
2023 Impact Factor: 6.834; 2022 Impact Factor: 5.156; 2021 Impact Factor: 5.641; 2020 Impact Factor: 5.355. Indexing and Impact Factor UNIJERPS

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In every organization, supervision contributes to efficient attainment of set goals. In educational setting, teachers' supervision enhances improved job performance. This paper examined the interplay between administrators' supervisory roles and teachers' job performance in public secondary schools in Abi Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. Two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study adopted correlational research design and the study population comprised all nineteen (13) public secondary schools, and one hundred and seventy two (163) teachers spread across the secondary schools in Abi Local Government Areas. This number included 106 males and 57 female teachers. Census approach was used to involve the entire population of 163 secondary teachers in the study area for the study. An instrument titled "Administrators' Supervisory Roles and Teachers Job Performance Questionnaire (ASRTJPQ) used for data collection. The items were validated by two experts in Research, Measurement and Evaluation, faculty of Educational Foundations Studies, University of Calabar. The reliability of the instrument was ascertained using Cronbach Alpha coefficients and the reliability coefficient obtained ranged.81 to .85. Pearson product moment correlation analysis was used respectively to test the hypotheses. The entire hypotheses were tested at a .05 level of significance. The result of the analysis revealed that there was a statistically significant relationship between administrators' evaluation role, discipline role and teachers' job performance. Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that administrators' supervisory roles related statistically to teachers' job performance in public secondary schools in Abi Local Government Area, Cross River State, Nigeria. The study recommended among others that school administrators should develop and communicate clear evaluation criteria that outline the standards and expectations for teachers' performance, in line with the goals of secondary education in the state.

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The study examined the perceptions of teachers and supervisors in four circuits from the Oforikrom Municipality in the Ashanti Region of Ghana on the impact of the Teacher Evaluation Process on their classroom practices and professional growth. The study sought to determine to what extent the process of evaluation and the role evaluators played in the process influenced the teacher's classroom practices and their professional growth. The themes that emerged from the data defined a new teacher-centered interpretation of evaluation and leadership expected of supervisors. The study employed the simple qualitative methodology with narrative inquiry as the method. Interviews were conducted on Twenty-Four (24) participants from 12 schools in 4 circuits. The findings indicated that summative evaluation had prominence over the formative and that increased the level of subjectivity. The study therefore recommended that teacher evaluation be aligned with professional development to establish a positive link between them.
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The study investigated the relationship between principals' supervisory techniques and teachers' job performance in Ikom Education Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria. Ex-post facto research design was adopted for the study. The sample was 86 principals, 344 teachers and 1,376 students drawn from a population of 86 principals, 1829 teachers and 35,359 students in public secondary schools in the study area. To achieve the purpose of the study, two null hypotheses were formulated. Data collection was carried out with the use of two research instruments titled "Principals' Supervisory Technique Questionnaire (PSTQ)" and "Teachers' Job Performance Questionnaire (TJPQ)". The instruments were subjected to face validity and Cronbach Alpha reliability estimate. The reliability value obtained ranged between 0.73 and 0.78. These figures confirmed that the instruments were reliable in achieving the objective of the study. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Analysis (r) was used for data analysis at .05 level of significance. Results obtained revealed that a significant relationship exist between principals' supervisory techniques in terms of classroom visitation, workshop techniques and teachers' job performance. Based on the findings, it was concluded that job performances of teachers would be enhanced when they are properly supervised by principals using the various supervisory techniques.
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This study aimed to evaluate teachers’ job performance based on total quality management (TQM) model. This was a descriptive survey study. The target population consisted of all primary school teachers in Karaj (N=2917). Using Cochran formula and simple random sampling, 340 participants were selected as sample. A total quality management model-based researcher made questionnaire was used for collecting the data. Its validity was confirmed by experts. The pilot study was conducted on 30 participants; using Cronbach Alpha formula, its reliability was determined to be 0.813. The data were analyzed using SPSS software in two descriptive (median, mean, mode, standard deviation, skewness) and inferential (one-sample T test) levels. The findings showed that at α= 0.05 level, the teachers’ job performance was higher than mean. At α= 0.05 level, also, the teachers’ job performance in process design, management, process improvement, public participation, and focus on customer was higher than mean.
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From time immemorial, teaching has remained a complex process. This complexity stems from the general belief that anybody can teach. Beginning from the housewife who taught her daughter how to prepare food to a roadside mechanic who taught his apprentice how to service a car, it is the act of teaching that has taken place. The above impression of teaching also affects the societal perception of a teacher. Many people see nothing special in what a teacher does. Therefore, this paper is specifically focused on the perception of parents about how they perceive teachers and their duties in the ten Local Government Education Areas (LGEA) of Oke-ogun, Oyo state. A sample of 673 participants was taken for the study. This comprises of 391 men and 282 women with average age of 51.25years and standard deviation of 2.36years. Descriptive research design was used for the study and simple random sampling was used for the study. The study was carried out to identify the roles of the teachers as role models to the learners in the academic performance of learners in public examinations and in the mode of behaviour as means of providing solution to the problem. The manners in which they perform their duty are actually working against effective performance of our learners in schools and in their ways of life. The researcher recommends that the government should try as much as possible to inaugurate a very formidable monitoring group that will check the excesses of these teachers to forestall wastages in the educational sector. It is of the opinion of the researcher that if the abovementioned factors are put into consideration in teaching-learning process, there may be improvement in the performances and the behaviour of learners in our schools and society at large. DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2015.v5n2p177
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