This paper studies the bailout optimal dividend problem with regime switching under the constraint that dividend payments can be made only at the arrival times of an independent Poisson process while capital can be injected continuously in time. We show the optimality of the regime-modulated Parisian-classical reflection strategy when the underlying risk model follows a general spectrally negative Markov additive process. In order to verify the optimality, first we study an auxiliary problem driven by a single spectrally negative \lev process with a final payoff at an exponential terminal time and characterise the optimal dividend strategy. Then, we use the dynamic programming principle to transform the global regime-switching problem into an equivalent local optimization problem with a final payoff up to the first regime switching time. The optimality of the regime modulated Parisian-classical barrier strategy can be proven by using the results from the auxiliary problem and approximations via recursive iterations.
The optimal dividends problem has remained an active research field for decades. For an insurance company with reserve modelled by a spectrally negative Lévy process having finite first-order moment, we study the optimal impulse dividend and capital injection (IDCI) strategy for maximizing the expected accumulated discounted net dividend payment subtracted by the accumulated discounted cost of injecting capital. In this setting, the beneficiary of the dividends injects capital to ensure a non-negative risk process so that the insurer never goes bankrupt. The optimal IDCI strategy together with its value function is obtained. Besides, two numerical examples are provided to illustrate the features of the optimal strategies. The impacts of model parameters are also studied.
We investigate the Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty function for Markov-modulated Lévy risk pro-cesses with random incomes. Firstly, we consider the case when the downward and upward jumps (respectively, gains and random gains) are given by independent compound Poisson processes, with claim sizes with a general distribution function and gains in such a way that their distribution has a rational Laplace transform. Afterwards, we use the above results and weak convergence techniques to study the case when the claims are given by a subordinator and, subsequently, we establish results when the claims are governed by a pure spectrally positive Lévy jump process. Some numerical examples are presented in order to illustrate our results.
We consider in this paper a risk reserve process where the claims and gains arrive according to two independent Poisson processes. While the gain sizes are phase-type distributed, we assume instead that the claim sizes are phase-type perturbed by a heavy-tailed component; that is, the claim size distribution is formally chosen to be phase-type with large probability 1−ϵ and heavy-tailed with small probability ϵ. We analyze the seminal Gerber-Shiu function coding the joint distribution of the time to ruin, the surplus immediately before ruin, and the deficit at ruin. We derive its value as an expansion with respect to powers of ϵ with known coefficients and we construct approximations from the first two terms of the aforementioned series. The main idea is based on the so-called fluid embedding that allows to put the considered risk process into the framework of spectrally negative Markov-additive processes and use its fluctuation theory developed in Ivanovs and Palmowski 2012.
This paper studies the optimal dividend problem with capital injection under the constraint that the cumulative dividend strategy is absolutely continuous. We consider an open problem of the general spectrally negative case and derive the optimal solution explicitly using the fluctuation identities of the refracted–reflected Lévy process. The optimal strategy as well as the value function is concisely written in terms of the scale function. Numerical results are also provided to confirm the analytical conclusions.
In this paper, insurer’s surplus process moved within upper and lower levels is analyzed. To this end, a truncated type of Gerber-Shiu function is proposed by further incorporating the minimum and the maximum surpluses before ruin into the existing ones (e.g. Gerber and Shiu (1998), Cheung et al. (2010a)). A key component in our analysis of this proposed Gerber-Shiu function is the so-called transition kernel. Explicit expressions of the transition function under two different risk models are obtained. These two models are both generalizations of the classical Poisson risk model: (i) the first model provides flexibility in the net premium rate which is dependent on the surplus (such as linear or step function); and (ii) the second model assumes that claims arrive according to a Markovian arrival process (MAP). Finally, we discuss some applications of the truncated Gerber-Shiu function with numerical examples under various scenarios.
This paper provides a new and accessible approach to establishing certain results concerning the discounted penalty function. The direct approach consists of two steps. In the first step, closed-form expressions are obtained in the special case in which the claim amount distribution is a combination of exponential distributions. A rational function is useful in this context. For the second step, one observes that the family of combinations of exponential distributions is dense. Hence, it suffices to reformulate the results of the first step to obtain general results. The surplus process has downward and upward jumps, modeled by two independent compound Poisson processes. If the distribution of the upward jumps is exponential, a series of new results can be obtained with ease. Subsequently, certain results of Gerber and Shiu [H. U. Gerber and E. S. W. Shiu, North American Actuarial Journal 2(1): 48–78 (1998)] can be reproduced. The two-step ap-proach is also applied when an independent Wiener process is added to the surplus process. Certain results are related to Zhang et al.
In this paper we consider dividend problem for an insurance company whose risk evolves as a spectrally negative L\'{e}vy process (in the absence of dividend payments) when Parisian delay is applied. The objective function is given by the cumulative discounted dividends received until the moment of ruin when so-called barrier strategy is applied. Additionally we will consider two possibilities of delay. In the first scenario ruin happens when the surplus process stays below zero longer than fixed amount of time . In the second case there is a time lag d between decision of paying dividends and implementation.
