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Material compósito reforçado com bagaço da cana-de-açúcar na criação de ecojoiaSugarcane bagasse reinforced composite material in the creation of eco-friendly jewellerySugarcane bagasse reinforced composite material in the creation of eco-friendly jewellerySugarcane bagasse reinforced composite material in the creation of eco-friendly jewellery


Abstract and Figures

Atualmente muito se discute sobre os impactos ambientais da indústria da moda. O designer, como agente transformador nesse processo, tem a responsabilidade de incorporar a sustentabilidade aos seus métodos de produção e produtos de forma a minimizar tais impactos. É no contexto da sustentabilidade que surge o MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard), painéis ecológicos de baixo custo e com diferentes aplicações, inclusive para a aplicação em acessórios de moda. O MDF, porém, é responsável por liberações de formol na atmosfera, causando riscos à vida no planeta. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo desenvolver um compósito para substituir o MDF e, com esse intuito, fez-se uso do bagaço da cana-de-açúcar para aplicação no desenvolvimento de ecojoias. Metodologicamente desenvolveuse uma pesquisa bibliográfica seguida de uma pesquisa experimental com abordagem hipotéticodedutiva. Ademais, foram realizados ensaios laboratoriais, como testes de absorção por imersão de líquidos, de inchamento em espessura e de impacto. Por fim, os resultados foram analisados, o que comprovou a viabilidade desse material na produção de ecojoias.
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Material compósito reforçado com bagaço
da cana-de-açúcar na criação de ecojoias
Sustainability in Debate - Brasília, v. 15, n.2, p. 342-359, ago/2024 ISSN-e 2179-9067
Material compósito reforçado com bagaço da
cana-de-açúcar na criação de ecojoias
Sugarcane bagasse reinforced composite material in the
Received: 25/06/2024
Accepted: 22/08/2024
 
   
              
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 
 
Palavras-chav: 
              
 
Souza et al.
343 Sustainability in Debate - Brasília, v. 15, n.2, p. 342-359, ago/2024
ISSN-e 2179-9067
   
  
        
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  
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et al
             
et al
et al
  
 
            
       
            
             
Material compósito reforçado com bagaço
da cana-de-açúcar na criação de ecojoias
Sustainability in Debate - Brasília, v. 15, n.2, p. 342-359, ago/2024 ISSN-e 2179-9067
  
             
  
fast fashion
fashion        
          
            
  
              
et al    
          
 cradle to cradle
                
   
       
           
            
             
Souza et al.
345 Sustainability in Debate - Brasília, v. 15, n.2, p. 342-359, ago/2024
ISSN-e 2179-9067
   
   
   
             
    
et al
  
et al
  
et al
et al
et al
et alet al    
et al
           
              
          
Material compósito reforçado com bagaço
da cana-de-açúcar na criação de ecojoias
Sustainability in Debate - Brasília, v. 15, n.2, p. 342-359, ago/2024 ISSN-e 2179-9067
             
              
et al
           
  
et al
           
et al
   
      
       
         
    
et al
et al
               
           
      
         et al      
Souza et al.
 Sustainability in Debate - Brasília, v. 15, n.2, p. 342-359, ago/2024
ISSN-e 2179-9067
              
             
et al
               
            
       
   
                
  
       
   
      
            
Material compósito reforçado com bagaço
da cana-de-açúcar na criação de ecojoias
Sustainability in Debate - Brasília, v. 15, n.2, p. 342-359, ago/2024 ISSN-e 2179-9067
    
            
   
               
  
     
               
   
Souza et al.
 Sustainability in Debate - Brasília, v. 15, n.2, p. 342-359, ago/2024
ISSN-e 2179-9067
brainstorming    
            
            
             
  
 
     
Figura 1 – 
Material compósito reforçado com bagaço
da cana-de-açúcar na criação de ecojoias
Sustainability in Debate - Brasília, v. 15, n.2, p. 342-359, ago/2024 ISSN-e 2179-9067
 
 
         et al      
     
   
Figura 2 – 
 
  
Souza et al.
351 Sustainability in Debate - Brasília, v. 15, n.2, p. 342-359, ago/2024
ISSN-e 2179-9067
Tabela 1 – 
 
