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Procedia CIRP 125 (2024) 296–301
2212-8271 © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the CIRP BioM 2024
Keywords: Biomanufacturing, Biointelligence, Decentralization
1. Introduction
Industrial value creation is facing enormous challenges. In
addition to the rapid development of new technologies that are
responsible for replacing old value chains, competitive pres-
sure and dependence on emerging and developing countries is
increasing in large parts of the western world [1]. Moreover,
the low resilience of often highly complex supply chains and
the increase in trade barriers and global regulations have re-
cently become even more apparent. At the same time, value
creation must be made future-proof in the context of mounting
environmental and social challenges. The omnipresent threat
posed by climate change requires a timely change of course in
order to achieve the net zero target [2]. Yet a sustainable trans-
formation of value creation is much more complex. Recent
studies show the enormous overuse of the ecosphere caused by
our current production and economic practices. Of the nine
planetary boundaries classified as essential for the long-term
stability of the ecosystem, six have already been critically ex-
ceeded [3]. And yet it can be assumed that resource consump-
tion, which has already increased by almost 120% worldwide
in the last 30 years, will double again by 2050 [4].
The situation becomes even more pressing when looking at
specific problem areas of value creation. Today, human food
consumption alone is responsible for 25% of all environmental
impacts [5]. 60% of the agricultural land available worldwide
is currently only used to grow animal feed [6]. Around 17% of
the food produced is disposed of, which alone is responsible for
around 8-10% of global GHG emissions [7]. Given the rising
population growth, agricultural production would have to be
CIRP BioM 2024
On the Concept of Decentralization in Biointelligent Manufacturing
Robert Miehea,b,c*
a Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA), Nobelst. 12, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
bInstitute of Industrial Manufacturing and Management, University of Stuttgart, Allmandring 35, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
cBiointelligence Competence Center e.V., Nobelstr. 12, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 711 970 1424. E-mail
Biointelligent manufacturing represents one of the most promising innovation paths towards a sustainable restructuring of industrial production.
In doing so, it assumes significantly changing framework conditions for the production of a wide variety of goods. A recurring element is the
decentralization of value chain design, i.e. an increasing shift of the focus of value creation to the customer. While the concept of decentralization
has been discussed in the context of systems and organization theory, green supply chain and life cycle management for quite some time, recent
studies suggest that especially biointelligent manufacturing systems might represent a promising technological opportunity to truly realize this
goal. However, up to now the concept appears somewhat vague, as neither the validity of the assumption of increasing decentralization nor the
extent to which a reduction of supply chain length results in an improvement of environmental impact is resolved. This paper is intended to
provide a foundation for the advancement of the research area by analyzing the state of knowledge and uncovering logical misconceptions.
Although the findings indicate a clear technical decentralization potential of biointelligent manufacturing by various examples, a comprehensive
dissemination as small-scale production units in industrial practice remains unlikely due to prevailing organizational and socio-political barriers.
© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientic committee of the CIRP BioM 2024
Robert Miehe / Procedia CIRP 125 (2024) 296–301 297
increased by a further 70% by 2050, despite a simultaneous
global decline in agricultural land (e.g. due to climate change
and desertification) [8]. Similar problems exist in the construc-
tion sector. Global cement production alone is the largest single
industrial contributor to climate change, accounting for 8% of
all GHG emissions [9]. The expected population growth of a
further 2 billion people by 2050 corresponds to the entire built-
up world of 1930 [10].
Various authors predict that these issues represent the root
of a change in the social order [11,12]. It is not only initiatives
such as Fridays for Future that illustrate this increasing gener-
ational conflict, which revolves around three fundamental is-
sues: the question of guilt and resolution, the prosperity and
meaning debate and the freedom and justice dispute.
Major causes for these problems, which are likely to trigger
so-called polycrises in the future [13], are the widespread use
of certain technologies and the overarching design of value cre-
ation. In this context, numerous authors predict a potential
change of value creation design towards a more decentralized
production of goods due to the increasing introduction of bi-
omanufacturing technologies within a sustainable bioeconomy
[14-16]. This idea culminates in the vision of biointelligent
manufacturing that identifies major opportunities for on-site
production through the increasing convergence of bio-, hard-
and software in production technologies [17-20]. Biointelligent
manufacturing systems realize the entire energetic and material
value creation steps, including recycling, at a single location
[19].Early technological examples of such systems include ad-
vanced therapy medicinal products manufacturing or biologics.
