
Explicit Uncertainty Quantification for Probabilistic Assessment of Rotorcraft Handling Qualities

  • University of Maryland
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Early-stage vehicle design processes are typically subject to significant uncertainty in aerodynamic loads and control responses. In many cases, it may be necessary to consider this uncertainty in preliminary evaluations of stability, handling qualities, and performance metrics. This article introduces a novel methodology for computing these quantities in a prob-abilistic framework using the Koopman operator. The algorithm discretizes the uncertainty space and uses relevant transformations or simulations to map each point to the handling qualities evaluation domain, resulting in a stability, handling quality, and/or performance assessment for each discretized point. The expected value of the stability, handling quality, and/or performance requirement is then computed via quadrature integration, yielding a probabilistic assessment with respect to relevant specifications. The methodology is demonstrated through two examples involving a quadrotor unmanned aerial system and a generic utility helicopter. In the first example, the methodology is applied to evaluate the handling qualities of a quadrotor, for which a multiloop dynamic inversion controller is developed. In the second example, the method is used to quantify the impact of parametric uncertainty in a pilot model on specific pilot-vehicle system performance specifications and to predict vehicle handling qualities. The proposed explicit uncertainty quantification approach is shown to provide a convenient framework for the propagation of parametric uncertainty to stability, handling quality, and performance specifications with unique advantages over Monte Carlo techniques.

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This article investigates vibrational stabilization effects in rotorcraft flight dynamics. This study is motivated by recent results in flapping-wing flight, which showed that the time-varying aerodynamic and inertial loads due to the insect wing periodic motion induce a vibrational stabilization mechanism in hover. The dynamics of flapping-wing flyers and rotary- wing vehicles are both described by time-periodic systems so vibrational stabilization mechanisms can also have an effect on stability characteristics of rotary-wing vehicles. The article extends the use of the harmonic decomposition method to vibrational stability analysis of rotorcraft. Two cases are considered: vibrational stability due blade imbalance at hover, and vibrational stability due to number-of-blades-per-rotor-revolution (Nb/rev) in high-speed forward flight. Results show that while vibrations induced by rotor blade imbalance do not stabilize the hovering dynamics of a helicopter, these vibrations can still have a significant effect on the hovering dynamics. Rotor blade imbalance results in a symmetric effect on the roll and pitch axes, in that it tends to decrease the frequency of the subsidence modes of the hovering cubic, while the unstable oscillatory modes tend to increase in frequency and decrease in damping (destabilizing effect). On the other hand, the yaw/ heave dynamics are relatively unaffected compared to the lateral and longitudinal axes. Moreover, Nb/rev rotor loads in forward flight are shown to reduce the damping of the coupled roll/pitch oscillation mode.
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A novel trajectory generation and control architecture for fully autonomous autorotative flare that combines rapid path generation with model-based control is proposed. The trajectory generation component uses optical Tau theory to compute flare trajectories for both longitudinal and vertical speed. These flare trajectories are tracked using a nonlinear dynamic inversion (NDI) control law. One convenient feature of NDI is that it inverts the plant model in its feedback linearization loop, which eliminates the need for gain scheduling. However, the plant model used for feedback linearization still needs to be scheduled with the flight condition. This key aspect is leveraged to derive a control law that is scheduled with linearized models of the rotorcraft flight dynamics obtained in steady-state autorotation, while relying on a single set of gains. Computer simulations are used to demonstrate that the NDI control law is able to successfully execute autorotative flare in the UH-60 aircraft. Autonomous flare trajectories are compared to piloted simulation data to assess similarities and discrepancies between piloted and automatic control approaches. Trade studies examine which combinations of downrange distances and altitudes at flare initiation result in successful autorotative landings.
