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Advancements in Coffee Manufacturing: From Dehydration Techniques to Quality Control

Springer Nature
Food Engineering Reviews
  • King Saud University & Washington State University
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Abstract and Figures

This comprehensive study delves into advanced dehydration techniques and processing technologies in the realm of coffee manufacturing. It offers a comparative analysis of these techniques, specifically focusing on green coffee beans and instant coffee production. The examination encompasses the pivotal steps of grading, roasting, grinding, extraction, and dehydration, which form the core of the coffee manufacturing process. In the context of instant coffee production, two primary dehydration methods, spray-drying and freeze-drying, are scrutinized for their roles in water removal from coffee extracts and slurries and their impact on final product quality and efficiency. This study emphasizes the significance of dehydration processes as the linchpin of manufacturing optimization, considering their prominence in coffee production plants. Furthermore, the research extends to investigate the diverse extraction techniques, additional processes, and critical technologies, such as agglomeration, used in the production of coffee instant powder. Quality control, life cycle analysis, and assurance are scrutinized to provide insights into the overall sustainability of coffee manufacturing. The examination also explores the environmental impact, byproducts, and nuanced properties of coffee powder across different production systems. In essence, this review serves as a valuable resource for industry professionals, researchers, and coffee enthusiasts, offering a holistic understanding of advanced coffee dehydration techniques and their impact on quality, efficiency, and sustainability in the context of both green coffee beans and instant coffee production.
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Food Engineering Reviews (2024) 16:513–539
Advancements inCoffee Manufacturing: From Dehydration
Techniques toQuality Control
SalehAl‑Ghamdi1· BandarAlfai1· WaelElamin1,2· MustaphaAbdulLateef3
Received: 29 July 2024 / Accepted: 16 August 2024 / Published online: 14 September 2024
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
This comprehensive study delves into advanced dehydration techniques and processing technologies in the realm of coffee
manufacturing. It offers a comparative analysis of these techniques, specifically focusing on green coffee beans and instant
coffee production. The examination encompasses the pivotal steps of grading, roasting, grinding, extraction, and dehydra-
tion, which form the core of the coffee manufacturing process. In the context of instant coffee production, two primary
dehydration methods, spray-drying and freeze-drying, are scrutinized for their roles in water removal from coffee extracts
and slurries and their impact on final product quality and efficiency. This study emphasizes the significance of dehydration
processes as the linchpin of manufacturing optimization, considering their prominence in coffee production plants. Further-
more, the research extends to investigate the diverse extraction techniques, additional processes, and critical technologies,
such as agglomeration, used in the production of coffee instant powder. Quality control, life cycle analysis, and assurance
are scrutinized to provide insights into the overall sustainability of coffee manufacturing. The examination also explores the
environmental impact, byproducts, and nuanced properties of coffee powder across different production systems. In essence,
this review serves as a valuable resource for industry professionals, researchers, and coffee enthusiasts, offering a holistic
understanding of advanced coffee dehydration techniques and their impact on quality, efficiency, and sustainability in the
context of both green coffee beans and instant coffee production.
Keywords Coffee manufacturing· Dehydration techniques· Green coffee beans processing· Spray-drying· Freeze-drying·
Instant coffee production
Coffee, widely acknowledged as the “world’s favorite bever-
age”, plays a significant role in the everyday routines of mil-
lions of people worldwide [1]. The rich aroma and diverse
flavors of coffee have made it a cultural icon, transcending
borders and bridging diverse societies. Apart from its highly
appealing taste, coffee is essential to many facets of human
life. From an economic standpoint, it powers a multibillion-
dollar sector, supporting countless people who work in its
production, distribution, and processing. Socially, it acts
as a spark for meetings, conversations, and relationships,
encouraging interpersonal exchanges and communication.
Furthermore, its chemical complexity has spurred a myriad
of scientific investigations, offering insights into both its
nutritional value and potential health benefits.
The global coffee industry has been experiencing steady
growth in production and consumption over the past few
years, with exports playing a significant role in the mar-
ket’s expansion. The International Coffee Organization
(ICO) reports that, in the 2022–2023 crop year, 168.2
million bags (60kg each) of coffee were produced glob-
ally, a 0.1% rise from the year before. In the forthcom-
ing coffee year of 2023/24, it is anticipated that the total
production will rise by 5.8% to reach 178.0 million bags.
This increase is attributed to Arabica coffee, with output
expected to reach 102.2 million bags, and Robusta coffee,
* Saleh Al-Ghamdi
1 Department ofAgricultural Engineering, College ofFood
andAgriculture Sciences, King Saud University, P.O.
