Conference PaperPDF Available

6th International Scientific Conference on Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Modelling in Education - Conference proceedings



The primary goal of the conference is to promote further international cooperation between scientists from different disciplines involved in the study of Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Modelling in Education. The overall aim of the conference is to create integrated models and connect education to contemporary research findings from the fields of the Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Science, Psychology, Education, Neuroscience, Cognitive Modelling, and Artificial Intelligence.
6. Mednarodna znanstvena
konferenca o filozofiji duha in
kognitivnem modeliranju v
6th International Scientific Conference on Philosophy of Mind
and Cognitive Modelling in Education
Zbornik prispevkov
Conference proceedings
Maribor, Slovenia
Copyright©2024 Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko (FNM), Univerza v Mariboru (UM) in Inštitut Antona
Martina Slomška (ZAMS). julij, 2024.
Pravice intelektualne lastnine vsebine publikacije so izključna last FNM, UM in ZAMS, zato je brez pisnega
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Copyright©2024 Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (FNM), University of Maribor (UM) and Anton
Martin Slomšek Institute (ZAMS). July, 2024.
The intellectual property rights of the contents of the publication are the sole property of FNM, UM and ZAMS
and therefore the reproduction, distribution, public disclosure, transformation, or any other activity that can be
carried out with the contents of its proceedings is forbidden, without written consent from FNM, UM and
6. Mednarodna znanstvena konferenca o filozofiji duha in
kognitivnem razmišljanju v izobraževanju
Zavod Antona Martina Slomška
Oblikovno in tehnično
Zbornik prispevkov
Kraj in datum izdaje:
Maribor, 2024
Cobiss ID
Zapis CIP
Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani
COBISS.SI-ID 200760579
ISBN 978-961-95490-3-2 (PDF)
© Avtorji navedeni v kazalu vsebine.
Prispevki so natisnjeni brez bistvenih sprememb, takšni, kot so jih poslali avtorji.
Objavo so odobrili znanstveni uredniki založbe.
© The authors listed in the Table of Contents.
Contributions are printed as delivered by authors without substantial modifications.
Publication is approved by the scientific editors of the publisher.
Hvaležno se zahvaljujemo projektom:
Projektu št. C3350-23-927042, "Inovativna pedagogika 5.0" za finančno podporo. Projekt
sofinancirata Ministrstvo za vzgojo in izobraževanje in Evropska unija - NextGenerationEU.
Programski skupini št. P5-0433: "Digitalno prestrukturiranje deficitarnih poklicev za družbo 5.0
(industrijo 4.0)" za finančno podporo. Projekt sofinancira ARIS, Javna agencija za
znanstvenoraziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost Republike Slovenije
Ciljno raziskovalni program (CRP) št. V2-2274: "Pouk s ščepcem umetne inteligence" za finančno
podporo. Projekt sofinancira ARIS, Javna agencija za znanstvenoraziskovalno in inovacijsko
dejavnost Republike Slovenije
We gratefully wish to acknowledge projects:
Project no. C3350-23-927042, "Innovative pedagogy 5.0" for financial support. The project is co-
financed by the Ministry of Education and the European Union - NextGenerationEU.
Program group no. P5-0433: "Digital Restructuring of Deficient Professions for Society 5.0 (Industry
4.0)" for financial support. The project is co-financed by ARIS, the Slovenian Research and
Innovation Agency.
Research Program (CRP) no. V2-2274: "Teaching with a Pinch of Artificial Intelligence" for the
financial support. The project is co-financed by ARIS, the Slovenian Research and Innovation
Organizacija konference / Conference-Organization
O konferenci
6. mednarodna znanstvena konferenca o filozofiji duha in kognitivnem modeliranju v izobraževanju je
potekala na Univerzi v Mariboru in na Zavodu Antona Martina Slomška v Mariboru. Namen konference
je bil predstaviti najnovejše raziskave strokovnjakov s področij filozofije duha, kognitivne znanosti,
psihologije, nevroznanosti, umetne inteligence in izobraževanja. Visokokakovostne raziskave,
predstavljene na konferenci, so zdaj objavljene v obliki konferenčnega zbornika.
Program konference je bil razdeljen na štiri sekcije:
1. filozofija,
2. psihologija, kognitivna znanost in nevroznanost,
3. umetna inteligenca, zgodovina znanosti in družbe,
4. izobraževanje.
Prve tri sekcije so se ukvarjale predvsem s temeljnimi teoretičnimi raziskavami na teh področjih,
medtem ko je bila zadnja sekcija osredotočena tudi na uporabo rezultatov raziskav v praksi. K
predstavitvi rezultatov svojega raziskovalnega dela so bili povabljeni raziskovalci, podiplomski
študenti, učitelji in ravnatelji vključeni v različne projekte ter ostali strokovni delavci.
About the Conference
The 6th International Scientific Conference on Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Modelling in
Education took place at the University of Maribor and at the Anton Martin Slomšek Institute in Maribor,
Slovenia. The aim of the conference was to present the latest research by experts in the fields of
Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Science, Psychology, Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, and
Education. The high-quality research presented at the conference is now published in the form of
conference proceedings.
The conference program was divided into four sections:
1. philosophy,
2. psychology, cognitive science and neuroscience,
3. artificial intelligence, history of science and society,
4. education.
The first three sections were concerned mostly with basic theoretical research in the fields, while the
last one focused also on applying research findings to practice. Researchers, post-graduate students,
teachers and principals involved in various projects and other professionals were invited to present the
results of their research.
Cilji/tematika znanstvene konference
Glavni cilj konference je spodbuditi nadaljnje mednarodno sodelovanje med znanstveniki z različnih
področij, ki se ukvarjajo s preučevanjem filozofije uma in kognitivnega modeliranja v izobraževanju.
Splošni cilj konference je oblikovanje celostnih modelov in povezovanje izobraževanja s sodobnimi
raziskovalnimi izsledki s področij filozofije uma, kognitivne znanosti, psihologije, izobraževanja,
nevroznanosti, kognitivnega modeliranja in umetne inteligence.
Aims / Topic of Scientific Conference
The primary goal of the conference is to promote further international cooperation between scientists
from different disciplines involved in the study of Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Modelling in
The overall aim of the conference is to create integrated models and connect education to contemporary
research findings from the fields of the Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Science, Psychology, Education,
Neuroscience, Cognitive Modelling, and Artificial Intelligence.
Mednarodni znanstveni odbor / International Scientific Committee
Prof. Ddr. Boris Aberšek, Faculty of Natural sciences and Mathematics, UM, Maribor, Slovenia
Prof. Dr. Vincentas Lamanauskas, Siauliai University, Lithuania
Prof. Dr. Martin Bilek, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andrej Flogie, Faculty of Natural sciences and Mathematics, UM, Maribor, Slovenia
Prof. Dr. Ferri Aliabadi, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Metka Kordigel Aberšek, Faculty of Education, UM, Maribor, Slovenia
Prof. Dr. Bojan Borstner, Faculty of Arts, UM, Maribor, Slovenia
Assist. Prof. Dr. Sanela Hodovernik, Faculty of Education, UP, Koper, Slovenia
Strokovni odbor / Professional Committee
Dr. Magdalena Šverc, Zavod Antona Martina Slomška, Maribor, Slovenia
Dr. Inge Breznik, National Education Institute Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Maja Vičič Krabonja, Secondary School of Economics and Grammar School Maribor, Maribor,
Robert Gajšek, Hruševec Šentjur Elementary schoo, Šentjur, Slovenia
Bogomir Marcinkovič, Bistrica ob Sotli Elementary school, Bistrica ob Sotli, Slovenia
Mag. Andreja Zver Dobaj, Secondary School of Economics and Grammar School Maribor, Maribor,
Dr. Samo Repolusk, Anton Martin Slomšek Grammar School, Maribor, Slovenia
Mag. Terezija Zamuda, Prežihov Voranc Elementary school Bistrica, Črenšovci, Slovenia
Tomaž Pavlakovič, Elementary school Belokranjskega odreda Semič, Semič, Slovenia
Rok Lipnik, Grammar School Celje - Center, Celje, Slovenia
Programski odbor / Steering Committee
Prof. Dr. Sonja Čotar Konrad, Faculty of Education, UP, Koper, Slovenia
Assoc. Dr. Borut Čampelj, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Mitja Vidovič, Hajdina Elementary Schood, Hajdina, Slovenia
Prof. Dr. Andrej Brodnik, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, UL, Ljubljana, slovenia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andrej Flogie, Faculty of Natural sciences and Mathematics, UM, Maribor, Slovenia
Organizacijski odbor / Organizing Committee
Tech. Assist. Dejan Zemljak, Faculty of Natural sciences and Mathematics, UM, Maribor, Slovenia
Spec. Adv. Helena Fošnjar, Faculty of Natural sciences and Mathematics, UM, Maribor, Slovenia
Tech. Asst. Urška Martinc, Faculty of Arts, UM, Maribor, Slovenia
Maja Vičič Krabonja, Secondary School of Economics and Grammar School Maribor, Maribor,
Dr. Magdalena Šverc, Zavod Antona Martina Slomška, Maribor, Slovenia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Andrej Flogie, Faculty of Natural sciences and Mathematics, UM, Maribor, Slovenia
PROCEEDINGS .................................................................................................................................. 11
Z dioramo do razvoja digitalnih in socialnih kompetenc ter ročnih spretnosti in sodelovalnega dela pri
pouku geografije .................................................................................................................................... 12
Julija Flogie ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Machine translation: quality and acceptability of film language and issues with domain specific
terminology ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Loreta Huber ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Education of refugee children in slovenia: in-depth analysis within the intref project framework ....... 14
Maja Kerneža, Dejan Zemljak, Metka Kordigel Aberšek, Boris Aberšek, Polona Legvart, Helena
Konšak, Hakan Sari, Inga Laurusone, Ildiko Hanuliakova, Yahya Mustafa Keskin, Ensar Yiğit,
Faruk Ayin, Metin Kılıç ..................................................................................................................... 14
Projektni digitalni dnevniki: opolnomočenje mlajših učencev za razvoj digitalnih vsebin ................... 16
Vanja Kolar Ivačič ............................................................................................................................. 16
Uporaba UI, VR in AR pri pouku geografije v osnovni šoli ................................................................. 17
Matej Matkovič .................................................................................................................................. 17
Učeča se skupnost, implicitne teorije vzgojiteljev, učiteljev in poučevanje računalniškega mišljenja na
primeru Osnovna šola oš Solkan ............................................................................................................ 18
Barbara Stožir Curk ........................................................................................................................... 18
Drevesna pustolovščina v angleščini: potovanje v raziskovanje drevesnih vrst, angleščine in digitalne
pismenosti .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Mateja Sukič Kuzma .......................................................................................................................... 20
Začetno programiranje Arduina s pomočjo umetne inteligence ............................................................ 21
Gorazd Šantej ..................................................................................................................................... 21
Problemski pouk pri predmetu tehnika in tehnologija ........................................................................... 22
Lara Voler, Andrej Flogie .................................................................................................................. 22
Attitudes of engineering and technology teachers towards the use of humanoid robots in education .. 23
Dejan Zemljak .................................................................................................................................... 23
S sodelovalnim učenjem do digitalnih kompetenc ................................................................................ 24
Tadej Zorko ........................................................................................................................................ 24
PROCEEDINGS .................................................................................................................................. 25
Integrating the Alpha Mini Robot into Mechanical Engineering Education: Bridging Artificial
Intelligence with Innovative Pedagogical Approaches .......................................................................... 26
Daniel Hari, Matevž Bratina, Srečko Glodež, Andrej Flogie ............................................................ 26
Learning for the future: Connecting online reading and learning with complex reading strategy KWL
................................................................................................................................................................ 38
Urška Križan, Maja Kerneža .............................................................................................................. 38
Pre-service preschool and primary school teachers' understanding of education for sustainable
development ........................................................................................................................................... 49
Vincentas Lamanauskas ..................................................................................................................... 49
Education of refugee children in türkiye: in-depth analysis .................................................................. 53
Hakan Sari, Seyda Yildirim, Hatice Begum Uyanik, Raziye Ugurlu ................................................ 53
The connection between the historical development of teaching mother tongue, technical education,
and their impact on contemporary practices and digital literacy ........................................................... 64
Dejan Zemljak, Maja Kerneža ........................................................................................................... 64
Art education through green practices: insights from teachers on repurposing materials and fostering
creativity in Slovenia ............................................................................................................................. 76
Dejan Zemljak, Maja Kerneža, Metka Kordigel Aberšek, Boris Aberšek, Andrej Flogie, Dario
Assante, Dagnija Vigule, Tija Zīriņa, Murat Gürkan, Dusrun Uçan, İhsan Metinnam, Fikred Yıldız,
Özlem Alp .......................................................................................................................................... 76
Razvijanje digitalnih kompetenc in temeljnih znanj RIN pri dnevu dejavnosti za učence 3. razreda ... 90
Igor Časar, Laura Vučko Vöröš, Danica Klujber ............................................................................... 90
Ali lahko umetna inteligenca ukine pouk likovne umetnosti? ............................................................... 97
Katja Gajšek prof. lik. um. ................................................................................................................. 97
Vpliv digitalne tehnologije na ustvarjanje pri pouku likovne umetnosti ............................................. 105
Vesna Kirbiš Skušek ........................................................................................................................ 105
Kaj imajo skupnega neandertalčeva piščal, RIN in vrtec? ................................................................... 115
Tomaž Kocman, mag. prof. pred.vzg. .............................................................................................. 115
Razred v gozdu in gozd v razredu: spoznavanje gozdnih dreves skozi pouk naravoslovja in angleščine
z razvijanjem digitalnih kompetenc ..................................................................................................... 123
Suzana Kotnjek ................................................................................................................................ 123
Izdelava izdelka pri pouku tehnike in tehnologije z uporabo sodobnih tehnologij ............................. 135
Sara Krajnc, Dejan Zemljak in Tadeja Šebalj .................................................................................. 135
Ustvarjanje digitalne glasbene kompozicije s pomočjo sodelovalnega učenja pri pouku glasbe ........ 142
Mojca Krevel .................................................................................................................................... 142
Uporaba kompleksne bralne učne strategije VŽN plus za uspešno branje in učenje o okoljevarstveni
tematiki na spletu ................................................................................................................................. 151
Urška Križan, Maja Kerneža ............................................................................................................ 151
Digitalna rast skozi inovativne projekte ............................................................................................... 157
Andrej Nemec .................................................................................................................................. 157
Angleščina s skledo IKT in ščepcem UI .............................................................................................. 163
Vesna Njenjić ................................................................................................................................... 163
Prvi koraki programiranja in kodiranja ................................................................................................ 172
Vanja Rušt ........................................................................................................................................ 172
Usposabljanje učiteljev na nivoju VIZ-a (Šolski center Slovenj Gradec, Srednja šola Slovenj Gradec
in Muta) ................................................................................................................................................ 181
Tomaž Smolčnik, Nevenka Žlebnik ................................................................................................. 181
Dijaki raziskujejo toplotne tokove ....................................................................................................... 190
Anica Šaljaj ...................................................................................................................................... 190
Programiranje in problemski pouk v podporo razvoju temeljnih vsebin RIN in DigComp 2.2 pri pouku
robotika v tehniki v osnovni šoli .......................................................................................................... 198
Ana Marija Varšnik .......................................................................................................................... 198
Uvajanje temeljnih pojmov robotike v zgodnjem otroštvu: Raziskovanje sveta robotov skozi igro in
ustvarjalnost ......................................................................................................................................... 206
Vesna Vuglar .................................................................................................................................... 206
Algoritmi kot prvi koraki v svet računalniškega mišljenja .................................................................. 216
Klementina Weis .............................................................................................................................. 216
S podatkovno bazo SISTAT in aplikacijo STAGE po interaktivni poti do znanja o prebivalstvu
Slovenije pri pouku geografije v 9. razredu ......................................................................................... 221
Anita Zelenko ................................................................................................................................... 221
Del člankov, ki so nastali v sklopu priprave konference, je bil po izboru recenzentov in organizacijskega
odbora konference, objavljen v tuje znanstvene revije. V pričujočem poglavju objavljamo njihove
povzetke člankov, v naslednjih poglavjih pa lahko preberete še ostale članke.