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Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) are becoming more prominent across both commercial and military applications, and the need to define handling qualities requirements for assessing vertical lift UAS ability to meet mission demands is essential. The UAS handling qualities requirement must be scalable and apply to the wide range of airframe configurations across their operational flight envelopes, due to the increasing variety of unmanned or optionally manned systems. Flying and handling qualities criteria are well defined in ADS-33E-PRF for manned vertical lift aircraft, where the predictive requirements and mission task elements have proven effective on a wide range of aircraft with varying configurations, sizes and loading configurations. A similar robustness is needed in an effective vertical lift UAS handling qualities framework. This paper builds upon previous work towards a scalable vertical lift UAS handling qualities framework by evaluating the robustness of this framework on a representative range of Group 1 UAS in various sizes, configurations, and loading conditions. Two group 1 UAS, a hexacopter (1.8 ft hub-to-hub) and a single main rotor Synergy 626 (4.6 ft rotor diameter) were extensively evaluated with the framework, using two mission task elements each, evaluated across a range of mission and empty weight configurations, with low and high aggressiveness. A third Group 1 UAS, a coaxial (8 propeller) quadcopter (1.83 ft hub-to-hub), was evaluated with the framework in a mission weight configuration at nominal aggressiveness. The key outcomes of the work are updated time-to-complete specifications that are more consistent with waypoint navigation, validation of MTE courses and performance specifications at alternate loading conditions, and validation of the robustness of the Froude-scaled ADS-33E-PRF Level 1 attitude bandwidth and disturbance rejections bandwidth metrics as predictive requirements.
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Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) are becoming more prominent in the airspace and offer solutions to the limitations of manned rotorcraft. The ability to perform autonomous and/or remotely piloted tasks make them popular for both private and public use. As UAS become commonplace, the need to define handling qualities requirements is a critical task. This paper builds upon previous work towards a VTOL-UAS handling qualities framework to propose two UAS-specific maneuvers along with mission-appropriate performance specifications. Flight test results on the University of Portland hexacopter (Group 1 UAS) were collected to validate performance specifications for both the UAS-specific maneuvers and Froude-scaled ADS-33E-PRF mission task elements. A new performance metric based on Froude dynamic scaling of the ADS-33E-PRF attitude bandwidth metric was also developed. This Froude-scaled Level 1 attitude bandwidth criteria was then evaluated in flight test on the UP Hexacopter as a predictive criterion for Level 1 MTE performance. The Synergy 626, a single main rotor helicopter Group 1 UAS, was used to further validate the MTE performance specifications and the scaled attitude bandwidth results, showing this work is applicable beyond multirotor configurations. The key outcomes of the work are the proposed UAS-specific maneuvers, the validation of performance specifications, and validation of the Froude-scaled ADS-33E-PRF Level 1 attitude bandwidth metric as a predictive metric.
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This paper presents a systematic investigation of high-speed rotorcraft pitch-axis response types, command models, and handling-qualities specifications. The investigation was done using two Future Vertical Lift-relevant rotorcraft configurations-a lift offset coaxial helicopter with a pusher propeller and a tiltrotor. Five response types were investigated, consisting of: a pitch rate-command/attitude-hold response type typically used for rotorcraft, a pitch rate-command/attitude-hold response type using a higher-order command model based on the conventional airplane pitch rate transfer function, a normal acceleration/angle-of-attack hold response type, a flight path rate command/flight path hold response type, and a "blended" flight path rate command response type which varies the command model band-width based on stick input size. Designs of varying levels of pitch attitude bandwidth, flight path bandwidth, control anticipation parameter, and pitch attitude dropback were evaluated in a piloted simulation experiment conducted at the Penn State Flight Simulator facility using two high-speed Mission Task Elements. The results of the piloted simulation suggest that both the pitch attitude bandwidth and the pitch attitude dropback requirements must be met for Level 1 handling qualities. In addition, the current fixed-wing boundary for pitch attitude dropback appears to be too loose for high speed rotorcraft, and should be tightened to better match with pilot ratings. A set of recommended specifications and associated updated Level boundaries is provided in the Appendix.
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We investigate data-driven, simple-to-implement residential environmental models that can serve as the basis for energy saving algorithms in both retrofits and new designs of residential buildings. Despite the nonlinearity of the underlying dynamics, using Koopman operator theory framework in this study we show that a linear second order model embedding, that captures the physics that occur inside a single or multi zone space does well when compared with data simulated using EnergyPlus. This class of models has low complexity. We show that their parameters have physical significance for the large-scale dynamics of a building and are correlated to concepts such as the thermal mass. We investigate consequences of changing the thermal mass on the energy behavior of a building system and provide best practice design suggestions.