[21-23], new forms of food production [24-27], and so-called
waste-to-X systems [28].Fig. 1 illustrates the shift of focus of
value creation according to Miehe et al. [19]
Fig. 1: Shift of focus of value creation according to Miehe et al. [19]
While the concept of decentralization has been discussed in
various scientific disciplines since the 18th century, partially
linked to the question of how to produce with fewer resources
[29],up to now it appears somewhat vague in the context of
biointelligent manufacturing. This paper thus addresses two
unresolved research questions: (1) Is decentralization actually
evident in research and practice in the context of evolving bio-
intelligent manufacturing technologies? (2) Does it necessarily
correlate with (eco-)effectiveness of value creation?
2. State of research and industry
The term decentralization is a complement of centralization.
Both terms originate from the debate about a rational structur-
ing of state authority around the time of the French revolution
[30]. In systems theory, they represent extrema of the degree of
concentration of structural or controlling elements of a system
[31]. In centralized systems, such elements are concentrated on
a single center or only a few areas (polycentric). The term de-
centralization is historically used whenever a centralized struc-
ture is perceived as problematic [32]. A decentralized configu-
ration of elements can thus only be described in relation to a
centralized one.In other words, a system is decentralized if the
concentration of elements is lower than in a centralized or pol-
ycentric system.
After the discourse initially evolved on political issues, both
terms gradually became relevant in economic theories. For ex-
ample, Lenin describescentralization as a major characteristic of
capitalist economies [33.The centralization of capital results
from a trend towards a reduction in the number of companies (as
a result of mergers). Although the concept of decentralization is
not used here directly, it is promoted as a hypothetical solution
through redistribution. While Marxist economic theory is of little
importance in economics today, the concept of decentralization
is subject to organizational theory, determining the degree of di-
vision of labor within an enterprise [34]. A fundamental distinc-
tion exists between two types of decentralization of organiza-
tional structures [35]: (1) horizontal decentralization occurs
when tasks are distributed to autonomous organizational units
and (2) vertical decentralization occurs when decision-making
authority is assigned to several units or persons.
Decentralized systems are inherently related to the notion of
self-organization [36,37]. Thereby, local interactions between
the components of a system generate structure and coordination
to achieve global goals without a central commanding influ-
ence. In addition to the organizational dimension, literature
outlines the concept of technical decentralization [38], which
describes a shift in the production and consumption of goods
and services from a concentrated to a distributed form. In other
words, the focus here lies on a comprehensive change of pre-
vailing technical solutions. A prominent example in an indus-
trial context is information and communication technology
(ICT). ICT, e.g. in form of block chain technology, enables a
much more granular organization of administrative workflows
and value-added processes [39,40]. Another example is the
trend away from the assembly line in the automotive industry
towards decentralized driverless transport systems within
cyber-physical-systems (CPS). Other authors see additive man-
ufacturing as further technological potential for technical de-
centralization [41]. Additional examples originate from waste
water disposal, agricultural technology and energy technology
[42-44]. Yet, the reasons for the centralization and decentrali-
zation of value creation systems are not solely determined by
the technologies used. Whereas technological necessity (esp.
upscaling, automation), economies of scale and cost effective
design are among the most relevant reasons for centralized
value creation design, reasons for decentralization among oth-
ers include using locally available resources, satisfying local
needs through customization, supply chain resilience, and sus-
tainability performance. At the same time, it is clear that the
decentralization of production does not only affect its machines
and equipment, but also the people, i.e. decision-making pro-
cesses, degree of division of labor, etc., which in turn may have
a considerable influence on the eco-performance of production.
The importance of the reasons for centralization and decen-
tralization varies depending on the current socio-political
framework and the priorities set by decision-makers in enter-
298 Robert Miehe / Procedia CIRP 125 (2024) 296–301
prises. Thus, both trends are evident in today's industrial envi-
ronment, with companies generally implementing a hybrid ap-
Examples of both trends can be found, for example, in the
sporting goods industry. While Decathlon has been able to gen-
erate substantial market wins in recent years with an economies
of scale approach, smaller market participants in the higher-
priced segment such as Patagonia and Vaude are rather
strengthening a decentralized approach to manufacturing and
sourcing (including using organic and recycled materials, min-
imizing GHG emissions, and reducing waste in their supply
chain). The two approaches are examples of classic generic
strategies according to Porter [45]. While Decathlon strives for
price leadership, companies such as Patagonia and Vaude com-
pete for quality leadership, whereby the understanding of qual-
ity is extended to factors such as eco-performance.