 
 
   
   
   
   
 et al            
Figura 3 – 
 
 
            
Material compósito reforçado com bagaço
da cana-de-açúcar na criação de ecojoias
Sustainability in Debate - Brasília, v. 15, n.2, p. 342-359, ago/2024 ISSN-e 2179-9067
Tabela 2 – 
 
 
 
 
 5432
 5432
 4223
    
  
                  
  
            
               
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    
                 
 
            
            
 
 
 
Material compósito reforçado com bagaço
da cana-de-açúcar na criação de ecojoias
Sustainability in Debate - Brasília, v. 15, n.2, p. 342-359, ago/2024 ISSN-e 2179-9067
            
Figura 4 – 
               
   
        
                
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355 Sustainability in Debate - Brasília, v. 15, n.2, p. 342-359, ago/2024
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       
of hybrid carbon-aramid bre on performance of non-asbestos organic brake fricon composites
   Barriers to sustainability in clothing manufacturing and fashion culture  
        
ASTM. D256 -10: standard test methods for determining
the izod pendulum impact resistance of plascs.
   D570-98: standard test method for water absorpon of
    D3878 standard referring to standard Terminology for
composite materials.    
Surfaces and Interfaces
 hallenges for applying the Cradle-to-cradle methodology to the life cycle of MDF and
MDP furniture           
Parque Encontro dos Rios 
Structural characteriscs and properes of polymer composites reinforced with buri bers.
 
Liquid Modernity
Development and characterizaon of polymer composites reinforced with lignocellulosic
bers             
Market overview
Material compósito reforçado com bagaço
da cana-de-açúcar na criação de ecojoias
Sustainability in Debate - Brasília, v. 15, n.2, p. 342-359, ago/2024 ISSN-e 2179-9067
 ABRAF stascal yearbook 2013 
NBR 14810-2
NBR 15326-3
Sustainable ideas and businesses
    
Find out more about trends in the cachaça
Ensinarmode Magazine
Our common future
Development and characterizaon of a banana ber composite for applicaon in model
     
Polymers and Polymer Composites
Tribology Internaonal
Electronic proceedings
 
Polymer Tesng
 Riverside Park in the Santa Rosa neighborhood – Teresina (PI)
    Analysis of tension and exural properes of sandwich composites.  
Cement & Concrete Composites
            
J. Mater. Sci.
The jewel
Journal of Business Research
Souza et al.
 Sustainability in Debate - Brasília, v. 15, n.2, p. 342-359, ago/2024
ISSN-e 2179-9067
     The river as landscape     
Development and characterizaon of composites reinforced with ax and sisal bers
            Polymer composite materials 
of Environmental Management
            ournal of Markeng and
Young Journal.
        
Journal of Cleaner Producon
Resources, Conservaon and Recycling,
Slow Fashion
             
              
Composites Science and Technology,
           The exploraon of creavity, through the use of the
brainstorming technique, adapted to the fashion creaon process
Anais eletrônicos [...] 
       
Composites Science and Technology
             
Manufacturing Leers
Monitoring the Brazilian sugarcane harvest
Material compósito reforçado com bagaço
da cana-de-açúcar na criação de ecojoias
Sustainability in Debate - Brasília, v. 15, n.2, p. 342-359, ago/2024 ISSN-e 2179-9067
Evaluaon of fresh and modied sugarcane bagasse bers for applicaon in composites
            
              
Journal of Composie Scienece
 in natura
Applied Science and Manufacturing
        
       Evaluaon of the mechanical properes of composites
produced with post-consumer waste from the furniture industry    
in naturaMacromolecular
rapid communicaons
Online Producon Magazine
Contemporary Jewelry
             
     
Design and Technology
A. Fabricaon and evaluaon of physical and
mechanical properes of jute and coconut coir reinforced polymer matrix composite
Journal of Cleaner Producon
             