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This paper describes the development of full flight envelope dynamic inversion outer-loop control laws used to control airspeed and flight path for two Future Vertical Lift-relevant rotorcraft configurations-a lift offset coaxial helicopter with a pusher propeller and a tiltrotor. The outer-loop control laws for both aircraft include a control allocation scheme to account for redundant controls and reduce pilot workload. A piloted simulation experiment was conducted at the Penn State Flight Simulator facility using a series of high-speed handling qualities demonstration maneuvers to evaluate the handling qualities of the control laws. Overall, the outer-loop control laws for both coaxial-pusher and tiltrotor aircraft were assigned Level 1 handling qualities for the Break Turn and High-Speed Acceleration/Deceleration tasks, and reduced pilot workload over previously developed inner-loop control laws. The outer-loop control laws also improved performance and reduced pilot workload in a formation flying task developed for this experiment. The coaxial-pusher outer-loop control laws received borderline Level 1/Level 2 ratings for the Pitch Attitude Capture and Hold and Sum-of-Sines Tracking tasks, while the tiltrotor outer-loop control laws (with their increased value of pitch attitude dropback) received Level 2 ratings.
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Development of handling qualities requirements and mission task elements to evaluate unmanned aerial vehicles are needed. Handling qualities requirements guide the development of the control system, a critical element on unmanned vertical lift aircraft that provide stability, disturbance rejection, and the ability to follow waypoints/trajectories. In this paper, scaled ADS-33E-PRF mission task elements are used to evaluate control system performance of a small vertical lift unmanned aerial system. A trajectory tracking and aggressiveness score is used to rate the performance of the mission task element performance. Additionally, nine control system designs with varying disturbance rejection properties are evaluated with respect to this scaling and scoring metric methodology. Evaluation of quantitative metrics, such as disturbance rejection bandwidth, relative to the scaled mission task element performance is a key step towards developing criteria for unmanned aerial systems. Flight test results for the IRIS+ quadcopter are presented as the example aircraft, and compared to previous results on an autonomous UH-60 as a point of qualitative verification of the scaling method.
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Flight control design for rotorcraft is challenging due to high-order dynamics, cross-coupling effects, and inherent instability of the flight dynamics. Dynamic inversion design offers a desirable solution to rotorcraft flight control as it effectively decouples the plant model and effectively handles non-linearity. However, the method has limitations for rotorcraft due to the requirement for full-state feedback and issues with non-minimum phase zeros. A control design study is performed using dynamic inversion with reduced order models of the rotorcraft dynamics, which alleviates the full-state feedback requirement. The design is analyzed using full order linear analysis and non-linear simulations of a utility helicopter. Simulation results show desired command tracking when the controller is applied to the full-order system. Classical stability margin analysis is used to achieve desired tradeoffs in robust stability and disturbance rejection. Results indicate the feasibility of applying dynamic inversion to rotorcraft control design, as long as full order linear analysis is applied to ensure stability and adequate modelling of low-frequency dynamics.
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Non-intrusive polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) and stochastic collocation (SC) methods are attractive techniques for uncertainty quantification (UQ) due to their strong mathematical basis and ability to produce functional representations of stochastic variability. PCE estimates coefficients for known orthogonal polynomial basis functions based on a set of response function evaluations, using sampling, linear regression, tensor-product quadrature, or Smolyak sparse grid approaches. SC, on the other hand, forms interpolation functions for known coefficients, and requires the use of structured collocation point sets derived from tensor-products or sparse grids. When tailoring the basis functions or interpolation grids to match the forms of the input uncertainties, exponential convergence rates can be achieved with both techniques for general probabilistic analysis problems. In this paper, we explore relative performance of these methods using a number of simple algebraic test problems, and analyze observed differences. In these computational experiments, performance of PCE and SC is shown to be very similar, although when differences are evident, SC is the consistent winner over traditional PCE formulations. This stems from the practical difficulty of optimally synchronizing the form of the PCE with the integration approach being employed, resulting in slight over- or under-integration of prescribed expansion form. With additional nontraditional tailoring of PCE form, it is shown that this performance gap can be reduced, and in some cases, eliminated. Copyright © 2009 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.
