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Vol.: (0123456789)
Environ Monit Assess (2024) 196:934
Mapping annual dynamics ofsurface mining disturbances
inthenortheastern Tibetan Plateau using Landsat imagery
andLandTrendr algorithm
HangXu· XuWang· JianweiZhou· LeiXu·
Received: 11 April 2024 / Accepted: 6 September 2024 / Published online: 15 September 2024
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024
Abstract The exploitation and utilization of coal
resources have significantly contributed to global
energy security. However, this mining activity has
inflicted considerable damage on the ecological envi-
ronment, particularly on the Tibetan Plateau, where
the impact on ecosystems may be even more detri-
mental. The implementation of high-intensity mining
activities leads to rapid changes in land cover/land
use. Consequently, it is essential to accurately and
effectively monitor mining disturbances. In this study,
we propose an approach to capture surface mining
disturbances using spatial–temporal rules and time
series stacks of Landsat data. First, a time series of
annual mining disturbance probability was generated
based on Landsat temporal-spectral metrics and ran-
dom forest. Second, the Landsat-based detection of
Trends in Disturbance and Recovery (LandTrendr)
algorithm was employed to segment the time series
and detect breakpoints. Finally, mining disturbances
were captured by further restricting the output of
LandTrendr based on spatial–temporal rules of min-
ing disturbances. This approach was applied and
evaluated in the Muli mining area of the northeast-
ern Tibetan Plateau, which experienced large-scale
and rapid mining disturbances from 2004 to 2014,
and identified a disturbed mining area of 43.62 km2.
The mining sites have been reclaimed after mining,
and all reclamation work was done after 2016, with
a total reclaimed area of 22.28 km2. The validation
results indicated that the overall accuracy of mining
disturbance and reclamation mapping ranges from
0.7333 to 0.8667, and the F1 scores for mining distur-
bances and reclamation range from 0.7551 to 0.8723.
This study provides a reliable framework for monitor-
ing mining disturbances and reclamation in surface
mines, promising to be useful in realizing disturbance
monitoring in surface mines for a wide range of min-
eral types.
Keywords Mining disturbances· Time series·
Random forest· Spatial–temporal rules· LandTrendr
H.Xu· X.Wang(*)· L.Yang
School ofGeography andInformation Engineering, China
University ofGeosciences, Wuhan430074, China
e-mail: wangxu@cug.edu.cn
H. Xu
e-mail: hangxucug@gmail.com
L. Yang
e-mail: yangliyan0048@sina.com
School ofEnvironmental Studies, China University
ofGeosciences, Wuhan430074, China
e-mail: jw.zhou@cug.edu.cn
School ofRemote Sensing andInformation Engineering,
Wuhan University, Wuhan430000, China
e-mail: llxuwhu@gmail.com
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