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Optical distinguishability of phytoplankton species and its implications for
hyperspectral remote sensing discrimination potential
Yuan Zhang
, Fang Shen
, Haiyang Zhao
, Xuerong Sun
, Qing Zhu
, Mengyu Li
State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
Centre for Geography and Environmental Science, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy, University of
Exeter, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Optical property
Phytoplankton types discrimination
Hyperspectral remote sensing
Different phytoplankton types play distinct roles in marine ecosystems, biogeochemical processes, and responses
to climate change. Traditionally, phytoplankton classication has heavily relied on chemical analysis methods
based on phytoplankton pigments, such as High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) analysis. This
approach limits the classication resolution to the phylum level of phytoplankton, making it difcult to rene
classication to the genus or species level. With the observation of the hyperspectral ocean satellite PACE
(Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem mission) louched by NASA in February 2024, there is potential to
achieve ner classication of phytoplankton based on differences in spectral characteristics. This study cultivates
various phytoplankton species in the laboratory to observe their light absorption properties (e.g., specic ab-
sorption coefcients spectra under unit concentration), investigating the spectral differences between different
phyla and among species within the Dinoagellates and Diatoms. Based on the observed absorption and scat-
tering properties of each phytoplankton species, we simulated the remote sensing reectance of different species
under various ocean color components, examining the potential of hyperspectral remote sensing discrimination
of phytoplankton types, and analyzing the impact of Chlorophyll a (Chla), colored dissolved organic matter
(CDOM), and non-algal particles (NAP) concentrations on the remote sensing discrimination. The results show
signicant differences in absorption spectra between different groups of phytoplankton (i.e., Diatoms, Di-
noagellates, Xanthophytes, Coccolithophores, Chlorophytes, Cyanobacteria, Cryptophytes). Among species
within the Dinoagellate group, there are also signicant spectral differences, while species within the Diatom
group exhibit relatively small variations in their spectral shapes. As Chla concentration increases, the potential
for remote sensing discrimination of phytoplankton species also increases; conversely, lower Chla concentrations
pose greater challenges for remote sensing disscrimiantion. Other ocean color components, such as increased
CDOM or NAP concentrations, interfere with the spectral characteristics of phytoplankton in the blue-green
spectral domain. Using hierarchical clustering for phytoplankton classication, the results indicate that Cya-
nobacteria and Chlorophytes can be well distinguished from other group at lower NAP concentrations, while
Diatoms, Cryptophytes, and Xanthophytes are not easily distinguishable from each other. Differentiating be-
tween species within the same group using remote sensing data presents signicant challenges. This study
provides a comprehensive investigation into the optical characteristics of different phytoplankton types, laying a
foundation for their remote sensing classication and deepening the understanding of the potential of hyper-
spectral remote sensing for detailed phytoplankton classication.
1. Introduction
Although the biomass of phytoplankton is only 1 % of that of
terrestrial plants, it contributes approximately 50 % of global primary
productivity (Field et al., 1998; Behrenfeld, 2014). Owing to differences
in morphological and physiological characteristics, different phyto-
plankton play different roles in biogeochemical processes and marine
ecosystems (Le Qu´
e et al., 2005). For example, different diatom spe-
cies have different cell sizes and cell wall siliconcarbon ratios, resulting
in different abilities to transport carbon to the deep sea (Tr´
eguer et al.,
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (F. Shen).
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Received 29 June 2024; Accepted 3 September 2024
Journal of Sea Research 202 (2024) 102540
Available online 6 September 2024
1385-1101/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
nc-nd/4.0/ ).
2018). Approximately 7580 % of the species of toxic algal bloom spe-
cies belong to the dinoagellate group, whereas certain dinoagellate
species do not produce toxins (Janouˇ
skovec et al., 2017). Therefore,
taxonomic studies of phytoplankton diversity are required to enhance
our understanding of phytoplankton function in global biogeochemical
cycling processes.
Owing to differences in size, shape, internal and external structure,
and pigment composition, different phytoplankton can alter the optical
radiation signal (Ciotti et al., 2002; Brewin et al., 2010); therefore, op-
tical radiation-based phytoplankton taxonomy is an important method
for current phytoplankton diversity observation studies (Mouw et al.,
2017). Optical remote sensing techniques can provide large-scale and
long-term measurements of phytoplankton biomass, spatial distribution,
taxonomy, and population composition accompanied with the current
rapid development of sensor technology. Hyperspectral sensors can
provide abundant spectral data for research on biological species of
phytoplankton, thereby enhancing their ability to differentiate phyto-
plankton (Dierssen et al., 2021). Launches of successful hyperspectral
satellites, such as GaoFen-5 (Liu et al., 2019), PRISMA (Cogliati et al.,
2021), EnMAP (Guanter et al., 2015), and the upcoming PACE mission
dedicated to monitoring and investigating phytoplankton species
(Werdell et al., 2019), can improve the amount of data available for the
remote sensing of phytoplankton species (Dierssen et al., 2020).
Prospective efforts have been made to determine the optical remote
sensing potential of various phytoplankton types. For example, Torre-
cilla et al. (2011) found that remote-sensing reectance can better
identify phytoplankton, and 425435 and 495540 nm are the most
useful spectral ranges for phytoplankton group research. Xi et al. (2015)
used the phytoplankton absorption coefcient, simulated R
(λ), and
simulated R
(λ)-derived absorption of water compounds to identify the
phytoplankton groups. Their results showed that the direct use of the
phytoplankton absorption coefcient resulted in excellent phyto-
plankton, whereas the absorption coefcients derived from the simu-
lated R
(λ) introduced errors, leading to the worst results. Wolanin et al.
(2016) applied the absorption coefcients of diatoms, coccolithophores,
and cyanobacteria to simulate the R
(λ) under different ocean color
conditions. Consequently, through derivative analysis, they explored the
band setting of hyperspectral sensors suitable for distinguishing phyto-
plankton groups. In general, most previous studies are based on in situ or
model-simulated absorption or remotely sensed reectance spectral
data, combined with signal processing tools, to analyze the optical
properties of phytoplankton, which usually rely on empirical
To date, studies have rarely focused on the optical properties of
phytoplankton species and their hyperspectral characteristics of remote
sensing, both in laboratory phytoplankton monoculture settings and in
eld surveys in natural aqutic environments. Moreover, the use of these
hyperspectral characteristics in distinguishing between phytoplankton
species, genera, and phyla remains unclear. Recently, a study investi-
gated the absorption properties of phytoplankton groups, and various
data analyses (i.e., matrix inversion, derivative analyses, and cluster
analysis) were successfully applied to discriminate or quantify the in-
formation of eight phytoplankton groups to a certain extent (Sun et al.,
2019). However, knowledge and understanding of the optical properties
of specic phytoplankton species, particularly their hyperspectral
characteristics of remote sensing, is still lacking, which limits subse-
quent remote sensing applications. Specically: (i) The absorption
characteristics of phytoplankton species remain unclear. More labora-
tory cultures and measurements are required to examine the optical
properties of different phytoplankton species to increase the funda-
mental understanding of the optical variability of distinct species. (ii)
The ability and limitation of using remote sensing reectance in
discriminating phytoplankton species has not been properly investi-
gated, particularly in coastal waters (e.g., those heavily inuenced by
Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) and Non-Algal Particles
(NAP)). (iii) At the remote sensing application level, the design of the
sensor bandwidth and position setting is reliant on and guided by the
optical properties of phytoplankton species. In summary, further
research on the optical properties of phytoplankton species is required to
expand the understanding of phytoplanktons.