One example that is often used to illustrate decentralization,
although essentially it is another example of a hybrid approach,
is Tesla [46]. By building Gigafactories in multiple locations
worldwide, the company aims to meet regional demand more
efficiently while simultaneously reducing GHG emissions as-
sociated with the transporting vehicles. Meanwhile, a key
driver of such factories is the realization of economies of scale
(esp. in battery production) in order to be able to offer a low
market price, which in turn is a clear example of centralization.
Likewise, the supply chains required for these complex vehi-
cles do not represent a great change towards a decentralized
supply chain design.
Brands such as Walmart, Unilever and IKEA have also im-
plemented decentralization strategies in sub-areas of their own
value creation. The main focus for these companies is on sourc-
ing materials and assemblies more locally compared to the pre-
vious organization, getting closer to the customer and improv-
ing ecological performance. Still, these measures are merely a
first step towards sustainable decentralization, as the compara-
tively low efficiency gains associated with the increase in prod-
ucts sold effectively have no or only marginal impact on envi-
ronmental performance (rebound effect).
Two key findings can be derived from these examples: (1)
whether a value creation system is perceived as centralized or
decentralized depends on the perspective or only affects indi-
vidual elements of the overall system, and (2) the most promi-
nant reasons for decentralization today are rather non-techno-
logical, i.e. market strategy, increasing ecological performance,
supply chain resilience and trade dynamics.
3. Decentralization potentials of biointelligent
Biointelligent manufacturing aims to realize a holistic in-
crease in value (economic, ecological, social) by applying con-
verging technologies.Yet, according to Johnson and Acemglu,
the overall benefit of technologies is determined by the techno-
logical vision and the will of a minority of decision-makers in
industry and politics to implement this vision [47]. In order to
evaluate how realistic decentralization is in the context of bio-
intelligent manufacturing, three key aspects have to be exam-
ined: technical, organizational and socio-political potential. It
can be assumed that major decentralization potential only ex-
ists if indications of a trend or need can be identified in all three
3.1. Technical decentralization potential
The technical decentralization potential of biomanufactur-
ing is demonstrated in a variety of studies [14-16]. In order to
further explore this in the context of biointelligent manufactur-
ing, a combination of two approaches provides a more compre-
hensive picture. In addition to the assessment of the decentral-
ization potential of key enabling technologies (table 2), se-
lected application examples, each representing new technolog-
ical solutions for today's predominant processes, provide an in-
The evaluation is based on a causal chain that compares the
enabling technology with a conventional production approach,
even if the new technology is not a 100% substitute or offers
further application possibilities. This becomes clear with the
example of biorefineries [48]. These systems not only use more
locally available resources compared to conventional refiner-
ies, but also process higher-value molecules, which in many
cases do not have to be cracked open by adding chemicals. Not
least, they can process decentralized waste streams or even be
used as negative emission technologies. Accordingly, the po-
tential for decentralization can be considered high.
Following this logic, table 1 reveals that eight of 13 technol-
ogy fields, which are subject to increasing convergence in the
context of biointelligent manufacuting, have a distinct or exist-
ing potential for decentralization compared to existing tech-
nical solutions. Five fields are hardly assessable.
Table 1. Estimation of decentralization potential of key enabling technologies
of biointelligent manufacturing*.(++ = major; + = minor; 0 = not assessable)
Selected eneabling technologies
Artificial intelligence and soft sensor technology
Bioinformatics and data storage
Digital platforms, models and twins
Gene sequencing and editing
Biofoundries and high-throughput screening
Biofunctional materials and surfaces
Bio-based energy generation and storage
Biosensors and bioactuators
Bio-based/hybrid micro-and nanotechnology
Biorefineries and bioreactors
Bio-based fuel cells and electrolyzers
Bio(hybrid) and soft robotics
Bioprinting and additive bioproduction
* key enabling technologies = aggregated categories of an analysis of over
250 technology examples
The technical potential for decentralization also becomes
clear from an in-depth look at the examples of biointelligent
manufacturing described in the introduction.