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A framework is provided for the propagation of uncertainty in planetary entry, descent, and landing. The traditional Monte–Carlo based dispersion analysis is overly resource-expensive for such high-dimensional nonlinear systems and does not provide any methodical way to analyze the effect of uncertainty for mission design. It is shown that propagating the density function through Liouville equation is computationally attractive and suitable for further statistical analysis. Comparative simulation results are provided to bring forth the efficacies of the proposed method. Examples are given from the entry, descent, and landing domain to illustrate how one can retrieve statistical information of interest from an analyst's perspective.
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A cooperative study was performed to investigate the handling quality effects from reduced flight control system stability margins, and the trade-offs with higher disturbance rejection bandwidth (DRB). The piloted simulation study, performed on the NASA-Ames Vertical Motion Simulator, included three classes of rotorcraft in four configurations: a utility-class helicopter; a medium-lift helicopter evaluated with and without an external slung load; and a large (heavy-lift) civil tiltrotor aircraft. This large aircraft also allowed an initial assessment of ADS-33 handling quality requirements for an aircraft of this size. Ten experimental test pilots representing the U.S. Army, Marine Corps, NASA, rotorcraft industry, and the German Army (WTD 61), evaluated the four aircraft configurations, for a range of flight control stabilitymargins and turbulence levels, while primarily performing the ADS-33 Hover and Lateral Reposition MTEs. Pilot comments and aircraft-task performance data were analyzed. The preliminary stability margin results suggest higher DRB and less phase margin cases are preferred as the aircraft increases in size. Extra care will need to be taken to assess the influence of variability when nominal flight control gains start with reduced margins. Phase margins as low as 20-23 degrees resulted in low disturbanceresponse damping ratios, objectionable oscillations, PIO tendencies, and a perception of an incipient handling qualities cliff. Pilot comments on the disturbance response of the aircraft correlated well to the DRB guidelines provided in the ADS-33 Test Guide. The ADS-33 mid-term response-to-control damping ratio metrics can be measured and applied to the disturbance-response damping ratio. An initial assessment of LCTR yaw bandwidth shows the current Level 1 boundary needs to be relaxed to help account for a large pilot off-set from the c.g. Future efforts should continue to investigate the applicability/refinement of the current ADS-33 requirements to large vehicles, like an LCTR.
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We present a new method for solving stochastic differential equations based on Galerkin projections and extensions of Wiener's polynomial chaos. Specifically, we represent the stochastic processes with an optimum trial basis from the Askey family of orthogonal polynomials that reduces the dimensionality of the system and leads to exponential convergence of the error. Several continuous and discrete processes are treated, and numerical examples show substantial speed-up compared to Monte Carlo simulations for low dimensional stochastic inputs.
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Pilot rating scales and their use in assessing aircraft handling qualities
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This paper describes techniques developed for evaluating aircraft stability and handling qualities.
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An unmanned aerial system automation qualities framework (previously known as the unmanned aerial system handling qualities framework) has been in development to determine a set of criteria and mission task elements for evaluating the airworthiness of unmanned aerial systems. The framework is being developed to apply across a range of unmanned aircraft from Group 1 to Group 4-5, via scalable predicted (quantitative) automation qualities metrics as well as scalable mission task elements. Prior work has developed scalable mission task elements and predictive attitude response criteria, scaled from MIL-DTL-32742 (which supersedes ADS-33E-PRF). This paper extends the UAS automation qualities framework to provide predictive (quantitative) criteria for velocity and position responses. The paper evaluates Froude scaled velocity disturbance rejection bandwidth and position disturbance rejection bandwidth requirements from MIL-DTL-32742 and describes and evaluates two new metrics, velocity bandwidth and tracking bandwidth, as possible new criteria. These metrics are defined in the paper and were evaluated as predictive quantities for automation handling qualities level using lateral reposition and depart/abort mission task elements. The evaluation was conducted by modifying the control system to achieve parametric variation of the metrics of interest and then assessing the performance with simulation and flight test of mission task elements. Three small unmanned vertical lift aircraft were used in this study; the University of Portland hexacopter, the USNTPS X8-M coaxial quadcopter and Synergy 626 single main rotor helicopter. It was found that the newly defined tracking bandwidth and velocity disturbance rejection bandwidth are key predictive criteria for automation qualities level for automated mission task elements on the test aircraft.