The objectives of this study are as follows: (i) to investigate the ab-
sorption properties characteristics through laboratory measurements,
analyzing both inter-group and intra-group differences; (ii) to explore
the remote sensing identication capability based on phytoplankton
species and groups using remote sensing reectance; (iii) to analyze the
impact of CDOM and NAP concentrations on the identication of
phytoplankton species; and (iv) to discuss the potential for hyperspectral
discrimination phytoplankton types. The results of this study provide a
foundation for understanding the feasibility of discriminating phyto-
plankton using hyperspectral remote sensing.
2. Data and methods
2.1. Laboratory measurements
2.1.1. Phytoplankton species cultures and HPLC pigments
Table 1 lists 14 uni-algal species from seven phytoplankton taxo-
nomic groups cultured in the laboratory. It includes six species in di-
atoms, three species in dinoagellates, and one each in xanthophytes,
coccolithophores, chlorophytes, cyanobacteria, and cryptophytes
groups. Pseudo-nitzschia pungens, Karenia mikimotoi, Prorocentrum dong-
haiense, Heterosigma akashiwo, Emiliania huxleyi, Platymonas sub-
cordiformis and Synechococcus sp. were obtained from Shanghai
Guangyu Biological Technology Co, Ltd., and other species from Xiamen
University. The algae species were cultured in a light incubator at a
temperature of 20 C under a light dark cycle ratio of 12:12 h and an
optical density of 2500 lx.
For each uni-algal species, three different volumes of pure algal
liquid were diluted to 1 L with pure seawater, resulting in three samples
at different concentrations. Subsequently, each diluted uni-algal sample
was simultaneously ltered onto two Whatman GF/F Glass Microber
lters (0.7
m, 25 mm) under low vacuum pressure. The lters were
stored at 40 C for further analysis. For each species and concentration,
one lter was used to measure the phytoplankton pigment concentration
and the other to measure the phytoplankton absorption coefcient
Phytoplankton pigment concentrations derived from high-
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were analyzed by the
Instrumental Analysis Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, using
the method proposed by Bidigare et al. (2005). Fourteen phytoplankton
pigments were measured, including Fucoxanthin (Fuco)19
Fucoxanthin (ButFuco)19
-hex-Fucoxanthin (HexFuco)Diadinox-
anthin (Diadino)Lutein (Lut)Peridinin (Perid)Neoxanthin
(Neo)Violaxanthin (Viola)Zeaxanthin (Zea)Chl aChlorophyll b
(Chlb)Chlorophyll c
(Chl c
)Chlorophyll c
(Chl c
Table 1
Information of algae species in the laboratory.
Species Index Species Group
A.1 Skeletonema costatum
A.2 Thalassiosira weissogii
A.3 Chaetoceros debilis
A.4 Chaetoceros curvisetus
A.5 Phaeodactylum tricornutum
A.6 Pseudo-nitzschia pungens
B.1 Karenia mikimotoi
DinoagellatesB.2 Zooxanthella
B.3 Prorocentrum donghaiense
CHeterosigma akashiwo Xanthophytes
DEmiliania huxleyi Coccolithophores
EPlatymonas subcordiformis Chlorophytes
FSynechococcus sp. Cyanobacteria
GCryptomonas sp. Cryptophytes
Y. Zhang et al.
Journal of Sea Research 202 (2024) 102540
(Chl c
). The average value of each pigment from three samples of
each algal species was used in this study.
2.1.2. Phytoplankton absorption and backscattering coefcients
The absorption coefcients of total and nonalgal particles, (ap(λ))
and (aNAP(λ)), respectively. Were measured using a PerkinElmer Lambda
1050 UV/VIS spectrophotometer equipped with a 15-cm integrating
sphere in the range of 380720 nm at 2-nm resolution and 1-nm inter-
polation. Adhering to the NASA and IOCCG ocean optics protocols
(Mitchell et al., 2003; Roesler et al., 2018), the ap(λ)and aNAP(λ)values
were obtained before and after pigment extraction in methanol,
respectively. Further, the phytoplankton absorption coefcient (aph(λ))
was determined as the difference ap(λ) aNAP. The chlorophyll-specic
absorption coefcient (a*
ph(λ)) was calculated as aph(λ)/Chla. To reduce
this error, the average value of a*
ph(λ)from three samples of each algal
species was used in this study.
The attenuation and absorption coefcients of the unialgal species
were measured using the spectral absorption and attenuation meter (ac-
s, WETLabs Inc.) by pouring diluted samples into the tube. The ac-s
meter has 84 bands in the spectrum range of 400730 nm. Based on
the measurement protocol of the ac-s instrument (reference or weblink),
the temperature and salinity of the diluted samples were measured for
further corrections. The difference between the attenuation and ab-
sorption coefcients is the scattering coefcient.
The backscattering coefcients of the uni-algal cultures b
were measured using the back scattering meter (ECO bb9, WETLabs
Inc.). During the measurements, all the lenses of bb9 were completely
submerged in the uni-algal water samples in the pure black bucket under
dark light conditions, and the volume scattering functions at nine
wavebands (i.e., 412, 440, 488, 510, 532, 595, 650, 676, and 715 nm) in
the 124direction were collected. In addition, b
(λ) was further cor-
rected using the corresponding attenuation and absorption coefcients
from the ac-s meter coupled with the measured temperature and salinity
(Mueller et al. (2002)).
Because of the large volume of uni-algal samples required for
measuring the backscattering coefcients, only b
(λ) of S. costatum,
T. weissogii, K. mikimotoi, E. huxleyi were collected through bb9. In
contrast, those of the remaining 10 species were calculated using the
scattering coefcients from the ac-s multiplied by the empirical value of
the phytoplankton backscattering scale coefcient of 0.005 (Shen et al.,
2.2. Remote sensing reectance dataset
In contrast to oceanic waters, which are dominated by phyto-
plankton, CDOM and NAP also affect R
(λ) in coastal waters. Therefore,
using the measured a*
ph(λ)and b
(λ) coefcients of the 14 phyto-
plankton species, the R
(λ) values of different phytoplankton species
with different water component compositions were simulated to study
the spectral characteristics of R
(λ) in optically complex environments.
According to Gordon et al. (1988) and Lee et al. (2002), R
(λ) can be
simulated using the total absorption coefcient (a(λ)) and total back-
scattering coefcient(b
(λ)). The specic calculation process is as
Rrs(λ) = 0.52 ×rrs(λ)
rrs(λ) = 0.0895 ×u(λ) + 0.1247 ×u(λ)2#(2)
u(λ) = bb(λ)
a(λ) + bb(λ).#(3)
The total absorption and backscattering coefcients a(λ) and b
can be expressed as the linear sum of the contributions of all ocean color
components (Sathyendranath et al., 2001), as follows:
a(λ) = aw(λ) + ag(λ) + aNAP(λ) + aph (λ)#(4)
bb(λ) = bb w(λ) + bb NAP (λ) + bb ph(λ)#(5)
where aw(λ)is the absorption coefcient of pure seawater, ag(λ)is the
absorption coefcient of the CDOMbb w(λ)is the backscattering co-
efcient of pure seawater, and bb NAP(λ)is the backscattering coefcient
of the NAP. The aw(λ)and bb w(λ)values were obtained from Pope and
Fry (1997) and Morel (1974), respectively. Table 2 lists the calculation
formulae for ag(λ), aNAP(λ), aph(λ), bb NAP (λ), and bb ph(λ).
