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Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni
Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni, Vol 26, No. 1 Edisi Januari – Juni 2024
P-ISSN: 1412-1662, E-ISSN: 2580-2208 | DOI: http://10.26887/ekspresi.v26i1.3951
Hal | 32
Available online at https://journal.isi-padangpanjang.ac.id/index.php/Ekspresi
Febri Desman1, Hendri Jihadul Barkah2, Wahida Wahyuni3
123Institut Seni Indonesia Padangpanjang
(1febri.desman54@gmail.com, 2jbhendri@gmail.com, 3wahidawahyuni.wewe@gmail.com)
Received : 2023-11-02
Revised : 2024-04-02
Accepted : 2024-06-019
The novel “Kemarau” by A.A. Navis is a literary work that reflects the social life of the Minangkabau
community. The main focus of this novel is on the life struggles of its characters. The issue of marriage,
particularly the marriages involving the children in the novel, becomes the central focus of this research,
aiming to uncover the problems and reasons behind the forbidden marriages portrayed in the story. Forbidden
marriages in “Kemarau” arise from the father's attempt to overcome loneliness and the mother's mistake of
not introducing or telling the story about the child's biological father. The causes of these forbidden marriages
involve divorce, parental factors, and the influence of migration. In its analysis, this novel will be elaborated
using sociological literature theory. This approach allows us to delve into the social life of a community
reflected in a literary work and connect it with the reality of society during the birth and after the existence of
the work. The research findings indicate that “Kemarau” is not only a literary masterpiece but also provides
profound insights into the social dynamics of Minangkabau society. By delving into its social reality, the novel
becomes a source of learning that enriches readers' experiences with the dynamics of life and marriage in
Minangkabau culture.
Keywords; Kemarau, Marriage, Forbidden Marriage, Minangkabau
Novel "Kemarau" karya A.A. Navis merupakan karya sastra yang mencerminkan kehidupan sosial masyarakat
Minangkabau. Fokus utama novel ini adalah pada perjuangan hidup karakter-karakternya. Isu pernikahan,
khususnya pernikahan yang melibatkan anak-anak dalam novel, menjadi fokus utama penelitian ini, yang
bertujuan untuk mengungkap masalah dan alasan di balik pernikahan yang dilarang yang digambarkan dalam
cerita. Pernikahan yang dilarang dalam "Kemarau" muncul dari upaya ayah untuk mengatasi kesepian dan
kesalahan ibu yang tidak memperkenalkan atau menceritakan tentang ayah biologis anak tersebut. Penyebab
pernikahan yang dilarang ini melibatkan perceraian, faktor orang tua, dan pengaruh migrasi. Dalam analisisnya,
novel ini akan diuraikan menggunakan teori sastra sosiologi. Pendekatan ini memungkinkan kita untuk
menyelami kehidupan sosial suatu komunitas yang tercermin dalam sebuah karya sastra dan
menghubungkannya dengan realitas masyarakat selama kelahiran dan setelah keberadaan karya tersebut.
Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa "Kemarau" bukan hanya sebuah mahakarya sastra, tetapi juga
memberikan wawasan mendalam tentang dinamika sosial masyarakat Minangkabau. Dengan menyelami realitas
sosialnya, novel ini menjadi sumber pembelajaran yang memperkaya pengalaman pembaca dengan dinamika
kehidupan dan pernikahan dalam budaya Minangkabau.
Kata Kunci; Kemarau, Pernikahan, Pernikahan Terlarang, Minangkabau.
Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni
Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni, Vol 26, No. 1 Edisi Januari – Juni 2024
P-ISSN: 1412-1662, E-ISSN: 2580-2208 | DOI: http://10.26887/ekspresi.v26i1.3951
Hal | 33
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The novel, as a form of literary work,
serves as a reflection of society at a specific
time and place, depicting the complexity of
human life and social issues (Mar & Oatley,
2008). Reading literary fiction is associated
with a more complex worldview, as it presents
different thoughts, contexts, and situations,
convincing the belief that the social world is
complex (Buttrick et al., 2022). Furthermore,
novels can be analyzed from a sociolinguistic
approach to understand how they reflect the
norms and values of society (Kerras & Baya,
This reference collectively emphasizes
the role of novels in abstracting and
simulating social experiences, shaping
complex worldviews, and reflecting the
norms and values of society, making them a
valuable source for understanding and
analyzing social and cultural issues.
The role of novels in depicting and
addressing social and cultural issues is crucial
for understanding human life and societal
challenges. Novels provide a valuable source
for analyzing the complexities of society and
human experiences. They carefully illustrate
the potentially damaging consequences of
various societal issues such as parentlessness,
childhood abuse, social and economic
inequality, and the undermining of women's
lives by patriarchal institutions (Baldwin,
2016). Novels offer a unique insight into the
entanglement of the story and the storyteller
in political, cultural, and social issues,
reflecting the complexities of societal
challenges (Gwekwerere, 2020).
Furthermore, the societal challenge of food
and protein scarcity has prompted the need
for novel protein sources to sustain
population growth. Microalgae, as a novel
protein source, present a resource-efficient
and ecological way of producing
proteinaceous food and feed ingredients,
addressing a critical societal issue (Sui &
Vlaeminck, 2020). Additionally, the
societal power dynamics are evolving, and
novel forms of societal power are being
sought as a response to the erosion of
conventional sources of power, reflecting
the changing landscape of societal
challenges (Butković et al., 2022). In the
context of rapid societal change, novels
serve as a means to introduce novel
theoretical and methodological
approaches to studying societal change,
offering multiple perspectives on how
macro-level changes can create and be
created by micro-level social psychological
phenomena (Smith et al., 2018). Novels
play a pivotal role in occasioning social
change and addressing systemic
oppression, highlighting the contribution
of behavior analysis to creating inclusive
and equitable cultural practices
(Esquierdo-Leal & Houmanfar, 2021). In
conclusion, novels are a rich source for
understanding and analyzing societal
challenges, offering insights into the
entanglement of societal issues, power
dynamics, and the complexities of rapid
societal change.
Novels, as literary works, involve
intrinsic and extrinsic factors. They are not
just about enjoying the presented story,
but also about their impact on the reading
process and learning. Gareis et al., (2009)
Discussing the use of authentic literature,
especially novels, in educational settings,
highlighting its inspiring impact on both
teachers and students. Furthermore, Tsai
(2012) emphasizes the benefits of using
novels as the main material in English as a
Foreign Language (EFL) reading courses,
highlighting unique characteristics that are
beneficial for students. Additionally, Fenty
Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni
Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni, Vol 26, No. 1 Edisi Januari – Juni 2024
P-ISSN: 1412-1662, E-ISSN: 2580-2208 | DOI: http://10.26887/ekspresi.v26i1.3951
Hal | 34
& Brydon (2019) stress the engaging nature of
graphic novels, especially for students with
learning disabilities, indicating that novels
can be highly motivating and captivating for
diverse readers.
This view is further supported by
Khatoon (2022), who asserts that novels can
be suitable for various language courses in
secondary schools and higher education,
indicating their relevance in language
learning and development.
One novel rich in socio-cultural
background, especially the culture of
Minangkabau, is the novel “Kemarau” by A.A.
Navis. G. Doughlass Atkins in (Navis & Yusra,
1994) mentions that Navis' work is not merely
a story. Readers must pay attention to the
textual elements and discourse that are often
overlooked when discussing the narrative.
Since writing the phenomenal short story
"Robohnya Surau Kami" (1995), the name Ali
Akbar Navis or A.A. Navis has always been
attached to the world of Indonesian
literature. His works span a wide range,
including short stories, poetry, novels,
children's stories, essays on socio-cultural
issues, and the writing of autobiographies and
biographies. His novels in the form of serial
stories have also been published in various
mass media.