    Journal of Cleaner Producon 
             
        Polymers and Polymer Composites  
Knowledge Management
Souza et al.
 Sustainability in Debate - Brasília, v. 15, n.2, p. 342-359, ago/2024
ISSN-e 2179-9067
Journal of Vinyl & Addive Technology
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 Composites Science and
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Composites were manufactured from glass fiber, bagasse fly ash, and epoxy matrix and examined their mechanical and physical properties. The percentages of bagasse fine ash, glass fiber, and matrix were designed at 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30% with 30% glass fiber and conducted density, flexural strength, hardness, absorption of water, and swelling properties of thickness. Composites were prepared by manual layering. ASTM standards were followed in preparing the samples. According to the results, the bagasse fine ash percentage variation was significant in the composite but had no linear effects on its hardness and flexural strength. A 20% bagasse fine ash composite had the highest flexural strength and hardness at 27.65 MPa and 52.86 HRA, respectively, which are significantly (>0.002) higher than composites of 30% bagasse fine ash, along with the highest density. This study measured water absorption and swelling of composite samples immersed in distilled water for 192 h. As the bagasse ash content increases, these values were linearly increased until saturation occurs.
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Enormous amounts of plastic wastes are generated worldwide and the approaches related to plastic recycling or reusing have become the research focus in the field of composite materials. In this study, green composites were prepared via melt-blending method using high-density polyethylene (HDPE) sourced from plastic bags as a matrix and sugarcane bagasse (SCB) fiber as reinforcing filler. The effects of fiber loading (5, 10 and 15 wt%) and fiber modification on the mechanical and dimensional stability (weight gain by water absorption) properties of the green composites were investigated. Results showed that the inclusion of SCB fiber into recycled HDPE matrix increased the composite stiffness but decreased the mechanical strength and resistance to water absorption. With the fiber modification through alkali treatment, the mechanical strength was remarkably improved, and the modulus and water absorption of the composites were found to be reduced. From the finding, it can be concluded that the prepared green composites free of coupling agent could add value to the plastic and agricultural wastes, and serve a potential candidate to replace some conventional petroleum-based composites.
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In this study, experiments are performed to study the physical and mechanical behaviour of chemically-treated sugarcane bagasse fibre-reinforced epoxy composite. The effect of alkali treatment, fibre varieties, and fibre lengths on physical and mechanical properties of the composites is studied. To study the morphology of the fractured composites, scanning electron microscopy is performed over fractured composite surfaces. The study found that the variety and lengths of fibres significantly influence the physical and mechanical properties of the sugarcane bagasse-reinforced composites. From the wear study, it is found that the composite fabricated from smaller fibre lengths show low wear. The chemically-treated bagasse-reinforced composites fabricated in this study show good physical and mechanical properties and are, therefore, proposed for use in applications in place of conventional natural fibres.
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Natural fiber-reinforced composites are getting progressively predominant because of low-cost and high specific characteristics fiber. These are non-abrasive and biodegradable materials. The composites of natural fibers have unique properties compared with traditional composites of fiber. The main objective of the present study is the utilization of jute and coir fibers if reinforcement material for the fabrication of natural composites. To characterize the composites and develop a better understanding of these composites, the physical and mechanical properties of these composites are evaluated to find hardness, flexural and tensile properties of the jute/coconut coir reinforced polymer matrix composite. It is found that the composite with the composition of 85% jute and 15% coconut provides higher tensile strength because of the higher wt % of the jute fiber. The composite with a composition of 50% jute and 50% coconut coir fiber behaves like semi brittle and ductile as it contains 50/50% jute and coconut fiber. Hence, from this study, it was concluded that composite specimens are fundamentally more durable than pure coir specimens.