Some of the papers produced in the preparation of the conference were published in foreign scientific
journals, as selected by the reviewers and the conference organising committee. In this section, we
publish abstracts of these papers, and in the next sections you can read the rest of the full papers.
Z dioramo do razvoja digitalnih in socialnih kompetenc ter ročnih
spretnosti in sodelovalnega dela pri pouku geografije
Julija Flogie
OŠ Rada Robiča Limbuš, Limbuška c. 62, 2341 Limbuš, Slovenija
Zadnja raziskava na področju izobraževanja (PISA 2023) za slovenski šolski prostor izpostavlja velik izziv na
področju bralne pismenosti, naravoslovne pismenosti kot tudi na področju odnosa učencev do šole. Na vseh teh
področjih je zaznan občuten padec v primerjavi s prejšnjo raziskavo in v primerjavi z nekaterimi ostalimi državami,
ki so še do pred kratkim bile slabše od Slovenije. Tudi raziskava Health Behaviour In School-Aged
Children dopolnjuje in potrjuje podatke na področju odnosa slovenskih osnovnošolcev do šole. V sklopu projekta
Inovativna pedagogika 5.0 neposredno odgovarjamo na te izzive prek razvoja digitalnih in socialnih kompetenc
ter temeljnih vsebin računalništva učencev. Pri pouku geografije je bila načrtovana, izvedena in evalvirana izvedba
učnega sklopa z izdelavo diorame, ki pri učencih hkrati razvija ročne spretnosti, digitalne kompetence, sodelovalno
delo, socialne kompetence in vzpodbuja razvoj kritičnega mišljenja. Takšen inovativni pristop poučevanja
geografije v osnovni šoli odgovarja na izzive sodobne šole in v središče postavlja učenca in ne učitelja oziroma
učno snov. Učenci so usvojili zastavljene standarde znanja ter sočasno razvijali svoje ročne spretnosti, digitalne in
socialne kompetence. Lahko rečemo, da je to primer holističnega pristopa poučevanja vsebinskega
sklopa Avstralija z Oceanijo pri pouku geografije v osnovni šoli.
Ključne besede: diorama, digitalne kompetence, socialne kompetence, ročne spretnosti, kritično mišljenje,
inovativni učni pristopi
The latest educational research (PISA 2023) for the Slovenian school system highlights a significant challenge in
the areas of reading literacy, scientific literacy, and students' attitudes towards school. There has been a noticeable
decline in these areas compared to the previous survey and compared to some other countries that had been
performing worse than Slovenia until recently. Additionally, the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children study
complements and confirms data regarding the attitudes of Slovenian primary school students towards school. In
response to these challenges, the Innovative Pedagogy 5.0 project directly addresses them through the development
of digital and social competencies and fundamental computing content for students. In geography lessons, the
implementation of a teaching unit with the creation of a diorama was planned, carried out and evaluated, which
simultaneously develops manual skills, digital competencies, collaborative work, social competencies, and
encourages the development of critical thinking in students. Such an innovative approach to teaching geography
in primary school responds to the challenges of the modern school and puts the student and not the teacher or the
learning material at the center. Students innovatively met the set standards of knowledge while simultaneously
developing their manual skills, digital, and social competencies. This can be seen as an example of a holistic
approach to teaching the geographical segment of Australia and Oceania in primary school.
Key words: diorama, digital competencies, social competencies, manual skills, critical thinking, innovative
teaching approaches
Machine translation: quality and acceptability of film language
and issues with domain specific terminology
Loreta Huber
Vilnius University, Kaunas Faculty, Institute of Languages, Literature and Translation Studies
Muitines St. 8, LT-44280 Kaunas, Lithuania
Strojno prevajanje (SP, angleška kratica je MT) je v zadnjih letih doseglo pomemben napredek, še posebej z
uvedbo nevronskih modelov strojnega prevajanja, ki so izboljšali splošno kakovost in smiselnost prevodov. Kljub
temu pa ostaja natančnost SP pri prevajanju terminologije še vedno izziv. Študija si prizadeva oceniti kakovost in
sprejemljivost s strani umetne inteligence podprtega strojnega prevajanja na področju filmskega leksikona in
specifične terminologije. Raziskovalna vprašanja raziskujejo družbena stališča in percepcije do strojnega
prevajanja ter ocenjujejo sprejemljivost surovih izhodov strojnega prevajanja glede na uporabnost, kakovost in
zadovoljstvo uporabnikov. Uporabljene so mešane raziskovalne metode, ki vključujejo deskriptivne, primerjalne,
kvalitativne in kvantitativne pristope skozi ankete in intervjuje. Rezultati kažejo, da je strojno prevajanje sicer
doseglo izjemen napredek pri obravnavi splošnih prevajalskih nalog, vendar natančno prevajanje specializirane
terminologije ostaja kompleksen in zahteven izziv, ki zahteva kombinacijo naprednih tehnologij, strokovnega
znanja s prevajanega področja, jezikovnega znanja in človeškega posredovanja.
Ključne besede: strojno prevajanje, filmski jezik, specifična terminologija, natančnost, sprejemljivost
Machine translation (MT) has made significant advancements in recent years, especially with the introduction of
neural machine translation (NMT) models, which have improved the overall quality and fluency of translations.
However, when it comes to terminology translation, the accuracy of MT can still be a challenge. The study aims
to evaluate the quality and acceptability of AI powered machine translation within the domain of film lexicon and
domain specific terminology. The research questions explore societal perceptions and attitudes toward machine
translation and evaluate the acceptability of raw machine translation output in terms of usability, quality, and user
satisfaction. Mixed research methods, incorporating the descriptive, comparative, qualitative, and quantitative
approaches through surveys and interviews are utilized. The results demonstrate that, while machine translation
has made remarkable progress in handling general language translation tasks, translating specialized terminology
accurately remains a complex and challenging task that requires a combination of advanced technologies, domain
expertise, linguistic knowledge, and human intervention.
Keywords: Machine translation, film language, domain-specific terminology, accuracy, acceptability
Education of refugee children in slovenia:
in-depth analysis within the intref project framework
Maja Kerneža1, Dejan Zemljak1, Metka Kordigel Aberšek1, Boris Aberšek1, Polona Legvart2,
Helena Konšak2, Hakan Sari3, Inga Laurusone4, Ildiko Hanuliakova5, Yahya Mustafa Keskin6,
Ensar Yiğit7, Faruk Ayin8, Metin Kılıç9,,,,,,,,,,, ,
1University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia, 2Primary School bratov Polančičev Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia, 3Nechmettin
Erbakan University, Konya, Turkey, 4EureCons Förderagentur GmbH, Augsburg, Germany, 5Spoluprácou pre lepšiu
budúcnosť, Veľký Meder, 6Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey, 7Mecidiye İlköğretim Okulu, Ankara, Turkey,
8Dezavantajli Gruplari Anlama ve Sosyal Destek Dernegi, Ankara, Turkey, 9Düzce University, Düzce, Turkey
Sredi naraščajočih migracijskih gibanj in težav z asimilacijo si iniciativa INTREF prizadeva oblikovati celovito
strategijo za izobraževanje otrok beguncev, ki združuje e-učenje, čustveno in socialno podporo ter prilagodljive
učne metode. Ta prizadevanja temeljijo na načelih, kot so jezikovna raznolikost, medkulturne veščine in
prilagajanje izobraževalne poti, kar je ključnega pomena za asimilacijo in uspeh v akademskem okolju. Študije
kažejo na nepogrešljivost prilagojene jezikovne pomoči, zavedanja kulturnih razlik in prilagojenih pedagoških
taktik za nemoten prehod v šolo in družbeno asimilacijo otrok v begunstvu. Projekt je zasnoval anketni instrument
z namenom ocenjevanja začetnega izobraževalnega stanja v sodelujočih državah in oblikovanja izobraževalnih
načrtov, prilagojenih specifičnim potrebam. Ta anketa se osredotoča na štiri ključna področja: jezikovna
usposobljenost, medkulturna ozaveščenost, sprejemanje raznolikosti in pedagoška prilagoditev. Povratne
informacije 31 učencev, 30 učiteljev in 28 staršev so razkrile nujno potrebo po okrepljeni jezikovni pomoči v
Sloveniji, povečani medkulturni ozaveščenosti in prilagoditvi učnih metod za obogatitev izobraževalnih izkušenj
kulturno raznolikih otrok. Ugotovitve poudarjajo tudi opazno razliko med perspektivami učiteljev in tistimi staršev
ter otrok. Pridobljena spoznanja iz te ankete so temelj za ustvarjanje inovativnih učnih enot in virov, natančno
prilagojenih potrebam otrok v begunstvu. Z vzpostavljanjem povezav med teoretičnimi spoznanji in praktično
uporabo ter med različnimi izobraževalnimi deležniki je INTREF pripravljen obogatiti diskurz in prakse, povezane
z inkluzivnostjo, kar postaja vse bolj pomembno zaradi nedavnih globalnih motenj, vključno z migracijsko dilemo
in izbruhom COVID-19.
Ključne besede: izobraževalni sistem, individualizacija, prakse integracije, medkulturna kompetenca, begunski
Amidst growing migratory movements and hurdles of assimilation, the INTREF initiative strives to craft a
comprehensive strategy for the schooling of refugee children, melding e-learning, emotional and social support,
along with adaptable teaching methods. This endeavor learns on principles like linguistic diversity, cross-cultural
skills, and customizing the educational journey, crucial for assimilation and triumph within academic settings.
Studies indicate the indispensability of bespoke linguistic assistance, cognizance of cultural variances, and
personalized educational tactics for the seamless school transition and societal assimilation of children in refuge.
The project devised a survey instrument aimed at evaluating the baseline educational scenario in the participating
nations and formulating education plans tailored to specific needs. This survey zeroes on four pivotal areas:
linguistic proficiency, cross-cultural consciousness, embracing diversity, and pedagogical customization.
Feedback from 31 students, 30 teachers and 28 parents revealed a pressing need for augmented linguistic aid in
Slovenia, heightened cross-cultural understanding, and classroom method modification to enrich the academic
experiences of culturally diverse children. The findings also underscore a discernible discrepancy between the
perspectives of educators versus those of parents and children. The insights from this survey lay the groundwork
for creating innovative instructional units and resources, finely adapted to the needs of children in refuge. By
forging links between theoretical insights and practical application, as well as among various educational
stakeholders, INTREF is ready to enrich the discourse and practices surrounding inclusivity, and endeavor made
increasingly pertinent by the recent global disruptions, including the migratory dilemma and the COVID-19
Key words: educational system, individualization, integration practices, intercultural competence, refugee
Projektni digitalni dnevniki: opolnomočenje mlajših učencev za
razvoj digitalnih vsebin
Vanja Kolar Ivačič
Osnovna šola Bistrica ob Sotli, Bistrica ob Sotli 63a, 3256 Bistrica ob Sotli, Slovenija
Razvijanje digitalnih kompetenc postaja v osnovni šoli zavezujoče. Vendar se v šolah le malokrat odvijajo uspešni
učni scenariji, ki sledijo tem ciljem. Da bi pripomogla k opolnomočenju učiteljev, predstavljam primer učne
prakse, ki je prenosljiv na druga področja in stopnje izobraževanja. Učenci četrtega razreda osnovne šole so
razvijali digitalne kompetence na področju razvoja digitalnih vsebin. V okviru avtentičnega, medpredmetno
naravnanega projekta Skrb za gozdna semena so učenci več mesecev v skupinah proučevali avtohtone vrste dreves
in skrbeli za mladike. Svoje delo so organizirano spremljali tako, da so beležili podatke, meritve ter ugotovitve v
naravoslovni dnevnik v digitalni obliki. Vsak posameznik je dnevnik ob učiteljevih usmeritvah in podpori
spontano in zavzeto razvijal sproti med potekom projekta v okolju Canva, ki vključuje tudi elemente umetne
inteligence. Vsak učni dokaz je bil formativno spremljan in je ustrezal razvojni stopnji posameznega otroka.
Učencu je omogočal sprotno refleksijo in napovedovanje. Postal je njegov svojstven izraz vsebin, znanja in stališč.
Ob zaključku je kopijo dnevnika preoblikoval v obliko za predstavitev projektnega dela in ugotovitev. Prikazujem,
kako sem vodila in podpirala desetletnike, da so znali razviti digitalno vsebino, ki je vsebovala jasno opredeljene
in običajne, a raznolike in smiselno urejene podatke, kar ustreza 3. ravni kompetentnosti glede na Okvir digitalnih
kompetenc za državljane 2.2. Dva četrtošolca sta to raven z vključitvijo zemljevidov in posnetki pogovorov celo
presegla. Učenci so bili s svojimi dosežki zadovoljni in čeprav so morali vložiti veliko truda, so bili navdušeni nad
urejenostjo in dostopnostjo digitalnega okolja ter raznolikimi možnostmi za izražanje, ki jih omogoča.