In the formula for bb ph(λ)presented in Table 2, λ0 is the reference
wavelength, b*
bph(λ0)is the chlorophyll-specic bb ph(λ)at the reference
wavelength, bb ph (λ0)is bb ph (λ)at reference wavelength, and
is the
spectral slope. The backscattering parameters (b*
) were ob-
tained by tting the bb ph(λ)formula to the measured data.
Because of the strong absorption of water, phytoplankton pigments,
and Chl a uorescence, when tting the backscattering data measured
by bb9, the 532 nm wavelength was set as the reference wavelength, and
the data at 488, 510, 532, 595, and 650 nm were used for calculation
(Whitmire et al., 2010). To t the backscattering coefcients calculated
using the ac-s meter, a reference wavelength of 555 nm was selected.
Finally, the mean value of the backscatter parameters for each algal
species under the three concentrations was used in this study. Theoret-
should be positive; that is, the backscattering coefcients should
decrease with an increase in wavelength. However, certain values of
derived from the ac-s meter were negative. Under these circumstances,
was set to an empirical value of 1 (Lee et al., 2002). Table 3 lists the
retrieved backscattering parameters for each of the algal species.
To eliminate the inuence of the value of R
(λ) and only focus on the
spectral shape, R
(λ) was normalized as per the process outlined in a
previous study (Xi et al., 2015),
λmin Rrs(λ)dλ
λmax λmin
Rrs(λ) = Rrs (λ)
where Rrs (λ)is the normalized Rrs (λ), and λmin and λmax represent the
minimum and maximum values of the spectral range, respectively. In
this study, λmin and λmax were 380 and 720 nm, respectively.
Table 2
Formulae of absorption and backscattering coefcients of water components.
Description Math Formula References
Absorption coefcient
of CDOM(ag(λ))
ag(λ) = ag(440)expSg× (λ
(Bricaud et al.,
1981; Yu,
Absorption coefcient
of NAP (aNAP(λ))
aNAP(λ) = aNAP(440)exp( 0.009 ×
(λ440) )
aNAP(440) = 0.01 ×CNAP
(Shen et al.,
Absorption coefcient
of phytoplankton
aph(λ) = a*
ph(λ) × CChl a
(Devred et al.,
coefcient of NAP
(bb NAP(λ))
bb NAP(λ) = bb NAP(532) × 532
n=0.4114 ×bb NAP(532)0.3
bb NAP(532) = 0.0183 ×bNAP(532)
bNAP(532) = 0.2×CNAP
(Liu, 2013)
coefcient of
(bb ph(λ))
bb ph(λ) = bb ph(λ0) × λ0
bb ph(λ0) = b*
bph(λ0) × CChl a
(Werdell et al.,
Y. Zhang et al.
Journal of Sea Research 202 (2024) 102540
2.3. Divergence index
Derivative analysis can effectively highlight spectral characteristics
and has been widely used in spectral studies. The rst (Sʹ(λ)) and second
derivatives (Sʹʹ(λ)) of the spectra were calculated using the following
Sʹ(λ) = S(λ+Δλ) S(λΔλ)
Sʹʹ(λ) = S(λ+Δλ) 2S(λ) + S(λΔλ)
where Δλ represents the spectral interval between two adjacent bands
and S(λ)represents the spectra. Because derivative analysis can be easily
affected by noise, the measured spectra were smoothed using the
Savitzky-Golay lter with a polynomial order and frame length of 4 and
21, respectively.
An Sʹ(λ)value of 0 indicates the extremum point (maximum or
minimum) of the spectra. Whereas, Sʹʹ(λ)value of 0 indicates the in-
ection point of the spectra. Thus, setting the sensor band at a higher
frequency where the Sʹ(λ)and Sʹʹ(λ)are equal to 0 can facilitate the
capture of the spectral characteristics (Lee et al., 2007).
To quantify differences between spectra of different phytoplankton
groups and species, the divergence index (DI(λ)) was presented in a
previous study (Shen et al., 2019),
DI(λ) = 1
|S1| × |S2|#(11)
where S1 and S2 represent the two different spectra. The range of DI(λ)
varied from 0 to 1. The closer the DI index is to 0, the greater the sim-
ilarity between the two spectra. In contrast, the closer it is to 1, the
greater the difference between the two spectra.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Difference of phytoplankton absorption property
In this section, the difference of the absorption spectra among
various groups is investigated. When analyzing the absorption charac-
teristics and differences among severn phytoplankton groups,
S. costatum and K. mikimotoi were chosen to represent diatoms and di-
noagellates, respectively.
3.1.1. Various phytoplankton groups
To focus on the shape of absorption spectra, the a*
ph(λ)was further
normalized at 440 nm (i.e., the a*
ph(λ)was divided by its a*
ph(440)). The
normalized a*
ph(λ)values of the uni-alagl cultures used in this study are
shown in Fig. 1.
Because all the algae species used in this study contained Chl a,
obvious absorption peaks were observed at approximately 440 and 675
nm in all seven phytoplankton groups (Fig. 1). However, the shapes of
the absorption spectra of the seven groups in the other bands were
different. The absorption spectra of chlorophytes and cyanobacteria
were signicantly different from those of other phytoplankton groups.
For example, the absorption spectrum of chlorophytes exhibited ab-
sorption peak and valley at 480 and 456 nm, respectively. In addition,
chlorophytes exhibited a shoulder peak at approximately 650 nm,
whereas the remaining phytoplankton groups exhibited an absorption
valley. The absorption coefcient of chlorophytes increased with
increasing wavelength in the range of 550675 nm, whereas no such
phenomenon was observed in the other phytoplankton groups. The ab-
sorption spectra of cyanobacteria exhibited an absorption peak and
valley at 490 and 478 nm, respectively, and its absorption spectrum did
not change signicantly with an increase in wavelength in the range of
570610 nm. Both the dinoagellates and coccolithophores exhibited
absorption peaks at approximately 465 nm; however, the peak of di-
noagellates was weaker than that of coccolithophores. In addition, it is
evident in Fig. 1 that the absorption spectra of diatoms, xanthophytes,
and cryptophytes were slightly different.
Table 4 presents the ratio of pigment to Chl a concentrations in the
seven phytoplankton groups. Chlorophytes were found to be the only
group containing the pigments lutein and Chl b. Based on the
chlorophyll-specic absorption of Chl b shown in Fig. 2(Clementson and
Wojtasiewicz, 2019), it can be inferred that the absorption peaks of
chlorophytes at 480 and 650 nm were mainly associated with Chl b.