Box2460, Riyadh11451, SaudiArabia
2 Department ofAgricultural andBiological Engineering,
College ofEngineering, University ofKhartoum,
P.O. Box321, Khartoum11115, Sudan
3 Research andInnovation, MAFA Rice Mill Ltd, Kano,
KanoState, Nigeria
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
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This study evaluated the effects of hot air drying (HAD), microwave drying (MD), vacuum drying (VD), sun drying (SD) and vacuum freeze drying (VFD) on the physical properties, bioactive components, antioxidant capacity, volatile components and industrial application of coffee peel. The results showed VFD could retain the appearance color, total phenolics (19.49 mg GAE/g DW), total flavonoids (9.65 mg CE/g DW), caffeine (3.15 mg/g DW), trigonelline (2.71 mg/g DW), and antioxidant capacities of fresh sample to the greatest extent, but its operating cost was significantly higher than other treatments and total volatile components were in the minimum levels. HAD and SD exhibited the highest loss rates of total phenols and antioxidant capacities, exceeding 50%. MD offered the lowest operating cost, superior retention of bioactive components, and the richest variety and quantity of volatile compounds. Therefore, it is recommended to use MD to dehydrate the coffee peel in actual production.
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Drying is one of the key steps in the coffee production process. It is necessary to dry the coffee extracts to prevent microbial growth and to prolong the storage time of coffee. To this date, mechanical drying methods have been developed and employed in industries to shorten the drying time. However, these drying methods could alter the physicochemical properties of coffee and the compounds present in coffee. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain these factors in the coffee production process as they affect the stability, reconstitution, and aroma of the coffee produced. These properties are crucial as they determine the final quality of coffee. This review will focus on the effect of spray-drying, freeze-drying, and spray-freeze–drying on the physicochemical properties of coffee such as morphology, particle size, moisture content, bulk density, and compound retention. Effects on organoleptic properties are also discussed. Possible advancements to these drying methods such as the encapsulation process, the use of a porous frozen sample, and total solid enhancement of the raw material have been highlighted.
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La producción de cafés especiales es el objetivo principal de los caficultores a nivel mundial y depende de la selección de granos óptimos; sin embargo, especialmente en Latinoamérica, son procesados de manera manual y está influenciado por la subjetividad. El objetivo del artículo fue comprobar la efectividad de un prototipo seleccionador de café cerezo con reconocimiento de imágenes usando machine learning en tiempo real frente al método tradicional en la Asociación Valle Grande, Perú. Se empleó el procesamiento de redes neuronales covolucionales. Se entrenaron con el algoritmo YOLOv3 24.000 imágenes etiquetadas en el programa Labellmg de granos Catimor verde, maduro, pintón, sobre-maduro y seco. Los resultados describen el procedimiento de diseño y ensamblaje mecánico-electrónico del prototipo con las especificaciones técnicas necesarias para su replicación; además, demuestran su efectividad respecto a la reducción del tiempo de selección en 3 h aproximadamente, con un nivel de precisión del 94,00% en cuatro muestras de 100 kg de café. Se concluye que el prototipo es una alternativa potencial, reduciendo el costo, ahorrando tiempo y proporcionando una herramienta útil para garantizar la selección de granos que permita obtener calidad superior a 83 puntos SCAA.
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Due to the dynamic growth of the cold brew coffee market, the aim of this study was to identify and characterize main bioactive and aromatic compounds that may be helpful for quality control during the production of popular beverages. Using headspace solid-phase microextraction and GC-MS and LC-MS analysis, prepared cold brew coffee extracts were investigated and compared with different green bean roasting profiles and varying extraction temperature and time parameters. In terms of quantitative composition, the study showed that cold brew coffees are an exceptional source of chlorogenic acid. Therefore, they may change consumers purchasing decisions on the beverage market and establish a new and natural substitute for controversial energy drinks. The analyses confirm the possibility of producing a beverage with increased chlorogenic acid content above 900 mg/L or at a similar level of 400–500 mg/L with caffeine, which may be important on an industrial scale due to the possibility of diversifying beverage production. Furthermore, aroma compounds were presented as markers responsible for fruity or caramel–roasted-almond notes and changes in their concentrations according to the recipe were also presented. The best option for cold brew coffee production appears to be beans roasted in the 210–220 °C temperature range.