This article describes the development, implementation, and validation of a generic tilt-rotor simulation model with coupled flight dynamics, state-variable aeromechanics, and aeroacoustics. A major novelty of this work lies in the integration of the flight dynamics with a state-space free-vortex wake code that adopts a near-wake vortex-lattice model. This way, the flight dynamics are augmented by the vortex wake dynamics so that the coupled flight and wake dynamics are self-contained and inherently linearizable. The model is implemented for a Bell XV-15 tiltrotor and validated against U.S. Army/NASA XV-15 flight-test data and other data in the literature. Flight control design is performed to provide desired stability, performance, and handling-quality properties and to allow for a fully autonomous transition between hover in helicopter mode and high-speed flight in aircraft mode. The simulation model has clear applications in the development and testing of advanced flight control laws, aeromechanics analysis, and the prediction of aerodynamically generated noise in generalized maneuvering flight.
The objective of this investigation is threefold. First, to assess the flight dynamics of an electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) concept aircraft with a propeller-driven rotor. Second, to develop an automatic flight control system (AFCS) for this concept aircraft. Third, to verify the potential safety benefits of the concept aircraft by analyzing the autorotation performance following a total loss of power. The paper begins with an overview of the design of the aircraft and description of the simulation model, including a detailed discussion on the inflow model of the propellers that drive the main rotor. Next, the flight dynamics are assessed at hover and in forward flight. An AFCS based on dynamic inversion is developed to provide stability and desired response characteristics about the roll, pitch, yaw, and heave axes for speeds ranging from hover to 80 kt. Additionally, an RPM governor is implemented to hold the main rotor angular speed constant at its nominal value. Finally, simulations that make use of the AFCS are performed to analyze the autorotation performance following total loss of power.
The objectives of this paper are to advance dynamic inversion (DI) and explicit model following (EMF) flight control laws for quadrotor unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and to develop an efficient strategy to compute the stability and performance robustness statistics of such control laws given parametric model uncertainty. For this purpose, a parametric model of a quadrotor is identified from flight-test data. The identified model is validated both in frequency and time domains. Next, DI and EMF flight control laws are designed for both inner attitude and outer velocity loops. Finally, a novel approach based on an unscented transform is used to evaluate the statistics of the controller’s performance based on the statistics of the uncertain model parameters.
Mission planning for ballistic airdrop requires the selection of optimal control inputs under uncertainty. While significant uncertainty usually exists in airdrop scenarios, current mission planning algorithms use only nominal parameters to compute a deterministic solution. This paper introduces an optimal control algorithm in which the Koopman operator is used to solve for the probabilistically optimal input in the presence of parametric uncertainty. The proposed approach offers unique computational advantages over alternative uncertainty quantification techniques, providing a practical method to compute a probabilistically optimal input. In the context of the airdrop problem, these inputs are the optimal package release point and aircraft run-in. Given an objective function defined over the drop zone and a joint probability density accounting for uncertainty in the system parameters, the objective function is pulled back to the drop altitude using the Koopman operator, and an expected value is computed with the joint probability density. The optimal release point and run-in is then selected to optimize this expected value. Following a general description of the Koopman operator approach to probabilistic decision making, the airdrop-specific implementation is described. Simulation examples are presented, highlighting the performance of the algorithm in real-world scenarios. Results compare favorably with those achieved through deterministic methods.