Ključne besede: digitalne kompetence osnovnošolcev, razvoj digitalnih vsebin, projektno delo, digitalni
naravoslovni dnevnik
The development of digital competencies in primary schools has become mandatory. However, successful teaching
scenarios that meet these needs are rarely implemented. To empower teachers, I present a transferable teaching
practice that can be applied to other subjects and educational levels. Fourth grade pupils developed digital
competencies by creating digital content. In the authentic, interdisciplinary project "Caring for Forest Seeds",
pupils spent several months in groups studying native tree species and caring for young trees. They systematically
tracked their work by recording data, measurements and findings in a digital science journal. Each pupil, with the
guidance and support of the teacher, continuously and diligently developed their journal throughout the project
using Canva, which incorporates AI elements. Each piece of evidence was formatively assessed and matched to
each child's developmental stage, allowing for ongoing reflection and prediction. The journal became their unique
expression of skills, knowledge and attitudes. At the end of the project, they transformed a copy of the journal into
a presentation format to showcase their project work and findings. I present how I guided and supported ten-year-
olds to develop digital content that included clearly defined, common, yet diverse and well-organised data, which
corresponds to level 3 of the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens 2.2. Two fourth graders even exceeded
this level by including maps and recorded conversations. Pupils were pleased with their achievements and, despite
the considerable effort involved, were enthusiastic about the organisation and accessibility of the digital
environment and the variety of ways of expressing themselves.
Key words: digital competences of primary school pupils, developing digital content, project work, digital science
Uporaba UI, VR in AR pri pouku geografije v osnovni šoli
Matej Matkovič
OŠ Belokranjskega odreda Semič, Šolska ulica 1, 8333 Semič
V sodobnem izobraževanju se tehnologije umetne inteligence (UI), navidezne resničnosti (VR) in razširjene
resničnosti (AR) vse bolj uveljavljajo kot močno orodje za izboljšanje učne izkušnje, zlasti pri poučevanju
geografije v osnovnih šolah. Prispevek raziskuje, kako se te tehnologije uporabljajo za izboljšanje poučevanja
geografije in spodbujanje zanimanja učencev. Uporaba UI prinaša personalizirano učenje, kjer se vsebina prilagaja
posameznim potrebam učencev. Lažji dostop do informacij, boljša vizualizacija vsebin ter pomoč pri analizi in
interpretaciji učencem olajšajo učenje. Hkrati pa lažje poustvarjanje vsebin in pomoč pri sledenju napredka
posameznega učenca učiteljem omogoča boljšo prilagoditev učnih strategij in nudenje dodatnih virov glede na
potrebe posameznikov. VR in AR tehnologije pripomorejo k ustvarjanju bolj interaktivnih in realističnih učnih
okolij. Virtualna resničnost omogoča učencem, da doživijo geografske pojave na bolj neposreden način, medtem
ko razširjena resničnost dopolnjuje resnični svet z digitalnimi informacijami, ki lahko obogatijo razumevanje
geografskih konceptov. Pri uporabi teh tehnologij je poudarek na ustvarjanju interaktivnih vsebin, virtualnih
izletih, simulacijah naravnih pojavov ter na spodbujanju sodelovanja in zanimanja učencev. Prispevek obravnava
tudi izzive in rešitve, povezane z uvajanjem UI v šolsko geografijo, kot so dostop do tehnologije, usposabljanje in
profesionalni razvoj učiteljev, prilagoditev učnega načrta in etične dileme. Tehnologija UI, VR in AR omogoča
nov, vsaj v Sloveniji, tehnološko dovršen pristop k poučevanju geografije v osnovnih šolah . Ta spodbuja učence
k raziskovanju, interakciji in boljšemu razumevanju kompleksnih geografskih vsebin.
Ključne besede: Geografija, umetna inteligenca, navidezna resničnost, razširjena resničnost, interaktivne vsebine
In modern education, artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies are
increasingly emerging as powerful tools to enhance the learning experience, especially in the teaching of
geography in primary schools. This paper explores how these technologies are being used to enhance geography
teaching and stimulate pupils' interest. The use of AI brings personalised learning where content is adapted to
individual learners' needs. Easier access to information, better visualisation of content, and help with analysis and
interpretation make learning easier for students. At the same time, the ease of recreating content and the help in
tracking individual learners' progress allows teachers to better adapt learning strategies and provide additional
resources according to individual needs. VR and AR technologies help to create more interactive and realistic
learning environments. Virtual reality allows learners to experience geographical phenomena more directly, while
augmented reality complements the real world with digital information that can enrich the understanding of
geographical concepts. The use of these technologies focuses on creating interactive content, virtual field trips,
simulations of natural phenomena, and encouraging student participation and interest. The paper also discusses
challenges and solutions related to the introduction of AI in school geography, such as access to technology,
teacher training and professional development, curriculum adaptation and ethical dilemmas. AI, VR and AR
technology enable a new, at least in Slovenia, technologically sophisticated approach to teaching geography in
primary schools. It encourages pupils to explore, interact and better understand complex geographic content.
Key words: Geography, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, interactive content
Učeča se skupnost, implicitne teorije vzgojiteljev, učiteljev in
poučevanje računalniškega mišljenja na primeru Osnovna šola oš
Barbara Stožir Curk
Osnovna šola Solkan, Šolska ulica 25, 5250 Solkan, Slovenija
V vrtcu, v šoli gradimo učečo se skupnost, kjer se strokovni delavci povezujejo, se drug od drugega in z drugim
učijo, s ciljem, da vzpostavljamo spodbudno okolje za pridobivanje znanja in krepitev veščin učencev. Uspešnost
našega povezovanja pa je odvisna od naših skupnih vrednot, stališč in prepričanj ter vizije, ki ji sledimo, načina
vodenja in možnosti soodločanja, kakovosti sodelovanja, pogojih za delo in podpornih medsebojnih odnosih, pri
čemer gre izpostaviti podporo ravnatelja. Vse našteto je bistveno kadar kot vrtec, šola sodelujemo v razvojnih
projektih, eden takšnih je projekt B-RIN, ki je namenjen vpeljevanju temeljnih vsebin računalništva in informatike
ter računalniškega mišljenja v skupine vrtca in razrede v šoli, tudi na ravni našega VI zavoda. Pri izbiri članov
razvojnega tima nas je vodil kriterij, da so izbrani vzgojiteljica in učitelji odprti za raziskovanje lastne poučevalne
prakse, da zmorejo stalno nadgrajevati in evalvirati lastno pedagoško delo in na osnovi proučevanja lastne prakse
razvijati in izboljševati svoje poučevalne pristope, ki v ospredje postavljajo na učenca usmerjene pristope. Namen
prispevka je osvetliti implicitne teorije in stališča članov razvojnega tima in kolektiva šole o razumevanju in
pomenu uvajanja temeljnih B-RIN vsebin in računalniškega mišljenja v pouk, ne samo na STEM področju ampak
tudi na druga predmetna področja in predstaviti pristope, s katerimi smo vplivali na implicitne teorije in stališča
učiteljev, vzgojiteljev znotraj našega VI zavoda. Tudi zato, ker urjenje otrok, učencev v računalniškem mišljenju
in temeljnih vsebinah računalništva in informatike pomembno vpliva na razvoj metakognitivnih strategij npr.
veščin reševanja problemov, še posebej odprtih, veščin povezanih s samoregulacijo učenja, razvijanjem vztrajnosti
pri soočanju z neuspehom, posledično večjo rezilientnostjo in spodbujanjem ustvarjalnosti. Torej širše vpliva tudi
na področje duševnega zdravja učencev.
Ključne besede: učeča se skupnost, računalniško mišljenje, implicitne teorije in stališča, metakognitivne strategije,
razvojni tim
At our kindergarten, school, we are building a learning community where professional staff connect with each
other, learn from and with each other, with the aim of establishing an encouraging environment for acquiring
knowledge and strengthening students' skills. The success of our connections depends on our shared values,
attitudes, and beliefs, as well as the vision we follow, the management style, the possibilities for co-decision, the
quality of collaboration, the working conditions, and supportive mutual relationships, particularly the support of
the principal. All of this is essential when our school participates in development projects. One such project is the
B-RIN project, which is aimed at introducing fundamental computer science and informatics content and
computational thinking into kindergarten groups and school classes, including at our VI institute level. When
selecting members of the development team, we were guided by the criterion that the selected educators and
teachers are open to exploring their own teaching practices, capable of continuously upgrading and evaluating
their pedagogical work, and developing and improving their teaching approaches based on the study of their
practice, emphasizing student-centered approaches. The purpose of this contribution is to highlight the implicit
theories and attitudes of the development team and school staff regarding the understanding and importance of
introducing fundamental B-RIN content and computational thinking into teaching, not only in the STEM field but
also in other subject areas, and to present the approaches with which we have influenced the implicit theories and
attitudes of teachers and educators within our VI organisation. This is also because training students in
computational thinking and fundamental computer science and informatics content significantly impacts on the
development of metacognitive strategies, such as problem-solving skills, especially for open-ended problems, self-
regulation learning skills, perseverance in facing failure, consequently greater resilience, and encouraging
creativity. Therefore, it also broadly impacts the mental health of students.
Key words: learning community, computational thinking, implicit theories and attitudes, metacognitive strategies,
development team
Drevesna pustolovščina v angleščini:
potovanje v raziskovanje drevesnih vrst, angleščine
in digitalne pismenosti
Mateja Sukič Kuzma
Gimnazija Murska Sobota, Šolsko naselje 12, 9000 Murska Sobota, Slovenija
Namen tega članka je prikazati uporabo inovativnih metod poučevanja z vključevanjem medpredmetnega
povezovanja med naravoslovjem in angleščino ter uporabo digitalnih kompetenc pri pouku. Učenci so aktivno
razvijali digitalne spretnosti skozi interaktivne dejavnosti, medtem ko so se učili o gozdu v angleščini. Učenci so
širili besedišče na temo drevesnih vrst in gozda ter vadili razumevanje na podlagi avtentičnih posnetkov v
angleškem jeziku. Poseben poudarek je bil na prepoznavanju najpogostejših drevesnih vrst na podlagi listov,
plodov in splošnih značilnosti ter pridobivanju ustreznega besedišča v angleščini. Učenci so se na podlagi
videoposnetka v angleškem jeziku naučili razlikovati med jelko, smreko in borom. Učenci so razvijali digitalne
kompetence na različnih področjih in različnih ravneh, fotografirali so drevesa za ozadje filma, sestavili scenarij
in posneli film, ki je služil kot končni produkt njihovega učenja. S tem so povezali teoretično znanje s praktičnimi
veščinami ter razvijali kreativnost in sodelovanje. Rezultati inovativnih pristopov kažejo na pozitivne učinke
medpredmetnega poučevanja naravoslovja in angleščine ter uporabe digitalnih kompetenc pri pouku, kar učencem
omogoča celovito razumevanje obravnavane tematike in prispeva k celostnemu razvoju učencev na več področjih.
Inovativni pristopi spodbujajo aktivno udeležbo, razvoj jezikovnih veščin ter krepijo medsebojno sodelovanje.
Ključne besede: digitalne kompetence, medpredmetno povezovanje, naravoslovje, angleščina, gozdna drevesa
The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the use of innovative teaching methods by incorporating cross-
curricular integration of natural sciences and English, along with the use of digital competencies in the classroom.
Students actively developed digital skills through interactive activities while learning about forests in the English
language. They expanded their vocabulary on the topic of tree species and forests and practiced comprehension
based on authentic English-language recordings. Special emphasis was placed on recognizing tree species based
on leaves, fruits, and general characteristics, as well as acquiring the relevant vocabulary in English. Based on the
English language video, students learned to distinguish between fir, spruce, and pine. They developed digital skills
in various areas and at different levels by photographing trees for the film's background, drafting a script, and
recording a film, which served as the final product of their learning. This approach connected theoretical
knowledge with practical skills, fostering creativity and collaboration. The results of these innovative approaches
demonstrate the positive effects of cross-curricular teaching of natural sciences and English and the use of digital
competencies in the classroom, allowing students to gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and
contributing to their holistic development in multiple areas. Innovative approaches encourage active participation
and the development of language skills and strengthen mutual cooperation.
Key words: digital competencies, cross-curricular integration, natural sciences, English, forest trees
Začetno programiranje Arduina s pomočjo umetne inteligence
Gorazd Šantej
Osnovna šola Gradec, Bevkova ulica 3, 1270 Litija, Slovenija
Programiranje v osnovnih šolah v Sloveniji postaja vse pomembnejši del izobraževalnega procesa, čeprav trenutna
zakonodaja ne predpisuje obveznih vsebin s tega področja. Nekatere vsebine programiranja so vključene v obvezne
izbirne predmete, kot sta robotika v tehniki in elektronika z robotiko, kjer je izvajanje močno odvisno od znanja
in angažiranosti učiteljev. Znanje programiranja je pomembno za razvoj tehničnih in logičnih sposobnosti ter lažje
reševanje kompleksnih problemov. Učenje programiranja spodbuja kritično mišljenje, logično razmišljanje in
boljše razumevanje tehnologije, ki nas obdaja. To znanje povečuje digitalno pismenost in odpira karierne
možnosti, saj povpraševanje po programerjih nenehno raste. Programiranje prav tako spodbuja kreativnost in
inovativnost ter krepi sposobnosti sodelovanja in timskega dela. Prav zaradi teh razlogov je pomembno uvajanje
programiranja že med mladimi. Raziskava med šestošolci je pokazala, da večina učencev uspešno dosega
zastavljene cilje pri učenju osnov programiranja z orodji, kot je Scratch, ki omogoča otrokom prilagojeno vizualno
in ikonsko programiranje, ter zmanjšuje možnost sintaktičnih napak. Čeprav so prednosti vizualnega
programiranja velike, ima ta način tudi svoje slabosti. Pri uporabi programirljivega vezja Arduino Nano z nekaj
osnovnimi elektronskimi elementi je prikazana uporaba umetne inteligence, kot je ChatGPT, za poenostavljenje
začetnega učenja programiranja.