Composite materials derived from eco‐friendly natural fibres and other biodegradable materials have gained prominence in industrial applications due to their sustainability and reduced greenhouse gas emissions attributes in comparison with conventional reinforcements such as glass and carbon fibres. Application of natural fibre‐polymer composites (NFPCs) in different industrial applications provides competitive edge due to its lightweight, higher specific mechanical properties than glass fibres, sustainability and lesser cost involved in production. There are certain challenges associated with natural fibers and its reinforcement in composites such as poor bonding between the fibres and matrix due to its contradictory nature of characteristics, moisture absorption, lower thermal properties and poor interfacial adhesion between the natural fibre and polymer matrix. The challenges involved in NFPCs needs to be overcome to produce materials with relatively equivalent properties to that of conventional compositesand other metallic structures. Several researchers around the globe have conducted investigations with the primary attention being paid to the modification of natural fibers and matrix by employing surface treatments and other chemical treatment methods. In order to address the need for eco‐friendly and sustainable materials in different domains, a comprehensive review on natural fibers and its sources, available matrix materials, modification techniques, mechanical and thermal properties of NFPCs is needed for better understanding of behavior of NFPCs.This work provides the information and wholistic view of natural fibre reinforced composites based on the results obtained from modification techniques,with the view of focusing the review in terms of different chemical and physical treatment techniques, modification of fibers and matrix and enhanced mechanical and thermal properties in the composites. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
Herein, in the present review we developed and investigated a comprehensive review of advanced composite materials based on thermoplastic polymers, elastomer polymers and thermosetting polymers. These advanced composite materials were reinforced by organic and/or inorganic fibers and formulated using various fillers such as organic, mineral and metallic. Further, we present the development and the synthesis of several macromolecular matrices namely polycarbonate, polyhexamethylene sebacic, polyether sulfone, polyether ether ketone, polyether ketone ketone, polyether imide, polyethylene terephthalate, phenoplasts, epoxy resin and polyurethane. The advantage of composite materials formulating is to have excellent mechanical performances, high thermal resistance, good fire behavior, high impact resistance, best abrasion resistance, exceptional electric insulation and good rigidity. Then, composite materials formulation were examined and discussed in detail.
The present investigation aims to explore the influence of simultaneous loading of aramid/carbon fibers, as high-performance reinforcements, on thermal, mechanical, and frictional behaviors of phenolic-resin-based non-asbestos organic (NAO) friction materials. The hybrid composite specimens were made at different ratios of carbon and aramid fibers but at a total fixed fiber loading of 8 vol%. The influence of carbon fiber on the improvement of impact strength and thermal conductivity was found to be more prominent than aramid fiber. The thermal stability of friction composites under nitrogen and real condition was investigated. The frictional data drawn from a Chase type friction tester revealed that the coefficient of friction and fade behavior were improved by incorporating aramid fiber. However, carbon fiber improved the wear resistance significantly in comparison with aramid fiber. The surface morphology of the composites was investigated precisely using scanning electron microscopy. Taking all the characterizations (physical, thermal, and tribological) into account, it was revealed that the sample holding 6 vol% aramid fiber and 2 vol% carbon fiber presented the best performance in terms of coefficient of friction, wear rate and fade behavior.
The current global scenario has a great impact on the development of new bio-based materials due to its vital advantages that are helpful in replacing synthetic and hazardous materials. This perspective review presents the advancement in the processing techniques, characterizations, future scope and methods to overcome the limitations in biofibers, biopolymers, biofilms, and bio composites. This provides vital information on advanced bio-based materials and its composites for their potential usage in biomedical, commercial and engineering sectors to the researchers and scientists. The usage of bio-based materials that are renewable in the field of constructions and engineering will improve the sustainability by reducing wastages, landfills and toxic emissions leading to greener and cleaner environment.
To investigate the scratch behavior of short glass fiber (SGF) reinforced polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) composites, the scratch tests with the progressively increasing normal load were conducted for PBT reinforced with 0 wt%, 10 wt%, 20 wt% and 30 wt% SGF. The effect of fiber content and orientation on the scratch behavior of PBT composites and underlying scratch damage mechanisms were investigated. The addition of SGF alters the critical normal loads of onset fish-scale deformation and material removal respectively. The glass fiber fracture was observed and its damage mechanism was analyzed. The results show that although the bulk mechanical properties of PBT are enhanced, the addition of glass fiber generally causes poor scratch resistance. The guidance for designing scratch-resistant SGF reinforced PBT is also discussed.