This paper is a contemporary review of QMC (‘quasi-Monte Carlo’) methods, that is, equal-weight rules for the approximate evaluation of high-dimensional integrals over the unit cube [0,1] s , where s may be large, or even infinite. After a general introduction, the paper surveys recent developments in lattice methods, digital nets, and related themes. Among those recent developments are methods of construction of both lattices and digital nets, to yield QMC rules that have a prescribed rate of convergence for sufficiently smooth functions, and ideally also guaranteed slow growth (or no growth) of the worst-case error as s increases. A crucial role is played by parameters called ‘weights’, since a careful use of the weight parameters is needed to ensure that the worst-case errors in an appropriately weighted function space are bounded, or grow only slowly, as the dimension s increases. Important tools for the analysis are weighted function spaces, reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, and discrepancy, all of which are discussed with an appropriate level of detail.
Flight test data from a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter hovering in the atmospheric turbulence downwind of a large cube-shaped hanger on a wind day were collected. An inverse modeling method was used to extract the control inputs that are required to replicate the portion of the aircraft response attributable to atmospheric disturbances from the flight-test data. Based on the extracted control inputs, a parametric Control Equivalent Turbulence Input (CETI) model comprised of white-noise driven filters that have a Dryden-type form and are scalable for varying levels of turbulence were developed. The outputs of the filters are disturbance time histories that sum with the pilot's inputs, to replicate the effects of atmospheric turbulence in calm atmospheric conditions. A ground-based piloted simulation study was conducted in the NASA/Ames Vertical Motion Simulator (VMS) comparing the empirically based CETI model with flight-test data and with a complex Simulation Of Rotor Blade Element Turbulence (SORBET) model. Two test pilots performed precision hover tasks with increasing levels of simulated turbulence from both the CETI and SORBET models. The results of the simulation study showed good pilot acceptance of the CETI model and provided a good level of validation of the more complex rotating frame turbulence model. An in-flight simulation study was conducted on the Rotorcraft Aircrew Systems Concepts Airborne Laboratory (RASCAL) UH-60 helicopter using the CETI model. Two test pilots performed a precision hover task on calm days with simulated CETI turbulence. Aircraft response metrics showed good agreement between a hover task with CETI simulated turbulence and the same task in atmospheric turbulence. Both pilots commented that the RASCAL's response to CETI turbulence was similar to the response hovering downwind of the large cube-shaped hangar on a windy day. The CETI model developed in this dissertation simulates turbulence by generating equivalent disturbance inputs to the control system of the helicopter. This makes the CETI model suitable for use with any helicopter math model to study the effects of turbulence on handling qualities and for use in designing control systems to reject atmospheric turbulence.
A theory for describing the manner in which aircraft dynamic characteristics determine pilot opinion ratings of aircraft handling qualities is discussed. The theory centers upon the role of pilot rate feedback in continuous tracking. A structural model of the human pilot is used to quantify the amount of rate feedback the pilot is required to use in the control of an aircraft in a specific task. Using the model, 35 vehicle configurations that have been evaluated in manned simulation are analyzed. The tasks range from simple single axis, single-loop pitch attitude tracking to precision hover and landing approach, in which control of both vehicle position and attitude are required.
It is well known that the steady state of an isentropic flow in a dual-throat nozzle with equal throat areas is not unique. In particular there is a possibility that the flow contains a shock wave, whose location is determined solely by the initial condition. In this paper, we consider cases with uncertainty in this initial condition and use generalized polynomial chaos methods to study the steady-state solutions for stochastic initial conditions. Special interest is given to the statistics of the shock location. The polynomial chaos (PC) expansion modes are shown to be smooth functions of the spatial variable x, although each solution realization is discontinuous in the spatial variable x. When the variance of the initial condition is small, the probability density function of the shock location is computed with high accuracy. Otherwise, many terms are needed in the PC expansion to produce reasonable results due to the slow convergence of the PC expansion, caused by non-smoothness in random space.
this document shall be referred to the Aeroflightdynamics Directorate (AMSAT-R-ABC), U.S. Army ATCOM, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000.