The statement by Yusra (1994) regarding
the possibility of using "Robohnya Surau
Kami" by Navis as an exercise in composing
“Kemarau” is supported by a study (Andini,
2021), aimed at determining the dynamic
structuralism in the short story "Robohnya
Surau Kami" by A.A. Navis. This study
provides a thorough analysis of the structural
elements of the short story, shedding light on
the potential expansion of ideas from
"Robohnya Surau Kami" to "Kemarau."
Furthermore, a study by Linawati et al.,
(2022) focuses on the analysis of structural
grammar in the short story "Robohnya Surau
Kami" by A.A. Navis, aiming to explain the
sentence structure in the story. This
analysis can provide insights into ideas
that are still in embryonic form in
"Robohnya Surau Kami," which may have
been further developed in "Kemarau."
Pardede (2011) Emphasizing current
trends in teaching English as a Foreign
Language (EFL), it shows the need to
integrate literature because of its rich
potential in providing authentic models of
language use. This supports the idea that
"Robohnya Surau Kami" could be used as
an exercise in composing "Kemarau,"
highlighting the value of literary works in
language teaching and writing exercises.
Overall, these references provide
substantial support for Yusra's (1994)
statement regarding the potential
relationship between "Robohnya Surau
Kami" and "Kemarau," shedding light on
the structural and linguistic aspects that
can connect the two works.
Soekadijo's (1993) statement
regarding the universal prohibition of
sexual relations between close family
members and the portrayal of forbidden
marriage between characters unwittingly
related in the novel “Kemarau” by A.A
Navis is supported by the study conducted
by Ramadyani & Setiawan (2019). This
study focuses on the main character's
struggle in solving significant problems in
his life, including love and family issues,
reflecting the complexity of human
relationships and societal norms.
Additionally, research by Rahayu et al.,
(2019) explores women's resistance
against colonial imperialism in the novel
"Bumi Manusia" by Pramoedya Ananta
Toer, providing insights into the portrayal
of societal resistance and challenges in
Furthermore, the research by Wibowo et
al., (2020) discusses the character
Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni
Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni, Vol 26, No. 1 Edisi Januari – Juni 2024
P-ISSN: 1412-1662, E-ISSN: 2580-2208 | DOI: http://10.26887/ekspresi.v26i1.3951
Hal | 35
education values reflected in the struggle to
maintain Indonesia's independence,
emphasizing the importance of character
values in facing societal challenges. These
references collectively provide insights into
the portrayal of struggles, societal norms, and
human relationships in literature, aligning
with the themes depicted in the novel
“Kemarau” by A.A Navis.
Systematic procedures and scientific
approaches in obtaining data for specific
purposes and objectives, as articulated by
Sugiyono (2018, p. 2), align with the
definition of research methods (Kahneman et
al., 1992). Research methods are crucial to
ensure the precision and reliability of
research findings. They involve a structured
process in the collection, analysis, and
interpretation of data, contributing to the
overall quality of research outcomes
(Gonzalez, 2020). Furthermore, the
reproducibility of experimental and
computational results presented in scientific
papers is an integral and critical part of the
entire research process (Govoni et al., 2019).
This emphasizes the importance of using
robust research methods to ensure the
reproducibility and validity of research
findings. Moreover, purposive sampling in
qualitative research synthesis can be
considered a specific research method that
contributes to comprehensive and systematic
data collection for research purposes (Suri,
The method used in this research is
qualitative research, emphasizing natural
data and its contextual existence, employing
interpretative methods, and presenting
information in descriptive form (Mays &
Pope, 2000). Qualitative research is crucial in
understanding complex questions and
phenomena, especially in the fields of
healthcare and medicine (Mays & Pope, 1995)
It allows for the exploration of relational
power dynamics between researchers and
participants, highlighting the importance
of acknowledging and respecting these
dynamics (Curtis & Keeler, 2022).