Waste-to-X systems: Today, around 2 Gt of municipal waste
is generated decentrally, which is expected to increase to 3.4
Robert Miehe / Procedia CIRP 125 (2024) 296–301 299
Gt by 2050. Currently, only 26-33% of this is recycled in an
ecologically appropriate way. This represents an increasing
problem, especially in the ever-growing megacities. The fusion
of individual technological innovations from the context of bi-
omanufacturing enables the creation of climate-positive, sover-
eign, scalable waste recycling systems [28]. These include, in
particular, hydrogen-bioenergy-carbon-capture storage sys-
tems (HyBECCS), enzyme or mycelium based circular additive
manufacturing processes (EnCAM/MyCAM), as well as inte-
grated approaches that include biorefinery systems and waste
water treatment [50,51]. In the near future, such systems will
allow to close cycles, in particular biogenic waste streams, in a
much shortened and less complex form and at the same time
bind GHGs.
Cultured meat: The production of artificial meat based on
totipotent stem cells is a fast-growing market characterized by
an increasing number of start-ups [24]. Various authors have
calculated a reduction potential of these meat derivates com-
pared to traditional meat production of 7-45 % lower energy
consumption, 78-96 % lower GHG emissions, 99 % less land
consumption and 82-96 % less water consumption [52-54].
Similar improvements in sustainability performance are possi-
ble in the areas of microbial food production and urban farming
[25,26], Since the process of cultured meat production follows
acomparatively simple pattern of cell line derivation (primary
or secondary), cell growth (by injection into a nutrient medium)
and formation (by scaffolding or bioprinting), some pioneers of
this technology have gone so far as to predict that meat produc-
tion in the future will be as simple as brewing beer [55], a clear
sign of decentralization compared to today's dominant factory
farming. However, an example of a related start-up in the field
of plant-based meat, Impossible Foods,shows the opposite in
industrial scale-up by opening up a centralized production fa-
cility in East Oakland, USA, that enables the supply of one mil-
lion vegan burgers each week to supply restaurants nationwide
[56]. Another example from the area of plant-based substitute
products, Revo Food, follows a consistent decentralization
strategy; some of its printed, plant-based fish derivatives are
produced locally in supermarkets in Germany and Austria [57].
ATMP production: From a technical perspective, the exam-
ple of CAR-T cell therapy is a clear demonstration of decen-
tralization compared to the drug-based, cost-intensive produc-
tion of pharmaceuticals according to the one-fits-all principle
[21,22]. In the best case scenario, autologous or allogeneic ther-
apies are produced individually for each patient in quantities of
one (ideally in the hospital). From an economic perspective,
however, the situation is somewhat less clear. Medcalf, for ex-
ample, shows that an appropriate choice depends upon a com-
bination of regulatory, economic and supply-chain factors [58].
Due to the high demands imposed on the manufacturing fea-
tures (including clean room conditions, high quality require-
ments and long-distance cold supply chains), no single business
model will suit all cases.
Similar to additive manufacturing in the past, the technolog-
ical potential for decentralization appears to be generally high
in key enabling technologies of biointelligent manufacturing as
well as in the assessed examples. In addition, the examples
clearly show that decentralization also appears to be the eco-
logically best option, although the studies are not sufficiently
comprehensive and need to be evaluated on a case-by-case ba-
sis. However, the examples also reveal doubts as to whether the
technical decentralization potential can be implemented as on-
site production systems commercially.
3.2. Organizational decentralization potential
The primary concern here is not whether a decentralized de-
sign of biointelligent value creation necessarily requires decen-
tralized internal organizational structures. Such a correlation
has not yet been investigated and therefore cannot be answered
in this paper. Rather, the section serves to discuss the probabil-
ity of implementing the existing technical decentralization po-
tential in industrial value creation practice.
The previous section illustrated partially that a technological
decentralization potential does not necessarily result in an ac-
tual decentralization in industrial practice. This is mostly due
to basic economic conditions that are proving difficult to
change as well as the will of decision-makers [47]. Yet, com-
panies are increasingly experiencing the pressure to change as
a result of the challenges described in the introduction and are
forced to act. Nevertheless, the way entrepreneurs conduct
business will continue to be based primarily on what is eco-
nomically feasible. Cost-driven management and economies of
scale will therefore continue to determine the degree of decen-
tralization. An increase in decentralization can only be
achieved through commercially superior technological argu-
ments or more intensive regulation.