Ključne besede: osnovna šola, programiranje, Arduino, umetna inteligenca, izkustveno učenje
Primary school programming in Slovenia is becoming an increasingly important part of the educational process,
although current legislation does not prescribe mandatory content in this area. Some programming content is
included in compulsory elective subjects, such as robotics in technology and electronics with robotics, where
implementation heavily depends on teachers' knowledge and engagement. Programming knowledge is crucial for
developing technical and logical skills and for easier solving of complex problems. Learning programming
encourages critical thinking, logical reasoning, and a better understanding of the technology that surrounds us.
This knowledge enhances digital literacy and opens up career opportunities, as demand for programmers is
constantly growing. Programming also encourages creativity and innovation and strengthens collaboration and
teamwork skills. For these reasons, introducing programming to young people is crucial. A survey among sixth
graders has shown that the majority of students successfully achieve their learning goals in learning basic
programming with tools like Scratch, which enables children friendly visual and icon programming. It also reduces
the possibility of syntactic errors, enables easier and faster programming, but it also has its weaknesses. The use
of programmable circuit Arduino Nano with some basic electronic components was presented. The programming
was done by the artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT, to simplify initial programming learning.
Key words: primary school, programming, Arduino, artificial intelligence, learning by doing
Problemski pouk pri predmetu tehnika in tehnologija
Lara Voler, Andrej Flogie,
Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko, 2000, Slovenija
Raziskava proučuje trenutno stanje uporabe sodobnih metod poučevanja, zlasti problemskega pouka, med učitelji
tehnike in tehnologije v slovenskih osnovnih šolah. Naš glavni cilj je bil ugotoviti, kako pogosto se uporabljajo
sodobne metode poučevanja, kako učitelji dojemajo njihovo pomembnost in lastno usposobljenost za njihovo
izvajanje. Rezultati spletne ankete so pokazali, da učitelji pozitivno ocenjujejo pomembnost uporabe sodobnih
metod poučevanja, pri čemer je problemski pouk zaznan kot ena izmed težjih metod v primerjavi s tradicionalnimi
pristopi oz. metodami poučevanja. Kljub številnim izzivom, učitelji izražajo visoko motivacijo za izboljšanje
lastnih praks poučevanja. Ugotovili smo, da je znanje učiteljev na podlagi pridobljenih podatkov ocenjeno manj
pozitivno kot njihova ocena lastne usposobljenosti. To nakazuje na potrebo po bolj natančnih metodah ocenjevanja
znanja ter poudarja pomembnost stalnega strokovnega razvoja. Sklepamo, da so izsledki raziskave pomembni za
izboljšanje praks poučevanja ter spodbujanje inovacij v izobraževalnem procesu. Visoka motivacija in
pripravljenost učiteljev za sprejemanje sodobnih pedagoških pristopov lahko prispevata k boljšemu učnemu okolju
ter razvoju bolj kompetentne delovne sile v prihodnosti.
Ključne besede: problemski pouk, sodobne metode poučevanja, usposobljenost učiteljev, motivacija učencev,
stalen strokovni razvoj, izobraževalni proces, tehnika in tehnologija
The research investigates the current state of the use of modern teaching methods, particularly problem-based
learning, among teachers of technology and technology in Slovenian primary schools. Our main objective was to
determine how often modern teaching methods are used, how teachers perceive their importance, and their own
competence in implementing them. The results of the online survey showed that teachers positively assess the
importance of using modern teaching methods, with problem-based learning perceived as one of the more
challenging methods compared to traditional approaches or teaching methods. Despite numerous challenges,
teachers express high motivation to improve their teaching practices. We found that teachers' knowledge, based
on the data obtained, is assessed less positively than their own assessment of their competence. This indicates the
need for more accurate methods of assessing knowledge and emphasizes the importance of continuous professional
development. We conclude that the findings of the study are important for improving teaching practices and
promoting innovations in the educational process. High motivation and readiness of teachers to accept modern
pedagogical approaches can contribute to a better learning environment and the development of a more competent
workforce in the future.
Keywords: problem-based learning, modern teaching methods, teacher competence, student motivation,
continuous professional development, educational process, technology and technology
Attitudes of engineering and technology teachers towards the use
of humanoid robots in education
Dejan Zemljak
Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko, Koroška cesta 160, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija
Sodobne tehnologije vse bolj prodirajo v šolski kurikulum, kar je bilo v zadnjem letu še posebej poudarjeno s
pojavom ChatGPT. To je tudi pomembna priložnost za uvajanje učiteljev v uporabo humanoidnih robotov pri
poučevanju. Roboti bi v prihodnosti lahko postali stalnica v šolah, zagotavljajoč podporo na različnih področjih,
tako pri poučevanju kot pri administrativnem delu učiteljev. Ker je šolski kurikulum sestavljen iz različnih
predmetov z različnimi posebnostmi, je bila izvedena študija, da bi raziskali, kako učitelji tehnične vzgoje in
tehnologije v primerjavi z učitelji drugih predmetov gledajo na integracijo robotov v poučevanje. Za namen ankete
je bil oblikovan vprašalnik, ki ga je izpolnilo 206 učiteljev. Rezultati izvedene analize kažejo statistično značilne
razlike v pripravljenosti za vključitev robotov v poučevanje, saj analiza kaže, da so učitelji tehnične vzgoje in
tehnologije bolj pripravljeni na vključitev robotov v poučevanje kot učitelji drugih predmetov. Glede konkretnih
možnosti vključitve humanoidnih robotov v poučevanje analiza ni pokazala statistično značilnih razlik. Članek
zaključuje z opisom razlogov, zakaj je tehnična vzgoja in tehnologija primeren oziroma ni primeren predmet za
poučevanje s humanoidnimi roboti ter podaja smernice za nadaljnji razvoj tega področja.
Ključne besede: tehnična vzgoja in tehnologija, humanoidni roboti v izobraževanju, STEM, implementacija
humanoidnih robotov v izobraževanje
Contemporary technologies are increasingly making their way into the school curriculum, and this has been
particularly accentuated in the last year with the emergence of ChatGPT. This is also an important opportunity to
introduce teachers to the use of humanoid robots in teaching. Robots could become a fixture in schools in the
future, providing support in various areas, both in teaching and in teachers' administrative work. However, as the
school curriculum is made up of different subjects with different specificities, a study was set up to explore how
the integration of robots in teaching is viewed by teachers of engineering and technology compared to teachers of
other subjects. A questionnaire was designed for the purpose of the survey and 206 teachers completed it. The
results of the analysis carried out show statistically significant differences in the willingness to integrate robots
into teaching, as the analysis shows that teachers of engineering and technology are more willing to integrate
robots into teaching than teachers of other subjects. For the concrete possibilities of including humanoid robots in
teaching, the analysis showed no statistically significant differences. The paper concludes by outlining the reasons
why engineering and technology is or is not a suitable subject for teaching with humanoid robots and by providing
guidelines for further development of the field.
Keywords: engineering and technology, humanoid robots in education, STEM, implementation of humanoid robots
in education
S sodelovalnim učenjem do digitalnih kompetenc
Tadej Zorko
Osnovna šola Janka Padežnika Maribor, Iztokova ulica 6, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija
V današnjem kompleksnem svetu je nenehno nadgrajevanje znanja ključno. Digitalna pismenost kot ena izmed
ključnih kompetenc 21. stoletja postaja vedno bolj pomembna, saj omogoča učinkovito rabo digitalnih naprav in
pripomočkov. Evropska unija je določila pet ključnih kompetenc v okviru digitalne pismenosti, med katerimi so
informacijska in podatkovna pismenost, ustvarjanje digitalnih vsebin ter komuniciranje in sodelovanje. Na
področju izobraževanja je sodelovanje že precej časa sprejeto kot veščina, ki ima ključen pomen pri doseganju
skupnih ciljev. Sodelovalno učenje se je izkazalo kot učinkovit pristop k poučevanju, saj spodbuja aktivno
sodelovanje učencev in prinaša zelo inovativne in uporabne rešitve ter omogoča razvoj ključnih kompetenc.
Sposobnost sodelovalnega dela pa lahko še dodatno krepimo tudi z medpredmetnim povezovanjem, kjer učence
hkrati učimo še samostojnega učenja, spretnosti pri iskanju informacij in kritičnega razmišljanja. V šolskem
kontekstu je kombinacija digitalnih kompetenc, sodelovalnega učenja in medpredmetnega povezovanja ključna za
pripravo učencev za življenje v sodobnem svetu. V prispevku je predstavljen primer razvijanja digitalnih
kompetenc pri pouku tehnike in tehnologije ter zgodovine. Omenjeni primer poteka v treh stopnjah in obsega
časovno obdobje desetih šolskih ur. Poleg digitalne kompetence učenci v obsegu desetih šolskih ur razvijajo še
druge ključne kompetence, ki jim bodo koristile v vsakdanjem življenju. Prispevek je namenjen učiteljem, ki želijo
z izkustvenim učenjem, sodelovalnim delom in medpredmetnim povezovanjem pri učencih razvijati digitalne
kompetence ter jih pripraviti na izzive prihodnosti.
Ključne besede: digitalne kompetence, medpredmetno povezovanje, sodelovalno učenje, tehnika in tehnologija,
In today’s complex world a continuous the upgrade of knowledge is crucial. Digital literacy, as one of the key
competences of the 21st century, is becoming more crucial, since it enables an efficient use of digital devices and
tools. The European Union has set five key competences for digital literacy, including informational and data
literacy, digital content creation and communication and collaboration. On the field of education communication
is widely accepted as a crucial skill for achieving common goals. Collaborative learning has proven to be an
effective approach to teaching, since it encourages an active participation of learners and provides many useful
and innovative solutions and enables the development of key competences. The collaborative work ability can be
further enhanced through cross-curricular integration, where learners are taught independent learning, information-
seeking skills and critical thinking. In the school context, the combination of digital competences, collaborative
learning and cross-curricular integration is key to preparing students for life in the modern world. This paper
presents an example of developing digital competences in the lessons of engineering and technology and history.
The aforementioned example is presented in three stages and covers a time period of ten school lessons. In addition
to digital competences students are developing other competences that will benefit their daily lives. This paper is
aimed at teachers that want to develop digital competences in their students through experiential learning,
collaborative work and cross-curricular integration, and prepare them for the challenges of the future.
Key words: digital competences, cross-curricular approaches, cooperative learning, engineering and technology,
Integrating the Alpha Mini Robot into Mechanical Engineering
Education: Bridging Artificial Intelligence with Innovative
Pedagogical Approaches
Daniel Hari1, Matevž Bratina1, Srečko Glodež2, Andrej Flogie1,,,
1Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Slovenia, 2Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia
Vključevanje tehnologij umetne inteligence (UI) v izobraževalna okolja je splošno priznano kot transformativna
sila, ki z inovativnimi pedagoškimi pristopi bistveno izboljšuje učenje in poučevanje. V tem prispevku je
predstavljeno vključevanje robota Alpha Mini, ki je sposoben razumeti in komunicirati v slovenskem jeziku, v
izobraževanje na področju strojništva, kar ponazarja potencial tehnologije za poživitev učenja in povezovanje
teoretičnih konceptov z uporabo v resničnem svetu. Uvajanje robota Alpha Mini spodbuja interaktivne in zanimive
učne izkušnje ter ima ključno vlogo pri spodbujanju pridobivanja digitalnih kompetenc in kompetenc 21. stoletja
med učenci. Njegova zmožnost neposredne interakcije v maternem jeziku učencev izboljša razumevanje in
ohranjanje zapletenih inženirskih konceptov ter tako obogati izobraževalno pot. Poleg tega ta članek obravnava
pedagoške strategije, ki učinkovito vključujejo AI-STEM v izobraževalno sfero, s poudarkom na njihovem vplivu
na vključenost in motivacijo učencev. Študija z izvajanjem v razredu, anketami med učenci in analizami učnih
rezultatov ponuja niansiran pogled na pomemben vpliv umetne inteligence pri preoblikovanju izobraževalnih
praks, poudarja prednosti vključevanja umetne inteligence v učna okolja in začrtuje pot za izkoriščanje tehnologije
za izboljšanje izobraževalnih rezultatov.
Ključne besede: Umetna inteligenca, informacijsko izobraževalno okolje, umetna inteligenca v učilnicah,
The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in educational settings is widely recognized as a
transformative force that significantly enhances learning and teaching through innovative pedagogical approaches.
This paper explores how the Alpha Mini robot, capable of understanding and communicating in Slovenian, is
integrated into mechanical engineering education, illustrating technology's potential to invigorate learning and
connect theoretical concepts with real-world applications. The deployment of the Alpha Mini robot fosters
interactive and engaging learning experiences and plays a crucial role in promoting the acquisition of digital and
21st-century competencies among students. Its ability to interact directly in students native language enhances the
understanding and retention of complex engineering concepts, enriching the educational journey. Furthermore,
this paper examines pedagogical strategies that effectively incorporate AI-STEM into the educational sphere,
focusing on their impact on student engagement and motivation. Through classroom implementations, student
surveys, and analyses of learning outcomes, the study offers a nuanced perspective on the profound impact of AI
in transforming educational practices, underscoring the benefits of integrating AI into learning environments and
charting a path for leveraging technology to enhance educational outcomes.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Information educational environment, Artificial intelligence in classrooms,
The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies into educational settings has been widely
recognized as a transformative force that significantly enhances learning and teaching (Zhang et al.,
2021) through the adoption of innovative pedagogical approaches From Robots to Books: An
Introduction to Smart Applications of AI in Education (AIEd, 2023). The Alpha Mini robot, as a
representative example of AI technology, offers a unique opportunity to revolutionize the field of
mechanical engineering education (Sánchez et al., 2019). By providing direct interaction in the students
native language, the robot serves as a powerful tool for engaging and immersing students in complex
engineering concepts (García‐Martínez et al., 2023).