Furthermore, qualitative research is often
utilized in clinical settings, akin to clinical
methods, demonstrating its relevance and
applicability in medical research (Tarin,
Moreover, the use of qualitative
descriptive studies is highlighted as a
suitable design for novice researchers,
emphasizing its utility for those new to
qualitative research (Magilvy & Thomas,
2009). Thematic analysis, a method of
qualitative data analysis commonly used in
descriptive research, exhibits various
approaches in qualitative research
(Mohammed, 2022). The adoption of
interpretative qualitative research
methods is also evident in various fields
such as linguistics and semiotics,
demonstrating its flexibility and cross-
disciplinary applicability (Perangin-angin
et al., 2023).
Additionally, qualitative research is
essential for generating hypotheses and
understanding complex phenomena,
complementing quantitative methods used
to test these hypotheses (Teijlingen &
Forrest, 2004). The use of instruments like
observation sheets and questionnaires for
data collection also reflects the diverse
techniques employed in qualitative
research (Ramli et al., 2022).
The descriptive qualitative method is also
highlighted as a valuable approach in
understanding the employee placement
process, demonstrating its relevance in
organizational and management research
(Anggraeni & Nulhaqim, 2020). The
research stages described align with the
qualitative research process, involving
Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni
Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni, Vol 26, No. 1 Edisi Januari – Juni 2024
P-ISSN: 1412-1662, E-ISSN: 2580-2208 | DOI: http://10.26887/ekspresi.v26i1.3951
Hal | 36
data collection, analysis, presentation, and
1. The data collection process includes
obtaining primary data by reading the
novel "Kemarau," identifying core
issues, and collecting secondary data
from relevant literature (Caldas,
2. Subsequent data analysis involves
using a socio-literary approach to
explain events in the text, emphasizing
the relationship between the collected
data and the research object (Adnyana
et al., 2022).
3. Presentation of research findings is
described as a descriptive form,
involving explanations of problem-
solving based on the analysis and
interpretation of data (Adnyana et al.,
4. Finally, the conclusion stage involves
summarizing the results of the analysis
conducted in the research (Saway et
al., 2021).
The novel is a literary work that depicts
social events in society. Usually, novels
contain a lot of education and teachings
conveyed by the author to the readers, serving
as a guide for life. The novel “Kemarau” is one
that reveals the efforts of one character in
convincing all the villagers to fight against the
drought affecting the village.
“Kemarau” is a work by A.A. Navis
published in 1957. In this novel, A.A. Navis
emphasizes the life struggle of the character
Sutan Duano in changing the mindset of the
people in the village and the stigma that
cannot be erased from his life—the fact that
Sutan Duano's child has engaged in a
forbidden marriage with their own sibling.
The novel “Kemarau” by AA Navis serves
as an example reflecting Minangkabau
society. The author describes the life of the
Minangkabau community, where the
tradition of mutual consultation
(musyawarah) in solving problems in a
residential environment has disappeared.
Even good relationships among family
members no longer exist. Through this
novel, it is hoped that readers will become
wiser and think carefully when facing and
resolving problems with patience.
Faktor Penyebab Perkawinan
Terlarang dalam Novel Kemarau
Karya A.A Navis
1. Divorce Factors
Not all marriages between men and
women lead to happiness. Sometimes,
marriages end in divorce, indicating the
termination of the family relationship
because one or both partners decide to
leave each other and cease their duties as
husband and wife. Subekti (1985) states
that divorce is the termination of a
marriage through a judge's decision or the
demand of one party in the marriage.
Divorce not only happens in real life but is
also reflected in literature, such as in the
novel “Kemarau” by A.A. Navis. In this
novel, it is narrated that the divorce
between Sutan Duano and Iyah is caused
by Iyah's behavior, who tries to eliminate
everything that reminds Sutan Duano of
his deceased first wife. The divorce has a
negative impact on Masri, Sutan Duano's
child from his first wife who passed away.