However, the latter represents an ever increasing potential
for the realization of the above described technical decentrali-
zation. This is illustrated by the virtually exponential increase
in 'sustainability regulations' [59], which have recently been re-
inforced by the EU Green Deal, ESG legislation, the Circular
Economy Package, the increased carbon price and others.
These measures are to be regarded as genuine milestones for a
change of priority in the mind set of industrial decision-makers.
The requirements for greater transparency and due diligence in
supply chains resulting from regulatory pressure will hardly be
achievable with the current complexity of value creation net-
works. Short supply chains, a small number of suppliers and
the use of generally unproblematic renewable resources will be
particularly attractive. An increase in GHG pricing alone, or in
future the pricing of various environmental impacts as an inter-
nalization instrument (true cost accounting), would already
make numerous decentralized production solutions cost-effec-
tive today [60]. In addition, the recent global protectionist
tendencies and supply bottlenecks also tend to promote decen-
In industries that are subject to intense pressure as a result
of biointelligent manufacturing innovation, it is however likely
that strong resistance will emerge, as recently experienced in
the automotive industry in the context of the transition to elec-
tric powertrains. Yet,a modest shift towards a greater need for
decentralized solutions can be observed from an organizational
300 Robert Miehe / Procedia CIRP 125 (2024) 296–301
3.3. Socio-political decentralization potential
The socio-political decentralization potential essentially re-
sults from two factors. First, the desire of society encouraging
decentralization. Indicators are changing values, changing cus-
tomer wishes as well as political engagement and voting behav-
ior. Second, vision, will and the persuasive power of political
decision-makers to implement decentralized value creation
through appropriate incentives and regulations as well as the
removal of corresponding obstacles.
Both factors currently indicate a mixed picture that includes
beneficial as well as detrimental trends. In the case of desire of
society, a positive trend is the increasing demand for sustaina-
bility and the rise of political engagement of younger genera-
tions [11,12], which tends to promote decentralized production
of goods (e.g. fridays-for-future, transparency and remanufac-
turing demands on producers). Meanwhile, the changes in the
type and quantity of consumption remain marginal. Potential
increases in sustainability performance are neutralized by re-
bound and leakage effects [61]. Furthermore, societal reserva-
tions continue to be prevalent, e.g. with regard to genetically
modified foods.
With regard to the second factor, the increasing global sus-
tainability regulations outlined above are a key driver. Two ma-
jor challenges remain. The first is the restrictive legislation on
genetic engineering, particularly in Europe, in combination
with the comparatively large social reservations. The second
challenge is the limited measures against oligopolies and mo-
nopolies in large areas of the economy, which represent the
greatest obstacles to decentralization. This becomes clear from
the fact that nearly every company in the world is financially
dependent on only 147 globally operating enterprises [62]. If
the dismantling of monopolistic tendencies and the inclusive
design of political institutions is not accomplished on a broad
scale, it is likely that the socio-political decentralization poten-
tial will not be exploited.
4. Conclusion
Biointelligent manufacturing is among the most promising
innovation paths for the sustainable production of goods. One
of its core arguments is that they will contribute to a decentral-
ization of value creation and thus increasesits sustainability
performance. Still this hypothesis appears somewhat vague.
This paper therefore aimed to substantiate the concept of de-
centralization in the context of biointelligent manufacturing
and to examine the evidence for the two hypotheses that value
creation is in the process of being decentralized and that it will
result in an improvement in key sustainability benefits.
The results reveal a clear technical decentralization potential
of biointelligent manufacturing, which in many cases also
promises a distinct ecological benefit. Moreover, the findings
show that the implementation of the technical decentralization
potential has often failed in the past due to non-technical fac-
tors. Even today, only modest shifts in organizational and so-
cio-political conditions that promote decentralization can be
observed. Whether biointelligent manufacturing will actually
result in decentralization thus cannot be conclusively evaluated
at present.
However, several conclusions can be drawn for the future
design of industrial value creation. First, decision makers in in-
dustries and the production scientific community need to reject
the notion that uncoordinated activities at the micro level
(namely the development of new technologies) are approaching
a global optimum (namely sustainability) by itself. Second, it
is essential to further disseminate the vision and techno-eco-
nomic potentials of biointelligent manufacturing in order to en-
sure that an increasing number of decision-makers in science,
business and politics consider the topic, which involves the de-
centralization aspect, to be relevant. Not least, decentralization
for the sake of decentralization is not an option. Decisions must
always involve a holistic assessment of economic, ecological
and social factors in accordance with life cycle theory.