The aim of this paper is to explore the integration of the Alpha Mini robot into mechanical engineering
education, focusing on the impact of this technology on student engagement, motivation, understanding,
and learning outcomes. Utilizing the Alpha Mini robot in mechanical engineering education not only
enhances students understanding of theoretical concepts (Barakat, 2011) but also bridges the gap
between classroom learning and real-world applications (Khanlari, n.d). By expanding the utilization of
AI technologies, particularly with the Alpha Mini robot, we seek to investigate how this new approach
can transform educational practices and drive student engagement in the field of engineering. The
integration of AI and robotics in education addresses several current societal challenges (Mishra et al.,
2021). One prominent issue is the need to enhance students digital and 21st-century competencies to
prepare them for an increasingly technology-driven workforce (Zobeida et al., 2020). By incorporating
the Alpha Mini robot into mechanical engineering education, students are exposed to advanced
technological tools, enabling them to develop essential technical and problem-solving skills (Castelli &
Giberti, 2019). This, in turn, helps in addressing the skills gap and prepares students to thrive in future
careers (Fridin, 2014). Additionally, the use of AI and robots in education can help tackle the issue of
individualized learning (AalSaud, 2021). With sophisticated algorithms, these technologies can adapt to
individual students learning paces and styles, providing personalized learning experiences (Zobeida et
al., 2020). This is particularly important in today's diverse classrooms, where students have varying
levels of understanding and skills (Han et al., 2017).
Furthermore, AI and robotics can also contribute to the inclusivity of education (Levesque, 2018). They
can support students with diverse learning needs (Kazimzade et al., 2019), including those with learning
disabilities or language barriers, by offering tailored support and resources (Augello et al., 2020). The
integration of AI technologies, exemplified by the Alpha Mini robot, offers a dynamic approach to
engaging students (Chiou et al., 2009) and cultivating their digital and 21st-century competencies
(Huang, 2021). By incorporating innovative pedagogical approaches, educators can effectively harness
the potential of Engineering with AI-STEM (Gururaj, 2023) to create interactive and immersive learning
experiences (Ng et al., 2023). The robust interaction capabilities of the Alpha Mini robot, particularly
its ability to communicate in Slovenian, significantly contribute to the enrichment of students (Augello
et al., 2020) educational journey by promoting a deeper understanding of engineering principles (Fridin,
2014). The deployment of the Alpha Mini robot in educational environments has the potential to
transform traditional teaching practices (Augello et al., 2020) by providing a platform for hands-on
experimentation and practical application of engineering concepts, ultimately fostering a stimulating
learning environment (Augello et al., 2020). As educators continue to explore the integration of AI
technologies in mechanical engineering education, they can leverage the insights from classroom
implementations (García‐Martínez et al., 2023), student feedback through surveys, and thorough
analyses of learning outcomes to further optimize the impact of this innovative integration (García‐
Martínez et al., 2023). Moving forward, the incorporation of AI technologies, such as the Alpha Mini
robot, into mechanical engineering education holds the promise of revolutionizing the way students
engage (Johri, 2020) with and comprehend complex engineering concepts, ultimately shaping the future
landscape of engineering education (Han & Xu, 2021). The landscape of AI integration in education has
been evolving rapidly, with a growing emphasis on the integration of AI technologies in STEM
disciplines (Xu & Ouyang, 2022).
Various studies have documented the positive impact of AI-driven educational tools (Xu & Ouyang,
2022) in enhancing student learning outcomes and promoting critical thinking skills (García‐Martínez
et al., 2023). Additionally, the use of AI-powered platforms has shown promise in addressing
individualized learning needs (Zhai et al., 2021) and providing personalized feedback to students
(Zawacki-Richter et al., 2019). Furthermore, the incorporation of AI in educational settings has brought
attention to the importance of preparing students for the demands of the 21st-century workforce (Zhai
et al., 2021). By integrating AI technologies into the curriculum, educational institutions can equip
students with the digital and technological competencies necessary (García-Martínez et al., 2023) for
success in a rapidly advancing global economy. In the context of mechanical engineering education, the
integration of AI, as exemplified by the Alpha Mini robot, presents an exciting frontier for redefining
pedagogical practices and creating immersive learning experiences (Khanlari, n.d). By learning with the
help of a robot, we can increase the motivation to learn (Benitti, 2012). The effectiveness of learning is
related to the method of generating knowledge from data (Hong et al., 2016). Books are considered a
prime source for generating knowledge. Personalized learning facilitated by Artificial Intelligence,
particularly through speech technology, supports the comprehension of educational material. The quality
of acquired knowledge is linked to the quality of the questions posed (Walsh & Sattes, 2023). It is
hypothesized that the most effective method of knowledge generation is through book-based learning
and that integrating technology, such as a robot connected to ChatGPT, can enhance this experience.
This pilot study investigates the implementation of a novel learning approach, aiming to enhance
motivation and personalized learning in mechanical engineering education. One of our primary aims is
to develop a method incorporating AI and robots that is ideally suited for classroom environments,
optimizing student engagement and learning outcomes. Learning with the help of a robot will increase
student motivation. The method of generating knowledge from data impacts learning effectiveness, with
books providing detailed knowledge and robots offering enhanced engagement. AI technologies,
particularly robots, will facilitate personalized, one-on-one learning experiences, ChatGPT will provide
the fastest responses compared to other sources and books will provide the most comprehensive and
detailed knowledge.
To comprehensively examine the impact of integrating the Alpha Mini robot into mechanical
engineering education, a mixed-methods approach was employed. This included classroom observations
to assess student engagement and interaction with the robot, surveys to gather qualitative feedback on
learning experiences, and academic performance data analysis to measure the robot's influence on
student learning outcomes. The study also utilized questionnaires to obtain specific insights into
students' perceptions and motivation regarding the integration of the Alpha Mini robot into their learning
The study involved nine students from a computer subject, consisting of four males and five females as
we seen on Fugure 1.
Figure 1: Number of Children by Gender
The participant’s ages ranged from 16 to 18 years as we seen on Figure 2, with five students aged 16,
three students aged 17, and one student aged 18. This pilot study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of
the proposed educational technology and gather preliminary data for future research.
Figure 2: Number of Children by Age
To collect data, a comprehensive questionnaire was developed, including sections on perception and
motivation, learning effectiveness, personalized learning, and the impact of speech technology. The
questionnaire aimed to assess student’s learning experiences with different educational technologies and
gather detailed feedback on their effectiveness.
Perception and Motivation: Questions focused on preferred learning methods and motivation levels.
Example of questionnaires: Na kateri način učenja se počutite najbolj motivirane, Kako ocenjujete svojo
motivacijo za učenje s pomočjo robota in ChatGPT na lestvici od 1 do 5, kjer 1 pomeni "zelo nizka
motivacija" in 5 "zelo visoka motivacija"?
Learning Effectiveness: Questions evaluated the perceived effectiveness of different learning tools.
Example of questionnaires: Kateri način učenja se vam zdi najučinkovitejši, Ali menite, da enje s
pomočjo robota in ChatGPT omogoča boljše razumevanje snovi kot tradicionalne metode, Ali menite,
da tehnologija humanoidnega robota in ChatGPT omogoča učenje ena na ena, Kateri vir informacij vam
omogoča hitrejše pridobivanje znanja?
Speech Technology: Questions assessed the impact of speech interaction on learning comprehension
and speed. Kako ocenjujete pomembnost možnosti govorne interakcije s humanoidnim robotom in
ChatGPT pri učenju, Ali menite, da govorna tehnologija izboljša razumevanje snovi v primerjavi z
drugimi oblikami tehnologije, Kako bi primerjali svojo izkušnjo učenja s pomočjo govorne tehnologije
z učenjem preko drugih tehnologij (npr. branjem iz knjig, uporabo vizualnih ali tekstovnih vmesnikov
na računalnikih/tablicah), Kako primerjate hitrost pridobivanja informacij preko govorne tehnologije v
primerjavi z drugimi tehnologijami?
Participants were divided into groups and tasked with using three different educational resources: the
book Technical Drawing by Srečko Glodež (2009), a model ChatGPT via the website, and a humanoid
robot integrated with ChatGPT. Each group spent 15 minutes with each resource, rotating through all
the sources. They answered questions related to technical drawing, such as identifying types of drawings
and spatial projections, understanding dimensioning, and recognizing fasteners and joints.
At the end of the session, participants completed a questionnaire to provide feedback on their learning
experiences and the efficiency of each technology. The comparative analysis of the effectiveness of
these technologies aimed to highlight their unique benefits and challenges compared to traditional
educational methods.
The collected data were analyzed to evaluate the impact of each educational technology on student
engagement, motivation, and learning outcomes. Comparative discussions were conducted to
understand the benefits and limitations of integrating AI technologies in education versus traditional
methods like books. Ethical approval for the study was obtained, and informed consent was collected
from all participants. No personal data were saved or processed, ensuring the privacy and confidentiality
of the students. The ethical aspects of the research complied with institutional guidelines and best
practices for educational research.
The reliability and validity of the data collected in your research are well-supported by the structured
approach, the experience of the participants, and the comprehensive nature of the questionnaires. The
consistent testing environment, where all students were equally exposed to each technology (robot,
ChatGPT, and books), ensures the reliability of their responses. The students familiarity with these
technologies eliminates the learning curve, reinforcing the data's accuracy. Additionally, the detailed
and relevant questions in the questionnaires effectively capture the nuances of each student's learning
experience. This careful design and execution guarantee that the findings offer a credible and robust
evaluation of the impact of integrating AI technologies into mechanical engineering education.
Emphasizing these aspects demonstrates a rigorous research methodology that supports the integrity and
trustworthiness of your data, effectively highlighting the strengths and implications of your study’s
conclusions. The comprehensive data handling and ethical considerations further underscore the
reliability and validity of your research, providing a strong foundation for any subsequent discussions
or recommendations regarding the integration of AI in educational settings.
The implementation of the Alpha Mini robot in mechanical engineering education yielded compelling
results that underscore its transformative impact on student learning experiences. Classroom
observations revealed a high level of engagement and interaction among students, as they
enthusiastically participated in interactive sessions facilitated by the robot. The qualitative feedback
gathered through surveys highlighted the positive influence of the robot on students understanding of
complex engineering concepts and their overall motivation toward learning. The study compared student
motivation levels when using three different learning resources: a book, ChatGPT model via website,
and a humanoid robot. The aim was to determine which resource most effectively engages students and
enhances their learning motivation. The data collected provides insight into student preferences and the
effectiveness of each technology in promoting engagement.
Figure 3: Motivation by Resource
Only 1 out of 9 student (11.1%) found learning with a book to be the most motivating. 4 out of 9 student
(44.4%) indicated that using ChatGPT via website significantly increased their motivation. Another 4
out of 9 student (44.4%) reported that learning with a humanoid robot was highly motivating. The bar
chart on Figure 3 shows that the majority of students preferred learning with ChatGPT and the humanoid
robot over the book. The average motivation rate for the humanoid robot was 3.7 on a scale from 1 to 5,
indicating a generally high level of engagement and preference among participants.
The effectiveness of learning with the help of a humanoid robot and ChatGPT was assessed through
participant ratings, where children rated their motivation to learn on a scale from 1 to 5. The aim was to
determine the motivational impact of these advanced technologies in comparison to traditional learning
Figure 4: Motivation to Learn with the Help of a Humanoid Robot and ChatGPT
1 student (11.1%) found the learning experience minimally motivating. 1 student (11.1%) indicated a
moderate level of motivation. 6 student's (66.7%) reported a high level of motivation. 1 student (11.1%)
rated their motivation at the maximum level.The bar chart on Figure 4 illustrates that the majority of
participants found learning with a humanoid robot and ChatGPT highly motivating, with the most
common rating being 4 out of 5. This indicates a significant positive response towards these
To evaluate the learning efficiency of various educational resources, the study analyzed students
performance using books, ChatGPT, and a humanoid robot. This assessment aimed to determine which
resource most effectively supports students in grasping and applying new knowledge in mechanical
Figure 5: Learning efficiency
8 out of 9 student (88.9%) found learning from a book to be the most efficient method. Only 1 student
(11.1%) preferred ChatGPT for learning efficiency. No student reported the humanoid robot as the most
efficient resource for learning. The bar chart on Figure 5 shows a significant preference for traditional
books over modern technologies in terms of learning efficiency. The overwhelming majority favored
books, indicating their perceived reliability and effectiveness in understanding complex subjects.
The study investigated the significance of speech interaction with a humanoid robot in enhancing the
learning experience. Participants were asked to rate the importance of this feature on a scale from 1 to
5. This assessment aimed to understand how much value students place on the ability to communicate
with the robot using natural speech.
Figure 6: Importance of Speech Interaction with the Robot
1 student (11.1%) found speech interaction to be of little importance. 7 student's (77.8%) rated the
importance of speech interaction as moderate. 1 student (11.1%) considered speech interaction very
important. The bar chart on Figure 6 demonstrates that the majority of participants found speech
interaction to be of moderate importance, with a rating of 3 being the most common.
The study explored the feasibility and effectiveness of using a humanoid robot for individualized
learning. Participants were asked whether they found the technology suitable for one-on-one educational
activities. The goal was to assess the students' opinions on the practicality and benefits of this approach.
Figure 7 Opinions on Using Technology-Robot for Individual Learning
3 students (33.3%) believed that the robot was effective for individual learning. 3 student's (33.3%) did
not find the robot suitable for this purpose. 3 student's (33.3%) were uncertain about the effectiveness
of the robot for individualized learning. The bar chart on Figure 7 displays an equal distribution of
opinions, indicating a mixed perception among participants regarding the use of a humanoid robot for
individual learning.
The findings from this study underscore the significant role of AI-driven technologies, exemplified by
the Alpha Mini robot, in reshaping pedagogical practices within mechanical engineering education. The
study confirmed several key hypotheses: the integration of AI-driven technologies, particularly the
Alpha Mini robot, enhanced student motivation and understanding of complex engineering concepts.
By creating a stimulating and interactive learning environment, the robot effectively increased student
engagement, highlighting its potential to transform educational practices. The preference for ChatGPT,
integrated into the robot and available via the website, indicates its effectiveness as a learning tool. The
majority of participants expressed a preference for books, emphasizing the enduring value of verified
knowledge. This dual preference suggests that while AI technologies are valuable for enhancing
engagement and providing quick, interactive learning experiences, traditional sources of knowledge,
such as books, remain crucial for in-depth understanding. The hypothesis that learning with the help of
a robot increases motivation was supported. Students showed higher levels of motivation when
interacting with the Alpha Mini robot compared to traditional methods. The hypothesis that the
effectiveness of learning is related to the method of generating knowledge was confirmed. Students
using technology robot with ChatGPT showed enhanced engagement but preferred books for detailed
knowledge, highlighting the different strengths of each method. The robot facilitated personalized
learning experiences, aligning with the hypothesis that AI technologies can support one-on-one learning
environments effectively. As hypothesized, ChatGPT provided the fastest responses, making it a
valuable tool for quick information retrieval. The hypothesis that books provide the best results for
detailed knowledge was confirmed. Students preferred books for comprehensive learning, despite
enjoying the interactive elements of AI technologies.