We investigate the importance of diffusion and jumps in a new model for asset returns. In contrast to standard models, we allow for jump components displaying finite or infinite activity and variation. Empirical investigations of time series indicate that index dynamics are devoid of a diffusion component, which may be present in the dynamics of individual stocks. This leads to the conjecture, confirmed on options data, that the risk-neutral process should be free of a diffusion component. We conclude that the statistical and risk-neutral processes for equity prices are pure jump processes of infinite activity and finite variation.
We revisit the classical singular control problem of minimizing running and controlling costs. Existing studies have shown the optimality of a barrier strategy when driven by Brownian motion or Lévy processes with one-sided jumps. Under the assumption that the running cost function is convex, we show the optimality of a barrier strategy for a general class of Lévy processes.
Funding: This work was supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science [Grants 18J12680, 19H01791, 20K035758, 21K13807, and JPJSBP120209921] and a University of Queensland start-up grant.
We study a generalization of the Expected Discounted Penalty Function (EDPF) for a class of two-sided jump Lévy processes R having positive jumps with a rational Laplace transform. Our first result provides an explicit expression for the generalized EDPF in terms of functions depending only on the parameters of the Lévy process R. Later on, we apply our results to study a measure of asymptotic dependence for the severity of ruin on the surplus prior to ruin, for the class of Lévy risk processes considered in this work.
This paper studies de Finetti’s optimal dividend problem with capital injection. We confirm the optimality of a double barrier strategy when the underlying risk model follows a Lévy process that may have positive and negative jumps. In contrast with the spectrally one-sided cases, double barrier strategies cannot be handled by using scale functions to obtain some properties of the expected net present values (NPVs) of dividends and capital injections. Instead, to obtain these properties, we observe changes in the sample path (and the associated NPV) when there is a slight change to the initial value or the barrier value.
In this paper, the Erlang(n) risk model with two-sided jumps and a constant dividend barrier is considered. In the analysis of the expected discounted penalty function, the downward jumps are assumed to have an arbitrary distribution function and the upward jumps are assumed to be exponentially distributed. An integro-differential equation with boundary conditions for the expected discounted penalty function is derived and the solution is provided. The defective renewal equation for the expected discounted penalty function with no barrier is derived. In the analysis of the moments of the discounted dividend payments until ruin, we assume that the inter-jump times are generalized Erlang(n) distributed. An integro-differential equation for the mth moment function of the discounted sum of dividend payments until ruin is derived. Numerical examples are also given to obtain the expressions for the expected discounted penalty function and the expected present value of dividend payments.
This paper considers a renewal insurance risk model with two-sided jumps (e.g. Labbé et al., 2011), where downward and upward jumps typically represent claim amounts and random gains respectively. A generalization of the Gerber–Shiu expected discounted penalty function (Gerber and Shiu, 1998) is proposed and analyzed for sample paths leading to ruin. In particular, we shall incorporate the joint moments of the total discounted costs associated with claims and gains until ruin into the Gerber–Shiu function. Because ruin may not occur, the joint moments of the total discounted claim costs and gain costs are also studied upon ultimate survival of the process. General recursive integral equations satisfied by these functions are derived, and our analysis relies on the concept of ‘moment-based discounted densities’ introduced by Cheung (2013). Some explicit solutions are obtained in two examples under different cost functions when the distribution of each claim is exponential or a combination of exponentials (while keeping the distributions of the gains and the inter-arrival times between successive jumps arbitrary). The first example looks at the joint moments of the total discounted amounts of claims and gains whereas the second focuses on the joint moments of the numbers of downward and upward jumps until ruin. Numerical examples including the calculations of covariances between the afore-mentioned quantities are given at the end along with some interpretations.
In this paper, we investigate an optimal periodic dividend and capital injection problem for spectrally positive Lévy processes. We assume that the periodic dividend strategy has exponential inter-dividend-decision times and continuous monitoring of solvency. Both proportional and fixed transaction costs from capital injection are considered. The objective is to maximize the total value of the expected discounted dividends and the penalized discounted capital injections until the time of ruin. By the fluctuation theory of Lévy processes in Albrecher et al. (2016), the optimal periodic dividend and capital injection strategies are derived. We also find that the optimal return function can be expressed in terms of the scale functions of Lévy processes. Finally, numerical examples are studied to illustrate our results.
This paper investigates an optimal dividend and capital injection problem in the dual model with a random horizon. Both fixed and proportional costs from the transactions of capital injection are considered. The objective is to maximize the total value of the expected discounted dividends and the penalized discounted capital injections during the horizon, which is described by the minimum of the time of ruin and an exponential random variable. By the fluctuation theory of Lévy processes, the optimal dividend and capital injection strategy is obtained. We also find that the optimal return function can be expressed in terms of the scale functions of Lévy processes. Besides, numerical examples are studied to illustrate our results.