Further, the differences in the absorption spectra of different phyto-
plankton groups were owing to the different types and contents of
diagnostic pigments of each group (Catlett and Siegel, 2018). In cya-
nobacteria, only zeaxanthin and diadinoxanthin were detected, and it
was the only phytoplankton group that contained zeaxanthin. This
indicated that the absorption peak of cyanobacteria at 490 nm was most
probably inuenced by zeaxanthin, which is consistent with the spectra
of zeaxanthin (Fig. 2). Except for 19
-hex-fucoxanthin, dinoagellates
and coccolithophores shared the same type of pigment (Table 4). For
example, only two groups contained Chl c
. According to the spectra of
Chl c
shown in Fig. 2, the absorption peak of dinoagellates and coc-
colithophores at approximately 465 nm was most probably owing to the
absorption by Chl c
. Moreover, because the ratio of Chl c
to Chl a of
coccolithophores Was higher than that of dinoagellates, the absorption
peak of coccolithophores was more obvious at approximately 465 nm.
Xanthophytes and cryptophytes contained the same type of pigment,
which may explain why the absorption spectra of xanthophytes and
cryptophytes were similar. Except for violaxanthin, diatoms, xantho-
phytes, and cryptophytes have the same type of pigment.
To quantitatively analyze the differences between the absorption
spectra of different phytoplankton groups, the DI(λ) values of the ab-
sorption spectra of the seven phytoplankton groups were calculated, as
shown in Fig. 3. It was found that the DI(λ) between the absorption
spectra of any two phytoplankton groups was less than 0.1 in the ranges
of 400430 and 680720 nm. Whereas, large differences were mainly
observed in the range of 430680 nm. The DI(λ) of the absorption
spectra of any two groups of diatoms, xanthophytes, and cryptophytes
were less than 0.2 for the entire wavelengths, except for that in the range
of 570585 nm. In contrast, the DI(λ) between diatoms and the
remaining phytoplankton groups (except xanthophytes and crypto-
phytes) was greater than 0.5, in the range of 400500 nm. In particular,
the DI(λ) between diatoms and coccolithophores, chlorophytes, and
cyanobacteria were approximately 1, indicating that the existence of
large differences in the spectra between diatoms and the three groups.
Except in the ranges of 455458 and 566589 nm, the DI(λ) values
between diatoms and dinoagellates were less than 0.4.
Table 3
Backscattering parameters of 14 algae species.
Species Index Species Reference band (nm) b*
A.1 S. costatum 532 0.00084 1.35
A.2 T. weissogii 532 0.00053 1.60
A.3 C. debilis 555 0.00038 0.51
A.4 C. curvisetus 555 0.00047 0.13
A.5 P. tricornutum 555 0.00227 0.13
A.6 P. pungens 555 0.00147 0.64
B.1 K. mikimotoi 532 0.00041 0.50
B.2 Zooxanthella 555 0.00046 1.00
B.3 P. donghaiense 555 0.00068 1.00
C Xanthophytes 555 0.00009 1.00
D Coccolithophores 532 0.00104 1.59
E Chlorophytes 555 0.00018 0.45
F Cyanobacteria 555 0.00065 3.22
G Cryptophytes 555 0.00014 1.00
Y. Zhang et al.
Journal of Sea Research 202 (2024) 102540
When comparing the dinoagellates and other groups, the DI(λ)
values between the absorption spectra dinoagellates and that of xan-
thophytes (Fig. 3f), coccolithophores and cryptophytes (Fig. 3m) were
less than 0.65 in the entire spectral range. Consider the coccolithophores
as an example. Except that the DI(λ) between dinoagellate and coc-
colithophores (Fig. 3g), coccolithophores and chlorophytes (Fig. 3n)
were approximately 0.6 at 455 nm, that between the coccolithophores
and the other groups were approximately 1, indicating the existence of
Fig. 1. Normalized a
ph(λ)of seven phytoplankton groups. The red, gold, green, and blue shadows in (a) represent the spectral ranges where the absorption spectrum
of dinoagellates, chrysophytes, chlorophytes, and cyanobacteria exhibit considerable differences compared with other phytoplankton groups, respectively. (For
interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Table 4
Ratio of pigment concentration to Chl a concentration in seven phytoplankton groups.
Group Chl c
Chl c
Chl c
ButFuco Fuco Neo Viola HexFuco Diadino Zea Lut Chl b
Dinoagellates 0.01 0.09 0.02 0.14 0.01 0.06 0.07
Coccolithophores 0.20 0.24 0.28 0.32 0.22 0.15
Diatoms 0.34 0.02 0.70 0.11
Cyanobacteria 0.01 0.19
Xanthophytes 0.06 0.03 0.31 0.06 0.03
Chlorophytes 0.03 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.62
Cryptophytes 0.07 0.03 0.37 0.06 0.04
Fig. 2. Chlorophyll-specic absorption spectra of phytoplankton pigments from (Clementson and Wojtasiewicz, 2019).
Y. Zhang et al.
Journal of Sea Research 202 (2024) 102540
signicant differences. Similarly, large differences in DI(λ) values were
observed between cyanobacteria and the other groups. For example, the
value of DI(λ) between the cyanobacteria and chlorophytes was
approximately 0.7 at 480 nm, whereas those between cyanobacteria and
the other phytoplankton groups reached 1. In the ranges of 465476 and
635640 nm, the DI(λ) between the absorption spectra of chlorophytes
and the other phytoplankton groups was greater than 0.5. Further, that
between the absorption spectra of xanthophytes and cryptophytes was
less than 0.2 in the entire spectral range. In addition, the DI(λ) values
between the absorption spectra of xanthophytes and the other
Fig. 3. Divergence index of absorption spectra among seven phytoplankton groups.
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Journal of Sea Research 202 (2024) 102540
phytoplankton groups were the same as those between the cryptophytes
and other phytoplankton groups.
3.1.2. Various diatoms species
The a*
ph(λ)values for the six diatom species are shown in Fig. 4. The
shapes of the absorption spectra of the six diatoms were similar, with
only slight differences. For example, in the range of 475500 nm,
S. costatum, T. weissogii, and P. tricornutum exhibited shoulder peaks.
Whereas, in the range of 575600 nm, with the exception of S. costatum,
the other ve diatom species exhibited small absorption peaks.
Fig. 5 shows that the absorption spectra of S. costatum and other
diatoms had DI(λ) values of approximately 1 at 577 nm, indicating the
high potential of this alga for optical differentiation. Nonetheless, with
the exception of S. costatum, the DI(λ) values between the absorption
spectra of the two diatoms were less than 0.5 across the entire spectral
range. Particularly, the DI(λ) values between the absorption spectra of
C. debilis, C. curvisetus, and P. tricornutum were less than 0.25 across the
entire spectral range, thereby indicating the poor capacity of these algae
in differentiating among one another.
Moreover, the difference in absorption spectra between xantho-
phytes and certain diatom species was less than that between the two
diatoms species. For example, the DI(λ) value between the absorption
spectra of T. weissogii and xanthophytes was smaller than that between
T. weissogii and P. pungens. Furthermore, the absorption spectra of
T. weissogii and xanthophytes were more similar to each other than
those of T. weissogii and P. pungens.
As shown in Table 5, the six diatom species contain the same four
pigment types; however, the ratio between the concentration of the
phytoplankton pigments and Chl a concentration was different.