Masri later marries his own sibling,
conceived when his father divorced Iyah,
without knowing that they are biological
Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni
Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni, Vol 26, No. 1 Edisi Januari – Juni 2024
P-ISSN: 1412-1662, E-ISSN: 2580-2208 | DOI: http://10.26887/ekspresi.v26i1.3951
Hal | 37
The divorce in this novel portrays its
negative consequences, including emotional
losses and challenging consequences that all
parties involved have to face. In the quoted
passage, Iyah reveals that she was pregnant
when she was divorced, a fact that Sutan
Duano was unaware of. Additionally, the
marriage between Masri and Arni, a direct
consequence of the divorce, shows that lack of
understanding and communication within
the family can lead to prolonged problems.
The novel imparts a lesson that divorce
is not a good solution to family problems.
Every issue should be addressed wisely.
Parents also have a responsibility to create
harmony in the family, prevent issues that
could lead to divorce, and ensure that it does
not have negative effects on their children.
2. Migration Factors
Migration means leaving one's hometown or
birthplace to seek life experiences for boys in
Minangkabau. However, in A.A. Navis' novel
"Kemarau," Masri's migration is not the
typical migration we commonly know. Masri,
who was still a child, left his father and his
hometown to go to Surabaya solely because of
the disappointment he felt towards his father.
Masri's departure to Surabaya can be seen
from the following quote:
"And the door was open; he was
stunned. On the floor, he saw a letter. A
stamped letter. During his stay in the village,
that was the first time he received a letter."
"Only then did he pick up the letter. He
read the sender's address. His hand
trembled. He was bewildered and didn't
know what to do first. The letter turned out
to be from his son in Surabaya" (Navis,
Masri's journey to Surabaya is also
followed by his stepmother, who was
abandoned by his father for erasing memories
with his deceased mother. Masri and Arni,
who had both grown up by that time, are
reunited and fall in love, eventually leading
to marriage. They are unaware that they
are biological siblings separated when Arni
was still in Iyah's womb. Arni's mother,
Iyah, is also unaware that her son-in-law is
the child of the husband who abandoned
her, as Iyah and Arni lived apart and she
did not know who Masri was. After Masri
and Arni marry and are about to have their
first child, Iyah finally gathers with them
and realizes that they are biological
Upon learning that her two children have
married, Iyah cannot bring herself to tell
them. She does not want her daughter,
Arni, to experience the bitterness of life
that she once went through when marrying
Masri's father again. Therefore, Iyah keeps
silent about it. Sutan Duano, who comes to
visit his son in Surabaya, is met with an
unpleasant reception from his son's in-
laws. This can be seen from the following
"An old woman, thin and wrinkled almost
like a standing corpse, stood at the
doorway. The woman looked at him with
hatred as she swept her entire body."
"Why did you come here?" the woman
asked with a tone full of hatred."
"Sutan Duano looked strangely at the
woman who greeted him with hatred. He
observed the woman's face for a long
time" (Navis, 1992).
Receiving a hostile reception from the
woman, Sutan Duano is surprised and
gazes at her for a long time, then realizes
that she is Iyah, the woman he abandoned.
Iyah is the woman Sutan Duano married
after his first wife passed away. Seeing
Sutan Duano coming to her house brings
back memories of the heartache she
Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni
Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni, Vol 26, No. 1 Edisi Januari – Juni 2024
P-ISSN: 1412-1662, E-ISSN: 2580-2208 | DOI: http://10.26887/ekspresi.v26i1.3951
Hal | 38
experienced in the past, all because Sutan
Duano abandoned her. Iyah, seeing Sutan
Duano, who came to meet Masri, instead
drives him away, thinking that his presence
will ruin Masri and Arni's happy life. This can
be seen from the following quote:
"I will say it, if you promise to leave this
house immediately."
"Why do you always press me to leave? You
have no right to drive me away from here,
after I came this far" (Navis, 1992).