We study the Gerber-Shiu functional of the classical risk process perturbed by a spectrally negative α-stable motion. We provide representations of the scale functions of the process as an infinite series of convolutions of given functions. This, together with a result from Biffis and Kyprianou (2010), allows us to obtain a representation of the Gerber-Shiu functional as an infinite series of convolutions. Moreover, we calculate the Laplace transform and derive a defective renewal equation for the Gerber-Shiu functional, thus extending previous work of Furrer (1998) and of Tsai and Willmot (2002). We also obtain asymptotic expressions for the joint tail distribution of the severity of ruin and the surplus before ruin.
In this paper, we study a regime-switching risk model with a threshold dividend strategy, in which the rate for the Poisson claim arrivals and the distribution of the claim amounts are driven by an underlying (external) Markov jump process. The purpose of this paper is to study the unified Gerber–Shiu discounted penalty function and the moments of the total dividend payments until ruin. We adopt an approach which is akin to the one used in [Lin, X.S., Pavlova, K.P., 2006. The compound Poisson risk model with a threshold dividend strategy. Insu.: Math. and Econ. 38, 57–80] to extend the results for the classical risk model with a threshold dividend strategy to our model. The matrix form of systems of integro-differential equations is presented and the analytical solutions to these systems are derived. Finally, numerical illustrations with exponential claim amounts are also given.
In this paper, we consider a perturbed compound Poisson risk model with two-sided jumps. The downward jumps represent the claims following an arbitrary distribution, while the upward jumps are also allowed to represent the random gains. Assuming that the density function of the upward jumps has a rational Laplace transform, the Laplace transforms and defective renewal equations for the discounted penalty functions are derived, and the asymptotic estimate for the probability of ruin is also studied for heavy-tailed downward jumps. Finally, some explicit expressions for the discounted penalty functions, as well as numerical examples, are given.
This paper solves exit problems for spectrally negative Markov additive
processes and their reflections. A so-called scale matrix, which is a
generalization of the scale function of a spectrally negative \levy process,
plays a central role in the study of exit problems. Existence of the scale
matrix was shown in Thm. 3 of Kyprianou and Palmowski (2008). We provide a
probabilistic construction of the scale matrix, and identify the transform. In
addition, we generalize to the MAP setting the relation between the scale
function and the excursion (height) measure. The main technique is based on the
occupation density formula and even in the context of fluctuations of
spectrally negative L\'{e}vy processes this idea seems to be new. Our
representation of the scale matrix W(x)=e^{-\Lambda x}\eL(x) in terms of nice
probabilistic objects opens up possibilities for further investigation of its
In this paper, we consider a Sparre-Andersen risk model with two-sided jumps, where the downward jumps represent the claims as usual and the upward jumps are also allowed to explain random gains. A generalized discounted penalty function is studied by using random walk techniques and the renewal theory.
We establish new multidimensional martingales for Markov additive processes and certain modifications of such processes (e.g., such processes with reflecting barriers). These results generalize corresponding one-dimensional martingale results for Lévy processes. This martingale is then applied to various storage processes, queues and Brownian motion models.
We investigate the problem of optimal dividend distribution for a company in
the presence of regime shifts. We consider a company whose cumulative net
revenues evolve as a Brownian motion with positive drift that is modulated by a
finite state Markov chain, and model the discount rate as a deterministic
function of the current state of the chain. In this setting the objective of
the company is to maximize the expected cumulative discounted dividend payments
until the moment of bankruptcy, which is taken to be the first time that the
cash reserves (the cumulative net revenues minus cumulative dividend payments)
are zero. We show that, if the drift is positive in each state, it is optimal
to adopt a barrier strategy at certain positive regime-dependent levels, and
provide an explicit characterization of the value function as the fixed point
of a contraction. In the case that the drift is small and negative in one
state, the optimal strategy takes a different form, which we explicitly
identify if there are two regimes. We also provide a numerical illustration of
the sensitivities of the optimal barriers and the influence of
In this paper, we study a Markov regime-switching risk model where dividends are paid out according to a certain threshold strategy depending on the underlying Markovian environment process. We are interested in these quantities: ruin probabilities, deficit at ruin and expected ruin time. To study them, we introduce functions involving the deficit at ruin and the indicator of the event that ruin occurs. We show that the above functions and the expectations of the time to ruin as functions of the initial capital satisfy systems of integro-differential equations. Closed form solutions are derived when the underlying Markovian environment process has only two states and the claim size distributions are exponential.
Fundamentals of convex analysis Grundlehren Text Editions
J B Hiriart-Urruty
C Lemaréchal
A note on scale functions and the time value of ruin for Lévy insurance risk processes