3.1.3. Various dinoagellate species
Fig. 6 depicts the a*
ph(λ)spectra of the three methanogenic species.
The absorption spectrum of K. mikimotoi differed signicantly from
those of Zooxanthella and P. donghaiense. All three species contained an
extra absorption peak near 465 nm, with K. mikimotoi exhibiting the
smallest absorption peak. K. mikimotoi displayed a pronounced absorp-
tion valley at approximately 650 nm, whereas Zooxanthella and
P. donghaiense lacked this characteristic.
Within the three dinoagellate species, differences were smaller
between Zooxanthella and P. donghaiense, with DI(λ) values lower than
0.45 in the full spectral range (Fig. 7). This similarity results in similar DI
values between Zooxanthella, P. donghaiense, and other phytoplankton
groups. Large differences were observed between K. mikimotoi and the
other two dinoagellate species, where the DI(λ) value reached 1 at 640
nm. In the range of 440480 nm, except for the small DI(λ) between the
absorption spectra of Zooxanthella (or P. donghaiense) and coccolitho-
phores, the DI(λ) between the absorption spectra of Zooxanthella and
other phytoplankton groups was close to 1. In the 620650 nm spectral
range, with the exception of chlorophytes, the DI value between the
absorption spectra of Zooxanthella and other phytoplankton groups was
close to 1, whereas that between the absorption spectra of K. mikimotoi
and chlorophytes was close to 1 in this spectral range. In addition, the DI
(λ) between the absorption spectra of K. mikimotoi and other phyto-
plankton groups was less than 0.5.
Different types of pigments in the three dinoagellate species may be
the primary reason for differences in their absorption spectra (Table 6).
In general, peridinin is a diagnostic pigment for dinoagellates and
fucoxanthin is a diagnostic pigment for diatoms (Vidussi et al., 2001).
However, as a dinoagellate, K. mikimotoi does not contain peridinin
and rather contains fucoxanthin. In addition, compared with Zooxan-
thella and P. donghaiense, K. mikimotoi also contains 19
Chl c
, and neoxanthin, which are found in other groups such as diatoms.
According to Table 6 and Fig. 7, the additional absorption peaks of
Zooxanthella and P. donghaiense at approximately 465 nm were mainly
caused by peridinin. Although K. mikimotoi does not contain peridinin,
the presence of Chl c
may be the reason for the absorption peak at
approximately 465 nm. In addition, the absorption spectra of the three
dinoagellate species at 550650 nm were signicantly different, which
may be due to the different types of Chl c.
3.2. Differnece of phytoplankton R
We further analyzed the changes in optical properties under different
biomass conditions, as shown in Fig. 8. To highlight the spectral char-
acteristics, the rst derivative of normalized R
(λ) (Rʹ
rs(λ)) was calcu-
lated. Fig. 8 shows that different phytoplankton groups at NAP
concentrations are 0 g/m
, a
(440) is 0 m
, Rʹ
rs(λ)spectrum changes
with Chl a concentration. It is evident that when Chl a concentration is
0.1 mg/m
, the Rʹ
rs(λ)of different phytoplankton groups the perfor-
mance were consistent, which is greater than 0 before 410 nm, less than
0 after 410 nm, and close to 0 after 520 nm. Thus, the original R
(λ) rst
increases with the increase in wavelength, then decreased with the in-
crease in wavelength after 410 nm, and nally became constant. With an
increase in Chl a concentration, the Rʹ
rs(λ)of different phytoplankton
groups showed differences. However, above 610 nm, the Rʹ
remained close to 0. This was mainly owing to the strong absorption of
water in the red band, resulting in the spectral characteristics of the
phytoplankton contribution being covered. (See Figs. 9 and 10.)
It was found that Rʹ
rs(λ)of cyanobacteria was quite different from
that of other phytoplankton groups. The Rʹ
rs(λ)of cyanobacteria was
greater than 0 in the range440-460 nm. At approximately 440 and 460
nm, the original R
(λ) of cyanobacteria had an extreme point. In the
range of 450500 nm, the Rʹ
rs(λ)of chlorophytes is different from that of
other phytoplankton groups. It was found from the absorption spectrum
of chlorophytes that the reason for this phenomenon may be the ab-
sorption peak at approximately 480 nm.
rs(λ)of diatoms under the four conditions of Chl a concentration in
the 580675 nm spectral range is the lowest among the seven phyto-
plankton groups, and a valley was formed at approximately 655 nm. In
Fig. 8, with an increase in Chl a concentration, the Rʹ
rs(λ)of diatoms
formed a peak at approximately 685 nm and passed through 0 at 675
and 695 nm, indicating that the original R
(λ) exhibited an extreme
point. With the continuous increase in Chl a concentration, the Rʹ
other phytoplankton groups also formed a peak at approximately 685
nm, with extreme points at 675 and 695 nm. Combined with the ab-
sorption spectrum analysis, it was found that the characteristics of R
in the range of 650700 nm were mainly caused by Chl a. Because the
ph(λ)of diatoms was higher, the remote sensing characteristics in this
spectral range were observed when the Chl a concentration in diatoms
was low.
Fig. 4. Normalized a
ph(λ)of six diatom species.
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Journal of Sea Research 202 (2024) 102540
3.3. Impact of CDOM and NAP
In coastal waters, R
is inuenced by various water color compo-
nents and their concentrations. Therefore, we investigated the effects of
different concentrations of CDOM and NAP on the optical properties of
phytoplankton. We explored Rrs(λ)under two scenarios, specically: (1)
CDOM cannot be ignored, whereas NAP was ignored. The specic values
were: Chl a concentration is 2.5 mg/m
(440) is 0.0750.5 m
concentration 0.1 g/m
; (2) Neither CDOM nor NAP can be ignored. The
specic values were: Chl a concentration is 2.5 mg/m
, a
(440) is 0.1
, NAP concentration is 150 g/m
Fig. 9 shows the different phytoplankton groups at NAP concentra-
tion was 0 g/m
and Chl a concentration was 2.5 mg/m
, the Rʹ
spectrum changed with different a
(440). With increase in the a
the characteristics of Rʹ
rs(λ)before 550 nm gradually disappeared. When
(440) was 0.5 m
, the Rʹ
rs(λ)of different phytoplankton groups was
greater and lesser than 0 within the range of lesser and greater than 570
nm. Thus, the original R
(λ) increased and decreased with the increase
in wavelength when less and greater than 570 nm, respectively. Further,
it was found that when a
(440) was 0.5 m
, the Rʹ
rs(λ)of cyanobacteria
was still different from the other phytoplankton groups at approximately
450 and 500 nm.
The Rʹ
rs(λ)of different phytoplankton groups in the range of
550610 nm exhibited large uctuations (rst decreased rapidly and
then increased rapidly). This can be primarily attributed to the ab-
sorption coefcient of water signicantly changes within the spectral
Fig. 5. Divergence index of absorption spectra amongsix diatom species.
Table 5
Phytoplankton pigments and the ratio of pigment concentration to Chl a con-
centration in six diatom species.