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This planetary boundaries framework update finds that six of the nine boundaries are transgressed, suggesting that Earth is now well outside of the safe operating space for humanity. Ocean acidification is close to being breached, while aerosol loading regionally exceeds the boundary. Stratospheric ozone levels have slightly recovered. The transgression level has increased for all boundaries earlier identified as overstepped. As primary production drives Earth system biosphere functions, human appropriation of net primary production is proposed as a control variable for functional biosphere integrity. This boundary is also transgressed. Earth system modeling of different levels of the transgression of the climate and land system change boundaries illustrates that these anthropogenic impacts on Earth system must be considered in a systemic context.
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Our current food system relies on unsustainable practices, which often fail to provide healthy diets to a growing population. Therefore, there is an urgent demand for new sustainable nutrition sources and processes. Microorganisms have gained attention as a new food source solution, due to their low carbon footprint, low reliance on land, water and seasonal variations coupled with a favourable nutritional profile. Furthermore, with the emergence and use of new tools, specifically in synthetic biology, the uses of microorganisms have expanded showing great potential to fulfil many of our dietary needs. In this review, we look at the different applications of microorganisms in food, and examine the history, state-of-the-art and potential to disrupt current foods systems. We cover both the use of microbes to produce whole foods out of their biomass and as cell factories to make highly functional and nutritional ingredients. The technical, economical, and societal limitations are also discussed together with the current and future perspectives.
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A sustainable design of production systems is essential for the future viability of the economy. In this context, biointelligent production systems (BIS) are currently considered one of the most innovative paths for a comprehensive reorientation of existing industrial patterns. BIS are intended to enable a highly localized on-demand production of personalized goods via stand-alone non-expert systems. Recent studies in this field have primarily adopted a technical perspective; this paper addresses the larger picture by discussing the essential issues of integrated production system design. Following a normative logic, we introduce the basic principle of systemic life cycle thinking in cellular units as the foundation of a management framework for BIS. Thereupon, we develop a coherent theoretical model of a future decentralized production system and derive perspectives for future research and development in key areas of management.
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The decentralization of waste management argues to support better planning, fair distribution of material and economic resources, and increased citizen participation. This study aims at assessing the environmental and economic performance of a decentralized biowaste management system, using the frameworks of life cycle assessment and net present value analysis. Five scenarios are designed to reflect the transition from an energy-centered biowaste management (scenario 1) towards a novel biorefinery system (scenario 2) and its expansion to a decentralized network (scenarios 3, 4, and 5) of small-scale plants treating urban biowaste. The global warming potential of the energy-centered system is 134 kg CO2 eq, while the biorefinery system offers mitigation of the global warming by -4324 kg CO2 eq t⁻¹ biowaste treated. The decentralized network designed to capture 20% of the urban biowaste generated in Lyon Metropolitan (S5) provides environmental (S5a: -1983 kg CO2 eq, S5b: -1992 kg CO2 eq) and economic (S5a: 491€, S5b: 475€) benefits, especially when collection is performed with electric bikes (S5b) and the bio-products substitute resource and energy intensive equivalents in the market. Collection with electric bikes contributes to a low-carbon economy while significantly increases labor costs. The transition towards a bio-based economy can transform biowaste management into novel cascading biorefineries of multiple high-value products. Resilient and optimized system design can support low carbon economies and increase employment while being economically sustainable.