From this, it can be understood that
migration in the novel is not by choice but by
destiny, leading to the migration. However,
due to the young age that is not enough to
migrate and the father's behavior of frequent
divorces, his son does not know the family
lineage and his siblings.
Social Reality of Marriage in
Minangkabau Society
Statement regarding marriage as a
social pattern involving the formation of
families and its impact on society aligns with
the cultural and social significance of
marriage, particularly in the context of
Minangkabau customs. Minangkabau
customs emphasize the preservation of
ancestral heritage through ideal marriage
practices, such as marrying close relatives, as
an effort to maintain household stability,
especially in situations where the husband's
role is unclear (Kalmijn, 1998). This reflects
the dynamics of social power, individual
preferences, and the influence of social
groups in shaping marriage patterns (Ahmad
et al., 2015). According to Minangkabau
customs, the ideal marriage is aimed at
preserving ancestral heritage. One way to
achieve this is by marrying within close
families, such as marrying a maternal cousin
known as "pulang ka mamak" or marrying a
father's niece known as "pulang ka bako"
embodying the concept of "anak di pangku
kemanakan dibimbing" (a child in the lap
is guided by the kin). In Minangkabau, this
type of marriage is considered ideal and
serves as a safeguard against the fragility of
households, especially in situations where
the husband's role is unclear (Yaswirman,
The next level of ideal marriage is
the reciprocal exchange of siblings,
meaning that male and female siblings A
marry in a crosswise manner with male
and female siblings B. The subsequent
order includes marriages within the same
neighborhood, village, sub-district, and
finally, among Minangkabau people. In
other words, the ideal marriage for the
Minangkabau community is a marriage
among themselves (Navis, 1984).
The relationship of marriage within
close families in Minangkabau customs is
described by the proverb "Kuah tatumpah
ka nasi, siriah pulang ka gagangnyo." The
meaning of this proverb is that if a child is
married to a niece or nephew, both become
our responsibilities, and if we die, the
inheritance will also pass on to them. Even
though we spend a lot of money or incur
expenses, our children will also benefit
from it (Pamuntjak, 1985).
In contrast, according to Islamic
teachings, the ideal marriage (Kafa'ah) is
based on compatibility, equality, or
similarity. Husband and wife should be of
equal status, on the same level, or similar
(mumatsalah or musawah). Equality can
be viewed in terms of nobility, wealth, and
knowledge. Therefore, Muslim women are
not allowed to marry non-Muslim men
(Yaswirman, 2011).
In every society, regardless of its
kinship structure, marriage requires
adjustments in many aspects. Marriage
Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni
Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni, Vol 26, No. 1 Edisi Januari – Juni 2024
P-ISSN: 1412-1662, E-ISSN: 2580-2208 | DOI: http://10.26887/ekspresi.v26i1.3951
Hal | 39
creates new relationships not only between
the individuals involved, between the groom
and bride, but also between the two families.
The introduction and approach to getting to
know the characters of each individual and
their families are crucial to achieving
compatibility or harmony in the future
interaction between the families (Amir,
The statement about the
responsibilities and consequences of
marriage aligns with the broader implications
of marriage in Minangkabau society. The
social and legal consequences of violating
customary or Islamic provisions related to
marriage resonate with the concept of
punishment and social norms Fehr &
Fischbacher (2004). The emphasis on
fulfilling customary requirements in
Minangkabau society reflects the significance
of social and moral norms, where violations
may lead to isolation or exclusion,
highlighting the role of punishment in
regulating interpersonal behavior
(Gummerum et al., 2019). Additionally,
studies on the neutrality of the state civil
apparatus in elections emphasize the
importance of legal compliance and
enforcement of regulations, relevant to the
consequences of violating marriage
provisions (Mawuntu et al., 2023). Analyzing
the distribution of inheritance from the
perspectives of Minangkabau customary law
and Islamic law also sheds light on the legal
and cultural dimensions of marriage and their
implications for property rights and
inheritance (Muharam & Suparno, 2022).