Species Name Chl c
Chl c
Fuco Diadino
S. costatum 0.32 0.02 0.70 0.11
P. pungens 0.13 0.04 0.60 0.09
C. curvisetus 0.05 0.09 0.40 0.11
P. tricornutum 0.11 0.25 0.72 0.25
T. weissogii 0.04 0.03 0.42 0.15
C. debilis 0.06 0.06 0.44 0.09
Fig. 6. Normalized a
ph(λ)of three dinoagellate species. The orange and green
shadows in (b) represent the spectral ranges where the absorption spectrum of
Zooxanthella and K. mikimotoi have great differences compared with other
dinoagellate species, respectively. (For interpretation of the references to color
in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Y. Zhang et al.
Journal of Sea Research 202 (2024) 102540
Fig. 10 shows that the Rʹ
rs(λ)changes with NAP concentrations with
Chl a concentration of 2.5 mg/m
and a
(440) of 0.1 m
. Similar to the
effect of CDOM, with the increase in NAP concentration, the Rʹ
characteristics of different phytoplankton groups gradually disappeared
before 550 nm. When the NAP concentration was 50 g/m
, the Rʹ
Fig. 7. Divergence index of absorption spectra between three dinoagellate species.
Table 6
Phytoplankton pigments and the ratio of pigment concentration to Chl a concentration in three dinoagellate species.
Species Name Chl c
Chl c
Chl c
Perid ButFuco Fuco Neo HexFuco Diadino
K. mikimotoi 0.10 0.09 0.02 0.14 0.10 0.06 0.07
P. donghaiense 0.21 0.99 0.09 0.11
Zooxanthella sp. 0.41 0.02 0.87 0.06 0.20
Fig. 8. When the NAP concentration is 0 g/m
and ag(440)is 0 m1, the Rʹ
rs(λ)of different phytoplankton groups changes with the Chl a concentration, where (a) -
(d) represent that the Chl a concentration is 0.10 mg/m3, 1 mg/m
, 2.5 mg/m
and 5 mg/m
Y. Zhang et al.
Journal of Sea Research 202 (2024) 102540
cyanobacteria could still be distinguished from other phytoplankton
groups at approximately 450 and 500 nm.
In general, with an increase in CDOM or NAP concentration, the
(λ) spectral characteristics contributed by phytoplankton in the short-
wavelength position gradually disappeared. This was primarily because
the absorption of CDOM and NAP decreased with increasing wave-
length, thus exhibiting strong absorption under blue light. Although the
backscattering of NAP also decreased with increasing wavelength, the
absorption of NAP was much greater than the backscattering in the blue
light range.
3.4. Potential of hyperspectral remote sensing
PACE (NASAs Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem mission)
is the rst global hyperspectral mission for ocean and atmospheric
observation, equipped with a hyperspectral imager called OCI. OCI
features continuous hyperspectral capabilities from ultraviolet to near-
infrared, with a nominal spectral step size of 2.5 nm and an average
bandwidth of approximately 5 nm, covering a spectral range of 340890
nm. The spatial resolution of OCI imagery is about 1 km
at its lowest
point, with a swath width of 2663 km, enabling global coverage every
two days. To explore its potential for monitoring phytoplankton di-
versity, we used the HCA method to further analyze the possibility of
hyperspectral resolution of phytoplankton under three different
scenarios, as shown in Fig. 11.
Fig. 11 (a) shows scenario A, wherein the phytoplankton was
dominant, CDOM and NAP were ignored. The cyanobacteria and
chlorophytes could be well distinguished from other group, mainly
because the absorption spectra of cyanobacteria and chlorophytes were
quite different from other phytoplankton groups. In addition, coccoli-
thophores could also be well distinguished from the other phyto-
plankton groups. It was difcult to distinguish between T. weissogii,
C. debilis, xanthophytes, and cryptophytes mainly because the absorp-
tion spectra of diatoms, xanthophytes, and cryptophytes are similar.
Dinoagellates can also be distinguished from other phytoplankton
groups; however, distinguishing between the three dinoagellate spe-
cies was challenging.
Fig. 11(b) shows scenario B, wherein CDOM was not ignored while
NAP was. Cyanobacteria could still be effectively distinguished from the
other phytoplankton groups, whereas chlorophytes could be distin-
guished from the other phytoplankton groups under most conditions.
However, a misclassication with other phytoplankton groups occurred.
Dinoagellates could be distinguished from the other phytoplankton
groups under most conditions; however, they were misclassied as di-
atoms and coccolithophores.
Fig. 11 (c) shows the results of HCA based on R
(λ) in scenario C
wherein both CDOM and NAP were not ignored. With the increase in
NAP concentration, except for cyanobacteria, which could be
Fig. 9. When the NAP concentration is 0 g/m
and the Chl a concentration is 2.5 mg/m
, the Rʹ
rs(λ)of different phytoplankton groups changes with the ag(440),
where (a) - (c) represent ag(440)is 0.05m1, 0.15m1, 0.5m1 (respectively).
Fig. 10. When the Chl a concentration is 2.5 mg/m
and ag(440)is 0.1m1, the Rʹ
rs(λ)of different phytoplankton groups changes with the NAP concentration, where
(a) - (c) represent the NAP concentration is 1g/m3, 10 g/m3 and 50 g/m3 (respectively).
Y. Zhang et al.
Journal of Sea Research 202 (2024) 102540
distinguished from the other phytoplankton groups under certain con-
ditions, the distinguishability between different phytoplankton groups
decrease. The HCA was not suitable for the remote sensing dis-
tinguishing of phytoplankton species in this scenario, and a new method
must be developed.
In general, when phytoplankton biomass is high or the NAP con-
centration is low, phytoplankton can be distinguished based on R
When the NAP concentration is high, that is, in turbid coastal waters, the
effect of identifying phytoplankton groups based on R
(λ) is reduced.
The mean absolute percentage error of Zhu et al. (2019) established that
the phytoplankton species composition model increases by 17 % with
increase in the NAP concentration from 0 to 200 g/m
. Cyanobacteria
and chlorophytes are easy to identify compared with other phyto-
plankton groups, and can be well distinguished from other phyto-
plankton group under the condition of high NAP concentration, Xi et al.
(2017) reached the same conclusion. From Fig. 11, it was found that the
linkage distance between diatoms, xanthophyta, and cryptophytes was
small, and remote sensing discrimination encounters considerable
4. Conclusion
By capturing continuous and detailed spectral information, hyper-
spectral technology is gradually becoming a forefront hotspot in
phytoplankton remote sensing research. This study investigates the
optical properties of different phytoplankton types and their potential
for discrimination using hyperspectral remote sensing through labora-
tory measurements and remote sensing reectance simulations. The
main conclusions are as follows:
(1) There were signicant differences in the absorption spectra of
different groups, particularly in case of cyanobacteria and
Fig. 11. The results of HCA based on three scenarios.
Y. Zhang et al.
Journal of Sea Research 202 (2024) 102540
chlorophytes. This is mainly because of the different types of
phytoplankton pigments contained in different phytoplankton
groups. Among the three dinoagellates, the absorption spectra
of K. mikimotoi were quite different from those of other dinoa-
gellate species, mainly because of the large differences in the
types of phytoplankton pigments contained in different di-
noagellates. The absorption coefcient spectra of the six diatom
species were similar because they contained the same phyto-
plankton pigments. Moreover, the difference in the absorption
spectra between xanthophyta and some diatoms was less than
that between diatoms.