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Indonesia's coffee production will reach 774.6 thousand tons in 2021, an increase of 2.75% from 2020, which was 753.9 thousand tons, and is the highest in the last decade and is expected to increase threefold in 2050. Hence, the evaluating environmental performance of the coffee agroindustry is essential if it is to become a more sustainable agroindustry. This paper aims to assess environmental performance (energy footprint, water footprint, and carbon footprint) in Gayo Arabica coffee green bean production with different agro-industry models. The method to evaluate environmental performance that can be used to identify indications of sustainability is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Method. The study was conducted on coffee production and exporter cooperatives in Central Aceh. Primary data were obtained through interviews with farmers, collectors, huller owners, and cooperative administrators. Secondary data comes from cooperative reports. The LCA study is described in two product systems, the model of 2015 and the model of 2016. The LCA model of 2015 is based on the green bean production system carried out in 2015 which includes water treatment, pulping, collecting, drying, hulling, finishing, and transportation. The LCA model of 2016 is based on the green bean production system carried out in 2016 until now which includes sub-processes for water treatment, pulping, collecting 1, hulling, collecting 2, finishing, and transportation. The results show that the energy footprint of the 2016 model (2.5128 MJ per f.u) is greater than that of the 2015 model (1.2336 MJ per f.u), the water footprint of the 2015 model is the same as the water footprint of the 2016 model product system, namely 0. 0086 m3 per f.u., and the carbon footprint of the 2016 model (1.93 kg CO2-eq per f.u) is greater than that of the 2015 model (1.48 kg CO2-eq per f.u). The cooperative initiative (in the model of 2016) is for the purpose of process improvement but cannot reduce carbon emissions. To reduce emissions from the use of fossil fuels, it is necessary to optimize land transportation routes and energy efficiency.
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The coffee drying system that is less efficient with the use of sunlight makes the productivity of coffee farmers in Indonesia less than optimal when the rainy season arrives. In this study, the coffee bean drying process was carried out to make the drying system more effective and efficient by combining a bed dryer-type drying system with a heat pump. The drying air flow used was 550 lpm. Variations in temperature on the evaporator used 10 until 20 °C and without refrigeration. While the electric heating temperatures used are 60 to 80 °C. In addition, this test is also carried out using only electric heaters. The results obtained from this study are the dehumidification process of drying air in the evaporator can improve the drying process of coffee beans. Higher electric heating temperatures will also speed up the drying process. The highest value of activation energy for drying coffee beans on air humidity was 39.6485 kJ/mol at drying conditions without using a refrigeration system and n The lowest activation energy value was obtained at a specific humidity of 0.0079 kg/kg d.a (evaporator temperature 10°C) with a value of 19.9407 kJ/mol. The lower the specific humidity of the drying air, the lower the energy required to evaporate the water in the coffee beans. This activation energy value can then be used as initial data for the numerical simulation of drying coffee beans.
Drying coffee beans is an important role in the process of making coffee. Most coffee producers dry their coffee beans under the natural sun, but it was found to be time-consuming and depended on the weather conditions. Fluidized bed dryer is found to be the most recent method to dry the coffee beans. However, not many reported on the performance of fluidized bed dryer in coffee drying. In the present research, the quality of the drying process using fluidized bed dryer was investigated by varying the streamline pattern and temperature distribution in the drying chamber. The result was compared with a different temperature and velocity applied. The simulation in ANSYS was conducted with three different velocities of 10 m/s, 20 m/s and 30 m/s with air temperature of 60 °C, 90 °C and 120 °C. The temperature supply was from the inside of the pipe to the end of the drying chamber. The streamline and the temperature distribution were absorbed between the difference of temperature and the velocity difference. The computational analysis of the simulation showed that the increase in velocity resulted in a temperature rise from 46.72°C to 49.04°C within the drying chamber for constant inlet temperature of 60 °C, and on the other hand the velocity in the drying chamber remains constant at average of 3.22 m/s for inlet velocity of 10 m/s despite the increase in temperature.
The culture of coffee is very important in Brazilian scenery. Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer, responsible for 30% of the planet's production, and it is among the 15 largest coffee consuming nations. More and more, consumers look for better quality of coffee, and the presence of determinate composts would prejudice the health of the consumers. Therefore, this study suggests a method to identify and quantify commercially roasted ground coffee impurities/contaminants using computed microtomography (micro‐CT) and x‐ray fluorescence (XRF) techniques. A set of different commercially roasted ground coffees were investigated. The micro‐CT results showed that most of the coffee powder samples analyzed showed some contaminant, and in a specific brand, the amount of contaminants was higher than 9%. The 3D data provided information about the size and shape of these contaminants. The XRF results showed the macro elements P, S, Cl, K, and Ca and the micro elements Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Rb, and Sr. The elemental concentrations are in agreement with the values reported in the literature, except for the same specific brand, where the values found were much higher. The combined data of both techniques showed that the amount of impurities/contaminants in the ground coffee results in an increase of the macro and micro nutrients and also modifies the flavor and fragrance of the product, leading to an overall poor quality of the final beverage.