Previous investigations using flight testing and simulator studies have identified influence of vehicle flight speed and control system sensitivity on the bandwidth-phase delay criterion, not accounted for in the proposed new handling qualities criteria for rotorcraft (ADS-33C). In this paper, the impact of flight speed and control system sensitivity on handling qualities as depicted by the bandwidth-phase delay criterion is studied through analytical means using a linear model of the UH-1H helicopter and a simple structural pilot model. The bandwidth and phase delay parameters as defined in the ADS-33C are computed from the frequency response of the vehicle model. Variations of bandwidth, pilot workload measure and the value of the handling qualities sensitivity function at the crossover frequency with flight speed and control system sensitivity are used to investigate the impact of flight speed and control system sensitivity on the bandwidth-phase delay handling qualities criterion.
Practical Methods for Aircraft and Rotorcraft Flight Control Design: An Optimization-Based Approach
  • M B Tischler
  • T Berger
  • C M Ivler
  • M H Mansur
  • K K Cheung
  • J Y Soong
Tischler, M. B., Berger, T., Ivler, C. M., Mansur, M. H., Cheung, K. K., and Soong, J. Y., Practical Methods for Aircraft and Rotorcraft Flight Control Design: An Optimization-Based Approach, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA, 2017.
Handling Quality Analysis and Control Design Using Polynomial Chaos Model-Based Uncertainty Methods
  • J Cooper
  • M D Devore
  • A Reed
  • D Klyde
Cooper, J., DeVore, M. D., Reed, A., and Klyde, D., "Handling Quality Analysis and Control Design Using Polynomial Chaos Model-Based Uncertainty Methods," Proceedings of the 75th Annual Forum of the Vertical Flight Society, Philadelphia, PA, May 13-16, 2019, doi:
The Koopman Expectation: An Operator Theoretic Method for Efficient Analysis and Optimization of Uncertain Hybrid Dynamical Systems
  • A Gerlach
  • L Leonard
  • J Rogers
  • C Rackauckas
Gerlach, A., Leonard, L., Rogers, J., and Rackauckas, C., "The Koopman Expectation: An Operator Theoretic Method for Efficient Analysis and Optimization of Uncertain Hybrid Dynamical Systems," Preprint, arXiv:2008.08737, 2020, doi:
Probabilistic Methods for Decision Making in Precision Airdrop
  • A Leonard
Leonard, A., "Probabilistic Methods for Decision Making in Precision Airdrop," Ph.D. thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 2019.
Aeronautical Design Standard Performance Specification, Handling Qualities Requirements for Military Rotorcraft
  • Anon
Anon, "Aeronautical Design Standard Performance Specification, Handling Qualities Requirements for Military Rotorcraft," Technical Report, ADS-33-PRF, U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command Aviation Engineering Directorate, Redstone Arsenal, AL, 2000.
Koopman Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
  • M Korda
  • I Mezic
Korda, M., and Mezic, I., "Koopman Model Predictive Control of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems," Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 2020, pp. 235-255, doi: 10.3390/en14051453.
A Model Stitching Architecture for Continuous Full Flight-Envelope Simulation of Fixed-Wing Aircraft and Rotorcraft from Discrete-Point Linear Models
  • E L Tobias
  • M B Tischler
Tobias, E. L., and Tischler, M. B., "A Model Stitching Architecture for Continuous Full Flight-Envelope Simulation of Fixed-Wing Aircraft and Rotorcraft from Discrete-Point Linear Models," Technical Report, U.S. Army AMRDEC Special Report RDMR-AF-16-01, Ames, CA, April 2016.
Fixed-Base Flight Simulator Studies of VTOL Aircraft Handling Qualities in Hovering and Low-Speed Flight
  • D P Miller
  • E W Vinje
Miller, D. P., and Vinje, E. W., "Fixed-Base Flight Simulator Studies of VTOL Aircraft Handling Qualities in Hovering and Low-Speed Flight," Technical Report, UACRL-F910482-12, United Aircraft Research Laboratories, East Hartford, CT, 1968.