(2) With an increase in Chl a concentration, the difference in R
(λ) of
different phytoplankton groups increased. When Chl a concen-
tration was low, distinguishing phytoplankton groups based on
(λ) was challenging.
(3) As the concentrations of colored dissolved organic matter or non-
algal particles increase, the remote sensing spectral features
contributed by phytoplankton in the short-wavelength region
become progressively obscured. This presents a challenge for
distinguishing phytoplankton species using remote sensing
reectance under such conditions.
(4) The HCA results based on R
(λ) showed that when phytoplankton
were dominant, with the exception of diatoms, cryptoalgae, and
xanthophyta, different groups could be effectively distinguished
by R
(λ). Cyanobacteria and chlorophytes were the easiest algae
species to be identied based on R
(λ). However, remote-sensing
discrimination between different species in the same phyto-
plankton group remains a challenging task.
This study explores the optical properties of phytoplankton and an-
alyzes the potential of using hyperspectral technology to distinguish
different phytoplankton types. It provides an important basis for the
development of hyperspectral remote sensing methods for phyto-
plankton diversity inversion.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Yuan Zhang: Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing review &
editing. Fang Shen: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition. Haiyang
Zhao: Methodology, Software, Visualization, Writing original draft.
Xuerong Sun: Writing review & editing. Qing Zhu: Data curation,
Writing review & editing. Mengyu Li: Data curation, Methodology,
Writing review & editing.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
Data availability
Data will be made available on request.
This study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of
China [Grant No. 42076187 and No.42271348].
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Intensifying pressure on global aquatic resources and services due to population growth and climate change is inspiring new surveying technologies to provide science-based information in support of management and policy strategies. One area of rapid development is hyperspectral remote sensing: imaging across the full spectrum of visible and infrared light. Hyperspectral imagery contains more environmentally meaningful information than panchromatic or multispectral imagery and is poised to provide new applications relevant to society, including assessments of aquatic biodiversity, habitats, water quality, and natural and anthropogenic hazards. To aid in these advances, we provide resources relevant to hyperspectral remote sensing in terms of providing the latest reviews, databases, and software available for practitioners in the field. We highlight recent advances in sensor design, modes of deployment, and image analysis techniques that are becoming more widely available to environmental researchers and resource managers alike. Systems recently deployed on space- and airborne platforms are presented, as well as future missions and advances in unoccupied aerial systems (UAS) and autonomous in-water survey methods. These systems will greatly enhance the ability to collect interdisciplinary observations on-demand and in previously inaccessible environments. Looking forward, advances in sensor miniaturization are discussed alongside the incorporation of citizen science, moving toward open and FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) data. Advances in machine learning and cloud computing allow for exploitation of the full electromagnetic spectrum, and better bridging across the larger scientific community that also includes biogeochemical modelers and climate scientists. These advances will place sophisticated remote sensing capabilities into the hands of individual users and provide on-demand imagery tailored to research and management requirements, as well as provide critical input to marine and climate forecasting systems. The next decade of hyperspectral aquatic remote sensing is on the cusp of revolutionizing the way we assess and monitor aquatic environments and detect changes relevant to global communities.
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A group of 38 experts specializing in hyperspectral remote-sensing methods for aquatic ecosystems attended an interactive Euromarine Foresight Workshop at the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) in Ostend, Belgium, June 4–6, 2019. The objective of this workshop was to develop recommendations for comprehensive, efficient, and effective laboratory and field programs to supply data for development of algorithms and validation of hyperspectral satellite imagery for micro-, macro- and endosymbiotic algal characterization across the globe. The international group of researchers from Europe, Asia, Australia, and North and South America (see online Supplementary Materials) tackled how to develop global databases that merge hyperspectral optics and phytoplankton group composition to support the next generation of hyperspectral satellites for assessing biodiversity in the ocean and in food webs and for detecting water quality issues such as harmful algal blooms. Through stimulating discussions in breakout groups, the team formulated a host of diverse programmatic recommendations on topics such as how to better integrate optics into phytoplankton monitoring programs; approaches to validating phytoplankton composition with ocean color measurements and satellite imagery; new database specifications that match optical data with phytoplankton composition data; requirements for new instrumentation that can be implemented on floats, moorings, drones, and other platforms; and the development of international task forces. Because in situ observations of phytoplankton biogeography and abundance are scarce, and many vast oceanic regions are too remote to be routinely monitored, satellite observations are required to fully comprehend the diversity of micro-, macro-, and endosymbiotic algae and any variability due to climate change. Ocean color remote sensing that provides regular synoptic monitoring of aquatic ecosystems is an excellent tool for assessing biodiversity and abundance of phytoplankton and algae in aquatic ecosystems. However, neither the spatial, temporal, nor spectral resolution of the current ocean color missions are sufficient to characterize phytoplankton community composition adequately. The near-daily overpasses from ocean color satellites are useful for detecting the presence of blooms, but the spatial resolution is often too coarse to assess the patchy distribution of blooms, and the multiband spectral resolution is generally insufficient to identify different types of phytoplankton from each other, even if progress has undeniably been achieved during the last two decades (e.g., IOCGG, 2014). Moreover, the methods developed for multichannel sensor use are often highly tuned to a region but are inaccurate when applied broadly. New orbital imaging spectrometers are being developed that cover the full visible and near-infrared spectrum with a large number of narrow bands dubbed “hyperspectral” (e.g., TROPOMI, PRISMA, EnMAP, PACE, CHIME, SBG). Hyper-spectral methods have been explored for many years to assess phytoplankton groups and map seafloor habitats. However, the utility of hyperspectral imaging still needs to be demonstrated across diverse aquatic regimes. Aquatic applications of hyperspectral imagery have been limited by both the technology and the ability to validate products. Some of the past hyperspectral space-based sensors have suffered from calibration artifacts, low sensitivity in aquatic ecosystems (e.g., CHRIS, HICO), and very low spatial resolution (e.g., SCIAMACHY), but the next generation of sensors are planned to have high signal-to-noise ratio and improved performance over aquatic targets. Providing data to develop and validate hyperspectral approaches to characterize phytoplankton groups across the globe poses new challenges. Several recent studies have documented gaps that need to be filled in order to assess algal diversity across the globe (IOCCG, 2014; Mouw et al., 2015; Bracher et al., 2017), which promoted/inspired the formation of this workshop
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Phytoplankton cell size is a useful ecological indicator for evaluating the response of phytoplankton community structure to environmental changes. Ocean‐color remote observations and algorithms have allowed us to estimate phytoplankton size classes (PSCs) at decadal scale, helping us to understand their trends under ocean warming. Here a large data set of pigments, derived through high performance liquid chromatography, was collected in the Bohai Sea (BS) and Yellow Sea (YS) between 2014 and 2016. The data set was used to reparametrize the sea surface temperature (SST)‐dependent three‐component model of Brewin et al. (2017) to the region. The model was validated using independent in situ data set and subsequently applied to satellite chlorophyll‐a data from Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative, spanning from 1997 to 2016, to derive percentages of three PSCs to total chlorophyll‐a. Monthly‐averaged PSCs exhibited spatial‐temporal variations in the study area, linked to topography, temperature, solar radiation, currents, and monsoonal winds. In the surface central south Yellow Sea (SYS), influenced by bottom Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass, tight relationships between PSCs and environmental factors were observed, where high SST, high sea level anomaly, low mixed‐layer depth, and low wind speed resulted in higher proportions of nanoplankton and picoplankton from June to October. Significant interannual anomlies in PSCs were found associated with El Niño events in the central SYS, related to anomalies in SST. The refined model characterized 20‐year variations in chlorophyll‐a concentration and PSCs in complicated optical, hydrodynamic, and biogeochemical environments in the BS and YS.