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The greatest lever for advancing climate adaptation and mitigation is the defossilization of energy systems. A key opportunity to replace fossil fuels across sectors is the use of renewable hydrogen. In this context, the main political and social push is currently on climate neutral hydrogen (H2) production through electrolysis using renewable electricity. Another climate neutral possibility that has recently gained importance is biohydrogen production from biogenic residual and waste materials. This paper introduces for the first time a novel concept for the production of hydrogen with net negative emissions. The derived concept combines biohydrogen production using biotechnological or thermochemical processes with carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage. Various process combinations referred to this basic approach are defined as HyBECCS (Hydrogen Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage) and described in this paper. The technical principles and resulting advantages of the novel concept are systematically derived and compared with other Negative Emission Technologies (NET). These include the high concentration and purity of the CO2 to be captured compared to Direct Air Carbon Capture (DAC) and Post-combustion Carbon Capture (PCC) as well as the emission-free use of hydrogen resulting in a higher possible CO2 capture rate compared to hydrocarbon-based biofuels generated with Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) technologies. Further, the role of carbon-negative hydrogen in future energy systems is analyzed, taking into account key societal and technological drivers against the background of climate adaptation and mitigation. For this purpose, taking the example of the Federal Republic of Germany, the ecological impacts are estimated, and an economic assessment is made. For the production and use of carbon-negative hydrogen, a saving potential of 8.49–17.06 MtCO2,eq/a is estimated for the year 2030 in Germany. The production costs for carbon-negative hydrogen would have to be below 4.30 € per kg in a worst-case scenario and below 10.44 € in a best-case scenario in order to be competitive in Germany, taking into account hydrogen market forecasts.
Cement production is currently the largest single industrial emitter of CO 2 , accounting for 8% (2.8 Gtons/year) of global CO 2 emissions in 2015. Deep decarbonization of cement manufacturing will require remediation of both the CO 2 emissions due to the decomposition of CaCO 3 to CaO, and that due to combustion of fossil fuels (primarily coal) in the calcining (~900°C) and sintering (~1,450°C) processes. Here, we demonstrate an electrochemical process that uses neutral water electrolysis to produce a pH gradient in which CaCO 3 is decarbonated at low pH and Ca(OH) 2 is precipitated at neutral to high pH, concurrently producing a high purity O 2 /CO 2 gas mixture (1:2 molar ratio at demonstrated stoichiometric operation) at the anode and H 2 at the cathode, as shown in Figure 1. We show that the solid Ca(OH) 2 product readily decomposes and reacts with SiO 2 to form alite, the majority cementitious phase in Portland cement. Our electrochemical calcination approach produces concentrated gas streams from which the CO 2 may be readily separated and sequestered, the H 2 and/or O 2 may be used to generate electric power via fuel cells or combustors, the O 2 may be used as a component of oxyfuel in the cement kiln to further lower CO 2 and NO x emissions, or the output gases may be used for other value-added processes including liquid fuel production. Analysis shows that in a scenario where the hydrogen produced by the reactor is combusted to heat the high temperature kiln, the electrochemical cement process can be powered solely by renewable electricity. Figure 1. Schematic of the electrolyzer-based decarbonation cell. Reactions 1a and 1b are the O 2 evolution and H 2 evolution half-cell reactions respectively, under near-neutral pH. Reactions 2a and 2b represent the decomposition of CaCO 3 and release of CO 2 . Reaction 3 is the normal formation of water from its component ions. In Reaction 4, the hydroxide ions in Reaction 3 instead go towards the formation of Ca(OH) 2 , and the protons protonate carbonate ions (Reaction 2b). The overall reaction in which CaCO 3 is converted to Ca(OH) 2 with the attendant release of H 2 , O 2 and CO 2 is shown at the bottom. Figure 1
Background: Two commercial chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell products, axicabtagene-ciloleucel (Yescarta®) and tisagenlecleucel (Kymriah®), are registered for the treatment of B cell neoplasia, for which an increased supply of CAR T cell products is required. Problem: The production of patient-specific CAR T cells as advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) poses considerable challenges with respect to logistics, regulation, and manufacturing. Method: Review of the CAR T cell manufacturing process and the regulatory network, the current challenges, and future development capabilities of CAR T cells for adoptive immunotherapy. Results: CAR T cells are manufactured under individualized, laborious, good manufacturing practice-conforming processes in decentralized or in specialized centers. Starting from the patient's leukapheresis product, T cells are genetically engineered ex vivo with a CAR, amplified, and after extensive quality control re-applied to the patient. Most CAR T cell products are manufactured in a manual or semi-automated process; fully automated, supervised, and closed systems are increasingly applied to meet the need for a growing number of CAR T cell products. In this setting, research aims at providing allogeneic CAR T cell products or non-T cells such as natural killer cells for broad applications. Conclusion: The significance of CAR T cells in adoptive immunotherapy is continuously growing. As individualized cell products, manufacturing requires highly efficient processes under the control of harmonized protocols and regulations so as to ensure the quality of the ATMP in view of increasing demand and to develop new fields in therapy.