To compare different sources of knowledge, participants were divided into three groups, each
experiencing all three educational resources: books, model ChatGPT on a website, and a humanoid robot
integrated with ChatGPT. After using each resource, participants completed a questionnaire to assess
their experiences and preferences. This approach allowed for a direct comparison of each method's
effectiveness in promoting engagement, motivation, and learning comprehension. 8 out of 9 students
(88.9%) found books to be the most efficient for detailed understanding. Only 1 student (11.1%)
preferred ChatGPT for learning efficiency, appreciating its speed but noting a lack of depth. No students
found the robot to be the most efficient for detailed learning, although it was noted for its interactivity
and engagement. The equal time spent on each resource ensured that students could effectively evaluate
and compare their learning experiences, highlighting the distinct advantages and limitations of each
method. These findings are consistent with existing research, which emphasizes the transformative
potential of AI technologies in education. For instance, studies indicate that AI enhances learning
experiences and outcomes by providing personalized, interactive, and engaging educational
environments (World Economic Forum). Similarly, a report by the World Economic Forum highlights
the role of AI in creating personalized learning experiences and improving student engagement, aligning
with our findings regarding the effectiveness of ChatGPT and the humanoid robot (World Economic
Forum). The study revealed mixed perceptions regarding the use of robots for individual learning. Three
students (33.3%) believed the robot was effective, three did not, and three were uncertain. This suggests
that while the robot has potential, further development is needed to fully realize its capabilities for
individualized education. Regarding speech interaction, 7 students (77.8%) rated its importance as
moderate, indicating that while valuable, it is not seen as a critical feature. This highlights the need for
further improvements in speech technology to enhance its role in educational contexts. The
overwhelming preference for books (88.9%) for detailed learning underscores the reliability of
traditional resources, even in an age of digital learning tools. This aligns with with findings that
traditional learning resources remain crucial for comprehensive understanding despite the rise of digital
tools (World Economic Forum).
The majority of students (66.7%) reported high motivation levels when using the humanoid robot and
ChatGPT, indicating a positive response to these technologies. This finding supports the potential of AI-
driven tools to enhance student engagement and motivation, as also noted by the World Economic
Forum in their analysis of AI in education (World Economic Forum, 2024). While the study provided
valuable insights, several limitations must be acknowledged: The pilot study’s small sample size may
not be representative of the broader student population. Further research with a larger and more diverse
sample is needed to validate these findings. Variables such as prior familiarity with technology, personal
learning preferences, and environmental factors were not controlled, which could influence the results.
The study compared different sources of knowledge books, model ChatGPT via website, and robot with
ChatGPT, revealing that while students valued quick and interactive learning tools, they still relied on
traditional methods for comprehensive understanding. The mixed responses on speech technologies
indicate that, while promising, these technologies require further development to fully meet educational
This study demonstrates the transformative impact of AI-driven technologies, specifically the Alpha
Mini robot, on pedagogical practices within mechanical engineering education. The findings confirm
our hypotheses, indicating that AI can significantly enhance student engagement, motivation, and
understanding of complex concepts. The Alpha Mini robot effectively bridged the gap between
theoretical knowledge and practical application, highlighting its potential for creating dynamic,
interactive learning environments. The preference for ChatGPT integrated with the robot as an
information source underscores the efficiency of AI technologies in facilitating learning. However, the
study also revealed that traditional books remain vital for in-depth understanding, suggesting a need for
a balanced integration of both traditional and modern learning resources. The integration of the Alpha
Mini robot led to high levels of student engagement and motivation, emphasizing the potential of AI
technologies to improve learning experiences. ChatGPT, particularly when integrated with the robot or
website, was preferred for quick information retrieval, highlighting the efficiency of AI in providing
immediate, relevant knowledge. Despite the benefits of AI, the study reaffirmed the importance of books
for comprehensive learning, suggesting that traditional resources should complement modern
technologies. Future studies should explore the impact of AI-driven technologies in broader educational
contexts and over longer periods to validate these findings and assess long-term benefits. A proposed
follow-up study involves using a closed ChatGPT model trained on specific educational content to
compare its effectiveness with open-source AI tools. To maximize the benefits of AI in education, it is
essential to provide professional development opportunities for educators. This will ensure they are
equipped to integrate these technologies effectively into their teaching practices. Ongoing research and
development should focus on enhancing the customizability and adaptability of AI tools to meet the
diverse needs of students and educators. This will contribute to the evolution of personalized and
effective educational environments. By addressing these areas, future research and development can
further the potential of AI-driven technologies to transform education and foster a more engaging and
effective learning experience. This continuous effort is critical to ensuring that educational practices
evolve to meet the changing demands of the modern world.
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Learning for the future: Connecting online reading and learning
with complex reading strategy KWL
Urška Križan1, Maja Kerneža2,
1Osnovna šola Pohorskega bataljona Oplotnica, podružnica Kebelj, Kebelj 17b, 2317 Oplotnica, Slovenija, 2Pedagoška
fakulteta, Univerza v Maiboru, Koroška cesta 160, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija
Ta študija obravnava potrebo po pedagoških inovacijah, prilagojenih osnovnošolcem, in raziskuje vključevanje
digitalnega branja in učenja v zgodnje izobraževanje. Raziskava se osredotoča na internetno metodo vzajemnega
učenja, dopolnjeno s kompleksno bralno strategijo KWL, ki se običajno uporablja za besedila brez povezave, v
osnovnošolskem okolju. Študija zajema trinajst učencev, starih od 9 do 10 let, organiziranih v majhne skupine v
skladu z metodo vzajemnega poučevanja. Te skupine so se aktivno ukvarjale z različnimi spletnimi gradivi s ciljem
pridobivanja informacij, odgovarjanja na vprašanja in razvijanja kritičnega mišljenja. Ta proces je bil obogaten z
vključitvijo kompleksne bralne strategije, s čimer se je izboljšalo znanje učencev o določenih predmetih ter njihova
digitalna pismenost in sposobnosti spletnega učenja. Rezultati kažejo, da so osnovnošolci sposobni celovito
raziskovati na spletu in obdelati pridobljene informacije, pri čemer se vključevanje kompleksnih bralnih strategij
v kombinaciji z metodo vzajemnega učenja iz spletnih virov izkaže za učinkovito pri spodbujanju digitalne
pismenosti in kritičnega mišljenja pri mlajših učencih. Ta metoda ne le poglablja njihovo razumevanje okolja,
temveč jih tudi pripravlja na krmarjenje in uporabo digitalnih virov v prihodnjih izobraževalnih kontekstih. Študija
se zavzema za širšo uporabo in nadaljnje raziskave spletnih strategij učenja in branja v osnovnošolskem
Ključne besede: internetno vzajemno poučevanje, metoda KWL, spletno učenje, spletno branje, osnovna šola
Addressing the need for pedagogical innovation tailored to primary school students, this study investigates the
integration of digital reading and learning into early education. The research focuses on the internet reciprocal
teaching method, complemented by a complex reading strategy KWL, usually applied to offline texts, within a
primary school environment. The study encompasses thirteen students aged 9-10, organized in small groups
according to the reciprocal teaching method. These groups actively engaged with a variety of online materials,
aiming to extract information, answer questions, and cultivate critical thinking. This process was enriched by
integrating a complex reading strategy, thereby enhancing the students’ knowledge on specific subjects, along with
their digital literacy and online learning abilities. The results show that primary school students are capable of
comprehensively researching online and processing the information obtained, wherein the integration of complex
reading strategies combined with the reciprocal teaching method from online sources proves effective in fostering
digital literacy and critical thinking in younger learners. This method not only deepens their understanding of the
environment but also prepares them for navigating and utilizing digital resources in future educational contexts.
The study advocates for broader application and further research into online learning and reading strategies in
primary education.
Keywords: internet reciprocal teaching, KWL method, online learning, online reading, primary school
In the current digital era, reading has evolved significantly due to advancements in reading media. This
evolution has transitioned from the traditional confines of printed texts to the vast and dynamic realm
of online content. Such a shift has not only increased accessibility and diversity of reading material but
also introduced novel challenges for readers of all ages, particularly for the youngest learners who are
just entering the world of reading. Unlike previous generations, introduced to reading through
exclusively handwritten or printed texts, young readers today frequently encounter digital mediums.
The ultimate goal of reading, irrespective of the medium, is to derive and create meaning from of texts
(Snow, 2022), necessitating mastery in decoding (recognizing words) and language comprehension
(interpreting words and connected discourse) skills (Gough & Tunmer, 1986). Achieving fluency in
reading with comprehension and adopting a flexible approach to reading materials are critical indicators
of literacy proficiency (Pečjak & Gradišar, 2002). However, the efficacy of reading is not solely
dependent on technique mastery but is also significantly influenced by factors such as background
knowledge (Recht & Leslie, 1988). Smith et al. (2021) have shown that the level of prior knowledge
impacts comprehension differently, affected by the text’s nature, the required quality of the situation
model, and potential misconceptions about the text.
The transition to online reading necessitates new skills and attitudes towards the internet, significantly
impacting reading abilities online. As Coiro (2009) notes, the internet requires students to develop new
competencies, including collaborative search for answers, a shift in reading process to inform
instruction, and an adaptation to the changing nature of reading comprehension due to digital
technology. Online texts, characterized by their purpose, linguistic features, and notably their coherence
and cohesion, require a nuanced approach (Halliday and Hasan, 2014). The online reading context
highlights unique challenges related to text structure, emphasizing the importance of cohesion and
coherence for comprehension (Graeser et al., 2003), cohesion, or the microstructure of a text, refers to
the visible connections within phrases and sentences, highlighting the need for texts with high
cohesiveness to sometimes delve deeper to compensate for the reader’s lack of prior knowledge.
Coherence, or macrostructure, pertains to the degree to which a text provides clues and information to
help readers connect different sections of the text (Graeser et al., 2003). Moreover, effective online
reading requires proficiency in utilizing search engines, navigating complex websites, and assessing the
relevance of interconnected texts (Coiro & Dobler, 2007).
Research Problem
In the context of reading printed texts, readers can employ various strategies for successful reading and
learning. Specifically in the context of reading and learning, the employment of learning strategies such
as KWL, general study strategy, SQ3R, the Pauk strategy, and the reciprocal teaching method is
particularly emphasized (Pečjak & Gradišar, 2015). Transitioning to the domain of online reading, an
adaptation of the reciprocal teaching method, originally conceptualized by Brown and Palinscar (1989),
has been recognized. Leveraging this foundational approach, Leu et al. (2008) introduced the Internet
Reciprocal Teaching Method, which aims to develop students’ skills in online research and
comprehension. This method not only advances online research and understanding but also teaches basic
computer skills and digital literacy principles through the process on online learning. Nevertheless,
navigating the landscape of online reading and learning presents particular challenges for younger
students. These challenges are not confined merely to the operational use of computers and the internet
for educational purposes (Kerneža & Kordigel Aberšek, 2023) but also extend to the difficulties
associated with identifying and retrieving accurate information (Kordigel Aberšek & Kerneža, 2023).
Research Focus
To address the challenges of sourcing accurate information and leveraging existing knowledge,
integrating the KWL method with the Internet Reciprocal Teaching Method could offer additional
support for young readers. The KWL strategy, sharing similarities with the Internet Reciprocal Teaching
method, is advantageous for group learning, activating all students in the classroom, and promoting
active reading and writing skills (Ogle, 1986). Critically, it aids in structuring information, particularly
from poorly organized texts often encountered online. These characteristic underscores the need for
advanced navigation and comprehension strategies, enabling learners to construct coherent
understanding from diverse online sources. The KWL strategy begins with activating prior knowledge
through brainstorming, followed by question formulation and summarization post-reading, facilitating
deeper engagement with and comprehension of online texts.
Table 1: Comparison of the KWL and IRT methods effectively in a scientific contest with focus on key
KWL Method
IRT Method
To activate prior knowledge, guide learning
through questioning, and summarize
learned content.
To develop digital literacy and critical
thinking through collaborative learning and
interaction with online texts.
Begins with what students Know, proceeds
to what they Want to know, and ends with
what they have Learned.
Involves cycles of predicting, questioning,
clarifying, summarizing, and reflecting on
online texts in a collaborative setting.
Focus Area
Encourages engagement with the text based
on prior knowledge and personal inquiry.
Focuses on navigating, understanding, and
critically evaluating online content.
Skills Developed
Enhances reading comprehension, activates
schema for new information, and promotes
reflective learning.
Develops critical thinking, digital literacy,
and collaborative learning skills.
Learning environment
Can be applied across various subjects and
reading materials, not limited to online
Specifically designed for online
environments, emphasizing internet
navigation and comprehension.
Primarily individual-focused with
opportunities for sharing in group settings.
Inherently collaborative, requiring interaction
among students and with the teacher.
Assessment of Learning
Through reflection and summarization of
what was learned.
Through demonstrated ability to navigate and
critically engage with online texts.
As seen in Table 1, while both methods aim to enhance reading comprehension and learning, the KWL
method is more focused on leveraging prior knowledge and inquiry within a structured framework,
adaptable to both digital and traditional texts. In contrast, the IRT method is specifically designed for
the digital age, emphasizing critical thinking, digital literacy, and collaborative learning within online
environments. The integration of the KWL and the IRT method present a multifaceted approach to
learning that capitalizes on the strengths of both strategies, potentially offering several advantages
observed in the present studies.
Research Aim and Research Questions
The objective of this pilot intervention case study was to explore methods to assist younger learners in
reading and learning online through the integration of two methodologies. The first method, IRT
addresses the development of critical thinking and comprehensions skills by engaging students in
dialogue about texts, questioning, summarizing, predicting and clarifying content found online. The
second method, the KWL strategy, addresses the activation of prior knowledge setting learning goals
based on what students want to find out, and reflecting on what has been learned after reading. In line
with the research objective, seven hypotheses were formulated:
- H1: The integration of KWL and IRT methods will enhance student engagement and motivation.
- H2: Using a combination of KLW and IRT methods will facilitate comprehensive skill
development, encompassing literacy, critical thinking, and digital navigation skills.
- H3: Learners engaged with both KWL and IRT methods will exhibit enhanced adaptability to
changes within and across learning environments.
- H4: The combined application of KWL and IRT methods will promote the development of
metacognitive skills.