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Phytoplankton species composition research is key to understanding phytoplankton ecological and biogeochemical functions. Hyperspectral optical sensor technology allows us to obtain detailed information about phytoplankton species composition. In the present study, a transfer learning method to inverse phytoplankton species composition using in situ hyperspectral remote sensing reflectance and hyperspectral satellite imagery was presented. By transferring the general knowledge learned from the first few layers of a deep neural network (DNN) trained by a general simulation dataset, and updating the last few layers with an in situ dataset, the requirement for large numbers of in situ samples for training the DNN to predict phytoplankton species composition in natural waters was lowered. This method was established from in situ datasets and validated with datasets collected in different ocean regions in China with considerable accuracy (R2 = 0.88, mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) = 26.08%). Application of the method to Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO) imagery showed that spatial distributions of dominant phytoplankton species and associated compositions could be derived. These results indicated the feasibility of species composition inversion from hyperspectral remote sensing, highlighting the advantages of transfer learning algorithms, which can bring broader application prospects for phytoplankton species composition and phytoplankton functional type research.
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The Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, Ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission represents the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) next investment in satellite ocean color and the study of Earth’s ocean–atmosphere system, enabling new insights into oceanographic and atmospheric responses to Earth’s changing climate. PACE objectives include extending systematic cloud, aerosol, and ocean biological and biogeochemical data records, making essential ocean color measurements to further understand marine carbon cycles, food-web processes, and ecosystem responses to a changing climate, and improving knowledge of how aerosols influence ocean ecosystems and, conversely, how ocean ecosystems and photochemical processes affect the atmosphere. PACE objectives also encompass management of fisheries, large freshwater bodies, and air and water quality and reducing uncertainties in climate and radiative forcing models of the Earth system. PACE observations will provide information on radiative properties of land surfaces and characterization of the vegetation and soils that dominate their reflectance. The primary PACE instrument is a spectrometer that spans the ultraviolet to shortwave-infrared wavelengths, with a ground sample distance of 1 km at nadir. This payload is complemented by two multiangle polarimeters with spectral ranges that span the visible to near-infrared region. Scheduled for launch in late 2022 to early 2023, the PACE observatory will enable significant advances in the study of Earth’s biogeochemistry, carbon cycle, clouds, hydrosols, and aerosols in the ocean–atmosphere–land system. Here, we present an overview of the PACE mission, including its developmental history, science objectives, instrument payload, observatory characteristics, and data products.
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This article presents the raw and analysed data on the absorption features of 30 pigments commonly occurring in phytoplankton. All unprocessed absorption spectra are given between 350 and 800 nm. The presented data also gives information on the wavelength of the main absorption peaks together with associated magnitudes of the concentration-specific absorption coefficient.
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Imaging spectroscopy, also known as hyperspectral remote sensing, is based on the characterization of Earth surface materials and processes through spectrally-resolved measurements of the light interacting with matter. The potential of imaging spectroscopy for Earth remote sensing has been demonstrated since the 1980s. However, most of the developments and applications in imaging spectroscopy have largely relied on airborne spectrometers, as the amount and quality of space-based imaging spectroscopy data remain relatively low to date. The upcoming Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP) German imaging spectroscopy mission is intended to fill this gap. An overview of the main characteristics and current status of the mission is provided in this contribution. The core payload of EnMAP consists of a dual-spectrometer instrument measuring in the optical spectral range between 420 and 2450 nm with a spectral sampling distance varying between 5 and 12 nm and a reference signal-to-noise ratio of 400:1 in the visible and near-infrared and 180:1 in the shortwave-infrared parts of the spectrum. EnMAP images will cover a 30 km-wide area in the across-track direction with a ground sampling distance of 30 m. An across-track tilted observation capability will enable a target revisit time of up to four days at the Equator and better at high latitudes. EnMAP will contribute to the development and exploitation of spaceborne imaging spectroscopy applications by making high-quality data freely available to scientific users worldwide.
The PRISMA satellite mission launched on March 22nd, 2019 is one of the latest spaceborne imaging spectroscopy mission for Earth Observation. The PRISMA satellite comprises a high-spectral resolution VNIR-SWIR imaging spectrometer and a panchromatic camera. In summer 2019, first operations during the commissioning phase were mainly devoted to acquisitions in specific areas for evaluating instrument functioning, in-flight performance, and mission data product accuracy. A field and airborne campaign was carried out over an agriculture area in Italy to collect in-situ multi-source spectroscopy measurements at different scales simultaneously with PRISMA. The spectral, radiometric and spatial performance of PRISMA Level 1 Top-Of-Atmosphere radiance (LTOA) product were analyzed. The in-situ surface reflectance measurements over different landcovers were propagated to LTOA using MODTRAN5 radiative transfer simulations and compared with satellite observations. Overall, this work offers a first quantitative evaluation about the PRISMA mission performance and imaging spectroscopy LTOA data product consistency. Our results show that the spectral smile is less than 5 nm, the average spectral resolution is 13 nm and 11 nm (VNIR and SWIR respectively) and it varies ±2 nm across track. The radiometric comparison between PRISMA and field/airborne spectroscopy shows a difference lower than 5% for NIR and SWIR, whereas it is included in the 2–7% range in the VIS. The estimated instrument signal to noise ratio (SNR) is ≈400–500 in the NIR and part of the SWIR (<1300 nm), lower SNR values were found at shorter (<700 nm) and longer wavelengths (>1600 nm). The VNIR-to-SWIR spatial co-registration error is below 8 m and the spatial resolution is 37.11 m and 38.38 m for VNIR and SWIR respectively. The results are in-line with the expectations and mission requirements and indicate that acquired images are suitable for further scientific applications. However, this first assessment is based on data from a rural area and this cannot be fully exhaustive. Further studies are needed to confirm the performance for other land cover types like snow, inland and coastal waters, deserts or urban areas.
This article introduces the design and imaging principles of the Advanced Hyperspectral Imager (AHSI) aboard China's GaoFen-5 satellite. The AHSI is a visible and nearinfrared (VNIR)/short-wave infrared (SWIR) HSI. It is the first spaceborne hyperspectral sensor that utilizes both a convex-grating spectrophotometry and an improved three-concentric-mirror (Offner) configuration. It has 330 spectral bands, a 60-km swath width, and a 30-m spatial resolution. Various tests have been designed to evaluate its imaging performance, and the results indicate that the AHSI's performance is comparable to other spaceborne HSIs launched recently and those scheduled for launch in the next few years. The AHSI has the capability to detect and identify different ground objects.