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Development Strategy of Batu Lawang Tourist Attraction as a Leading Tourism Destination in Cirebon Regency



Purpose : This study aims to explore the importance of tourist attractions in strengthening the tourism sector and its impact on sustainable development in various destinations, with a special focus on Batu Lawang nature tourism in Cirebon. Method: The study used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods, involving in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation studies. Results: The study shows that Batu Lawang has uniqueness and great potential in attracting tourists through its natural beauty and various interesting activities, although it still faces obstacles such as infrastructure that needs to be improved and promotion that has not been maximized. The proposed strategies include setting visitor quotas to overcome over-tourism, managing traffic and mobility, maintaining tourist facilities, and developing attractions. Contribution: This study is useful for tourism managers, government, and local communities in efforts to develop and promote Batu Lawang, and provides a basis for further research to support the growth of sustainable tourism in the area.
     
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Development Strategy of Batu Lawang Tourist Attraction
as a Leading Tourism Destination in Cirebon Regency
Strategi Pengembangan Daya Tarik Wisata Batu Lawang Sebagai
Destinasi Pariwisata Unggulan Di Kabupaten Cirebon
Viollyn Indryani1, Dhea Amanda2, Islah Oftaviani3, Yudi Stiansyah4, Sarmoko5
*Correspondence: 
Purpose : 
Method:           
Results:             
Keywords: 
Tujuan:         
Metode:         
          
          
          
Kontribusi:     
Jurnal Pariwisata Nusantara (Juwita), Volume 3, No. 2, August 2024
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Kata Kunci : 
          
          
   
      
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            
          
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           
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         
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         
  
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Jurnal Pariwisata Nusantara (Juwita), Volume 3, No. 2, August 2024
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          
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   
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         
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          
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 
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 
  
           
         
           
          
Hasil dan Pembahasan
1. Potensi Wisata Batu Lawang Cirebon
            
        
         
           
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            
  
Wisata Alam
           
   
          
         
   
          
Wisata Buatan Manusia
           
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        
    
         
   
   
        
2. Strategi Pengembangan Daya Tarik Wisata Batu Lawang
Strategi Mengatasi Over-tourism di Batu Lawang
          
         
          
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 
Pengelolaan Lalu Lintas dan Mobilitas
           
            
  
Dampak Perubahan Iklim dan Strategi Penanggulangannya
          
          
Promosi Atraksi Wisata
        
 
Menjaga Daya Tarik Wisata
Potensi Atraksi yang Belum Dimaksimalkan
          
Upaya Perawatan Daya Tarik Wisata
         
         
Kendala dalam Pengembangan Daya Tarik
Juwita | 104
       
           
 
            
          
 
         
         
         
         
    
         
         
        
 
   
         