- H5: The integration of KWL and IRT methods will lead to more effective implementation of
differentiated instructions strategies.
- H6: Information literacy will be improved through the implementation of both KWL and IRT
- H7: The synergy of KWL and IRT methods will significantly enhance collaborative learning
and social skills development among students.
General Background
To reinforce reading and practice strategies that aid students in reading for learning purposes, educators
frequently utilize a variety of texts, often with a focus on natural science and social studies themes. In
the fourth grade, students are expected to articulate the importance of separate waste collection, explain
the detrimental effects of illegal dumping sites, evaluate the significance of regulated landfills,
demonstrate that waste can serve as raw material (organic waste, paper, plastic, metals), and recognize
hazardous wastes requiring special disposals (batteries, medicines, dyes, etc.) as outlined in the
curriculum. Teachers can achieve these objectives through various means, either by discussing offline
texts or by exploring online texts. Just as educators have the flexibility to choose between different
reading mediums, they can also select from various instructional forms and methods to attain the set
goals, whether through reading offline or online texts. Within the scope of this research’s aim, two
approaches were selected to explore online texts and learning or acquiring curriculum goals online: one
involving learning through the IRT method and the other combining the IRT method with the KWL.
This pilot study aims to explore the effectiveness of these methods in supporting students’ online
learning and understanding of curriculum specific environmental science goals.
The sample comprises two groups of children aged 9 to 10 years, with both groups consisting of children
from similar average age, gender distributions, educational backgrounds, levels of prior knowledge on
environmental conservation, socioeconomic backgrounds, and geographical locations. The first group
consists of 13 children, who explored the topic of environmental conservation using the IRT method.
The second group includes 13 children who explored the same topic through a combination of the IRT
and KWL methods. This composition ensures that any differences observed can be more confidently
attributed to the instructional methods rather than external variables.
Instrument and Procedures
Students from both groups engaged in online learning, with one group utilizing the IRT method for
exploration, and the other employing a combination of KWL and IRT methods. Both groups explored
environmental education themes aligned with fourth-grade curriculum objectives (Primary school
program. Science and technology. Curriculum, 2011), which included justifying the importance of
separate waste collection, explaining the harmfulness of illegal dumping, evaluating the significance of
organized landfills, demonstrating that waste can serve as raw materials (organic waste, paper, plastic,
metals), and recognizing hazardous wastes that belong in special disposal sites (batteries, medicines,
dyes, etc.). The focus of the assigned activity was to substantiate the importance of separate waste
collection, elucidate the detrimental effects of illegal dumpsites, assess the value of regulated landfills,
and identify hazardous wastes requiring special disposal. Students utilizing the IRT method online were
tasked with creating a search plan, executing the search, evaluating the obtained information, and
constructing their knowledge based on the gathered data. In contrast, students working within the
framework of the combined KWL and IRT methods, in addition to the instructions give to those using
only the IRT method, initially refreshed their prior knowledge with two KWL method questions about
what they already knew and what they wished to learn. This was followed by the IRT-supported tasks
of planning the information search, conducting the search, evaluating the acquired information, and
building their knowledge, culminating the final step of the KWL method where students synthesized
what they had learned anew.
An independent researcher observed the work of students from both groups, assessing each student’s
engagement and learning online in a group setting, and their skills were rated on a scale from 1 to 5 (1
very low, 5 very high) in the following areas:
- Engagement and motivation (On a scale from 1 to 5, rate how engaged students were during the
learning activity. On a scale from 1 to 5, raze the level of students’ motivation to explore and
learn about the chosen topic.).
- Comprehensive skill development (On a scale from 1 to 5, evaluate the effectiveness of reading
skill development during the activity. On a scale from 1 to 5, rate how effectively students
utilized critical thinking during the activity and assess how well students navigated digital
environments and resources.).
- Adaptability to learning environments (On a scale from 1 to 5, rate the adaptability of students
in transitioning between different learning environments.).
- Metacognitive skills (On a scale from 1 to 5, evaluate the depth and breadth of students’
reflection on their own learning process and strategies used.).
- Differentiated instructions (On a scale from 1 to 5, rate how effectively differentiated instruction
approaches were implemented when using IRT method/combining the KWL and IRT
- Information literacy (On a scale from 1 to 5, evaluate the improvement in students’ abilities to
search for, evaluate, and use information).
- Collaborative learning and social skills (On a scale from 1 to 5, rate the improvement in
students’ social skills resulting from participation in learning activities.).
- Open-ended questions (Describe how IRT method/the combination of the KWL and IRT
method has supported differentiated learning. What are the key benefits of pupils’ learning?
Have you noticed any challenges or areas for improvement in the implementation of IRT
method/of the combined KWL and IRT method?)
The questionnaire’s content validity is in accordance with existing literature, covering relevant
dimensions of the observed problem. Construct validity was ensured through a small pilot study with a
group of 5 students. Internal reliability of the questionnaire was also verified, with a Cronbach’s alpha
od .752, indicating acceptable internal consistency. The objectivity of interpretation was ensured by the
researchers’ impartial judgments, including standardized instructions for completing the questionnaires
and analyzing the responses. Ethical aspects of the research were addressed and fulfilled, providing
informed consent for participating students and their parents with the option to withdraw at any time,
ensuring data confidentiality through anonymization, and complying with applicable legislation.
Throughout the entire process, continuous care and attention were provided to the data, ensuring the
ethical integrity and credibility of the scientific work.
Data Analysis
Data were anonymized during the collection process, and analysis was conducted using IBM SPSS
Statistics 29. Differences between participating groups were observed in terms of mean values and
standard deviations. Pearson’s chi-square test was employed to determine whether there were significant
differences in the assessed skills between students of both groups. Responses to open-ended questions
were qualitatively compared in terms of work description and the success of both groups.
This chapter outlines the differences between the control and experimental groups, exploring the
comparison of mean scores, standard deviations, and Pearson chi-square analyses. The purpose is to
employ statistical techniques to analyze the outcomes to discern the efficacy of the combined methods
in enhancing student engagement, motivation, adaptability, and other critical educational skills.
Table 2: Comparative Analysis of Engagement, Skills Development and Adaptability in Control and
Intervention Groups
Pearson Chi-
X2 (1) = .754,
p = .860
X2 (3) = 5.167,
p = .160
X2 (3) = 10.500,
p = .860
X2 (3) = .000,
p = 1.000
X2 (3) = .2.500,
p = .475
X2 (3) = 6.267,
p = .180
X2 (1) = .7.968,
p = .047
X2 (1) = 3.391,
p = .183
X2 (1) = 2.242,
p = .524
X2 (1) = 1.924,
p = .588
X2 (3) = 1.111,
p = .774
The analysis assessed differences between the control and intervention groups using Pearson's chi-
square test for several educational outcomes as shown in Table 2. The results revealed that there was no
statistically significant difference in the observed level of student engagement in the learning activity
between the control and the intervention group (χ²(1) = .754, p = .860). Similarly, the difference in the
observed level of student motivation towards the research topic was not significant (χ²(3) = 5.167, p =
.160). In terms of how effectively students developed reading skills and demonstrated the ability for
critical thinking, the chi-square tests showed no significant differences. Notably, for critical thinking,
both groups displayed identical means (M = 3.77, SD = 1.013), resulting in χ²(3) = .000, p = 1.000. The
observed development of reading skills also did not differ significantly between groups (χ²(3) = 10.500,
p = .860). The ability of students to navigate digital environments and resources showed no significant
difference (χ²(3) = 2.500, p = .475). Similarly, the adaptability of students to changing learning
environments showed a trend towards improvement in the intervention group, but it was not statistically
significant (χ²(3) = 6.267, p = .180). A statistically significant difference was observed in how strongly
students reflected on their own learning process and strategies, with the intervention group showing a
higher mean (M = 3.77, SD = .927) compared to the control group (M = 2.69, SD = .751), χ²(1) = 7.968,
p = .047. However, the effectiveness of differentiation was not significantly different (χ²(1) = 3.391, p
= .183). No significant differences were noted in the effectiveness of activities promoting collaborative
learning (χ²(1) = 1.924, p = .588) or in the demonstrated social skills in collaborative learning activities
(χ²(3) = 1.111, p = .774).
The chi-square analysis indicates a primary significant impact on metacognitive reflection, suggesting
that the intervention could foster deeper cognitive engagement and reflection among students. The lack
of significant differences in most other measures, however, points to the need for a deeper examination
of the methods employed and possibly their implementation. It is important to consider that the non-
significant results in areas such as student engagement, motivation, and skill development could be
influenced by the small sample size, which may limit the detectability of subtle but educationally
meaningful differences. For that reason, a further examination of the means and standard deviations was
conducted to provide additional insights into the performance of the control and intervention groups
across various measures to explore potential trends and variations within the data that might not have
reached statistical significance but could still inform educational strategies and intervention
The intervention group exhibited slightly higher level of engagement in the learning activity (M = 4.00,
SD = 1.00) compared to the control group (M = 3.77, SD = .927). Although not statistically significant,
this could suggest a potential positive influence of the intervention on engagement. The intervention
group showed higher motivation towards research topic (M = 4.13, SD = .751) than the control group
(M = 3.46, SD = 1.127), also, the lower variance in the intervention group indicates a more consistent
motivation levels among these students. Regarding developing reading skills during the activity, the
intervention group showed a higher mean (M = 3.92) than the control group (M = 3.00), and a higher
standard deviation (SD = 1.256) than the control group (SD = .707) which could suggest a wider range
of outcomes, potentially reflecting varying levels of benefit from the intervention. As already mentioned,
both groups showed identical values (M = 3.77, SD = 1.013) regarding critical thinking, indicating
similar effectiveness of methods on critical thinking skills. Similar capabilities in the ability of students
to navigate digital environments and resources also showed similar means between groups (control: M
= 3.69, SD = .751, intervention: M = 3.62, SD = .506), suggesting similar values regarding digital
navigation skills. The intervention group was more adaptable to changing learning environments (M =
4.23, SD = 1.013) compared to the control group (M = 3.00, SD = 1.414), indicating a beneficial effect
of the intervention on adapting to changing learning environments despite non-significant chi-square
result. The reflection on their own learning process and strategies was stronger for the intervention group
(M = 3.88. SD = .927) compared to the control group (M = 2.69, SD = .751) aligning with the significant
chi-square results, supporting the effectiveness of the intervention in enhancing metacognitive
reflection. While the mean values of both groups of students are high regarding the effectiveness of
differentiation, the intervention group achieved a perfect score (M = 5.00, SD = .000; control group: M
= 4.69, SD = .630), suggesting that both methods support differentiated instruction. Demonstrated ability
to search for, evaluate, and effectively use information was slightly higher for the intervention group (M
= 3.46, SD = .660) compared to the control group (M = 3.31, SD = .855), which suggests a marginal
differences in information literacy skills due to the intervention. The lower standard deviation in the
intervention group indicates a more consistent performance among these students, which could point to
the effectiveness of the combined method in homogenizing the skill levels across participants. The
intervention group scored higher (M = 4.15, SD = .899) than the control group (M = 3.62, SD = 1.121),
indicating a trend towards more effective collaborative learning. Regarding demonstrated social skills
in collaborative learning activities, slightly higher means in the intervention group (M = 4.15, SD =
.801) compared to the control group (M = 4.00, SD = 1.000), could suggest a small advantage in
developing social skills through the combination of methods.
The integration of the KWL and the IRT method present a multifaceted approach to learning that
capitalizes on the strengths of both strategies, potentially offering several advantages. The results show
that between the group that explored environmental themes exclusively with the IRT method and the
group that used a combination of KWL and IRT methods, there were no statistically significant
differences for most measured outcomes, except in metacognitive reflection where the experimental
groups showed significant improvement. However, differences are evident from the perspective of mean
and standard deviation values, hence these values are also cautiously considered when relating to the set
The first hypothesis suggested that the integration of KWL and IRT methods would enhance student
engagement and motivation. Despite the lack of statistically significant differences, the integration
shows promising trends toward improving these aspects. The synergy created by activating prior
knowledge through KWL and fostering interactive engagement via IRT enables students to connect
personally with the material, potentially leading to sustained motivation and engagement. The observed
trend aligns with theoretical assumptions proposed by Ogle (1986), highlighting the importance of prior
knowledge activation and interactive learning in boosting student engagement.
The second hypothesis posited that a combination of KWL and IRT methods would facilitate
comprehensive skill development, including literacy, critical thinking, and digital navigation skills. The
findings suggest that this combination promotes a broad spectrum of skills. Students are encouraged to
set their learning objectives and develop critical evaluation and synthesis skills from diverse online
sources. Although no statistically significant differences were found, the data indicate potential areas
for improvement that merit further exploration. According to Pečjak and Gradišar (2002), the
significance of reading fluency for literacy development supports further investigation into how these
methods could enhance essential skills in modern educational settings.
The third hypothesis stated that engagement with both KWL and IRT methods would lead to enhanced
adaptability within and across learning environments. The results showed a positive trend in
adaptability, reflecting the importance of flexible learning strategies as outlined by Pečjak and Gradišar
(2015). The adaptability is crucial in preparing students for diverse and rapidly changing educational
contexts. Although the results were not statistically significant, they suggest that the methodological
combination could facilitate greater adaptability.
The only segment where statistically significant results were observed concerns the fourth hypothesis,
which focused on the promotion of metacognitive skills through the combined use of KLW and IRT
methods. The significant improvements in metacognitive skills align with theories of metacognition and
reflection (Snow, 2022), indicating that the reflective component of both methods enhance students’
awareness of their thinking processes and learning strategies. This supports the notion that an integrated
approach can effectively foster deeper thinking and self-monitoring, crucial for developing autonomous
and reflective learners.
The fifth hypothesis anticipated that the integration of KWL and IRT methods would lead to a more
effective implementation of differentiated instruction strategies. Although the statistical results did not
confirm this, observed trends support the benefits of adapting teaching to meet individual learning needs,
underscoring the significance of educational differentiation as discussed by Kerneža and Kordigel
Aberšek (2023). This approach facilitates personalized learning pathways while promoting
collaboration, potentially leading to improved educational outcomes in diverse student groups.
The sixth hypothesis addressed the enhancement of information literacy through the KWL and IRT
methods. Some progress was noted in this area, crucial for navigating and utilizing information
effectively in the digital age. While the statistical findings were inconclusive, the skills acquired, such
as activating prior knowledge and critically evaluating information, are essential for academic success
and lifelong learning.
