed and open
canopy cover habitats, e.g. the wood frog and the southern
leopard frog (Rana sphenocephala) (Skelly et al. 2002;
Thurgate and Pechmann 2007).
Morphologic Parameters
Substrate provides important feeding opportunities and
shelter for aquatic invertebrates (de Necker et al. 2023). Lit-
tle is known about the eect of substrate on invertebrates in
constructed temporary wetlands. One study from New Zea-
land, conducted in constructed temporary wetlands, found
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Wetlands (2024) 44:100
considered because articial materials, e.g. plastics and
concrete components, are pollutants for the environment
and can negatively aect bird health (Townsend and Barker
2014; Wang et al. 2021). Additionally, articial structures
can be ecological traps, as they can attract more predators
to the site, facilitate access to invasive species, or encour-
age birds to nest in habitats with poor food resources, for
example (Watchorn et al. 2022).
Monitoring and Management
Monitoring constructed temporary wetlands allows evalu-
ating their success and, when necessary, taking steps to
improve their eectiveness (Ausden and Hirons 2002).
Vernal pool monitoring should last at least ve years after
creation to evaluate their success in the longer run (Calhoun
et al. 2014).
Ongoing monitoring of wetland conditions also helps
to identify when site management is needed. Continuous
management is often necessary to maintain the long-term
functionality of constructed wetlands. When wetlands are
eutrophic, they tend to overgrow with vegetation and accu-
mulate sediment, which can gradually decrease their size;
thus, these wetlands can be restored by cutting overgrown
vegetation and removing sediment (Burrow and Lance
2022). For example, excavator work is needed every ve
years in Central Europe (Kozáková and Rozínek 2021). If
sh appear, they should be caught or — if possible — the
wetland should be drawn down and emptied (Aitto-Oja et
al. 2010). Small-sized temporary wetlands dry out naturally
(Keeley and Zedler 1998), but temporary wetlands with
long multi-year hydroperiods may need articial drawdown.
Hydroperiod and water level management in these wetlands
can help to restore habitat quality for invertebrates by add-
ing organic matter into the water (Fredrickson 1991; Kel-
ley et al. 1993). Alternatively, partial drawdown and shore
ooding can be performed periodically or when the organic
litter is exploited (Fredrickson and Reid 1988; Gathman and
Burton 2011). Moreover, the exposed wet substrate provides
feeding opportunities for waders (Sanders 2000).
It is possible to apply adaptive management and adjust
management actions according to learning through time
and environmental responses. However, this involves chal-
lenges, so its eciency has been discussed (Williams 2011).
Ideally, collaboration should occur between nature manag-
ers and scientists to evaluate the monitoring outcome and to
subsequently congure optimal management (Galatowitsch
and Bohnen 2021).
animal groups such as invertebrates (Cottenie 2005; Van De
Meutter et al. 2007), amphibians (Hecnar and M’Closkey
1996; Rothermel and Semlitsch 2002), and ducks (Pöysä
and Paasivaara 2006). The ecological network of wetlands
should be optimized to enhance migration and dispersion,
which can be achieved by creating/restoring corridors and
stepping-stone sites (Ma et al. 2022). Landscape connectiv-
ity often has a major eect on the viability of amphibian
populations (Cushman 2006), and wet breeding sites for
amphibians should therefore be connected to good terrestrial
frog habitats (Rothermel 2004). Connecting habitat should
have protective vegetation cover and should not have bar-
riers such as wide roads (Cushman 2006). Moreover, the
combination of temporary and permanent waterbodies at the
landscape level may be essential for fullling the ecologi-
cal requirements of various species, e.g. green frogs (Litho-
bates clamitans), bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus), and
leopard frogs (Lithobates blairi/sphenocephalus complex)
require aquatic environment for wintering, and thus the area
should also include permanent ponds (Shulse et al. 2012).
Breeding ducks, again, use the environment based on
both landscape complementation and landscape supple-
mentation. In landscape complementation, patches provide
dierent resources needed for successful nesting and brood
rearing, whereas in landscape supplementation broods
move to the next patch with similar resources if the current
one is depleted (see Dunning et al. 1992; Nummi and Pöysä
1998; Paasivaara and Pöysä 2008; Sundell et al. 2023). Cor-
ridors, such as riparian areas and forestry ditches, leading
for example from a nesting pond to a brood-rearing tempo-
rary wetland, are considered important features for the safe
movements of ducklings (Hepp and Hair 1977; Pöysä and
Paasivaara 2006; Dyson et al. 2018).