These references collectively support the
social, legal, and cultural dimensions of
marriage, particularly in the context of
Minangkabau society, and the broader
implications of violating customary or Islamic
provisions related to marriage.
The requirements outlined by Sukmasari,
as quoted in Amir (1997), regarding
marriage in Minangkabau society
emphasize the cultural and customary
prerequisites for a valid marriage. These
requirements include the religious
affiliation of both prospective spouses, the
prohibition of marriage between blood
relatives or individuals from the same
ethnic group, the necessity for mutual
respect and appreciation of both families,
and the need for the prospective husband
to have a source of income to support the
family (Aziz et al., 2020). These conditions
reflect the cultural significance and
societal expectations surrounding
marriage in the Minang community.
Adherence to these requirements is crucial
for the recognition of marriage as
appropriate and correct according to
Minangkabau customs, underscoring the
cultural and traditional values associated
with marriage in Minangkabau society
(Aziz et al., 2020). The emphasis on the
grandeur and importance of marriage as a
once-in-a-lifetime event further highlights
the significance of the cultural and
emotional values embedded in marriage in
Minang society (Samiran et al., 2022).
The Novel Depicts Social Reality
Literary works are the products of
thought involving imagination, serving to
express and release emotions, and
liberating both the reader and the writer
from emotional pressures through the use
of language as its medium (Moputi &
Husain, 2019). Literary imagination
reflects and exists in a mutually influential
relationship with moral and organizational
imagination (Calvard, 2018). Moreover,
the interpretation of literary texts, woven
by the free play of imagination, is a practice
in which readers have the possibility to
Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni
Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni, Vol 26, No. 1 Edisi Januari – Juni 2024
P-ISSN: 1412-1662, E-ISSN: 2580-2208 | DOI: http://10.26887/ekspresi.v26i1.3951
Hal | 40
reconfigure how they perceive the world and
act (Rohden, 2020). Additionally, the
appreciation of modern literature involves a
re-creative imagination along the traces of the
depictions and hints of the work, imagining
their conditions and fate in line with the
characters and scenes depicted in the work,
and then reconstructing aesthetic images in
the mind (Jing-xia, 2022). Junus
(1986)mentions that the creation of literary
works involves the intervention of the author
to convey the reality of society in the author's
own thoughts. Thus, the creation of literary
works involves a mutually supportive
relationship between the author, cultural
values, and elements of imagination.
A literary artist will always be sensitive
and attentive to observe the phenomena
occurring in their environment, leading to
what is known as historical and social truth in
literary works (Wellek & Warren, 1995).
Authors, in their creative process, refer to
human beings, events, and language as
understood by people in general. Literary
works are considered meaningful structures
representing the worldview of the author, not
as individuals but as representatives of a
certain society (Taum, 1997).
The idea of a story is conveyed through
the language and thought process of the
author. The expression of these ideas is
inseparable from the surrounding
environment, as the author of literary works
is a member of society. As a member of
society, the author is influenced by the values
and norms prevailing in the community
where they live. In addition to the author,
readers are individuals bound by the norms
and values of society, so as members of
society, they have the freedom to assess a
literary work. Their judgment is made after
reading a literary work because, after reading,
there arises a standard for evaluating and
critiquing literary works. The process carried
out by readers generally stems from the
assessment of norms existing in society
(Damono, 1978).
Forbidden Marriages and Realities
in Minangkabau
The Minangkabau community upholds the
values of "Adat Basandi Syara, Syara
Basandi Kitabullah" in life, where Islamic
teachings serve as a guide in deciding and
resolving various issues in Minangkabau
customs. The view is that marriage is
considered a duty for those who are
financially capable (Susetyo et al., 2022).