Lastly, the seventh hypothesis proposed that the synergy of KWL and IRT methods would significantly
enhance collaborative learning and social skills development. Descriptive statistics indicated that this
integration fosters collaborative learning and the development of social skills among students. Despite
the lack of statistically significant improvements, the trends suggest potential benefits of these methods
in promoting collaborative learning environments, echoing findings by Leu et al. (2008) that highlight
the importance of collaborative learning in digital contexts for developing social and communication
skills. The synergy of the selected methods not only enhances academic skills but also bolsters social
competencies, preparing students for team-based activities in future educational and professional
Given the outcomes observed in this study, future research with a larger sample size and longer
implementation duration is recommended to more accurately determine the impact of integrating KWL
and IRT methods on educational outcomes. Further investigation into different contexts and subject
areas would also be beneficial to verify the versatility and adaptability of these methods. Additionally,
the heterogeneity in students' prior knowledge and motivation, not fully monitored in this study, could
influence outcomes. Future research should more precisely define, measure, and control these factors to
ensure more consistent and generalizable results.
Studies exploring innovative educational methods can contribute to more inclusive, adaptable, effective,
and responsive educational systems capable of addressing specific needs and challenges of the modern
world. In an era of rapid change, technological advancement, and digitalization, the educational
environment is constantly evolving. Additionally, access to technology and the internet has globally
increased the availability of information, bringing not only challenges but also new opportunities for
learning and education. The current research is particularly relevant for educators who strive to integrate
technology into teaching in a manner that supports and promotes deeper understanding and interactive
learning. It also addresses the persistent global challenge of educational inequality, as students locally
and especially globally may lack access to adequate and high-quality resources. The integration of
flexible and interactive methods can help bridge these gaps by providing tools that allow teachers to
tailor their teaching and help students become more active in their learning process.
In concluding this research, it is important to emphasize the significance of integrating the KWL and
IRT methods, both of which were designed to assist in reading material, understanding it, and, if
necessary, memorizing it. Both represent complex reading and learning strategies that share many
similarities and exhibit some important differences, the most notable being that the KWL method is
crafted for offline text reading, while the IRT method addresses online texts. The proposed integration
is not only theoretically promising but also has practical potential to enhance reading for learning. By
combining methods that promote the activation of prior knowledge, critical thinking, and metacognitive
skills, educators can better address individual learning needs and foster deeper understanding and
engagement with the material. Such an approach is particularly necessary in current times, where rapid
changes and technological advancements demand the use of flexible and adaptable learning strategies.
This study contributes to the understanding of the effectiveness of the KWL and IRT method
combination and highlights the need for further research with larger samples, ideally designed
longitudinally. To achieve better educational outcomes, adapting teaching approaches is essential as it
allows education to be conducted in an inclusive and adaptable manner. This not only improves
individual learning experiences but also supports broader societal goals, such as global literacy and
preparedness for the challenges of the 21st century.
The research provides insights into potential improvements that can influence the understanding of the
effectiveness of pedagogical methods and offer a perspective on potential enhancements in the
educational space. With continuous efforts to improve pedagogical practices and methodologies, the
educational system becomes more responsive to the needs of modern society, playing a crucial role in
preparing young individuals for successful and fulfilling participation in a constantly changing world.
Maja Kerneža would like to thank the research program P5-0433; Digital Restructuring of Deficit Occupations for
Society 5.0 (Industry 4.0), financed by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS), for support.
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Pre-service preschool and primary school teachers' understanding
of education for sustainable development
Vincentas Lamanauskas
Vilnius University, Lithuania
Izobraževanje za trajnostni razvoj je pomembno, ker zajema vsa področja: socialno, čustveno, intelektualno,
fizično, moralno itd. Čeprav v preteklosti vzgoji za trajnostni razvoj v zgodnjem otroštvu ni bilo posvečeno veliko
pozornosti, se vse bolj zavedamo, da ima vzgoja v zgodnjem otroštvu velik potencial za spodbujanje vrednot,
vedenja in veščin, ki prispevajo k trajnostnemu razvoju. Namen študije je bil analizirati stališča študentov,
predšolskih učiteljev predšolske vzgoje in osnovnošolskih učiteljev, do vprašanja vzgoje za trajnostni razvoj.
Izvedena je bila kvantitativna, pilotna študija s 86 univerzitetnimi študenti, učitelji predšolske in osnovnošolske
vzgoje. Podatki so bili analizirani z uporabo osnovnih mer opisne statistike. Izračunane so bile absolutne in
relativne frekvence. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je velik delež predšolskih učiteljev pri ocenjevanju razmer
v naslednjih 10 letih na devetih ključnih področjih (onesnaževanje zraka, krčenje gozdov, biotska kriza, učinek
tople grede, pomanjkanje vode, radioaktivni odpadki, GSO, onesnaževanje vode, globalno segrevanje) napovedal,
da se bodo razmere na vseh področjih poslabšale. Rezultati kažejo, da večina anketirancev meni, da je poučevanje
o trajnostnem razvoju v zgodnjem otroštvu zelo pomembno. Slednja spremenljivka je neposredno povezana s
potrebo po znanju o trajnostnem razvoju.
Ključne besede: kvantitativna študija, izobraževanje za trajnostni razvoj (ESD), osnovna šola
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is important because it covers all areas: social, emotional,
intellectual, physical, moral, etc. While early childhood ESD has not been a focus of attention in the past, there is
a growing realisation that early childhood education has great potential for fostering values, behaviours and skills
that contribute to sustainable development. The aim of the study was to analyse the position of students, pre-service
teachers of preschool and primary education, on the issue of education for sustainable development.
A quantitative, pilot study was carried out with 86 university students, pre-service preschool and primary education
teachers. The data were analysed using basic measures of descriptive statistics. Absolute and relative frequencies
were calculated. The results of the survey showed that a large proportion of pre-service teachers, when assessing
the situation over the next 10 years in nine key areas (air pollution, deforestation, biotic crisis, greenhouse effect,
water scarcity, radioactive waste, GMOs, water pollution, global warming), predicted that the situation would
worsen in all areas. The results suggest that the majority of respondents consider teaching about sustainable
development at an early age to be very important. The latter variable is directly correlated with the need for
knowledge about sustainable development.
Keywords: quantitative study, education for sustainable development (ESD), primary school, university education
Education for sustainable development (ESD) is increasingly understood as an important component of
education at all levels of education. This is especially important in the younger school years. It is clear
that teachers and teacher training institutions should make a significant contribution to the education of
children and young people for sustainable development. As McKeown and Hopkins (2014) have noted,
teachers should promote and communicate ESD to young learners from the early stages of their
education. Education is one of the key factors in preparing society as a whole to address the multiple
challenges of sustainable development (Damijonaitytė & Vilutienė, 2016). Pre-service teachers should
understand ESD as a process that encourages students not only to understand but also to appreciate
environmental resources and their impacts, develops skills to care for the environment, promotes
sustainable lifestyles and empowers students to act towards sustainability. Therefore, it is necessary to
form a system of accumulated knowledge of all natural subjects, establishing interdisciplinary
connections, integrating the knowledge of natural science subjects, forming a coherent worldview, and
returning to one world for all (Lamanauskas, 2024). However, researchers argued that pre-service
primary school teachers have a limited understanding of education for sustainability (Bruder et al.,
2023; Evans et al., 2012).
Research shows that the implementation of sustainable development in pre-primary and primary
education is still poorly integrated for various reasons. In particular, the lack of teachers' competence
on sustainability issues (Akyol et al., 2018), sustainable development issues are not integrated into
teacher education programmes (Durrani et al., 2019), etc. The aim of education for sustainable
development at this level is for the younger generation to be responsible, community-minded,
sustainable, civic-minded, and aware of the sustainability of the world around them and of their own
activities. This goal cannot be achieved without changing the education system so that it integrates the
necessary aspects for the realisation of sustainable development.
It is well understood that teachers' competencies, in this case in the field of education for sustainable
development, have a direct impact on younger learners' science literacy in general, and enable them to
engage in a wide range of practical activities in the field of sustainable development. However, the
training of future preschool and primary school teachers in the field of education for sustainable
development remains poor, and change is slow. It is therefore important to know the position of pre-
service teachers on sustainable development and to understand what changes are needed in the
organisation of primary education to successfully implement sustainable development. Understanding
education for sustainable development requires continuous learning and updating so that pre-service
teachers can meet the challenges of a changing environment and respond appropriately to them in their
educational practice.
The aim of the study was to analyse the position of students, pre-service teachers of preschool and
primary education, on the issue of education for sustainable development. It is assumed that the feedback
received will contribute to improving teacher training in the field of education for sustainable
A quantitative, pilot study was carried out, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches. The study
was carried out between January and February 2024. The study is based on the idea that surveys of
students' opinions and evaluations are important in order to identify current problems, to clarify known
problems, and to identify opportunities for improving studies. 86 university students, pre-service
preschool and primary education teachers took part in the study. It is a descriptive study designed to
gather information on the current situation in relation with ESD. The aim was to obtain empirical data
to provide a more complete picture of the phenomenon under study. The questions have been developed
for this study only, have been analysed separately and do not form a separate measurement scale. The
qualitative data from this study has been analysed separately and the results are presented (Lamanauskas
& Malinauskienė, 2024).
The data were analysed using basic measures of descriptive statistics. Absolute and relative frequencies
of the distributions were calculated, and the Spearmen's rank correlation coefficient was calculated to
determine the relationship between variables. A significance index (SI) was calculated to assess changes
in the situation. The closer the value of the index (0 ≤ SI ≤ 1) is to 1, the more important the statement
is to the respondent, or the more the respondent agrees with it.
The results of the survey showed that respondents' knowledge of sustainable development is superficial.
The majority of respondents (n = 64, 74.4%) said that they definitely needed more knowledge on
sustainable development, and only 25.6% thought that they needed only some knowledge. The need for
information on sustainable development was similarly assessed. As many as 46.5% of students said that
they did not feel that they had enough information on sustainable development, and 47.7% felt that they
had some information on sustainable development. Only 5.8% said they felt they had enough
information on sustainable development.
The results of the survey showed that a large proportion of pre-service teachers, when assessing the
situation over the next 10 years in nine key areas (air pollution, deforestation, biotic crisis, greenhouse
effect, water scarcity, radioactive waste, GMOs, water pollution, global warming), predicted that the
situation would worsen in all areas. The biggest worsening is seen in areas such as global warming (SI
= 0.17), deforestation (SI = 0.31) and greenhouse gases (SI = 0.30). Water scarcity (SI = 0.42) and
GMOs (SI = 0.41) are slightly better predictors. It is clear that such scenarios are mostly dependent on
the socio-economic development of humanity and what measures/actions will be taken at national and
international level to minimise the consequences of such predictions for humanity.
There is a direct negative relationship between these variables, i.e. the stronger the perceived lack of
information, the stronger the perceived need for more knowledge on sustainable development (ρ = -
.227, p = .036). The majority of respondents (89.5%) think it is important to teach about sustainable
development from an early age (e.g. at the preschool level). Overall, respondents' attitude towards
sustainable development is positive. 4.7% of respondents said they were passionate "advocates" in this
area, 83.7% said it was a good thing, 7.0% thought it was good in principle if others wanted to do it, and
only 1.2% did not really know what sustainable development was.
The study shows that pre-service preschool and primary school teachers understand the importance of
teaching about sustainable development from an early age. Particular emphasis is placed on the pre-
school level. However, they need more knowledge and competencies on sustainable development and
how to teach students about sustainable development. Most university students do not have enough
information on sustainable development. In general, students' attitudes towards sustainable development
are positive, with the vast majority of students believing that sustainable development is a really good
It is relevant to integrate the principles of sustainable development into all study subjects at university.
There is a need for a comprehensive presentation of sustainable development attitudes, criteria, visons,
goals why it is important to educate, how to educate, and what methods to use for effective ESD.
Akyol, T., Kahriman-Pamuk, D., & Elmas, R. (2018). Drama in education for sustainable development:
Preservice preschool teachers on stage. Journal of Education and Learning, 7(5), 102115.
Bruder, J., Hamwy, H., Sellami, A., & Romanowski, M. H. (2023). Examining Qatar’s private and public-school
teachers’ readiness for teaching about sustainability. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 1–17.
Damijonaitytė S., & Vilutienė, L. (2016). Darnus projektų valdymas: švietimo ir verslo institucijų
bendradarbiavimas [Sustainable project management: cooperation between education and business
institutions]. Kaunas.
Durrani, R., Malik, S., Jumani, N. B. (2019). Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in pre-service
teachers’ education curriculum at Pakistan: Current status and future directions. Pakistan Journal of
Distance & Online Learning, 5(2), 6784.
Evans, N., Whitehouse, H., & Hickey, R. (2012). Pre-service teachers’ conceptions of education for sustainability.
Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 37(7).
Lamanauskas, V. (2024). The essence of mind strategy in the relationship with nature: Human-nature-wisdom
unity. Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 82(1), 46.
Lamanauskas, V., & Malinauskienė, D. (2024). Education for sustainable development in primary school:
Understanding, importance, and implementation. European Journal of Science and Mathematics
Education, 12(3), 356373.
Mckeown, R., & Hopkins, C. (2014). Teacher education and Education for sustainable development: Ending the
DESD and beginning the gap. UNESCO.
Education of refugee children in türkiye: in-depth analysis
Hakan Sari, Seyda Yildirim, Hatice Begum Uyanik, Raziye Ugurlu
Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey
Cilj študije je opredeliti posebne izzive, s katerimi se lahko srečujejo begunski otroci v izobraževalnih okoljih. V
raziskovalni vzorec je bilo vključenih 10 učiteljev. V raziskavi so bili uporabljeni uradni zapisi in opravljeni
intervjuji z učitelji, da bi raziskali izzive, s katerimi se soočajo pri izobraževanju begunskih otrok. Raziskovalci so
za pridobivanje podatkov uporabili polstrukturiran obrazec za intervju. Podatki so bili analizirani s pristopom
deskriptivne analize. Glavni izziv, s katerim se srečujejo učenci, ki se šolajo v Turčiji, je jezikovna ovira in
posledično težave pri razumevanju učnega gradiva v začetnih letih. Ko so pridobili celovito razumevanje jezika,
je pouk potekal nemoteno, kar je povzročilo znatno izboljšanje njihovih učnih dosežkov. Poleg tega se jih je nekaj