Additional Structural Elements
The biodiversity of constructed temporary wetlands can be
supported by creating small elements that facilitate breeding
and wintering and provide shelter etc. for the animal groups
or species of interest. Aquatic invertebrates can prot from
dead wood placed in the water. It serves as a shelter, and
the invertebrates can also feed on biolms growing on the
dead wood surface (Hax and Golladay 1993). Concerning
amphibians, articial hibernacula enhance amphibian over-
wintering (Latham and Knowles 2008). Nesting boxes or
tubes enhance duck nesting at sites where suitable nesting
opportunities are limited (Dennis and Dow 1984; Pöysä and
Pöysä 2002). Vertical sandy banks can be created to sup-
port the nesting of colonial sand martins (Riparia riparia),
or building articial concrete block walls with pipes is
also possible (Hopkins and Ocer 2001). Nevertheless,
the design and use of these structures must be carefully
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Wetlands (2024) 44:100
CRediT– Contributor Roles Taxonomy (niso.org) as follows: MN, PN,
CA, SH Conceptualization; MN, PN Funding acquisition; MN Inves-
tigation; MN, CA, SH, AD Methodology; CA, SH Supervision; MN,
PN, CA, SH Writing– original draft; MN, CA, SH, PN, AD, US Writ-
ing– review & editing.
Funding Markéta Nummi’s work was supported by Haavikko-
säätiö, Céline Arzel by the Research Council of Finland (grant num-
ber: 333400), and Aurélie Davranche and Uma Sigdel by the Kone
Foundation for the POOL project (sites.utu./pool) (grant number:
Open Access funding provided by University of Turku (including
Turku University Central Hospital).
Data Availability Data availability is not relevant for our manuscript,
because it is a review paper.
Competing Interests The authors have no relevant nancial or non-
nancial interests to disclose.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing,
adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format,
as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the
source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate
if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this
article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless
indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not
included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended
use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted
use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright
holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.
Aitto-Oja SK, Rautiainen M, Alhainen M, Svensberg M, Vään-
änen V-M, Nummi P, Nurmi J (2010) Riistakosteikko-opas.
Metsästäjäin Keskusjärjestö. (In Finnish)
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Nurmi J, Väyrynen H, Rautiainen M, Väänänen V-M, Nummi
P, Berndtson S, Korkiakoski P (2015) Kosteikko-opas. Suomen
riistakeskus. (In Finnish) https://www.riistainfo./wp-content/
uploads/2023/09/kosteikko-opas-2015.pdf Accessed 08 August
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patches may drive dynamics in a Daphnia magna metapopulation.
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Anderson G (1981) Inuence of sh on waterfowl in lakes. Anser
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Bazzanti M, Della Bella VD (2004) Functional feeding and habit
organization of macroinvertebrate communities in permanent
Temporary wetland construction, restoration, and man-
agement should be claried before taking any action, as
appropriate actions will dier depending on the target
organisms. However, our ndings show that an array of
habitat characteristics are commonly benecial for inver-
tebrates, amphibians, and ducks. All these species groups
prot from habitats that are established by ooding, have
luxuriant heterogenous macrophyte vegetation, and are sh-
less. It is essential to ensure a sucient food supply for each
animal group: organic matter for invertebrates and inverte-
brates for amphibians and breeding waterbirds. Constructed
temporary wetlands should have gradual shore slopes along
with sucient shallow patches and macrophyte vegetation
for invertebrates, amphibians, and waterbirds. Constructed
temporary wetlands with long hydroperiod (emulating bea-
ver oods) should preferably incorporate a deeper part for
diving ducks. The ideal would be to create at the landscape
scale a network of wetlands of dierent hydroperiods and
sizes to provide diverse living spaces for various organisms
and their requirements. A permanent wetland in the area is
also important for overwintering invertebrates and amphib-
ians. Ideally, the newly created temporary wetlands could be
connected to the existing network of wetlands.
A limiting factor for species occurrence in constructed
habitats may be that they lack important structures for
breeding and structures that provide shelter for organisms.
For example, adding dead wood to wetlands is benecial,
as it provides shelter to invertebrates and amphibians, and
nesting boxes can be installed for cavity-nesting birds.
Based on our review, we found that studies on con-
structed temporary wetlands have clear knowledge gaps.
In particular, many studies do not provide the hydroperiod
length of the studied temporary wetlands despite its impor-
tance in understanding species composition. Furthermore,
at present, a large fraction of management practices is only
mentioned in the “gray literature”. Specically, very little is
scientically published about the optimal substrate, macro-
phyte vegetation, and water depth of constructed temporary
wetlands. Moreover, there are studies evaluating how wet-
lands constructed for other purposes than biodiversity can
resemble natural wetlands in species composition. But there
is a lack of research on how constructed temporary wetlands
for biodiversity can perform other functions.
Supplementary Information The online version contains
supplementary material available at https://doi.org/10.1007/s13157-
Acknowledgements We thank Stella Thompson from the University
of Helsinki for her diligent proofreading of this paper.
Author Contributions Contributor roles are described according to
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