When discussing marriage in
Minangkabau customs, it is seen as a
process to unite two different families into
one after the marriage ceremony. In
Minangkabau, the recommended marriage
is the "pulang ka bako" marriage. The
marriages revealed in this novel are
forbidden by Minangkabau customs and
Islamic law. This is due to the marriage
between two siblings that was not realized
by the main characters, especially the
daughter. This can occur due to the
negligence of parents in educating and
supervising their children's social lives.
In essence, the marriage depicted in the
novel “Kemarau” by A.A Navis has
deviated from the norms of Islam and
Minangkabau customs. Essentially,
marriage not only unites two individuals
but also brings together large families from
both the male and female sides. The rules
in Minangkabau customs make marriages
as described in this novel difficult to occur.
Involvement from the families of both
parties can also make this marriage
difficult to materialize. If there is a blood
relationship between the two prospective
Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni
Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni, Vol 26, No. 1 Edisi Januari – Juni 2024
P-ISSN: 1412-1662, E-ISSN: 2580-2208 | DOI: http://10.26887/ekspresi.v26i1.3951
Hal | 41
spouses, it will be known during the family
meeting, and the marriage cannot proceed.
In the novel "Kemarau," it is narrated that the
couple involved in the forbidden marriage
eventually decides to separate. If such a
marriage happens in real life, the same
consequences would apply. Couples involved
in forbidden marriages, both in terms of
religion and Minangkabau customs, are
required to separate for their own good, the
good of their children, and their families.
Forbidden marriages will bring shame to the
couple and their families if known by the
community. The community will distance
themselves, ostracize, or even expel the
couple from their village. Social sanctions will
be imposed on the couple involved in the
forbidden marriage who are unwilling to
separate or divorce. Social sanctions apply
not only to the couple but also to their
families and descendants.
The novel “Kemarau” also shows that
communication between parents and
children, whether when parents are still alive
or have passed away or separated, is crucial
for the child's future. The novel also teaches
that the social actions taken by parents in the
past can impact the family's life. Thus, the
role of the family is essential to prevent
forbidden marriages, as depicted in the novel.
The Minangkabau custom, which emphasizes
the value of family and mutual consultation,
if practiced, can prevent forbidden marriages.
The novel “Kemarau” teaches its readers to
always educate and supervise their children
well, in line with Islamic teachings and
Minangkabau customs. Although, until now,
there hasn't been a reality of forbidden
marriages as depicted in the novel
"Kemarau," it is not impossible. A society that
gradually forgets customs and culture can
become a trigger for this phenomenon.
Therefore, this literary work is present to
educate its readers about the importance of
upholding the teachings of Islam and
Minangkabau customs wherever they are.
Marriage is a physical and spiritual
bond between a man and a woman as
husband and wife, with the goal of forming
a happy family. However, in the novel
"Kemarau," the author presents a story
depicting a different marital issue, namely
forbidden marriage between siblings who
have different mothers.
Although such marriages may not
be encountered in Minangkabau society,
they can serve as a learning experience for
parents in raising their children. Thus,
marriages like those depicted in the novel
“Kemarau” will not occur in real life.
In the novel "Kemarau," the author
can conclude that forbidden marriages can
occur due to various factors, including
parental and migration factors. Therefore,
the Minangkabau community needs to
increase awareness and attention to their
children to become good parents.
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Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni, Vol 26, No. 1 Edisi Januari – Juni 2024
P-ISSN: 1412-1662, E-ISSN: 2580-2208 | DOI: http://10.26887/ekspresi.v26i1.3951
Hal | 42
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Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni, Vol 26, No. 1 Edisi Januari – Juni 2024
P-ISSN: 1412-1662, E-ISSN: 2580-2208 | DOI: http://10.26887/ekspresi.v26i1.3951
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Ekspresi Seni : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Karya Seni, Vol 26, No. 1 Edisi Januari – Juni 2024
P-ISSN: 1412-1662, E-ISSN: 2580-2208 | DOI: http://10.26887/ekspresi.v26i1.3951
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