    
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Jurnal Pariwisata Nusantara (Juwita), Volume 3, No. 2, August 2024
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Daftar Pustaka
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ABSTRAK Sektor pariwisata halal kini telah menjadi tren dalam perkembangan ekonomi global yang tidak hanya menawarkan adanya tempat ibadah pada suatu lokasi wisata. Sektor industri seperti restoran, dan hotel tersedia dengan nilai-nilai dan norma islam namun tetap bersifat universal. Lombok dinilai memiliki pengembangan industri parwisata halal yang sangat baik karena telah dikenal sebagai daerah yang lekat dengan nuansa islami. Selain itu Lombok juga menduduki peringkat pertama sebagai Indonesia Muslim Travel Index (IMTI) pada tahun 2018 dan 2019. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif menggunakan studi literatur sebagai teknik pengumpulan data melaui buku, jurnal, dan internet untuk mengetahui peran label pariwisata halal sebagai standar dari wisata budaya di Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa tingkat kepuasan wisatawan pada pariwisata halal di Lombok masih perlu ditingkatkan dengan beberapa poin sebagai bahan pertimbangan daya tarik wisatawan. ABSTRACT The halal tourism sector has now become a trend in global economic development which does not only offer places of worship at a tourist location. Industrial sectors such as restaurants and hotels are available with Islamic values and norms but are still universal. Lombok is considered to have a very good development of the halal tourism industry because it is known as an area that is closely related to Islamic nuances. In addition, Lombok is also ranked first as the Indonesian Muslim Travel Index (IMTI) in 2018 and 2019. This research is a descriptive qualitative research type using literature studies as a data collection technique through books, journals and the internet to determine the role of the halal tourism label as a standard. from cultural tourism in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. In this study, it was found that the level of tourist satisfaction on halal tourism in Lombok still needs to be improved with several points as a consideration for tourist attraction.
Indonesia merupakan suatu negara kepulauan yang memiliki beragam suku, ras dan budaya. Keanekaragaman tersebut membuat Indonesia menjadi negara yang kaya akan potensi wisata. Potensi wisata yang pada saat ini banyak diminati oleh wisatawan adalah wisata minat khusus. Wisata minat khusus adalah salah satu wisata yang belum lama dikembangkan di Indonesia. Wisata minat khusus yang saat ini sedang dikembangkan di Indonesia khususnya di Yogyakarta adalah desa wisata yang mana Yogyakarta merupakan sebuah kota yang memiliki berbagia potensi wisata alam seperti pantai, pegunungan, air terjun dan lain sebagainya. Desa wisata adalah sebuah kawasan pedesaan yang memiliki beberapa karakteristik khusus untuk menjadi daerah tujuan wisata. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptifmenganalisis hanya sampai pada taraf diskripsi, yaitu menganalisis dan menyajikan fakta secara sistematik sehingga dapat lebih mudah untuk difahami dan disimpulkan.Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi.Penelitian ini menitikberatkan pada sebuah desa wisata yang berada di Kabupaten Sleman yaitu sebuah desa wisata Sidoakur yang terletak di desa Sidoakur, Kecamatan Godean, Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta. Desa wisata Sidoakur ini memiliki potensi desa wisata budaya dan lingkungan dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Bentuk pemberdayaan masyarakat yang dilakukan desa wisata Sidoakur adalah melalui pengembangan desa wisata dengan dukungan pemerintah. Hasil dari penelitian adalah usaha pemerintah kabupaten sleman dalam pengembangan desa wisata Sidoakur melalui bantuan dana Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri (PNPM) Mandiri Pariwisata. Pemberdayaan masyarakat yang terlihat dalam pengembangan desa wisata Sidoakur yaitu usaha perbaikan, pengelolaan dan pengembangan penghijauan, SPAH (Sistem Penyimpanan Air Hujan), serta perikanan dan pertanian.
Since 2007, conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs have been implemented to improve human capital of the children from poor families in Indonesia. Although there is extensive evidence that CCT affects educational improvements of the children, little has been known whether these arise from monetary incentives or the conditions change parents’ aspiration for their children’ education. This study aims to explore perspectives of the CCT programs beneficiaries in Yogyakarta Province regarding educational aspiration for their children. The data collection is based on qualitative approach through semi-structured in-depth interviews using Capability, Opportunity, Motivation and Behavior (COM-B) Model. We observed that the CCT programs have provided the opportunity for the beneficiaries to invest in their children’s education. This works not only through the monetary transfer but also regular report and monitoring from facilitators and sanction of program termination. However, reinforcing parents’ aspiration through CCT programs is necessary but not sufficient.
Tourist attraction Sangeh is a tourist place on the island of Bali which is located in the village of Sangeh, District Abiansemal, Badung, Bali Province. Tourist attraction Sangeh present in the form of points ash long tail macaques, Pala Forest, and Pura Bukit Sari as its appeal. The number of tourists who visited Travel Attractions Sangeh from time to time experienced an increase after falling dramatically in 2012, amounting to 54 637 people, but the increase in the number of tourists is still quite slow and when compared with the visit of the peak that occurred in 2009 amounted to 225 672 people is still very low. The research aims to the right marketing strategic to increase rapidly tourists to visit Travel Attractions Sangeh. The method used in this study through questionnaires, observation, library research, documentation and interview with the manager. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques were used to analyze the marketing mix and strategy using SWOT analysis as well as using a Likert scale to analyze the questionnaires were distributed. Results from this study is a marketing strategy that can be done to increase the number of tourists visiting tourist attraction Sangeh is creating branding tourist attraction sangeh as a natural tourist attraction quality, maintain the cleanliness and beauty of nature, promotion via the internet and brochures to introduce tourist attraction Sangeh to be better known by tourists as well as image building tourist attraction Sangeh to fix the problems that led to the number of visits in 2012 and then dropped dramatically in the next year began to increase but slowed impressed not know are like before 2012 Keywords:Marketing Strategy, Number of Visits, Tourist Attractions Sangeh
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Metode penelitian kualitatif
  • E Murdiyanto
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Dampak pengembangan pariwisata terhadap kondisi ekonomi masyarakat
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  • F Teknik
  • J Perencanaan
  • W Dan
  • U Islam
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Penerapan ' Quality Tourism ' Pada Ekowisata
  • R M Ritonga
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